Charging for the development of motor skills of children's hands. Finger gymnastics for children in verse

Ekaterina Rakitina

Dr. Dietrich Bonhoeffer Klinikum, Germany

Reading time: 6 minutes


Article last updated: 03/30/2019

Exercises for every child

Development fine motor skills should start as early as possible, from a very early age. While your baby is still a baby, he needs to massage his hands and fingers. Thus, you will have an effect on those points that have a direct connection with the brain. Your baby is already early and younger preschool age, so it is necessary to do absolutely simple exercises. Accompany the exercises with fun rhymes. So it will be much more interesting for your children. Fine motor skills develop when the baby is taught to fasten and unfasten buttons, while tying shoelaces. As your child gets older, developing fine motor skills should be the most important step in getting kids ready for school. The main skill is preparing hands for writing.

It is very important to develop fine motor skills of hands and fingers of children. In the cortex of our brain there are centers that are responsible for different skills. And the centers that are responsible for fine motor skills of the hands and fingers are very close to other centers. For example, to the centers responsible for the speech of children. Thus, when certain centers are activated, you also activate neighboring centers.

Therefore, parents of children should clearly understand the importance of such exercises.

7 exercises to develop fine motor skills

Be sure to allow your hands to be touched and examined. Play with children in finger games, accompanying them with funny counting rhymes. Let the kid learn to thread the laces through the holes on his children's shoes. Help him go through these steps. The desire of children to be like adults will help him develop concentration.

The development of fine motor skills should come first. Since many children have a strong lag in development, as a result.

By the age of 4-5, the child should be able to tie shoelaces, sculpt from plasticine complex figures. By the age of 6, the baby should already sew on a button on his own. Fingers should confidently hold a pencil or pen and already be able to write something.

Developing general motor skills

Exercise can boost your kids' energy. Steps help you learn own body and increase the sensitivity of the fingers.

  1. We do ear massage. Let the child pinch the lobe of his ear with two fingers and gradually massage it. In this case, you need to move from the bottom up and in the opposite direction.
  2. Massage your fingers. With the fingers of one hand, massage each finger and palm.
  3. We do a head massage. Bend your fingers slightly and stroke yourself on the head with gentle massage movements. Start from the crown to the ears.
  4. Lay the child on his back and stretch his arms up. Now, in turn, name the part of the body (arm, leg, head), and the child should lift up what you name. It would be better if you go through these steps together.
  5. Squeeze the handles into fists and unclench. Then, bend the handles at the elbows, open. Repeat the exercise constantly repeating the pace.

Gross motor development

Such exercises allow you to develop sensory skills, feel the limits of your body and learn to control it.

  1. Lie on your back. Close your legs together, stretch your arms up. Make a transition to left side, then return to starting position and roll over to the right.
  2. Remain in the supine position. Raise your legs and wrap your arms around them. Let go. Do a few repetitions. Make sure that the child does not make sudden movements and does not strong blows when returning to the starting position.
  3. Also, lying on your back, first raise your left hand and try to write a small sentence in the air. Then also with the other hand.
  4. For next exercise we need a blackboard and chalk. If you don't have them handy, you can use a sheet of paper and pencils. Give your child chalk or pencils in both hands. The kid should try to write something at the same time with both hands.
  5. Take a few small and miscellaneous items. The child must close his eyes. Place one or more items in your baby's hand. The kid must squeeze his hand and guess the number and shape of objects. Then change the items and their quantity. Alternate hands.
  6. Take a seated position on the floor. Start bending and unbending your knees. Then you need to do this by alternating legs and again together. Take each leg back in turn.

Finger charger

for educators

Iron 2013

Development of fine motor skills

for educators

Iron 2013

Martynenko O.F.

Educator D / Garden "Firefly"

Finger charger

for educators


The development of fine motor skills of hands in preschool children

Currently, educators are faced with the problem of developing the speech of young children. The lag in the development of speech complicates the organization of the life of children in a group. Weak development of fine motor skills does not allow organizing a variety of gaming activity. Children cannot cope even with the simplest game tasks themselves: “Build a house out of cubes”, “Assemble a turret out of rings”, “Feed the doll”.

The development of speech is the main indicator of the development of children and the main condition for the success of organizing a variety of children's activities. Any program involves working with children with normal speech and movement development. Analyzing the current situation, I came to the conclusion that one of the reasons for the lag in development of children is that at a younger age they have little or no experience of communicating with the “right”, necessary toys.

Many parents do not attach importance to the development of children's movements and do not know that finger exercises are a good stimulus not only for the emergence of speech, but also for its further improvement.

The talent of our folk pedagogy created the games "Ladushki", "Magpie - Belobok", "Goat - Horned" and others. Their meaning is still insufficiently comprehended by adults. Many see them as entertaining rather than educational.

Most of the motor (motor) cortex of the cerebral hemispheres is involved in the muscle movements of the larynx, tongue, mouth, jaw. It is these organs that form speech. Exercises based on the movements of the tongue and jaw stimulate the work of the frontal lobe of the brain, which controls thinking, speech and behavior.

It is known that fine motor skills of the hands are associated with the development of the left temporal and left frontal areas of the brain, which are responsible for the formation of many complex mental functions. V.A. Sukhomlinsky rightly stated: "The mind of a child is at the tips of his fingers."

Studies by domestic physiologists confirm the connection between the development of hands and the development of the brain. MM. Koltsova came to the conclusion that the formation of speech areas occurs under the influence of kinesthetic impulses from the hand, or rather from the fingers. L.V. Fomina, on the basis of examinations of a large number of children, the following pattern was revealed: if the development of finger movements corresponds to age, then speech development is within the normal range. If the development of the fingers lags behind, then speech development is also delayed, although general motor skills may be normal and even higher than normal.

The development of fine motor skills in children as one of the means of speech development has been proposed for a long time. Having studied publications on the development of fine motor skills in working with preschoolers, I found out that all recommendations suggest including them more often in pedagogical process.

Therefore, in my work I use: games with fingers, games with small objects, games with speech accompaniment.

By increasing the level of development of fine motor skills of the hands of preschoolers - one of the indicators of intellectual readiness for schooling - we contribute to the development of attention, memory, coherent speech, hand readiness for writing, and the ability to reason logically

Games and exercises, finger warm-ups, carried out systematically from an early age, help children to confidently hold a pencil, pen, and contribute to the development of attention, thinking, and speech.

A huge, if not leading role in this task belongs to home training- after all, the formation of this skill is due to many factors, including those that affect the child outside the walls of kindergartens and training centers. In addition, the success of work on the formation of this skill depends on its systematic nature, and this condition can be met only with the interaction of the preschool institution and the parents of the child.

Working on the development of fine motor skills of hands in children with speech impairment, I have achieved certain results. According to my observations, the coordination of the articulatory apparatus improved in children, the time for setting sounds was noticeably reduced, and the overall coordination of children's movements improved. Performing with fingers various exercises, children achieve a good development of fine motor skills of the hands, which not only has a beneficial effect on the development of speech (since this inductively stimulates speech centers), but also prepares them for drawing and writing. Hands acquire good mobility, flexibility, stiffness of movements disappears, this further facilitates the acquisition of writing skills. These children, when learning the elements of writing, demonstrated good pressure, “confident” lines, they are noticeably better than their peers in coping with the program requirements for visual activity. All this creates a favorable basis for more successful schooling.
I recommend the wider use of a variety of games and exercises aimed at the formation of fine movements of the fingers, not only for educators of both speech and general developmental groups.

Stages of development of fine motor skills

V.A. Sukhomlinsky wrote that the origins of the abilities and talents of children are at their fingertips. The more skill in a child's hand, the smarter he is.

M. I. Sechenov wrote: “The movement of a person’s hand is not hereditarily determined, but arises in the process of education and training, as a result of associative links between visual, tactile and muscle changes in the process of active interaction with environment».


Fine motor skills - a set of coordinated actions of the nervous, muscular and skeletal systems, often in combination with the visual system, in performing small and precise movements with the hands and fingers and toes. When applied to the motor skills of the hand and fingers, the term dexterity is often used.

The area of ​​fine motor skills includes a wide variety of movements: from primitive gestures, such as grasping objects, to very small movements, on which, for example, human handwriting depends.

It has now been proven that finger development has great importance for the full development of the child and affects the development of the whole human body. So thumb affects the functioning of the brain, the index finger - on the state of the stomach, the middle finger - on the state of the intestines, the ring finger is responsible for the functioning of the liver and kidneys, the little finger - for the work of the heart.

Using "finger games" we contribute to the emancipation of children, raising their emotional background. "Finger games" not only develop dexterity, flexibility and the ability to control their movements, but also contribute to the development of a sound culture of speech (especially in younger groups), the development of speech, and creative activity. These games reflect the world around them - objects, animals, people, their activities, natural phenomena. And this helps to expand the horizons of children, to develop imaginative thinking.

The development of fine motor skills of the hand also affects the development of such mental processes as thinking, memory, attention, and spatial representations. By developing the child's hand, we not only train the muscles, but also develop the ability to observe, compare, to creative imagination, cultivate perseverance and patience, accuracy, accuracy, perseverance, that is, we educate the emotional-volitional sphere of the child.

And that is why it is so important to develop the fingers of children from a young age. To develop the mechanisms necessary for the development of writing, to prepare the child for the next stage of life - to study at school. The level of development of fine motor skills of the hand is one of the indicators of intellectual readiness for schooling

It should be noted that it is the preparation for writing that is important for preschoolers, and not teaching it, as some often confuse. And for this it is necessary to create conditions for the accumulation of motor and practical experience by the child, to develop the skills of manual skill, while simultaneously developing the child's intellect.

Important role in preparing children for writing plays the development of various graphic skills.

Working with children gives then positive results when carried out systematically, in the system. All work on the development of fine motor skills of the hand in children is based on the principle "from simple to complex" and is carried out from the younger group until the children go to school.

Stages of development of fine motor skills of the hand in preschool age

Work on the development of fine motor skills of the hand in all age groups begins with an examination of the child's hand and recommendations for parents.

The whole work can be divided into four stages.

I stage. Preparatory (starts from the II junior group)

    Getting to know the pencil

    Graphic exercises "Tracks"

    Painting - the ability to see the contour (first we give the example of geometric shapes, then the simplest contours of objects - a bucket, a house, etc.)

II stage. Automation of the process of working fingers with a pencil

    Graphic exercises become more complicated:

The length of the tracks is lengthening, the types of tracks are becoming more complicated.

Copying on a contour, on points.

Working with a stencil (frames and inserts)

    Orientation on a sheet of paper using templates of geometric shapes.

III stage. Creative

    Compilation of subject, and then plot drawings from geometric shapes according to the model, and then according to the plan (painting in a given direction + compiling stories)

    Acquaintance with hatching (the simplest types of hatching

In addition, in all age groups are used:

    finger games

    Sensory games + manual skill development

The formation of fine motor skills of the hand, the mechanism in which the close connection of motor skills and mental processes is reflected, is a long and difficult work.

The child needs to make a lot of effort, and the educator needs to show great patience and understanding before the child learns to perform tasks correctly and beautifully. Therefore, for the development of graphic skills, you need to use a phased work plan, where there is a sequential complication of tasks. Schematically, this can be shown as follows. For example, painting objects along a drawn outline: painting geometric shapes → painting the outline of a simple object → painting an object from 2-3 parts → painting a plot.

To achieve best results, the task of the educator is to captivate children, to interest, to create conditions for the growth and development of automation in the possession of a pencil and brush. And for this you need to diversify the ways of solving the tasks, you need to use different forms of development of fine motor skills of the hand and include them in different kinds activities to keep children interested. For example, by spending daily “finger games” with children

Except special exercises with children (in the classroom, in individual work, games) the development of motor skills also occurs in the independent activity of children.

For this, conditions are created in the group for the children to consolidate the acquired skills in a particular task. AT free time children should always be able to use pencils and paints, it is necessary to have clean paper of different sizes and colors for drawing and a variety of coloring books, as in free theme for the accumulation of motor experience, and for solving some logical problems, mathematical concepts and cognitive development. It is desirable to have sets of rulers - stencils, both with geometric shapes and thematic ones (Animals, vegetables, fruits, transport, clothes, and so on). Children should always be able to use scissors if they wish.

You can not limit yourself to the development of fine motor skills only within the walls of a kindergarten. There is a need for close contact with parents on this issue. Working with parents is one of the most important areas in our work to create favorable conditions for the development of fine motor skills and coordination of finger movements and prepare the child's hand for writing. The main task for initial stage work with parents - the formation and stimulation of the motivational attitude of parents to work with their children.

Games with household items.

The advantage of the games below for the development of fine motor skills in children is that they do not require any special toys, manuals, etc. The games use improvised materials that are in any home: clothespins, buttons, beads, cereals, etc.

Take a bright tray. Scatter any small cereal on a tray in a thin even layer. Run your child's finger over the rump. Get a bright contrasting line. Let the kid draw some chaotic lines himself. Then try to draw some objects together (fence, rain, waves), letters, etc.

Choose buttons of different colors and sizes. First, lay out the drawing yourself, then ask the baby to do the same on their own. After the child learns to complete the task without your help, invite him to come up with his own versions of the drawings. From a button mosaic, you can lay out a tumbler, a butterfly, a snowman, balls, beads, etc.

Give your child a round hair brush. The child rolls the brush between the palms, saying:
"At the pine, at the fir, the Christmas tree
Very sharp needles.
But even stronger than the spruce forest,
The juniper will prick you."

Take the grate for the sink (usually it consists of many cells). The child walks with his index and middle fingers, like legs, along these cells, trying to take steps on each stressed syllable. You can “walk” alternately with one or the other hand, or you can use both at the same time, saying:

"We wandered in the zoo,
Each cell was approached
And they looked at everyone:
Bear cubs, wolf cubs, beavers.

We take a dumpling. Its surface, as you remember, looks like a honeycomb. The kid with two fingers (index and middle) depicts a bee flying over honeycombs:

"Fingers, like bees, fly through the honeycomb
And they enter each one with a check: what is there?
Will there be enough honey for all of us until spring,
To avoid hungry dreams?

Pour 1 kg of peas or beans into the pan. The child puts his hands in there and depicts how the dough is kneaded, saying:

"Knead, knead the dough,
There is room in the oven.
Will-will be from the oven
Buns and rolls."

Pour dry peas into a mug. For each stressed syllable, the child transfers the peas one by one to another mug. First with one hand, then with both hands at the same time, alternately with the thumb and middle fingers, thumb and ring finger, thumb and little finger. Any quatrains are chosen.

Pour the peas on a saucer. The child takes a pea with his thumb and forefinger and holds it with his other fingers (as when picking berries), then he takes the next pea, then another and another - this way he picks up a whole handful. You can do this with one or two hands.

Two plugs from plastic bottles put on the table with the thread up. This is skiing. Index and middle fingers stand in them like legs. We move on "skis", taking a step for each stressed syllable:

"We are skiing, we are racing down the mountain,
We love the fun of the cold winter."

You can try to do the same with both hands at the same time.

The child collects matches (or counting sticks) with the same fingers of different hands (pads): two index, two middle, etc.

We build a "log house" from matches or counting sticks. The higher and smoother the frame, the better.

clothespin exercises:

The purpose of the exercise is to teach the child to pin clothespins on their own. To make the game interesting for the child, you can attach clothespins according to the theme (that is, rays to the Sun, needles to the hedgehog, rain to the cloud, grass to the ground, and the like; for this you need to, respectively, make blanks for the Sun, a hedgehog, and so on ). It must be understood that this is a very difficult task for a child. Don't try to get results right away. To begin, take the child's hands in yours and do the exercise in a place with him.

With a clothespin (check on your fingers that it is not too tight), we alternately "bite" the nail phalanges (from the index to the little finger and back) on the stressed syllables of the verse:

"A silly kitten bites hard,
He thinks it's not a finger, but a mouse. (Change of hands.)
But I'm playing with you baby
And if you bite, I'll tell you: "Shoo!".

We take a rope (thick as a child's little finger) and tie 12 knots on it. The child, sorting through the nodes with his fingers, names the month of the year in order for each node. You can make similar devices from beads, buttons, etc.

We pull the rope at the level of the child’s shoulders and give him a few clothespins. For each stressed syllable, the child hooks a clothespin to a rope:

"I'll pinch the clothespins deftly
I'm on my mother's rope."

The child crumples, starting from the corner, a handkerchief (or a plastic bag) so that it all fits in the fist.

The child rolls a walnut between his palms and says:

"I roll my nut,
To become rounder than everyone."

The child holds two walnuts in one hand and rotates them one around the other.

Games - lacing Maria Montessori:

Develop fine motor skills of the hands;
- develop spatial orientation, contribute to the understanding of the concepts of "above", "below", "right", "left";
- form lacing skills (lacing, tying a lace on a bow);
- contribute to the development of speech;
- develop creative abilities.

In games with lacing, the eye, attention also develops, fingers and the entire hand are strengthened (fine motor skills), and this, in turn, affects the formation of the brain and the formation of speech. And also, which is not unimportant, Montessori lacing games indirectly prepare the hand for writing and develop perseverance.

Not only tiny kids learn the world with "hands" - toys that require the work of the hand, fingers are also useful for older children. Almost a hundred years ago, Maria Montessori gave her children pieces of leather with holes and laces - and she develops her hands, and teaches to concentrate, and will come in handy in life. We, unlike Montessori, do not have to sit with scissors and rags. You can just buy a "lacing game" - a set of multi-colored laces and a shoe, a button, a "piece of cheese" or some other wooden thing with holes. Sometimes a wooden needle is also attached to them. Imagine how nice it is for a girl to get a forbidden needle and thread and become "just like mom."

However, even if the child's speech is normal, this does not mean at all that the child is well managed with his own hands. If at the age of 4-5 years, tying shoelaces causes difficulties for a child, and nothing is molded from plasticine except for balls and sausages, if at 6 years old sewing on a real button is an impossible and dangerous task, then your child is no exception

For the formation of fine movements of the fingers can be successfully used games with fingers, accompanied by the reading of folk poems - nursery rhymes. These games create a favorable background, provide good workout fingers, contribute to the development of the ability to listen and understand the content of nursery rhymes, teach to catch the rhythm of speech. These games are very emotional, they can be played both in kindergarten and at home. They are exciting and contribute to the development of speech, creative activity.

cooked porridge,
She fed the kids.
I gave this
I gave this
I gave this
I gave this
She gave it.
At the same time, the index finger of the right hand performs circular movements along the palm of the left hand. Then, in turn, the little finger, ring, middle, index and thumb are bent.

"My family"
This finger is grandfather, This finger wants to sleep.
This finger is a grandmother, This finger is jumping into bed!
This finger daddy, This finger crouched.
This finger is mommy, This finger is already asleep.
The fingers are up. Hooray!
AT Kindergarten it's time to go.

Children like finger massage, finger games for nursery rhymes.
The smallest massage each finger light movements and sing ( jokes about fingers, "magpie-crow", "a squirrel is sitting on a cart" ...).
When the baby himself can perform actions with his fingers, it's time to play finger games with him.

Let's go with our fingers:
On the path-path
Two legs will run quickly.

Let's feed the birds:
Cockerel, cockerel,
golden scallop,
Look out the window
I'll give you peas.

We depict spiders:
The spiders are coming
Weave a web.

Little white bunny sits
And wiggles his ears


The red morning has come
The sun rose bright.
Beams began to shine
To entertain small children.
(fingers extend one at a time)
The clouds have arrived
The rays are hidden.
(fingers hide in a fist)

Let's scratch a little
We are not guys, but cats.

There is a horned goat
For the little guys

Finger games for the development of fine motor skills.

1. Friendship"

"Girls and boys are friends in our group."

The fingers of the hands are connected rhythmically in the lock.

"You and I will make friends little fingers."

Rhythmic touch of the fingers of the same name of both hands.

"One, two, three, four, five".

Alternately touching the fingers of the same name, starting with the little fingers.

One, two, three, four, five.

Hands down, shake your hands.

2. "Walk"

(When performing this exercise, the children sit in their places and rhythmically, alternately, in jumps, move the straight fingers of both hands along the surface of the table from themselves to its opposite edge).

Let the fingers go for a walk

(fingers clenched into fists, thumbs down and, as it were, jumping around the table).

And the second - to catch up,

(rhythmic movements of the index fingers on the table).

Third fingers - run,

(movement of middle fingers at a fast pace).

And the fourth - on foot.

(slow movement of the ring fingers on the surface of the table).

Fifth finger jumped

(rhythmic touch of the surface of the table with the little fingers).

And at the end of the road he fell.

(thumping fists on the surface of the table).


"We shared an orange,

There is only one orange.

This slice is for the cat

This hedgehog slice

This slice is for the snail

This slice is for a siskin,

Well, the peel to the wolf!"

Start with the little finger, bend all fingers alternately.

4. "Hide and Seek"

"Fingers played hide and seek

And the heads were removed.

Like this, like this

So the heads were removed.

Squeezing and unclenching fingers.

5. "Fingers in the forest"

"One, two, three, four, five"

The adult holds the child's left hand in front of him with the palm facing him.

"Fingers went out for a walk.

This finger found a mushroom,

bends the little finger

"This finger began to clean",

bends the ring finger

"This cut"

curls the middle finger

"This ate",

bends forefinger

"Well, this one just looked!"

bends the thumb and tickles the palm.

Games, game exercises and tasks for the formation and correction for the development in children of accurate and precise coordination in systems

Exercise "Washing hands"

The rosary exercise.

Fingering a rosary or beads (it is better to use natural material - wood, acorns, nuts, etc.) allows you to focus on the shape of the rosary being touched, gradually reducing (for excitable children with an increased pace of activity) or increasing the pace (for children with a slow pace of activity ), normalizes the rhythm of breathing, soothes.

It is useful to sort out the rosary or beads, accompanying the movements of the hands with speech - reading a poem or tongue twisters.

Games and exercises

with verse accompaniment.

Orange(starting with the little finger. Bend all fingers alternately). We shared an orange...

walks: spring

One, two, three, four, five (unbend fingers)

We all went for a walk in the forest (they walk along the table)

Seen so many trees

Here is a birch, here is a maple (we unbend our fingers)

Nearby is a slender oak tree,

Here is a mountain ash, here is a pine -

Spring warmed them all.

They began to let out leaves (unclench and squeeze fingers)

Meet the sun together! (we make the sun out of the palms)

Funny little men ran past the river (fingers run)

Jumped-jumped, jumped-jumped (jump)

We met the sun (sunny from the palms)

We climbed onto the bridge (knocking the edge of the palm)

And they hammered a carnation - knock, knock (hammer)

From the bridge to the river - plop!

Where are the little men? (Bathing in the river)


1,2,3,4,5 - we went for a walk in the yard,

They sculpted a snow woman (depict)

The birds were fed crumbs.

Then we rolled down the hill (we run along the back of the hand)

And then rolled in the snow ...
Everyone came home in the snow (we shake off with brushes)

We ate soup and went to bed.



Magpie, magpie, white-sided magpie
She cooked porridge, fed the kids.
(with the index finger of the right hand they drive along the palm of the left)

I gave it, I gave it
I gave it, I gave it
(fingers are bent in turn, starting with the thumb)

She didn’t give it: you didn’t carry water,
I didn’t chop firewood, I didn’t cook porridge -
You have nothing!
(little finger does not bend)


Sweeties, sweeties! Where were you?
- By Grandma.
- What did you eat?
- Kasha.
- What did you drink?
- Brazhka.
They ate porridge, drank brew.
(child and adult rhythmically clap on the text of the nursery rhyme)

Shu-u-u ... they flew!
They sat on the head, sang like a cockerel.
(raise hands up and down on head)


Masha put on a mitten:
(clench fingers into a fist)

"Oh, where am I doing my finger?
I don't have a finger, I'm gone
Didn't make it to my house."
(open all fingers except the thumb)

Masha took off her mitten:
"Look, I found it!
(unbend the remaining bent finger)

You search, you search - and you will find,
Hello, finger, how are you?
(squeeze your fingers into a fist)


Four brothers are walking towards the elder.
- Hello, bolshak - they say.
- Hello, Vaska the pointer, Grishka the orphan,
Bear-middle, yes Little Timoshka.
(connect the thumb with other fingers in turn)


There is a lock on the door.
(join the fingers of both hands in the lock)

Who could open it?

(without disengaging your fingers, tap your palms against each other)

(twist clasped hands at the wrists)

(fingers are clasped in the lock, hands stretch in different directions)

And they opened it.
(disengage fingers)

for children aged 2-5 years(on the example of the fairy tale "kolobok")

Ask your child if he remembers the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man". Remind him if necessary.

Then ask your child to line up the characters on the table as they appear in the story. At the same time, ask the child to characterize each character according to the principle: “grandmother is old, kind, caring; kolobok - round ruddy, mischievous ", etc.

Ask your child questions about the story. For example: “Why did the grandmother decide to bake Kolobok; Why did he leave his grandmother and grandfather; Who met him on the way

Then act out a fairy tale in front of the child using the finger theater.

Then ask the child to act out a fairy tale in front of you using the finger theater. Tell him if necessary.

Technological maps for the development of fine motor skills.



Purpose: To teach children to decorate modeling with peas.

    Continue to teach children to sculpt from salty colored dough. Improve modeling techniques: rolling (straight and circular), pressing down, bending, joining.

    Introduce children to the words: velvet, a handful. Enter the words into the active dictionary: peas, peas, peas.

    Develop fine motor skills of the hands.

    Cultivate concentration, accuracy.

EQUIPMENT: colored salt dough (you can use colored plasticine), whole peas in small plastic plates, sheets of velvet paper, modeling boards; recording calm background music; fabric bags filled with peas; a bowl filled with peas interspersed with small toys.


Guys, today we will sculpt from colored salt dough. I remind you that this dough is only for modeling. Under no circumstances should it be tasted. After all, you saw that when it was cooked, they added paint, a lot of salt and a little glue to it.

But besides the salt dough, we need something else. Have you noticed what is poured into small plates on your tables? It's peas. You can also say - peas. How many peas do you have in your bowls? Lot. Now take one of your fingers. What do you call this one thing? Pea.

Move the colored paper mats closer to you. What color is your rug? And you have? By you? This paper is called velvet paper. Run your palm over the paper, and now your fingers. What does this paper feel like? She is rough, tickling her palm and fingers. Do you remember the name of this paper? Velvet. Repeat this word and try to remember.

Listen to a poem about children:

At home we were bored alone

Got a handful of peas.

And we'll take a handful of peas. Grab the peas with all fingers and palm. Like this. This is called - a handful. Take the entire handful of peas from your plates and place them on a velvet paper mat. Here we learned another new word - a handful. Repeat it and remember. And now we listen to the poem further and play with peas.

We roll small peas in our hands,

Become dexterous soon, fingers and palms.

Place your palm on top of the peas and roll. Like this: back and forth in a circular motion- Draw a circle.

So that we can continue the game

You have to say to your finger:

"Finger, finger, my good,

Press the peas to the rug.

Let's all say these words together: "Finger, finger, my good one, press the peas to the rug." Let's do it again, all together, together. Now you can press the peas with your finger to the rug with your finger.

Spin the pea in place

Have a good ride

And pass it to the other finger.

Spin and roll again

(The last two lines are repeated until the children work with all five fingers).

We played with our fingers, move the velvet paper rugs to the edge of the table, put the peas back into the plates. Now we will sculpt. But what exactly to sculpt, you choose for yourself.

I take the dough in my hands -

I make a long path.

Now I'll take the peas,

To lay out a track,

Let a bunny or a cat run along it.

(The poem is accompanied by a teacher showing the work done - rolling with direct movements of the palms, laying out peas). But you guys don't have to sculpt the track at all.

I take the dough in my hands -

I make a pea pie.

I'm finishing making the pie

I decorate it with peas.

(The words are accompanied by a teacher's show - rolling in a circular motion, pressing down, laying out peas).

I take the dough in my hands -

I sculpt beautiful beads.

I bend them into a ring

And decorate with peas.

(Show - rolling with direct movements, bending, connecting, laying out peas (partial)).

Think about what exactly you want to fashion. What did you decide to make? What did you think? What will you sculpt? Now go to this table and choose a piece of dough of the desired color. (Children choose, and the teacher asks what color the dough is chosen by this or that child).

(Children perform work to the music. At the end of the lesson, a positive assessment of children's work is given. The manifestation of creative imagination is especially noted. Works are laid out for an exhibition. Children are invited to approach

a small bowl filled with peas interspersed with small

toys (you can use Kinder surprises) and dig one prize toy for yourself with your hands).

This completes our pea lesson. But the games with peas continue. Wash your hands and take these bags filled with peas, and I will tell you and show you how to play with them. Games: "Carry the bag on your head" (balance); “Step over (go around between) the bags”; (coordination of movements); “Remember the bag in your hands” (fine motor skills), “Jump over the bag” (jumps).

Abstract of the lesson on the development of fine motor skills of hands and feet "We play with our fingers"

Target: To teach children the elements of finger gymnastics "Theater in the hand", which develops attention and memory;


    Learn plot finger exercises,

    develop attention, memory, orientation in space, speed;

    Learn the elements of self-massage of hands and feet;

    To teach the prevention of flat feet, to develop fine motor skills of the legs.

Lesson progress:


What can your fingers and toes do? (answers) Right! Draw, sculpt, hold a spoon, play pranks. Let's play the finger game "How are you?".

finger game"How are you?"

How are you?
- Like this! (thumbs forward)
- How do you swim?
- Like this! (imitation swimming)
- How do you run?
- Like this! (index and middle fingers "run")
- Are you looking into the distance?
- Like this! ("binoculars")
- Are you looking forward to dinner?
- Like this! (Put cheek on fist)
- Are you following?
- Like this! (wave hand)
- Do you sleep in the morning?
- Like this! (both hands under the cheek)
- Are you kidding?
- Like this! (slap puffed cheeks)


Well done! Do you want to know what else your fingers can do? (Yes) Then we go on a trip. But first you need to prepare for it.

(Adults and children perform self-massage).

Are you ready, eyes?
- Yes! (stroking the eyelids)
- Are you ready, ears?
- Yes! (stroking ears)
- Are you ready, pens?
- Yes! (stroking hands)
- Are you ready, legs?
- Yes! (foot stroking)
- You are ready? (spread arms out to sides)
- Yes! (put your arms around yourself)


Now let's get on the train and let's go. (parents and children move one after another along a ribbed board, grappled like wagons, to the music)


We've arrived!

Station "Forest"

Mobile game "Find your tent"

Purpose: To teach plot finger exercises, develop attention, memory, orientation in space, speed.
On different sides of the hall there are hoops with color orientations.


Look here, these are tents. Choose your own tent and remember your color. At the signal "Let's go through the forest!" - you walk in pairs and depict animals and birds in the forest. And at the signal "To the tents!" each couple should take their place - stand in a hoop with their own colored sector. Ready? (music of the forest or a musician plays along).

Bear - walking on outside feet, arms in front of you, half-bent at the elbows.
Fox - walking on toes "sneaking", smooth movements of the hands in front of him.
Deer - walking with high raising of the knees, arms intersect above the head, brushes depict horns.
Wild horse - running with high knees, hands clenched into fists.
Owl - normal walking, smooth movements of the arms to the sides, up, down.
The team that completes the task quickly and correctly wins.

Station "Teatralnaya"

Game "Mirror and Monkeys"

Purpose: To teach children the elements of finger gymnastics "Theater in the hand", which develops attention and memory, relieves psycho-emotional stress. (Adults and children sit in a circle in Turkish, the teacher shows plot finger exercises to hold the posture of the hand to poetic rhymes, and the children do the exercises, their parents help them).


Cockerel stands all bright
He cleans the scallop with his paw.


The goose stands and cackles,
He wants to pinch you.


The cat has ears on top
To better hear the mouse in the hole.


Station "Massage"

Purpose: To teach the elements of self-massage of hands and feet.
(Massage balls or containers from kinder surprises are used).


This station is difficult. Now we will do hand and foot massage. And in this we will be helped by such containers from under toys from kinder surprises. They massage the palms and fingers well.

Massage game " Chinese balls»

Did you see the circus performer?
The ball goes around the ball!
Circling with the air of a connoisseur
Like a bumblebee around a flower.
(first roll the balls between two palms, and after each hand in turn)


Well, now you can proceed to the main massage. Sit Turkish on the floor in front of your child. Ready?
(kneading, rubbing, pressing, pinching palms, feet with fingers from the periphery to the center)

I rub my hands hard
I twist each finger
I say hello to him
And I'll start pulling.
(we rub our palms, grab each finger at the base and with a twisting movement we reach the nail phalanx)

Then I will wash my hands
("wash" hands)

I'll put my finger in my finger
I'll lock them up
And keep warm.
(fingers to lock)

I will release my fingers
Let them run like bunnies.
(disengage fingers and touch them)


Now let's move on to foot massage.
(parents give foot massage to their child)

Like on the palms
Together I will take them
And I'll start stroking.
(stroking the foot and toes)

I will rub each finger,
I twist each finger.
(rubbing each finger)

I will spread it forward, back and squeeze it with my hands.
(hands pull fingers towards you, away from you)

Hello fingers! Forest Gnomes!
Hello fingers! Clockwork toys!


Well done! Massage learned to do. Let's go further?

Jungle Station

Mobile game "Catching Monkeys"

(to the song "Chunga-changa")

Purpose: Development of speed and fine motor skills of hands.


Children will now be monkeys, and adults will portray their parents and be on one side of the playground. And on the opposite side there is a catcher who shows the monkeys movements, they repeat them. At the signal "Catcher", the children run to their parents. Those who did not have time, the catcher takes away to himself.

1. The arms are bent at the elbows and spread apart - squeezing and unclenching the fingers.
2. The arms are bent at the elbows in front of you, the cross movement of the arms and the simultaneous squeezing and unclenching of the fingers.
3. arms spread apart, tilting to the left and right and raising the left and right leg, the elbow stretches to the knee.
4. Hands are spread apart, walking on half-bent legs around you.
5. walking "Monkey" - on straight arms and legs, leaning on the fingers and toes.


(children run to their parents)


Well played! Funny monkeys, nimble! Let's go further.

Station "Game"

Purpose: To teach the prevention of flat feet, to develop fine motor skills of the legs.
Material: Large handkerchief, small toys from kinder surprises.

1) Exercises for the prevention of flat feet (warm-up):
"Caterpillar" - flexion and extension of the toes, pushing the foot forward, straightening the knees.
"Drumsticks" - tapping with toes.
“Fingers quarreled and reconciled” - opening and closing the toes.
"Fingers play" - wave-like movements of the fingers.


Here our fingers are warmed up, it's time for them to play.

2) Grasping, lifting small toys with toes.

3) Playing with a handkerchief: collect it with your feet, fold it - “corner to corner”.


Here our journey has come to an end. You had the opportunity to be convinced: the toes and fingers can play, depict animals, show the theater; they love competition and massage. You can play with your fingers and toes with friends and parents, at a party and at home. And now let's wish each other something good, say kind words to our children and our mothers.

Occupation in the second junior group on drawing in non-traditional technique "Balloons"

Target: Develop fine motor skills.

Equipment: Album sheets; multi-colored gouache in bowls; brushes; inflated balloons for each child.

Preliminary works: Examining the balloon; balloon games.

Technics: Crumpled paper print.

Lesson progress:

(The teacher has an inflated balloon in his hands)

Educator: Children, what is in my hands? Let's see what color it is. What is the balloon for?

(children's answers)

Educator: Let's go on a balloon trip with you today. You just have to hold on tight to the thread.

(Children go on a trip in a group)

Exercise "Balloon"

Children stand in a circle holding hands.

Educator: Imagine that you have a huge balloon with you. Sometimes the balloon will rise high into the sky (inhale), and sometimes it will go down (exhale). High in the sky, we will see the stars, and to reach them, we will raise our hands up. And below on the ground we will see flowers, and in order to touch them, we will put our hands down. Inhale - slowly raise your hands up. Exhale - slowly lower down.

Educator: Did you like our trip? Let's now draw the balloon we were flying on. To do this, take a piece of paper, wrinkle it so that you get a paper ball (the teacher accompanies his words with actions), then choose gouache of the color you like, dip the paper ball into it, and then attach it to your sheet of paper. You have a balloon, it remains only to draw a thread with a brush on it.

(Children perform, the teacher helps)

Educator: Look at what beautiful and colorful balls you got. Let's show them to each other (children show drawings to each other). Guys, would you like to play with our balloons? Then close your eyes and repeat the magic words after me

Ball, ball, spin

Turn into a real one!

(Children repeat, and meanwhile the teacher throws out inflated Balloons by gender in the group)

Children's games with balloons.

Didactic games with beans for the development of fine motor skills of hands

Games with cereals and beans help to develop fine motor skills.

The presented didactic games are intended for children of primary preschool age and can be used by teachers in the implementation of educational

areas "Socialization", "Cognition", "Health", "Communication", "Artistic creativity".

Handmade games are of great interest to children.


GOAL: development of fine motor skills and tactile sensitivity.

material: 2 plastic jars with lids, beans.


1. We take 2 plastic jars with lids.

2. On one of the covers we depict a kolobok with the help of an application from a self-adhesive film.

3. Cut off the legs and arms from an old soft toy. We process their edges with a needle and thread. In one of the jars we make small holes for the arms and legs. We insert finished parts into them. Glue a cap on the head.

    We make a hole in the mouth of the bun.

5. Pour the beans into the second jar.

6. The teacher tells the children that the beans are vitamins for the bun. Children are happy to treat the kolobok with vitamins. They take one bean seed (one vitamin) and put it in the opening of the mouth.


GOAL: the formation of the ability to express emotions, the development of fine motor skills.

material: kolobok character; cards with pictograms: joy, sadness, surprise; beans.

Game progress

Guys, when the bun was hungry, what mood did he have? (sad)

And when he saw how many treats we had for him, what happened to the bun? (he was surprised)

When the gingerbread man ate, what mood did he have? (fun)

Before you are cards with the image of the parts of the face of the kolobok. Try to put a mouth out of the beans to get the emotions of sadness, joy and surprise.

Guys, depict the emotions of sadness, surprise and joy on your face / children with the help of

facial expressions depict these emotions /.


GOAL: development of the intellectual sphere and cognitive interest through the enrichment of the sensory experience of children.

TASKS: develop fine motor skills of the hands; accuracy.

FACILITIES: kolobok character, a bowl of cereals (beans and semolina, a sieve with a handle, 2 cups.

Game progress

Guys, the gingerbread man accidentally mixed two types of cereals in a bowl: semolina and beans and asks us to help him sort them into different cups.

Can we help the kolobok? (Yes)

How to choose beans from a bowl? (with fingers)

/children try to separate the groats by hand/

Guys, what a hard work! I know what to do. A sieve will help us.

/ the teacher shows the children how to use a sieve to separate one cereal from another. The teacher explains why this happens, first pouring clean semolina, and then beans. Children try to do the manipulations on their own. Sifted beans are poured into a prepared cup /

Well, that's how good you are. Kolobok thanks you for your help

The development of fine motor skills in children is a long continuous process during which the child learns the world, begins to communicate with it, gains dexterity and even begins to speak. Fine motor skills are the coordinated work of muscle, bone and nervous systems organism.

Science has proven the existence of a connection between the development of fine motor skills and logical thinking, memory, intelligence and speech in children. Therefore, experts recommend developing fine motor skills from an early age.


1 Belaya A.E., Miryasova V.I. Finger games for the development of speech of preschoolers. - M., 2000
2 Tsvyntary V. We play with fingers and develop speech. - St. Petersburg, Lan, 1996

3Androsova M.N. Climbers climb up the mountain. Finger games, 2010

    Ekaterina Zheleznova Finger and mobile songs-games. funny fingers(2 - 6 years old).2005

    L. A. Yartova, We train fingers - we develop speech. 2009

    T.N. Shcherbakova Finger Games, 2007

    L. A. Yartova, Finger games and physical education minutes, 2011

Smagina Svetlana
The system of finger games and exercises for the development of fine motor skills of fingers for young children

The system of finger games and exercises for the development of fine motor skills of fingers for young children.

Compiler: Smagina Svetlana Valerievna

Position: Educator of the 1st qualification category

1. finger exercises in combination with self-massage of the hands and fingers(movements - kneading, rubbing, pressing, pinching, squeezing and unclenching fists.)

Exercises: "Let's wash our hands", put on gloves, "Let's warm our hands".

Target: activate the speech centers of the brain.

2. Finger massage.

Exercises with massage ball , with hex pencil, sticks, walnut. “I roll a pencil in my hands, between fingers twirl. Surely everyone finger I will teach you to be exemplary." "I roll my nut to become rounder than everyone else".

Target: effects on nerve endings, more developed coordination of movements, strength and manual dexterity.

3. Gymnastics for fingers.

Exercises: "With tops", "Rubber", "Glube" (rewinding the thread from one ball to another).

Target: , quick wits.

4. "Rubber toy" (compress and decompress the rubber toy)

Target: development of fine motor skills of the fingers.

5. finger games

Target: development mental processes (attention, memory, speech, elementary creative abilities. To cultivate a friendly relationship between an adult and a child.

finger games:"Forty-white-sided", "Okay", « fingers» , "A horned goat is coming", "Family", « finger-finger , where have you been?", « Fingers in the forest» , "Orange", "Cabbage", "Squirrel sits on a cart", "Lock", "We drew today".

6. Exercises without speech accompaniment.

Target: development of fine motor skills of the hands, the formation of benevolent relationships between the child and the adult.

Exercises: « Fingers say hello» , "Man", "Baby elephant", "Chair", "Table", "Boat".

7. Making figurines from fingers: "House", "Glasses", "Checkbox", "Steamboat", "A boat", "Goat".

Target: development of fine motor skills of the fingers attention, ability to focus.

8. Theater in hand: "Butterfly", "Story", "Octopussy"

Target: development attention, memory, removal of psycho-emotional stress.

9. Finger(wooden) desktop theaters: "Turnip", "Teremok".

Target: development of fine motor skills of the fingers, mental processes (attention, memory, speech)

10. Bean baths.

Target: development of hand coordination.

11. Sand therapy.

Target: development elementary self-expression of the child.

12. Games with pasta, corks.

Target: development of fine motor skills of the fingers, speech, memory.

13. Didactic games:

"Sorceress Comb".

(A comb with large rare teeth and a colored woolen thread, tie the thread to a clove and skip between other teeth).

"Find a Pair"

(Mix the colored sticks and arrange in pairs.)

Target: development of fine motor skills of the fingers.

"Wonderful bag"

Target: strengthening fingers and whole hand, attention, speech.


Target: development of fine motor skills, mastering new shapes, sizes, colors.

"Frames and Inserts"

Target: promote development of fine motor skills of the hands, attention.

"Collect a picture"

Target: develop attention, intelligence, coordinated work of the eyes and hands.

"Mosaic" (large)

Target:, quick wit, observation, perseverance, patience.


Target: eye development, attention, strengthening fingers and whole hand, perseverance.

"Nuts in the Hollow".

(Plastic bottle with a small hole on the side, put grits (peas or beans) into the hole.)

"Drawings on the croup".

(Pour a thin layer of semolina on a saucer, draw fingers.)

Target: development of fine motor skills of the fingers.

14. « Water procedures with a sponge"

(Squeezing and squeezing the sponge, move from one vessel to another.)

Target: development of fine motor skills of the fingers.

15. Work with plasticine, paper, pencil.

(Plasticine - knead, roll between the palms, on the table; paper-tear off, fold, crumple, straighten; pencil - the ability to hold correctly, apply pressure.)

16. Construction

(Use small, large cubes)

Target: develop fine motor skills of the fingers, attention, imagination, spatial thinking. Build positive relationships between adults and children.

Related publications:

Summary of the master class with teachers of the preschool educational institution "Development of fine motor skills in young children" Purpose: to conduct a preliminary demonstration of the event to the teaching staff for the successful implementation of it in the future with the parents of the pupils.

Synopsis of an open GCD in the early age group "Visiting Grandma" (development of fine motor skills of the hands) The course of the activity Educator: Guys, look how many guests have come to us today. Let's greet them. Children:.

Consultation for parents and educators "Development of fine motor skills in young children" Development of fine motor skills in young children What is fine motor skills? It's movements small muscles of the hands It is very important to develop the fine.


What fine motor skills of fingers ? So scientists call the movements of the small muscles of the hands and fingers and believe that the improvement of these movements improves attention, memory, coordination and speech. At least in children. We, adults, do not often play Lego, and we sculpt from plasticine even less often, but we also need fine motor skills. Because the warm-up, which helps to get rid of fatigue in the fingers, returns youth to the hands, the fingers from the exercises acquire an elegant shape, and the skin, due to improved blood circulation, becomes more elastic and wrinkles appear on it less.

If do regularly, at least once a day, taking a minute break during work, putting down the pen or pushing the computer keyboard to the side, you will feel cheerful and energetic owner of flexible and beautiful fingers. Hands should be given no less attention than everything else ... And recently it was discovered that those who work with their fingers grow their nails faster.

Exercise for the development of fine motor skills of the fingers No. 1. "Fingers Together"

This is a record-breaking exercise in the fight against wrinkles in the areas of the joints of the fingers, and also good stretch for hands that are engaged in monotonous work.

Put your elbows on the table, put your fingers on the one shown in the photo. And now spread tense fingers to the sides as far as possible, without taking one hand away from the other. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

Exercise for the development of fine motor skills of the fingers №2. "Question with an edge"

That is, we do not pose any questions point-blank. On the contrary, we try to reduce tension in the hands and fingers, and at the same time calm down.

One hand is held horizontally, palm up. Lightly tap on it with the edge of the other palm for 30 seconds. Keep the fingers of the upper hand relaxed. We change hands and massage the phalanges of the fingers for another half a minute.

Exercise for the development of fine motor skills of the fingers №3. "Here's a turn"

And now an exercise that helps strengthen the joints and muscles of the wrists . It will be especially useful for those whose hands work in a canopy position, for example, over a computer keyboard.

Fold your arms into a lock and, bending them at the hands, begin to slowly rotate them in a circle, first clockwise and then counterclockwise. You can change the rhythm and rotate it slower, then faster for a minute.

Exercise for the development of fine motor skills of the fingers №4. "Flexibility - 90 degrees"

Fold your arms as shown in the picture, placing them horizontally at chest level. Place the palm of your right hand on back side left hand and push, but not very hard. Change hands. Repeat 5 times. The exercise trains and stretches the muscles and ligaments of the wrist, and, by the way, strengthens the muscles of the chest.

Exercise for the development of fine motor skills of the fingers №5. "On the pillows"

We use the desktop as a simulator without getting up. Grasp the table top and, resting your fingertips on the bottom surface of the tabletop, try to raise the table. pectoral muscles do not turn it on, otherwise you can accidentally knock it over ... Repeat 5 times.

Exercise for the development of fine motor skills of the fingers №6. "Hand Comb"

The fingers of one hand are straightened and separated, the fingers of the other are bent in the “comb” position. We put our hands on the table and with the bent fingers of one hand we make “combing” movements from the tips to the base of the straightened fingers of the other. This is good massage, which improves blood circulation and prevents the deposition of salts. Make 10-12 up and down movements and change the position of the hands.

These are not difficult exercises for the development of fine motor skills of the fingers Everyone will master, do them regularly to achieve the desired effect. Be healthy!!!

A child with well-developed fine motor skills of fingers and hands has more developed parts of the brain responsible for speech. That is, the more dexterous fingers a baby has, the easier and faster it will learn speech.

The movements of the fingers and hands have a developing effect. There are about 1000 important, biologically active points on the palm and on the foot. By acting on them, it is possible to regulate the functioning internal organs organism. So, massaging the little finger, you can activate the work of the heart, the ring finger - the liver, the middle finger - the intestines, the index finger - the stomach, the big one - the head.

In the majority of preschool children with speech disorders, an insufficient level of formed not only gross motor skills but also subtle movements of the hands and fingers. The lag in the development of fine motor skills of the hands in preschoolers prevents them from mastering self-service skills, makes it difficult to manipulate various small objects, and hinders the development of certain types of play activities.

Fine motor skills of the hands interact with such higher properties of consciousness as attention, thinking, optical-spatial perception (coordination), imagination, observation, visual and motor memory, speech. The development of fine motor skills is also important because the rest of the child's life will require the use of precise, coordinated movements of the hands and fingers, which are necessary to dress, draw and write, as well as perform a variety of household and educational activities. Therefore, it is necessary to pay due attention to various tasks for the development of fine motor skills and coordination of hand movements.

“The origins of the abilities and talents of children at your fingertips.

From the fingers, figuratively speaking, go the thinnest threads, streams,

which feeds the source of creative thought.

In other words, the more skill in a child's hand,

the smarter the child"

V.A. Sukhomlinsky

To help mom

Finger games are a thing that is absolutely necessary for a mother raising a baby. In addition to developing fine motor skills, this is a great way to distract and amuse the child, because each game is based on a nursery rhyme or a poem. And if there are many children in the family, finger gymnastics often becomes the favorite game of the elders with the younger ones.

Finger gymnastics very good as a daily independent play activity with the baby. Many teachers and speech therapists use finger gymnastics in their developmental classes as a physical activity, rest and change of activity.

Finger gymnastics for children 3-4 years old


Bunny jumped through the forest (fingers "jump" on the table)
The bunny was looking for food. (with the fingers of both hands we alternately sort through the table)
Suddenly at the bunny on top
Ears rose like arrows. (depict ears with handles)
A quiet rustle is heard:
Someone is sneaking through the forest. (fingers slowly walk on the table)
The hare confuses the tracks,
Runs away from trouble. (fingers quickly run around in a circle on the table)


We shared an orange! (hands are clasped in the lock, we shake)
A lot of us (spread fingers)
And he is alone. (show only one finger)
This hedgehog slice (fingers folded into a cam, bend one finger at a time)
This slice for a swift, (bend the next finger)
This is a slice for ducklings (bend the next finger)
This is for kittens (bend the next finger)
This slice is for the beaver (bend the next finger)
And for the wolf peel! (palms down, fingers outstretched)
He's angry with us, trouble! (wiggle finger)
Run away whoever! (simulate running fingers on the table)


A snail pokes its horns - (the thumb of the right hand holds the middle and ring fingers; the index and little fingers are straight)
The gate is locked in the garden. (pokes "horns" in the palm of his left hand)
Open the gate quickly (left hand"opens" the gate),
Let the snail go home (right hand"crawls").

Cabbage (2-4 years)

We cut cabbage
We chop and chop cabbage (in both cases we try to straighten our fingers, we do it with both hands)
We press cabbage
We three-three carrots (here one palm is straight, and the other slides over it with a fist)
We salt and salt cabbage

With a ball
