Fell-wrung out: what is the main secret of army charging? "Chinese balls" and "mass grave".

Recognition for airborne troops rank of one of best births troops Russian Federation is not a secret to anyone. The credit for this belongs to those high requirements that are imposed on future paratroopers, as well as the peculiarities of training in the Airborne Forces, designed to turn ordinary people at first glance into a super soldier.

Airborne Forces training is a complex program consisting of physical and mental training, which in turn are subdivided into a number of blocks.

A significant part of the training of the Airborne Forces is made up of exercises aimed at improving the combat skills of paratroopers, increasing the endurance of the body.

They say that a paratrooper must run, run and run again. And this is really so - the main focus of the Airborne Forces training is aimed at this. The paratrooper's legs are fed, joke those who were destined to serve in the landing. Of course, running can be different, but light crosses in the stadium and jogging to music are clearly not about the specifics of running training in the Airborne Forces.

Here everything is different: I got up at 6 in the morning and went to run, but this run is not easy, but ragged, that is, in the course of the action, you have to fall to the ground and roll, crawl, somersault, do not forget that all this happens with a backpack on shoulders and arms in hand. It is impossible not to endure such a training of the Airborne Forces, you are the elite - you must endure. Similar running workouts The Airborne Forces take up to 8 or even more hours in the paratrooper's schedule, but there is an explanation for this.

As a result of exhausting training, the paratroopers acquire incredible resistance to overload, and as a result, they are able to run incredible distances in their length, which, it would seem, only marathon athletes can overcome.

Airborne forces training for strength and endurance

A paratrooper must be ready for any difficulties, any conditions, therefore training in the Airborne Forces is aimed at developing endurance among soldiers. In addition to running in the Airborne Forces, a number of exercises are used to increase the body's stability.

Water crossings, climbing and descent, weekly field trips - all this and much more is destined to survive the paratrooper.

On the Internet you can find many videos of airborne forces training, which provide an opportunity to add an idea of ​​how the elite are trained armed forces Russia. So, footage of the training of the Airborne Forces roaming the network, which captures the process of pushing up a paratrooper with a man standing on his back. Without a doubt, this is an impressive sight. And such examples from the training of the Airborne Forces - a lot.

Another of the exercises typical of Airborne Forces training is hand-to-hand combat with several opponents. In addition to the need to repel the attacks of several attackers, similar training teaches resistance to stress. It is hard to imagine what kind of torture it is to fight simultaneously with several well-trained fighters, one mistake - and you lost, and in the course of hostilities such a mistake can mean death.

Airborne special forces training

A separate conversation is the special forces of the Airborne Forces - the elite of the elite, a unit whose duty is to fulfill the impossible. Accordingly, special requirements are put forward for the training of the special forces of the Airborne Forces.

The special forces of the Airborne Forces do not like to reveal their secrets, however, on the Internet you can find videos of the airborne forces training, which help to form a general idea of ​​how the elite of the airborne troops are trained.

The essence of the training of the special forces of the Airborne Forces, is that the output turns out to be a fighter, ready to carry out any order and remain alive at the same time. They do not stand on ceremony with the special forces of the Airborne Forces, the training is such that many cannot stand it, weeding out occurs, in the end only the best remain.

Particular attention is paid to the psychological component in the training of the airborne special forces, the psyche must withstand any overloads and subordinate the body to its influence. In one of the videos of the Airborne Forces training, you can watch soldiers with twice their own weight, pulling themselves up, writhing in pain, and the sergeant shouts to them: "there is no pain, no fatigue."

Airborne special forces trainings are aimed at ensuring that the paratrooper is not afraid of any situation, is ready for anything - therefore, soldiers are often driven out under a barrage of live ammunition, sent to the forest for a week to test their survival abilities. And here's another thing, to a person who is rumored to know the special forces of the Airborne Forces, it seems that everything possible is being done there to destroy human dignity, break the psyche and turn a person into a weak-willed creature. However, this is not so, the training of the special forces of the Airborne Forces is aimed at convincing the soldiers that they are the best, that they are invincible.

The training of the special forces of the Airborne Forces and the special forces of the GRU, as well as the specifics of these units, are very similar to each other, therefore there is an unspoken dispute about who is better: the special forces of the Airborne Forces or the special forces of the GRU? And to give an answer to this question is very difficult, almost impossible. One thing is important, the guys from the special forces of the Airborne Forces and the GRU will be ready to go to any lengths to fulfill the order and increase the military glory of their homeland.

According to the daily routine for conscripts approved by the Russian Ministry of Defense, the rise of personnel takes place at 7 o'clock in the morning. Exactly ten minutes later, morning physical exercises begin in all units and subdivisions of the Russian army. Its duration is 50 minutes.
Already 7 months after taking office on June 3, 2013, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said that the level physical fitness in the Armed Forces "despite Taken measures, we are not satisfied. "
In Soviet times, physical training was no better. The rise was carried out an hour earlier than today - at 6 in the morning, but the second item of the daily routine was also physical exercises. However, there is ample evidence that real physical exercise were replaced by completely different ones, little similar to morning exercises, exercises.
Morning exercise "kamchedals"
The Kamchatka Peninsula is known for the fact that 9 months of the year there is real winter. A former serviceman of the Strategic Missile Forces told the Zvezda TV channel about how morning exercises were carried out in one of the units in the early 80s:
“I served in an automobile company. In winter, in our unit there were two types morning exercises... The first type of exercise was the most beloved - we lined up on the parade ground, and ... went for a walk along the territory of the unit - to trample the snow. In the dark, among the huge snowdrifts, with the collars of overcoats raised and the “ears” of caps tied tightly under the chin. The most pleasant entertainment in this case was always the oncoming column of a communications company or hozrota. We walked past each other in silence, but you could smile, or even wave your hand to someone you know, ”recalls private reserve Kuzma Lemeshev.
The second type of winter morning exercises was the most common - snow removal.
“During the night, snow fell knee-deep, no less. The graders had time to clear only the road to the cafeteria before breakfast, so the rest of the work fell on ours. Each received a BSL - a large sapper shovel, which we called a shovel. In terms of the energy expended, it was not just morning, but also "daytime" and "evening" exercises. True, once a competition was held in table tennis, I even have a photograph in my demobilization album. Two years of service in Kamchatka were credited to officers for six, for us - for two, but both we and they returned to the mainland as hardened in service "kamchedals". It seemed to us then that it sounds proudly, ”says Lemeshev.
« Chinese balls"And" mass grave "
Each soldier has his own memories of morning exercises. They depend on the level of physical fitness that he was able to get before the army. There are also original names, such as, for example, "Chinese balls" - the most terrible exercise, after a long performance of which the legs literally give way, and the head begins to spin. It is performed approximately in the following way: you squat down and start jumping up and down. Once you do 150, and that's it, it hurts to walk. "Mass grave" - ​​this is when the whole company hugs, throws their hands on each other's shoulders and begins to squat. Those who are weaker begin to pull the system down after a dozen or so.
But the usual exercises in the army are carried out, as they say, to the point of exhaustion. Pull-ups, push-ups, "stand on one and a half" (this is when you freeze in a static position in the lying position) - all this requires some kind of physical preparation.
Deck volleyball
Probably, according to tradition, morning exercises in our army are not carried out in gyms, outdoors, and on the parade ground. One of the many stands always depicts the poses that a soldier must take during training. In Soviet times, officers and warrant officers did not, as a rule, take part in morning exercises. The only exceptions were in the navy.
In an exclusive interview to the Zvezda TV channel, Lieutenant Colonel Nikolay Goretov told about his service in the Black Sea Fleet: “I got to the Navy on conscription. He served on the large anti-submarine ship Kerch. In the early seventies, morning exercises were a must. It was not fashionable to be weak, as they say now, so after a few months I calmly did a handstand ”.
Nikolai Dmitrievich claims that officers and warrant officers always took part in morning exercises, of course, except for those who were on duty. According to the retired sailor, seagulls did not like physical exercises very much: “I don’t know why, but it was during the exercise that seagulls, like dive bombers, flew right over our heads.”
Most beloved sports activity there was volleyball on "Kerch". A net was installed directly on the upper deck.
“Once upon a time from strong blow the ball flew overboard. The American aircraft carrier "Saratoga" was next to us, and a ball swam in its direction. The Americans began to quickly launch the boat, and we - the launch. But when they realized that their boat would descend faster, someone quickly lowered the six-oared yawl. We leaned on the oars and swam to the ball first. So we won a small, but very pleasant sports victory in the midst of the Cold War, Goretov recalls.
Army Physical Training Secrets
The main secret of army physical training is the complete absence of any secrets. In addition to the mandatory, optional morning exercises, all conscripts, one way or another, part with extra pounds... And by the end of the service, everyone, without exception, can easily do push-ups and pull themselves up on a horizontal bar. Fresh air have the most positive effect on physical fitness. Perhaps this is precisely what lies in main secret charging in the Russian army - yesterday's boys turn into real men.

Morning physical exercises are carried out in order to systematically physical training military personnel. It helps to quickly bring the body into a vigorous state after sleep, is required element daily routine and is carried out 10 minutes after getting up.

On charging, the previously studied on practical exercises physical exercise. The alternation of charging options (Table P 1) is carried out taking into account the general and special tasks of physical training, the material base and the characteristics of the combat training of servicemen.

In the course of charging according to the first option, general developmental, special exercises and exercises for two are performed repeatedly at an increasing pace. Special exercises include vigorous turns, bends and rotations of the torso and head, jumping with turns of 180 ° and 360 °, running with turns, simple techniques hand-to-hand combat... Exercises for two include bends, twists, squats, rolls over the partner's back, tugs and knocks. The main part of the exercise is carried out in the form of sequentially repeating combinations of general developmental, special exercises and exercises for two with a run of 500-1000 m.

On the charge, according to the second option, speed running, relay races, training in mixed movement up to 4 km or running up to 3 km are used. First, training is carried out in mixed movement: running at 600-1000 m alternates with walking at 200-300 m (two to three times). Continuous running training begins with a distance of 2 km at the end of the first month of training; at the end of the second month, the distance increases to 3 km and is covered in 18–16 minutes; at the end of the third month, the distance of 3 km is covered in 16–15 minutes.

Table P1

According to the third charging option, exercises are performed from different sections physical fitness. To change places of employment, servicemen, at the command (signal) of the leader, move in a circle. Selection of exercises, their dosage, exercise stress are determined by the tasks and level of training of servicemen.

A distance of 1 km on charging is covered at the beginning of the training period in 6–5 minutes, then in 5–4 minutes; 1.5 km - in 10-9 and 8-7 minutes, respectively; 2 km - 12-11 and 10-9 minutes; 3 km - 18-16 and 16-15 minutes.

The pulse rate during charging should not exceed 160 bpm.

In winter conditions at low temperatures, charging is carried out in fast pace in the form of alternating walking and running in combination with general developmental and special exercises... If there is a danger of strong cooling, exercise is carried out in greatcoats (jackets) and includes walking, which alternates with a run of moderate speed and duration.

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