How to increase the size of the wrists. Exercises to pump up the wrists and hands

There is an opinion among the people that it is unrealistic to pump up the wrists on your own. But you don’t need to believe it, because there are many good examples when athletes with thin hands managed to develop them to huge sizes. If you look closely at bodybuilders, you will notice that their hands look harmonious with the rest of the pumped up body. At the same time, it becomes clear that they were not born with such wrists, but simply developed them. It is important to understand that the hands are a complex part of the body that is difficult to change. But there are many ways to increase the size of the wrist.

How to enlarge your wrists?

Often people want to strengthen their hands and enlarge their wrists in these three cases:

  1. Sports activities during which you need to lift heavy load. For example, if you have weak hands, then it is impossible to pump up the biceps and other muscle groups.
  2. The constant development of the wrists is always needed by amateurs martial arts and boxers. This is due to the fact that such training helps to perform strong blows.
  3. The natural weakness of the hands, which makes it impossible to perform various daily tasks or any other hard work.

During the development of the wrists, you need to pay attention to a little warm-up, because it is very easy to hurt your hands, even when using small weights. Common performance problems different exercises tendon microtrauma. They will make themselves felt very strongly in old age. To avoid such microtraumas, a small warm-up should be carried out. To do this, you need to fold your hands with a “lock”, and after that you need to perform waves with the help of your hands. This exercise allows you to warm up your wrists very well. It must be done within three minutes. You can then switch to general exercises. However, you need to start with easy and gradually move on to heavy manipulations. This will make it possible to avoid injuries and insure yourself.

It is important to be patient, because strengthening muscles requires a lot of time from a person. Having completed several effective exercises, the athlete will not be able to have powerful claws the next morning. An important factor in obtaining positive result is the consistency of training. You don’t need to arrange “weekends” for yourself simply because of your laziness.

Many beginners in the sport wind their arms around to strengthen their forearms. elastic bandages. However, this does not allow you to get the result from the training that you are counting on. Wrists will not be stronger if you use these bandages to lift different loads. It is better to do exercises with light weight to achieve good result. It is important to know that the change in the width of the wrists is directly dependent on the design of the body. Therefore, you should not count on huge wrists if the person himself is thin by nature.

Wrist exercises

When deciding how to enlarge your wrists on your own, you need to understand that without simulators and sports equipment not enough here. A common fixture now is an expander. But not always athletes manage to choose for themselves a model that allows you to pump up your wrists. For beginners, it is better to choose an expander with medium hardness, and after that you can gradually increase the load. It is best to purchase two expanders - one soft for warm-ups, and the second for basic manipulations.

There are several exercises on how to pump up the wrists:


Stretching should be done during all workouts, for this reason it is important to include it in the warm-up. If an athlete naturally has poorly developed wrists, then he needs to stretch before training. Stretching begins with the fact that the athlete needs to get on all fours and point his fingers in his direction. Next, you need to gradually move the body back until tension in the wrist area. It is important in this case not to overdo it. You can also stretch your wrist in the cobra pose. To do this, lie face down on the floor. At the same time, hands should be directed towards you. This exercise is very effective.

Flexion of the arms at the wrists.

This exercise can be done at home to increase the flexibility and strength of the forearm muscles. By doing bending, you can enlarge your wrists over time. From the very beginning, you need to put your hands palms up on your leg. The forearms in this case should lie entirely on the legs. It is also necessary to take the load in your hand and gradually lower it down. Such exercises for the wrists take 5 seconds, after which the hands can be returned to their previous position. You need to perform 2 sets of 10 times for each hand. To get excellent results, you need to do it 4 times a week.

Reverse stretch

Performing this stretch after a workout can reduce pain and the risk of injury. It should be done after any workout. To do this, the athlete needs to bend one arm at the wrist so that the palm is with inside. With the other hand, you need to press a little on the first to increase the flexion. This hold should take up to 10 seconds. After that, you can switch to the other hand and repeat all the manipulations.

Bicep Curl

Although this exercise trains the biceps, it also strengthens and enlarges the wrist. When performing this exercise, the athlete needs to keep the hands and forearms straight. First you need to take the barbell from below, while using a small weight. You need to stand straight and keep the bar at the level of the hips. After that, you need to try to pull the bar with your wrists. You should perform the same number of approaches as with a simple biceps workout. This exercise must be done using a reverse grip.

pancake squeezing

Many do not know how to pump up their wrists, so they make a lot of mistakes and do not give themselves the opportunity to get the result they are counting on. The pancake squeeze is often used to build up the wrists, strengthen the forearms, and improve grip. You can lift not only pancakes, but also other heavy loads. The exercise begins with the fact that 1-2 pancakes are taken in the hand and held perpendicular to the floor. First you need to squat, and then rise. After completing the exercise with one hand, you can safely switch to the other hand. It is important to perform 3 sets of 10 times or any other number of times at your discretion. In the absence of pancakes, you can take a thick book.

Wrist Roller Workouts

Often this projectile can be seen in athletes in gyms. If you wish, you can do it yourself. Such a roller is a short neck with a rope to which a load is attached. The athlete must take the bar with both hands palms down and twist it back and forth, as when riding a motorcycle. You need to do 3 sets of 10 times.

Push-ups on fists

By performing such an exercise, you can not only strain your wrists, but also strengthen your forearms. It is important for the athlete to keep the forearms straight. For beginners, it is better to do 3 sets of 10 times.

Wrist exercise after a fracture

Most effective exercises after a fracture of the wrist, they are done with the help of twisting. By changing the direction of movement, the athlete can easily engage several muscle groups. You can perform it even at home as a complex recovery exercises after the injuries. The athlete needs to pick up dumbbells or any other heavy load. After that, it is necessary to gradually take the dumbbells away from you and return to the starting position again. You need to do two approaches 10 times. You need to train 4 times a week.

If a person wants to pump up his wrists, it is important to regularly perform all the exercises for this and do not forget about warming up and stretching. You should not wait for the result immediately after the first workout, because it can be noticed not earlier than after six months of regular training.

Video tutorial How to strengthen your wrist

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There is special exercises allowing you to increase the thickness of your wrists and the thickness of your forearms. I have naturally very thin hands and bones, so I am familiar with this problem firsthand. The exercises used in arm wrestling helped a lot, because there the wrist is a key point.

In general, many people think that the section of the arm from the elbow to the hand is ... in general, they don’t know what to call it and are often called the wrist. In fact, this part of the arm is called the forearm, and from the elbow and above the shoulder. Study a school physics course and you will understand why this is so.

Therefore, we will talk with you how to pump up your forearms, make your hands strong, and your wrists thick.

Exercises to pump up the wrists and hands

It is not so easy to increase the thickness of the bone itself. This is where genetics play a big role. But even if you have thin bones, then in a few years the thickness of the bone in the area of ​​​​the wrist joint will definitely become larger, because the bones grow in thickness all their lives.

Particularly good effect on the growth of thickness strength training. Of course, the bones inside are like a sponge and at first they thicken mostly from the inside, but the outer thickness will also grow.

It is much faster to grow the muscle mass of the forearm. And even if you have thin bones, like a girl, then with massive forearms your wrists will look great!

You need to do the following exercises:

  • Barbell curls (palms up)
  • Reverse wrist curls (palms down)
  • Bending on top block with thick handle
  • Any work on the grip
  • Bending the arms with a barbell while standing (heavy weight)

When running on works(). It sits almost entirely on the forearm, so it gives shape to the arms and adds bulk to your hands and wrists.

How to strengthen the brush

You need to develop finger strength. They must be hard as a "stone". To do this, you can do push-ups on your fingers, do racks on your fingers in a lying position. In some gyms and arm wrestling sections there are special simulators for pumping up fingers and a hand.

Even the usual deadlift with a lot of weight, when the bar just falls out of your hands, it helps to strengthen your fingers, develop grip strength and pump up your forearms.

I personally have never done a deadlift with one or three fingers, but I heard that it also helps a lot, although you need to have the appropriate training so as not to tear the tendons. You can also do hangings or pull-ups on one, two or three fingers. To do this, you will have to buy or sew a special belt.

To pump up the wrists, hand and forearms, you need to do bending with large weights. Armwrestlers do curls with a 100kg barbell and this is quite a common indicator. Lifting 40kg with one hand is normal for them. Therefore, their hands are huge, and their forearms are strong and massive. In this regard, it is worth taking an example from them. Only workouts should not be made so long. Take the exercises from arm wrestling, but apply them in a bodybuilding style, then the muscles will grow quickly, and noticeable results will be already in the first month!

Powerful relief biceps and triceps, developed deltoids and wide forearms - this is admiration from the opposite sex and respect from other athletes. Probably, there is no such bodybuilder and bodybuilder who would not dream of pumping up huge arms. Arm volume of 40-45-47 cm, and maybe more - this is the goal of jocks of all time. Many athletes, with tremendous power in their hands, do not differ in the impressive size of this area, and puzzle over how to achieve desired results in muscle growth.

When talking about the huge size of the hands, often only the biceps are discussed. However, in a 40 cm arm, less than 30% of the entire mass of the arm is allocated to the biceps. The remaining 70% is occupied by triceps, so about this group muscle fibers also don't forget.

How to pump up 40 cm biceps?

The first and most important rule is that hands will grow only from hard workouts with iron. There are no other options to gain muscle mass (not fat!) However, grab from the start for big weights it is forbidden.

A fatal mistake for natural beginners is the use of overly heavy projectiles. In pursuit of big weights, athletes always make a lot of mistakes in technique. Performing exercises with unbearable weights leads to constant cheating and "inclusion" in the work of the muscles of the back, chest, legs. This will not affect the hypertrophy of the hands in any way, but it will easily lead to unpleasant consequences in the form of cramps, sprains, dislocations and fractures. For exercises, it is necessary to choose a weight that will allow you to perform approaches smoothly and clearly, without violating technique. This is how the maximum tension in the muscles being worked out will be felt.

Muscular voluminous arms are formed step by step. Sometimes it takes years. If a beginner came to a rocking chair with thin "matches" of 25 cm, then he will not come to a straight body to a volume of 40 cm in a year or even less.

It is worth noting the fact that the training of each athlete is individual. There is no template program that works for everyone. Blind copy training splits"Pro" has not yet brought great success to anyone. Best Coach any athlete - himself. Feeling their muscles, athletes through trial and error determine which exercises work for them and which do not bring much benefit.

Exercises to increase the volume of hands

To make hands in a volume of 40 cm, it is necessary to gradually, but regularly increase the working weights. Therefore, the main training plan for muscles upper limbs will remain unchanged for many years.

The main exercises for the biceps are standing barbell curls and hammer curls with dumbbells. They must be practiced regularly with the constant addition of training weight. You can “finish off” the muscles at the end of the workout each time with new isolating exercises: bending the arms on the Scott bench, concentrated dumbbell lifts, bending the arms on the lower block (bent or rope handle), alternately bending the arms with dumbbells.

Barbell bench press with a narrow grip and push-ups on the uneven bars - the base for triceps. These are the exercises that should always be included in every arm workout. You can experiment with the end of the workout, just like when working on the biceps, adding a variety of isolation: extension of the arms with dumbbells while standing in an incline, extension at vertical block or extension of the arms above the head.

Biceps and triceps training must be combined into one workout using alternating methods. The muscles of the hands are made up of different types of fibers. Some of them respond to pumping, others to strength work. Periodization of exercises on individual muscle bundles will achieve maximum hypertrophy. Such approaches will most effectively increase endurance, improve muscles and allow you to make arms in a volume of 40 cm. Their essence is as follows (3 options):
  • First, exercises are performed in several approaches for triceps, then an exercise for biceps. And so in a circle: again work on the triceps, and then return to the biceps.
  • The athlete performs a set for triceps, then rests for as long as he needs, and then performs a set for biceps.
  • Superset: One set of two exercises (biceps and triceps) performed consecutively without rest or with a very short break of 15-20 seconds.
In order for all parts of the hands to develop harmoniously and proportionally, do not forget about pumping the forearms. This muscle group is worked out by lifting dumbbells to the biceps, hammer flexion and bending the bar at the wrist.

In the end training process, after heavy weight exercises on the arms, it is recommended to perform a small stretch. She will not allow loss of mobility and stagnation in growth. A good quality stretch will relax, soothe and accelerate growth. muscle mass.

Nutrition for gaining muscle mass

No matter how hard the athlete does, no matter how strictly he follows all the rules for gaining muscle mass, it is unlikely and almost impossible to “disperse” the arm to 40 cm without a properly composed diet.

The body must receive enough proteins, fats and carbohydrates for muscle growth. Just like with training, there is no single pattern in nutrition. For everyone, it will be different, depending on the goals, characteristics of the body and taste preferences.

Lean, wiry athletes who lack just the slightest bit of success in arm size need to shift to carbohydrate foods to compensate for the loss of energy costs. Athletes who tend to be overweight should, on the contrary, eat more dietary meat, fish and eggs in order to build muscle cells in their arms up to 40 cm in protein. But the eating pattern should be equally fractional for everyone: at least 6 meals a day in small portions.

Video on how to pump up voluminous hands:

How to create voluminous and embossed arm muscles without increasing the duration of training? Take 30 minutes of hard work and reap the harvest in the form of powerful and beautiful hands!

I have always been attracted by the power that can be applied in practice. I also love working with people and explaining to them that hard muscular work often brings more joy than the aesthetic pleasure of an athletic reflection in the mirror. However, I often encounter a problem that was described by Bob Hoffman. In those distant times, when bodybuilding had not yet formed as an independent sport, his wards, Olympians, were already obsessed with the size and shape of their hands. And instead of fighting a manic obsession with biceps and triceps, I decided to channel this energy into a good direction.

Due to the different lengths and the presence of several points of origin and attachment of the biceps and triceps, you can accentuate each head of these muscles by varying the position of the arms and rotating the hands in the wrist joints.

And since your hands are actively involved in the work being done top body, you just need to adjust your actions a little, and shapeless piles of muscles will turn into embossed jackhammers!

Half hour arm strength training

With the help of this complex you will learn how to use various tricks and tricks for creating powerful and evenly developed hands. We will perform three pairs of exercises, forming supersets of sets for biceps and triceps.

We’ll start with hard work with heavy weights, and then smoothly move on to high-rep training to force maximum hypertrophy. Training will not take you much time, but it will give a powerful impetus to increase the volume and shape the relief of the biceps and triceps.

Push-ups on the uneven bars

Training program

Superset 1:

For me, no the best exercise to create massive and strong triceps than the JM press. This move is often used by powerlifters to turn jelly-like muscles into concrete extensors that Optimus Prime himself would envy. Do five repetitions and immediately move on to pull-ups. Then, after resting properly, add weight and repeat the superset. Keep increasing the weight on each set to make your final set a living hell.

This is primarily an exercise for the back, but electromyography shows that the reverse grip places a serious load on the biceps, which falls mainly on the short head. You can use straps for support, or, conversely, put on a sports belt and add weight.

Superset 2:

Done right, dips are a great way to develop strong triceps. Ideally, you should use V-bars that allow you to change the width of the grip, but you can work with what is at hand. To make push-ups as effective as possible, you will need an additional load. To do this, hold dumbbells between your legs, use an expander or a sports belt. And take care of your shoulders - do not let them fall below your elbows.

By using a reverse grip, you make the work of the long head of the biceps a little easier. (You can check: bend right hand at a 90° angle and place your left hand on your right biceps. Now rotate the brush and notice how the muscle tension changes). Performing bending reverse grip, you are forcing the growth of the brachialis and brachioradialis muscles, and you know that every bodybuilder dreams of having a powerful shoulder muscle, protruding from under a strong biceps.

Superset 3:

Standing French press works best long head. You can increase the range of motion by performing the exercise unilaterally (with one hand). It also reduces the risk of elbow pain.

V starting position, the hands are located behind the plane of the body, and this stretches the long head of the biceps and creates on it additional load. Since the biceps are also involved in the rotation of the hand, I prefer to start with a hammer grip and rotate the hand as I move.

How to strengthen the hands is a very interesting and important question for every man. After all, he demonstrates grip strength not only when performing sports tasks, but also every day when he greets colleagues, friends or acquaintances.

What makes up a strong brush

The strength of our grip is formed due to the total activity of the muscles of the hand and forearm. If you squeeze something in your hand, you will see which muscles are tense at this time.

Take a glass in your hand and try to squeeze it slightly - note that not only the hand is tensed, but also the muscles from the wrist to the elbow - the forearm.

This means that in order to develop our hands, to strengthen them, we need to purposefully do exercises on all these muscles. You can't do it just by squeezing the ring expander.

And the more comprehensive the approach to solving this issue is, the better the result you will get.

Imagine that you have a grip competition on your nose. Let's train!

Hand Exercises

Do not worry about how to pump up your hands at home - it is quite convenient to do this at home. Exercises for arms and hands do not require special simulators. If you are visiting gym- fine, but without it it is quite possible to do without it in this situation.

Squeezing and unclenching the palm

So, let's find out how to pump up the hands.

The very first and simplest exercise that is performed, including as a rehabilitation after serious injuries associated with rupture of muscles and nerves, is the usual clenching of the hand into a fist.

It is done like this:

  1. In any position (standing, sitting, lying down), clench your fists as tightly as possible. Hold tension for 5-7 seconds.
  2. Unclench your palm, trying to straighten your fingers as much as possible.

You will not believe, but this exercise is difficult for some. After complex operations, a person learns to move his fingers again. It is with such exercises that rehabilitation begins.

If your hands are completely healthy and you have not received injuries, work with a carpal expander. At the first stage, you can use a rubber ring, and then switch to a spring metal one.

As soon as you manage to perform 50 compressions of the selected carpal expander, switch to a harder one. The load must constantly increase.

Various types of expanders allow you to perform point exercises for the hands.

Choose an expander to your liking - there are round-ring, V-shaped, with a shifted center of gravity, various balls, with a dynamometer. The latter option is of interest, as you will be able to monitor the growth of your grip strength.

This is the easiest option that allows you to swing your arms at home.

Horizontal bar

Have you thought that the grip swings on the horizontal bar? Why then every time it is easier to hang on it. Remember when you first came to the horizontal bar, how long you could hang there, was it difficult to do? Yes. And now you just grab the bar and hang.

To pump up the wrists, you need to systematically hang on the horizontal bar for 60-90 seconds. This is also useful for the spine - it stretches, thereby reducing the squeezing effect on the roots. spinal cord. Try hanging like this every other day or every day.

By the way, if you hang a towel on the horizontal bar, grab it with both hands and train the hang in this position, you can pump up the brush even better. This technique is used by wrestlers as the grip is very important to them.

Deadlift and other exercises

Those who go to the gym and work out without athletic gloves get calluses on their hands. It is not without reason that all this happens - the hands receive a powerful load. Arms get the most peak load from exercises such as shrugs and deadlifts. Especially the last exercise, when done with decent weights, greatly strengthens the grip.

To strengthen the grip as effectively as possible, do not take the neck with different grips when the arms are turned in different directions. This significantly reduces the load on the fingers and palm.

A list of exercises for training might look like this:

  1. Hanging on the horizontal bar.
  2. Expander.

You can change any element to the one you like best.

Now you know how to pump up your wrists using simple and understandable exercises. Train, achieve success, share your results!
