Alena vodonaeva revealed the secret of her nutrition. Alena Vodonaeva: “Improper nutrition is reflected in the appearance! Meals of Alena Vodonaeva

Ex-participant of the scandalous project "Dom-2", TV presenter, model and singer Alena Vodonaeva has perfect figure, so many female fans are interested in her diet.

According to Alena, it is her nutrition that she pays Special attention since the harmony and beauty of girls depends on him for the most part.

In the period from 2004 to 2007. Alena Vodonaeva took part in the filming of "House-2" and established herself as one of the most scandalous girls in the project. After leaving the reality show, she tried herself as a TV presenter, but now she is engaged in modeling, and also often performs at corporate parties, playing DJ sets.

Alena Vodonaeva: height 176 cm, weight 55 kg

In 2010, the singer gave birth to a son, Bogdan, from businessman Alexei Malakeev, but their marriage did not last long, and after three years they officially divorced. Since then, many fans have become interested in how Alena Vodonaeva is losing weight, because after giving birth to a child, she very quickly put herself in order, getting rid of all the kilograms that appeared during her pregnancy.

According to the TV presenter herself, she does not love too strict diets and prefers just proper nutrition to them. Perhaps it is thanks to this approach that the ratio of height and weight of Alena Vodonaeva is ideal by modern standards: 176 cm and 55-58 kg. Despite this, she still occasionally develops excess weight, and then she resorts to the help of an emergency nutrition method in order to quickly get rid of them.

What are the secrets of losing weight from Alena Vodonaeva

  • Previously, she did not celebrate a special love for sports, but now attends gym 5 times a week and studies there for 2 hours. Her workouts include both cardio and power training with small weights;
  • Alena is a coffee girl with a long experience, and before starting a diet, she drank 5-6 cups of coffee a day. She got rid of this habit, and now instead of this drink she uses only still water, teas and natural juices. It should be remembered that any juices contain sugar, so you can drink them only until 4 pm;

  • Sometimes the model deviates from proper nutrition and allows himself to eat something high-calorie, but makes himself such indulgences no more than twice a week;
  • To prevent the skin from sagging due to a sharp weight loss, Alena began to do wraps, and for an early weight loss - to attend an anti-cellulite massage, which additionally contributes to the destruction of fat cells;

  • Now Alena Vodonaeva, who has lost weight, continues to go in for sports, but she claims that everything must be kept in moderation: you cannot torment yourself with too heavy exercises or strict diets, because this is fraught with breakdowns, which usually lead to re-gaining weight with several extra pounds in addition.

Perhaps these recipes for harmony from Alena Vodonaeva will help other girls lose weight, because, as you know, beautiful figure can only be obtained through sports and diet.

What diet helps Alena Vodonaeva to maintain an ideal figure

  • You can eat absolutely any food, but in moderation. The only exceptions are sweets, pastries and fried foods - it is recommended to refuse them, because such food contains a lot of calories and fast carbohydrates that are transformed into fat cells;
  • You need to sit down at the table no later than 3 hours before bedtime so that the food has time to be digested and assimilated;
  • The main volume of food should be consumed in the morning, and only light meals should be prepared for dinner.

If a girl needs to remove up to 4 kg in a week, she eats according to the following menu:

  • For breakfast, he eats 150 g of oatmeal and a small portion of fruit salad;
  • Dines 200 g of low-fat yogurt and two baked apples;
  • For an afternoon snack, he drinks tea or coffee, eats 1 fruit;
  • Supper with a glass of low-fat kefir and 200 g of dried fruits.

V Everyday life to maintain weight in her diet, Alena includes legumes, nuts, whole grain bread, fruits, vegetables, herbs, low-fat fish and meat, cereals. Her sample menu as follows:

  • In the morning she eats oatmeal with berries, drinks green tea;
  • For lunch - low-fat fish soup and vegetable salad;
  • Afternoon snack with fruit salad;
  • She dines with baked vegetables with meat.

Fruit salad recipe:

  • Chop strawberries, peach, cherry and apricot pulp;
  • We mix everything, use unsweetened yogurt for dressing.

Baked Apples Recipe:

  • We remove the core from the apples so that a notch with a bottom forms instead;
  • Put chopped nuts into the resulting groove, add 1 tsp. natural honey;
  • We bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes.

Fish soup recipe:

  • Chop zucchini, carrots, tomatoes and onion, set to stew;
  • Add chopped garlic and salt to the vegetables;
  • Cut the fish fillet into pieces, simmer together with vegetables until tender;
  • We take out the fish, beat the soup with a blender. Serve with fish pieces.

The method of losing weight by Vodonaeva is completely safe for health, because there are no too strict prohibitions in it. Despite this, nutritionists advise to consult a doctor before using it in order to exclude possible contraindications.

What Alena Vodonaeva looks like now: photo

“I can’t say anything bad about this diet, and even vice versa: it was with its help that I managed to remove almost 4 extra pounds in a week, and now I’m in great shape again”

Margarita, 25 years old:

“I lost weight in the same way as Alena. Her diet suited me well, and on it I lasted 3 weeks without much difficulty. I practically did not want to eat, and when hunger rolled up, I distracted myself with something or just drank water. Over the entire period, I have lost almost 7 kg, so I can safely call this technique effective and recommend it to everyone. "

“After more stringent methods of dealing with weight, Alena's diet seemed simple to me. In fact, it is: in a week it takes up to 5 kg of weight, like mine, but for this it is enough just to eat non-nutritive food. Easy and convenient! "

How Alena Vodonaeva changed - before and after photos plastic surgery

A bright TV presenter, model and singer Alena Vodonaeva is used to being in the spotlight. Since her appearance on the screen, the wave of rumors about her has not subsided.

Most of all fans are interested in the external changes of the former member of "House-2". The girl does not like to discuss the topic of plastic surgery. Such mystery even more intrigues fans, forcing them to seek out the truth on their own.

Alena has been distinguished by her outstanding appearance since childhood. At the age of 12, she decided to master the profession of a model.

Already in her youth, she was the owner of the fifth breast size. She was often asked the question, does she have her own forms? In these cases, Vodonaeva cited her mother with an identical natural feature as an example. However, there are rumors that nature has endowed the girl with only a second bust size.

Vodonaeva has repeatedly argued that a large bust gives her inconvenience. Because of him, she felt pain in her back, and there were problems with the choice of clothes. All her life she dreamed of a small size. After the birth of the child, the girl seriously thought about plastic surgery.

Some experts believe that the host's breasts are artificial. In their opinion, Alena Vodonaeva turned to the services of a surgeon while participating in the telestroke, and to be convinced of this, it is enough to look at the archives of the Dom-2 project. Photos of Alena Vodonaeva before and after plastic surgery often go online.

One way or another, the girl nevertheless decided on an operation to reduce her prominent forms, but whether she removed the implants or really reduced her natural data remains a mystery.

After a long search, she managed to find a doctor, whom she agreed to confide in. The procedure cost Alena a million rubles and lasted about three hours. The bust of the fifth size, to the delight of the celebrity, turned into an incomplete third.

The surgery went well. The very next day Vodonaeva was at home, and a week later she started work. New breasts look natural and harmonious on slim body stars.

Discussions about other possible operations of the star do not subside. According to a number of experts, Alena corrected the shape of the nose and chin, the line of the cheekbones, and slightly enlarged her lips.

"No fillers": Alena Vodonaeva revealed her secrets of youth and beauty

The 35-year-old TV presenter and singer said that her skin has never been subjected to cosmetic interventions.

Alena Vodonaeva delights numerous fans with her flawless figure and fresh face. The 35-year-old TV presenter and singer recently admitted that she did not resort to the services of aesthetic surgery and did not use more gentle techniques:

“I don’t know by what miracle, although I suppose that this is still a way of life, but I managed to keep my face completely untouched by modern cosmetology.”

Alena said that she plans to resort to moisturizing injections, but nothing more: “Naturally, no fillers and other obscurantism that changes the face, but I want to try biorevitalization. This is the most harmless and harmless - a moisturizing procedure. " The TV presenter added that she wants to keep the facial expressions of her face and only slightly immobilize her forehead, which involuntarily wrinkles all the time.

In order not to be unfounded, Alena shared with subscribers recipes for keeping fresh elastic skin faces. In her opinion, the key factor is the way of life: “Regime, nutrition, sufficient amount of water consumption. No alcohol. No smoking. No to night parties ”. The TV star added that smoking, alcohol and night discos are acceptable for people under the age of 20-25: “If you don’t want to look like an old rubber shoe at 30, don’t argue with me.”

Second important point Vodonaeva called a sufficient amount of sleep and a daily routine: “I get up early and try to fall asleep at 12 - 1 at night. It does not always work, because filming, meetings and everyday issues, which I often carry out after Bogdan goes to bed. But I'm trying".

Alena considers her inner mood to be an important factor in preserving her beauty. In her opinion, a woman's face reflects her inner state. It is necessary to part with your exhausting partner, change an uninteresting job, learn to relax:

“Stress, illness, difficult situations? Help: sports, meditation, books, the right environment. Don't have money for a gym? Internet to help, study at home. Walk for an hour before going to bed. "

Alena added that she wants to show by her example: the skin at 35 can and should look great. In conclusion, she called on the fans: “Please love yourself by anyone. But strive for better version myself. The best, she said. Not absolute. The only difference between the best and the absolute is that we generally know the best about ourselves. And the absolute is the desire to please everyone. And this is impossible! "

On September 11, 2017 Alena Vodonaeva married musician Alexei Komov, known as DJ Kosinus and Zeskullz. The young people had known each other for almost five years, but their romance began only in May last year. Already at the beginning of the summer, Alexey made an offer, to which Alena unexpectedly for herself agreed.

Alena is just beautiful! Magnificent Vodonaeva - only Alena can work on herself this way! Well done! She looked through everything - but she is not inferior to Hollywood divas ....

- I will not say that I have always eaten super right, but soda and fast food are taboo. At most once a year, well, or completely in a fierce PMS ... The girls will understand me. This is forgivable to us. But I'm not indifferent to sweets. There were problems with that. For three years I have been on proper nutrition and on sports. I changed my eating habits and try to keep a very strict watch on everything that enters my body, - she talks about her experience TV presenter Alena Vodonaeva.

Elena Plotnikova, PRO Kitchen: - You often say that food culture is important. Surely you have studied the issue deeply. What can happen to the body, body and appearance of people who do not follow when, what and how much they eat?

Alena Vodonaeva: - What happens to the appearance of a person who does not follow what he eats and drinks can be seen on the streets of the city. Skin, weight, gait - all this is noticeable to the naked eye. Alcohol and smoking are immediately visible, especially in girls after 25-30 years. Puffy face, drooping eyelids, gray skin. Even if the hand of a beautician is present in their life, the lifestyle still leaves its mark. All major health problems arise from excess weight... It is rare that a person is overweight due to illness. The main reason is banal overeating. And as a consequence, this gives rise to diabetes mellitus, problems with organs and joints in the future.

- Are there foods that you are categorically not eating?

- I allow myself to eat anything, if I consciously want it. I wanted ice cream - I ate it, but only in the morning and not a kilogram. So it is with baked goods, and with something fried. Alcohol, soda and mayonnaise are prohibited. But, again, if you like shawarma or orange fizzy passion, allow yourself it. A couple of times a year doesn't count.

Publication from Alena Vodonaeva (@alenavodonaeva) Feb 26, 2018 9:24 am PST

- What can you not resist?

- Before mom's cakes. Here my willpower is powerless. But good products, from which she cooks, inspire hope that this does not harm my health.

- Surely you carefully choose what to feed your son. What are you not allowing him?

- Bogdan eats right from birth. Porridge, soups, vegetables, fruits, meat, fish. From "violations" he has pizza and burgers from good meat. We allow it once every two weeks. But have Bogdana there is also a dad, and I know for sure that when I am not there, soda and fast food potatoes appear there. Generally, full set children's happiness. At home, a nanny lives with us constantly, whose duties include preparing the right food for his son every day.

"I taught myself to breakfast"

- Alena, it seems to me that people are divided into two types: those who necessarily have breakfast, even if they are late, and those who do not want to eat at all in the morning. What type of people are you?

“I've never had breakfast before. But that was during a stormy youth and student life. Maximum tea for breakfast. From the age of 25 I began to accustom myself to breakfast. And I am convinced that a good, productive day begins with a correct, healthy breakfast, during which I will be efficient and full of energy.

- Always, at all times - oatmeal porridge on the water. In the summer I put berries in it. In winter - a spoonful of honey. Just buy a 15-minute boil porridge. Anything less cooked is not useful.

- Do you often cook at home yourself? Or do you still prefer to eat in a cafe, order delivery due to your busy schedule?

- I don't cook at home. I prefer to spend my time on something more global than pots. It was for people like me that I created a special meal, where calories are already calculated, where everything is packed and it is clearly written what and what time to eat.

- By the way, does your diet change in spring and summer?

- In the summer breaks through more for fresh vegetables and fruits. You have to take care of yourself. I can forget and eat a whole watermelon alone!

Biography facts

Graduated from Tyumen State University with a degree in journalism.

After graduation, she worked at local radio and television.

In July 2004, Alena got on the TV show "Dom-2", which has been a participant for 3 years.

After the project, she was a presenter on TNT, REN-TV, DTV and MTV Russia.

Now Alena is a presenter on the RU TV channel.

In August 2009 she married businessman Alexei Malokanov.

In September 2017, Alena married musician Alexei Kosinus.

Vegetable salad with tofu cheese

Photo: / Oksana Mizina


  • Tomato - 2 pcs.
  • Cucumber - 1 pc.
  • Grain bread - 1 slice
  • Tofu - 100 g
  • Red onion - 1 pc.
  • Avocado - 0.5 pcs.
  • Green pepper - 0.5 pcs.
  • Soy sauce - 1 tbsp l.
  • Lime juice - 0.5 tbsp l.
  • Olive oil - 0.5 tbsp. l.
  • Pepper to taste
  • Sesame - to taste
How to cook:

1. Cut the bread into small pieces and dry. Peel the onion, cut into thin rings and scald with boiling water.

2. Dice half the avocado, tomato, cucumber, pepper and tofu.

3. Combine everything with chunks of bread and onions.

4. Whisk soy sauce, lime juice and olive oil. Season the salad, pepper if necessary.

Oatmeal with dried apricots and nuts



  • Oatmeal - 1 glass
  • Dried apricots - 50 g
  • Water - 3 glasses
  • Nuts - 50 g
  • Honey - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Salt - 1 pinch
  • Prunes - 20 g
  • Raisins - 10 g
How to cook:

1. Thoroughly rinse dried apricots and cut them into pieces.

2. Boil water, add sugar and salt to it.

3. Pour the cereal into a saucepan, bring to a boil and add dried apricots.

4. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly, for about 15 minutes. If the flakes are large, the cooking time will be longer. Add nuts.

5. Close the lid and let it brew for 1 minute.

Fans have asked Alena hundreds of times to talk about products and dishes that help her to be in such great shape. She promised and ... fulfilled, but not just told, but showed on the First Channel "Conspiracy Theory" program that was in her refrigerator.

Recall that just a couple of days ago Alena made her Instagram subscribers happy with a video from the dressing room. To which the fans wrote to her that the star has not just a collection of shoes, but a whole shoe store! What kind of shoes are there, dear mom ... But back to the refrigerator.

Of course, Alena did not show the bedroom and other interesting places in her house to the television people, but they and millions of viewers were able to see her kitchen, and she is big at the star. Here one can only envy white envy. The walls are finished with bricks, the set itself is like wood. There is a large two-door refrigerator at the beginning of the kitchen. There is nothing superfluous on the table - perfect cleanliness, a blender, a bowl of fruit in a niche.

I don't have vegetables for a long time, - Alena admitted to the host Mikhail Mamaev. - All the sweets, Misha, I ate before your arrival. You, of course, said that I follow the food, I do, but sometimes I eat sweets.

So, in the fridge of the star, the film crew found eggs, smoothies, soy milk, herbs in a glass of water, pickles, jars of jam and vegetables.

The expert praised Alena for her ability to handle herbs. Vodonaeva put the parsley and dill in a glass of water, which is how it should be, but the star did not unpack the arugula in vain, moisture forms in the sealed container in the salad, and it deteriorates.

Alena Vodonaeva and Mikhail Mamaev

The girl put the cauliflower in the refrigerator correctly - without a bag (if it is packaged, it will begin to produce the ripening hormone, which accelerates the deterioration of the product). And with tomatoes Alena missed. It is clear why they disappear from her! Who stores tomatoes in a bag? Cucumbers will live like this longer, and tomatoes need to be freed from packaging, and in general they can be stored for several days outside the refrigerator.

Vodonaeva also miscalculated with carrots, her place is not in a dark drawer under the sink, but in the refrigerator and without a protective film. In general, according to the results, it turned out that in 70% of cases the star was right and you can call her a good mistress.

Alena was pleased with the visit of the TV crew. Now she knows what to do so that lettuce and tomatoes do not disappear, that only onions, potatoes and garlic are afraid of the cold, and everything else has a place in the refrigerator.

Alena Vodonaeva's diet

What diet does Alena Vodonaeva sit on: results, reviews

Ex-participant of the scandalous project "Dom-2", TV presenter, model and singer Alena Vodonaeva has an ideal figure, so many fans are interested in her diet. According to Alena, it is her nutrition that she pays special attention to, because the harmony and beauty of girls depends on him for the most part.

In the period from 2004 to 2007. Alena Vodonaeva took part in the filming of "House-2" and established herself as one of the most scandalous girls in the project. After leaving the reality show, she tried herself as a TV presenter, but now she is engaged in modeling, and also often performs at corporate parties, playing DJ sets.

In 2010, the singer gave birth to a son, Bogdan, from businessman Alexei Malakeev, but their marriage did not last long, and after three years they officially divorced. Since then, many fans have become interested in how Alena Vodonaeva is losing weight, because after giving birth to a child, she very quickly put herself in order, getting rid of all the kilograms that appeared during her pregnancy.

How Alena Vodonaeva lost weight

According to the TV presenter herself, she does not like too strict diets and prefers just proper nutrition to them. Perhaps it is thanks to this approach that the ratio of height and weight of Alena Vodonaeva is ideal by modern standards: 176 cm and 55-58 kg. Despite this, she still occasionally develops excess weight, and then she resorts to the help of an emergency nutrition method in order to quickly get rid of them.

What are the secrets of losing weight from Alena Vodonaeva:

  • Previously, she did not notice a special love for sports, but now she visits the gym 5 times a week and works there for 2 hours. Her workouts include both cardio and light weight strength training;
  • Alena is a coffee girl with a long experience, and before starting a diet, she drank 5-6 cups of coffee a day. She got rid of this habit, and now instead of this drink she uses only still water, teas and natural juices. It should be remembered that any juices contain sugar, so you can drink them only until 4 pm;
  • Sometimes the model still deviates from proper nutrition and allows herself to eat something high-calorie, however, she does herself such indulgences no more than twice a week;
  • To prevent the skin from sagging due to a sharp weight loss, Alena began to do wraps, and for an early weight loss - to attend an anti-cellulite massage, which additionally contributes to the destruction of fat cells;
  • Now Alena Vodonaeva, who has lost weight, continues to go in for sports, but she claims that everything must be kept in moderation: you cannot torment yourself with too heavy exercises or strict diets, because it is fraught with breakdowns, which usually lead to regaining weight with a few extra pounds to boot.

Perhaps these recipes for harmony from Alena Vodonaeva will help other girls lose weight, because, as you know, a beautiful figure can only be obtained through sports and dieting.

What diet helps Alena Vodonaeva to maintain an ideal figure

Weight loss rules from Alena Vodonaeva:

  • You can eat absolutely any food, but in moderation. The only exceptions are sweets, pastries and fried foods - it is recommended to refuse them, because such food contains a lot of calories and fast carbohydrates, which are transformed into fat cells;
  • You need to sit down at the table no later than 3 hours before bedtime so that the food has time to be digested and assimilated;
  • The main volume of food should be consumed in the morning, and only light meals should be prepared for dinner.

Express diet from Alena Vodonaeva

If a girl needs to remove up to 4 kg in a week, she eats according to the following menu:

  • For breakfast, he eats 150 g of oatmeal and a small portion of fruit salad;
  • Dines 200 g of low-fat yogurt and two baked apples;
  • For an afternoon snack, he drinks tea or coffee, eats 1 fruit;
  • Supper with a glass of low-fat kefir and 200 g of dried fruits.

Alena Vodonaeva's diet: menu

In everyday life, to maintain weight in her diet, Alena includes legumes, nuts, whole grain bread, fruits, vegetables, herbs, low-fat fish and meat, cereals. Her sample menu looks like this:

  • In the morning she eats oatmeal with berries, drinks green tea;
  • For lunch - low-fat fish soup and vegetable salad;
  • Afternoon snack with fruit salad;
  • She dines with baked vegetables with meat.

Alena Vodonaeva's diet recipes

Fruit salad recipe:

  • Chop strawberries, peach, cherry and apricot pulp;
  • We mix everything, use unsweetened yogurt for dressing.

Baked Apples Recipe:

  • We remove the core from the apples so that a notch with a bottom forms instead;
  • Put chopped nuts into the resulting groove, add 1 tsp. natural honey;
  • We bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes.

Fish soup recipe:

  • Cut the zucchini, carrots, tomatoes and onions, set to stew;
  • Add chopped garlic and salt to the vegetables;
  • Cut the fish fillet into pieces, simmer together with vegetables until tender;
  • We take out the fish, beat the soup with a blender. Serve with fish pieces.

The method of losing weight by Vodonaeva is completely safe for health, because there are no too strict prohibitions in it. Despite this, nutritionists advise to consult a doctor before using it in order to exclude possible contraindications.

Russian in her microblog shared a very frank picture with fans. The girl demonstrated slim figure that every girl can envy ..

The openness of the presenter

The former participant of the TV show "Dom-2" seeks in any case and long legs, which the girl did in her social network... Apparently, the star wanted to motivate her followers to take care of themselves, and take her slender figure as a standard.

"Massage is a lifelong necessity! Sports, food and lifestyle are key things. Here I am again throwing coffee. Not a drop for two weeks. I had my last cup in Rome. How long will I last this time? I have already thrown twice in the last two years. Although you can call it breaks and does not sound as harsh as a breakdown, "Vodonaeva writes under the photo.

As you know, the TV presenter was going to get married, as her lover made her a marriage proposal. The first to know about the joyful event were her fans on the social network.

Admiration for fans

Seeing this picture of "hot Vodonaeva" fans of the TV personality appreciated her chiseled figure at its true worth and bombarded her with flattering comments.

"You are the only one who goes naked, looks harmonious", "The most beautiful girl!", "You are super, babe!" , "why is coffee so bad ??? you get better from it?" fans write under a candid picture.

Many subscribers of the Russian presenter did not quite understand why it was impossible to drink coffee. Fans asked the girl about the dangers of coffee, but she never answered them.

Earlier we reported that the Russian singer receives the same bouquets of flowers.

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