Exercises for the joints of the hands with arthrosis. Remedial gymnastics for fingers Exercise Thumb touch

Hands - irreplaceable helpers in the everyday worries of a person. Strength, allows you to perform daily affairs and engage in painstaking professional activities. Numerous diseases and lack of proper physical training lead to atrophy of the muscles of the hands, a change in the state of bone and articular tissue.

To give strength and confident movements to such an important part of the body and prevent the development of the disease, you need to regularly do exercises for the hands.

How to properly train this muscle group

Workouts, consisting of, are carried out according to the same rules as regular strength training. They must have 3 components in their structure:

  1. Warm-up;
  2. The main set of exercises;
  3. A hitch.

Each person needs a gradual increase in the load, even if an experienced athlete starts training.


The basic rule of gymnastics is that the last repetitions of the movements must be performed through effort.

The structure of the training is built so that the movements performed affect all the functionality of the hands. Therefore, 4 types of exercises are used:

  1. Compressive. The work of joints and muscles is regulated with the help of.
  2. Retainers. Training is carried out by lifting weights, as well as holdings.
  3. Plucked. Attention is focused on holding weights with two or three fingers.
  4. Power. The load on the fingers and hand is carried out using and holding the object.

The workout includes all 4 functional views loads so that the musculature of the hand develops evenly.

Warm up for brushes

Warm-up exercises for hands playing important role all in all training process... The overall effectiveness of training depends on the quality of their implementation. Before the main complex it is necessary to "warm up" well: hold your hands in hot water or do a light massage. If you skip this step, you will experience severe pain in muscles and joints after training.

  1. Clench your fists and do a few circular movements.
  2. Place your fist on the table. Take one finger at a time from your fist. Be sure to keep the rest of your fingers still during this process.
  3. Spread your straightened arms out to the sides. Make a few circular motions with your wrists in one direction and then in the other direction.
  4. Do wrist flexion for 1 minute with each hand.

The duration of the warm-up depends on the level of preparedness of the person. Most often, it takes about 8-10 minutes.

Compressive force training

The compressive force of the hand is clearly seen when shaking hands. An “iron” hand shake indicates excellent compressive strength. Exercises performed with an expander are effective for developing this strength. You can also use special rubber rings.

They begin classes with an expander or a rubber ring, with the help of which no more than 10 squeezes are done in one approach. Stiffer devices are used a month after regular exercise.

Other exercises that develop squeezing force include chopping wood. Residents of high-rise buildings can replace it by lifting a broom with their fingertips.

Holding force training

It is possible to develop the holding force only in parallel with the compressive ability. "Tools" for training are dumbbells or a bar. With them, workouts that develop the muscles of the arms will be more difficult, but more effective. They will “work out” the forearm and strengthen the hands.

  1. An exercise called Farmer's Walk has been found to be very effective. Despite the intriguing name, it looks uncomplicated and simple. The exercising person needs to take dumbbells heavy weight and "walk" with them around the hall. The "walk" is continued until a sensation appears. Between workouts during which this exercise is done, there must be an interval of 5 days.
  2. Hanging on four fingers. Using, you need to hang on it, keeping your body weight on 4 fingers. Big "brothers" do not participate in training.
  3. To enhance the effect of training, the bar is wrapped in a cloth or towel. And they hold it with 4 fingers on their outstretched arms. Such a homemade "expander" can lead to serious injury, so it is better to use special attachments for the neck.

Useful video - How to develop a strong grip! Kettlebell exercises (can be replaced with any projectile)

Pinch force training

Any "pumping" should be accompanied by special exercises to develop the strength and endurance of the entire hand and its individual elements. Particular attention should be paid to the thumb, because it is not involved in previous workouts. Retention of a smooth boom disk will give excellent results. Its weight at the initial stage of training should not exceed 10 kg.

  1. Take a thick elastic band with a medium diameter. Insert your fingers into it and try to spread them apart as far as possible. After reaching desired effect fix this position for 20-30 seconds. Do this exercise 2-3 times a week for best results.
  2. You will need a very stiff expander. You can do the exercise with its analogue, which has wooden handles. Squeezing the device to the end, fix the result with only your fingers for 30 seconds, then relax your hands.
  3. Use a regular wooden stick as a projectile. One end of it should "rest" against thumb, and others in turn are pressed on the pads of the "remaining brothers". During each movement, it is important to maintain a static tension for about 10 seconds.

In the absence of a stick, it is replaced with a rubber ball.

Wrist training

The training process for wrist strength is based on wrist flexion.

  1. Bend your wrist so that your elbow stays straight. You need to be in this position for half a minute. "Flex" your wrist without changing the position of the elbow. Repeat both movements 2 times.
  2. Sit down. Keep your back straight. Take small dumbbells prepared in advance weight category... Lower and then raise the weight 20 times. In total, you will need 3 sets per workout.
  3. Without changing the position and the projectile, make successive flexion and extension movements only with the brush. To improve balance, place the hand on the hip. The exercise is performed in 3 sets of 20 times.
  4. Squeeze your fingers while lifting the dumbbell. Perform the movements with your hands on your hips.


In order for the result of training to become strong wrists and their components, after "special" gymnastics, it is imperative to carry out. With this component training session muscle relaxation occurs, so there will be no soreness the next day.

  1. Extend your straight right arm so that your fingers hang freely. Grasp them with your left hand and "pull", feeling the muscle stretch. Relax. Repeat the same movements, changing hands.
  2. Stretch your straightened arm forward. Leaving the hand itself motionless, slowly "turn" the hand to the side. The movement is performed until the tension in the muscles reaches a maximum. Repeat the movement with the other hand.
  3. Place the folded palms of two hands in front of your chest with your fingers pointing up. Without lifting the brushes from the chest, move your fingers downward so that the brush radically changes its direction and they begin to "look" downward.
  4. Place your hands behind your back and fold your palms there. Press them hard against each other. Lower your arms and relax.

All exercises in this series are simple. They do not require any special effort. They can be used to relieve stiffness and discomfort in the hand and its components.

Systematic exercises will gradually bear fruit: beautiful, strong and well-groomed hands can easily cope with a heavy burden and even perform jewelry work with ease.

Video - How to effectively strengthen the hands (shows a combat sambo trainer)

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French TV presenter and author of the bestselling book "In 10 Weeks - 10 Years Younger" Camilla Voler has developed a set of exercises for beautiful breasts which is popular all over the world. No special equipment is required for training, so you can start right after reading the article.

Female half of the edition site I tried all these exercises on myself and invites you to include them in your daily program.

1. Exercise "Star Catcher"

This exercise plays the role of a warm-up, it corrects posture and strengthens the back.

Execution technique:

    Stand up straight with your head tilted up.

    Pull the right, then left hand, clenching them into a fist at each "capture" of the star.

2. Exercise "Elephant"

Performed to tighten the chest and strengthen the back muscles.

Execution technique:

  1. Stand up straight and extend your arms forward, palms up.
  2. Pick up a thick book / dumbbell.
  3. Spread your arms out to the sides, then bring them forward.

6. Exercise "Scissors"

7. Exercise "Albatross"

This exercise is performed to strengthen the pectoralis minor and pectoralis major muscles.

Execution technique:

  1. Stand up straight with your legs slightly apart.
  2. Stretch your arms parallel to the floor and palms up.
  3. Pull your arms back as far as possible and return to the starting position.

8. Exercise "Pillow"

Just like the previous exercise, the "Pillow" affects the pectoralis major and minor.

Execution technique:

  1. Stand up straight with your feet together.
  2. Take a pillow in your hands and squeeze and unclench it rhythmically with your palms.

9. Exercise "Cradle"

We carry heavy bags, roll strollers, in the end, just wash the floors - and we don't even know how tired our hands are from this endless load. It's time to pay more attention to them.

  • "Warm up" your hands: rub them together first with your palms, and then back side, clench and unclench your fists several times and gradually rub each finger - from pad to hand. In general, get your hands ready for your workout.
  • Attach the upper phalanx of a slightly bent index finger right hand to the middle of the left thumb. Lock your thumb (it should be motionless) and press firmly on it with your index finger. Then repeat the same with the rest of your fingers (5 times, like all other exercises) and change hands.
  • Lift up your left palm with tightly closed fingers and strain it. Bend the index finger with the right, rest the back of the upper phalanx on the fingers with the left and push off with force, straightening the finger. Repeat with each finger, and then with all four fingers at the same time.
  • Fold your hands with your palms inward and press them simultaneously and alternately so that your hands are bent at the wrists.
  • Fold your fingers into a lock, squeeze your hands tightly at the base and begin to press with the fingers of one hand on the other.
  • Put your fingers in the lock, hands at chest level. Stretch your arms out in front of you, "bend" the lock with your palms forward and stretch your arms properly.
  • Stretch your hand forward and grasp the tips of your fingers with the other. Gently pull the wrist of the outstretched hand towards you (palm outward) so that it bends at the wrist. Change hands.
  • One arm is extended forward, bent into a fist and turned "fingers up". Cover the fist with your other hand and gently pull it towards you, keeping your outstretched hand motionless if possible. Change your hand. Then do the same, but with the back of the fist up.
  • Clench your fist and start rotating it around your wrist to the right and left. This exercise can be done with both hands at the same time.

Finger exercises

In exercises for fingers, one important rule must be observed: all exercises should be performed at the highest possible speed for you. Thus, you will not only strengthen the joints, but also activate blood circulation.

  • Place your hands on the table, palms down, and begin to lift up one finger of each, leaving the rest motionless. Is it difficult to do with both hands at the same time? Alternate hands.
  • Tighten your fingers, begin to bend and unbend each finger separately (first in the middle, and then in the upper phalanx). If your fingers “don't obey,” hold them with your other hand. Change hands.
  • Sharply clench your fist and immediately unclench, spreading and straining your fingers as much as possible.
  • Tighten your thumb, pull it aside as much as possible and begin to rotate it to the right and left.
  • Connect the fingers of both hands so that the palms do not touch. Now press the fingers of one hand on the fingers of the other: such springy movements are useful not only for the fingers, but also for improving coordination of movements.

Tunnel Syndrome

You can avoid this joint disease, which is otherwise called "computer mouse syndrome", if you follow simple rules. When working at a computer, the arm at the elbow should be bent 90 degrees, and the wrist should lie on the table (on the mouse) as straight as possible. It is better to place not only the wrist on the table, but also the arm to the elbow - this will help redistribute the load. In other words, if possible, move the mouse as far away from the edge of the table as possible. Regularly, at least once every 2 hours, break away from the computer and do some relaxing arm exercises.

  • Place the fingers of both hands on the table (do not lower your hands, the hand rests on your fingers) and pretend that you are playing the piano.
  • Sit on a chair, put your hands down - let them "dangle" freely above the floor. Relax your forearms, and then shake your hands in different directions, trying to use only the shoulder muscles in this process.
  • A simple massage is perfect: apply cream on your hands and rub it into your palms and fingers in a circular motion clockwise and counterclockwise with light pressure.

Our hands work tirelessly every day. Therefore, gymnastics for the fingers is simply necessary to keep the joints and skin of the hands in order. After all hands get tired too, but not everyone pays due attention to their health, but in vain.

Gymnastics for the fingers - excellent prevention of various diseases of the joints and ligaments of the hand. In addition, there are exercises that develop mental activity that affect the health of our body as a whole.

Why do you need to watch your hands? There are a number of different exercises to develop our fine motor skills and hand limbs. Almost everyone healthy people such gymnastics is shown. Hand gymnastics exercises are aimed at preventing and treating diseases, for example, multiple sclerosis, arthrosis, head injuries, strokes, and others. Others promote the development of brain activity... In a playful way, they are used for children to develop thinking, attention, memory.

remember, that stimulation of each finger has a beneficial effect on the entire human body:

- the thumb is responsible for the department nervous system;

- the index finger will help the bones and muscles;

- the middle finger is responsible for the heart - vascular system;

- the ring finger affects gastrointestinal tract;

- the little finger is responsible for the excretory system and genitals.

More details in the picture:

How to make your fingers flexible and flexible

Sometimes, due to monotonous movements, our hands lose flexibility, dexterity, joints do not work at full strength. And now the fingers cease to obey, the person becomes awkward, everything falls out of hand.

Below is an example of gymnastics for the mobility of the fingers. In reality similar exercises a huge amount, but for a start it is worth taking the simplest ones. Gymnastics includes great exercise, but they will be more effective if you first do self-massage of your hands and fingers. Thus, the joints are toned, blood rushes to them, and they are ready for the upcoming load. Massage can be done with nourishing creams or oils.

Preliminary hand massage

1) We put our hand on the table one by one, completely relaxing it, stroking and then stretching manipulations are performed with the free hand. It is important that the hand is completely relaxed and the actions are as smooth and comfortable as possible.

2) "Washing" hands. The well-known movement is performed when washing hands. Worth giving Special attention to each joint, the fingers seem to be massaging each other.

3) Rotation of the brushes. Slowly rotate each brush in one direction and the other. It is important to describe as large a circle as possible, but without too much stress.

4) Put your fingers in the lock and make a stretching movement away from you. Many people click their joints in this way, but in this case it is necessary to perform slow, precisely stretching actions. Performing massage, you need to breathe evenly, calmly, do not overstrain the joints of the hand and fingers.

Exercises for mobility of the fingers

1) "Schelban"... With each finger we make a "click" one by one, while bending the fingers well.

2) "Salt"... Here you need to remember the movement with which food is usually salted. Starting with the index and thumb, then change the fingers. Rub the pads together clockwise and counterclockwise.

3) "Buttons"... The essence is the same as in the previous exercise, only the movements are not rubbing, but pressing.

4) "Figushki"... Everything is simple here. The usual "fig" needs to be done with all fingers, pushing the thumb between the rest in turn.

5) "Go here"... A finger gesture is used when it is necessary to call someone. Gymnastics for the fingers is simple here, the "beckoning" movement is performed by all fingers in turn.

6) "Cams"... Smoothly clench your fingers into a fist, then spread them wide.

7) "Ball"... It is important here that the ball fits freely in the palm of your hand, is not large or too small. A tennis ball is fine. You need to hold the ball in your palms and try to squeeze it.

8) "Clay"... Just sculpt something out of clay. For adults, this exercise may seem ridiculous, but it has greater efficiency, especially if you use medicinal white or gray clay, it is excellent against chondrosis. At the same time, you can give free rein to fantasy. It's never too late to develop your motor skills.

9) "Sudzhok"... There is a special massage ring called Sujok. Everything is very simple, we put on and remove the ring from the finger, you can rotate it.

Gymnastics to relax and relieve fatigue

It has already been mentioned that each finger is responsible for a specific organ system. Hand stimulation literally massages the entire body and the entire body. Even the ancient yogis actively used the principle: “hands heal”, acting on certain points. Oriental acupuncture works according to the same principle. Today you do not need to be a yogi or resort to exotic procedures to relax yourself at home. It is enough to know a few tricky, but very effective tricks, below are some of them.

1) "Piano" We put our hands on the table and imitate playing the piano, working out each finger. You can turn on music for mood.

2) "Painter" copy the movements with the painter's brush, as if painting a fence. For convenience, you can pick up a pen or a real brush. Move the brush up and down and left - right alternately.

3) "Stroking" You can do the exercise with a pillow, blanket, any soft surface. Some people use their pets, because contact with a pet is doubly relaxing. Perform stroking movements, can be combined with brushing, brushing and straining fingers. That is, the fingers are actively working, and not sliding along the surface.

4) "Hen" A very simple exercise. We put our elbows on the table, with a brush and fingers we need to depict a chicken, as we did in childhood. Next, we tilt the "head" down, as if the chicken is eating grain.

5) The most important relaxation exercise... Hands on your knees, fingers clenched into a fist. Hold and count to 10. With each count, squeeze harder and harder. After reaching 10, spread your palms and put them on your knees. Feel how the muscles relax, how heat is transferred to the knees.

Important! Performing such exercises, you need to concentrate as much as possible on your energy, relax. It is quite difficult to learn this (not everyone gets absolute relaxation, given the current rhythm of life), but with regular exercise, you can feel how the body stops being constrained, positive energy fills you, and you feel healthier.

Surprisingly, to keep the entire human body working, all you need to do is pay enough attention to your hands. There are many similar techniques for hands and fingers. It is important to choose exactly what a person needs at the moment. The gymnastics of each exercise should be carried out in 2-3 sets in order to keep the joints in good shape and to avoid possible problems.

After gymnastics, you will feel that the fatigue is gone. This is especially appreciated by professionals, whose work depends on the good work of the joints of the arms and hands.

If you are experiencing any discomfort in your hands, stretching or pain, make gymnastics from the video, and it will become much easier for you:

This is a rather fragile structure in the human body, and at the slightest careless or awkward movement, we immediately feel unpleasant painful sensations in this area: all even the smallest microtraumas we receive lead to in the hands. However, pain in the hands is not always associated with previous injuries. V this complex exercises, we'll tell you what to do if you have hands.

  • Lock in front of you and perform 10 rotations in clockwise direction. Repeat counterclockwise 10 times. This will increase flexibility and warm up your muscles at the same time.
  • Straighten your fingers and spread them apart until you feel tension. Hold for 10 seconds and relax. Then bend your fingers in and hold for 10 seconds. Relax.

  • With your arms outstretched in front of you, bend your fingers up. This will stretch the muscles on the front of your forearms. Hold for 10-12 seconds. Repeat two times. Then, bend your hands downward with your fingers to stretch the muscles on the dorsum of your forearms. Hold for 10-12 seconds. Repeat twice.

  • Stretch your arms out in front of you. Then slowly move your arms to the sides (without bending your arms) until you feel a stretch in the muscles of the inner forearms and. Hold for 5-10 seconds. 5. Fold your palms in front of you, finger over finger. Then bring your hands down, palms away from you. Next, hands forward, palms away from you. After that, hands up, palms away from you. Hold for 5-8 seconds.

  • Walk up to the wall, rest your elbows with your palms on the wall, arms straight, tilting your body forward. Now, with the help of the efforts of your hands, push yourself away from the wall, while keeping your fingers on the wall.

  • Sitting on, hands on the knees, palms down, so that the palms hang down. Take a small weight (dumbbell) and hold it in your palms. Without lifting your hands from your legs, raise the weighting device as high as possible and lower it. Repeat 12 times for 3 trips.

  • Take in your hand and hold the weight (dumbbells,) in front of you. With your free hand, hold your working hand in the wrist area. Perform 10 clockwise circular movements and 10 counterclockwise circular movements, for each hand. Maximum amplitude. If desired, the weight of the weighting agent can be increased.

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