Joint gymnastics clearing. Joint gymnastics: rules and exercises

General articular gymnastics

This complex will help you restore joint mobility. Regular performance of the complex will reduce pain, restore muscle tone, restore health to joints, and vigor and joy of life for you.

Exercise 1

We strengthen lumbar muscles.

We tone up the mobility of the joints of the legs and pelvis.

We begin to perform at a slow pace.

1. Lie on your back, bend your legs at the knees, rest your feet on the floor, straight arms extended along the body.

2. While inhaling, lift the pelvis off the floor, fix such a position in which a straight line forms from the knees to the shoulders (Fig. 40).

3. As you exhale, return to the starting position.

The exercise should be done at a slow or medium pace.

Do 10-20 lifts.

Exercise 2

We tone the joints of the legs and back.

We strengthen the lumbar muscles and joints and muscles of the legs.

We normalize the work of internal organs.

If you regularly perform this exercise in combination, then you will not be afraid of not only joint diseases, but also osteochondrosis.

1. Lie on your back with your knees pressed to your chest.

2. Stretch one leg up, without tension (if you are not very good stretch, then the leg can be slightly bent), while the hands of both hands lie on the knees (Fig. 41).

3. Fix this pose and then try stretching the leg muscles.

4. Repeat the exercise with the other leg.

5. Extend both legs up, fix this position (fig. 42).

6. Try to stretch the muscles of both legs by bending your straight legs towards you. Perform the exercise at a slow pace.

Exercise # 3

We increase the mobility of the joints and the flexibility of the spine.

We tone all the muscles of the body.

We perform the exercise at a slow pace.

1. Lie on your back, bend one leg at the knee and put your foot bent leg on the knee of the other leg. One hand rests on the knee of the bent opposite leg, the other is extended to the side.

2. Pull your knee towards the floor from the side of the opposite leg, while turning your head in the opposite direction (fig. 43).

3. Fix this pose and slowly return to the starting position.

4. Change arms and legs and do the exercise in the opposite direction.

Do 10-12 exercises in each direction.

Exercise 4

We restore the flexibility of the joints of the spine.

We tone the muscles of the legs.

Strengthening the muscles of the lower spine.

Do the exercise at a slow or medium pace.

1. Lie on your back, arms spread out to the sides at shoulder level, one leg extended vertically upward.

2. As you inhale, draw your stomach in.

3. As you exhale, tilt your leg sideways to the opposite hand and lay it on the floor, at the same time pull your head in the opposite direction (Fig. 44).

4. While inhaling, return to the starting position.

5. Change your leg and do the exercise on the other side.

Repeat 10-15 times on each side.

Exercise 5

We relax the joints.

We make the joints of the spine more mobile and the muscles stronger. Perform the exercise at a slow pace.

1. Sit with your buttocks on your heels, place your hands on the floor.

2. Tilt your body forward, try to bring your forehead to the floor.

3. Slowly stretching the spine, without lifting the buttocks from the heels, try to reach your forehead to the floor (Fig. 45).

4. Place your forehead on your palms and fists on top of each other.

5. Try to stretch the top of your head forward, stretching your spine.

Exercise # 6

We restore joint mobility.

Improving the flexibility of the spine.

We prevent joint diseases and diseases of the spine.

We tone up the work of internal organs.

We tone the muscles of the buttocks and legs.

Do the exercise slowly, watch your feelings. Breathe deeply as you exercise.

1. Lie on your stomach with your forehead on your palms.

2. Lift the buttocks so that the pubic bone comes off the floor, and the lumbar spine flexes as much as possible (Fig. 46).

3. Press the pubic and groin areas to the floor, tighten the muscles of the abdomen and buttocks so that the umbilical part of the abdomen comes off the floor.

Exercise 7

We restore the mobility of the spine.

We tone the muscles of the legs.

We prevent the occurrence of osteochondrosis.

This exercise perfectly restores joint mobility and is an excellent prevention of diseases of the spinal column.

Do it at a slow pace.

1. Lie on your back, place your hands along your torso, palms down.

2. While inhaling, press your palms to the floor, draw in your stomach and begin to slowly lift your legs off the floor, extend them towards your head.

4. As you exhale, slowly return to the starting position.

Repeat 8-12 times.

Exercise 8

We tone up the joints.

We strengthen the muscles of the press and back.

We tone the muscles of the legs and arms.

We restore the flexibility of the spine.

Start doing the exercise at a slow pace; when you master it, do it at a medium pace.

1. Lie on your back, put your hands along the body, palms down, lift your legs up vertically (Fig. 48).

2. Pull your outstretched legs towards you, tilt your straight legs towards your head (do not lift your pelvis and spine off the floor).

3. Draw in your stomach and make some swinging movements with your legs forward.

4. Try to rotate your closed feet forward with your heels to the right and then to the left.

Exercise 9

Let's relax and get some rest.

We restore inner peace and balance.

Don't neglect this exercise! Relaxation is essential for you and your joints!

1. Lie on your back, pull the legs bent at the knees to the chest, put your hands on your knees (Fig. 49).

2. Close your eyes and breathe deeply for several minutes. Relax.

Exercise # 10

We strengthen the joints of the back.

We strengthen the abdominal muscles.

We tone the muscles of the back, arms and legs.

Strengthen the mobility and flexibility of the spine.

This exercise engages all muscles and practically all joints, therefore it is an excellent remedy for joint diseases. Yes, it is not easy to do. Therefore, start at a slow pace, do it at least 1-2 times, and then do it, exactly following the instructions.

1. Lie on your back with your hands behind your head.

2. As you inhale, draw in your stomach.

3. As you exhale, simultaneously bend your legs and upper part torso.

4. Pull your elbows to your knees (fig. 50).

5. While inhaling, return to the starting position. Repeat 6-12 times.

Exercise 11

We tone and strengthen the joints and back muscles.

We tone the muscles of the abdomen, arms and legs.

We improve blood circulation.

Perform the exercise at a slow pace.

1. Lie on your stomach with your forehead on your hands.

2. While inhaling, draw in your stomach and slowly raise both outstretched legs (Fig. 51).

3. As you exhale, return to the starting position. Do 8-12 lifts.

Exercise 12

We relax the muscles.

We try to find inner harmony. The previous exercise was challenging enough, so it's time to relax again.

1. Lie on your stomach, rest your forehead on the floor, place your arms bent at the elbows under your stomach (Fig. 52).

2. Breathe slowly for a few minutes.

Exercise # 13

We improve the mobility of the joints of the spine.

We tone the back muscles.

Improving your posture.

This exercise will help to resist joint diseases and diseases of the spine.

1. Get down on your knees, spread them wide, sit on your heels.

2. Place your hands on the floor, palms forward, and slowly begin to pull them along the floor until your forehead rests on the floor (while trying not to lift your pelvis off your heels) (Fig. 53).

3. Fix this position and take several deep breaths in and out.

4. Stretch the crown of your head forward and do some swinging, stretching the spine.

6. Lie on your back, take a comfortable position, relax. Take a few deep breaths in and out.

Exercise # 14

We restore the mobility of the joints of the back, spine and legs

We strengthen the muscles of the back.

Strengthening the spine.

Reducing the volume of the hips.

Start at a slow pace, then work your way up to medium pace.

1. Lie on your back, put your hands parallel to your torso, rest your palms on the floor.

2. Pull your legs up, pull the socks.

3. As you inhale, draw in your stomach.

4. As you exhale, take one leg to the side so that it forms an angle of 45 with the floor (Fig. 54).

5. While inhaling, return to the starting position.

6. Perform 10-15 swings with one leg, then switch legs.

7. As you inhale, draw in your stomach.

8. As you exhale, spread your legs to the sides.

9. While inhaling, bring your legs together.

10. Make 10-20 swings.

Exercise 15

We restore the mobility of the joints of the spine.

We strengthen the muscles of the back and neck.

Improving your posture.

In addition to the fact that this exercise perfectly tones the joints, it is also the prevention of spinal diseases.

1. Get on the floor on wide-apart knees and lower your buttocks to your heels.

2. Tilt your upper body forward, press your forehead to the floor, place your hands on the floor next to your hips (Fig. 55).

3. While inhaling, slowly begin to stretch your arms forward, while keeping your buttocks on your heels.

4. Make several swaying movements up and down, bending in the lower back.

5. Slowly return to the starting position.

Do the exercise 5-10 times.

Exercise # 16

We restore the mobility of the back joints.

Improving the mobility of the lateral back muscles.

We tone the muscles of the legs, back and buttocks.

Reduce the waist and hips.

Strengthening the mobility of the spine.

Try to follow the instructions carefully when doing this exercise!

1. Get on all fours.

2. Bend the body so that a straight line forms from the coccyx to the palms (fig. 56).

3. Start rocking chest right and left; at the same time, try to keep the palms of the hands, buttocks and legs in a motionless state (fig. 57).

4. Do the exercise for 3-5 minutes.

5. Lie on your back, slowly raise your straight arms up and lower them behind your head, stretch and relax.

Exercise # 17

We increase the mobility of the joints of the spine.

Stretching lateral muscles back.

Reduce the waist and hips.

Follow the instructions carefully for this exercise!

1. Stand up straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms bent at the elbows are brought behind the head (Fig. 58).

2. As you inhale, draw in your stomach.

3. As you exhale, tilt your upper body to the left.

4. Fix this position and perform 2-3 breathing cycles in it.

5. Extend your left arm to the left and bend even deeper (fig. 59).

6. Fix this position, perform 2-3 breathing cycles in it.

7. Using both hands, describe a semicircle through left side and stretch to the left foot (fig. 60).

8. Straighten up, take the starting position.

9. Do the same to the right side.

Make 10-15 side bends to each side.

Exercise # 18

We increase mobility and strengthen the joints of the spine.

Stretching and strengthening the lateral back muscles.

We tone the muscles of the abdomen, legs and buttocks.

We increase the flexibility of the spine.

Reduce the waist and hips.

We prevent the occurrence of diseases of the spine.

Do the exercise slowly.

1. Sit on the floor, lean back, resting on your hands, which are shoulder-width apart.

2. Bend one leg at the knee (fig. 61).

3. Stretch your torso to the side opposite to the bent leg.

4. Move your hand to the side of the slope, twisting the spine, lean on your hands and fix this position, take a few breaths in and out (Fig. 62).

5. Slowly return to the starting position.

6. Twist to the other side. Repeat 5-10 twists in each direction.

Exercise 19

We strengthen the joints and muscles of the upper shoulder girdle.

Strengthen your back muscles.

We increase the overall muscle tone.

Be sure to keep your breathing even and slow when doing this exercise!

1. Lie on your stomach, forehead resting on the floor, arms extended forward.

2. On inhale suck in your stomach and lift one arm parallel to the floor.

3. Fix this position, perform 2-3 breathing cycles.

4. Return to the starting position, relax.

5. Do the same with the other hand.

6. On inhale draw in your stomach and lift both arms parallel to the floor (fig. 63).

7. Fix this position, perform 2-3 breathing cycles.

9. Place your hands behind your head, while inhaling, draw in your stomach and lift the upper part of the body (Fig. 64).

10. Fix the position at the point of maximum ascent, perform 2-3 breaths.

11. Return to starting position, relax.

Do the exercise for 5-7 minutes.

Exercise # 20

We strengthen the joints.

Stretching the muscles of the spine.

Improving your posture.

We increase the overall muscle tone.

1. Perform the exercise at a slow pace, making sure that breathing is even.

2. Lie on your back with your arms at your sides.

3. On inhale start raising your arms to the sides and up over your head.

4. On exhalation lift your body up and at the same time bend your knees.

5. Straighten your spine in a sitting position, stretch your arms up, make several stretching movements up (Fig. 65).

6. As you inhale, draw in your stomach and place your hands behind your head.

7. As you exhale, begin to gradually lower yourself to the floor, while straightening your legs (twisting the spine down, start from the lumbar region) (Fig. 66).

8. Return to the starting position, relax.

Repeat the exercise 6-10 times.

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Joint gymnastics Is a set of exercises for strengthening joints and developing their mobility, as well as for the development and strengthening of almost all muscles and ligaments of the human body.

Exercises joint gymnastics restore flexibility and mobility of the spine, thereby contributing to the healing of the whole organism. In addition, this set of exercises prepares the body for performing complex asanas and pranayamas.

Joint gymnastics exercises can be performed as simple physical exercise or as energy exercises, which, in addition to developing and training the physical body, additionally develop (etheric, astral, etc.), as well as develop and balance.

At the same time, from the side, the options for performing joint gymnastics exercises may differ slightly. The difference is in some features of the exercise and in the attitudes of consciousness.

Using exercises of joint gymnastics and the corresponding attitudes of consciousness, you can influence the properties of your personality and the qualities of your character.

Depending on the goals set, the load in each exercise and the dosage of the exercises can vary widely. However, in any case, in order to achieve success, I recommend using.

At the first stage, you should correctly master the technique of performing the exercises, and then you can complicate the exercises with concentration of attention and states of consciousness.

Joint gymnastics. Part 1.

Exercises of part 1 of articular gymnastics are performed from the starting position - standing, legs - shoulder-width apart, feet - parallel, back - straight, head straight in front of us, arms - along the body. IN starting position there should be a feeling of stability. Breathing in all exercises of part 1 is free. Movement in all exercises - with the maximum possible amplitude, however, should not be brought to discomfort.

Control. 1. "Movement of the hands up and down."

Raise straight arms to a horizontal position, fingers closed, straightened and directed forward. Gently raise your hands up as far as possible, until they stop, then lower them down as much as possible.

Control. 2. "Tilting the head forward and backward."

Smoothly lower the head down until it stops in the jugular notch and make a head downward movement, as if trying to reach the navel with the chin, while trying to keep our back straight. Then we throw our head back, trying to reach the sacrum with the back of the head, also trying to keep our back straight.

Repeat the exercise 5-15 times.

Control. 3. "Rotations of the hands in the horizontal plane."

Raise your arms to a horizontal position as in exercise. 1. We perform turns of the hands towards each other, then in the opposite direction.

Repeat the exercise 5-15 times.

Control. 4. "Tilting the head to the right and left."

We tilt the head to the right and left, trying to touch the shoulder. The torso and shoulders, however, remain motionless.

Repeat the exercise 5-15 times.

Control. 5. "Rotation of the hands".

We raise our hands forward as in exercise. 1 and perform rotational movements with the hands towards each other and in opposite directions.

Exercise 6. "Turning the head to the right and left."

The spine is straight, slightly pull the head up and turn it to the right and left.

Repeat the exercise 3-10 times in each direction.

Control. 7. "Turns of the hands".

We raise our hands forward as in exercise. 1 and turn the hands inward to the limit so that the hands turn as much as possible in the shoulder joints, then turn the hands outward, again to the limit so that the hands turn as much as possible in the shoulder joints.

Repeat the exercise 3-10 times in each direction.

Control. 8. "Eastern head movements".

but) "Back and forth movements of the head." The head moves back and forth in a horizontal plane (without tilt) to the limit, then - to the right and back and left and back;

b) "Serpentine movements". The head describes ellipses in a horizontal plane clockwise, then in the opposite direction, while not turning to the right or left;

in) "Lateral movement of the head." The head moves to the right and left, maintaining an upright position and, at the same time, does not turn.

Control. nine. "Twisted hands."

Cross your straight arms, take your fingers into the lock, and then roll your arms inward until straightening, then outward until straightening.

Swap hands and repeat the exercise.

Repeat the movements 3-10 times.

Control. 10. "Rotation of the head".

We rotate the head along the maximum radius ("roll" along the shoulder girdle) clockwise, then in the opposite direction.

Repeat the exercise 3-10 times in each direction.

Control. 11. "Rotation of the shoulders."

We carry out rotational movements with the shoulders to the maximum radius forward, then backward.

Repeat the exercise 3-10 times in each direction.

Control. 12. "Spring".

To raise right hand to the side to a horizontal position, the palm is turned down. Bend the arm at the elbow so that the palm is in front of the chest, then press down the imaginary spring with force until the arm is fully extended. Do the same for the left hand.

Repeat the exercise 2-5 times for each hand.

Joint gymnastics. Part 2

Exercises in this part of articular gymnastics are performed with breath holding (you can master it in free breathing).

Attention! In case of problems with cardiovascular system, you need to start the exercises with a very moderate load, focusing on your well-being. Exercise - in free breathing (at least for a start). In any case, consult your doctor.

Control. 13. "Turning the shoulders to the midline in front of you."

Starting position (I. p.): Fisherman's pose - put your legs wider than your shoulders, your feet are parallel, your back is straight and tilted forward, your arms are slightly bent, your palms rest on your knees with your fingers inward, we hold our head in front of us. Mentally, on the floor in the middle between the legs, draw a line from front to back. Select a point on the line in front of you and "rest" on it with your gaze.

Take a deep breath, then we begin to exhale slowly, and with exhalation we lower one shoulder down to the midline, raise the other up, while the head with the help of the “support” remains motionless at the sight. We are, as it were, trying to roll the shoulder girdle around the axis of the spine, helping ourselves with our hands. We try to complete the exhalation together with the completion of the movement. After that, we hold the breath on exhalation until a slight feeling of discomfort arises, and with a slow exhalation we return to the I. p.


We do the same in the other direction. After mastering the exercise, it is advisable to breathe in the following rhythm: inhalations and exhalations are equal in duration, breath holdings in duration are also equal to each other.

Control. 14. "Sandwich".

I. p. Breathing rhythm - see exercise. 13, only thumbs hands are placed outside the knees.

With an exhalation, we lie down with the body on the right thigh, the right arm bends so that the right forearm completely lies on the shin of the right leg. We remain in this position while holding the breath. The position should be stable, while the body is trying to completely relax, the head hangs down freely.

With a breath, we return to the I. p. And repeat the same in the other direction.


Repeat the exercise 2 - 5 times in each direction.

Control. 15. "Opening pneumatic doors".

I. p.: Stand straight, legs - shoulder-width apart, feet - parallel, arms - along the body.

Bend your elbows so that your palms are opposite each other at chest level with an offset (one closer to the other). We take a deep breath. We hold our breath while inhaling and while holding it with an effort we push apart the imaginary pneumatic doors (metro train doors), while left hand moves to the right and the right moves to the left. As the arms move, the effort should increase. Try to get your hands behind each other as far as possible.

With an exhalation, return to the I. p. After exhalation, perform a cleansing breath.

Swap palms and do the exercise again.

Control. 16. "Putting the Shot".

I. p. - as in exercise. fifteen.

Bend your right arm at the elbow so that the hand is near the shoulder. We take an imaginary core in our hand. We take a deep breath and while holding the breath while inhaling, push the core parallel to the floor with effort, while the right hand moves in the frontal plane (parallel to the line of the shoulders in the starting position). At the same time, the straightened left hand with the edge of the palm with an effort in an arc pushes an elastic imaginary spring back behind the back.

Perform the same exercise with your left hand.

Repeat the exercise 1-3 times in each direction.

Control. 17. "Moving apart the walls."

I. p. - as in exercise. fifteen.

a) we take a deep breath and while holding our breath while inhaling, with an effort we push the imaginary wall forward from ourselves with our hands;

b) while holding your breath, with an effort we raise an imaginary ceiling with our hands;

c) while holding the breath, we push the walls in different directions with an effort with our hands (we expand the corridor).

After completing each exercise, we exhale and purify breath.

Repeat exercises 1-3 times.

Control. 18. "Folding".

I. p. - as in exercise. fifteen.

We take a deep breath and exhale simultaneously perform several movements:

1) we connect the fingers of our straightened hands into a lock below in front of us at the level of the pelvis and with great effort we try to reach the floor with this lock, while keeping our back straightened, in an upright position;

2) we tilt our head forward and with an effort we strive to reach the navel with our chin;

3) we move the shoulders (also with effort) forward, towards each other, as if trying to fold the right and left halves of the body, like a book.

While holding the exhalation, we remain in the extreme position, maintaining the maximum possible tension in all the muscles of the body.

With an inhalation, we relax and return to the starting position. With an exhalation, we make a similar movement in the opposite direction, only now the hands are in the lock behind, the head stretches with the back of the head to the sacrum, and we try to fold our shoulders behind the back.

Perform cleansing breath if necessary.

Repeat exercises 2-4 times.

Joint gymnastics. Part 3

Control. 19. "Bends to the side with hands pressed to the body."

I. p.: Stand up straight, legs - shoulder-width apart, feet - parallel, arms - along the body. Breathing is free.

We perform bends to the sides, without turning the body and without lifting our hands from the body. The head turns in the direction of the tilt - as if trying to look behind the back.

With this movement, the spine does not bend in the lower back, but bends in an arc towards the opposite slope.

Repeat the exercise 10 - 20 times in each direction.

Control. 20. "Tilts forward and to the sides."

I. p.: Stand straight with legs wide apart, feet are parallel, hands are behind the back, palms are folded in prayer at the level of the shoulder blades.

We perform a deep forward bend with a relaxed torso (free fall) and return to and. etc. then we perform similar inclinations to the right and left legs.

Try to perform the exercise almost effortlessly - the relaxed body freely falls down, and then returns back, like a spring, due to the elastic reaction of muscles and ligaments.

Repeat the exercise 5-15 times in each direction.

Control. 21. "Walking is a punishment."

We walk in place, throwing the lower legs high back, trying to reach the buttocks with the heels.

Options: a) running - punishment; b) running - punishment with breathing like "kapalabhati" (three steps - inhale, one step - exhale.

Control. 22. "Hug yourself."

I. p.: Stand up straight, feet - shoulder-width apart, feet - parallel.

Place the fingertips of the right hand on the left shoulder and the fingertips of the left hand on the right shoulder.

We take a deep breath and while holding our breath while inhaling, using the chest muscles, we move our elbows towards each other, trying to hold them as far as possible and squeeze ourselves as much as possible. At the same time, the head and shoulders stretch up (the shoulders do not rise, but stretch).

With an exhalation, we return to the starting position. After exhalation, perform a cleansing breath.

Change the position of the hands (the hand that was from above goes down) and repeat the exercise.

This is an exercise for the muscles of the pectoral back. At correct execution strong muscle tension will be felt in lumbar and kidney area.

Repeat the exercise 2 - 4 times.

Control. 23. Boxing.

I. p. - as in exercise. 22.

In free breathing, with relaxed hands, "throw" the relaxed hands in different directions, arbitrarily.

We perform 10 - 30 movements.

Control. 24. "Walking and jumping on all fours."

We get on all fours with support on the feet and palms, and begin to walk in place (15 - 30 sec.). Then we make several jumps, trying to tear all four limbs off the floor at the same time (like monkeys).

Control. 25. "Ballet step".

I. p.: Stand up straight, toes - together, heels - apart, arms - along the body.

We walk in place, without lifting the toes off the floor (the heels come off). We try to walk so that the pelvis moves as far as possible to the side, and the shoulders remain motionless. Breathing is free.

Control. 26. "Hulahup".

I. p.: Stand straight, legs - shoulder-width apart, feet - parallel, arms - along the body. We put one leg (for example, the right) half a step forward and raise it to the toe, do not turn the foot.

a) we perform rotary movements with the pelvis clockwise, then counterclockwise (5 - 15 rotations in each direction). Change legs in places and repeat the exercise;

b) we perform a forward-right hip movement (for the right leg) and back-left (5-15 movements in each direction). Change legs in places and repeat the exercise;

c) we perform a forward-left movement with the pelvis (for the right leg) and back-right (5-15 movements in each direction). Change legs in places and repeat the exercise.

In all variants of the exercise, the shoulders remain motionless, breathing is free.

Control. 27. "Walking on straight legs."

I. p.: Stand up straight, legs - together, feet - parallel.

We walk on straight legs and hold the shoulders in place. The pelvis should move like a rocker. Breathing is free.

Options: a) go to outside feet; b) walk on the inside of the foot.

The duration of the exercise is 20 - 60 seconds.

Exercise 28. Squat to one leg.

I. p.: Stand up straight, spread your legs as wide as possible, feet - parallel, arms - in front of you.

We squat to one leg, return to and. and squat to the other leg. Do not lift your feet off the floor. Breathing is free.

Repeat the exercise 3 - 10 times in each direction.

Control. 29. "Football".

I. p.: Stand up straight, legs - together, feet - parallel.

We strike an imaginary ball in different directions:

a) a relaxed leg;

b) we pull the toe of the foot over ourselves and sharply hit with the heel;

c) raise the leg to the level of the pelvis, pull the toe over ourselves, hitting it with the heel.

In all variations, we try to maintain a solid balance on the supporting leg.

Control. 30. "Scissors".

I. p.: Lying on the back, we raise straight arms and legs straight up.

We perform "shearing" movements with arms and legs simultaneously along the line of the body, then across (10 - 20 movements each).

Control. 31. "Munchausen".

I. p.: Sit on the floor in the lotus position (half lotus, in Turkish), hands are freely lowered on both sides of the body.

With an inhalation, raise straight arms through the sides up and connect the palms above the head, fingers - into the lock. Holding your breath while inhaling, pull your palms upward with force, trying to tear yourself off the ground by an imaginary braid. You can swing your torso slightly to the sides. With an exhalation, we return to and. and perform cleansing breathing.

Change legs in places and repeat the exercise.

Control. 32. "Knees to the chin."

I. p.: Lie on your back, legs - together, arms - along the body.

We lift the heels off the floor by 5-10 cm and bring the knees to the chin, while the heels slide parallel to the floor. We touch our knees to the chin and begin to straighten our legs. Again, the heels slide parallel to the floor. Without lowering your feet to the floor, we repeat this exercise again. Breathing is free.

Repeat the exercise 5-15 times.

Control. 33. "Mother-in-law's language".

I. p.: Sit on the floor in the lotus position (half lotus, in Turkish), hands - on your knees.

With an inhalation, we connect our hands in a lock at the back of the head, and with an exhalation, we twist the spine forward, trying to reach the floor with our head. We are in the extreme position of holding the breath while exhaling. On the next breath, we straighten the spine, keeping our hands in the lock at the back of the head. Then we come back. NS.

Repeat the exercise 2-4 times.

Control. 34. "Bicycle".

I. p.: Lie on your back, legs - together, arms - along the body, palms down.

We raise our legs up to a vertical position and begin to rotate the imaginary pedals in one direction, then in the opposite direction (10 -20 rotations each). Breathing is free.

Control. 35. "Legs - in hands."

I. p.: Lie on your back, legs - together, arms - to the sides so that they shoulder girdle formed one line, palms up.

Raise your right leg and lower the foot of your right leg into the palm of your left hand. Right leg we try to straighten, and the left one should remain motionless. Do not lift your shoulders off the floor. The head does not turn (we look up).

In this position, we lie relaxed for 10 - 30 seconds (until discomfort), we breathe freely.

We slowly return to the I. p. And perform this exercise with the left leg - to the right hand.

Repeat the exercise 2-4 times.

Control. 36. "Rocking chair".

I. p.: Sit on the floor, legs - forward.

We pull the knees to the chest and hug the shins with our hands. Bend your back in an arc. Smoothly swing on the spine. We try to make the spine "roll" along all the vertebrae.

As an additional option: you can roll with a slope to the right side of the back, then to the left.

Repeat the exercise 10 -20 times.

Various parts of joint gymnastics can be performed during the day in the form of separate sets of exercises. On either physical training as a warm-up exercise or as a general strengthening exercise.

After mastering the technique of performing joint gymnastics exercises, you should proceed to the next stage - add work with images to the training.

Let me explain with the example of exercise. 1. After raising your hands in front of you, carefully look at your hands for a few seconds. Then we close our eyes and try to mentally see the image of our hands in the same place where they are at the moment. In other words, we connect the image with the physical body (in this case, we are talking only about the hands).

Next, we perform the exercise, moving the hands and, at the same time, their way, i.e. the image of the hands and real physical hands are superimposed on each other. The rate of movement should be such that the image does not come off the brushes (as a rule, the possible speed of movement of the image is low).

After mastering this stage, we connect to work with the etheric body. For this, it is necessary to learn how to keep relaxed all the muscles that are not involved in the performance of movements, and to work with sensations.

At the next stage of development, we connect the astral body (the sphere of emotions). We try to perform all the exercises in high spirits or joyfully.

I wish you every success and all the best.

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A set of exercises, the implementation of which helps to develop all the muscles and joints of the human body - this is articular gymnastics. Classes are tailored for people of any age, so children, adults and the older generation can train. The exercise does not take much time, but it gives a high effect. With the help of gymnastics for joints and muscles, the body is prepared for more intense physical activity.

What is articular gymnastics

These are joint exercises aimed at strengthening them. There are many copyright techniques that have proven themselves as effective ways prevention of arthrosis, arthritis, and other articular pathologies. If the disease of the joints is already present, then gymnastics with regular use, if it does not help get rid of the disease forever, then it will ease the patient's condition.

Joint movements are done without weights and in a comfortable mode for each person. As a rule, these are soft, unhurried, pulling movements, twisting, rotation. All of these exercises can be used daily as basic physical activity or as a warm-up before any other workout. Exercising your joints regularly will keep them healthy and mobile for a long time.

The benefits of joint gymnastics

A complex that consists of simple exercises, is able to provide the necessary physical activity for the body. Physiotherapy for joints has many other benefits:

  • the production and composition of the synovial fluid is normalized, due to which the pain disappears, the range of motion increases;
  • muscles with ligaments warm up well, as a result of which the body becomes mobile;
  • joint training perfectly prepares the body for high-speed efforts, increasing endurance, lifting weights;
  • classes are an ideal tool for the prevention of osteochondrosis, arthrosis, arthritis;
  • with regular gymnastics, salt deposits in the joints do not occur;
  • blood circulation improves, joints are supplied with the necessary nutrients;
  • a person receives a charge of energy, vigor;
  • gymnastics helps to improve mood, because moderate physical activity stimulates the production of endorphins (hormones of happiness).

Although gymnastics for sore joints is easy, beginners should still start with the simplest, but useful exercises... You should start exercising one hour before bedtime and two hours after eating. It is important to monitor your posture and breathing rate while doing gymnastics. The back should always be kept straight so that it, together with the back of the head, neck, head, creates a straight line. You need to breathe calmly through the nose. With increased breathing, you need to stop, calm down, relax. After it is normalized, gymnastics for the development of joints can be continued.

Those people who suffer from hypertension, hypotension, joint disease should start gymnastics carefully, performing movements at a slow pace. Regularity, persistence, perseverance will help determine the results. The average duration of classes is 20 minutes a day. Loads must be age appropriate. For children, the exercises are designed to be more intense than for adults, but less prolonged. It is recommended to do the exercises starting at the top and ending at the bottom. Much attention should be paid to special movements for the spine, knees.

Joint gymnastics Norbekov

The essence of the methods of healing the body of Academician Norbekov is healing not only the body, but also the soul. A positive attitude of a person, self-confidence, correct load on the cartilaginous, bone tissue, ligaments, muscles - this is an excellent combination of factors for the successful treatment of articular pathologies. Gymnastics for joints and spine according to the Norbekov method is available for people of different ages... Compound special exercises with auto-training gives excellent results for patients with various musculoskeletal pathologies.

The main difference between Norbekov's method and others is that the patient does not passively wait for the treatment to take effect, but he himself actively participates in his healing. Revolutionary gymnastics is incompatible with laziness. The healing method according to Norbekov will be beneficial if a person feels the joy of movement, support good mood, enjoy even the smallest successes. For those joint exercises there are contraindications:

  • recent heart attack, stroke, or surgery;
  • mental disorders;
  • pregnancy;
  • severe chronic diseases.

Joint gymnastics Bubnovsky

The therapeutic and gymnastic complex, compiled by Professor Bubnovsky, is called kinesitherapy. This is a completely new look at the fight against pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. Rehabilitation therapist Bubnovsky revised and changed the principles of traditional medicine, as a result of which he completely abandoned treatment with corsets and pharmacological agents. In his opinion, therapy should be carried out at the expense of the body's own tissues. The gymnastic exercises developed by Bubnovsky strengthen not so much the joints as the entire body as a whole.

All movements involve structures and tissues that become mobile, restoring the natural anatomical and functional characteristics. It recreates its own muscle corset, which protects sore joints and bones from overload. Against the background of gymnastic movements, blood circulation improves, intra-articular fluid circulates better, salt deposition and degenerative changes stop. The patient's vitality increases, the psychoemotional state improves.


Joint gymnastics with Olga Yanchuk

Well gymnastic exercises for joints, developed by Olga Yanchuk, is distinguished by a successful synthesis of yoga, stretching, Pilates, light exercise. However, there are no intricate yoga poses and abrupt movements in it. A unique exercise therapy is available for adults and children of any age without restrictions with different training. The patient must learn to feel every area of ​​his body, to keep balance. The main emphasis is on improving the body.

Olga Yanchuk's exercises consist of blocks, each of which takes from 15 to 25 minutes. At first, the exercises are aimed at warming up the muscles, then all of them are gradually worked out muscle groups starting from the neck, ending with lower limbs... A lot of time is spent on stretching the muscles. Smooth, calm movements allow you to deal with patients with mild to moderate severity of diseases of the spine and articular pathologies.

Chinese joint gymnastics

And today the ancients have not lost their value oriental practices... An effective technique that contributes to the restoration of the human musculoskeletal system is gymnastics for qigong joints. In Chinese philosophy, the concept of "Qi" is Vital energy, the correct circulation of which determines physical and mental health. Specific trait Chinese gymnastics consists in the fact that the patient does not need physical activity.

It is a system by which you learn how to create efforts aimed at specific areas of the body and control the process of muscle relaxation. If qigong is done regularly, then:

  • overall health improves;
  • the pinched nerves are removed from the roots;
  • the load on the musculoskeletal system is evenly distributed;
  • formed correct posture;
  • pain in the joints and muscles subside;
  • articular mobility improves.

Dikul's joint gymnastics

Rehabilitation gymnastics of Professor V. Dikul is used to treat diseases and recover from injuries of the human musculoskeletal system. It is aimed at the daily work of the affected joints, maintaining the working muscle tone and healthy joint tissues. Treatment takes place on special simulators... For each patient, an individual course is selected based on general condition health and diagnosis.

The joint trainers developed by Dikul can also be used at home. The whole medical complex exercise is divided into two parts. In the morning, restorative exercises are done for the back and leg muscles, and in the daytime - for upper limbs and belly. It is important that the exercises are carried out regularly, and the muscles have a constant load. In the first 60 days, Dikul gymnastics is performed without weighting. Then use the weight and counterweight.


Gymnastics Amosov

Cardiac surgeon Nikolai Amosov is an innovator and author of a system of exercises called "1000 movements". The purpose of the technique is to combat physical inactivity and spinal problems that occur in adults and very young children. The system includes only 10 exercises, which are recommended to be performed 100 times. If you multiply 10 by 100, you get 1000 movements. You can start small - with 10 repetitions, but add 10 every day. Dr. Amosov recommends combining the complex with a daily run: either 2 km in 12 minutes, or jogging with acceleration at the final 100 m.

Articular gymnastics Demenshin

Alexey Demenshin, a teacher at the Norbekov Center, has psychological education... He not only successfully conducts lectures, but also developed his own method of restoring the work of joints. The exercises are simple to perform and can be easily done at home on their own. Regular Demenshin exercises help to achieve flexibility of the upper and lower spine, normalize thyroid function, get rid of overweight... In the presence of pathologies of the locomotor system, training is performed exclusively with a specialist.

Joint gymnastics for children

The program, developed for young patients, differs in that it gives the child the necessary daily load on the whole body, strengthens the muscles of the back, abdomen, and prevents the accumulation of fat. Therapeutic gymnastics includes exercises that are done in the initial position lying, standing, sitting, affecting all muscle groups. Gymnastics not only strengthens the spine and skeletal system of the child, it gives a psychological effect, energizes, eliminates blues, increases activity.


Many have heard of articular gymnastics, but not many apply it in practice. For supporting general health the body, as well as performing complex polyarticular exercises, it is necessary to perform a set of exercises for the joints. Over time, the joints wear out, their ossification leads to the inability to perform physical activity. Therefore, the joints must be given Special attention, along with the reduction and.

Joints are the main link of the musculoskeletal system, they serve for flexion and extension of the limbs, trunk, especially in sports, their correct functioning affects the results and productivity of each workout. Focusing on muscle work, joints are remembered only when they feel discomfort, pain, stiffness of the joints and stiffness of movement.

Over time, intense loads can wear out the joints, as a result of which the articular tissues (cartilage) are deformed and become inflamed. And a sedentary image, on the contrary, leads to ossification and impaired mobility. All these factors affect the health of every person. You can prevent them with joint exercises.

A set of exercises for joint gymnastics

Gymnastics for the joints of the legs

Exercises for the feet

Exercise 1

While standing, rise on your toes and roll smoothly onto your heels, perform the movement slowly, working at full amplitude. Do 8-10 reps.

Exercise 2

Standing on one leg, hold the other over the floor over the canopy. Follow circular motion foot in one direction (5-10 circles), then in the opposite direction. Change your leg.

Exercise # 3

The next movement is performed while sitting on the buttocks, legs straightened as much as possible at the knee. The movement is performed in 4 stages:

  1. pull your feet as much as possible "towards you", hold for 4 seconds;
  2. leave the joints of the feet motionless, bend only the toes as much as possible (pause 4 seconds);
  3. Stretch the sock as much as possible (joints and fingers), hold for 4 seconds.
  4. with a taut joint, lift only the toes "towards you", pause.
  5. Repeat the cycle of movement 5-10 times.

For knee joints

Exercise 1

Standing, raise and hold the thigh of one leg overhang, make circular movements with the lower leg, rotating as much as possible knee joints... One way and the other 5-10 circles. Change your leg.

Exercise 2

Standing, overlap with one leg back to the buttocks, hold the foot with the same hand, pressing the heel to the buttock as much as possible. Knees are pressed together. Change your leg, hold the position for 15-30 seconds on each leg.

For the hip joint

Exercise 1

Perform pelvic rotations, starting with a small circle, gradually increasing the range of motion. In one direction 5-10 circles, and in the opposite direction.

Exercise 2

Standing on one leg, lift one hip towards you. Hold the lower leg with your hands, press the thigh to the stomach as much as possible, the knee to strive for the chest. Hold for 15-30 seconds, change sides.

  1. Sitting on the buttocks, one leg is stretched out straight in front of you, the other foot is pressed against the inside of the thigh of the straight leg, with the heel closer to the groin.
  2. The knee of the bent leg stretches to the floor as much as possible, you can gently press with the force of the hand.
  3. Hold for 30 seconds, change sides.

For complication, you can tilt the body forward, along a straight leg.

  1. Sitting on your buttocks, bring your feet together as close to your pelvis as possible.
  2. Press with your palms or elbows on the reed, pulling your knees towards the floor.

Hold for 15-30 seconds.

Gymnastics for the joints of the hands

Exercises for brushes

Exercise 1

Stretch your arms out to the sides. Rotate your hands, fingers into a fist, in one direction 5-10 times, and in the other.

Exercise 2
  1. Raise your right hand forward, palm away from you, and with your left press on the palm of your right hand (fingers look down) and pull the hand towards you as much as possible, hold for 10-20 seconds.
  2. Expand the same brush and press on it back side, a pause of 10-20 seconds.
  3. Also on the left hand.

For elbow joints

Keep your arms overhang to your sides, hands in a fist.
Rotate only in elbow joints inside - 5-10 laps, then in the opposite direction.

For the shoulder joints

Exercise 1

Rotate straight arms from the shoulder in a full circle to one side (5-10 circles), then in the opposite direction.

Exercise 2
  1. Raise your straight right hand in front of you, with your left hand grasp the elbow of your right hand.
  2. Pull your straight right arm towards you as much as possible, the movement comes from shoulder joint, keep the tension for 10-30 seconds, then switch sides.


To prolong the health of the joints, as well as improve the range of motion in exercises, high-quality

The date: 2012-01-09 Views: 54 846 Grade: 4.0 Joint gymnastics is a complex different exercises from yoga, Pilates, stretching and industrial gymnastics, aimed at preparing joints for physical activity... Movement in the joint occurs due to muscle contraction on one side and stretching on the opposite side. Thus, performing a certain movement with a maximum amplitude, we accelerate blood flow (blood flow with important microelements to the joint), accelerate metabolic processes, increase joint mobility, carry out light muscle pumping and stretching of antagonist muscles. There are several patented joint gymnastics techniques (Dikulya, Norbekova, etc.). Below is a simple joint gymnastics complex used in group or individual lessons as a warm-up for 5-8 minutes (can be done as a charge). If you already have joint problems (but not serious), perform slowly, sliding on the floor, gradually increasing the range of motion. Do it 8 times, you can do 16. Exercise daily. Avoid static loads, more exercise stretching - this will ease your condition.

10. Kneeling stand.

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