Lesson with a roller under the lower back. Back roller: indications for use and types

With age, the intervertebral discs become thinner, the spinal column decreases in length, the human figure gradually loses its harmony, becoming lower and wider at the hips and waist. The inevitable consequence of this process is the appearance of skin folds, where fat accumulates over time.


Irina Pegova shocked everyone with a weight loss recipe:"I threw off 27 kg and continue to lose weight, I just brew it for the night ..." Read more >>

Regular gymnastics aimed at losing weight is ineffective, since it does not eliminate the root causes of the problem. The back roller and simple exercises developed by Fukutsuji, which return the spine, pelvic bones and ribs to starting position.

The essence of the Japanese method

The Japanese doctor Fukutsuji, who has been studying diseases associated with pathologies of the spine for a long time, came to the conclusion that the root cause of excessive fullness sometimes lies in the incorrect location of the lower ribs and pelvic bones. Based on this hypothesis, he developed a simple technique that has been tested on thousands of women. The essence of the method is to perform an exercise that helps to straighten and stretch the spine using a special roller under the back, on which you just need to lie.

To make a projectile yourself, it is important to fulfill several conditions:

  • The width of the ridge is equal to or slightly more than the width of the back.
  • The thickness of the roller is 10-15 cm, but in the presence of diseases of the spine, it should be reduced.
  • The towel is extremely tight: the roller must be firm enough. It is undesirable to use synthetic products for its creation.

If sports equipment ready, you can move on to the exercises themselves, which will take only 5 minutes a day to complete.

It is necessary to strictly adhere to a certain sequence of actions:

  1. 1. Wear loose clothing that does not restrict movement.
  2. 2. Place a gym mat on the floor or any hard surface. Sofas and armchairs won't do.
  3. 3. Sit on the edge of the rug, stretch your legs and slowly lower your back onto it, placing a roller. It should be strictly at the level of the navel - this condition is especially important.
  4. 4. Legs should be placed shoulder-width apart, feet should be brought together to thumbs touched, and the distance between the heels was at least 20 cm.
  5. 5. Raise your hands, turn your palms so that the little fingers are brought together, and, stretching them out, slowly lower them behind your back. Do not bend your elbows.
  6. 6. Monitor your breathing: it should be measured, slightly slowed down - this rhythm contributes to the regulation of vital processes in the body and makes training more effective.
  7. 7. The pose must be maintained for 5 minutes, but if the gymnastics is done for the first time, the time can be reduced to 2-3 minutes. The exercise is not so easy, since the posture is very uncomfortable, especially for beginners, but it is necessary for stretching and straightening the spine.

Body position

Stop position

Position of the palms

You should not get up suddenly after the end of the session, as this can lead to displacement of bones and the appearance of pain. It is recommended to roll onto your side and lie down for a while.

Such charging is performed daily, omissions are unacceptable. You can do it at any time: morning classes will help you feel more energized, and evening parties will allow you to relax and get ready for bed.

When the pose becomes familiar and the feeling of discomfort disappears, it is allowed to increase the thicknessroller. You should not try to force events by immediately using the projectile bigger size or doing exercise more often than necessary - this can lead to back pain, migraines, tinnitus, dizziness, and other unpleasant consequences.

If the discomfort becomes unbearable, you should stop exercising, even if the time for this has not yet come. It is not worth lengthening the sessions: it will be much more difficult for the body to recover.

The advantage of the Fukutsuji method is that neither complex gymnastic equipment nor long, tiring workouts are required to achieve the result. The exercise is within the power of people of any level of physical fitness, age and gender. The roller will help in solving many issues.

Properties of the Japanese roller

If performed correctly and regularly, Dr. Fukutsuji's method can relieve cosmetic problems in appearance and improve the condition of the spine.

Results daily exercise will become:

  • decrease in waist and hips;
  • an increase in growth by several centimeters;
  • posture correction;
  • strengthening the back muscles;
  • slight increase in breast size.

The Japanese roller will be an excellent prevention of back diseases and will be able to relieve pain in the lumbar region in the future, prevent the development of stoop and scoliosis. Orthodox doctors believe the method works like physiotherapy, allowing you to eliminate the problems of the spine by stretching and straightening it.

Exercise options

The position of the roller under the navel allows you to normalize the condition of the spine and restore its natural shape.

When this task is completed, you can slightly change the pose:

  • To correct the waist and abdomen, the roller should be shifted slightly higher, under the lower ribs, and the exercises should be combined with breathing exercises.
  • To train the muscles of the chest, you need to move the roller under upper part back.
  • Experienced female athletes can make the exercise harder by bending their knees. The back should be kept straight and the hips should not sag.

To correct the shape of the legs, the roller must be placed under the thigh. Rolling on it, you can improve the blood supply to the tissues, which will help get rid of cellulite.

Precautionary measures

There are contraindications for using a rolled towel or roller. This is the presence of diseases spinal column- osteochondrosis, protrusion and herniated intervertebral discs, scoliosis, joint problems, various spinal injuries and poor health.

Before starting training, it is recommended to consult a specialist, since a person may not even be aware of many back problems, and exercises with a roller will lead to the progression of the disease. If, having any of the listed diseases, you decide to try the method, it is better to limit the time of the first session to 30 seconds. Japanese gymnastics Fukutsuji is aimed at preventing diseases of the spine, and not at treating them.

Those who dream of losing weight with a roller should remember: the first results will appear no earlier than 2 weeks after the start of classes.

As a result, you can:

  • Give the spine its natural shape.
  • Eliminate the divergence of the lower ribs, which is one of the causes of a sagging waist.
  • Normalize the position of the pelvic bones and thereby reduce the volume of the thighs.

Remove large body fat, to get rid of old cellulite, to restore sagging muscles to elasticity, the roller is not able to: this requires completely different means - gymnastics, diet, massage.

The Fukutsuji method is worth trying: by eliminating the root cause of all problems, it will make other body shaping methods more effective.

And a little about secrets ...

The story of one of our readers Inga Eremina:

My weight was especially depressing for me, at 41 I weighed like 3 sumo wrestlers put together, namely 92kg. How to remove excess weight fully? How to cope with hormonal changes and obesity? But nothing disfigures or makes a person younger as his figure.

But what can you do to lose weight? Laser liposuction surgery? Recognized - not less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, myostimulation? Slightly more affordable - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a consultant nutritionist. You can of course try to run on a treadmill, to the point of insanity.

IN modern world a person is increasingly faced with lower back pain, neck pain due to sedentary work and a sedentary lifestyle. Below are recommendations on how to lie on a towel roll, not only to get rid of discomfort in the back, but also to lose weight.

The method of treating back pain was invented by a doctor from Japan, Toshi Fukutsji, who has studied spinal problems for 10 years. He practiced this method on his patients and came to the conclusion that with age, people change their body structure due to the divergence of the ribs and pelvis, and problems such as kyphosis and poor posture are associated with a sedentary lifestyle.

He found the solution to these problems in returning the ribs and hips to their original position with the help of a back roller. It was found that the divergence of the bones directly affects the pain in the back and cervical spine, it also affects the increase in body volume, and their return to their previous position leads to weight loss of the body as a whole.

For example:

  • the waist is reduced;
  • the chest rises;
  • excess weight goes away;
  • posture improves.

The essence of the method lies in the statistical stretching of the vertebrae using a roller, aimed at strengthening and restoring the blood circulation of the spinal column. How to lie on a back towel roll is described in Fukutsuji's book, Lose Weight Lying Down.

Indications and contraindications

The use of a roller for the back is prescribed by doctors for problems with the cervical and lumbar regions.

This method has a number of indications:

  • the initial form of an intervertebral hernia;
  • various scoliosis;
  • osteochondrosis, arthrosis, radiculitis;
  • rachiocampsis;
  • slouch;
  • pinched nerves;
  • migraine;
  • weakening of the back muscles;
  • overweight;
  • bad dream.

In addition to the extensive list of indications for using a roller under the back, this method also has contraindications. That is why, having serious problems, it is recommended to first consult with a specialist in this field. If there is at least 1 of the diagnoses listed below, the use of a roller is undesirable.


  • acute back pain;
  • high blood pressure;
  • heat;
  • osteoporosis;
  • various fractures;
  • sprains and tears in the groin area;
  • cracks in the spine;
  • pregnancy and postpartum period 1 year;
  • oncological diseases;
  • bleeding.

If no contraindications were found, but when performing exercises with a roller, a malaise appeared in the form of pain or dizziness, you should immediately stop the exercise and reduce the time interval of execution to 30 seconds. In the future, it is recommended to increase the time, but gradually, paying attention to the state of health.

Roller making

Nowadays, these rollers are easy to purchase in specialized stores. They differ in internal content, but their essence remains the same. Everyone can make a roller on their own.

Here's what you need:

  • medium-sized terry towel;
  • rope for fastening, can be replaced with elastic bands.

The manufacturing method is simple:

  • It is necessary to twist the towel into an elastic roller, it should be at least 10 cm in diameter.
  • To increase the load on the spine, you need to increase its size.
  • To increase, you can use the means at hand.
  • You need to roll the towel rather tightly so that the roller turns out to be quite tough.
  • At stage 2, you will need material to fix the resulting roller. For these purposes, use elastic bands or rope, which is recommended to be fixed along the entire length of the roller.

It is important to know how to lie on a back towel roll in order to get positive dynamics.

There are several important nuances:


Lying Exercise Back Towel Roller promotes weight loss without physical activity.

Losing weight with it consists of 2 stages:

  • It is recommended to perform the exercise on the floor, you can lay a gymnastic mat. It is necessary to prepare the roller in advance, it must be quite tough. You should lie down on it carefully, you need to monitor the location of the roller under your back: it should be exactly in the navel area. The legs should be shoulder-width apart, their thumbs brought together. For convenience, at first the fingers can be fastened together with an elastic band. Press the palms of outstretched arms to the floor in a position behind the head.
  • After staying in the pose from the first stage is not difficult, and there will be no discomfort, you need to go to stage 2. For this purpose, it is necessary to move the roller to the hypochondrium and thoracic region. In this position, the muscles of the back work, and the ligaments acquire a tone.

As a result of these procedures, the abdomen is tightened, and the waist becomes clearer. The effect of a bloated abdomen goes away. The key to the success and operation of this method is its systematic nature. For a noticeable result, classes should be carried out from 2 weeks to 2 months. The table shows the location of the roller and the area of ​​its impact on certain points for weight loss.

A set of exercises

According to therapeutic conclusions, people may have contraindications to physical activities, which can be a problem when losing weight.

For the lower back

Exercises with a roller under the lower back are used for osteochondrosis. During the lesson, the blood flow to the area of ​​the brain increases and normalizes, which helps a person get rid of pain. A special set of roller exercises helps to get rid of the problems associated with degenerative transformations in the lumbar region.

This requires:

  • Roll the towel tightly, securing it with a string or elastic band. The optimal diameter of the resulting roller should be 12-15 cm.
  • It is recommended to carry out the exercise on the floor or on a hard couch.
  • Slowly lower yourself onto the roller so that it is exactly under the navel area.
  • The feet should be shoulder-width apart, with the big toes joined together.
  • Take your straightened arms behind your head, palms down, the little fingers should touch.
  • Stay in this position should be from 3 to 7 minutes. Gradually, the amount of time needs to be increased.
  • At the end of the exercise, you should gently turn over on your side, pull out the roller and lie in this position for a little time. This is required to avoid displacement of the bones, because during the exercise the spine is stretched. Next, you need to rise, leaning on your knees.

An important point in these exercises is regularity and repetition at the same time. The second exercise can be performed after mastering the first, when the body is fully accustomed to the loads and there will be no discomfort.

Performing this exercise strengthens and normalizes the work of the heart muscle, stabilizes the level of hormones and increases blood circulation with lymph flow. After completing the exercise, the pain in the lower back disappears and the general well-being improves due to the surge of strength.

To complete you need:

Under the shoulder blades

Another way to use a towel roll is to place it under your shoulder blades. By doing this simple exercise regularly, you can straighten your shoulders, straighten your posture, lift your chest, open your lungs, which will lead to better breathing.

To complete this exercise, you must:

For the neck

Exercise with a roller under the neck helps to get rid of headaches, blood circulation will return to normal, and the nutrition of the cervical discs will improve. Problems with cervical arise due to overstrain when the neck is in one position for a long time.

The exercise is simple, to perform it you need to sit down on a hard surface, placing a towel roll under your neck.

The head should hang down a bit. You need to slowly turn your head from side to side. The duration of the exercise is up to 2 minutes.

Japanese gymnastics for the spine

Spine roller gymnastics in Japan is popular for reducing waist parameters. This method is very popular due to its ease of implementation and the small amount of time it takes to exercise. However, the exercise itself is aimed at restoring the spine to its natural position. This method consists of one exercise.

It will require:

  1. Roll the towel into an elastic roller with a diameter of 10 cm, it is necessary to increase its size over time to increase the load.
  2. Sit on a hard surface, place the roller under your back so that it is under the navel.
  3. The feet should be at shoulder level, with the thumbs connected.
  4. Bring straight arms back with palms down and touch with little fingers.
  5. Stay in this position for up to 5 minutes.
  6. Next, you should slowly lift the body and move the roller under the ribs. Lie down for another 5 minutes.
  7. When the exercise is over, you need to roll over on your side, remove the roller and rest for 2 minutes, you need to get up slowly, without sudden movements.

It is recommended that you learn how to lie on a roll of a back towel in order to count on strengthening and aligning your spine before starting your workouts.

Other methods

A towel roll can be used as an expander. Its inventor was the Japanese Imbari. Classes are a method for losing weight. To do this, you need to stand up, legs apart shoulder-width apart, take the towel by the edges, pull it in front of you. You should drag the towel from one end to the other, while not bending your arms.

Performing this exercise, the muscles of the arms are tightened, the chest rises, the waist becomes smaller in volume. To improve posture, use a towel taken by the edges and located behind the back at the lumbar level. On outstretched arms, the towel should be taken away from the back as far as possible.

Exercise duration

The listed methods with the use of a roller are suitable for people who do not have a lot of time for sports and their health. The lesson is allotted per day from 5 minutes. Special exercises require minimum load and easy to perform.

The decision to lie on a towel roll is usually made by people with a sedentary lifestyle. Such exercises for the back do not require additional costs, which allows everyone to do them at home.

Article design: Lozinsky Oleg

Video on how to lie on a back towel roll

Japanese towel roll, benefits and how to lie:

Roller Fukutsuji is called a "magic towel" because its action really looks like magic. The technique bears the name of its creator - Japanese doctor Toshiki Fukutsuji and was developed for those who dream improve the condition of the spine and musculoskeletal system, align posture, get a beautiful chest and a thin waist. We decided on ours to figure out what this technique is and what results can be obtained.

What is the popularity of the method?

The Fukutsuji method is popular, first of all, because it is unlike any other way to quickly lose weight. He does not require strict dietary restrictions, does not provide for intensive sports.

Japanese gymnastics, developed by the Japanese doctor Fukutsuji, is rapidly spreading in many countries and helps girls to find a thin waist. At the same time, the so-called exercise consists of just one static exercise - lying on the spine roll made of a towel for 5 minutes daily.

Exercise with a roller for the back works out the muscles of the sides and abdomen, stretches the spine, corrects the position of the pelvic bone, triggers metabolic processes at the cellular level, as a result of which fat deposits are converted very quickly into energy required for cells.

The description of such gymnastics for the spine causes skepticism in many, and that is why people start testing the method. The result is not long in coming: the effect is noticeable almost immediately, so the principle of charging very quickly scatters among acquaintances, girlfriends, and colleagues.

Efficiency, simplicity and safety are what make Japanese spine exercises so popular.

Theoretical justification

Dr. Fakutsuji's method has a solid theoretical foundation. The doctor spent more than 10 years to substantiate the effectiveness of the method, conducting numerous studies, which are reflected in the specialist's monograph. The circulation of 6 million copies spread with lightning speed throughout the countries of Asia.

The doctor studied what changes occur with age in the spine, and came to the conclusion that divergence of the hypochondria and pelvic bones and flattening of the intervertebral discs cause an expansion of the waist and a decrease in human growth.

Few people wonder why people become shorter in old age. The intervertebral discs, which consist of fibrocartilaginous tissues with gelatinous contents, are subjected to significant stress on a daily basis. Due to constant mechanical stress when walking and a sedentary lifestyle, they begin to lose moisture, and they have to shrink. With age, the amount of collagen in the body decreases, therefore, the depreciation of the structures of the spine also decreases, which is why they are forced to flatten.

The Fukutsuji roller is formed in a certain way and is fixed in a certain way in the spine. Regular exercise helps to restore deformed intervertebral discs, stretch the spine, start the process of activation in the cartilaginous tissue, and the spine quickly returns to normal.

What does the exercise give?

Despite the fact that Japanese gymnastics is more common as a method of losing weight, initially it is still aimed at spinal health. Slimness, thin waist and lack of sides are just a very pleasant "side effect" of the exercise.

So what does the technique give?

  • Formed correct position bones of the skeleton.
  • Posture becomes even and beautiful.
  • Internal organs fall into place.
  • Pains in the spine, back, lower back disappear.
  • Digestion is improved.
  • The position of the ribs and pelvic bones is normalized.
  • The muscular system is toning.
  • Being filmed muscle spasms and tightness in the area of ​​various parts of the spine.
  • Visually, the chest rises.
  • Breathing is normalized, gas exchange in the lungs improves.
  • The blood circulation of the vertebral arteries improves.
  • The sides disappear, the stomach is tightened, a thin waist appears.

It is important to understand that when doing the exercise belly fat doesn't go anywhere... By stretching the spine, he only distributed in such a way that the silhouette female body becomes more fit, slim and feminine... We also recommend using for beauty and slimness.

In addition to visible and tangible effects on physical level, one cannot fail to say about a significant emotional uplift. If a person has to stand all day and subject the spine to a huge load or sit in an uncomfortable position at the computer, this greatly affects mood, performance and psycho-emotional state. The person becomes irritable, restless, does not sleep well, often experiences depression and anxiety.

Making a Fukutsuji roller from a towel, photo

As for the diameter of the roller, it is selected individually in accordance with the characteristics of the figure and weight. For example, if a person with large dimensions and overweight makes a roller of too large a diameter, the stretching and deflection will be stronger, respectively, the effect will be noticeable faster. but the discomfort after exercise will also increase... Chasing a quick result in this way - to the detriment of your own health - is not worth it, because sometimes sensations can be not only unpleasant, but also painful.

The minimum diameter (about 5 cm) in the initial stages of the exercise is shown:

  • Overweight people;
  • People with a low level of physical fitness;
  • People with diseases of the spine (curvature, osteochondrosis).

No one should start exercises right away with a wide roller to avoid unpleasant sensations after charging.

Required inventory

In addition to the roller, you will need a gym mat to provide a flat, comfortable surface, and comfortable sportswear.

Clothing plays a huge role in the effectiveness of the exercise. You should not choose tight, tight, tight clothing, even if you do not have intense physical activity. To completely relax, you need to feel freedom and spaciousness with your whole body. Therefore, women are advised to exercise without a bra by wearing a loose T-shirt over their naked body.

It is better to replace sports leggings with loose pants or shorts, socks and shoes can be skipped. Experts who do the exercises in groups say that while doing the exercise, you need to "relax and melt like ice cream."

Execution technique

The exercise is performed at home, at any convenient time.

Execution technique:

After the first practices, the sensations in the back will be unpleasant - this is normal. If the discomfort bothers you, you can reduce the time to 2-3 minutes, and each time increase it by 10-20 seconds. Gradually, the state of health both during and after exercise will be much better.

There are also several modifications of the exercise. For thin waist the roller needs to be raised a little higher, under the lower edge of the ribs, and lie there for another 5 minutes. For the beauty of the chest, the roll is placed clearly under the chest, and the exercise is also performed for 5 minutes.

  • Exercise only in the morning.
  • Try to exercise at the same time so that the body gets used to it and the risk of complications is minimal.
  • Exercise daily without missing a workout.

There is also a special program for 3 months, which is aimed specifically for weight loss... Its essence boils down to the following: in the first month it is recommended to perform the exercise with the lumbar position of the roller. The duration of the exercise in the first week is 2 minutes, in the second - 3, in the third - 4, in the fourth - 5.

In the second month, the exercise is performed with the lumbar and subcostal position of the roller. In this case, the duration of the exercise with a roller under the lower back is always 5 minutes, and under the ribs - 2, 3, 4, 5 minutes per week, respectively.

In the third month, the sternal position of the roller is added: in the first week 2 minutes, then adding 1 minute per week. Exercise with a roller under the lower back and under the ribs is always performed for 5 minutes.

So, by the end of the third month, a person already performs all three types of exercises for 5 minutes and achieves significant success in the process of losing weight. If you believe the reviews, during this period it takes 5 cm in the waist, the sagging belly disappears and the posture is completely straightened.

During these three months, it is important to adhere to proper nutrition and engage in sports from the permitted list:

  • Swimming;
  • Race walking;
  • Ski walking;
  • Eastern gymnastic practices.

These sports have a positive effect on the spine and the musculoskeletal system in general. But there are also sports that are not recommended:

If a person at the same time visits gym, you need to find out from the trainer what kind of load is on the joints.

Safety engineering

Even such a simple exercise requires certain precautions so that a person does not harm himself. Safety regulations include the following:

  1. If a person has ever experienced problems with the spine, he has a disease of the musculoskeletal system (osteochondrosis, scoliosis, hernia), you must first consult a doctor.
  2. On the initial stage you cannot choose a thick roller: it is better to start with the minimum diameter and gradually increase it.
  3. You do not need to strive to perform the exercise for the prescribed 5 minutes if at the same time discomfort or pain in the lower back or spine causes severe discomfort. Time is allowed to be reduced and gradually increased.
  4. You can not get up suddenly after the end of the exercise.

What sensations does a person experience after gymnastics?

Japanese gymnastics evokes different feelings and sensations in different people... Some claim that after the first practice, the waist is reduced by 2-3 cm.

The objective results of the exercise are as follows:

  • Breathing is normalized, the breaths seem fuller, deeper, as if the volume of the lungs has increased.
  • In a seated position, it seems that the back has become completely flat and instead of hustle and bustle there is a beautiful bend.
  • When moving and walking, the shoulders are straightened.
  • Improves sleep
  • The chest is tightened, the waist is reduced.

At the emotional level, a person experiences a feeling of elation, high spirits, a surge of strength and energy.


Since the Fukutsuji technique affects not only appearance, but also health, one cannot but take into account the contraindications, which include:

  1. A history of spinal injuries of any prescription.
  2. Any internal and external bleeding.
  3. Diseases of the spine: hernia of the spinal column, disc protrusion, scoliosis, sciatica, osteochondrosis, osteoporosis, myositis, sciatica, spondylosis, tumors, ankylosing spondylitis.
  4. Joint diseases: coxarthrosis, periarthritis, bursitis, tendinitis.
  5. Osteopathy, chondropathy.
  6. Diseases gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys.
  7. Fever, any acute respiratory infections.
  8. Hypertension.
  9. Restless legs or arms syndrome (tingling, itching, goosebumps).

Some diseases in some cases can turn from contraindications into indications, so the best solution would be to go to a neurologist or orthopedist.

Possible complications

If safety rules are neglected or contraindications are not taken into account, various complications may arise, for example:

  • Sharp sharp pain in the spine due to compression of the nerve.
  • Loss of consciousness or fainting.
  • Dizziness, nausea.
  • Spasm of the back muscles during or after exercise.
  • Headache.
  • Discomfort in the back, lower back, which does not go away for several hours after exercise.

The presence of these signs is a reason to stop doing gymnastics.

Pros and cons of the technique

To the merits Japanese technology Fukutsuji include:

  1. Ease of implementation.
  2. No requirements for physical fitness.
  3. No need to buy special inventory and fixtures.
  4. Short duration (only 5 minutes daily).
  5. Fast and tangible results.
  6. The ability to lose weight without exhausting workouts and rigid diets.
  7. Improving body shape and posture.
  8. Improvement of the situation and, as a consequence, work internal organs, digestion process.
  9. Ability to work out at home without going to the gym and a coach.
  10. Relief of back pain and tension.

But the technique also has disadvantages:

  1. The presence of contraindications.
  2. Possible discomfort and pain during or after exercise.
  3. Slow weight loss.

Obviously, there are much more advantages than disadvantages, which is why spine roller exercises are so popular.

Roller Fukutsuji with a pattern, photo

The unique technique of the Japanese doctor Fukutsuji has a positive effect on the condition of the support column and back muscles. Exercises with a roller for the spine do not require the use of expensive devices, but the effect of the exercise is as noticeable as after carrying out physiotherapy and stretching the support column.

What are the advantages of the Japanese spine healing method? How to do it correctly? Is the original roller gymnastics suitable for everyone? How to prevent side effects and muscle strain? Answers in the article.

general information

Dr. Fukutsuji from Japan has long been involved in the treatment of spinal diseases and the rehabilitation of patients. Rich experience of work has allowed the pioneering doctor to develop a unique method to normalize the position of the elements of the support pillar. The specialist believes that without correct location the bones of the pelvis and ribs, it is impossible to achieve a complete cure of pathologies of the spine and the health of the body.

Observation of the course of therapy, confirmation of positive dynamics prompted the famous doctor to write a book. After the publication of the publication, the original exercises for straightening and stretching the spine became popular, the effectiveness of the method was soon confirmed by other doctors and thousands of patients. After a course of regular exercises, not only the functionality of the support pillar is normalized, but extra centimeters at the waist disappear, muscles get stronger, the body becomes more slender, health improves, etc.

Briefly about the method:

  • Dr. Fukutsuji's gymnastics are performed on a hard surface - a rug or a couch;
  • first, the patient slowly lies down on a roll formed from a towel. The device is located under the lower back, strictly under the navel;
  • then you need to spread your legs to shoulder width, bring your fingers together, fix the position, hands behind your head. In enough uncomfortable posture you need to stay for 5-7 minutes, the first days are enough for 2 minutes;
  • in the process of gymnastics, the spine is stretched, the support post straightens, the pressure decreases and the negative effect on the intervertebral discs, they strain well, the muscles of the back and abdominal muscles are strengthened;
  • at the end of classes, you need to rest, get up slowly so that sudden movements do not lead to displacement of the vertebrae.

The benefits of remedial gymnastics

Pros of the Fukutsuji technique for stretching the spine:

  • lesson (all stages) takes no more than half an hour a day;
  • a positive result is noted by most patients;
  • no expensive simulators and devices are needed;
  • the technique is quite simple, after two or three sessions, most of the patients already correctly perform the exercise for stretching the spine;
  • muscles of the back, legs, abs, pelvic zone, arms are worked out, the elasticity of the ligamentous apparatus of the spine increases;
  • original technique helps to lose weight;
  • with the daily exercise of Dr. Fukutsuji's gymnastics, a positive result appears after a few sessions;
  • changing the position of the roller allows you to remove fat deposits not only at the waist, but also to tighten and strengthen the chest.

Technique for performing an exercise with a back roller:

  • lay a rug on the floor or you need to practice on a hard couch;
  • prepare a towel roll;
  • it is important to perform movements in a specific sequence;
  • sit down, straighten your legs, put the roller under your back (strictly under the projection of the navel zone), slowly lie on a rolled towel;
  • to check the position, you need to put your finger on the navel, draw a line down to the sides. If, at the end of the movement, the finger rests on the roller, then the device is located correctly;
  • at the beginning of the lesson, legs are shoulder-width apart, feet brought together so that the thumbs reach each other. It's quite difficult, it takes effort. It is easier to tie the thumbs with a soft elastic band so that the feet are in the right position during exercise;
  • turn your palms towards you, bring your little fingers together, slowly, gently lower your hands behind your head. The position of the body is not very comfortable, but this is how the spine is stretched, the bones of the pelvis and ribs return to their optimal, physiological position;
  • for the first exercises, two to three minutes are enough, gradually increase the duration of the extension of the support column to five to seven minutes;
  • after the specified time has elapsed, return to its original position, relax the leg muscles, lower arms, rest. You can not get up abruptly, otherwise there is a high probability of a slight shift of the vertebrae. After rest, you need to kneel down, follow the sensations, then slowly rise.

Possible side effects

Exercising Dr. Fukutsuji sometimes causes negative reactions:

  • dizziness;
  • acute pain in the back;
  • nausea;
  • darkening in the eyes;
  • headache;
  • fainting;
  • pain syndrome in the lumbar region.

Negative manifestations occur when the training technique is violated or against the background of the individual characteristics of the organism. Often complications appear if the patient begins classes without taking into account contraindications.

With development side effects you need to stop gymnastics with a roller for the spine, rest, then gently rise, drink an antihypertensive drug or a headache pill. After the normalization of health, you need to visit a vertebrologist, to figure out why there was discomfort and complications. Until the reasons are clarified, it is forbidden to continue classes.

Fukutsuji gymnastics for stretching the support post and losing weight is beneficial when observing the technique of training, taking into account the restrictions. Roller exercises are beneficial for men and women, improve posture, and get rid of unnecessary body fat. You can practice the Japanese method only after consulting an orthopedic traumatologist or vertebrologist.

The back cushion is gaining popularity. But this is absolutely not an innovation. It was used in ancient times, putting it under the armpits, back, neck during periods of rest. You need to know how to lie on it correctly in order to get the maximum benefit and pleasure.


Fillers in rollers have great importance... Modern products are made with hypoallergenic fillers. They are as practical as possible and have medicinal properties.

Based practical application The PU foam roller is easy to clean. Husks and polyester do not tolerate moisture very well - such a roller needs additional pillowcases.

As for the shape, there are no differences, they have a standard shape and differ only in size: width and height.

What are the back cushions for?

The back cushion (as it will be described below) is considered a unique and versatile pillow. Poor sleep, fatigue after sleep, pain in the spinal part of the back occur mainly due to uncomfortable (high) pillows.

They keep the thoracic spine toned and the chin relaxed. It is this position in a dream that is considered wrong. Pain occurs, migraines appear, osteochondrosis develops.

Benefits of using a roller:

How to lie on a posture correction roller

The back cushion is also used for posture correction. When a person does not slouch, he looks slimmer. You need to know how to properly lie on it in order to achieve maximum results.

To begin with, the roller is located in the lumbar region. After doing the stretching exercise, he moves a few centimeters higher, located in the area of ​​the shoulder blades, which helps to raise the chest and correct posture.

Indications for roller exercise

A roller for the back, how to lie on it and do exercises, are told by experts. Specially developed gymnastics has a positive effect on the condition of the spine and strengthens the back muscles. To perform a set of exercises, you do not need any adaptations, and the effect is recognized as after applying physiotherapy or stretching the spine.

But it should be remembered that gymnastics is not aimed at curing serious problems of bones and discs, but at the functional normalization of the spine.

  1. Helps to strengthen posture.
  2. The pain syndrome decreases, the discomfort in the back area disappears.
  3. Excess body fat leaves the area lumbar.
  4. The elasticity of the muscles increases, and they are strengthened.
  5. For strengthening the chest and straightening the posture (when moving the roller).
  6. Effective in violation of the natural position of the support axis.

Exercises are not completely harmless, therefore strict compliance with the rules of execution is necessary. The technique is not difficult, but it affects the spine. Failure to comply with recommendations or contraindications can aggravate the situation and lead to rather dangerous complications. It is not recommended to start gymnastics yourself, without examination by a specialist and its appointment.


As with other procedures and gymnastics, these classes have a number of contraindications.

These include:

A roller for the back: how to lie on it and perform a set of exercises is consulted with a specialist.

This is important as they can cause some negative reactions. Dizziness, headache, acute back pain, darkening of the eyes, nausea, fainting may appear.

They can arise as a result of several reasons:

  1. Violation of the rules for performing exercises.
  2. Individual characteristics of the organism.
  3. Unaccounted for contraindications.

When such syndromes appear, it is necessary to stop performing a set of exercises and rest for a few minutes. Then stand up carefully. Take a pain reliever if necessary. After the symptoms disappear, do not exercise without specialized advice to identify the causes of discomfort and complications.

Japanese exercise for weight loss

The method was developed by the Japanese physician Fukutsuji. After many years of research, he came to the conclusion: a violation of natural processes and balance in the body causes an incorrect arrangement of the pelvic bones and ribs. All this leads to curvature of posture, bulging of the abdomen, back pain, etc.

The doctor has developed a method of static stretching, which is mainly aimed at restoring the full functioning of the spine, straightening the shoulders, and straightening the posture. Due to the fact that gymnastics is aimed at restoring normal blood circulation processes, it has another positive effect - it promotes weight loss, especially in the lumbar region.

With regular use, the correct position of the internal organs is also restored, the skin is tightened, the waist becomes slimmer, the body lines are correct. Exercise is best done in evening time perfect before bed. The body recovers well overnight, the muscles stop hurting.

With constant implementation, the following results are achieved:

  • the volume in the waist area decreases;
  • straighten your shoulders;
  • the pelvic bones are in the correct position;
  • the chest is tightened;
  • the spine is stretched.

Correct technique doing the exercise:

  1. Exercise on a hard surface.
  2. Prepare the roller.
  3. Observe the sequence of actions: take the "sitting" position, the lower limbs should be straight, put the roller under the back in the navel area (this is important). Smoothly lie on the roller, check if it is correctly located under the lower back (draw a conditional line down from the navel, if your finger touches the middle of the roller, it is located correctly).
  4. Lower limbs are located on the line of the shoulders, the thumbs are drawn together. They must be in contact with each other. The effect " clubfoot bear". In fact, it is not easy. If it does not work, secure your thumbs with some kind of device, for example, an elastic band.
  5. Place your hands with your palms to your face, connect your little fingers and smoothly bring your hands behind your head.
  6. The position is not very comfortable, but this is how the spine is stretched, and the pelvic bones, ribs are in the correct physiological position.
  7. The initial execution lasts about 3 minutes. Then the duration is increased to 7 minutes.

Examples of a set of exercises for stretching

Exercises aimed at stretching the muscles of the back:

A set of exercises: raising the tone

To improve the blood circulation in the pelvic area, eliminate pain, to increase the tone of internal organs it is recommended to do next exercise:

Remember to roll the roller very slowly. With fast rotational movements, it will not only not be beneficial, but can harm.

A set of exercises: relaxation and improvement of posture

For general relaxation and relaxation of the shoulders, relieving leg fatigue, normalizing blood flow and lymph movement a set of exercises has been developed:

How to use a roller for osteochondrosis

A roller for the back, its thickness for osteochondrosis of the neck and lower back is selected based on the distance from the body to the mattress. By measuring the distance, a suitable size is selected.

If the roller is made of a towel, it is rolled up to the required thickness and looks like an orthopedic one. For pain in the lumbar region, lie on it, placing it under the lower back and under the knees. To keep the lower back relaxed, the legs must be kept above the body.

A bolster under the neck helps:

  • cessation of headaches;
  • provides good rest and good sleep;
  • prevents neck curvature;
  • stimulates the normalization of blood circulation in the head.

When the roller is located in the lumbar region:

  • muscles relax, fatigue is relieved;
  • the feeling of discomfort goes away;
  • relieves tension in the spine;
  • blood circulation processes are normalized.

The use of the roller should not be accompanied by any discomfort, it should not cause pain. Otherwise, it is necessary to abandon this type of roller and choose a different size and required height.

A set of exercises for the back and spine require adherence to all techniques. Before starting to use gymnastics, you need to consult with a specialist to find out if there are any contraindications. Neglecting the technique of gymnastics can lead to the development of processes that will negatively affect the condition of the spine.

  1. Classes include daily execution, with a gradual increase in loads and training duration.
  2. After strengthening back muscles, the press is recommended to form a larger roller.
  3. During the implementation of a set of exercises, monitor the correctness of breathing: without overstraining, smoothly breathe in and out, they should be deep.
  4. After the end of gymnastics, it is strictly forbidden to sit down abruptly, not to get up, and carry out other exercises.
  5. You need to relax, relax your muscles, and smoothly roll onto your side. Lie down for a while. Perform smooth flexion, extension of the arms and legs.
  6. It is allowed to get up only after a 10-minute rest, while observing a certain sequence of actions: first, kneel down, linger for a few minutes. Then stretch out to full height.

You can make your own exercise roller. Take a towel, predominantly of a hard texture, as it is necessary for the roller to turn out to be hard.

Roll the towel tightly with rotating movements, tie it with a rope or secure with an elastic band. In order for the roller to be of maximum benefit, it is necessary to maintain the optimal dimensions. The width of the product should be the width of the back. The ideal height is 10 to 15 cm.

With osteochondrosis, a set of exercises is selected in order to eliminate pain symptoms, dizziness, numbness of the limbs, and improve blood supply. Depending on the localization of the problem, the doctor selects special complex gymnastics using a roller.

TO standard exercises for the back include the following:

  1. Take a sitting position on a hard surface. Ideally on the floor using a rug.
  2. Place a roller behind your back and slowly lower yourself onto it. The roller should be in the navel area. It is easy to check by drawing a conditional line from the navel down.
  3. Legs are shoulder-width apart, with thumbs together and heels apart.
  4. Raise your hands, place your palms to your face, connect the extreme fingers and bring them onto your head.
  5. Stay in this position for 3 to 7 minutes. The duration is gradually increasing.

Whichever position of the roller is chosen for the back or for the neck, how to lie on it and do the exercise, it is necessary to consult with specialists in order to get the maximum pleasure and effect.

Back cushion video

Japanese spine correction technique using a back roller:

Miracle roller for posture and back health:

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