Large chest. The pectoralis minor muscle is a source of pain that you are not aware of.

Do you want to build big, strong and sculpted chest muscles that will finally allow you to wear tight t-shirts? Scientific knowledge will help you with this!

Many guys go to the gym to build massive and sculpted chest muscles. Very often you can see how a novice athlete performs 20, 30, or even 40 sets of bench press in one workout. That many sets can take a toll on your shoulders, and there are plenty of other great chest exercises out there.

I want to tell you how to train your chest more effectively, how to work specific muscles, and how to get the most out of your trips to the gym.

To effectively work out the muscles of the chest, you must understand how they are arranged. Here's what you need to know about chest muscles.

Large pectoral muscles

These are the muscles you need to work on the most. They are the largest of all the muscles of the chest, and consist of 3 parts: the clavicle, the sternocostal part and the abdominal part. This is very important to know, because each of them can be worked out through certain exercises.

Clavicular part

It is located in the upper part of the pectoralis major muscles. It starts from the collarbone, runs down to the upper chest and is attached to the humerus. Most guys want to pump up this particular part of the chest, so we will pay special attention to it.

Sternocostal part

It is slightly larger than the clavicle. It originates from the sternum, crosses the chest and is attached to the humerus.


It originates at the sheath of the rectus abdominis muscle (most of the connective tissue that surrounds the abdominal muscles), crosses the rib cage and attaches to the humerus.

Small pectoral muscles

They are located under the large pectoral muscles. They are very small, so you don't have to spend too much time developing them.

The pectoralis minor muscles originate from the shoulder blades and attach to the 3rd, 4th and 5th ribs. These muscles should not be given too much time to train. I just want you to be aware of their existence. Basically, these muscles help us breathe.

Serratus anterior muscles

They begin in front of the ribs, pass under the shoulder blades and are attached along their edges. In bodybuilders with a good definition, they are very visible.

Although these muscles do not require much time to work there either, they are important for building balanced muscles and strengthening the shoulders.

Bone Anatomy

Bones and joints play an important role in the functioning of the chest and affect the effectiveness of chest muscle training. You will not be able to pump up your chest if you do not follow the movement of the shoulder blades, shoulders and elbows.

shoulder blades

The movement of the shoulder blades is an important part of the pressing exercises. When doing the bench press, you should bring them together to generate more force. Although the shoulder blades are located at the back of the body, they play an important role in training the chest muscles.

Shoulder joints

These are the joints between the humerus and the shoulder blade. They play an important role in chest training. Shoulder joints are also more prone to injury than others. If you incorrectly take the starting position in a particular exercise, you can seriously damage them.


Many people forget that when doing any of the press exercises, they extend their arms at the elbows. Elbows should move smoothly and not create pain so that you can train your chest muscles as effectively as possible.

Muscle Functions

Let's put all this knowledge together and see how muscles and bones work together to perform the functional movements we do every day.

Large pectoral muscles

All 3 parts of the pectoralis major muscles work together to reproduce the internal rotation of the arms. If you take your hand to the side and rotate it forward on its axis, this will be the internal rotation. You will not be able to do this movement without the help of the pectoral muscles.

Few of us are interested in how the muscles of the chest allow us to make rotational movements. However, we all want to have a definition and know how to build more muscle mass. One of the best exercises for this is the incline dumbbell raise. In this exercise, the so-called horizontal adduction takes place, which occurs at the moment of bringing the dumbbells together.

During its execution, the chest muscles are first stretched and then contracted, becoming stronger. To make horizontal adduction, all parts of the pectoral muscles must work together.

Clavicular part

The clavicular part is responsible for flexing the shoulder, as well as for raising the arm above the head. The incline bench press (when you raise your arms above your head) works well on the upper chest area.

Sternocostal and abdominal parts

For the development of the muscles of the lower chest, exercises such as the bent-over bench press and the pullover are best suited. The position of the torso and shoulders greatly affects which chest muscles will be involved in the exercise.

Serratus anterior muscles

The serratus anterior muscles are most active when you move your shoulders. For example, when you extend your arms forward while pulling the block to the belt, you engage your shoulders. The serratus anterior muscles are very active in the upper phase of push-ups. Although you probably won't build a massive chest with push-ups, you will definitely work these muscles.

The serratus anterior is the only chest muscle that pulls the shoulder blades against the back, allowing you to put your hands behind your head. Together with the lower and upper traps, they also allow us to raise our arms above our heads. Well defined serratus anterior muscles look great, but they are also extremely important for proper shoulder function.

Key Chest Exercises

The following exercises are the best for building strong and massive pecs.

Exercise 1 Incline Bench Press

Keep your leg and abdominal muscles tense throughout the exercise. When lifting dumbbells, do not spread your elbows to the sides, as this will put a lot of stress on your shoulders.

Although all 3 parts of the large pectoral muscles work in this exercise, however, a special load in it falls on the clavicular part. If for some reason you cannot pump up the upper chest, then add the bench press on an incline bench and breeding dumbbells to the sides in your training program.

If during this exercise you experience discomfort in the shoulders, then use a neutral grip (when the palms are facing each other). This will reduce the load on the shoulders and make the exercise more comfortable.

Exercise 2 Breeding Dumbbells Lying

This exercise is the best for building chest muscles and performing horizontal adduction. Keep your abs, back and legs tight. Maintain a slight bend at the elbows. Spreading your arms to the sides, stretch the muscles of the chest.

When you bring your hands together, they will contract again. This exercise evenly works out all 3 parts of the pectoralis major muscles.

Exercise 3 Pushups

You've probably done push-ups many times without noticing that they work your chest muscles. I will tell you about some of the subtleties that will make push-ups even more effective.

This exercise develops the lower and upper body. Keep your abdominal muscles in tension and do not spread your elbows to the sides as you lower yourself down. To better work out the serratus anterior muscles, try to lift the body as high as possible from the floor. Thus, in the upper phase of the exercise, they will be more tense.

The best result with a scientific approach

A solid understanding of how bones, joints, and muscles work will help you design a chest workout program. Alternating exercises, adding different variations of the bench press (up and down head), as well as replacing the barbell with dumbbells will affect the work of the chest muscles. The better you understand this, the more magnificent your body will be.

Before you go to the gym and start exercising, watch the training videos. Remember that you must combine the work of the muscles with the work of the mind in order to build a beautiful body.

The muscles located in the thoracic region of the human body perform a lot of voluntary and involuntary functions. Consider their diversity, location and main tasks.

pectoral muscles

There are four types of chest muscles in the human body:

  1. The pectoralis major muscle is the most prominent. This is the muscular array of the chest, which forms its appearance. It helps in breathing, brings the hand to the body, is responsible for turning it inward.
  2. The pectoralis minor is not visible visually, because it is located behind the large one. Involved in the process of breathing, and it is she who pulls the shoulder blades forward and down.
  3. The subclavian muscle, located between the uppermost rib and the collarbone, moves the collarbone inward and downward, strengthens the sternoclavicular joint, and lifts the first pair of ribs.
  4. The serratus anterior is located on the side of the chest. By its location, this is the lowest pectoral muscle. Together with the rhomboid, it forms a fairly powerful muscle mass that covers the entire human body and presses the shoulder blade against it.

Own muscles of the sternum

Do not forget about your own muscles of the chest:

  1. The diaphragm is the main muscle in the process of breathing. It is a muscular-tendon septum between the thoracic and abdominal regions. It helps to increase intra-abdominal pressure, contracting along with the abdominal muscles.
  2. Subcostal muscles involved in the act of inhalation. Located on the back surfaces of the lower pairs of ribs. Their bundles seem to be thrown over one edge.
  3. The external and internal intercostal muscles are participants in the "inhale-exhale" process. Their beginning is different costal edges.

pectoralis major muscle: location

Steam room wide Pectoralis major muscle located in the anterior region of the chest. Engages the shoulder joint. Its place of attachment is the flat tendon of the intertubercular groove of the humerus. Muscle location:

  1. The upper part (another name is clavicular) - from the medial line to the anterior clavicular surface. Here it forms the clavicular fossa and the deltoid-pectoral groove.
  2. Next, the median part of the muscle is observed - the sternocostal. It begins at the anterior surface of the sternum and ends in the region of the 2nd-7th pair of ribs.
  3. The lowest and most weakly expressed is the abdominal. It starts from the anterior vaginal wall of the rectus abdominis muscles.

Functions of the pectoralis major muscle

This pectoral muscle performs the following tasks:

  • adduction and rotation of the shoulder inward;
  • bringing to the sagittal position (left or right) of the hand raised horizontally;
  • pronation - rotation of the limb inward;
  • arm flexion;
  • help expand the chest during the respiratory process.

Location of the small muscle of the sternum

Flat triangular steam room pectoralis minor muscle located directly under the large pectoral muscles. It is attached to the coracoid process of the scapula with a short tendon. The pectoralis minor controls the joints from the shoulder blade to the ribs. The location of this component of the muscles in the human body:

  1. Beginning - separate teeth in the region of the 2nd-5th pair of ribs, in the immediate vicinity of the junction of their bone and cartilage tissue.
  2. Further, the muscle stretches upward in the lateral direction. At the same time, its beams converge.

Functions of the pectoralis minor

Tasks performed by the small muscle of the sternum:

  • movement of the scapula up and down;
  • abduction (adduction) of the shoulder blades;
  • an auxiliary function during breathing - with a stably strengthened shoulder blade, the muscle lifts the ribs in this process.

Location of the serratus anterior

Wide flat steam room Serratus anterior muscle located in the anterolateral region of the sternum. Its upper part, like the small pectoral muscle, is hidden under the large muscle of the sternum. The lower surface is located under the thoracic fascia. Together, the serratus anterior muscles protect the outer costal surface, and then go under the scapula. Here it is attached to the lower corner of the scapular triangle along its medial edge. Here, it should be noted, the most developed bundles of this muscle are located. Location - 2 start:

  1. The outer surface of the 8th-9th pair of ribs (8-9 teeth of the muscle).
  2. From the tendinous arch passing between the 1st-11th pairs of ribs.

Functions of the serratus anterior

This pectoral muscle performs the following set of functions:

  • pulling the shoulder blades away from the spinal column;
  • lateral (lateral) displacement of the lower angle of the scapula;
  • rotation of the scapula along the sagittal axis;
  • fixing the position of the scapula, adjoining it to the chest (in tandem with the rhomboid muscle);
  • auxiliary respiratory function (when inhaling) - with the condition that the belt of the upper limbs remains motionless.

Location and function of the subclavian muscle

A small oblong steam room Subclavius ​​muscle is almost parallel to the clavicle, located slightly below it. Its surface is hidden by an extensive large muscle of the sternum. In the lateral and vertical direction, this musculature is attached to the lower acromial clavicular region. The subclavian muscle performs the following functions and tasks in the body:

  • movement of the clavicle down and towards the medial line;
  • raising the upper pair of ribs;
  • retention of the clavicle in the sternoclavicular joint;
  • auxiliary function in the respiratory process;

Thus, all four types of paired pectoral muscles (large, small, anterior serratus and subclavian) perform a large set of functions - various movements of the limbs, shoulder blades, collarbone, participation in the respiratory process. The quality of performing arbitrary tasks, the appearance (concerning the pectoralis major muscle) depends on the sports behavior of a person.

The pectoralis major muscle is located on the anterior surface of the chest. It has a fan-shaped form and consists of three bundles of muscle fibers. The clavicular bundle is attached to the medial half of the clavicle. The sternocostal bundle is attached to the cartilages of the ribs and the anterior surface of the sternum. The abdominal bundle originates from the rectus abdominis muscle. All three parts are connected at the crest of the large tubercle of the shoulder.

Main functions: pectoralis major muscle is responsible for bringing the arm to the body and rotating it inward. Also, the pectoralis major muscle helps to raise the ribs during inhalation and takes part in pulling up the body.

Small muscle of the chest (m. pectordlis minor)

Beneath the pectoralis major lies the pectoralis minor. Its four teeth are located from 2 to 5 ribs, they rise obliquely upwards and are fixed at the coracoid process of the scapula.

Main functions: pectoralis minor muscle pulls forward, down and inward the shoulder blade, and also helps to raise the ribs. Together with other muscles, m. pectordlis minor is involved in the process of inhalation.

Serratus anterior (m. serratus anterior)

On the surface of the lateral part of the chest is the anterior serratus muscle. Its teeth are usually attached to the nine upper ribs, the muscle fibers are directed parallel to the ribs. Each muscle bundle is pronounced and separated from the rest. All of them are connected at the medial edge of the scapula.

Main functions: Serratus anterior muscle forms a wide muscle loop, which, together with the rhomboid muscle, presses the scapula to the body.

The pectoralis minor is the "smaller sister" of the more massive and well-known pectoralis major. However, even a muscle of such a small size can cause serious problems. It is located under the pectoralis major muscle, departs from the 3rd, 4th and 5th ribs, passes laterally upwards and is attached to the coracoid process of the scapula.

Functions of the pectoralis minor: stabilization of the scapula, as well as its lowering, pulling and turning down. When the scapula is in a fixed position, this muscle also takes part in lifting the chest. Explaining Functions pectoralis minor, the site will tell you what problems may be associated with it.

The condition of the pectoralis minor muscle and posture disorders

The pectoralis minor muscle is a fairly significant factor in the formation of correct (or incorrect) posture. One of the functions pectoralis minor is the retraction of the scapula - its movement forward, away from the spine, and around the chest, which leads to stoop in the shoulders.

Unfortunately, in the lives of most of us, a sedentary lifestyle prevails - we spend the lion's share of the time at computers, driving, leaning over a desk in unnatural positions, when our shoulders are rounded and tilted forward, our backs are hunched. This position over time inevitably leads to overstrain of the pectoralis minor muscle (the appearance of muscle knots, or clamps).

Posture disorders- although a big one, but not the only problem caused by overstrain of the pectoralis minor muscle. Because below the site will consider:

  • what are the symptoms and problems that appear with overexertion pectoralis minor;
  • What is pectoralis minor syndrome?
  • how to get rid of pain caused by overexertion of the pectoralis minor muscle.

Overexertion of the pectoralis minor muscle: the starting point of serious disorders

An overloaded pectoralis minor significantly affects the function of the shoulder joint and increases the risk of injury.

Perhaps the most common problem with pectoralis minor, is subacromial impingement syndrome.

In this case, the lack of space in the area between the humerus and the shoulder process (acromion) leads to pinching of the tendons of the supraspinatus muscle and subacromial bursa, especially when raising the arm above the shoulder, as well as during rotational movements.

Pinched tendons, nerves and blood vessels in the shoulder and chest area are the consequences of an overstrain of the pectoralis minor muscle.

This lack of space may be directly related to an overstretched pectoralis minor muscle due to forward tilt of the scapula and reduced subacromial arch.

In this case, patients complain about:

  • dull pain in the shoulder
  • increased pain when raising the arm up;
  • sleep problems as a result of pain, especially when lying on the affected side;
  • characteristic sound of a crunch or click while lowering the hand;
  • limitation of joint mobility;
  • hand weakness.

In addition to increasing the risk of pinching, overexertion of the pectoralis minor, together with the serratus anterior, verticalizes the glenoid fossa of the scapula, resulting in increased abduction, rotation, and pterygoidity of the scapula.

Due to a change in the position of the scapula, the muscle that lifts the scapula and the upper fibers trapezius muscle begin to strain intensely in an attempt to stabilize her position. Ultimately, this leads to an overstrain of the muscles of the neck and shoulders and the appearance of many trigger points in this area, which is typical for many working at the table (well, or on the couch, with a laptop on their laps).

Pain in the shoulder, numbness of the arm, tingling in the upper limbs, as well as trigger points of the muscles of the neck and back are the consequences of overexertion of the pectoralis minor muscle.

Pectoralis minor syndrome - when nerves and blood vessels are affected

In 50% of cases, it is the pectoralis minor muscle that is the root cause of chest outlet compression syndrome (or simply pectoralis minor syndrome). What it is?

Pectoralis minor syndrome is manifested by compression of the nerves and blood vessels located in the anterior part of the shoulder and chest - the brachial plexus, subclavian artery and vein. Pinched nerves and blood vessels are sure to make themselves felt, causing significant physical discomfort.

Symptoms of this syndrome vary depending on the location and degree of compression of the neurovascular bundle and can manifest as:

  • pain throughout the arm - from the shoulder to the little finger;
  • numbness, decreased sensitivity, tingling in the limbs;
  • weakness in the arm;
  • blanching of the upper limb;
  • decrease in hand temperature;
  • increased pain during movement.

As you can see, the small pectoral muscle, or rather, its overstrain, can cause problems covering the area of ​​the shoulder joint, neck and arm. But this is only part of the whole picture: as a result of muscle compensation, which runs along the kinetic chain, the negative impact of overexertion of the pectoralis minor muscle can even affect the lower back and pelvic region.

How to Relax the Pectoralis Minor: Stretching and Trigger Point Massage

The figures below show the location of the trigger points of the pectoralis minor muscle and the scheme of reflected pain when pressing these points:

Fortunately, the pectoralis minor responds well to massage therapy and/or stretching. However, it is worth noting that it is not so easy to cope with an overstrained pectoralis minor muscle on your own, therefore the site recommends either contacting a specialist (which, of course, is better), or asking a friend/spouse/relative for help.

Stretching to eliminate trigger points of the pectoralis minor muscle:

Pectoralis minor trigger point massage:

To perform a massage of the pectoralis minor muscle, it is better to contact a specialist who can correctly determine the location of the trigger points and effectively influence them. At home, massage can be performed with a tennis ball in a prone position (placing the ball on the floor) or standing (holding the ball between the wall and the pectoralis minor muscle):

In addition to stretching and massages, try exercises that target the antagonist muscles of the pectoralis minor.

Focus on the middle and lower part of the trapezius muscle, diamond-shaped, pay attention to the serratus anterior, infraspinatus, and dorsal deltas.

Today, I will tell you about the anatomy of the pectoral muscles (structure, types, functions, and much more). This info will be extremely important for those who want to clearly know what and how to do in order to develop massive chest muscles.

After all, no matter what anyone says, a massive wide chest with large layers of muscles, with a delineated relief is a dream (and after "success" - a calling card) of any self-respecting athlete :))

The pectoral muscles are divided into two groups:

  1. Own muscles of the chest (internal and external, as well as the diaphragm). These muscles fill the intercostal spaces.
  2. Muscles related to the shoulder girdle and upper limb (these are pectoralis major and minor, subclavian and serratus anterior).

Anatomy of the pectoral muscles

  • The pectoralis major muscle is massive, fan-shaped, and occupies a significant part of the anterior chest wall. Its main function is to lower the raised arm and bring it to the body, while turning it inward. The pectoralis major muscles are flat paired muscles, and are the most adapted to growth (hypertrophy).
  • The pectoralis minor muscle, on the contrary, is flat, has a triangular shape, and is located under the pectoralis major muscle. Its 4 teeth start from the 2nd to the 5th ribs, and are attached to the shoulder blade. Its main function is to pull the scapula forward, inward and down, and with a fixed scapula, it raises the ribs.
  • The subclavian muscle is located between the upper rib and the clavicle. Its main function is to move the collarbone down and inwards; strengthening the sternoclavicular joint. And with a fixed shoulder girdle, it raises the first rib.
  • The serratus anterior is a broad, flat muscle that is located on the lateral surface of the chest muscles. It starts with teeth from the upper ribs and is attached to the medial edge of the scapula. Main function: to pull the scapula forward and outward, turning it, and also participates in the rotation of the scapula when raising the arm to a vertical position.
  • Intercostal muscles (that is, external and internal) - originate from different edges of the ribs and participate in the process of inhalation - exhalation.
  • Subcostal muscles - located on the inner surface of the lower ribs. They differ from the intercostal muscles in that their bundles are thrown over one rib. Its main function is participation in the act of exhalation.
  • The diaphragm is the main respiratory muscle, which is a movable muscular-tendon septum between the chest and abdominal cavities. During contraction, the diaphragm moves away from the walls of the chest cavity, its dome flattens, which leads to an increase in the chest cavity and a decrease in the abdominal cavity, and inhalation occurs. With simultaneous contraction with the abdominal muscles, the diaphragm contributes to an increase in intra-abdominal pressure, which is critical when working with large weights.

For those who don't understand shit 🙂

  • The chest muscles are a large (large) muscle group. This means that she is capable of hard power work. Therefore, when training (working out) it is necessary to use basic multi-joint exercises, heavy weights (), hardcore all things ... otherwise, you will not see her hypertrophy (growth). Read more about exercises in the main article =>
  • Be sure to put emphasis (emphasis) when training the chest, on large and small chest. Although, I’m unlikely to surprise you with this item, but I’ll stay in the role of a cap)))
  • By structure, the pectoral muscles are unique. Because different muscle fibers lie in different directions - try to load them from different angles (emphasizing its upper part). Only in this way will you develop them truly massive, powerful, in short, everything is as it should))).
  • Without a properly set technique for performing this or that exercise for the chest muscles, you will not be able to fully engage (injure the fibers) of one or another part of the sternum, and thereby not cause their subsequent growth (hypertrophy). Weights are weights, and technique is above all.

With this, I end this release. For dessert - an informative video on the topic of today's article:

Sincerely, administrator.
