Games and exercises for the development and strengthening of fine motor skills of the fingers. Exercises for the development of fine motor skills

If you are an attentive parent who is focused on scanning the information space for an item effective methodology teaching a preschooler, then, without a doubt, have already heard about the need to develop fine motor skills in crumbs. However, even those who do not really delve into "children's topics" have heard about fine motor skills today.

Fine motor development: justified necessity or fashion trend?

We remind you that due to active training small muscles fingers and hands develop:

  • articulation apparatus and sound recognition system;
  • attention and memory;
  • intelligence;
  • imagination.

For development fine motor skills a lot of ready-made games and toys are offered. One might get the impression that an entire industry is devoted to this direction of raising children in their first years of life.

But after all, our mothers and fathers, like their mothers and fathers, and entire generations of mothers and fathers before them, somehow raised their offspring without lacing, business boards, sorters and other liner frames. The usual cubes with a pyramid were enough, and the lucky ones had an unpretentious mosaic at home. So, maybe all these tricks-wisdom are useless for our children? We declare authoritatively: "Why!"

We, and even more so generations before us, were raised in completely different conditions:

  • We had lace-up shoes, which we dashingly dealt with already in younger group kindergarten. Today, even 8-10-year-olds are experiencing problems with elementary laces.
  • Our parents and grandparents did not have computers or smartphones. Even televisions literally 25-30 years ago were not in every family. The families spent their leisure hours at needlework: mothers knitted and embroidered, fathers chipped and brazed. Well, we, of course, adopted their passion and also tried to create something with our own hands.
  • Our parents did not have so many electronic assistants - multicooker, food processor, robotic vacuum cleaner, automatic washing machine and other delights of modern civilization. They (the generations of parents that preceded us) were forced to work hard around the house, and we were forced to help them no less diligently: sorting out cereals, digging up beds, sweeping, etc.

Now children are protected from housework as long as possible. Their clothes are with Velcro and zippers. They have fun watching cartoons or playing computer games. Where is the finger work? In the natural environment of a modern child, there is practically no place for it. Therefore, it is important to consciously introduce crumbs of exercises for the development of fine motor skills into the daily routine. What exercises are suitable for this purpose? Eureka knows!

Simple and effective fine motor exercises

Exercise 1: Massage the hands

Already a newborn baby can and should knead the pens. Crumple and stroke your palms, gently pinch the skin, stretch the joints and make rotational movements with them. All manipulations should be light, without undue zeal. You can sentence nursery rhymes. The most popular, of course, is the magpie-crow. But she is far from the only one. You can come up with simple rhymes yourself or use ready-made ones. For example:

  1. Stroke the handle with a pen,

Rub your finger with your finger,

Let's take a little rest

And then we'll start again.

2. Finger boy, where have you been?

I went to the forest with this brother,

I cooked cabbage soup with this brother,

I ate porridge with this brother,

I sang songs with this brother.

Exercise 2: Finger gymnastics

The purpose of the lesson is to train fingers, develop hands, teach to coordinate actions. Exercises can be anything you like. The very first and simplest, already available to babies 5-6 months old, are "goodies". While pronouncing a funny rhyme, play with the baby: fingers are as straight as possible, pressed together. The palms beat each other in time with the words of the nursery rhyme:

Okay, okay!

Where were you? By Grandma!

What did you eat? Porridge,

What did you drink? Mint!

Okay, okay,

We're going to grandma's again!

Let the baby tap with his fists on different surfaces, bend and unbend his fingers, spread them out and stretch his palms up, “run” with his fingers on the table, and use his hands circular motions.

Closer to three years old, you can give your child a finger theater, which will give such gymnastics a new meaning.

Exercise 3: Handling paper

Folding paper figures without scissors and glue (origami), as well as creating pictures with glue and cut out paper elements (applique) - great way develop fine motor skills at any age from three years and older. In early childhood, however, the skills required for these creative pursuits are still lacking. Therefore, you can offer the crumbs to simply tear the paper.

Tearing can be done as early as 7-8 months. The main thing is to explain that only those pieces of paper given by the parents can be torn.

To give this lesson meaning, you can create some crafts yourself from scraps:

  • a simple postcard;
  • Christmas tree toy;
  • panel.

With an older child - from a year or more - the paper can still be flipped. Children's books or glossy magazines are good for this. Make sure that the baby gently grips the pages with his fingers, flipping through them one by one. This seemingly very simple exercise causes a lot of difficulties for babies.

Exercise 4: Cinderella

Remember, in the fairy tale "Cinderella" the evil stepmother forced the main character to sort out lentils and peas (depending on the version of the tale, translation and film adaptation of cereals may vary, but this is not about that now). You, of course, love your child. And, unlike the malicious new wife of Cinderella's dad, it is out of love that you invite the baby to repeat the feat of the forcedly hardworking girl.

You can go through different items:

  • multi-colored beads: red - to the left, blue - to the right;
  • buttons of different sizes: large - in a jar, small - in a box;
  • clothespins of various textures: wooden - on the table, plastic - under the table ...

Be creative and enjoy early development creativity.

Exercise 5: hide and seek

Play hide and seek with your baby. Only you and not a child will be hiding. You need to hide any small object - a pea, a bead, a small ball, etc.

For this play exercise Prepare several jars with screw caps. Jars can be different sizes, different colors, from different materials. The kid needs to carefully take a pea (or an alternative object) with his fingers, place it in a jar and close the jar with a lid. Believe me, a child aged 10 months and older can be fascinated by this activity for a very long time.

At first, the handles will be naughty: the pea now and then strives to jump out and roll away, and the harmful lids do not want to screw in any way. But be patient and encourage your baby to try again and again.

  • Let him hide small candies from Varya's doll - if Varenka finds a candy, he will eat it, and her teeth will hurt. I must save Varya, hide the candy.
  • You can hide the seed from Mr. Rain (draw a thundercloud and rain on a white sheet). If Mr. Rain finds a seed, he will wet it, and the seed will not be able to grow.
  • Rich man Orange is looking for little Fasolinka to make her work as a laborer, and we will save Fasolinka. Let's hide it in the house and close the house with a lid.

Come up with interesting stories with your child's favorite toys and fairy-tale characters familiar to him. So the exercise will become more fun, which means that its effectiveness will increase significantly.

  1. Exercises for the development of fine motor skills should be organically woven into the canvas of every day of the child's life. For a newborn, you independently knead the arms and legs. As they grow up, the child is more and more actively working on small muscles on their own.
  2. You may not be able to use all of the suggested exercises. You can change the conditions of the games to develop fine motor skills. You can do several exercises every day, or you can devote the entire session to only one exercise. The main thing is that the child's fingers and hands work, train, and the child himself perceives what is happening as an interesting game.
  3. Combine different areas of early development. Working on fine motor skills, you train memory and attention: the baby needs to repeat movements after you, fold pieces of paper according to a model or remember a fairy tale, the characters of which you used to play for the development of fine motor skills.
  4. During massage and gymnastics, be sure to talk to the baby, even if the baby is only a few days old. It is very important that correct speech surrounds the little person from birth. Speak in a soft, affectionate, emotional voice, but do not distort words, do not imitate non-existent "childish language". During the massage, smile at the child and make faces, sing and recite rhymes. The more actively you interact with the foolish child, the sooner you will notice how smart and quick-witted he really is.

Happy parenting, friends!

Reading 14 min.

Researchers have confirmed the close relationship between the development of the muscles of the child's arm and the development of his speech and thinking. High level the formation of fine motor skills of children's fingers provides a sufficient level of memory, attention and prepares the hand for writing.

Fine motor skills of the hands are associated with the development of the left temporal and left frontal regions of the brain, which are responsible for the formation of many mental functions.

V. Sukhomlinsky rightly stated: "The mind of a child is at the tips of his fingers." The hand gives rise to the development of thinking. In the process of activity, the muscles of the hands perform three main functions: organs of movement, organs of cognition, energy accumulators (both for the muscles themselves and for other organs).

If a child touches an object, then the muscles and skin of the hands at this time "teach" the eyes and brain to see, touch, distinguish, remember.

The hand learns, and the brain captures sensation and perception, connecting them with visual, auditory and olfactory sensations into complex integrated images and representations.

The process of mental development occurs under the condition of high physical activity of children. With the regular performance of cross movements, a large number of nerve fibers are formed that connect the hemispheres of the brain and contribute to the development of higher mental functions.

To develop interhemispheric interaction, you can perform exercises with the participation of the muscles of the arms.

What is needed for the development of motor skills and speech

The level of speech development depends on the degree of formation of small movements of the fingers. Based on the examination of children, a pattern was revealed: if the development of finger movements corresponds to age, then speech development is within the normal range, if the development of finger movements lags behind, then speech development is also delayed, although general motor skills may be normal and even higher than normal.

Training the movements of the fingers and hands is the most important factor that stimulates the child's speech development, contributes to the improvement of articulatory movements, the preparation of the hand for writing, which is equally important, is a powerful tool that stimulates the performance of the cerebral cortex, and therefore the development of the child's thinking.

Age features of the development of fine motor skills of hands

There are certain age-related features of the development of fine motor skills of the hands:

1-2 years. The child holds two objects in one hand; draws with a pencil, turns the pages of the book. Puts 2 to 6 dice on top of each other.

2-3 years. Opens the drawer and overturns its contents. Plays with sand and clay. Opens lids, uses scissors, paints with her finger. Stringing beads.

3-4 years. Holds a pencil with her fingers, copies shapes with a few strokes. Gathers and builds buildings with 9 cubes.

4-5 years old. Draws with pencils or crayons. Builds buildings with more than 9 cubes. Folds paper more than 1 time. Identifies objects in a bag by touch, sculpts from plasticine (from 2 to 3 parts), laces up shoes.

Finger games

Finger games will help children:

  • make a breakthrough in the development of speech - improve pronunciation and enrich vocabulary;
  • prepare your hand for writing;
  • develop attention, patience, the so-called internal brake - the ability to restrain yourself exactly when it is necessary;
  • stimulate imagination, be creative;
  • learn to control your body, feel confident in the system of "bodily coordinates", which will eliminate the possibility of neurosis.

Period from 2 to 3 years

The period from 2 to 3 years is an extremely crucial stage in a child's life, in particular, in intellectual and cognitive development.

As you know, the brain is the organ of thinking, the organ of all human mental activity. In the process of a child's development, when the growth of brain cells occurs, their design, when nerve fibers grow rapidly - pathways that connect the brain with the sensory organs and with muscles, during the contraction of which various movements occur, the increase in brain mass is of great importance.

The most intense brain enlargement in the early and junior to school age indicates that it is at this time that children develop especially quickly. Indeed, how much knowledge and skills a child acquires during the first three years of his life!

He learns to look and listen, talk, grasp objects and act with them, stand, walk, run, jump, descend and climb stairs. And the child also masters numerous skills - using a spoon, brush, pencil and many other objects.

The child's memory is enriched by a huge amount of knowledge about colors and sounds, about phenomena and objects of nature, the properties of various objects and products of human labor. The kid learns space and time, masters speech, learns to communicate with adults and peers, learns the basic rules of behavior.

Conditions and organization of children's activities

For the full development of the baby and for the development of the child's motor skills, the conditions and organization of the child's activity are essential. In this regard, children's toys play a significant role. They should be varied, bright and interesting.

Children improve motor coordination and vision, learn to concentrate largely thanks to toys: kids independently choose toys to play with, carry out various actions with them, including at the request of an adult.

This contributes to the development and improvement of the speech and thinking of children.

In games - classes, an adult acquaints the child with objects, their features and signs, teaches them to act with them and name them.

Play is an amazing activity that many scientists have labored to study. Despite the fact that play really seems like a completely free pastime, it is an extremely valuable activity for children.

In the life of a toddler, play has an extraordinary meaning that cannot be compared to anything else. A child who does not play cannot develop well and quickly.

Games in kindergarten and at home

In preschool, children usually have a place and time to play. These are necessary for the mental development of the baby in speech should be taken care of by the parents of the child, at home. It is useful when a father or mother encourages the child to play, tell and show him exactly how to play with this or that toy.

Play is a kind of school of life and a path to the development of children's creativity, independence, acquisition of communication skills, and the like.

Listening to poems and fairy tales, the child learns a lot of new and interesting things about the world around him, trees and flowers, people and animals, fantastic heroes, their amazing adventures, and so on.

Naturally, 2-3-year-olds may not immediately understand what the adult told them. Therefore, children often require repeated repetition of the same fairy tales, stories, nursery rhymes, songs, poems.

Such repetition plays an important role: it enables the child to reflect on the plot of what he heard. If the child is offered more and more new books, he gets used to superficial acquaintance with them from childhood.

The main thing is that the child learns to understand what he has heard. To do this, it is important to ask questions: what (or who) is told in a rhyme or fairy tale?

Sometimes after reading it is useful for an adult to ask the kid: who did we read about today? "," What did he do? "," What happened to him? "," How did the fairy tale end? " such questions make the child think about what he has read.

Similar work can be done with pictures, when children look at illustrations in books or individual pictures with a certain plot. Younger child preschool age it is advisable to ask: "What is this?", "What is drawn here?"

An important means of not only knowing the world around, but also the communication of children with each other is the assimilation of speech. Therefore, it is necessary to develop in the child not only his understanding of the speech of an adult (passive speech), but also his own, active spoken speech.

There are many possibilities for an adult to do this. It is imperative to monitor the purity of children's speech, the correct use of words by the baby and the construction of sentences.

Means for the development of motor skills

It is equally important to worry about the development of fine motor skills, which is improved in a variety of activities - drawing, coloring, modeling, and the like.

For a child, a hand is an organ of not only labor, but also cognition. Parents often stop the baby, forbidding him to touch unnecessary, in their opinion, things. And completely in vain!

After all, by this they retard his mental development, since a child still cannot understand much only on the basis of his own judgment. This role of physical action persists for many years and is manifested in the work with objects new and unfamiliar to the child. It has been established that intellectual action is gradually formed only on the basis of practical action.

The mental development of a preschool child occurs and is improved in a variety of games and activities, creative and educational. With the necessary help from adults, the kid learns to observe and receives many vivid impressions of the world around him, gradually acquiring the ability to practically act and comprehend what he sees and hears through mastering speech.

If at the same time the child also learns the basic rules of behavior, communication skills, the ability to handle things, we can say that she goes through this period of her life with benefit.

How is motor skills related to speech?

One of the indicators of a child's readiness for schooling is the level of development of fine motor skills, because the level of speech development directly depends on how well the fine movements of the fingers are formed.

As domestic scientists have found, if the movements of the fingers are developed in accordance with age, then speech development is within the age norm. If the development of finger movements lags behind, then the development of the motor side of speech is also delayed, although the general motor skills may correspond to the norm.

Unfortunately, not all parents are aware of such interdependence, and therefore they often lose the opportunity to help their child avoid problems in speech development in time.

Motor problems

Many parents understand the need to develop a baby from birth and take great interest in working with children. But in order for the classes to be effective, and the baby to enjoy them, they should always be interesting, fun and must necessarily correspond to the age of the baby.

Each of us had to meet children of four or five years old who hold a spoon in their fists, do not know how to properly hold a brush or pencil, use scissors, sometimes they cannot button up buttons, lace up shoes, tie a scarf, and the like.

It is no secret that some parents find it easier to put their child in front of the TV or at the computer by turning on a full-length cartoon or putting the game on for an hour so that the child does not distract from talking on the phone with a friend or other adult affairs.

Only a few parents acknowledge the fact that it is difficult for them to wait calmly while their child laces up his shoes on his own, button up all the little buttons on his shirt, eats up porridge and the like.

Therefore, instead of shoes with laces, they buy Velcro boots, instead of a shirt - a sweater with a zipper, they themselves feed the child in order to free up time for other things. Few parents think that such time saving deprives their child of the opportunity to develop finger movements, and, consequently, improve the quality of broadcasting.

Influence of fine motor skills on a child's ability to learn

The results of scientists' research, the practical experience of defectologists, speech therapists indicate that in recent times in children, the level of development of fine movements of the fingers has noticeably decreased and, unfortunately, the number of children with delayed speech and mental development has increased.

Experts have found that in most children with general speech underdevelopment, the fingers are inactive, their movements are inaccurate, inconsistent, uncoordinated. It is difficult for such children to switch from performing one movement to another.

Unfortunately, parents learn about problems with coordination of movements and fine motor skills in a child only during the period of preparation of the child for school or already at school age, when the child begins to lag behind his peers during his studies, does not keep pace with the program.

At the same time, the load on the child increases significantly, because, in addition to assimilating new information, you also have to learn to hold the pen in naughty fingers. But such problems can be prevented if a delay in the development of coordination of movements and fine motor skills in a child is detected in time. With properly planned correctional work, you can correct the situation even at preschool age.

Fine motor skills as a factor in eliminating speech disorders

It is worth remembering that the speech areas in the cerebral cortex are formed under the influence of an increase in impulses that intensively come from the fingers.

Fine motor skills are directly related to speech and affects not only its development, but also helps to prevent and eliminate possible speech disorders.

In addition, it directly affects the child's ability to learn - the smarter the hands, the smarter the baby. It's all about the brain. Or rather, in the centers responsible for the movements of the fingers and speech.

These centers are located very close to each other. Thus, by developing fine motor skills, we thereby stimulate the corresponding parts of the brain, and activate the neighboring parts responsible for speech.

According to M.Koltsova, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education, there is every reason to consider the hand as an organ of speech.

The importance of early age for the development of motor skills of the future personality

Hands are a delicate instrument, and they "tune" for a long time. Therefore, it is necessary to start work on the development of baby's hand movements from birth. After all, a child even at the age of an infant, and especially at an early age, has a huge potential for the formation of a future personality, in particular, its intellectual development.

It is at an early age that a baby can gain a lot, but also lose a lot. It should be noted that the losses of this period are more difficult to compensate with age, and the gains remain for life.

Do not forget that it is in the first three years of life that the brain develops most intensively: by the age of seven months, the child's brain doubles, at one and a half years - three, and up to three years it is already 3/4 of the brain mass of an adult.

Effective conditions for the development of motor skills in preschool children

You must use all fingers on both hands. Compression, stretching and relaxation should be combined. Exercises should be based on the use of isolated movements of each finger.

For the development of motor skills in the hands of a child, it is important to train both hands. It is also important in games to develop subtle movements of the fingers of both hands, and in everyday life to strive to distribute various actions between the right and left hands.

The value of games for the development of fine motor skills of hands

Games and exercises for the development of motor skills are a powerful means of maintaining the tone and performance of the cerebral cortex, a means of its interaction with lower structures.

At the same time, children's attention, memory, auditory and visual perception improve, perseverance, play and educational-practical activities are formed.

Systematic exercises also help to develop the skills of self-control and self-regulation of hand movements, not only under the control of vision, but also with the participation of touch, tactile-motor sensations.

Games from scrap materials

To strengthen and develop a child's hand, coordination of movements, various exercises and actions with objects are recommended:

Lacing game

You can buy a ready-made "lacing", or you can make it yourself. I am sure that the child will play with even greater pleasure if the father or mother makes the basis on their own, especially for him. You will need a piece of linoleum, plywood, plastic, etc. with holes drilled and a string.

Game "Clasps"

Fastening of buttons, buttons, Velcro, snakes. Need fabric, buttons and thread.

Laying out, sorting out the bones

Needed: a plate, bones, preferably different (for example, from apricots, peaches, cherries). But if the child is still small, it is better to take large bones.

Making a necklace from buttons, straw particles, large beads

To develop motor skills by creating a necklace, you will need: a cord, buttons with large holes, several multi-colored cocktail straws (cut into pieces 1-3 cm long), beads, scissors.

Clothespin games

You will need clothespins and cardboard.

Unscrewing and screwing the caps

You will need necks and lids from plastic bottles, a shoe box, glue.

Twisting the ribbons

Game "Magic Bag"

Guessing objects by touch. You will need a bag with a variety of small toys and items.

Rolling the pencil

Rolling a pencil or pen in the palms helps stimulate biologically active points, tones the body as a whole.

Outline stencils

To develop motor skills in this game you will need plastic bottle with a flat wall (a shampoo bottle is suitable), scissors.

Appliques from cereals

For the development of motor skills through application, you will need: cardboard, plasticine, glue, cereals, seeds, pasta, and the like.

Pouring seeds, chestnuts, cereals, beans, shells, coins, etc. from one container to another.

You need: two or more bowls (you can have one plastic, and the other metal, then we also develop hearing), "loose". To complicate things, you can combine all the "loose" and ask the child to put them in different containers.

Drawing on sand or semolina

Needed: a flat plate or tray, semolina or sand.

Finger painting

You need: paper, you can blank for coloring, finger paints, water, wet wipes.

Salted dough modeling

What you need: salted dough (multi-colored), rolling pin, various molds for extrusion.

Each of these techniques for the development of motor skills is also aimed at the all-round development of the child: his musculoskeletal system, sensory sensitivity, visual-motor coordination, voluntary attention, psychoregulation skills.

Enjoy your games and communication!

Today, every parent knows how important the development of fine motor skills of the hands in children is for the full formation of a personality. This is not only the development of the hand and its functions, but also the improvement of the processes of thinking and speech. Experts have noticed: with poor development of the hand, a delay in speech development is observed, which entails a slowdown in the processes of attention, memory, perception, and is reflected in the formation of intelligence. Understanding all the need for the formation of hand motility in preschoolers, however, parents do not always pay attention to this fact. As a result, when going to school, some preschoolers have pronounced speech and motor impairments: poor articulation, slurred diction, poor hand mobility, which affects the success of reading and writing. This is why it is important to know how to develop fine motor skills in a child.

Infancy is an important stage in the development of finger motor skills

In order to properly organize homework, parents need to have an elementary understanding of what fine motor skills are and the stages of their formation. Everyone who has babies noticed that the baby has a very well developed grasping reflex. If the baby grasps an adult's finger, then it is held so tenaciously that it can be easily lifted. Therefore, it is useful to start working with small muscles of the hand from birth. Already a month old baby examines the pens, pulls them into his mouth, and at 3 months squeezes and unclenches his fist. While not for long (up to 15 seconds), but confidently enough he holds in his hand a comfortable toy - a rattle. A six-month-old child shows an active interest in objects, reaches for them, trying to hold and manipulate.

Baby's achievements by the end of the first year

  • knows how to grab objects;
  • holds them in his hands for a while;
  • actively manipulates toys (one or two actions);
  • claps her hands;
  • repeats the movements of the handles for an adult.

Instructions for parents

  1. In each period of wakefulness, exercise your baby in hand motor skills.
  2. Encourage you to perform a variety of movements with handles, fingers, palms, fists.
  3. When spreading the baby on its stomach, place accessible toys at a short distance (all requirements for the selection of toys must be observed: safety, hygiene, age restrictions).
  4. In places where the crumbs are awake, place objects that can be grasped with your fingers and manipulated (take, throw, squeeze).
  5. Be sure to spend special exercises for the development of fine motor skills, which will help the child develop accuracy and dexterity of movements.

We develop motor skills in babies!

The most fertile exercises for crumbs are based on folk art. Nursery rhymes, songs, pestushki, accompanying play actions, always attract kids and encourage them to repeat many times for adults.

"The sun is a bell"

Game - massage. The parent gently strokes the child's palms, encouraging him to work with his fingers: then squeeze, then unclench. Helps to fix the actions of the baby with a rattle, which he must squeeze in the fist. The cam is the sun, the fingers are the rays:

The sun is the sun
Red bell
Come out soon, be closer to us!


Popular folk game for small children, which is available even to a baby. An adult takes the little hands of the crumbs in his palms and, lightly patting his children's palms, says:

Okay - okay
Where were you? - By Grandma!
- What did you eat? - Porridge,
Broke the cup, bang!

"Pull - Pull"

In such an action, fine motor skills of the hands are well developed, muscle strength... The adult puts his fingers in the palms of the child so that he firmly grabs them. Then, prompting the baby to pull up, the adult slightly pulls the arms of the crumbs forward, saying:

Pull the canvases
The canvases are simple!
Pull, pull, sip
Cross, cross, shift!

There are many similar games - exercises in the arsenal of folk pedagogy, the well-known "Boy - finger", "Magpie - white-sided", "This finger is a grandfather ...".

Important: parents need to try to keep the training of the crumbs' pens constantly, to complicate the games, taking into account the changes taking place in the mental and physical development of the baby.

Fine motor toys

Special toys for the development of fine motor skills are an integral part of the children's play area. They perform not only their direct function - to develop small arm muscles, but also affect the overall mental development of the baby. Therefore, parents need to carefully purchase toys for babies, which will facilitate the organization of special activities and at the same time entertain the baby. The most popular toys include:

  • developing (sensory) rugs;
  • plastic and wooden rattles with handles of different thickness and length;
  • musical toys with various keys and buttons;
  • items with lacing;
  • sling beads resembling rattles (plastic, knitted or wooden beads of different shapes and colors well fixed on a string);
  • toys - sortters (for example, "Logic cube", "House with keys").

Many of these toys can be made by caring parents themselves.

Important: a toy for fine motor skills should be safe, lead the development of the baby, encourage him to independence.

How to develop fine motor skills at an early age?

Early age (from 1 to 3 years) is the most fertile period for the development of the hand and speech activity. It is characterized by the fact that the hand becomes one of the main tools in the knowledge of the surrounding world. To get acquainted with an object, the baby must definitely touch it, touch it, start interacting with it. And the adult should correctly name the object, tell about the shape, color, purpose. Therefore, the activity of parents in teaching the baby is simply necessary. At correct development children perform many actions with their hands, which are then improved at preschool age:

  • learn to play with small toys;
  • manipulate objects (from 2 to 3 - 4 actions: roll, throw, put on top of each other, wrap);
  • trying to button up the buttons;
  • lace up shoes;
  • pouring water from a container into a container;
  • eat on their own with a spoon;
  • perform hygiene procedures (washing, brushing teeth, wiping hands and fingers).

There are many games and exercises, both modern and classic, that are ideal for developing fine motor skills.

Important: parents need to select games that are appropriate for the child's age and level of development at this stage, since in parallel with motor skills, memory, attention, thinking, speech are improved, and intelligence is formed.

Games for toddlers

"Magic bag"

The classic exercise trains fine motor skills, sensory sensations, speech and thinking well. An adult prepares a bright bag in which he puts small objects from various materials: wooden, plastic, cloth, etc. The kid finds an object by touch, an adult asks to name it. Then he looks with the baby, asks: what is the name of the object, what is it made of, how you can play with it.

"Magic picture"

Just like the previous exercise, the game is aimed at the formation of motor skills, sensing, develops imagination. An adult offers the baby strings of various lengths and colors, from which figures can be laid out. It is good if the parent together with the child puts out a whole picture: a familiar landscape, toys, animals, dishes. The kid can build various shapes: circles, ovals, triangles, paths.

"Gift for a doll"

In objective play, an adult encourages the child to repeatedly act with homogeneous elements (plastic or wooden beads), training the small muscles of the arm, developing imagination and speech. The child should string large beads on a thick string. The monotonous exercise is brightened up with an interesting plot: "Let's present beads to the doll for his birthday."

The kitchen is a place for motor skills!

At an early age, kids love to play where the entrance is closed. Many mothers are afraid to let their children into the kitchen, worried about the safety of the child. But the kitchen can become a place not only for cooking, but also a place for training children. By preparing a safe space and the necessary items, parents can organize games that are good for the development of fine motor skills:

  • manipulation of cereals, beans (pouring from one plastic jar to another, counting beans, drawing on the cereal);
  • dough modeling;
  • pouring water from one vessel into another (playing "boats");
  • washing plastic dishes;
  • manipulating napkins, paper towels (crush like a snowball; break like snowflakes);
  • unfolding teaspoons;
  • closing and opening of plastic containers.

A caring mother will always find an opportunity to use available tools for the development of her baby!

Development of motor skills in preschoolers

In preschool age, the development of fine motor skills is based on skills and abilities that were laid down in previous age periods. The preschooler is actively developing visual-effective and visual-figurative types of thinking, which determine the general development and formation of motor skills. In this plan, methods of hand development are used:

  • special classes (modeling, applique, drawing, design);
  • games and exercises aimed at the development of small movements, brought to automatism.

Parents shouldn't be bothered by the lack of teaching experience; they just need to choose affordable home schooling tools. The main thing is that classes for fine motor skills should be regular, go according to the principle - from simple to complex, taking into account the experience gained by children. To brighten up the monotony of some exercises, it is advisable to introduce game, competitive elements. Some of the most popular home remedies include:

Finger gymnastics

A tool for improving small muscles, allows you to prepare the child's hand for further mastery of writing, shading, drawing skills. If gymnastics is carried out regularly, it will become familiar to the baby, and he can perform the exercises on his own.

Important: before gymnastics, a light massage of the fingers is required (stroking, flexion - extension) in order to warm up the muscles and increase the tone.

This is what finger gym exercises might look like!


  • The child connects each finger in turn with thumb, forming a "ring" and saying: "Ring, ring, go out on the porch!"
  • You can change the tempo, starting slowly, then speeding up the movements with your fingers: “One, two, three, four, five! Let's count our fingers! "
  • After mastering the exercise at a different pace, you can offer to perform movements with both hands.

"Playing the piano"

For such an exercise, a paper keyboard is being prepared, on which the child "plays": each finger falls on its own key. The action begins with a slow pace, gradually moving to a more active one. After the child has mastered the exercise with the left and right hands, you can train both hands at the same time.

"Drawing eights"

The preschooler alternately draws an eight in the air with his left and right hands, saying: "The eight has two rings without beginning and end!" In conclusion, there is a synchronized hand drawing.


The child knocks on the table with his fingertips, imitating the drummer: "The drummer is very happy, drumming, drumming for an hour and a half in a row!" Similar exercises an adult can come up with it himself for lessons with a child or find it in special literature. The main thing is to start the warm-up with simple actions, gradually moving on to more complex ones, not forgetting to simultaneously train both hands.

Hatching and coloring

Quite a difficult activity for preschoolers, but very useful, helping to prepare the child for school. Children, with whom such work has not been carried out, experience difficulties when painting drawings: they go beyond the contours, when coloring volumetric images they quickly get tired and lose interest, painting is carried out chaotically. Exercise in shading will help to avoid many problems in schooling.

For shading and coloring, you can purchase special recipes with the contours of objects or make drawings yourself. The main thing that children should know is that you need to hatch an object in one direction, for example, only from left to right or from top to bottom. The dashed lines fit tightly to each other, this makes the drawing neat.

Important: Parents need to remember that at first, children are offered small-volume drawings. Gradually, the image increases in size, complemented by details. During work, you need to rest your fingers, doing gymnastics.

Constructors, puzzles, mosaics

Playing with the constructor, laying out mosaic pictures and picking up jigsaw puzzles is a good exercise for the fine motor skills of children. Nowadays there are a lot of different constructors: wooden, metal, plastic. A Lego-type constructor became a particular favorite of the children. When purchasing, you need to take into account the age of the child and the degree of his preparedness for a particular type of designer. For example, a kid needs a plastic construction set of rather large shapes with few details. Otherwise, not having coped with the assembly of the toy, the child will lose interest in it. To prevent this from happening, the parent at first needs to figure it out with the preschool child in details and instructions. Older children can purchase a construction set with a more varied number of details that will help develop logical and spatial thinking, for example, "City", "Road", "Castle". But the participation of an adult is also important for them.

The same approach is required for the acquisition of puzzles, mosaics, which are now presented in a wide variety.

Classes with paper

Actions with paper is an excellent tool for the development of fine motor skills in children, imagination, creative thinking. You can invite children to do origami, applique, paper weaving and other crafts that will captivate the child and create conditions for the development of finger motor skills.

Important: so that the preschool child does not lose interest in creativity, and with it the opportunity to train his hands, the adult must master the basics of paper art himself well.

Developing fine motor skills with the help of theater

An excellent tool for the development of fine motor skills and speech development is the hobby of preschoolers for the theater. Shadow theater and finger theater, in addition to their main function, can amuse children and become an excellent family leisure. Figures for finger theater are best done together with a preschool child, picking up a character for each finger. For these purposes, paper caps, knitted hats are used, on which the heroes of the performances are depicted. At first, it is better to act out scenes of familiar fairy tales, in which there are many dialogues: "Three Little Pigs", "Fox and a Hare", "Teremok". As the child masters the skill of controlling the fingers, you can turn to your favorite cartoons.

You can play shadow theater by moving your hands and fingers under special lighting. These are rather difficult actions for children, for which you need to prepare gradually. An adult, first of all, must master the techniques of showing acting heroes, in order to then pass on knowledge to the child. At first, these will be simple images that are easy to compose with your fingers: a bunny, a dog, a bird. Then you can act out entire scenes. To maintain interest in action, an artistic word is used: folk nursery rhymes, poems by modern authors and classics.

By the end of preschool age, the child should have mastered the following hand motor skills:

  • hold a pencil, brush, scissors correctly;
  • tie and untie shoelaces, fasten buttons, zippers on clothes;
  • use all cutlery;
  • massage your fingers yourself;
  • draw different lines without lifting the pencil from the paper;
  • hatch images without going beyond the contour;
  • manipulate small objects and details.

Every modern mom understands the importance of developing fine motor skills of her hands for her baby. But not everyone knows how to properly develop fine motor skills in their children, what exercises need to be performed for this, and what improvised means to use. Before we talk about exercises and activities that stimulate motor skills in children, let's understand the very essence of this concept and the tools of its influence on the development of the baby.

The main thing in the article

Fine motor skills of a child under 3 years old

Fine motor skills are the ability to perform various rather small manipulations using the hands and fingers for this. In other words, it is an improved concept of "agility". The accuracy of the child's hand and finger movements is explained by the coordination and purposefulness of the important systems of his body, both muscular and nervous.

The fine motor skills of a child under 3 years old consists of a large number of very different actions: first, the baby learns to grab a toy, a little later - he already knows how to feel its component parts, and at 2-3 years old he acquires the first drawing skills, diligently holding a pencil or pen.

A newborn baby first examines his little hands, and then, through his first toys, learns to control his movements. The first "grips" of objects are performed with the whole palm, and by six months he can take a toy with only two fingers.

Parents should promptly teach the child to hold a spoon, pencil or brush correctly for drawing: all these are necessary, basic exercises to improve his fine motor skills.

It has been proven that fine motor skills are directly related to the central nervous system child. Its influence on vision, hearing, memory, reaction speed, perception, speech development is very great.

In the child's brain, the centers responsible for motor skills and speech "coexist" with each other. By stimulating the motor skills of the fingertips, we activate the speech center.

In an effort to develop fine motor skills in children, parents use many different ways. We will focus on the most interesting and original ones.

Fine motor cereals

For the development of fine motor skills in children, various cereals have been used for a long time. Not too small ones are most suitable: buckwheat, rice, pearl barley, oatmeal, as well as seeds. The smallest explorers are allowed to play with beans, peas, corn, different varieties of pasta (horns, noodles, shells).

Pour cereal into a deep bowl and give it to the child. The kid will touch such "material" for the game, sprinkle the cereal through his fingers, strive to take a separate grain and examine it in more detail. This will not only stimulate the development of his motor skills, but also improve his tactile sensations.

Important: during classes, do not leave the baby alone, in order to avoid an accident: the crumb can swallow a grain or choke on it.

If you are still afraid of letting your child play with cereals in their pure form, we suggest that you take several linen bags and, filling them different kinds croup, let the child feel them. This technique is also great exercise for the development of finger dexterity.

When the child reaches 2-3 years old, it will be possible to conduct more complex and interesting activities with him, with the participation of various croup, for example:

  • mom draws an image on a sheet of paper (it is better for it to be a funny animal: a cat, a dog, a bear, so that the baby is interested);
  • the child is invited to cover the drawing with a thin layer of glue using a brush;
  • then it is necessary to "paint" the drawing using cereals. For example, we put buckwheat on the ears, barley on the abdomen, and cover the legs with millet.

Over time, the cereals will stick to the image, and such a masterpiece of a little artist can be framed and admired for a long time.

Drawing for fine motor skills

Drawing is not only a great way to diversify a child's leisure time, but also a great method to improve his fine motor skills. For starters, it is important to teach your toddler how to hold a pen, pencil and watercolor brush correctly. Please be patient: not every child can do it the first time. But when the child is already confidently holding the "tool" in her fingers, you can start simple exercises.

You can draw not only with pencils, paints or hands: use other "tools" for arts, such as cotton swabs or foam sponges.

Connecting items for motor skills

Disassembling and putting together various items is an excellent training for a child's fine motor skills. We offer you some interesting exercises that will captivate even the most restless kid for a long time:

Today, toys-labyrinths for babies are very popular, in which they "roll" along a twisted wire of various shapes and colors. wooden parts... Tactile contact with natural wood is in itself very useful for the baby, and the connection of small parts in such a maze will be an excellent exercise for his fingers.

Exercises for fine motor skills of hands in a child

Elementary and simple exercisesThe best way develop fine motor skills of the crumbs. The smallest toddlers can massage their palms, stroke, lightly press and massage the pads of each finger.

Then, when the baby is already watching your actions with interest, drive on his palm, pronouncing various nursery rhymes and sayings, for example, the "Magpie-crow" known to everyone from infancy. Play "Ladushki" with your baby - this is how your child will learn to clap, bend and straighten his fingers.

When the child is 6-7 months old, you can let him play with paper. Give him a few sheets of colored paper, preferably soft. He will begin to examine it, and then begin to tear it into small pieces: at his age, this is an extremely useful and exciting activity that will make him squeal with delight.

For older children, as an exercise for motor skills, you can offer modeling from plasticine or salt dough, as well as the lacing mentioned above.

You can use a variety of objects that differ in texture and size to improve motor skills.

And the most elementary finger exercises are as follows:

  • the fingers are compressed into a fist, then the child rotates the brush to the left, then to the right. Repeat the exercise 5 times;
  • fingers are compressed with force into a fist and gently unclenched;
  • straighten your fingers, and then bend and straighten the first 2 phalanges; repeat 5-7 times;
  • game "fan": spread straight fingers, starting with the little finger, bend in a fan-like motion. When all fingers are collected in a fist, carry out the exercise, starting with the thumb.

Finger games for hand motor skills

Finger games are necessary not only for the child: they are a good help for the mother who brings him up. After all, this is not only an excellent method for developing a baby's motor skills, but also a great way to distract him and cheer him up: each such game is usually accompanied by a funny rhyme or nursery rhyme.

Children who regularly and with pleasure perform finger gymnastics, begin to speak faster than their peers, learn the basics of writing, have good memory and motor coordination. They are more collected and stress-resistant. Finger games are necessary for the child as often as possible: it is best to do them every day.

It is very important to verbally entertain the child during such a game. A huge arsenal of finger games, tasks and trainings with funny, funny sayings is presented. Choose the game to your liking, have fun and develop!

Finger development for preschool children

For preschool children, the main attributes and assistants finger development are classes for making crafts, which, in addition to motor skills, also develop imagination, creative skills, the ability and desire to tinker.

Buy baby safety scissors, colored cardboard and paper for your child. It is necessary to teach him how to cut, use glue, create bright applications and make crafts.

Collect dry, colorful leaves outside and create a bright autumn panel out of them.

These activities are necessary not only for finger development, they will also develop the child's creative thinking, perseverance and attentiveness. The skills gained in the course of such games will definitely come in handy in kindergarten and school.

Musical games for hand motor skills

If you expect your child to be musical achievements, introduce him to a variety of musical instruments from infancy. Pressing buttons and keys perfectly develops the motor skills of children's fingers, and the accompanying sound helps the little man understand the connection between his actions and the music being played.

For such activities, children's pianos, tambourines, drums, accordions, maracas, xylophones and balalaikas are well suited. In the process of musical games, not only fine motor skills develop and the work of fingers in general is activated, but visual-motor coordination, sensorics and mental sphere are also improved, the efforts of the fingers and hands of the child are regulated.

Fine motor disorders

In early childhood, the violation of the development of motor functions is especially noticeable, and pulls tangible consequences. After all, the speech development of the baby is directly related to his motor skills and depends on the degree of development of the movements of the hands and fingers. Fine motor disorders can be talked about when a child:

  • constrained, has poor coordination;
  • slow and clumsy;
  • often drops objects;
  • rarely participates in outdoor games, it is difficult for him to serve and catch the ball;
  • at the age of 3-4 years can not properly hold a pencil and draw a straight line;
  • there is a noticeable inconsistency in the actions of the child's hands.

Statistics: about 5% of all preschool children suffer from fine motor and motor coordination disorders, the vast majority of them are boys.

However, the diagnosis of "movement disorder" itself should be made by the doctor, and if you suspect that your baby has some delay in the development of motor skills, take preventive measures with him: perform finger massage and gymnastics for fine motor skills of the hands.

Gymnastics for fine motor skills of hands

We offer you to get acquainted with some gymnastics techniques to improve the motor skills of the child's hands from the video.

Regularly doing a variety of exercises presented in our article will definitely give tangible results, not only in terms of improving fine motor skills: it will also help your baby to master the correct speech.


In Russia, it has long been customary to teach a child to play with his fingers from an early age. These were games such as "Ladushki", "Magpie-white-sided", etc. After washing the baby's hands, they wiped the baby with a towel, as if massaging each finger separately.

It has been proven that fine finger work contributes to the development of speech in children. Therefore, it is very important to develop fine motor skills in a child from a very early age. But just doing the exercises will be boring for the kid - you need to turn them into interesting and useful games.

Recently, on the packaging of children's games, you can see the inscription: "For the development of fine motor skills of hands." Many parents have heard about this concept, but not everyone knows how to develop fine motor skills and why it is necessary to do it.

Now it is already known that at the initial stage of life, it is fine motor skills that reflect how your baby develops, testifies to his intellectual abilities. His further development depends on how cleverly the child learns to control his fingers at a very early age.

Under the term fine motor skills refers to the coordinated movements of the small muscles of the fingers and hands. They are important not only for performing various daily activities, but also for stimulating the development of children's brains.

Along with the development of fine motor skills, memory, attention, and also your baby's vocabulary develop.

Periods of child development in preschool age

The famous Italian teacher Maria Montessori identified three periods in the development of children:

Development of children's speech (from 0 to 6 years old). At this time, two important events take place. From 1 year to 2.5 years, the child's vocabulary is rapidly expanding. At 4-4.5 years old, he masters writing (but only on condition of developed fine motor skills);

Perception of small objects (from 1.5 to 5.5 years). At this age, the child loves to play with buttons, beads, sticks, etc. With the help of such objects, you can develop the motor skills of the child's hands. Just be sure to make sure that the baby does not take them in his mouth;

Formation of the simplest self-service skills (from 1 to 4 years). At this age, the child is taught to dress independently, eat and perform hygiene procedures.

1. Exercises for the development of fine motor skills are carried out in a complex, starting from the first months of a child's life.

2. In the set of exercises, try to include tasks for squeezing, relaxing and stretching the baby's hands.

3. Start or end a hand massage session.

4. Carry out work on the development of fine motor skills regularly, in accordance with age and taking into account the level physical development baby.

5. At first, the adult performs all the movements with the baby's hands, and as he masters, the child begins to do them on his own.

6. Make sure that the exercises are performed correctly by the child. If the kid finds it difficult to complete any task, immediately help him: fix the desired position of the fingers, etc.

7. Alternate old and new games and exercises. After the child has mastered simple motor skills, move on to mastering more complex ones.

8. Perform certain movements at the same time listening (and then with the child reciting) the poem.

9. Encourage your child to be creative, let him come up with some exercises.

10. Conduct classes emotionally, actively, praise your baby for success, but do not forget to monitor his mood and physical condition.

Exercises for the development of fine motor skills of hands for children from 0 to 2 years old

1. "White-sided magpie"

First, an adult runs his finger over the child's palm and says: "The magpie is cooking porridge." Then the baby himself begins to run his finger along the palm of his hand. We complicate the game: on the phrase “I gave it to this”, the adult alternately bends the child's fingers to the palm, except for the little finger: “But I didn't give it to this one.” Slightly shaking it, we say with a playful reproach: “You didn’t carry water ...” and so on.

I cooked porridge,
She fed the children.
I gave this,
I gave this,
I gave this,
I gave this,
But this did not give:
“You didn't carry water,
I didn't chop wood,
I didn't cook porridge,
You have nothing. "

2. "Crackers"

Take your baby's hands and clap your hands. Show the child the movements and invite them to repeat them.

Goodies, goodies,
Voiced firecrackers.
They clapped their hands
They clapped a little.

3. "Okay"

Read the nursery rhyme and simultaneously accompany the words with gestures

Okay, okay!

(Show your baby your palms.)

Where were you?
By Grandma.
What did you eat?
What did you drink?

(Clap your hands.)

Kashka butter,
Sweet brew
Grandma is kind.
We drank and ate!
Shu - let's fly!
They sat on the head.

(Raise your hands up, turning your palms to the right and left, then lower them with a "house" on your head.)

4. "House"

This is a house.

(Place both palms together.)

This is the roof.

(Put your palms together and interlace your fingers.)

And the pipe is even higher.

(Lift all fingers up without disengaging them.)

5. "Hide and Seek"

Fingers play hide and seek,

(Raise your palm and spread all your fingers.)

Close up.

(Put your fingers together and make a fist.)

6. "Bunnies"

Place all fingers of one hand on the table.

Bunnies went out on the meadow,
We stood in a small circle.
One bunny, two bunnies, three bunnies,
Four hares, five ...

(Count the bunnies.)

We will knock with our paws.

(Tap all of your fingers on the table together or out of sync.)

Knocked, knocked
And tired.
We sat down to rest.

(Bend your fingers into a fist.)

7. "Hello, finger"

Alternately touch your index, middle, ring and pinky fingers to thumb.

Hello dear finger
So we met with you.

8. "Strong fingers"

Bend your fingers and invite your baby to do the same. Then take his fingers and pull them each in their own direction.

Massage of palms and fingers for children from 0 to 2 years old

Finger massage is very helpful small child... The fingers are closely related to the brain and internal organs: little finger - with heart, nameless - with liver, middle - with intestines and spine, index - with stomach, large - with brain.

1. Take your baby's palm and massage each finger thoroughly, starting with the little finger. Perform massage movements from the nail phalanx to the palm, paying attention to each joint.

2. Massage the baby's fingertips, making light pressure on them.

3. Massage your baby's palms in a circular motion with your index finger.

4. Take the child's palm in your hand and lightly press your thumb in a circular motion in the center of the palm.

5. Massage your fingers with the circular spiral massager. Put the massager on the baby's finger and massage the fingers up and down in the same sequence (starting with the little finger).

6. Take two massage brushes and run them over the baby's palms. At the same time, his hands lie on his knees, palms up.

Exercises for the development of fine motor skills of hands for children from 2 years old

1. "Fisherman"

Pour water into a bowl and throw in a few small items: pieces of cork, twigs, large beads, etc. Suggest that the baby, using a small sieve tied to a stick, catch all these items in turn and put them on the plate on the tray on the right from the bowl. The kid should hold the "fishing rod" with one hand.

2. "Track"

Make a track 3-5 cm wide on the table, bounded on both sides by strips of paper. Offer your baby to sprinkle it with semolina or millet. You need to take the groats with three fingers and try not to spill over the edges of the path.

3. "Magic spoon"

Place two cups on the tray: on the left is a cup of cereal, and on the right is an empty one. Moving the child's hand, show him how to take the cereal with a spoon. Carefully bring the spoon to an empty cup and tip over it. Task: pour all the cereals from the left cup into the right one.

4. "Sweet tea"

Your baby can already put sugar in his tea on his own. Now teach him how to stir sugar in a mug.

5. "Salute"

The child takes small pieces of colored paper and tries to tear them as small as possible. He puts the torn pieces on a saucer. Then you need to take all the pieces in the palm of your hand and toss them up.

6. "Make a lump"

Give the child a piece of paper. His task: to crumple the sheet so that a dense lump is obtained.

7. "Spyglass"

The child takes a sheet of A4 paper and folds it into a tube with both hands, after which he brings the tube to the eye and examines the surrounding objects in it.

8. "Collect the sticks"

Place counting sticks in front of the child. The kid must collect them all one by one back into the box.

Massage of the palms and fingers with a prickly massage ball

1. The ball is between the palms of the child, fingers are pressed together. Massage the ball back and forth.

2. The ball is between the child's palms, fingers are pressed together. Make circular motions by rolling the ball over your palms.

3. While holding the ball with your fingertips, rotate forward (as if twisting the lid).

4. Holding the ball with the pads of your fingers, press them firmly on the ball (4-6 times).

5. While holding the ball with your fingertips, rotate backward (as if you were opening a lid).

6. Throw the ball with both hands to a height of 20-30 cm and catch it.

7. Clamp the ball between your palms, fingers are interlocked in a "lock", elbows are directed to the sides. Press down on the ball with your palms (4-6 times).

8. Shift the ball from one hand to the other, gradually increasing the tempo.

Exercises for the development of fine motor skills of hands for children 3 years old

1. "Labyrinth"

Draw a maze on a piece of paper. Let the baby walk over it with a pencil or just a finger. To make it more interesting for the child to complete the task, you can come up with a small fairy tale: tell where this labyrinth leads, to whom, who should go along it.

2. "Beads"

It develops the baby's hand well by stringing buttons, beads, pasta, dryers, etc. on a fishing line or thread. Start with objects with a wider hole - this will make it easier for the baby to master this task at first.

3. "Walk along the path"

Draw a simple path on a sheet of paper in a large cell. Ask the kid to circle it with a finger, a colored pencil. If the child copes with this task, draw a more difficult path.

4. "Figures"

From the age of 3, children can already be taught to cut geometric shapes with scissors and glue them on a sheet of paper. It is important that the scissors have rounded ends, that is, safe.

5. "Surprise"

Wrap the badge in 4-5 candy wrappers. Ask your child to unfold all the wrappers and fold them neatly.

6. "Clothespins on the basket"

Place a basket of clothespins on the table. Take the clothespin with three fingers and attach it to the edge of the basket. Invite your child to do the same. After the baby has mastered this, invite him to attach all the clothespins.

7. "Multi-colored clothespins"

There is a basket with colorful clothespins on the table. Ask the child to attach a white, red, blue, green ... clothespin to the edge of the basket with three fingers.

8. "Treat"

Invite your child to mold treats for toys from plasticine (drying, bagels, gingerbread cookies, cookies, sweets) and decorate them with cereals, beads, etc. Cut out plates from thick cardboard and ask the baby to beautifully lay out the prepared treats on them.

Finger games

A very important part of the work on the development of fine motor skills is finger games, which activate the child's brain, promote speech development and help prepare the hand for writing.

In the course of these games, children develop dexterity, the ability to control their actions and focus on one type of activity.

By the age of 5, children are already learning to perform tasks that require sufficient accuracy and consistency of hand movements.

All the exercises suggested here should be done at a slow pace, 3 to 5 times, first with one hand and then with the other. Make sure to follow them correctly. Exercise for a few minutes, 2-3 times a day.

1. "Kitten"

Squeeze and unclench the fingers of both hands.

You, kitten, are not food!
You'd better look for mom.

2. "Squirrel"

Extend all fingers one by one, starting with the thumb. Do the exercise with your right hand first and then with your left.

A squirrel is sitting on a cart
She sells nuts
Sparrow, titmouse,
To the fat-headed bear,
Zainke mustachioed.

3. "Tsap-scratch"

The child places his palm on top of yours. You read the rhyme, and the baby listens to you attentively. At the words "claw-scratch" he must pull back the handle so that his fingers do not fall into your "trap". Then the other hand comes into play. After a while, you can switch roles.

In the palm of your hand, along the path
There is a little cat walking
Into little paws
She hid the scratches.
If you suddenly want to -
Claws sharpen.

4. "Funny fingers"

Make a fist with your fingers. Unbend them one by one, starting with a large one. Then rotate the brush left and right 5 times.

Thumb - danced
Index - jumped,
Middle finger - squatted,
Nameless - everything was spinning
And the little finger was having fun.

5. "Fan"

Keep your palms in front of you, fingers pressed ("fan closed"). Spread wide, and then press your fingers together ("open and close the fan"). Wave your brushes towards yourself and away from you ("fanning yourself") 6-8 times.

6. "Peacock"

Attach all fingers of your left hand to your thumb. Palm right hand with open fingers, put it to the back of the left hand ("peacock's tail"). Connect and spread your fingers ("the peacock opens and closes the tail").

The cheerful peacock
Fruit basket full.
A peacock is waiting for friends
In the meantime, the peacock is alone.

7. "Butterfly"

Make a fist with your fingers. Alternately straighten the little finger, ring and middle fingers, and connect the thumb and forefinger in a ring. With straightened fingers, make quick movements ("butterfly flaps its wings") - first with one hand, then with the other hand.

8. “Get started!«

Bend your fingers to the palm one by one, starting with the little finger. Then, with your thumb, touch everyone else, as if lifting them to charge. After that, do the exercises - squeeze and unclench the cam 5 times.

The fifth finger was sound asleep.
The fourth finger was just dozing.
The third finger fell asleep.
The second finger was still yawning.
The first finger stood up cheerfully,
He raised everyone to charge.

Exercises for the development of fine motor skills of hands for children 3-4 years old

1. "Bumps on a plate"

Invite your child to roll pine, spruce, and cedar cones on a plate. First have him roll one bump, then two, three, and so on.

2. "Circle the subject"

You can circle everything that comes to hand: the bottom of the glass, an inverted saucer, your own palm, a spoon, etc.

3. "Magic pattern"

Poke holes in thick cardboard with an awl or nail - they should be arranged in a certain order and represent a geometric figure, drawing or pattern. Let the baby embroider the pattern with a thick needle and bright thread on his own.

4. "Sew a button"

Show your child how to sew on a button. Then have the baby do the same under your supervision.

5. "Multi-colored snowflakes"

Show your child how paper snowflakes are made. After the baby is able to cut the snowflake, ask him to color it. Have the child cut out a few more snowflakes and color them as well.

6. "Lace up your boot"

Show your child how to lace up the shoe in different ways. Lace up the boot with it first. After your toddler has mastered the lacing technique, ask him to lace up the shoe himself.

7. "Magic pipette"

Invite your child to play wizards. Paint a few colored spots on a piece of paper. Show your baby how to drop just one drop with a pipette. After that, let him drop a drop of water on each speck of color. Then watch with your child how the stain grows and turns into a pattern.

8. "Little Apothecary"

Tell your child about being a pharmacist. Then show him how to use the tweezers to lay out and transfer the beads from place to place. Beads of different sizes can be used in the game.

Massage of palms and fingers with natural materials

For children 4 years old, you can offer massage using pine, spruce, cedar cones, walnuts, hazelnuts.

1. "Twist the bump"

Take a pine cone and place it between your baby's palms. Ask your child to spin the bump (like a wheel) in different directions for about 2-3 minutes.

2. "Roll the bump"

First, the exercise is performed with one spruce cone, then with two. Rotate the bumps between your palms for 1-3 minutes.

3. "Catch the bump"

Take any bump. Ask the child to toss it up with both hands, and then also catch it with both hands. After the baby has mastered this exercise, you can complicate it: toss and catch a bump with one hand; toss a bump with your right hand, and catch with your left - and vice versa. The duration of the exercise is 2 minutes.

4. "Walnut"

Roll the nut over the palm of your right hand, then over back side left hand. The duration of the exercise is approximately 3 minutes.

5. "Sprinkle the nuts"

Transfer a handful of hazelnuts from one hand to the other. The duration of the exercise is 1-2 minutes.

6. "Nuts on a tray"

Place a handful of hazelnuts on a tray. Roll the nuts with your palms and the back of your hands. The duration of the exercise is 1-2 minutes.

7. "Grains"

Here you can use a variety of cereals: buckwheat, rice, millet, etc. And the exercises can also be very different: squeeze the grains in a fist, pour them from one hand to another, stir in a deep bowl, etc. Duration of each exercise 3 minutes.

8. "Affectionate feather"

Move the stylus along the surface of the child's palms and the back of the child's hands. The duration of the exercise is 3 minutes.

We work with plasticine

Here you will need several copies of the illustrations in this section. This will allow your little one to acquire the skill of neat work with plasticine. You can arrange an exhibition of his best works.

You will need different colored plasticine.

1. "Snowman"

Invite your child to decorate the snowman with plasticine. Let the baby work hard and smear the clay with his fingers, without going beyond the boundaries of the contour of the drawing.

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