Is it possible to swing triceps breasts. How should you train small muscle groups? Next, we will perform two exercises in the simulator.

We came to the first time gym what are we doing from the beginning? We go to the dumbbells and swing the biceps. With a lot of weight, no matter in what technique, the most important thing is to overcome the weight, because the biceps is the most important thing in our business: from this, both legs and back grow, and everything else. We took a little more weight and start pumping up. You can swing, you can twist with a brush. Swinging biceps is the most important thing in our business ...

This is how many guys start their classes in the gym. But, unfortunately, everything is a little more complicated, to put it mildly. Today we will show you how to do it right in the gym.

Day 1: chest and triceps

Hello everyone. Vladimir Suchkov and Sergey Yugay are with you. And today we are starting a series of programs under the general title "Split for beginners", where we will tell you exactly what you need to do in the hall at the beginning of your journey.

Very often, the guys come to the gym and do not know - where, in fact, to start? There is a lot of information on the Internet, a lot of good advisers, and the brain gets a little blurry.

We have deliberately chosen a very common three-day split scheme. On the first day we will have chest and triceps, on the second day we will have back and biceps, and on the third day we will have legs and deltas. Based on this very common scheme, we will show combinations of exercises and correct technique performing these exercises. Newbies often make mistakes, and today we will help you avoid these mistakes.

At the beginning of the workout, we definitely do a warm-up for a few minutes: general joint gymnastics, we warm up muscles, joints and ligaments so as not to be injured. It is highly advisable to perform simple rotational movements on the main joints at the beginning of the workout.

So, friends, today is day number one. We do chest and triceps. We deliberately chose simple exercises, because we know that in small cities there is no abundance of simulators, blocks, newfangled hummers. And in general, there is no need to look for something complicated, where everything is already simple. At the first stages of the training, everything has already been checked and tested a thousand times.

Volodya, I think you also leaned on the bench press at the beginning of the journey?
- Undoubtedly, the first exercise was always the bench press. More weight and exactly the bench press.

At the age of 14, of course, I also did this. It seemed to me that this is the most important exercise for pectoral muscles... I loved the bench press very much, we always set records in it.

Bench press
At the beginning, we lie down so that the bar is on the line of the eyes, so that it is convenient to remove and put it down, and so that we do not touch the supports. I emphasize that we need 4 pivots. These points of support are always stationary: feet, pelvis, shoulder blades and the back of the head. No matter how hard it is at the end of the working set, these 4 points of support remain motionless.

A very common mistake for beginners is that the leg protrudes slightly forward. I remind you that we bend the leg at the knee and push it against the floor so that the angle between the thigh and lower leg is no more than 90 °.

We bent over onto a small bridge, clung to the booty and clung to the shoulder blades. You can tighten your glutes a little and tighten your shoulder blades. This bridge - the distance between the lower back and the bench - we firmly maintain.

We take such a grip, so that at the lowest point our forearm was vertical to the floor. In the initial position, the arms are slightly bent at the elbow, and also at the top point - the arm at the elbow remains slightly bent.

Slowly we put the barbell in the middle of the chest (roughly speaking, on the nipple line). I draw your attention to the fact that the descent is always very slow. We squeeze out with an exhalation, and at the top point the arm remains slightly bent at the elbow. On inhalation, slowly downward, slightly faster upward with exhalation. The first time you can pause at the top point for half a second-second.

2-3-4 warm-up sets are performed, and then the so-called work sets are performed. Working sets 3-4, we focus on the size of the working weight. You need to pick up the weight so that in working sets there are at least 8 and no more than 12 repetitions. If you can't cleanly execute 8 times, the weight you choose is still a lot for you. If you can safely do it, 15 times or more, you can slightly increase the weight.

We do 3-4 working sets for 8-12 reps. Not less than 8 and not more than 12.

We chose the grip so that at the lowest point the forearm is vertical to the floor so that the force is perpendicular - for this, in fact, the forearm and hand are held vertically.

A very common mistake among beginner children is an overestimated weight of weights. I don't want to seem like a weakling, I want to take on more weight. Because of this, the technique suffers: at the end of the working set, the active phase slows down. Let me remind you that the active phase - squeezing the barbell - should be the same throughout the entire set. Both the first and 12 repetitions are performed at the same speed. If the active phase slows down, then the selected weight is too large for you.

And another very common mistake is the separation of the pelvis at the end of the working set. Already for the last 2-3-4 repetitions, the priest comes off and ... that's it. There is already a jerk and jerk push-up. This is no good, it’s just a teapot technique. No matter how hard it is, all 4 points of support, including the pelvis, are motionless until the end of the working set.

Bench press on incline bench
The second exercise of our complex is incline press barbells or bench press lying on an incline bench. Everything is the same, all the same points of support, we are holding motionless in the same way. Exactly the same grip width. The difference is that we do not lower the barbell to the middle of the chest, but to the very top, until it touches the collarbone. Exactly the same slow descent, while inhaling we sank and touched the collarbone, smoothly sprung, accelerated on the rise. At the top point, the arm is slightly bent at the elbow, and there is a smooth pressing movement. We try to bend on the bridge and raise our chest as high as possible. We lower the barbell, and the chest, as it were, pulls towards the barbell. Gently push the elbows while inhaling, stretching the chest muscles.

From the very beginning of your workouts, try not just to lift weights, but to work your muscles. If you just lift weights, your weight will increase. If you work with muscles, muscles will grow.

Here, 3-4 working sets are exactly the same, also by 8-12 times. We choose the weight so that we can do at least 8, but more than 12 repetitions can be avoided. Try to choose a weight so that 11-12 reps are already quite heavy.

A very common mistake for beginners in pressing movements is ignoring the negative phase at the end of the working set and a very long pause at the top point. This is again due to heavy weight burdens. No matter how hard it is, we try to use such a working technique so that you work with your muscles until the end of the working set.

Slowly lower for at least 3 seconds, squeeze for 1 second. But no matter how hard it is, keep working smoothly. Between sets, do not forget to stretch for the fastest muscle recovery, and so that the muscles do not become ensnared.

Oblique routing
The third chest exercise is oblique routing... Choosing a bench with an angle of inclination somewhere from 30 ° to 40 °, we perform the so-called breeding on an incline bench.

Unlike the bench press, this is a more circular motion. At the top point, the arm is slightly bent at the elbow, while almost straight. AND roundabout the hand goes down. We push the elbow, but the fist continues to look up. Thus, we tighten the chest muscle even more than with the bench press.

We accelerate in the active phase and in a circular motion we return to starting position... As soon as the chest muscles relax at the top point, we begin to move down again.

The same 4 points of support, in the same way we sagged onto the bridge. We try to more purposefully strain the pectorals, this is an isolating movement for the pectoral muscles. We turn off everything else and work only with the chest.

We get one straight line. The dumbbells, hand, elbow and shoulder should be in line.

A fairly common mistake is when the arms go back, the elbow goes forward. So we can injure ourselves and ulnar ligament, and shoulder joint... One straight line must be observed, and the hands move along this straight line. Our goal is to stretch the chest muscles at the lowest point while inhaling.

Another mistake is too much pronation and supination of the hand, when at the bottom point we turn the hand very strongly outward and at the top point we twist it in the other direction. Here it is completely irrelevant. Our goal is to stretch the pectorals, which is why the brush can turn a little, but not much.

Here 1-2 warm-up sets are performed, and then 3 workers are performed. This is an insulating movement and the weight is taken lightly. The number of repetitions we have is slightly higher - from 12 to 15.

French press
We turn to triceps. We will also have 3 exercises for triceps, the main of which will be the so-called French bench press.
It is advisable to take curved neck, if there is no curved, then you can take a straight line. But if your gym has a so-called EZ-neck, it is naturally advisable to use it.

We undertake narrow grip, slightly narrower than shoulder width. Initially, our hands will not be vertical to the floor, but at a slight backward tilt. The elbows remain motionless in this position. With fixed elbows, we bend the arm at the elbow, lowering the barbell just below the forehead, to where the hair begins. We very slowly lower and stretch the triceps while inhaling. With an exhalation, we bring the barbell to its original position. At the top point, the arm remains slightly bent at the elbow. The pause at the top is minimal.

In the same way, there are 4 points of support, in the same way everything is completely motionless, except for the elbow joints. Slowly inhale downward, slightly faster exhale upward. Lowering seconds 3, squeezing - 1 second.

The elbows are completely motionless so that the load comes only on the triceps. We start, again, with the smallest weight, maybe with an empty bar. The load on the elbows is very high, so we also definitely do 1-2 warm-up sets, then we set the working weight so that we can perform 12 repetitions in pure technique. And we carry out 3 working sets.

If your gym suddenly does not have a good bench, it is permissible to do the French bench press even while lying on the floor. They took a rug, put on small discs so that they would not touch the floor. And you yourself take the barbell from the floor from behind your head, perform it, and then carefully put it on the floor.

And if you don't have a reliable partner nearby so that he would give you the barbell and then pick it up, again, it is permissible to independently throw the barbell up from the hips so as not to pull it off the floor, it is somehow very difficult not to bring it back to its original position. Put the barbell on your hips, take the grip you need and, gently falling over, bend your leg at the knee, bring the barbell to its original position, and that's it, the movement starts. After that, you bend your arm at the elbow and then very gently return the bar to your hips. Then they put them on the floor.

If the weight of the weights grows slowly, and it will be difficult to take the barbell off the floor, it will be a little more convenient to throw from the hips.

Extension of the arm from behind the head with a dumbbell while sitting

The second triceps exercise is a seated dumbbell extension of the arm from behind the head. It is advisable to sit in front of the mirror in order to see yourself, to control the movement. The body and back were fixed motionless. At the top, the arm is vertical, maybe there is a slight tilt. The most important thing is to keep the elbow motionless.

Very slowly we lower it behind the head, stretch the triceps. At the lowest point, we try to stretch the triceps. After that, we squeeze the dumbbell with effort, but the elbow remains motionless. You can do 1 warm-up set, and then 3 workers are done for 12 reps.

We lower the dumbbell just behind the head, and not on the head, that is, we slightly move the shoulder joint back a little and lower it so that the hand does not touch the head. At the lowest point, we stretched out well, the arm bent at the elbow. We squeeze the dumbbell firmly, actually touching it on the trapezoid. We squeeze out with effort.

And you can still see a mistake in which the second hand is also behind our head, that is, you are reducing a significant part of the amplitude with your own hand.

It also happens that they begin to hold the elbow, holding the other hand also behind the head. If you want to hold your elbow, you can bring your other hand out in front of your face, but not behind your head, because you yourself will completely limit the amplitude. It will be impossible to lower the arm low, the triceps will not stretch.

We keep our left hand motionless below or simply hug ourselves by the ribs. It was fixed, and that's it, we only move right hand lowering it low enough.

Extension of arms on top block standing up
And the third exercise for triceps and the last for today is the extension of the arms on the upper block while standing. We come close enough to the simulator so that during movement the cable almost touches our nose. We don't go far. They slightly tilted the body forward and, bending over, took the pelvis back a little so that when straightening the arms, they did not touch the hips.

We pressed our elbows to the sides, fixed them motionless, and from this starting position we straighten our arms vertically down. At the top point, we raise our arms just above parallel, also slightly stretching the triceps. At the bottom point, we straighten our arms vertically downward, and press on the triceps on the raised wrist.

Here we introduce the term "peak contraction". We tense the muscles at the lowest point with a conscious effort. Again, we have a slow negative phase, we lift up very slowly, leaving the elbows completely motionless. And at the bottom point there is no reversal-twist, the hands are clenched tightly, including the little fingers. We straighten the arm vertically and, raising the wrist, strain the triceps for a second.

On inhalation, slowly upward, at the exit a little faster downward, accelerate in the active phase. We brake only when the arm is fully extended and the triceps contracts. Be sure to strain the triceps at the lowest point with a conscious effort.

The triceps muscles are already flexed with us, and therefore only 1 warm-up set is performed, followed by 3-4 working 12 to 15 repetitions.

This exercise shows enough common mistake- slowdown of the active phase. Very often we see that everyone starts very well, they try to do it technically. But due to the fact that the weight of the burden is too large, either the elbows begin to move - the elbows begin to walk, or the wrists begin to diverge, the wrist begins to wrap, when it is not raised at the lowest point, it begins to wrap somewhere to the sides. It turns out that at the beginning we do it very well, technically, and at the end we get a hold on, and everything that is possible begins to walk. The active phase itself is very slow - it goes up quickly, and it reaches down with trembling of hands, with effort, and so on.

If you cannot cleanly perform 15 times, reduce the working weight and continue to do it cleanly so that there is exactly the same speed of lowering the weight, so that the weight goes to the bottom point equally quickly. And the first repetition for me is like this, and 15 for me is exactly the same.

I keep my elbows completely motionless, and at the bottom point, I strain the triceps with an exhalation for a second. If the wrists are wrapped, if the elbows are walking, it means that the weight of the burden has been chosen incorrectly. To work on correct technique! If we do not get where we need to, the meaning is lost, the muscles will not receive enough load, they do not receive an incentive for growth.

Triceps, like chest muscles, we stretch in the same way between sets for quick recovery.

So, we finished for today, completed 6 exercises, did day 1, day 2 awaits us: back and biceps. Volodya, how are you feeling?
- I'm terribly tired, my chest is filled with blood, my arms practically do not bend.
- It is very important that you, as soon as possible, come to the same sensations that the target muscle group at the end is filled with blood. So that there is a feeling that the chest is swollen, the back becomes voluminous, that the deltas ache, when you have finished performing, your hands also become stone. You feel that the muscle is filled with blood. This is also an important enough nuance for the muscles to start growing faster.

Taking this opportunity, I would like to say hello to Artem Mikhailyuk and all the guys from the Atlant gym in Stary Oskol today. I'm keeping an eye on you!

For today we have finished our lesson, put the likes and subscribe to the Muscles.RF channel. Volodya, thank you so much for today's lesson, it is always joyful and pleasant when there is a competent assistant who will show all the technique, and I can only talk about the theory.

Until next time, I hope we will see you soon on Muscles.RF channel.
Bye everyone!

It was very common to see athletes trying to train chest and triceps on the same day. In my opinion, this split is not optimal, does not have any advantages and significantly reduces the effectiveness of the training in general. In this article I will try to explain and justify this.

Why can't chest and triceps be trained on the same day?

The basis of any effective strength traininghigh intensity exercise. Exactly high intensity workouts make our muscles grow and increase their strength potential. Accordingly, swinging the chest and triceps, we must intensively load each of these muscle groups... By training them in one day, this cannot be done.

The fact is that anyone also loads the triceps. However, this load is not intense and sufficient for the triceps, but it significantly tires them, making them unprepared for high-intensity work after chest training. No, of course you will carry out such a program, but only its first part will be effective. For example, if you start by pumping your chest, and then move on to triceps, your pectoral muscles will get enough load, your triceps less than they could get. If you start with the triceps and end with the chest, then in this case the triceps will receive a sufficient load, and the intensity of the training of the pectoral muscles will significantly decrease.

Optimal chest and triceps workout

For optimal training of these muscle groups, it is recommended to swing them on different days, using any of the proposed split-schemes. These combinations will significantly increase the training intensity of each muscle group without prejudice to each other.

What to combine chest workout with?

  • Chest + Biceps
  • Chest + Back

What to combine triceps training with?

  • Triceps + Biceps
  • Triceps + Back

Try any of the offered triceps and pectoral split patterns and you will immediately feel their benefits and better results in training these muscle groups.

Now bodybuilding and other strength sports have become quite popular, which are aimed at increasing strength indicators. This trend is clearly positive, although most beginners cannot properly distribute the load and either suffer from excessive zeal, or, conversely, do a limited amount of exercise. Both of them, as a rule, make other mistakes, namely, improper exercise and incorrect selection. If we talk about the initial goals of beginners, then most of them want breasts as well, which is quite logical. After all, it is these muscles, strong and pumped up, that immediately catch the eye.

But in pursuit of developed muscles hands, beginners often concentrate their attention on despite the fact that the triceps give the main massiveness to the arm. They don't do important triceps exercises like the French bench press and others, let alone the importance of pumping all muscle groups with basic exercises. But if there is no base, there are no pumped-up arms and chest. So it is worth paying attention to the technique of performing basic exercises for the pectoral muscles, because most beginners do not take into account how to do the bench press correctly.

Speaking about the direct work of the muscles, in particular, the triceps bundle ( triceps arms) and chest, it should be noted that they usually work in combination when performing exercises such as bench press, spreading, push-ups (including on the uneven bars), etc. Therefore, an increase in the bench press, that is, the number of repetitions and lifted mass is achieved by additional isolated pumping of the triceps. For it, you need to apply in a complex various exercises... But the French bench press plays a special role.

The technique for performing the latter is as follows. First, you need to choose the right barbell and equip it with a weight that can be lifted at least 10 times. As for the barbell, we can say that it is better and more convenient - EZ-like, but you can do without it. Secondly, you need to lie down in the starting position (horizontal), while it is important that the feet rest firmly on the floor. Further, straightening your arms with the bar up, you need to smoothly bend them in the forehead area (preferably a little further) so that an angle of about 45 degrees forms at the elbow, stopping the bar about five centimeters from the forehead. From this position, we straighten our arms to the limit (90 degrees at the elbow), resulting in a repetition. Thus, it is necessary to do the whole set, the number of repetitions in which, as already mentioned, is 10 times or more, depending on the training program and the time allotted for training when the French bench press is done.

It must also be remembered that some exercises do not need to be applied for a long time in the same complex, avoiding "stagnation" in the progress of strength and muscle growth. In addition, French when included in training programs for more than three months may cause damage elbow joint... When applying large weights in this exercise, insurance is required, as well as fixation (wrapping) of the elbows with bandages. However, despite the possible troubles, the French bench press has clear advantages as one of the main strength exercises for pumping triceps, especially its long bundle.

The integral rules of "pitching" are also proper nutrition, drawing up an individual and the most rational training plan. It should include basic exercises- such as bench press, pull-up on the bar. It is also important to rationally plan your rest and sleep time. Only if you follow all the rules and complete dedication can you count on both the pumping of the muscles of the arms and chest, and the general set muscle mass.

Our body is made up of many muscle groups. In the training process, they are divided into main and auxiliary ones. The main ones are the chest, back, shoulders, legs, arms and abs. Each of them contains a large number of auxiliary muscles, which are included in the work together with the large muscles.

Professional bodybuilders can afford to devote one day to training one core group to work it out and achieve maximum proportionality in order to show themselves in all their glory in competition. As you can imagine, the pros train almost every day. For beginners or gym enthusiasts, daily workout will not be of any use, since the body of an ordinary person will not have time to recover from a workout, which can lead to negative results... In addition, people who are engaged in bodybuilding at an amateur level have many everyday worries, such as work, study, etc. Because of this, a person is simply not able to fully devote himself to training. While the pros live by bodybuilding, this is their main income and because of this, athletes go to the gym as to work.

For you to understand, professional bodybuilders resort to the use of pharmacological support in order to recover faster, improve anabolic processes in the body, etc. Therefore, they go to the gym every day, without harm to themselves.

In order to achieve maximum effect from training, you need to break the training of the main muscle groups into separate days. However, this raises the question - which muscles to train together and how to combine them? Today, the three-day split is the most common among both beginner and experienced athletes. That is, you split your workout into three days, let's say Monday, Wednesday and Friday. It is ideal to build muscle as quickly as possible and fully repair muscle. A little later, when you are more experienced, you can break your workout into four days, setting aside one day, for example, to train your arms or shoulders. For more information on how to correctly draw up a training program, see here.

There are several options, based on which you can understand which muscles to train together. Here is one of the most common examples today:

Example # 1

This is a fairly widely used option, in which everything is quite simple and logical. Look, we take the main muscle groups and divide them into three days: day 1 - chest; day 2 - back; day 3 - legs. After that, we add the smaller muscles, which are directly involved in the training of the main muscle, with the exception of the combination of the legs and shoulders. For example, take the same chest workout, which is based on repulsive exercises. That is, take the same bench press or dumbbell press and so on. All of them provide for repulsion (squeezing) of weight from the chest, and as we know, triceps is responsible for this function in the muscles of the arm. So he is directly involved in chest training.

The same goes for the back and biceps. If in training the chest, we push (squeeze) the weight away from ourselves, then in training on the back, we attract the weight to ourselves, and, as you know, not only the back muscles are responsible for this movement, but also the biceps, which helps to attract weight and increase the amplitude movement.

As for the third day of training, the shoulders are not involved in leg training, but this is the only day that can be allocated for high-quality pumping of the deltas. As you know, deltas consist of a front, middle and back beam, if you want to build up your shoulders, you need to train them together, in one day.

Thus, combining training in this way, we rather well pre-fatigue the secondary muscles, and then work them out qualitatively.

Example No. 2

The second option is less common, however, it also has its fans. Many people believe that training the main muscle and the secondary muscle, which is directly involved in the movement, such as the chest and triceps, back and biceps, is at least stupid, since having previously tired the secondary muscle (biceps or triceps), we will no longer be able to pump them normally ... In principle, for some people this is quite relevant. Remember that everyone different organism, and everyone can react differently to a particular type of training, so you can experiment and try both sets to determine for yourself which one is right for you. In addition, the program still needs to be changed at least once every 1-2 months.


Many believe that antagonist training is most effective for building muscle, and it really is. Similar training involves working out two antagonist muscles in one day. These are the muscles that are parallel to each other, that is, the back - chest, biceps - triceps, hamstrings - quadriceps. You can read more about training antagonist muscles here.

An example of a similar training plan

While training according to this plan, I can say that this is a pretty good way out if you need to change the program, try something new. This complex is suitable for fairly experienced athletes, as it requires a lot of energy and strength to recover, and it is better for a beginner to train according to the first or second example.

Personally, I advise you to train according to the plan below. He absorbed a little from the antagonist training and from the first standard plan. It can be used by experienced athletes with at least 1 year of experience.

Gym workout plan


In this version, you can combine all the muscles at the same time, only in a certain sequence. If you are a beginner athlete, you can take advantage of a workout that includes working out all major muscle groups in one session. As you remember, at the beginning of the article we said that for beginner athletes, the best option is to split the workout into splits, that is, train each major muscle group separately. When it comes to training the whole body, this is a fairly energy-intensive plan, however, if you approach the process wisely, you can balance your activities.

Training the whole body is needed in order to prepare a novice athlete, namely his muscles, for a further increase in loads, that is, to tighten the overall physical fitness... The workout itself does not consist of twenty exercises, as you might think, it includes basic exercises, thanks to which we will be able to pump and engage in the process the main, secondary and various auxiliary muscle groups. The workout does not take long if you train intensively, without half an hour of rest and hack. You can see more details about training the whole body here, and you can find a vivid example of such a plan in this article -.


Now you know which muscle groups can be combined and trained together. If you are a beginner athlete, the 3 day split workout we covered at the beginning of this article, as well as a full body workout program, is for you. If you are an experienced athlete, you can combine antagonist muscle training to diversify your training plan.


For people leading active image life and taking care of themselves, the newest training system was developed, thanks to which, it turns out, to pay attention to each muscle group and for short time achieve the desired results.

Three-day split- the latest development of training technique, thanks to it, it turns out, to combine all muscle groups so that the athlete in one set of exercises has time to use every muscle of his body. Thanks to this, they are grouped in time and begin to work. The main thing, the right approach in such a case, and then the work of each muscle group will be built in the correct way. To achieve this kind of results, you need to work hard and do two simple conditions: pay attention to small and large muscle groups throughout the workout, and learn how to combine these muscle groups so that these same muscles become antagonists. The most correct methods of training would be to combine muscle groups such as chest and biceps, back and triceps, and legs with shoulders.

The result of such a well-organized training day will not be long in coming! Indeed, first of all, the basic conditions of such training (which are described above) will be fulfilled. During the first training day, the athlete pays attention to the chest and biceps, in this case, the chest acts as a large muscle group that makes it follow, and the biceps - a small group that follows the superior one. The largest muscle group of muscles went to the legs of a person, and the shoulders remain to perform their main function only when walking or when an athlete is pushing up from the floor on his hands or standing on a horizontal bar. And no matter how strange it sounds, in this case, the shoulders are a large small muscle group, and thanks to leg training, special hormones are released into the human body, which is why many recommend training the shoulders and legs together. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that a large muscle group should always be started to train at the very beginning of a workout, and a small one - at the end.

Plenty of time for rest and recovery - such a significant plus is that the interval between workouts of large muscle groups is quite large. Approximately it lasts about a week, it helps to gain strength and get in shape not only for novice athletes, but also for professionals. More experienced athletes can independently distribute the level of load and divide the training into several levels: light, medium and heavy. This helps the athlete to strengthen absolutely all large muscle groups and bring closer the moment of their super compensation before each start of a new training day. Then one should not think that the chest can be trained on the same principle as the legs. It will be necessary to divide the exercises with legs into light, medium and heavy, and for the chest, select only light and heavy levels of stress. To achieve supercompensation of all muscle groups, you need to be very careful during training, and the athlete will need to keep his own training diary, in which it will be possible to note all the techniques that are used during training and which muscle groups are trained on a particular day. Keeping a diary will help to monitor the gradual achievement of results, and, if necessary, correct the training process.

Compilation schedule training days suitable for any athlete - this advantage was described above. Now the emphasis is on what all these differences are connected with. It all lies in the fact that during training, muscle mass increases, and naturally, it will already need a significantly long time to recover. Principle - if a muscle becomes large, then more time is needed for its recovery! The recovery process for the muscle is necessary because with each workout, the athlete plans to increase the load on his muscles, this is the only correct solution to make the human body hypertrophy muscle mass. If there is no constant increase in loads, then the body will consider it necessary not to increase the volume of muscle tissue, and the process will stand still. In order to be able to increase the weight on the barbell each time, the athlete must train at the very moment of supercompensation. note , if attempts to increase the athlete's load are crowned with success, then this scheme works great. There are no special schemes that would not work, you just need to use them intelligently at a certain time, and you should only think about changing the training process if the previous training option does not allow the athlete to grow further.

Small muscle groups should be trained twice a day.- such a distribution is obtained as a result of a special grouping of muscle tissues during a split (it was written about above). There is no doubt that when an athlete trains the chest muscles, then the entire load will spread to the triceps, and if the back receives the load, then the biceps will also train. Indeed, it is as a result of training large muscle groups that the triceps and biceps are rewarded with a superficial load, this helps to create conditions for their micro periodization. It is best to train all large muscle groups only once a week, this is very suitable for those athletes who are just starting training, since they still do not know how to correctly distribute the load on all muscle groups, but only change the degree of load. As a result, the training scheme gets lost, the results are achieved slowly and the athlete remains dissatisfied and puzzled.

Significant disadvantages of this type of training.

Does not provide the required specialization- such a disadvantage is associated with the reduced number of exercises, as a result of which it is difficult for an athlete to allocate time to train a certain muscle group. There is no doubt that the muscles will respond and work better if the athlete focuses only on certain muscle groups throughout the session. This is closely related to disabilities human body as for the direct receipts of all necessary elements and endocrine system... It is most likely that, first of all, the human body will restore large muscle groups, which is why the shoulders are best trained together with the legs, since they are the largest and smallest muscle group at the same time. Well, if you decide to train your legs along with the biceps, it may happen that your strength simply runs out. When an athlete has a lot of experience, it can also happen that the resources for training small muscle groups may not be enough, then it is best to postpone this lesson for the next day or week.

Not enough deadlift space- such an awkwardness is that the training of the back muscles is divided into two main parts - this is the training of the long muscles and the training broad muscles back. If you start to engage in both muscles of the back at once, then you will not see any result. The right way out in such a situation, it will be to organize a joint training, at the end of which it will be desirable to do the main deadlift. Deadlift is the most difficult and effective exercise for joints, but often there is not enough strength for it. If you start developing at the very beginning of your workout long muscles, then during the exercise of the broad muscles of the spine, they will receive a very large load, since tired long muscles cannot withstand the entire load on themselves. Therefore, for such an intense and hard workout, you need to carve out a separate day.

What can replace this kind of load?

The first way- in the process of this type of training, the athlete needs to do a joint training of the chest and triceps, back and biceps muscles, leaving only the load on the legs and shoulders from the previous proposed method. The basis of such training is purposeful work only with large muscle groups, and for small muscle groups they are accepted only at the end of the session with special isolating exercises. The advantage is that he devotes the bulk of his strength only to the development and training of large muscle groups, which will make it possible to better develop and increase total mass muscles. One drawback is that little attention is paid to the hands during such training.

Second way- the proposed type of such training makes the main emphasis on training hands. In the process of such exercises, the athlete does a joint workout of the legs and chest, back and shoulders, and one free training day is left, which is completely devoted to exercises for the arms. The advantage of such training is that all exercises are aimed at strengthening the athlete's upper body, since during exercises for the legs and chest, all the loads performed are performed only in order to improve the work of the endocrine system. As a result, this type of activity will help to develop and progress without problems only in better side... This is because the athlete devotes a very large amount of time to arm exercises. As a result, after a while, the arms will gain good muscle mass. This workout is suitable for those who have already gained muscle mass well and are ready to further development... The only drawback is that now almost no attention will be paid to the legs.

The third way is a joint exercise of the following muscle groups: chest and shoulders, legs and biceps, back and triceps. The best results from such training can be achieved while lying down. In this case, the shoulders are sacrificed, and if you focus on the legs, then the biceps are immobilized. But, despite this, such workouts make it possible to devote a lot of time to the legs and at the same time maintain the tone of the biceps. So it contributes to the recovery of the delta for each next workout, which will be aimed at the chest. But when the workout reaches the legs and shoulders, the front delta may hinder the athlete's development in the bench a little. The most striking advantages were not found with such training. But, despite this, such a scheme can be used by those who want to pump up their legs and strengthen the muscles of the chest.

Three-day split aims to increase muscle mass during intense physical activity. Greatest results can be achieved if you use such a scheme systematically and follow all the necessary rules. Such training will help the athlete gain a sufficiently large muscle mass, but in order not to lose it, you need to train hard, otherwise the body itself may decide to burn the very necessary for it muscle fibers... For better quality and speed dial muscle mass will better adhere to a special diet - the diet of bodybuilders. It contributes to the creation of an excess of calories, which is the main source of the anabolic process. The main thing is to understand the fact that taking proteins, vitamins and regular nutrition will not help you come to desired result... Excess is needed to gain muscle mass nutrients, which are actively involved in the formation of new muscle tissue, as well as regular training and physical activity.

The main thing in successful training is a correctly organized training system, correct load regimes, as well as a long rest to recuperate. Therefore, it is so often recommended to use in the process of training the basic split the most basic and, and only later start to include in training process isolation exercises. This happens when the basic ones are not enough to gain muscle mass. The minimum rest between sets is about a minute. This pace of exercise will better stimulate muscle tissue hypertrophy. You also need to know that all bodybuilding workouts are very long and voluminous. On average, a lesson can last from forty to fifty minutes. Therefore, it turns out that the athlete does not have so much time for rest.

Three-Day Split Workout Scheme

Standard Approach- chest and biceps, back and triceps, legs and shoulders.
Chest and biceps

- the exercise is performed four times for ten repetitions

- four times twelve repetitions
- four times and twelve repetitions of the exercise.

Back and triceps
- three times as long as you have enough strength
- four times twelve repetitions
French press standing

Legs and Shoulders
- the exercise is performed four times, twelve repetitions
- three times fifteen repetitions
- three times twenty repetitions
- three times twelve repetitions
- three times fifteen repetitions.

Alternative for the first method of replacing the workout: chest and triceps, back and biceps, legs and shoulders
Chest and triceps
- perform the exercise four times for ten repetitions
- four times twelve repetitions
- three times twenty repetitions
- four times twelve repetitions.

Back and biceps
- do the exercise four times for twelve repetitions
- three times maximum
- three times twenty repetitions
- five times twelve repetitions.

Leg and shoulder workout remains similar.

The second alternative way of doing exercises is legs and chest, back and shoulders, arms.

Legs and chest
- perform the exercise four times, fifteen repetitions
- four times eight reps
- four times twelve repetitions
- four times fifteen repetitions.

Back and shoulders
- perform the exercise four times, twelve repetitions
- three times
- four times fifteen repetitions
- three times twenty repetitions.

Bicep Curls and Close Grip Press- do four super sets of 12 reps per exercise
Dips and- three sets of 12 reps
French press and hammers- three sets of 15 reps per exercise.


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