How to recruit in a month. How to gain weight at home: general principles

Not many people dream of increasing their weight. There are many more who seek to get rid of it. However, being too thin is sometimes uglier and more unattractive than being overweight. Angular and bony guys and girls would give a lot for the opportunity to have a rounded dense body and not be reputed to be herrings and dryches. And, of course, they are worried about the question, how to gain weight to get rid of ridicule and feelings of inferiority. Nutritionists believe that it is more difficult for thin people to increase body weight than their counterparts to lose the same amount. In both cases, the change in weight occurs under the influence of two factors: nutrition and physical activity.

Lean and slender people, as a rule, eat a lot, but do not gain body weight. The absorbed food goes into them, like into a black hole - muscles do not grow, subcutaneous fat does not appear. You can eat them at McDonald's even every day - but the coveted kilograms will gain. If all attempts of a person to increase the size of his body have not been crowned with success - it's time to contact.

Perhaps thinness is a consequence of the disease:

  • First of all, you need to check the work of the hormonal system, the function of the thyroid gland. With its hyperfunction, the metabolism becomes energy-consuming, their lion's share is spent by the body on internal problems. A situation arises: the more a person eats, the more energy is spent on its digestion. You will not be able to gain weight quickly in such a situation.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract almost always cause increased thinness: these are worms, which get most of our diet; gastritis, colitis, in which food is poorly digested and absorbed.
  • Under stress and intense anxiety, the body functions in a mode of increased readiness to fight against troubles. Maintaining such a state requires high energy costs, gaining additional body weight becomes an impossible problem.
  • Thinness in adolescence is a consequence of the rapid development of the body, when an increase muscle mass lags behind the growth of bones and internal organs. The teenager does not get better, does not grow up and begins to complete about this.

The first rule of everyone who wants to increase weight is to establish the reason for the negative changes in the figure, find out what prevents you from gaining (or losing) the notorious kilograms.

Expert opinion

Egorova Natalia Sergeevna
Nutritionist, Nizhny Novgorod

The author wrote very correctly about diseases that can lead to excessive thinness. The cause of low body weight is very often helminthic invasions and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in which the process of digestion and assimilation is disrupted. nutrients... As a result, the body receives less vital nutrients, vitamins and minerals. This leads to weight loss.

I would also like to add that in old age, dramatic weight loss can be caused by oncological pathology (cancer).

But even if you are young, be vigilant. Especially if you have always had normal weight body, and then you lost weight dramatically. Such weight loss can indicate serious health problems. Therefore, in such cases, it is necessary to undergo a full examination.

But if you have always been thin / thin, there is no need to panic and run to the hospital in horror. Most likely, you just have such a constitution. In this case, the tips given in the article will be very useful to you. And you can gain the cherished pounds if you follow them. Before doing this, however, consult your dietitian. Professional advice will definitely not be superfluous.

Ways to increase body weight

For thin people, absolutely healthy, who just want to put on weight and become more attractive, there are some useful tips on how to gain weight at home, without the help of doctors and medicines.

These methods include:

  • balanced in, and nutrition oriented to get fat;
  • preparations and vitamin supplements for weight gain;
  • elements of high-calorie sports nutrition.

Proper nutrition

Good nutrition is based on healthy image life, when bad habits do not disrupt the metabolism, and physical activity, on the contrary, accelerates it.

Practical advice: Breakfast is the main moment of nutrition, the daily metabolism of the body starts up. Ectomorphs and asthenics (people prone to thinness) can eat sweet foods, high-calorie rolls, chocolates and sweets for breakfast.

But the ideal breakfast menu for those wishing to gain weight would be something like this:

  • Porridge - oatmeal, buckwheat, pearl barley, rice.
  • Tea with honey or coffee with cream.
  • Sweet pastries.

After a couple of hours, you need to make the 2nd breakfast: have a snack with kefir or yogurt with a sandwich.

Lunch, as a rule, of 3 courses, basically, this is the time of the predominant use of protein foods with side dishes of potatoes, vegetables or cereals.

Note. Gaining weight, it's good to ... starve. Yes Yes. Arrange a unloading mono-diet several times a month for one day (apple, cucumber, kefir or buckwheat). The diet will serve as stress for the body, it will begin to put off reserves for a "rainy day", which will help round out the figure.

For dinner, even for thin people, sweets and high-calorie foods are prohibited. You cannot tease the body, which is preparing for rest, with carbohydrate food. It instantly turns into unnecessary energy at night. For some people this energy becomes fat, for others it brings insomnia. In any case, the metabolism is upset. Eggs, cottage cheese, a glass of kefir are a worthy completion of the daily diet.

What foods will help you gain weight

Gaining weight requires more than just high-calorie foods. We must not forget about vitamins and minerals - without them, metabolism is impossible. Sweets and baked goods can be deposited by a couple of kilograms of fat on the belly or waist, but sweet food will not create the relief muscle mass that all guys dream of.

This requires protein foods and foods with slow carbohydrates:

  • Eggs - contain protein that is optimal for assimilation, vitamins A, folic acid.
  • Milk porridge is the best energy drink for the first half of the day.
  • Meat (chicken, turkey, beef) - supply the body with amino acids for muscle growth. Meat is a source of iron and vitamin B12, without them hemoglobin in the blood decreases, anemia develops. A person loses energy, weight, melts before our eyes.
  • Pasta has a high carbohydrate content, their use is very beneficial for asthenics and ectomorphs, whose energy quickly evaporates. Naval pasta is doubly useful: as a source of protein and energy.

Diet for weight gain

To get better in a short time, you need to have a properly composed diet, in which the products are balanced in terms of energy value, vitamins, minerals, BJU.

Sample menu for 1 day

How to gain weight for an ectomorph man

Many guys and young men of asthenic build (tall, thin with long limbs, with poorly developed muscles) pin their hopes on bodybuilding. And they are absolutely right: power loads in combination with proper nutrition able to transform the puny figure of an ectomorph. Relief muscles appear on the arms, the muscles of the back and chest grow, the coveted cubes appear on the stomach. Nobody can call the owner of such a figure a drish.

Successful pursuits in gym must be supported by the right sports nutrition and mode:

  • High calorie content of food; frequent receptions;
  • Regular consumption of proteins and gainers;
  • Abundant drinking regimen, especially during exercise;
  • Sleep should take up 1/3 of the daily time

The effect of brewer's yeast on weight gain

Brewer's yeast is a source of B vitamins, which together participate in various metabolic processes. By themselves, they have no calories, they lack proteins, fats, carbohydrates.

Please note: Yeast contributes to the fat burning process. In their presence, proteins are digested faster and absorbed into the bloodstream, therefore, building muscle tissue and gaining weight faster.

Brewer's yeast can be bought in different forms: in tablets, powder, flakes, you can simply add it to food, mix it into protein shakes, into gainers. But don't mix brewer's yeast and beer. Alcoholic beer will provide negative weight gain: beer belly and female obesity.

Protein types

A dietary supplement made from protein - pure protein - should certainly be used by people who are experiencing increased stress on the body, spend a lot of energy, do physical work - and at the same time want to gain weight or at least keep the same weight. Combining protein with strength training- a way to gain muscle mass. Athletes use it daily, and those who want to improve their figure should definitely introduce this supplement into their diet. The best way to consume protein is in shakes. In this form, it is absorbed almost without loss, it is convenient to take it in any situation. You can purchase different types protein, but which one is best for a particular case, you will have to find out with a nutritionist.

There are these types of sports cocktails:

  • Whey protein.
  • Casein.
  • Soy protein.
  • Protein from egg whites.
  • Protein isolates, etc.

The problem of a woman's weight during pregnancy

Usually, women do not have problems with weight gain during the period of bearing a child. During this time, her body is rebuilt to feed the fetus, and body weight normally increases by a couple of tens of kilograms. But if the expectant mother does not gain weight well, the child runs the risk of being born prematurely and weak. So, having become pregnant, a woman is simply obliged to eat well in order to ensure the health and normal body of her child. All necessary nutrients must be present in the diet healthy eating, and if they are not enough, a doctor's consultation is necessary.

Nutrition rules for expectant mothers:

  • Complete food rich in vitamins and minerals.
  • Sufficient oxygen supply - frequent walks on fresh air.
  • Introduction of infant formula into the diet.

During lactation

Sometimes, having given birth to a child, a woman begins to rapidly lose weight. Health problems during pregnancy and childbirth, breastfeeding, overexertion, fatigue and stress affect. First of all, you need to try to establish a diet and rest regime, attract relatives to help and care for your baby, in order to get the opportunity to fully relax. Anxiety should be caused by the lack of menstruation, which provokes underweight.

To find out what is the reason, you will have to be examined:

  • Check the stomach;
  • Pass tests for intestinal pathologies;
  • Eliminate the influence of endocrine diseases.

Video on how best to eat in order to have normal weight:

How to gain weight after childbirth

Firstly, you should not strive for super-fast changes in your figure. You need to get back into shape gradually, as sharp jumps and changes in diet and physical activity may lead to prolonged metabolic failure. And then instead of ideal figure you will get a bunch of intractable problems.

Important! It is physiologically impossible to quickly increase muscle tissue, so a quick weight gain will only lead to an increase in fat.

In the long term, such experiments can trigger the obesity mechanism, which is very difficult to rebuild. Therefore, the main rule for those wishing to gain weight quickly is a balanced, moderate diet. Harmonious physical activity, patience and good mood... And the timing will be determined by the body itself, gradually restoring health and the usual weight.

Have you always considered yourself too skinny? Skin and bones? While most people need to lose weight, gaining weight can be a daunting task. Do you want to know how to quickly gain weight without harm to your health? In this article, we will show you how to gain weight in a short time.

1. Eat frequently to consume more calories

Although, everyone should follow this rule, it is especially important for those who are trying to gain weight quickly. Eating often means eating five to six meals a day in small meals containing as many calories and nutrients as possible.

This does not mean eating unhealthy foods and sugar, it means more protein and complex carbohydrates. If you want to gain a healthy weight, then don't stock up on fat. Your snacks should be nutritious but high in calories, consider:

  • nuts
  • nut butter
  • dried fruit
  • avocado.

And this is your evening snack. Forward!

And although this great way gaining weight is unhealthy, so cut out sugary drinks and coffee. And replenish your fluid supply with plain water and smoothies (like an iced milkshake) or skim milk or juice smoothies to boost your calorie intake.

Weight gain diet menu

Have you already figured out how to gain weight in a short time? That's right, you need to eat well, then eat consume enough calories for muscle growth. And you need to take into account the amount of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. The bottom line is that each of these nutrients is very important in nutrition, and in the diet of a person who wants to get fat quickly, they must be present without fail.

To make things easier for you, we have compiled an approximate diet for gaining weight for men and women. For starters, you can use them as they are on the site, or you can customize them by replacing products or increasing their number if it seems to you that this will not be enough for active growth.

For men


Lunch and dinner

Snacks between main meals

Sample menu for girls


Lunch - Dinner

Snacks 2-3 times a day

To gain weight as quickly as possible, you can use the suggested nutritional options. If there is no result, then the calorie content needs to be increased. This can be done by simply doubling the number of servings, or adding 1-2 more meals, or adding high-calorie foods. It is your choice, which will be more convenient for you.

2. Consume the right types of fat

You want to gain weight and look healthy, not like a skeleton with a belly. Then maximize your intake of cereals, dairy products, nuts (including nut butter), and meat, and avoid ice cream, fried and fatty junk foods.

Healthy fats should come from fish, peanuts, cashews, and olive oil. Beware of saturated (bad) animal fats. If you want something tasty, then bran muffins, yogurt, fruit pie and fitness bars are good alternatives.

3. More protein

While it is a myth that the more protein you consume, the more muscle you build, protein is an important part of your diet. It is the building block for our entire body: muscles, bones, skin, hair and blood. Therefore, complete your menu.

Protein-rich foods include meat, cheese, milk, fish, and eggs. For vegetarians, protein can be obtained from soy foods such as tofu, or better yet, a combination of foods such as rice or corn and legumes.

4. Increase the amount of carbohydrates in the diet

Although criticized, carbohydrates provide energy and help build muscle and are involved in all life functions. Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for your body. But simple carbohydrates are best avoided. They hold empty calories and are likely to be stored as fat because sugar quickly entering your bloodstream causes your blood sugar to spike.

Buckwheat, rice, pasta (durum wheat pasta), potatoes and all grains fall into the approved category. Glucose from them is released into the blood slowly and provides a stable supply of energy for a long period, without causing surges in insulin that lead to fat deposition.

When gaining weight, the total calorie intake per day is considered. And in order to gain weight, you need to increase daily calorie content nutrition. Eating food before bed will add another meal and increase your total calorie intake.

In addition, the body needs about 3-4 hours to digest and assimilate food. After this time, he is in a state of hunger and begins to use muscles to obtain nutrients. That is, it begins to destroy the muscles obtained with difficulty.

In order not to gain excess fat as the last meal before bedtime, you can eat:

  • cottage cheese
  • white meat
  • fish.

2. Exercise for rapid weight gain

If you decide to go to the gym or have some equipment at home, pay attention, this will allow you to correctly draw up a training program. And also use our advice in the selection, because the length of the limbs, the size and strength of the muscles impose certain restrictions on training.

1. Strength training

To get better quickly, it is not enough just to increase the calorie intake. The fact is that the body must see the need to gain additional muscle mass. because more weight is an increase in the load on cardiovascular system, an increase in the load on nervous system... What, for the sake of safety, our body will not do. He should see a clear need for muscle recruitment.

Strength training will help us with this, which will give a signal that the existing muscles are not enough and we need to build new ones. And an increased calorie intake will be a good opportunity for weight gain.

Yes, cardio works out some of your muscles, but how can you gain weight quickly if your body isn't getting enough strength? No way. And here training with additional weights will come to the rescue. Here good complex.

This does not mean that you have to be like a gym (although it certainly will work!). Perform push-ups, crunches, lunges, and squats in the comfort of your home. But to speed up the process and better results additional weight must be used.

Exercise will also boost your appetite. A protein bar or post-workout shake will give your muscles what your muscles need.

2. Increase physical activity

As stated above, the body must be stimulated to gain weight. Your muscles need to receive more stress and work harder. If your loads are small, change them and make them more complex.

Buy strength training equipment home. It works if you only have 15 minutes before going to work, then you can tense all your muscles by doing a quick muscle building program that will get you on the right track.

3. Spend less energy outside of workouts

In addition to storing, burn as few calories as you can. Grab the remote, your milkshake, and fall onto the couch. 🙂

If you are really becoming less mobile all over the place, then it is important to do strength training. Even if you don't see fat in your body, internal fat (the one that covers your internal organs) may appear unnoticed. And the inner fat loves to be inactive. Therefore, before you sit down to watch a movie, shake the iron. Then have a movie marathon with a few snacks.

  • Take snacks, cheese, nuts with you. They can be consumed between meals. It is convenient when you cannot take buckwheat with meat with you.
  • If it seems to you that you have excess fat, then reduce the number of calories, remove or replace unhealthy foods with healthier ones, and do more exercise to burn fat.

Surprisingly, there are a huge number of women in the world whose cherished dream is to get better! Many girls tend to weigh less, because they believe that if you are thin, then you are necessarily attractive and desirable. But this is not the case. Thinness can conceal insidious, and rather sad consequences for good health. Sometimes they are even more dangerous than excess body fat, so today we will find out how to gain weight for a girl.

Currently, women are more eager to lose weight than gain weight. There are many articles on the Internet on how to lose the hated pounds in 10 days and the like, but there is very little information on how to gain these pounds.

And people suffering from excessive thinness do not know what action to take. The banal stuffing of everything in a row does not lead to the desired result. Only harm is done to the body, stable work collapses endocrine system... In the same way as when losing weight, in order to get better and get beautiful figure it is necessary to combine proper nutrition with physical exercise... In our article you will find useful tips how to get better without harm to health.

However, first of all, it is necessary to find out the cause of severe thinness. Maybe you have a super fast metabolism? Genetics? How are you with your appetite? Have you checked with a gastroenterologist? Be sure to consult with a qualified doctor to rule out diseases of the digestive system. If everything is in order with health, then you can safely proceed to advice on how to get better, what to eat in order to gain weight and what else will help increase body weight.

How to gain weight correctly?

To find out how to get better for a girl, that is, what methods and ways to increase the mass are suitable for you, you need to determine the desired weight for yourself. Calculate your BMI (based on your age, real weight and growth). In this article, we will be looking for options not just how to get fat, but to increase muscle mass. So that the body is toned and attractive, and not flabby with hanging skin.

What to eat to gain weight?

Now we will talk about proper nutrition, which will help us get better and not harm our health, and we will analyze in detail what you need to eat in order to gain weight.

1. More calories

A prerequisite for weight gain is the consumption of more calories than we expend per day. And the first thing to do is increase your calorie intake. A young girl's daily intake is 1,500 calories on average. To achieve the result, add another 500 calories, because with the consumption of the same amount of calories that we expend, the body weight will remain the same. Just keep in mind that food should be healthy and wholesome.

You shouldn't feel bloated like a balloon. Just like a dieter cuts his daily diet by 500 calories, you add those 500 calories to yourself. With this approach, gaining 1-1.5 kg becomes real. Note that extra calories do not mean heavy, fried foods.

You should know what foods are considered healthy and will work best for you in the struggle for kilograms. Healthy protein contains salmon, tuna, chicken, legumes, eggs. The largest number of carbohydrates in pasta, whole grain bread, fruit juices, dried fruits, oats, brown rice, bananas, nuts, starchy vegetables (potatoes, carrots, pumpkin, sweet potatoes).

2. Consume healthy fats

Products containing healthy fats, are simply irreplaceable and should be included in nutrition for mass gain for girls. Therefore, it is recommended to eat large amounts of peanut and olive oils, cheese, seeds, nuts and avocados. Great option snack - a sandwich with peanut butter, or a nut mixture with avocado. Always season salads with enough olive oil.

Not all fats are good for your health. Saturated fats should be avoided, although they increase body weight, they cause some food addiction. These are French fries, burgers, cheesecakes, onion rings, chocolate, sweets, pastries, chips, French toast, cream. It happens that it is difficult for a person to change his eating behavior, especially if he has always had a bad appetite. In this case, you need to act carefully, gradually adding new foods to your diet.

3. Increase the serving size

Of course, you must increase your regular serving size in order to gain weight. Just take a bigger plate, and then the amount of food will not look so intimidating. Suppose you always eat 2 chicken eggs for breakfast. From now on, you will eat 3 chicken eggs! It's that simple! If you're used to cereal, add a banana and one boiled egg to it. It is quite difficult to change established traditions and habits, but it is possible. The large plate method is very effective in tricking your brain into eating less food than you actually do.

  • When making a sandwich, always add an extra slice of cheese for a nutritious snack. Or add cheese to scrambled eggs or scrambled eggs.
  • If you are used to small portions, increase the amount gradually. Start adding an extra 1 scoop at each meal. For example, for dinner you have mashed potatoes, pasta, or rice. Put in your regular serving and add 1 more scoop.
  • Always season vegetable salads with butter, olive oil, cheese, spreads and sauces.

Tip: If you are at a loss with the choice of food to get better, be sure to consult with a nutritionist to draw up correct diet for gaining extra weight, and a menu that's right for you.

4. Eat more often

To get fat, a girl needs to increase the number of her meals. Instead of the usual breakfast-lunch-dinner, add another second breakfast and afternoon tea. It is very important not to miss your meal time. By the way, most nutritionists agree that it is much better to eat 6 times a day in small portions than 3 times, but huge amounts of food. So you can gain weight and not walk with a full belly. If this is real for you, it will be great to eat 6 times a day! This will undoubtedly make you get better at the most as soon as possible, without bloating and other troubles.

5. Drink calories

We found out that in order to get better you need to increase the number of calories in food, but sometimes eating is really annoying. Have you tried smoothies? These protein and fruit cocktails are delicious and no less high in calories. Take your favorite fruits like mango or bananas, add milk, yogurt or honey, whisk in a blender. It will become great alternative tea or coffee, which contain 0 calories. If you cannot live without coffee, then get into the habit of adding milk to it - so it will become at least a little more nutritious. It is also very useful and effective to drink freshly squeezed fruit juices.

If you still haven't figured out how to get better, then you just need to eat in order to grow, and for this you need to analyze your diet. We will help you figure out what to eat and when.

Snack as often as possible between meals. Snacks can even be higher in calories than lunch or dinner. On the way to school, you can eat a banana - and it won't take time, and add calories. While watching your favorite TV show, nibble on nuts, and crackers or salted peanuts will perfectly nourish you while dinner is being prepared.

Sample menu for weight gain

To get better quickly, it is imperative to consume significantly more calories than consumed. For this, we have prepared a special menu for increasing the weight of girls who still cannot see the movement of the arrow on the scales. We have selected for you in one menu what you need to eat in order to get better, but you can change the diet based on your preferences and capabilities.


  • Fried eggs from 2 eggs with cheese and chicken (1/2 chicken breast)
  • 1 glass of milk

Morning snack

  • Fruit smoothie (banana, mango)
  • 22 cashews


  • Chicken and cheese sandwich

Afternoon snack

  • Protein bar or handful of toasted almonds or peanuts



  • Yogurt with frozen berries

Note! If you want to start taking nutritional supplements or vitamins, be sure to consult your doctor!

7. Food must be tasty

Underweight people often complain about the taste of food, are often finicky and have a poor appetite. If this is about you - diversify your menu, make your food delicious! For example, when making a sandwich, add a little mayonnaise, put a slice of cheese. A banal sandwich will get a richer taste. If you have regular spaghetti for lunch, sprinkle it with grated cheese for an incredibly tasty and nutritious dish. A little red meat - and your lasagna or curry will become more nutritious, and the taste will only improve.

8. Don't forget about exercise for muscle growth.

If you think that with increasing weight you can relax and forget about training, you are deeply mistaken. If, on the contrary, it is thanks to regular training that you cannot increase your body weight, then be sure to reduce the intensity and frequency of loads. But do not give up physical activity altogether, since movement is life, as everyone knows.

As a rule, aerobic exercise, such as running, dancing, kickboxing, and others, is designed for active weight loss. Therefore, in order to gain weight in the body, anaerobic (strength) exercises should be performed, where all muscle groups are involved. Bodybuilders use such strength training to build muscle, and therefore body weight. Strength training is a great way to combine business with pleasure: it is good for health, and weight is gained.

Anaerobic exercises will increase your appetite, and also not only add kilograms to you, but also make your body beautiful and relief. Remember, the more the muscle develops, the more better exchange substances. This means that the body will require more food.

Perform complex exercises with an emphasis on large muscles, thus, body weight will be gained faster. Don't get hung up on isolated exercise, it is more advisable to put a load on several muscle groups at once. Take breaks between workouts, do not overexert yourself. But you don't need to relax too much.

Mass gain exercises for girls

Basic exercises for developing the inner thigh:

  • Squat without weight
  • Wider stance squats
  • Performing leg convergence in the simulator

The best exercises for developing the back of the thighs and buttocks:

  • Deadlift. Performed on straight legs
  • Leaning with a load forward

Calf exercises:

  • Calf Raises. You can do the exercise while sitting, but for this to put additional weight
  • One leg calf raises

Exercises for the development of triceps:

  • Push ups. The position of the hands should be narrow. If it is impossible to perform this exercise you can rest your knees on the floor.
  • Overhead press or dumbbells

Most effective exercise to increase muscle, these are squats, deadlifts, bench presses and pull-ups on the bar. You will achieve great results, provided you follow the training regimen. In addition, the load should be gradually increased. When you feel that it is already easy for you, that the body has become accustomed to this weight, then take weights of greater mass.

Weight Gain Workout Program

Training scheme:

  • Warm up
  • Several warm-up sets with low weight
  • 3 sets with working weights

How many times a week do you need to exercise to gain weight? - 3 strength training sessions per week will be enough to gain weight.

Weight gain training program for a thin girl:


  1. Deadlift - 3 × 10
  2. Press of a barbell or dumbbell on incline bench- 4 × 10
  3. Thrust vertical block to the chest - 4 × 12
  4. Barbell bench press narrow grip- 3 × 8

Tuesday - rest

Wednesday (legs + buttocks (pop))

  1. Barbell Shoulder Squat - 3 × 8
  2. Machine Leg Press - 4 × 10
  3. Smith Machine Barbell Lunges - 3 x 10
  4. Lying Leg Curl - 4 × 10
  5. Standing Calf Raises - 4 × 15

Thursday - rest


  1. Lifting the bar for biceps - 3 × 8
  2. Narrow Grip Barbell Press - 3 × 10
  3. Seated Dumbbell Press - 3 × 10
  4. Barbell Row to Chin - 3 × 8

Saturday-Sunday - rest

Yoga is a great way to increase body weight if stress, slow metabolism, low endurance are at the root of your problems. It will help change your life for the better, restore inner peace of mind, and, as a result, you will definitely get better!

  • Sarvangasana helps to normalize your weight based on your age and height. This asana has a lot of undeniable advantages. Pay attention to the illustration: weight own body shifted to the shoulders.

  • Pavanamuktasana perfectly helps with various diseases of the digestive system, and also helps to increase appetite. Another name for this asana is the wind release pose. It relieves tension in the lower back, relaxes the vertebrae and gives a wonderful massage effect to the internal organs of the abdominal cavity.
  • Vajrasana acts like strength exercise... This pose works several muscle groups at once, making your body unusually strong and resilient. The asana is also indicated for people suffering from high blood pressure. Vajrasana perfectly strengthens the spine, and is also famous for promoting longevity.

  • Pranayama is a breathing exercise that helps your body function better from the inside out, thereby making you more energetic, calm and focused. By practicing this daily, you will progress towards a healthy mind and body.
  • The pose of the dead, or Shavasana, well relaxes the whole body and brain, relieves stress and negative emotions. This asana is usually performed at the end of the session. It significantly reduces arterial pressure, relieves insomnia.

10. Keep a food diary

If you want to get better, you just need to keep a food diary. This way you can monitor your meals, find out your eating habits, and keep track of your weight. At the end of each week, take stock by writing down your results. This will be a great motivation for you, and will make you not give up, go towards your goal.

11. Eliminate stress

Losing or gaining weight has always been and remains stressful situations for every person. That is why stress often becomes the main obstacle on your way to losing weight, or, in our case, to gaining mass. Indeed, along with the kilograms, vitality, good spirits, and good health leave our body. First of all, it is necessary to exclude all factors that cause the state of stress. Start taking a relaxing bath each night. Or turn on your favorite music and dance until you drop. Meditation, yoga, breathing exercises- all of these methods are known as the best antidepressants. Also, try to spend more time outdoors, reading your favorite books or just walking in the park. A good way to maintain a zest for life is a creative hobby like embroidery or scrapbooking. Pets also bring positive emotions into our lives.

12. Healthy sleep

Adequate, healthy sleep is essential to achieving your goal. It has long been known that sleep is the key to your well-being and good health. A person needs 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep to be fit and enjoy life. Remember that your body needs adequate rest in order to function properly.

If you do strength training, your muscles recover much better during sleep.

13. Motivate yourself

Adding a few pounds of muscle to your body is no joke. Believe me, this is much more difficult than losing weight. However, in order to achieve a result, you need to cheer yourself up, maintain faith in yourself, and then everything will work out for you! But you should not expect that weight will gain quickly either. Otherwise, disappointment is inevitable, and, as a result, loss of motivation. You should not set a goal to gain more than 4 kg per month. An intense increase in mass is harmful to health, do not rush in this matter. Say to yourself that each organism is unique, that you have your own methods and techniques. Good way to motivate yourself is to read other people's success stories more often, to view before / after photos. It would also be a great idea to register on the thematic forum and find like-minded people there. The realization that you are not alone in your problem is very supportive and gives strength to go forward, despite all the failures. In addition, the competitive team spirit is an excellent motivation for self-improvement.

14. Be healthy

The most important thing to remember is staying healthy. Health should come first. For some reason, many people believe that since you need to get better, the fatter and more harmful the food, the better. This is a completely wrong opinion! Your diet should be balanced and healthy. Training should not be forgotten either. Plan your day so that all the necessary meals are in harmony with physical activity.

Of course, by eating fatty foods or fast food, you will eventually gain weight (this is inevitable), but you will also cause significant harm to your health. This is, first of all, cholesterol, which is a slow but sure killer of health. Secondly, it is the sugar content of food. This is especially dangerous for people with diabetes. Overeating is also very harmful, so you should not stuff your stomach until nausea and vomiting. This method can cause irreparable harm to your health, disrupting metabolism, as well as the work of the pancreas and other internal organs. After all, our goal is to get fat without harming our body, and not just to become fat. These are completely different things. By the way, surely among the readers there are smokers or those who like to savor a glass or two of delicious wine? So, smoking and alcohol interfere with the growth of muscle mass, so you should limit yourself (or even exclude yourself!) In bad habits.

Here's the paradox - someone has a tiny donut put off. extra pounds, and the other eats from the belly and slender like a cypress, or even just thin, one might say, skinny, and passionately wants to get better. Is it realistic for such people to gain weight, what should they do? Are there other methods besides fortified nutrition - answers and useful tips in this article.

Causes of underweight

So, you are determined to get better. Skinny women want to add roundness to their shapes, and angular men want to add volume to their muscles.

Are you not afraid of difficulties? After all, gaining weight is not an easy task. It can take a lot of time, effort and patience. And the increase, most likely, will not be particularly noticeable.

Thinness in the absence of disease - more psychological problem... You just don't like your own appearance and it seems that the cherished few kilograms will save the situation.

In general, according to many doctors, people who are thin have better health and are more likely to live a long life.

Before you start gaining weight, eliminate one of the causes of thinness.

Reason # 1. Diseases

Weight loss is often associated with hormonal imbalances. Impaired thyroid hormone production affects the metabolic rate, which can cause weight fluctuations.

Often these diseases are accompanied by loss of appetite. This symptom should alert and force you to see a doctor. It is pointless to try to gain weight if its loss is associated with some kind of disease.

Reason # 2. Bad habits

Do you know this fact - smoking speeds up metabolism?

Reference: metabolism (metabolism) is a set of chemical reactions in the body that support its vital activity.

In addition to harm to health, smokers are often at high risk of losing weight.

Painful thinness is also characteristic of drug addicts.

Excessive consumption of tea and coffee (containing caffeine) also contributes to weight loss.

Reason number 3. The human constitution

Body weight is genetically programmed. Thinness is inherent in you by mother nature, you can't go anywhere - it will be very difficult to get better.

You have an asthenic body type, which means that gaining weight is truly hard work for you. Lean asthenics have an increased metabolic rate. Fat mass is not enough, and the muscles are poorly expressed.

How can such slender women be? The opinions of experts vary. Some argue: when the right approach to get better really, just the process will be long and persistent, and the result is modest. Others are convinced that deviating from a genetically inherent norm is a futile exercise. All the same, the pounds gained with difficulty will quickly go away.

Reason # 4. Exercise

Vigorous physical activity - strenuous sports training or hard work - often leads to weight loss. By the way, in addition to the loss of fatty and muscle tissues, the body also loses moisture. It helps to reduce body weight, but dehydration is extremely harmful.

How to be? Optimize your workload and eat well.

Reason # 5. Stress

You know, after all, a common truth - all diseases are from the nerves. Troubles at home and at work, conflict situations, illness of loved ones, difficult life situations cause nervous tension and stress. Because of this, a person can lose weight dramatically - stress hormones actively burn fat.

Determine body mass index

Are you sure you are too thin or do you think so? It is very difficult to assess yourself objectively.

There is such an indicator of BMI (body mass index), which will help to understand whether the problem is contrived or real.

Calculated as follows: BMI = Weight (kg) / Height (m) 2.

Weight in kilograms divided by your height squared. For example: if you are 1.7 m tall and weigh 65 kg, your BMI will be 22.5. This indicator fits into the norm recommended by the World Health Organization - from 18 to 24.9.

Smaller numbers already indicate a lack of weight, and an index of 16 and below - there is a dangerous pronounced lack of mass. It is necessary to recover, but only under the supervision of doctors, because clearly we are talking about serious health problems.

It turns out that the task of gaining weight in each case is very individual. For some it is vital, and for some it is important from an aesthetic point of view.

What you need to do to get better

We decided that only healthy people can gain weight on their own. In principle, ideally, they should also turn to professionals. A dietitian would select the optimal weight gain program specifically for each person. Realizing that this option is not available to everyone, we will figure out how to get better on our own.

Sleep and rest

Does it help you gain weight? Definitely yes. And here's why: a deep, restful sleep, ideally 8 hours, relieves stress (and we remember - they lose weight from it), improves mood, improves appetite. During sleep, the growth hormone somatropin is produced, which helps to build muscle.

On weekends, allow yourself an afternoon nap, just lie down, relaxing, for half an hour or an hour. After having lunch at work, also try to sit quietly for a while. Relaxing breaks of 10-15 minutes are helpful during the working day.

Evening walks will help improve sleep.

Sports activities

We remember that excessive physical activity provokes weight loss, on the contrary, correctly dosed sports activities help to increase body weight.

Exercise promotes muscle development, and both men and women need them, but to varying degrees.
It is optimal, of course, to deal with personal trainer according to an individual program. But ... In general, we can handle it ourselves.

You need to load all muscle groups, a great way is swimming, tennis. Weight exercises are good. There are many complexes for muscle development. The goal is to train regularly - choose the right one, since they are easy to find on the Internet or in special literature.

Nutrition for those who want to get better

We have come to the most interesting part - after all, most of us are sure: it is proper nutrition that will help you gain the cherished kilos.

Calorie refers to the measuring unit of energy contained in food and used by our body.

If you consume more calories than you spend, the excess is stored by the body and the weight is added. How many calories someone needs depends on gender, age, activity and physical activity. Average: 1600-2400 for women and 2400-3000 for men.

To get better, you need to increase your calorie intake by 500-1000 per day. But remember: it is not the number of calories in itself that is more important, but where they are contained. Food must be healthy! You can, of course, gobble up the cake and add about 500 units, but it is probably more useful to get them by having lunch with a piece of turkey meat with a rice side dish.

This means that you should not overeat buns, pies, cakes and chocolates. Calorie? Yes, but our goal is to get better, not diabetes, tooth decay, and indigestion. We will add kilograms by eating healthy foods.

Here is a whole list of what saturates the body with the necessary proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins:

  • Eggs are tasty, high in calories, a source of protein, vitamins A, D, E, folic acid.
  • Fatty fish: salmon, trout, mackerel, tuna contain the protein we need, unsaturated omega-3 fatty acid contribute to the work of the heart.
  • Shrimp is a high-calorie seafood rich in protein and amino acids.
  • Cheese is valuable for its high protein and fat content, calcium, calorie content.
  • Milk, sour cream, yogurt - we eat it every day, we get vitamins, protein, calcium.
  • Butter: we eat both butter and vegetable - olive, sunflower, peanut, corn.
  • Foods rich in carbohydrates: pasta, oatmeal, cereals, baked goods, legumes, brown rice, vegetables.

And also obligatory in the diet: fruits, juices, nuts and seeds, dried fruits.

We also try to gain weight with nutritious cocktails.

There is such a popular recipe: stir 2-3 tablespoons of fat sour cream in a glass of dark beer, salt and drink.

Another high-calorie drink: mix a glass of milk, a banana, a tablespoon of peanut butter, a teaspoon of honey, add a couple of ice cubes.

In addition to breakfast, lunch and dinner, it is good to have snacks during breaks. Almonds, peanuts, dried fruits are suitable. Don't forget about fruits - bananas, peaches, melons, grapes. You can easily afford ice cream or cake between meals.

Such a rich diet in order to gain weight is recommended by many nutritionists.

But there is also an alternative point of view. Its adherents criticize the frequent and high-calorie diet, giving their reasonable arguments.

First, if you saturate the body with food all day, when will all of it have time to be digested? Secondly, from such food there is a load on the pancreas, liver, and our internal organs are not a conveyor for processing the flow of products ().

There is no more, but better - this is the motto of this method..

Those who want to build up adipose tissue (ladies, of course) will help carbohydrates. And the development of muscles is facilitated by amino acids obtained from protein products: eggs, milk, meat, fish. Men should focus on them.

Enzymes that aid in the absorption of food supply vegetables and fruits. They are mandatory in the diet of those gaining weight.
In general, the menu, the purpose of which is to get better, is just the envy of those losing weight. Is it possible to compare the assortment and quantity of products needed in these cases?

Regarding special products: anabolic steroids, gainers, protein supplements. Don't think they are yours Lifebuoy... Similar things are used by athletes with strong physical activity and under the supervision of specialists.

Achieve results with the right diet and lifestyle.

Let's try not to harm ourselves in pursuit of the desired kilograms, not to turn into a machine that consumes more and more portions of food. Better to be thin but healthy than fat but sick.

Rarely do you find a woman who dreamed of getting better. In the age of a variety of unhealthy, but tasty food, every lady tries to keep her figure.

The same can be said about a man. For a guy to have a slender, inflated body, first you need to gain weight.

You can gain 10 kg yourself at home- for this it is worth following certain rules.

It is important for young men not only to be thin, but to have an attractive healthy body. Most adolescents and men under 30 cannot boast of such indicators.

Exhausting physical labor not fully covered by nutrition, as a result - thinness and constant stoop.

To quickly get fat, and then pump the gained mass into the muscles, you should follow these recommendations:

  1. Fractional nutrition... Most best method gaining mass - eat at certain times of the day.

    Over time, the body will automatically develop a signal that will go to tell the brain that it is necessary to eat. Optimal time meals - 1 time per 4 hours.

  2. Obligatory breakfast... It is necessary to carry out a morning meal no later than an hour after getting out of bed.

    Breakfast should be nutritious and rich in protein and carbohydrates. Dried fruits, cereals, eggs, cottage cheese are good for this.

  3. A multi-ingredient meal will help you gain weight... For the first, eat thick soup, for the second, a salad of fresh vegetables, a side dish of potatoes or pasta, boiled white meat.

    It's a good idea to make a dessert from dairy products and drink a compote from dried fruits.

  4. Dinner should also be nutritious but light.... When making recipes, use eggs, meat products, vegetables. For a light dinner, a tomato and ham omelet is suitable.
  5. If you want a little snack at night- give preference to fresh fruit.

You can quickly gain 10 kg in a complex way. with taking certain medications. It is considered normal among athletes when a man needs to achieve certain results.

If the reception of funds alternates with the indicated diet and physical activities- to achieve desired result it will turn out quickly.

How to quickly gain weight for a woman? The ways

Rapid weight gain methods are suitable for those women who urgently need to gain a few pounds.

It is often suggested to do this using drugs... It is important to know that a set of kilograms from hormonal pills will have negative consequences.

note! To calculate your correct weight you can use the formula for calculating body mass index.

To do this, take your weight and divide that figure by your height squared. Underweight are considered indicators less than 18.50.

A girl should know that the first rule on the way to gaining mass is the normalization of nutrition.

The diet should contain equal amounts of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, which are necessary for the proper functioning of the body.

In addition, you should avoid stress, which has a detrimental effect on your health.

Below are several options for how to quickly gain weight for a woman:

Way Description
Increasing the number of calories In order to increase this indicator, you need to know it. To do this, write down the foods you eat on a sheet of paper throughout the week.

Then, next to it, indicate the number of calories - they can be found on special tables.

Having counted daily calories throughout the week, it is necessary to divide this figure by 7 - the resulting number will be the norm that needs to be increased.

By adding 500 extra calories to the diet daily, you can gain 1.5 kg per week.

High-calorie drinks A quick and delicious way to gain weight for women. These include milk, fermented milk products, high-fat yoghurts.
Healthy fats Products containing these components have a faster effect on weight. Peanuts, avocados and olive oil are rich in vegetable fats. Animal counterparts are found in meat.
Frequent protein intake The main source of this component is meat. Alternate chicken with fish, pork and eggs. Eat milk and legumes
Increasing portion sizes If earlier meals came from small dishes - change the plate and add larger portions
Introducing snacks This meal does not mean filling your stomach with unhealthy snacks - eat a handful of nuts or whole grain breads instead.

Many have witnessed how a thin person tries with all his might to gain weight... To do this, he uses as many different foods as possible, does not bypass fast food and unhealthy foods.

Some of the people trying to gain mass use conspiracies, hoping for last aid. In fact, the whole secret lies in proper nutrition.

There are some tips to follow for faster weight gain:

  1. Eat 5-6 times in medium portions... This method is perfect for a teenager who dreams of gaining mass and a slender, pumped-up figure.

    Nutrition should be balanced: give preference to vegetable and animal fats found in meat and milk.

    It is also necessary to include in the diet foods from whole grain coarse flour - they will quickly help to increase body weight.

  2. Eliminate bad habits... Consuming alcohol on a daily basis will not help you gain weight, and smoking is also on this list.

    If you want to gain weight in your legs, do vigorous exercise that targets specific muscles.

  3. Maintaining health in good shape... A guy or a girl will be prevented from getting better quickly by a chronic disease in the body.

    To achieve success, try to put your health in order.

Often, girls want to correct their shape in the legs: constant walking is better for this.

For example, when going to work, avoid using buses if the distance is short. Take up dancing or fitness - they also affect your figure.

Important! One of the most powerful loads on the legs is nordic walking... To practice this sport, it is enough to purchase special walking sticks.

The main thing in the desire to get better is to have a purposeful desire. Good results can only be achieved by the persistent actions described above.

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