Chinese balls for the hands. How to use Chinese health balls

Health balls are a popular feng shui tool, which are metal balls with bells inside. Due to the special sound of the balls, in ancient times they were given the name "Roaring Dragon and Singing Phoenix". That is why, so often they depict colorful phoenix and dragon.

History of health balls

The history of health balls goes back more than one century. For the first time, steel balls with bells inside began to be made in the Chinese city of Baoding. Such balls served as a tool for mastering martial arts, which recovered from injuries, developed hand strength, and increased concentration.

After a while, health balls have gained popularity all over the world. It was noticed that the regular implementation of special exercises with balls helps young people to acquire dexterity and a lively mind, and helps the elderly to get rid of numbness, cramps, hand spasms, and also normalize blood pressure.

Chinese medicine claims that there are a huge number of points on the fingers and palms of a person, the stimulation of which has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular, digestive and nervous systems. At the same time, modern medicine explains the beneficial effect of the balls by the fact that between the hands and nervous system, there is a close connection and impact on these zones, have a positive effect on the human body as a whole.

Exercises with balls of health can be performed for preventive purposes, to improve well-being, increase efficiency, youth and longevity. Moreover, they can be used medicinally. Such exercises will help relieve fatigue and stress, develop manual dexterity and coordination of movements, improve memory, normalize blood pressure and maintain vitality.

Experts in the field of feng shui recommend doing exercises with health balls for people who are in business, occupy leadership positions, as well as people whose professions involve long-term work at the computer. In addition, the exercises are recommended for people who are fond of handicrafts or playing the piano, guitar or other musical instruments.

Some traditional medicine specialists prescribe exercises with health balls for such hand diseases as rheumatism, arthritis, impaired coordination after injuries, etc.

There are innumerable ball exercises, which are categorized as rotational exercises, arm exercises, and finger exercises. The need to perform certain exercises with health balls should be judged by a specialist in the field of feng shui, based on each specific case.

In any case, unlike drugs taken internally, exercises with health balls have absolutely no side effects. For example, taking sedatives has such side effects, as inhibition of reaction, drowsiness and so on. In the same time special exercises with balls, which have a pronounced sedative effect, do not have an undesirable effect on the human body.

Video about chinese balls- how to choose them and rotate them correctly:

Many people tend to collect Baoding balls due to their glossy sheen and hand-painted, however, their supporters firmly believe that exercising with these balls will provide tremendous health benefits. In this post, we'll explore the history of these balls and the alleged health benefits. Named for their place of origin, the Baoding balls are believed to have been created during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) in Baoding, a small town in the Chinese province of Hebei.

Chinese Baoding balls are known by several names - Chinese anti-stress balls, Chinese healing balls, Chinese harmony balls, Chinese exercise balls, etc. It is believed that rolling these healing balls in your hand can develop dexterity.

Typically, the diameter of these balls is between 35 mm and 55 mm. Balls with a diameter of 35 mm are suitable for children and adults with a height of about 160 cm, and those balls with a diameter of 55 mm can be used by persons taller than 180 cm, or by those who have reached a certain level of professionalism in this matter. In addition to developing dexterity, using these balls to relieve stress is believed to have health benefits.

Baoding Ball Facts

These healing balls were originally made of iron, which is why they were called iron balls. Over time, the iron was replaced by hollow chrome steel. The chrome version of the balls is the most popular, but you can also find Baoding balls, which are made from hard steel, hard stone, hard jade and cloisonne enamel. Balls used for meditation or therapeutic purposes may ring.

Most often, metal balls are used for medicinal purposes due to their strength.

Balls with bells inside are often called singing balls or harmony balls. One of the balls is high pitched and the other low. The sound of bells also has a pronounced calming effect. Many people collect these healing balls for aesthetic reasons. They can be finished with ivory, marble or stone. Cloisonne Chinese balls look pretty cute. Bell balls are used for meditation and often have positive symbols like yin and yang or symbols for love, balance, harmony, health, etc.

How do these healing balls work?

According to the Chinese belief, there is a vital energy "Qi" that passes through channels or paths called "Zhong Luo" meridians. Several acupuncture points are located on these meridians. These points correspond to various organs of the body. Pressing on these points will help unblock the channels, thereby allowing vital energy circulate in the body. The Chinese believe that the fingers are connected to the cranial nerve and various vital important bodies such as heart, liver, lungs, kidneys, spleen, gallbladder, stomach and intestines. Thus, the rotation of these balls helps to stimulate these meridians, thereby promoting the circulation of life energy.

Those who use Baoding balls find that balls help:

  • Improve blood circulation
  • Develop sleight of hand
  • Strengthen the muscles of the hand, forearm and shoulder
  • Relieve stress

There is no denying the fact that sedentary people must exercise to maintain good health. The rotation of the Chinese balls will not be superfluous here, it will help maintain and develop the flexibility and mobility of the fingers. In addition to the work of the muscles of the hand, forearm and shoulder, there is an improvement in blood flow. These healing balls are usually sold in a specially designed box. When you are not using them, you can keep them there. Applying a thin coat of oil to the chrome balls will help prevent rust formation.

How to use

If this is your first time using the balls, start with the healing balls. Make sure they are the right size for you. You will be able to purchase larger balls later. Below are instructions on how to use these stress relieving balls ... Hold the balls in your hand. Place one of them between the proximal phalanx of the index finger and the middle finger. Place another ball between the proximal phalanx of the ring finger and the little finger.

If you are right-handed, rotate the balls clockwise. It is necessary to direct one of the balls to the palm of the index and thumb, and push the other ball with the little finger and ring finger to the middle finger. Place your pinky and ring finger so that the balls can slide between those two fingers. At the same time, move your index finger, letting the Baoding ball pass between your middle finger and index finger. Continue with the above, try not to drop the balls.

After you have mastered this technique, try rotating the balls so that they do not touch each other. You can also increase the difficulty level in one of the following ways:

  • First rotate the balls smoothly and quickly in a clockwise direction and then counterclockwise.
  • Try to keep the balls away from each other.
  • You can also repeat these steps with your other hand.

Use two pairs of balls to spin simultaneously in both hands. To increase the difficulty level, you can rotate three Chinese health balls at the same time. Try to rotate the balls so that one ball is always in the middle. It should be stationary and the other balls should revolve around it. You can also perform these exercises with the palm down. Even if you do not believe in the theory of meridians, it cannot be denied that the rotation of the Baoding balls good exercise for hands. Let's try?


Once I came across a book on this topic. Quite tedious, crooked translation and in general ... But some useful infa on the topic of why it will be good for me if I spin Chinese balls (and I spin them regularly, it calms me down), I will be happy! Well, that is, it turns out positive for nothing. You can do something habitual to realize its usefulness and enjoy it.

I threw away the book long ago. But today I found a synopsis on a certain forum, which some kind soul was not too lazy to compose and post.

1) Impact of Chinese health balls.

According to the provisions of the traditional Chinese medicine, life is sustained through interaction 2 types of energy - xu (blood) and ki (energy, air)... Their interaction, in addition to the purely material side, also includes an energy factor. However, it is believed that it is ki that is the force and energy of life that governs everything else. It can be represented as a stream of ions or even smaller particles. Ki and ksu run along the meridians... They form an extremely complex system, called in Chinese philosophy microcosm. Human health depends on how freely ki and xu can circulate along the meridians.

By palms pass three yin meridians and three yang meridians... Meridians heart, circulation and lungs (all yin), respectively, end at the tips of the little finger, middle finger and thumb... The meridians of the small and large intestine begin at the little finger, ring finger, and index finger, respectively. These six meridians are connected to the organs of the body and the brain. By rotating the Chinese health balls in the palm of our hand, we thereby stimulate many acupuncture points, while affecting the ki in several meridians and, accordingly, in several organs.
The palm is important for a number of reasons. Three yin meridians run along the palm. They are connected to the heart and lungs. Heart meridian activates consciousness and soul, intellect and memory... The heart and lung meridians are primarily responsible for the three streams of xu and ki. In the practice of acupuncture, the laogong, huxi and shaoshang points located on the yin meridians are of particular importance.

Exercises with chinese balls health stimulates these points and can have a preventive effect in the case of heart and lung diseases, eliminate insomnia. Stimulating these points trains attention and memory.

If you stimulate them, then you can have a beneficial effect on all these areas. For example, the ball of the thumb is the reflex zone of the neck and spine, while on outside the arms are in the shoulder area and lumbar... The area on the inside of the hand between the index and thumb affects the stomach, and the area on the outside of the left hand just below the little finger affects the heart; the same area on the right hand affects the liver.
There are also three yin meridians and three yang meridians on the foot, connected to various organs, which can also be stimulated by rolling the Chinese health balls with your foot! The liver meridian (yin) begins at the end of the thumb; kidney meridian (yin) - at the heel and runs in a circle to the middle of the foot; spleen meridian (yin) - at the thumb. Meridian Bladder(yang) ends at the little finger; meridian of the gallbladder (yang) - at the fourth finger; stomach meridian (yang) - at the second finger. The most important is Tsu-Shao yin, the kidney meridian. The kidneys play a major role in the urinary system. If the yang element is disturbed, then this leads to frequent urination, loose stools, while the lack of yin is expressed in dehydration, which is manifested in the secretion of a small amount of dark urine and profuse sweating during sleep.

Massaging a large number of zones on the foot leads to stimulation of the meridians associated with the liver, gallbladder, kidneys, spleen, nose, as well as heart and lungs.
Practice shows that acupuncture of acupuncture points on the foot can be painful, while exercises with Chinese balls give exactly the same effect, but without pain. However, these exercises should be carried out correctly.
Targeted stimulation of certain areas with the help of Chinese health balls (hereinafter KSHZ) can have a positive effect on all parts of the body. If you master the principles of yin and yang, learn how they pass along the meridians, and notice the changes in own body, you will be able to determine the level of yin and yang in the body. In general, you will be able to increase the yang energy with KShZ by quickly rotating them in your hand so that they warm up. Alternatively, you can increase the yin energy level by slowly rotating the KShZ for a short time, repeating this procedure several times, while the balls will not heat up. In addition, the direction of rotation of the balls affects the healing degree of the influence of yin and yang. Clockwise rotation increases yang energy, counterclockwise - yin energy. Regardless of whether you are exercising with CSP for fun or for treatment, this kind of regular exercise will have a beneficial effect on your health.
However, that's not all!

Exercises with KShZ improve blood circulation, in addition, as a result of the vibration they create, the functions of the lymphatic system are improved.
-The heat released during exercise with KShZ has a beneficial effect on blood circulation and has a sedative, calming effect on the nervous system.
-Exercises with KShZ strengthen the muscles of the fingers, palms and arms.
-The sound produced during training with KShZ has a calming and at the same time stimulating effect.

2) Exercises:

To begin with, it’s best not to use KSHZs that are too large for your hand at first. It’s also helpful to find a suitable place to practice where you cannot damage the floor if you accidentally drop the KSHZ.

Take the time to practice and make sure you do the exercises in a position that is comfortable for you. It doesn't matter if you are sitting or standing or reclining, the main thing is that you feel comfortable. Exercise is useful when walking, but first you need to master the technique for doing it.

Warming up.
It is useful to start the exercise by warming up your hands. This can be done in several ways:
-Close your hand into a fist so that your thumb stays outside. then straighten your fingers. Repeat this exercise several times.
- Interlace your fingers and then pull your elbows as far as possible, so that the fingers are pressed firmly against the outside of the palms. Repeat.
-Close your hands into fists so that your thumb is inside the fist. Open your fingers and then squeeze them again. Repeat.
-Slide your thumb along the tips of your remaining fingers from right to left and left to right. Repeat.
-Fold your hands together. Extend your thumbs and start rubbing them against each other, including the pads, while keeping your hands together.

Exercises for getting used to the balls.
Warming up controls should be performed with both hands. Try to do them as rhythmically as possible. Be sure to perform these exercises over a soft surface (for example, a bed). When you start doing them, it is important that you do not waste too much time. The muscles of the arms should get used to unfamiliar controls, but not be too tense due to excessive zeal. Try to limit the coaxing exercises to five to ten minutes a day.
-Perform the ball in a rotational motion in the palm of your hand, transmitting to it an impulse from the movement or rotation of the wrist. Your hand should take the shape of a saucer. The thumb and little finger should not allow the ball to roll out.
-Expand your palm. Roll the ball from the center of your palm to your fingertips, being careful not to roll it out.
-Try to make the ball rotate at your fingertips.
-Open your palm. Put a ball on it. Move the ball with your thumb from the beginning of your little finger to your other fingers. When it reaches the index finger, let it roll further to the center of the palm.
- Bend your fingers so that the tips of your fingers touch. Roll one or two balls from your left palm to your right, tilting your palms slightly.
-Throw the ball into the air (not high), then catch it.
-Take the ball, open your palm and throw the ball up a few cm. Having caught the ball, make it rotate by wiggling your hand.
-Take the ball in your hand and hold it with your palm down. Open your hand so that the ball begins to fall, but grab it immediately. This exercise can be performed with a larger ball (in cricket or from billiards).
-Hold the ball with your thumb and the tips of your other fingers. Open your fingers so that the ball falls into the palm of your hand.
Variations: Hold the ball with thumb and forefinger, then middle, ring and finally pinky.
Variations: one ball in each hand simultaneously or alternately.
-Throw the ball from the left hand to the right and back.
-Do this exercise without looking at your hands.
-Hold the two balls firmly in one hand with the outside of the hand facing down. The palm, hands, fingers form a vessel in which the balls can only move in one direction. Using your thumb, slide the ball closest to your pinky, then back to your thumb, while the thumb and index finger of your other hand hold the ball near your little finger. The purpose of this exercise is to get used to the feeling that one ball is rolling at the beginning of the fingers and rolling down, while bending around the other ball.
-Let two balls jump over each other. First, do this exercise with the whole hand, and then roll the balls with quick movements of the ring, middle and index fingers.
Variation: Exercise with each hand.
Strengthening the muscles of the arm: Hold the ball between the tips of five fingers, then squeeze it and release it. Alternatively, hold the ball in the palm of your hand and press on it alternately with each finger, pausing before each pressure.

The main exercise.
Rolling two balls in the palm of the hand is the main way to use KSHZ. There are 2 methods of bringing the balls into division - general movement and gradual movement.

General movement.
Place two balls in the palm of your left hand. The arm should be open and relaxed. With the thumb, forefinger, and middle finger of your free hand, roll the balls counterclockwise in the palm of your hand. After a while, try to do this movement with your thumb and the rest of the fingers (especially the little finger) of your left hand.
Subsequently, this exercise must be performed without the participation of the free hand.
When you perform this exercise on your right hand, the balls must be rotated clockwise.

Gradual movement.
1. Place the balls in the palm of your hand, which will be most comfortable for you to work with.
2. Open your palm wide so that ball 1 is exactly in the middle of it, and ball 2 is on the fingers (especially the index and middle). The fingers should be bent, their tips should be pointing up, and the whole hand should be as relaxed as possible. It is best if your hand will not rest on anything. This will only complicate the execution of the control.

3. Sequentially applying slight pressure with the middle and forefinger, move the ball 2 towards the thumb, move the ball 1 slightly towards the little finger.

4. Increase the pressure of your thumb on ball 2 so that ball 1 is pressed against the little finger.

5. Alternately pressing ball 2 with the little, ring, middle and forefinger, move it to the thumb. At the same time, the ball 1 moves to the little finger through the tubercle at the base of the thumb.

6. Applying light pressure successively with the little finger and forefinger, return the balls to their original position. The control is completed.
Repeat it several times until you get used to the circular motion of the balls, then do it with your other hand.

At first, the balls will collide with each other with a noise, but gradually your hand will be able to rotate them freely, and your thumb and little finger will help them move along a given tajectory.
The most natural direction of movement of the balls in the right hand will be clockwise or sweating clockwise in the left. But, after you master the basic techniques, you will be able to move the balls in the opposite direction.

A. Make sure that in the starting position described in point 2, the little finger is higher than the thumb.
B. Slightly bend the index finger and little finger and at the same time push the ball 2 towards the little finger with your thumb, forefinger and middle fingers.
B. Slightly push ball 1 towards your thumb with your little finger.
D. Increase the pressure on the ball 1 with your little finger and at the same time move it with your thumb to the index and middle fingers.
E. The balls are now swapped and you can start again from B.

If you find it difficult to hold the balls in your hand, you can hold it against your belly so that they will not roll off.
The control should not be carried out for too long at first. You don't have to be tense; it is harmful to the control data and can lead to muscle pain.
During exercises with balls, your rhythm and tempo determine the degree of harmony that you achieve. Rhythm and harmony increase the effectiveness of control. Each exercise has its own rhythm and tempo. It is important to find your own rhythm and tempo for the most comfortable exercise.
As time passes, you will notice that it has become easier to do the control, and your health has improved.
In order to achieve best results, you need to exercise daily with balls for 5-10 minutes. After you master the control, you will be able to do things by doing them: reading a book, watching TV, while walking the dog ..

We are improving.
After regular training with KSHZ, you will be able to perform the main exercise:
Starting position.
Outer part the arms should be facing down, the arm should be extended, but not tense. Ball 1 is between your thumb and bent index finger. Ball 2 is pressed to the palm with a little finger and a bent ring finger. In this position, the distance between the balls is maximum.

-Pull out your pinky and ring fingers so that ball 2 rolls to the base of your fingers. Hold it in this position.
-Push the ball 1 with your bent index finger towards the base of your thumb. This ball must be held in this position, that is, between the bent large and its base.
-Immediately after that, pull out the pinky, ring, middle and index fingers in succession so that the ball 2 rolls towards the index finger. With the big one bent at the same time, push the ball 1 towards the center of the palm.
-Hold ball 1 between the base of your thumb and ring and pinky. To do this, extend your thumb, which at the same time grabs the ball 2 and rolls it to the index finger.
Begin the second round by bending your index finger and straightening your ring and pinky fingers slightly. Once you master this difficult exercise, start increasing the speed of the balls. This will increase the threading of the entire control.

Exercises for the foot.
Massaging the foot with balls will help improve cow circulation in the foot and leg.
Sit comfortably on something with your feet touching the floor and your thighs parallel to it. The floor should not be cold. Place a folded blanket or towel on the floor for convenience. Place one ball under your foot and try to master the 3 basic movements: rolling forward, backward and Roundabout Circulation ball (clockwise and counterclockwise).
Try to perform these exercises in the same rhythm, and after some time try to combine the basic movements. Don't forget to change your legs! This is how you develop both feet, performing combined exercises with a given rhythm.
In addition to training the entire foot, you can practice massaging specific areas of it, say, the heel or the front. As the controls become more and more complex, the level of your attention will increase and you may experience a stronger impact of the controls.

Foot massage and foot bath.
An even greater effect will be given by a foot bath in combination with control. This stimulates blood circulation. However, in this case, be careful with the balls - they can corrode. Always dry them thoroughly after a session.

Walking exercises.
The use of KShZ while walking is useful in that there is an increase in concentration of attention.
-Take 2 balls in each hand.
-Do the same exercise, but waving your hands at the same time.
-Take one ball and when you walk, throw it from one hand to the other.

Exercise when walking slowly.
At the first step, take a deep breath, simultaneously make three rotations with the balls, as in the main control. On the next step, exhale and rotate the balls three times. Repeat. Try to perform these exercises rhythmically and with full concentration.

Sound and rhythmic exercises.
Take a ball in each hand and try to create a melody by swinging or rotating them rhythmically. The same effect can be obtained by placing the ball in the palm of your hand and tossing it up higher and lower. You can perform and next exercise: the ball remains in the palm of your hand, and the other is thrown up. All the above exercises can be performed while sitting, standing, dancing.

Take one ball with your right hand and press it to your face, with your palm open wide. You can, for example, start with the cheek. Fingers do not participate in this control. Press on the ball so that it is in a certain place and does not move. Close your eyes and then begin to massage each part of the right side of your face with gentle rotational movements. Massage all areas by reversing Special attention on the area under the eyes. Change hands and start massaging left side faces. The next logical step is neck massage. Do not be disturbed by increased salivation during jaw and neck massage. Massage all accessible areas of the body.
This massage not only promotes blood circulation, but also stimulates acupressure points and helps with sinus ailments. If done correctly, the massage will create a sense of peace and tranquility. You will get the best results if you rest after this massage.
The massage should be performed in a comfortable position and in a state of absolute calm.

Massage for two.
The massage is best done after a warm bath. Lie on your stomach, relax, the partner should take a ball in each hand and press them with his palms to the area being massaged. The pressure should not be too strong. Your partner should roll the balls in a straight line or make larger or smaller circles. The massage should start from the neck or back.
The foot massage is performed in crunches from the ankles to the groin and then back in a straight line.
Don't forget to rest after your massage.

And even shorter about everything:

Chinese health balls are used to maintain an even and harmonious balance of Yin and Yang in the human body. Targeted stimulation of specific areas with Chinese health balls can have a positive effect on all areas of the body.

There are three Yin meridians and three Yang meridians in the palm. The meridians of the heart, circulation and lungs (all Yin) end at the tips of the little finger, middle finger, and thumb. The meridians of the small intestine and colon begin at the little finger, ring finger, and index finger. These six meridians are connected to the organs of the body and the brain. By rotating the Chinese health balls in the palm of our hand, we stimulate many acupuncture points.

The hand contains many reflex zones. If you stimulate them, then you can have a beneficial effect on all these areas.

In general, you will be able to increase the Yang energy with the balls by rotating them quickly in your hand so that they warm up. Alternatively, you can increase the Yin energy level by slowly rotating the balls for a short time, repeating this procedure several times, while the balls will not heat up. In addition, the direction of the balls affects the healing effect of Yin and Yang. Clockwise rotation increases Yang energy, while counterclockwise rotation increases Yin energy.

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BASIC HEALTH BALL EXERCISES The well-known Chinese balls rolling in the palms with a quiet tapping are actually one of the powerful tools of qigong training. The history of "Health Balls" goes back many centuries. The first mention of them dates back to the beginning of the reign of the Ming dynasty, when steel balls with bells inside began to be produced in the city of Baoding. Due to the differences in sound, one of them was named "Roaring Dragon", and the other - "Singing Phoenix". However, the most numerous and useful stone balls in use. Most often, jade balls are used, because jade has long been considered in China a symbol of perfection and a mineral that brings health. Initially, balls were used by a narrow circle of students martial arts... With their help, the fighters trained their arms, restored joints and ligaments after injuries. "Health balls" served as a means of developing concentration and attention, regulating the human energy base. Over time, balloons became very popular in China (and now all over the world). It was found that they improve blood circulation, memory and normalize blood pressure. According to modern medicine, the healing effect of ball exercises is explained by the closest connection that exists between the hand and the central nervous system. According to Chinese traditional medicine, the balls act on the meridian points located on the fingers and palms, thereby improving the functioning of all organs and systems of the body. When practicing with the "Health Balls" you need to remember the following: health-improving effect it is not necessary to perform virtuoso rotations. The most simple exercises: rubbing the ball between the palms, rotating two balls on the palm. Observe the regularity of classes, gradually increasing the load. Alternate compression exercises with rotational exercises. Avoid tension of muscle groups not involved in the exercise (forearm, shoulder, neck, back) and unnecessary movements. When starting out, pick up medium-sized balls. Once you have mastered the basic exercises, purchase a few pairs of balls different sizes for varying loads and doing exercises with 3-4 balls. Try not to look at the balls, but listen carefully to the sensations in your hands. Balls will fall frequently at the beginning of your workouts, so use non-enamelled balls and exercise over soft surfaces. After exercising, the balls should be wiped with a dry cloth and stored in a dry place. During the exercise, the movements should not be too fast to avoid the balls falling. Ideally, the balls should not touch each other when you roll them in the palm of your hand. Over time, you can add a third and even a fourth to a pair of balls. When rolling your balls, change hands often! During the exercises, do not forget to alternate the load on the left and right hands, or do the exercises with both hands at once. In this case, right-handers are advised to give more load on left hand, and left-handers, respectively, on the right. This improves the balance of the cerebral hemispheres and stimulates the work of the corpus colossum, which is responsible for communication between the hemispheres. 1. Rotation of two balls Step 1. Take balls in right hand... Place the balls as shown in the picture: one ball is in the center of the palm, the other is in the area of ​​the fingers. The fingers are slightly bent, the palm is relaxed. * * *

This method of healing the whole body does not require special physical efforts, and therefore is suitable for almost everyone.

We all know about the benefits physical exercise... However, we do not always find time even for an elementary charge.

TOHow, then, can you help your body stay healthy?

For this we need one of the methods of traditional Chinese medicine.

Namely: wellness massage using Chinese balls. It's amazing, but about 15 minutes of light hand massage can replace a full charge. Moreover, this method of healing the whole body does not require special physical efforts, and therefore is suitable for almost everyone.

Why is massage using Chinese balls effective for the whole body?

Chinese ball massage promotes relaxation and stress relief.

In addition, it improves the functioning of internal organs, normalizes blood pressure, develops coordination of movements, and also improves memory and attention.

But why simple exercises with Chinese balls, in which only hands are involved, produces such a general strengthening effect ?!

The fact is that our internal organs have correspondence points on our hands. Take a look at the picture.

Thus, by acting with the help of Chinese balls only on the hands, we actually affect our entire body.

Examples of exercises with Chinese balls

First of all, you need to know that Chinese balls come in different sizes. If you have never worked with this magical tool before, then get started with not very large balls.

For women and children, 35 mm Chinese balls are ideal, and 40 mm for men. As your skill level increases, you can also increase the size of the balls.

The easiest exercises

1. Squeeze one ball with the pads of all five fingers.

2. Toss one ball in the palm of your hand.

3. Squeeze one ball in your hand.

4. Roll one ball between your palms.

5. Close the ring of thumb and forefinger around one ball, and then begin to lightly squeeze the ball.

6. Rotate one ball in your hand using all five fingers.

7. Rotate two balls at once in your hand, periodically changing the direction of rotation.

In the process of training, try not so much to look at the balls as to listen to the sensations and feelings inside you.

Try these simple exercises! You will definitely like it. Indeed, even the wise Chinese emperors recognized the effectiveness of this massage, which, among other things, bestows longevity and helps to achieve enlightenment.

Precautionary measures

Do not pass your personal Chinese balls to anyone else, not even your closest relative. Believe me it comes not only about the hygienic aspect. Together with Chinese balls, you can transfer your health. published

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