Finger game finger boy where have you been. Finger gymnastics complexes

These nursery rhymes belong to finger games and have been known for a long time. Children who find it difficult to perform the movements themselves are helped by their mother, and for very small crumbs, under these nursery rhymes, you can massage their fingers, fingering each finger of the child with light circular movements. The well-known "Magpie-crow" belongs to finger games.
Finger games
very useful for children - they improve coordination and stimulate the development of speech, besides, finger gymnastics is very popular with children. Finger games enable parents to play with babies, delight them and, at the same time, develop speech and fine motor skills... Through such games, the child receives a variety of sensory impressions, he develops attentiveness and the ability to concentrate. Nursery rhymes in finger games form a good relationship between an adult and a child.
An adult should pronounce nursery rhymes for finger games as expressively as possible: either raising or lowering his voice, pausing, emphasizing individual words, and performing movements synchronously with the text or in pauses. It is difficult for babies to pronounce the text, it is enough for them to perform movements together with an adult or with his help.
For some games, wear paper caps over your fingers or draw eyes and a mouth on your fingertips. Finger games encourage kids to be creative, and in the event that a child comes up with his own, even if not very successful, movements for the texts, be sure to praise him.

Ivan Bolshak - chop wood,
Vaska-pointer - carry water,
To the middle bear - to heat the stove,
Orphan Grishka - to cook porridge.
And little Timoshka - to sing songs.
Sing and dance songs
To amuse siblings.

Finger - boy, where have you been?
I went to the forest with this brother.
I cooked cabbage soup with this brother.
I ate porridge with this brother.
I sang songs with this brother.

This finger is the thickest, strongest and largest!
This finger is for showing it!
This finger is the longest and it stands in the middle!
This finger is nameless, he is the most spoiled!
And the little finger, though small, is dexterous and daring!

(Bend fingers one by one)

This finger went to the forest,
I found this finger - a mushroom,
This finger took its place
This finger will lie closely
This finger - ate a lot,
That's why he got fat.

(we pinch our fingers)

This finger is small
This finger is weak
This finger is long
This finger is strong
This finger is a fat man
Well, together the cam!

(we stretch our hands in front of us)

We drew today
Our fingers are tired.
We'll get some rest
Let's start drawing again.

(we pinch our fingers, we clench our fist tightly)

One, two, three, four, five,
Let's count our fingers
All so necessary
Strong and friendly.

(we pinch our fingers)

This finger wants to sleep
This finger went to bed
This finger took a nap,
This finger has already fallen asleep,
This finger is fast asleep
Nobody makes noise anymore.
- Shhhh ...

(we pinch our fingers before going to bed)

This finger wants to sleep
This finger - jumped into bed,
This finger has already taken a nap,
This finger has already fallen asleep.
This one is fast, fast asleep,
And he tells you to sleep.

(we pinch our fingers)

A squirrel is sitting on a cart
She sells nuts:
Little fox sister,
Sparrow, titmouse,
To the fat-headed bear,
Zayanka with a mustache,
To whom in the goiter,
To whom in a scarf,
Who cares.

(thumb and forefinger to depict glasses)

Grandma put on glasses
And the granddaughter saw.

(all fingers are pressed together, the thumb is down. The back of the hand is away from you. Wave the "flag")

I hold a flag in my hand
And I wave to the guys.

(we do a light massage)

This finger is small
Little finger is remote.
Nameless - wears a ring,
He would never leave him.
Well, this one is medium, long.
He's right in the middle.
This index,
The finger is wonderful.
The thumb, though not long,
The strongest among the fingers.
Fingers do not quarrel
Together, the matter is arguing.

Four brothers are tall and thin
Stick together, and the fifth aside.
But you just have to get down to work,
Four call the fifth brother.

(The palms touch, with the word "opened" they open like a book)

Bunny found a book
And opened and read,
And I closed it, I forgot everything.
And opened it again
And I repeated everything,
I closed it, forgot it again.

(depict a tree as said in the nursery rhyme)

The tree turns out quickly
If the fingers are locked.
Raise your elbows
Spread your fingers.

(we pinch our fingers)

This finger wants to sleep
This finger went to bed
This finger just took a nap,
This finger has already fallen asleep.
This one is fast, sound asleep.
Quiet! Hush, do not make noise!
The red sun will rise
The clear morning will come.
The birds will chirp
Fingers will get up!

(unbend fingers)

(we hold our hand vertically and, as it were, step on our fingers)

This house has five floors:
On the first one lives hedgehog family,
On the second one lives a family of rabbits,
On the third - a family of red squirrels,
On the fourth, a titmouse lives with its chicks,
On the fifth, the owl is a very intelligent bird.
Well, well, it's time for us to go back down:
On the fifth is an owl,
On the fourth is a tit
Belchata in third,
Hare - the second,
On the first hedgehogs, we will come to them.

(We run our finger on the palm)

Magpie crow
I cooked porridge,
I rode on the threshold
I called the guests.
There were no guests
We didn't eat porridge,
All my porridge
Magpie crow
I gave it to the kids.
(bend our fingers)
This gave
This gave
This gave
This gave
But she did not give this:
- Why didn't you saw wood
- Why didn't I carry water!

(we touch our fingers)

This finger is a grandfather
This finger is a grandmother
This finger is daddy
This finger is mama
This finger is Vanechka.
or (This finger is me,
That's my whole family.)

(bend your fingers like a rake, rake)

Leaves fall in the garden
I'll rake them down.

(depict a dog: fingers together - muzzle, pinky up / down - mouth, thumb bent - ears)

The dog has a sharp nose
There is a neck and a tail.

(we touch the table with our fingers)

Here are my assistants,
Turn them as you like.
On a white, smooth road
Fingers gallop like horses.
Chok-chok-chok, chok-chok-chock
A frisky herd gallops.

(open cam sharply)

Fingers will get up
Dress our children.
Fingers stood up - hurray!
It's time for us to get dressed.

(wiggle fingers on both hands at the same time)

Our grandmother
Ten grandchildren:
Two Akulki sniff in the cradle,
Two Arinkas sleep on a feather bed,
Two Alenka look out of the diaper,
Two Ivans are sitting on benches,
Two Stepans want to study.
Ten grandchildren, and one grandmother.

(we touch our fingers)

The finger is thick and large
I went to the garden for plums,
Indicative from the threshold
Showed him the way
Middle finger is the most accurate
He knocks the plums off the branch
The nameless collects, and the little finger is the lord
Planting bones in the ground.

(we touch our fingers)

This finger went to the forest.
This finger found a mushroom
This finger began to clean
This finger began to fry
This finger got up and ate
That's why he got fat!

(we touch our fingers)

Finger - boy, where have you been?
I went to the forest with this brother.
I cooked cabbage soup with this brother.
With this brother - I ate porridge.
I sang songs with this brother!

(Put palms together, fingers slightly apart, looking up. On the first line, the little fingers come off each other and reconnect two times. On the second line, the thumbs come off and connect three times. On the third line, the ring fingers do the same, on the fourth - the index fingers . On the fifth, the middle fingers first "hug" and then "kiss".)

Mom mom!
- What, what, what?
- The guests are coming.
- So what.
- Hello hello.
- Smack, smack, smack.

Finger gymnastics

Hello, golden sun!
Hello, the sky is blue!
Hello, free wind!
Hello, little oak tree!
We live in our native land
I love you all!

Please add yours in the comments. finger games and nursery rhymes for playing with toddler's fingers.

It's no secret that the baby is extremely important. Scientists have long established that in the brain, the nerve centers responsible for the movements of the fingers and hands are in close proximity to the areas of the brain responsible for the development of speech. Therefore, by stimulating the movements of the fingers and hands of the baby, we greatly contribute. That is why finger games are so appreciated by educators and are widely used in classes with children.

In addition to a huge influence on the development of speech, finger games help to develop coordination, attention, memory of the child, the ability to concentrate, and also help develop imagination (try to immediately understand that hands folded in a corner over your head is a roof, and if you wave your hands, then you immediately turn into a butterfly). And, of course, finger games give the child and mother a whole storm of positive emotions, enrich their communication with bright colors.

In this article, I want to present to you my selection of finger games that are best for toddlers from 6 months to 1 year old. In addition, in this article you will find rhymes that will help your little one to explore the main parts of the face and body quickly and cheerfully. My daughter and I always played with pleasure to these funny rhymes. And these games also helped me a lot to entertain my daughter during road trips.

At first, you can make the necessary movements with your baby's hands, but soon he will cope without your help. I would also like to note that you should not engage in finger games for a long time, you need to finish before the child gets tired of the game (usually no more than 5-8 minutes).

Finger games for toddlers from 6 months

Okay, okay! (clap our hands)
Where were you? By Grandma!
What did you eat? Koshka!
What did you drink? Mug.
Kashka sweet,
Brushka is young.
Drank, ate,
Kshi-kshi, let's fly! (wave our hands)
They sat on the head! (we put our hands to the head)
Sat down, sat down,
And flew away again! (wave our hands again)
I knock with a hammer (banging a cam on a cam)
I want to build a house. (we fold our arms over our heads, depicting a "roof")
I'm building a tall house! (lift the handles up)
I will live in that house! (again fold our arms above our head, depicting a "roof")
There was a lock on the door (we hook our fingers into the lock (if it doesn't work, just put the cam to the cam) and wave up and down)
Who could open it?
We broke, we twisted (we twist the handles linked into the lock)
Beat, beat (shake hands without unlocking fingers)
And they opened it! (we spread pens)
Dariki-dariki, (clap our hands)
Mosquitoes flew. (we put our fingers together with a pinch)
Curled, curled, (showing how they fly)
They grabbed the nose! (mom touches the baby's nose, option - in the handle, in the leg ...)
We build, we build, we build a house, (we put our hand and the baby's hand alternately, then again ours and the baby's)
Put the cube to the cube.
Here is the road, here is the garage , (we run our fingers over the child's body, laying some kind of "route")
Here is our house built. (we connect our palms above the head, depicting the roof)
Palms up (hands up)
Hands down (we put our hands down)
And now them on the side
And squeezed into a fist. (clenching our hands into fists)

Poems for studying parts of the body and face

When pronouncing lines of poems, touch the corresponding parts of the baby's body, or show on your body. It is better to do this and that so that the associations in the baby's head are not limited to some one experience.

Why daughter legs?
To run on the track!
Why does the daughter need ears?
To listen to rattles!
What is a mouth for a daughter?
So that mom's milk to drink!
What is the eyes for the daughter?
To look at the world of paint!
Why does a daughter need a back?
To lie on the sheet!
What is the priest for the daughter?
To clap her palm!
Why was the daughter born?
To please mom! (kiss, hug the baby)
My mouth knows how to eat,
Nose breathe,
And listen to your ears
Eyes - blink, blink
Handles - grab, grab everything.
Once upon a time there was a bunny
Long ears,
Frostbitten bunny
The nose is at the edge.
Frozen nose
Frozen tail!
And went to warm up
Visit the kids!
Big feet
Walking along the road:
Little feet
We ran along the path:
Where are you running, legs?
Where are you running, legs?
On a summer path
From hillock to hillock
For a berry in the forest.
In the green forest
I'll dial you
Black blueberries
Scarlet strawberries.
Here lie in the crib
Pink heels
Whose heels are
Are they soft and sweet?
The goslings will come running
Pinched by the heels.
Hide soon, don't yawn
Cover with a blanket!
These are the eyes to see.
This is a nose to breathe.
These are ears to hear.
These are the legs to run.
These are pens to mom
Hug very tightly.
The cat washes his paw
Apparently going to visit
I washed the nose.
I washed my mouth.
I washed my ear.
He wiped dry.

A few more rhymes for fun and vivid communication with the baby

Play massage

The dog bakes pies in the kitchen. (deep kneading of the back with palms)
The cat in the corner is crunching crackers. (tapping on the back)
The cat in the window sews a dress. ( tingling)
A hen in boots sweeps the hut. (stroking)
The pussy will come slowly
And pet the baby.
“Meow meow,” the pussy will say, “
Our baby is good! "
Riding a horse
The track is smooth, smooth.
A neighbor called us to visit
Eat sweet pudding.
We arrived for dinner
And the neighbor is not at home.
Two dogs at the doorstep
We were told very strictly:
Woof woof woof.
To the woman, to the grandfather
On a horse
In a red hat,
On a flat path
On one leg
In the old paw
Over potholes, over bumps,
Everything is straight and straight
And then suddenly ... into the hole
Grow, Taya, higher
Up to the chorus, up to the roof.
Grow up, do not blues,
Give Mom and Dad a favor.
Grow with a squared thickness
Yes, from a house higher!
A lot of trouble for your fingers:
They play nice
Then for some reason they climb into the mouth,
Grandma's books are being torn ...
Having redone all the cases,
They pull the tablecloth off the table.
They climb into salt and compote,
And then vice versa.
Friendly fingers
All so necessary!
Legs knocked
On a flat path
Knocked many times -
It will be fun with us.
Hit harder with your fist
Just don’t feel sorry for your pens,
We will knock with a fist
And spinning around
There was a goat on the bridge
And she dangled her tail,
Caught on the railing -
Straight into the river!
The mice are dancing
The cat is dozing on the couch.
Hush, mice, do not make noise,
Don't wake up Vaska the cat.
Vaska-cat will wake up,
Will break the whole round dance!
On the lawn over daisies
The beetle was flying in a colored shirt.
Zhu-zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu-zhu,
I am friends with daisies.
Swaying quietly in the wind
I bend low, low.

Also take a look at the following articles. In them you will also find many wonderful rhymes that will help you communicate with a baby up to a year and a little older in an interesting way.

These nursery rhymes belong to finger games and have been known for a long time. Children who find it difficult to perform the movements themselves are helped by their mother, and for very small crumbs, under these nursery rhymes, you can massage their fingers, fingering each finger of the child with light circular movements. The well-known "Magpie-crow" belongs to finger games.
Finger games
very useful for children - they improve coordination and stimulate the development of speech, besides, finger gymnastics is very popular with children. Finger games give parents the opportunity to play with kids, delight them and, at the same time, develop speech and fine motor skills. Through such games, the child receives a variety of sensory impressions, he develops attentiveness and the ability to concentrate. Nursery rhymes in finger games form a good relationship between an adult and a child.
An adult should pronounce nursery rhymes for finger games as expressively as possible: either raising or lowering his voice, pausing, emphasizing individual words, and performing movements synchronously with the text or in pauses. It is difficult for babies to pronounce the text, it is enough for them to perform movements together with an adult or with his help.
For some games, wear paper caps over your fingers or draw eyes and a mouth on your fingertips. Finger games encourage kids to be creative, and in the event that a child comes up with his own, even if not very successful, movements for the texts, be sure to praise him.

Ivan Bolshak - chop wood,
Vaska-pointer - carry water,
To the middle bear - to heat the stove,
Orphan Grishka - to cook porridge.
And little Timoshka - to sing songs.
Sing and dance songs
To amuse siblings.

Finger - boy, where have you been?
I went to the forest with this brother.
I cooked cabbage soup with this brother.
I ate porridge with this brother.
I sang songs with this brother.

This finger is the thickest, strongest and largest!
This finger is for showing it!
This finger is the longest and it stands in the middle!
This finger is nameless, he is the most spoiled!
And the little finger, though small, is dexterous and daring!

(Bend fingers one by one)

This finger went to the forest,
I found this finger - a mushroom,
This finger took its place
This finger will lie closely
This finger - ate a lot,
That's why he got fat.

(we pinch our fingers)

This finger is small
This finger is weak
This finger is long
This finger is strong
This finger is a fat man
Well, together the cam!

(we stretch our hands in front of us)

We drew today
Our fingers are tired.
We'll get some rest
Let's start drawing again.

(we pinch our fingers, we clench our fist tightly)

One, two, three, four, five,
Let's count our fingers
All so necessary
Strong and friendly.

(we pinch our fingers)

This finger wants to sleep
This finger went to bed
This finger took a nap,
This finger has already fallen asleep,
This finger is fast asleep
Nobody makes noise anymore.
- Shhhh ...

(we pinch our fingers before going to bed)

This finger wants to sleep
This finger - jumped into bed,
This finger has already taken a nap,
This finger has already fallen asleep.
This one is fast, fast asleep,
And he tells you to sleep.

(we pinch our fingers)

A squirrel is sitting on a cart
She sells nuts:
Little fox sister,
Sparrow, titmouse,
To the fat-headed bear,
Zayanka with a mustache,
To whom in the goiter,
To whom in a scarf,
Who cares.

(thumb and forefinger to depict glasses)

Grandma put on glasses
And the granddaughter saw.

(all fingers are pressed together, the thumb is down. The back of the hand is away from you. Wave the "flag")

I hold a flag in my hand
And I wave to the guys.

(we do a light massage)

This finger is small
Little finger is remote.
Nameless - wears a ring,
He would never leave him.
Well, this one is medium, long.
He's right in the middle.
This index,
The finger is wonderful.
The thumb, though not long,
The strongest among the fingers.
Fingers do not quarrel
Together, the matter is arguing.

Four brothers are tall and thin
Stick together, and the fifth aside.
But you just have to get down to work,
Four call the fifth brother.

(The palms touch, with the word "opened" they open like a book)

Bunny found a book
And opened and read,
And I closed it, I forgot everything.
And opened it again
And I repeated everything,
I closed it, forgot it again.

(depict a tree as said in the nursery rhyme)

The tree turns out quickly
If the fingers are locked.
Raise your elbows
Spread your fingers.

(we pinch our fingers)

This finger wants to sleep
This finger went to bed
This finger just took a nap,
This finger has already fallen asleep.
This one is fast, sound asleep.
Quiet! Hush, do not make noise!
The red sun will rise
The clear morning will come.
The birds will chirp
Fingers will get up!

(unbend fingers)

(we hold our hand vertically and, as it were, step on our fingers)

This house has five floors:
On the first one lives a family of hedgehogs,
On the second one lives a family of rabbits,
On the third - a family of red squirrels,
On the fourth, a titmouse lives with its chicks,
On the fifth, the owl is a very intelligent bird.
Well, well, it's time for us to go back down:
On the fifth is an owl,
On the fourth is a tit
Belchata in third,
Hare - the second,
On the first hedgehogs, we will come to them.

(We run our finger on the palm)

Magpie crow
I cooked porridge,
I rode on the threshold
I called the guests.
There were no guests
We didn't eat porridge,
All my porridge
Magpie crow
I gave it to the kids.
(bend our fingers)
This gave
This gave
This gave
This gave
But she did not give this:
- Why didn't you saw wood
- Why didn't I carry water!

(we touch our fingers)

This finger is a grandfather
This finger is a grandmother
This finger is daddy
This finger is mama
This finger is Vanechka.
or (This finger is me,
That's my whole family.)

(bend your fingers like a rake, rake)

Leaves fall in the garden
I'll rake them down.

(depict a dog: fingers together - muzzle, pinky up / down - mouth, thumb bent - ears)

The dog has a sharp nose
There is a neck and a tail.

(we touch the table with our fingers)

Here are my assistants,
Turn them as you like.
On a white, smooth road
Fingers gallop like horses.
Chok-chok-chok, chok-chok-chock
A frisky herd gallops.

(open cam sharply)

Fingers will get up
Dress our children.
Fingers stood up - hurray!
It's time for us to get dressed.

(wiggle fingers on both hands at the same time)

Our grandmother
Ten grandchildren:
Two Akulki sniff in the cradle,
Two Arinkas sleep on a feather bed,
Two Alenka look out of the diaper,
Two Ivans are sitting on benches,
Two Stepans want to study.
Ten grandchildren, and one grandmother.

(we touch our fingers)

The finger is thick and large
I went to the garden for plums,
Indicative from the threshold
Showed him the way
Middle finger is the most accurate
He knocks the plums off the branch
The nameless collects, and the little finger is the lord
Planting bones in the ground.

(we touch our fingers)

This finger went to the forest.
This finger found a mushroom
This finger began to clean
This finger began to fry
This finger got up and ate
That's why he got fat!

(we touch our fingers)

Finger - boy, where have you been?
I went to the forest with this brother.
I cooked cabbage soup with this brother.
With this brother - I ate porridge.
I sang songs with this brother!

Please add your finger games and nursery rhymes for playing with your baby's fingers in the comments.

Elena Morina
Complexes finger gymnastics

1-2 week of September

"We collect berries"- relaxed left hand (lowered down) depicts a branch with berries. With the fingers of the right hand"Remove the berries from the branch".

« Fingers greet» - tips fingersright and left hands touch: little finger with little finger, nameless with a nameless, etc.

« Fingers wash» - bent fingers one hand is closed with bent fingers of the other hand in"Lock" and move.

"Lock" - fingers of one hand - between the fingers of the other, bend, closing the "clasp.

« Finger boy, where have you been?

I went to the forest with this brother,

I cooked cabbage soup with this brother,

I ate porridge with this brother,

I sang songs with this brother! "

3-4 week of September

« Fingers walk» - the right hand walks to the right - the left - to the left.

"Ring"- the thumb of the right hand alternately with each forms a ring with your finger,which is worn on each finger of the left hand: large with index - to index, large with medium - to medium, etc.

"Mirror"- repeat with an adult the varied movements of each finger.

"Harmonic" - fingers open palms converge and diverge.

« Finger, finger fidget,

Where did you run, where did you dine?

I ate Kalinka with my little finger,

I ate a raspberry with a nameless one,

Ate with medium strawberries,

With a forefinger - ate strawberries

1-2 week of October

"Bud"- tips fingers collected in a handful, and then the palm opens - "The flower opened towards the sun".

"Bunny"- index and middle fingers straightened... The bent thumb - on the bent little finger and ring finger.

"Horned goat"- the index and little fingers are straightened, the thumb is on the bent ring and middle fingers.

"Bear-toed"- four finger stand upright on the table, the middle bent is "Bear head".

"Boy with finger, where have you been?

I wandered through the forest for a long time.

I met a bear, bunny,

Hedgehog in needles

Met a squirrel, titmouse,

Met a moose and a chanterelle.

Gave everyone gifts

Everyone thanked me "

3-4 week of October

"Fox"- the palm is held vertically, depicting the profile of the fox. The thumb is slightly raised - this is the ear. The index finger is bent - this is the forehead. Medium - nose. The closed ring and little fingers move away from the middle - the fox's mouth is open.

"Wolf"- thumb - ear - slightly raised, folded in pairs, the index and middle, ring and little fingers converge and diverge - this is the mouth of a wolf.

"Goose"- the hand resting on the elbow is positioned vertically. Brush - "Goose head".

"The goose is nibbling"- the tip of a large finger closes with the tips of the rest fingers.

"This finger - grandfather,

This finger - grandmother,

This finger - daddy,

This finger - mommy,

This finger - me,

That's my whole family! "

1-2 week of November

"Little Man"- index and middle fingers"Running around the table", first left, then right hand.

"Children are running a race"- as an exercise "Little man", only both hands at the same time.

"Glasses"- form two circles from the large and index fingers of both hands, connect them.

"Checkbox"- Pull the thumb up, connect the rest together.

“They are friends in our group

Girls and boys

We will make friends

Small fingers

One, two, three, four, five

One, two, three, four, five -

3-4 week of November

"Nest"- join both hands in the form of a bowl, fingers are tightly clenched.

"Roots"- press your hands with the backs to each other, lower them down.

"Spider" - fingers bent move slowly across the table.

"Scissors"- index and middle fingers right and left hands imitate a haircut.

Index and middle,

Nameless and last

The little finger itself, babies

I knocked on the threshold.

Together fingers-friends

They cannot be without each other "

1-2 week of December

"Squeezing fingers into a fist and unclenching ": palms up; palms down; both hands at the same time; right and left hands at the same time; right and left in turn.

« Tentacles» - two three fingers touch each other.

"Table"- the right palm is clenched into a fist, the left palm is pressed from above.

"Big finger - shaking the plum

The second collects them,

The third one carries them home,

The fourth pours out.

The smallest is a naughty

Everything, everything, everything eats! "

3-4 week of December

"Door"- rolled tips fingers pressed together in a horizontal position.

"Roof"- tips fingers, connected in an inclined position of the palms.

"Bridge"- the position of the hands is horizontal, the tips fingers touch each other. ("House"- hand position horizontal)

"This little finger,

Little finger is remote

Nameless - wears a ring,

He would never leave him.

Well, this middle one is long,

He's right in the middle

Wonderful finger.

This one is indicative,

Big finger,

Though not long

The strongest among the brothers.

Fingers do not quarrel,

Together the matter is arguing "

2-3 week of January

Right elbow on the table fingers spread wide -"tree"... Two finger left hands climb up - "Baby climbs a tree".

"Snail with Horns"- the right hand is pressed to the table with the palm down, the index and middle ones are wide apart and straightened forward.

The position of the right hand is the same as in the previous exercise, the left hand lies on the back of the right hand - "House of the snail".

"Flight of bird" - fingers arms bend back and bend forward.

“In our little house

Gray mice got started

So they dart around -

Everything in the kitchen is tumbling

They stomp under the table

They feast on milk

They want to sit on the bench

And they scare us guys.

That on the chair the naughty ones,

Then mice will climb on the closet

I just want to catch

And they sniffed - and under the bed "

(Finger play -"House"- depict the roof with both palms, "table"- the right hand is clenched into a fist, the left is pressed from above, "bench"- one hand is placed with the palm down, the other is pressed with the palm on one side, "chair"- the right one clenches into a fist, the left one is pressed with the palm, "closet"- fists are placed on top of each other)

3-4 week of January

"Swarm of bees"- rotational movements of the index fingers.

"Conversing people"- two fists with large raised high fingers.

"Chair, armchair"- the right palm is clenched into a fist, the left palm is pressed vertically to the right.

"Passengers on the bus"- hands are clasped fingers inward. Back sides hands outward, large fingers raised up.

"A squirrel is sitting on a cart

She sells nuts.

Chanterelle-sister, sparrow,

Titmouse, fat-headed bear,

Zainke mustache "

1-2 week of February

"Birds are flying" - fingers both hands make up and down movements.

"Birds Peck"- alternately connect the thumb with others fingers.

"Nest" - fingers round both hands and join in the shape of a bowl.

"Magpie-white-sided cooked porridge

She fed the children.

She gave it to him - he chopped wood,

She gave it to him - he stoked the stove,

She gave it to him - he carried water,

I gave this one - he cooked porridge,

And she gave nothing to this:

He did not heat the stove, he did not chop wood,

I didn’t carry water, I didn’t cook porridge.

He has nothing! "

3-4 week of February

"Snail shell"- right hand on the table, left hand put on top.

"Hedgehog"- connect palms straight put your thumbs up.

"Cat"- middle and unnamed fingers right hands are pressed to the palm with large finger, slightly bent, raise your hand up.

“We were sharing an orange,

There is only one orange.

This slice is for the cat,

This slice is for a hedgehog

This slice is for a snail

This slice is for the siskin,

Well, the peel for the wolf! "

1-2 week of March

"Chamomile"- connect both hands, straight spread fingers apart.

"Tulip"- bent connect the fingers of both hands forming a flower cup.

Squeeze and unclench the brushes for one or two counts.

"Scarlet Flowers"

“Our scarlet flowers bloom petals

The breeze breathes a little, the petals sway.

Our scarlet flowers cover the petals

They quietly fall asleep, shake their heads "

3-4 week of March

Rotation of the hands 10 times: to the right, then to left side; inside with both brushes; out.

Flexion of the hands 10-15 times

“Hello, golden sun!

Hello, the sky is blue!

Hello, free breeze

Hello little oak tree!

We live in the same land -

I greet you all! "

(Fingers right hand in turn greet fingers of the left hand patting each other with the tips)

1-2 week of April

Flexion of the hands: simultaneously; right, left in turn.

Alternating flexion and arching.

Clicks (5 times)

"Flashlights"- rotation with free hands.

"To work"

"Come on, brothers, to work,

Show your hunt.

To chop wood to a large,

Stove everything for you to heat.

And you carry water,

And you cook dinner,

And you need to wash the dishes.

And then sing songs to everyone,

Sing and dance songs

To amuse our children! "

(Alternately unbend fingers starting with a big one, but in words: "Sing and dance songs"- move them vigorously)

3-4 week of April

« Fingers greet» (10 times): fingers right hand with a large right finger; fingers left hand with a large left finger; the same, simultaneously with two hands; fingers right hand with appropriate fingers of the left hand... (pressing force of the pads fingers and the pace of execution increases)

"Claws"- strong semi-flexion and extension fingers.

"Little finger"

"Little Pinky

Crying, crying, crying

The nameless will not understand:

What does all this mean.

Average very important finger,

Doesn't want to listen.

Pointer asked:

"Maybe you want to eat?"

And the big one runs for rice,

drags a spoonful of rice.

Is talking: "Do not Cry,

Here, eat a little! "

(Squeeze the hand into a fist. Unbend alternately fingers starting with the little finger. With the last phrase big finger and touch each other with your little finger)

1-2 week of May

Flexion and extension fingers in a fist: in turn with the right and left hand; right hand; left hand; both hands at the same time. (start with big first finger, then start with the little finger)

"Scissors"- breeding fingers to the sides: right, then left hand; both hands at the same time; putting your palms together.

Turning the palms out and turning in the opposite direction without disengaging the intertwined fingers.


"Let's go two brothers

Walk together

And behind him are two more brothers

Well, the elder did not walk,

I called them very loudly.

He sat them down at the table,

I fed you delicious porridge "

(Put your palm on the table. Straight connect fingers... Spread two pairs alternately to the sides fingers, first the little finger with the ring finger, then the middle finger with the forefinger. Big finger"call for" brothers and "feed" their porridge)

3-4 week of May

Bent palms exercise - bent palms in front of the chest bend to the right and left, overcoming resistance: movement of bent palms in front of the chest back and forth; closed palms extended forward, spreading the hands to the sides, without opening the wrists.

Shaking with relaxed brushes: hands up; hands to the side.

"To work"

“The thumb stood alone,

Pointing behind him,

The middle one wakes up the nameless one

He raised his little finger.

Brothers all stood up - "Hooray!",

It's time for them to go to work! "

(Squeeze fingers in cam, alternately unbend them, starting with a large one, but from the words: “Brothers all stood up - "Hooray!"- spread wide fingers to toes

Finger gymnastics, which consists only in light tactile stroking of the handles, begins from the very birth of the baby.
From 3 months, to stroking the palms and fingers, pulling up with the cams of the baby's hands is added, holding onto the finger of an adult.
At 6-7 months, hands are massaged or finger nursery rhymes begin: games like "Boy-finger, where have you been?", "Ladushki".
From 10 months, active training of the baby's fingers begins: vigorous movements, rhymes and mathematics, rolling balls, playing with inserts, pyramids, cubes and beads.

Important to remember!
Classes begin with gentle stroking
It is necessary to conduct classes only when good mood toddler
The nature of the exercise should be appropriate for the development of the child.
Exercise should be fun for your baby.
For visual memorization, exercises must be shown slowly.
Use verbal guidance during exercise
Games are selected taking into account the capabilities of the kid and gradually become more complicated.
Domestic philologists confirm the connection between the development of hands and the development of the brain.
V.M. Bekhterev, in his scientific works, proved that hand movements relieve mental fatigue, improve pronunciation of sounds, and develop speech.
Exercise supports the natural development of the baby, has a positive effect on internal organs, develop fine motor skills of hands, give a charge of positive emotions.
Just think: the duration of the exercises only takes a few minutes, and how much benefit it brings to children!

"Caught a fish"

The child is in a supine position.
Insert your index fingers into the baby's clenched fists so that he grabs them tightly.
First bend the arms at the elbows, then pull them forward, completing the movement with a hug.
Perform the exercise several times, reading nursery rhymes:
I pull, I pull
I catch fish
Catch, catch a fish
Small and big!

Completing the exercise by raising the baby's arms to the sides.


From 3 to 8 months, the child keeps the handles clenched into a fist, gradually trying to coordinate their movements.
In time with the nursery rhyme, you will lightly tap the baby's fists against each other, improving the movements of the hands:
Views, views,
Vyushki view,
I hit the beaters,
I'm pinning it.


Place the baby in your lap, facing you, saying:
A squirrel is sitting on a cart
She distributes nuts:

Pat your baby's palm in a circular motion.
To the fat-headed bear,
Pat your thumb.
Zainke mustache,
Pat your index finger.
Pat your middle finger.
A lively sparrow.
Pat your ring finger.
Titmouse yellow-breasted.
Pet your little finger.
To whom in the mouth,
To whom in the goiter,
Who cares.

Spend thumb on the baby's palm and squeeze the handle into a fist.
This kind of gymnastics can be done with the baby's feet.

"Fingers are working"

Massaging and bending each finger in turn, stroking from base to tip, say nursery rhymes:
This finger went to the forest,
I found this finger a mushroom
I began to clean this finger,
This finger began to fry,
Well, this one took and ate,
That's why he got fat.

Massaging the fingers increases blood circulation, which contributes to the development of the child's intelligence.

"Little bird"

The bird is small
Here's some water.

Sliding your index finger along the baby's palm, shake the handle, simulating dropping water from it.
Here are some crumbs for you
On my palm.

Making undulating movements with the index finger along the baby's palm, pinching and tingling.

"Thumb Boy"

Place your baby in your lap facing you.
Take a pen or felt-tip pen and draw on thumb baby's eyes, nose and little man's mouth.
Attract the attention of the crumbs with a pattern, bending your fingers, stroking and massaging from base to tip, read nursery rhymes:
Finger boy, where have you been?
I went to the forest with this brother,
I cooked cabbage soup with this brother,
I ate porridge with this brother,
I sang songs with this brother.

"Because of the forest, because of the mountains"

Place your baby in your lap facing you.
If he is more than 7 months old, sit on your knees with your head resting on your shoulder.
Put the open palm of the baby on your hand, reading the nursery rhyme:
Because of the forest, because of the mountains
Grandpa Yegor is riding:

Stroking and pinching your palm in a circular motion, say:
Himself on a horse,
Massaging and bending the thumb.
Wife on a cow
Massaging and bending the index finger.
Children on calves
Massaging and bending the middle and ring fingers.
Grandchildren on kids.
Massaging and bending the little finger.
Repeat these exercises on the other handle.

« Shadow - shadow, sweat "

Gather your fingers in a fist, read the nursery rhyme:
Shadow - shadow, sweat,
There is a wattle fence above the city.

Spread your fingers to the sides
The animals sat under the fence,
Boasted all day.

With the index finger, circular motion from the center of the palm to the edge, keep reading:
The fox boasted:
- I am a beauty to the whole world!

Massage your little finger:
The bunny boasted:
-Come, catch up!

Massage your ring finger.
The hedgehogs boasted:
- Our fur coats are good!

Massage your middle and index fingers.
The bear boasted:
- I can sing songs!

Massage your thumb.
Repeat the nursery rhyme with the fingers of the other pen.

"Magpie - white-sided"

From 5 months, babies become more active and free.
They can practice independently for some time, mastering new movements.
Place your baby in your lap facing you.
Making a circular motion along the palm of your hand with your index finger, bend your fingers, pronouncing the words of the famous nursery rhyme:
Magpie - white-sided
I cooked porridge,
The children were fed:
I gave this,
I gave this,
I gave this,
I gave this,
But she didn’t give it to him.
You didn't chop wood,
I didn't carry water.
Why didn't you chop wood?
Haven't you got any water?
Did you cook porridge?

Rock your little finger.


At the age of 8 months, babies themselves begin to clap their hands when they hear famous words.
If these movements are not familiar to him, then while pronouncing the words of the nursery rhyme, show the actions with the palms of the baby.
- Okay, okay,
Where were you?
- By Grandma.
- What did you eat?
- Koshka.
- What did you drink?
Kashka butter,
Grandma is kind.
Drank and ate
Flew, flew!
They sat on the head,
Sat down, sat down,
Ladies began to sing!

Hand and finger games keep the brain in top condition by sending impulses to the central nervous system.

Andrey Khvostovtsev, 2nd ed., Novosibirsk: Sib. univ. publishing house, 2010-174 pp. Playing with fingers. develop fine motor skills of hands and speaking.

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