Row of dumbbells to the sides. Row of a dumbbell to the belt in an incline: execution technique and video

Technical note, so let's not break with established traditions and consider an exercise called bent-over dumbbell rows. In the course of the post, we will get acquainted with the benefits, execution technique and various practical tricks of this basic movement for the development of the back muscles.

So there is a lot of work to be done, so let's get started.

Dumbbell Rows. What, why and why?

I'll start with a little background.

I was familiar with this exercise - bent-over dumbbell rowing, almost from the first day of visiting the gym - I saw how big guys perform it with prohibitive weights and everyone as one insists that this is a core exercise for creating a massive V-shaped back. Of course, my brave agility could not resist, and one day your humble servant tried to perform it on his own. I watched as it was done by more experienced swing, and the movement seemed to me understandable and ingenuous. However, every time I approached the apparatus and made a thrust, I did not feel my back “in one eye”, although the technique was set relatively well. In general, I did it - I did it for several weeks and realized that things are still there, it doesn't suit me somehow, and I scored until better times.

By the way, they have arrived, and now this is one of my favorite exercises for the back. Now I feel every millimeter of it when doing bent-over rows, but I had to get to that and know all the subtleties, nuances and pitfalls. We will talk about them further today, let's go.


Last time visiting gym, I increasingly began to notice that the barbell deadlift is performed by many amateurs in the gym, but the load is either "smeared" or shifted from the target muscle group. Therefore, it was decided to make some clarity, so that many performed the exercise with intelligence and results.

Bent over barbell row - to develop back thickness. The muscle atlas presents the following picture.


For better assimilation of the material, all further narration will be divided into subchapters.

Traction kinematics (barbell version)

The movement includes scapular contraction / contraction along with dorsal extension / contraction via the thoracolumbar region. It helps develop upper and mid-back thickness. In pulls, as a rule, the latissimus dorsi, rhomboid, round, trapezium and back extensors work. They require significant stabilization from the rotator cuff. This means that if the exercise is done correctly, then the muscles between the shoulder blades and below should work like crazy. However, for most people who go to the gym and do this exercise, anything works. (elbows, biceps, wrists, shoulders) but not the lats.

It is necessary to clearly understand, due to which muscles the movement occurs. And it happens due to the entire muscular layer of the back. The hand plays the role of only "grabbing" and "holding" the projectile.
Despite the fact that during movement, the arm flexes at the elbow joint, the flexor arms are statically tense in order to stabilize elbow joint... Work shoulder girdle manifests itself in the exercise by lifting up and accompanied by a rotation of the scapula. This, in turn, "turns on" the rhomboid muscles and the middle of the traps. The lowering of the projectile makes the diamond-shaped ones strain, and the small pectorals are also connected. Exercise is extremely popular among professional bodybuilders because in one fell swoop pumps the entire muscle mass of the back, while the risk of injury (especially without resting the leg on a horizontal surface), is minimal.


The main distinguishing features of the bent-over dumbbell row include:

№1. Good load and safety of injury

Free weight exercise uses a large amount of muscle in the upper body. It is similar to, however, while pulling a dumbbell creates less stress on the spine, which makes it a safer option for those who have problems (injuries) with the lower back.

No. 2. Massive back without any equipment

Bent over rows allow you to achieve an impressive size and V-shape of the back without resorting to isolation machines. Therefore, they can be used as home training exercises to strengthen and develop the back.

No. 3. Variability and "multidirectional" working out of the back

Because free weights are used, and there is no rigid attachment to the simulators, then the rows can be carried out from different positions and at different angles. So the back muscles will develop throughout the entire array and in full.

No. 4. Comprehensive exercise

In addition to targeting the back muscles, the bent-over dumbbell row also strengthens the lower back, improves posture and allows you to get rid of rounded shoulders.

No. 5. Benefits outside the gym

Not everyone goes to the gym for muscle volumes. Some people just want to be in good shape in order to maintain normal life. For example, people with sedentary work much more weak muscles backs in contrast to their "standing" counterparts. Therefore, the execution of the rods is a great help in everyday activities - a longer and more comfortable stay under a vertical load or an improvement in lifting and carrying characteristics when going shopping :).

So, let's move on to ...

Execution technique

At first glance, the exercise may seem like a series of "lightness", they say, pull yourself and pull, but this is not so. In order for the back to be pumped, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the technique and follow clear step-by-step instructions.

Step # 1.

Take a dumbbell with a comfortable handle width. Go to the horizontal bench. Raise your right leg (knee and shin) at the end of the bench so that the foot hangs slightly. Take the dumbbell in left hand (neutral grip)... Tilt your torso forward (up to parallel with the floor) and rest your right hand in front of you. The back is straight, the right arm and leg are on the bench, the dumbbell is in an extended position in the left hand, the left leg is next to the bench and slightly behind its end. This is the original starting position.

Step # 2.

Begin to slowly pull the dumbbell up and slightly back (towards the lower abdomen), while keeping your hand close to your body. Bring the dumbbell to the lower abdomen, leaving the body stationary and exhale. Concentrate on contracting your back / shoulder blades once you achieve full contraction.

Step # 3.

Lower the dumbbell straight down into starting position... Breathe in as soon as you complete this step. Repeat the specified number of times. Move to the other side and repeat for the right hand.

In the picture version, all this disgrace looks like this:

In motion, the thrust is ...

  • the dumbbell must be pulled not by the strength of the arm muscles, but by stretching-contraction of the back muscles.
  • the forearms should not do any work to bring the dumbbell up;
  • try not to let go of the load (straightening the arm too far below) throughout the entire range of motion;
  • do the exercise at full amplitude, without cutting it, and for this, select an adequate weight;
  • do not let the working shoulder "fall down" at the bottom of the trajectory;
  • raise your elbow with a dumbbell high and do not take it to the side;
  • in order not to round your back, keep your head straight and look forward;
  • try to have a mirror in front of you when performing a dumbbell row;
  • you can hold the dumbbell at the bottom thumb to yourself and, when lifting, turn it around (i.e. change its position);
  • take your elbow as high as possible, almost to the touch of the abdomen;
  • to support a lot of weight, use special webbing / straps;
  • If you want to further strengthen the grip, then for better grip and hold the dumbbell try to keep your thumb and forefinger close to inside dumbbell front plates.

Although the movement is straightforward, most athletes make the following mistakes:


Dumbbell Row Exercise Duration 15 minutes allows the athlete to weigh 70 kg burn 102 Kcal. This is almost comparable to 109 p rotive 119 Calories in a squat.

In conclusion, I would like to say that exercise is highly revered in the circles of professional bodybuilders. The bent-over row of dumbbell rows has been a fundamental back exercise for multiple Mr. Olympia winners Ronnie Colleman and Jay Cutler. Therefore, if you still doubt the effectiveness of this exercise, then take the word of the owners of the most massive spins in the history of bodybuilding.

Here is one rare interview with Ronnie Colleman for 2001 year in regards to bent-over dumbbell row. This is what he said ...

That, perhaps, is all that I would like to highlight this time, it remains to summarize and be seen :).


Today we learned about another effective and efficient tool for pumping up the back, and its name is the dumbbell bent over row. I am sure that now, in the process of greeting a person, he will see not only your face, but also a massive back. Well, now we blow into the hall and put the theory into practice, go ahead!

PS. Each comment is +1 to the thickness of the back, so we unsubscribe!

PPS. Did the project help? Then leave a link to it in the status of your social network- a plus 100 points to karma, guaranteed.

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

Bent-over rowing is basic exercise to develop muscle strength that is suitable even for beginners. It improves posture and develops the back and shoulder muscles. There are several variations of this exercise with a barbell, dumbbells, harnesses, and in simulators.

Working muscles

The barbell and dumbbell row to the belt in the slope is a basic exercise that works simultaneously on several muscle groups.

The primary target muscles are the middle and top part back: trapezius and rhomboid muscles.

  • The trapezoid controls the movement of the shoulder blades.
  • The rhomboid muscles are responsible for the compression of the shoulder blades.

When lifting weights with a tilted torso, these two muscles tense and carry the bulk of the load.

The primary arm muscles that work in the bent-over row are the biceps. The biceps controls flexion of the arm at the elbow and tenses when lifting weights against gravity. When lowering the weight, the triceps acts as a stabilizer.

The bent over row works the shoulders and trunk muscles well, especially the deltoid and latissimus dorsi. The deltoid muscles are responsible for the rounded shape of the shoulders and control the ability to move the arms backward or turn them outward. Latissimus muscles are responsible for extending and turning the shoulders.

The secondary muscles that function in this exercise include the infraspinatus rotator cuff, the teres major muscle that supports the latissimus muscle, and pectoral muscle which acts as a stabilizer when lowering the weight.

Exercise options

Standing bent over rows can be performed using a barbell, one or two dumbbells.

Rod rod

Stand in front of the bar with your feet hip or shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees slightly, tilt your torso forward towards the floor at an angle of 45 degrees. Maintain the natural curve of your lower back.

With palms facing the floor, grasp the bar slightly wider than shoulder width.

As you raise the bar, spread your knees slightly while maintaining the position of your torso. Hold as soon as the bar is just below the knees - this is the starting position.

  • As you exhale, pull the barbell toward your lower sternum. Keep your elbows close to your body and your torso still.
  • Hold at the top of the lift and contract your back muscles.
  • Inhale as you lower the bar to the starting position just below the knees.
  • Repeat the exercise.

Experiment with different grips on the bent-over barbell rows to work out different muscle groups or intensify your workout.

  • Instead of gripping the bar from above, grab it from the bottom, palms facing the ceiling. In this case, you take some of the load off your back and force your biceps and latissimus to work harder.
  • Another way is to use wide grip twice as wide as usual. This technique makes the back work harder. More narrow grip will focus on the rhomboid muscle.

Dumbbell row

Instead of a barbell, you can use two dumbbells to do the deadlift.

  • Take a dumbbell with each hand. Set your feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent. Lean forward towards the floor, keeping your back straight at a 45-degree angle.
  • Pull the dumbbells towards your waist, keeping your elbows and upper arms close to your ribs.
  • Lower the dumbbells and repeat the exercise.

The advantage of this embodiment is the free position of the hands. Since you are holding 2 separate dumbbells, you can place your hands in a more physiologically comfortable position.

One-arm dumbbell row with emphasis

If you have a problem back, replace the barbell row to the belt with a dumbbell row to the belt in an incline with an emphasis. Use a bench for balance and support, the load on the spine is reduced in this case.

  • Place your left leg bent at the knee on one edge of the bench, rest your left palm on the other edge of the bench. The right leg should be firmly on the floor near the bench. The right arm hangs vertically downward. Keep your back parallel to the floor.
  • Squeeze a dumbbell with your right hand. Pull the dumbbell towards your waist, keeping your upper arm and elbow close to your ribs.
  • Lower the dumbbell. Do it 10-12 times and do the exercise on the other side.

A variation of this exercise is a one-handed row of dumbbells to the waist. The support in this case is used only for one arm, both feet are on the floor.

Simulators for similar movement

Cravings free weights to the belt in an incline can be replaced with exercises in simulators that work out the same muscle groups.

Smith machine

Bent over rows are safe to perform in a Smith machine. The bar moves along vertical guides and is fixed with safety locks.

Use the same technique when doing the Smith machine exercise as you would with a regular barbell.

T-bar deadlift

The T-bar is fixed to the floor at one end, and pancakes are suspended from the bar on the other. Instead of the simulator itself, you can pull the bar in this position by resting it in a corner.

  • Place the bar of the T-bar between your legs. Bend your torso, knees slightly bent. Raise the T-bar slightly off the floor - this is the starting position.
  • Pull the bar towards your chest. At the top, linger and squeeze your shoulders together. Lower the bar to the starting position.

Pull of the block to the belt

Instead of doing the deadlift while standing, beginners can incorporate the seated block deadlift into their workout.

  • Select a lifting weight and sit on the machine bench. Set your feet in a special position, knees slightly bent.
  • Tilt the body forward and grasp the handles, turn your palms towards each other. Tilt your torso back so your back is perpendicular to the floor and your arms are straight - this is the starting position.
  • Pull the handles of the machine towards your stomach and lean back slightly. In this position, bring your shoulder blades together to tighten your back muscles. Extend your arms and return the handles to the starting position.

Read more about block thrust in.

Bent over row with harnesses

Place a rubber band on the floor and stand on it with your feet hip-width apart.

  • Take the right end of the tourniquet with your left hand and the left end with your right hand so that you cross the tourniquet. Knees slightly bent, tilt your body forward. The back should be straight and parallel to the floor.
  • Straighten your arms under your shoulders, turn your palms towards your legs. The tourniquet sags in this position. As you exhale, pull the handles of the tourniquet towards your chest. Hold this position, tighten your back muscles. Bring your arms down as you inhale.

For more exercises with harnesses, see.

Precautionary measures

Improper technique or attempting to lift too much weight can cause injury.

It is always better to underestimate than overestimate the weight you can lift. The standing bent over row is not suitable for people with back problems due to the excessive axial load. In this case, replace the standing row with a seated row.

What not to do when doing bent-over rows:

  1. do not create rotational movements in the lower back and neck;
  2. do not lower your head and do not take your elbows down;
  3. do not bend in the lower back and do not round the back, you should keep your back straight with a natural bend.
  4. do not lift weight using the muscles of the arms, but use the contraction of the back muscles;
  5. do not jerk, exercise should be done slowly.

And remember, there is no perfect way to do of this exercise. Professionals, in their training program, always change the weights of the apparatus and the techniques themselves. Only thanks to this it is possible to achieve the maximum result in development in the shortest time.

Look for more exercises for harmonious development in.

If you decide to pump your back muscles using dumbbells as weights, this article is for you. Dumbbell row with one hand in an incline and row of both dumbbells to the belt are two classic exercises that will help you develop muscles, make your back strong and prominent.

Types of pulls and working muscles

As you already understood, you can work out the back using one dumbbell or both at once. In this case, the body can be in different positions. You can stand on the floor, lean on one knee on a bench, or even lie on an incline bench with your stomach. Hence the variety of exercise options.

All of these exercises are aimed at developing the broadest muscles of the back. They are the ones who receive the greatest load when done correctly. Additionally, the trapezius muscles, large round, rhomboid and back extensors are involved (they fix the body in the desired position).

In addition to the back, the back deltas, biceps, and forearms do some of the work.

We will consider the following exercise variations:

  1. One-handed dumbbell row in an incline or dumbbell row to the waist. This exercise is performed on a horizontal or incline bench and requires good stretching.
  2. Row of two dumbbells lying on an incline bench (analogue of the exercise "T-bar Row") at different angles.
  3. Standing bent over row. This is, in fact, an analogue of the barbell pull to the belt in the slope.

With these three exercises, you can effectively pump your entire back.

Single dumbbell row

Such a pull can be done on a horizontal (more difficult) or on an inclined (simpler) bench.

On a horizontal bench

For this exercise, you will need a bench or bench.

The starting position will be as follows: we stand on the bench with our right knee, rest our right hand on the same bench. Angle in hip joint about 90 degrees. The back is straight, there is a natural deflection in the lower back. This is a very important deflection, remember. It allows you to fix the spine in correct position. Left leg is slightly laid back and remains on the floor, helping you to maintain balance.

Raise the head so that the gaze is parallel to the floor. We do not turn our neck. It is better to put the dumbbell on the bench in advance (it will be convenient for you to take it from there) or ask your partner to serve it to you.

  1. So, we stand in the right position, take the dumbbell so that the bar is parallel to your body.
  2. Due to the strength of the latissimus muscle, we pull the dumbbell to the belt. We try to lead the elbow up.
  3. At the top point, some trainers recommend turning additionally to raise the working elbow even higher. Others say that this is superfluous. We recommend that you do not do this kind of twisting, as it can lead to injury. The spine remains in a straight position.
  4. Having lingered at the top point for 1 second, we lower the dumbbell down.
  5. It is advisable that you take the dumbbell back a little, and do not let it hang freely perpendicular to the floor. In the latter case, you will involuntarily pull her to your chest. You need to take your hand to the position from which you pull the dumbbell to the belt.

Do 10 reps for 3-4 sets on each side.

A feature of this exercise is the need to fix the body so that there is no rotation about the axis of the spine. Therefore, it is not recommended to raise the elbow high, which inevitably leads to twisting.

On an incline bench

Some people find it difficult to keep the back arch and back straight while pulling with one arm in the technique described above. In this case, the second option is to do the exercise on an incline bench.

  1. Set the backrest angle to 30 degrees.
  2. Raise the seat slightly. We kneel on him.
  3. With an arm bent at the elbow, we lean on the upper edge of the back. This way, your back will be arched due to the curvature of the bench. The load is removed from the lower back and arm.

Try it, maybe it will be easier and more convenient for you to do the exercise.

Errors during exercise

Try to avoid the following situations:

  • If you lower your head down, you disrupt the natural position of the spine, which increases the risk of injury while pulling the dumbbell.
  • You are pulling the dumbbell towards your chest, not your stomach. This means that it is difficult for you to pull to the belt - you have taken a lot of weight.
  • You are jerking the weight. Such a performance will not allow you to pump muscles, but tearing something is easy.
  • You have rounded your back - there is not enough stretch, or it is too hard to stand. Try the option with incline bench... It was invented specifically for those who find it difficult to perform this in the correct technique on a horizontal bench.
  • The hand you are leaning on is trembling - weak muscles. This is not a mistake, it is a direct indication to move to an incline bench, or to practice other hand positions.
  • Pull the dumbbell with bicep force. Imagine that your hand is just a hook, your back muscles should work, concentrate on them.

Weight lifting is carried out on exhalation. We lower it on inhalation, as always was done.

After the exercise, you should feel tension in your lats, not your biceps. This is a sign of correct technique. If you have loaded your biceps - take less weight and try to repeat the exercise in front of a mirror until you feel the right muscles.

Row of two dumbbells to the belt

This option can be performed both standing and lying on your stomach on an incline bench. You can hold the dumbbells parallel to the body, or you can hold them so that their bars resemble the bar of the bar that you are holding. Do as you like.


Let's take a look at how to do a dumbbell deadlift without a bench:

  1. Bend your knees slightly, keep your back straight and bend over to parallel with the floor, or slightly higher. The angle of inclination will affect the area of ​​the back that we will be pumping. The more "upright" you stand, the more loaded your upper back becomes. The closer to the parallel, the more actively the lats work, but the lower back is also more loaded. The angle of inclination of 45 degrees is universal. The gaze looks straight.
  2. Both dumbbells hang in a free state, located exactly under your shoulders, arms perpendicular to the floor.
  3. We begin to pull the elbows straight up, there is no need to spread them to the sides. We pull the dumbbells to the stomach. The direction of movement of the elbow indicates correct technique. We linger for 1 second at the top point and lower the weight back. It is best to lower your arms with a weight as low as possible so that your back is stretched (however, do not relax it).

The exercise is performed in 3-4 approaches with 8-10 repetitions each.

This is not lifting the bar for biceps; you do not need to pull the weight using the flexors of the arms. The back works! Pay attention to this.

You don't have to pull one dumbbell with both hands. You will not be able to perform the movement in the required amplitude. It turns out that you will do half of the exercise. Instead, use the lower block better.

Row of dumbbells to the belt while lying on the bench

We find an inclined bench. We set the angle of inclination of the back to 30 degrees. We lie on our stomach with our head up so that our hands hang freely and do not touch the floor. Make sure that the head is above the edge of the back, otherwise you will have to turn it, which cannot be done!

We put dumbbells near the hands on the floor. Legs apart so that the body is in stable position... It is better to set the seat at a slight angle so that you do not slide down.

We do the same as for the standing option. The good thing about this option is that you don't need to keep your body tilted with the back extensors. The load is removed from the lower back.


Common mistakes that arise when performing the exercises described above:

  • You have taken a lot of weight and are doing a half-range movement. Remember, if you cannot raise your elbows high enough, reduce the weight. This also applies to breeding dumbbells in an incline on the shoulders, and other rods and breeding.
  • You are jerking the dumbbells. It is unacceptable. For the muscles to work, you need to do everything smoothly and slowly. You overestimate yourself again, take less weight.
  • You try to spread your arms. We do not do breeding, but cravings. The dumbbells should hang freely and be guided downward by gravity.
  • You are not bent enough. This applies to standing bent over rows. Then you will pull the weight towards your chest. This is an undesirable phenomenon, because the range of motion is not large enough to load the back to a certain extent.

Secrets of Dumbbell Rows

The magic of the corner

By changing the angle between the body and the shoulder, you can pump different groups muscles. The rear deltoids pump well when you spread your elbows wide. The rest of your back will work better if you keep your elbows closer to your body. When the elbows are pressed against the body, the latissimus muscles work predominantly.

These nuances can be used to load one or another part of the back on different training days. Take your pick. We recommend doing 2 types: the elbows are at the body, and the elbows are wide apart, as when gripping a barbell. And you need to try to pull the weight to the belt (between the diaphragm and the navel), otherwise the meaning of the exercise is lost.

In what position to hold the dumbbell

If, when pulling one dumbbell, there is no question of how to hold it, then when pulling to the belt, there are many options. Note that this is not essential. And the position of the dumbbell will change depending on the angle between the elbow and the torso. The further from the body the arms are spread, the more the dumbbells will be deployed.

When the elbows are in line with each other, it turns out that you are holding the bar. This exercise is similar to one of the bottom pulldown options.

One hand without a bench

If you have good stretch, you can do a dumbbell pull to the belt in an incline when you are standing, that is, without a bench. Just put your hand on something, stand up correctly and do it. This option is more difficult, but perfect when all the benches are occupied.


As you understand, these exercises are not for large weights... If you carry a lot of weight while doing the exercise while standing, you risk injuring your back. Yes, and you will have to pull in jerks, which is not good.

it great options for girls as a load on the back. And great exercises for increasing the relief in men after hard work with blocks.

Possible problems

  1. If your back deltoids hurt, it is strictly forbidden to do dumbbell rows. These muscles will work in any of the exercises listed.
  2. Stretching. With poor stretching, you will not be able to bend, bend correctly. After all, even when performing a deadlift on an incline bench, when you are lying face down, a deflection is needed in the lower back. Stretch to maintain correct technique in any exercise.
  3. When doing wide-stance deadlifts, feel free to pick up a small weight. Believe me, beginners' rear deltas are weak, and they can pull 3-5 kg ​​at most. You will feel already at 5-6 repetitions that the elbows are not raised high enough, and the movements are carried out in half the amplitude. Check it out for yourself.

Working on beauty own body athletes use certain techniques that include diverse exercises. Each of them is designed to work out a specific muscle group. There are also basic exercises that almost every bodybuilder uses. These include the bent-over row of dumbbells.

General information

It is one of the main exercises that help to increase the volume of the back muscles and give relief. In addition, as a result of regular and correct execution exercise increases the strength of the athlete.

The exercise has several options.

One of the most significant benefits of this exercise is its ease of execution. It is possible to train muscles in this way without complex devices and simulators. A bench and dumbbells are enough to complete the exercise. In some variations, the athletes refuse the bench.

Also, the implementation of this exercise has a number of indisputable advantages:

  • Does not allow you to overexert or injure your wrist;
  • Reduced load on the spine compared to using a barbell;
  • It makes it possible to correct muscle asymmetry (when the muscles of one side are more developed than the other);
  • Forms a V-shape;
  • Increases strength and endurance.

Unlike similar exercise performed with a barbell, the bent-over row of dumbbells allows you to work out each side with emphasis. At the same time, the weight and load can be adapted to each hand.

It is important! Exercise allows not only to significantly increase the volume and relief of the back muscles, but also helps to reduce the time needed to achieve a visible effect.

What muscles work

There are several ways to complete this exercise. Each of them puts a load on different muscle groups. At the same time, regardless of the type chosen, the latissimus dorsi muscles invariably work and receive the main load. After all, they are the ones who do most of the work.

Muscles involved in the exercise

For professional athletes an important factor is that a large part of the load falls on the rear deltas. There are not too many really effective exercises for developing these muscles. Therefore, performing a dumbbell row in an incline is one of the most effective methods for pumping the back + delta complex.

During the exercise, the elbow and shoulder are actively working. Depending on the training method, the following muscles are loaded:

  • Diamond-shaped;
  • Small chest;
  • Middle trapezoid;
  • Abdominal Press;
  • Deltoid;
  • Biceps of the shoulder.

When performing, trapeziums, deltas and biceps are additionally loaded

It is important! During the lesson, muscles are involved that are responsible for supporting the spine in an anatomically correct position. That is, in parallel, the prevention of curvature of the spine and scoliosis takes place.

Features of executionMuscles worked
Standing bent over row (two arms alternately)
  • All muscles of the back;
  • Brachioradialis;
  • Medium trapezoidal;
  • Lower trapezoidal;
  • Rear deltas;
  • Diamond-shaped;
  • Brachialis;
  • Large round;
  • Small round;
  • Subspinal
One-handed row with bench support
  • Upper part of the lats;
  • Biceps;
  • Triceps
  • Trapezoidal
Row lying on the bench
  • If the elbows are out to the sides - they work upper muscles back;
  • If the elbows are laid back - the load on the lower lats, deltoid, rear deltoid.

It is important! The work of a certain muscle group is greatly influenced by the tilt of the body. The less the slope, the more the muscles of the upper back are loaded.

Dumbbell Row Technique

For athletes who want to increase the volume of the back muscles, make them prominent and beautiful, this exercise is perfect. It is not too difficult, so it is perfect even for beginner athletes.

For women, this exercise is equally important. Exactly this technique allows you to maintain correct posture by strengthening the muscles of the back. Thus, a beautiful curve of the back is formed, body fat throughout the developed area.

It is important! Beginners should avoid using dumbbells in the early stages. heavy weight... It is also recommended to focus your attention not on the number of repetitions, but on the quality, honing the technique as much as possible.

Girls are better off doing the workout using small dumbbells. The number of repetitions is from 6 to 12, for 2-3 sets. Also, a lighter version of the exercise is suitable for women, where the emphasis is not used on a straight bench, but on the back, set at an angle of 30 degrees. At the same time, the leg rests against the flat part of the projectile.

The exercise can be done using a bench.

Depending on the selected position of the elbow, the muscle group involved in the training will also change. With the elbows wide apart to the sides, the main load is on deltoid muscles... The closer the elbows are to the body, the more the latissimus muscles are loaded.

For exercise to bring greatest result, during its execution the most common mistakes should be avoided:

  • Use too much weight;
  • Raise your hand with a dumbbell with a jerk;
  • Rowing dumbbells towards the chest, not towards the waist;
  • Wrong back position.

With one hand on the bench

The foot of the left leg is on the floor, the right leg is bent at the knee and rests on the bench. It is better to put the dumbbell on a bench so that after taking the correct position it can be easily taken in the hand without the need to change the position of the body.

Bending in the lower back, so that an angle of 90 degrees is formed between the back and the hips, you need to lean your right hand on the bench. The head and neck are in line with the back, the eyes are looking at the floor. The left hand with a dumbbell is lowered down.

Raise the projectile clamped in the hand to the belt, trying to bring the elbow to the same level with the shoulder. The elbow is perpendicular to the floor. At the highest point, hold your hand for a second.

Technique for performing the exercise with one hand on a bench

It is important! Downward movement should be controlled and smooth. Sharp, jerky movements are unacceptable.

At the lowest point, you should hold the hand for one or two seconds in order to maximize the working muscle.

The upward movement of the hand occurs on exhalation, return to the starting position - on inhalation.

During the exercise, you should pay attention to the position of the opposite shoulder. It should be on the same level as the worker. If in the process of moving the right hand up, the left shoulder drops down, the effectiveness of the exercise will be significantly reduced.

It is also important to monitor your back position. If you cannot keep it level, it is better to perform the exercise on an incline bench.

Video: features of the exercise for girls

Bending over with two hands alternately

This exercise can be done in two ways:

  • With a lunge;
  • No lunge.

When performing the first option, put the right leg forward, transferring body weight to it. The right elbow rests on the knee. The dumbbell is taken in the left hand and on the exhale they lift to the belt. On inhalation, lower the hand to its original position.

Exercise with one leg lunge forward

For the second option, a lunge is not required. The legs are slightly apart and slightly bent at the knees. Right hand lead behind the back, placing back side palms in the lumbar region.

The left hand with a dumbbell is pulled to the lower back. Having fixed the elbow at the highest point, they hold it for a couple of seconds, after which they return to their starting position.

It is important! It is necessary to carefully monitor the position of the back during execution. The back should be fixed and the spine straight. Otherwise, there is a great risk of injury during training.

The same exercise is often performed simultaneously with both hands. However, the transverse link is more efficient as it allows the load to be individually matched to each side.

Doing the exercise with both hands at the same time

This method of execution is more suitable for experienced athletes. It requires good stretching and a proven technique.

Video: bent-over dumbbell row

Lying on the bench

For exercise you will need incline bench... The tilt angle is approximately 30 degrees. The athlete lies on the bench with his stomach so that his head is above the edge, and his feet rest on the floor with his feet. The back, head and pelvis are approximately in line.

It is better to place dumbbells on the floor so that after taking the desired position they can be easily picked up.

Both arms with dumbbells are raised up, bending at the elbows. Having lingered at the top point for a couple of seconds, they return to their original position.

Row of dumbbells lying on an incline bench

When performing the exercise in this way, the load on the lower back is reduced. This method is good for beginners. Since there is no need to hold the body above the floor, it becomes possible to pay more attention to the execution technique.

During the bent-over row of dumbbells, it is important to follow all the recommendations of experts, monitor the lifting technique and your own feelings. If during training the athlete does not feel the work of the back muscles, then the exercise is being performed incorrectly.

It's also important to choose the right weight for your workout. The bent over row does not require a lot of weight. If during the exercise it is not possible to raise the elbow to shoulder level, the weight of the dumbbells should be reduced.

Bent-over dumbbell rows are not an exercise for a beginner. But it will definitely be included in every professional bodybuilder. This exercise seems to be quite simple and more comfortable than the same barbell row, but this impression is deceiving. You need to be able to perform it, because it does not give returns to everyone. How to correctly perform a dumbbell row with one hand, and what is its advantage over exercises with a barbell, read in this article. The most interesting about training and sports supplements on my telegram channel

The dumbbell row is an exercise for the thickness of the back and is very similar in biomechanics to the bent-over row of barbell rows, but it has one advantage. The load in an exercise with a barbell is spread over the entire array of back muscles, and in this case, almost completely goes into the lats and a little into the trapezium.

Dumbbell Rows - Johnny Jackson's Favorite Exercise

The Dumbbell Row is the coolest basic back exercise for thickness and strength that can be done in a one-handed manner. They just love to use this style of execution (not only for the back, but also for the legs and chest), because it helps them to equalize both parts of the body in development. Add in the powerful anabolic returns from doing it, and it becomes clear why all professionals regularly include this exercise in their training program.

Dumbbell Rows, Which Muscles Are Working?

The exercise consists of two equal phases - stretching (at the bottom of the trajectory) and compression at the top. During execution, the following muscles are included in the work:

  • Widest
  • Diamond-shaped
  • Large round
  • Back extenders
  • Trapezoidal
  • Lower back muscles
  • Biceps
  • Forearms
  • Rear delta
  • Small pectoral muscles

The muscles of the shoulder girdle and upper back (and trapezium) are turned on when the dumbbell is lifted up. When lowering, the rhomboid muscles of the back are strained, as well as the pectoralis minor.

If the technique for performing the dumbbell row is correct, the load on the lats, as well as on the middle of the back, is simply colossal. But, correct - this means that you need to pull the dumbbell with your back, the hand works only as a "holder". Therefore, the answer to the question of which muscles work when pulling a dumbbell depends entirely on the correctness of its execution.

Note: this back exercise very often does not give beginners any benefit. One of the reasons for this outrage is. Hold heavy dumbbell even getting attached to her can be very difficult. There is nothing to do without strong forearms.

Output: dumbbell pull on a bench is a basic exercise, so the load is distributed over a large layer of muscles. But with the right technique, the lion's share of it goes to the lats.

Benefits of Bent-Over Dumbbell Rows

Compared to other back rows, this exercise is technically more difficult, but it has a number of advantages:

  • Low risk of injury. Compared to the bent-over row, the working weight in the exercise can be even higher. But the load on the spine and on the lumbosacral spine, on the contrary, will be lower.
  • A high degree of concentration. The brain-muscle connection is stronger. Feeling your lats (stretch and squeeze) while doing the one-handed deadlift is easier.
  • Increased trajectory of movement. You can lower the dumbbell lower and raise it higher than the barbell. The degree of stretching and contraction of the lats increases. For the back muscles, this is additional incentive to growth.
  • Wide variety of performance. By changing the angle of inclination of the body and the place where the hand is brought to the body, you can pump various parts of the latissimus muscles. A dumbbell row on a horizontal bench (body tilt angle 90 °), loads them at the very bottom. And, a dumbbell row with an emphasis will force the upper back into work. The exercise can be done with one hand and two at once, standing and sitting, pull the dumbbell with a straight arm and with supination.

All these options allow you to make the back thicker and more massive, because the exercise, being essentially basic, has all the signs of a formative one. It can be included in your back training complex as an alternative. But only on condition of mastering correct technique execution.

Output: Dumbbell Rows are a serious basic exercise for back thickness with minimal risk of injury.

One-handed dumbbell deadlift technique

There are several options for rowing, but the simplest and most popular is a dumbbell row on a horizontal bench. The algorithm for its implementation is as follows:

  • Step 1... We put the knee of one leg on horizontal bench so that the foot hangs down, the second one rests on the floor. The knee of the supporting leg is slightly bent. We tilt the body almost to parallel, bend a little in the lower back. One hand rests on the bench, the other holds the dumbbell with a neutral grip. The back muscles are in a stretched position. This is the starting position.
  • Step 2... We take a breath and slowly pull the dumbbell back and up, to the lower abdomen, keeping the hand as close as possible. At the top of the trajectory, we strain the back muscles, squeezing them with all our strength.
  • Step 3. Exhale and slowly lower the projectile down to its original position, additionally stretching the lats at the lowest point.

It all looks quite complicated, and in fact it is, and in order to better understand the technique of performing a dumbbell row with one hand, I propose to watch a small plot.

dumbbell traction video:

Output: the weight of the projectile in this exercise is a secondary value, in the first place is the correct execution technique.

At correct use, the effect of the exercise is fantastic. But when performing it, the following nuances must be taken into account:

  • Amplitude... It should be maximum. This is the main nuance of the dumbbell back row. Cutting the trajectory does not make any sense. Partial reps are cool, but not in this case.
  • Voltage... The latissimus dorsi must be kept in tension throughout the exercise. You cannot relax them.
  • Elbow... He needs to be lifted high and he should move closer to the body. This will allow the muscles to contract more.
  • Tilt angle. You cannot lower your head down, you must look forward. So you can keep the body straight throughout the entire exercise.
  • Peak point... Performing a twist (turning the hand outward) with a hand with a dumbbell at the top of the trajectory, you can increase the load even more and make it peak.

I suggest you watch a variation of the exercise performed by the mighty one and hear his humble opinion on this matter.

tilt thrust video:

Output: the effectiveness of the exercise depends entirely on the nuances of its implementation.

This back exercise cannot be called the most popular in the gym. Perhaps it would have been lost among hundreds of others, but Ronnie Coleman himself was very fond of making it, so, in my opinion, it is worth learning about it.

In 2001, he gave an interview to Muscular Development magazine, in which he called the two-handed dumbbell row the best exercise for the middle of the back. And since Ronnie's back was and remains one of the most magnificent in the history of bodybuilding, his opinion is worth listening to.

He performed a dumbbell row while standing at a 45 ° bent-over angle. At the same time, the lats practically rested, the lion's part of the load went to the lower sections of the trapezium. From time to time, Ronnie changed the neutral grip to the reverse one, pumping also the rear deltas.

How to replace the deadlift with a dumbbell to the belt?

For all its advantages, the dumbbell back row has one feature. With poorly developed muscles of the lower back, performing it, and indeed any other basic exercise, delivers severe discomfort. Therefore, the question of how to replace the traction with a dumbbell to the belt periodically worries many visitors in the gym.

Fortunately, there is one free-weight machine exercise that replicates the biomechanics of the dumbbell deadlift. This is a link arm. It is performed while sitting, the load on lumbar while the minimum.

Lever Rows - A Good Replacement for Dumbbell Rows

You can perform leverage in the simulator with one hand and two, while pumping the outer or inner parts of the back. And by changing the height of the seat and, thereby, the load vector, you can work out the middle and lower areas of the lats just as well as with a barbell or with a dumbbell.

The hormonal response from the exercise of the leverage in the simulator is naturally less than from the basic exercises. But if you have problems with your lower back, this is the perfect way to pump it safely and efficiently.

Output: horizontal link arm - the best option One-handed dumbbell deadlift replacement, safe and very comfortable.


The dumbbell row is a great basic exercise for back thickness. Difficult, but very effective. Therefore, it must be regularly included in your training program. Correct technique performing the exercise and properly selecting the weight will help make your back thicker and more powerful, and most importantly - very quickly. May the strength be with you. And the mass!

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