7 exploits of the shooter and. The story of the shooter and his wife chan-e

The Chinese shooter from the myth defeated many opponents from supernatural creatures and monsters, such as:

  1. 9 Suns, sons of the goddess of the night.
  2. Red bull-eater.
  3. Jiuchi monster with an animal head on a human body.
  4. Jiuying is a seven-headed monster that exhales water and fire.
  5. The beautiful Dafeng bird, with the flapping of its wings, a hurricane rose.
  6. Boa constrictor Bashe devouring fishermen.
  7. Giant boar Bensi.

A Brief History of Victories

Shooter Yi possessed arms of different lengths and a wonderful skill in accurate archery. He was sent to earth by the Great Lord Di Jun, when the sons of the goddess Xihe, ten suns fled and caused terrible damage to the earth. They shone all at once and burned the earth, forests, birds and animals, the oceans boiled, many people died. Shooter Yi destroyed nine of them, but the three-eyed ruler Yao stole the arrow, because if Yi destroyed the tenth sun, then darkness would come. After this victory, the shooter decided to clear the land of the rest of the monsters that killed children and adults, destroyed settlements and ships. It was hard to fight the multi-headed monster Juying, every head had to be cut off. And the cannibal boa constrictor Bashe did not succumb to several arrows, the shooter had to jump into the water and fight with a sword. He destroyed them to the delight of the people of China, freeing them from grief, fear and suffering, he was praised as a hero and bowed before him, he was the only savior of people.

How the shooter was betrayed

But, not everyone was happy that the shooter remained on the ground with people. The supreme god expelled the shooter and made him a man, along with his wife Chang-e. The wife was very upset and constantly asked her husband to fix everything and go to the goddess Si-Wanmu for the elixir of immortality. And he went, and since the goddess had heard a lot about his exploits, she gladly helped him. If you drink the elixir completely, then you can return to the moon to the gods, and if you divide it into two, you will get immortality. Chang-ae drank it herself. Shooter Yi remained on the ground and became a mischievous, rude old man. And one day his apprentice servant incited other servants and they killed him with a log and boiled him in a cauldron for game. The student did so out of envy and pride, in order to be known as the best archer in the world.

It is said that a huge tree grows in the land of sweet springs. On its mighty branches, swaying, the Sun dozes. In the morning, having gained strength, it climbs onto a chariot and drives the fiery horses along the heavenly track. There was a time when ten Suns, playful sons of their mother Sihe, were placed on this tree. They succeeded each other on her chariot, and since the brothers were twins, people thought that the same Sun always smiled at them from the sky.

For many thousands and thousands of years, this strict order of the brothers-Suns is pretty tired. And somehow, all together, they flew up to the top of the tree and began to whisper so that their mother would not hear.

Why do we need this chariot? Why do we take to the skies one at a time? Why do we need this track? Is there nowhere in the sky to turn around and show prowess?

Playing like small children, the Suns scattered across the sky. In vain the mother shouted after them:

My children, come back! You can destroy the world. The sky shone with ten suns. Drought has come to the world

Which has never happened before. The forests that then covered most of the earth flared up like dry reeds from a flint spark. The animals, pursued by fire and suffocating smoke, fled from the thickets and wilds and sought salvation in the rivers. But the rivers boiled with solar fury. The fish floated upside down. The birds, having scorched their wings, fell from above in charred lumps. Crowds of people, blackened by the unbearable heat, gathered on the plains. Striking stone gongs, blowing trumpets, they made a noise, hoping to frighten the heavenly bodies. But the Suns, having played too much, did not hear anything, or perhaps, in their naivety, they thought that people, looking at their pranks, rejoiced.

Seeing the suffering of people and earthly creatures, the Great Lord Di-jun2 sent his son Yi to the land. He was a skilled shooter, because his left hand was shorter than his right. Di-jun gave his son a red bow and ten white arrows with hard and sharp tips.

When Yi appeared on earth, many people were gone, the survivors took refuge in deep caves. Hearing the sound of footsteps, they stuck out their heads and began to greet the shooter.

The shooter took off And from behind the bow, put the first arrow on it and pulled the bowstring to failure. The arrow whistled off into the sky, and people saw one of the Suns burst like a crimson bull's bubble. Again and again he pulled And his bow, and the arrows flew into the Suns, which, trembling, wanted to hide behind each other, but the arrows And overtook them, and they burst with a crash, like fireballs.

People rejoiced and cheered the well-aimed shooter with shouts. Only the wise ruler Yao, the one with a gray beard to the ground and three pupils in each eye, understood that if the arrow that went into a rage is not stopped, he will kill all the Suns and the earth will plunge into darkness. Yao silently approached Yi and pulled one arrow from his quiver.

In the sky, madly, the last Sun was rushing about. His face turned white with fear. Wanted to kill and his shooter And, but did not find an arrow. Fleeing from the shooter, the Sun rushed into the arms of his mother Night. And since then, it no longer dares to leave the track intended for it and linger for a long time in the sky. With the cessation of the drought, the disasters of people did not end. During forest fires, the fields were filled with monsters. They were joined by dragons forced to leave the boiling waters. They all attacked mortals, and there was no trouble with them. And, having pacified the Sun in the sky, he decided to rid the earth of monsters and dragons.

In the center of the country, the red bull-eater Yayu raged with a human face and horse legs, making sounds reminiscent of the cry of a child. One appearance or the sound of his voice made people run without looking back. Hit Yi Yayuya with a single arrow.

In the south of the country, in the wasteland of Chow-hua, there was a monster Zuochi with an animal head, a human body and a thunderous voice. A huge fang protruded from his mouth, terrifying everyone who met him. Shooter Yi without fear approached Zuochi to shoot an arrow. Zuochi raised his spear to hit the hero. Arrow Yi hit the shaft of the spear and split it. Seeing such extraordinary accuracy, the monster threw a spear and took hold of the shield to hide behind. But Yi hit Zuochi with an arrow through the shield.

After that, Yi went to the north of the Celestial Empire, to the Xiongshui River, where Jiuying, a beast with seven heads, spewing fire and water from each mouth, annoyed the people. He hit Yi with seven arrows on each of Juying's heads and threw them into the river.

During the wanderings of Yi through the countries of the North, Mount Silushan collapsed with a terrible roar before his eyes. The gunslinger's keen eye discovered a surprisingly hard jade ring among the wreckage. And tried it on the thumb right hand, and, as he entered like a glove, I realized that the ring was given to him from heaven, so that it would be more convenient to pull the bowstring.

Soon the ring came in handy. At Green Hill Lake, a hurricane hit the gunner, so much so that he could hardly stay on his feet. The shooter saw a huge bird Dafeng3 rising above the thicket with colorful plumage, like a peacock. The wind was generated by the flapping of her wings. The bird flew so fast that the arrow could not catch up with it, and if it did, it would get tangled in thick feathers. Therefore, I wove a strong thread from green silk and tied it to an arrow. When a bird flew over his head, And he shot an arrow and hit it right in the chest.

Who did shooter Y win? "The exploits of the shooter Y" Ancient Chinese myth and got the best answer

Answer from Beautiful[guru]
Ten Suns went wild and scattered across the sky. They almost burned the whole world: people, animals, birds, fish - that's why the shooter And entered into battle with the Suns. He killed nine, and one Sun remained.
"... The shooter took off And from behind the bow, put the first arrow on it and pulled the string to failure. The arrow flew into the sky with a whistle, and people saw how one of the Suns burst like a crimson bull's bubble. Again and again pulled And their bow and arrows flew into the Suns, which, trembling, wanted to hide behind each other, but the arrows overtook them, and they burst with a crash, like fireballs ... ".

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hey! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Whom did shooter I win? "The exploits of the shooter I" Ancient Chinese myth

Answer from Elena Chernova[newbie]
Thanks for the reply ¦?¦?¦?????

Answer from Kat[newbie]

Answer from Thomas World[newbie]

Answer from Igor Golovtsov[newbie]
beautiful, you're a fucking idiot

Answer from Victoria Gavrineva[newbie]
he also defeated a monster called
the red bull-eater Yayu and Zuochi and Jiuying the seven-headed beast and the Dafeng bird and the giant Fengsi boar

Answer from Konstantin Sonin[newbie]

Answer from Yergey Pavlov[newbie]
what thanks

Answer from tatiana peshkova[newbie]
Thank you very much, now I will call my daughter to write

Answer from Natalia Shikonina[newbie]

Answer from Igor Malkov[newbie]
Thank you very much now I have 5)

Answer from Marina[newbie]
thanks for all the replies
I'm glad there is internet

Answer from sergey nazarov[newbie]
Thank you

Other feats of gunslinger I
With the cessation of the drought, the disasters of people did not end. During an unprecedented heat, various monsters crawled out of the burning forests, from the boiling waters. They all attacked mortals. The divine shooter And, having pacified the sun, decided to rid the earth of the monsters. In the center of the country, a red bull-eater Yayu raged with a human face and horse legs, making piercing sounds similar to the cry of a child. His mere appearance or the sound of his voice caused awe in those around him and made people run away without looking back. According to legend, Yayu was once a heavenly deity. For some unknown reason, the celestial spirit Erfu, hostile to him, and his associate named Wei tried to kill Yayu, but a certain sorcerer saved his life: throwing himself into the Zhoshui River, Yayu turned into a monstrous bull. And hit Yayuya with one arrow.

In the south of the country, in the wasteland of Chow-hua, there was a monster Zuochi with an animal head and a human body, which had a thunderous voice. A huge fang, similar to a drill, protruded from his mouth, terrifying everyone he met. None of the people dared to approach Zuochi, who did much harm. Shooter Yi took the bow given to him by the Heavenly Ruler and fearlessly entered the fight with the monster. He approached Zuochi within the distance of an arrow. Zuochi raised his spear to hit the shooter, but the arrow fired by the hero hit the shaft of the spear and split it. Seeing such extraordinary accuracy, the monster threw a spear in confusion and raised his shield to protect himself from arrows. However, the new arrow hit Zuochi even through the shield. After that, Yi went to the north of the Celestial Empire, to the Xiongshui River, where Jiuying, a beast with nine heads, spewing fire and water from each mouth, annoyed the people. Yi hit each of Jiuying's heads with nine arrows and threw the defeated beast into the river. During his wanderings in the countries of the North, Mount Silushan suddenly collapsed with a terrible roar before his eyes. The keen eye of the shooter noticed among the wreckage a ring made of a whole piece of beautiful unworked jade. The shooter put the ring on thumb right hand, so that it is more convenient to pull the bowstring. He used to have an ivory ring for this. The ring was just right, and the shooter realized that it was a gift from heaven. On the way back, when Yi was passing by Qingqiu Lake - Green Hill Lake - such a hurricane hit him that he could hardly stay on his feet. The shooter saw a huge bird Dafeng rising above the thickets with colorful plumage, like a peacock. The very name of the bird Dafeng literally means "big wind". When the bird flew, the wind that arose from the flapping of its wings devastated the surroundings. The raised hurricane destroyed the huts and even carried away the children. Shooter Yi knew that the monstrous bird flies very fast, and was afraid that if he could not immediately hit her to death and Dafeng flew away with an arrow stuck in the body, then it would be impossible to catch up with her. The bird will heal the wound, and the shooter will have to fight it again. Therefore, I wove a strong thread from green silk and tied it to an arrow. Dafeng flew over his head, And fired an arrow and hit it right in the bird's chest. The thread did not let her fly away. The shooter pulled the bird to the ground and cut it into several pieces with his sword. So people were delivered from this evil.

Then Yi again went south to Dongting Lake, where the huge boa constrictor Bashe was hiding, causing endless suffering to people who lived near the lake. Raising huge waves on the lake, he overturned the boats and swallowed the fishermen. No one knew how many people were swallowed by a boa constrictor. People gave And a boat, and he went in search of a snake. Finally he saw a green head sticking out of the water. She was approaching, raising huge waves. I fired several arrows one after another, and although they hit the target, the boa constrictor continued to swim as if nothing had happened. I had to jump into the water and fight with Bashe, striking with a sword. Finally, the green head sank, and a foul-smelling liquid gushed from the belly of the boa constrictor. The fishermen, who watched the fight from the shore, joyfully greeted the winner. They pulled the remains of a huge serpent out of the water. According to legend, a large mound was formed from his bones.

The last of the monsters that harmed people was the giant boar Fancy, who lived in the Mulberry Forest. The monster was the size of a bull, and the ferocity surpassed the tiger. The wild boar spoiled crops, devoured people and domestic animals. I found a wild boar along the huge notches that he left with his fangs on the trees. The arrows hit the beast in the thigh, making it impossible for him to escape. After that, Yi put the boar on his shoulder and, still alive, carried it around. Then I killed the boar, chopped it into small pieces and offered it as a sacrifice to the Lord of Heaven.

Is in the autumn of the original
Short but wonderful time
The whole day stands as if crystal,
And radiant evenings ...

The air is empty, the birds are no longer heard,
But far from the first winter storms
And pure and warm azure pours
To the resting field

Mother and son are now free;

They see a hill in a wide field,
The blue sea all around
Oak green over the hill.
Son thought: good dinner
However, we would need it.
He breaks at the oak branch
And in tight bends the bow,
Silk cord from the cross
Pulled on an oak bow,
I broke a thin cane,
I sharpened it with a light arrow
And went to the edge of the valley
Look for game by the sea.

He only comes to the sea
So he hears like a groan ...
It can be seen on´ the sea is not quiet;
Looks - sees the matter famously:
The swan beats among the swells,
The kite rushes over her;
That poor thing is crying
The water around is muddy and whipping ...
He has spread his claws
The bloody nibble pricked up...
But as soon as the arrow sang,
I hit a kite in the neck -
The kite shed blood in the sea,
The prince lowered his bow;
Looks: the kite is drowning in the sea
And not a bird's cry groans,
The swan swims around
The evil kite pecks,
Death is near,
It beats with a wing and drowns in the sea -
And then to the prince
Says in Russian:
“You, prince, are my savior,
My mighty deliverer
Don't worry about me
You won't eat for three days
That the arrow was lost in the sea;
This grief is not grief.
I will repay you well
I will serve you later:
You did not deliver the swan,
Left the girl alive;
You didn't kill a kite
Shot the sorcerer.
I will never forget you:
You will find me everywhere
And now you come back
Do not grieve and go to bed. "Write out the words that reveal the attitude of the author and the swan princess. Define this attitude in your own words? Write out from the proposed passage the words and the combination of words that occur in folk tales? Highlight in the passages an example of the use of personification above it

a fairy tale about lost time: agree-put +, disagree -

Petya Zubkov was in first grade.
One day he turned into an old man.
An upset Petya was walking through the forest and came across the hut of a baba yagiya
the boy went into the house, buried himself in hay and fell asleep.
When Petya woke up, Baba Yaga gave him tea to drink.
Evil wizards sat at the table.
Baba Yaga told Petya her sad story.
Wizards turned children into old people, and took the lost time for themselves.
Baba Yaga gave Petya a magic wand.
Petya got out of the house and ran into the garden to look for old schoolchildren.
Exactly at midnight, Petya rearranged the hands on the clock.
Petya waved his magic wand - and all his wishes came true.
Old people have become children again, and wizards have become adults.
