Breeding hands while lying on an incline bench. We swing the chest, or about the intricacies of laying dumbbells lying

Exercise type: isolated

Major muscles: chest

Accessory muscles: front delta, biceps

Difficulty of exercise: medium

Equipment: dumbbells

This isolated exercise. The advantage of this exercise is that only one joint works - the shoulder joint, thanks to which they will work. pectoral muscles, namely the top of the chest. A targeted load not on the upper pectorals will eliminate the asymmetry in the muscles, stretch them well, if you are a girl, it will improve the décolleté area.

Initial position

Find a tilted bench and set an angle of 30-40 degrees. This is the optimal slope for working out the pectoral muscles. The higher the slope of the bench, the greater the load on the upper chest. It is not recommended to raise the bench above 30-40 degrees. It is advisable to put rubber on the sides of the bench to throw dumbbells at the end of the exercise.

Take dumbbells with a grip in the lock. Sitting on a bench, put the dumbbells in pancakes on your feet next to your knees. Raise one leg and at the same time throw a dumbbell over your chest. Do the same with the other hand or throw the dumbbells at the same time. Now your task is to isolate the pectoral muscles as best as possible. It is necessary to press your lower back against the bench, but there is a chance that you will bend. Then throw your legs on the bench or cross them in the air. This method will prevent you from bending over. If you bend in the lower back, some of the load will go away from the pectoral muscles.

Lying on a bench, spread your feet shoulder-width apart and rest on the floor. Tighten your shoulder blades and squeeze together, press your head against the bench. Squeeze the dumbbells to the top and slightly bend your elbows. The position of the dumbbells is clearly above the shoulders.

Technique for laying dumbbells while lying on an incline bench

Along with inhaling, spread your arms to the sides, elbows are slightly bent. Do not drop your elbows down, otherwise it will be a dumbbell press. The elbows are fixed and motionless until the end of the exercise. Beginners should raise their arms to unpleasant sensations in the pectoral muscles, the dumbbell should not fall in line with the shoulder. Experienced athletes need to stretch their chest as much as possible. Dumbbells are raised to shoulder level. Lifting the dumbbells up, they should touch each other, but not knock out. Exhale on effort. To explain it figuratively, imagine that you have a barrel on your chest that you are hugging. Moreover, the movement occurs only in the shoulder joint. At the top point, strain your chest for 1-2 seconds and lower.

  • Try the supination exercise. When the dumbbells, when spreading to the sides, are directed pancakes down, and at the top point they are parallel to each other.
  • Pronation is when the palms are facing towards you when spreading. When lifting, the dumbbells form one line. To say, just change the position of the hands during dilution and mixing and sympathize with how the pectoral muscles are straining in different ways.
  • Perform the exercise by moving in an arc. If triceps are included in the work, it means that you lowered your elbows strongly and took heavy weight.
  • This exercise is slightly traumatic. Take weight 8-10 times.
  • Be sure to bend your elbows. Breeding dumbbells on straight arms is traumatic.
  • Perform dumbbell raises after basic exercises.
  • Control your brushes. Keep them on their toes.
  • Perform the tweak exercise as in the video. You will understand the difference between fine-tuning and an imaginary barrel on the chest (meaning only at the end of the exercise, as the hands always move in an arc), and how to do it, you will judge by the sensations. In which version you feel better for the chest, in this and do it.
  • Spread your arms until you feel pain or severe tension in the deltas.
  • Bring your arms together faster than spreading them to the sides.

This article describes in detail the technique for performing dumbbell breeding while lying on incline bench muscle groups trained, provides important tips and videos for the correct exercise.

Exercise basics

The main rule is to do the exercise slowly, slowly lowering the dumbbells down and powerfully, but without jerking them, bring them up. If you drop down sharply, there is a high probability of injury to the shoulder ligaments.

The angle of inclination of the back of the gymnastic bench should be no more than 30 degrees, this is exactly the slope when the upper pectoral muscles are well stretched. If you set the angle to 45 degrees, the load is not on the shoulders and the chest is equally distributed 50 to 50.

Of course, the weight of the dumbbells will have to be reduced - since this is not where the triceps works, in our case the triceps is resting.

Trained muscles

At correct execution, all the load goes to large muscle with an emphasis on her upper part and the front bundle.

1) Often it is necessary to perform dumbbell breeding while lying on an incline bench without an assistant and it is not always possible to quickly throw them off the floor onto the chest, the more abrupt movement can pull the shoulder muscles. To do this, put the dumbbells on your knees, and then, leaning back, throw the dumbbells with your knees to your chest, from where it is easy to squeeze them up.

2) Lower the dumbbells down not below shoulder level, and turn your hands inward, in this position, the chest muscles stretch well, and the shoulders are less likely to get injured.

3) When bringing the dumbbells at the top, the arms must be straightened completely, this will allow the chest to contract more and feel.

4) In general, the dumbbells are raised while lying on an incline bench in 2 ways: Turning the hands outward and vice versa bringing them inward, try both options and where you feel the chest better, do so, but as I said earlier, when the hands are inward, the tension on the shoulders less.

5) When raising dumbbells, slightly bend your elbows, do not try to do it on straight arms, otherwise the elbow joint may be injured.

6) This is not an exercise where you should set records, so leave it on, choose dumbbells with such that you will do 10-12. Your task is to stretch the muscles to the maximum, for further contraction with other pressing exercises for the chest.

I wish everyone pleasant training no injuries, do not be lazy and take care of yourself 😉

Every man practicing in gym, wants to have a powerful and embossed chest. There are quite a few exercises for developing the pectoral muscles. Moreover, there are both basic and isolating movements for the development of these muscles. Today we will talk about one isolating exercise - laying dumbbells while lying down.

Breeding dumbbells lying on a horizontal bench

This exercise is isolating. That is, performing it, you can work out only one muscle group - the chest. Breeding hands with dumbbells is performed as follows:

  1. initial position: you lie on horizontal bench just like the bench press. You have dumbbells in your hands. Hands are at the top;
  2. gently lower your arms with dumbbells. At the bottom, your triceps should be parallel to the floor;
  3. at the lowest point, you must linger for 3 seconds. This is to stretch your chest well;
  4. then begin to bring your hands together. Your arms should not be straight. They should be slightly bent at the elbows. Firstly, at the top, the triceps will not take the load away from you. Secondly, it reduces the risk of injury;
  5. fix your hands at the top point. Tighten your pectoral muscles as much as possible. Feel them. The dumbbells in your hands should not touch. Since this reduces the effectiveness of the approach.

You need to do this exercise in three sets of 12-15 reps... Since it is insulating, you shouldn't start training with him... It is better to perform the flattening of the dumbbells while lying down after the bench press. This will pump even more blood into your chest and make your workout more effective. After a heavy basic movement, you should always do a light, isolating movement. Bodybuilders call this muscle building.

Each side must be equally loaded. It should not be such that one hand describes a smaller angle of movement than the other. When doing dumbbell streaks no need to put your hands too low... There is a high risk of stretching the pectoral muscles and injuring the shoulder. Rely on your senses during your workout. If you feel that the layout is not suitable for you, stop doing it. Find another exercise for yourself.

Setting dumbbells lying on an incline bench

This exercise works the upper and lower pectoral muscles. There are two options for setting up dumbbells on an incline bench:

  1. tilted up... This flare variation trains the upper chest and front of the shoulder. It is recommended to do this exercise at an angle of 20 degrees. At this angle, the chest muscles will work very well. If the angle is made larger, for example, 45 degrees, there is a chance of injury. To avoid this, you need to turn your hands so that your fists are facing your face. In this position, the deltoid muscles work more;
  2. tilted down... These layouts are designed to develop the undercut of the breast, that is, the lower part of the breast. As you know, it is the bottom of the chest that emphasizes its shape. If the lower part is well developed, the chest will visually appear easier. Tilting downward is much easier than routing upward. With the same weight, you can do more reps. The optimal incline angle for this exercise is from 15 to 30 degrees.

You need to do each of these exercises 2-3 sets and 12-15 reps each.

This exercise should not be confused with the dumbbell bench press. There, the arms are bent at the elbow joints by 90 degrees. And when diluted, they practically do not bend. There, the movement is due to the work of the elbow and shoulder joints, and here - only due to the shoulder.

It is necessary to do the information of hands with dumbbells correctly. Improper execution of the exercise simply will not give you results, you will waste time in vain.

Focus on the peak contraction of the pectoral muscles. At the top, the chest muscles should be as tense as possible.

Periodically arrange chest workouts in which you will only do dilutions and hand conversions with dumbbells. Make all the options under different angles to work out your chest from all angles.

Don't overdo it with weight. In dumbbell breeding, technique is the key. Too much weight is a risk of injury. Before doing this exercise, you need to make several rotations with your hands in the shoulder joint, it will be easier for you to complete it.

Now you know how to correctly lay out dumbbells while lying on a bench. Be sure to try this exercise on your next chest workout. If you like it, chest workout will bring you even more results, and most importantly, pleasure.

A fairly popular isolating exercise in the gym is dumbbell spread, or, to put it correctly, breeding. There are two known execution options of this exercise: standing and lying. Each has its own atlas of targeted muscles and its own purpose.

By the way, along the way we will analyze a very important point: Is it possible to enlarge the chest with training?

Let's discuss the technique and nuances of these exercises.

Laying dumbbells lying

Muscles worked:

Due to the different angles of inclination of the bench, this exercise can be pumped all areas of the pectoral muscles.

1) Target muscle group are the pectoral or pectoral muscles.
2) As assistants deltoids work (front and middle bundles).
3) Biceps, triceps and forearm muscles help to hold hands with dumbbells in a fixed, slightly bent position.
4) Muscles of the abdomen, legs and buttocks stabilize frame.

The dumbbell set is an isolated exercise with only one joint involved - brachial.

IMPORTANT: Typically, the dumbbell set on the bench follows immediately after the bench press. It makes no sense to start your workout with a wiring, even if you have an easy program that day. But to finish - sometimes you even need to.

Why would a girl lay dumbbells lying down?

Many girls are extremely afraid to pump their breasts, because "she will lose weight." And many are wondering:

But in no way, when Losing weight, the breast decreases, because the female breast itself consists of adipose tissue! I hope this is no longer a secret to anyone.

Contrary to the prevailing misconceptions with the help physical exercise IMPOSSIBLE to increase the volume of the breast, make it more elastic or change its shape. The main reason for this is the lack of muscle fibers in the chest. Meanwhile, pectoral exercises will help support the breasts as well as enhance them. muscle tone... Of course, with the help of plastic surgery, you can achieve a more impressive result, but we will not go this easier / more dangerous / expensive way!

So humble yourself, your chest ANYWAY will become less if you lose weight. So do not be afraid to "download" it (as many say). There are cases when fat is burned only in one place, until it is fixed - no matter what you load: your back, butt or chest, fat will go from the whole body.

An article that clearly and simply describes the processes of fat burning and muscle growth ""

The angle of inclination of the bench in the layout of the dumbbells lying:

1) If the bench is located horizontally- you emphasize the load on average part of the pectoral muscles.
2) When the head above than legs - works more top breasts.
3) The head end of the bench is lowered down- you are working on the lower site pectoral.

Most often, first there is a breeding of hands with dumbbells on a horizontal bench, then breeding of dumbbells while lying on an incline bench. If you want to make 3 spreads at different angles in one day, reduce the number of approaches from 4 to 3, or even to two. Remember, dumbbell bench work requires a warm-up approach.

ADVICE: dumbbell breeding, ideally, should always be done with insurance, and as a belayer, choose the most handsome man in the gym 😉

Execution technique:

  1. Take the dumbbells in your hands and sit on the edge of the bench.
  2. Lie on a bench so that your head not hanging from her. The back of the head should touch the bench. Spread your legs wide to provide good stability. The benches touch the scapula, back, pelvis, nape. The loin is in natural position, without unnecessary deflections and roundings, the chest is straightened, looking at the ceiling.
  3. Lift the dumbbells in front of you at an angle of 90 degrees to the floor. The arms are extended so that the palms are facing each other (this is the classic version). Bend them slightly at the elbow and freeze them in this position - you need to the angle of flexion of the elbows did not change during the exercise.
  4. As you inhale, begin to spread the dumbbells to the sides so that your elbows are pointing down. If the elbows are twisted in some other way, you are doing the exercise. not properly... The movement occurs only in the shoulder joint, a small angle at the elbow is fixed.

  5. When you feel that your chest muscles are already beginning to stretch, lower your arms a little further, but, of course, not before painful sensations.
  6. As you exhale, bring your hands back together, almost touching each other with dumbbells. You should feel something like hugging a large tree.

Dangers and Runtime Errors:

  • If your hands bend during breeding, it means that the weight is too heavy for you, and you compensate by decreasing the distance from your weight to your body. This often happens with beginners.
  • Elbows point anywhere but the floor. This can injure your shoulders, and the load on the pectoral muscles will not be maximized. Also, remember to "lock" your elbows. They MUST NOT MOVE AT ALL.
  • Often people confuse dumbbell press and set, combining them into one exercise. If you work with triceps and extend your arms when moving up- this is not a wiring. This is where other muscles are involved.
  • Do I need to flex in the chest at the lowest possible dilution? To increase the amplitude, you can. If you can do a fixed breast breeding, do it. The main thing that the shoulder blades did not come off the bench.
  • Breeding dumbbells while lying on an incline bench requires correct position loins and backs - no need to slouch and bend in the lower back trying in this way to connect to work extra muscles and use them to lift the weight.
  • Of course, there is a risk of injury in this exercise. Torn ligaments and damage to the tendons in the shoulder bag can severely limit your mobility. Therefore, do not start with large weights and without a thorough warm-up... Take your time and do not try to complete the exercise as soon as possible.

Good luck to everyone and beautiful breasts, not spaniel ears 😈

Standing dumbbells

I apologize for the fact that there are no pictures with ladies, tk. of course, everyone knows that girls don't shake their hands, otherwise they will be FUMUZHIKAMI😂 Why do we need to do this exercise at all?

Dear ladies, if you do not want sagging "wings" with an obvious layer of fat, which you will certainly have with age, then swing the pens. If you don’t want to bend over into the letter G in old age, swing your back: what could be more beautiful than a girl with a proud, straight posture?

Raising the arms through the sides maximizes the medium beams deltoid muscles, namely, they are responsible for the visual width of the shoulders - the most basic thing that makes the figure athletic. We, ladies, need beautiful shoulders: to visually narrow the waist and in order to wear open dresses.

Exercise refers to insulating, and forms clearly "cropped" contours of the bundles of the deltoid muscle.

Muscles worked:

Targeted muscles: middle bundles of deltoid muscles, supraspinatus muscles.

Accessory muscles: trapezius muscles, serratus anterior muscle.

Execution technique:

1) Stand straight, feet about shoulder width apart, take the dumbbells in your hands, but do not press them to your hips, but lower them down, holding them in front of you bent at a slight angle with your hands.

2) Hands are slightly turned inside... From this position, taking a deep breath, with the effort of the deltoid muscles, begin to lift the dumbbells up simultaneously with both hands. The arms move smoothly across the sides in the plane of the body.

3) Raising the dumbbells to shoulder level or slightly higher, exhale, take a short pause, during which try to feel muscle tension (squeeze). Hold your breath - this is necessary to maintain balance. Gently lower your arms to the starting position, and again, without stopping, do the next repetition.

What working weight should you choose?

Of course, we don't need huge shoulders, but let me remind you that muscle gain mainly depends on SUPPLY.

However, still do not take on huge weights that are large for you, in this case, you will not lift the dumbbells as high as necessary and you will not achieve anything. Start with the smallest dumbbells and gradually build up the weights.


  • Always start with warm-up, first make a few movements that simulate lifting arms with weights, without weight, and then get to work.
  • KEEP YOUR BACK EXACTLY do not lean too far forward, otherwise you may lose your balance, and to avoid this, you will begin to help yourself with your whole body.
  • Excessive bending at the elbows can lead to injury... Controlling the dumbbells at every point of movement will protect you from dislocations and sprains.
  • The exercise is performed in a single smooth rhythm... Light acceleration is allowed when lifting the dumbbells from the bottom position. Acceleration does not mean a jerk.

"But I ..."

  • And why, if the breast is losing weight from nutritional deficiency, then many bikinists, even after drying, are big and beautiful?
  • The Magic of Plastic Surgery 🙂 Of course, any competition requires a low percentage of body fat, which means that girls follow an appropriate diet for weight loss. Since (alas) partly we do not lose weight and we also cannot control this process, the breasts of great female athletes lose weight, just like ordinary mortals.

    Two factors save their figures and proportions! First: many bikinashi go through breast augmentation, because only with the help of this means they can increase the volume of their breasts QUICKLY and TO THE SIZES they need.

    Second: the bodice of the swimsuit is there with incredible push-up. No fraud, one illusion 😉 Well, some just have an empty bra, what can you do.

- the dream of many. Dumbbell routing on an incline bench will allow you to achieve this. In this article, I will describe in detail the technique of this exercise, talk about its benefits, the dangers that await beginners when performing it, and also give many other useful tips.

Breeding dumbbells lying on a bench is an isolated exercise on the chest for a thorough study of the muscles, increasing their volume and relief. Almost all the load is concentrated on the pectoral muscles and the shoulder joint.

What muscles work

When performing the training, a large and small muscles breasts, as well as part of the load, receive shoulder girdle, deltas and trapeziums.

Benefit and harm

In bodybuilding, dumbbell breeding is used to set muscle mass and giving relief, and in fitness for losing weight and maintaining tone. From exercise, the chest becomes more convex, and the chest increases in volume. Also, a distinct border is formed between the right and left pectoral muscles.

However, if you are just starting to exercise, give preference to basic exercises. The isolated ones are too traumatic for you.

Incorrect execution technique leads to damage to the shoulder joint.


Dumbbell spreading is contraindicated in the presence of problems in the shoulder joint and spine.

Technique and options for the exercise

Take a starting position, taking dumbbells in your hands. Press your head, shoulders and buttocks against the bench, and your feet on the floor. Legs are shoulder width apart.

Bend your arms at the elbow at an angle of 150-160 degrees (during the exercise, the angle remains unchanged) and lift exactly above the chest so that the dumbbells almost touch each other.

As you inhale, spread your arms to the sides to shoulder level. The elbows are pointing down. Having reached the bottom point, linger in this position for a couple of seconds until you feel light muscle pain... Try to stick out as much as possible chest for better stretching muscle and oxygen saturation.

To avoid injury, there should be no discomfort in the ligaments and joints. If you are in pain, then, most likely, you have chosen a projectile of too large a mass.

As you exhale, lift the dumbbells again along the same trajectory to the starting position and pause for a few seconds to feel the maximum muscle contraction... Perform all movements smoothly.

Other exercise options - or on the crossover block. However, in the "butterfly" simulator, the load goes only to the central part of the chest, but doing the routing on a crossover lying on an incline bench can completely replace dumbbells.

If you are a sturdy and well-trained person, use the dumbbell version. This will allow you to take on significant weights and better pump your upper chest.

At the end of the article, I have provided a video that will help you understand the correct exercise technique.

Training example

Warm up before exercising to protect yourself from injury. The muscles will warm up and be ready for intense work. Dumbbell breeding is insulating, so it should be performed only after basic chest exercises: bench press, push-ups. Depending on the location, the workout may vary slightly.

At home

When exercising at home, as a rule, there is no access to a large range of equipment.

  • As a warm-up and basic exercise do push-ups from the floor. 4 sets of 20 reps will be enough.
  • Next, do a dumbbell press on a horizontal or incline bench - 3 sets of 10-12 reps.
  • After the bench press, start breeding the dumbbells. Do 3-4 sets of 10 reps.

In the gym

There are many sports equipment, so do the bench press (4 to 12) and the bar push-ups (3 sets to the maximum) as basic.

  • Warm up additionally shoulder joints by completing a couple of sets on a crossover with small weights for 15-20 reps.
  • Next, run the dumbbells - 3 sets of 10 reps.
  • Rest no more than 2 minutes between sets, and no more than 4 minutes between exercises.
  • To do this, clasp your hands behind your back in the lock, bringing your shoulder blades together, and stay in this position for 30-40 seconds. Alternatively, hang from the bar for 30 seconds.

After workout . One quality workout per week is enough for the chest.

Sets and reps

Since the training of the chest muscles is not limited to just laying on the bench, it is advisable to leave the strength on. It will be enough to complete 3-4 sets of 6-10 repetitions. Do 6 reps for strength, and 10 reps for volume.

Dumbbell weight

The mass of the projectile should not be too large, otherwise the execution technique will be violated. If you are just mastering the technique, take a weight with which you can do 12-15 reps. Having mastered it, you can take a load that allows you to do no more than 6-10 repetitions.

Tilt angle

The routing is performed on an incline bench, the back of which is at an angle of 30-45 degrees to the floor. This angle allows you to work out the pectoral muscles in the best way. With an increase in the angle of inclination, the load is transferred from the chest to the delta. As the angle approaches the horizontal position, the entire load is transferred to the middle part of the chest, and the upper part remains unworked. This flattens the breasts, depriving them of the desired volume.

Frequent mistakes

A common mistake when performing an exercise is choosing too much heavy dumbbells... This makes elbow joints bend and breaks the technique of execution. The angle must remain constant throughout the approach.

  1. Many, trying to stretch the muscles as much as possible, lower their elbows below what is required, and the entire load falls on the shoulder joint.
  2. You can not make sharp jerks. This leads to injury.
  3. The feet should rest firmly on the floor in order to exclude harmful loads on the lower back.


Today we are introduced to a new exercise. When performing it, observe correct technique and also don't forget about proper nutrition and good rest. By following my advice, you can easily tighten and increase the volume of your pectoral muscles.

That's all for me. Be sure to subscribe to articles and share useful things on social networks. See you soon!

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