Shooting self-learning: a short course for hunters. How to start training at home? With the preparation of a gun and additional equipment

Clay skeet shooting is a subspecies of shooting sports. Competitions are held at an open shooting range. Smooth-bore guns are used, while the cartridges for trap shooting must be equipped with shot having a spherical shape. Even if a few pellets fall into a plate-target made of a mixture of cement and bituminous pitch, which is thrown into the air by a special machine, it will break.

The origin of clay shooting

After the invention of firearms in different countries of the world, people appeared who wanted to learn how to shoot accurately. This was necessary for fighting, hunting, and later for participating in various competitions. At first, hunting shotguns were used in competitions, from which the competitors fired at fast-flying targets. The first competitions of this kind were held in 1793 in England: shooting was carried out at pigeons sitting nineteen meters from the shooters in special baskets (boxes) called cages. A special person behind the shooter, on command, pulled the string, and the bird was thrown out of the cage. But it was not enough to injure or kill a pigeon, according to the conditions of the competition, he had to fall from the shooter no further than thirty-one meters. This type of shooting was close to hunting, it was called garden shooting, and guns with a heap and sharp fight also became known as garden shooting.

The first non-living targets

Societies categorically protested against such an inhumane sport (now such organizations protest against hunting in principle). As a result, live targets gradually began to be replaced by various objects equipped with special throwing devices. First used having a diameter of 64 mm, filled with bird feathers, smoke, paint and other materials. However, such targets often burst, often the pellets, when the edge of the scree hit the ball, ricocheted off the smooth surface. But the inquisitive mind of a person finds a way out of any difficult situation. In 1880, in America, in the city of Cincinnati, a shooter named Ligovsky invented a flat-profile clay target-plate (it is still called that today, although the material is now used more durable) and a throwing device - a machine. Such machines began to be installed on sites called stands, from which the name was born - "bench shooting".

spectator sports

Such an affordable and cheap sport, in comparison with the sport, quickly gained popularity not only in the American, but also in the European continent. Clay skeet shooting is more emotional and spectacular: spectators and shooters immediately see the result of the shot. If the target is hit, it flashes with an orange-red cloud, if not, the judge with a red armlet raises his hand, announcing the miss, and the athletes in multi-colored original costumes move around the site. Everything happens slowly, sedately: jumping at each other and squeezing the winner in his arms or a triumphant cry with a good shot is considered an indicator of bad taste. In a word, trap shooting is not football, such emotions as there are inappropriate, although, of course, athletes experience great nervous tension at tournaments. Everything is decided by psychological stability, endurance, the will to win.


Shooting enthusiasts eventually began to unite in clubs, circles and societies, and in 1907 the International Shooting Union (abbreviated as UIT) was organized, which connected different types of bullet shooting. The states where trap shooting was cultivated, in 1929, were integrated into the International Federation of Shooting from Hunting Rifles (abbreviated as FITASC). However, later, in 1947, the subspecies of shooting sports we are considering left FITASK and merged into UIT. Now all disciplines, both clay and bullet shooting, are regulated by the International Shooting Union, all official competitions, including the Olympic Games, are held according to the rules approved by it and under its control. I must say that FITASK also exists at the present time, it regularly organizes landing shooting championships, which are especially popular today in the countries of the Mediterranean basin: Spain, Egypt, Italy, France.

History of Russian clay shooting

The first mention of landing shooting (for pigeons) dates back to 1737. At that time, Anna Ioannovna reigned, known for her skillful ability to shoot not only from a gun, but also from a bow. The Empress had one passion: she loved to shoot at flying birds from the open palace window. At her direction, sometimes pigeons were released from the cage under the window. Before the revolution of 1917, such entertainment as landing shooting functioned only in Moscow, Kiev, Odessa, St. Petersburg and Warsaw. There were few fans of such events, because only very wealthy people could afford this fun. And the first information about shooting at artificial targets dates back to 1877. Spouses Denisevich in 1910 organized a skeet shooting circle. It happened near St. Petersburg, in the village of Ligovo.

Achievements of Russian shooters

In 1912, athletes of the Russian Empire took part in the Olympic Games in Stockholm for the first time. Then adequately held competitions in trap shooting and won bronze, hitting ninety-one out of a hundred cymbals, Riga resident H. Blau. With his success, he paved the way to the heights of world achievements for domestic stand builders. After 1917, competitions were held according to arbitrary rules on a case-by-case basis. And only in 1927 in Ostankino (Moscow) they made the first stand with a trench, where the first throwing machine for clay shooting was installed. Subsequently, it was modernized, understaffed, and it served Russian athletes for many more years. In the 1920s, similar venues appeared in Kiev, Leningrad, Baku and other cities. The first championship of the USSR took place in 1934, and the USSR Shotgun Federation was created the day before.

First successes

At the European Championships in 1955, victory smiled at the Soviet benchers: Nikolai Durnev (round stand) and Yuri Nikanorov (trap) won gold. In 1958, at the World Championships, Ariy Kaplun won a gold medal in the round stand competition, in the same exercise in 1968, Evgeny Petrov became the Olympic champion of the Games in Mexico City. Speaking at competitions in a round stand of various ranks, among Soviet athletes, the greatest success was achieved by Yuri Tsuranov (in the individual event, a three-time world champion, in the team event, a six-time, nine-time European champion), Svetlana Demina (21 gold of the European and world championships), Larisa Tsuranova ( 24 gold), Elena Rabaya (18 gold medals).

Olympic program

To date, competitions in three disciplines are included in the Olympic program: skeet (round stand), trap (trap stand), double trap. Let's talk about them in more detail.

1. Trench stand

This discipline was included in the program of the Games for men in 1900, and for women in 2000. A gangway is a platform where five shooting numbers are located in a straight line. Shooting is carried out at skeet flying out of fifteen throwing machines in turn. The cars are installed under the shooting range in a trench, at a distance of fifteen meters from the shooting room. A clay target of this type can have a different flight height, it moves away from the shooter to the right, straight or left, with a deviation of up to forty-five degrees. The casting distance is 75-77 meters. The shooting series consists of twenty-five targets.

2. Round stand

The discipline was included in the program of the Olympics for men in 1968, for women in 2000. The skeet is performed on a platform with eight shooting numbers located in a semicircle from the first to the seventh number, and the eighth is located between the booths in the center. Cymbals for clay target shooting of this type are similar to those used for the gangway. However, they are produced by two machines, which are installed in low and high booths located at a distance of forty meters from each other at the extreme points of the semicircle. Before the target appears, the shooter must hold the trap gun with the butt at the waist, and shoot at the skeet with the weapon raised to the shoulder. A machine installed in a high booth throws a target from a height of 3.05 meters, and the one in a low booth from a height of 1.07 meters.

In addition to the plates flying singly, on all numbers, except for the seventh and eighth, paired targets (doubles) are also produced. They fly out of both booths simultaneously in the opposite direction. The flight of the skeet in the skete, unlike the ladder, has a constant direction. The targets must pass through a 90 cm diameter ring placed at the intersection of the skeet flight paths. The flight range varies within 67-69 meters, while the zone of permissible damage is determined by the boundaries of the site and is forty meters. The shooting series, as in the previous discipline, consists of twenty-five targets.

3. Double trap

The discipline entered the Olympic program (for both men and women) in 1996. A double trap is performed on the site from five shooting numbers by repeating doublet shots aimed at hitting two skeet simultaneously and simultaneously flying out, having a flight path that quickly moves away from the shooter and slightly divergent. The flight range does not exceed 54-56 meters. Throwing machines are located in the same way as in the trench stand, but not fifteen, but only three devices are used, installed opposite the third shooting number. Cars stand in a row and are at a certain distance from each other. There are three different schemes (A, B and C) for adjusting the flight path of the cymbals. After the shooter's command, the targets fly out according to a pattern unknown to him from the same place. The flight path during the shooting series changes, at the same time the angle of fire and view changes, which depends on the specific shooting number. The series consists of thirty targets (fifteen doubles).

Competition regulations

All three disciplines have the same rules. During the preliminary competitions, six finalists are determined, from which the winners and the champion are determined in the final. Points of preliminary and final competitions are summed up. If, according to the results, several athletes score an equal number of points, a shootout is made between them until the first miss. In order to increase the interest of the audience and reduce the likelihood of a referee's mistake, in the finals, shooting is carried out at special plates, when hit, a cloud of bright powder (often red, sometimes yellow) is thrown into the air.


In skeet shooting, specific terminology is used, the knowledge of which is indispensable. We give definitions of the main concepts:

  • Hijacking target - one that flies in the direction from the shooter.
  • A counter target is one that flies in the direction of the shooter.
  • A torn target is one that is destroyed when released from a throwing machine.
  • The target "into the smoke" is the defeat of the plate by shot, when only "smoke" remains from it - fragments, pounded into the smallest dust.
  • Timer - delay of the target departure after the shooter's command for up to three seconds.
  • Dead zone - the distance that the cymbal flies from the moment of launch to the first reaction of the shooter to it.
  • Target processing - a sequence of actions, including the perception of the target, vskidka (in a round stand), leash (movement of the barrel relative to the trajectory of the flight of the cymbal), going ahead (the distance on the trajectory by which you need to get ahead of the target during the shot, so that after the departure of the shot it will be hit), shot while maintaining the angular velocity gained by the gun.

Clay shooting in Moscow

Currently, everyone who wants to acquire the skills and abilities of clay shooting has such an opportunity. Perhaps there is a shortage of shooting ranges in the regions, but in Moscow it will not be difficult to find a suitable club for yourself. The doors for novice shooters are always open at the Council of the Central Administrative District of the Central Administrative District, the Moscow Secondary Special School of the Olympic Reserve No. 1 and No. 2, the Bitsa equestrian sports complex, the Zamoskvorechye sports and technical club and many other institutions.

Yes it is. Arrows undergo mandatory testing before admission to the stand. On site, everyone is given special glasses and hearing protection. Each shooter is assigned his fire zone, which he has no right to go beyond and cannot even go beyond - thanks to special frames. Shooting starts at the command "Start" and stops with the command "Stop", and the process is observed by professional athletes-instructors. We can say that this type of recreation is not for those who like to joke and “take a picture with guns”.

2 Bench shooting. What's this?

Bench shooting got its name from the place of action - the athlete stands on the stand and shoots at the cymbals soaring into the sky. Shotguns and shotguns are used for shooting. Modern plates are made from bituminous pitch and cement. This composition makes them brittle and they are easily broken when even one pellet hits. Special machines are used to launch the skeet at our partners' venues - the same as those used at the Olympic Games.

    Shotgun shooting is one of the oldest Olympic sports and has been a part of almost all modern Olympics since 1900 - the only exceptions were the games of 1904 and 1936. Separate competitions for women and men have been held only since 1996, before that athletes performed in the overall standings without division by gender.

3 What do you need to know and be able to shoot on the stand?

First of all, you need to want to shoot and at least theoretically imagine the process of hunting birds. Secondly - do not be afraid to press the butt to your shoulder and pull the trigger at the right time. Do not worry and remember, you will not harm anyone except the target-plate. All stands are located in deserted places far from residential areas, and the stands themselves are separated from each other by special bounding boxes. Plus, the trajectory of the flight of cymbals eliminates the presence of other people between the target and the shooter.

4 How to dress for the shooting range?

We recommend choosing loose, comfortable clothing and sturdy sports shoes with wide, flat soles. You don’t need to think about special equipment at the first trial lesson - glasses and headphones will be given free of charge, and nothing else is required.

Shotgun shooting is carried out by our partners:

  1. 1 Sporting Club Podolsk

    In the shooting club "Sporting club Podolsk" there are five shooting ranges for shooting at flying targets. Each stand has its own level of difficulty. Professional trainers will help beginner shooters get a taste for it - they will introduce you to safety precautions, tell you about the rules for handling weapons, and put you in the right stance. You can get to the club from Moscow along the Kaluga and Simferopol highways.

  2. 2 Biserovo-Sporting

    The road to "Biserovo-Sporting" lies along the Gorky highway. The club is located in a pine forest and we can say that this is an ideal choice for those who have already held a gun in their hands and fired it at least once or twice. That is, for professional hunters and lovers of outdoor activities. For the convenience of guests, on the territory of the shooting club there is a restaurant, a cafe, guest houses and a store with an excellent selection of shooting equipment.

It's important to know

  • The certificate is valid for 8 months.
  • To sign up for clay shooting, activate the certificate on our website.
  • In bad weather conditions, the shooting range is closed, so be sure to call your chosen club the day before your scheduled visit and ask if it is worth coming.

Appearance of certificates

Gift box


A bright envelope made of thick designer paper will add a festive mood to your gift. The rich colors used on envelopes and certificates, even without reading the information about the service, will make the recipient rejoice with pleasure.

The certificate received by e-mail will certainly touch the recipient, because together with the gift you will be able to express the warmest words and congratulations to him. The name of the donor will be the icing on the cake. And how else will the recipient know who to thank for such a wonderful gift?

Clay shooting in Podolsk (35 shots)

The certificate has arrived and is ready to give impressions, emotions and memories

Bench shooting

Clay shooting attracts regardless of gender and age - these are men and women, and children (the youngest athletes are twelve years old), and the elderly. Bench shooting, or as it is also called, skeet shooting, is carried out from smoothbore guns at special targets flying out - skeet.


Skeet shooting is an enchanting pastime at corporate parties, friendly field trips. And if you shoot skeet with your sons, then such moments will be remembered for a lifetime. After all, shooting is not only a man's occupation from time immemorial, but also self-discipline and accuracy.

Bench shooting in Moscow and Moscow region

Bench shooting in Moscow and the Moscow region has found a lot of admirers. Sports shooting clubs provide an opportunity to learn the skills of sporting, compact sporting, double-trap. Modern trap shooting clubs in Moscow and the Moscow region provide an opportunity to try all kinds of disciplines.

Sporting (large) is characterized by a huge variety of trajectories, a large firing range.

A distinctive feature of compact sporting is that a set of 25 targets is produced on limited sites.

With a double-trap, a pair of targets fly out along almost parallel trajectories.

My family was not fond of weapons, but I wanted to learn how to shoot. And I knew that I was not alone in my desire. According to the National Shooting Sports Foundation, the number of female shooting athletes has increased by 60% . While self-defense remains the most popular reason for learning how to use a firearm, there are two more - the desire to learn how to hunt and to be able to shoot with family and friends.

And it is for these reasons that I decided to take up trap shooting in order to properly prepare for my first non-waterfowl hunt this fall. But it turned out that in addition to the basics of the technique and mechanics of shooting from a gun, you need to know a lot about the basics and etiquette in this sport. And here's what I learned from my own experience.

1. Know the etiquette

I grew up watching golf on TV with my father, licking the foam off his Budweiser and bantering about the dark silence the audience kept, its quiet comments and polite applause. Little did I know that trap shooting etiquette would be very similar to golf until I decided to visit the Orvis Sandanona shooting range to see trap shooting for myself.

Located in upstate New York, Sandanona is the oldest shooting club in the United States. I arrived there on a windy morning wanting to learn the basics of clay shooting from head instructor James Ross.

Ross explained to me that, as in golf, silence is expected to be maintained when a group of shooters line up at the station. This sport is based on concentration, not chatter and laughter. And since the most important thing is always safety, no one keeps the weapon loaded, except for the shooter, and only when he or she is ready to fire.

The shooter will ask for a demonstration - a skeet target is launched into the air without firing, which allows everyone in the group to see the trajectory and estimate the speed of the target at that station.

“When the shooter is ready, he will give the command "Give!"that tells the launcher (the person who operates the target launcher) that the cymbals can be launched," Ross told me.

At each station, everyone shoots in turn. As in golf, the group moves from one station to the next in order.

2. Use the gun that suits you

A properly fitted gun is the first step to accurate shooting.. It is worth taking the time to fit your gun to your body structure with the help of a specialist. The shift on the ridge (the part of the stock that your cheek rests on) affects where the shooter's eye will look when properly inserted.

A shift on the buttplate, or on the top of the stock that rests against the shoulder, affects aiming in general; too much shift can increase recoil noticeably. A stock that is too long can get stuck under your armpit or caught on your shoulder; with a stock that is too short, you will feel more recoil on your shoulder or cheek.

When Ross checked the fit of my Browning Citori Micro Satin Hunter shotgun, he commented that the ridge shift was too much for me, so my eye was too low when properly inserted. He added a gel pad to slightly increase the height of the cheek and to ensure that my eye was in line with the front sight when aiming.

Shotgun shooting is often referred to as shooting golf. You move across the field and shoot from various stations. Many rules of etiquette are also similar - for example, you should not talk when someone is shooting.

3. Practice the right stance

The way you stand has a big impact on your results. Ross notes that "self-taught people usually lack a proper stance."

If you're a right-handed shooter, like me, your left foot should always be in the lead, meaning the toe of your left foot should always point to the point of impact (where you hit the target). And then follow the formula for the correct stance from Ross:

  1. Imagine a clock face.
  2. Place your leading foot at 12 o'clock.
  3. If you are right-handed, the 1 o'clock point will show the gap between the heels, and the 2 o'clock point will be the place where you need to put the toe of your right foot.
  4. If you are left-handed, the 11 o'clock point will show the gap between the heels, and 10 o'clock will be the place where you need to put the toe of your left foot.
  5. Spread your legs shoulder-width apart, not wider.

The idea is to get into a comfortable stance that will allow you to move smoothly while raising, aiming and shooting. “Every time your legs are wider than shoulder-width apart, you are telling your body to tense up. It is not comfortable. This is a game of movement. Any inconvenience makes it harder,” explains Ross.

4. Decide for yourself where you will hit the target

There is a big difference between skeet shooting and flying bird shooting. The shooter always has at least a general idea of ​​where the target will come from and what its trajectory is, so he can plan where to point the gun. Hunters, of course, never know how a bird will fly.

When preparing to shoot at a target, it is very important to focus on the point in the sky where your eyes will see the target, and not track the entire trajectory of its flight after launch. This way you avoid chasing the target, and you can clearly and confidently focus on the place where the target will appear.

“The ideal place to hit the skeet is as close to the top of the trajectory as possible, because that's where it moves the slowest,” advises Ross. He also recommends aiming at the leading edge of the target.

By focusing on a point in the sky above a particular tree, you can start breaking cymbals from the very first shots. Understanding these basic principles not only gave me confidence in my own abilities, but also showed me how much fun trap shooting can be.

The main thing that distinguishes trap shooting in Moscow from other sports is that it is distinguished by the complete absence of restrictions on the age of athletes, as a result of which men, women can go in for this sport, and sometimes you can even meet children from 12 years old or older people , which are already over 70. Improvised tournaments are constantly organized in almost every club, and absolutely everyone can take part in them.

What is clay shooting?

Shotgun training in Moscow is shooting at skeet that are launched into the air with the help of a specialized machine. This type of corporate recreation has long been widespread in various circles. Among other things, this is a great reason for a man not only to have fun himself, but also to please his wife and children, and if there are sons in your family, then you can not even doubt that they will be happy to be involved in such a male occupation.
For entertainment, it is necessary to provide the most comfortable environment, which is offered only by a specialized clay shooting school in Moscow. It has long been noted that sporting is perfectly combined with relaxation, so in many modern clubs it is possible to place a brazier near the shooting range so that you really remember the weekend for a long time.

What is bench shooting like?

One of the most common types of modern skeet shooting is compact sporting, which is often offered by skeet shooting sections for beginners in Moscow. It differs in that a series of 25 targets appear on a fairly limited area, and in particular, this can occur either on the site of a round or special trench stand, or on any sites that have the most approximate dimensions. In this case, the maximum target engagement range is basically no more than 35 meters, while a fairly large variety of trajectories is offered.

Big sporting in international practice is used as the main one. Of course, it is much more complex in its organization and requires a large amount of specialized throwing equipment, but it offers the widest variety of trajectories, the longest shooting distances, and also requires full calculation from each shooter.
