Incline bench press which muscles work. Incline Barbell Press

On incline bench to the most effective basic exercises. It carefully works the pectoral muscles, and also uses several joints at once. This exercise is a closed chain of identical movements for several dozen repetitions. Dumbbells are used as weights. This exercise is suitable for people who have already been involved in sports or who do it professionally.

Difference from the barbell press

Unlike the barbell press, doing the dumbbell press allows you to increase the range of motion, which will be more beneficial for the muscles. In addition, stabilizing muscles are perfectly involved in this exercise, since it is necessary to control the position of both hands with dumbbells. While it looks like dumbbell presses and barbells have many similarities, they still affect muscles in completely different ways. As it turned out, it is the dumbbell press on the incline bench that works out more effectively in the chest area.

The arms are bent in the area elbow joint, the dumbbells reach the chest line, lingering for a while, and then return to their starting position, the arms are fully straightened.

Working muscles

During the bench press, the scapula is involved, namely the serratus anterior muscle, small muscle breasts. Also works shoulder joint, which includes the biceps, and the torso (abdomen, buttocks, trapezius and broadest muscle back).

If you feel that the exercise is being done too easily, and you are not making the proper effort to complete it, then you can make it harder. For example, you can try to perform not on an inclined, but on horizontal bench.

Preparing the site for the exercise

  1. We place the dumbbells next to the installed bench.
  2. Grab the dumbbells in the starting position for the deadlift and then straighten up.
  3. Next, we fix the dumbbells in the front of the thighs and gently sit on the bench. After that, the dumbbells will be located in the hip area.
  4. Accept starting position with a sharp push, taking a breath. During the beginning, as soon as you do the first repetition, it can be difficult, so it is possible that you may need someone's help. Often you need another person to back up when you do the dumbbell press.


  1. First of all, you need to install an incline bench. It is performed at an angle of 15-35 degrees (30 degrees). It is this position that is most optimal for the chest muscles. In addition, in this position, they will be maximally involved, since the work of the deltas and triceps is reduced to a minimum.
  2. The advantage of dumbbells is that, unlike the barbell press, there is no bar that interferes with movement. This provides an increase in amplitude, which is very beneficial for the muscles.
  3. To start the exercise, you need to take the starting position on a bench fixed at the desired angle: lie down, straighten your spine, put your legs on the bench or the floor for stability, press your back to the surface of the bench. During the bench press, it is important to monitor the position of the hands: they should move strictly parallel to each other.
  4. If you have done this before, then with dumbbells you will have a new sensation: when your arms reach the lowest point, then you will certainly feel how the chest muscles stretch. Also, stabilizing muscles will be connected here, the work of which has not been performed before due to the bar.
  5. It is also important not to rush during execution. of this exercise... When your arms are at their lowest point, pause for a couple of seconds, allowing your chest muscles to stretch as best as possible.
  6. To distribute the load evenly across your entire chest, keep your elbows extended and pointed towards your ears.

  • Please note that the benches in gym are often installed at the wrong angle, so make sure the equipment is installed correctly before starting work.
  • Do not rush to increase the load. To begin with, learn how to correctly perform the dumbbell press on an incline bench, because only correct execution is a guarantee of success.
  • Make sure that the entire load is only on the muscles. Do not use swinging arm movements.
  • Keep your chest flat and your shoulders open.
  • At the highest point, the dumbbells should not touch each other. The distance should be maintained at about 15 cm. Do not straighten your arms to the end, so that the triceps does not take on unnecessary load from the chest muscles.
  • As with all strength exercises, breathe out during effort. That is, in this exercise while lifting a dumbbell.
  • During the entire approach, the elbows should have a strictly vertical trajectory, which is at shoulder level. If you bring them closer to the sides of the body, then you are in danger of injury.
  • If you take too much weight, then the delta, legs and trunk will be more involved in the work, which will reduce the work of the chest muscles, which this exercise is focused on. Also, when you do the dumbbell press, the weight should be appropriate for your level of fitness.
  • The shoulders and head should not come off the bench. It is important to control that the extensor muscles are in constant tension. The natural curve of the spine should also be maintained.
  • It is best to do the incline dumbbell press at the beginning of your chest workout, as it is basic. After that, it is best to do only downward bending presses and dumbbell spreads.
  • The optimal number of repetitions: 3-4 sets of 8-10 reps.

Negative point

In addition to such a huge number of advantages, this exercise still has one, but a serious drawback. It consists in the fact that it is difficult to progress the load with dumbbells. The fact is that the gym is most often presented, for example, dumbbells of 30, 35, 40 kg and so on. That is, there is a difference of 5 kg between them, which is a huge indicator. So, when it is already easy for you with the existing weight to do the work, and the time comes to take more heavy load, then these 5 kg at first will be quite difficult to master. But when working with a barbell, such a problem will not arise, since there are always small pancakes, which will help to easily progress the load. And this moment is important, since it is progress that causes stress in the muscles, which helps them grow.

One-arm dumbbell press

This exercise is almost the same as the two-handed press. Regardless of this, you need to monitor the correctness of the execution technique. The downside is that the hands do not work at the same time, but in turn, from which fatigue appears faster.

In principle, everything is done in the same way as when working with two hands. It is worth recalling just a couple of main points:

  • The downward movement in time lasts twice as long as the upward movement.
  • Do not grab too much weight at once to avoid injury.

Hello friends! And now we will analyze the exercise of the dumbbell press on an incline bench of 30 degrees. This exercise is basic, it is aimed at developing our pectoral muscles... It is accentuated on the upper chest.

Each muscle group have their own weakness! For example, for biceps, this is the outer head, for triceps, this is long head... And for the pectoral muscles, this is the top! Almost all people in gyms, all have the upper pectoral muscles behind!

By the fact that it has traditionally developed that the most fashionable exercise is the bench press lying on a horizontal bench! Or dumbbell bench press lying on a horizontal bench. Constantly everyone asks each other, how much are you pressing ?! This is a source of pride!

And if we press at an angle, then we will have to take less weight and this harms our ego. Therefore, many people love horizontal press to take on more weight. But the horizontal press, he develops mainly the middle chest and lower.

And it turns out that our breasts seem to hang, but top part so to speak, the collar zone, it is not developed. And this is the main typical mistake! To eliminate this unpleasant moment, you need to perform a barbell press and an incline dumbbell press!

The optimum angle of the bench is 30 degrees, both the upper part and the middle and lower ones will be worked out. That is, we do 30 degrees in the event that you do not need to use the upper part with emphasis.

If you are not doing a horizontal press, then your angle is 30 degrees. And if you are doing a horizontal press, then there is no sense in 30 degrees. Better do it 45 degrees and higher.

Remember !!! The higher the angle, the more the load on the upper part of the pectoral muscles is shifted. And the more the load on the deltas shifts! Choose an angle for yourself so that the load is exactly on the top.

And naturally, prioritize what you want from the 30-degree incline dumbbell press exercise. Either distribute the load as much as possible over the entire chest area, or concentrate the load and develop the upper chest.

If the upper sections are needed, then this is an angle of 45 degrees and above. If you fully engage the chest evenly, then this is 30 degrees. But! The lower the head, there is still a negative angle.

the more weight we take, because the lower pectoral muscles are involved. And we have it anatomically stronger. Incline dumbbell press 30 degrees

Starting position ... put the dumbbells on your knees. When the dumbbells are heavy, you need to throw them not with your hands, if you throw your hands up and lie down, then you will spend a lot of strength on this movement.

It is necessary to throw either with your feet or throw one first and then ask for help in giving you the second. Then you will lose less strength and will do more work in the exercise itself.

It is imperative to remove the bridge! So that there is no gap between the bench and the back. To do this, you need to raise your legs, you can put them on a bench. If you do not put on a bench, then control the position of the back so that there is no deflection, the lower back should be pressed!

The advantage of this exercise is that there is no bar here and it does not interfere with lowering the dumbbells significantly lower than usual. And if we can lower the dumbbells lower, then the amplitude increases and the quality of stretching of the pectoral muscles increases.

For growth muscle mass this is very good. This is an advantage! Flaw! It lies in the fact that the exercise once the amplitude increased, then it became more difficult for us.

For beginners, stabilizer muscles are very poorly developed, and they have dumbbells walking on their hands. This is very noticeable. It is the balance that is adjusted due to the work of the stabilizer muscles, these are small muscle groups.

On the one hand it's good than more muscle works the more our body develops from the point of view of physiology. On the other hand, it is bad, the more muscles work, small ones ... the less work we can do.

Therefore, the weight of the dumbbells will be much less than the weight of the barbell. And accordingly, you will not be able to build up weight characteristics... This is bad. So ... something I got off topic a little. Let's go further.

Starting position, at the bottom, they stretched as much as possible to the possible amplitude, squeezed the dumbbells to the top and additionally statically strained their pectoral muscles. Dumbbells were lowered on inhalation, squeezed out on exhalation.

The movement takes place along the trapezoid, that is, on the basis of the widely spread, dumbbells were brought together at the top and do not forget to additionally statically strain the chest muscles.

There are two modifications to this exercise, as in principle to all dumbbell presses. This is supination and pronation and what it is you can read Professionals do supination, that is, when they lift the dumbbells, they twist them inward.

This additionally creates a load on the sections of the pectoral muscles. And it makes these places work better! What option should you do? It all depends on you. You try what you like best. Where you can feel your pectoral muscles better. Well, here we have disassembled this exercise.

And that's all, thanks for being with us. All the best, see you soon, bye.

Regards, admin

Bench press floor angle beginners and masters strength sports used for giving a flat torso volume, modeling the shape of the chest, pumping the inner edges of fan-shaped muscles. It is with his help that bodybuilders remove the asymmetry in the development of the right and left sides, polish the forms before performing in competitions. In addition, the development of the pectoral muscles affects the effectiveness of jerking movements, throws, pulls, lifts.

Despite the clear advantages, the upward angle dumbbell press has significant flaw- weight restrictions. If from a prone position you can squeeze a barbell of 100 kg, then it is unlikely that it will be possible to master the lifting of shells of 50 kg. It's all about the strength of the stabilizing muscles. The more tense they are, the easier it is to take the dumbbells. Ideal is considered to be 85% of the barbell.

For novice athletes there are difficulties with increasing the load. If the weight of the bar can be increased smoothly, adding 0.5 kg each, then its gap when working with dumbbells is up to 2 kg.

The best option- alternate both techniques and work out the chest mass with a barbell and shells.

What you need to know

When choosing degrees of inclination backrest, keep in mind that its position affects the distribution of the load:

  • when pressing dumbbells at an angle of 30 ° the central zone works;
  • when bench press at an angle of 45 ° focus moves up;
  • tilted 60 ° the emphasis is shifting to frontal deltas and triceps beams;
  • the lower segment is pumped upside down.

Incline Bench Press Technique

Work at a moderate pace and mentally control your movements.

  1. Decide on the angle of the backrest.
  2. Sit on a bench, firmly press the lower back and brought together shoulder blades to the back. With your feet wide apart, press firmly on the floor.
  3. Grab the shells with an upper grip, bent arms bring them closer to the deltoids.
  4. Inhale with all the power of your lungs, hold your breath, lift them in a coordinated movement along the trajectory of a wide arc.
  5. Exhale after crossing the median line.
  6. Straighten your elbow joints, bring your hands together above the collarbone. At the climax, pause for a second.
  7. Breathe in and go into the negative phase.
  8. Lower the shells to your shoulders and squeeze out without delay.

By this principle, make lifts with one hand, trying to raise them as high as possible. It is not forbidden to tear off the shoulder from the surface.

Comments (1)

Watch your breathing. When lifting, holding the expiration mobilizes the stabilizing muscles. This provides the body with immobility and increases the efficiency of the exercise.

Pay attention to the location of your elbows. Move them in a vertical plane, when lowering, spread them horizontally to the sides of the floor. Do not bring them closer to the sides - risk stretch the shoulder joints.

Straighten your arms at the top, reduce the dumbbells. Otherwise, it will not be possible to load the serrated muscles and thoroughly work out the outer edges of the fan-shaped muscles.

Synchronize your hands so as to ensure smoothness and continuity of movements. This can only be done when using moderate weights. When working with heavy shells, due to the redistribution of the load, the effectiveness of the equipment decreases.

When, how and how much

Switch to incline press after coupon exercises, for example, after. To work out the entire torso evenly, train according to the following scheme:

  • work with the classic;
  • then set the backrest at a 30 ° angle and perform 10 lifts in 3 sets;
  • set it to 45 °, lose weight and repeat again 2x10;
  • finish off the muscles.

Follow 10-14 times in 4 sessions.

Many experts claim that the incline dumbbell press is one of the most useful exercises for athletes involved in bodybuilding. Moreover, in the opinion of the titled athletes, it is the dumbbell press at an angle, and not the "classic" barbell press, that is optimal for working out the muscles. This effect is achieved due to a greater range of motion and a greater number of muscles and their groups involved in stabilization.

What muscles are incline dumbbell presses good for?

The main muscles involved in the exercise:

  • Elbow muscle;
  • Triceps
  • Sternocostal and clavicular bundles of the pectoralis major muscle;
  • Deltoid muscle (anterior fascicle);
  • Serratus anterior muscle;
  • Coracohumeral muscle;

As you can see, this type of bench press differs from both the classic and the incline press.

Dumbbell Incline Bench Press Tips

When performing the exercise, pay attention to the angle at which the bench is set. Specifically for this exercise the best option- from 15 to 35 degrees.

In particular, a 45-degree dumbbell press allows you to use:

  • The pectoralis major and minor muscles;
  • Front deltoid muscles;
  • Serratus anterior muscle;
  • Trapezius muscle;
  • Short biceps head;
  • Coracobrachialis muscle.

The difference is obvious. Therefore, it makes sense to use both options for performing an incline dumbbell press. To diversify the exercise, you can also do it on a horizontal bench.

How to do a dumbbell bench press at an angle

  • Set the angle of inclination of the bench in the range from 15 to 35 °;
  • Sit comfortably on it, making sure your spine is straight;
  • Lift the dumbbells using a swing motion towards your knees;
  • Press your back firmly against the surface of the bench;
  • With your elbows apart, slowly raise your forearms so that the dumbbells are above chest level.

Lift the dumbbells up, watch the distance between them. It should not be less than 15 cm. The dumbbells are lifted on exhalation.

The exercise is suitable for an athlete of any level physical fitness... The incline dumbbell press is considered the most effective basic exercise for working on the muscles. chest... It is included in their training program in order to develop the power and physical strength your body.

Dumbbell press on an incline bench is one of the main basic exercises aimed at pumping chest muscles and gaining muscle mass. Due to the maximum amplitude of hand movement, deep stretching of the chest is achieved, which means that the effectiveness of this exercise increases. Therefore, the dumbbell press is popular with both beginners and professional athletes... Further in the article we will talk about 3 options for tilting the bench, correct technique performing the exercise and stressing the target muscles.

Dumbbell bench press - video

website 2016-08-16 Incline dumbbell bench press

Technique for performing an incline dumbbell press:

  1. Adjust the back of the bench according to your chosen angle of inclination. Press your feet to the floor. Lie down on a bench so that the body and head are firmly pressed to the surface. Take dumbbells. Raise your hands to the shoulder line. The palms should be facing up.
  2. Inhale and squeeze the shells up. Exhale at the top of the exercise. Lock your position for a few seconds.
  3. Take a breath. Lower your arms to shoulder level. Then repeat the already mastered movement.

Number of repetitions:
During strength training the exercise should be done for 8 reps in 4 sets. And if your goal is to grow muscle, then do 12 presses in 4 sets.

What muscles work

During the exercise, the main load falls on the muscles of the chest, especially the pectoralis major muscle. In addition, the muscles of the press, back, triceps and biceps are involved in the movement. The deltoid muscles of the shoulders also work, the load on them depends on the value of the oblique angle.

Load on target muscles on a 10 point scale

  • Pay attention to the correctness of the exercise. Do not chase an increase in load. The weight of the dumbbells should be appropriate for your fitness level.
  • Control muscle tension. Avoid swaying hand movements.
  • Straighten your chest. Keep your shoulders and head off the bench. Pay attention to the trajectory of your elbows to avoid injury.
  • Breathe correctly. You will gain additional strength and endurance.
  • At the top of the movement, maintain a distance between the sports equipment. Do not fully extend your arm in order to maintain the effectiveness of the session.

Options for performing a dumbbell bench press in an incline

Exercise at a 30 degree angle

Press dumbbells on a bench with a slope of 30 degrees is done to work out all the pectoral muscles. The muscles of the middle part of the sternum take the greatest stress. Triceps are also tense. Use this angle if you do not need to focus on the upper pectoral muscles.

On an incline bench at an angle of 45 degrees

With an increase in the angle of inclination of the back of the bench, the upper part of the sternum and deltoid muscles receive more tension. Triceps work additionally.

Bench press at an angle of 60 degrees and above

If you are using a bench with an incline of more than 60 degrees, the muscles of the upper pectoral muscles and the front deltas of the shoulders are purposefully included in the work. This exercise is recommended if you have a day of upper chest and front shoulder workouts.

Dumbbell bench press: pros and cons

By doing the exercise, you will increase the amount of muscle mass. The dumbbell press on an incline bench is also valuable in that the load is evenly distributed due to the tilt of the bench. As a result, you will get powerful and wide breasts.

The disadvantage of this exercise is the lack of a gradual build-up of the load. Often, for athletes, such training becomes monotonous in sensations, because they have to work out with approximately the same weight.

Features of the execution technique:

  • If you want to increase the range of motion, then start sports equipment one level closer to the bench setting. So work on the pectoral muscles will become as productive as possible.
  • At the end of the work with the weights, slowly raise the body vertically, sit down on the bench and only then rise.
  • Use sports equipment large weights only in the presence of a belaying person.
  • Try dumbbells in front of your breastbone if your fitness level permits.
  • Stop doing this exercise if crunching occurs in the elbow joints.

Safety regulations

  • Do not make sudden movements. Raise your arms at the same time.
  • Control the natural arch in your lower back. Tighten your abs. Fix the position of the feet on the floor. All this will help to avoid undesirable consequences.
  • After completing the exercise, gently unbend your arms, alternately lower the dumbbells to the floor.

Alternate Incline Dumbbell Press

One hand, head up on an incline bench

This variation of the exercise is almost identical to the two-handed dumbbell press. The only drawback is that the athlete will begin to get tired faster due to the alternate work of the limbs. It is important to consider a few nuances:

  1. Returning to the original position should last twice as long as raising the arm to the top point.
  2. Avoid overly heavy weight dumbbells.
  3. To go to sitting position lift your feet off the floor, bending your knees. Place the projectile on the upper thigh. Raise the body and push off the floor at the same time.

This exercise allows you to shift the load from the top of the chest to the lower and middle fibers of the pectoral muscles. Which allows you to form symmetrically appearance chest.

Notes (edit)

Athletes perform dumbbell presses both in fitness classes and in bodybuilding workouts. You can start your workout with this exercise. Its implementation will help you to make the muscles symmetrical, balanced in work. It is recommended to continue the workout with dumbbell presses with downward bends.

Application of the exercise

To whom... Everyone, from beginner to master.

When... Do an incline dumbbell press at the beginning or middle of your pectoral workout.

The incline press is considered the main exercise for working out and good development of the pectoral muscles. More often include it in your workout for the formation and growth of the chest.

how many... On average, do 4 sets of 15 reps.

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