Physical education club-footed bear walks through the woods. Physical education "Big - small

Physical minutes for children
One, two - the head is higher.
Three, four - arms, legs wider.
Five, six - sit down quietly.
There is a forest on the mountain
circular motion by hand
It is not low, not high.
sit down, stand up, hands up
An amazing bird gives us a voice.
eyes and hands up, reach out
There are two tourists along the path
Walked home from far away
walking in place
They say: "We have not heard such a whistle yet."
raise your shoulders
Raise your hands up - once
Above the nose, above the eyes.
Keep your hands up straight
Do not swing, do not tremble.
Three - put their hands down
Stand still, don't turn around.
Up one, two, three, four, down!

We repeat, do not be lazy!
Let's make turns.
Do everything willingly.
One - turn to the left,
Two is now the other way around.
So, not at all, not in a hurry,
We repeat 8 times.
Hands on the belt, legs wider!

One - get up, pull up
Two - bend, unbend
Three - three claps in the hands, three nods of the head.
Four legs wider.
Five - wave your hands.
Six - sit quietly at the table.
Five cheerful brownies
On a festive night
We walked around too much.
Standing on tiptoe
One spun in a waltz
And the second stumbled and smashed his nose.
The third one jumped up to heaven
Stars gnawed from the sky.
And the fourth stomped like a clubfoot Bear
The fifth sang until hoarse
Song by song.
The brownies had a lot of fun that night.
Winter evening in the blue sky
get up from the table
The stars are blue lit
stand on toes, stretch
Branches are pouring blue frost
shaking hands, slowly sit down
On a snowy meadow.
A steamer pushed off from the green pier
stand up
He took a step back first
step back
And then he stepped forward
step forward
And swam, swam along the river
hand movements
Gaining full speed.
walking in place

Here is a clearing, and around
Lindens lined up in a circle. With a wide gesture, spread your arms to the sides.
Linden crowns rustle
The winds in their foliage are humming
Raise your hands up and shake them from side to side.
Down the tops are bent down
And they shake them, shake them Leaning forward, shake the body from side to side.

Warm up
We repeat all the movements of the warm-up without hesitation!
Hey! We jumped on the spot.
Eh! We wave our hands together.
Ehe - heh! Bent backs
We looked at the boots.
Hey - hey! Bent down lower
We leaned closer to the floor.
Turn in place deftly.
We need a knack for this.
What did you like, my friend?
We'll repeat the lesson tomorrow!

White cloud
Rounded hands in front of you
Rose over the roof
Raise your arms above your head
The cloud rushed
Higher, higher, higher
Pull your arms up; smooth swaying of the arms over the head from side to side
The wind is a cloud
Hooked on the twist.
The cloud turned into a thundercloud
With your hands, describe a large circle down the sides and lower them, sit down.

Animal charging
One is a squat
Two is a jump.
This is a bunny exercise.
How to wake up foxes
rub your eyes with your fists
They like to stretch for a long time
stretch out
Be sure to yawn
yawn, covering your mouth with your palm
Well, wag your tail
movement of the hips to the sides
And the cubs' back is arched
bend forward in the back
And they will lightly jump
easy jump up

Well, the bear is clubfoot
arms bent at the elbows, palms connected below the waist
Paws spread wide
feet shoulder width apart
Now one, then both together
stepping over legs
Treading water for a long time
swinging the torso to the sides
And for whom charging is not enough -
He starts all over again!
spread your arms to the sides at waist level, palms up

Cha, cha, cha
Cha, cha, cha (3 claps on the thighs)
The stove is very hot (4 jumps on two legs)
Chi, chi, chi (3 claps over your head)
Oven bakes rolls (4 squats)
Let's do a warm-up, keep the back straight!
Head back, forward, right, left, turn!
Raise your hands straight up -
These are the tall ones!

Stretch even higher
Turn right, left.
And now the pelvis is dancing -
Look at us!
By this glorious exercise
We cheer you up.
Then we will squat:
Amicably sit down and stand amicably!
We are not too lazy to jump -
Like a ball all day.

There are two girlfriends in the swamp -
two green frogs -
Early in the morning we washed,
rubbed themselves with a towel,
They stamped their feet, clapped their hands.
Leaning left and right -
Mosquitoes scattered -
All were left without food.
Chu, chu, chu (3 claps behind the back)

Gymnastics in verse
We clap our hands - clap-clap-clap,
We stomp our feet - Top-top-top,
We all raised our hands
And they lowered it together.
And they all got on a magic plane.
(arms bent at the elbows, in front of the chest)
They started the engine - W-w-w, w-w-w
(we twist slowly with our hands in front of the chest, increasing the pace)
The plane flies, and the engine hums - Ooh, ooh, ooh
(arms to the sides, alternate bends to the left and right),
We flew ... (usually after making a couple of circles around the room, we fly to eat or wash, and sometimes we fly up to the map hanging on the wall to play geography)
Clap! One more time

We'll clap now.
And then soon, soon
Clap-clap more fun!
Clap, clap, clap!
Finger on finger, thump and thump,
Stomp, stomp, stomp!

We walk along the path
Top-top, legs, top!
And we clap our hands.
Clap-clap, handles, clap!
Oh yes kids!
Ah yes, strong guys!
Hands to the sides, into a fist,
Unclench and flank.
Left up!
Right up!
To the sides, crosswise,
To the sides, down.
Knock knock knock knock knock! (banging fist on fist)
Let's make a big circle. ("drew" a circle with my hands)
We stomp our feet, Top-top-top!
We clap our hands, Clap-clap-clap!
Shaking our head
And we turn our heads.
We raise our hands
We put our hands down
We shake hands
And we run around.
Hey! We jumped on the spot. (jumping)
Eh! We wave our hands together. ("scissors" movement with hands)
Ehe-he! Bent the backs, (bend forward, hands on the belt, bend your back)
We looked at the pictures. (bending over, raise your head as high as possible)
Hey-ge! Bent down below. (deep forward bend, hands on the belt)
We leaned closer to the floor. (touch the floor with your hands)
Uh-uh! What a bummer you are! (straighten up, shake your finger at each other)
Stretch, but don't yawn! (reach up with your hands, rising on your toes)
Turn in place deftly. (spinning around)
We need a knack for this.
What did you like, my friend? (Stopped, arms to the sides, raised their shoulders)
There will be another lesson tomorrow! (hands on the belt, turned the torso to the right, right
arm to the side, then to the left and left hand to the side)
Now all the children get up,
Raise your hands slowly
Squeeze your fingers, then unclench,
Hands down and stand like that.
We all rested a little (bend forward and shake your hands)
And went to the track. (steps in place or in a circle)
Show all your palms (raising your hands above your head, rotate with your brushes, "flashlights")
And clap a little
Clap - clap - clap, Clap - clap - clap.
Now look at me (make any move)
You will repeat exactly everything.
One-two-three, one-two-three.
Now let's show the legs
And we'll drown a little.
Top-top-top, Top-top-top.
Show me arms, legs,
Play with them a little (arbitrary movements with arms and legs)
One-two-three, one-two-three.
There is a lock on the door. (hands are clasped in the lock)
Who could open it? (trying to sever hands)
Twisted, twisted,
They knocked and opened.
We have a nice posture
We brought the shoulder blades together.
We walk on our socks
And then on the heels.
Let's go softly like foxes
Well, if you get bored.
Then let's go all clubfoot
Like bears go to the forest.
We sat on the carousel. (mom and baby stand opposite each other, holding hands, and walk in circles)
The carousels spun
The carousel spun.
We got on the swing
We flew up, (got up and reached up)
We flew down, (squatted down)
We flew up
We flew down
And now with you alone (we represent how we sail on a boat)
We are sailing on a boat.
The wind walks on the sea (we wave our arms outstretched)
Our boat is shaking. (hands on the belt, swing the whole body)
The planes hummed, (rotation in front of the chest with arms bent at the elbows)
The planes flew. (arms to the sides, alternate bends to the left and right)
They quietly sat down in the clearing, (sit down, hands on knees)
And they flew again. (arms to the sides, "fly" in a circle)
Oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo ...
Tiki - so, tiki-so, (knocking with outstretched arms on the sides)
So the clock is knocking.
Tuki - so, tuki - so, (hands in front of you, fists clenched, "bike")
This is how the wheels knock.
Toki - current, currents - tok, (hands are clenched into fists, knocking one against the other)
So the hammer knocks.
Tuki - tok, tuki - tok, (we stomp on the floor)
So the heel knocks.
The rhythm is gradually accelerating.
Mill, mill grinds flour. (we turn the "mill" with our hands)
Blowing - the wind is blowing stronger. (gently wave your arms over your head from side to side)
The faster the mill grinds the flour.
Blowing - the wind is blowing stronger.
The mill grinds the flour even faster.
Blowing - the wind is blowing stronger.
We grind the flour (banging fist on fist)
Huge bags. (depicting "big bags")
From flour, from flour (clap our hands with a turnover, depicting pies)
We baked pies
Okay, okay (clap)
Pancakes were baked.
We knock on the floor with our fists, imitating drops, or we walk and stomp to the beat of the drops.
Quiet, quiet rain. Drip-drip-drip.
Harder, harder rain. Drip-Drip-Drip,
Heavy, heavy downpour. Drip-drop-drop!
Thunder! Thunder! (clap)
Lightning glistens in the sky! (hands up)
Here is a clearing, and around (with a wide gesture, spread your arms to the sides)
The lindens are lined up in a circle. (curled arms clasp over head)
Linden crowns rustle, (hands above, shake them from side to side)
The winds in their foliage are humming (bend forward)
Down the tops are bent, (leaning forward, shake the body from side to side)
And they shake them, shake them.
After rain and thunderstorms (straighten up, raise your hands)
Lindens pour streams of tears. (gently lower your hands, fingering with your fingers)
Each leaf by a tear (hands down, shake vigorously with the brushes)
Must drop onto the paths.
Drip and Drip, Drip and Drip - (clap your hands)
Drops, drops, drops - drip!
How weak the leaf is! ("drop" your hands)
He will wash off with the rain (first stroke one, then the other hand)
Will grow stronger every day. (clench fists)
White cloud (rounded hands in front of you, fingers in the lock)
Has risen over the roof. (without disengaging your hands, raise them above your head)
The cloud rushed (straighten your arms)
Higher, higher, higher. (reach out with your hands up)
The wind is a cloud (smooth swaying of the arms over the head from side to side)
Hooked on the twist. (clasp your hands with your fingertips above your head)
It turned into a cloud (with your hands describe a large circle through the sides down)
Into the rain cloud. (sit down)
Spun, spun (spin in place)
White snowflakes.
They flew up in a white flock (raise your hands)
Light fluffs. (spinning on your toes)
The evil blizzard has calmed down a little - (lower your hands, stand up straight)
We lay down everywhere. (sit down, hands to the floor)
Glittered like pearls (stand up, hands forward)
Everyone marvels at the miracle. (spread arms to the sides)
Sparkled, sparkled (perform the "scissors" movement with your hands)
White girlfriends.
Hurried for a walk (steps in place)
Moms and kids.
We depict the size of the cabbage with our hands, then we show how we cut, salt, three and mash the cabbage.
We have cabbage
Large cabbage.
We cut the cabbage, we cut it,
We salt the cabbage, we salt it,
We are cabbage three, three,
We mash the cabbage, mash it.
Chok-chok, heel! (stomp your feet)
A cricket is spinning in the dance. (spinning around)
And a grasshopper without error (hand movements, as when playing a violin)
Performs a waltz on the violin.
Butterfly wings flicker. (flap our arms like wings)
She flies with the ant. (spinning on bounces)
Curtsy squat (curtsy)
And again it is spinning in a dance. (spinning around)
To a funny hopak (dance moves, like in a hopak)
The spider is dancing dashingly.
Hands clap loudly! (clap your hands)
Everything! Our legs are tired! (sit or bend forward, hang your arms down)
On a flat path, (walking in place)
On a flat path
Our legs are marching.
One-two, one-two
On the stones, on the stones, (we jump, slightly moving in place)
By pebbles, by pebbles ...
Into the hole - boo! (squat down)
On a flat path
On a flat path.
Our legs are tired
Our legs are tired.
Here is our home -
This is where we live.
At the end of the text, we run into the house (we agree in advance where the house will be - on the sofa, chair, etc.).
In the morning the gnomes went to the forest. (step in place)
On the way, they found a mushroom. (bend forward, straighten up, hands on the belt)
And behind him, then one, two, three - (tilts of the body from side to side)
Three more showed up! (hands forward, then to the side)
And while the mushrooms were picking, (bends forward, hands to the floor)
The dwarfs were late for school. (hands to cheeks and shake your head from side to side)
Run, hurry (run on the spot)
And the mushrooms dropped everything! (sit down)
Once upon a time there was a little gnome (sit down, stand up)
With a large cap (hands extended upward, palms joined)
He was a gnome traveler. (hands on belt, steps in place)
He rode on a frog: (we jump)
Jump-jump, kva-kva!
And he flew on a dragonfly: (we wave our hands)
Uh, high! (stood on tiptoes)
I swam along the stream in a teacup: (we swim in any style)
He rode a turtle: (hands on his belt, stomp on the spot)
Top top top!
And, having trod all the paths,
He swayed in the spider web, (sway from side to side)
Byu-bye! Byu-bye!
Morning will come (hands up, to the sides, down)
The gnome will go on a campaign again! (steps in place)
Ding-dong, ding-dong, (bends from side to side, hands on the belt)
Gnomes build new house, (banging fist on fist)
Paint the walls, roof, floor, (with our hands we paint from the side, above, below)
They clean everything around. ("sweep" with a broom)
We will come to visit them (steps on the spot)
And we will bring gifts. (hands forward, palms up)
On the floor - a soft path, (tilt forward, hands "stele" the path)
Spread it out to the door. (move back)
Two pillows on the sofa, (put your hands with palms together, first under one cheek, then under the other)
Honey from a linden jug. (round arms and stretch out in front of you)
Oh, oh what a thunder? (hands to cheeks, bends to the side)
Fly builds a new house. (hand movements imitating working with a hammer)
Hammer: knock-knock
There is a rooster to help. (steps with bends to the sides)
Hooves clatter loudly. (steps in place)
The horse is racing across the bridge. (ride like "horses", raising your knees high)
Clink, clink, clink!
Follow her in a jump (running in place with jumps)
Foal and boy.
The clink is the foal's hoof. (stamp with your right foot)
Clink - heel on the board ringingly. (stamp with your left foot)
They rushed, only the dust swirls. ("winder" with hands)
Everyone had to step aside. (back on your heels)
Little bull, (sit down, stand up)
Yellowy barrel, (side bends)
Steps with his feet (we stomp)
Shakes his head. (shake our head)
-Where is the herd? Mu-oo-oo (turn of the body to the right, right, straight arm to the side, then to the left and left arm to the side)
It's boring to be alone! (leaned down and waved outstretched arms)
Early in the morning in a clearing (clap)
This is how the monkeys frolic:
Right foot top, top!
Left foot top, top!
Hands up, up, up!
Who will rise above everyone? (we stand on our toes and reach up)
A turkey walks around the yard (steps in place, hands on a belt)
Among the ducks and girlfriends.
Suddenly he saw a rook. (stop, spread your arms to the sides, look down in surprise)
I got angry. (shake your finger up)
In the heat, stomped, (stomp with your feet)
He flapped his wings. (hands, like wings, pat yourself on the sides)
All swollen like a ball (hands on the belt)
Or a copper samovar. (clasp rounded hands in front of chest)
Shaking his beard, (shake his head, "chat" like a turkey)
Drove by an arrow (running on the spot)
The crane stood on its legs, (stand up, straighten the backs, straighten your shoulders)
I decided to walk a little. (steps with high knees)
Looks into the distance from under her palm. (movements in accordance with the text)
Who is there jumping on the track? (jump in place, hands on the belt)
The toads came out onto the meadow. (steps in place)
The toads all stood in a circle. (form a circle)
It is important to raise the heads. (head up)
Look how clever we are! ("proud" head turns to the right - to the left)
They clapped their hands. (clap your hands)
Look how clever we are!
Here we jumped a little. (jump on both feet)
Galloped, galloped. (jump on the right, then on the left leg)
Spun, spun. (spinning in place)
And then they stopped. (stop, lean forward, shake with straight arms)

Big small

At first I'll be small

I'll snuggle up to my knees.

Then I'll grow up big

I can reach the lamp.

Children perform movements according to the text of the poem.

On a flat path

On a flat path

Children are walking

On a flat path

Our feet are walking

One-two, one-two

By pebbles, pebbles,

jumping on two legs,

By the pebbles, by the pebbles.

Into the hole - boo!



We're getting higher

We take out the roofs with our hands.

One or two - got up

One or two - hands down.


The wind sways the maple softly,

Tilts left, right.

Times - tilt

And two tilt.

The maple foliage rustled.

Hands are raised up, movements along the text.

Three Bears

Three bears were walking home

Children waddle in place

Dad was big, big.

Raise your arms above your head, pull up.

Mom with him is smaller,

Hands at chest level. And my son is just a baby.

Sit down. He was very small,

Sitting down, swing like a bear. I went with rattles.

Stand up, hands clenched in front of the chest into fists.

Dzin-dzin, dzin-dzin.

Children imitate playing with rattles.


This finger wants to sleep

This finger went to bed.

This finger took a nap.

This finger has already fallen asleep.

This one is fast, sound asleep.

Hush, hush, do not make noise!

The red sun will rise

The red morning will come

The birds will chirp

Fingers will stand up.

Children alternately bend the fingers of the opposite hand with one hand and hold them in a fist. On the words “fingers will stand up,” children raise their hand up and straighten their fingers.


Leap-leap, leap-leap,

Bunny jumped on a tree stump.

The hare is cold to sit

You need to warm your paws,

Feet up, feet down

Pull up on your toes

We put our paws on the side,

On toes, hop-hop.

And then squat down

So that the paws do not freeze.

Movement through the text of the poem.


Fingers fell asleep

Curled up into a fist.

We wanted to play!

At the expense of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 fingers alternately unclench from the cam. On the words “wanted to play”, the fingers move freely.

One two three four five

One, two, three, four, five - we stamp our feet

One, two, three, four, five - clap our hands

One, two, three, four, five - we do it again.

And blueberries grow in the forest

And blueberries grow in the forest

Strawberries, blueberries.

To pick a berry

You need to squat deeper.


I walked in the forest.

I'm carrying a basket of berries.

(Walking in place.)

(The back is straight, hands on the belt. Children smoothly and slowly raise either the right or left leg, bent at the knee, and also gently lowered. Watch your back.)

—Stork, long-legged stork, Show home the way.

(The stork answers.)

- Stomp with your right foot, Stamp with your left foot, Again - with your right foot, Again - with your left foot. After - with the right foot, After - with the left foot. And then you will come home.

And over the sea - we are with you!

Seagulls are circling over the waves

Let's fly after them together.

Foam splashes, the sound of the surf,

And over the sea - we are with you!

(Children flap their arms like wings.)

We're sailing on the sea now

And frolic in the open.

More fun to rake

And catch up with the dolphins.

(Children make swimming movements with their hands.)

And now we are with you, children

And now we are with you, children,

We fly away on a rocket.

Get up on your toes

And then hands down.

One two three four -

Here is a rocket flying up!

(1-2 - stand on toes, hands up, palms form a "rake-you dome"; 3-4 - main stand.)

All the guys stood up together

All the guys stood up together Straighten up.

And they walked on the spot. Walking in place.

Stretched on tiptoes Raise your hands up.

And now they caved in back. Bend over back, hands put behind your head.

We sat down like springs Sit down.

And they sat down quietly at once. Straighten up and sit down.

Nesting dolls

Clap their hands Clap your hands in front of you

Friendly nesting dolls. Repeat claps again.

Boots on my feet Right leg forward to the heel, left foot

Matryoshkas are stomping. Forward to the heel, hands to the belt, then to I.P.

Lean to the left, to the right, Tilts to the right - to the left.

Bow to all your acquaintances. Head tilt forward with torso twist

The girls are naughty Head tilts to the right and left.

Painted nesting dolls. Tilt back, arms to the sides, lean back in the chair.

In our motley sundresses Turns the torso to the right and left, arms to the shoulders, repeat the turns of the torso again

You look like sisters.

Okay, okay, Clap your hands in front of you.

Funny nesting dolls. Clap on the desk, repeat again.

And now a step is in place

And now a step is in place.

Higher legs! Stop, one, two!

(Walking in place.)

Raise your shoulders higher

And then we omit them. (Raise and lower your shoulders.)

We put our hands in front of the chest

And we do jerks. (Hands in front of the chest, jerking with hands.)

You need to jump ten times,

Let's jump higher, let's jump together! (Jumping in place.)

We raise our knees -

We carry out the step on the spot. (Walking in place.)

We reached out from the heart, (Stretching — arms up and to the sides.)

And they returned to the place again. (The children sit down.)

Well, try it!
Come on, guys, try
Keep up with the rabbits
And challenging tasks
Execute quickly.

How many green Christmas trees
Make so many bends.
How many small circles
Make so many jumps.
How many cows are there in the meadow,
Make so many claps.
Squat as many times
How many balls we have.
(After each couplet question, the teacher shows the corresponding picture. Children count the number of drawn objects, point them on their fingers, and everyone performs the specified movement a given number of times.)

Fun in the forest
Hares got up early in the morning,
They played merrily in the forest. (Jumping in place.)
Jump-jump-jump along the tracks!
Who is not used to charging? (Walking in place.)
Here is a fox walking through the forest.
Who's jumping there, I wonder? (Stretching - hands forward.)
To answer the question
The fox pulls her nose. (Jumping in place.)
But the bunnies jump quickly.
How could it be otherwise? (Running in place.)
Exercise helps!
And the rabbits run away. (Walking in place.)
Here is a hungry fox
Sadly looks up to heaven. (Stretching - arms up.)
Sighs heavily, (Deep breaths in and out.)
Sits down, rests. (Sits down, rests.)

In the woods
We walked, walked, walked. (Legs slightly apart. Hands on the belt. Steps in place, watch the position of the torso.)
They found the strawberry.
They sat down, ate and went again. (Sit down, touching the floor with your hands, look forward.)
We walked, walked, walked
Finally, we came to the right place.
And we came to the Forest Health School! (The exercise is repeated 3-4 times, only the names of the berries change: (blueberry, blueberry, blackberry, etc.)

(From the position of "feet apart, hands on the belt", perform inclinations in accordance with the text.)
Wolf tilts do glad
Right, left, forward, backward,
Many, many times in a row
Left, right, forward, backward.

Wolf and hare
(Children stand in a circle, hands to shoulders, fingers clenched into a fist.)
One, two, three, four - (Children alternately unbend their fingers, starting with the index fingers and ending with the little fingers.)
Hare protruded ears (Children raise bent arms to the head (depict "ears").)
Here he is a gray wolf, a wolf,
He snapped his teeth, snapped! (The teacher claps in front of him (the wolf clicks his teeth).)
Bunny, me, and you, and you, (Spring squats.)
We quickly hide in the bushes.

Gymnastics for the eyes "A bear wanders through the forest"
The bear wanders through the forest.
Goes from oak to oak. (Walking "waddle", slightly bent over, "raking" with slightly bent arms.)
Finds honey in the hollows
And puts it in his mouth. (Depict how he takes out and eats honey.)
Licks paw
The clubfoot is sweet,
And the bees swoop in, ("Shrug off the bees.")
The bear is driven away.
And the bees sting the bear: (Take your hand forward and alternately touch the nose and cheeks.)
Don't eat our honey, thief! (We follow the movement of the finger with our eyes, trying not to turn our heads.)
Wandering along the forest road
Bear to his den. (Waddling walking.)
Lies down, falls asleep (Lie down, hands under the cheek.)
And he remembers the bees. (I. Lopukhina)

Lunge to the right, lunge to the left
Bunny does it skillfully. (Children, with the help of a teacher, perform left and right lunges.)
He puts his hands at close range,
Climbs the fence. (They take an emphasis while standing, bent over, the child moves to an emphasis lying on the hips, the teacher takes him by the hands, lifts him up and lowers him to the floor in the main position.)
We pull carrots from the garden,
We accept the grouping. (Emphasis crouching. Grouping.)

Come on, bunny, ride, ride,
Tap, tap, tap.
You fall on the grass, fall
Lie down and rest, rest.
Rested, now get up
Start jumping again!
Run fast to the tree
And jump back quickly.
(Children jump on two legs, clasping their arms to their chest, imitating the movements of bunnies. Then they squat down and rest. Get up and jump again. At the command of the teacher, they run quickly to the "Christmas tree" (the teacher chooses the place), and then scatter to their places and sit down into place.)

Hare, acrobat trainer
Hare, acrobat trainer,
Teaches everyone. (Walking in place.)
All the animals who want
Come to study.
Kneeling stand
Hands behind your back. (Kneeling, hands behind your back.)
Roll forward, bending over,
Follow with me. (Roll forward, bending over.)

Beasts, wake up quickly
Knock knock knock knock knock knock
The woodpecker wakes everyone around: (Children sit in a circle with their eyes closed (sleep).)
"Beasts, wake up quickly,
Get ready for the exercises. " (The teacher says the text and claps their hands, the children get up and walk in a circle, holding hands.)

The animals are doing exercises
Animals are doing exercises - (Walking in place, hands on a belt.)
Who skips, (Jump up.)
Who squat, (Sit down, hands forward.)
Someone raises their shoulders, (Standing up, raise your shoulders (hands are freely lowered).)
Someone lowers their shoulders. (Shoulders drop.)
Let's make a wave with our hands, (Hands to the sides.)
Swing to the right and swing to the left, (Swinging movements of the legs to the right and left.)
Semi-squat, (Semi-squat, hands on the belt.)
Squat, (Squat.)
Tilt, (Tilt forward, arms to the sides.)
All athletes
Helmet bow. (Rise on your toes, hands up, bend forward with your hands touching the floor.)
Slender, beautiful
We all want to become
Kind and strong
To hug the whole world!

Meet the forest dwellers
(Children perform movements according to the text. The teacher monitors the posture of children, focuses on the transfer of a characteristic image of animals by children.)
We have a nice posture
We brought the shoulder blades together
We walk on our socks
And then on the heels.
Let's go softly like fox cubs
And like a clubfoot bear.
And like a gray wolf-wolf.
And like a bunny coward,
Here is the wolf curled up in a ball,
Because he's chilled.
A ray of a hedgehog touched
The hedgehog stretched sweetly.

Like our animals
Like our animals have (Claps hands.)
Paws knock cheerfully:
Top-top-top, top-top-top. (Stomping feet.)
And the legs are tired
Clap their hands:
Clap-clap-clap, clap-clap-clap. (Claps of your hands.)
And then squat down (Squats.)
Animals are dancing side by side. (Jumping in place.)
And how they start to run - (Running on the spot.)
No one can catch up with them.

Teddy bears
We are funny guys.
Our name is teddy bears.
We love to climb and play
We love to jump and throw. (Walking on toes, changing the position of the hands.)
The bear went through the forest,
I wandered along the path into the distance, (Walking with a high leg lift and a clap under the knee.)
Raises paws in unison,
So that the bushes are not crushed.
The bear walked, walked, walked, (Walking with a march step "by turning 180 ° at the signal (hitting the tambourine).)
I approached a quiet river.
Made a full turn
I wade across the river.
The bear swam, swam, swam (Exercise "Fish".)
And swam to the shore.
So that Mishka does not fall ill,
It is necessary to warm the skin.
The bear walked, walked, walked, (Walking in a half-squat.)
I came to the lawn.
He jumped on the lawn (Jumping on two legs.)
Fast, dexterous, like a bunny.
There is a log in front of Mishka,
You have to climb well. (Crawling on the bench.)
A pine tree lies ahead
The Bear crawls like a wasp.
The bear walked, walked, walked, (Walking with lunges.)
And he came to the swamp.
He already knows how to jump,
He will jump bolder. (Leaps.)
In front of Mishka there is a cedar tree.
It would be necessary to collect cones. (Tilts the body down, reach the floor with your hands.)
The bear quickly ran, (Running in a circle with acceleration and deceleration.)
Attacked a raspberry trail,
I looked for more honey,
Yes, the bees hid in an oak tree.

The bear got out of the den,
Looked around at the threshold. (Turns left and right.)
To quickly gain strength,
The bear's head twisted. (Head rotation.)
Leaned back and forth
Here he is walking through the woods. (Tilts back and forth.)
I go to the horizontal bar,
I take the crossbar,
I strain my muscles together
I wish to be slender, strong!
To become strong and dexterous
Get started training!

The bear lifts the kettlebell
The bear counts to five
The bear lifts the kettlebell. (Imitation of lifting weights, children "raise weights", fixing the count so that for the count of "five" their hands are raised.)
One, two, three, four, five. (Maintain the hand up position.)
I will lower the weights!
Five, four, three, two, one. ("Lowering the kettlebell", fixing the position so that at the expense of "obin" hands were lowered to the shoulders.)

Bears sleep in their den
Near the forest road
Bears sleep in their den. (Children sat down - "the bears are sleeping.")
We'll wake them all up now
And let's see what happens. (We woke up, stretched, the boys ran to catch up with the girls.)

The wolf went out hunting
Someone jumps, hop-hop-hop,
On a green meadow! (Jumping in a half-squat, arms bent behind the head, hands raised up represent "ears".)
Squats, listens:
Isn't there a wolf. (Sit down.)
This is our forest beauty,
Cowardly gray ... HARE.
Suddenly someone's teeth: click! -
On the hunt went ... WOLF. (From a kneeling stand, one hand up, the other forward, walking with claps in front of you (the wolf "snaps its teeth").)
Frightened by the wolf bunny,
He galloped off the lawn as soon as possible. (Jumping in a squat, arms bent behind the head, hands raised up represent "ears".)
And he ran away,
Seeing a wolf ... A BUG.
Here is a heap of needles running
And two pairs of legs. (Moving forward against the back support.)
Who is running away from the wolf? -
Our prickly ... HEDGEHOG. (Running on all fours.)
All the animals were scared
And they fled from the lawn. (Running in a circle, holding hands.)
One, two, three, four, five!
Wolf, try to catch up with them!

One, two, three, four, five
One, two, three, four, five,
Mishka came out for a walk. (Walking in place.)
Here he meets all the animals, (Squats.)
Invites to the Forestry School. (Claps of your hands.)

Bunnies sat down
Bunnies sat on stumps
Pulled off all the socks (Sat down, pulled out the socks.)
The backs are slightly bent
And the shoulder blades all closed. (They bent the backs.)
Look at the bunnies
How beautiful everyone is sitting
Hands raised to the sides (Hands to the sides.)
And they began to do the slopes. (Bends, arms forward.)
So many tilts
How many maples are there in the clearing.
So many claps were made, (Claps in front of you.)
How many flowers grew there.

Two bears sat
Two bears sat
On a thin bitch. (Children swing from foot to foot.)
One read the newspaper, (Read the newspaper.)
Another was stirring the flour. (They stir the flour.)
One cuckoo, two cuckoo -
Both fell into flour. (They squat and flop on the floor on their backs, swing their arms and legs in the air.)

(The teacher chooses the driver - an owl, which sits on a chair. Children walk around the group, stopping, depict sleeping birds, the Owl shows what a big head it has. Turns its head, looks around.)
It's dark in the forest
Everyone has been asleep for a long time.
All the birds are asleep
One owl does not sleep
Flies, screams.
Big head,
Sits on a bitch
The head turns,
Looks in all directions,
But suddenly - how it flies!
Magpie, white-sided chirr
Hooray! The Forest Health School is open!
Ran out onto the lawn
Bear, donkey, gopher, hare. (Running in a circle.)
The animals began to tumble
Jump, crawl and kick. (Four jumps in place.)
Forty saw them,
White-sided chimer. (Run.)
Flew over the woods
Over the seas, over the fields, (Running, flapping his arms - "wings".)
Over ravines, courtyards.
I notified everyone about that, (Emphasis sat down.)
What ... (Running in the opposite direction.)
The Forestry School of Health is open ... (Physical education starts over.)
It's good to walk in the woods!
Here is a tall pine tree
She stretches towards the sun. (Stretching - arms up.)
An old oak tree above the glade
He spread his branches to the sides. (Stretching arms to the sides.)
Squat, squat.
Bend the legs completely, (Squats.)
To exercise your muscles.
One, two, three, four, five.

Phonopedic exercise "Fly"
Above the bear near the ear
A fly buzzed for an hour:
"W-w-w ..."
Mosquitoes fly
They fly and squeak:
“3-z-zu, 3-z-zu - I'll bite!
Z-z-z ... "
"W-w-w ..." - "Z-z-z ..."
(Children pronounce the text in a voice of different height: for flies - low, for a mosquito - high.)


  • Kovalko V.I. ABC of physical education minutes for preschoolers: Practical development of physical education minutes, play exercises, gymnastic complexes and outdoor games (middle, senior, preparatory group). - M .: VAKO, 2005.-176 p. - (Preschoolers: we teach, develop, educate).

Sections: Working with preschoolers

Target: the formation of the ability to carry out an elementary dramatization of an already familiar fairy tale, accurately reproducing the replicas of the heroes.



  • teach children to imitate the characteristic actions of the characters, conveying the emotional state of the characters with facial expressions, gestures, body movements;
  • coordinate their actions when conducting a simple dramatization through the dramatization of a fragment of a fairy tale.

Correctional and developmental:

  • develop expressiveness of speech and the ability to change the timbre of the voice;
  • develop coherent and dialogical speech;
  • develop the grammatical structure of speech;
  • develop articulatory motor skills, speech breathing, the force of the air stream;
  • develop creative imagination;
  • develop thinking, visual and auditory attention;
  • develop a common and fine motor skills;
  • develop coordination of speech with movement.

Educational: arouse interest in Russian folk art - fairy tales, stimulate the manifestation of the creative individuality of children, form the skills of cooperation, benevolence.

Equipment: musical screensavers: 1. "Visiting a fairy tale", 2. "Sound of the wind", 3. "Path", 4. "Chest", 5. "Teddy bear is visiting", voices with replicas of the heroes of the fairy tale, chest, costumes of the heroes , hemp, mushrooms, flowers, illustrations based on a fairy tale, manual for the exercise "Blowing the leaves", scenery for the performance: table, 3 cups, 3 spoons, 3 chairs, 3 beds (rugs).

Course of the lesson

1. Org. moment(creating a positive emotional background, announcement of the topic).

Decoration: a house next to the forest. Music No. 1 "Visiting a Fairy Tale" is played. Children enter the hall. The teachers look out of the house.

Hello guys!

We are storytellers.

We live in a fairy forest, we know all the fairy tales in the world.

We invite you to visit. But in what fairy tale we will visit today, you will find out by guessing the riddle.

Near the forest at the edge
Three of them live in a hut.
There are three chairs and three mugs,
Three beds, three pillows.
Guess without a clue
Who are the heroes of this tale?

Right. This is the fairy tale "Three Bears".

We are happy to invite such smart guys to a fairy tale.

2. Breathing exercise Blowing off the leaves.

And so that you would remember her, we have prepared pictures. But what is it, they were covered with leaves!

Probably Goblin was joking!

What are we going to do, guys? How to find out what is shown in the pictures! Children suggest how to open the pictures.

Let's blow off the leaves! To prevent the picture from disappearing, bring it closer to your face and blow on the leaves. You need to blow smoothly and for a long time (remember the rule: do not raise your shoulders, do not puff out your cheeks). For each child, an illustration with a hero of a fairy tale, to which leaves are attached. The musical intro # 2 "Wind Noise" sounds.

Well done guys, coped with the task! Now you can clearly see that these are the heroes of a fairy tale!

What are the names of the heroes depicted in your pictures (Mikhailo Ivanovich, Mashenka, Mishutka, Nastasya Petrovna).

3. Exercise "Family of words".

And who is Mikhailo Ivanovich? ( daddy bear);

Who is Nastasya Petrovna? ( mother, bear);

Who is Mishutka? ( son, teddy bear);

What is the name of their family? ( bearish).

The musical intro # 3 "Track" sounds.

The bears lived in a hut on the edge of the forest next to a clearing.

See how many stumps are in the clearing, let's sit down. We invite you to walk along a meadow with mushrooms and flowers, on the chairs there are brown circles - imitation of hemp. We sit down.

The bears were very fond of baking pies.

4. Finger gymnastics"Three bears were sitting".

Three bears sat (clench your fingers into a fist and unclench).
In the hut at the table (showing with the palms of the "roof", "table").
Flour they ground (circular movements with a fist on the palm).
To bake a pie later ("Bake" pies).
One - cough, cough. Two - khe, khe ( show the index finger on the left hand, then on the right).
Everyone is soiled in flour (shake off your palms).
Nose in flour, tail in flour (rub nose, show tail).
Ears in sour milk (rub your ears).

5. Working with illustrations.

When Masha came into the house of the bears, they just went into the forest for berries for pies.

Guys, do you remember how Masha got into the bears' house?

What was she doing in the bear house? Consider the pictures.

What? All the pictures are messed up!

Here, probably, Leshy visited again and turned over all the pictures. We must return them to their place.

Place the pictures in their places and tell what Masha did in the bear hut at the beginning, and what then.

That was such a mischievous Masha. And what a mess she left!

6. Exercise "Put in place".

Help put everything in its place. Listen!

Porridge in a mug, and tea on a plate (tea in a mug, and porridge on a plate).

The chair is on the table and the cups are on the floor (the chair is on the floor and the cups are on the table).

The blanket is in the stove, and the wood is on the bed (the blanket is on the bed, and the wood is in the stove).

Well, we put things in order. The bears have a lot of furniture, dishes in the hut!

And the balls are lying here. Probably Nastasya Petrovna loves to knit.

7. Exercise "One - many".

Let's play. I will begin, and the one who catches the ball will continue.

One bed, many ... ( throw the ball) beds.

One spoon, many ... ( spoons).

One chair, many ... ( chairs).

One cup, many ... ( cups).

One table, many ... ( tables).

One blanket, many ... ( blankets).

And now the bears are returning home.

8. Physics "Three Bears".

Three bears were walking home (go to outside feet).
Daddy was big, big (rise on your toes, hands up).
Mom is a little smaller (put your hands on your shoulders).
And sonny, baby just (to squat).
He was very small (go squatting down).
I walked with a rattle (rattle "rattle").

We move through the hall with the children to the forest, where there is a chest.

9. Mimic gymnastics using pictograms.

Exercise "What, what?"

Oh, what's behind the tree?

We have come with you to a magic chest! Let's open it up!

The musical screen saver №4 "Chest" sounds.

Yes, these are the costumes of the heroes of the fairy tale "Masha and the Bears"!

Let's change!

We gather in a circle and in a whisper discuss with the children who will wear which suit. We invite the children to put on the elements of the costume of the character he will portray: a kerchief and a sundress for Masha, bear masks, an apron of a mother bear, a bear shirt, a bear vest. The musical screen saver №4 "Chest" sounds.

Now let's remember what mood each hero of the tale had.

What is Mashenka in a fairy tale? (cheerful, perky, joyful).

We show a pictogram with an image of an emotion. Stretching lips in a smile, teeth are visible - "Smile".

She is glad that she went to the forest: "and-oo-oo-oo" (alternation "smile" - "tube").

What Mishutka? ( surprised, puzzled).

We show a pictogram with an image of an emotion. Raise your eyebrows, pull your lips forward - "Tube".

Masha saw: "y-ha, y-ha, y-gy."

Which Mikhailo Ivanovich? ( angry, formidable).

We show a pictogram with an image of an emotion. We puff out our cheeks, frown our eyebrows.

Angry: "oo-oo-ooh", "oo-oo-oo-ooh".

What is Nastasya Petrovna? ( important, serious, upset).

We show pictograms with the image of emotion. We wrinkle our forehead, lips forward "Shout".

Dissatisfied with the disorder: "bda - bdu - bdo", "bda - bdu - bdo".

You are very good at portraying the heroes of a fairy tale. Can you recognize their voices?

Guys, listen carefully, which of the heroes of the tale said so?

Who is in Mikhailo Ivanovich's costume? Try it again!

Who is in Mishutka's costume? Repeat!

Nastasya Petrovna will try now.

Well done! They were all guessed and shown!

11. Dramatization of a fragment of a fairy tale.

We remembered how the fairy tale began, and what happened next when the bears returned home from the forest?

You are already in the costumes of heroes, but you know the fairy tale so well, and the voices, and the character of each hero you can portray.

Show the continuation of the tale.

The screen and the house are removed. Behind them are stage 1: a table, 3 cups, 3 spoons, 3 chairs and stage 2: beds - rugs with pillows.

I saw the house, entered,
I found the table set there.
I sipped from the plates,
Misha's chair broke.
Quietly went into the bedroom,
I went to bed on the bed.

The musical screen saver # 5 “The Bear is Coming” sounds. The teacher tells the words of the author. The speech therapist accompanies the children. Children pronounce the lines of the heroes during the course of the story.

12. Lesson summary.

We stand together in a circle, hold hands.

So we visited one more fairy tale. Did you like visiting us, guys?

What was the name of our fairy tale?

What heroes of the tale did you portray?

Which of the heroes did you like the most?

We say goodbye to you, do not forget to pick up the chest, it will help you get acquainted with other fairy tales. We are waiting for your visit!

Card index of physical minutes for children of primary preschool age


Pinocchio stretched.
One - bent down, two - bent down. (tilts left and right)
He spread his arms to the sides, (spread his arms to the sides)
Apparently, he didn't find the key. (rotation of the hands in front of the chest)
To get us the key
You need to stand on your toes.
(raise your hands up and stretch on your toes)

"In the woods"

We walked, walked, walked
They found the strawberries on the left,
They sat down, ate,
Let's go again.
We walked, walked, walked
We found a boletus on the right,
Took it in a basket
Let's go again.

"Three Bears"

The senior bear walks: top - top.
The bear raises its legs: top - top. (stomp)
The average bear catches up: clap - clap.
And he claps his hands: clap - clap. (clapping to the right and left cheeks)
The youngest bear is a hurry:
slap - slap - slap.
A bear spanks through the puddles:
slap - slap - slap. (hitting your knees with your palms)

"We are tempered!"

I am tempered in the morning
(water flapping movements)
I pour myself some water.
(movement of throwing water on itself)
Let the little body be red
(hand stroking)
And let the mouth be toothy.
Keep your pens clean
(imitation of hand soaping)
And the legs will be fast.
(running in place)

Let's go to the garden
(march in place)
We will collect the harvest.
We train carrots
And we'll dig up the potatoes.
We will cut a head of cabbage
(imitate how they cut, drag, dig)
Round, juicy, delicious.
(show with hands)
Let's pick a little sorrel
And let's go back along the path.
(walk in circles holding hands)


We walked along the path
Borovik was found.
(bend over)
Borovik borovoy
He hid in the moss with his head,
(hands above the head in the "lock")
We could pass it -
It's good that we walked quietly.
(walking in place)

The wind is blowing in our faces. (waving their hands to their face)
The tree swayed. (swing from side to side)
The wind is quieter, quieter, quieter. (squatting, waving hands up and down)
The tree is getting higher, higher. (reaching up)

We are snowflakes, we are fluffs
We are not averse to spinning.
We are snowflakes - ballerinas
We dance day and night.
Let's all stand together in a circle -
It turns out a snowball.

One, two, three, four, five,
Zainka began to ride.
Jump a zainka much,
He jumped ten times.

Grisha walked, walked, walked,
Found a white mushroom.
One is a fungus
Two is a fungus
Three is a fungus
I put them in a box.

"Leaf fall"

Leaves are falling,
In our garden, leaf fall.
(wave your arms)
Yellow, red leaves
They wind in the wind, fly.
(turns around)


White snow, fluffy.
Wave your hands.
Is spinning in the air
(turns around)
And quietly to the ground
Falls, lies down.
(squat down)


We will cook compote.
(march in place)
You need a lot of fruit. Here.
(show with hands - "a lot")
We will crush apples,
We will chop a pear
Squeeze out lemon juice,
Put the drain and sand.
(imitate how they crumble, chop, squeeze, lay, pour sand)
We cook, we cook compote,
(turn around you)
Let's treat the honest people.

Birds jump, fly.
(waving and jumping)
Birds collect crumbs.
The feathers were cleaned.
The beaks were cleaned.
(stroking hands, noses)
Birds fly, sing
(waving hands)
The grains are pecking.

It's frost and wind outside,
Children are walking in the yard.
(step in place)
The handles keep you warm
the handles are rubbing.
So that the legs do not chill,
let's drown a little.
We are not afraid of frost,
we dance merrily.
(rub hand in hand, stomp, dance)

Here's a big glass teapot
("Inflate" the stomach, one hand is on the belt, the other is bent, like a nose)
Very important as a boss.
Here are the china cups
Very fragile, poor things.
(squat, one hand on the belt)
Here are the china saucers
Just knock - they will break.
(whirl, drawing a circle with your hands)
Here are the silver spoons
(reach out, close your hands over your head)
Here is a plastic tray -
He brought us the dishes.
(make a big circle)

The deer has a big house.
Do not pass the house by the side.
The hare runs through the forest
There will be a knock on the door for the deer.
Knock knock - open the door.
There is an evil hunter in the forest.
Bunny, bunny, run in,
Give me a paw quickly.

The cubs lived in the bowl.
Gently, joyfully they were friends.
Like this, like that
Those cubs were friends.

The bears were collecting fruits.
They shook the apple tree together,
Like this, like that
They shook the apple tree together

Walked across
And they drank water from the river.
Like this, like that
These bears drank water.

And then they danced
They raised their paws to the sun.
Like this, like that
They raised their paws to the sun.

Gray bunny sits
And wiggles his ears.
Like this, like this,
And wiggles his ears.
Bunny is cold to sit
It is necessary to warm the paws.
Like this, like this.
It is necessary to warm the paws.
Tired of the bunny to sleep
The bunny must jump.
Like this, like this,
The bunny must jump.


Bees sit in hives
And they look out the window.
They wanted to frolic,
They flew one after another.

"To B. Grimm's fairy tale" The Bremen Town Musicians "
We play the guitar
One, two, three, four, five.
We play the accordion
One, two, three, four, five.
We clap our hands
We stamp our feet
Blinking eyes
After we rested.

We took the shovels, dug up the earth.
We fertilized it, loosened everything together.
They took the rake in hand, leveled the beds.
Seeds were planted, watered from a watering can.
We took the hoe and took the weeds away
Everything grows under the sun
Grew up, grew a vegetable garden.

We stomp our feet (stomp)
We clap our hands (clap)
Shake your head (shake your head)
We raise our hands (hands up)
Then we lower them, (hands down)
We give hands (hands to the "castle")
And running around (spinning around in place)
One, two, three, (three claps)
Any figure freeze!

"In winter"
How interesting to us in winter!
We ride a sled in a crowd,
(imitate sledding)
Then we'll play snowballs
(imitate sculpting and throwing snowballs)
We dress all skis together,
("Put on" skis, "take" sticks, "ride")
Then everyone got up on skates,
(depict ice skating)
Happy days in winter!
(show thumb up)

We chop cabbage, chop,
(sweeping movements with hands, like an ax)
We mimic cabbage,
("Crumple the cabbage")
We salt and salt the cabbage,
("Take" a pinch of salt and "salt")
We press and press cabbage,
(flexion and extension of the hands)

There is a teremok in the field,
(palms of both hands are joined at an angle)
There's a lock on the door
(fingers are closed)
The wolf opens it -
Derg-derg, derg-derg.
(hands clenched into the lock, move forward - backward, left - right)
Petya the cockerel came
And opened the lock with a key,
(fingers are unclenched and connected to each other, forming a "teremok")

Tick ​​tock, tick tock
All hours go like this.
Tick ​​tock, tick tock.
(head tilts to shoulders)
Look quickly, what time is it.
Tick ​​tock, tick tock.
(body rocking)
To the left - once, to the right - once,
Tick ​​tock, tick tock.
(body bends to the left - to the right)
We can do that too.

"Three Bears"
Three bears were walking home:
(children walk like bears)
Dad was big, big
(hands up)
Mom with him is smaller,
(arms at chest level, extended forward)
And my son is just a crumb
(squatting down)
He was very small,
I walked with rattles,
(get up and imitate playing rattles, raise their hands up and say the words: ding-ding-ding)

Raise your hangers
(vigorous shoulder movements)
Jump, grasshoppers,
Jump-jump, jump-jump.
Stop! We sat down,
We ate the grass
They listened to the silence
Higher, higher, high
Jump on your toes easily.
(jumping in place)

We will clap our hands -
We will stomp our feet -
We all raised our hands
And they lowered it together.
And they all got on a magic plane.
(arms bent at the elbows, in front of the chest)
They started the engine -
W-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-f ...
(we twist slowly with our hands in front of the chest, increasing the pace)
The plane flies, and the engine hums -
Ooh, ooh, ooh ...
(arms to the sides, alternate bends to the left and right)
We flew ...
(usually we will do a couple of circles around the room)

"To the watering place"
The animals went to drink.
A moose calf stomped behind a moose mother,
(They walk loudly stamping)
A fox was creeping behind a fox mom,
(Sneaking on tiptoes)
A hedgehog followed the hedgehog mom,
(Crouch, move forward slowly)
A bear cub followed the mother bear, (They waddle)
Little squirrels rode after the squirrel mom,
(Ride squatting)
Behind the hare mom - oblique hares,
(Ride on straight legs)
The she-wolf led the wolf cubs,
(Go on all fours)
All mothers and children want to get drunk.
(Face in a circle, make movements with the tongue - "lapping")

It's dark in the forest
Everyone has been asleep for a long time.
One owl does not sleep
Sits on a bitch
The head turns,
Looks in all directions,
Yes, suddenly, as it flies.
Flies, flies, screams, screams,
Owl is an owl,
Big head.

We, like gray rabbits,
They galloped to the meadow.
Jump - jump, jump - jump.
The wind shakes the grass
Tilts left, right.
Don't be afraid of the wind, bunnies,
Have fun on the lawn
Jump - jump, jump - jump.

"Forest dwellers"
The red fox is walking
It sweeps the road with its tail.
A bunny winds through the snow
To the right is a gallop and to the left is a gallop.
Catch him, fox,
He will run away as fast as he can.
A wolf rushes through the snowdrifts
Gray wolf, teeth snap.
A bear walks around,
Our clubfoot trample.
The squirrel jumps, the squirrel jumps,
Like a gray soft ball.

"For mushrooms"
All the animals at the edge
They are looking for milk mushrooms and waves.
(children go in a round dance)
Squirrels galloped
Ryzhiks tore off.
(squatting, picking imaginary mushrooms)
The chanterelle was running
Collected chanterelles.
(running in a circle, picking imaginary mushrooms)
Bunnies were jumping
They were looking for honey ages.
(jumping while standing, tearing
imaginary mushrooms)
The bear passed
Amanita crushed.
(go waddling,
then stomp with their right foot)

Fluffy lumps
We washed our cheeks with a paw,
They washed the nose with a paw,
We washed our eyes with a paw -
Right eye, left eye.
We washed our ears with a paw -
Right ear, left ear.
And the kittens' ears are like houses.

That's what a cat,
(sneaking in a circle one after another on tiptoes)
Round face
(stop, show a muzzle with both hands)
And on each foot
Scratching claws.
(rhythmically pulling forward either the left or right hand)
All toys for him -
Cube and coils.
(jumping on tiptoes, keeping their hands on their belt)
Kitty, like a ball,
Rides around the apartment.
(while jumping, move in a circle one after another)

"Animal charge"
One - squat, two - jump.
This is a bunny exercise.
How to wake up foxes
They like to stretch for a long time
Be sure to yawn
Well, wag your tail
And bend the cubs back
And easy to jump
Well, the bear is clubfoot
Paws spread wide
Now one, then both together
Treading water for a long time
And for whom charging is not enough -
He starts all over again.

See the butterfly flies
(We wave our wings)
Counts flowers in the meadow.
(Counting with a finger)
- One, two, three, four, five.
(Clap your hands)
Oh, do not count!
(Jumping in place)
Day, two and a month ...
(Walking in place)
Six seven eight nine ten.
(Clap your hands)
Even a wise bee
(We wave our wings)
Couldn't count!
(Counting with a finger)

Gingerbread man, gingerbread man,
Gingerbread man - ruddy side
(go in a semi-squat with their hands on their belt)
Rolled down the path
And I didn’t come back.
(run on tiptoes, keeping their hands on their belt)
Met a bear, a wolf, a bunny,
(standing with their face in a circle, depict a bear, wolf, hare)
I played the balalaika for everyone.
(depict playing the balalaika)
He sang on the nose of the fox, -
(dancing squatting)
He is no longer in the forest.
(shrug their shoulders)

"Building a house"
One, two, three, four, five.
We will build and play.
(children perform jumps on the spot)
The house is big, we are building high.
(stand on their toes and stretch their arms up)
We put the windows, we cover the roof.
(show the window with your hands, the roof - close your hands above your head)
What a beautiful house!
(with a pointing gesture, extend their arms forward)
An old gnome will live in it.

"This is me"
These are the eyes. Here. Here.
(children point first to the left, then to the right eye)
These are ears. Here. Here.
(taken first by the left ear, then by the right)
This is the nose. This is the mouth.
(point to the nose with the left hand, point to the mouth with the right)
There is a back. There is a belly.
(put the left palm on the back, the right palm on the stomach)
These are pens. Clap clap.
(stretch out both hands, clap twice)
These are the legs. Top, top.
(put palms on hips, stamp their feet twice)
Oh, tired. Wipe your forehead.
(hold the right palm across the forehead)

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