Why did Seluyanov die. Local fat burning

Viktor Nikolaevich Seluyanov is well known among athletes and coaches as a sports methodologist and scientist. Our colleague decided to retell one of his lectures

Prepared following the results of the seminar "Physical training of athletes".Moscow, club "Heraklion", 7.09.2013.Lecturer: Seluyanov Viktor Nikolaevich, candidate of biological sciences, professor.

Instead of a preface

Viktor Nikolaevich came to science from sports (in particular from cycling). Today's professor had a chance to experience training loads and corresponding sensations on himself. He not only understands, but just feels the sport. This sets him apart from many of his scientific colleagues who begin to "swim" when they are asked practical questions. Using Seluyanov's methodology, more than a dozen world-class athletes have been trained, and some of his students work with national teams.

On the Internet, you can find quite a few videos of the scientist's lectures and several of his popular articles. However, here (at 1-fit.ru) the material is presented from the standpoint of primarily amateur sports... In any case, we tried to highlight the accents in this way.

Modeling principle

Man is not quite simple - nature has tried! It is worth dropping some question from the field of physiology - you are faced with its insufficient study or even with a purely hypothetical nature of knowledge. To make it easier to work with complex systems (for example, in technology), it is customary to build them relatively simple models, with the help of which they evaluate what is happening. When building such models, they try to take into account all the most important things, and deliberately ignore something secondary and less significant.

Guided by the principle of modeling, Professor Seluyanov examines the main interrelationships in the body regarding the work of muscles and their energy supply. Actually, the main thing that takes into account his model and what it is built on - processes of energy metabolism in muscle tissues... The model takes into account the factors on which these processes obviously depend and the consequences for the organism to which they lead.


The starting point in the model is the modern understanding of the functioning of the "ideal cell", that is, such collective image of a cell, which in life to look for during the day with fire. Nevertheless, this is an accepted description, widely used for teaching students and schoolchildren (the structure of the cell is studied in biology lessons in the 5th grade). In general, what they are rich with, and so are glad (we are about medicine in general).

Among the various insides of the cell, on a special account of athletes and coaches, there should be intracellular elements (organelles) responsible for the respiration of cells and for their digestion of various (but not any) fuels. Actually, "breathing" and energy supply are two sides of the same coin. Mitochondria are capable of receiving "energy" from the oxygen (respiration) and reagents (fats or pyruvate) at their disposal, as a result of chemical transformations - the same one that provides almost everything in our body.

[If the cell has developed mitochondria, then the cell is able to breathe on the one hand, and fats or pyruvate on the other. If there are no mitochondria or they are poorly developed, the cell cannot breathe in this sense, since respiration requires the obligatory participation of enzymes contained in mitochondria (for short, these enzymes are called SDH, a-GPDG, GDG, MDH, LDH). - Approx. 1-fit.ru]

So, mitochondria are often called the energy stations of the cell. The more developed they are, the better! For endurance sports (and just for health) the number and size of mitochondria in muscle is critical... The bigger, the better. Accordingly, a significant part of the efforts of athletes and coaches in sports is directed (whether they understand it or not) to the development of mitochondria in working muscles.

Another small, at first glance, nuance that needs to be paid attention to in relation to the study of cell energy: inside each cell there are small reserves of fat and carbohydrates (glycogen). This is the most readily available stock and is the first to be consumed. When such an easily accessible supply dries up, the cell requires its replenishment through its envelope (membrane). And it is very difficult for large molecules (glucose, for example) to penetrate the membrane without the participation of hormones (in relation to glucose - without insulin).

Viktor Nikolaevich's model uses a simplified view of the cell. At the same time, obviously, only the influence of such as insulin, adrenaline, STH (), testosterone and some others (by no means all that affect the anabolic or catabolic processes in the cell) is taken into account.

Muscle Fiber Model

In addition to the formalized view of the cell, the model also uses a simplified view of the structure of a single muscle fiber, or rather its small fragment - a sarcomere. People far from medicine hardly need to delve into the details, but it makes sense to understand the most important thing: the sarcomere contracts and relaxes as a result of "pumping" or "pumping out" calcium ions from it; this process requires ATP; an excess of hydrogen ions can destroy all this ...

[Inside each of the many "pieces" of muscle (sarcomeres) there are actin (thin) and myosin (thick) filaments running parallel to each other. The latter have peculiar bridges or heads (similar to hairs extending from myosin filaments at an angle). In order for the muscle to contract, calcium ions must be "fed" to these bridges. Then, as a result of the interaction of myosin and actin filaments, a fragment of the muscle fiber (sarcomere) will contract. To relax the muscle, on the other hand, calcium ions must be taken away. T-tubules, which are part of a special structure - the sarcoplasmic reticulum, are responsible for the release and return of calcium ions. The latter is able to change the polarization of its membrane, which changes the direction of movement of calcium ions. Repolarization is provided by the so-called calcium pump (by the way, we have quite a lot of all kinds of pumps in our body). Only the pump is not a piece of iron with a piston, but a special protein that easily penetrates the cell membrane. For simplicity, it is called Ca-ATP-ase. From the name, among other things, it follows that the transport of calcium by this protein is also carried out when using ATP as a fuel. The efficiency of the pump can be evidenced by the fact that it is able to "drag" calcium ions against the gradient of their concentration, with a difference in this concentration on the membrane by 1000 times! - Approx. 1-fit.ru ]

So, the muscle is made up of "pieces". Each piece can contract or relax. ATP is required to reduce and even relax it ...

The ATP molecule is quite large and it cannot move quickly through the cell.... If there is not enough ATP in the "working area" of the cell (the readily available supply of ATP is used up), creatine phosphate comes to the rescue. On the one hand, it is able to act as a temporary energy accumulator, quickly restoring ATP reserves in the "working area", on the other hand, it often acts as a transmission link. First, free creatine "captures" energy, turning into creatine phosphate, then the latter gives this energy to the resynthesis of ATP, turning back into creatine.

And then we came up understanding the role of creatine(creatine phosphate). He is himself "Plugs" short-term energy gaps... The more this substance is in the muscles, the larger the "hole" it can plug. And the faster the reversible reaction of the conversion of creatine to creatine phosphate (and vice versa) takes place, the more power the muscle is capable of delivering in transient modes (in the power growth mode, in particular).

Finally, the last important step. The rate of conversion "creatine-creatine phosphate" depends on the amount of enzyme that stimulates this process - myosin ATPase. It is on the basis of the content of this enzyme that muscles are divided into fast and slow fibers.... And this (division into fast and slow) has nothing to do with another division - into "strong" and "hardy" fibers. Endurance depends on the number of mitochondria in the muscle and, accordingly, on the content of mitochondrial enzymes in it. From this point of view, muscle fibers are divided into glycolytic (GMF) and oxidative (OMV). The former get tired quickly, the latter can work tirelessly. Moreover, their strength does not decrease. There are also so-called intermediate fibers (PMF), which is a cross between OMF and GMF.

Thus, it is fundamentally wrong to contrast fast fibers and hardy fibers. The hardy ones can be both fast and slow, and the fast ones can be both hardy and easily fatigued.

However, in fairness it should be noted that low-threshold motor units consist predominantly of OMV and they are most often slow, and high-threshold motor units almost always consist of fast fibers, which are glycolytic in ordinary people(quickly fatigued) and only in well-trained athletes do they have enough mitochondria to belong not to the GMV, but to intermediate fibers (relatively hardy).

Give OMV

As you might guess from the previous presentation, the role of mitochondria in an athlete's body can hardly be overestimated. They give endurance and "devour" lactic acid, provide 18 times more complete utilization of the energy stored in muscle glycogen etc. By and large, the basic concept of Professor Seluyanov, thanks to which he became known to many athletes and coaches, can be described as a first approximation as a rationale for the high role of mitochondria and, accordingly, OMV in any sports associated with the use of muscle work (except for chess, curling, darts and other similar disciplines). This is a gross oversimplification, but from the point of view of amateurs it has a right to exist.

This approach has been criticized from time to time. Basically, it is associated with the understanding that an athlete does not live by single mitochondria. However, the existence of other components of sports training does not at all deny the high importance of this particular work. It remains to figure out how to develop the described muscle structures.

Simple arithmetic

The human body from the point of view of providing muscular activity is quite amenable to modeling. It is described by principles similar to those used in engineering practice: what power is required and what is available, what torque (for example, on the pedals of a bicycle ergometer) muscles can produce, and is this enough in this sport to qualify for at least something .. Almost everything is calculated here!

Power and power parameters, which describe the athlete, are usually divided into short-term, medium-long and long-term. In many sports laboratories, it is easy to determine the maximum short-term () MAM power (this is over the effort given out for a few seconds), the power at the TANM level - (with a duration of one hour), and the aerobic power that we can give out almost indefinitely (conditionally, Certainly).

For each of the three modes it is also not difficult to determine its value (also an important energy indicator) and the heart rate value corresponding to the border of each level. And what, actually, next?

If you are a sprinter, your chances of success can be determined by maximum metrics such as maximum oxygen consumption VO2 max and maximum alactate power. If a marathon runner - for the analysis, it is necessary to evaluate the oxygen consumption at the TANM level and the corresponding power. It is these last indicators that in many ways indicate the composition of the muscles - how many OMV and GMV are in them. The more mitochondria in the muscles, the higher the percentage of OMV in the athlete, and the higher the level of TANM. And the higher this level, the more the generated "long-term" power and the corresponding oxygen consumption (indicator of the power of oxidative processes).

There is no need to take a muscle biopsy to assess the fitness of the athlete and give him recommendations for further training. It is enough to check all its powers and evaluate oxygen consumption in different modes, build graphs and compare them with the test results of other athletes of the same specialization.

There is, however, one caveat. For those who compete on the plain and DO NOT constantly overcome gravity, absolute values ​​in watts (power) and liters per minute (PC) are of paramount importance. For those who go to the terrain or otherwise challenge the laws of gravity (for example, run), it is more important to have relative indicators - referred to body weight. They are respectively measured in watts / kg and l / min / kg.

And then everything is simple (from the point of view of general methodological recommendations). If the maximum alactate power is not enough, “pump up” the muscles. If there is not enough power at the TANM level, oxidize the existing GMW (but first of all PMW) until the limit on their oxidation is reached (for the legs this corresponds to the power on the TANM of 40-45% of the MAM, for the hands - about 30-35%) ... If this limit is reached, you will have to deal with the hypertrophy of the OMV. The professor spoke about the methods of solving all three problems (hypertrophy of the GMV, oxidation of PMV and GMV, hypertrophy of the GMV) at the seminar in pictures and diagrams.

Scheme 1. How to hypertrophy GMV (traditional strength exercises)

How to "pump up" muscles is told in any gym or fitness club (sometimes, unfortunately, that's the only thing they tell). The key points are that you need to recruit muscles deeply (with an effort of 80-90% of the maximum) and work to failure (so that muscle stress occurs). However, everyone knows this anyway. But what not everyone knows is that active rest is required between approaches (walking, light gymnastics or stretching), otherwise the muscles cannot be cleared of lactic acid residues in 5-10 minutes. And what is no less important, the professor recommends repeating hard developmental work on the same muscle not earlier than in a week.

Scheme 2. How to increase the oxidizing ability of PMV and GMV

Here is one of the schemes for working to increase the oxidative potential. What to look for in this case ... First, the short duration of the work. If it is associated with high acidification (power work), then you do not need to keep yourself in an acidified state for more than 10 seconds (but rather less). If this is aerobic-strength work (jumping out of a squat, accelerating into a lift), then the duration of such work is 30-40 seconds, if an aerobic work is performed without strong acidification (smooth running at the TANM level), then it can last up to 2-4 minutes ...

In all cases it is important to let the muscles "breathe"... With short hard work (measured in a few seconds), rest is from 45 seconds to 2 minutes, with work of medium intensity and duration (30-40 seconds), a break for active rest is required for 2-5 minutes, with relatively long loading intervals (2-4 min) actively rest, preferably 5-10 minutes. note that time for active rest is longer than time under stress!

The number of approaches also depends on the nature of the work. If you work for a few seconds, then you can repeat it 30-40 times, if you load for 30-40 seconds, then 10-20 repetitions will be enough, if you work at intervals of 2-4 minutes, then there is no need to do this more than 10 times.

Scheme 3. How to hypertrophy OMV (statodynamics)

The difficulty in "pumping" oxidative fibers is that they do not want to acidify. To get around this obstacle, exercises are performed without relaxation (or with artificial additional tension) and with a limited range of motion. The efforts are NOT great, but if the muscle does not have the ability to deoxidize, then this is enough. To do this, make super-series: "40 seconds work - 40 seconds rest", and so 3-6 times per series. The number of episodes - from 1-3 (supportive work for professionals) to 4-9 (developmental work for professionals). Lovers of 4-9 will be a bit too much, but 3-6 episodes as a developmental work are quite capable. It is important that at the end of each super series it should be hard by the last seconds, and by the end of the last super series there should be a refusal, as a sign of muscle stress.

Building muscle structures

The vast majority of athletes and a significant part of athletes perform only that strength work that leads to hypertrophy of the GMV - muscles that are useful for explosive work, but bad in terms of endurance. In every sport there is an optimum - what should be the diameter of each of the muscles on the body... It is not reasonable to develop the SMOA beyond such an optimum. This will not improve the results, but, on the contrary, worsen (the statement is true for those sports where endurance is required).

The work on hypertrophy of both SMV and OMV requires high-quality muscle stress in its final stage. It is he who ensures the release of hormones into the bloodstream, which are able to start the synthesis of new proteins in the muscles.

Work on the oxidation of muscles (the growth of the mass of mitochondria in them) has a different complexity. Muscle oxidation requires very precise dosing of load and rest... Most people with significant training experience and "hardening" habitually overload themselves, not giving their muscles enough time to rest, or for a long time drive themselves into a regime of high concentrations of lactate. Correct training aimed at the oxidation of PMV and GMV implies only short-term high-effort work, followed by a long active rest. Then the cycle of loading and recovery is repeated. It is important that after removing the load, the pulse quickly drops to values ​​corresponding to the guaranteed aerobic regime, since the development of mitochondria requires their "breathing", and it is possible only with a sufficient amount of oxygen.

Example of training a young athlete (running)

Theory is especially good when proven by practice - right? Viktor Nikolaevich has more than enough practice, including in various (!) High-performance sports. The following example was given at the seminar. A young 17-year-old athlete (jogging) trained for 4 months using a method aimed at oxidizing GMV. The maximum oxygen consumption (VO2 max) did NOT change very much, since this “maximum” was never trained. But oxygen consumption at the TANM level increased by almost 38% in just 4 months... The result is simply phenomenal, because it was done in just one preparatory season, moreover, in winter, when most runners experience a decline in their athletic form.

All types of training activities are shown in the table. What is important to pay attention to in this example ... The athlete ran only 25-35 km per week in four running workouts, being at the level of the CCM in athletics. For an athlete of this level, this training volume is extremely small(based on the classical canons). However ... it worked!

To the described training program and the results shown, an important remark should be made regarding the cross at heart rate = 180. For a young runner of the CCM level (with a body weight of 51 kg), this heart rate value approximately corresponds to the level of ANP (), and may be below this limit (although this is not explicitly indicated). Of course, amateurs, as well as poorly trained and simply middle-aged or older people cannot (!) Be guided by the indicated heart rate value; it would be too much for them. Well-trained people can be guided by their own ANSP level, and those who are not very confident in themselves can work just below their (!) ANSP level.


In addition to the main logical thread of the speech, the seminar touched upon certain minor or secondary issues, which may also seem interesting to many. Since they somewhat fall out of the main logic of the narrative, they are presented here in the form of a scattering of separate theses.

Mitochondrial life span

The life cycle of mitochondria is about 20-30 days. If during this period your mitochondria are well fed, they will grow or retain the mass of enzymes accumulated in them. If you sit back during this period, the mitochondrial mass will be almost completely lost. Therefore, if a person lies down for a long time in a hospital bed, and then begins to walk (after prolonged inactivity), he suffocates even during normal walking. The reason is that once oxidative muscle fibers have become glycolytic. Muscles with a predominance of GMV during work secrete a large amount of lactate, which there is nothing to digest (no mitochondria).

[On the other hand, there is a fact: former athletes are very quickly gaining (or partially recovering) their shape. This indicates a good "memory" of the muscles. Once training begins, mitochondrial mass recovers relatively quickly in those who once had a lot of it. This happens much faster than the creation of mitochondrial mass in those who did not have it in large quantities before. - Approx. 1-fit.ru]

Adrenal hypertrophy

When playing sports, the endocrine system is actively developing, up to the hypertrophy of individual glands. In particular, adrenal hypertrophy may occur. Ordinary doctors (not sports) know about the pathological hypertrophy of the adrenal glands, so seeing this, they can make "terrible" diagnoses. In fact, in athletes, this hypertrophy is of a different nature.

Excess cortisol

Long and frequent training (large training volumes) can form a high concentration of cortisol in the body (change), which depress the endocrine system and causes “endocrine overtraining”.

[Cortisol inhibits protein metabolism and increases protein catabolism, so muscles can collapse during periods of high volumes. And in any case, when trying to develop muscle structures, large training volumes should be avoided by applying periodization. - Approx. 1-fit.ru]

Effects of exercise on the menstrual cycle in women

Heavy training causes hormonal changes in all athletes. Among other things, testosterone levels rise, which in women often leads to the absence of menstruation. This is not a pathology and does not affect fertility. Even after a long sports life, athletes often take a break from sports and give birth to healthy children. Also, a significant decrease in the fat component (drying) leads to the cessation of menstruation. This, too, does not pose long-term threats and is also reversible.

High and low cadence (cadence) in athletes (cyclists) of different levels

Muscle acidification affects athletes with different sports experience in different ways. In particular, the ability of muscles to quickly relax, releasing calcium ions from the myosin-actin bonds, is directly related to the general experience of sports training. In young athletes, the muscles “tan” faster due to the fact that when the muscles are “clogged” with hydrogen ions, they are less relaxed. This circumstance determines the inability of young and poorly trained athletes to work at a high cadence in cycling or to provide a high frequency of repetitions of movement in other types. It is easier and more profitable for experienced athletes to work at a high frequency, while young ones often prefer a lower frequency but more strength. It's really easier for them.

Tendon ends of muscle fibers

Exercise develops both the muscles and their tendon ends. However, the rate of strengthening of the latter is much lower. While it takes about 15 days for the central part of the muscles to adapt to a new, higher level of load, the tendon ends take about three months! This leads to the fact that rapidly progressing athletes often receive ligament injuries, including as a result of the accumulation of microtraumas. In this regard, eccentric loads are especially dangerous (work of muscles with their lengthening, for example, when jumping off an obstacle).

Forms of creatine release

The high importance of creatine phosphate for muscle activity makes its use justified not only in strength sports, but also in endurance sports. The most common oral form of creatine is creatine monohydrate. However, it should be borne in mind that this form of creatine retains water, therefore it increases body weight due to metabolic water. There are other forms of creatine that do not have this effect, but they are more expensive.

Cooling down for strength training

In some types of training (for example, when working on CF hypertrophy), the athlete specifically achieves a high concentration of lactic acid in the tissues. However, even in these cases (when a high concentration of lactate is specially achieved), excessively prolonged exposure to hydrogen ions can lead to negative consequences. To avoid them after training, a hitch is important.

If you do not cool down after heavy muscle work, a complete cleansing of the body of lactate will take about an hour. If you use active rest, that after 5-10 minutes the lactate level drops to a safe level. It must be remembered that with heavy muscular work, the maximum concentration of lactate is often reached NOT during exercise, but soon after the load is removed. This is due to the fact that the process of anaerobic glycolysis continues in the muscles, aimed at replenishing the lost ATP reserves. During the cool down, they maintain light physical activity in a guaranteed aerobic mode.

Speed-strength work in adolescents under the age of 14 (boys)

Up to about 14 years old in boys and up to 12-13 years old in girls, slow muscle fibers (with a low content of myosin-ATPase) prevail in the muscle structure. For this reason, performing speed-strength training before reaching this age usually does not have any noticeable effect on improving the sharpness of work.

Effect of the arterial system on blood pumping

It cannot be said that blood is pumped only by the heart. Arteries play a huge role in pumping blood, which have their own pumps - the contracting walls of blood vessels and valves in them. If the arterial system does not work well, the load on the heart increases and hypertension appears. Working large muscle masses also helps pump blood. The active work of large muscles without "squeezing" them (without a high degree of tension) contributes to a better venous return of blood and an increase in systolic volume (the volume of blood that is pushed out by the heart in one contraction). In this case, we can talk about the participation of large muscles in the hypertrophy of the athlete's heart.

Nutrition for athletes at night

With high daytime physical activity, normal food at night (in the evening) is mandatory - first of all, proteins and, to a lesser extent, carbohydrates. This is necessary to provide an adequate supply of amino acids from which the body can build muscle structures. The most active muscle building occurs precisely at night, so a lack of amino acids in the body can devalue daytime workouts, making it impossible for recovery and adaptation.

The appearance of a too high pulse due to "incontinence" of the heart valve

Under heavy loads, there are often cases when, due to high blood pressure in the aorta (just behind the heart), the heart valve "does not hold" this pressure and opens slightly. In such cases, a noticeable increase in heart rate to very high values ​​may follow.

Different endocrine responses to arm and leg workouts

It is known from experience that in order to improve the power indicators of the arms, they need to be trained about twice as often as the legs. Most likely, this is due to the fact that fewer muscles are concentrated in the hands (by mass) and even hard work causes a much smaller response from the endocrine system - a smaller increase in hormone levels. To "trick" the body, you can add one or two approaches to your legs on hand training days. Muscle stress generated by the legs will cause a higher increase in hormones than could be initiated by the hands, and the effect of this will be extended to all the muscles being trained. In this way, the effectiveness of hand training can be increased.

Work with effort 80% of maximum

To pierce the entire muscle completely, it is not at all necessary to work with an effort of 95-100% of the maximum. Anyway, in one contraction, the entire muscle is never involved in work. All oxidizing fibers and some of the glycolytic fibers work at the same time. The latter, due to rapid fatigue, constantly change each other, working in turn. In order to "pierce" the entire muscle in this way, it is enough to work with about 80% of the maximum effort. As a result of multiple repetitions, after a while, the turn will come to the most difficult to recruit SMOs.

I decided to share this article about health, this is just a part of what I found most interesting. Anyone who wants to delve into the topic can easily find it. In general, it is useful to read, think about how you train and what tasks you set yourself. Since the text is aimed at professional sports, I disagree with something, but for a general understanding, you can ask (I mean anabolics and steroids).

SELUYANOV Victor Nikolaevich (born in 1946) - Graduated from the State Central Order of Lenin, Institute of Physical Culture (1970). Specialist in the field of sports anthropology, physiology, theory of sports training and health-improving physical culture.

Professor. PhD in Biological Sciences (1979). Senior Researcher.

Published more than 100 scientific works, including: the monograph “Biomechanics of the motor apparatus of athletes” (1981, co-author); textbooks “Biomechanical foundations for improving the effectiveness of pedaling technique” (1985, co-author), “Physical training in sports games” (1991, co-author), “Izoton. Fundamentals of the Theory of Wellness Training ”(1995, co-author).

Laureate of the USSR Sports Committee Prize for the best research work in the field of physical culture and sports (1981).

Has a patent “Method for changing the proportion of tissue composition of the entire human body and in its individual segments” (1995).

Developed mathematical models that simulate urgent and long-term adaptation processes in the body of athletes (1995).

Head of the Laboratory of Fundamental Problems of the Theory of Physical and Technical Training of Highly Qualified Athletes of the Russian State Academy of Physical Culture; Professor of the Department of Natural Sciences and Information Technologies of the Russian State Academy of Physical Culture.

Abbreviations and terms used in the article:

MV - muscle fiber (fibers)

MMV - slow muscle fibers

Bmw - fast muscle fibers

OMV - oxidative muscle fibers

GMV - glycolytic muscle fibers

AEP - aerobic threshold

ANP - anaerobic threshold

IPC - maximum oxygen consumption

CF - creatine phosphate

ATF - adenosine triphosphoric acid (the main "energy currency" of the cell)

Myofibrils - the contractile elements of the muscle cell (cylindrical filaments 1 - 2 microns thick, running along from one end of the muscle fiber to the other), are reduced in the presence of ATP.

Mitochondria - cell organelles (elements) in which ATP is synthesized due to oxidative phosphorylation.

Oxidative phosphorylation - the function of cellular respiration, in which ATP is synthesized (occurs in the mitochondria).

Krebs cycle (tricarboxylic acid cycle, citric acid cycle) is a series of chemical reactions occurring in mitochondria and is a common final pathway for the oxidation of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins.

Myocardium - heart muscle

Myocardiocyte - myocardial cell

Central and peripheral aerobic components, their contribution to performance

Now let us consider the dependence of working capacity on the central and peripheral factors (cardiovascular system and muscles). If we consider a specific motor action - a bicycle, skates, athletics (running) or skiing, then we will see that certain muscle groups are involved in each specific exercise. If you count their mass, it turns out that in cycling there is one muscle mass, in athletics there is more, and in skiing even more. The question arises: how much do these muscles consume oxygen? Purely theoretically, it is very easy to calculate: 1 kg of muscle mass, if it is at the limit of readiness, consumes oxygen somewhere around 0.2-0.3 l / min, if all OMV are involved in the work. Then you just need to multiply this figure by the mass that is, provided that it is prepared as much as possible. What do you mean as prepared as possible? Inside this muscle mass, some OMV, myofibrils and mitochondria are in such a ratio that nothing more can be added (myofibrils are all braided by mitochondria, as in the myocardium). And then it turns out that to consume 3 liters of oxygen, you need to have 10 kg of active muscle mass, and if you need to consume 6 liters, it is enough to have only 20 kg of active muscle mass.

Now let's calculate how much oxygen the heart can deliver. If we assume that 1 liter of blood carries 160 ml of oxygen (at a normal level of hemoglobin), then multiplying this amount by the minute volume of blood circulation, we will get the heart's ability to deliver oxygen. In an ordinary person, a man, the stroke volume is about 120-130 ml per one blood ejection. With a pulse rate of 190 beats per minute, we get 190 beats / min * 130 ml * 160 ml = about 4 l / min. Everything is considered to be quite simple. In super-athletes, 240 ml are thrown out in one stroke cycle, which corresponds to 7-8 l / min of oxygen.

We have determined that 20 kg of muscle mass can consume about 6 liters of oxygen per minute. If a skier has a muscle mass of 20 - 25 kg on his feet, and to this add the muscles of the abdomen, back, arms, then we will go beyond the figure of more than 30 kilograms. Let's make an allowance for the fact that not all of this muscle mass will consume oxygen at the limit of its capabilities, and we get that 40 kg of active muscles can consume oxygen about 8 l / min. This is how much the heart must pump in order to fully provide the muscles with oxygen, if these muscles are maximally ready.

Thus, we got two limits. First, it is known from the literature that pumping 8 l / min of oxygen through the body with the help of the heart is a limiting figure, practically no one has this figure. At the same time, 8 l / min of oxygen is consumed by muscles - no one has yet recorded such figures. Usually they consume somewhere 6 l / min, well - 6.5 l / min, the figure of 7 l / min of oxygen almost does not appear.

Testing Oxygen Consumption Levels Can Help Build Exercise Plans

Since performance can be limited by either one or the other, in order to deal with what a particular athlete lacks, he must be tested. For example, we start testing skiers at the national team level, and we get very sad numbers. We fix the indicators of the repeated winner of large Russian marathons (an athlete is in the top ten at the Russian championships every year), and we see: the muscles of the legs consume oxygen only 3.5 l / min at the ANP level - this is the result of about 1 category in cycling. A skier should consume as much with his feet as a cyclist in MSMK, and this is an absolute figure, not per kilogram of weight. (In cycling, this is not important, it is more important there what falls on the frontal area.)

The question is, what is his heart? So, the potential productivity of the heart turns out to be 7 l / min. This means that our athlete has a wonderful heart, a huge heart, he does not need to be specially trained, and the muscles, especially the legs, are very weak, they are in very poor condition, they must be prepared so that they meet international standards.

For this skier to show good results, he needs to consume about 4.5 l / min with his feet. With an indicator of 4.5 l / min, he would have already stood steadily in the team. At the same time, his pulse with an oxygen consumption of 4.5 l / min should not be 190 beats / min, but 150, because there should be a margin on which the hands will work. Well, suppose we get 4.5 l / min in the test at a pulse rate of 150 beats / min, and after that acidification begins, and he refuses to work. Then we say that his legs are in good condition (4.5 l / min is enough for a skier). Then we start testing his hands, and it turns out that his hands consume about 1.5 l / min, they will no longer consume (this is known from our experience). He consumes with his hands 1.5 l / min, we add them to 4.5 l / min of feet, and we get an oxygen consumption of 6 l / min. Then we divide 70 kg by its weight and we get 85 ml / kg / min - this is the level of Olympic achievements.

Next, we figure out what needs to be done with it in order to achieve such indicators. So, the first conclusion: since his heart is large, and can pump oxygen 7 l / min, then this person does not need to roll in. Rolling-in refers to long-term voluminous workouts lasting from 3 to 6-8 hours a day at a relatively low heart rate (100-150 bpm, close to 120). If a person skates for 8 hours a day with such a pulse, the heart will begin to dilate (expand) and can significantly increase in volume. And this person needs to deal primarily with the muscles of the legs - they are the ones that limit his capabilities.

And the other may turn out to be the other way around. Here is the following example for you: another young promising skier, we are testing him, his picture is as follows: the pulse is 190 beats / min and 4.5 l / min is consumed by the legs, but the pulse is 190. That's it, you can't add arms to him, he at the limit, the heart is small, weak. It was just in 2000, when he won a number of races and, as they say, “dripped”. They didn't take him to the national team anymore - his heart doesn't hold. No one knows this, but they feel that the athlete begins to lose, does not hold training loads. The heart is small. Finally, they gave him a rest, threw out all volumetric loads, left only intense, sprint-like ones. The heart gradually recovered, within 4-5 months it became normal, it began to pump its 8 l / min, instead of 4.5 l / min. The oxygen consumption in his hands was almost doubled, and his legs are already good. He both consumed his 4.5 l / min with his feet, but the pulse is not 190 beats / min, but 160, then he adds another hand, and he reaches a pulse of 190, on this pulse you can run 10 km. He had an obvious lack of heart, but the reason was not that the heart was bad, he just had to be allowed to recover so that the dystrophic phenomena would stop and he returned to his normal state.

The heart is not a machine ...

Now let's take a closer look at what happens to the heart. Understand that the heart is not a machine, it is enough to simply irreversibly spoil it by improper training. While exercising, together with the muscles we train the heart, achieving an increase in the minute volume of blood circulation. The heart enlarges, hypertrophies. What can we change inside the heart? The diameter of each individual muscle fiber, and we can change the length of the MV. Accordingly, there are two types heart hypertrophy: L-type, in which the heart muscle is stretched, its muscle fibers are lengthened, thereby increasing the volume of the heart; and D-type, this is transverse hypertrophy, in which the thickness of the heart wall, that is, its strength, increases.

To increase the volume of the heart, long-term training at a pulse corresponding to the maximum stroke volume is used. This indicator is individual. Typically, the stroke volume begins to grow sharply at a pulse of 100, by 120 it increases greatly, in some it grows to a pulse of 150. Long-term training at a maximum stroke volume is, relatively speaking, exercises for "flexibility" for the heart. Muscles drive blood, and the heart begins to stretch with this flow of blood. Traces of such stretching remain, and gradually the heart increases significantly in volume. It can be increased 2 times, and 35-40% is almost guaranteed, since the heart is a "hanging" organ, unlike skeletal muscles, and stretches quite easily. For this, it is necessary to do the rolling-in. But the coaches do not know what they are doing, but say: "We are building up the base." What base? Nobody knows exactly what a "base" is. I myself was the same at one time, I thought the same. Before, I did not understand what was the matter, but I had to create a "base", I rode for 8 hours a day. But in fact it is stretching the heart. The longer it stays in this state, the more traces of this stretching will remain. After all, it can be stretched very much. The famous Belgian cyclist Eddie Merckx, a five-time winner of the Tour de France, is to some extent a benchmark. When he finished his career, his heart volume was 1800 ml (after 10 years it was already about 1200 ml). But even 1200ml is a lot, a normal person has a heart volume of about 600 ml.

D-type hypertrophy is stimulated by work with a pulse close to the maximum - 180 and above. At the same time, in the pauses, the heart does not have time to open completely, does not relax, there is a so-called diastole defect ... Local acidification occurs in the myocardium, which is one of the factors that stimulate the growth of myofibrils in the muscle. If you regularly train with a pulse of 190-200, then you either hypertrophy or dystrophy the myocardium. The correct scheme for interval training is as follows: 60 seconds acceleration of the pulse, and 30 seconds - maintaining the pulse 180, this is a classic German interval training, they showed back in the 70s that myocardial hypertrophy occurs. You need to run at a speed approximately corresponding to a 3000 m run (3000 m is a run with a power that slightly exceeds the power at the IPC level), this is the ultimate 9-minute work.

However, this is a "forbidden path" and can be used with extreme caution. If you do a lot of such training exercises during one training session, and then repeat it only after a week, the heart begins to hypertrophy and there will be no harm. If you do at least one workout more, then that's it, dystrophic processes can begin.

In general, D-hypertrophy is not the main thing for cyclic sports. Yes, such a heart can contract with greater force, push out more blood. But still it has a minimum value, the main factor is dilation. If the heart is elastic and can be stretched, then it accumulates elastic deformation energy. Then, due to this energy, it is greatly reduced, and then it is necessary for the aorta to work. So that she, too, stretched out and slammed shut. Then "two hearts" appear. The heart, as such, and the aorta.

What is myocardial dystrophy and how is it earned? When we sit at rest, then every cell of the heart contracts with strength, because myocardiocytes always work at the limit of their capabilities. As you start to run, the blood begins to rush to the heart (muscles drive blood), the heart begins to stretch, and then it contracts, stretches again, then contracts. And when the pulse reaches 190-200 beats / min, it does not have time to stretch, relax completely. In short, if the pulse rate is 200 beats / min, then the diastole practically disappears. That is, the heart does not have time to relax, as it must be contracted again. As a result, an internal tension of the heart arises, and the blood begins to pass through it poorly, hypoxia begins. And hypoxia means a lack of oxygen, which means that mitochondria stop working, anaerobic glycolysis begins. Lactic acid is produced in the heart. And if this acidification continues for a long time, for example, for hours, then the destruction of mitochondria and other organelles begins. And if this continues for a very long time, then necrosis of individual myocardiocytes, that is, cells of the heart muscle, may occur. This is a microinfarction. Then each such cell must be reborn into connective tissue, and this connective tissue is poorly stretched. It does not contract at all and is a poor conductor of electrical impulses, it only interferes. This phenomenon is called myocardial dystrophy, sports heart ... There is such data - they took the heart of suddenly deceased athletes, looked, and found a huge number of microinfarctions there. This confirms what I have just said.

When can these changes be reversible? Suppose that young athletes at the training camp start chasing old ones. An unprepared athlete, for example, begins to ride with Prokurorov, Prokurorov has a pulse of 140-150 beats / min, and a young one has 190. have myocardial dystrophy. Therefore, such an athlete falls out of the national team, and Prosecutors have been there for 20 years. What's happening? With such a training regime for young athletes, these negative phenomena begin to appear in the heart, power is lost, and, moreover, the endocrine system cannot withstand. A young athlete is in a stressful situation at every workout, which requires the release of a huge amount of hormones into the bloodstream. Therefore, the reserve capacity of the glands of the endocrine system is exhausted. Adrenaline, norepinephrine cease to be released normally, a person is in that stage of stress when exhaustion is observed. Therefore, a person feels weak. And if you continue to drive him, then there will be very severe damage. At the training camp, a person felt bad, he was immediately expelled, and he survives in this way. And if you leave him at the training camp, continue to torture, then you can "drive". If microinfarctions have already started, then this person as an athlete can end up. Unfortunately, this cannot be treated, it is for life ... But if myocardiocytes are on the verge of death, but are still alive, then everything can still be restored. If at this moment you stop training, do not allow exhaustion to develop, give the athlete the opportunity to restore the endocrine system, then there will not be such big changes in the heart either. The heart will gradually begin to recover, since each myocardiocyte is still alive, it will eventually survive and remain normal. And those cells that have received damage, they will simply die.

Myocardial dystrophy can cause sudden death in athletes or sports veterans due to cardiac arrest. In the end, situations happen that in the heart, certain areas cannot relax in any way, oxygen goes badly to individual cells. The accumulated changes in the conducting system lead to a violation of the heart rhythm, and sometimes to cardiac arrest. Most sudden deaths in athletes or people who are into physical education occur at night, not in competition. Anyway, the root cause of this was microinfarctions, which occurred during training sessions, improper training.

How to determine the presence of myocardial dystrophy in a living person? To give a correct interpretation, it is necessary to determine (test) the performance of the heart, and evaluate the physical size of the heart. If a person has a small heart in terms of pumping blood, and on an X-ray we see a large heart, then this is myocardial dystrophy. Such heart problems are quite common. I had such a case. We examined a marathon runner. The data says - a weak heart: he has a pulse of 190 on ANP. To test the assumptions about the size of the heart, he was sent for an ultrasound scan. Passed the examination - a huge heart. Then everything became clear. He has a heart like 2 meter swimmers. And his heart pumps blood ineffectively due to myocardial dystrophy.

Question: - If the muscles signal acidification - they "flow" or hurt, then what, the heart does not signal? - As for the heart, it more or less significantly begins to acidify only after a pulse of 190, when a diastole defect occurs, and, of course, while a person really does not feel any special pains. But if the acidification is very strong, the pulse is about 220 - 240, painful sensations may occur. But I think that the main thing is still the duration of the exercise with a diastole defect. The very duration and even slight acidification will lead to some kind of necrotic changes within individual myocardiocytes. There will be no obvious pain sensations - this is an aerobic muscle, there are many mitochondria, they very quickly absorb hydrogen ions. Therefore, it is difficult to expect that there will be any pain. But when you have myocardial ischemia, and when you have a blood clot, a heart attack begins, these pains arise, this is natural. You won't feel this in training.

Baby heart. Talents are in danger

Now a few words about the problems of training children. The paradox is that it is even easier to ruin a talented child than an ordinary one. A child comes, he has a normal heart, he starts to train from 10-12 years old, and his heart is still normal. Then puberty (puberty) begins, the muscles grow rapidly, and the heart does not have time to grow. If this person is talented, then he has a lot of OMV (slow ones quickly become oxidative, but he does not have fast ones at all), that is, this is a classic stayer, talent. One in a million people. The heart is still small, and the muscles are great. So, such a person can run on the pulse of 200 literally for hours. The heart is small, it acidifies at the same time, is in a state diastole defect , and the muscles do not acidify. 13 years, 14, 15, 16 years pass, myocardial dystrophy is already there, but he is the champion of Russia in track and field athletics, in cross-country skiing ... with myocardial dystrophy. Then he turns 16 - 17 years old, you have to go to the national team, but he doesn't have a normal heart, that's it. And everyone who comes from children's sports schools, they are all disfigured, they have bad hearts. This is how I explain the situation that arose in our track and field athletics. I think it will be the same in skiing. And maybe even worse, because both arms and legs work there. A huge amount of oxygen is needed, all the time the pulse values ​​are huge (170 - 200 beats / min), and they can easily ruin hearts.

Question: - And then what to do? - Pull the rubber band, put the technique, play football. And sometimes, very rarely, participate in the competition once every 2 weeks, once a week, not more often. Then there will be no problem, the results will be good, and the heart will be saved. Gradually, the volume will increase, the heart will catch up with the muscles, and after 15-16 years you can start working with the heart. For example, for 2 - 3 years they perform "rolling in", the heart is stretched, and by the age of 19-20 you can start training mainly muscles (reduce the volume of loads). If a person is talented, nature has awarded him initially with a big heart and good muscles, then by this age it will be a ready MSMK. (to be continued…)


Balance between heart and muscles.

Let's return to the problem of balance using the example of running. Recently, an international cross-country competition was shown on TV. There were two leaders - a thin black man and a muscular one, the muscular one won. The thin ones should theoretically lose everything. But Ethiopians and Kenyans are still winning everything, because they come from the mountains, they have a very high level of hemoglobin, and the heart is not the limiting link. But in fact, crosses, all long distances should be won by a person with muscular legs and a corresponding heart, because he has something to push off with, he has a longer stride. In this case, we are observing a classic version - a guy appeared with a good heart and good large leg muscles. This is the perfect runner from my point of view. And this one thin on the marathon, perhaps, will feel lighter, but the muscular one should still bring him a few minutes if he is properly prepared. That is, if he has little glycolytic extra CF, then he will run just like a thin one, only push more powerfully, which means he will save energy on unnecessary limb movements.

The limits of human capabilities

There are inheritable limits. One of them is the number of cells in the heart that is inherited. One is given a deliberately small heart, and the other is deliberately large. You can, of course, stretch a small heart very much, but if the other has a large heart, then it is difficult to catch up with it in stretching the left ventricle. And here the problem of selection already arises. That is, the hereditary factor greatly affects the highest sporting achievements in skiing.

From the point of view of muscles, there is also an inherited factor. The first is the number of muscle fibers. Muscle growth is due to the internal structures of MV, and not due to an increase in their number

How to increase the performance of the heart, how to stretch it?

Let's reason like this: we need to increase the stroke volume of the heart, say, by 20%. How long do you need to train for this? According to some of our data, it turns out: · If you need to increase by 20%, then you need to train at least 3-4 times a week for 2 hours (on the pulse 120-130 beats / min, at which the maximum stroke volume is reached). · If you need to add 50-60%, then you need to train 2 times a day for 2 hours, at least 3-4 days a week. · To obtain 100% hypertrophy, that is, to make the heart 2 times larger, then very large volumes are already needed. This is every day for 4, 5 hours. · And if you need to make a super athlete, then you need to train for 5-8 hours every day.

Such training should be continued for about 4-5 months. After that, the person will simply have a stretched heart. Moreover, it will be easy enough to maintain this state, but so that the heart remains this way for life, this will not happen. If you stop exercising, your heart will gradually shrink. For former Olympic champions, for 10 years, the heart decreases in volume by 60-80%, although the heart mass remains almost unchanged.

During workouts aimed at increasing the stroke volume of the heart, it is necessary to maintain the strength of the main muscle groups. There are very simple ways to do this. Continuing to train for 5-6 hours a day (it doesn't matter on what - bike, skiing, roller skis, swimming - it doesn't matter), it is imperative to perform static-dynamic exercises for the main muscle groups (preferably at night). Two super series are needed, as we call it, it will be tonic work, and it will keep the muscles. (See below for strength training.) Following this, it is mandatory to take food supplements or anabolic steroids. The best is anabolic steroids in therapeutic doses. They work powerfully and really support health, and this is the most important thing, and the muscles will be good. And if this cannot be done, due to doping control or other reasons, then it is necessary to use those additives that are allowed, various herbal anabolizers. For without this, the muscles will not survive. Muscles will begin to shrink if there is no help. And if the muscles begin to decrease, then there will be a risk of getting heart muscle dystrophy. Because our body is arranged in some strange way: it first protects the brain and heart, and everything else then. Therefore, if the muscles are preserved during such work, then the heart will be 100% preserved.

An increase in the stroke volume of the heart affects the resting pulse, it becomes much less frequent. A normal person has a pulse rate of 66-70 beats / min. When the heart is more or less hypertrophied, the pulse drops to 50-55 beats. And if it is very hypertrophied, it happens for skiers, then 40-42, then it can even walk up to 30 beats / min, there are such cases. If the resting heart rate is 30, then the athlete must have a huge heart.

Muscle pain: lactic acid or ...

Muscle pain often occurs after an athlete has started training after a break of more than 50 days. What does it mean? Contrary to popular belief, this has nothing to do with the formation of lactic acid in muscles. This has been well demonstrated over the past 10 years. Specifically, people were forced to do eccentric exercises, that is, to stretch the muscles. For example, they forced people to run from the mountain. A person escapes 5 - 6 times from a mountain 800 meters long, quite steep. Then he comes to the laboratory, where they take a biopsy from him and see what happens to the muscles. Immediately after training, the muscles do not hurt very much, but under the microscope you can see that there are burst myofibrils, that they just torn. In the following days, continue to take a biopsy. It is observed that what has burst begins to gradually lose its shape, lysosomes are formed nearby, and these remnants begin to destroy. And fragments of molecules have many charges, radicals. Water joins the radicals, it is also polarized, and as a result, the water turns out to be bound, there is not enough water in the cell. Additional water enters, as a result, the cell begins to grow in size, turgor appears. The muscle is as if stuffed. What do athletes call it? Clogged muscles ... In short, the cell membranes are tightly stretched, and the pain receptors sit on the membranes, a person feels pain. And then, within 3-4 days, what is destroyed is finally destroyed, only amino acids remain. The free radicals gradually disappear and the pain starts to go away. The negative effect of this is manifested only in the fact that what is destroyed must be re-created.

The reason for this phenomenon is as follows. In an untrained person, myofibrils of different lengths are present in muscle fibers. There are short ones and there are long ones. Therefore, with eccentric exercises, the short ones break. And if you exercise regularly, then the myofibrils inside the CF become all the same length. Of course, new myofibrils are formed, all different, both short and long. But with regular training, short ones break all the time, so there are few of them, and severe pain no longer arises, it stops altogether. And there is lactic acid, there is no lactic acid - it does not matter. Pain is always the destruction of muscle fibers, or even more terrible: injuries, for example, rupture of muscle fibers.

Pace and strength, their effect on speed. What determines the choice of the optimal pace of movement.

Let me give you an interesting case. Race Tour de France, the penultimate stage - a time trial of more than 50 kilometers (Eurosport showed the entire race). Lance Armstrong is coming. We begin to count the pace. The optimal pace should be 100 revolutions, as soon as the pace exceeds 100 rpm, the athlete begins to spend too much energy on moving his own links (legs), moreover, the dependence will be cubic. Everyone goes 100 rpm, and Armstrong at 130 rpm, almost like on a track (a 1 km race goes at 130 rpm). 50 km so no one in life has traveled, only he alone. Why is that? His legs are not large, and just these 20 kg of muscle mass provide a PC of the order of 6 - 7 l / min. Therefore, there is no acidification, 4 mmol / l on his pulse is 190 beats / min. And at the same time, it consumes 6 - 7 liters of oxygen per ANP. His VO2 max is practically ANP, since he does not acidify, and his maximum heart rate is no more than 190 beats / min. It turns out the following picture: his heart can give oxygen 8 - 9 l / min, legs can consume only 6 l / min at a rate of 100 rpm. If he rides with a pace of 100 revolutions and a bicycle gear like others, then his pulse is kept at 130 - 150 beats / min, and a huge reserve remains. How do you get these muscles to consume more oxygen? It is necessary to increase the rate of rotation of the pedals in order to involve the same muscle groups in the work more often. If there is a reserve for oxygen in the blood, the rate can be increased without increasing the external force, and as a result, more and more oxygen to be taken out of the blood, and keep the rate at 130. Lance Armstrong can do this, but no one else can do it ... Everyone's pulse at a rate of 100 rpm is already about 190 beats / min and they have no reserves. That is, he has such a huge reserve of the heart, a reserve for the delivery of oxygen, that this law (of the optimal rate) is somewhat violated.

There are features of multi-day races. To drive the Tour de France, which is 20 days, and not "die" during the race, you need to drive the whole race at the pulse rate of 100 - 150 beats / min, in this range. If you pass the whole race like this, then everything will be fine. But there are mountains, and these mountains are practically at every stage, and there are a lot of them. A person with poor training, whose heart is weak (meaning stroke volume), will have a pulse rate of 200 bpm on each mountain. Such racers begin to have dystrophic changes in the myocardium, and they do not reach the end of the Tour de France. Therefore, neither Indurain, nor Armstrong, nor the same Marx did not reach their first Tour de France. They reached the second, third race, and started winning the fourth, fifth race. This is the situation. This is all related to the size of the heart. Gradually, the heart gets bigger, bigger, the muscles get better, and they start to win.

The picture can also be presented like this: an athlete sits on a bicycle ergometer, and he is asked to do a test with a stepwise increase in power at a rate of 40 revolutions. And after 4 steps, he will reach an external force of about 50 Newtons on a bicycle ergometer (the average pedal force corresponds to about 75 kgf), and his legs will not push the pedal, he will refuse to work. Or you can do the same thing (keep the set power), but keep the pace at 100 rpm, then you can make 15 steps instead of 5, and the power will, of course, be much higher. In the first case, there will be local fatigue, and in the second, perhaps, it will be possible to reach the maximum working capacity of the heart. Or otherwise. There are oxidative muscle fibers that can exert a force of 20 kgf. And, accordingly, with this force, you can turn at any pace, at least 40, at least 100 revolutions, and not get tired. But at 40 rpm, the power will be, relatively speaking, 150 W, and if the rate is doubled, the power will be, respectively, 300 W. If the mitochondria that sit in the muscles provide 300 W of oxygen consumption, then the athlete will show a good result. Let's say you need to drive at a speed of 40 or 50 km / h. To reach this speed at a rate of 40 rpm, you must press the pedal with a force of 150 kgf (!!!). And if you are driving at a pace of 100 revolutions or even 120 revolutions, then the required effort will be several times less. And all the same, if the required effort exceeds the force that the OMV can provide, then you will have to include glycolytic MB, which will acidify you in 2 - 3 minutes.

Therefore, the meaning of the tactics of the rider when he goes to the start in skiing, cycling, athletics, etc. - to recruit only MWs, and then increase the pace until the aerobic capabilities of these MWs are exhausted. In any case, as soon as the athlete exceeds the repulsive force, begins to recruit the SMO, they willy-nilly will gradually acidify him, and he will stop running fast. The speed will decrease strongly and for a long time, so it is not profitable, you have to run smoothly. The meaning of tactics, the meaning of stride length lies in this - you always push off with the same force, and you increase the pace until you exhaust your aerobic capabilities (if your heart can handle it). Note that a number of glycolytic MVs also work for ANP, but the lactate they form is used as a fuel in OMV.

If an athlete runs with small steps, for example, like the Italian de Solt, what does this mean? He has a huge heart and lack of OMV in sufficient quantities. Another is running, Swann, for example. His technique is different - a rare pace, a powerful push - this means that he has very large muscles, and mainly OMV. And the heart may even be smaller than that of an Italian. Therefore, he has a longer stride and economy due to the fact that he dangles with links (limbs) less. The Italian, on the contrary, does not save energy, his heart is large enough, and he takes it through the growth of the pace. But he has no other way. If his heart were small, he would not show anything at all.

Distance meals

There is no difference between running 1500 meters and running a marathon. There is only one problem - you need to feed. Here an athlete ran, relatively speaking, 10 km - half of the glycogen, which is in the muscles, was spent. The "tag" is running - almost all glycogen is spent. It is definitely not enough for the “thirty”. A normal person has enough carbohydrates for 1 hour 15 minutes - 1 hour 20 minutes. Therefore, along the course there are nutritional points. There will be no nutritional points - the athlete will come to the finish line "dead", namely in a state of hypoglycemia.

It is known that marathon runners have a “37th kilometer” problem. One of the reasons is improper diet - it is difficult to drink when you run, and the pulse is 190 beats / min. It is easy to do on a bicycle, on skis it is easy to do. There is no such problem for a cyclist or a skier. We, cyclists, have established a food culture since the 1920s. They traveled 400 km before the war, 16 hours in the saddle. By what means? Yes, they eat like elephants. For the race, 10,000 kcal are eaten. Eat cutlets, chicken soup, chicken legs, sugar, marmalade, oatmeal cookies. They eat and no problem, they go and go. This problem arises only among illiterate people.

Moreover, when in our laboratory we developed the method of carbohydrate saturation (MCS) (the idea was borrowed from foreigners), we tested it on athletes of different sports. We feed the skiers - great results, we feed the athletes - "die". Why? Because according to this method, you need to spend glycogen 5 days before the start, which means you need to run a distance up to a marathon. In skiing, please, you run your 50 km in training 5 days before the competition, and then you run fifty without any problems even without food, so much glycogen can be accumulated if you train well. If the race lasts 2 - 2.5 hours, glycogen is easily enough. And earlier, when we ran 50 km in 3 hours, it was not enough. Still, it's better to eat. And if marathon runners run 25 - 35 km, then they have "rubbish" from the calf muscle, they "break" it. There are shock mechanical loads, and the calf muscles turn into "dust". And the calf muscle or soleus is the efficiency in running. Therefore, when they run 30 km in training, and after 5 days a marathon, then in the marathon they withstand 20 km, and get up, because they cannot push, the calf muscle hurts wildly, cannot work resiliently, gets tired. Because of this, the EOR did not take root in the athletes, hence the problem of 37 km.

Creatine and other dietary supplements

Does it make sense to take creatine before starting? Creatine and inorganic phosphate are intermediates through which energy is exchanged in the cell. When you take creatine, the metabolic rate in the muscles increases slightly, so in the sprint, the results should definitely increase. Long distance races can grow too, in part because these metabolic machines start spinning faster, unless the heart is the limiting factor.

But the main task of feeding creatine in small doses is to stimulate DNA to produce RNA and ribosomes, to form new myofibrils, because they use creatine as a source of anabolic processes. That is, creatine is used primarily in strength training. The dosage should be about 5 grams. Large dosages are harmful as the liver stops producing its own creatine.

For skiers, even if they do not work for strength, there is a dull job of grinding food, while some systems may simply not withstand and, most likely, the endocrine system will not withstand. If you feed it, help it function, then you can withstand huge, crazy loads. Therefore, skiers are required to take herbal anabolic steroids, necessarily creatine, all kinds of nutritional supplements, otherwise they will simply lose their health. In general, prohibiting the use of medicines used to maintain the health of athletes is an overkill. We got to the point that athletes can no longer be treated.

The paradoxes of anabolic steroids

From my life experience, it was the following: if my thigh girth grows, then I take shape. If the girth of the thigh decreases, I lose my shape. I went to work in this laboratory in 1972, I was 25 - 26 years old. I was in excellent athletic form, and already even guessed what to do - to increase the strength of the legs. And in the laboratory there is a specialist, the best specialist, and no one can work better with a barbell at all. We talked, he explained to me that once a week you need to do developmental work, once a tonic. I started doing this, squatting with a barbell. I started with 140 kg, literally a month later I sat down to 180, and my back had already begun to break. I feel my fitness has grown dramatically. The hip girth has become 61.8 cm, and usually 60-60.5 cm. In addition, there is a specialist who examines anabolic steroids. I consulted, found out that there is Nerobol. I went to the pharmacy. Nerobol is on sale, such a box, I bought it. He told me that it is enough to eat one pill. I take one pill. And in a month I have to compete. Let's go to the competition. Separate start. And that's it. Well, it’s not going… I came home, I’m checking, I have a criterion - the girth of the thigh. I measure - it was almost 62 cm, and became 58 cm. I ate myself for a very simple reason. I ate only porridge, only potatoes, a small piece of sausage and that's it. It turns out that I upset the balance of anabolic hormones. I somehow held on to my own, but when strangers were added, it turned out that I began to eat myself. There was not enough food amino acids for protein synthesis. The heart was in excellent condition, the brain too, and the muscles were gone. And he recovered only a month after stopping the intake of anabolic steroids.

Tempo training. Harm or benefit? Competition lead. Common mistakes.

Since the meaning of a set of sports form is the maximum saturation of muscles with mitochondria, it seems that tempo training is not necessary for this, there are other means. But you still have to use tempo training. The first reason is that when you are preparing for the start, you must restore your technique, feel the speed, feel the pulse, so that later, during the distance, you do not overdo it, do not overdo it. In order not to get stuck in a dead center, in order to better spread the forces along the distance. There is another reason. If the competition is tough, short, then one of the limiting factors is the diaphragm. Now, if you do not train her, do not breathe properly, then she starts to hurt wildly, she also acidifies. So that it does not acidify, it is necessary to arrange at least three or four preliminary competitions so that it breathes out, and mitochondria appear in all of its glycolytic MMVs. There are definitely all slow, but if they do not work, then very much acidify. This is an indirect confirmation of the existence of slow glycolytic MVs. As soon as 2 - 3 competitions have passed, the diaphragm disappears as a factor, and does not prevent you from running at any speed.

That's what tempo training is for. But here psychology and experience of coaching begins to wedge in. We do not know how to quietly and calmly bring ourselves to a certain point. The pre-competition period begins, and you must go at the speeds that you plan for yourself or even higher, that is, you must train with anaerobic glycolysis. Therefore, it is imperative to keep an eye on the ANP. But anything can happen in life: I get sick with the flu, I get injured. It is necessary to adjust the training program all the time. But, firstly, no one really knows how to do this, everyone trains by intuition. Here "it seems to him" ... And secondly, you need to prepare for the competition! And everyone has the same logic, all coaches think this way: "I have to do what I have to do in competitions, or, scientifically, I have to imitate competitive activity."

Therefore, when the pre-competition stage begins, everyone starts running at very high speeds. And if the body is not yet ready for this, they begin to destroy what they have created. If the muscles have not yet been sufficiently worked out, have a lot of GMV, then at high speeds they begin to acidify strongly. And since tempo training involves a significant amount of acidification time, mitochondria begin to break down. For example, marathon runners usually run five 5 km each time they are connected to a competition. And at the end of the 5th kilometer, they feel as bad as the 5K runners. After these 5 km, they are highly acidified. Not only is a marathon runner generally a poor runner, and he certainly has glycolytic CFs. So he will certainly disfigure the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles. These 5 to 5 km will disfigure and disfigure him. And instead of being in shape, he destroyed himself ...



Eduard Ivanov, doctor of the highest category, candidate of medical sciences, amateur skier;

Alexander Vertyshev, programmer, amateur skier.

Ski magazine

(Born 1946) - graduate of the State Central Order of Lenin, Institute of Physical Culture (1970).

Director of the Scientific Laboratory "Information Technologies in Sports" of the National Research University of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.

Professor. PhD in Biological Sciences (1979). Honored Worker of Physical Education. Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education. Specialist in the field of biomechanics, anthropology, physiology, sports theory and health-improving physical culture. The author of many scientific inventions and innovative technologies, the creator of the Isoton © health-improving system, the founder of a new direction in science - sports adaptology, the head of the master's program "Physical culture and health technologies" RSUFKSMiT. Lecturer at the Academy of Coaching of the Russian Football Union. Author of over 300 scientific articles, textbooks and monographs, a number of educational programs. Currently, he is involved in scientific support of national and foreign Olympic and club teams in football, judo, sambo, wrestling, alpine skiing, athletics, speed skating, field hockey and other sports.

Iron World: Hello, Victor Nikolaevich. Tell us how you first got into sports.

Victor Seluyanov: I started to play sports when I was studying at a construction college. The physical education teacher told me that I can succeed either in weightlifting or in cycling and suggested that I choose which one suits me best. Since I had heart problems - a congenital defect, I decided to strengthen it and decided to become a cyclist. True, my heart did not bother me, because I felt no worse than everyone else and was involved in almost all kinds of sports available at the technical school - basketball, volleyball, skiing. There was a good team of cyclists in the technical school, I was attached to them, and from the age of 15, I began to practice. A year later, he fulfilled the standard of the 1st sports category, then the CMS, and then for 5 years he could not fulfill the master standard in any way. And I could not understand the reason. I graduated from the technical school and decided to enter the Institute of Physical Education to learn how to become a master of sports. I entered the evening department, had to work after graduating from technical school, and began to study sports sciences, in the hope of answering this question for myself: HOW TO BECOME A MASTER OF SPORT? As a result, I even wanted to transfer from the evening to the day department and passed 15 subjects as an external student. That is, in fact, he graduated from the Institute of Physical Culture in 2 years. During the training, I trained hard and still managed to achieve my goal. My highest achievement was a victory in a multi-day bicycle race in the Moscow region. This race was called "Lenin's banner". For this victory, I received the coveted title of Master of Sports. Nevertheless, even after graduating from the institute and having completed the master standard, I really could not explain for myself how to become a master of sports and therefore decided to delve into this problem and try to thoroughly understand everything.

JM: Did you study at the cycling department?

Victor Seluyanov: No, the evening department of the pedagogical faculty. While I was studying, I myself was engaged in coaching at the technical school and my road race guys performed decently. Won the Championship of Russia among technical schools. I worked for a couple of years, and then there was a conflict with the new director. He said that my guys need to pass the TRP standards for some workers from the factory. I was indignant and refused. To which he replied: then quit. And I quit. But he was not very upset. Because I understood that if you do not engage in science, then you cannot be a coach. By the way, the young athletes who train with me, all graduated from universities, and my fellow trainers - all the guys were put in jail. I consider my highest coaching and pedagogical achievement of that time that my guys became normal people and did not go into crime.

I will return to my story. So, I decided to take up scientific work. I heard that there is such a well-known scientist V.M.Zatsiorsky, that he has a scientific laboratory, where they study the problems of sports, and that people there who want to engage in sports science are needed.

JM: What year was it then?

Victor Seluyanov: 1972 .. I was 26 years old. I came to the laboratory, I was introduced to V.M. Zatsiorsky, S.K.Sarsania, the head of the department of theory and methodology of physical education A.D. Novikov, and I was taken to the department as a technologist. A year later, I became an engineer in a problem laboratory and passed my Ph.D. exams. I thought to defend myself in pedagogical sciences, but in the end I was assigned a topic that has nothing to do with pedagogy. I had to determine how much a person's body parts weigh and what mass-inertial characteristics they possess. And this is solid biology. As a result, I spent six years creating a radioisotope technique in order to determine how much a living person weighs, and then wrote a dissertation and defended it at the Moscow State University at the Institute of Anthropology. Until now, no one in the world has been able to repeat this work, and our data are unique. The only study in the world conducted on living people in which it is precisely determined how much the hand, forearm, shoulder and other 10 parts of the body of a test person weigh

JM: Are these data used in modern science now?

Victor Seluyanov: Yes, the whole world refers to Zatsiorsky and Seluyanov, and the whole world knows these authors from the point of view of biomechanics. They use either our data or data obtained from corpses, but our data is alive and in this sense is more practical.

Victor Seluyanov: Since I worked in a problem laboratory, over time I became interested not only in biomechanics itself, but also in the problems of training and the problems of managing the training process. But, not relying on pedagogical information, but based on the laws of biology. I had to delve into both the bioenergetics of muscular activity. And it was convenient, because in our laboratory there was a group of N. Volkov, whose employees were well versed in bioenergy. Physiology was represented by the remarkable specialist Ya. M. Kos. One could be at the forefront of science, interested in these problems. The people working in our laboratory were the foremost scientists in the world.

So, I began to study theory and methodology based on the laws of biology. I perfectly understood what sports science is and how it should develop. In order to understand what functional changes are taking place in a person as a whole, it is necessary to model this person, or even better to make a mathematical model out of him, and then, consider all training processes as an interaction between a virtual computer athlete and a coach who is trying to train him. Therefore, we were given such a unique task, and we solved it in the early 90s. We have created a model that simulates urgent adaptation processes and a model that simulates long-term adaptation processes in muscle tissue. in the heart tissue, in the endocrine system and in the immune system. All this was combined into a single whole, and we had a virtual athlete who could be trained. And this work has led to the fact that more than 10 monographs have already been written, where this approach has already been implemented. And not only these mathematical models, but also the practical recommendations that follow from these models. And these practical recommendations fundamentally contradict generally accepted pedagogical views. For example, in order to train a specialist in cyclic sports according to the generally accepted scheme, one must first perform some huge amount of work in order to create general endurance. And according to our ideas, there is NO GENERAL ENDURANCE, and it is necessary to create a muscular apparatus in which there are many myofibrils, and then the person becomes stronger, and around the new myofibrils it is necessary to create mitochondria and then the person becomes more enduring. And at the same time, it is imperative to check whether the heart corresponds to the new muscular apparatus.

As soon as we switched to this approach, we began to get very good results in many sports. We can say that our first significant result was the victory of our players at the 1988 Olympic Games. We were engaged in the physical training of athletes. Further good success with the football team Dynamo Stavropol. In one season, even in one winter, we raised this team from the last place and brought it to the first place. And this team did not make it to the Higher League, because the leadership forbade it to do so, arguing that the stadium in Stavropol is not ready to host tournaments of this level, and there are no funds for its reconstruction. Great contact was established with Gadzhi Muslievich Gadzhiev. Think. we have been of great help to this coach in his preparations for the Olympic Games, where he was one of the coaches of the national team. And when he was the coach of Anji, the team played in the second league. In one season, she moved to the first, and the next year to the Premier League and took 4th place there. Unfortunately, the team was sold out after that ..

JM: As far as I know, your main field of activity is related to cyclic sports athletes. Most of your scientific papers and publications are devoted to cyclists, skiers and runners. How long ago did you pay attention to strength sports and start working in this direction?

Victor Seluyanov: Power sports have always interested me, especially when I first came to the research institute to see Zatsiorsky. LM Raison worked there, he was a weightlifter and could thoroughly explain how to do strength training. Following his recommendations, I increased the squat from 140 kg to 180 kg in a month.

JM: In one month?

Victor Seluyanov: Yes. And, the most amazing thing is that my results in cycling have gone up sharply. Unfortunately, at the same time, our other specialist, S. K. Sarsancia, was engaged in the study of doping, including anabolic steroids, and received impressive results. I consulted with him and decided to try. I bought a pack of nerabol (methandienone) at the pharmacy and took 1 tab for a month. A month later there were competitions and the result was very bad. I couldn't go at all. I came home, I check, I also have a criterion - the girth of the thigh. I measure - it was almost 62 cm, and now it was 58 cm.

JM: Are you on a strict protein-free diet ?!

Victor Seluyanov: Yes, since the salary was small, I only ate potatoes and pasta. Well, a small piece of sausage. It turns out I have upset the balance. I somehow held on to my own, but when strangers were added, it turned out that I began to eat myself. There were not enough amino acids for protein synthesis. The heart was in excellent condition, the brain too, and the muscles were gone. And he recovered only a month after stopping the intake of anabolic steroids.

Since that time, interest in strength training has especially grown, because they gave a cool result in the progress of the cycling race, and the pharmacology technique also gave a cool and very indicative, though negative result, which clearly showed that when taking hormones from outside, proper nutrition is extremely important , and this should not be neglected in any way!

Now we have such a tendency - in any sport, the search for all further directions is built through strength training. Therefore, we are carefully designing these new strength training approaches. They include both the already known methods related to the training of the GMV, and the variants of the training of the GMV, which we ourselves have invented on the basis of our laboratory. And they tested it experimentally and reflected it in a number of Ph.D. theses, proving that it really works.

JM: How often did athletes of strength sports turn to you for help? Which of them was able to achieve decent results in the future?

Victor Seluyanov: While working at RGAFK, students from the weightlifting department came to me. Two of them tried to train with the new setups that were offered to them. As a result, one became a master of sports, the other began to show outstanding achievements in powerlifting. Both of them wrote their theses, then entered the magistracy. The weightlifter, having achieved the title of master of sports, did not strive for big sports. And powerlifter - Alexander Grachev - became the 2nd world champion according to the WPC. At the same time, he used our methodological developments in order to optimize the training process.

Judokas were engaged in our programs: world champions 2001 - Makarov, A. Mikhailin, bronze medalist of the 2004 Olympic Games - D. Nosov; honored masters of sports in sambo D. Maksimov, Martynov, R. Sazonov; msmk on armwrestling A. Antonov. We can mark the world champion among juniors Georgy Funtikov. He came to us for advice, when he was still successfully performing as an athlete, and developed his own training programs based on our developments during the period of his coaching career.

JM: How many PhD theses have been defended by your followers?

Victor Seluyanov: On our problem about 10. One woman is now defending her doctorate in skiing. She is the Paralympic Veteran Champion. By the way, we have a lot of veteran champions. They especially like our approaches to organizing the training process, because you don't need to train much, and the results are very good.

JM: Tell us about your current job.

Victor Seluyanov: Main place of work of MIPT NUL "Information technologies in sports". And we are now trying to actively involve students of our university for the development of mathematical models. which would describe the behavior of the human body in training and competitive conditions. In parallel, we have a laboratory in which we test athletes in various sports in order to assess the level of their form and give direction to training work. We now monitor more than 100 athletes at the national team level and help them achieve health-free results.

JM: Tell us about the equipment used in your laboratory.

Victor Seluyanov: Standard equipment. As well as all over the world. Bicycle ergometers for assessing the functional capabilities of the muscles of the lower and upper extremities. We have electromyographs and force-measuring devices. There are installations for assessing the coordination capabilities of athletes, based on stabiloplotform. We are currently starting to develop methods and methods for studying human movements. We have the appropriate biomechanical equipment for this. For the analysis of a person's functional capabilities, there is good, rather expensive equipment such as gas analyzers, devices for measuring the concentration of lactate, and now there are biochemical devices that can be used to assess the state of the blood of athletes during training and competitions.

We are expanding our range and continue to conduct scientific research using the statistical material we have collected.

JM: Thank you for the interview, Victor Nikolaevich. We hope that you will continue to amaze the scientific world with your new unique developments, and our athletes, using them, will take first places in competitions of any level!

Professor V.N.Seluyanov turned out to be, indeed, right, although I did not believe in it. But first things first.
First of all, who is Professor Seluyanov?
Professor Seluyanov is an authoritative figure in the field of sports training, methodology and adaptology. The rest of his titles are not particularly important to us, they can be easily found on the Internet. The important thing is that it was he who developed a little-known, but very promising method of training called Isoton (if you are not already familiar with this training system, then be sure to read the article).
It would seem, what do a sports professor and health have in common? This is where such an important point is hidden that it is impossible to overestimate its significance.

Many of my articles are based on information obtained from video, audio and articles by Professor Seluyanov. And, probably, the most important information for all of us is that it is possible to completely cleanse blood vessels from cholesterol deposits in 3-4 months. Those. in 12 - 20 workouts, you can add yourself up to 30 years of life! If you don't believe me, read the article How to Live Long.
That is, in a nutshell, many articles on this site are based on the data of Professor Seluyanov, and these data halve the risk of premature death (more than 50% of deaths are due to atherosclerotic diseases).
Sounds great, but is it really? Perhaps Professor Seluyanov is another of the numerous cohort of charlatans? Find out how Professor Seluyanov turned out to be right, and draw your own conclusion.

Where is Professor Seluyanov right?

As I mentioned, I watch videos, listen to audio and read all the articles by V.N.Seluyanov that I can find. Firstly, it is very informative and interesting for me, and secondly, I share the information I received on the pages of this site.
And once I watched a video where prof. Seluyanov gave a lecture at the Polytechnic Museum. It was mainly about sports, methods of training and improving athletic form and results.
Professor Seluyanov said that in any sport they train incorrectly, destroying the health of athletes and not achieving positive results.
He was asked the question: “What about race walking? Our athletes are the best there, almost always receiving Olympic awards. And all thanks to coach Chegin. "
To which Seluyanov replied: “Firstly, there is almost no competition in race walking, except for our athletes. And, secondly, the success is entirely related to pharmaceutical support (in other words, doping). "
I confess that I did not believe him then. Chegin is sung in any TV broadcast. On the basis of the Mordovian center, where Chegin trains, the All-Russian Center for Sports Walking was created with funding from the state budget. Can he feed his athletes with doping? It turned out that it can.
The latest information is related to the very young Olympic champion in London 2012 Elena Lashmanova (at that time she was only 20 years old). And this pretty girl will be disqualified for 2 years for doping.
Perhaps this is the only case of coach Chegin? It turned out to be the 13th! Those. one has no idea how to train sports walkers in an honest way.
Seluyanov was right. And this proves that he is a competent person in his field and knows what he is talking about.
And if so, then all the information received from him, most likely, is also worthy of attention. And if it is correctly applied in the field of health, then you can easily add yourself up to 30 years to life, simply by clearing the vessels of cholesterol deposits.
How to do this, read the articles about Treatment of atherosclerosis, Isoton and Callanetics.
And wait for the next article on what people die from and how to prolong their life.


1 Visiting card Victor Seluyanov: THE HEART IS NOT A MACHINE SELUYANOV Victor Nikolaevich (born in 1946) graduated from the State Central Order of Lenin, Institute of Physical Culture (1970). Specialist in the field of sports anthropology, physiology, theory of sports training and health-improving physical culture. Professor. PhD in Biological Sciences (1979). Senior Researcher. Published more than 100 scientific works, including: the monograph Biomechanics of the motor apparatus of athletes (1981, co-author); textbooks Biomechanical foundations for improving the effectiveness of pedaling technique (1985, co-author), Physical training in sports games (1991, co-author), Izoton. Foundations of the Theory of Wellness Training (1995, co-author). Laureate of the USSR Sports Committee Prize for the best research work in the field of physical culture and sports (1981). Has a patent Method for changing the proportion of the composition of tissues of the whole human body and in its individual segments (1995). Developed mathematical models that simulate urgent and long-term adaptation processes in the body of athletes (1995). Head of the Laboratory of Fundamental Problems of the Theory of Physical and Technical Training of Highly Qualified Athletes of the Russian State Academy of Physical Culture; Professor of the Department of Natural Sciences and Information Technologies of the Russian State Academy of Physical Culture. Abbreviations and terms used in the article: MV muscle fiber (fibers) MMV slow muscle fibers BMW fast muscle fibers OMV oxidative muscle fibers GMV glycolytic muscle fibers AEP aerobic threshold ANP anaerobic threshold MPC maximum oxygen consumption CF - creatine phosphate ATP adenosine triphosphate (basic currency of the cell) Myofibrils are contractile elements of a muscle cell (cylindrical filaments 1-2 microns thick, running along from one end of the muscle fiber to the other), are reduced in the presence of ATP. Mitochondria are cell organelles (elements) in which ATP is synthesized through oxidative phosphorylation. Oxidative phosphorylation is a function of cellular respiration, during which ATP is synthesized (occurs in mitochondria). The Krebs cycle (tricarboxylic acid cycle, citric acid cycle) is a series of chemical reactions that take place in mitochondria and is a common final pathway for the oxidation of carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins. Myocardium cardiac muscle Myocardiocyte myocardial cell

2 On the benefits of online stores Feeling an acute hunger for information, a familiar trainer asked one of us to order several books in the online store. I also ordered some additional books for myself. And, as I understand now, I made the right decision. One of them, "Preparation of a middle distance runner", written by Viktor Nikolaevich Seluyanov, turned out to be a real discovery for me. After that, 5 more copies were bought, which were sold to friends. In addition, articles by the same author in the journal "Athletics" were found on the Internet, successfully supplementing the book with specific examples. First, about what caught my eye right away. Most athletes know what a biopsy is. A piece of muscle is taken from the lateral surface of the thigh, and the ratio of fast and slow fibers is determined using biochemical methods. Those who are dominated by fast fibers are considered to be prone to sprinting, those who have more slow fibers are considered to be a stayer. So, the same can be done with much less "savage" methods, and, in addition, more precisely. The book describes a method for determining the percentage of fast and slow muscle fibers not using a biopsy, but using dynamometry according to the rate of increase in force. Such studies were carried out in Russia and Finland. Only we used a more accurate indicator - the ratio of the slew rate to the force itself. But that's not the fun part yet. The method allows you to painlessly check at least all the muscles of the body. And it turns out that muscles in different parts of the body can have different percentages of fast and slow fibers. For example, in middle races, as a rule, the muscles of the front of the thigh are slow, and the muscles of the back are fast. That is, biopsy data taken from one muscle may not necessarily be valid for another muscle group. Another interesting fact. The book describes the criteria under which muscle growth occurs during exercise. So, it turns out that in order for the muscles to grow, they need to be slightly acidified. And oxidizing fibers cannot be acidified in the usual way. Therefore, usually everyone trains their aerobic capabilities, but strength does not. Statodynamic exercises were proposed, in which the muscles do not completely relax (according to the method of bodybuilders), the capillaries in them are pinched, local hypoxia is created, and even oxidative fibers can be acidified. As a result of such exercises, it is possible to significantly hypertrophy precisely the oxidative muscle fibers, which makes it possible to greatly increase the athlete's aerobic capabilities. For example, in one experiment, a 20% increase in the strength of oxidative muscle fibers gave a 20% increase in oxygen consumption at the ANP level! And therein lies a great reserve for athletes of cyclic sports, especially those whose results stop growing. In addition, if regular strength exercises are used correctly, they raise the overall hormonal background, the glands of the endocrine system increase in size, and health improves. As a result, the athlete uses his own hormones as "natural" anabolic steroids, and in the course of further training at the pre-competition stage can withstand heavy loads. As a programmer, I was also very interested in the computer adaptation models described in the book. By setting the initial parameters of the athlete, various types of load and the duration of rest, one can see how the state of various systems of the athlete's body changes over time. The models quite accurately agree with the experimental data, which allows you to "play" with a virtual athlete and see what happens. Although, as Viktor Nikolaevich himself says, the main purpose of the model is to "kill" a virtual person in order to learn to understand what is happening with the body, so as not to ruin a living athlete later.

3 The book clarified a lot. But at the same time, a huge number of questions arose, mainly on the possibility of using the described techniques in training skiers. A friend of mine also noticed Seluyanov's articles in Athletics for a long time, and also had a lot of questions. As a result, the idea arose to meet with Viktor Nikolaevich and satisfy my curiosity, of course, with an eye to the article in "Skiing". Several meetings with Eduard Ivanov patiently enlightened and answered questions, until, finally, a logical picture began to take shape. The first question we asked was about the difference between runners and skiers, and what techniques from the book can be used by skiers. Here is what Viktor Nikolaevich answered: Runner and skier, what's the difference? First of all, you need to decide what an athlete is and what a skier-racer is. If we consider the processes that unfold inside an athlete, be it a runner or a skier, then for all distances, starting with skiers from 1.5 km (conditionally) and athletes from 1500 m, the energy supply mechanism is the same. Therefore, we must not talk about a skier or a runner, but we must talk about what ensures the achievement of the highest result in middle distance running (in skiing this is a sprint) and at stayer distances. So, it turns out that if you go to another sport altogether - cycling, then starting from a distance of 4 km (approximately equal to 1.5 km for runners), there is no difference. In cycling, the 4 km and the hour race are won by whoever wins the middle distance. This athlete wins all distances without exception. Here you need to take into account that in cycling there is one feature, athletes perform on the plain, on the track, where their own weight does not play any role. Therefore, the one who is strong for 4 km, he is strong in everything. There are great racers like Indurain, Merckx or now Lance Armstrong who win clear advantage at all distances from the pursuit (4 km) and beyond. If he needs to set a world record in an hour race, he will set a world record for 5 km, then 10 km, 20, 25, 50 and an hour race. As a rule, all the greats who ride break all world records, and their average speed practically does not change. It's the same with skaters. There are no climbs, so the picture is the same as for cyclists. If there is Hayden, he wins everything from 500 m to m. In speed skating (as well as in skiing) you don't have to be a sprinter. There are, of course, pure sprinters, but they do not run more than 500 meters, because they acidify so that they cannot show anything at 1000 meters. And Hayden stayer. Our Zhelezovsky is also a stayer, and he ran 500 meters, because he made fewer steps along the distance, he slowly pushed off, but very strongly. And now, when they introduced a tear-off heel, it became even clearer why strength is needed. Results increased by 3-5 seconds because another calf muscle was added. The picture is about the same with skiers if they run on the plain. Although there are differences in the classic and skating courses, the load on the muscles is distributed differently. But in the sprint, since this is a new kind for skiers, it is immediately obvious that someone loses, someone wins, and therefore it seems that there is some kind of specialization. These differences, features, we will try to catch on the example of athletics. Because there it is easier to run legs and run (the rest is not essential). What is a middle distance runner? This is a person who, in terms of aerobic capabilities, is ready as a marathon runner, that is, at the ANP level, he consumes oxygen in absolute terms as much as a marathon runner. But for a marathon runner, when he runs his distance, all the oxidative muscle fibers that he has are turned on, and he has no right to turn on additional muscle fibers. If they are, he is a bad marathon runner, a bad stayer, he has half of the GIW, half of the glycolytic ones, and if he runs with these SMOs, then he carries an extra weight of about 6-8 kg. You cannot turn on these SMOs, it will acidify and get tired, but you can carry them on yourself. That is, a bad marathon runner is an average runner, not

4 has a high running speed of 100 meters, he has a GMW, but they are slow. Therefore, when it is necessary to run 1500 m, he also runs at the expense of oxidative MV, gradually switching on glycolytic ones, and then he has to finish at the expense of BMW, but there are none. Therefore, the one who ran to the finish line with a stock of BMW will win. All runners on 800 and 1500 meters differ in that their quadriceps muscles of the thigh consume a lot of oxygen, there are only OMV, and the back of the thigh has a BMW, and they can also be oxidative. It turns out that they are sprinters on the back of the thigh and can run 20 m on the move in less than 2 seconds (we have such a test), their running speed is like that of real sprinters, but the starting acceleration does not work, because the quadriceps muscle is weak. What is middle distance running? You need to run at a cruising speed, gradually turning on additional muscle fibers, and a meter before the finish line there must be a reserve of MV that can be connected, and they must turn out to be fast. Any other person who does not have this will be able to add speed, but not enough to beat the born "average". Classification of muscle fibers. Change in muscle composition under the influence of training Now let's dwell in more detail on the classification of muscle fibers. The first method is for fast muscle fibers (BMF) and slow muscle fibers (SMF), this classification is based on the enzyme ATPase of myofibrils (contractile elements), the type of which can be fast or slow. Hence the rapidly decreasing and slowly decreasing MVs. The ratio of fast and slow fibers is determined by hereditary information, and we practically cannot change it. The second way is the division of CF into oxidative and glycolytic ones, and they are no longer divided by the myofibril, but by the number of mitochondria (cell structures where oxygen is consumed). If there are mitochondria, then CF are oxidative, few mitochondria or almost no glycolytic. The ability of CF to glycolysis is also inherited and is determined by the amount of glycolytic-type enzymes. But the number of mitochondria changes quite easily under the influence of training. And with an increase in the number of mitochondria, MV, which was glycolytic, becomes oxidative. Unfortunately, there is confusion on this issue. Usually both classifications are mixed. They talk about slow, and mean oxidative, mix glycolytic and fast. In fact, slow ones can also be glycolytic, although this option is not described in the literature. But we know that if a person is in the hospital for the preoperative period, and then also for the postoperative period, then later he cannot get up, cannot walk. The first reason is coordination is impaired, and the second reason is the muscles go away. And most importantly, first of all, mitochondria leave the IIM (their "half-life" of the whole day). If a person has been lying for 50 days, then almost nothing will remain of the mitochondria, CF will turn into slow glycolytic ones, since slow or fast ones are inherited, and mitochondria are created. (Fast CFs can also become oxidative if exercised properly.) Therefore, from the point of view of the training process, this athlete is not interested in the division of MV into slow and fast, this is important at the selection stage. The whole logic of building a training is not in terms of muscle contraction in terms of speed, but is aimed at converting GMVs into oxidative ones. For in this case, we change a specific person. The goal of training in cyclic sports is to build mitochondria. Only mitochondria consume oxygen, which means that athletic form grows as mitochondria accumulate. Take muscle fiber. It has myofibrils, each myofibril is entwined with mitochondria, and more than a certain limit they cannot form, only in one layer, if we conventionally say so. In the end, these CFs accumulate so many mitochondria that they cannot add anything else. IIMs quickly reach the limit of their preparedness, and

5 further, the whole process of growth of a sports form goes through the fact that we convert glycolytic into oxidative ones. (Low-threshold MVs are oxidative because they constantly work at any intensities with the maximum power for them). We stop training or, for example, start low-threshold training, then high-threshold mitochondria lose. The whole point of recruiting a sports form is to recruit mitochondria in the MV of high-threshold motor units, there is no other way. Everyone is doing just that, but thinking about interval training and something else, that is, about formality. And the essence of training is to change the content of muscle fibers, that is, add mitochondria. So you start to train correctly and gain mitochondria more, more and more, the muscles pass from the glycolytic to the oxidative form, that is, with an abundance of mitochondria. And when all muscle fibers become oxidative, this is the limit of sports form, nothing else will work. There is one trick here, though. The fact is that oxidative fibers consume only fats (as long as there is a reserve of fats), and power is lost during fat oxidation. From here it turns out a certain paradox, it is not necessary to do so that the muscles are only oxidative, you need to leave a little glycolytic, otherwise you will run on fats, and the power of functioning on fats is less by about 15%. Then the same muscles will work more powerfully. It is clear that this also applies to skiing. Influence of glycolytic and oxidative muscle fibers on the result So, you start running an average distance, scatter, and go to the threshold of anaerobic metabolism, it just corresponds to the moment when all OMV and even some of the glycolytic ones are functioning. In this case, it turns out that the person goes to cruising speed. If he has only OMV, then he will stably thresh. He cannot add and cannot subtract (subtract, of course, he can, but he does not need this, and he cannot add, because there is nothing to add), he will come running with the same speed to the finish. If exactly the same person runs with him, but who has a reserve of GMO, then he will always add at the finish line. So, it turns out that the average person is a person who has a supply of muscle fibers that he can turn on to work, and is better than fast glycolytic ones, then the finish will be even faster. The same applies to skiers: the one who has a reserve of GMO will win at the finish if the distance is even. But, alas, this does not happen. Let's switch back to a simpler sport, cycling (closer to me). Consider an athlete who has only 15-20% OMV, the rest are glycolytic. On the plain, it picks up a critical speed, exceeds it, and gradually begins to acidify. It takes 5-6 minutes, he hits a dead center, the pulse is outrageous, it is impossible to breathe. The athlete begins to reduce the power, and after 2-3 km he finally reaches the very speed that is needed. Here is a classic version of the development of physiological processes on the plain. And if it is not a plain, but hilly terrain, and the hills are short, such in length that it takes no more than 30 seconds to climb? Then the athlete includes his GMOs into this hill, they are enough for exactly 30 seconds. It flies into the hill, the speed is high, but there is practically no need to work from the descent, the GMOs are restored, then again the ascent, descent, etc. At the same time, he can fly into this rise quickly and powerfully, and another, who has only one oxidizing agent, does not receive such power, will try to play on the descent, but this is very difficult and especially cannot be added. Under these conditions, an athlete who has a lot of SMOs begins to win. Consider two athletes in equal conditions, but the first has larger muscles (more GMW), and the second has smaller muscles. If it's plain, the former is likely to win because it includes glycolytic fibers at the finish. They will travel the same distance along the distance, and at the finish line the first will win with a difference of 1-2 seconds. If hilly terrain, but with short hills, wins the first one with more glycolytic MV, it may win even more, because he will win back 1-2 seconds on each hill, and still

6 will leave faster. But as soon as the slide turns into a one-minute slide, then on the first one it will win back 2 seconds in 30 seconds, the second one is a little behind, and then on the next slide it will bring the second one 10 seconds, because the first SMO will stop working normally, acidify, and the second one has nothing acidifies, it will reach the top at a stable speed and will reach the top. This is where these nuances arise. Now let's switch to skiing. If the sprint is with short climbs, or a long distance with short climbs, the winner will be the one who has a very large supply of SMOs. But in skiing there are almost no short climbs. And as soon as the climbs in duration go away in 30 seconds, everything changes, by the 40th second, the legs begin to hurt great, and by 1 minute, breathing sharply increases, because the SMOs begin to accumulate hydrogen ions, lactic acid, a significant release of carbon dioxide begins, it makes you breathe intensively, pulse over 200 and terrible torment. If you constantly monitor the pulse, repeat it once during the race, then you will not see your opponent (the condition will be extremely difficult). Physiology of muscle contraction. The law of recruiting muscle fibers Let us recall the modern knowledge of the physiology of muscle contraction. Let's start with educational knowledge. The textbook says that there is a process of muscle contraction, and it is provided by some mechanisms of energy supply. The contraction mechanism itself is associated with the consumption of ATP molecules, ATP molecules must be synthesized internally using the CF molecule, and free creatine and free phosphate stimulate the development of either anaerobic glycolysis, or aerobic glycolysis, or fat oxidation. Here is the classic scheme, the modern one, which is now accepted. This refined scheme was proposed by Sachs, our scientist (it works for Chazov), for the myocardium. There is a CF shunt in the scheme, or, in other words, all metabolic and energy pathways, glycolysis and fat oxidation go only through the resynthesis of CF, and already CF goes directly to the resynthesis of ATP. Here is the current teaching knowledge. In accordance with them, if an athlete starts to move in full mode, the reserves of ATP and KF (phosphagens) are spent within about 15 seconds. Then the process should unfold, which is stimulated by free creatine. This is, first of all, the process of anaerobic glycolysis, which lasts one, maybe one and a half minutes, and after that the process of oxidative phosphorylation should unfold, that is, aerobic glycolysis begins. In a normal person, carbohydrate reserves decrease somewhere after minutes, and completely end in 45 minutes. And only when the reserves of carbohydrates in the muscle and glucose in the blood run out, the process associated with the oxidation of fats begins to develop intensively. In the case of movement with medium intensity, with a lack of oxygen in the blood, anaerobic glycolysis develops. This is a classic scheme. But this scheme does not hold water when we move from a test tube or a single muscle fiber level to a muscle as a whole. For a single isolated CF, this is a more or less correct description. But we have not one MV, but many, there are still many muscles and, therefore, we must include these elements in our model. In addition, we have OMV and SMV, we have those CFs that are recruited earlier at a certain intensity: if the intensity changes, then additional muscle fibers are turned on. In short, there is the law of recruiting CF. If all these components are taken into account, then we will build a new model, which consists of the central nervous system, which controls the motor neurons in the spinal cord, and the motor neurons control the muscles. And now, depending on the impulsation that comes from above, first low-threshold motor units are recruited, and then more and more high-threshold ones, when, for example, the repulsive force increases. And in this case, a completely different picture is obtained.

7 For example, you start to move with an effort of 50% of the maximum, the maximum is a sprint (3-7 seconds), and 50% is, relatively speaking, running 1500 m or 3000 m. What will happen in the body? You recruit as many muscle fibers as necessary to maintain speed. Let's say you have 75% OMB. Let's say you've recruited half of all muscle fibers. The recruited OMVs work out 15 seconds at the expense of ATP and CP, then their power begins to drop by about half, and then these OMVs work only in an aerobic mode, and so far they use only fats. Not in 40 minutes, but right now, in the 1st minute, they will work due to the oxidation of fats! Because in OMV mitochondria, when they work, release citrate to the outside, which inhibits (suppresses) glycolysis, so only fats can be oxidized (the chemistry of the oxidation process is described by the Krebs cycle). This means that not even 15 seconds have passed since the fats began to oxidize. And now the power has dropped, and your task is to keep 50% of the maximum. Then you must recruit more muscle fibers. Let's say you recruit an additional 25%, also oxidative ones, only they haven't worked yet, and they work out their first 15 seconds on ATP and CP. It turns out that you run on ATP and KF not 15 seconds, but 30. That is, you ran on ATP for the first recruited CF for 15 seconds, and another 15 seconds for the next, but part of the work is already being done due to aerobic production. These oxidative ones got involved in the work, spent their reserves of ATP and CF, not completely, but in half, but this half is supported by resynthesis, that is, already due to oxidative processes, due to fats. And at a given 50 percent power, you provide somewhere between 30-35 percent through oxidative phosphorylation. With this power, in about seconds you reach the maximum capacity of this muscle in oxygen consumption (it is equal to just 35% of the maximum power that this muscle can develop). This corresponds exactly to ANP. If you draw a curve of oxygen consumption, then you will find a plateau that will correspond to ANP in 40 seconds. Next, the athlete will recruit SMW, but in small portions, based on the power norm that you set. Here he will recruit glycolytic ones within a minute. They, too, first work on ATP and KF, and then due to glycolysis. The included GMW will work for a minute, acidify and reduce the power to almost zero. Therefore, you will have to turn on new SMOs as long as you have a stock of them. If you have a big one, then you can work like this for 3-4 minutes. And the one who does not have a supply of GMO, will begin to reduce the power, and refuse to complete the task. As a result, for those who have a lot of OMV, but few glycolytic ones, the power curve will rise, last for about a minute and a half, and will certainly fall to the ANP level, and it will stay that way for a long time. Anyone who has a larger supply of GMO, all other things being equal, will be able to work longer at high power, and at a certain distance will win. It turns out that a person who has a lot of GMVs, but few oxidative ones, at relatively short distances, say, 1-1.5 minutes, can still win with a supply of glycolytic ones. But the longer the distance, the less important this excess muscle mass (SMM) is. And when the time on the distance goes away, say, in 5 minutes, it turns out that you need to carry the extra weight on yourself. Why specialization appears In cycling on plains, being overweight is not essential. And if it is a mountain, then even in cycling, his own weight begins to play a role, the athlete begins to spend energy on carrying excess muscle mass to lift. Therefore, the longer the distance, the more "harmful" this excess mass, and it is necessary to get rid of it by all means. It's the same in speed skating. Of course, the athlete mainly works against the wind, but you still need to spend a lot of energy to move your body across the track, to keep the posture, namely, to carry your own weight. This means that here weight begins to play a role. Therefore, if a skater is carrying excess muscle mass, it interferes. On the

For 8 distances of 500 and 1000 m, some "extra" mass helps, because the muscles of the arms and trunk also help to do a powerful push. But the longer the distance, the more the "extra" mass gets in the way. Therefore, where there are problems of "extra" weight, and there is some kind of specialization (sprinter - stayer). But sometimes it doesn't matter if the athlete has strong leg muscles with a large proportion of OMB (like Hayden's). As elsewhere, there is a simple model and a complex one. In a complex model, you see, the processes unfold in a different way, and you can even explain why glycolytic fibers are needed. While the distance is relatively short, and if this extra mass does not bother much, then it is very beneficial. The longer the distance and the greater the load associated with overcoming its own weight, the more harmful the excess of GMW becomes. Central and peripheral aerobic components, their contribution to working capacity Now let us consider the dependence of working capacity on the central and peripheral factors (cardiovascular system and muscles). If we consider a specific motor action - a bicycle, skates, athletics (running) or skiing, then we will see that certain muscle groups are involved in each specific exercise. If you count their mass, it turns out that in cycling there is one muscle mass, in athletics there is more, and in skiing even more. The question arises: how much do these muscles consume oxygen? Purely theoretically, it is very easy to calculate: 1 kg of muscle mass, if it is at the limit of readiness, consumes oxygen somewhere around 0.2-0.3 l / min, if all OMV are involved in the work. Then you just need to multiply this figure by the mass that is, provided that it is prepared as much as possible. What do you mean as prepared as possible? Inside this muscle mass, some OMV, myofibrils and mitochondria are in such a ratio that nothing more can be added (myofibrils are all braided by mitochondria, as in the myocardium). And then it turns out that to consume 3 liters of oxygen, you need to have 10 kg of active muscle mass, and if you need to consume 6 liters, it is enough to have only 20 kg of active muscle mass. Now let's calculate how much oxygen the heart can deliver. If we assume that 1 liter of blood carries 160 ml of oxygen (at a normal level of hemoglobin), then multiplying this amount by the minute volume of blood circulation, we will get the heart's ability to deliver oxygen. In an ordinary person, a man, the stroke volume is about ml per one blood ejection. With a pulse rate of 190 beats per minute, we get 190 beats / min * 130 ml * 160 ml = about 4 l / min. Everything is considered to be quite simple. In super-athletes, 240 ml are thrown out in one stroke cycle, which corresponds to 7-8 l / min of oxygen. We have determined that 20 kg of muscle mass can consume about 6 liters of oxygen per minute. If a skier has muscle mass in kg on his legs, and to this add the muscles of the abdomen, back, arms, then we will go beyond the figure of more than 30 kilograms. Let's make an allowance for the fact that not all of this muscle mass will consume oxygen at the limit of its capabilities, and we get that 40 kg of active muscles can consume oxygen about 8 l / min. This is how much the heart must pump in order to fully provide the muscles with oxygen, if these muscles are maximally ready. Thus, we got two limits. The first from the literature it is known that pumping 8 l / min of oxygen through the body with the help of the heart is a limiting figure, practically no one has this figure. At the same time, no one has yet recorded such figures for the muscles to consume 8 l / min of oxygen. Usually they consume somewhere 6 l / min, well - 6.5 l / min, the figure of 7 l / min of oxygen almost does not appear. Testing Oxygen Consumption Levels Can Help Build Exercise Plans

9 Since performance can be limited by either one or the other, in order to deal with what a particular athlete lacks, he must be tested. For example, we start testing skiers at the national team level, and we get very sad numbers. We fix the indicators of the repeated winner of major Russian marathons (an athlete is in the top ten at the Russian championships every year), and we see: the muscles of the legs consume oxygen only 3.5 l / min at the ANP level, this is the result of about 1 category in cycling. A skier should consume as much with his feet as a cyclist in MSMK, and this is an absolute figure, not per kilogram of weight. (In cycling this is not a matter of principle, it is more important there what falls on the frontal area.) The question is, what is his heart? If we take the graph of the step test, then at the initial stage, when only OMV is recruited, there is a certain straight line between the heart rate and power. Then this dependence curve (then the curve is obtained) begins to change somehow. And, as a rule, there is an increase in the rate of increase in heart rate. If we continue the initial segment of the line further, and bring it to pulse 190, then we can predict what would happen to this person if he came to pulse 190, and at the same time he would have only OMV. And then we would determine the potential of the heart to deliver oxygen to the muscles. (You can read more about this in the next issue in the section on interpreting step test data.) So, the potential productivity of the heart turns out to be 7 l / min. This means that our athlete has a wonderful heart, a huge heart, he does not need to be trained specifically, and the muscles, especially the legs, are very weak, they are in very poor condition, they must be prepared so that they meet international standards. For this skier to show good results, he needs to consume about 4.5 l / min with his feet. With an indicator of 4.5 l / min, he would have already stood steadily in the team. At the same time, his pulse with an oxygen consumption of 4.5 l / min should not be 190 beats / min, but 150, because there should be a margin on which the hands will work. Well, suppose we get 4.5 l / min in the test at a pulse rate of 150 beats / min, and after that acidification begins, and he refuses to work. Then we say that his legs are in good condition (4.5 l / min is enough for a skier). Then we start testing his hands, and it turns out that his hands consume about 1.5 l / min, they will no longer consume (this is known from our experience). He consumes with his hands 1.5 l / min, we add them to 4.5 l / min of feet, and we get an oxygen consumption of 6 l / min. Then we divide 70 kg by its weight and we get 85 ml / kg / min this is the level of Olympic achievements. Next, we figure out what needs to be done with it in order to achieve such indicators. So, the first conclusion: since his heart is large, and can pump oxygen 7 l / min, then this person does not need to roll in. Rolling-in refers to long-term voluminous workouts lasting from 3 to 6-8 hours a day at a relatively low heart rate (bpm, close to 120). If a person skates for 8 hours a day with such a pulse, the heart will begin to dilate (expand) and can significantly increase in volume. And this person needs to deal primarily with the muscles of the legs - they are the ones that limit his capabilities. And the other may turn out to be the other way around. Here is the following example for you: another young promising skier, we are testing him, his picture is as follows: the pulse is 190 beats / min and 4.5 l / min consumes with his feet, but the pulse is all, he cannot add his hands, he is at the limit, heart is small, weak. It was just in 2000, when he won a number of races and, as they say, “dripped”. They didn't take him to the national team anymore - his heart doesn't hold. Nobody knows this, but they feel the athlete starts to lose, does not hold training loads. The heart is small. Finally, they gave him a rest, threw out all volumetric loads, left only intense, sprint-like ones. The heart gradually recovered, within 4-5 months it became normal, it began to pump its 8 l / min, instead of 4.5 l / min. The oxygen consumption in his hands was almost doubled, and his legs are already good. He kicks his 4.5 l / min like

He consumed 10, and still does, but the pulse is not 190 beats / min, but 160, then he adds another hand, and he reaches the pulse of 190, on this pulse you can run 10 km. He had an obvious lack of heart, but the reason was not that the heart was bad, he just had to be allowed to recover so that the dystrophic phenomena would stop and he returned to his normal state. The heart is not a machine Now let's dwell in more detail on what happens to the heart. Understand that the heart is not a machine, it is simply enough to irreversibly spoil it by improper training. While exercising, together with the muscles we train the heart, achieving an increase in the minute volume of blood circulation. The heart enlarges, hypertrophies. What can we change inside the heart? The diameter of each individual muscle fiber, and we can change the length of the MV. Accordingly, two types of heart hypertrophy are distinguished: L-type, in which the heart muscle is stretched, its muscle fibers are lengthened, thereby increasing the volume of the heart; and D-type, this is transverse hypertrophy, in which the thickness of the heart wall, that is, its strength, increases. To increase the volume of the heart, long-term training at a pulse corresponding to the maximum stroke volume is used. This indicator is individual. Usually, the stroke volume begins to grow sharply at a pulse rate of 100, by 120 it increases greatly, in some it grows to a pulse rate of 150. Long-term training at a maximum stroke volume is, relatively speaking, exercises for "flexibility" for the heart. Muscles drive blood, and the heart begins to stretch with this flow of blood. Traces of such stretching remain, and gradually the heart increases significantly in volume. It can be increased 2 times, and 35-40% is almost guaranteed, since the heart is a "hanging" organ, unlike skeletal muscles, and stretches quite easily. For this, it is necessary to do the rolling-in. But the coaches do not know what they are doing, but say: "We are building up the base." What base? Nobody knows exactly what a "base" is. I myself was the same at one time, I thought the same. Previously, I did not understand what was the matter, but I had to create a "base", I rode for 8 hours a day. But in fact it is stretching the heart. The longer it stays in this state, the more traces of this stretching will remain. After all, it can be stretched very much. The famous Belgian cyclist Eddie Merckx, five-time winner of the Tour de France, is in some way a benchmark. When he finished his career, his heart volume was 1800 ml (after 10 years it was already about 1200 ml). But even 1200 ml is a lot, a normal person has a heart volume of about 600 ml. D-type hypertrophy is stimulated by work at a heart rate close to the maximum 180 and above. At the same time, the heart in pauses does not have time to open completely, does not relax, there is a so-called diastole defect. Local acidification occurs in the myocardium, which is one of the factors that stimulate the growth of myofibrils in the muscle. If you exercise regularly with a pulse, then you either hypertrophy or dystrophy the myocardium. The correct scheme of interval training is as follows: 60 seconds acceleration of the pulse, and 30 seconds - maintaining the pulse of 180, this is a classic German interval training, they showed back in the 70s that myocardial hypertrophy occurs. You need to run at a speed approximately corresponding to a 3000 m run (3000 m is a run with a power that slightly exceeds the power at the IPC level), this is the ultimate 9-minute work. However, this is a "forbidden path" and can be used with extreme caution. If you do a lot of such training exercises during one training session, and then repeat it only after a week, the heart begins to hypertrophy and there will be no harm. If you do at least one workout more, then that's it, dystrophic processes can begin. In general, D-hypertrophy is not the main thing for cyclic sports. Yes, such a heart can contract with greater force, push out more blood. But still it has minimal

11 value, the main factor is dilation. If the heart is elastic and can be stretched, then it accumulates elastic deformation energy. Then, due to this energy, it is greatly reduced, and then it is necessary for the aorta to work. So that she, too, stretched out and slammed shut. Then "two hearts" appears. The heart, as such, and the aorta. What is myocardial dystrophy and how is it earned? When we sit at rest, then every cell of the heart contracts with strength, because myocardiocytes always work at the limit of their capabilities. As you start to run, the blood begins to rush to the heart (muscles drive blood), the heart begins to stretch, and then it contracts, stretches again, then contracts. And when the pulse reaches beats / min, it does not have time to stretch, relax completely. In short, if the pulse rate is 200 beats / min, then the diastole practically disappears. That is, the heart does not have time to relax, as it must be contracted again. As a result, an internal tension of the heart arises, and the blood begins to pass through it poorly, hypoxia begins. And hypoxia means a lack of oxygen, which means that mitochondria stop working, anaerobic glycolysis begins. Lactic acid is produced in the heart. And if this acidification continues for a long time, for example, for hours, then the destruction of mitochondria and other organelles begins. And if this continues for a very long time, then necrosis of individual myocardiocytes, that is, cells of the heart muscle, may occur. This is a microinfarction. Then each such cell must be reborn into connective tissue, and this connective tissue is poorly stretched. It does not contract at all and is a poor conductor of electrical impulses, it only interferes. This phenomenon is called myocardial dystrophy, sports heart. There is such data - they took the heart of suddenly deceased athletes, looked, and found a huge number of microinfarctions there. This confirms what I have just said. When can these changes be reversible? Suppose that young athletes at the training camp start chasing old ones. An unprepared athlete, for example, starts to ride with Prokurorov, Prokurorov has a pulse / min, and a young one has 190. For Prokurorov, running a distance of 30 km is easier than a steamed turnip, and a young one will run 30 km at a pulse of 190 beats / min and will have myocardial dystrophy. Therefore, such an athlete falls out of the national team, and Prosecutors have been there for 20 years. What's happening? With such a training regime for young athletes, these negative phenomena begin to appear in the heart, power is lost, and, moreover, the endocrine system cannot withstand. A young athlete is in a stressful situation at every workout, which requires the release of a huge amount of hormones into the bloodstream. Therefore, the reserve capacity of the glands of the endocrine system is exhausted. Adrenaline, norepinephrine cease to be released normally, a person is in that stage of stress when exhaustion is observed. Therefore, a person feels weak. And if you continue to drive him, then there will be very severe damage. At the training camp, a person felt bad, he was immediately expelled, and he survives in this way. And if you leave him at the training camp, continue to torture, then you can "drive". If microinfarctions have already started, then this person as an athlete can end up. Unfortunately, this is not cured, it is for life. But if myocardiocytes are on the verge of death, but are still alive, then everything can still be restored. If at this moment you stop training, do not allow exhaustion to develop, give the athlete the opportunity to restore the endocrine system, then there will not be such big changes in the heart either. The heart will gradually begin to recover, since each myocardiocyte is still alive, it will eventually survive and remain normal. And those cells that have received damage, they will simply die. Myocardial dystrophy can cause sudden death in athletes or sports veterans due to cardiac arrest. In the end, situations happen that in the heart, certain areas cannot relax in any way, oxygen goes badly to individual cells. The accumulated changes in the conducting system lead to a violation of the heart rhythm, and sometimes to cardiac arrest. Most sudden deaths in athletes or people who are into physical education occur at night, not in competition. At night

12 they die after the competition. Anyway, the root cause of this was microinfarctions, which occurred during training sessions, improper training. How to determine the presence of myocardial dystrophy in a living person? To give a correct interpretation, it is necessary to determine (test) the performance of the heart, and evaluate the physical size of the heart. If a person has a small heart in terms of pumping blood, and on an X-ray we see a large heart, then this is myocardial dystrophy. Such heart problems are quite common. I had such a case. We examined a marathon runner. The data says - a weak heart: he has a pulse of 190 on ANP. To test the assumptions about the size of the heart, he was sent for an ultrasound scan. A huge heart was examined. Then everything became clear. He has a heart like 2 meter swimmers. And his heart pumps blood ineffectively due to myocardial dystrophy. Question: - If the muscles signal acidification "flow" or hurt, then what, the heart does not signal? - As for the heart, it more or less significantly begins to acidify only after a pulse of 190, when a diastole defect occurs, and, of course, while a person really does not feel any special pains. But if the acidification is very strong, the pulse is of the order, painful sensations may occur. But I think that the main thing is still the duration of the exercise with a diastole defect. The very duration and even slight acidification will lead to some kind of necrotic changes within individual myocardiocytes. There will be no obvious pain sensations, this is an aerobic muscle, there are many mitochondria, they very quickly absorb hydrogen ions. Therefore, it is difficult to expect that there will be any pain. But when you have myocardial ischemia, and when you have a blood clot, a heart attack begins, these pains arise, this is natural. You won't feel this in training. Baby heart. Talents at risk Now a few words about the problems of training children. The paradox is that it is even easier to ruin a talented child than an ordinary one. A child comes, he has a normal heart, he begins to train from age, and his heart is still normal. Then puberty (puberty) begins, the muscles grow rapidly, and the heart does not have time to grow. If this person is talented, then he has a lot of OMV (slow ones quickly become oxidative, but he does not have fast ones at all), that is, this is a classic stayer, talent. One in a million people. The heart is still small, and the muscles are great. So, such a person can run on the pulse of 200 literally for hours. The heart is small, it acidifies at the same time, is in a state of diastole defect, and the muscles do not acidify. 13 years, 14, 15, 16 years pass, myocardial dystrophy is already there, but he is the champion of Russia in athletics, in cross-country skiing with myocardial dystrophy. Then he turns years old, he has to go to the national team, but he doesn't have a normal heart, that's it. Therefore, we have no runners in athletics at all. Because all the guys go through children's sports schools. And so that, like Kuts, he came from the navy and went to run at the age of 21, we don't have such people at all. And everyone who comes from children's sports schools, they are all disfigured, they have bad hearts. This is how I explain the situation that arose in our track and field athletics. I think it will be the same in skiing. And maybe even worse, because both arms and legs work there. Oxygen needs a huge amount, all the time the pulse values ​​are huge (beats / min), and they can easily ruin hearts. Question: - And then what to do? - Pull the rubber band, put the technique, play football. And sometimes, very rarely, participate in the competition once every 2 weeks, once a week, not more often. Then there will be no problem, the results will be good, and the heart will be saved. Gradually, the volume will increase, the heart will catch up with the muscles, and after years you can start working with the heart. For example, for 2-3 years they perform "rolling in", the heart is stretched, and by the age of one you can start training mainly muscles (reduce the volume of loads). If a person is talented, nature has awarded him initially great

13 heart and good muscles, then by this age it will be a ready-made MSMK. (to be continued) Interviewed by: Eduard Ivanov, 34 years old, doctor of the highest category, candidate of medical sciences; Alexander Vertyshev, 39 years old, programmer, amateur skier. The famous Belgian cyclist Eddie Merckx, five-time winner of the Tour de France, is in some way a benchmark. When he finished his career, his heart volume was 1800 ml (after 10 years it was already about 1200 ml). But even 1200 ml is a lot, a normal person has a heart volume of about 600 ml. Skiers, like cyclists and skaters, have practically no specialization. Larisa Lazutina (2) has run equally well both the 5 km race (women's sprint) and the 30 km marathon during her long career. Yulia Chepalova (1) went even further: having won the 30-kilometer marathon in a brilliant manner at the Nagano Olympics, four years later in Salt Lake City, she will become the champion in the 1.5-kilometer sprint. Balance between heart and muscles. PART 2. In the first part of the article, we examined the contribution to the performance of the heart and muscles separately. It has been shown how to calculate the oxygen consumption of the muscles and the performance of the heart in delivering oxygen. Either the heart or muscles can limit the athlete's capabilities. We looked at this using the example of two athletes. One of them had a weak link in the muscles of the legs, the other had a tired heart. Of course, ideally, you need to strive to match the capabilities of the muscles and the heart, balance. Consider Müllegg. According to subjective assessments, he has a marginal balance. Muscle mass over 80 kg, very large muscles in the back, arms, legs, and the heart is very powerful. Judging by the subjective assessment, he runs a distance of 50 km only on OMV, otherwise they do not run 50 km. I come to the conclusion that he has only oxidative CF, practically no glycolytic ones. This means that his pulse beats / min is ANP, he runs on this pulse all the time. Pulmonary ventilation is constant of the order of 140 l / min, which corresponds to just 7-7.5 l / min PC. If we divide this indicator by body weight, then we get ml / min / kg at the ANP level. Therefore, he wins everything from everyone. According to the literature, Olympic champions have an IPC ml / min / kg. Of course, there are other factors to consider. For example, one athlete increased the hemoglobin in the blood, while another could not. Therefore, with the same muscle mass and approximately the same opportunities on the plain, in the middle mountains, the one who does not have enough oxygen in the blood, of course, loses, begins to acidify. Let's return to the problem of balance using the example of running. Recently, an international cross-country competition was shown on TV. There were two leaders - a thin black man and a muscular one, the muscular one won. The thin ones should theoretically lose everything. But Ethiopians and Kenyans are still winning everything, because they come from the mountains, they have a very high level of hemoglobin, and the heart is not the limiting link. But in fact, crosses, all long distances should be won by a person with muscular legs and a corresponding heart, because he has something to push off with, he has a longer stride. In this case, we are observing a classic version - a guy appeared with a good heart and good large leg muscles. This is the perfect runner from my point of view. And this one thin on the marathon, perhaps, will feel lighter, but the muscular one should still bring him a few minutes if he is properly prepared. That is, if he has glycolytic,

14 extra MV will not be enough, then he will run just like a thin one, only pushing more powerfully, which means he will save energy on unnecessary limb movements. So, our goal is a balance between the capabilities of the heart and muscles. To build a training strategy, plans, it is necessary first of all to test, to determine the state of the body's systems. Only in this case it is possible to identify the weak link and take the necessary measures to tighten it. Or determine that the athlete is in balance and plan training to achieve a higher balance. The highly skilled athletes I have tested in the lab tend to have a balance between the performance of the heart and the capacity of the muscles to consume oxygen. It can be assumed that if you take Prokurorov or Ivanov and test them, then they will have a complete balance between the heart and the muscles. And if this is true, then we can say that athletes have almost reached their ceiling, since people who perform such a colossal amount of work as skiers at the level of the national team have heart sizes reaching their genetic limit. And, by and large, such athletes seem to be hopeless. Therefore, in the laboratory, it is necessary to test many athletes, find those who have huge hearts that are capable of pumping 8 liters of oxygen per minute with blood at the limit of their capabilities, select them as the main part of the national team, and bring the muscles under such capabilities of the heart. The balance has been reached, what's next? This is a classic situation for the longtime athletes of the national team. Most of them have a balance between heart and muscles. What to do next? And then you need to either go to the marathon or to the sprint. Old people mostly go to the marathon, they don't know how to do anything else. If you plan to go to the sprint, then you need to build muscle so that there is a margin of what to run on at the finish line (with the formation of oxygen debt). This additional muscle mass must completely deplete oxygen in the blood, and at the same time not very much acidify. Naturally, such a person wins the sprint. These are two common options, which is what is happening now. But in fact, you need to look for reserves in order to expand the heart even further. Skeletal muscle can always be enlarged. I guarantee that anyone can build muscle. Look at the weightlifters - no problem. Therefore, if a balance is achieved, then it is necessary to start with the heart. Because without increasing the size of the left ventricle of the heart, nothing will work. Human Limits There are inherited limits. One of them is the number of cells in the heart that is inherited. One is given a deliberately small heart, and the other is deliberately large. You can, of course, stretch a small heart very much, but if the other has a large heart, then it is difficult to catch up with it in stretching the left ventricle. And here the problem of selection already arises. That is, the hereditary factor greatly affects the highest sporting achievements in skiing. From the point of view of muscles, there is also an inherited factor. The first is the number of muscle fibers. Muscle growth is due to the internal structures of MV, and not due to an increase in their number. (Hyperplasia, that is, an increase in the number of muscle cells, is a very rare occurrence, not exceeding 5%, and even in representatives of strength sports). Secondly, these are the biochemical characteristics of muscle fibers. It has already been proven by everyone that there is an inheritance of the ATPase activity of muscles and the rate of contraction. There is a hypothesis that the enzyme of anaerobic glycolysis, which converts pyruvate to lactate, called the muscle-type LDH, is also inherited. That is, the ability is inherited

15 muscles become glycolytic. And to turn muscle fibers into oxidative ones, you just need to exercise. In this case, another enzyme called LDH of the cardiac type is synthesized. LDH-muscle type and LDH-cardiac type should not just be on par, LDH-cardiac type should be much larger. But for one, the conversion of CF is quick and easy, because he inherited few glycolytic enzymes. And another person got a huge amount of them, and it is very difficult to turn him into an aerobic person. For example, a gifted person can achieve maximum mitochondrial saturation (peak fitness) in about 100 days. And the untalented will take much longer. When you have only 20% of oxidative CF, then the remaining 80% is converted into oxidative, and even fighting against human nature is very difficult. There is also an assumption that heredity largely determines the athlete's ability to withstand the training process without diseases (for example, colds). Someone simply will not be able to complete the required training volumes to realize their potential. More details about the influence of hereditary and environmental factors can be found in the book "Determination of giftedness and the search for talents in sports", which we wrote with MP Shestakov. ("Determination of giftedness and the search for talents in sports." Authors - Shestakov M. P., Seluyanov V. N., Publisher of ZAO "SportAcademPress". You can buy through the online store How to increase the productivity of the heart, how to stretch it? : it is necessary to increase the stroke volume of the heart, say, by 20%. / min, at which the maximum stroke volume is reached.) If you need to add 50-60%, then you need to train 2 times a day for 2 hours, at least 3-4 days a week. 2 times more, then very large volumes are already needed. This is every day for 4, 5 hours. And if you need to do a super athlete, then you need to train for 5-8 hours every day. Such training should be continued for about 4-5 months. After that, the person will just have a stretched heart. tse. Moreover, it will be easy enough to maintain this state, but so that the heart remains this way for life, this will not happen. If you stop exercising, your heart will gradually shrink. For former Olympic champions, for 10 years, the heart decreases in volume by 60-80%, although the heart mass remains almost unchanged. For example, I have such a situation: if I train badly, my stroke volume at the heart rate beats / min is somewhere around 160 ml. After 3 months of training for an hour 3 times a week, I reached the ml level. During workouts aimed at increasing the stroke volume of the heart, it is necessary to maintain the strength of the main muscle groups. There are very simple ways to do this. Continuing to train for 5-6 hours a day (it does not matter on what - a bicycle, skiing, roller skis, swimming - it does not matter), it is imperative to perform static-dynamic exercises for the main muscle groups (preferably at night). Two super series are needed, as we call it, it will be tonic work, and it will keep the muscles. (See below for strength training.) Following this, it is mandatory to take food supplements or anabolic steroids. The best is anabolic steroids in therapeutic doses. They work powerfully and really support health, and this is the most important thing, and the muscles will be good. And if this cannot be done, due to doping control or other reasons, then it is necessary to use those additives that are allowed,

16 different herbal anabolizers. For without this, the muscles will not survive. Muscles will begin to shrink if there is no help. And if the muscles begin to decrease, then there will be a risk of getting heart muscle dystrophy. Because our body is arranged in some strange way: it first protects the brain and heart, and everything else then. Therefore, if the muscles are preserved during such work, then the heart will be 100% preserved. An increase in the stroke volume of the heart affects the resting pulse, it becomes much less frequent. A normal person has a pulse rate per minute. When the heart is more or less hypertrophied, the pulse drops to beats. And if it is very hypertrophied, it happens for skiers, then 40-42, then it can even walk up to 30 beats / min, there are such cases. If the resting heart rate is 30, then the athlete must have a huge heart. Psychology, emotions partially distort this beautiful picture. As soon as you start skating a little, something starts to happen to the heart, the tone of the vagus nerve rises, etc. Therefore, it is not yet stretched, and the resting heart rate decreases. But if a person exercises regularly, then these sympathetic and wandering components do not affect so much. A regularly exercising skier of the MSMK level should have a pulse rate of less than 40. And for all other skiers who ride more or less decently, it should be in the region of 50 ± 5 beats (from 45 to 55). Disadvantages of the traditional system of training cross-country skiers. The bad thing about it is that all skiers train according to the standard pattern. This scheme has been known for thirty years. And for these three decades, everyone has been doing the same thing. We will not consider summer training, they often bring more harm due to the preparation for the summer roller ski competition. Then the rolling-in period begins when they go, for example, to Vorkuta. First collection in the snow. They start skating, doing 2-3 workouts a day, gaining a total amount of riding for 5, 6, 8 hours a day. And so on for 2, 3, 4 months, the more the better. This is the main stage, if the skier does not pass it, then he will fall out of the national team. What are they actually doing? They do not create a base of endurance, they increase, stretch the heart. So what's wrong with that, one wonders? The bad news is that the same means are used for everyone, without detailed consideration of the individual characteristics of athletes. For example, 5 people are traveling together. And if out of these five, during tempo training, one has a pulse of 190 beats / min, and one or two have a pulse of 150 beats / min, then as a result, the one who runs at a pulse of 190 will be "dead" in a month. Myocardial dystrophy will begin, there will be interruptions in the pulse, in the morning there will be a high pulse or it may be rare, but during training there will already be a high pulse. The athlete will be overtrained. And the one who ran on the pulse of 150 beats / min, calmly gains sports form. Then comes the pre-competition period, they begin to increase the volume of high-intensity work. Begin training on the pulse beats / min already for the main team. But this period does not last long, a month, so the heart can hardly, but withstand. Then the competition begins, and the volume decreases. And people can ride for a couple of months without much harm, but some still lose their sports form. In the end, there are some athletes with very big hearts left. And from the point of view of muscles, there is no special preparation at all. The rolling-in period itself leads to the fact that the muscles "disappear". Then, when the pre-competition training begins, the muscles begin to grow a little. And then, if the heart can handle it, the muscles begin to grow during the competition. At this time, work and rest alternate, so the muscles build up a little, and you can get a decent sports form by the end of the season. This is what usually happens. Everything works especially well if athletes take illegal anabolic steroids. Long-term training with the technique closest to competitive activity reduces the size of the "extra" muscles. In this sense, there is a benefit from rolling in. Anything you don't need will go away. Look at the photo of Bjorn Daly - you will see a person who has a narrow specialization. The photo shows the belly of the squares, the hand of the biceps is visible, there is no

17 there is no hypertrophy in the anterior deltoid, a large triceps is visible, and not all, but only one head (long) and lats. This person has nothing special anymore - well, there are still muscles on the back, the shoulder blade must be kept, there are good muscles (the legs are not visible in the photo). Why did the first athlete we considered drop out of the national team (see the beginning of the article in "LS" 21)? He had weak legs. On volumetric loads, he lost his muscles. High-threshold motor units lost mitochondria and became glycolytic. Therefore, even with a slight increase in speed, the athlete begins to acidify. In this case, the heart works at a high pulse. That is, at the expense of the heart, it begins to run, and the heart begins to degenerate. And the reason is that he does not have the necessary skeletal muscles. Everyone knows that different athletes react differently to the same workout. It's not a secret, everyone knows it. However, the training program for the group is tailored for a specific, comfortable type of athlete or a specific model. What should be done? Instead of scoffing at all people in the same way, you have to scoff specifically, individually. That is, you take the whole team, test it, determine who has a great working capacity of the heart, who has a small one. If the heart is small, then either you take medical measures, treat the heart, give it the opportunity to rest. Or you make a decision: a little, because he trained little, never was at the training camp in Vorkuta. Now he must go through at least one 4-month rolling-in period in order to "swing" his heart. And someone does not need to swing the heart anymore, but it is necessary to engage in muscles. With a well-trained heart, volumes are not needed, because the reason for larger volumes is to increase the size of the heart. Nothing happens inside the muscles during such training. All the time, the same muscle fibers are turned on, oxidative, they are at the limit of training, they will never be better from dynamic exercises. These are talented people, they already have a lot of OMV, they are already well-developed, and they torture and torment this part of the muscles. With these, low-threshold motor units, everything is in order, it is necessary to "torment" the uppermost ones. And as soon as you start working on them, you get a high pulse, which means you can get myocardial dystrophy. Everyone knows this, so they do not roll-in on a big pulse. Everyone knows that a person will die. Therefore, there is a problem of training loads for such athletes. Skis should be used in order to restore the technique, for something else, and the main work should be in the gym. They should go to the gym and increase the strength of the muscles of the legs, arms, etc., especially the arms, abdomen. And to work out the muscles by converting high-threshold CF into oxidative ones. How to do it better - a little below. Interpreting step test data. As we said, in order to determine what to do with a particular athlete, it is necessary to test him. The main testing tool is the so-called step test. Based on its results, a lot can be said about the condition of the athlete. The main idea of ​​the test is to perform work with stepwise increasing power to failure. The duration of each step (operation with fixed power) should be, for example, 2 minutes. In this case, a new state appears at the end of the step, and the heart rate indicators will correspond to the specified power. In laboratory conditions, the test is carried out on a bicycle ergometer, in the stadium it is a run with a stepwise increasing speed. The number of "steps" is up to 20. In laboratory conditions, it is possible to simultaneously measure pulmonary ventilation or the level of lactate in the blood. Combined with heart rate data, any of these metrics will help establish AEP and ANP levels.

18 Based on the test results, a graph is drawn, the vertical axis is the heart rate values, the horizontal axis is the power (or speed). Now we will see how such graphs can be interpreted. As the load increases, the heart rate will change as follows. While OMV is being recruited and, accordingly, only fats are consumed, the respiratory coefficient is very low - 0.7-0.75. That is, more oxygen is consumed, and less carbon dioxide is emitted. Accordingly, there is almost no excess carbon dioxide in the blood, only that which is formed during the oxidation of fats. And since the concentration of carbon dioxide is low, then there is no requirement for breathing, the athlete breathes calmly and, accordingly, the heart is not stimulated to work. When only OMV is recruited, there is a straight line between heart rate and power in this area on the graph. When the power increases and the athlete begins to recruit the SMV, muscles and blood begin to acidify, and the pulse immediately begins to rise faster, the graph curve goes up sharply. This moment corresponds to the inflection point (see Fig. 1, point A). This point usually corresponds to AEP. This picture is observed in poorly trained people (on the graph it is a red solid line). Figure 1. For a trained athlete who has a lot of OMBs, the typical schedule will look different (see Fig. 1, solid green line). His initial straight line graph will continue until the pulse of the order, and then even begin to bend to the right of the straight line. Above, the heart rate simply does not grow. Why is this happening? Because the athlete has a lot of OMV, the muscle acidification that begins in the remaining glycolytic MB is too little. The cardiovascular system already has too much excitement due to the fact that a lot of work is being done, the muscles are contracting with very great force. And the heart simply does not react to such weak acidification. Therefore, recruiting additional motor units does not lead to an increase in heart rate. The inflection point on such a graph (see Fig. 1, point B) is often called the Conconi point, and is associated with AN. In fact, the Conconi effect has no connection with ANP and, unfortunately, entered the practice of sports without any reason. The fact is that Konconi conducted his research on qualified runners, whose training was at the level of CCM and MS. What is an MS level runner is a person who has undeveloped muscles, and ANP is practically equal to the VO2 max. Therefore, as soon as he turned on all his OMV, and he has very few glycolytic ones, the heart is no longer excited, the pulse is at the same time beats / min. In order for the heart to go to the pulse, you need to acidify a person very much, and these people cannot acidify. Their heart stops increasing their heart rate, they work out two more steps and say: "that's it, I refuse to work, the muscles don't pull." And athletes with a good heart and untrained muscles do not have the Konconi effect, they do not have such a phenomenon. In athletes who have a lot of GMW, the heart rate begins to rise up, there are no fractures or dips downward. In 80% of athletes, the Konconi effect is observed, and the Konconi point even coincides with AN, and in 20% either it is absent at all, or there is no coincidence. Due to the fact that there is no Conconi effect on the test graph of an unprepared athlete, but there is ANP, the phenomenon is not reproduced, which means that the reasons on which this phenomenon is theoretically based are absent. The logic is this: if there is the Conconi effect, that is, ANP, there is 4 mmol / l of lactate. Where is it here? In general, there is no break, everything only goes up (see Fig. 1, red solid line). Hence the conclusion: the Conconi effect does not exist in nature, there is a certain Konconi who saw something, called it by his name, attributed a relationship that does not exist in nature. The downward bending phenomenon is especially pronounced among veteran athletes. Veteran skiers, when pedaling a bicycle, generally cannot reach a high pulse. They are

19 exercise regularly, they have big hearts, and their legs are decrepit, they exercise relatively little. The heart in this case is good, if you made it big, it will remain so. If you stop exercising, it can "shrink", but it is enough to do a few workouts and it becomes big again. We begin to test such a skier, he starts pedaling, turns, turns, reaches a pulse of 150 beats / min, and says: "That's it, I can't." “How can you not? Pulse only 150! " "I can not. I can’t push the pedal down, the tempo drops, I can’t keep the tempo. ” He has a huge heart that can supply oxygen, but his muscles cannot take it because they have run out of uncorrected CF. Imagine, at first the muscle was large, consumed a lot of oxygen, then the athlete became old, the muscle atrophied, and cannot take oxygen more than 2 liters per minute. Therefore, as soon as it goes to the general PC about 3-4 liters everything, all the MVs have already turned on, and the pulse is still low. Hence this amazing event. When he refuses, he subjectively presses the pedal very hard, but in general, everything is in order. There is no acidification, because he regularly trains, regularly includes CF in the work, supporting the mitochondria. But in order to maintain muscle mass, one must either do special strength exercises, but he does not do them, or be young, when a lot of hormones and muscles grow by themselves. If you are already old (50-60 years old), the muscles no longer grow, they become smaller and smaller. Of course, the given examples of graphs are not limited to their variety. In a real test, the fractures on the curve can be in either direction. Sometimes there are up to 4 fractures on the chart. In order to interpret the test data correctly, it is necessary, first of all, to determine the pulmonary ventilation. It is almost impossible to determine the ANP by the pulse. Additional information should be obtained either in the form of pulmonary ventilation or lactate concentration. The first fracture (AEP) coincides with the pulmonary ventilation fracture. But the second fracture in pulmonary ventilation corresponds to the anaerobic threshold, 4 mmol / l of lactate in the blood. In most cases, they are the same. What conclusions can be drawn by analyzing the step test graphs? The first is to determine the potential of the heart to deliver oxygen to the muscles. If only OMV is recruited, and at the same time power and pulse are recorded, then there is a certain straight line between pulse and power. If we neglect the subsequent change in the curve of the graph, and continue further in a straight line to a pulse of 190 beats / min (see. Fig. 1, dashed red line), then one can predict what would happen to this person if he came to a pulse of 190, and at the same time he would have only OMV. And then we would be able to determine the potential of the heart to deliver oxygen. Determination of the potential of the heart according to the step test graphs is quite correct. After reaching the maximum, the stroke volume of the heart stabilizes, and begins to fall only at the stage of diastole defect. That is, at a very high pulse rate, much higher ANP. Therefore, it is possible to extrapolate up to a pulse of 190 (if it is not the maximum). Typically, the maximum heart rate in skiing is beats per minute. And this is, in general, a low pulse. Why can't there be more pulse? Because athletes of the highest qualification, who are in very good sports form, have ANP at the level of 80-90% of the IPC. And so there is no incentive to increase the heart rate too much, and it is just beats per minute. Rarely, especially for skiers, there will be 200. Therefore, they run close to their limit, that is, just above ANP. This is a completely normal phenomenon, and there is nothing wrong with that. But there is such a psychological moment: poorly trained athletes run at a very high heart rate 210, maybe even 220 beats per minute. They don't understand that they need to run at a lower heart rate. Purely psychologically, they are tuned in to the fact that they need to give all their strength, which is why they choose a not very rational regime. As we said above, according to the nature of the curve, one can assess the state of the muscles, the ratio of OMV and GMV. Comparison of graphs of tests made at different times can also tell a lot. The increase in fitness changes the picture. The nature of the changes shows the growth of which

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