Exercises for different parts of the press. Basic ab exercises

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    What is required

    Abs workout is an integral part of any sports discipline. It is difficult to imagine an experienced athlete who would not pay attention to this muscle group. You don't have to exhaust yourself every day to get your abs. intense training v gym... It is quite possible to create beautiful cubes on the stomach at home. To do this, just your desire and minimal equipment such as a horizontal bar and dumbbells are enough. Plus a competent abdominal workout program at home.

    But remember that building your abs is half the battle. To give the press a relief, you need low calorie diet to get rid of unnecessary subcutaneous fat... If you have excess fatty tissue on your belly and waist, there will be no cubes, even if you train your abs five times a day. Visually, the abdominal muscles become prominent when the percentage of body fat falls below 10-12%. If there is more fat in the body, the abdominal muscles will become stronger, but it will not work to gain a visually athletic and aesthetic torso.

    In this article, we will show you how to train the abs for men and women at home and what exercises are best for this.

    The abs are the stabilizer in all basic movements, and if they are your weak link, then serious squat or deadlift weights will never hit you.

    Exercises for the press:

    • improve the work of internal organs;
    • normalize digestive processes;
    • positively affect the functioning of the reproductive system.

    The external aspect is no less important: the embossed belly is a universal indicator of your attitude to your own body. It also increases attractiveness in the eyes of the opposite sex.

    Focus on the abdominal muscles in your training program simple enough. It is enough just a couple of times a week to perform complexes of 2-4 exercises at the end of training other parts of the body. If you eat and exercise properly, progress will follow immediately. If this does not happen, there are two reasons: slow burning of subcutaneous adipose tissue (or lack thereof) and insufficient load volume (or improperly constructed training process generally).

    Training frequency and volume

    The most frequently asked question that fitness trainers hear is: How often do you exercise your abs? The answer is simple. The press is the same muscle group as everyone else. How many times a week do you train, for example, your legs? With too frequent training, the muscles do not have time to recover, which nullifies the result.

    Almost always, after a good workout, your abdominal muscles ache so much that you can't even get out of bed. This is an indicator correct training... If the next day your abdominal muscles do not hurt, then you were training something else, but definitely not the press. Optimal training frequency - no more than twice a week, for beginners and once will be enough.

    Next important point: training volume. Many do thousands of crunches, naively believing that this will make the abdominal muscles more prominent, and the belly fat will burn. This is a common misconception. Local fat burning does not exist... For this reason, the abs need to be trained in the classic strength style - 2-4 exercises for 10-15 repetitions. It is advisable to add static elements like a bar or a vacuum, this will make the abs stronger and the waist narrower.

    Load distribution

    When composing a home workout program for the press, it is important to correctly distribute the load throughout the training week. You shouldn't train your abs the day before your back or legs workout. You will not have time to recover, and squatting or doing deadlifts with "killed" abs is a bad idea. Too much load will fall on the spinal extensors, and when working with serious weights, this is fraught with injury.

    Working with your own weight is good, but for the most progress you will need optional equipment... It can be kettlebells and dumbbells to do classic exercises like the twists are a little harder.

    A good option is a roller for the press, with its help you can fully load the rectus abdominis muscles, lats, pectorals and anterior deltas. It is sold in any sports hypermarket and is inexpensive. If a medicine ball is lying around at home - great, and if a horizontal bar hangs in the room or in the yard - even better. How more exercise arsenal, the more diverse and productive the training process will be.

    Distribute the load evenly - train both the upper and lower abs. The oblique muscles of the abdomen should also not be ignored.

    Many people find that the lower abdominals require a lot of effort and do countless hanging leg raises. This is another misconception. The relief of the two lower cubes is 90% dependent on the amount of fat in the lower abdomen. If your subcutaneous body fat great, no extra volume workouts will help.

    Training intensity

    Train intensely. Abs is a small muscle group; you should not spend a lot of time on its training. If you work really productively, then training your abs at home, you can easily do it in 20-30 minutes.

    Girls should be careful when training the oblique abdominal muscles. If they are hypertrophied, it will visually make the waist wider. Hardly any of the girls want this. The oblique muscles are small in size and do not require a lot of work. Perform for them one exercise in 3-4 approaches once a week. This will be quite enough to keep the muscles in good shape, but not increase in volume.

    It is not necessary to do a separate workout for the abs - it is compatible with almost any muscle group... This is true both for home workouts and for classes in the gym. Exercises for the abs - great option warm-ups and cool-downs. You can also do them in between sets for other muscle groups.

    The only subtlety in this moment is that you should not swing the abs after training your legs. Firstly, you have already spent all your strength, and it is unlikely that the workout will turn out to be productive. Second, leg exercises increase intra-abdominal pressure. Abdominal exercises make this condition worse. Cramps in the rectus abdominis muscle, weakness and nausea are possible. In the long term, the risk of an umbilical hernia increases.

    Homework program for girls

    In pursuit of a flat stomach, girls often exhaust themselves with constant abdominal training, not realizing that this muscle takes time to recover, and fat burning does not depend at all on exercise.

    Below is a weekly abdominal workout program for girls that is suitable for all ladies active in sports:

    Workout number 1
    lying on the floor4x15
    Raising your legs while lying on the floor4x15

    30-60 seconds

    © Makatserchyk - stock.adobe.com
    Workout number 2
    30-45 seconds

    © logo3in1 - stock.adobe.com
    30-60 seconds for each side

    © ikostudio - stock.adobe.com
    10 to the maximum

    Another good option for practicing at home without any additional devices:

    © artinspiring - stock.adobe.com

    Here exercises 1-5 are performed in a 3x10-15 mode.

    Home workout program for men

    If you exercise regularly at the gym and do basic exercises such as deadlift, squats with a barbell, bench press and bent-over rows, then it makes no sense to strain especially, training the press. In these exercises, he does about 20% of the work. However, if you want to make it stronger and more prominent, a special abdominal workout program for men will help you:

    Workout number 1
    Twisting with extra weight3x10-12

    © fizkes - stock.adobe.com
    © splitov27 - stock.adobe.com
    60-90 seconds
    Workout number 2
    Crunches with raised legs3x12

The development of the muscles of the press - not so much difficult task as it seems to many beginners. However, in order to pump up the relief abdominal muscles, it is not enough just to perform the most effective exercise on the press. More about how, Fitseven has already talked about. Successful workout abdominal muscles implies the ability to keep the press in conscious tension during exercise.

Since the muscles of the press are closely related not only to the muscles of the body, but also to the muscles of the back, if the exercises are performed incorrectly, a load on the lower back is created, provoking the development of chronic pain. Before moving on to the "advanced" exercises, it is important to learn how to pump the abs correctly using the set of exercises for beginners presented below.

Abs: workout for beginners

It must be remembered that the goal of the home set of abdominal exercises presented below is, first of all, to develop the correct technique for beginners, and not at all to set records for the number of repetitions. It will be more effective not at all a hundred fast ones, performed "somehow" and with poor technique, but ten technical ones, perfect with a full feeling of involvement of the abdominal muscles in the work.

It is also recommended to include it in your workout - it is useful not only for strengthening the internal muscles of the abdomen, but also for reducing the waist circumference. Ultimately, the development of the abdominal muscles should be based on both hypertrophy training and performance. static exercises(for example, planks).

Exercises to Burn Belly Fat

Once again, we will remind you that you can see abs cubes and a flat stomach only after you achieve general thinness with a diet and special ones. It is important to understand that abdominal exercises help rather to improve the shape of the abdominal muscles, and not at all to get rid of the existing fat layer.

Not a single abdominal exercise, even the most difficult and performed in the most advanced simulator, is capable of leading to fat burning. To lose a kilogram of fat, you will need to perform 500,000 crunches per press in a row - and belly fat will be burned in the last place due to the peculiarities of metabolism and genetics.

Press pumping scheme

When performing the suggested below training complex on the press, you must constantly remember that the meaning of any exercise is to involve the abdominal muscles in the work - for example,. When you twist, you should feel your abdominal muscles, not your back, legs, or any other part of your body. Only in this case can you reach the dice on the press.

To train various types of muscle fibers of the abdominal muscles, the program includes both dynamic exercises with movement and repetitions, and motionless, in which it is necessary to stay in a certain position for a few seconds, creating a static load on the muscles of the body (various variations of the "Plank" exercise).

A set of exercises for the press

Exercise on the press Exercise type Recommendations for implementation
Static // Oblique muscles of the press and body20-30 seconds on the left and 20-30 seconds on the right side of the body. A total of 2-3 approaches.
Dynamic // Oblique abdominal muscles10-15 reps per left side body, then a 30 second break and 10-15 repetitions on the right side of the body. A total of 2-3 sets per side.
5-7 repetitions on each side of the body with a delay of 5-10 seconds at the top point. A total of 2-3 sets per side.
4. Plank (stand on the elbows)Static // Rectus abdominis and trunkHold the plank position for 20-40 seconds, then take a break for 30 seconds. A total of 2-3 approaches.
5. Exercise "Scissors"Dynamic // Rectus and oblique muscles of the press10-12 slow reps, then a 30 second break. A total of 2-3 approaches.
Dynamic + static // Oblique abdominal muscles7-10 reps on each side of the body with a delay of 5-10 seconds at the final point. A total of 1-2 sets on each side.
Dynamic + static // Rectus abdominis muscle10-20 seconds at the top of the exercise, then rest for 20-30 seconds. Only 3-4 approaches.
Dynamic // Rectus abdominis muscle, lower abdominals3 sets of 10-12 reps
Dynamic // Rectus abdominis muscle3 sets of 7-12 reps
10. Stretching your arms forwardStatic // Body muscles10-20 seconds with each arm extension, only 3-4 approaches on each side of the body.

Home set of exercises for the press

Leaning on your elbow, keep your body stretched out in a straight line from head to toes, consciously keeping your abdominal muscles tense. During the exercise, maintain a normal breathing rhythm and make sure that the pelvis does not sink too low.

Lying on your back, left foot on the floor, right on the left knee. As you exhale, straining the lateral press muscles, slightly lift the left shoulder off the floor, directing the elbow towards the right knee. Keep your right shoulder firmly on the floor and make sure that your neck muscles are not tense.

Using the strength of the lateral abdominal muscles, lift the body up, as if trying to reach with your elbow to the tips of your toes, but do not push off with your right elbow from the floor and make sure that there is no excessive deflection of the neck. At the top of the exercise, linger for 5-10 seconds.

4. Plank (stand on the elbows)

Keep your body as straight as possible, keeping your abdominals in slight tension while looking downward to maintain the natural position of your spine. It is important not to raise the buttocks too high - for this you need to "twist" the pelvis slightly inward.

5. Exercise "Scissors"

Lying on your back, arms crossed and located under the buttocks. Using the strength of the abdominal muscles, lift the outstretched legs, then begin to perform alternating movements with them. Move your legs slowly and with the feeling that their weight is on the press. Maintain a normal breathing rhythm.

Slowly move your locked hands to the left, while pulling right leg to yourself. Hold at the extreme point for 5-10 seconds, feeling tension in the abdominal muscles, then return to the center, lower your legs to the floor, rest for 10-15 seconds and do for the other side.

Lying on your back, stretch your arms forward and raise your legs slightly. As you exhale, lift your torso off the floor with the force of the abdominal muscles, stretch your fingertips to your feet. Hold at the top of the exercise for 10-20 seconds, straining your abs, then take a break for 20-30 seconds.

On the way out, straining your abdominal muscles, direct your knees towards your chest, trying to slightly lift your lower back off the floor. As you inhale, slowly lower your legs down, but do not place them on the floor. Maintain a conscious tension in the abdominal muscles for 10-20 seconds, then repeat the exercise.

This exercise is performed almost the last in order to get tired lateral muscles the press made it possible to fully include the rectus abdominis muscles in the work. Curl as you exhale, as slowly as possible while looking forward and up.

Kneel down on your hands. As you exhale, tighten your abs and pull your stomach in as much as possible, then extend your right hand forward, and left leg- back. Hold in the position for 10-20 seconds without lowering your leg and constantly stretching your hand forward. Change sides.


The first rule of thumb in abdominal muscle training is a low body fat percentage achieved by fat burning training and diet. The second rule is the conscious involvement of the abdominal and core muscles in work, which requires both static and dynamic exercises... The third rule is the slow rhythm of the exercises and control over their technique.

The motor function of this muscle is carried out in the "twisting" of the body relative to the thighs and, conversely, the thighs relative to the trunk. Exercises for the rectus muscle are divided into two types. Some load top area rectus muscle, others - lower. So when performing classical twists, the rectus muscle strains along its entire length, but its upper section takes on the most load. Conversely, reverse crunches, when pulling the knees to the chest, the lower part of the press takes more load. Thus, strengthening the rectus abdominis muscle will help you achieve better physical form in those athletic disciplines in which running, jumping, lifting weights, etc. are necessary.

2. Oblique internal and external muscles of the press

The external oblique muscles "hug" the body on the sides; they run diagonally relative to the rectus abdominis muscle. Directly below them is the oblique internal muscle, its fibers run at a counter angle to the outer oblique. Thanks to this device, the multidirectional internal and external oblique muscles help each other. These muscles abdominal tilt, bend and turn the torso. When some muscle groups perform dynamic work, others are tense statically, thereby stabilizing the body. Strengthening these muscle groups will lead to success in tennis, golf, baseball, etc. Activities in sports that require torso rotation will be easier for you.

3. Intercostal muscles

Intercostal muscles belong to the group of deep pectoral muscles... It's short muscle fibers connecting the rib bones. Their function is simple, but very important - to provide movement. chest in the process of breathing. It is quite difficult to build these muscles, the list of exercises for strengthening them is narrow. Basically, they are all associated with tilting the chest towards the pelvis: for this, the body will need to be bent and twisted. There are no isolated exercises for the intercostal muscles, in any case, at the same time, the oblique abdominal muscles, the serrated muscles of the chest will be strained, and many other parts of the body will also be involved.

4. Transverse muscles

They pass horizontally relative to the abdominal wall. The fibers of these muscles are directed transversely. Therefore, no twists will be able to pump them up. The task of the transverse muscles is to protect our intestines from concussions when running and walking, as well as to increase the internal abdominal pressure during exhalation.

Currently, there are a huge number of workouts focused on training abdominal cubes. This article will tell you everything you need to know about building a beautiful, sculpted body.

You can be strong ... you can be big ... but all the really tough guys have incredibly tough abs. If you want to build abs like Arnold Schwarzenegger's, that's great.

If creating a relief figure is such an easy thing, why does not everyone have a toned and embossed belly? So there is a problem.

You know what happens when millions of people want something that makes them crawl Google for what they want late into the night with their wallets ready.

Of course ... it's a siren for the savvy marketers hiding in the shadows. Perhaps it is better to call them eagles hovering overhead looking for weakened prey.

Okay, okay, this sounds a little dramatic, but my point is this:

  • Someone will tell you that you only need to do a few exercises a day to get your abs ... but that's a mistake.
  • Someone will say that it is imperative to do squats and deadlifts, otherwise you will not be able to form a beautiful torso ... but this is a mistake.
  • Someone will say that it is necessary to eat only certain food, and everything else is by no means impossible ... but this is a mistake.
  • Someone will say that you just need to lose weight ... but this is a mistake.
  • And some will say that the whole thing is in food additives ... but they are also wrong.

There are really only two things that need to be done well:

How to build embossed abs in 2 easy steps

Forming six abs is easier said than done. It's pretty straightforward, though, if you follow certain instructions.

1. Lose weight

I think this is obvious.

The first reason why the six cubes are not visible is the presence of a large layer of fat covering the muscle layer.

By shedding fat, you will get closer to your goal if you don't already reach it. However, this leads to the next question: how to lose weight?

First, you cannot directly get rid of belly fat. Losing weight in restricted areas of the body is a myth.

Targeted fat loss, or "limited reduction," has long been a hot button for selling fitness books, magazines, DVDs, nutritional supplements, and more.

One workout is to "slim" the thighs and the other to "sculpt" the midsection. This food is supposed to reduce belly fat and this food may somehow make your thighs slimmer.

I wish it were that easy.

Research have shown that muscle training does lead to increased blood flow and lipolysis (breakdown of fat cells into usable energy) in the area of ​​the muscles being trained, but the effect is so small that it doesn't matter.

Exercising muscles burns calories and thus promotes their growth, fat burning, but does not directly reduce the amount of fat formed on those muscles.

Thus, fat loss is a process that involves the entire body.

For effective weight loss necessary maintain a calorie deficit, which forces the body to reduce its overall fat stores. Contractions are everywhere, however, some areas dry out faster than others.

The bottom line is that you can train as long as you like until the abs explodes, but the result you will never see until you send body fat percentage in the required ratio.

This ratio should be: 15% or less body fat for men and 25% or less for women.

Here is a pictorial image that shows what a press looks like with different amounts of subcutaneous fat:

As you can see, the abdominal muscles become visible at 15% and 25% in men and women, respectively, and especially stand out at 10% in men and 20% in women.

As mentioned earlier, some areas of the body lose fat faster than others.

Unfortunately, the fat that covers the muscles of the core, especially the lower cores, is terribly stable. And the point is not in the individual characteristics of the organism, but in physiology.

There are scientific reasons why fat cells in a given area of ​​the body are more difficult to burn than others. Fortunately, there are various strategies to improve this situation.

2. Develop all abdominal muscles

In other words, you need to pump all of your core muscles. There is a widespread belief that people who do a lot of weight training (squats, deadlifts, overweight exercises, etc.) do not need to train their abdominal muscles.

One can disagree with this. Let's take a quick look at the muscles that make up the abdominals.

First, it is rectus abdominis (rectus abdominis muscle). This is the name for a group of muscles that look like six "cubes":

Then several other abdominal muscles that complete appearance torso, these include the oblique and abdominal (or transverse, as it is usually called), as well as the dentate muscles:

Don't discount the need to develop these muscles other than the "pretty" rectus muscle.

Here's an example of an abs with poorly developed lower core muscles:

Yes, it does not look bad, but there is no relief of the oblique abdominal muscles, the dentate muscle is underdeveloped and the transverse muscle line is absent.

Some have a different problem: their rectus muscle is poorly expressed, or unevenly expressed, while the rest of the abdominal muscles are pumped:

If the obliques are swinging too much, then the rectus muscle is insufficient and the transverse and serratus muscles may be missing.

Now let's take a look at what a good, correct abdominals should look like:

Sure, the model (Greg Plitt) has a lot better genetics than those two guys, but he's no thinner than the other guy. He just has the perfect balance of development of all the muscles of the core.

The goal is not just to get beautiful "cubes", but to have great abs.

I don’t look like Plitt, but I do have personal experience building the abdominal muscles. This is me a few years ago:

I was about 7% fat and as you can see, enough good build muscles of the cortex. It is worth noting that I have done squats, deadlifts, and some ab exercises, but this is not what I would like to write about in this article.

(If you are wondering why I only have four "cubes" instead of six, then this is purely genetic. Some people develop rectus abdominis muscles better than others.)

This rather dramatic improvement was the result of not only training the rectus muscles, but also other major abdominal muscles.

The real shortcut to six abs

It doesn't matter if you are a man or a woman skinny person must have developed muscles abdominal press.

You can lose weight with proper nutrition and diets, and for the development of the main muscles of the core, training of both isolated muscle groups and all muscles in general is necessary.

Use this workout and flexible diet program to lose up to 5 kg of fat and form beautiful muscles in just 30 days ... without exhausting fasting or constant training in the gym.

The best exercises to train your abs

I have seen and talked to many people who regularly do an incredible amount of different exercises who can stand in the bar for an impressive amount of time, but all this does not lead to results - their abs remain underdeveloped.

It is necessary to leave the "comfort zone", i.e. it is necessary to give an increased load on muscles for their growth... This is worth paying attention to and, in the case of weight-bearing strength training, increase the weight from time to time.

One of the biggest mistakes you make is not doing strength training with your core muscles.

Before we talk about training shaping, let's look at what individual exercises are.

There are an almost endless number of different abdominal exercises and there are almost as many opinions as to which of these exercises is better. Fortunately, we are only interested in a few exercises that will help with core formation.

All exercises in this article have been selected based on some research as well as my personal experience, which was obtained in the course of work with hundreds of people.

I also described several exercises that you can perform, but if you follow the master plan carefully, then most likely they are not needed.

Basic exercises

Squats, deadlift, bench press, classical army press are not abdominal exercises in and of themselves, but they are effective for building and strengthening core muscles.

They are also the most important exercises for the general building and strengthening of the muscles of the body. If you do not do them and do not intend to do them, then losing the lion's share of progress.

Twisting on the top block

Twisting on top block Is one of my favorite exercises that is good for building the rectus abdominis muscle.

A variant of "wriggling" twists is possible, in which, in addition to the rectus muscle, there is a large load on the oblique muscles of the press. In this case, the sequence of actions is as follows: you need to touch the right elbow to the left knee, then the usual straight twist, and the left elbow touches the right knee, back to the center, and so on.

Raising the legs resting on the elbows

This exercise is considered one of the best, in which the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles (including their lower parts) are involved.

You can start by lifting your knees, but strive to do the exercise with your legs extended. After this load becomes small, you can add weight, for example, clamp medicine ball between the legs.

Hanging leg raises on the bar

This exercise is similar to the previous one, but requires much more effort.

Similar to the previous one, at first it can also be performed with bent knees but strive to perform with outstretched legs. Weight can be added over time.


Don't give it easy exercise fool yourself - it is a great addition to your workouts. When performing a bicycle, oblique and transverse muscles abdominal press.

Press roller

I am not a fan of various gadgets and other workout gizmos, but the abdominal roller is really an effective and cheap tool.

If you want to include this exercise in your regular training program, then you need to purchase a high-quality video, for example, this:

Although you can use any 🙂

Weight for of this exercise can be added with a weight vest.

How to create an effective workout program and build abs

The rules for creating an abdominal workout are very simple:

1. Combine exercises with weight and with your own body in one workout

Abs, capable of deep, separate contractions of individual muscles, requires much more training than many might think. In this case, the approach “ periodic Exercise is the most effective way to achieve this goal.

2. Exercise regularly

Optimal training frequency Is the subject of endless debate. However, the main rule can be distinguished: how less group muscles, the faster it recovers.

So after general exercises such as deadlifts or squats, take longer to recover than after isolated exercise, for example, for biceps.

Thus, I noticed that, just like the calf muscles, the abdominals can make more contractions than the large muscle groups.

I noticed that 2-3 ab workouts per week, and at the same time, the total power training- "golden mean" for maximum results and prevent overtraining .

If you consider the question of the required number of ab workouts per week, then it is worth leaving 1 to 2 days of rest between workouts. If I plan for three workouts per week, then I prefer to train on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, or Tuesday and Thursday - if I plan to train two.

3. Make sure progress does not stand still

As with any workout, the main objective workouts - get stronger, with nice, toned muscles.

The weight that is used during training should gradually increase as the number of times you can do with weight equals the number of repetitions of the same exercise without weight.

Now that we know the "rules", let's take a closer look at how to plan your workouts.

The training scheme is elementary. It is necessary to do the exercises in cycles. In one cycle - 3 exercises that must be performed continuously one after the other. We do rest only between cycles; we do not rest between exercises within a cycle.

Abdominal workout program

How to build a loop:

  1. The first set should include strength exercise, such as crunches in the upper block, raising the legs in support on the elbows or raising the legs in the hang on the bar - only 10-15 repetitions.

If you cannot do the exercise at least 10 times, then you need to lose weight. If you do 15 times, it's time to add a couple of pounds.

  1. Go straight to one set of exercises without weight and do it maximum amount once.
  2. We move on to another set of exercises without weight and do it as many times as possible.
  3. Rest 2-3 minutes before a new cycle.

For example, here's one of my favorite loops:

  • 1 set of crunches in the upper block, 10-12 times
  • 1 set of raising the legs in support on the elbows the maximum number of times
  • 1 bike set maximum number of times

Rest 2-3 minutes

I usually insert abs loops in between sets for general muscle groups to save time. For example:

  • 1 set of deadlifts
  • 1 cycle per press
  • Rest 60-90 seconds
  • 1 set of deadlifts
  • 1 cycle per press
  • Rest 60-90 seconds

Better to set a goal for yourself - 3 cycles per press during one workout (and 2-3 workouts per week). It's actually not as easy as it sounds!

Can sports nutrition supplements help you build abs faster?

No natural substances can "burn fat", no matter how complex or pseudo-scientific explanations.

Supplement companies are most likely to report an increase in fat oxidation (with muscle mass persists) while supporting the thyroid, inducing thermogenesis, blocking enzymes related to fat storage, inducing enzymes that cause fat loss, controlling hormone and neurotransmitter levels, reducing water retention, improving nutritional absorption, and more.

Okay, even if these aspects do affect weight loss, this type of marketing is nothing more than an attempt to dazzle with terminology and scientific half-truths, in the hope that we will believe everything.

When you look at the science of fat loss, you find that the right supplements can help, but do not compensate for poor diet and exercise. If you follow the advice in this article, and don't torture yourself with exhausting diets and workouts, then you can reap benefits from supplements that really accelerate fat loss.

Let's summarize on the training of abs cubes

Almost every fitness guru and workout program promises to give you six cubes for a very short time but few can truly deliver on that promise, because it's actually not a fast process.

There is no panacea for creating a beautiful torso. If you want a lean, sexy belly, then you need to be patient, eat right and exercise. If you are willing to wait months, not days, then you will come to the desired results.

Now you know everything it takes to finally get six dice, step out of your comfort zone and get to work!

Your complete guide on exercises for the press.

All athletes, be they hockey players, baseball players, or soccer players, will strengthen their abs with basic exercises. This is great for pro athletes, but what about guys and girls who just want to pump up their abs and see the cherished 6 dice? How can they choose the most effective ab exercises to see the cubes on their stomachs? Or maybe a secret flat belly lies in the other?

First, let's face it: the structure of the abdominal muscles is different for everyone, and most importantly, the amount of subcutaneous fat and metabolism are different for everyone. Some guys have to work out to exhaustion before their abs get bumped, while others seem to have the cubes come through effortlessly.

Regardless of which group you belong to, effective ab exercises for training in the gym or at home comes down to movements in three planes: frontal, sagittal and transverse. By doing ab exercises in cycles, you will maintain high intensity workouts and will probably be able to burn more fat.

Ready to work out your abdominal muscles? Let these 30 abdominal exercises at home and in the gym serve as the best workout guide you've ever met.

Rollers with a gymnastic roller

Get on your knees and keep the roller on the floor directly under your shoulders. Tighten your abs and roll the roller forward until you feel tension in your core muscles. At the same time, the hips should not sag. Roll the roller back to return to starting position... Do as many reps as possible while observing correct technique performing the exercise.

Incomplete torso lifts with raised arms

Lie on your back, bend your legs at a 90 ° angle, straighten your arms and lift up. Keep your arms in this position throughout the exercise. Perform a partial torso lift, and then slowly return to the starting position. These movements are one repetition.

Barbell rollouts

Slip the 5kg weight discs onto the bar and kneel down. The shoulders should be over the bar. Tighten your abdominal muscles and roll the bar forward until you feel your hips begin to flex. Return to starting position.

Russian twist with a barbell

Grasp the bar with both hands almost at the very end. Feet shoulder width apart. Rotate the bar to the left, moving your feet as needed, and then rotate to the right.

Fitball crunches

Lie with your back on the ball, put your feet on the floor and spread them shoulder-width apart. The ball should support your lower back. Place your hands behind your head and pull your chin back. Lift your torso up until you find yourself in a sitting position.

Raising your legs on the uneven bars

Take emphasis on the uneven bars. Bend your knees slightly, and then lift them in front of you to a level parallel to the floor.

Lying Leg Raise

Lie on your back, straighten your legs, put your hands along your body. Lift your heels off the floor and lift to a height of about 15 cm. fast pace alternately lift your legs up and down (scissor style).

Front squats

Place the barbell on a power rack at about shoulder height (if not power frame, then take the barbell to your chest from the floor). Grasp the bar with a grip shoulder-width apart. Raise your elbows up to a level where your shoulders are parallel to the floor. Remove the barbell from the racks and support it with your fingertips. As long as your elbows are in a raised position, you can hold the barbell. Take a step back, spread your feet shoulder-width apart, and turn your toes slightly outward. Sit down as low as possible, keeping the lower back arch.

Lumberjack exercise

Set the handle of the simulator at shoulder height (or attach the expander to a stable object) and grasp it with both hands. Stand sideways to the handle, spread your legs shoulder-width apart, straighten your arms. Stand far enough away from the machine to create tension in the cable. Rotate the body away from the machine in such a way as if you were chopping a tree. The legs should remain motionless.

Lying Leg Raise

Lie on the floor and grasp a bench or heavy chair legs for support. Straighten your legs and lift them up to an upright position. Bring your legs down, but do not lay on the floor to maintain tension in your abdominal muscles before starting the next rep.

Russian twist with a medball

Sit on the floor holding the medball with both hands. Straighten your arms in front of you. In an explosive motion, rotate your torso to the side, and then return to the starting position. Make a similar movement in the opposite direction.

"Running" in an emphasis lying with a medicine ball

Take a lying position with support on the medball. Bring one knee to your chest and then quickly pull back while bringing the other knee to your chest.


Take a lying position with your socks on the fitball. Bend your body in half, rolling the ball towards you with your feet until your torso is upright. Roll the ball back until your body straightens again. Then place your shins on the fitball so that your body is in a straight line, and your outstretched arms are above your head, but are still on the floor. The position of the body should resemble Superman flying down. These movements are one repetition. Straining your back muscles, return to the starting position (prone position) and begin the next repetition.


Take a lying position, bend your elbows so that your forearms are on the floor. While contracting your abdominal muscles, hold this position.

Pull-ups with raising the knees

Hang on the horizontal bar, grabbing it with a grip from above. Spread your arms shoulder-width apart. Pull up until your chin is over the bar, and then lift your knees to your chest.

Push ups with cotton

Get into a prone position with your feet in the handles of the suspension training straps. Push off the floor so that you have time to clap your hands in the air.

Reverse crunches with expander

Lie on your back and circle the band around your feet. Cross the ends of the expander so that they form an "X" and grasp the opposite ends of the tape with your hands. Bend your legs so that your knees are close to your chest, and then lift your torso off the floor. Straighten your legs while bringing your arms back behind your head. The shoulder blades must not touch the floor. These movements are one repetition.

Fitball rollouts

Place your forearms on the fitball, pull your legs back and straighten. While straining your abdominal muscles, roll the fitball forward until your arms are in a straight position. When you feel that the abdominal muscles are no longer tense, return to the starting position by rolling the fitball back.

Try others for your workouts at home.

Seated Leg Raise

Sit on a bench and squeeze a medicine ball between your feet. Straighten and raise your legs in front of you. Pull your torso back so that the body is straightened in a line. Hold on to the bench to maintain your body position. Lift your torso up and bring your knees to your chest.

Side bar

Lie on your left side with your left forearm on the floor. Raise your hips so that your body is in a straight line. Tighten your abs. You should rest on your left forearm and the edge of your left foot. Maintain this position by contracting your abdominal muscles.


Get into a prone position with your feet in the handles of the suspension training straps. Bring your right knee towards your chest, keeping your left leg straight. Now bring your right leg back while bringing your left knee to your chest. Movements should resemble running.

Lifting the torso with throwing the ball

Sit on the floor, hold the ball with both hands at chest level. Place your feet under a heavy object to support correct position body. Lie with your back on the floor a few tens of centimeters from a brick or concrete wall. In an explosive motion, lift your torso, throw the ball into the wall, and then catch it on the rebound. If you have a partner, you can throw the ball to each other.

Plank in "star" position

Get into a prone position. Spread your arms and legs as wide as possible. Your body should take the shape of a star. Tighten your abs and hold your body straight for 30 seconds.

Lifting the torso with a barbell

Lie on the floor. Hold an empty or lightly loaded bar over your shoulders as you would when doing a bench press. Straighten your legs and place them on the floor. Raise your torso to an upright position. Hold the bar overhead as you would when doing an army press.

Place the barbell on the floor to your right and place your feet hip-width apart. Bring your hips back, sit down and grab the center of the bar. right hand... Tighten your core muscles. Keeping a slight arch in the lower back, push off the floor with your heels to stand. Hold the bar firmly so that the projectile does not wobble. Keep your spine in a straight position throughout the exercise. Do not bend over to the side of the bar.

Circular plank

Place the fitball on the floor and take the support while lying down with support on it. Place your forearms on the fitball, keeping your body straight and keeping your abdominal muscles tense. Move your elbows and rotate the fitball. in a circular motion first clockwise, then counterclockwise.

V-shaped torso lifts with fitball

Lie with your back on the floor. Hold the fitball between your ankles. Extend your arms behind your head. Raising your legs, at the same time raise your torso and take the fitball in your hands. Lower your torso to the floor and repeat the movements, lifting the fitball and squeezing it between your ankles again.

V-shaped torso lifts with medicine ball

Lie with your back on the floor, holding the medball with both hands behind your head. Straighten your legs. Tighten your abs. Raise your legs at the same time and reach your toes with the medicine ball. Your body should look like the letter "V" in this phase of the exercise.

Lifting the trunk with weights

Lie on the floor and hold the weight disc on your chest. Bend your knees at an angle of 90 °, but so that your feet remain on the floor with their entire surface. Keep your chin at chest level throughout the exercise.

Exercise "lumberjack" standing on one knee

Lower yourself into a deep lunge position with your left foot forward. Reach the expander handle over your left shoulder. Pull the handle diagonally down across the body towards outside right thigh.

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