Diet and drying exercises for girls. Effective body drying and fat burning for girls

Drying the body, first of all, involves a gradual decrease in the calorie content of the diet (a deficit of 10 to 30% is created), depending on the progress of fat burning and the athlete's ultimate goal.

  • Drying food rather strict - you will have to say goodbye to the vast majority of harmful delicacies. The first step is to reduce the number fast carbohydrates and animal fats. Ideally, remove it altogether.

Diet (drying) also involves the consumption of a sufficient amount of liquid, not less than 2.5 liters. If you drink less, metabolic processes will slow down, which in turn will slow down the burning of fat. It is also necessary to observe the drinking regime because when dehydrated, the blood thickens, which with intense training is undesirable for the heart.

Drink more clean, still water!

The whole drying process implies mandatory measurements of parameters and weighing the athlete. If the thickness of the fat folds decreases, and you lose 1 to 3 kilograms per month, the diet can be considered effective.

The main rules of drying

In short, drying the body for girls and men is a special principle of nutrition, which is based on the use of mainly low carbohydrate and protein food. Diet implies gradual reduction of body fat while maintaining muscle mass .

Drying the body is indicated for people with a sufficient amount of muscle mass, who are not obese.

As a rule, such nutrition is practiced by competitive athletes, professional bodybuilders, bodybuilders in order to bring the body into the required shape and get into the required weight category... Ideally, athletes lose weight under the supervision of experienced instructors, since the diet is quite strict.

If you decide to "dry out" for yourself, you should remember simple rules:

  1. Start gradually (for a smooth infusion into the process, a special step-by-step guide has been developed, which we will write about below).
  2. Eat small meals 5 to 6 times a day (every 2 to 3 hours). Do not eat 2 hours before training and 1.5 hours after (amino acids and protein only). At least 40% of your daily protein can be obtained from protein shakes, the remaining 60% from food.
  3. Remember about clean water - at least 30 ml for every 1 kg of body weight (on days of intense training and in hot weather, you can do more).
  4. Losing weight on drying means a balanced diet: you need to consume at least 10% of unsaturated fats, fish, Omega-3. Eat cereals, vegetables, nuts, take in a sufficient amount of fiber and do not forget about taking vitamin and mineral complexes. The number of fruits and berries for drying is limited, so you will hardly be able to do without vitamins from the store.
  5. During this period, you need to train a lot and hard, alternating strength exercises with cardio loads. The best option in each case will be made by a fitness instructor or trainer.
  6. The frequency of the diet for relief - no more than 1 time per year.

Only in this case, drying the body at home will be effective and will not have a negative impact on health.

Drying Do's and Don'ts: List of Products

During the drying period, it is necessary completely exclude: confectionery, sweets, baked goods, any alcohol, pasta, bread, white rice, smoked, fried and fatty foods, ice cream, mayonnaise and other fatty and sweet sauces, fatty cheese, sausages, canned food, snacks.

In small quantities: cereals, vegetable, olive, flaxseed oil (completely fat-free food is a direct way to a deterioration in metabolism). You can also ruin your skin and hair. Girls may have problems with the cycle.

Recommended to eat: lean meat (veal, rabbit, chicken breast, turkey), fish, low-fat dairy and sour-milk products, eggs (you can have a lot of protein, yolk - a limited amount), brown and wild rice, beans, lentils, some mushrooms, vegetables and fruits ( in small quantities), herbs, sports nutrition.

Drying: menu and meal plan

It is necessary to switch to drying gradually (a sharp transition to protein foods is harmful to your health). To start the improvement of the relief smoothly, it is designed phased plan to be followed.

  • Drying the body for men and women is somewhat different in the composition of the diet: in women, the decrease in carbohydrates is more gradual, and the amount remains somewhat higher than in men. The basic principles remain unchanged.

Drying the body for a month. The first stage of the diet

The first stage lasts 4 weeks. BZHU - proteins 50%; fats 20%; carbohydrates 30%.

Sample menu:

  • Breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese - 200 g, whole grain toast, fruit
  • Lunch: steamed fish or stewed breast or beef - 200 g, porridge boiled in water without sugar, milk and butter (any, except white rice) - 100 g, fresh vegetable salad - 100 g
  • Dinner: poultry - 150 g, stewed vegetables - 100 g, porridge - 100 g

Second phase (carbohydrate-free)

The second stage lasts only 7 days. BZHU - proteins 70%; fats 20%; carbohydrates 10%.

Only complex carbohydrates are allowed (in the morning). Toast and any bread, even whole grains, are excluded, and fruits are also excluded. The amount of boiled porridge is sharply reduced. Otherwise, you can follow the scheme of the first stage.

Protein salad with squid in 5 minutes

Third stage (water removal)

Duration - one week (7 days). During this drying period, all carbohydrates are excluded from the menu, and ordinary water is replaced with distilled water. Other products from the first stage remain in limited quantities.

  • Breakfast: salad of fresh vegetables - 120 g, boiled egg white - 7 pcs., 1 tbsp. l. a spoonful of any boiled cereal
  • Second breakfast: 2 tbsp. any boiled cereal, chicken breast - 120 g, fresh vegetable
  • Lunch: stewed or steamed fish - 200 g, fresh vegetable salad without added salt
  • Afternoon snack: sports nutrition
  • Dinner: boiled or steamed seafood - 200 g, greens

Fourth stage (restorative)


Drying the body for girls at home, as well as for men, is a cardinal measure, which should not be resorted to often and unnecessarily. Again, this is usually the lot of athletes preparing for a competition. In addition, only absolutely healthy people can "dry out".

  • In no case is such a diet allowed for children and adolescents, pregnant and lactating women.

Other contraindications:

  • liver and kidney disease;
  • diabetes;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Yes, drying is effective. Yes, the action plan is simple and clear. Yes, it's inexpensive. There are a lot of pluses, but you shouldn't "get hooked" on it if you are not connected with sports.

Drying the body for 2 weeks is a really working nutrition system that allows you to improve your figure without harming your health. It eliminates excess body fat, but retains the muscles, and this is its main advantage over simple diets, which, in addition to burning fat, also reduce muscle volume. A full-blown dry for girls or guys is usually for 2-3 months, but we'll look at a quick-dry menu for two weeks. This system is suitable for people who want to improve their figure, but do not plan to compete in professional competitions.

Main principles

You must understand that effective body drying for girls, women or men requires strict discipline, which becomes a major problem for many. It is important to strictly adhere to the menu for weeks, otherwise there will be no result or it will not meet expectations.

The diet will change every day, and you must follow it. Drying at home is based on reducing the amount of consumed fats and carbohydrates, especially fast ones. Thanks to this, fat stores begin to be gradually consumed without losing muscle mass. The diet is composed mainly of protein foods, and vitamins and minerals should not be forgotten.

Each meal should be small, but you will not have to eat three times a day, but five or six. It is important to satisfy the increased need for water by drinking up to 2.5-3 liters daily. To obtain best result, weigh food and count calories.

You need to change your usual diet smoothly, gradually removing excess carbohydrates from it. You cannot immediately exclude them, otherwise the body will receive severe stress. Most carbohydrate foods should be eaten in the morning. In addition, for the safety of the diet, it is recommended to take vitamin and mineral complexes, since the foods consumed may contain them in insufficient quantities.

What foods are allowed to dry in 2 weeks?

We will not list the list of foods that need to be excluded from the diet for drying the body - this will take a lot of time, so we will analyze the food that will allow you to achieve positive results... Of the proteins, the following are considered optimal:

  • lean fish with seafood;
  • poultry meat (chicken breast, turkey);
  • veal and rabbit;
  • legumes;
  • eggs (mainly proteins);
  • dairy products, but fat-free.

As mentioned, the amount of carbohydrates on drying in 2 weeks decreases, but they cannot be completely excluded - this is dangerous to health. Durum pasta, cereals, oatmeal, vegetables are considered sources of useful carbohydrates for girls and men during a drying diet. You should also include some fat in the form of olive oil in the 2-week drying menu, and it is also present in meat and fish in small quantities.

Drying menu for 2 weeks for girls and women

In principle, the drying programs for men and women do not differ, but there are some differences, so we will consider them separately. Girls need to gradually reduce the amount of carbohydrates, starting at 2 g per kilogram of body weight.

Therefore, a woman weighing 60 kg needs to reduce the amount of carbohydrates during drying in the first week to 120 g in the first week, there is no strict binding in the amount of proteins (on average, 1.5-2.5 g per kilogram), unless you are a performing athlete. For the latter, everything is much more complicated, so we will not go deeper. Consider a 2 week drying menu that will suit most girls and women.

Week one

Day 1. We will have breakfast with a portion of oatmeal without sugar and preferably without adding salt, but for taste you can slightly salt it. We also eat two chicken proteins, boiled or baked (you can also fry without oil). For lunch, we eat boiled chicken breast, and for a side dish, a vegetable salad made from a couple of ingredients (cucumbers with herbs are ideal) and olive oil. In the afternoon snack we have a small portion of buckwheat without oil, and we have dinner with white fish in baked or boiled form, as well as cabbage salad.

Day 2. The second day we start with 2-3 proteins and a couple of tomatoes, and also drink a glass of kefir with a minimum fat content. We have lunch with boiled beef with vegetable salad(can be made with pepper, parsley and cucumber with olive oil). In the afternoon snack we have a snack with boiled fish and half a grapefruit, and we have dinner with kefir or cottage cheese.

Day 3. Breakfast with a whole boiled egg and buckwheat, lunch with soup with beef, chicken or lean fish. The main thing is that there are no potatoes in the soup. In the afternoon snack we eat a portion of salad, and have dinner with something protein of our choice: seafood, chicken breast, fish.

Day 4. Start a new day with a serving of oatmeal and a glass of skim milk. We dine with stewed squid with sour cream, as well as a small portion of cabbage and pepper salad. In the afternoon snack we eat some pasta with something proteinaceous, and we have dinner with cottage cheese and natural unsweetened yogurt.

Day 5. For breakfast we eat rice porridge in water (just boil a couple of spoons), as well as half a grapefruit and unsweetened tea. We have lunch with mushroom soup with herbs and a slice of boiled chicken breast. We snack on a salad of herbs and cucumber, and have dinner with boiled or baked white fish.

Day 6. You can have breakfast with an omelet of a couple of eggs, or eat two boiled eggs, and drink a cup of unsweetened tea. We have lunch with rabbit meat with stewed peas and herbs. In the afternoon snack, a portion of low-fat cottage cheese with a green sour apple, and for dinner, chicken breast, fish or seafood, and kefir.

Day 7. The final day of the first week of drying for girls begins with oatmeal with dried apricots or raisins, and tea. For lunch, fresh veal with sweet pepper. You can have a snack with a vegetable salad, and low-fat cottage cheese for dinner.

It is impossible to accurately indicate the portions for each meal, since they depend on the weight of the girls. Use a kitchen scale to weigh the food you eat and stay within the aforementioned carbohydrate and fat ranges.

Week two

In the first week, the body has already adapted, so you can narrow the scope for carbohydrates. Now there should be half of them in the diet - 1 g per kilogram. We remove all fruits from the menu, since you do not gorge on them, but you score in calories. It is better to leave durum pasta, buckwheat and other cereals, except for rice. With a weight of 60 kg, you should not consume more than 60 g of protein daily.

Protein should be the majority of your diet, but don't forget about fats as well. For dinner, you can only eat protein foods, but do not overeat. Choose from this list:

  • chicken breast;
  • cottage cheese;
  • kefir;
  • natural yogurt;
  • white fish.

For breakfast, eat a serving of oatmeal, buckwheat or pasta, but not much. It is better to try to leave some of the carbs for lunch, otherwise you will not have enough energy reserve until the evening and everything will start to annoy you. The rest of the drying menu does not fundamentally differ from the first week, so it makes no sense to describe the diet by day. Just alternate between the above meals and foods, remembering to count the carbohydrates.

Note that the second week of drying for girls at home is usually a little easier, since the body has already had time to rebuild. Depending on the physical activity during these 2 weeks, the result should pleasantly surprise you. You will get rid of a few extra pounds without losing muscle.

How do men eat?

For men, the food for drying for 2 weeks is slightly different. First of all, almost all fats can be excluded from the menu for men. Women need them more because of their natural physiology. At the same time, men will have to take stricter care of the amount of proteins in the menu to preserve muscle mass. Also, the representatives of the stronger sex, even during drying, after training, are allowed some fast carbohydrates in the form of sweets, since at this time the body desperately needs glucose. About an hour after training, complex carbohydrates and protein are needed. It's also important to consume a serving of carbs 1-1.5 hours before going to the gym, otherwise you won't have the energy to exercise.

The amount of protein for drying for men should be at least 2 g per kilogram (ideally 2.5-3 g). It is recommended to consume them throughout the day in equal portions of about 30 g at a time, but this is not critical.

As for carbohydrates, they should be reduced to 2 g or less when drying. Fats are also needed, but in a minimum concentration: no more than 0.5 g per kilogram. If you count all this in the number of calories, for a man weighing 85 kg on a 2-week drying, the daily menu will contain 1700-1800 kcal. This is not much, so you will have to experience discomfort, especially if you are used to eating. But with a decrease in the amount of subcutaneous fat, it does not work otherwise.

To simplify the task, but not at the expense of efficiency, we recommend for men a drying menu lasting 2 weeks. Let's calculate the diet for men weighing 80-85 kg, from which you can build on:

1 day. During the day, eat boiled or baked chicken breast, cottage cheese, fish, vegetables in the form of tomatoes, cabbage, bell peppers and herbs. Recommended drinks include orange juice, low-fat kefir and milk. Take the amount of complex carbohydrates from pasta and buckwheat, and from fat, olive oil is suitable as a salad dressing.

2nd day. Form your daily diet from baked fish and chicken breast, egg whites, buckwheat and rice (preferably brown), walnuts and vegetables. You can also eat fruits, among which bananas are recommended (preferably immediately after training or in the morning), oranges, grapefruit, green apples.

3rd day. On this day, you can afford a little "extra" in the form of potatoes and an omelet made from whole eggs, and not just proteins. Also add more vegetables to the menu: peppers, cucumbers, cabbage, tomatoes, herbs. Drink kefir and eat low-fat cottage cheese, as well as tangerines, oranges and kiwi.

4th day. For the fourth day, the diet is made up of buckwheat and durum pasta, beef or veal, vegetables (necessarily tomatoes), tomato and orange juice, kefir or natural unsweetened yogurt. Do not forget that carbohydrates should be consumed in the morning, mainly for breakfast, and only proteins in the afternoon.

Starting from the fifth day of 2-week drying, the ration is repeated cyclically. Alternate these days as you wish. The main thing is that you understand the general principles of nutrition and take them into account when drawing up the menu. It is best if you blindly follow the instructions of nutritionists, periodically deviating from them and not achieving your goals.

How to train for 2 weeks on drying?

Any complex training programs with tricks on drying the body for 2 weeks for women and men will not be required. The main thing is to work hard, doing your best in the gym. Your job is to tire your muscles and kickstart the natural fat burning process, so focus on cardio. Drying food does not force you to go to gym if you don't have the time or opportunity. Quite regularly (preferably daily, but at least three times a week) to go jogging in the park or at the nearest sports ground... Sprint running is not required, but unhurried walking will not give results.

When working out in the gym, start each workout with cardio on an exercise bike, elliptical track, stepper, or treadmill. The duration depends on your stamina and physical fitness, but try to aim for 40-60 minutes. You can start with 10-15 minutes, gradually extending your cardio by 2-3 minutes with each workout.

After cardio workout, work out on the machines. Drying does not need to be done hard exercise with extreme weights, but involves working with less weight, but with greater intensity. Athletes call this pumping: each set has many repetitions with light weights and short rests (30-40 seconds).

Muscles during such training are well filled with blood, and you get the impression of volume and swelling. Short pauses between sets prevent blood outflow, so the effect lasts until the end of the session. Ideally, of course, on drying for 2 weeks for girls, work out with an experienced trainer who will select the optimal load for you, taking into account the physical fitness and equipment of the gym.

Let's take a look at a few exercises suitable for 2 weeks drying for girls and women. For men, this program is also suitable, but they can be added more basic movements. So, you need to do this:

  • warming up and stretching;
  • we bring our legs together in the simulator - 4 x 25-30 (4 sets of 25-30 repetitions);
  • squat with a barbell - 4 to 15-20;
  • we bend our legs in the lying machine - 4 to 20;
  • pull vertical block wide grip- 3-4 to 20;
  • we perform hyperextension - 3 to 20;
  • push-ups from the bench or press the barbell lying down - 4 to 15;
  • swing the press;
  • we finish with cardio load for 30-40 minutes or more.

As you can see, there are a lot of exercises, but due to a little rest between sets, you should fit in about 60-70 minutes without taking into account cardio.

Video of the correct drying workout in 2 weeks

If you want to get rid of excess fat, you have probably heard about such a concept as body drying. But what exactly is behind it? Drying is not at all getting rid of excess liquid, but great way remove subcutaneous fat to emphasize muscle relief.

Before embarking on the cultivation process, remember that quick dry bodies for girls is stress for the body. Not everyone can afford this type of weight loss - there are contraindications. In order not to harm yourself, consult a specialist in advance.

Restrictions apply to such situations:

  • Pregnancy and lactation
  • Diabetes
  • Heart failure
  • Gastrointestinal problems
  • Renal failure

Drying is not simple diet, but a comprehensive adjustment of the lifestyle. For the period of active fat burning, strict dietary restrictions are imposed. In addition, you need to move more in order to force the body to expend more energy.

For effective drying, you should pay attention to 10 basic principles that you cannot do without. The planned drying of the body for women at home must take into account each of them.

Preparation for drying

You can't just say to yourself: “That's it! Losing weight since Monday! " At least 7-10 days should be given for preparation. A sharp change in diet and rhythm of life will lead to the opposite effect. This is a risk to your health.

Every day, exclude one harmful product from your menu, reduce the calorie content of the diet. Start playing sports if you were not familiar with physical activity before. So that after drying your body does not turn into flabby something, you need to pump the main muscle groups. As a result, you will get a toned body with a beautiful relief.

Down with stress!

Cutting down on the diet, physical activity, changing the lifestyle is stress for the body. You need to compensate for this, otherwise, instead of burning fat, it will accumulate, and your health will deteriorate sharply.

    Ensure yourself a good rest, sleep at least 8 hours a day. Grueling workouts require complete rest during the recovery period.

    Be less nervous. It is the experiences that provoke the formation of a layer of fat and cellulite even in thin girls.

    Be sure to prepare for drying. In the future, you need to observe moderation in your efforts and stability.

How long does it take to dry?

V professional sports drying is designed for 10-12 weeks, taking into account preparatory period and exit from it. For those who want to correct their figure at home, 4-5 weeks of active fat burning is enough.

Remember: it is harmful to dry for a long time! The envisaged eating style is associated with severe restrictions that harm the body in the long term.

In addition, intense fat burning primarily concerns the breasts, you risk being left without a gorgeous bust!

Eliminate carbohydrates

The main changes concern the principles of nutrition. The basis is a low-carbohydrate diet that allows you to start the process of processing your own fat for energy. Cakes and rolls are delicious, but simple carbohydrates cause you to gain extra pounds.

Baking and sweets, fatty and fried foods, smoked meats and other harmful products are gradually excluded from the diet. Forget about fast food and soda!

In limited quantities, the menu includes whole grain breads and cereals, fruits are substituted for sweets. Prefer foods with a low glycemic index. Carbohydrates are consumed in the morning.

Protein delicacies

The basis of the diet is easily digestible protein:

  • Seafood
  • Chicken fillet
  • Turkey
  • Rabbit
  • Legumes
  • Buckwheat
  • Low-fat cottage cheese
  • Nuts (in limited quantities)

With prolonged protein intake, ketoacidosis develops. Ketone bodies are a breakdown product of protein. Therefore, carbohydrates cannot be completely excluded.

Fiber is indispensable

For normal digestion and cleansing the body of toxins, eat foods rich in fiber:

  • Vegetables and fruits
  • Whole grain cereals
  • Bran
  • Legumes
  • Greens and salads

Drink plenty of water, especially in the first weeks of drying. The norm is at least 2 liters.

Less salt!

Salt retains moisture, prevents the excretion of split fats, therefore it is recommended to refuse it. Gradually reduce the amount of salt in your meals to zero. The food will not be as tasty, but it will additionally save you from overeating.

Often and little by little

Smash daily ration into 3-4 main pieces, add 1-2 snacks. The gastrointestinal tract will constantly be at work, so the feeling of hunger is dulled. If you suddenly want to eat, drink some water. Sometimes the brain confuses signals of thirst with hunger.

Leave for 1-2 hours before physical activity and after training. So the body will break down its own reserves, and not draw energy from the food eaten.

How to burn calories properly

Drying success lies in a calorie deficit. To correctly determine these numbers, read. The exact numbers depend on the physiological parameters of a person and his lifestyle.

Losing weight occurs when you consume more calories than you consume. The daily allowance should remain in the range of 1100-1300 kcal. At lower values, fat accumulates "for a rainy day."

Training features

Drying, in addition to diet, includes intense workouts 4-5 times a week. Strength exercises are minimized to prevent muscle breakdown due to heavy load.

The foundation - aerobic exercise... The optimal duration of the session is 40 minutes. Running or fitness aerobics, dancing, or high-intensity interval circuit training - the choice is huge. Read the article to find some interesting options for yourself.

For drying to be effective, you need to carefully calculate all the indicators of the diet. In addition to the total calorie content of the menu, take into account the distribution of the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates (BZHU index). Body weight and the percentage of these nutrients are taken as a basis.

After the end of drying, you must not relax, otherwise the fat will return! Keep track of the calorie content and BZHU indices, continue to play sports. But remember that the norms for the formation of the diet need to be re-calculated for the usual rhythm of life.

Pull yourself together and get rid of excess subcutaneous fat for 5 weeks. Your new figure will appeal not only to you, but also to those around you!

Drying the body is the process of burning subcutaneous fat. At its core, drying is carbohydrate starvation, during which muscle mass remains unchanged, and the subcutaneous fat must be burned.

This method of losing weight is widely used in the bodybuilding world and among professional athletes. Bodybuilders, using drying, form the necessary relief of their body. Do not forget to take care of your skin, it is worth doing procedures such as

Carbohydrates - fast and affordable way replenishment of energy in the body. The process of energy expenditure always occurs in different ways, but glucose certainly takes part in it.

Simple and complex carbohydrates are broken down in the stomach under the influence of various substances that control digestion processes.

The breakdown of carbohydrates is a rather complex process, as a result of which glucose is formed.

In order for the body to absorb glucose well, it needs the hormone insulin, which is produced in the pancreas. If a person consumes a lot of carbohydrates, glucose begins to accumulate intensively in the muscles and liver.

If carbohydrates continue to enter the body, glucose begins to turn into fat. But this can be corrected: if the body feels a deficiency of glucose, it will begin to take it from fat cells. This is body drying.

Features of drying the body in girls

A woman's body is very sensitive to biochemical changes. Therefore, drying the body for girls has its own characteristics.

Women cannot completely give up sweets, so that intoxication and depletion of the body does not occur. In addition, those girls who do not have sufficient muscle mass should not be allowed to dry their bodies.

Despite the fact that during drying, fats must be excluded, an exception can be made for girls: 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil per day are allowed. But you need to use it in salads, and not for baking or frying.

Basic rules for efficient drying

  • It is necessary to adhere to the principles of fractional meals in order to maintain a normal metabolic rate.
  • You need to drink at least 2.5 liters pure water in a day.
  • After 17-00 you can not eat porridge.
  • It is necessary to keep a record of the calories eaten, gradually reducing their number.
  • Do not eat 2 hours before and 2 hours after exercise.
  • The first stage of drying - complete rejection from carbohydrates. But it is necessary to exclude them from the menu gradually so as not to harm your body.


First of all, you must abandon the following products:

  1. Sweets can be replaced with fruits and honey.
  2. Replace flour products with cereals (200 grams per day).
  3. Animal and milk fats.
  • Lean meats.
  • Buckwheat.
  • Milk and cottage cheese.
  • Legumes and vegetables.
  • Fruit.

The menu should include these foods throughout the entire drying cycle. Drying of the body usually lasts no more than 5 weeks.

Basic menu for girls (what you can eat at any period of body drying in unlimited quantities):

  1. Egg white in any form. You can't eat the yolk.
  2. Chicken fillet (breast): boiled, steamed, baked.
  3. Boiled squid fillet.
  4. Fillet of white lean fish: boiled or baked.

Sources of carbohydrates for girls (the amount of these foods must be carefully controlled):

  • Oatmeal, buckwheat.
  • Rye flour pasta.
  • Greens, cabbage, cucumbers.


Drying the body for girls has some contraindications:

  1. Pregnancy.
  2. Breastfeeding period.
  3. Diabetes.
  4. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Kidney disease.
  6. Diseases of the liver.
  7. If a person is engaged in intellectual activity.

Body drying cycles

One cycle is 5 weeks. Each week has its own menu.

Week one

You need to consume a lot of fiber:

  • Porridge.
  • White fish.
  • Squid fillet.
  • Egg white.
  • Boiled chicken meat.
  • Cottage cheese.

Foods that need to be limited:

  1. Fruit.
  2. Spices, salt, sauces.
  3. Butter.

For every kg of body weight, 2 grams of carbohydrates should be consumed.

During the first week, you need to gradually give up some foods. It is best to keep a calorie diary. The menu of the first seven days is as follows:

  • Protein - 50%.
  • Carbohydrates - 30%
  • Fat - 20%.

Week two

Calculation of carbohydrate intake: 1 gram of carbohydrates / 1 kg of body weight. Salt must be discarded. Menu of the second seven days:

  1. Protein - 80%.
  2. Fat - 20%.

Carbohydrates must be completely eliminated.

Foods to eat:

Week three

Calculation of carbohydrate intake: 0.5 gram / 1 kg of body weight.

During this period, you need to carefully listen to your body: if dizziness suddenly arises or the smell of acetone from the body or from the mouth appears, you need to drink any sweet juice. The volume of water should be reduced to 1.5 liters per day.

The menu should consist of the following products:

  1. Milk products.
  2. Boiled breast.
  3. Bran.
  4. Egg white.

Week four

You can choose a diet for the 2nd or 3rd week, guided by your feelings and well-being.

Week five

The fifth seven-day period is similar to the first week.

Sample menu for girls

If this is a body drying for girls, you can stick to the following menu:

Option one:

  • Breakfast: banana, oatmeal, green tea.
  • Lunch: vegetable soup, 200 gr. boiled meat
  • Dinner: Some vegetables, 200 gr. fish or meat.

Option two:

  • Breakfast: orange, protein omelet, green tea.
  • Lunch: 250 gr. boiled meat with buckwheat porridge, low-fat yogurt.
  • Dinner: fruit salad, a glass of kefir, 100 gr. cottage cheese.

Option three:

Option four:

  • Breakfast: boiled fish fillet, 3 tablespoons of boiled rice, half an orange, a little parsley.
  • Lunch: protein omelet, half a glass of low-fat yogurt.
  • Dinner: one banana, a ladle of orange, 100 grams of low-fat cottage cheese.

For girls of average weight (50-55 kg), the daily amount of protein should be at least 100 grams.

A girl who, due to muscle mass, weighs more than her normal weight 10 kg, should consume more protein.

For example, if a girl gained 10 kg of muscle mass from 55 kg and began to weigh 65 kg, she should eat 160 grams of protein per day. Moreover, 2/3 of the dose is animal food and protein powders.

During the "drying" period, the female body needs to consume 35-40 kcal / 1 kg of body weight. Each serving should contain no more than 40 grams of protein.

The intervals between meals should be kept short, as long breaks slow down the metabolism.

If you want to eat before bedtime, you can drink protein cocktail or eat some cottage cheese.


Exercising while drying the body is working with exactly those parts of the body that need to be corrected.

There are no universal exercises, because everyone has their own problem areas: someone does not have an abs, and someone wants to make their hips less voluminous. Drying for girls involves the following physical activities:

  1. Bicycle rides.
  2. Morning jogging.
  3. Push ups.
  4. Weighted squats.
  5. Plank exercises.
  6. Swing legs while sitting and lying.
  7. Swimming.

Important: the less carbohydrates in the menu, the less exercise must be done.

Intermittent fasting

There is another type of diet that is used to dry the body, the principle of which is as follows: you need to eat 8 hours a day, and the remaining 16 hours you need to starve. For example, if you woke up at 9 in the morning, you can eat for the first time at 15-00, and the last one at 21-00.

During 16 hours of fasting, active fat burning processes in the body take place. You can eat almost everything, but in reasonable quantities.

It is necessary to consume a lot of protein, from carbohydrates you need to choose only slow ones (potatoes, buckwheat, oatmeal).

Important: drying the body is far from a safe occupation for girls. Such food can bring many health problems if it is unwise to use the drying menu.

In addition, it is necessary to consult with a specialist before starting drying the body. If the doctor prohibits "drying", it is better to refuse this method of losing weight, so as not to harm your health.

The term "body drying" is more often encountered professional athletes... Before the competition, bodybuilders have to make extra efforts to emphasize the beauty of their muscles. The destruction of the subcutaneous fat layer helps to make the forms more prominent without losing muscle mass. Drying the body for girls at home is also popular - after these manipulations, the figure looks fit, athletic.

Certain physical exercise and the right food are the "two whales" that lie at the heart of the fight against subcutaneous fat... Technically, nothing complicated. You can do without going to the gym by organizing classes in your own apartment. You also need to be careful about your meal schedule. When drying, fractional meals are recommended with an increase in the proportion of proteins (due to carbohydrates and fats).

Preparing to "dry out" fats: what you need to know BEFORE applying the diet?

The first step is realizing the fact: drying is not a program for fast weight loss... It helps to "start" metabolic processes, which is beneficial in the fight against overweight however, muscle loss and dehydration are unacceptable. Fashionable gadgets (such as specialty shorts or e-stimulants) need to be put aside. Forget about diuretic and carminative teas, simultaneously increasing the volume of fluid received from two to three liters per day.

The main thing is to keep a strict record of the daily calories ingested and burned. The balance should be negative, which means that you have to spend more than receive. To calculate, you will need an individual food diary and, according to which you have to make up the daily diet. It is also advisable to acquire an electronic scale that will help control the amount of food received.

If such math is not to your liking (or not to your liking), you can use the services of professionals in the field sports nutrition... There is a special food for athletes, which is selected directly to the needs of a person - to build or maintain muscle mass, lose weight, optimize metabolic processes, and dry the body. Ready-made rations are made taking into account the individual characteristics of the body, you can choose a vegetarian menu or medical nutrition for chronic diseases.

Attention! During drying, athletes use special cocktails with a high content of amino acids and proteins, but at home you should refrain from using them uncontrollably.

General principles of nutrition when drying the body at home

Go to protein menu should be smooth. Abruptly giving up fats and carbohydrates, you can significantly harm the body. So the first step is getting ready to dry. Within a month, you should reduce the consumption of starchy foods and sweets, gradually coming to a complete exclusion from the menu of sugar, jam-biscuits and other "harmful" desserts.

By the beginning of drying, the diet will also need to be "freed" from:

  • animal fats (butter, lard), replacing them with vegetable;
  • smoked meats, sausages, sausages and all kinds of fast food;
  • fried potatoes (the product is allowed only occasionally, for example, in the form of a couple of tablespoons of mashed potatoes);
  • sweets, jams, cakes;
  • pickles, marinades, spices - in large quantities.
  • soda (primarily sweet).

In no case should you completely destroy carbohydrates, but their source should be porridge, occasionally - pasta (preferably from durum wheat). Also, experts recommend consuming carbohydrate foods in the first half of the day. You should start the day with a glass of mineral water without gas - this will help push the metabolism in the right direction.

Then meals are organized by the hour, preferably at exactly the same time. Compliance with the routine is important to speed up metabolic processes. If you drank water at 8-00, it means that the first breakfast will be at 9-00, the second breakfast - at 11-00, lunch at about 14-00. And so on, every two to three hours, a small portion of food - sufficient so as not to experience excruciating hunger until the next snack.

What foods can and should be used for nutrition during drying?

  • Meat. You can't do without it with a protein diet, but you need to choose low-fat varieties - chicken, beef, rabbit, lean veal. Boiled or steamed.
  • Fish - dryish, such as cod or pollock. Can be in the form of cutlets (without the addition of lard), hodgepodge, baked in foil.
  • Seafood in small quantities - shrimp, squid.
  • Low-fat varieties of cottage cheese and kefir, homemade yoghurt without added sweets and preservatives.
  • Eggs (mainly egg white) - boiled or as part of ready-made meals.
  • Cereals, legumes.
  • Fresh berries and fruits (with low calorie content), almost any vegetables.
  • Green tea is a substitute for morning coffee.

In general, you have to calculate your nutrition in such a way that its total calorie content per day does not exceed 1800 Kcal. In this case, protein (fish, meat) should be received about 120-130g. This is a fairly large serving that can be divided into two or three meals (of course, in combination with a side dish).

Such manipulations have contraindications - pregnancy, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, of cardio-vascular system, diabetes. In any case, you should consult your doctor before starting. The duration of drying does not exceed 2-4 weeks, an increase in terms is a big load for the body. This can lead to negative consequences for health.

Sample drying menu for girls for two weeks

Having gone through a period of gradual restriction of carbohydrates, we proceed directly to drying. For some, seven days will be enough for the muscle relief to become clearly visible. Someone will need two to three weeks for this. It all depends on the size of the subcutaneous fat.

We remind you: you have to eat on drying more often than usual, but little by little. The proposed sample menu can be easily adjusted to suit your own taste preferences using the list of permitted products. The first "meal" is the same by default - a glass of water immediately after waking up.

Day 1, Monday

  • Breakfast (8 am) - two toasts with slices of chicken breast.
  • Second breakfast (10 am) - buckwheat porridge seasoned with olive oil, an omelet made from 1 whole egg and 2 proteins.

Between breakfast and lunch, it is advisable to have a workout. Food intake - half an hour after the end of sports activities.

  • Lunch (13-14 hours) - mashed potatoes, fishcake, cabbage and tomato salad with oil.
  • Afternoon snack (16 hours) - a banana, a piece of cottage cheese casserole.
  • Dinner (6 pm) - vegetable stew with beef.
  • Second supper (20 hours) - kefir.

When drying, the last meal should be an hour before bedtime. Accordingly, if the "lights out" is scheduled for 22-00, then the second dinner can be postponed an hour later.

Day 2, Tuesday

  • Black bread toast, two boiled eggs.
  • Oatmeal in meat broth, fresh apple.
  • Pasta, beef or veal stroganoff, radish salad with green onions and dill.
  • A handful of dried fruits, yogurt.
  • Two peppers stuffed with meat and carrots.
  • A glass of fermented baked milk.

Day 3, Wednesday

  • Borodino bread sandwich with cucumber and salted salmon.
  • Syrniki.
  • Wheat porridge, rabbit stew with stewed cabbage.
  • Fresh pear, some almonds.
  • Squid meatballs, cucumber and tomato salad.
  • Yogurt.

Day 4, Thursday

  • Oatmeal casserole with apple.
  • Flakes with yogurt.
  • Lean mushroom borscht, some croutons.
  • Cottage cheese with herbs.
  • Veal chop in onion sauce, buckwheat.
  • Vegetable smoothie.

Day 5, Friday

  • Omelet with tomatoes.
  • Buckwheat with milk.
  • Braised veal in tomato sauce, spaghetti.
  • Yogurt.
  • Chicken with beans and mushrooms.
  • Fruit puree.

Day 6, Saturday

  • Low-fat cheese sandwich.
  • Pumpkin porridge with rice.
  • Cod casserole with vegetables, mashed potatoes.
  • Sour milk.
  • Meat cutlet, tomato and cucumber salad.
  • Apple.

Day 7, Sunday

  • Boiled chicken toast, green peas.
  • Salad with potatoes, herbs and chicken breast.
  • Fresh cabbage solyanka with veal.
  • Two bananas.
  • Chicken meatballs, broccoli.
  • Kefir.

Day 8, Monday

  • Semolina.
  • Boiled egg salad with corn and crab sticks.
  • Kharcho soup with beef.
  • Fruit salad with yogurt.
  • Baked cod with vegetables.
  • Cottage cheese.

Day 9, Tuesday

  • Sandwich with sprats and cucumber.
  • Rice casserole with banana.
  • Green borscht with egg.
  • Kefir.
  • Veal stew with mushrooms and cabbage.
  • Fruit smoothie.

Day 10, Wednesday

  • Oatmeal with yogurt.
  • Boiled meat, a slice of black bread, fresh tomato.
  • Squid stuffed with rice and eggs.
  • Sour milk.
  • Beans stewed with beef.
  • Vegetable smoothie.

Day 11, Thursday

  • Rice with jelly.
  • Fish baked in foil with onions and lemon.
  • Grilled chicken, mashed potatoes.
  • Ryazhenka.
  • Eggplant in the oven with rabbit meat.
  • Apple.

Day 12, Friday

  • Cottage cheese with prunes.
  • Toast with chicken fillet and lettuce.
  • Baked mushrooms stuffed with chicken and green onions, buckwheat porridge.
  • Pear or avocado.
  • Grilled vegetables, steamed pink salmon.
  • Sour milk.

Day 13, Saturday

  • Syrniki.
  • Omelet with herbs.
  • Pollock under carrot and onion marinade, boiled rice.
  • Pumpkin casserole.
  • Squid, carrot and seaweed salad.
  • Apple.

Day 14, Sunday

  • Buckwheat porridge with mushrooms.
  • Yogurt, apple.
  • Pea soup, rye croutons.
  • Omelet with herbs.
  • Rice with egg and shrimps, radish salad with cucumbers.
  • Kefir.

The estimated portion of the carbohydrate side dish (pasta, porridge, mashed potatoes) is 40-50 g. Also, 200 ml of yogurt, yogurt, fermented baked milk, smoothies are consumed per meal. Cottage cheese - 150 g, meat or fish - 100-120 g. Salt - minimum. It is advisable to give up sugar altogether, seasoning porridge with a drop of honey or sweet fruits. It is advisable to season salads with extra virgin olive oil.

Daily weighing during drying is mandatory, but the result of the first week will be indicative. If, with a sufficient amount of drinking water, the total weight loss exceeds 1 kg, it can be assumed that not only fat, but also muscle tissue "melts". Perhaps you are lacking in carbohydrates - increase their proportion a little.

Weight loss when drying should be in the range of 500-900 g dropped per week. This result says - you are doing everything right, you can continue in the same vein. If the scales claim that only 200-300 g is lost (or the weight has not changed at all), carbohydrates in the diet should be cut even more. Plus - carefully calculate the calorie content of your diet with a calculator.

Exercise Day by Day - Half a Month Schedule

Best for reinforced sports loads allocate a fixed time. For example, an hour before lunch. It is not recommended to go in for sports on a full stomach, it is unproductive and harmful. It is necessary, if possible, to alternate power and aerobic loads.

The schedule of classes is as follows:

  • three times a week (e.g. Monday-Thursday-Saturday) are performed circuit training for all muscle groups;
  • twice (for example, on Tuesday and Friday) instead of exercise, it is recommended to run for 40-50 minutes at a moderate pace, do race walking, visit the pool, go ice skating or rollerblading;
  • the remaining two days of the week - take a break from additional loads.

Attention! When drying, you should not abuse the intensity of the exercise, coupled with a change in diet, this can lead to a deterioration in well-being. The desire to see an instant result at the cost of exhaustion and loss of tone will give not a beautiful, toned body, but a bouquet of diseases.

What should be the circuit training? We suggest using a set of exercises that are repeated several times over the course of " sports hour". These are the "circles" between which you should make two-minute pauses for rest and relaxation. Individual exercises should also be diluted with small breaks (40-60 seconds each) to restore breathing.

First week - 6 exercises, four circles

Exercise 1 - Squats (20 reps per lap)

The legs are shoulder-width apart, the feet are parallel to each other. Performing a deep squat, the arms should be placed outstretched in front of the chest (fingers can be woven into a lock). Do not bend your back, keep it straight.

Exercise 2 - push-ups (10 in a circle)

An exercise familiar from school years. The key to his success is correct technique... Bending your elbows at about 90 degrees, you should touch the floor with your chest, not your stomach. The back is straight from shoulders to heels, tense, stretched out in line. The buttocks cannot be lifted.

Exercise 3 - Hyperextensions (20 times in each circle)

Lie on your stomach on the floor. Bend your arms at the elbows, bring your fingers behind your head. Legs - emphasis on socks. To raise upper part body, tearing it off the horizontal surface as much as possible. Fix for a couple of seconds, smoothly return to initial position... During the exercise, the legs cannot be raised, the deflection in the lower back is the maximum possible.

Exercise 4 - burpee (5 reps in a circle)

Starting position - standing, legs are wider than shoulders. Bending over, we touch the floor with our palms. With a jump, we take an emphasis lying down, perform push-ups, completely laying the body in a horizontal position. Raising the body, we return to the "tilt, hands on the floor" position. We leave this stand with a jump, making a clap with our hands over our heads. We count the claps.

Exercise 5 - sit-ups (25 reps)

Starting position: lie on the floor, stretching your arms straight up behind your head. Bend your legs at the knees, spread your feet wide to the sides. Due to the muscles of the press, raise the body in sitting position, touch the floor between the legs with the hands and forearms. Then gently lower the torso back to the starting position. Perform the exercise calmly, without jerking, do not move or lift the feet.

Exercise 6 - Plank (1 minute)

Forearm support bent arms and the tips of the feet. The brushes are open and lie on the floor. The back is absolutely flat, without deflections, sagging. The press is tense. Breathing is free, rhythmic.

Having finished the first circle, we rest for two minutes. Then we repeat all the exercises a second, third and fourth time.

These exercises can be done three times a week. If desired, bring the number of circles to 5-6. Increase the effect by jumping rope. And so to continue throughout the entire drying. Or choose a stronger version, changing the exercise in circles, making strength training more regular. If you want to give your best "to the fullest", then the second week we start with new circles.

Second week - by day of the week

Monday - 5 laps of 4 exercises

  • # 1 - push-ups (15 reps in a row).
  • # 2 - jump squats (20 times).

The same as regular squats, only you should return to the starting position not smoothly, but by jumping, trying to tear your feet off the floor. The arms are bent at the elbows, brought together in front of the chest.

  • No. 3 - jumping jack (50 reps).

Starting position - standing on the floor, legs together, arms lowered along the body. Jump spread your legs to the sides (as wide as possible), slightly bending your knees. At this moment, raise your arms and clap over your head. Jump to return to the starting position.

  • No. 4 - "rock climber" (50 reps).

Starting position - an emphasis on the floor on the toes of the legs and hands of straightened arms (as before the start of push-ups). Shoulder girdle motionless. The legs take turns bent at the knees, pulled up to the chest. The body can be turned slightly towards the swing leg.

Tuesday - exercises in 2 parts (3 circles of 3 exercises + 5 circles of 2 exercises)

First part:

  • No. 1 - burpee (10).
  • No. 2 - sit-ups (30).
  • No. 3 - squats (20).

Then a two minute rest and the second part:

  • No. 1 - push-ups (15).
  • No. 2 - plank (30 seconds in each circle).

Wednesday - 5 circles of 3 exercises + 6 circles of 2 exercises

First part:

  • No. 1 - jumping jack (20).
  • No. 2 - burpee (10).
  • # 3 - jump squats (10).

The second part (after a minute of rest) - the circles and exercises themselves go without a break:

  • No. 1 - plank (30 seconds).
  • No. 2 - high chair (30 seconds).

Can be done against the wall. To do this, you need to press your back against a flat vertical surface. Then, bending your knees to an angle of 90 degrees, slide down the wall as if you were sitting on a chair. Do not tear off the shoulder blades from the support, do not raise the feet. Fix in this position for the required time. With sufficient training, the "chair" can be done without support.

Thursday - one part consisting of 5 circles of 5 exercises

  • No. 1 - push-ups (15).
  • No. 2 - squats (15).
  • No. 3 - push-ups for triceps (10).

The starting position is with your back to a stable chair, arms brought back, firmly holding on to the seat. The emphasis on the heels of the feet, the hips on the weight. Bending your elbows at a right angle, lower your buttocks as close to the floor as possible - and return to the starting position.

  • No. 4 - sit-ups (20).
  • No. 5 - "rock climbers" (50).

Friday - 5 laps of 2 exercises, then 2 minutes of rest + 5 laps of 2 exercises + burpees (30 times)

First part:

  • No. 1 - jumping jack (40).
  • No. 2 - plank (half a minute).

Second part:

  • No. 1 - squats (20).
  • No. 2 - "rock climber" (40).

The third part:

  • No. 1 - burpee (30).

Saturday - two exercises at a time

  • No. 1 - sit in a chair for a minute.
  • No. 2 - two minutes to do burpees without stopping.

Sunday is a day off

Likewise, you can schedule the third and fourth week if drying is still in progress. The principle does not change: there are on average two parts a day, each consists of 4-6 circles, and they, in turn, consist of 2-4 exercises that you have already used before. Every week, the intensity of training increases at least 1-2 times in seven days.

Attention! During exercise, you should monitor the heart rate. Optimal heart rate for physical activity- within 120 beats per minute. At the same time, there should be no chest pain, severe shortness of breath, bouts of nausea, or fainting.

Frenzied Drying Exercises for the Fastest Effect

With an average sports training aerobic exercise in combination with circular complexes will be enough. Girls who are in excellent physical form, can make drying more efficient with additional loads. They represent daily execution one exercise for a specific muscle group with a large number of repetitions. For instance:

  • Monday - 700 squats.
  • Tuesday - 300 push-ups.
  • Wednesday - 600 lunges with jump legs.

In this exercise, the starting position is left leg extended as far forward as possible, bent at the knee, the second is also bent, but the knee looks towards the floor. Performing a low jump, you should change the position of the legs so that the right knee is in front.

  • Thursday - 200 burpees.
  • Friday - 1000 climbing movements.
  • Saturday - take one and a half minutes without stopping, as quickly as possible, more often, with maximum efficiency.
  • Sunday - rest.

An important point. Before the beginning strength training it is imperative (to avoid injury) to perform a general warm-up. It can include walking in place with high hips, hand waving, bending, circular turns of the head and body. It is necessary to knead and tone all muscle groups - from the neck to the toes.

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