Barbell row lying on the bench. How to Do Incline Dumbbell and Barbell Rows Incline Dumbbell Rows

Main working muscles:

Short description:

Lying face down on a bench, pull the weight towards your stomach.


The Bench Row is a much safer variation on the traditional but potentially dangerous Bent Over Row and T-Bar Row.

Preparation and starting position

Raise a bench off the floor or place a plank upholstered in soft material on the stoppers power frame... The bench or board should be at such a height that you, lying facedown on it, could barely reach the weight on the floor. You can adjust the distance between the bench and the weights by placing a pancake of the desired thickness under each end of the barbell or under each dumbbell.

When working with a barbell, you can grab it either straight or reverse grip, whichever is more convenient for you. Try to start with a shoulder-width grip, then you can take a little wider or a little narrower. However, you may find that it is inconvenient for you to do the exercises with either the direct or reverse grip.

In addition to the difficulty with the grip, the barbell row has other disadvantages. First, the chest is compressed and breathing becomes difficult. This is inherent in any lying deadlift and you can get used to it, especially if you put the weights on the floor for a short time between repetitions.

Another disadvantage - especially for athletes with short arms and a large chest - is a reduced range of motion due to the fact that the barbell rests against the bench before the shoulder blades are fully pressed against each other. The thicker the bench, the shorter the amplitude. This drawback can be corrected by attaching a pair of kettlebell handles to the bar.

If you take dumbbells instead of the bar, you can do the exercise with a greater amplitude and a more comfortable grip. Dumbbells allow you to hold your hands in a naturally parallel or nearly parallel position. However, dumbbell pancakes, depending on their diameter, can interfere with making a movement in full amplitude - you will have to move your arms to the sides so as not to hit the bench with dumbbells. You can try to solve this problem by putting on small diameter pancakes on the dumbbells and using a parallel grip instead of a pronated one.

Perhaps there is a better way (it was suggested in the chapter on bent-over dumbbell rows) - Try attaching a kettlebell handle to each dumbbell, or use a pair of montini bars without locks.

With their help, you can do the exercise at full amplitude at the top, without resorting to pancakes of a small diameter, and the pancakes will not rest on the bench.

Lying on the belt

Pull the barbell, or preferably the dumbbells, towards the sides of your abdomen and bring your shoulder blades together. If you cannot stay in the top position for a second and cannot simultaneously take your shoulders back, then this means that you have taken a weight that does not correspond to your strength now. Find the trajectory and grip width that works best for you and that - this is important - allows you to keep your forearms upright. Always bring the weights down under control and do not relax at the bottom after completing the rep, otherwise you may injure shoulder joints... Maintain tension in your shoulder muscles.

A seated deadlift machine simulates a lying deadlift, but without gravity acting on the torso. If you have such a simulator in the gym, then try it. This simulator, like the deadlift, does not risk injury to your lower back and almost does not compress chest... However, due to the fact that you will be forced to move along a given trajectory, the movement may not seem entirely natural to you.

Seated deadlift machine using a pronated grip.
Notice how the shoulder blades are pressed against each other.

Depending on the design of the seated deadlift machine you are using, you may have a choice between a pronated grip and a parallel grip. However, the parallel grip may be too narrow. Your forearms should be parallel to each other at all points of amplitude. Choose a grip that best suits this condition. Then adjust the height of the seat to find a position that allows you to keep your forearms parallel to the floor and that allows you to arch your back in a position of maximum muscle contraction.

To create an athletic figure, you need to devote a lot of time to purposefully pumping the upper, middle and lower zones. build up the shoulder girdle, working out the "wings" expands the back. Back extensor techniques strengthen lumbar and stabilize the body.

It will be about a dumbbell row on a lying bench, massively loading all zones, including the rhomboid, large round muscles and partially involving the rear deltas. You can work:

  • standing,;
  • lying on incline bench holding 1 or 2 dumbbells in your hands.

Option with inclined thrust consider in more detail.

Lying barbell row

An excellent exercise for those who are afraid to overextend their back.

  1. Lie on a bench with your stomach set at an angle of approximately 30 degrees.
  2. Fix the position of the body, resting the toes on the floor. Lower your free hands down.
  3. Ask for the bar or do it yourself, hanging down and grabbing the projectile with an upper grip on the shoulder line.
  4. With the barbell in your hands, align the body, raise your head and stop your gaze at one point. To exclude work shoulder girdle, keep your elbows close to the body. As you exhale with your shoulder blades drawn together, pull it to your chest.
  5. Hold on, slowly lower it down.

Allowed experiment with the position of the hands, turning the hands in different directions, however, a change in position has no practical significance. It is more convenient to hold the barbell from below. Such palms in addition, it lengthens the amplitude, but 1/3 of the load gets double-headed beams. Beginner bodybuilders and girls for practicing techniques, this version is more suitable. Repeat the movements 10-12 times.

Lying dumbbell row: technique

This exercise can also be performed with shells. It is more often chosen by girls.

  1. Lie on your back with the weights in your hands, grasping the base in a neutral grip.
  2. Lower your shoulders and hands down, rest your toes on the floor. Make sure that the chin does not touch the edge of the backrest, and that the head is raised up.
  3. While inhaling, bring your shoulder blades together and pull your elbows along the body, without spreading your elbows to the sides.
  4. Raise the dumbbells to your solar plexus.
  5. Freeze for a second, take a breath and lower your hands into the PI.

Comments (1)

  • During the process do not tear off chest from the surface.
  • Work with moderate scales.
  • Do not allow sharp movements.
  • Perform the deadlift on your stomach using the target muscles., otherwise the biceps will receive a certain part of the load. In this exercise, the muscles of the arms perform exclusively the function of assistants.

One-handed dumbbell row

This option is suitable for those who find it difficult to maintain a deflection in the lower back when working on a straight bench.

  1. Without changing the angle of inclination, put one knee on the bench so that the foot dangles.
  2. With a bent hand, lean on the back.
  3. When the weight is distributed over 3 points in the lower back, a deflection will be formed by itself, due to which tension is automatically relieved from the spine and arms.
  4. As you exhale, pull the lowered hand to the lower part of the sternum, while inhaling, lower it into the PI.

Work head up without rounding your back. If the projectile cannot be pulled up above the abdomen, reduce the weight. A sign of a correctly performed technique- strong tension in the back. By the way, to feel the work of muscles, you need to work with light weight.

  • Girls 3 kg is enough;
  • men- 5 kg.

Note to athletes

By changing degree of angle between the body and the shoulder, it is permissible to work through the entire array.
When raising the elbows a certain proportion of the load is received by the rear deltas. If you move them closer to the body, the rest of the muscles will be connected. As already noted, pinned elbows and the thrust to the belt work out the "wings". To train the upper and lower zones evenly, use all options.

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For which articles are awarded medals:

Major muscles -
Additional-, and (long head)
Complexity of execution- high

Dumbbell Rows - video

Weight and repetitions for beginners

For men: 10 - 15 reps 8 - 12 kg (each dumbbell). 2-3 sets.
For women: 10 - 15 reps 4 - 7 kg (each dumbbell). 2-3 sets.

Muscle group load

The load is indicated on a 10-point scale (total load is summed up)

Limitations for injury / illness / pain

The degree of risk is indicated on a 10-point scale

Exercise Description

Large weights in this exercise, as a rule, are not done. Therefore, it is great for girls. Well, for those who do not have a barbell. Contrary to the photo, it is better to keep your head up.

Main features

1. When lifting the dumbbells up, then turn your hands with your palms inward. And when you lower it, then with your palms back. This will tighten the back more at the top and stretch it more at the bottom. This is the main difference between the dumbbell row and the barbell row. With dumbbells, you can expand your hands and increase the efficiency of the exercise. And it's just a sin not to take advantage of this. 2. To maximize the amplitude and efficiency of the exercise, you need to make a movement not only with your hands, but also with your shoulder blades. At the bottom, we lower our shoulders and hunch slightly, thereby stretching our back. And at the top, we bring the shoulder blades together and unfold the chest, reducing the back to the maximum. 3. The legs should be slightly bent. And the dumbbells should only move up and down. That is, there should be no swinging forward - backward. If you become correct, then the brush by itself should "come" to the waist, and not to the chest. 4. Keep your elbows apart. The elbows should point up. This is the only way you can make your lats work. 5. The head should be raised, and the gaze should be directed forward, not down. 6. The back should be almost parallel to the floor. Make sure that it does not rise during the approach.

Aimed at working out the broadest muscles of the back. There are times when, after the deadlift, there is no strength left to fully perform the barbell deadlift in the slope. In this case, this exercise is ideal.

Here stabilizers and oblique muscles work more than the lats, but in this exercise there is no such moment, which allows you to fully concentrate on the work of the back muscles. In general, the entire upper back is involved. The exercise is ideal for girls as well, because it allows you to work out the back muscles without resorting to heavy weight.

Basic rules for performing the exercise

In a dumbbell pull in an inclination to the belt, you need to take such a weight that you can lift 12-15 times. We take the dumbbells in our hands with a standard grip and accept starting position, that is, we bend over and turn our palms towards us. It is important here to take the pelvis back as much as possible, because if you just tilt, then the position for the back muscles will be unfavorable, they will experience too much stress. At this point, you will think about them, and we need to work out the upper back. Therefore, we move the pelvis back so that your legs are at the level of the upper abdomen. And you can also do a pull of dumbbells to the chest in an incline, in this case, the trapezius muscles develop.

Highly important point at run time. We go down to the point that your hand is below the kneecap. Open the shoulder blades as much as possible and unfold the brush. This is the first phase of this exercise.

In the second phase, we exhale, begin to raise the shoulder blades as high as possible, and only at the top point do we modify with our elbows in order to even better contract the working muscle. In the course of movement, you need to supinate the brush a little. Do not forget that the shoulder blades work first, and then the elbows. During execution, you cannot lift your head, as this prevents our trapezius muscles from contracting better. After completing the planned number of repetitions, we return the dumbbells to the floor and feel how the lats have worked.

Please note that the muscles of the lower back work in a static mode, and there should be no dynamics there. The exercise should work on your upper back.

To work out the deltoid muscles, you need to lie on the bench and lift the dumbbells alternately, as this allows you to raise them higher. On inhalation, the dumbbell should be raised to chest level, and during exhalation, lower it to its original position.

One-arm bent over row

There are two options for doing this exercise:

  • dumbbell row with one hand in an incline for the broadest back muscles;
  • dumbbell row for the back delta and trapezoid.

Exercise for the back allows you to work both in strength and in multi-reps, even for those people who have back problems. When performing, the entire array is involved, since this is one of the amplitude exercises themselves, which allows you to stretch part of the back as much as possible.

For the latissimus dorsi

We have a supporting leg, which kneels on the bench. This leg is on the same side as the arm, which will also be supporting. The second leg, also called shock-absorbing, should be close to the bench. The exercise should stretch your back as much as possible and squeeze as much as possible. Accordingly, we need the deepest amplitude. The arm moves from a point under the shoulder. The supporting arm is almost straight and rests on the bench. The dumbbell starts from a point that is the projection of the shoulder to the floor. The dumbbell does not move straight up, but goes diagonally behind the thigh. It is important to ensure that the arm does not bend at the elbow less than 90 degrees, since the work of the biceps must be excluded as much as possible.

The dumbbell in the normal position hangs closer to the leg, and our task is to bring it further. We lower the shoulder almost until the dumbbell touches the floor, this is the starting point, and then we pull it to outside hips, turning as much as possible. That is, the dumbbell does not move up or down, it goes in a light arc almost diagonally. It is important not to keep your back hunchbacked, but still include the lower back and keep the back arch. This will allow from the side lumbar muscles involve the lowest edge of the lats in the work. That is, as soon as the lower back strains, our innervation automatically reaches the lower edge of the lats. Therefore, when we pull, our entire array will work for stretching and reduction.

For rear delta and trapezoid

Many have seen how the pros stand up to the dumbbell row, resting, and begin to pull. The higher we lift the torso, the more our load vector shifts from the broadest muscle upward. In this position, the lats work more as a stabilizer, and not as a muscle that does the main work. The main muscle that will pull will be the back delta and trapezius. This is, in principle, the same broach, only with a slope. By the way, it allows you to take more weight and unbend the rear delta more powerful.

This exercise is the opposite of the bench press. Therefore, it develops mainly the muscles of the middle back. Secondary involved latissimus and rear deltoid muscles... The muscles of the shoulder girdle are also involved in this exercise, but the proportion of the load that falls on them is very small. The deadlift is performed on one muscle impulse, which positively affects the coordination of movement in general.

The relevance of the exercise

Many novice athletes do not pay due attention to this exercise. The reason is that they only aim to pump upper part backs to have a solid look. But this approach is completely wrong. After all, science has long been proven that muscles cannot swing locally. Even if it turns out to slightly grow a single muscle, it will not look beautiful if the adjacent muscle groups remain untrained. All experienced bodybuilders believe that the body is a harmonious object in which any part cannot be neglected.

This exercise is very useful and effective for those who understand how important the central part of the back is. It can be performed not only with a barbell, but also with dumbbells. There is no fundamental difference, but in the case of using dumbbells, one inconvenience appears. The fact is that thanks to the bar of the bar, the movement occurs along an even trajectory, which is difficult to create with two dumbbells, especially if the muscles are already tired. Therefore, when working with large weights, dumbbells are generally not suitable for this exercise. Of course, you can try to use them, but most likely, the correct amplitude, if you can achieve it, then only on the first repetitions.

The thrust should be carried out exclusively by the strength of the main muscle. Only by loading it in each repetition, you can achieve good result... You should not help yourself with the strength of the shoulder or triceps, because then the whole essence of the exercise is lost.

The most suitable angle of inclination of the bench for working out the middle part of the back muscles is 30 degrees.

In the starting position, when the arms with the bar will hang freely, you need to turn your elbows to the sides.

It is important that the movement is carried out not only by bending the elbows. In the upper phase of the exercise, the shoulders must be included.

If the exercise is performed correctly, at the top, the shoulders will form a T with the body.

Exercise technique

For cash, you need to take the starting position: lie on a bench, press your socks to the floor, take the bar with a wide, straight grip, lowering your hands to the bottom. When the athlete is ready to perform the exercise, he should turn the elbows to the sides and slightly tense the body. Now you can start pulling.

Along with exhalation, the barbell rises to the chest by bending the elbows to the sides. When the projectile reaches its midpoint, the shoulder joints begin to activate. They smoothly raise the bar until the shoulders of the arms are in line with the back. After lingering a little in this position, you can and should feel how the muscles of the middle part of the back contract.

Now, with a breath, you can gently lower the bar to its original position and continue to work. At the lowest point, it is advisable not to allow long pauses.

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