Morning exercises with Alexander Chuiko. Healthy spine: tips, exercises

It is no secret that the strength and health of the body directly depend on the condition of the spine. Even its slightest curvature leads to displacement of internal organs and disruption of their normal functioning. Before you start actively engaging in physical activity, take care of restoring your musculoskeletal system.

Morning exercises for the spine, which is demonstrated by Alexander Chuiko, the head of the Thai boxing school, is a very dynamic complex. It is aimed at strengthening the spinal column and preparing it for more serious physical exertion. The complex is designed in accordance with medical requirements. Here you will find warm-up exercises, elements of stretching, gymnastics and even yoga.

Perform exercises for the spine as carefully as possible, try to feel the muscles during each movement. If any exercise brings you discomfort, it is better to give it up for a while. And, of course, special attention should be paid to the selection of exercises if you have diseases of the spine or musculoskeletal system.

Charging for the spine will help you acquire an even posture, give flexibility and endurance to the body, and allow you to maintain a cheerful mood for the whole day.

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Our attention is one of the most amazing things that a person begins to use and develop from birth and continues until death. Stop right now and think about what is your focus right now? Yes, it is fixed on this article, and fixed to a certain extent, because if you are listening to music at the same time, for example, or your TV is on, some of your attention will be distributed to these sources as well.

During classes with students, I often observe their defocusing of attention. At the initial stage, they fail to focus on only one thing - their guitar playing. This is especially noticeable when we are exercising in nature, or in public places, for example, in a park. People are walking around, their conversation is constantly heard, birds are flying, children are screaming, foliage is rustling, the soles of shoes are shuffling along the asphalt. All this, and perhaps even what we are not aware of, captures part of our attention. Try to disconnect from everything that is happening around you right now, concentrate your attention on one thing. In fact, this task is not easy, especially if you are concentrating on something that is not very interesting, say, a pen on a table. Our mind constantly needs “food”, something interesting and tasty, with which we can “tinker”, what we can analyze and think about. In the everyday world, of course, there are plenty of such things.

We can safely say that the more attention is focused on what you are doing at a given moment in time, namely on your guitar playing, the higher the result will be, both during guitar lessons and during performance of compositions.

A few mindfulness exercises:


Before you start playing any piece of music, focus. Check how comfortable you are to sit, hold the guitar, whether you are relaxed (especially the muscles of the back and neck); remember the first notes of the melody or the first chords of the composition, remember what comes after the first phrases of the piece. Then start playing

After the last sounds of the composition, stop, listen to the silence. Do not rush to immediately put the guitar aside or rush to play another piece, learn to make an “in” and “out” at the beginning and end of a piece of music.


When performing pieces or playing guitar exercises, during any action on which you need to concentrate your attention, press your tongue to the palate. This technique, used in yoga as an energy lock, is called Nabhi Bandha (Language Lock), helps to prevent energy dispersion in the upper part of the energy body, as well as distraction of attention. Try it right now! Press the tip of your tongue against the part of your palate that is just behind your upper teeth. This is a neutral position that can be maintained almost all the time, unless you are eating, talking, etc.


When you start to get good at playing a piece on the guitar, try playing in several ways:

Looking to the side (so as not to look at your hands), but at the same time fix your attention on what you are playing, and not on foreign objects and events;

Looking up (at the ceiling). Try it and see how your coordination will be disturbed. Attention, again, at this point should be focused on your playing, on how the hands are played, and on the sound of the composition.

Play in complete darkness. In this case, the eyes will not "intervene" and engage in "collection" of things on which you want to fix your attention.


As often as possible, wherever you are, concentrate your attention on the sounds

For example, you are walking down the street. Take a break from your persona and thoughts that are constantly circling in your head like a swarm of bees. Listen to everything around you, first feeling the overall picture of the sounds, and then listening to each sound individually. Pay attention to those things that you never habitually pay attention to. The sound of footsteps, the rustling of leaves, the friction of car tires on the asphalt, the voices of animals, etc. Listen, concentrate, try to keep your attention on each individual sound for as long as possible.

I suggest that you not only try to use these exercises in your guitar practice, but really think about your Attention. Watch yourself. What do you think about more often, what exactly do you focus on while playing the guitar, are you completely absorbed in your playing and the sound of the composition, or are you still thinking about something completely extraneous while your hands are diligently pinching and plucking the strings.

Site: http://site - Guitar Me School

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Joint pain is the most popular problem in the rapidly developing world. The Doctor Bubnovsky Center, which has gained confidence, offered a person a number of very effective methods for the treatment of osteochondrosis, among which a special place belongs to Shishonin's gymnastics.


Shishonin Alexander Yuryevich is a well-known author of the technique, the vocation of which is the development of neck muscles affected by osteochondrosis. Today, no one doubts its effectiveness.

Gymnastics for Shishonin's neck works great for:

  • Weak blood circulation in the brain area.
  • With systematic pain in the neck.
  • Osteochondrosis.
  • Constantly observed increased intracranial pressure.
  • With systematic migraines of a permanent nature.
  • arterial hypertension.
  • Vertebrobasilar insufficiency, which may occur due to poor blood flow to the brain area.
  • Constant drowsiness or with systematic manifestations of insomnia.
  • Periodic dizziness, shortness of breath.
  • Bad memory.
  • post-traumatic conditions.

Gymnastics for the neck of Dr. Shishonin will help not only to cure osteochondrosis of the cervical region. It can even boost the immune system to some extent. The body's defenses are activated due to improved blood circulation in all tissues and body systems.

Effective gymnastics for the neck of Dr. Shishonin can be prescribed to those who:

  • Leads a lifestyle with insufficient physical activity.
  • Forced to spend a lot of time sitting.
  • Has systematic mental or psychological overload.
  • Eats unbalanced food.

In general, this technique for cervical osteochondrosis is suitable for almost all residents of megacities. The complex is universal, simple and effective.


The famous doctor explains that the cause of the main problems in the adult population is stagnation inside the muscles of the cervical spine. Due to a number of factors affecting the back, muscle tissues noticeably lose their former elasticity and softness. Muscle fibers, constantly in a state of overstrain, are compressed over time by nerve fibers and the vascular network. That is why the pain begins to appear. Therapeutic exercises will help restore muscles.

Shishonin's gymnastics is elementary, so everyone can perform a set of such exercises, regardless of age, gender and severity of the disease. A complex of simple exercises, which we will discuss in more detail below, will not be able to cause any harm, since the force of its effect on the body is gentle.

Often, the set of exercises by Dr. Shishonin is also called gymnastics for the cervical region of Dr. Bubnovsky (that is, they call the exercise the name of the medical institution within the walls of which Shishonin's exercises appeared).


In the early days, exercises should be carried out in front of a large mirror. This moment is important so that a person can assess from the outside how correctly he manages to perform a certain set of therapeutic exercises.

A set of elementary, but effective exercises should be performed strictly with a straight back - in this case, the force of impact will occur precisely on osteochondrosis. If you stoop even a little, the expected effect will not be able to please you.

Exercises for the cervical muscles from the talented Dr. Shishonin Alexander Yurievich include seven techniques:

  1. Technique "Metronome": first, you should bow your head towards the right shoulder, fix this position of the head for 30 seconds. Then slowly take the initial position. Later, you need to perform a similar slope, but in the other, opposite direction.
  2. Exercises "Spring": we start with the chin, which should be lowered down. After that, we fix its position for 5 seconds. Now we pull it forward and gradually up. We fix it in this position again.
  3. "Goose": we focus on the starting position when the neck is straightened and the chin is in a position parallel to the floor. First we start the movement of the head, which must be gently pushed forward (it is important that the chin is immovable). Then, from this position, smoothly turn your head in the opposite direction.
  4. “Looking at the sky”: slowly turn your head towards the right shoulder (it is desirable to turn it to the maximum possibilities of the neck). At its maximum turn, you should stop, fixing your head for exactly half a minute. Then we perform the exercise in the opposite direction.
  5. "Frame": these exercises are similar to the previous cycle of the medical gymnastic technique, but the difference is that the shoulder girdle should now be involved. To do this, first place the right palm on the area of ​​the left shoulder joint (if in the above exercises it was important that the chin was parallel to the floor, now it is important that the elbow is parallel to the floor). The left hand should be placed in the area of ​​​​the free knee. Now turn your head to the right, hold it in this position for about one minute. Then we change the position of the hand and repeat this exercise exactly, but in the opposite direction.
  6. Technique "Fakir": again we change the location of the hands. And now through the sides you should raise them to the maximum up. And it is desirable that the arms in the area of ​​​​the elbows are bent. It is important to firmly squeeze the palms at the top according to the “house” principle above the head. Smooth turns should be done similarly to the turns from the previous techniques described above. Make sure you keep your head in the correct position. For an inflamed cervical spine, such a set of measures will be effective, because such effects on problem areas are guaranteed to help relax tense muscle areas.
  7. Exercises "Heron". The basic position is a sitting position, while it is important to keep your hands in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe knees, the selections must be fixed strictly parallel to the floor. Next, you should take your fully extended arms down and slightly back. Another important point: the head should be stretched as high as possible. In this position, you should “freeze” for half a minute (it can be for 40–50 seconds), after which we boldly return to the starting position.

Each exercise should be done 4 to 6 times (the exact number will be indicated by the doctor). It is also necessary to find out from a specialist the duration of the gymnastics course.

At the end, when all the exercises are carefully done, you should “tighten” the muscles that were affected by osteochondrosis. In order to fill the muscular system with vitality again, it is necessary to gently squeeze the right palm into the zone of the left region of the head, while tilting the head to the opposite hand - the right shoulder joint. You can repeat this stretch many times, alternating either the right or the opposite, left side.

All reviews of experts are unanimous: a set of exercises by Shishonin A. Yu. for the cervical vertebra is simple and effective. Such charging will be relevant for any age of people.

Help from these exercises will be immediate, you should not even doubt it. It is important to make a little effort, diligence, perseverance, and osteochondrosis will finally leave you.

Therapeutic exercises for arthrosis of the shoulder joint

Deforming osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint is a complex disease; in order to control it, it is not enough just to take the necessary medicines. This requires a comprehensive treatment of the disease, which includes both physiotherapy and therapeutic exercises.

In this article, we will give examples of therapeutic exercises for the shoulder joint, which are important to perform with this ailment, and also show interesting videos with examples of such gymnastic complexes.

Quick article navigation:

Who can do this gymnastics, and who can not?
Video No. 1 with an example of gymnastics
Complex of therapeutic exercises (with explanatory drawings)
Video #2 with examples

Who can do gymnastics, and who can not?

  • Any therapeutic exercises are useful only when they are carried out during the period of remission. During the exacerbation of the disease, exercise therapy procedures are contraindicated.
  • No matter what authoritative medical site or book you find exercises for arthrosis, before you start using them, be sure to show them to your doctor. Not all such exercises are developed by doctors, and sometimes they can do more harm than good.
  • No therapeutic gymnastics procedures for the joints can be carried out if there is a high temperature, decompensated diseases of the heart and lungs, as well as other diseases in which even slight physical exertion can cause serious harm to the body.

  • Therapeutic exercises for arthrosis of the joints should not cause severe pain. If doing some exercises causes you pain, stop doing it and consult your doctor about it;
  • For a good effect, therapeutic exercises for arthrosis of the shoulder joint should be carried out regularly, every day; at the end of the daily set of exercises, it is useful to do a light self-massage in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe sore joint and nearby muscles; with such a massage, you can additionally use various healing creams, balms and gels.

Remember: remedial gymnastics is the only method of dealing with a disease that does not require you to have any money, drugs, or nerves. Perform them regularly, and very soon you will see the long-awaited effect!

A set of exercises for osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint

Ex. No. 1: we pull our hands to the shoulder blades

The starting position (IP) looks like this: feet shoulder-width apart, the right arm is raised and bent at the elbow so that the fingers of the right hand touch the right shoulder blade. The right elbow at this time looks up. Performed at the expense of 1-8.

From count 1 to seven, place your left hand on your right elbow and, with light pressure (with great care!), pull your right hand down so that the right palm lying on the shoulder blade can fall as low as possible.

On the count of "eight" you return to the IP and change hands. Then do the same operation with the left hand.

You need to repeat this movement four times.

#2: Embrace Yourself

To perform this exercise, you need to take the following starting position: standing with your hands down; legs are shoulder-width apart.

First place your left hand on your right shoulder and your right hand on your left shoulder. In other words, hug your shoulders. At the same time, on the count of one to seven, try to keep your elbows as high as possible, and with your fingers you seem to be trying to reach the spine; at the expense of eight, you must take ref. position.

Perform this movement 8 times and move on to the next.

#3: Bent over with support

Stand facing the back of a regular chair at a distance of 35-40 cm from it; legs, as in the previous exercise, put shoulder-width apart. This is ref. position.

From there, also counting from one to seven, lean forward so that your straight arms rest on the back of the chair in front of you, and then begin to reach the floor with your shoulder joints. At the expense of "eight" gently, unsharply return to the starting position.

This movement also needs to be repeated eight times (during one session of therapeutic exercises).


In order for therapeutic exercises for arthrosis of the joint to give the maximum effect, it is useful to combine it with magnetotherapy - for example, using the Almag-01 home treatment device >>>

(Don't forget to consult your doctor!)

No. 4: the hand helps the hand

IP: stand so that your feet are shoulder-width apart. Hands are extended forward. From this position, on the count of "one-seven", bend the left arm at the elbow joint and make it point towards the right shoulder, as if reaching for it.

After that, put your right hand on the elbow of your left hand and, very carefully, smoothly, without jerking, pull your left hand to your right shoulder, as you did in a similar way in the exercise "pulling the arms to the shoulder blades."

On the count of eight, also very smoothly, return to the starting position, and then perform a similar operation with the other hand.

This movement, as well as “pulling the arms to the shoulder blades”, must be performed 4 times.

#5: hands behind back

Take IP: standing with feet shoulder-width apart; hands are behind the back, crossed and bent at the elbows.

From this position, for a count of 1-7, grasp the elbow of your right hand with your left hand, and then, for a count of 8, gently return to the starting position of this exercise.

Then do the same with changing hands.

This movement must be done eight times.

No. 6: "Gagarin"

To take the starting position, place your feet shoulder-width apart, and interlace your hands behind your back.

1) On a count of one to seven, begin to turn your shoulders back so that your elbows behind you begin to approach each other. On the count of 8, slowly return to the starting position.

2) A small addition to the previous part of the exercise: do the same movement as in (1), but additionally lift the hands intertwined behind the back up as far as possible.

This exercise, like most of the previous ones, must be repeated eight times in a row.

Ex. #7 read after the video.

And here is a video of another useful complex:

#7: Your friend is a towel

As the name implies, to perform this movement you will need a towel or some piece of fabric, such as a scarf (for the head). Starting position - standing; feet, as usual, shoulder width apart.

Grasp the edges of the towel with your hands, then, on the count of "one - four", raise your hands up and move them back so as not to bend your elbows. At the expense of "five - eight" it is necessary to perform the reverse movement with raising your hands behind your back and moving them forward.

The movement must be performed six times.

As you get better and better at this exercise with experience, you should try to do it so that the distance between the hands gradually becomes smaller.

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Alexander Chuiko

How to lose weight in 7 days

Express diet of Alexander Chuiko.



I thank my parents Alexander and Alla for raising me as a person with worthy principles and high aspirations. Thanks!

I thank my most beautiful and beloved girls, my wife Elena and daughter Marianna. I would like to thank my wife for keeping our little girl busy while I was working on this book. I thank them for filling my every day with happiness that I have never experienced before. Thanks!

I thank my best friends Dmitry, Dmitry and Yaroslav for being role models for me for many years. Thanks!

I thank all my relatives and distant ones, those whom I did not mention by name, there are so many of you and I am immensely grateful to all of you. Each of you played a role in the development of me as a person. Thanks!

I thank my publisher Dmitry Strelbitsky for believing in me. Thanks!

I thank the Lord God for allowing me to do what I love and benefit millions of people. Thanks!

Alexander Chuiko is an applicant for the scientific degree of Doctor of Philosophy.

Member of the Association of Medical and Health Nutrition. Certified Dietitian. The author of the well-known blog "Alexander Chuiko's Weight Loss School" Willpower ". Specialist in the field of physical education and sports. She has over 7 years of experience as a fitness and martial arts trainer. Active athlete and multiple winner and champion of competitions at various levels. Bestselling author of How to Lose 20kg in 8 Weeks.


It's no secret that I have significant coaching experience. Dozens of people come to me daily asking for help. Most often, these requests relate specifically to weight loss. We live in a time of “nutrition”, when in order to have lunch, there is no need to chase roe deer for several kilometers or track down a herd of wild boars. Want to eat? Fine! Grocery stores are located in any area of ​​your city within 100 meters from each other. Do you want fish? You are welcome! Do you want a cake? You are welcome! In any quantity, at any time of the day. Most agree that this is just wonderful, and I will not be an exception. BUT! Imagine water is boiling in a pot, what can you do with it? Cook soup, dumplings or unsuccessfully pouring out the next ingredient, your own fingers. In the first two cases, boiling water will be beneficial, in the third case it will be harmful. The knife will help you cut the salad, and if not handled carefully, it can cut your hand. The car is supposed to take you to your destination, but if the driver is drunk, this may not happen. Feel what I'm leading to? Access to food around the clock can make you a healthy and beautiful person, but it can also be the main reason for gaining excess weight.

When a person does not think about what he eats in terms of benefits, but prefers only the satisfaction of taste buds, problems most often begin. For years or even decades, people “eat up” their figures, but, fortunately, sooner or later the thought of how to regain their former beauty still visits their heads. Quite often I am approached by people who, to my surprise, do not want to lose weight by 10-20 or more kilograms. Most often due to the fact that it is too hard. After all, giving up your favorite food is really hard work. Therefore, their requests sound something like this: “Alexander, my daughter is getting married very soon, I want to look more slender than now, what can you advise me?” or “Help, Alexander, I have an interview, this is my dream job, help me become more fit!” or “Alexander, we are getting married, I would very much like to lose 5 kg for my wedding and 4 kg for my wife, how can this be done?”. Then I ask a completely natural question: “How much time do we have?”, And to my surprise, most often the terms are negligible, from 7 to 12 days. At first, such requests put me in a stupor. But the more often such situations arose in my practice, the more they prompted me to think about finding a rational solution. Of course, I could put them on an apple diet, in which people lose 8 kg in 7 days, but this would lead to the horrifying consequences that are all over the Internet. In other words, at a wedding, an important interview or on vacation, a person will be in a fainting state and the event itself will no longer be a joy, and most likely will fail miserably. I promised myself a long time ago that I would never chase results, money, or fame to the detriment of the health of my clients. If I can't promise a client to lose 10 kg in 1 day, but liposuction can, well, I guess I'm too old-fashioned, but principles are principles. My goal is your health. Is it possible to lose weight in 7 days, so that it is noticeable both to others and to the person himself?

Alena's review: “When I turned to Alexander, I myself did not believe that I was asking him such an absurd question. I myself understood that there was very little time, and my requests were too great. But Alexander reassured me that this was not the first time for him, and in fact, many people turned to him with such a request. I felt better and we got to work. Thank you Alexander for believing in me!

Most likely, you have read my bestseller "How to lose 20 kg in 8 weeks", which has already been translated into English and Spanish, and is actively sold both in domestic and foreign markets. In this book, I described my path from beginning to end, and in this way motivated tens of thousands of people to achieve the same or even better results. Why did the book become so popular? Because in it I instill in a person faith in himself, faith in his strength. With the help of the book, I take your hand and lead you to a healthy, slim and toned body.

Everything you do, say, and think tends to attract likeness into your life. When I express my gratitude to a person in his exclusivity, in his strengths and abilities. When a person understands that he is capable of anything, I gain strength, if I may say so, I gain wings and try to help the person with even greater enthusiasm.

In my book How to Lose 20 Kg in 8 Weeks, I wrote that on average we lose 2.5 kg per week! And this is a truly amazing result. But it was a great result for those who are preparing for a 15-20 kg marathon, and for those who have only a week to do everything about everything, these are rather the minimum requirements for a specialist of my level. I set about searching for answers to dozens of the most pressing questions that bothered my clients. By a lucky chance, not without the help of my acquaintances nutritionists, I got to an international conference dedicated to healthy eating. Specialists from Russia, Ukraine and Belarus gathered in one hall. 12 speakers shared their many years of experience for 7 days for 8 hours. Lectures were read by truly luminaries of domestic medicine, with your permission I will name some names: Yury Alexandrovich Lysikov, Vyacheslav Vladimirovich Antilevsky, Oksana Dmitrievna Chernenko, Igor Maksimovich Salo and many others. I want to express my deep gratitude to them in this book for their huge contribution to the health of modern man. After spending 56 hours in the company of more than 100 dietitians and nutritionists from various cities and countries, I received a volume of information that will serve as an occasion to write at least several books. But at that moment I was worried about only one question: “How to lose weight by 3-4 or more kilograms in just 7 days?”. As the saying goes, he who seeks always finds. That is what happened to me. A number of books that were recommended to me for reading were "swallowed by me in a matter of weeks." My question has been answered. It is this information that you will learn from the book that you hold in your hands. I want to warn you right away that if everything that I described in this book in a language accessible even to a 12-year-old child, I describe in medical terms with dozens of evidence, the book will consist of 500 pages. But I don't want to waste your precious time. I want you to read the book in an evening and start implementing your plan the very next day.

Perhaps you have a question: “Why, Alexander, are you so sure that this book will help me?”. I am 100% sure, and there are several reasons for this. First, just like when writing the book "How to lose 20 kg in 8 weeks," I myself was the main guinea pig. In 8 weeks I lost 20 kg and only after that I helped people achieve the same amazing results with the help of individual consultations and a book. The book that you are holding in your hands is no exception, I proved by my own example that my express diet works and does not affect my well-being. You will feel as cheerful as 3-4 or even 5 kilograms ago. Why do I say 5 kg? Yes, because that's exactly what I got. Impressive? Do you want to learn how to put yourself in order in just 7 days? Then this book is for you! Of course, in order to conduct this experiment, I had to gain these same 5 kg in order to get rid of them later, but it was worth it. Now I myself know what my express diet is capable of and with a calm soul I expect the same from my clients. If you are reading this book, then consider that you have come to me for a personal consultation. Believe me, this pleasure is not cheap. But you did it, you came to me. And now you have only one way out - this is to learn how to put the express diet into practice. You can use it once a year or once a month, as long as you like. This is its beauty, the more often you use it, the more benefits it will bring to your health. Now you know one of the main reasons why you can become slimmer in just 7 days.

Alexander Chuiko's book "How to Get Rid of Back Pain" is an understandable and accessible comprehensive methodology developed on the basis of the author's many years of coaching experience. By following the recommendations in the three sections of this book, you can always keep your spine in good shape, regardless of age and lifestyle. The first section contains a set of exercises for the back, provided with detailed and illustrative illustrations. The second section is devoted to an extremely important aspect of a healthy lifestyle - proper nutrition. The third section describes the right emotional attitude and the power of positive thinking, without which it is impossible to treat any ailment. The technique has proven its effectiveness for thousands of people, it will become indispensable for everyone who experiences pain and discomfort in the spine, who spends a lot of time in a sitting position and strives to always remain healthy and active.

* * *

The following excerpt from the book How to get rid of back pain (Alksandr Chuiko, 2015) provided by our book partner - the company LitRes.


Previously, I said: "in the event that gymnastics helps me get rid of back pain, then I will shoot a training video and post it on the Internet." In 2012 I uploaded a video to At that moment, I thought of only one thing, I was overwhelmed with the desire that this set of exercises would help at least one more person. The video was uploaded, I kept my word and for a while I forgot about its existence. But after about six months, uploading another motivational video, I decided to see how “gymnastics for the spine” is doing. My eyes widened in surprise - 20 thousand views and 5 positive comments that gymnastics has brought enormous benefits to people. My happiness knew no bounds!

At the moment, and now outside the window of 2015, this video has 225 thousand views, 897 likes and 70 comments. Thanks to my video, people really feel much better. Many people find me on the social network and ask a lot of questions, which I am happy to answer. And everyone is unanimously interested in breathing during this or that exercise, and there are a lot of exercises - 25. Therefore, we can say that in this section, in the description of the exercises, I have combined the answers to all the questions that arose from people grateful to me.

If you can't wait to watch the video tutorial in which I demonstrate all the exercises described below, you can follow the link or enter into the search engine of the site. - "Morning exercises - restoration of the spine Alexander Chuiko" and start doing the exercises right now. But, nevertheless, if you have a minute, I advise you to familiarize yourself with elementary precautions.

Precautionary measures

If at the time of the exercise you feel a sharp pain, stop immediately and rest a little. Then, if the pain is gone, move on to the next exercise. There are a lot of exercises - 25. There is a high probability that several of them may not suit you, there is nothing to worry about, do exactly those exercises that give you pleasure. But after a while, I still recommend returning to those exercises that previously caused pain. The fact is that gymnastics is aimed at strengthening the ligaments and muscles that support our spine. Consequently, each time your back becomes stronger and after a while, those exercises that gave you pain may give you pleasure and bring great benefits.

I advise you to do gymnastics in the morning, before breakfast. But this does not mean that if you missed the morning session, you cannot do gymnastics before bed. The main thing is that the exercise is included in the system. The entire set of 25 exercises (or less if some of the exercises cause you pain) must be performed once a day. Two or even three times can be harmful, since gymnastics is aimed at strengthening the ligaments and muscles, which means that after the exercise, the connective tissues need rest. If you repeat a gymnastics session after 5-6 hours, the connective tissues will not have time to recover, and this will lead to micro tears, which will be accompanied by unbearable pain and will put you out of action for several days.

I beg you, do the exercises the way you touched your loved one on the first date, very carefully. Refrain from sudden movements until you feel every working muscle. It is better to do only 5 exercises, but slowly, than 25 in haste.

I advise you to do gymnastics on a gymnastic rug folded in half. Since some exercises are performed on your knees, and you can involuntarily harm yourself by transferring your body weight to one leg. It is better if the surface is moderately soft. Sometimes I am asked the question, is it possible to do gymnastics while lying on the bed, the answer is no! The bed is too soft, the spine will begin to sag in places where it should not, which can lead to aggravation of your position. Gymnastics must be performed only on a hard floor and only on a gymnastic rug, in extreme cases, you can lay a large towel folded in half on the floor.

For those who weigh more than 100 kg, I advise you to purchase knee pads with a soft pillow. The fact is that it is very easy to damage the knee joint, but it is much more difficult to restore, so do not neglect the security measures and the gymnastics presented by me will bring you great benefits.

Exercise #1

Initial position:

Performing the exercise:

The body should be relaxed, avoid sudden movements. On an inhale, raise the kuri up until they are parallel to the floor. If for some reason you could not raise your hands to the required level, there is nothing wrong with that. Raise your hands exactly to the level to which you can do it. There is no need to consciously stretch the spine with force at the moment of stretching. The movement of the hands should look natural and at ease. At the top point, linger for a split second and as you exhale, lower your hands along the same path to the starting position.

Number of repetitions:

Exercise #2

Initial position:

Lie on the floor with your back down, legs straight, between the heels the distance is only a few centimeters. The shoulder blades are pressed to the floor. The loin is slightly arched. The arms are bent at the elbows. Fingers touch shoulder. If there is a few centimeters between the fingers and the shoulder, this is quite normal, do not pay attention to it. The gaze is directed to the ceiling.

Performing the exercise:

Make circular movements with your elbows, without lifting your fingers from the front of the shoulder or simply without extending your arms. It is necessary to perform the same number of repetitions, rotating the elbows back and forth. Breathing during this exercise is quite peculiar, pay attention to this. While inhaling, you perform one circular motion, and while exhaling the second.

Perform movements slowly and under control.

Number of repetitions:

The exercise must be performed from 8 to 16 times both in one direction and in the other.

Exercise #3

Initial position:

Lie on the floor with your back down, legs straight, the distance between the heels is about 30–40 cm, depending on your height. The shoulder blades are pressed to the floor. The loin is slightly arched. The arms lie relaxed along the body. The gaze is directed to the ceiling.

Performing the exercise:

We work only with ankle joints. Heels pressed to the floor. We stretch our toes up, along the body, stretching the back of the shin, after which we stretch our toes down, stretching the front of the shin. On inhalation, socks towards you, on the way out from yourself. Then we perform circular movements with the feet to the left and right. While inhaling, you perform one circular motion, and while exhaling the second. Perform movements slowly and under control. No sudden movements!

Number of repetitions:

The exercise must be performed from 8 to 16 times for both one movement and another.

Exercise number 4

Initial position:

Lie on the floor with your back down, legs straight, the distance between the heels is about 30-50 cm, depending on your height. The shoulder blades are pressed to the floor. The loin is slightly arched. The arms lie relaxed along the body. The gaze is directed to the ceiling.

Performing the exercise:

Bend your left knee, grab it with both hands and try to touch the knee with your chin. Then, without releasing your knee, touch your lower back and lower thoracic back to the floor, stop for a split second, and try again to touch your chin to your knee. Perform the same number of repetitions, holding the left and right knees. During exhalation, the body bends, that is, when you strive for the knee, and during inhalation, it unbends, that is, when you touch the floor with your back. Perform movements slowly and under control. No sudden movements!

Number of repetitions:

The exercise must be performed from 8 to 16 times both to the left knee and to the right.

Exercise number 5

Initial position:

Lie on the floor with your back down, legs bent at the knees, heels are as close to the buttocks as possible. The distance between the heels is approximately 15 cm. The shoulder blades are pressed to the floor. The loin is slightly arched. Arms along the body, but bent at the elbows perpendicular to the floor. The gaze is directed to the ceiling.

Performing the exercise:

Leaning on the feet and shoulder blades, lift the pelvis up. At the top point, linger for a split second, and take the starting position. The upward movement is accompanied by exhalation, the downward movement by inhalation. Perform movements slowly and under control. No sudden movements!

Number of repetitions:

Exercise must be performed from 8 to 16 times.

Exercise number 6

Initial position:

Lie on the floor with your back down, legs straight, between the heels the distance is only a few centimeters. The shoulder blades are pressed to the floor. The loin is slightly arched. Arms outstretched to the sides, slightly bent at the elbows. The gaze is directed to the ceiling.

Performing the exercise:

Turn on your left side, make sure that the legs, pelvis, torso are one. The right hand describes a semicircle in the air relative to the floor. Then return to the starting position and turn, following the rules described above, to the right side. Inhale must be done while in the starting position, and at the moment of rotation, exhale. Try not to use momentum. At the moment of returning to the starting position, stop for a split second, take a breath, and only then proceed to turn to the other side.

Number of repetitions:

Exercise must be performed from 8 to 16 times.

Exercise number 7

Initial position:

Lie on the floor with your back down, legs straight, between the heels the distance is only a few centimeters. The shoulder blades are pressed to the floor. The loin is slightly arched. The arms lie relaxed along the body. The gaze is directed to the ceiling.

Performing the exercise:

At the same time, without lifting your shoulder blades and hips from the floor, stretch your chin to your socks, and your socks to your chin. Do not do the exercise mechanically, try to feel how your spine stretches a little. At the moment when you touch the floor with your head, you need to point your socks down, as if you want to reach an imaginary wall that is located below. Exhalation is performed when lifting the head, inhalation - when touching the floor. Perform movements slowly and under control. No sudden movements!

Number of repetitions:

Exercise must be performed from 8 to 16 times.

Exercise number 8

Initial position:

Lie on the floor with your back down, legs straight, between the heels the distance is only a few centimeters. The shoulder blades are pressed to the floor. The loin is slightly arched. Hands along the body. The gaze is directed to the ceiling.

Performing the exercise:

Raise your left knee as high as possible towards the center of your abdomen, at the same time lift your torso and try to touch your knee with your right elbow. Then take the starting position. Next, raise your right knee and, bending your body, try to touch your left elbow to your right knee. Alternate movements with a short rest in the starting position. Inhale falls to the starting position, and exhale to raise the body.

Number of repetitions:

Exercise must be performed from 8 to 16 times.

Exercise number 9

Initial position:

Performing the exercise:

The shoulder blades and elbows are pressed to the floor. Only the pelvis and knees are turned to the left side until the lateral part of the thigh of the left leg touches the floor. If for some reason you are unable to touch the floor with your thigh, perform the exercise in an amplitude that is acceptable for you. Over time, the ligaments and muscles will become elastic enough to allow you to do this. Then return to the starting position and turn your knees to the right. Inhale as you rotate the pelvis, exhale as you return to the starting position. Perform movements slowly and under control. No sudden movements!

Number of repetitions:

Exercise must be performed from 8 to 16 times.

Exercise number 10

Initial position:

Lie on the floor with your back down, legs bent at the knees, a distance of about 50 cm between the heels. The shoulder blades are pressed to the floor. The loin is slightly arched. Arms along the body, but bent at the elbows perpendicular to the floor. The gaze is directed to the ceiling.

Performing the exercise:

The shoulder blades and elbows are pressed to the floor. Only the pelvis and knees are turned to the left side until the moment when the right knee touches the heel of the left leg. If for some reason you can't touch your heel with your knee, don't worry. Over time, when the ligaments become more elastic, you will be able to do this. Next, return to the starting position and turn your knees and pelvis to the right until the left knee touches the right heel. Inhale as you rotate the pelvis, exhale as you return to the starting position. Perform movements slowly and under control. No sudden movements!

Number of repetitions:

Exercise must be performed from 8 to 16 times.

Exercise number 11

Initial position:

Lie on the floor with your back down, legs bent at the knees, the distance between the heels is only a few centimeters. The shoulder blades are pressed to the floor. The loin is slightly arched. Arms along the body, but bent at the elbows perpendicular to the floor. The gaze is directed to the ceiling.

Performing the exercise:

It is necessary to touch the knees with the palms, while bending the body to reduce the amplitude. The exercise is intense. The use of inertia is allowed. At the moment of returning to the starting position, you do not need to put your head on the floor, hold it with the strength of the neck muscles. During flexion, exhalation is performed, and at the moment of returning to the starting position, inhalation is performed.

Number of repetitions:

Exercise must be performed from 8 to 16 times.

Exercise number 12

Initial position:

Lie on your left side. Place your left hand under your head. The right arm is extended along the body. Legs are straight.

Performing the exercise:

It is necessary to simultaneously raise the right arm and right leg up. Hold them in the up position for a split second and return to the starting position. Perform the entire series of movements of 8 or 16 repetitions (optional) and roll over to the right side. Do the same movement with your left hand and left foot.

Inhalation must be done while in the starting position or at the moment of lowering the arm and leg, and exhalation - at the moment of raising the leg and arm. Perform movements slowly and under control. No sudden movements!

Number of repetitions:

Exercise must be performed from 8 to 16 times.

Exercise number 13

Initial position:

End of introductory segment.
