Respiratory system exercises. Exercises of breathing exercises for weight loss according to Strelnikova

The breathing technique in various yoga asanas is one of the main criteria for performing a pose. Because the correct supply of oxygen to the body is involved in controlling the work of all systems. This article is a complete explanation of the importance of breathing, as well as breathing exercises for setting proper breathing and healing the body.

The harm of improper breathing

In everyday life, an untrained person does not use the entire volume of his lungs. Breathing becomes intermittent and rapid due to this, the metabolism of oxygen in the blood is disrupted. Breathing is not delayed, which means that carbon dioxide does not have time to accumulate in the cells of the body and blood. Insufficient concentration of carbon dioxide complicates the synthesis of amino acids, negatively affects the nervous system, vasoconstriction, and the response of the respiratory center.

The human body reacts sharply to the lack of carbon monoxide, activating the defense system. The risk of developing diseases of the cardiovascular, respiratory and endocrine system... The most common consequence of improper breathing is insomnia.

Normalization of the respiratory system

From what was written above, it became clear that carbon dioxide is needed for breathing. In order for the blood to always have enough of this substance, you need to adhere to a certain lifestyle. To do exercises breathing exercises, walk more often, practice various water procedures and fasting, sometimes sleep on his stomach. Various techniques will help you learn how to breathe correctly, which can be found below.

The benefits of breathing exercises

  • Breathing exercises are accompanied by vibration, which has a massage effect on internal organs... This effect helps to rejuvenate the internal tissues and start the burning of visceral fat.
  • The benefits of breathing exercises for the central nervous system... Instead of stress after completing a complex of gymnastics, a person feels a surge of vivacity, mental performance and the power of concentration increase.
  • The best beautician is oxygenated blood. Performing breathing exercises daily, due to the acceleration of blood circulation, the skin becomes elastic and matte.

  • Through exercise, organs respiratory system start to work stably.
  • The ability to control the sympathetic nervous system. This type of nervous system is active when a person is under stress. So far, a person can control only two organs of this system - blinking and breathing. Having comprehended through exercise the power of control over the sympathetic system, a person will open portals for himself through which he can send signals to the brain and thereby control the health of the soul and body.

Five general rules for performing a breathing gymnast

Before proceeding with the normalization of the respiratory process, you need to carefully prepare. The main thing is to choose the most suitable technique, learn and remember these five rules.

  1. Training takes place in clothing that does not hinder movement. Outdoors or in a ventilated area.
  2. Full concentration on the exercise, breathing technique is strictly observed.
  3. Breathe slowly with chest, so more oxygen will enter the body.
  4. At the initial stage, perform light exercises, increase the load gradually.
  5. While doing gymnastics, be as relaxed as possible. Rely only on your feelings, if you feel pain or unwillingness to exercise, finish the workout.

Such simple rules can train the respiratory system most effectively.

Types of breathing gymnasts

For residents of eastern countries, the daily practice of breathing exercises is an everyday ritual of preserving beauty and health. It was from these countries that various techniques for working on breath management came.

Each technique has its own method of healing the body. Many practices are based on mindfulness meditation with breath control. Deep breathing techniques awaken the parasympathetic nervous system, which keeps the body at rest. Yogi practice based on shallow breathing helps to activate and improve the work of internal organs. Next, we offer you to get acquainted with various techniques that can be used for different needs of the body and soul.

  • Deep breathing

The main acting organ is the muscles of the diaphragm. The air fills all the lungs completely. Thanks to this, the entire body is supplied with oxygen. The blood pressure and the number of heart contractions decrease, and when this technique is performed, the abdomen is very inflated. Because of this, many do not perceive this technique as a working one, because now it is in vogue. slim stomach... Women are especially resistant to deep breathing. Although this method of normalizing breathing is shown to them, because they constantly keep the abdominal muscles in tension so that it seems more toned. Constant contraction of the abdominal muscles leads to a tic disorder in the abdomen. Last tics: constant tension exerting pressure on the entire nervous system.

Execution technique:

  1. Starting position: the spine is straight, the head is straight, the mouth is closed, the hands are on the knees. The lotus pose is perfect. Inhale air through the mouth, slightly squeezing the matzo of the pharynx, resembling the operation of a pump. It will be easier for a beginner to inhale at the count of 4. The inhalation will be correct if a sound similar to the operation of a pump is heard. The chest and shoulders remain motionless, only the ribs are included in the work, they are slightly moved apart.
  2. After a pause of 1-2 seconds, a smooth exhalation begins with the help of the ribs. The shoulders and chest are still motionless. When you finish breathing out the air, draw in your stomach to push out all the air. Repeat 10-15 times.
  • Full breath

The entire respiratory system is included in the work. Breathe in deeply. Air fills the lungs completely, passing through all organs of the respiratory system. This type of breathing calms, slows down the rate of release of cortisol into the blood.

Execution technique:

  1. Place your hand on your stomach, the other on your chest. Breathing to raise the hand located on the chest, the other remains motionless. Hold the air for 5-10 seconds. Exhale through your mouth.
  2. At this stage, the breath should raise the hand on the stomach. The chest is immobilized. Repeat 3-5 times.
  3. Alternate breathing methods from points 1 and 2.
  4. Simultaneous deep breathing using both types of breaths. Inhalation and exhalation take an equal period of time with short pauses.

Full and deep breathing - two basic techniques on which narrower yoga and breathing practices are based.

Strelnikova's gymnastics

Strelnikova's method is patented and confirmed as curative. Since Alexandra Nikolaevna was a singer, her program is more aimed at restoring her voice, but despite this, the method has proven itself in correcting many diseases: ARVI, headaches, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, chronic diseases of the oropharynx and lungs, disturbed nasal breathing, stoop ...

The method works on owl ventilation of the lungs. When inhaling, the chest is not in its natural extended position, but in a compressed position. A quick inhalation and a slow exhalation allows air to rush through the lungs like a fan piston.

Strelnikova's gymnastics rules

  • The main requirement: training should take place in the fresh air.
  • Breathing technique: vigorous inhalation through the nose, exhalation passive through the half-open mouth.
  • Start with the first three exercises, perform the complex in the morning and in the evening until 19:00.
  • Every day add one exercise from the complex until there are 11 of them.
  • At the initial stage, between exercises, let's say a break of 10-15 sex. When the number of exercises reaches 11, the break is 3-5 seconds.
  • The duration of your workouts is your whole life.
  • Exercise is not a substitute for traditional treatment.

It is more effective to study a set of exercises from video.

Buteyko Method

The Soviet scientist K.P.Buteyko believed that the cause of respiratory tract diseases was hyperventilation of the lungs. He proved his statement by comparing the volume of the lungs. The lungs of a healthy person will interfere with 5 liters of air, and those suffering from bronchial asthma inhale 10-15 liters.

The Buteyko method is based on shallow breathing. As the scientist himself said: "normal breathing is not visible or audible."

Breathing technique: a slow inhalation for 2-3 seconds, a full exhalation for 3-4 seconds. Respiratory rate: 6-8 breaths per minute. There is a mandatory pause of 3-4 seconds between breaths.


Contradictory method of losing weight. Based on breathing and muscle stretching. The only advantage is the absence age restrictions... According to the founder of Bodyflex, by saturating the body with oxygen with the help of five-stage breathing, fat begins to burn, stretching at this time will help the muscles remain elastic, despite weight loss.

Five-stage breathing

Starting position: imagine that you need to sit on a chair.

Execution technique:

  1. Through the lips, compressed by a tube, all the air from the lungs is released to the end.
  2. Noisy inhalation through the nose until the lungs are full.
  3. Raise your head 45 degrees, move your lips at this time, as if you need to smear lipstick, exhale air through the diaphragm with the sound "groin".
  4. Pause. Vacuum exercises are performed for 8-10 seconds.
  5. Relaxation.

This technique is contraindicated for people with gastrointestinal diseases.

Muller system

Designed by a Danish gymnast. Based on rhythmic and deep breathing without pauses and air retention. This system is aimed at improving the skin, creating a strong muscular corset and increasing endurance.

You need to breathe through the chest through the nose. Start at a basic level.

Cleansing breath

This technique can be attributed to yoga. Yogis use this method as an adjustment of the breathing apparatus before meditation or asanas. Cleansing breath great option for morning exercises, as you can do it immediately after waking up.

Starting position: the body is straightened and relaxed, located standing, lying, sitting.

The first breathing technique: inhale through the nose for 2, inflating the abdomen, for four exhalations through a thin slit in the lips, the belly is pulled up to the spine.

The second breathing technique: inhale with the nose, cutting exhale with the mouth, so that the stomach goes under the ribs for five seconds.

Breathing "Health"

A method for people who have very little time. Takes only 4 minutes a day. You need to breathe in a lying position, 2 minutes in the morning and 2 minutes in the evening.

Breathing technique: inhale through the nose for 2 counts, then exhale slowly for 4 seconds through the nose for 8 seconds.

Breathing "Health" performs according to the scheme: 1 (inhalation) - 4 (holding the breath) -2 (exhalation).

Contraindications for a breathing gymnast

No matter how great the benefits of normalizing breathing and exercise are. For some people, this kind of physical activity is locked up. At risk are people in the postoperative period, suffering from severe hypertension or glaucoma, having undergone an infraction, having cardiac and endocrine pathologies.

In any case, if a person wants to use gymnastics to alleviate the course of any disease, a doctor's consultation is required.

Respiratory gymnastics Strelnikova is a non-drug health-improving method, created at the turn of the 30s-40s as a way to restore the singing voice.

Today, more and more people come to the conclusion that no drugs, pills, plastic surgery and other unnatural interventions in the nature of our bodies are not able to influence them as beneficially as guidance healthy way life. And this is proper nutrition, and sports, and the use of various health-restoring techniques and gymnastics. One of these is Strelnikova's breathing exercises.

This is an independent exercise system, which at one time enjoyed dizzying popularity among artists and pop stars. She trained: Alla Pugacheva, Sofia Rotaru, Margarita Terekhova, Laima Vaikule, Andrei Mironov. And this is not a complete list!

If you are the type of people who actively practice healthy habits or want your voice to sound with a new pleasant timbre, then after reading this article, you may be inspired and want to try a new experience. Or you are faced with unpleasant respiratory diseases and are looking for a practice capable of short term to return you to a high energy state, vigor of body and spirit, then the classes that will be discussed will suit you perfectly!

A little about the author A. Strelnikova

Alexandra Nikolaevna began her career as an opera diva in the first half of the last century, and after World War II she became a famous vocal teacher in the USSR.

The impetus for the development of unique gymnastics was the loss of voice. The way to restore the ligaments with the help of breathing exercises was suggested to the singer by her mother. Gradually, individual elements of the methodology formed a whole system, which turned out to be extremely effective.

In 1972, Strelnikova officially registered her invention at the All-Union Research Institute of State Patent Examination, having received a copyright certificate for it.

Currently, the Respiratory Gymnastics Center, named after its creator, functions in the capital. The application of this technique has been repeatedly tested in medical institutions of various types, and studies have each time confirmed its effectiveness.

Exercise rules

Before doing the exercises, you need to familiarize yourself with certain rules.

  1. Try to think only about inhaling. You don't need to type as much as possible - this is main mistake... Inhale should be short, noisy and sharp.
  2. Exhaling is not the main thing in the exercise. Breathe out with your mouth, not your nose. No unnecessary stress. Feel your breath.
  3. Try to keep pace.
  4. Do not forcefully exercise. You do not need to do the exercise just because you have to. If the body is not ready yet, give it time, do not rush.

Basic and additional complex

For effective training Strelnikova developed a special complex. It consists of a main part and an additional part. The first includes the following tasks:

  • Palms
  • Epaulettes
  • Pump
  • Head turns
  • Small pendulum
  • Cat
  • Hug your shoulders
  • Big pendulum
  • Rolls

The additional part includes exercises:

  • Sit down - get up
  • Spring
  • Raising the pelvis
  • Metronome
  • Wiggle

When doing the exercises, it is important to follow all the rules, strictly follow the instructions. When you exercise constantly, the body will get used to this amount of oxygen and it will be easier to work. It is more advisable to first learn the first 3 exercises - the basic ones. Then add 1 new per day. The technique for performing all the exercises is covered in the video.

11 breathing exercises Strelnikova

1. Exercise "palms"

I. p. (starting position) - standing:

Stand up straight, arms bent at the elbows (elbows down), and palms forward - "psychic pose".

Standing in this position, you should take short, rhythmic, noisy breaths through your nose while squeezing your palms into fists (the so-called grasping movements.

Without pause, take 4 rhythmic, sharp breaths through the nose.

Then lower your hands and rest for 4-5 seconds. Then take 4 more noisy, short breaths and pause again.

Normally, you need to take 4 breaths 24 times.

At the beginning of the lesson, dizziness may occur, that's okay! You can sit down and continue sitting, increasing the pause to 10 seconds.

2. Exercise "epaulettes"

I. p. - standing, hands clenched into fists and pressed to the stomach at waist level.

When inhaling, you must sharply push your fists down to the floor (do not strain your shoulders, straighten your arms to the end, reaching for the floor).

Then return the brushes to the level of the belt in I. p.

Take 8 breaths in a row. Normally 12 times 8.

3. Exercise "pump" ("inflation of the tire")

I. p. - standing, legs slightly narrower than shoulder width, arms below (OS - basic stance).

Make a slight tilt (reach with your hands to the floor, but do not touch) while in the second half of the tilt, take a short and noisy breath through your nose.

The inhalation ends with the tilt. Raise a little, but not completely, and again tilt + inhale. You can imagine that you are inflating a tire in a car.

The inclinations are performed easily and rhythmically, you should not bend low, it is enough to bend to the level of the belt.

Round your back, lower your head. Important!! "Swing the tire" to the rhythm of the marching step.

Normally, the exercise is performed 12 times.


Spine and head injuries, perennial osteochondrosis and radiculitis, increased intracranial, arterial and intraocular pressure, stones in the liver, bladder, kidneys - do not bend low. The slope is slightly noticeable, but short and noisy breaths are required. The exhalation is passive after inhalation through the mouth, while the mouth is not wide open.

This exercise sufficiently effective, it can stop a heart attack, an attack of the liver and bronchial asthma.

4. Exercise "cat" (half-squat with a turn)

I. p. - o.s. (during the exercise, the feet do not come off the floor).

Make a dance squat with a turn of the body to the right and at the same time a short, sharp breath.

Then the same thing with a turn to the left.

Exhalation is performed spontaneously.

The knees are slightly bent and straightened (do not squat strongly, but lightly and springy).

Grasping movements are performed on the left and right hands.

The back is straight, turn at the waist.

Normal exercise. runs 12 times.

5. Exercise "hug your shoulders"

I. p. - while standing, bend your arms and raised to shoulder level.

It is necessary to throw your arms very strongly, as if you would like to hug yourself by your shoulders.

And with every movement a breath is taken.

Hands during the "hug" should be parallel to each other; it is not worth planting very widely on the side.

Normally, the exercise is performed 12p - 8 breaths-movement.

Can be performed in different starting positions.


Ischemic heart disease, a previous heart attack, congenital heart disease - this exercise is not recommended for these diseases.

It should start from 2 weeks of classes.

If the condition is severe, then you need to perform half as many breaths (4, or even 2).

Pregnant women from about 6 months (pregnancy) do not tilt their head back in this exercise, the exercise is performed only by the arms, stand straight and look forward.

6. Exercise "big pendulum"

I. p. - standing, legs are already shoulders. Lean forward, reach with your hands to the floor - inhale.

Immediately, without stopping (bend a little in the lower back), bend back - hug your shoulders with your hands. Also - inhale.

Exhale at random between breaths.

Normal: 12 times. The exercise can be done while sitting.


Osteochondrosis, spinal injury, displacement of the intervertebral discs.

With these diseases, you should restrict movement, lean forward a little and bend a little while leaning back.

Only after a good mastery of the first 6 exercises, you should proceed to the rest.

You can add one exercise every day from the second part of the complex, until you master all the rest.

7. Exercise "head turns"

I. p. - standing, legs are already shoulders.

Turning the head to the right is a short, noisy inhalation through the nose.

The same goes to the left.

The head does not stop in the middle, the neck is not tense.

Important to remember!

Exhale with your mouth after each inhalation.

Normal: 12 times.

8. Exercise "ears"

I. p. - standing, legs are already shoulders.

Slight tilt of the head to the right, ear to the right shoulder - inhale through the nose. The same goes to the left.

Shake your head a little, your gaze is directed forward.

The exercise is like a dummy.

Inhales are performed along with movements.

When exhaling, do not open your mouth wide!

Normal: 12 times.

9. Exercise "pendulum head" (up and down)

I. p. - standing, legs are already shoulders.

Lower your head down (look at the floor) - a short, sharp breath.

Raise your head up (look at the ceiling) - inhale.

Let me remind you that exhalation should be between inhalation and through the mouth.

Normal: 12 times.


Head trauma, vegetative-vascular dystonia, epilepsy, increased intracranial, intraocular, blood pressure, osteochondrosis of the cervicothoracic region.

With these diseases, you should not make sharp movements with your head in exercises such as "Ears", "Head turns", "Head pendulum".

Turn your head small, but inhale - noisy and short.

You can do the exercises while sitting.

10. Exercise "rolls"

1) I. p. - standing, left leg forward, right - back. Transfer the weight of the body to the left leg.

The body and leg are straight.

Bend your right leg and put it on your toes for balance (but you should not lean on it).

Sit down a little on your left leg, while inhaling with your nose (the left leg should be immediately straightened after squatting).

Immediately shift the center of gravity to the other leg (leave the body straight) and also sit down a little with an inhalation (we do not lean on the left leg).

Important to remember:

  1. squats are done with inhalation;
  2. transfer the center of gravity to the leg on which the squat is performed;
  3. after squatting, the leg should be immediately straightened, and then a roll is performed from leg to leg.

Normal: 12 times.

2) The exercise is performed in the same way as described above, only it is necessary to swap legs.

This exercise is done only in a standing position.

11. Exercise "steps"

I. p. - standing, legs are already shoulders.

Raise the bent left leg up to the level of the abdomen (straighten the leg from the knee, pull the sock). At the same time, sit down a little on the right leg and inhale briefly, noisily.

After squatting, the legs must be returned to their original position.

Do the same, lifting the other leg forward. The body should be straight.

Normal: 8 times - 8 breaths.

This exercise can be done in any starting position.


Ischemic heart disease, diseases of the cardiovascular system, a previous heart attack, congenital defects.

In the presence of leg injuries and thrombophlebitis, the exercise should be performed while sitting and lying down, very carefully. The pause can be increased up to 10 seconds. With such a disease, a consultation with a surgeon is necessary!

During pregnancy and urolithiasis, do not raise the knee high!

2) "Back step".

I. p. - too. The left leg, bent at the knee, is pulled back, while squatting a little on the right leg and taking a breath. Return the legs to their original position - exhale. Do the same on the other leg. We do this exercise only while standing.

Normal: 4 times - 8 breaths.

Indications for the use of Strelnikova's technique

Doctors still have no unequivocal opinion about the unusual approach. Despite this, they recognize its effectiveness and clear positive changes in the condition of patients and healthy people. First of all, they note the fact that Strelnikova's breathing exercises stimulate the immune system and have a general strengthening effect on the body. Experts believe that the program can be carried out even in the absence of health complaints, but nevertheless there are several indications for breathing exercises:

  • Neurotic conditions and depression, which have passed into a chronic phase.
  • The period of pregnancy (subject to the normal course of the natural process).
  • Bronchial asthma, inflammation of the bronchi and lungs.
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels, including hypertension and vascular dystonia.
  • Violation heart rate, suffered a heart attack.
  • The recovery period after a stroke, epileptic seizures, frequent headaches and migraines.
  • Diseases provoked by metabolic disorders.
  • Thyroid pathology and diabetes mellitus.
  • Some infectious and viral diseases, dermatitis.
  • Smoking.
  • Problems with potency in men.
  • Excess weight and a tendency to gain pounds.
  • Studies have shown that correct and regular breathing exercises help cure anemia, get rid of snoring and stuttering, and problems in the genitourinary sphere.

The benefits and harms of the sessions are based on stimulating metabolic processes in the body, improving the blood supply to organs and systems. The approach strengthens blood vessels, restores lost functions, and reduces the risk of complications associated with various pathologies.

Respiratory gymnastics Strelnikova can be combined with other therapeutic measures, taking drugs... In the absence of obvious indications for sessions, they can be carried out for preventive purposes. In any case, positive changes in the state will not be long in coming.

Contraindications to breathing exercises

According to experts, Strelnikova's breathing exercises with the right approach incapable of causing any damage to the human body. But in the presence of acute or chronic conditions the introduction of the technique into the regime must be approached with increased caution. First of all, this step should be coordinated with your doctor.

Deep and active breathing can be harmful if you engage in the system against the background of such conditions:

  • Osteochondrosis, especially in the upper spine.
  • Acute thrombophlebitis.
  • Internal bleeding or suspicion of these conditions.
  • Spine or head injuries of any etiology and severity.
  • Increased arterial, intracranial, or ocular pressure.
  • Fever.
  • It is also important to remember that smoking is prohibited during the exercise period.

In order not to take risks, you need to start classes with a minimum degree of intensity. The loads must be increased gradually. The process should not be uncomfortable or difficult. Until the body gets used to it, you need to rest often during the session, gradually transferring it to a new rhythm.

The world-famous breathing exercises Strelnikova dates back to 30-40 years, and then it was positioned as a way to restore the voice (A.N. Strelnikova was a singer). It was officially registered in 1972 and received a patent examination: the author, Alexandra Nikolaevna, was issued a special certificate of recognition of the method as curative.

The respiratory organs are responsible for 4 functions / capabilities of a person: breathing, speaking, screaming and singing. The most difficult thing is singing. And this means, if breathing exercises are able to restore the voice, then for simpler functions, to which, incl. breathing, will have an even greater positive effect. The hunch was proven in practice - thanks to this method, Strelnikova's student and follower, Mikhail Shchetkin, got rid of bronchial asthma, which tormented him for many years.

The essence and positive impact of gymnastics

Gymnastics is the only technique of its kind and gives really amazing results.

  • Inhale - for all exercises short, sharp, noisy inhalation through the nose(3 breaths within 2 seconds), which is performed at the peak of the movements (exercises) compressing the chest.
  • Exhale - you need to exhale arbitrarily, through the mouth... Exhalation is passive, or rather, you cannot concentrate on it at all: it is believed that the body itself will throw out excess air.

During classes, all parts of the body are included in the work, which causes a general, pronounced physiological reaction of the body and, accordingly, an increased need for oxygen.

  • All exercises are performed in parallel with breathing. This leads to increased tissue respiration and helps all body tissues to better absorb oxygen and activate all metabolic processes.
  • A special inhalation leads to irritation of a wide area of ​​receptors located on the nasal mucosa. The receptor zone provides reflex connections of the nasal cavity with almost all organs. This determines the widest range of effects of exercise, helps in the treatment of various diseases of almost all organs and systems, but has the strongest effect on the respiratory system and is especially relevant for bronchitis, asthma, ARVI.
  • Inhalation "sends" the inhaled air to the deepest parts of the bronchi, so that the lungs are filled with air completely. The vital capacity of the lungs after the 1st lesson increases by 0.1-0.3 liters. The gas composition of the blood is normalized, the arterial blood contains more oxygen. Since the breaths pass parallel to the active movements, the diaphragm is also fully included in the work. As you know, this is the most strong muscle, which is involved in breathing and sound production. Also, the so-called diaphragmatic massage of almost all abdominal organs is carried out.
  • In parallel, the cerebral cortex is also saturated with oxygen, which leads to an improvement in the work of all centers that regulate the functions of the body.
  • The process of self-regulation of metabolic processes is implemented.

Mechanism of action

The most important feature of the exercises is the use of forced inspiration with the involvement of the diaphragm. During training, it is imperative to concentrate on breaths: you need to think about them, you should concentrate on them and they must be counted.

A large number of repetitions (1-5 thousand breaths-movements in 60 minutes) and regular, daily training (twice a day, in the morning and in the evening) already in 12-15 sessions guarantee the strengthening of the respiratory muscles, the restoration of respiratory function, the strengthening of the muscles of the chest, and the beginning of elimination of spinal deformities (it will take more time for complete normalization).

A significant load does not lead to the accumulation of lactic acid in the muscles, which means that there is no pain during and after exercise.

Let us dwell in more detail on the benefits of exercise for diseases of the bronchopulmonary system. An increase in the excursion of the chest leads to an increase in its suction action. It improves lymph and blood circulation. Hyperventilation of the lungs leads to mechanical stretching of the broncho-alveolar link and activates the resorption of exudate. The development of the adhesive process is suspended, atelectasis is straightened. Regular exercises can significantly reduce the amount of drug therapy, and in some cases, completely abandon it (with bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis).

Method advantages

  • Lack of material costs and special conditions for classes.
  • The almost complete absence of contraindications, which we will mention below, including age-related ones. The exception is severe, bedridden patients, patients in a coma, very young children who, due to their age, are not able to understand the technique of execution.
  • In addition to the direct therapeutic effect, classes relieve fatigue, increase vitality, give an excellent mood, invigorate, and improve memory. These "bonuses" are especially important for students, schoolchildren, people employed in stressful professions.
  • Combine with familiar cyclic exercises such as running, walking, swimming.
  • The possibility of carrying out in parallel with drug treatment.
  • Restoration of altered organs and systems and disease prevention.
  • The breathing that occurs during movement helps to restore the energy balance of the body.
  • Preventive use of the method in schoolchildren can reduce the incidence of ARVI by 2-4 times.
  • In just 10-15 minutes of the most uncomplicated activities, a completely different state of health appears: a person feels lightness, vigor and excellent mood. And this means that for a minimum period, completely free of charge, you can get the maximum result. And at the current pace of life, this is very important!


"Paradoxical gymnastics" (which is exactly what it is called) is indicated for almost all diseases and any health problems. The main indications for breathing exercises:

  • neurotic conditions and chronic depression;
  • stuttering;
  • myopia;
  • inflammation of the lungs and bronchi;
  • bronchial asthma, COPD;
  • vasomotor rhinitis in acute and chronic forms;
  • ARVI;
  • diseases of an allergic nature, incl.,;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • heart diseases;
  • hypertension;
  • vegetative dystonia;
  • history of heart attacks and strokes;
  • heart rhythm disturbance;
  • headache;
  • epilepsy;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system, including scoliosis;
  • disorders of the thyroid gland;
  • diabetes;
  • inflammatory skin diseases;
  • period of pregnancy;
  • obesity. It is also recommended for weight loss with a slight excess of body weight;
  • smoking.

In addition to improving the condition for various respiratory diseases: bronchial asthma, COPD, chronic bronchitis, etc., gymnastics helps:

  • For the spine- training helps to eliminate stoop, helps to create a springy, light gait, makes the body pliable and flexible. With regular and constant exercises, Strelnikova's gymnastics for children and adolescents with scoliosis and posture disorders gives very good results.
  • Restoration of nasal breathing even in those patients who have not been helped surgery- one of the many positive effects. Even with free nasal passages, patients continue to breathe through the mouth out of habit due to the fact that they have formed a complex of conditioned reflex connections, in which the higher parts of the central nervous system take part. To consolidate the once lost skill of nasal breathing, it takes time and perseverance of the patient. It is in this case that a special breathing technique is simply irreplaceable and helps to significantly shorten the recovery period.
  • Vision - classes stop the decline in vision, and in a good scenario, they can improve it by 2-3 diopters. This allows children and adults with myopia to preserve their vision and improve its acuity.
  • Stuttering - breathing exercises change the stereotype of breathing, producing an extremely deep breath. If, in parallel with this, special sound exercises are also carried out, then you can achieve good results when stuttering.
  • Smell - stimulation of a large reflexogenic area of ​​the nasal mucosa provides a reflex connection with the olfactory center. This improves the sense of smell.
  • Genitourinary system- the excellent tonic and strengthening effect of Strelnikova's gymnastics exercises on the genitourinary system:
    • Eliminate enuresis, help normalize menstrual cycle and eliminate pain during menstruation.
    • Great therapeutic effect training has a varicocele in adolescents and young men. Exercises from the "Urological complex" and special massage allow to eliminate phimosis and cryptorchidism.
    • In most cases, deep breathing helps to normalize sexual function, increase potency, especially in young men.
    • With the regular use of the same "Urological complex" it is possible to get rid of such a diagnosis as chronic prostatitis.
    • The so-called "Gynecological complex" helps in the treatment of female diseases - uterine fibroids, tubal obstruction, endometriosis, ovarian cysts.
    • Numerous positive examples of the use of training during pregnancy make it possible to use it in this category of the population.
  • Postoperative period- for a certain time this technique was actively used in the surgical departments of the City Clinical Hospital No. 50 in Moscow. All patients showed a high healing effect after the interventions for excision of inguinal hernias. In general, training in the early postoperative period after resection of the stomach, removal of the gallbladder, extirpation of the uterus, appendectomy helped the fastest and complete healing of postoperative sutures.
  • In case of tuberculosis - in the Central Research Institute of Tuberculosis of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences in early 1992, a scientific experiment was carried out to introduce the Strelnikov breathing technique into the complex of treatment and rehabilitation of adolescents suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis. Significant improvements in ECG, hemodynamics and function were noted external respiration... Rapid resorption of infiltrative foci took place and the healing period of decay cavities was shortened. Until now, this method is officially used in the complex treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis in children and adolescents.

Positive feedback from doctors about Strelnikova's gymnastics and the official recognition of the method as a therapeutic one are the best guarantee of the effectiveness of training. But, like any other method of treatment, training requires regularity and adherence to the technique of execution.

Exercise can be done at the same time as drug therapy. Completely healthy people can use Strelnikova's method for prevention.


  • Acute conditions with increased body temperature;
  • Severe pathologies and general unsatisfactory condition;
  • Acute thrombophlebitis;
  • Internal bleeding.

In any case, if there is a chronic or acute pathology, it is not recommended to prescribe this workout yourself without first consulting your doctor.

Features of the exercises and what is needed to complete them

How to learn to breathe along Strelnikova?

To learn a special breathing technique and exercises, it is best to watch Strelnikova's gymnastics on a video: the proverb is relevant here that it is better to see once than hear 100 times. Plus it's free. The technique is simple, both children and elderly people can easily master it.

The main condition for exercise is access to fresh air, that is, it is best to conduct training in the fresh air or on the balcony, in extreme cases with open vents or windows.

What is the paradox of the method? During inhalation, the chest is in a compressed state, and not in the usual, expanded one. Despite this, training does not cause fatigue, and ventilation of the lungs is increased fivefold.

  • Breathing technique: energetic inhalation - passive exhalation.
  • Air is inhaled through the nose noisily and quickly like sniffing, exhalation occurs through a half-open mouth without effort.
  • All movements are performed synchronously with breaths.

How often to do breathing exercises

As a treatment method, workouts are carried out twice a day, 1500 breaths each, in the morning and in the evening, before meals or an hour after eating.

As a method of prevention, "Breathe" in the morning, replacing the conventional morning exercises, or in evening time to eliminate the fatigue that has accumulated during the day. Simple and affordable exercises perfectly train the whole body, from head to toe, providing a rush of blood to the internal organs. This determines the wide range of indications for Strelnikova's breathing exercises.

Timetable of classes:

  • It is better to start with the first 3 exercises and perform them 2 times a day.
  • Every day you need to add one exercise from the complex until all 11 techniques are connected.
  • Rest between movements should first be 10-15 seconds, by the end of mastering the complex, this break should be 3-5 seconds.
  • Workouts are carried out throughout life: they replace traditional morning exercises, fitness and other sports.

A set of exercises according to Strelnikova in pictures

In just 8 minutes a day, you can gradually recover from diseases that for a long time deprived a person of a normal and full life and required serious drug therapy (or, at least, significantly improve their health). Below we will describe all the exercises, but it is better to look at the video for a clearer and clearer execution technique. You can also watch Strelnikova's gymnastics in pictures.

In no case should you independently cancel medical appointments and refuse drugs that are prescribed for treatment. Also, the possibility of using the Strelnikova method should be discussed with the attending physician.

Remember: you need to inhale strongly, sharply, through the nose, and exhale through the mouth, arbitrarily. The frequency of movements is 100-120 per minute, the duration of the lesson is half an hour. Movements (exercises) from 2 to 10 are done in 12 sets of 8 breaths (total 96).

1. Hands

Become straight, bend your arms at the elbows and put them palms up. Take 4 rhythmic breaths, clenching your palms into a fist. Lower your arms, rest for 4 seconds. Exhale freely through your mouth. Do 24 sets.

2. Epaulets

Stand straight, clench your hands into fists and press them to your stomach. While inhaling, push your fists down, straining your shoulders. Then return your arms back and relax them as you exhale. 8 breaths - then 4 seconds of rest.

3. Pump

Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body. Lean forward and pull your arms towards the floor, but do not reach it. Inhale simultaneously with the bend, and you need to exhale when straightening, but you should not straighten up to the end. Bend over 100 times for 1 minute.

4. Cat

Stand straight, legs narrower than shoulders. Sit down a little, turn to the right and take a sharp breath. Return to original position. Repeat movement to the left. At the same time, the hands perform grasping movements. Keep your back straight, turn at the waist.

5. Hugging the shoulders

In a standing position, bend your elbows and raise them to shoulder level. Take a sharp breath, hugging yourself by the shoulders, but not crossing your arms. If it's hard, do 4 movements.

6. Large pendulum

Become straight, legs put already shoulders. Lean forward, pull your arms to the floor, while inhaling. Then go back, wrap your arms around your shoulders and inhale again.

7. Turning the head

Become straight, legs narrower than shoulders. Turn your head to the right - inhale, turn your head to the left - inhale. Exhales between breaths.

8. Ears

Become straight, legs narrower than shoulders. Tilt your head to the right, touch your ear to your shoulder, inhale, head to the left - inhale. Exhales between breaths.

9. Pendulum head

Become straight, legs put already shoulders. Tilt your head forward and look at the floor, inhale. Back, stroking up, inhale again. Exhales between breaths.

10. Rolls

Stand straight, put your left leg forward, and take your right leg back. Transfer the weight of the body to the left leg, and bend the right leg and put it on the toe. Sit down on your left leg at the same time as you inhale strongly. Straighten your leg and transfer your weight to your right leg. Sit down on your right leg, inhaling.

11. Steps

  1. Front. Become straight, legs put already shoulders. Raise your left leg, bending it at the knee, up to the abdomen (while the toe stretches down). Sit on your right leg at the same time as you inhale noisily. Return to starting position. Repeat with the other leg. 8 times for 8 breaths.
  2. Rear . Bend the left leg at the knee, while reaching the buttocks with the heel. Sit down on your right leg, take a breath. Repeat with the other leg. 4 times for 8 breaths.

Such a simple complex is a real storehouse of health for the patient and persistent. We will be glad to hear your feedback on Strelnikova's breathing in the comments to the article and the results that have been achieved with this or that disease.

Video complex of gymnastics exercises Strelnikova

  • Types of breathing
  • YOGA
  • Waivation

The first thing a baby does after birth is to inhale deeply. The lungs expand and the baby makes the first cry. This is a good sign that the baby was able to survive childbirth and is entering new life... After that, he does not stop breathing until his death. Breathing is a natural process. We breathe deeply Fresh air, hold our breath in case of unpleasant odors or under water. Anxious moments in movies or books leave us breathless. Or we try not to breathe during the first kiss. However, in ordinary life, people do not pay attention to how they breathe. The process goes by itself, as necessary. But correct breathing can bring our body to harmony, to get rid of obesity, from multiple diseases. This is a whole science that needs to be learned. There are several breathing practices. If you master them, you can get rid of spiritual and physiological problems. It's amazing that such a natural process as breathing can change our life so much.

Benefits of Breathing Exercise

It is impossible to live long without breathing. Our ancestors also related this process to the soul. And the very word "breath" is similar to the word "soul". It is breathing that connects our spiritual state with physical embodiment. It is breathing that allows us to understand our psyche. based on this connection, they help to achieve harmony between body and soul. If you learn to breathe correctly, you can be cured of many diseases. These are diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases, and sexual dysfunction. Naturally, breathing practices can improve the performance of the respiratory system. Another positive quality of exercise is opportunity to lose weight... Many girls suffering from overweight, were able to reset overweight thanks to proper breathing. Unfortunately, most people do not take this process seriously, do not believe in the benefits of breathing exercises. But the result of proper breathing is simply overwhelming.

Types of breathing

To obtain oxygen and release carbon dioxide, we use the respiratory organs - the nasal cavity, trachea, bronchi, lungs, etc. Sometimes some organs perform the function of others, for example, with a runny nose, when the nose is stuffy, we inhale air through the mouth. Although we use the same complex of respiratory organs, we breathe differently. Breathing can be:


Yoga is a system of exercises that allows a person to learn how to control the spiritual and physiological functions of the body. This system operates with the concept of "prana". The Vedas and Upanishads, the most ancient Hindu texts, speak about prana. There is food and breathing prana that can keep a person alive. Breathing exercises in yoga are called Pranayama - the fourth level of Ashtanga yoga. With the help of breathing, one can learn to control prana.

The yoga technique is mixed or full breathing. It is characterized by the opening and ventilation of the lungs. Breathing practice allows you to achieve the following results:

  • excellent ventilation of the lungs;
  • saturation of the body with oxygen;
  • decrease in pressure;
  • improving metabolism;
  • restoration of the nervous system;
  • increased immunity.

Moreover, when performing breathing practice, your body is filled with life-giving prana, you find balance and harmony.

First you need to sit down in Turkish, facing north (south for women), close your eyes and straighten your back. At the same time, the hands are on the knees, and the fingers are collected in the Jnani mudra. First, breathe out deeply so that the air is completely out of your lungs. You need to start with abdominal breathing. To do this, stick out your stomach. Feel the lower lungs open. Then comes the middle breathing - the chest rises, air fills the middle part of the lungs. After that lift your shoulders, oxygenate upper part lungs. In this case, the stomach needs to be drawn in a little. When you exhale, your shoulders and chest are lowered. The breathing itself should be smooth and even. You should not exert effort or strain on your internal organs. Feel which muscles are working at each stage of breathing. Focus on prana, the life-giving energy that fills your body with every breath. The breathing exercise includes 3-14 complete inhalation-exhalation cycles.


Respiratory gymnastics is a set of exercises that can fight against many ailments... Among them are bronchial asthma, and cardiovascular diseases, and diseases of the central nervous system, and deformities of the spine or chest. Strelnikova's technique is based on gas exchange. A larger volume of air enters the lungs than usual, so gas exchange in the blood is stimulated. The exercises involve not only the respiratory system, but also the diaphragm, head, neck, abdominal Press... Gymnastics involves the entire body, which is why its beneficial effect is so great.

Strelnikova's set of exercises is quite extensive. We will use three introductory exercises as examples.

  • "Ladoshki"

Breathing is like clapping your hands. You need to take 4 breaths with your nose, while exhaling through your mouth. The inhalation should be noisy and deep, and the exhalation should be imperceptible and quiet. Every 4 breaths, there is a pause of 3-5 seconds. Then the exercise is repeated. When inhaling, you need to clench your hands into fists, while resting, your hands drop. In total, you should do 24 exercises for 4 breaths. The shoulders and abdomen are not involved in breathing. This exercise can provoke mild dizziness. Then the pause between approaches should be increased to 10 seconds.

This exercise involves 8 breaths in a row, without any interruption. After inhalation, there is a short break for 4-5 seconds, after which the exercise is repeated again. "Shoulders" are performed while standing, hands should be pressed to the stomach. The fingers are clenched into fists. On exhalation, a sharp push is made with the hands to the floor without the participation of the shoulders. The arms should be fully extended. During the exhalation, the hands are pressed against the stomach again. The exercise must be repeated 12 times for 8 breaths.

  • "Pump"

The exercise should be done while standing. We bend over to the floor. In the middle of the slope, inhalation is taken through the nose, which ends with the slope. Then you need to straighten up, bend over again and inhale. The exercise is performed 12 times for 8 breaths. After each figure eight, rest for 4-5 seconds.

Strelnikova's gymnastics includes other exercises in which the legs, neck and head are involved. Some exercises need to be done while standing, others can be done while sitting. have a tremendous effect on the body, but do not overdo it. Be sure to pause between approaches, otherwise gymnastics can only do harm.


This technique is incredibly attractive to women. After all, she allows lose extra pounds without resorting to grueling diets or exercise. Its author Greer Childers is a woman who lost weight after giving birth with just one breath. It only takes 15 minutes a day, but the benefits of exercise are much greater than diet and exercise. This technology is suitable for women who do not have time for the gym or are unable to go on a diet. The basis of the method is aerobic breathing and stretching. During exercise, the body is saturated with oxygen, which burns fat, and the muscles tense, become elastic. Bodyflex is designed for people of any age. Breathing techniques for weight loss are best done in the morning, but any time will do. The main thing is 2 hours after eating.

Bodyflex includes several exercises, each of which allows you to fight overweight, loose skin, or wrinkles. Respiratory technique performed in a certain position - as if you are about to sit on a chair. The pelvis needs to be taken back, legs should be placed shoulder-width apart, bend over and rest your hands on your hips. Then exhale slowly through the mouth, inhale quickly and sharply through the nose. After that, the air must be pushed out of the lungs with force, straining the diaphragm. Then we draw in the stomach and count to ourselves to 10. Now you can inhale.

In combination with stretching and exercises on the muscles of the face, an incredible effect is achieved. Centimeters contract, and the body becomes elastic and flexible.


The Novosibirsk doctor Konstantin Buteyko uses a completely different technique. According to his research, diseases arise not because of a lack of oxygen in the body, but because of its excess. We release carbon dioxide too quickly, which we consider to be harmful, so diseases appear. According to Buteyko, shallow breathing should be practiced. His method allows you to get rid of bronchial asthma, diabetes, heart disease and metabolic disorders.

Performing gymnastics should be supervised by a specialist. To assign exercises, you need to pass an assessment of lung function, measure the pulse, calculate the control pause. The latter represents the time from inhalation to the subsequent desire to inhale. The normal control pause is 60 seconds or more. Another reason for exercising under the supervision of a physician is the cleansing response. The person may feel unwell, accompanied by fever, vomiting, and pain. However, Buteyko calls for this effect to be considered the norm. Although modern scholars disagree. Some believe that the technique is dangerous for the respiratory center, and British scientists consider shallow breathing to be effective and efficient.


Leo Kofler is an opera singer. He developed his technique at the end of the 19th century. Then Kofler suffered tuberculosis, because of which he left the stage. To return to what he loved, Kofler developed complex of breathing exercises that allowed him to get rid of tuberculosis. His system of three-phase breathing allows you to recover not only from consumption, but also from other lung diseases. This technique was supplemented, after which it was named the Kofler-Lobanova-Lukyanova method. The heart of the breathing system is training the breathing apparatus.

Three-phase breathing begins with exhalation. Only half of the air comes out of the lungs, then a pause follows. The pause must be kept until the body has a desire to inhale. After that, inhale through the nose and exhale. There is no pause between inhalation and exhalation. Exercises should be performed while standing with your back straight.

This complex helps to train even exhalation. Also, the Kofler-Lobanova-Lukyanova method includes the elimination of nasal sound, the development of the pharynx muscles and economical exhalation. The system allows you to expand your lungs, learn to sing or speak while performing rhythmic movements. This is especially true for singers who, during performances, must simultaneously dance and sing. Also, the technique allows you to cope with pulmonary diseases.


American Leonard Orr created a technique to get rid of negative thoughts. The term "rebirthing" itself comes from the English "rebirthing", which means "rebirth". According to Orr, a person is experiencing a birth trauma, which is deposited in the subconscious, negatively affects his subsequent life. With the help of breathing, Orr suggests getting rid of this trauma, as well as the negative events that have an overwhelming effect on us. Rebirthing is a deeper method that includes more than breathing techniques but also philosophy, a positive attitude. But this technique is controversial, because until now there have been no studies confirming its effectiveness.

The exercises should be performed under the supervision of a professional, but then, when the person learns to breathe correctly, you can do them yourself. This breathing technique for relaxation combines the frequency and depth of breathing, each exercise corresponds to a different psychological state. For example, slow deep breathing is designed to reduce negative emotions, to give the body and psyche to relax. And quick shallow breathing crushes all experiences so that you can quickly get rid of them. Exercises should be performed with special music, setting yourself up in a positive way.


The rebirthing technique was refined by Jim Lenard and Phil Louth. They also believed that a person should free himself from negative experiences. But at the same time, you need to help him cope with the experiences that appear during breathing exercises. The English word "vivation" has the Latin root "viva". Viva means life. The technique assumes a calm and free cycle of inhalation and exhalation, between which there is no pause. If inhalation occurs through the mouth, then the exhalation will be done through the mouth. If a person inhales through the nose, then he should exhale in the same way. Vivation includes three classes of breathing - deep slow, deep fast, and shallow fast. This technique allows a person to become aware of himself in the world with his feelings, to achieve harmony. In total, there are 5 elements in vivation:


The method was developed by Stanislav and Christina Grof in the 1970s. Their discovery was associated with the prohibition of LSD, and at that time, much of Stanislav's research was based on the expansion of consciousness. Holotropic breathing is shallow breathing. As a result, carbon dioxide is washed out of the blood, which causes constriction of the blood vessels in the brain. This contributes to the appearance of hallucinations, memories from the past. As a result, a person is able to move to the transpersonal level. Holotropic Breathwork has been widely criticized for the potential for brain cells to die off during exercise. The breathing itself does not have clear instructions - it is more frequent than normal breathing and is more shallow. The technique is performed in pairs - one breathes, and the other acts as a sitter. During holotropic breathing sounds specific music, intended for the transition to the transpersonal level. One session lasts about two hours.


The basis of Pershin's method is the improved methods of Kofler, Buteyko and Strelnikova. The respiratory system allows you to saturate the internal organs with oxygen, because the amount of carbon dioxide in the blood rises. The technique helps to get rid of headaches, allergies, toxins, fights sciatica, heart disease and overweight. Breathing according to Pershin should be shallow, a pause is made between exhalation and inhalation, which allows an increase in the volume of carbon dioxide in the blood. Exhales and inhales are carried out through the nose. The system includes exercises for different zones - genital, spine, cervical spine etc. The set of exercises is large enough.

Many breathing techniques modernize or repeat existing ones. For example, Bulanov's method takes the Buteyko system as a basis, but makes it more rigid. The pause between exhalation and inhalation is as long as a person close to suffocation can withstand. E.V.'s method Streltsovoy is based on yoga breathing. A significant part of the exercises is performed only under the supervision of specialists, otherwise breathing practices can be harmful.

General principles of breathing exercises

If you settled on a system that you can perform on your own, then you should follow a few rules for the exercises to be effective.

Correct breathing really works wonders. But before choosing a set of breathing exercises for yourself, you should consult with a professional. It is possible that a particular technique is right for you. Do not be skeptical about breathing exercises. This technique has been known since ancient times, it really allows you to get rid of mental and physical ailments. The main thing is a competent approach.

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This complex will allow you to master correct and natural breathing, as well as get rid of many manifestations of VSD (headache, heart palpitations, feeling of a "breathing corset", etc.)

It is advisable to perform breathing exercises 2 times a day, so that proper breathing becomes a habit. They can also be incorporated into your daily morning exercise routine.

Most people prefer to do breathing exercises while lying down, but you can do the exercises while sitting or standing. It is important to follow the sequence of exercises - their difficulty increases from one to the next.

Exercise 1

Breathe rhythmically through your nose, with your mouth closed, at your usual pace. (Repeat 3-6 times)

If at the same time there is no need to open your mouth, "help" them, try to master the rhythmic breathing of one nostril (while holding the other with your finger). In this case, you should have enough air entering through one nostril. In the future, it is possible to complicate uniform nasal breathing by inhaling in a jerky manner, in 2-3 doses, with exhalation through the mouth.

Exercise 2

Abdominal breathing exercise. (Repeat 8-12 times)

Trying to keep the chest still, try to stick out the stomach as much as possible during inhalation. Breathe through your nose. As you exhale, vigorously draw in your abdomen. To control the correct movement, keep your hands on your chest and stomach.

Exercise # 3

Exercise for chest breathing. (Repeat 8-12 times)

Trying to keep the front wall of the abdomen motionless, expand the chest as much as possible in all directions during inhalation. Exhalation occurs due to vigorous compression of the chest. Breathe only through your nose. To control the correct movement, keep your hands at your waist.

Exercise 4

Full breathing. (Repeat 8-12 times)

You can start this exercise if you have mastered the previous three well. As you inhale, expand your chest and at the same time protrude the front abdominal wall. Exhale begins with a calm retraction into the abdominal wall, followed by compression of the chest. Breathe only through your nose. To control the correctness of movements, at first keep your hands one on your chest, the other on your stomach.

Exercise 5

Counter breath. (Repeat up to 12 times)

Develops the coordination of respiratory movements well. During inhalation, the chest expands, and the abdomen is retracted, while exhaling, vice versa. This is an excellent diaphragm workout that allows for abdominal breathing. Perform the exercise rhythmically, without tension and silently. Breathe through your nose.

Exercise # 6

Breathing rhythm control training. (Perform continuously for no more than 2 minutes)

Slowly slow down the rhythm of your breathing, and having reached a certain limit (as soon as you feel discomfort), without breaking the smoothness, gradually increase it until you return to the original rhythm. Exercise separately in a smooth deepening of breathing without changing the rhythm. In this exercise, you do not need to set records, it is important to simply explore your capabilities in order to expand them over time. Breathe through your nose.

Exercise 7

Rhythmic nasal breathing with prolonged expiration. (Maximum 12 breaths)

Inhale for 2 seconds, and exhale for 4 seconds, then inhale for 3 seconds - exhale for 6 seconds, etc. Gradually lengthen the exhalation up to 10 seconds.

Exercise 8

Combination of uniform nasal breathing with walking at a slow pace. (Perform for 2-3 minutes)

Focus all attention on the rhythm and synchronization of walking and breathing. Find the optimal pace you are used to. When performing this exercise, the inhalation should be slightly longer than the exhalation or equal to it.

Exercise 9

Starting position - hands down, legs together. Raise your arms through the sides up - inhale, return to the starting position - exhale. Repeat the exercise 3-6 times.

Exercise 10

Arbitrary breathing simultaneously with the rotation of the arms in shoulder joints back and forth, alternately 4 times in each direction.

Repeat the exercise 4-6 times.

Exercise 11

"Ragged" breathing. ... (Repeat 4-8 times for each sequence)

Inhale slowly through your nose. Exhale in one quick motion through your mouth, then hold your breath for 3-5 seconds. Then change the sequence: a quick deep breath through the mouth, a slow exhalation through the nose.

Exercise 12

Synchronization of leg movements with breathing. (Repeat 6-10 times in each direction)

Starting position - legs together, hands on the belt. Take your straight leg to the side and return to the starting position - inhale; pause - exhale.

You can do this exercise like this. Put your straight legs together, lower your arms. Bend your knees alternately. When lying down, it resembles riding a bicycle; in a standing position - running in place: raised leg - exhale, lowered - inhale.

Exercise # 13

This exercise allows you to increase your breathing by bending over. (Repeat 6-10 times).

Starting position - feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body. Begin tilting to a horizontal position and below. Tilt - exhale, straighten - inhale. Notice how this makes the diaphragm easier to work with.

Complicating this exercise is side bends. Starting position - legs together, arms to the side. Tilt your torso to the sides. Tilt - exhale, return to starting position - inhale.

You can complicate the task even more. Perform lateral torso turns. Turn - exhale, return to starting position - inhale.

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