Exercises for the muscles of the hands on the simulator. Hand exercises in the gym for men

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Every girl dreams of graceful thin hands without flabbiness and sagging. And in order to achieve this, it is not at all necessary to go to the gym; you can work on slender arms at home. All you need to train your arms at home are dumbbells. And some exercises do not even require dumbbells.

We are offering to you top most effective hand exercises at home for women with dumbbells and without additional equipment, which will help you lose weight in the upper body and tighten your muscles. Before proceeding to the exercises, be sure to read the rules for doing the exercises for the hands, which are outlined below.

Hand exercise rules

1. If you want to work over weight loss and fat burning on the arms without increasing muscle volume, then perform each exercise 15-25 repetitions with a small weight of dumbbells. If you want increase arm muscles and give them volume, then do the exercises 8-10 repetitions in 3-4 sets with the maximum possible weight (the last repetition in the approach should be at maximum effort).

2. If you are a beginner, then use dumbbell weights for arm exercises at home. 2-3 kg. If you are an experienced practitioner, then use the weight of the dumbbells. 4-6 kg. Can be used instead of dumbbells plastic bottles filled with water or sand.

3. As an alternative to dumbbells, you can use a tubular expander or elastic band. These are very compact options for home fitness equipment, so you can take them with you on a trip.

4. Hand exercises involve working on the following muscle groups: biceps(flexor) triceps(extensor), shoulder delta. Also, during many exercises, the chest muscles, back muscles and abdominal muscles are indirectly involved.

5. Hand exercises With light dumbbells they won’t “pump up” muscles and won’t increase your arms in volume, you don’t have to worry about it. Multi-repetition exercises with light weights are designed specifically for for weight loss and fitness .

6. Perform exercises slowly, trying to concentrate on the target muscles. Hand exercises should be performed not for speed, but for quality.

7. To pull up your arms at home, in addition to training, you need to monitor nutrition. Try not to abuse fast food, sweet and starchy foods, fried and refined foods, and even better, start counting calories.

8. If you want to complicate the exercises for the hands, then use pulsating option execution. This will give a very high-quality muscle load even with a small weight of dumbbells. You can, for example, do 15 classic reps and 15 pulse reps.

Hand exercise plan at home:

  • The workout should last 40-45 minutes
  • Perform each arm exercise for 15-20 repetitions, in 2 sets (if the exercise is static, then linger for 30-40 seconds).
  • Before training, do not forget to warm up: Warm-up plan before training.
  • Do not stretch your muscles after your workout: Post-Workout Stretch Plan.
  • Repeat the set of exercises 1-2 times a week.

This arm exercise plan will help you lose weight and tone up. upper part body, giving a slight tone to the muscles. For muscle growth and relief, work with large weights is necessary.

20 best hand exercises at home

Below are the most popular and effective hand exercises at home or in the gym. The exercises are suitable for both women and men. You will be able to work out all the main muscle groups of the arms: biceps, triceps, deltas.

2. Raises hands in front of you for shoulders

3. Raising the arms to the sides for the shoulders

5. Curl for biceps and shoulders

6. Breeding arms in an inclination for the arms and back

7. Raising the arms to the sides for the shoulders and chest

8. Dumbbell twists for triceps and shoulders

9. Bicep Curl

10. Bicep curl to the side

13. Triceps extension

14. Reverse push-ups for triceps

15. Static bar

16. Static elbow plank

19. Dumbbell pull-ups in the plank

Thank you youtube channel for the gifs Live Fit Girl.

5 video exercises for hands for women

If you enjoy exercising ready complexes hand exercises, then check out our selection of video hand programs. They can be performed at home, only dumbbells are needed from the inventory.

1. Ekaterina Kononova: Exercises for slimming arms (10 minutes)

2. Arm exercises without dumbbells (20 minutes)

3. XHIT Daily: How To Lose Arm Fat (12 minutes)

4. Blogilates: Arm Fat Blaster (15 minutes)

Does the sleeve of the T-shirt hang loosely around the shoulder? Use expert advice on arm training days and pump up the volume of biceps and triceps!

If your arm training is guided by the rule “the less you know, the better you sleep,” you are most likely not drawn to learn something new and find a way to pump your biceps and triceps even more. You can walk around the gym with 35 cm cans, not realizing that armed with a minimum of knowledge, and with a little effort, you could pump your biceps up to 40-43 centimeters, or even to large sizes!

If such a prospect seems tempting to you, it's time to forget about old habits and take up books. First, check out the nine most underrated tips for training biceps and triceps. You'll find that when building quality muscle is at stake, knowledge is just as important as hard work. So let's go!

1. Set aside a separate day for arm training

One of the most popular approaches to organizing a training split is to combine large and small muscle groups on days of deadlifts and benches. As a result, triceps are often trained with chest muscles, and biceps are often trained on back day. For many bodybuilders, this approach works, but over time, people begin to notice that the second muscle group - the arms in each example - does not get the same training load like the first one.

The problem is solved by allocating a special training for the hands. Without heavy or pulling exercises that debilitate you ahead of time, you will be able to approach training with full tanks, which will help you to work with maximum efficiency. Since you will be able to lift more weight, the muscles will have new incentives to grow.

2. Start with the maximum weight

I refer to this often Special attention, but this is really important: start your arm training with exercises in which you can take the maximum working weight. It is not necessary to start or immediately after the warm-up. You can give the muscles twice or even three times the load in the simulator for or in.

If we are talking about biceps, it is silly to start with or when you can give the muscles a much greater load in or. The exercise that comes first on your arm day has the greatest impact on your final result, so think carefully about where you want to start your workout.

Once you found right exercise to start training your arms, don't miss your chance because of too light weight. If you're building mass, don't be afraid to work with a weight that will stop you after 6-8 reps. So you will get more incentives for the growth of strength and mass than if you bet on a light weight for multi-repetitive training with a pumping effect.

3. Train your biceps by thinking about "angles"

Elbows-by-sides grip-at-shoulder-width - this should be your initial position in bicep curls. But, as with the basic bench press and , it makes sense to study various options, which can spur the development of the muscles of the hands.

When the arms are in front of the plane of the torso, such as in Scott Bench curls, the long head of the biceps cannot be fully extended and the emphasis shifts to the short head. By analogy, when the arms are behind the plane of the body, as in lifting dumbbells while sitting on incline bench, the long head is fully extended and can contract more, making it the main target of the movement.

To shift the focus, you can change the position of the hands while lifting the barbell. The long head of the biceps is located outside of the short head, therefore, with a narrower grip on the bar (relative to shoulder width), you work it out more efficiently. Conversely, using more wide grip, you focus mainly on the short head.

4. To pump the long head of the triceps, raise your arms above your head

For each body part, there are one or two tricks that you need to master for pumping muscles in an advanced style. One of the main tricks for developing horseshoe triceps is to transfer the training to a plane above your head. The fact is that the fleshy long head is attached above shoulder joint, which means that it is fully stretched only when we raise our arms above our heads. Remember that the muscle contracts with maximum effort only after full stretch. Therefore, when the elbows are located on the sides of the body, the lion's share of the load is taken by the outer head of the triceps.

Any exercise for triceps, in which the arms are above the head, changes the layout. and, or extension of the arms above the head on the block transfers the load to the long head. A similar trick can be done in some simulators. It is worth noting that if the arms are perpendicular to the body, for example, in, the long head is already stretched to some extent. But once you raise your arms above your head, for example, during the same exercise on, and you get even more activation of the long head of the triceps.

5. Use different grips for maximum growth

With a lower grip, biceps curls are reduced to a simple lifting of the projectile due to muscle contraction. Of course it is great way build muscle, but not the only one. The fact is that the flexors of the arms consist not only of the biceps of the shoulder, that is, the biceps muscle. Under it lies the shoulder muscle, pumping which will significantly increase the total volume of the arm.

To train the shoulder muscle, you need to perform, in which the hands are in the so-called neutral position, and the palms look at each other. Hammer grip curls can be performed with dumbbells or on a lower pulley with a rope handle.

The brachioradialis muscle, which forms the volume of the upper part of the forearm from the side thumb, also participates in bending with a hammer grip. You can also work it out by bending your arms with a barbell. reverse grip.

6. Don't swing your elbows

It seems that there is nothing easier than extending your arms at the elbow joints in triceps exercises. However, on your way, you may stumble upon a small obstacle in the form of leaving the elbows to the sides. In any exercise, from the French bench press or standing and the extension on the upper block to the bench press with a close grip, press your elbows to the body to maximize the load on the triceps.

This is easier said than done - especially for big guys - because the elbows go out to the sides on their own. With this movement of the elbows, the muscles of the chest and shoulder are included in the work, and this reduces the effectiveness of the exercise. To increase triceps isolation, keep your elbows close to your torso.

7. In biceps curls, don't lift the projectile too high.

Without a doubt, the most common mistake in biceps exercises is the desire to raise the projectile as high as possible in an attempt to go through the maximum range of motion. With both hands, I am FOR full range training, but in this case, you do not need to lift the barbell too high. Most often, the front deltas are included in such a movement.

Let me explain. When the elbows are pressed to the sides, by bending the arms, you can raise the barbell to about shoulder height. But years of bad habits take their toll, and for many bodybuilders, moving the elbows forward in an effort to lift the projectile even higher becomes second nature.

When the elbows go forward, the single-joint movement turns into a multi-joint movement, in which the front deltas participate. This not only connects another muscle group, but also creates a comfortable rest zone for the biceps in the upper phase of the movement. The hands are directly above the elbows, which means that the load on the biceps is drastically reduced.

For better isolation, stay true to the single-joint nature of bicep exercises. Remember that it is common for the elbows to move forward during the lifting of the projectile. Keep them pressed to your sides throughout the movement.

8. Don't focus on the pump

There is a persistent and popular belief that in order to be successful on arm training days, you need (substitute one of the epithets: killer, monstrous, incredible) muscle. The problem is that pumps are more suitable for high-rep training, in which blood fills the target muscle and stretches. muscular fascia by increasing volume.

Yes, this is one of the mechanisms muscle growth known as sarcoplasmic hypertrophy. However, I think it's better to save the pump for the final stage of the workout, when heavy exercises are over.

Heavy weight training activates myofibrillar hypertrophy, in which there is actual structural damage. muscle fibers. Relatively light weight fills the cells with fluid, but does not necessarily lead to a profound disruption of the cellular structure.

The question arises: why not use both options? This is possible if you work with large weights at the beginning of the training session, and use the pumping effect at the end of it. Rule of thumb: Save the killer pump for the end of your workout.

9. Train your arms more often

Large muscle masses, such as legs, require grueling workouts, after which you have to recover for several days, so one session per week is enough. With small muscle groups, everything is a little different, and therefore many athletes train the muscles of the lower leg and abdominals up to three times a week. As for the biceps and triceps, they represent the golden mean of muscle groups and are somewhere between the first and second.

If you have the energy, time and desire, adding a second round of arm training to the end of a weekly split is easy, provided that your split is planned correctly. Here is a chart I used a few years ago (does not include abs and calves).

  • Day 1: Chest and triceps
  • Day 2: Back and biceps
  • Day 3: Shoulders
  • Day 4: Legs
  • Day 5: Biceps and triceps
  • Day 6-7: Relaxation

If you're going to train your arms twice a week, I suggest adding variety and making your workouts completely different in terms of exercise selection and approach. Let one be heavier than the other, with an emphasis on elaboration weaknesses and an increase in the number of unilateral (one-handed) exercises. Try various tricks raising the intensity, for example, (training with blood flow restriction) and training with an emphasis on the eccentric phase ().

If you really want to pump up your arms properly, you will have to abandon previous ineffective workouts. This merciless set of exercises for the hands in gym will be a shock therapy for your biceps and triceps, and will give you what you crave so much: bazookas that will make your sleeves burst at the seams!

Guys, tell me which muscle group would you like to make more voluminous? Strive to pump powerful hands, is not it? Few of us are happy with our biceps and triceps, even though we diligently do biceps curls, triceps extensions, and press until the muscles feel “wadded”. For what?

Perhaps, over the months and years of such training, your muscles even grew, but the results obtained are unlikely to meet your expectations in the slightest. I don't want to upset you, but if arm training hasn't given you anything for a long time, you won't be able to make progress with your current program.

This was bad news.

The good news is that with the help of some serious hardcore "to the hilt" training - a relief training for men, which is unmatched in intensity by anyone you have ever used - your hands will again "make friends" with a measuring tape.

Warning: If you're not ready to push yourself to the limit and endure incredible pain, this mass-arms program is not for you. But everyone who is thirsty for serious results is welcome!

1. EZ Bar Curl

1 set, 20 reps (9 kg)

1 set, 10 reps (18 kg)

1 set, 15 reps (13.5 kg)

1 set, 20 reps (9 kg)

2. Triset

Bench press on the triceps down on vertical block reverse grip

1 set, 12 reps

Bench press on the triceps down on a vertical block with a direct grip

1 set, 12 reps

French bench press on the lower block

Use a short straight handle

1 set, 12 reps

3 sets, 8 reps

4. Bench push-ups for triceps with weights

3 sets, 10 reps

5. Exercise "hammer" on the lower block - rope handle

3 sets, 12 reps

6. Superset

EZ Bar French Press

Perform on an incline bench head down

3 sets, 12 reps

Bench press lying on an incline bench head down

3 sets, 12 reps

EZ Bar Curl for Biceps

While you're still fresh and full of energy, kick start your workout by destroying your biceps with one brutal bunch of exercises. Prepare three EZ-bars with a fixed weight and in increments, for example, 9, 13.5 and 18 kg or maybe 13.5, 18 and 23 kg. If you are not a "superman", you are unlikely to need more weight. Remember that the only respite here is to change rods.

In total, you do 80 repetitions: first, the weight increases, and the number of repetitions decreases, and then vice versa: the weight decreases, and the number of repetitions increases. Why so many repetitions? One of the reasons why a lot of beginner and intermediate athletes don't achieve muscle growth is because of their training program with an emphasis on the arms and obsession with big scales and a low number of repetitions. As a result, they have neither pumping nor sufficient muscle load to stimulate active growth.

Pyramid bending gives you both. Don't worry if you can't complete all of the indicated reps. Do what you can. You will have two rounds of this sequence of exercises with a 2-minute recovery break in between.


Bench press on the triceps down on the vertical block with a reverse grip, press on the triceps down on the vertical block with a direct grip, french press on the bottom block

Attach to top block short straight handle. Start with 12 reps with a reverse grip. Change to a regular straight grip and do 12 more reps. Finally, turn your back to the frame and weight stack, and squeeze out 12 reps of the French press.

You may need to move the lock a couple of weight plates lower in the straight grip extension. After that, you can return to the starting weight for the French press. For most of us, straight-grip extensions are better.

Your biceps rested a little while you pumped your triceps to a burning state. Now we will again give them attention with the help of bending the arms.

Spider curls are typically performed with an EZ bar on the straight, vertical side of a Scott bench. So the amplitude of movement is greater than on its inclined part.

In fact, these will be spider bends with one hand. Take a dumbbell that you can raise for biceps 8 times, and start the exercise. Once your muscles reach positive failure, do 3-4 more curls while helping yourself with your other hand. When you can no longer bend without exerting maximum effort with your free hand, raise your working arm with it to a bent position.

Resist slowly negative movement while the dumbbell is pulling your working arm down under gravity. You should be able to do 3-4 of these negative reps, after which your biceps will be begging for mercy.

Take a dumbbell in your other hand, and punish your other biceps beyond the “failure” measure.

Bench push-ups for triceps with weights

Dips are a fantastic exercise, but many lifters use their chest and anterior deltoids too much during the exercise. Bench push-ups differ in that they focus specifically on the triceps, especially if you add weight. Try doing this exercise with at least 10 kg, or even a pair of 20 kg pancakes on your knees.

Start with a weight that allows you to do no more than 10 repetitions. Then take it off (you'll need a helper here), and continue to failure with own weight body. On average, you will do 10-20 more push-ups without weights.

Exercise "hammer" on the lower block with a rope handle

Time for the finishing touch on the biceps. These curls will stress your outer (long) bicep heads. shoulder muscle located between the long head of the biceps and lateral head triceps will also be included in the work.

Join rope handle To lower block. Keeping the ends of the handles close together, bend your arms and contract your biceps. Lower your arms 1/3 of the way, and bend again. This is one repetition. There are still 35 left.


EZ-Bar French Bench Press and Incline Bench Press with Head Down

French bench press - extremely effective exercise, but it can ruin your wrists and elbow joints. You can protect yourself from injury only by doing the exercise at the end of the workout, when your arms are so tired that you cannot take heavy weights.

The incline French bench press will provide a good range of motion and stretch the muscles at the bottom of the amplitude. At the same time, the EZ bar will spare your wrists more than a regular straight bar.

Do 12 presses, lowering the bar until the bar almost touches the hairline. Make sure your forearms are perpendicular to the floor. After that, move on to incline bench presses with a narrow grip, and do 12 more reps.

If the bar is too light to force you to push harder on your benches, ask your assistant or training partner to bring you a heavier bar. If the French press is difficult for you with the chosen weight, do it next to the Smith machine. When you're done with the French press, switch to the Smith machine and do 12 incline presses head down with a heavier barbell.

Why alternate exercises for biceps and triceps?

This arm training program in the gym is built on the principle of alternate work on antagonist muscles. There are several good reasons to alternately load these muscle groups. First, by switching to the second muscle group, you allow the first one to rest. This technique also provides an equivalent load intensity for each muscle complex. Starting with all the exercises for biceps or triceps, the second muscle group will not receive the load due to the fact that you train it later, when you are already pretty exhausted.

And finally, pumping the antagonist muscles provides a pumping effect, as the luminaries of bodybuilding found out a long time ago. Blood flows actively and stretches some muscles while others contract. This is what four-time Mr. Olympia, Jay Cutler, called "stretching and satiating."

How to build an arm workout program

To give your biceps and triceps a better chance of growing, work the rest of the muscles together, combining them into several training complexes supersets. This will give you the opportunity to dedicate a separate training day to specializing in hands. For 6-8 weeks, do the following split arm program in the gym:

  • Day 1: Hands
  • Day 2: Legs
  • Day 3: Chest and Shoulders
  • Day 4: Back
  • Day 5: Rest

If you can handle the intensity of this training in the gym, and eat well and rest, you will soon see the desired progress in mass growth. You don't even need a centimeter: every time you bend your arms in a T-shirt, you will feel that your muscles have grown.

Most athletes spend a lot of time training their arms for mass. This is not at all surprising, because every athlete wants his voluminous muscles to attract the attention of others. At the same time, they know all the nuances of such training that are inaccessible to people who have just started playing sports or who train at home. Especially for such athletes, the article describes the features and ways to increase the effectiveness of arm training for mass. And a set of exercises will help build muscles to the desired size without the use of simulators, which are only in gyms.

Hand training

Arm training for mass is considered an important part of the whole bodybuilding system, but at the same time it is not a key or paramount one. However, in order to achieve desired result you need to know the main principles of the execution technique various exercises, hand training place in training split, as well as the secrets of working out individual bundles of triceps and biceps.

Arm strength and mass training can be done as professional athletes, who do not have problems with lagging arm muscles, and beginners who devoted more time to pumping their legs or abs. The only difference in the training of athletes different levels is the weight used and the number of repetitions.

Key points

The muscles of the arms are subject to the same biological laws as other muscle groups, so in the case of arm training for mass, it is also necessary to take time to recover. If you perform regular isolation exercises daily, without increasing the load, then the muscles will not grow.

Muscle growth is the most difficult process of adaptation human body to a constantly increasing workload. When training arms for mass at home or in the gym, priority should be given to technique. Many experienced athletes can attest that due to improper exercise, the arms can be weaker than the back, chest, legs and deltoid muscles even if you train them several times a week.

The training should not be too long, but you need to deal with your hands more often, as they recover quite quickly. As a rule, the arms are trained more than once a week, and the rest of the muscle groups are loaded less, but always kept in shape.


In terms of arm training for mass, the arm is divided into flexors and extensors. These muscles perform their work qualitatively only if the athlete himself observes the technique.

The flexors are the biceps and the radial muscle. The biceps consists of only two bundles that need to be worked out equally well: internal (large) and lateral (small). It is recommended to download them different exercises alternately. The radial muscle functions during arm flexion, but is more involved in those moments when the hand is turned with the palm to the floor or is in a neutral position.

The extensor is a triceps consisting of three heads, each of which is different in size and strength. The medial head of the triceps is considered the strongest, the inner head is considered the weakest. Professionals strongly recommend that you spend more time on the inside, because two muscles always have more strength than one.

Why do hands lag

In some cases, even if the athlete knows the basics of training and practices them, the hands still lag behind. It's all about genetics, and almost none best workout hands to ground will not help solve the problem. At different people the same muscle group can be very different in structure. Some athletes have long biceps, others have short ones. The same goes for the triceps. If the muscle is short, then the tendon will be long, which will make it harder to engage the muscle. The body tries to do the work at the expense of other muscle groups, as it is easier to do this. Therefore, the hands are not loaded to the maximum.

Following from the above, the owners of a short biceps / triceps need to isolate it in a quality manner. In the end it will still work beautiful muscles gaining mass.

The second factor behind hand lagging is muscle composition. The fibers are divided according to the criteria of ATP-ase of myofibrils, as well as by the number of mitochondria. Therefore, one can have more slow fibers, and pumping is more suitable for him, and fast ones will prevail for someone, so he should pay attention to power varieties exercises.

The arm training program for mass must be selected individually. Experienced athletes recommend that beginners keep a training diary to better track progress.

Many novice athletes make mistakes when doing exercises. Because of this, of course, desired effect is not achieved, and in this case, genetics or the individual characteristics of the organism have nothing to do with it. The most common mistake is an incorrectly built split and further training. Training should stimulate protein synthesis and help progress, not exhaust the body. With excessive muscle overload, there can be no talk of its growth.

Both biceps and triceps need to be loaded adequately and allowed to recover normally. Before you start training, you need to consult with a trainer who will tell you how not to make mistakes when performing a particular exercise and how you can quickly achieve the main goal.

The best exercises for biceps and triceps

In bodybuilding, training arms for mass does not guarantee a quick result. A novice athlete should immediately realize that he will not be able to get everything at once. To increase the volume of your biceps, which is the dream of all men and even some women, you must not only train regularly and not make mistakes, but also learn to wait. Only in this case, after a certain time, it will be possible to be proud of yourself and your achievements.

Below is perfect complex exercises that can be performed both in the gym and at home, but with the necessary equipment. It is perfect for men and women. The only thing you need to remember is that you need to start with small scales. This will help you realize how ready the muscles are for loads and exercises of this type.

Standing barbell lift

The basic exercise, successfully used by all athletes, perfectly pumps the muscles of the hands. To complete it, you only need a barbell and a little free space around.

Standing straight, you should take the projectile with a normal grip, while placing your hands shoulder-width apart. Initially, the bar should be near the thigh - this is the starting position. While inhaling, at the same time you need to lift the projectile up, bending your arms at the elbows. When the bar reaches shoulder level, you need to stay in this position for a couple of seconds, and then exhale and slowly return to the starting position.

Dumbbell raise with supination

Many people like dumbbell exercises, because they can be easily performed at home, replacing the projectile with sand bottles or some other weight. Lifting dumbbells with supination can be performed both with alternating and with simultaneous lifting of shells.

Sitting on a bench, you need to take dumbbells in your hands, turning your palms inward. While inhaling, you need to bend your arm at the elbow, lifting the weight. As soon as the forearm is parallel to the floor, it is necessary to start supinating, that is, turn the brush outward. When the dumbbell reaches the top point, it must be held there for a couple of seconds and return to its original position.

Barbell bench press

This exercise is basic when training triceps. During its execution, it is imperative to focus on this particular muscle.

Lying on a bench, with your feet shoulder-width apart and resting them on the floor, you should take the barbell with an average grip from below. In the starting position, the arms should be stretched up so that the projectile is clearly at shoulder level. On inspiration, you need to slowly lower the barbell down, touching your chest, and then immediately return to its original position, but without jerking. When lowering the projectile, the elbow joints should be spread apart, forming an angle of 45 degrees with the body.

Fulfill this exercise follows 8-12 times. If desired, you can perform 2-3 approaches, but do not forget about the technique. If it is no longer possible to squeeze the barbell correctly, then the hands need to be given time to rest.

We train hands for mass with push-ups on the uneven bars

A fairly effective and favorite exercise of all yard athletes. It will require only a projectile, which is present on all sports grounds cities - bars.

Having risen on the projectile with straightened arms, you need to slowly go down, minimally tilting the body forward and pressing your hands to the body, and then slowly rise to the starting position. You don't need to stop at the bottom. The number of push-ups depends on the athlete's capabilities - you should start with 5-8, and then gradually increase.
