Gymnastics of fine motor skills of hands. We develop fine motor skills in babies

What fine motor skills of the fingers ? So scientists call the movements of the small muscles of the hands and fingers and believe that improving these movements improves attention, memory, coordination and speech. At least in children. We, adults, do not play Lego often, and we sculpt from plasticine even less often, but we need fine motor skills. Because the warm-up, which helps to get rid of fatigue in the fingers, returns youth to the hands, the fingers from exercise acquire a graceful shape, and the skin, due to improved blood circulation, becomes more elastic and wrinkles appear on it less.

If you do regularly, at least once a day, taking a minute break during work, putting down the pen or moving the computer keyboard aside, you will feel vigorous and energetic with flexible and beautiful fingers. Hands should be given no less attention than everything else ... And recently it was discovered that those who work with their fingers grow their nails faster.

Exercise for the development of fine motor skills of the fingers No. 1. "Fingers together"

This is a record-holder exercise in the fight against wrinkles in the areas of the joints of the fingers, and also a good stretch for hands that are engaged in monotonous work.

Place your elbows on the table, fold your fingers as shown in the photo. Now spread your tense fingers to the sides as far as possible, without taking one hand from the other. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

Exercise for the development of fine motor skills of the fingers No. 2. "Question squarely"

That is, we do not pose any questions bluntly. On the contrary, we try to reduce the tension in the hands and fingers, and at the same time to calm down.

One hand is placed horizontally, palm up. Lightly tap it with the edge of the other palm for 30 seconds. Keep the fingers of the upper hand relaxed. We change hands and massage the phalanges of the fingers for another half a minute.

Exercise for the development of fine motor skills of the fingers No. 3. "Here's a turn"

And now an exercise that helps strengthen the joints and muscles of the wrists ... It will be especially useful for those whose hands work in a canopy position, for example, over a computer keyboard.

Fold your hands in a lock and, bending them in your hands, start slowly rotating them in a circle, first in a circle, and then counterclockwise. You can change the rhythm and rotate slower and faster for a minute.

Exercise for the development of fine motor skills of the fingers No. 4. Flexibility - 90 degrees

Fold your arms as shown in the picture, placing them horizontally at chest level. Place the palm of your right hand on the back of your left hand and push, but not very hard. Change hands. Repeat 5 times. Exercise trains and stretches the muscles and ligaments of the wrist, and, incidentally, strengthens the muscles of the chest.

Exercise for the development of fine motor skills of the fingers No. 5. "On pillows"

We use the desktop as a simulator without getting up from our place. Grasp the tabletop and, resting your fingertips on the underside of the tabletop, try to lift the table. Do not turn on the pectoral muscles, otherwise you can accidentally knock it over ... Repeat 5 times.

Exercise for the development of fine motor skills of the fingers No. 6. "Manual comb"

The fingers of one hand are straightened and spread, the fingers of the other are bent in the "comb" position. We put our hands on the table and with bent fingers of one hand we make "combing" movements from the tips to the base of the straightened fingers of the other. It is a good massage that improves blood circulation and prevents salt build-up. Make 10-12 movements up and down and change the position of the hands.

These are not complicated exercises for the development of fine motor skills of the fingers everyone will master, do them regularly to achieve the desired effect. Be healthy!!!

If you are attentive parents, concentrating on scanning the information space for an effective method of teaching a preschooler, then, no doubt, you have already heard about the need to develop fine motor skills in your baby. However, even those who do not really delve into "children's topics" have heard about fine motor skills today.

Fine motor development: justified necessity or fashion trend?

Let us recall that due to active training of small muscles of fingers and hands, the following develop:

  • articulation apparatus and sound recognition system;
  • attention and memory;
  • intelligence;
  • imagination.

For the development of fine motor skills, a lot of ready-made games and toys are offered. One might get the impression that an entire industry is devoted to this direction of raising children in their first years of life.

But after all, our mothers and fathers, like their mothers and fathers, and entire generations of mothers and fathers before them, somehow raised their offspring without lacing, business boards, sorters and other liner frames. The usual cubes with a pyramid were enough, and the lucky ones had an unpretentious mosaic at home. So, maybe there is no need for all these tricks-wisdom and our children? We declare authoritatively: "Why!"

We, and even more so generations before us, were raised in completely different conditions:

  • We had lace-up shoes, which we dashingly coped with already in the younger group of kindergarten. Today, even 8-10-year-olds are experiencing problems with elementary laces.
  • Our parents and grandparents did not have computers or smartphones. Even televisions literally 25-30 years ago were not in every family. The families spent their leisure hours at needlework: mothers knitted and embroidered, fathers chipped and brazed. Well, we, of course, adopted their passion and also tried to create something with our own hands.
  • Our parents did not have so many electronic assistants - multicooker, food processor, robotic vacuum cleaner, automatic washing machine and other delights of modern civilization. They (previous generations of parents) were forced to work hard around the house, and we were forced to help them no less diligently: sorting out cereals, digging up beds, sweeping, etc.

Now children are protected from housework as long as possible. Their clothes are with Velcro and zippers. They have fun watching cartoons or playing computer games. Where is the finger work? In the natural environment of a modern child, there is practically no place for it. Therefore, it is important to consciously introduce crumbs of exercises for the development of fine motor skills into the daily routine. What exercises are suitable for this purpose? Eureka knows!

Simple and effective fine motor exercises

Exercise 1: Massage the hands

Already a newborn baby can and should knead the pens. Crumple and stroke your palms, gently pinch the skin, stretch the joints and make rotational movements with them. All manipulations should be light, without undue zeal. You can sentence nursery rhymes. The most popular, of course, is the magpie-crow. But she is far from the only one. You can come up with simple rhymes yourself or use ready-made ones. For example:

  1. Stroke the handle with a pen,

Rub your finger with your finger,

Let's take a little rest

And then we'll start again.

2. Finger boy, where have you been?

I went to the forest with this brother,

I cooked cabbage soup with this brother,

I ate porridge with this brother,

I sang songs with this brother.

Exercise 2: Finger gymnastics

The purpose of the lesson is to train fingers, develop hands, teach to coordinate actions. Exercises can be anything you like. The very first and simplest, already available to babies 5-6 months old, are "goodies". While pronouncing a funny rhyme, play with the baby: fingers are as straight as possible, pressed together. The palms beat each other in time with the words of the nursery rhyme:

Okay, okay!

Where were you? By Grandma!

What did you eat? Porridge,

What did you drink? Mint!

Okay, okay,

We're going to grandma's again!

Let the baby tap with his fists on different surfaces, bend and unbend his fingers, spread them and stretch his palms up, "run" with his fingers on the table, and make circular movements with his pens.

Closer to three years old, you can give your child a finger theater, which will give such gymnastics a new meaning.

Exercise 3: Handling paper

Folding paper figures without scissors and glue (origami), as well as creating pictures with glue and cut out paper elements (appliqués) is a great way to develop fine motor skills at any age from three years old and older. In early childhood, however, the skills required for these creative pursuits are still lacking. Therefore, you can offer the crumbs to simply tear the paper.

Tearing can be done as early as 7-8 months. The main thing is to explain that you can tear only those pieces of paper given by the parents.

To give this lesson meaning, you can create some crafts yourself from scraps:

  • a simple postcard;
  • Christmas tree toy;
  • panel.

With an older child - from a year or more - the paper can still be flipped. For this, children's books or glossy magazines are well suited. Make sure that the baby gently grips the pages with his fingers, flipping through them one by one. This seemingly very simple exercise causes a lot of difficulties for babies.

Exercise 4: Cinderella

Remember, in the fairy tale "Cinderella" the evil stepmother forced the main character to sort out lentils and peas (depending on the version of the tale, translation and film adaptation of cereals may vary, but this is not about that now). You, of course, love your child. And, unlike the malicious new wife of Cinderella's dad, it is out of love that you invite the baby to repeat the feat of the forcedly hardworking girl.

You can go through different items:

  • multi-colored beads: red - to the left, blue - to the right;
  • buttons of different sizes: large - in a jar, small - in a box;
  • clothespins of various textures: wooden - on the table, plastic - under the table ...

Be creative and enjoy creative early development.

Exercise 5: hide and seek

Play hide and seek with your baby. Only you and not a child will be hiding. You need to hide any small object - a pea, a bead, a small ball, etc.

For this play exercise, prepare several jars with screw caps. Jars can be of different sizes, different colors, from different materials. The kid needs to carefully take a pea (or an alternative object) with his fingers, place it in a jar and close the jar with a lid. Believe me, a child aged 10 months and older can be fascinated by this activity for a very long time.

At first, the handles will be naughty: the pea now and then strives to jump out and roll away, and the harmful lids do not want to screw in any way. But be patient and encourage your baby to try again and again.

  • Let him hide small candies from Varya's doll - if Varenka finds a candy, he will eat it, and her teeth will hurt. I must save Varya, hide the candy.
  • You can hide the seed from Mr. Rain (draw a thundercloud and rain on a white sheet). If Mr. Rain finds a seed, he will soak it, and the seed will not be able to grow.
  • Rich man Orange is looking for little Fasolinka to make her work as a laborer, and we will save Fasolinka. Let's hide it in the house and close the house with a lid.

Come up with interesting stories with your child's favorite toys and fairy-tale characters familiar to him. So the exercise will become more fun, which means that its effectiveness will increase significantly.

  1. Exercises for the development of fine motor skills should be organically woven into the canvas of every day of the child's life. For a newborn, you independently knead the arms and legs. As they grow up, the child is more and more actively working on small muscles on their own.
  2. You may not be able to use all of the suggested exercises. You can change the conditions of the games to develop fine motor skills. You can do several exercises every day, or you can devote the entire session to only one exercise. The main thing is that the child's fingers and hands work, train, and the child himself perceives what is happening as an interesting game.
  3. Combine different areas of early development. Working on fine motor skills, you train memory and attention: the baby needs to repeat movements after you, fold pieces of paper according to a model, or remember a fairy tale, the characters of which you used to play for the development of fine motor skills.
  4. During massage and gymnastics, be sure to talk to the baby, even if the baby is only a few days old. It is very important that correct speech surrounds the little person from birth. Speak in a soft, affectionate, emotional voice, but do not distort words, do not imitate non-existent "childish language". During the massage, smile at the child and make faces, sing and recite rhymes. The more actively you interact with the foolish child, the sooner you will notice how smart and quick-witted he really is.

Happy parenting, friends!

Every modern mom understands the importance of developing fine motor skills of her hands for her baby. But not everyone knows how to properly develop fine motor skills in their children, what exercises must be performed for this, and what improvised means to use. Before we talk about exercises and activities that stimulate motor skills in children, let's understand the very essence of this concept and the tools of its influence on the development of the baby.

The main thing in the article

Fine motor skills of a child under 3 years old

Fine motor skills are the ability to perform various rather small manipulations using the hands and fingers for this. In other words, it is an improved concept of "agility". The accuracy of the child's hand and finger movements is explained by the coordination and purposefulness of the important systems of his body, both muscular and nervous.

The fine motor skills of a child under 3 years old consists of a large number of very different actions: first, the baby learns to grab a toy, a little later - he already knows how to feel its component parts, and at 2-3 years old he acquires the first drawing skills, diligently holding a pencil or pen.

A newborn baby first examines his little hands, and then, through his first toys, learns to control his movements. The first "grips" of objects are performed with the whole palm, and by six months he can take a toy with only two fingers.

Parents should promptly teach the child to hold a spoon, pencil or brush correctly for drawing: all these are necessary, basic exercises for improving his fine motor skills.

It has been proven that fine motor skills are directly related to the central nervous system of a child. Its influence on vision, hearing, memory, reaction speed, perception, speech development is very great.

In the child's brain, the centers responsible for motor skills and speech "coexist" with each other. By stimulating the motor skills of the fingertips, we activate the speech center.

In an effort to develop fine motor skills in children, parents use many different ways. We will focus on the most interesting and original ones.

Fine motor cereals

For the development of fine motor skills in children, various cereals have been used for a long time. Not too small ones are most suitable: buckwheat, rice, pearl barley, oatmeal, as well as seeds. The smallest explorers are allowed to play with beans, peas, corn, different varieties of pasta (horns, noodles, shells).

Pour cereal into a deep bowl and give it to the child. The kid will touch such "material" for the game, sprinkle the cereal through his fingers, strive to take a separate grain and examine it in more detail. This will not only stimulate the development of his motor skills, but also improve his tactile sensations.

Important: during classes, do not leave the baby alone, in order to avoid an accident: the crumb can swallow a grain or choke on it.

If you are still afraid of letting your child play with cereals in their pure form, we suggest that you take several linen bags and, filling them with different types of cereals, let the child feel them. This technique is also a great exercise for developing finger dexterity.

When the child reaches 2-3 years old, it will be possible to conduct more complex and interesting activities with him, with the participation of various croup, for example:

  • mom draws an image on a sheet of paper (it is better for it to be a funny animal: a cat, a dog, a bear, so that the baby is interested);
  • the child is invited to cover the drawing with a thin layer of glue using a brush;
  • then it is necessary to "paint" the drawing using cereals. For example, we put buckwheat on the ears, barley on the abdomen, and cover the legs with millet.

Over time, the cereals will stick to the image, and such a masterpiece of a little artist can be framed and admired for a long time.

Drawing for fine motor skills

Drawing is not only a great way to diversify a child's leisure time, but also a great method to improve his fine motor skills. For starters, it is important to teach your toddler how to hold a pen, pencil and watercolor brush correctly. Please be patient: not every child can do it the first time. But when the child is already confidently holding the "tool" in her fingers, you can start simple exercises.

You can draw not only with pencils, paints or hands: use other "tools" for arts, such as cotton swabs or foam sponges.

Connecting items for motor skills

Disassembling and putting together various items is a great training for a child's fine motor skills. We offer you some interesting exercises that will captivate even the most restless kid for a long time:

Today, toys-labyrinths for babies are very popular, in which wooden parts of various shapes and colors are "rolled" along a twisted wire. Tactile contact with natural wood is in itself very useful for the baby, and the connection of small parts in such a labyrinth will be an excellent training for his fingers.

Exercises for fine motor skills of hands in a child

Elementary and simple exercises are the best way to develop your baby's fine motor skills. The smallest toddlers can massage their palms, stroke, lightly press and massage the pads of each finger.

Then, when the baby is already watching your actions with interest, drive on his palm, pronouncing various nursery rhymes and sayings, for example, the "Magpie-crow" known to everyone from infancy. Play "Ladushki" with your baby - this is how your child will learn to clap, bend and straighten his fingers.

When the child is 6-7 months old, you can let him play with paper. Give him a few sheets of colored paper, preferably soft. He will begin to examine it, and then begin to tear it into small pieces: at his age, this is an extremely useful and exciting activity that will make him squeal with delight.

For older children, as an exercise for motor skills, you can offer modeling from plasticine or salt dough, as well as the lacing mentioned above.

You can use a variety of objects that differ in texture and size to improve motor skills.

And the most basic finger exercises are as follows:

  • the fingers are compressed into a fist, then the child rotates the brush to the left, then to the right. Repeat the exercise 5 times;
  • fingers are compressed with force into a fist and gently unclenched;
  • straighten your fingers, and then bend and straighten the first 2 phalanges; repeat 5-7 times;
  • game "fan": spread straight fingers, starting with the little finger, bend in a fan-like motion. When all fingers are collected in a fist, carry out the exercise, starting with the thumb.

Finger games for hand motor skills

Finger games are necessary not only for the child: they are a good help for the mother who brings him up. After all, this is not only an excellent method for developing the baby's motor skills, but also a great way to distract him and cheer him up: each such game is usually accompanied by a funny rhyme or nursery rhyme.

Children who regularly and with pleasure perform finger exercises begin to speak faster than their peers, learn the basics of writing, have good memory and motor coordination. They are more collected and stress-resistant. Finger games are necessary for the child as often as possible: it is best to do them every day.

It is very important to verbally entertain the child in the process of such a game. A huge arsenal of finger games, tasks and trainings with funny, funny sayings is presented. Choose the game to your liking, have fun and develop!

Finger development for preschool children

For preschool children, the main attributes and assistants of finger development are crafts making classes, which, in addition to motor skills, also develop imagination, creative skills, the ability and desire to make crafts.

Buy baby safety scissors, colored cardboard and paper for your child. It is necessary to teach him how to cut, use glue, create bright applications and make crafts.

Collect dry, colorful leaves outside and create a bright autumn panel out of them.

These activities are necessary not only for finger development, they will also develop the child's creative thinking, perseverance and attentiveness. The skills gained in the process of such games will definitely come in handy in kindergarten and school.

Musical games for hand motor skills

If you expect your child to be musical achievements, introduce him to a variety of musical instruments from infancy. Pressing buttons and keys perfectly develops the motor skills of children's fingers, and the accompanying sound helps the little man understand the connection between his actions and the music being played.

Children's pianos, tambourines, drums, accordions, maracas, xylophones and balalaikas are well suited for such activities. In the process of musical games, not only fine motor skills develop and the work of the fingers as a whole is activated, but visual-motor coordination, sensorics and the mental sphere are also improved, the efforts of the fingers and hands of the child are regulated.

Fine motor disorders

In early childhood, the violation of the development of motor functions is especially noticeable, and pulls tangible consequences. After all, the speech development of the baby is directly related to his motor skills and depends on the degree of development of the movements of the hands and fingers. Disorders of fine motor skills can be talked about when a child:

  • constrained, has poor coordination;
  • sluggish and awkward;
  • often drops objects;
  • rarely participates in outdoor games, it is difficult for him to serve and catch the ball;
  • at the age of 3-4 years can not properly hold a pencil and draw a straight line;
  • there is a noticeable inconsistency in the actions of the child's hands.

Statistics: about 5% of all preschool children suffer from fine motor and motor coordination disorders, the vast majority of them are boys.

However, the diagnosis of "movement disorder" itself should be made by the doctor, and if you suspect that your baby has some delay in the development of motor skills, take preventive measures with him: perform finger massage and gymnastics for fine motor skills of the hands.

Gymnastics for fine motor skills of hands

We offer you to get acquainted with some gymnastics techniques to improve the motor skills of the child's hands from the video.

Regularly doing the various exercises presented in our article will definitely give tangible results, not only in terms of improving fine motor skills: it will also help your baby to master the correct speech.


The development of fine motor skills for children is very important - after all, those areas of the brain that are responsible for the movements of the fingers are closely connected with the speech centers. Therefore, by developing fine motor skills in a baby, you, first of all, develop his speech, train his memory, and also teach his hands to more painstaking work - writing, self-buttoning and so on.

Until the child goes to school, his development mainly takes place with the help of a playful form. Below we present some of the best exercises for developing baby fingers and speech.


So, the exercises are carried out with the help of improvised items and products. We present to your attention the following exercises.

With clothespins

The rules are simple - the kid's task is to decorate a cardboard animal figurine or any other object with clothespins. First, the clothespins are put into place and then removed by the child. Make sure that the baby did not rip them off, but took them off by pressing his fingers. Further, the lesson can be complicated by asking the kid to sort certain colors on a multi-colored circle.

Sorting cereals

Of course, such an activity is quite boring for a child. Therefore, we will use a game form. For example, offer to sort the beans and buckwheat to feed the chicken and rooster. Another option is to place images of a rooster, hen and chicken in a row. We put beans in the first basket, the second - a pea, and for the chicken the smallest grain of buckwheat.

Another croup exercise. We put 2 bowls in front of the baby. Pour buckwheat or other cereals into one of them. We give the child a plastic spoon and have him pour the contents into an empty bowl. In general, it is good to exercise with cereals in the kitchen. For example, a mom needs to cook dinner and her baby distracts her. We give him a bowl of any grains and continue to cook quietly. Only the crumb must be in the field of view.

With the use of cereals, you can play the game Sacks. To do this, put beans, buckwheat, millet and rice into woven bags. Sew them up or tie them. We let the child feel and guess what kind of cereal is where. This activity is suitable for children from 3 years old.

To get the baby interested, take a plastic yogurt bottle and cut a hole. Next we glue the image of a bird. Invite your child to feed the bird through the hole. All children will love it!

Drawing with cotton swabs

You've probably noticed that most kids pick up a pen or pencil incorrectly. To teach them how to do it correctly, have your child draw with a cotton swab. As a rule, children take it correctly. Now give the task to put dots on the dress of the drawn princess or on any other drawing. Gradually, the hand will train.

Alternatively, ask to anoint the sores of the painted elephant with brilliant green.

Or start playing exercise - heal the tooth. Draw caries on the drawn tooth with a pencil. On top of these places we drip glue. Invite your child to glue the pieces of cotton with a cotton swab.

Drawing on semolina

Pour a layer of cereal onto a flat plate. Now invite your kid to draw the sun, rain, clouds and others. Performing such a task, the child performs a finger massage. A similar task is to carry out excavations in buckwheat groats. Place the cereal in a bowl and bury a few small toys in it. Ask your kid to find them.

Draw a snowflake with PVA glue on a dark sheet of paper. Now the kid can take the semolina and sprinkle the contours of the drawing. As soon as the glue dries, we shake off the remnants of the semolina - the masterpiece is ready! You can draw not only a snowflake, but also any other ornaments.

Modeling from soft plasticine

Perhaps the most favorite activity of kids. It's also very useful! The child can roll sausages, make balls. It is also very useful to smear the clay on a sheet of paper. Example - draw a mitten. The child smears plasticine within the contour. Then ask him to decorate the mitten with beans, millet, curly pasta, and other foods.

Making a simple figurine. We sculpt a hedgehog from plasticine - a ball. Then the baby must stick matches into it, imitating needles. In principle, any animal, even a non-existent animal, can be made this way. Let the child show imagination.

From scrap materials

Pour water into a deep bowl and place many small items in it. Have the child catch them one at a time.

Lowering small objects into holes. For example, beans. To get the baby interested, take a plastic yogurt bottle and cut a hole. Next we glue the image of a bird. Invite your child to feed the bird through the hole. Kids will love this exercise!

Draw the outline of an animal or flower on paper. Lubricate with PVA glue. Ask your toddler to tear the colored napkins into small pieces. They then need to be glued to paper in a chaotic manner. This can also be done on the sea, forest or clouds.

On a walk, feed the birds more often with old bread, millet. Children really like this activity! By the way, you can feed the bird at home, if suddenly you could not go outside. To do this, draw a bird on a large sheet of paper. We give the child cereal and ask him to feed, for example, a chicken. The crumb will sprinkle the grains on a sheet of paper. As soon as the bird is full, it will definitely say thank you and fly away.

Execution rules

To make the child and parents comfortable to study, you need to adhere to several rules:

  1. Organize your child's workplace - a small table and chair.
  2. Be sure to start exercising when your child is in a good mood. Otherwise, developmental exercises will be associated with negative emotions.
  3. Teach your child to order - to do this, at the end of the exercises, collect all the objects together and remove them. Create a separate folder for children's drawings and crafts.
  4. You cannot leave your child unattended! Particularly dangerous in this regard are small objects that the baby can stuff into the nose or mouth.
  5. Play funny nursery rhymes to keep the exercise positive.
  6. If the child does not want to play, do not insist. Suggest doing this later.


Systematic exercises for training the movements of the fingers have a stimulating effect on the development of speech. This has been proven by a number of researchers (MI Koltsova, EI Isenina, AV Antakova-Fomina, and others). It is advisable to carry out work on the development of fine motor skills of the hands systematically, giving it 5-10 minutes daily. For this purpose, a variety of games and exercises can be used.

For the formation of fine movements of the fingers, finger games can be used, accompanied by the reading of folk poetry.

"Sitting squirrel ..."

A squirrel is sitting on a cart

She sells nuts:


Sparrow, titmouse,

To the fat-headed bear,

Zainke mustache.

An adult and a child, using the left hand, bend the fingers of the right hand in turn, starting with the thumb.


Girls and boys are friends in our group

(fingers are connected in a "lock").

You and I will make friends little fingers

(rhythmic touch of the same fingers of both hands).

One, two, three, four, five

(alternately touching the fingers of the same name, starting with the little fingers),

One, two, three, four, five.

(hands down, shake hands).

"House and gate"

There is a house in the meadow ("house"),

Well, the way to the house is closed ("gate").

We open the gates (palms turn parallel to each other),

We invite you to this house ("house").

Along with such games, a variety of exercises without speech support can be used:


The tip of the thumb of the right hand alternately touches the tips of the index, middle, ring and pinky fingers;

Perform the same exercise with the fingers of the left hand;

Perform the same movements simultaneously with the fingers of the right and left hand;

"Fingers greet"

Connect the fingers of both hands with a "house". The tips of the fingers take turns slapping each other, greeting big to large, then index to index, etc.


Straighten the index finger of the right hand and rotate it;

The same with the left hand;

The same with two hands;

"Little Man"

The index and middle fingers "run" on the table;

Perform the same movements with the fingers of the left hand;

Perform the same movements simultaneously with the fingers of both hands ("children are running a race");


Extend the index finger and little finger of the right hand;


Form two circles from the thumb and forefinger of both hands, connect them;


Pull up the index and middle fingers of the right hand, and connect the tips of the ring finger and little finger to the tip of the thumb;

Perform the same exercise with the fingers of the left hand;

Perform the same exercise simultaneously with the fingers of both hands;


Raise both hands with palms towards you, spread your fingers wide;

"Birds are flying"

With the fingers of both hands, raised towards you with the back side, make up and down movements;

"Flexion-extension of the fingers"

Bend the fingers of the right hand alternately, starting with the thumb;

Perform the same exercise, only bending the fingers, starting with the little finger;

Bend the fingers of the right hand into a fist, alternately straighten them, starting with the thumb;

Perform the same exercise, only straighten your fingers, starting with the little finger;

Perform the two previous exercises with the fingers of the left hand;

"Keg of water"

Bend the fingers of the left hand into a fist, leaving a hole on top;

"A bowl"

Bend the fingers of both hands slightly and attach to each other;


Connect the tips of the fingers of the right and left hands at an angle;


Hands in the same position as in the previous exercise, only place the index fingers in a horizontal position in front of the roof;


Hands in an upright position, press the palms of both hands together, then slightly move them apart, rounding your fingers;

"Plant roots"

Press your hands with the backs to each other, lower your fingers down;

At the same time, turn your hands up with your palms upside down, accompanying the movements with a poetic text: "Grandma bakes pancakes, they are very tasty";

Simultaneously clench the hands into a fist - unclench, with each movement put fists and palms on the table;

Put your hands on the table: one hand is clenched into a fist, the other is open. Change positions at the same time.


On the plane of the table, three positions of the hand successively replace each other. It is performed 8-10 times with the right hand, then with the left, then with both hands.

The games and exercises described above provide good training for the fingers, contribute to the development of isolated movements, and the development of the accuracy of finger movements.

The development of hand motor skills is also facilitated by:

Classes with plasticine, clay, salt dough, small building materials, constructor;

Stringing beads, beading;

Laying out drawings, letters from matches, folding wells;

Simultaneously fold buttons into the box with your left and right hand;

Stencil drawing of letters, geometric shapes, shading;

Drawing on points, dotted lines;

Hand massage.

It is carried out first on one hand, then on the other.

1. Stroking from the fingertips to the middle of the hand from the outside and back

2. Kneading the fingers: intense circular motions around each finger

3. Exercise "Magpie-white-sided"

4. Intense thumb movements back and forth, up and down, in a circle

5. Flexion-extension of all fingers at the same time

6. Flexion-extension of the arm in the wrist joint

7. Intensive rubbing of each finger

8. Acupressure massage of each finger between the phalanges from the lateral and frontal-back sides

9. "Fingers go to sleep": alternate bending of the fingers, then their simultaneous straightening, accompanied by a poem:

This finger wants to sleep

This finger jumped into bed

This finger nipped

This finger has already fallen asleep.

Hush, finger, don't make a noise,

Do not wake the brothers up.

Fingers stood up, hurray!

It's time to go to kindergarten.

10. "Fingers greet"

11. Repeat the first exercise.

Developing fingers - developing speech

Sent by Galina Yakovlevna Livshits, speech therapist, Moscow

Speech is an activity that requires the formation of auditory and visual functions, as well as motor skills. For the correct pronunciation of the sound, the child needs to reproduce the articulatory structure, which consists of a complex set of movements.

NM Sechenov wrote that “every sensation is mixed by nature. Muscle sensations are necessarily mixed with it, which are stronger in comparison with others. "

The interrelation between the development of speech and the formation of not only articulatory, but also general, AND FINE MOTORICS IS UNDERLINED BY MANY SPECIALISTS. The development of the motor apparatus is a factor that stimulates the development of speech, and it plays a leading role in the formation of neuropsychic processes in children.

On the basis of numerous observations and studies, a pattern has been revealed: if the development of finger movements corresponds to age, then speech development is within the normal range. If the development of the motor skills of the fingers lags behind, then speech development is also delayed, although the general motor skills may be normal. This interdependence is observed to a greater extent in the preschool age and weakens as the cerebral cortex matures.

Therefore, for a full and dynamic speech development of the child, it is recommended to stimulate him by training the movements of the fingers. The role of such training is especially great for children with speech impairments. Most of them have pronounced deviations in the formation of fine movements of the fingers - movements that are not precise and not coordinated.

One of the most popular types of work for the development of fine motor skills of the fingers is speech games with fingers. Finger gymnastics creates a favorable background, contributes to the development of the ability to listen and understand the content of nursery rhymes, to catch the rhythm of speech, and increases the speech activity of children.

Here are some examples of finger speech activities that you can practice with your children at home.

"Fingers greet"

Four brothers are walking

Towards the elder (Fingers connect rhythmically),

Hello big! (with a large, pinch)

Great, Vaska is a pointer! (large connects with forefinger)

Great, Bear is the middle! (large connects to medium)

Great, Grishka is an orphan! (large connects with unnamed)

Yes you, Baby - Timoshka! (the big one connects with the little finger)

I want to note that this finger gymnastics has a positive effect on the switchability and concentration of attention of children. Therefore, it can be performed in the course of any other activities when the child is tired, as a means of increasing attention.

"Good Brothers"

Come on, brothers to work,

Show your hunting (hands are clenched into a fist).

To chop wood with a big bolshak (unbend thumbs),

To heat all the stoves for you (extends his index fingers),

And you carry water (unbends middle fingers),

And you cook dinner (unbends ring fingers),

And you knead bread (unbends little fingers).

"This finger"

This finger is a grandfather

This finger is a grandmother

This finger is a daddy

This finger is mommy

This finger is our baby!

(alternately bend your fingers into a cam)

"Little Men"

Index and middle fingers "run" on the table with the words: "Children ran along the river in a race."


We chop cabbage, chop (tap the edge of the palm on the table),

We are three, three carrots (alternately "rub" on the table with your palm and fist),

We salt the cabbage, salt (movements that imitate salting),

We squeeze cabbage, squeeze (we squeeze our fists with force, and then unclench it).

In addition to finger gymnastics, there are many types for the development of fine motor skills of the fingers, which are very easy and simply necessary to do at home:

Folding various flat figures from matches or counting sticks (from simple geometric shapes to more complex ones: a rocket, a house, a dog, etc.);

Stringing beads (you can use both ready-made needlework kits and natural materials);

Sewing with a lace (you can use both ready-made manuals that are sold in the store, and home-made ones: in the cardboard with a hole punch you can make holes randomly or come up with a pattern, and the child can pass the lace through these holes, "sew");

You can tear the paper into small pieces, and then make applications out of it;

Collect various mosaics.

All of the above types of activities are very simple, but they will bring both you and your child great pleasure from working together and communicating.

Rash sand, pour some water! Montessori games at home and in the country

Age features of the development of a child from the first year of life

Handbook "If the child is behind in development"

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