I have ugly breasts. Ugly chest

The first thing that most men pay attention to when they meet is the female breast. It is she who inspires many writers, poets, artists, kindles strong, exciting feelings and desires in men.

Every woman wants the shape of her "baby" to be perfect. At the same time, every second woman is dissatisfied with the fact that she has an ugly breast, especially after the birth of a baby, when the roundness loses its attractive shape, fullness and elasticity.

What to do if the breast is small, how to enlarge it?

Nature cannot reward absolutely everyone with ideal proportions of the figure. Some forms are fat, large, others have small breasts, and even ugly in shape. If you can still fight with the abdominal area, for example, correct it with the help of diet, exercise, then it is much more difficult to make the neckline bigger on your own.

To do this, you need to work hard, perform a complex physical activities at least 3 times a week. Physical exercises affect the muscles of the chest, strengthen them, increase volume. The decollete zone becomes more elastic and beautiful, increases in size. One of the most effective types sports to strengthen and grow the muscles of the chest are rowing and swimming. If you work out in the gym, then here you need simulators that have big weight, a barbell will do.

The main thing is to practice them correctly and observe correct breathing to get the desired effect.

It is necessary to breathe calmly and rhythmically, effort - inhale, relaxation - exhale.

  1. Dumbbells . Help to increase problem area and pump up your arms at the top. You need to swing them in a supine position on your back. It is not necessary to straighten your arms completely, bend a little at the top. While inhaling, you need to move your hands away from yourself, while exhaling, bring them closer to you. Repeat 20 times;

The second exercise: one hand is along the thigh, the other rises up at chest level. Hands change places alternately. Dumbbells, of course, will not add a few sizes, because the female decollete area consists of a layer of adipose tissue and mammary glands. Muscle tissue will make it a little larger, tighten and give elasticity.

  1. Palms. Sit on a chair or stand near a wall. Align your back, put your palms together, as if praying. Squeeze them hard so that you feel tension in your shoulders, hold for 10 seconds, then move your hands 5 cm away and stay in this position for another 10 seconds. Lower, relax and shake. Repeat 2-3 more times;
  2. Push-ups. One approach of the exercise should consist of 30 push-ups. You can push up from the chair. Stand with your back to him, put the handles and lean on them, legs extended forward. Go down, rise, arms will bend at the same time. Do 3 sets of 6-8 times. Then you need to stretch the muscles with dumbbells lying on your back, lower your arms and hold them down for 10 seconds;
  3. Wall. Stand facing the wall, put your palms on it and press hard to feel tension in the chest, press for 10 seconds, then rest for the same amount;
  4. Clenching hands. Stand straight, put your feet shoulder-width apart, raise your arms, elbows at chest level, cross your palms, point your fingers up. For one, two, press the bottom of the palm on the second. Then turn your palms so that your fingers look towards the neckline, straighten your palms at the expense of four. Then lower the handles down and repeat the exercise again.

A small breast can look attractive and seductive if its roundness is beautiful. And if it looks unattractive, has any defects, then these problems can be corrected. physical activity, with the help of which the ugly shape of the female breast will become seductive, acquire new sexual features, firmness, elasticity and roundness.

Ugly female breasts, her sagging

Many women console themselves with the hope that with the onset of motherhood, the décolleté will become larger in size. Yes, it can increase, but it is possible that the process will be reversed, when the state of the mammary glands changes, they become smaller, stretch and sag, the roundness loses its former appearance. What to do if the female breasts are sagging and ugly?

The main factors affecting the loss of roundness are:

  • weak chest muscles that support the glands;
  • lethargy and flabbiness of the skin, it loses elasticity.

Causes of skin laxity:

  • consumption of alcohol and tobacco;
  • improper diet;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • weak muscle tissue;
  • large mammary glands.

Causes of weak muscles:

  • lack of physical load;
  • not correct position torso, hunched back, stooped shoulders;
  • weak back muscles;
  • large mammary glands.

The decollete area is fully formed by the age of 23, but changes with it (decrease, increase) occur during menstruation, during pregnancy and lactation. The larger the size, the more the mammary gland will sag. Therefore, you need to feed your baby correctly if you want to have a beautiful and elastic upper part bodies in the future.

To keep the shape, you must adhere to the following rules when feeding:

  • do not allow milk to stagnate inside;
  • do not express with your hands, use a special suction;
  • try to have an equal amount of milk in both halves;
  • before going to bed, empty both halves to avoid stretching one of them under the weight of the liquid.

Ways to lift sagging breasts

Many women are wondering what to do if their breasts sag and become ugly because of this? Sagging breast correction involves a whole range of measures, and not one exercise or the use of only one ointment.

Two methods are required here:

  • natural tightening;

Natural tightening

Includes the use of supportive bras.

It is important to observe the correct position when feeding the baby. You should not use a kangaroo to carry a child, because it creates a load on the front of the body, strongly pulls the shoulders, back, chest down the arc.

It is good to do regular massage of the glands with olive oil, 2-3 times a week will be enough.

The circulation in their tissues improves, oxygen is supplied in sufficient quantities, collagen is produced, which gives the skin elasticity. The upper zone should be moisturized with creams, lotions, which include echinacea, collagen, lemongrass, mint, cypress oils.

To give the skin elasticity, you can make a mask. Grate the cucumber, add the yolk, olive oil, mix and apply on the decollete area, leave for 20 minutes, then rinse.

Exercise stress

posture correction

Poor posture affects the sagging of the gland. When the shoulders drop, it is not supported, it hangs freely, so the posture must be changed, equalized. You can do this with the help of the exercises shown in the photo.

Bust Lifting Exercises

If it sags, it is necessary to strengthen the muscles of the chest.

  1. Push-ups, dumbbells, pullover. They reinforce well. muscle tissue upper chest area, remove flabbiness and sagging. Instead of dumbbells, you can use water bottles if you are exercising at home on your own. 2 sets are done, 8-10 repetitions;
  2. deflection. A deflection is performed from a prone position in the opposite direction, i.e. back. Make a deflection and stay in this position for 10 seconds. Repeat 8 times, 3 sets;
  3. Ball and dumbbells. Get on your knees, then lean your stomach down on special ball(fitball), hold dumbbells in your hands, tighten your abs. Make swing movements as if you are taking off. 10-12 reps, 3 sets;
  4. Squats. Clasp your hands behind your head and begin to squat. Then squat and stretch the limbs forward, linger at the bottom for 2 counts. Do 3 sets, 8-10 times.

Various exercises with improvised objects

Some dream that their "pride" was great, while others it causes a lot of problems. Gland large sizes often sags due to its severity, loses its elasticity and beautiful roundness. In addition, splendor can also bring discomfort, this is manifested by the presence of pain in the back, thoracic region; curvature of the vertebrae; the presence of furrows on the skin from the straps of the bra; the occurrence of diaper rash and maceration under the natural fold. The consequences can be quite unpleasant.

November 27th, 2016 11:00 am

Ugly breasts: can fitness fix it?

The chest should be premenopausal, not senile. She can hang, but should not lie on her stomach, like two deflated balloons.

Exercise can improve appearance the breasts of a woman who nursed her children with her milk, but you cannot lift the breasts of a grandmother who has a completely different hormonal background.

Photo: Getty Images

Many of you do not believe that fitness can fix breasts because: a) you haven’t tried it, b) websites promoting plastic surgeons convince you that sagging breasts can only be fixed with surgery.

This is not true. Yes, the surgical path is the shortest, but breasts that sag without implants will sag with them. And very quickly.

The chest droops because pectoral muscles not strong enough to support her weight. By placing implants under or on muscles, you will not make those muscles stronger.

A breast prone to ptosis will be one with implants, one without, one with a lift, one without. If now your natural breast is hanging, then, having become silicone, it will also hang. Only below. Not in the first year, of course, but in the first 3-5 years you will certainly encounter this.

If you limit yourself to a lift, without installing implants, then you still won’t insure yourself against sagging breasts in the future. As it hung before, it will hang with time. And that time will come much sooner than you think.

The only way out is to strengthen the pectoral muscles with exercises. It's long. It's boring. To see the first more or less noticeable result, you will have to plow without failures for at least six months.

Unfortunately, many women, not noticing the external changes in the breast in the first months of training, slaughter it and, believing the articles that the breast cannot be lifted exercise, go for beauty to plastic surgeons.

In fact, both the buttocks and the chest can be lifted with physical exercises. But the buttocks are much faster than the chest. This is what misleads women about the effectiveness of training in breast prolapse.

I always tell you how it is: what is real and what is not.

If you just do push-ups with a wide setting of your hands from the floor at home, but do it every day at about the same time, then in about six months you will see how your chest has risen and rejuvenated.

Photo: Getty Images

Even earlier, you will see how your arms and shoulders have changed: they have become more drawn, elastic.

You need to do push-ups in 4 approaches for maximum amount repetitions in each.

As soon as you feel that you can never again push up from the floor in this approach, get on your knees and continue pushing up from your knees.

Photo: Social networks

Until you collapse. Then rest for a minute and move on to the next set.

If at first you can only do push-ups from your knees, push-ups from your knees until your muscles are strong enough that you can do push-ups from the floor.

Live half a year in this mode - you will shake in the summer not with triceps flags, but with young boobs.

For those who are interested in the best, in my opinion, exercises for lifting the chest in the gym -

Hello girls. It's the same story with my breasts. Before the birth, it was not so hot, and now even more so. I breastfed my daughter for a whole year and now I’m afraid to take off my bra. Spaniel ears - rest)))
I read some article with exercises. In principle, the Internet is full of such articles, but the exercises are of the same type. Can someone join me to make them? I don’t like doing sports alone, I don’t last long ... Here is the article:
Unfortunately, mother nature has left us little chance of changing the shape of the bust, which is embedded in us from birth. But, nevertheless, something can be corrected without resorting to surgical interventions.
To keep the chest muscles elastic, give it more nice shape useful set of exercises.
They need to be done every day, making time for them either in the morning, or after work at night. There are many exercises, so you can choose the ones that you like best. If you use small dumbbells when exercising, the result will be even more tangible.
1. Squeezing the palms. Stand up straight. Legs shoulder width apart. Fold your palms in front of you, fingers up, elbows at chest level. 2 times for “one, two”, strongly squeeze the lower parts of the palms, for “three”, turn your fingers towards you, for “four”, straighten your palms, for “five”, lower your hands down, for “six”, fold your hands in front of you. Repeat the exercise 5-8 times.
2. Grip of fingers. Stand up straight. Legs shoulder width apart. Raise your arms bent at the elbows to face level. Clench your fingers tightly. Then, with sharp movements, try to spread your arms to the sides. Repeat the exercise 10-12 times.
3. Alternately raising hands. Stand up straight, put your feet together. For “one”, raise your right, straightened arm up (the muscles are relaxed) and take it behind your head, for “two”, try to take your hand back even further, for “three”, lower your hand forward and down. Repeat the same movement with your left hand. Repeat the exercise 4-6 times with each hand.
3. Raising hands. Stand up straight. On “one”, raise your straightened arms with a gentle movement forward, on “two”, spread them apart, on “three”, turn your palms up, on “four”, raise your hands above your head and clap your hands, on “five”, lower your hands down, on "six" return to initial position.
4. Describing circles with hands. Stand up straight. Feet shoulder width apart, feet parallel. left hand put on the thigh, describe a large circle with the right (muscles are relaxed), starting to move forward. Do the exercise in fast pace. Describe with your hand in this way three circles on “one, two, three”. The next three circles - on “four, five, six”, start by moving backward, that is, in the opposite direction. Then put right hand on the thigh, and describe circles with the left. Repeat the exercise with each hand 3-5 times.
5. Deflection. Lying on your stomach on the floor. Bend your arms at the elbows and place them behind your head. On “one”, “two”, pulling your elbows back, slowly raise your head, and then your chest as high as possible from the floor. On "three", "four" - go down, completely relaxing, lower your head, turn your face to the side. Repeat the exercise 5-6 times.
6. Fast tilt - slow straightening. Get down on your knees, rest your hands on the floor so that your arms and legs make a right angle with your body, your head is at the level of your body, neither raised nor lowered. Straighten your toes, arms shoulder-width apart. Now quickly bend your elbows (elbows out) for “one”, for “two, three, four”, slowly straighten your arms. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
7. Slow tilt - fast straightening. Stand in front of a table or stool, wrap your arms around the side edges of the seat, then first take your right, then your left leg back, leaning on your hands. The whole body is in a straight line, shoulder blades together. In this position, on “one, two, three”, slowly bend your elbows (elbows out) and on “four”, quickly straighten your arms. Repeat the exercise 5-6 times. Then get up, relax. After a short rest, repeat the exercise (5-6 more times).
8. Repulsion from the wall. Stand facing the wall at arm's length. Put your hands on the wall, then, bending your elbows to the count of “one, two, three,” slowly approach the wall. On the count of four, quickly return to the starting position, pushing off the wall with your hands. Repeat the exercise 10-15 times.
9. Movement of the arms as in breaststroke swimming. Stand straight, feet together, hands up and slightly forward. For a “time”, turn your palms outward and, straining, lower your arms slightly forward and down, bend your elbows slightly, but do not lower them - the palms do not fall below the shoulder line (as if you are cutting through the water). On “two” - strongly bend your arms at the elbows, press them to the body, press your palms to yourself at about the height of the neck. On "three" raise your palms forward and up. Movements for “one, two” are slow, for “three” they are fast, but the whole exercise must be performed smoothly, with a short pause after three. Repeat the exercise 10-20 times.
Here are a few general rules:
If the chest has grown to the smallest bra size, you must wear it. It protects the breast skin from future stretch marks, and the breast itself from accidental mechanical damage.
Rinse your breasts with cool water after your daily shower or bath. This will keep the skin supple for a long time. It is not bad to wipe the skin of the chest (together with the skin of the face, neck) with a decoction of medicinal herbs frozen in the freezer. You can use, about once a week, and nourishing creams and masks.
Watch your posture. Keep your head high and your back straight as you walk. In this position, the chest sags less, looks better.
The best chest exercise is swimming. Cool water is great cosmetic product, and combined with swimming, it's just a fabulous gift for turning Cinderella into a slender and flexible sexy woman. Swimming has a double effect: arm movements strengthen the pectoral muscles, and cold water hardens the body and makes the skin more elastic. Therefore, let's swim, swim, swim ... Of course, it is better in the sea, but both the river and the lake will do.
But on the beach it is still better (for the chest) to be in a bathing suit. Scientists from all countries unanimously repeat how active the sun is this year, and the skin of the chest (and especially the nipples) is so tender.

If you dream of a bare-chested man, this indicates that you need another sexual partner.

If your chest is hairy, in reality you will have to prove your innocence in a case to which you are indirectly related.

Bare chest speaks of your indifferent attitude towards one of your colleagues, you must carefully protect your reputation and not give reason to suspect you of this.

Seeing a chest with a gaping wound in a dream portends that some kind of trouble threatens you.

Seeing your chest - in reality you will be disappointed in love because of the many rivals.

If the chest is white and full, luck and happiness will soon visit you.

Firm female breasts - to disadvantage, shrunken and wrinkled - a sign of marital fidelity.

Seeing in a dream a woman whose one of her breasts is cut off - to treason; without breasts at all - to quarrels with her husband.

Exposing your chest in a dream in front of a man portends a concession to persistent courtship. If in a dream a man caresses your chest - in reality, commit an immoral act.

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Hello, I ask you for help. I am 20 years old. I have very tubular breasts. This is a developmental anomaly. And it is very ugly. But for some reason, like many girls, I can’t calmly dream about plastic surgery, the chest is really very ugly, I have always seen it, but I began to experience it in a new way when I saw it on the site exactly like in my article “Miss anti-breast” and the worst thing is the reviews, there was: "fuuu, buee ... you can’t expose this to people" in absolutely all the comments. and on other sites too, like "what is the ugliest breast?" "yes, all the breasts are normal, but that's not tubular fuuu disgusting" from 99 percent of the members of the forum. It's embarrassing that breasts like mine cause only disgust in people. My sister told me about 6 years ago: "If I had such breasts, I would die." although my sister does not say everything that comes into her head and does not say offensive things. And therefore, all arguments like "they (I) consider themselves scary when they say the opposite" - unfortunately, lose their force. I'm tired of fighting with public opinion, can I just go and get plastic surgery? but why can't I do that? or maybe it's just about money? loved this one. I didn’t think much about breasts, and now I think, maybe I am an absolute EGOIST in what I think and try to make people love ugliness! Maybe I’m absolutely wrong when I’m offended by the fact that they say that my breasts are ugly. I can calmly accept my imperfection and have plastic surgery. But I can’t. because it is wrong! if there is a drawback? Of course, every person deserves to be loved for who they are. But I won't survive, I just won't survive if I hear it live. or see a reaction. I understand that one will like it, the other will not, but this is torment, I want to undress like everyone else and not scare a person. I want him to enjoy my breasts. and it also seems to me that guys who don’t value themselves and don’t like me can enjoy such breasts. See how impudent I am !! but if you tell me that I'm impudent, I'll get very angry!))) I know that if they love, they accept it as it is, but now I want not only this, but also just mild novels. where at least I will be consider ordinary beautiful or not so, but not shocking! I do not want to be deceived and think: "I am beautiful", when it is not so at all. I do not want to think about myself more than I am and not see my flaws. but I can't get over it when they tell me that she's ugly! I don't want to endlessly pump the press or make up to compensate for this ugliness. Not everyone has such obvious flaws. I want to live like everyone else. Let them reject me because I'm not interesting, let them reject me because of my hair, legs, fingers, feet, whatever, because I'm stupid or boring, but not because breasts!! (this is a cry with tears and a plea for help) Why should I do plastic surgery when others do not do it or live deceived. is that a choice? I don't like to feel like a freak, but I still can't have the operation...I don't know why, it probably offends me, but maybe I'm wrong in my offense. Please excuse me for taking so long, I'm uncomfortable. At first, when I thought about plastic, I thought it was easier to kill myself than to make it .. honestly. I know what I need to
