Wiring with dumbbells lying on a horizontal bench. Breeding dumbbells to the sides lying on a horizontal bench

is the most popular chest isolation exercise. It is performed even during strength training and it is worth noting that if you want to pump up your chest, then this exercise will not be superfluous in your training program. But it is also worth considering that this is a formative exercise that should be used either to work out the quality of the muscles, or to refine the lagging part.

At the same time, the dumbbell raise is a more technical exercise than the pullover, so if you just want to stretch your chest muscles after a heavy bench press, then it is better to use a pullover. The only one for whom this exercise is indispensable is the girls. Raising the dumbbells allows you to stretch the outer pectoral muscles, which lifts the chest and makes it more elastic.

Work of muscles and joints

It has already been mentioned above that breeding dumbbells is a technically complex exercise that loads the outer part of the pectoral muscles. The difficulty lies in keeping the load in the pectoral muscles, while not injuring the joints. Therefore, with the correct technique for performing the exercise, the joints are safe, but if it is violated, injuries are possible.

On the other hand, dumbbell raises can be done with emphasis on the load on different parts of the pectoral muscles, although, by and large, everything will come down to the load of the outer part of the chest, bottom and middle, which is the most difficult to load. As for the elbow joint, it is not so difficult to remove the load from it.

Breeding dumbbells - scheme

1) Lie down on the bench, after raising the seat to make it easier for you to fix the pelvis, and the backrest by 20 °, which will allow you to better pump the chest.
2) It is best to rest your legs on some kind of pallet or hill, this will provide stability, which will not force you to be distracted by the coordination of your body position, and you can fully concentrate on performing dumbbell breeding.
3) Raise the dumbbells above you with your elbows slightly bent so you can feel the weight of the dumbbells on your triceps. In this case, the palms look at each other.
4) Without moving your arms, their position is static, start spreading them apart, while turning your hands away from you so that at the end point, the angle between the arm and the pectoral muscles is 90 °.
5) Without lingering in the peak muscle contraction, bring your hands back, without touching each other with dumbbells, so that the distance between them is about 5-10 cm.

Breeding dumbbells - notes

1) Bent elbows help relieve pressure on the elbow joints, so you should not unbend them in any phase of dumbbell breeding.
2) You should inhale deeply when you spread your arms, and exhale powerfully when you bring them to their original position.
3) The head should not be torn off the bench and look around, at your hands, the head looks only forward, in this case it is the ceiling.
4) Dumbbells, spreading to the sides, should be controlled, and not waved, if you try to take more everything due to inertia, you will never pump up the chest and injure your elbows.
5) Breeding dumbbells, in general. It does not involve the use of large working weights, the exercise should be done slowly, under control, in a large number of repetitions, trying to stretch and feel the muscles.


The pectoral muscles, in general, are not divided into sections and their division into upper, middle, lower and outer sections of the pectoral muscles is conditional. However, breeding the dumbbells allows you to better accentuate the load on these particular areas of the pectoral muscles, which forms a wide chest, and also allows you to lift it up a little. The latter is especially important for girls, but it is also necessary for guys if genetically the lower breast is much more developed than the upper one.

The elbow joint is in an uncomfortable position, in fact, like the shoulder girdle, but breeding dumbbells does not involve the use of large training weights, so it is difficult to injure the shoulders. As for the elbows, they are easier to injure, so the athlete must keep them bent, then the load will go into the triceps, which will avoid injury.

  1. Lie on a flat bench with your feet flat on the floor, shoulder-width apart.
  2. Firmly press the buttocks, shoulders, head to the bench. The back is straight, with a natural curvature of the spine.
  3. Take the dumbbells in your hands and lift them, and do it exactly above the chest. They should lightly touch each other. The elbows are slightly rounded, this angle is fixed and remains unchanged until the end of the approach.
  4. Inhale deeply while moving the dumbbells in a vertical plane.
  5. When the dumbbells are at or slightly below your shoulders, hold your breath, tighten your chest muscles, and reverse the direction of the dumbbell. Pull them over your chest. After overcoming the most difficult part of the ascent, you can exhale.
  6. Pause at the top when the dumbbells touch each other, and further contract the pectoral muscles.

Common Mistakes

The most common errors are:

  1. Performing wiring on straight arms. In this case, too much stress will be experienced by the elbow joints. The arm should be very slightly rounded at the elbow, but not bent. This position is required for the safe performance of most strength exercises.
  2. Elbow turn. If at the bottom point the elbows do not look down, this has an extremely negative effect on the joints. Besides, it's inefficient.
  3. Deviation of the movement of the dumbbell from the vertical plane. By feeding them forward or backward, you, firstly, can make an unnatural angle in the shoulder joint, which is fraught with sprains, and secondly, you connect other muscles, relieving the load from the pectoralis major.
  4. Using too heavy a weight. In this case, your elbows will fall well below your shoulders, and the focus of the load is transferred from the muscles to the shoulder joint, which is dangerous. You can even get a dislocation. In addition, you will have to bend your arms under the weight of the dumbbell, and instead of wiring, you will get something between a wiring and a bench press.
  5. Weak exhalation on lifting the dumbbell. When the dumbbell lift is not performed while holding the breath, the stabilizer muscles relax. And by exhaling strongly, you remove additional tension from the chest.
  6. Feet off the floor. Many people try to put their feet on the bench so that there is no such pressure in the lower back. However, instead of unloading the lower back, additional tension in the stabilizing muscles and a less stable body position are obtained. That is, you can easily fall with heavy dumbbells and get any injury.


Very often, lying down dumbbell reductions are performed with such a dumbbell weight that it is very difficult to take on your own. If you do, then ask your training partner to help you with this. Although it is better not to take very large weights due to the increased load on the shoulder joint. And follow the correct technique - this is the key to safety.

If you want to learn how to quickly remove the stomach at home, then for you!

Additional equipment

You will need wrist wraps, as the wrists are under a very serious strain. You can also use elbow bandages. Other additional equipment is not required, although some wear a weight belt.

The dumbbell row lying on a horizontal bench perfectly develops the middle part of the pectoral muscles, it gives the chest a convex shape, so appreciated by bodybuilders. Representatives of the fair sex with a small volume of breasts will also appreciate this - since they can increase their charms by size due to muscularity.

Moreover, wiring makes a clear separation between the right and left pectoral muscles. And with the help of wiring, you can “stripe” the pectoral muscles, clearly separating the bundles from each other.

It can be performed both by beginners due to the rather simple technique, and by advanced athletes to hone the relief. Beginners are advised to take dumbbells from 2 to 4 kg for women and from 5 to 10 kg for men.

The exercise has two varieties - with and without turning the dumbbells at the bottom point of the movement. We cannot recommend just one, as it all depends on the individual.

For safer exercise you can tuck the brushes inward a little so it's safer for them.

It is better not to get carried away with large weights in the exercise. It is designed to form a beautiful relief, not muscle mass, so the best strategy is to perform divorces in a multi-rep mode from 12-12 times per set. In addition, it can be used to pre-fatigue the muscles before the bench press or leave for finishing after a heavy base on the chest.

The best additional exercise for the muscles of the chest is the laying of dumbbells lying down, or, correctly speaking, breeding. Due to the different angles of the bench, this exercise can pump all parts of the pectoral muscles.

Muscle work and place of exercise in training

Bench dumbbell raises are one of the most popular chest accessory exercises.

The work of the muscles during its execution is as follows:

  • The target muscle group is the large pectoral or pectoral muscles. They bear the lion's share of the load.
  • Deltoids (anterior and middle bundles) work as assistants.
  • The biceps, triceps, and forearm muscles help keep the dumbbell arms in a fixed, slightly bent position.
  • The muscles of the abdomen, legs and buttocks stabilize the body.

Properly set technique allows you to simultaneously load the chest and stretch it in the negative phase of the exercise.

Usually, the dumbbell layout lying on the bench immediately follows the bench press, sometimes there are several layouts - at different angles. The most commonly used inclines are 30 and 45 degrees, as with the bench press on an incline bench. It makes no sense to start your workout with a wiring, even if you have an easy program that day. But to finish - sometimes you even need to.

The inclusion of wiring in the training program is also recommended for girls who want to strengthen their breasts without pumping up voluminous pectoral muscles.

Choice of Weight and Option

Experienced bodybuilders know perfectly well how to choose the right weight and at what angle to perform dumbbell raises. Therefore, this moment is dedicated to beginners and those who are still poorly oriented in the gym.

Like any weight exercise, the wiring requires a warm-up approach of 10-15 repetitions. At the same time, you need to save enough strength to complete all the working approaches. Therefore, the weight for the warm-up should be minimal - men should take from 5-7 kg, women - 2-3. Muscles should be easy.

Warm-up should be done before horizontal wiring and before all others (one warm-up approach each). This will help you avoid stretch marks.

Next, when you warm up, you need to take the weight with which you can perform 10-15 repetitions. Experiment, if you run out of strength for 10 times - immediately take the weight 1-2 kg less. Do not try to work to failure in the first months of training - you can pull the muscles and greatly ruin the execution technique. Ideally, the last 2-3 repetitions should be obtained with special difficulty.

Now let's talk about the features of the program: if you are gaining mass, do a divorce of 3-4 sets of 8 repetitions. If drying - 15 repetitions. Girls are recommended to do 3 sets of 15 times with medium weights to strengthen the chest. If you, dear ladies, are chasing mass - 3-4 sets of 8 reps with weights close to the maximum.

Which angle to choose - be guided by the circumstances. Just remember which angle shakes what, and be guided by this.

  • If the bench is located horizontally, you accentuate the load on the middle part of the pectoral muscles.
  • When the head is higher than the legs, it works more.
  • The head end of the bench is lowered down - you are working on the lower part of the pectorals.

Most often, first there is a breeding of hands with dumbbells on a horizontal bench, then a breeding of dumbbells lying on an inclined bench. If you want to do 3 sets at different angles in one day, reduce the number of sets from 4 to 3, or even to two. Do not forget, breeding dumbbells on an incline bench also requires a warm-up approach.

Execution technique

Despite the fact that this exercise looks quite simple, the technique should be taken as seriously as possible. This approach will protect against injury and make the training as effective as possible.

Breeding on a horizontal bench

Consider first the breeding of hands with dumbbells on a horizontal bench (another name is the reduction of dumbbells lying down).

If the bench is slanted, level it horizontally with the floor. Prepare the necessary dumbbells in advance, immediately take a warm-up weight and a working one. Let them stand near the bench on the floor. During one of the breaks, it will be possible to return the warm-up weights back to the dumbbell rack.

  1. Take dumbbells in your hands and sit on the edge of the bench.
  2. Lie down on the bench so that your head does not hang from it. The back of the head should touch the bench. It is best to put your own towel under your head and back. Spread your feet wide for good stability. The benches touch the shoulder blades, back, pelvis, back of the head. The lower back is in a natural position, without excessive deflections and roundings, the chest is straightened, looking at the ceiling.
  3. Raise the dumbbells in front of you at a 90 degree angle to the floor. Hands are turned so that the palms look at each other (this is a classic option). Slightly bend them at the elbow and freeze in this position - it is necessary that the angle of flexion of the elbows does not change during the exercise.
  4. As you inhale, start spreading the dumbbells to the sides so that your elbows look down. If the elbows turn out somehow differently, you are doing the exercise incorrectly. Movement occurs only in the shoulder joint, a small angle at the elbow is fixed.
  5. When you feel that the chest muscles are already beginning to stretch, lower your hands a little further, but, of course, not to the point of pain.
  6. As you exhale, bring your hands back, almost touching each other with dumbbells. You should feel something like hugging a big tree.

Repeat the exercise as many times as needed. Then sit down, put the dumbbells at the edge of the bench on the floor and rest for 45-60 seconds. It is advisable to walk, do swings and shake your arms in between sets. This will improve blood circulation in the muscles.

Breeding at an angle

If you want to do the wiring at an angle, the technique will be exactly the same. The main thing to remember is that the elbows should be oriented towards the floor, and the movement should be straight up. We feel the weight due to gravity, and its vector is always directed straight down. Therefore, if, when performing the wiring at an angle, your elbows are not pointing down, there will be no sense from the exercise either.

Butterfly or breeding in the simulator

You can perform breeding while sitting in a special simulator - this exercise is called a butterfly. This is an isolated breeding option, with its help you can load the middle part of the pectoral muscle well. It is very convenient in that you do not need to take dumbbells, you do not need to walk around and change them if the weights do not suit you. It is enough just to change the load right in the simulator - quickly and conveniently.

Another plus is that in the simulator the exercise is almost always performed in the correct technique, since it is very difficult to do it incorrectly. Butterfly - a simple and pleasant option for working on the chest. But its effectiveness, unfortunately, is somewhat lower in comparison with dumbbells. In addition, this is an imitation of the horizontal version. The layout of dumbbells lying on an inclined bench in the butterfly simulator is not imitated.

Errors and their meaning

Of course, no one seeks to specifically perform the exercise incorrectly. We do not consider the option of cheating. As a rule, violations of technique are the result of a misunderstanding of the meaning of the exercise. Let's take a look at where the most popular mistakes come from:

  1. Your arms are bent during the breeding. This means that the weight is too heavy and you compensate by reducing the distance from the weight to your body. This often happens with newbies.
  2. Elbows look anywhere, but not to the floor. So you can injure your shoulders, and the load on the pectoral muscles will not be maximum. You just have to keep an eye on it, otherwise nothing.
  3. Often people confuse the dumbbell press and the wiring, combining them into one exercise. If you work with triceps and extend your arms as you move up, this is not a wiring. This is where other muscles come into play.
  4. Do I need to sag in the chest at the lowest possible breeding? To increase the amplitude - you can. If you can do breeding with a fixed chest, do it, it is allowed. The main thing is that the shoulder blades do not come off the bench.
  5. Breeding dumbbells lying on an incline bench requires the correct position of the lower back and back - no need to slouch or bend in the lower back, thus trying to connect additional muscles to the work and use them to lift the weight.

If your goal is to gain mass, then in addition to wiring, do not forget about exercises such as bench press in different versions (it is done first), push-ups from the floor or from the uneven bars. A pullover will also be a good end to a chest workout. It can be done after dilutions.

Whatever your program, always remember that the sequence of moving towards the goal looks like this: practicing technique, and then progressing weights. By following this rule, you will achieve really impressive results.

Very often in bodybuilding, novice athletes avoid exercises with complex execution techniques. Well, if the exercise can be replaced by another, no less effective, but what if it is isolated, and the replacement leaves much to be desired? Right! It is necessary to learn the technique and learn how to perform it, turning it into your favorite exercise. Dumbbell laying is the focus of this article. The technique and advice of professional athletes will help all beginners master the best isolated exercise for the chest muscles.

What is the lying dumbbell layout for?

This exercise is quite interesting in that it stretches the muscle fibers of the pectoral muscles to the sides. In fact, it creates the effect of a bulging chest, dividing the right and left pectoral muscles between them. For beginners who have just come to the gym, laying dumbbells will not do any good, because what kind of relief can we talk about if the muscles are practically absent. Of course, if a beginner has a desire to learn how to perform an exercise, no one can refuse him this.

Another thing is if a novice athlete is overweight, including in the chest area. Wiring such a person will allow you to quickly and effectively resolve the issue of fatty deposits in the chest area. This exercise is recommended for both men and women.

Types and alternative exercises

There are three types of dumbbell layout lying on a bench and differs only in the angle of the bench. Each type of wiring is responsible for focusing the load in a specific area of ​​​​the pectoral muscles, which coincides with the name of the type:

  • horizontal wiring responsible for the central part of the pectoral muscles;
  • upside down angled focuses on the top of the chest;
  • at an angle upside down wiring affects the lower part of the chest.

An alternative to this exercise is considered to be the wiring in the butterfly simulator. The problem with this simulator is that it allows you to work out only the central part of the pectoral muscles. In addition, for many professional athletes, the lying dumbbell layout is more effective due to the load, which is not limited to one hundred kilograms.

Execution technique

The layout of dumbbells lying on an incline bench, as well as on a flat bench, has technical requirements that are very important to study. The fact is that the exercise is traumatic. Failure to follow safety precautions can lead to damage to the elbow and shoulder joint. Sometimes weak carpal joints were subjected to dislocations. The technique is described in detail below.

  1. Lie on a bench with your feet shoulder-width apart and resting them on the floor.
  2. Take dumbbells in both hands and raise them above you at chest level.
  3. Take the starting position, slightly bending your arms at the elbow joint, bring the dumbbells together so that the palms are directed towards each other.
  4. Important! The angle of the elbow joint and the direction of the palms remain unchanged during the entire exercise.
  5. Spread the dumbbells to the sides in one vertical plane.
  6. The location of the dumbbells at the level of the shoulder girdle will be the end point in the exercise.
  7. Bring both dumbbells together over your chest. Perform along the same trajectory along which they descended.

Unseen circumstances

The layout of dumbbells lying on an inclined or straight bench for professional athletes has a number of improvements that had to be introduced unofficially due to frequent injuries when working with large weights. The problem is that increasing the weight in the exercise at some point makes it impossible to throw the dumbbell with one hand to its original position. You can’t do without outside help - you need someone to give dumbbells. But what if there is no assistant nearby?

The technique is quite interesting, it requires some skill and good coordination of movements.

  1. Sit on the edge of the bench and place the dumbbells on your knees in an upright position.
  2. Without changing your position in the knees and hip joint, lean back, trying to quickly touch the bench with your back. Thanks to the inertia given by the body to the arms, it is easier to raise the dumbbells to their original position, which is what needs to be done.
  3. Having fixed the hands in the starting position, you can relax the hip and knee joints, lowering your legs to the floor.
  4. Further, the exercise is performed according to the standard technique.

Work on bugs

Many professional athletes recommend that beginners to increase strength and better gain muscle mass work with large weights in damage to the number of repetitions. However, judging by the numerous reviews in the media, such recommendations do not apply to wiring. For this exercise, light weight and a high number of repetitions are a priority. Indeed, as noted earlier, laying dumbbells lying on a bench is a very traumatic exercise.

For the last two sets, those who want to stretch their tight pecs can stretch. To do this, you need to take a small weight (basically it is 50% of the worker) and perform the wiring with the elbows lowered as much as possible. Naturally, the exercise is performed on slightly bent elbows. If the spine bends during the exercise with the protrusion of the chest forward, this should not be prevented.

Fans of forced exercises and drop sets cannot do without a partner. The partner must not only quickly change dumbbells, but also secure the exercise. To do this, he must squat at the head of the bench and support the athlete's arms by the elbows with a full grip of the hand.


If you understand the execution technique, laying dumbbells lying down will not seem like a difficult exercise. But this impression is deceptive. Before starting with a working weight, many professionals recommend working out the technique to automatism with dumbbells for warming up.

But, having comprehended the correctness of the wiring, any athlete, even a beginner, will quickly see what the effectiveness of this exercise is. The pectoral muscles will begin to grow and acquire a decent relief. By performing exercises from different angles, you can direct the development of the chest in the right direction for yourself. In the end, everyone's goals are different.

The dumbbell fly on a horizontal bench is an isolating exercise for the muscles of the chest and the anterior bundle of deltoids. A more correct name is shoulder abduction in the supine position, but almost no one uses it. The exercise is known to athletes of the "old school" of bodybuilding, and is very effective. But lately it has been undeservedly forgotten. Someone replaces it with a peck deck, since there is no need to look for dumbbells, someone completely refuses in favor of bench presses in the simulator. In fact, when working with dumbbells, a good muscle stretch and isolated study is achieved. Therefore, it is only necessary to study the technique, and perform the exercise correctly.


  • Choose a bench high enough so that the thigh is parallel to the floor with the knees bent;
  • Take dumbbells in your hands, sit on a bench, place the shells on your hips;
  • Helping yourself with your feet, bring the dumbbells up to chest level;
  • Stabilize the shoulders by bringing the shoulder blades to the spine


  • By stretching the muscles of the chest, slowly lower the arms parallel to the forearm with the floor;
  • Elbows slightly bent, not "inserted" into a straight position;
  • Achieve maximum stretching of the chest, slightly giving the chest up;
  • Bring your hands to the starting position;
  • Additionally contract the target muscles at the top point

The movement should not turn into a press, due to the full bending of the arms in the elbow joints. You should gently lower your arms and return them to their original position, concentrating only on the muscles of the chest.

The impacts of the dumbbells one against the other at the top point facilitate the work due to inertia, and therefore they should not be allowed.

Too deep lowering of shells without a warm-up is the cause of injuries to the shoulder and elbow joints.

Feet misalignment, lack of firm footing, and back misalignment on the bench can cause a change in the load vector, so they should be avoided.

It is necessary to ensure that the dumbbells move along an imaginary path passing through the center of the chest, and converge in the middle. Bringing them to the eyes changes the vector of application of force, and does not allow you to get a load.

Beginners begin to master the movement in the usual technique, the palms are parallel to each other, the dumbbells look at each other. Hand movements are not allowed, as they can distract the novice athlete from mastering the technique and adequate distribution of power.

With the rotation of the brushes

It is believed that rotation allows you to use more muscle fibers, involves the chest in the work completely. The movement can be performed in several ways:

  • Start with palms parallel to each other;
  • Turning the palm to the legs at the top point;
  • Lowering to the starting starting position

The second option is to start the exercise with the palms pointing down and slowly turn the weights towards the center. A rotational movement should be performed with less weight than usual. The purpose of using variation is to diversify the training and eliminate adaptation. If it is not there yet, and we have a beginner in front of us, you can not perform the exercise in this form.

Adjustable back angle

The flatter the bench, and the smaller the angle, the more the emphasis shifts to the middle of the chest. The reference for the middle of the chest is the angle of the bench at 45 degrees, sharper angles shift the load to the shoulders. The surface of the bench parallel to the floor - to the bottom of the chest, but only if the athlete's shoulder blades are adequately reduced.

The movement can be used in men's, women's and rehabilitation training. The exercise is suitable for those who have had a breast augmentation or are recovering from a shoulder joint injury, but in these cases, very light weights are used.

Only one joint is involved in the movement - the shoulder, the elbow is blocked. Therefore, the exercise is referred to as single-joint, isolating the muscles of the chest. But in the exercise, the anterior bundle of the deltoid muscle is also worked out, since it takes on the load from holding the weight. The muscles of the body, abs, legs, forearms and arms work as stabilizers.


The only time a workout starts with this movement is during a triceps injury, an elbow injury, or the period following breast augmentation surgery. Then you should do a full joint warm-up and several sets in the butterfly simulator with minimal resistance.

In regular training, the movement comes after basic exercises, so you don’t need special preparation, it’s enough to do 1-2 approaches with dumbbells that are lighter than the working weight.

Straight arms lead to elbow injuries, an unstable position, and the inability to properly work out the target muscles. Therefore, with the “inserted” elbows, the exercise does not need to be done.

You should not imitate professional athletes from the video, raise your head, swing your chin, and perform a “whole body” movement. It will lead to nothing but health problems in the future.

Sudden lowering, bringing the arms together in jerks, and “jumping” with the whole body to lift the weight due to inertia are also technical errors, they should be avoided.

Reducing the shoulder blades to the lower back does not mean the implementation of the "bridge". The back should be rigid and lie stably on the bench, but you should not reduce the amplitude in this exercise. If there is a tendency to bridge, it is worth doing the "layout" on an incline bench, this will make life easier for the lower back, allow you to hold your shoulder blades steadily, but will not remove the load from the chest muscles.

Movement must be in the same plane. Moving dumbbells to the head, stomach, or a different trajectory of the projectile in the right and left hands is a violation. The spotter or coach should control the beginner's trajectory. For mental self-control, a movement is suitable, as it were, “embracing” a certain large object.

Load dosing

The distribution of load in training is a very individual parameter. Many athletes with developed musculature and significant muscle mass strive for muscle isolation. They only perform isolation exercises so as not to overload the joints and ligaments, as they may already have injuries. Such athletes can use dumbbell breeding as the main exercise.

This approach is completely unsuitable for beginners, and cannot be used by them. Their option is to perform an isolating movement immediately after the basic exercise in 3-4 sets. How many repetitions to do? Depends on muscle response and training goal. In women's training, sometimes up to 15-20 repetitions are performed with very light dumbbells, if the goal is only to tone the muscles.

The frequency of the exercise depends on the training plan. In the training of benchers and powerlifters, “wiring” can occur up to 3-4 times a week, as an auxiliary exercise for chest development. Bodybuilders are more resourceful. Those who specialize in the chest, and do two workouts of this muscle group, can do the wiring twice. Does it make sense to alternate light and heavy workouts? Yes, if it comes to adequate planning.

The movement comes close enough to strength training in its style, so you need to do it with good technique, and watch your body position throughout the exercise.
