Can there be a wide bone. Broad bone and obesity: debunking myths


The overwhelming number of people from overweight Complaining about their problems, they consider their own physique an obstacle to their solution. You can often hear the following judgments: "I am not complete, this is a natural feature - such a bone!"

Broad bone or overweight?

Those who are unable to part with extra pounds blame the supposedly wide bone: "If I were thin-boned as a friend, I wouldn't have to lose weight, but here you will never become slim because of a wide bone!"

How to tell if your bone is wide

So what kind of bone is this? Who can be called its owner? And how does body size affect slimness?

To determine the harmony of the human body, it is customary to use a criterion called the Solovyov index. Determining the type of constitution is quite simple. You just need to measure the volume of your own wrist.

In general, a ruler or a measuring tape is not even required. Measurements can be taken with your own fingers, grasping the left wrist with the other boat and paying attention to the position of the thumb and forefinger.

  • The fingers touch in people with a normal physique.
  • If it is not possible to connect the fingers, the person is of the hypersthenic type.
  • And the fingers that are one on top of the other say that we have an asthenic with thin bone.

A mirror can also tell about your type.

In asthenics, vertical dimensions prevail over horizontal parameters. Such people have long limbs and necks, elongated phalanges of the fingers and often poorly expressed muscles.

People of normal physique are proportional.

And hypersthenics is characterized by the predominance of transverse parameters over longitudinal ones. The backbone of such people is heavy, the legs are often short, and the hips, rib cage and the shoulders are broad.

But a heavy bone is not a diagnosis, much less a sentence. How a person looks, whether he is obese or slender by 4/5 depends on the lifestyle, and not on congenital characteristics.

Thin bones are thought to be a trait in the human body that interferes with gaining muscle mass. In gyms, you can hear: a lot of meat will not grow on a thin bone.

Thin bone and body type

Bone thickness is an important parameter in determining the somatotype of a person - his bodily structure, or body type. According to MacRobert, a wrist circumference of 17.5 cm or less indicates an ectomorphic somatotype. True, it is worth noting that it is not entirely correct to judge the body type by one single sign. In fact, the body type is determined not only by the thickness, but also by the length of the bones. Moreover, the classification of the physique is based not only on the signs of the skeletal system, but also on other body systems (the main ones are taken into account in ours).

If we judge the type of a person only by the bones, then it must be said that it is necessary to study not only the thickness of the wrist, but also the thickness of the ankle. In a true ectomorph, the thickness of the wrist and ankle will be proportional. If a person has thin arm bones (assessed by the wrist), but at the same time the bones of the legs (assessed by the ankle) are not, then talking about an ectomorphic body type is wrong. By the way, about the thickness of the ankle: a girth of 22.5 cm and below indicates a thin bone. Moreover, if the difference between the thickness of the wrist and ankle is 5 cm, then we can say that the thickness of the bones of the arms and legs is proportional.

Thin bone and muscle growth

Let's return to the "folk wisdom" mentioned above: "a lot of meat will not grow on a thin bone." Is it because of the thickness of the bones that the muscles are not growing? No. Bone thickness is just a signal of how physically powerful (strong) your body is. And if he is not that way (physically powerful, strong), then he grows poorly - this applies to the thickness of the bones and the thickness of the muscles. There are, however, exceptions when there is a good muscle mass on thin bones.

The power of the body depends on health and genetics, which, in principle, are interconnected.

Health is not only immunity, but also the general condition (functionality) of the body, that is, its efficiency. For example, lethargy, weakness, physical inactivity are what is associated with poor health. The initial (primary) point for determining the level of health is the assessment of the cardiac system. Check with a cardiologist in a calm state and physical activity your work of cardio-vascular system(). If there are certain violations, deviations from the norm, then consider that you will constantly have problems with muscle growth.

In turn, genetic power is either heredity (parental genes) or the result of your own genes. Genes act on us through intermediaries, the main of which are hormones. Therefore, the genetic power of the body is governed by hormonal conditions. It is the activity of hormones that affects the growth of both bone, muscle, and even adipose tissue. Thin bone is most often evidence of insufficient secretion of sex hormones (insufficient precisely for physical strength (power); from the point of view of normal vital activity, the level of hormones is usually quite normal).

Oddly enough, but in this regard, genetics can be fought. Indeed, to increase the amount of sex hormones in the body, it is enough to exercise correctly. We have written more than once about the effect of exercise on the stimulation of sex hormones (testosterone). However, once again we emphasize the fundamental: it stimulates the secretion of testosterone and keeps it in the best way.

The hormonal background is not everything for the growth of the bone in breadth. Bone thickening (meaning normal, healthy, not pathological, for example, osteosclerosis) is:

mechanical stress + sufficient hormonal background + normal bone metabolism.

By the way, it is training in the strength style that allows you to create that mechanical load that most stimulates the compaction (strengthening) of the bones. As for the metabolism in bone tissue, it is important to know the following: essential elements calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D are essential for the normal functioning of bones. Of course, other micro and macro elements also play an essential role.

Thickness vs. bone length

If bone thickness is an indirect sign of a predisposition to bodybuilding (rather associated with a general physical development human), then the length of the bone is a parameter that can be directly related to the features muscle growth... The fact is that the growth of muscles on bones of different lengths can be carried out in different ways.

So, a typical picture for short bones: the body of the muscle (abdomen, ie, its bulk) sharpens at the ends of the bone, passing into the so-called muscle tails, with which the muscle is attached to the bone; the muscle tails are also pulled together by tendons.

A typical picture for long bones: the muscle body (abdomen) begins to sharpen relatively far from the ends of the bone and passes into muscle tails, then (towards the ends) muscle tails pass into tendons, with the help of which muscle group fastened from the bone. It turns out that the bulk of the muscle is not concentrated along the entire length of the bone, if the bone is long. That is, there is no more meat on long bones than on short ones. But in order to increase meat on long bones, muscle growth must be significantly greater, which significantly lengthens the solution to the problem over time.


1. If you are truly an ectomorph, then the thickness of your bones is the result of the rate of metabolic reactions in your body. She (this speed), as a rule, interferes with the normal set of muscle mass. We call this part of ectomorphs hardgainers (ectomorphic hardgainers). At the same time, according to observations, for a separate part of ectomorphs to grow muscles is not a problem.

2. If you are not an ectomorph, but you have thin bones and you do not gain mass well, then:

(a) you do not have enough physical strength (health) for muscle hypertrophy; you most likely have a hard time enduring physical activity, you recover for a long time after them. Perhaps you are not all right with your health or you have low physical potential from birth (usually in such cases, in contrast, nature rewards high intellectual potential). In any case, you are a hard gainer.

(b) you have bad genetics for bodybuilding. Perhaps this is due to the "bad" type muscle fibers, deficiency of some hormones (for example, testosterone) or redundancy of others (for example, estrogens), or some traits of an ectomorph transmitted from mom or dad. In other words, you are also a hard gainer.


Human morphology: / Ed. B.A. Nikityuk, V.P. Chtetsova. Publishing house of Moscow State University, 1990.

Overweight in the overwhelming majority of cases is the result of improper lifestyle and nutrition, and especially when it is "professed" in the fat family. Completeness in such families is considered a hereditary concept, and the blame falls on a wide bone. Well, since it's about genetics, then, of course, it is inappropriate to exclude from the menu the cabbage soup fatter and thicker, rich jellied meat and other masterpieces of home cooking, which has become a favorite family tradition to consume in front of the TV. And since the "bones" are not lucky, then let the stomach rejoice at least. Is there a rationale behind such beliefs? What is broad bone? How to determine her, and is she really to blame for being overweight?

Broad bone or wide myth?

The photo shows two twin sisters, to whom their parents transmitted the same heredity and predisposition, in addition, they are both full and healthy. So what happens? Did one of them grow bone along with fat?

It makes sense to talk about the genetic characteristics of an organism when, for example, everyone in the family is red-haired, or lop-eared, or tall. When everyone is fat, the reason must first of all be sought in the refrigerator, pans and culinary habits of grandmother or mother. In medicine, there is no such thing as “broad bone”. There is a classification of body types and differences in skeletal structures, but they in no way form a tendency to be overweight. Those who are used to indulging themselves in the excessive use of tasty and unhealthy food prefer to shift all responsibility for the volumetric shapes onto the "wide bone".

Sometimes in medical terms, you can find "narrow or wide bones of the pelvis", but this wording is relevant only when monitoring pregnancy and predicting childbirth. The wide bones of the pelvis, both women and men, can be overgrown with two kilograms of fat, and maybe ten or even more. Therefore, the width of the bones of the thighs is a feature that has absolutely no effect on body fat of the whole body.

How to determine the proportions of the physique?

If you set out to determine if you have a wide bone or not, then it is very likely that you have problems with being overweight. Many people find it easier to believe in the legends of large-boned people than to admit to themselves an exorbitant appetite, laziness and ignorance. If this is not about you, but you still would like to know how harmonious the proportions of your body are, and what is its constitution, use the index of Dr. Solovyov.

The method of determining the proportions of the physique is very simple: take a measuring tape and measure the circumference of the wrist joint (wrist). Its length will be a relative indicator of individual differences in bone thickness:

  • from 15 to 18 cm for men - asthenic and conditionally thin-boned person;
  • from 15 to 17 cm for women and from 18 to 20 cm for men - normal physique, proportional to the thickness of the bones;
  • more than 17 cm for women and 20 cm for men - hypersthenic, conditionally large-boned person.

Another way will help determine your body type and without a centimeter. To do this, just take the wrist of your left hand in the ring with your thumb and forefinger:

  • fingers touching - normal physique;
  • fingers do not reach each other - hypersthenic type;
  • fingers overlap each other - asthenic physique.

The harm and benefits of body positive

There is such a trend - body positivity, promoted by "large-boned" people. His philosophy is that a person of whom there is a lot is wonderful! The purpose of the flow is to convince humanity that excess weight- this is normal and even beautiful. There is, of course, a positive in this. People should learn to love themselves the way God intended them (nature, genetics, etc.). But it is appropriate to talk about it when it comes small breasts, large nose or short legs. If a person drags on himself another “person” in the form of 50-60, or even 100 extra pounds then what is the beauty?

Undoubtedly, curvaceous forms can and should fit into the parameters of beauty, but only on the condition that body fat are proportionally distributed throughout the body, do not spread out like a formless "jellied meat" and, most importantly, do not provoke the appearance of diseases caused by a high degree of obesity. Only in this case, body positivity has the right to be called positive. Otherwise, it is the promotion of an unhealthy lifestyle, self-dislike and disrespect for others.

Loving your body is necessary and important! Everyone has every right not to conform to glossy or formulaic concepts of beauty. Just like in clothes, hairstyle or demeanor, he can express his personality and parameters of the figure. Curvy female forms drive every generation of men crazy, and it looks like they will never go out of style. But lush doesn't mean ugly fat. Everything should have a measure, taste, proportions, and in appearance - also a healthy look. Although a complete, but well-groomed and healthy body can be called beautiful.

Becoming a follower of body positivity means adhering to two main rules:

  1. Loving yourself, but not indulging your bad habits. Sometimes people misunderstand the concepts of self-love and willpower. For example, ladies with “ broad bone"Can easily eat the fifth piece of cake and call it -" pamper yourself beloved ", refuse to work in gym and declare yourself a man with iron willpower and the ability not to succumb to fashion trends. But on the other hand, how nice it is to succumb to such delicious, but such bad habits there are often and a lot. Loving yourself means taking care of your health, excluding bad habits, including gluttony.

  1. Self-love should do better. Doing better does not mean better than someone else. The value of body positive is that it teaches its followers to be better than themselves of yesterday, without relying on rigid standards of beauty established by someone. And if you set yourself the goal of going on a diet or starting to run, but lasted only ten days, and fell on the eleventh, this does not mean that you are a spineless rag! This means that for ten days you were better than yourself the previous one, and on the twelfth day you will also be better, because you will not give up the healthy habit that will help you get rid of the "broad bone" forever.

how to determine whether the bone is wide or not? and got the best answer

Answer from Natalia [guru]
There is a Soloviev index - the volume of the wrist.
Soloviev index.
The Solovyov index is the circumference of the thinnest place on the wrist, expressed in centimeters.
The normosthenic physique is characterized by:
The Solovyov index for men is 18-20, and for women - 15-17.

The hypersthenic physique is characterized by:
Soloviev's index is more than 17 in women and more than 20 in men.
The physique is distinguished by the proportionality of the main sizes and their correct ratio.
In representatives of a hypersthenic (broad-boned) physique, the transverse dimensions of the body are much larger than in normostenics and especially asthenics. Their bones are thick and heavy, their shoulders, ribcage and hips are broad, and their legs are short.
Asthenic physique is characterized by:
Soloviev's index: less than 15 for women and less than 18 for men.
In people with an asthenic (thin-boned) body type, the longitudinal dimensions prevail over the transverse ones: the limbs are long, thin bone, the neck is long, thin, the muscles are relatively poorly developed.
(This index is usually used in obstetrics - when it is necessary to estimate the width of the bones - for a more accurate assessment of the internal dimensions of the pelvis).

Answer from Kimma Alifanova[active]
on the wrist and on the fingers

Answer from Ўlechka[master]
if the butt is more than 90 cm then you have a wide bone 🙂

Answer from E.Ovchinnikova.1210[master]
Grasp with your thumb and middle finger right hand left wrist. If the fingers converge, it is normal, if they go over each other, it is narrow, if it does not converge, it is wide.

Answer from ALLA[guru]
People with thin wrist bone 11cm

Answer from 3 answers[guru]

Hey! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: how to determine a wide bone or not?

You've probably already heard from overweight people once: "It's just heavy bones!" But with this myth, you can end it once and for all. Find out finally if heavy bones actually exist.

How heavy are our bones?

Is being overweight caused by heavy bones? This is a myth and a lazy excuse for fat people. This has been confirmed by the Federal Ministry of Education and scientific research... Bones form the structure of the skeleton that supports the body and enables an upright body position.

In the average person, bones account for about 8 to 9% of the total body weight. It would be only 7.2 kg at 80 kilograms. Not a reason for being overweight at all.

The weight of a bone is derived from its size and density. Thus, individual bones have different weights. Basically, women have slightly lighter and thinner bones than men. Moreover, due to high mobility, healed bodily injuries, as well as genetic predisposition, bone density can be different. However, these fluctuations are at most 10% within the bone mass and this is not more than one kilogram for one person.

What makes people heavy then?

What really leads to excess weight is the stored fat in our body. Which is the result of too much food or an unbalanced diet, which is set aside as a reserve for a rainy day. There is, of course, another reason why some non-fat people are heavier than others. Muscle is very heavy compared to fat. So a muscular man weighs more than a thin and unsportsmanlike man.

Heavier people are somewhat denser and therefore bones get heavier over time. Because their body needs more support, it doesn't matter if it's too much fat or too much muscle mass. These slightly heavier bones do not cause overweight

Can bone density be improved?

Poor diet or medical conditions such as osteoporosis results in decreased bone density. As a result, skeletal damage and serious health consequences. However, you can influence your bone density yourself. Through a diet rich in calcium, bones are strengthened. In addition, frequent and regular exercise also promotes the development of dense and stable bones.

Researchers' opinion

Canadian scientists have found that the higher the load, the wider and heavier the bone. Before making such a conclusion, they observed the physical activity of adolescents. Researchers claim that sports help you not to break down in the literal sense. Not only muscles become stronger, but also the skeleton. It is known that a person has exactly 206 bones. They all form a vertical pillar. Thanks to him, the body can afford to walk on two legs. The human hand is considered the most bony - it consists of more than 54 elements.

Tubular, short, flat and mixed - each bone has its own purpose, but the function is the same: to serve as a strong frame for the body. The worst thing that a skeleton can get sick with is "osteogenesis imperfecta" (crystal disease).

What helps to strengthen bone tissue?

The structure of a person's bones changes throughout his life. After birth, it increases, reaching a peak by the age of 25-30. From 30 to 45 years old, the density of bone tissue practically does not change, and after 45 years, regardless of whether a person is sick or healthy, a natural physiological process of rarefaction of the bone structure begins.

To keep your bone density from diminishing, you should not only do physical exercise but also include in the diet foods high in calcium. The daily intake of calcium for an adult is 1200 mg. Most of all it is in cottage cheese, cheese, whole milk, fermented milk products. If calcium is not supplied enough, the body begins to take it from the bones.

Few numbers

It’s hard to say where the excuse “I have a wide bone” came from. But you can publish a text about how much the skeleton weighs and how much its weight may differ from different people.

A dry, fat-free and dehydrated human skeleton (that is, what remains of you and me in this world) weighs on average only about 4 kg for men and about 2.8 kg for women. In percentage terms, the skeleton occupies approximately 6-7% of the body weight in an adult.

Bone density makes the adjustments

We all know from the course of the school curriculum what density is - so with the same volumes, the skeletons of different people of a person can have slightly different weights, i.e. some will have denser bones, others less. How big a difference can it be and what does it depend on?

Bone mineral density can change with age (including due to osteoporosis), with concomitant diseases, nutrition (decrease with inadequate nutrition, and vice versa - with sufficient nutrition). Also, bone density depends on weight loss or weight gain: scientists have calculated that with the loss of each 1 kg of fat in the body, an average of about 16.5 g of minerals in the bones is lost, in fact, with a set of the same 1 kg of fat, about the same amount is restored by the background of the available training volume.

Here are the average normal bone density values, including data on athletes and athletes who develop bone tissue adaptation to shock load, and an approximate calculation of the difference in grams between these values, so that you can clearly understand what is the general value for the total bone / skeleton weight. has bone density.

Average values ​​for bone density in adults are in the region of 1.0 - 1.2 g / cm2. Roughly speaking, this can be translated as +/- 10% for different people depending on the factor. These values ​​vary depending on age, gender, race, level and type of physical activity, nutritional status, body condition, presence of diseases, etc.

By the way, even growth hormone does not make significant adjustments to bone density. Scientists conducted a controlled 15-year study in which growth hormone injections were given to over 100 people. Bottom line: over 15 years, the average increase in bone mass was only 14 grams.

Wide but light

Ultimately, what do we have: what total weight human bones, excluding fat and liquid filling, is something about 4-5 kg ​​in adult men and 2-3 kg in adult women.

Within these same boundaries, the mass can fluctuate, depending on the density of the bone mass, but again this difference will not be so significant, in any case - up to 1 kg depending on the density of the bone mass. By by and large, conversations about "wide bone", "powerful backbone", which radically affect total weight the human body, on the "fat power" and genetic predisposition to increased weight gain, in fact, are not entirely comparable with the real state of affairs.

Yes, the difference in height and complexion certainly gives its own shifts in various indicators of bone mass from person to person, but these indicators do not differ by 5-10 kilograms, but average no more than 2-3 kg from person to person.

Netizens' responses

a guest

This means that the bones are thicker than those of other dead-bone people, but a heavy bone has one or even two disadvantages, firstly a heavy bone makes a person fat, and secondly, and for a girl, this is especially important, with a heavy bone a person walks limping barely rearranging legs, and non-plastic.


What nonsense is a heavy bone and does not mean that a person is overweight, he can be thin, just the structure of the skeleton is not athletic and non-plastic, a person cannot "lift his leg", the rogue is heavy for him, and he walks with a heavy gait.


21st century, and people still do not know such elementary things! Bones weigh the same for everyone: 7 kg for women, 10 kg for men. If the bones, as they say, were "heavy" not in words, a person simply would not be able to fully move, the joints would not be able to absorb all movements. The expression itself refers to people of dense build. By the way, there were no full ones in Buchenwald.


“The human skeleton consists of approximately 206 bones, which healthy person make up about 17.5% of body weight. The share of muscles accounts for 43%, internal organs≈ 19%, leather and subcutaneous fat≈ 17.8%, brain ≈ 2.2%. These data are averaged and differ from individual to individual. "

Uninvited Guest

It's like mine. With an increase of 49 kg, I look large. Not full, but some kind of broad. Even when she weighed 47, she was still far from skinny in appearance. For all my attempts to achieve elegance, I get zero result, because even with a small weight there is no trace of elegance. In general, a disgusting physique, especially with a short stature.

It's true. it all depends on the number of septa in the cancellous bones, the thickness of the bone wall, the content of calcium and other trace elements. men have heavier bones than women.


Heavy bones just have more weight. And when the bones are heavy it is very good, because fractures and all sorts of cracks occur several times less often than in people with light bones. By the way, not only men but also women can have heavy bones.


In everyday life, this often means the constitution of the structure of the skeleton, the bone tissue itself is porous and calcium and other minerals should normally accumulate in these pores, and due to repeated pregnancy, prolonged periods, when taking drugs(diuretics, antihistamines, etc.) due to age-related changes leaching of calcium occurs, the so-called osteoporosis

All answers, in general, are correct, I will just add, in women, bone thickness can be determined by measuring the wrist, of course, if you are not severely obese. Less than 16 - 17 then the bones are light, more heavy.

Bones cannot be heavy or light. Most likely, this refers to the body type. There are only three of them - mesomorphic - the so-called average physique, people of this type are usually of average height, they have moderately developed muscles, etc.; the brachymorphic type assumes a wide skeleton, that is, the bones of this type are not heavier, but wider than in other types. People of this type usually have wide brushes hands, they have big size legs, broad shoulders. And the last type is dolichomorphic. These are the "elves" people. They have a fragile physique, usually long thin fingers, narrow chest. Determining your body type is easy - just measure your wrist. If you get a figure less than 15 cm for a woman, then you have narrow bone, if from 15 to 17 cm - you have an average physique, if the size is more than 17 cm, then you have wide bones.


heavy bone is heavy bone. Wide bone can be light, narrow bone can be heavy. I have a wide and heavy one. As a child, when I was skinny as a bicycle, I always weighed more than my peers, of the same height and build. From there I know that my bone is heavy 🙂

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