Articular garden gymnastics. Joint gymnastics

Joint gymnastics Is a set of exercises for strengthening joints and developing their mobility, as well as for the development and strengthening of almost all muscles and ligaments of the human body.

Exercises joint gymnastics restore flexibility and mobility of the spine, thereby contributing to the healing of the whole organism. In addition, this set of exercises prepares the body for performing complex asanas and pranayamas.

Joint gymnastics exercises can be performed as simple physical exercises or as energy exercises, which, in addition to developing and training the physical body, additionally develop (etheric, astral, etc.), as well as develop and balance.

At the same time, from the side, the options for performing joint gymnastics exercises may differ slightly. The difference is in some features of the exercise and in the attitudes of consciousness.

Using exercises of joint gymnastics and the corresponding attitudes of consciousness, you can influence the properties of your personality and the qualities of your character.

Depending on the goals set, the load in each exercise and the dosage of the exercises can vary widely. However, in any case, in order to achieve success, I recommend using.

At the first stage, you should correctly master the technique of performing the exercises, and then you can complicate the exercises with concentration of attention and states of consciousness.

Joint gymnastics. Part 1.

Exercises of part 1 of articular gymnastics are performed from the starting position - standing, legs - shoulder-width apart, feet - parallel, back - straight, head straight in front of us, arms - along the body. There should be a feeling of stability in the starting position. Breathing in all exercises of part 1 is free. Movement in all exercises - with the maximum possible amplitude, however, should not be brought to discomfort.

Control. 1. "Movement of the hands up and down."

Raise straight arms to a horizontal position, fingers closed, straightened and directed forward. Gently raise your hands up as far as possible, until they stop, then lower them down as much as possible.

Control. 2. "Tilting the head forward and backward."

Smoothly lower the head down until it stops in the jugular notch and make a head downward movement, as if trying to reach the navel with the chin, while trying to keep our back straight. Then we throw our head back, trying to reach the sacrum with the back of the head, also trying to keep our back straight.

Repeat the exercise 5-15 times.

Control. 3. "Rotations of the hands in the horizontal plane."

Raise your arms to a horizontal position as in exercise. 1.We perform rotations of the hands towards each other, then in the opposite direction.

Repeat the exercise 5-15 times.

Control. 4. "Tilting the head to the right and left."

We tilt the head to the right and left, trying to touch the shoulder. The torso and shoulders, however, remain motionless.

Repeat the exercise 5-15 times.

Control. 5. "Rotation of the hands".

We raise our hands forward as in exercise. 1 and perform rotational movements with the hands towards each other and in opposite directions.

Exercise 6. "Turning the head to the right and to the left."

The spine is straight, slightly pull the head up and turn it to the right and left.

Repeat the exercise 3-10 times in each direction.

Control. 7. "Turns of the hands".

We raise our hands forward as in exercise. 1 and turn the hands inward to the limit so that the hands turn as much as possible in the shoulder joints, then turn the hands outward, again to the limit so that the hands turn as much as possible in the shoulder joints.

Repeat the exercise 3-10 times in each direction.

Control. 8. "Eastern head movements".

a) "Back and forth movements of the head." The head moves back and forth in a horizontal plane (without tilt) to the limit, then - to the right and back and left and back;

b) "Serpentine movements". The head describes ellipses in the horizontal plane clockwise, then in the opposite direction, while not turning to the right or left;

v) "Lateral movement of the head." The head moves to the right and left, maintaining an upright position and, at the same time, does not turn.

Control. nine. "Twisted hands."

Cross your straight arms, take your fingers into the lock, then roll your arms inward until straightening, then outward until straightening.

Swap hands and repeat the exercise.

Repeat the movements 3-10 times.

Control. 10. "Rotation of the head".

We rotate the head along the maximum radius ("roll" along the shoulder girdle) clockwise, then in the opposite direction.

Repeat the exercise 3-10 times in each direction.

Control. 11. "Rotation of the shoulders."

We carry out rotational movements with the shoulders to the maximum radius forward, then backward.

Repeat the exercise 3-10 times in each direction.

Control. 12. "Spring".

Raise your right hand to the side to a horizontal position, palm turned down. Bend the arm at the elbow so that the palm is in front of the chest, then press down the imaginary spring with force until the arm is fully extended. Do the same for the left hand.

Repeat the exercise 2-5 times for each hand.

Joint gymnastics. Part 2

Exercises in this part of articular gymnastics are performed with breath holding (you can master it in free breathing).

Attention! In case of problems with cardiovascular system, you need to start the exercises with a very moderate load, focusing on your well-being. Exercise - in free breathing (at least for a start). In any case, consult your doctor.

Control. 13. "Turn of the shoulders to the midline in front of you."

Starting position (I. p.): Fisherman's pose - put your legs wider than your shoulders, your feet are parallel, your back is straight and tilted forward, your arms are slightly bent, your palms rest on your knees with your fingers inward, we hold our head in front of us. Mentally, on the floor in the middle between the legs, draw a line from front to back. Select a point on the line in front of you and "rest" on it with your gaze.

Take a deep breath, then we begin to exhale slowly, and with exhalation we lower one shoulder down to the midline, raise the other up, while the head with the help of the “support” remains motionless at a glance. We are, as it were, trying to roll the shoulder girdle around the axis of the spine, helping ourselves with our hands. We try to complete the exhalation together with the completion of the movement. After that, we hold the breath on exhalation until a slight feeling of discomfort arises and with a slow exhalation we return to the I. p.


We do the same in the other direction. After mastering the exercise, it is advisable to breathe in the following rhythm: inhalations and exhalations are equal in duration, breath holdings in duration are also equal to each other.

Control. 14. "Sandwich".

I. p. Breathing rhythm - see exercise. 13, only place the thumbs outside the knees.

With an exhalation, we lie down with our torso on the right thigh, the right arm is bent so that the right forearm lies completely on the lower leg right leg... We remain in this position while holding the breath. The position should be stable, while trying to completely relax the body, the head hangs down freely.

With a breath, we return to the I. p. And repeat the same in the other direction.


Repeat the exercise 2 - 5 times in each direction.

Control. 15. "Opening pneumatic doors".

I. p.: Stand straight, legs - shoulder-width apart, feet - parallel, arms - along the body.

Bend your elbows so that your palms are opposite each other at chest level with an offset (one closer to the other). We take a deep breath. We hold our breath while inhaling and while holding it with an effort we push apart the imaginary pneumatic doors (metro train doors), while left hand moves to the right and the right moves to the left. As the arms move, the effort should increase. Try to get your hands behind each other as far as possible.

With an exhalation, return to the I. p. After exhalation, perform a cleansing breath.

Swap palms and do the exercise again.

Control. 16. "Putting the Shot".

I. p. - as in exercise. 15.

Bend your right arm at the elbow so that the hand is near the shoulder. We take an imaginary core in our hand. We take a deep breath and while holding the breath while inhaling, push the core parallel to the floor with effort, while the right hand moves in the frontal plane (parallel to the line of the shoulders in the starting position). At the same time, the straightened left hand with the edge of the palm with an effort in an arc pushes an elastic imaginary spring back behind the back.

Perform the same exercise with your left hand.

Repeat the exercise 1-3 times in each direction.

Control. 17. "Moving apart the walls."

I. p. - as in exercise. 15.

a) we take a deep breath and while holding our breath while inhaling, with an effort we push the imaginary wall forward from ourselves with our hands;

b) holding your breath, with an effort, raise an imaginary ceiling with your hands;

c) while holding the breath, we push the walls in different directions with an effort with our hands (we expand the corridor).

After completing each exercise, we exhale and purify breath.

Repeat exercises 1-3 times.

Control. 18. "Folding".

I. p. - as in exercise. 15.

We take a deep breath and, with exhalation, simultaneously perform several movements:

1) we connect the fingers of our straightened hands into a lock below in front of us at the level of the pelvis and with great effort we try to reach the floor with this lock, while keeping our back straightened, in an upright position;

2) we tilt our head forward and with an effort we strive to reach the navel with our chin;

3) we move the shoulders (also with effort) forward, towards each other, as if trying to fold the right and left halves of the body, like a book.

While holding the exhalation, we remain in the extreme position, maintaining the maximum possible tension in all the muscles of the body.

With a breath, we relax and return to starting position Exhaling, we make a similar movement in the opposite direction, only now the hands are in the lock behind, the head stretches with the back of the head to the sacrum, and we strive to fold our shoulders behind the back.

Perform cleansing breath if necessary.

Repeat exercises 2-4 times.

Joint gymnastics. Part 3

Control. 19. "Bends to the side with hands pressed to the body."

I. p.: Stand up straight, legs - shoulder-width apart, feet - parallel, arms - along the body. Breathing is free.

We perform bends to the sides, without turning the body and without lifting our hands from the body. The head turns in the direction of the tilt - as if trying to look behind the back.

With this movement, the spine does not bend in the lower back, but bends in an arc towards the opposite slope.

Repeat the exercise 10 - 20 times in each direction.

Control. 20. "Tilts forward and to the sides."

I. p.: Stand straight with legs wide apart, feet are parallel, hands are behind the back, palms are folded in prayer at the level of the shoulder blades.

We perform a deep forward bend with a relaxed torso (free fall) and return to and. etc. then we perform similar inclinations to the right and left legs.

Try to perform the exercise almost effortlessly - the relaxed body freely falls down, and then returns back, like a spring, due to the elastic reaction of muscles and ligaments.

Repeat the exercise 5-15 times in each direction.

Control. 21. "Walking is a punishment."

We walk in place, throwing the lower legs high back, trying to reach the buttocks with the heels.

Options: a) running - punishment; b) running - punishment with breathing like "kapalabhati" (three steps - inhale, one step - exhale.

Control. 22. "Hug yourself."

I. p.: Stand up straight, feet - shoulder-width apart, feet - parallel.

Fingertips right hand put on the left shoulder, and the fingertips of the left hand on the right shoulder.

We take a deep breath and while holding our breath while inhaling, using the chest muscles, we move our elbows towards each other, trying to hold them as far as possible and squeeze ourselves as much as possible. At the same time, the head and shoulders stretch up (the shoulders do not rise, but stretch).

With an exhalation, we return to the starting position. After exhalation, perform a cleansing breath.

Change the position of the hands (the hand that was from above goes down) and repeat the exercise.

This is an exercise for the muscles of the pectoral back. If done correctly, a strong muscle tension will be felt in lumbar and the kidney area.

Repeat the exercise 2 - 4 times.

Control. 23. Boxing.

I. p. - as in exercise. 22.

In free breathing, with relaxed hands, "throw" the relaxed hands in different directions, arbitrarily.

We perform 10 - 30 movements.

Control. 24. "Walking and jumping on all fours."

We get on all fours with support on the feet and palms, and begin to walk in place (15 - 30 sec.). Then we make several jumps, trying to tear all four limbs off the floor at the same time (like monkeys).

Control. 25. "Ballet step".

I. p.: Stand up straight, toes - together, heels - apart, arms - along the body.

We walk in place, without lifting the toes off the floor (the heels come off). We try to walk so that the pelvis moves as far as possible to the side, and the shoulders remain motionless. Breathing is free.

Control. 26. "Hulahup".

I. p.: Stand straight, legs - shoulder-width apart, feet - parallel, arms - along the body. We put one leg (for example, the right one) half a step forward and raise it to the toe, do not turn the foot.

a) we perform rotational movements with the pelvis clockwise, then counterclockwise (5 - 15 rotations in each direction). Change legs in places and repeat the exercise;

b) we perform a forward-right hip movement (for the right leg) and back-left (5-15 movements in each direction). Change legs in places and repeat the exercise;

c) we perform a forward-left movement with the pelvis (for the right leg) and back-right (5-15 movements in each direction). Change legs in places and repeat the exercise.

In all variants of the exercise, the shoulders remain motionless, breathing is free.

Control. 27. "Walking on straight legs."

I. p.: Stand up straight, legs - together, feet - parallel.

We walk on straight legs and hold the shoulders in place. The pelvis should move like a rocker. Breathing is free.

Options: a) walk on the outside of the foot; b) walk on inside feet.

The duration of the exercise is 20 - 60 seconds.

Exercise 28. Squat to one leg.

I. p.: Stand up straight, spread your legs as wide as possible, feet - parallel, arms - in front of you.

We squat to one leg, return to and. and squat to the other leg. Do not lift your feet off the floor. Free breathing.

Repeat the exercise 3 - 10 times in each direction.

Control. 29. "Football".

I. p.: Stand up straight, legs - together, feet - parallel.

We strike an imaginary ball in different directions:

a) a relaxed leg;

b) we pull the toe of the foot over ourselves and sharply hit with the heel;

c) raise the leg to the level of the pelvis, pull the toe over ourselves, hitting it with the heel.

In all variations, we try to maintain a solid balance on the supporting leg.

Control. 30. "Scissors".

I. p.: Lying on the back, we raise straight arms and legs straight up.

We perform "shearing" movements with arms and legs simultaneously along the line of the body, then across (10 - 20 movements each).

Control. 31. "Munchausen".

I. p.: Sit on the floor in the lotus position (half lotus, in Turkish), hands are freely lowered on both sides of the body.

With an inhalation, we raise our straight arms through the sides up and connect the palms above the head, the fingers into the lock. Holding your breath while inhaling, pull your palms up with force, trying to tear yourself off the ground by an imaginary braid. You can swing your torso slightly to the sides. With an exhalation, we return to and. and perform cleansing breathing.

Change legs in places and repeat the exercise.

Control. 32. "Knees to the chin."

I. p.: Lie on your back, legs - together, arms - along the body.

We lift the heels off the floor by 5-10 cm and bring the knees to the chin, while the heels slide parallel to the floor. We touch our knees to the chin and begin to straighten our legs. Again, the heels slide parallel to the floor. Without lowering your feet to the floor, we repeat this exercise again. Breathing is free.

Repeat the exercise 5-15 times.

Control. 33. "Mother-in-law's language".

I. p.: Sit on the floor in the lotus position (half lotus, in Turkish), hands - on your knees.

With an inhalation, we connect our hands in a lock at the back of the head, and with an exhalation, we twist the spine forward, trying to reach the floor with our head. We are in the extreme position of holding the breath while exhaling. On the next breath, we straighten the spine, keeping our hands in the lock at the back of the head. Then we come back. NS.

Repeat the exercise 2-4 times.

Control. 34. "Bicycle".

I. p.: Lie on your back, legs - together, arms - along the body, palms down.

We raise our legs up to a vertical position and begin to rotate the imaginary pedals in one direction, then in the opposite direction (10 -20 rotations each). Free breathing.

Control. 35. "Feet - in hand."

I. p.: Lie on your back, legs - together, arms - to the sides so that they form one line with the shoulder girdle, palms up.

Raise your right leg and lower the foot of your right leg into the palm of your left hand. We try to straighten the right leg, and the left should remain motionless. Do not lift your shoulders off the floor. The head does not turn (we look up).

In this position, we lie relaxed for 10 - 30 seconds (until discomfort), we breathe freely.

We slowly return to the I. p. And perform this exercise with the left leg - to the right hand.

Repeat the exercise 2-4 times.

Control. 36. "Rocking chair".

I. p.: Sit on the floor, legs - forward.

We pull the knees to the chest and hug the shins with our hands. Bend your back in an arc. Smoothly swing on the spine. We try to make the spine "roll" along all the vertebrae.

As an additional option: you can roll with a slope to the right side of the back, then to the left.

Repeat the exercise 10 -20 times.

Various parts of articular gymnastics can be performed during the day in the form of separate sets of exercises. On either physical training as a warm-up exercise or as a general strengthening exercise.

After mastering the technique of performing joint gymnastics exercises, you should proceed to the next stage - add work with images to the training.

Let me explain with the example of exercise. 1. After raising your hands in front of you, carefully look at your hands for a few seconds. Then we close our eyes and try to mentally see the image of our hands in the same place where they are at the moment. In other words, we connect the image with the physical body (in this case, we are talking only about the hands).

Next, we perform the exercise, moving the hands and, at the same time, their way, i.e. the image of the hands and real physical hands are superimposed on each other. The rate of movement should be such that the image does not come off the brushes (as a rule, the possible speed of movement of the image is low).

After mastering this stage, we connect to work with the etheric body. For this, it is necessary to learn how to keep relaxed all the muscles that are not involved in the performance of movements, and to work with sensations.

At the next stage of development, we connect the astral body (the sphere of emotions). We try to perform all the exercises in high spirits or joyfully.

I wish you every success and all the best.

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Diseases of the musculoskeletal system have become a very urgent problem in our time. In most cases, these diseases are associated with a sedentary lifestyle, and in last years similar problems began to arise among very young people. An increasing number of the population are complaining of pain in the lower back, back and joints. Of course, you can continue the same sedentary lifestyle, relying on the competence of doctors and pills, or you can solve everything differently, using joint gymnastics for treatment.

This well-known technique is a set of exercises that involve restoring each joint of the patient's body. This is not an entirely ordinary exercise therapy system and not just an unconscious repetition of certain movements. It is based primarily on creating a positive psychological attitude... In addition, the patient is concentrated on working with his own internal state.

Complex for Norbekov's joints is used for the prevention and treatment of such diseases. Diseases subject to its treatment:

  • Arthritis
  • Arthrosis
  • Osteochondrosis, etc.

Judging by the reviews of people involved in such gymnastics, the method is really effective. What does it give:

  1. Normalizes blood pressure.
  2. Eliminates pain.
  3. The motor activity of the joints increases.

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It is difficult to argue that it is better to use in this situation - classical physiotherapy exercises or classes, which are called the Norbekov system.

Probably, before starting his gymnastics, it will not be superfluous to consult with the attending physicians:

  • Arthrologist
  • Therapist
  • Orthopedist

In any case, the choice is always up to the patient.

Consultation is also offered in the very center of Norbekov.

Before you start classes according to Norbekov, you need to do the following:

  1. Try to completely relax your body - even your facial muscles.
  2. The internal organs must also receive this relaxation before languor appears.
  3. The mood should be the most positive - you need to approach the matter with some humor.
  4. To massage the ears - this, according to the author of the technique, activates the body. You need to pull your ears in different directions.
  • For the joints of the hands
  • For leg joints
  • For the spine

Gymnastics of Dr. Bubnovsky

Back and joint pain is a real scourge of our time. In addition to this, a person may be pestered with unpleasant sensations of neuralgia or muscle spasms.
It is not always necessary to treat this with medication - you can and should use exercise therapy. Besides drug treatment relieves pain more than eliminates the problem itself.

Considerable success in the field remedial gymnastics was made and tested by Dr. Bubnovsky. What does his gymnastics give:

  1. Prevents abrasion and pinching of intervertebral discs.
  2. The joints become more flexible.
  3. Blood circulation in tissues and muscles improves.
  4. Discomfort in the joints and back is greatly reduced.

The essence of Bubnovsky's gymnastics is that it is aimed not only at improving the mobility of the joints and spine, but also at restoring the reserve capabilities of the body.

By using special exercises, selected by a doctor, patients struggle with physical inactivity, as well as diseases accompanying this harmful phenomenon. Any lesson by Dr. Bubnovsky is available on the Internet.

There is a special MTB simulator invented by a famous doctor who also helps in this process.

The basis of the Bubnovsky method is the use of kinesitherapy (movement therapy). There are two types of gymnastics:

  • Responsive - for beginners.
  • Articular - for a patient who is already physically prepared after the first type of gymnastics.

An individual program is selected for each patient, if the classes are conducted by the doctor himself or his assistants.

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Master of Sports in Powerlifting

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However, this does not mean that a person cannot study at home.

Articular gymnastics by Olga Yanchuk

This gymnastics is based on different exercises... Exactly:

  1. Pilates
  2. Industrial gymnastics
  3. Stretching

Exercises specially selected by Olga Yanchuk are aimed at normalizing the function of the spine. Purpose of classes:

  • Improve joint mobility and spinal column.
  • Strengthen large joints.
  • Stimulation of the production of joint fluid.
  • Improved flexibility and stretching.
  • Getting rid of salt deposits.

Olga Yamchuk's gymnastics heals the body as a whole. Perfect for the weak and the elderly, for children. Advantages:

  1. Complex consisting of simple exercises, provides the body of the patient with the necessary daily physical activity.
  2. The body after such regular training will become more flexible and resilient.
  3. Strengthens the muscles of the back, legs, arms, abdomen.
  4. Helps normalize weight.
  5. Eliminates salt deposits.
  6. Strengthens the nervous system.
  7. Regulates the thyroid gland.

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Master of Sports in Powerlifting

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Promotes rejuvenation of the whole body. An excellent prophylactic agent for many diseases.

For those who are just getting started or are about to start classes, you should start with the simplest exercises.

  • It will be more correct to train after eating (after two hours).
  • It is imperative to monitor your breathing - it should be calm and even. You should breathe through your nose.
  • Observe the correct posture during classes - an even back, plus the neck and back of the head, should be in a straight line.

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Master of Sports in Powerlifting

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If suddenly breathing becomes more frequent, you need to stop for the duration of the lesson, while you calm down and relax. And only after that, continue articular gymnastics.

The results from exercise directly depend on the personal qualities of each person. It is appropriate to show some tenacity and perseverance here.

Only daily training (if possible in the morning) will bring the expected success. The minimum time spent on muscular-articular gymnastics is 20 minutes. As a result, not a single joint will be missed, which would not be touched by the load from this workout.

Children's activities should be carried out with less intensity and duration.

  1. Muscles and joints of the neck.
  2. Further, everything in descending order (in order)
  3. End of the workout - exercise for the feet.

In this type of gymnastics, considerable attention is paid to the knees and spine.

The implementation of the Olga Yanchuk complex will allow you to master yoga if you wish, moreover, its most complex elements. Lessons can be learned through video materials that are available to everyone.

In this system, as in yoga, great importance is attached to the psychological aspect. Performing this or that exercise, you need to concentrate your own consciousness on that part of the body that is training at this moment. You need to imagine that things are getting better in all respects:

  • More flexible
  • More beautiful
  • More perfect

Articular gymnastics Valentin Dikul

Valentin Dikul's joint gymnastics for the spinal column gained not only popularity, but also the love of patients whom she literally put on their feet. However, she did not bypass those who simply monitor their health and do this gymnastics for preventive purposes. It helps with the following diseases:

  1. Kyphosis
  2. Lordoza
  3. Osteochondrosis
  4. Scoliosis
  5. Intervertebral hernia
  6. Cerebral palsy

Reference. The uniqueness of this technique lies in the fact that its creator was able not only to recover thanks to it after severe injury but also return to normal life.

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Master of Sports in Powerlifting

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With the help of his method, about thirteen thousand people recovered almost completely, fighting their illness.

Of course, the results will not come on the second day of class - it will take months before the sick person feels it for himself. The secret to training is light exercise. It is they who will return the joints to their previous mobility.

The advantages of Dikul gymnastics:

  • Perfectly works out muscles and ligaments.
  • The range of motion of the joints increases.
  • The spine becomes strong and flexible.

Exercises are done both for the prevention and treatment of osteochondrosis and the spine.

Suitable for both trained athletes and the elderly.

Any technique requires some subtleties and correct execution... If everything is done correctly, then a person gets the following results:

  1. Metabolism is activated.
  2. The body is simply filled with energy.
  3. Blood circulation improves.

During classes, you need to remember the following:

  • There should be an even distribution of loads on all muscles of the spine.
  • The muscle corset can be restored using a suspended rope ladder.

Expert opinion

Master of Sports in Powerlifting

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You need to start small, and in no case overload your spine!

This technique is based on the restoration of the former ability through time-consuming and patient work.

Dikul does not tell anyone that it will be easy. You need to follow the recommendations, not retreating, not a step. And the result is worth it - his technique has brought many thousands of people back to life. And the general condition of the patient will certainly improve. This once again confirms the fact that many people have constantly turned to Dikul for help and are turning now.
Scientifically proven that neurocytes spinal cord able to regenerate (recover). Academician Dikul's methodology confirms this fact.

In addition, these activities do not deny all kinds of therapies:

  1. Physiotherapy
  2. Aquatherapy
  3. Acupuncture
  4. Physiotherapy
  5. Manual therapy
  6. Therapeutic gymnastics

The specialized medical centers of Valentin Dikul have special simulators, many of which the academician invented himself.

A set of exercises is individually selected for each patient - this is done based on the diagnosis and general condition sick.

In addition, joint simulators are also used at home as an adjunct to basic treatment.

Valentin Dikul developed the so-called base complex those exercises with the help of which physical activity is restored.

Joint gymnastics is a set of specific movements that stimulate the production of joint lubrication, make tendons and muscles elastic. It does not provide for heavy loads, the main effect is achieved due to the systematicness of classes. Joint gymnastics is designed for the elderly, people with joint tissue diseases, as well as those who want to make their body more flexible.

The benefits of joint gymnastics are undeniable. As a result of physical inactivity, to which not only the elderly, but also young people are exposed, it is the joints that suffer in the first place. The amount of lubricant produced is reduced, the joint becomes inflamed and begins to deteriorate. This leads to arthrosis, arthritis, osteochondrosis, which doctors diagnose at an increasingly early age. Every year the number of cases is growing, and almost everyone can avoid troubles with joints. Joint gymnastics will help maintain health and restore joint tissue after viral diseases and injuries, which most often lead to various joint diseases.

Joint gymnastics - basic exercises

Joint gymnastics can be included in the complex of physiotherapy exercises, or performed separately. It can be done at home and in the club, and it brings the greatest effect if it is performed on fresh air... The blood, filled with pure oxygen, quickly carries useful substances to the muscles and joints. They become elastic and restore the lost flexibility.

Joint gymnastics includes exercises for all groups of joints - from the neck to the feet. The minimum time allotted for it should be at least 30 minutes. The frequency of execution is every other day. The peculiarities of articular gymnastics is that it does not require strong muscle tension. These are cardio exercises, the effect of which depends on the frequency of repetitions and the regularity of training.

Joint gymnastics begins with a warm-up. The time to complete it is 10-15 minutes. All joints are kneaded in turn. The first exercise is for the feet... Standing or sitting, place your feet together and wiggle your toes. Then - step from heel to toe. Rotate your feet clockwise and counterclockwise. Do the exercise first with the left, then with the right foot.

Warm up for knee joints. Sitting or standing, bring your legs slightly bent at the knees and spread them apart. You should feel the tension in the thigh muscles - then the exercise is done correctly.

Spine warm-up- slopes and deflections. Exercise should be done with great care. They are contraindicated for people suffering from diseases of the spine. They can do a set of exercises for the back only after consulting a doctor.

If there are no problems with the spine, then the following joint gymnastics is performed: tilting the body in different directions, rotating it clockwise and counterclockwise, exercise “cat” - standing on the floor, rest on the palms and knees, the back bends down and bends up. These are the basic warm-up exercises for the spine.

Warm up for the neck and shoulder joints - hand rotation clockwise and counterclockwise, head tilt and neck rotation.

Warm up for elbows- relaxed hands are lowered along the body, fingers are slightly clenched in fists. The arms are alternately bent at the elbows, rising to the forearms.

Features of joint gymnastics

Joint gymnastics for the elderly is less intense than for people under 50 and trained athletes. At the same time, the benefits of articular gymnastics for older people are great. Therefore, it is imperative to perform the exercises. You can start with a warm-up, gradually adding movements from the main complex.

Joint gymnastics for beginners is designed for people suffering from joint diseases as well as for those who have suffered an injury. It can also be performed by those who are just starting their path in sports. It is very important to prepare joints and tendons for serious training, since if these tissues are not elastic, a variety of injuries can occur under stress.

Joint gymnastics for the elderly - the main complex

Exercise 1: Lying on your back with straight legs, bend one at the knee and place the other on the knee. Bend your bent leg left and right. Repeat with the other leg. Perform 5 sets of the first two or three sessions, gradually increasing their number to 20.

Exercise 2: lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, spread your legs to the sides, bringing them as close to the floor as possible (like a butterfly flaps its wings).

Exercise # 3: while standing, resting your hand on the wall, or lying down, rotate with a straight leg in hip joint... The amplitude is not very large, the main thing in the exercises is the work of the joints, and not the tension of the muscles.

Exercise 4: lying on your back, without bending your knees, alternately raise your left and right leg. To enhance the effect, fix the upper leg for a few seconds.

Exercise 5: lying on your stomach, put your hands under your head. Spread your arms back while lifting the body. The more you lift it, the deeper you arch your back, the better.

Exercise # 6: Lying on your stomach, lift your left and right legs alternately. At the same time, the arms are bent at the elbows and lie under the chin.

Exercise 7: Lying on your left side, swing your right leg. Up and down, clockwise and counterclockwise rotation. In this case, the left leg can be bent at the knee or straightened to enhance the effect. Repeat the same with the other leg, turning over on the right side.

Exercise 8: lying on your back, pull your knees bent at the knees to the chin alternately with the help of your hands.

Exercise 9: joint gymnastics for the neck. While sitting, place your head alternately on your left and right shoulder, trying to reach it with your ear. Gently tilt your head back and forth, touching your chin to your chest.

Exercise # 10: while sitting on a chair, perform twisting with the body, trying to reach with your hands as far as possible.

3.18. Joint gymnastics in associative names

Joint gymnastics is a very useful general strengthening gymnastics for all ages, including children. But the teaching methodology in adult groups is not suitable for working with children. Experience shows that the emphasis on therapeutic effect does not work in joint gymnastics, much top scores gives an emphasis on the figurative presentation of the exercises performed. The following associative array is proposed, which each teacher can supplement and change at his own discretion.

Let the children introduce:

a) that the arms and legs look out of the water, and they watch them sitting on the bottom;

b) that they are sitting in the ground, and their hands and feet are heavy;

c) that the arms and legs are light and separate from each other;

d) that they are the end of the tongues of flame, and their movements are sharp and fast.

If the children in the group are not physically prepared enough, then it is necessary to reduce the time of the exercise or make up their own complexes that are feasible for the children.

Combine business with pleasure. Imagine any physical exercise as a game that should be interesting for children.

Children are windy, and sometimes one word is enough to change their state. On the one hand, you should always think of what you are saying to the child, and on the other hand, you need to play with him, travel in the world of play, return and rejoice. Explain in passing, why articular gymnastics is needed, when it can be used, for what diseases, what are the results of its implementation.

Joint gymnastics for children

Gymnastics gives a daily muscle load necessary for a person, strengthens the muscles of the back, body, abdomen, prevents the formation of fatty deposits, strengthens and develops joints, frees them from salt deposits, strengthens the skeletal system, and makes the spine flexible. In addition, gymnastics also gives a psychological effect: it increases activity, gives a surge of cheerfulness, eliminates blues and melancholy, and improves mood.

The exercises of the complex are performed on an empty stomach (no earlier than 2.5-3 hours after eating), in the morning (this is not the most the best time for the complex), during the day or in the evening, but no later than an hour before bedtime. 10–20 minutes after doing gymnastics, if you want, you can eat.

All muscles not involved in the exercise should be relaxed. Breathing only through the nose. Where it is not specifically stated, breathing is arbitrary, calm.

The load in the exercises can be dosed both by the number of repetitions and by the gradual complication of some exercises as the complex is mastered.

During the exercises performed while sitting, the load is regulated by the method of landing the body in the initial position (IP). When performing exercises while sitting on a chair with a full seat (the back does not touch the back of the chair) - the load is minimal, when landing on the edge of the chair - the load increases. When performing the same exercises on the floor, the load is maximum.

A number of joint gymnastics exercises are performed from the "hanging" position. To "hang out" means - in a sitting position, stretch your straight arms and legs forward so that the legs along their entire length - from thighs to calves and heels - do not touch the floor. Support on a rug or on a chair in this sitting position is carried out only at the expense of the pelvic bones. At the same time, the abdominal muscles are tense and maintain the balance of the whole body.

When doing the exercises, keep straight with the neck, back and head in one line. The face is calm, satisfied, eyes are closed, breathing through the nose, attention is directed to the exercise. The pace of exercise is variable.

1. "Flags" or "Do" goodbye "with arms and legs", or "Say" yes "with arms and legs" - movement of the hands and feet up and down.

"Hang out". Trying to keep straight arms and legs motionless, begin simultaneous movements of the hands and feet upward, directing the palms and socks up to the ceiling, and then downward, trying to direct the palms and socks towards the floor. Do the movements vigorously, all the way. Do 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 movements, counting the up and down movement as one.

1) right hands and feet - up, left - down;

2) hands - up, feet - down;

3) right hands and feet - towards, left - apart;

4) spread your fingers.

2. “Say yes”, or “Tick-tock” - movement of the head up and down.

Performed from a sitting position. Vigorously, with an effort, throw your head up, directing the back of the head to the back, and down, trying to reach the chest with the chin. Start with slow movements. Do up to 25 movements, counting the up and down movement as one. At first, do the exercise carefully.

Option: making bends up and down, slightly tilt your head to one or the other shoulder.

3. "Scythe", or "Say" no "with arms and legs" - turns of the hands and feet to the left - to the right.

"Hang out". Trying to keep the motionless position of the arms and legs extended forward, start the simultaneous movements of the hands and feet to the right, turning both hands and both feet to the right, and then to the left, turning the hands and feet to the left also to the stop. Arms and legs are straight, only hands and feet move, everything else is motionless. Move energetically. During one exercise, do up to 25 movements, counting the movement to the left - to the right in one.

Options (changing the PI of the hands and feet):

1) feet to the right, hands to the left;

2) feet inward, hands outward;

3) spread the fingers apart.

4. "Bell", or "Pendulum of the clock" - head tilts to the shoulders.

Performed from a sitting position. Vigorously tilt your head to the right, then to the left shoulder, trying to touch the shoulder with the ear. Make sure your shoulders do not rise. Do up to 25 movements. At first, do it carefully, gradually achieve a sharp throwing of the head. The tempo is variable, start the exercise slowly, then speed up the movements, changing the pace, finish slowly.

Option: perform head-to-shoulder bends, tilting your head back a little.

5. "Helicopter" or "Fan" - rotation of the hands and feet.

"Hang out". With the hands and feet of the feet, simultaneously begin rotational movements, as it were, along the dial. Both hands and both feet rotate in the same direction. Then change the direction of rotation. Do up to 25 circular movements in each direction. The options are:

1) hands to the right, feet to the left;

2) the hand and foot of the right side rotate in one direction, the hands and feet of the left side - in the other;

3) the right hand and the left foot rotate in one direction, the left hand and the right foot rotate in the other.

6. “Say no” - turns the head to the left - to the right.

From a sitting position, make vigorous turns of the head to the left - to the right until it stops. Do up to 25 times, counting left - right turn at a time. Do the exercise carefully at first. Achieve quick movements.

7. Okay.

"Hang out". Connect the legs extended forward with each other with the soles, turning the feet towards each other, then with the ankles, turning the soles in the opposite direction. At this time, the arms are extended forward, the fingers make vigorous movements, as if kneading large pieces of plasticine. Do up to 10 times, counting ankle touch and foot touch at a time. Then knock your feet and ankles together.

8. "Mixer", or "Yula", or "Gingerbread man running along the shoulders, back, chest" - rolling the head.

From a sitting position, make circular movements with your head, as if rolling it along the shoulder girdle. In this case, the neck moves along the surface of an imaginary cone with a maximum angle at the apex, at the base of the neck. The nose describes a circle with the greatest possible radius. Start moving slowly, gradually increasing the pace. Rolls should be done first in one direction, then in the other. Perform up to 25 rolls in each direction. Do it carefully at first.

9. Scratching.

Performed from a sitting position. As you inhale, bring your hands closer to your shoulders, pulling your elbows back. The shoulder blades came together. Through a wide open mouth, make a sharp exhalation "Ha" and throw out your hands with wide apart fingers forward. On a hold after exhalation, make vigorous swinging movements with arms extended forward up and down, as if scratching the space in front of you with your fingers apart. At the same time, the arms are very tense. At the same expiration delay, stop the swinging movements of the arms, stretch the arms and legs forward (it is better to "hang out") and with effort perform scratching movements with the fingers and toes, keeping the straightened arms and legs in a motionless position. Perform with great effort. This exercise is repeated 3-5 times.

10. Serpentine movements.

Make circular movements with your head in a horizontal plane. The chin moves parallel to the floor, the nose only looks forward. First one way, then the other. 8-10 times in each direction.

11. "Cock and hen" - cock movements.

Make pecking movements of the head in a horizontal plane in a forward and backward sequence, to the right - backward, forward and backward, left - backward, forward and backward, etc. The chin moves parallel to the floor. Make 8-10 of these movements.

12. Oriental dance.

Interlace your arms over your head. Keeping the vertical position of the head, move the head left - right in the plane shoulder girdle... Do not tilt your head. The arms are moved to the side opposite to the movement of the head. Make 8-10 of these movements. The options are:

1) twice in each direction;

2) three times in each direction.

13. "Show and hide your little finger" - twists your arms.

Stretch your arms out in front of you. Cross your arms, turn your palms towards each other and interlace your fingers. Rotate the intertwined palms down towards you - up to a position in which the palms are pointing up. To stay in this position. Try to weaken, and then completely eliminate tension and pain in the hands. Then return your hands to the IP. Swap the position of the hands and repeat the exercise. Run 5-7 times.

14. "Spring compression", or "Who will win".

Put your elbows on the table (when performing while sitting at the table) or on your knees apart (when performing while sitting on a chair or on a rug). The forearms are relaxed and vertical. The palms are looking at each other. The right palm slowly compresses an imaginary spring lying on the table. Compression takes place with great effort. When the right hand reaches the table surface, raise it to its original position. Now the right hand is looking up, the left hand tightens the spring. When the springs are compressed, both hands are tense, abdominal Press, shoulder girdle and chest. The neck is relaxed. When returning to the IP, the hand relaxes. Breathing is arbitrary, but it is also possible to perform on hold. Repeat 5-10 times.

Option: the springs compress two hands at the same time.

15. "Swimming" - rotation of the forearms.

Put your elbows on a table or on your knees apart, at a distance wider than your shoulders. Rotate your forearms, making rotational (swimming) movements. When the fingers move under the chin, the back bends, the stomach is pulled in. When moving the hands forward, the back arches. The back, chest, abdomen move in waves. To do swimming movements, first in one direction (forward), then in the opposite direction (back). When the hands pass under the chin, the palms are pointing down one below the other. With the subsequent movement, the hands are turned, palms up. Only 10-15 movements in each direction.

16. "Wheels of a steam locomotive" - ​​shoulder rotation.

The palms are on the knees. Without lifting your palms, perform circular movements with your shoulders forward and then back. Make up to 30 movements in each direction.

Option: perform rotation with one shoulder forward, the other back.

17. "The fisherman is catching a fish" - slopes to the point.

IP - "Pose of the Fisherman". Hands are placed on the knees with the fingers inward. Choose a point on the floor between the feet. Tilt your right shoulder towards this point. In this case, the chin moves to the shoulder. Maximum slope, and return to PI. We do the same with the left shoulder. Only 2-4 times, counting the movements of the right and left shoulder at a time.

18. "Sandwich" - bends to the knees.

Sit up straight, palms on your knees, fingers inward. Spread your knees to the sides. Legs are spaced at right angles. Make bends with the body alternately towards each leg, while the arm bends in elbow joint... Bring the elbow forward and, bending over, fold the forearm and shoulder, trying to lower them by the knee. The hand is, as it were, an extension of the leg. Do not pull the buttocks off the chair. Do it 3-5 times in each direction.

19. "Opening pneumatic doors".

Sit or stand up straight, hands in front of the chest, palms facing each other with a slight offset. Take a breath. At a delay, with an effort to lead open palms towards each other, as if opening the doors of a subway car. Hands are tense when moving. When the palms are level, continue moving on until it stops. Then change hands and perform the door opening movements again. Return your hands quickly, but smoothly, while you need to learn how to instantly relax your hands. Do it 2-4 times, counting at a time opening the doors with a change in the position of the hands.

20. Putting the Shot.

Stand straight with your arms at your sides. On inhalation, bring the palm of the right hand to the shoulder, and take the shoulder back. On a hold, with great effort, very slowly make movements that repeat the movements of the athlete pushing the core. While moving one hand, the other hand is relaxed. The face is turned towards the palm pushing the nucleus. When the hand pushing the core is fully extended, fix this position and stay in it for a few seconds. At the same time, the body is maximally deployed to the left. Then do the shot put with the left hand. Do 3-5 times, counting the movements of the right and left hands at one time.

21. "Moving the walls and ceiling"

With two hands, from a sitting or standing position, with effort, perform pushing movements to the sides, as if pushing imaginary walls away from you. The arms move slowly, with tension until they are fully extended. When returning to the IP - relax your hands. Run 2 times. Then, with both hands, push the imaginary wall away from the chest straight in front of us. Repeat 2 times. After that, perform pushing movements with your palms up, as if raising the ceiling above you. Repeat 2 times.

22. "Munchausen" - sipping.

In a sitting position, stretch your arms up, interlace your fingers above your head in a lock. With energetic movements of the hands, try to tear yourself away from the seat: right, up, left. When the arms are pulled to the left, the right buttock comes off the seat, and when the arms are pulled to the right, the left. The sequence of up-left-up-right hand movements is counted at a time. Ends with vertical stretching. Do 3-5 times.

Option: hands are not in the lock, but palms are pressed against each other and stretched up ("tree pose").

23. "Look what's behind your back" - twisting. (Performed with your back to the north).

In a sitting position, put one hand on your knee, and bring the other behind your back. Leading back side palms along the waist, try to turn the entire body of the vertical axis of the spine after it as much as possible. Turn the head together with the body - the eyes are closed. In a position where the head and body are turned all the way, stop the movement. Stay in this position for a few seconds, trying to completely relax. Free breathing. Then turn the body and head to the other side. Perform the exercise 2-3 times, counting turning left and right at a time.

24. "A tree in the wind" - lateral slopes.

In a sitting position, join your hands behind your back, holding your elbows. Do not press your forearms to your back. With an exhalation, bend to the side without lifting the buttocks off the floor. While tilting, mentally try to see the opposite leg of the chair. In the position of maximum tilt, linger for a few seconds. With a breath, return to the PI and make the same tilt to the other side. Do the exercise 2-3 times, counting the tilt to the right and left at a time. Free breathing.

25. "Snail" - "mother-in-law's language".

IP - sitting. Intertwining your fingers, grasp the back of your head with your palms. Take a breath. With an exhalation, slowly and with tension, tilt your head with your hands to your chest and, continuing to tilt, slowly bend your back vertebra by vertebra, trying to reach the floor with the crown of your head. With an inhalation, slowly and also with tension, return to the starting position. If salts are deposited in the spine, do it carefully. Perform 3-5 times.

26. "Scissors".

With straight arms and legs in a horizontal plane, perform swing movements to the left - to the right with an overlap. Then movements with straight arms and upside-down bottom. Change the pace of movement. Do it 8-10 times horizontally and vertically.

27. "Slender legs."

Stand straight, feet together, feet touch each other at all points. Hands are freely lowered. Neck, back, head form one straight line. Torso, arms are relaxed. Rise on your toes and lower on your heels, springing and swaying so that the heels only slightly touch the floor. Breathing is free, eyes are closed, face is calm, satisfied. Do it 25-100 times (until fatigue in the calves).

28. "Football".

Stand up straight. Perform a variety of shots on an imaginary ball. The blows are sharp, with a delay. The tempo of the beats is variable. First standing on one leg, then on the other leg. Do 10 to 25 kicks on the ball with each foot. After that, jump on one leg and simultaneously hit the ball with the other leg. Then change legs and continue the exercise. Do 10-25 jumps on each leg. Then - jumping on two legs, up as high as possible. Bounce off the floor like a ball. The face is contented. 10-25 jumps.

29. "Karate".

Alternately, with both feet, strike with the heels forward, directly in front of you on an imaginary opponent, imitating karate strikes. 8-10 hits with each leg. Then side kicks alternately with each leg. Perform 8-10 strikes with the left and right side... Then kicks back, also 8-10 kicks with each leg. Perform strikes sharply, trying to relax in the intervals between strikes. Change the tempo of the beats.

30. "Swing your legs."

Stand up straight. Stretch your arms straight out in front of you, palms down. Hands can be spread slightly to the sides. Swing with straight legs, reaching out with the palms of outstretched arms with the toes. Do 5-15 times with each leg.

The options are:

1) when performing swings, touch the toe of the same name and the opposite palm;

2) spread your arms wider to the sides, swing your legs up and to the sides.

31. "Punishing yourself."

Stepping in place from foot to foot, make sharp movements with the free leg backward, trying to hit the buttock with the heel. Legs are completely relaxed. The blows are biting. Do not push your knees forward. Performing 5-25 blows with each leg.

32. "Love yourself" - strengthening the breast.

Stand straight, stretch your arms straight in front of you. Put the fingers of the right hand on the left clavicle, the fingers of the left hand on the right. The thumb, forefinger and middle fingers are pinched together in the fossa at the shoulder. While inhaling, spread your elbows to the side, straighten your back. On exhalation, connect them to each other, round your back. In this case, the elbows all the time remain at the same level (at shoulder level). Movements should be done with great tension. Run 2-5 times. Then change the position of the hands (there is another hand on top). Run also 2-5 times.

33. Boxing.

Take a boxing stance (legs are slightly bent at the knees, left leg and left arm in front). Perform 5-10 light jumps, imitating the movement of a boxer in the ring. Then stop and strike alternately with the left and right hands at the imaginary opponent. Change stance, right arm and right leg are now in front. Perform jumps in this stance, then fight. So repeat 2-4 times. When performing the exercise, pay attention to the speed, sharpness and strength of the blows. The tempo of the strikes is variable, the strikes should be performed in series.

34. "Walking and running like a dog" - walking on all fours. Get down on all fours, trying to keep your arms and legs straight.

In this position, without bending your arms and legs, start walking. Walking on all fours can be done on the spot or within the confines of your mat. Walking turns into running on all fours, without bending your arms and legs. When running, throw straight legs to the sides. Add jumps after running, the conditions are the same - do not bend your arms and legs.

35. "Walking on stilts" - walking and running on straight legs.

Walk in place without bending your knees.

The body remains stationary, the hips are raised as high as possible. Take 10-20 steps in place with each foot. Step on the entire foot with an emphasis on the heel. Walking on straight legs turns into running on the spot. Running is also performed without bending the knees. The run lasts 20-30 seconds.

36. "Ballet step".

We start walking on the spot. In this case, the legs are bent at the knees, the feet look slightly inward. The hips swing to the sides as much as possible - to the right and to the left. Do not pull the socks off the floor. Chest forward, do not move shoulders. Execute in fast pace 20-40 p.

37. "Belly dance" - hula hoop.

a) stand straight, put one leg forward slightly, put it on the toe almost perpendicular to the other foot, rotate the pelvis clockwise and counterclockwise, slowly at first, then quickly. Then make movements with the pelvis back and forth, first on a straight leg, then in the direction of the extended leg. Change leg and repeat the same with the other leg;

b) stand up straight, put your feet parallel to each other. Hands on your hips. We begin movements with the hips and waist, as if rotating an imaginary hoop. At the same time, keep your shoulders motionless. We rotate first in one direction, then in the other. Slowly at first, then quickly, then slowly again. We do 8-10 rotations in each direction. In the course of rotation, squat and return to the rack, without stopping circular motion... Then make movements with the pelvis back and forth, left - right, pulling the pelvis back, and then pushing it forward.

38. "Spring" - squats.

Stand straight, put your feet parallel to each other. Stretch your arms forward. Perform squats, trying to keep your back straight. Do not lift the heels off the floor. Do 8-12 squats. You can add a squat on one leg - "Pistol" (at first you can help yourself by holding on to the back of the chair).

39. "Ball" - jumping in place.

Jump in place, trying to jump as high as possible. You can try to reach out to various objects with your hand.

40. "Velcro" - walking on bent legs.

Hands on your hips. On bent legs, without rising, first walk, and then run. Perform at an energetic pace for 30-60s.

41. "Slider".

Perform walking in a squatting position. The socks run along the floor. Hands on the belt. Perform 30-60 s.

42. "Gopachok" - squatting dance.

Walk in a squatting position, hands on the belt. The leg performing the step deviates to the side and moves in an arc of a circle squatting, like in Ukrainian dancers. Perform this walking for 20–40 s. Performed with a smile.

Option: one hand is raised up, the other is on the belt.

43. "Raise the fuzz with your feet" - "Corners".

Lie on your back. Raise your extended legs 2 cm from the floor. Hold this position for 5-10 seconds. Raise your legs 7 cm from the floor. Linger. Then 15 cm. Linger. 30 cm from the floor. Linger. At 453 to the floor. Linger. 90 ° to the floor. Linger, take a break in this position. Perform the reverse movement of the legs in the same sequence, with the same delays.

44. "Bicycle".

Lying on your back, raise both legs up. Perform leg movements that simulate pedaling when cycling. The pace of movement is variable. Perform pedaling rotations first in one direction, then in the other. All exercises should be done for 30-60 s.

45. "Rocking chair" (Video).

Lie on your back, group ("bend into a roll"), pulling both knees to the chin and clasping your ankles with your hands. Swing back and forth on a rounded back. Only 8-12 swings.

46. ​​"Cross" - throwing the legs.

Lying on your back, stretch both legs together. The arms are straight, lying on the floor perpendicular to the body. Raise one leg to an upright position and lower it to the floor through the other leg, without bending at the knee. Put her thumb on the floor so that the legs are at a right angle. Do not lift the shoulder blades off the floor. Fix in a pose, relax. Keep the pose until you get tired. Repeat with the other leg. So 2-4 times.

47. "Listen to the silence" - contemplation.

This meditation can be given after complexes. physical exercise, outdoor games. Explain that there are many sounds, noises, and conversations in the world. And what is silence, many people forget. Invite them to hear the silence.

You can meditate on certain sounds, offer to listen to how the foliage rustles, the wind, how the rain is dripping. Introduce them into a fairy tale, and let the sound tell everyone something, tell its stories and adventures. After that, let them share their impressions.

48. Relaxation - Shavasana.

First stage. Better to start with weight, then go to relaxation.

Weighting for men (boys) is carried out in the following order (for women - girls - start the same with the right hand):

The left hand becomes heavier;

The left leg becomes heavier;

The right leg becomes heavier;

The right hand becomes heavier;

The torso becomes heavier.

The head never gets heavy. After that, we proceed to relaxation according to the following scheme. We start with the left hand (women or girls start with the right). The fingers of the hand, hand, wrist, forearm, elbow, shoulder, shoulder girdle are relaxed. We check the relaxation from the tips of the fingers to the shoulder girdle and back. Relax left leg... The tips of the fingers, foot, lower leg, calf, knee, thigh, pelvis are relaxed. We check the relaxation from the tips of the toes to the waist and back. Are all muscles relaxed? We relax the muscles of the right leg in the same manner. The muscles of the right hand are relaxed: fingers, hand, wrist, forearm, elbow, shoulder, shoulder girdle. We check the relaxation of the hand from the fingertips to the shoulder girdle and back. Are all arm muscles relaxed? Relaxes the shoulder girdle, abdomen, chest, lower back, back. Your torso is completely relaxed. We check the relaxation of the muscles of the chest, abdomen, back. Relaxes the front and back of the neck. Relaxes the chin, mouth, lips. The mouth is closed lower jaw sagged slightly. Relax the cheeks, nose, eyebrows, eyes, scalp, ears. Your head is completely relaxed. Your body is completely relaxed. You stop feeling it. It becomes weightless. With a full breath, feel the body, open your eyes. Hands behind your head, stretch, turn on your right side, rise, on your left, rise, stretch up, bend forward, smile.

Second stage. Relaxation and flight.

Everything is done first, as in the first stage. Try to achieve complete relaxation of the body. You are relaxed, your body is completely relaxed, you stop feeling your body. The tips of the fingers, feet, legs, calves, knees, hips, pelvis are relaxed. Your legs are completely relaxed. We check from the tips of the toes to the pelvis and back. Are all muscles relaxed? Fingers, hands, wrists, forearms, elbows, shoulders, shoulder girdle are relaxed. We check from the tips of the fingers to the shoulder girdle and back. Are all arm muscles relaxed? Relaxes the stomach, chest, back, lower back. Your torso is completely relaxed. We check the relaxation of the muscles of the chest, abdomen, back. Relaxes the front and back of the neck. Relaxes the chin, mouth, lips. The mouth is closed, the lower jaw is slightly drooped. Relax the cheeks, nose, eyebrows, eyes, scalp, ears. Your head is completely relaxed. Your body is completely relaxed. You stop feeling your body, it becomes weightless. You are floating above the ground. Above you is a bottomless, cloudless blue sky. You fly forward with your feet at an angle of no more than 45 ° to the horizon, slowly turning into a point. You fly, you fly, you fly. With a full breath, return to your body. Hands behind your head, stretch, turn on your right side - rise, stretch, turn on your left side - rise, stretch, sit down - stretch up, bend forward, smile.

Note: A safety instructor can imagine how your physical body connects to the astral with an unbreakable endless thread. If the student does not return from Shavasana, try rubbing his ears or pulling on the safety string.

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From the book Chiroprav. Healing Practices of the Magi the author Valentin Sergeevich Gnatyuk

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JOINT GYMNASTICS 11 Recording on a dictaphone. Joint gymnastics. Cross of Perun, Veles and Mokosh. Entering resonance. Mosqueism. Amulet indicator. Volkhov signs. Legend of Simargla. Simuran and samurai. We sat again until four in the morning in the light of flashlights and discussed

Joint gymnastics is a specially developed set of physical exercises, the purpose of which is to stimulate work, strengthen the joints of the body. Its difference from ordinary physical education is that exercises have the effect of not strengthening the muscles, but expanding the mobility of the joint. Therefore, these activities are easy to perform. They are designed for older people with one or another joint disease, however, given that such diseases are rapidly growing younger, everyone can perform them as a prophylaxis.

The modern lifestyle brings most of the population into a state of hypodynamia - joints in such conditions suffer greatly: the amount of lubricant in the joint decreases, inflammation begins and the gradual destruction of internal tissues. This is how arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, etc. develop.

Joint gymnastics has a versatile effect on the body. With its help, a number of positive effects are achieved:

  • muscle fibers and ligaments surrounding the joint become stronger and more elastic;
  • synovial fluid is formed in sufficient quantities;
  • the body is prepared for heavy loads;
  • no salts are deposited in the joints;
  • blood flow and tissue nutrition is stimulated;
  • the person becomes more cheerful and energetic.

Exercising on a regular basis is an excellent method of preventing all pathologies that can affect the joint and disrupt its work. If you already have any pathologies, you will need to consult a specialist to develop the most effective complex.

Types of exercise complexes

Joint gymnastics is a specially targeted physiotherapy... A number of proven effective techniques that allow you to develop joints after an illness or serious injury have been developed by the best doctors. They are actively used today.

Joint gymnastics according to the Bubnovsky method was created with the aim of the most effective development of the musculoskeletal system. Its main principle is to combine the loads possible for a person with breathing practice... With the help of this complex, a strong muscle corset is formed, flexibility and mobility increase.

Dikul gymnastics for knee joints is designed to eliminate muscle and joint atrophy and restore their motor functions. Valentin Dikul created a system that is used for therapy:

  • infantile cerebral palsy;
  • injuries;
  • hernia;
  • osteochondrosis.

General rules for implementation

Joint gymnastics is easy to perform, but it is important to follow a few simple rules:

  • warm-up is required before training - slowly and not less than 10 minutes;
  • all actions should be performed from top to bottom, that is, starting from the cervical spine;
  • the time interval between workouts is every other day;
  • do not hurt yourself - gradually the joint will develop, and the amplitude will increase by itself;
  • the number of repetitions - 10-15 times;
  • with pathologies of the spine, movements should not be sharp;
  • with exacerbation of pain, it is better to refuse to exercise.

Basic exercises

Joint exercises can be done alone or in complex exercise therapy... In order to do such gymnastics, it is not necessary to visit medical institutions - do it at home in free time or outdoors.

Joint gymnastics at home will help develop joints for all groups, from the cervical to the feet. One lesson should last at least half an hour. Nai greater efficiency can be achieved with a schedule every other day. The peculiarity of such exercises is that they do not require muscle effort - these are cardio workouts, and their effectiveness almost entirely depends on the number of repetitions and their regularity.

Before starting to perform gymnastic exercises, be sure to warm up. It takes 10-15 minutes. In the process, all joints are kneaded, starting with the feet and rising higher. First, wiggle your toes, then swing from toe to heel, rotate the feet of one and then the other. To knead knee joints, you need to mix-bred a little bent legs... To warm up the spine, you should carefully perform bends and deflections in all directions, exercise "cat". Then it is important to stretch your shoulders and neck. For this, tilts and rotations are also performed in all directions in turn. It is also important not to forget about the elbows - the arms bend, raising their fists to the forearm.

The basic exercises are simple:

  1. Neck. Tilts to the right and left without tension and effort.
  2. Shoulder girdle. Swings and rotations.
  3. Elbows and wrists. Flexion-extension, push-ups from the table.
  4. Fingers. Clenching-unclenching the fist, spreading the fingers to the sides.
  5. Lap. Squats (if it hurts, you can use a support - a table, chair, etc.).
  6. The hip joint. Swing back and forth with your leg, stretching (twine).

Simple exercises

Lying on your back, legs straight:

  • bend one leg at the knee and put the second on the knee, tilt the first to the sides 5-10 times;
  • rises up in turn, fixing a little from above;
  • bend the leg at the knee and pull it to the chest.
  • lean your hands on the wall and rotate a straight leg at the hip joint.

Lying on your stomach:

  • hands behind the head, spread them back, raising the body and arching the back;
  • hands under the chin, lift legs in turn up;

Lying on its side:

  • swing the upper leg, rotation in both directions.

Sitting on a chair:

  • twisting the body as far as possible.

Exercises for joint pain should be done according to the strict instructions of your doctor. In the presence of a certain disease, the course is drawn up by a specialist and monitors the correct implementation. Only with time can you do such gymnastics at home.

With pain, greater effectiveness from exercise therapy can be achieved by using special ointments before classes. This will enhance their effect and help relieve pain.

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