How to make your muscles relax. Muscle relaxation

35. DRAFTING A DETAILED PLAN OF ANSWER How to learn to draw up a detailed plan for social studies? The student is asked to make a plan not according to the text, but to the proposed topic, just as a student makes a plan for his future abstract or design work on selected topics. The fulfillment of this task assumes 1) the correctness of the wording of the points of the plan from the point of view of their correspondence to the given topic; 2) the completeness of the reflection of the main content in the plan; 3) the correspondence of the structure of the proposed answer to the plan of a complex type. When completing the assignment of the graduate, m will have to: a) find meaningful material known to them in the given formulation of the topic; b) build the logic of the presentation of existing knowledge in the form of complex points.

35. You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic "Taxes and their impact on the country's economy." Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in subparagraphs. The content of the correct answer and instructions for assessment (other formulations of the answer are allowed that do not distort its meaning) Points When analyzing the answer, it is taken into account: the correspondence of the structure of the proposed answer to the plan of a complex type; the presence of points of the plan indicating the examinee's understanding of the main aspects of this topic, without which it cannot be disclosed in essence; the correctness of the wording of the points of the plan. The wording of the points of the plan, which are abstract and formal in nature and do not reflect the specifics of the topic, are not counted in the assessment 3

"Taxes and their impact on the country's economy" 1. The concept of taxes and their types: a) direct; b) indirect. 2. Tax systems: a) proportional; b) progressive; c) regressive. 3. The impact of taxes on the country's economy, manifested through the implementation of the following functions: a) fiscal; b) partial redistribution of income; c) regulation of economic relations; d) stimulating; e) control, etc. 4. The impact of taxes on supply and demand as one of the aspects of the impact on the country's economy. 5. The influence of the state tax policy on investment activity in the country. A different number and (or) other correct wording of points and sub-points of the plan are possible. They can be presented in denominational, question or mixed forms.

When completing task 35, not only knowledge of the content is tested, but also the ability to build the logic of the content. The graduate must be able to formulate the points of the plan. And for this it is necessary to select the required material. Task C8 allows us to conclude how well the graduate sees the problem, social object or process as a whole, how the system understands the meaning of the problem posed, is able to establish structural-functional, cause-effect, hierarchical and other connections, is able to highlight the main thing, correctly formulate, structure

Conditions for completing this assignment: 1. System knowledge on the topic 2. Deep knowledge on the topic 3. Volume knowledge on the topic 4. All-round knowledge on the topic 5. Attraction within the course material 6. Attraction of material from related academic disciplines 7. Attraction of operational knowledge obtained from the media 8. Building the logic of the content 9. Formulating the points of the plan 10. Select for the formulated thesis the aspect of the topic, behind which is the content that requires disclosure.

Classification of topics 1 group of topics 1. wide "one-volume" 2. wide "one-object" 3. wide "one-part" 2 group of topics 1. narrow "one-object", 2. narrow "one-volume" 3. narrow "one-part" 3 group of topics 1. "multivolume", 2. "two-part", 3. "diversified" 4. "multi-part"

The first group: a) broad “one-volume”, b) broad “one-object”, c) broad “one-component” You are going to speak at the school conference on the problem: “Human activity in its diversity”. Make a plan, according to which you will cover this topic. You are instructed to prepare a report on the problem: "Man's cognition of the world and himself." Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. 3 ... .. "Taxes and their role in the modern Russian economy." 4 ... .. "Civil Society". 5 …… "Activity as a way of human existence."

Plan option Civil Society. 1. The concept of civil society; 2. History of the development of civil society; 3. Types of relations between the authorities and society: a) horizontal; b) vertical; 4. The structure of civil society: a) market economy; b) sociocultural relations; c) associations of interests; 5. Power in civil society - local government; 6. The role of civil society in the state. Plan option: Activity as a way of human existence. 1. Concept of activity 2. Distinctive features of human activity from animal behavior 3. Structure of activity a) goal b) means c) action d) result 4. Main types of activity a) practical b) spiritual 5. The role of activity in the life of society and man

Algorithm 1: drawing up a detailed plan for the proposed "wide one object" topic 1. concept (definition) of an object; 2. the main features (features, properties, features) of the object: a) the first feature of the object; b) the second feature of the object; c) the third feature of the object 3. Typology (types, classification, forms, styles, varieties) of the object: a) type (type, class, form, style, variety) of the object; b) the type (type, class, shape, style, variety) of the object; c) the type (type, class, shape, style, variety) of the object; 4. main (basic) functions of the object: a) the first function of the object; b) the second function of the object; c) the third function of the object 5. problems of the development of the object (development trends ..., the main directions of development ..., the specifics of development ...). 6.Policy regarding the object in modern Russia(world ..., Europe ...). Obviously, such a scheme can be applied to almost any topic of the first type.

The second group: a) narrow "one-object" b) narrow "one-volume", c) narrow "one-part" You are preparing for a test in social studies on the topic: "Socialization of the individual." Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. You are instructed to write an article for the school newspaper on the problem: "Science in the life of modern society." Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer to the problem: "Religion as a form of spiritual culture." Make a plan, according to which you will cover this topic of speech at the seminar, you need to prepare a detailed answer to the problem: "Interpersonal conflicts and how to resolve them." Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. You need to write a creative work on the problem: "Education as a social value." Make a plan, according to which you will cover this topic. You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic "The ecological crisis as a global problem of our time." Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic.

Variant of the plan: The state is a social institution. 1. The concept of a social institution. 2. The essence and types of social institutions: a) state b) school c) political party 3. The state is the most important social institution. 4. The state - as a set of social institutions. 5. Functions of the institution of the state: a) concepts of the functions of the institution of the state; b) classification of the functions of the institution; c) internal and external functions of the institution of the state. 6. The relationship of social institutions. 7. State and civil society. 8. Trends in the development of the state as a social institution in modern Russia. Variant of the plan: The ecological crisis as a global problem of our time. 1. The concept of global problems of humanity. 2. Some types of global problems of mankind. a) thousands of species of plants and animals have been destroyed and continue to be destroyed; b) the forest cover has been largely destroyed c) the available stock of minerals is rapidly decreasing; d) the world ocean is not only depleted as a result of the destruction of living organisms, but also ceases to be a regulator of natural processes; 3. The essence of the environmental crisis and its relationship with other global problems 4. The causes of the environmental crisis. a) unrestrained and very fast growth population of the Earth b) imperfect agricultural and industrial technologies c) frivolity of mankind and disregard for the laws of biosphere development 5. Manifestations and consequences of the ecological crisis 6. Ways to overcome the ecological crisis. a) changing the attitude of people to nature; b) science at the service of ecology; c) the movement of the "green".

Algorithm 2: drawing up a detailed plan for the proposed "narrow one object" topic: 1. concept (definition) of an object 2. properties of an object a) b) 3. reasons for the occurrence of an object 4. typology (types, classification, forms, styles, varieties) of an object a) type (type, classification, forms, styles) of an object b) type (type, classification, forms, styles) of an object c) type (type, classification, forms, styles) of an object 5.the structure of an object 6.problems of development of an object (tendencies) development ..., main directions of development ..., specificity of development ..., features of development ..., ways of overcoming ..)

The third group: a) "multivolume" b) "two-part" c) "different object" d) "multi-component" You are a participant in the competition of research papers for senior students with a report on the topic: "Multivariance and driving forces of society development." Make a plan, according to which you will cover this topic. You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer to the problem: "The biological and social in man." Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. You are a participant in the competition of high school students' research papers with a report on the topic: "Economic freedom and social responsibility." Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic.

Plan option: Summer and winter time: pros and cons. 1. The concept of summer and winter time; 2. The problem of introducing summer and winter time in the world; 3. Reasons for the introduction of winter and summer time; a) administrative reasons; b) social reasons; c) economic reasons; 4. Some of the consequences of the introduction of winter and summer time in Russia - positive and negative: a) for the country's economy; b) for human health; c) to govern the country; 5. Prospects for the existence of winter and summer time in modern Russia. Plan option: Economic freedom and social responsibility. 1. Concept: a) economic freedom; b) social responsibility; 2. Forms of economic freedom: a) entrepreneurship; b) business; 3. The mechanism for realizing economic freedom and social responsibility in various types of society: a) traditional society b) industrial society; c) post-industrial society; 4. Problems of the relationship between economic freedom and social responsibility; 5. Problems of the development of economic freedom and social responsibility in modern Russia.

Algorithm 3. Drawing up a detailed plan for a "multi-object" topic .. 1. concept (definition) of an object 1; 2. concept (definition) of object 2 ... 3 ... 4; 3. properties (structure) of objects: a) property 1; b) 4. reasons for the interaction (interdependence, mutual exclusion) of objects: a) reason 1 b) reason 2 5. interaction of objects; 6. Problems of development of objects (development trends ..., main directions of development ..., specificity of development ..., features of development ..., ways to overcome ...) in modern Russia.

Conclusion: Experience shows that students are much better at folding information than the reverse operation to unfold it. The student can quite well learn to organize, organize information, present information in the form of diagrams, tables (although this is more difficult), drawings, clusters, but it is more difficult to teach how to extract it. There is an asymmetry in these types of activities. Drawing up detailed plans for the proposed topic refers to this issue. This article is conditioned by the attempt to teach the student to manage information - to unfold it.

List of sources 1. Analytical report of FIPI based on the USE results - EA Rutkovskaya, OA Kotova, TE Liskova. Excellent student of the exam. Social science. Solving complex tasks. FIPI. - M .: Intellect - Center, Simonovich S., Evseev G., Alekseev A., General informatics. 5-9 grade. Moscow, ASTpress, 1999 4. Zagashev IO, -Bek SI, Mushtavinskaya IV, "We teach children to think critically", St. Petersburg: publishing house "Delta Alliance", 2003 5. Pliner Ya.G., Bukhvalov V.A., Pedagogical examination of the school, M., Pedagogical search, 2000 6. Slabunova E.E., Information culture in the concept of lyceum education, VIO magazine, 29, g. 7. Kondakov NI, Logical dictionary - reference book, M., Science, 1976. 8. Babaytseva V.V. Russian language. Theory 5-11 grades 9. Nikitina E.I. Russian speech. Didactic material. 10. Materials of the FIPI website (11. Khalin S.M. Methodology public speaking: Tutorial... 2nd ed., Rev. Tyumen: Tyumen State un-t, Forum "Entrant ... PRO"

One of the most effective ways development of logical thinking while working with educational text is drawing up a plan for it. Plans can be: Simple - conveys only basic information in a very short form; its task is to help highlight the main thing in the text, to grasp the historical fact in a logical, holistic manner. Expanded - contains more complete, concretizing information. Picturesque - allows you to reproduce the details of the main historical fact extremely emotionally and colorfully. Smyslovy - suggest listing the main, essential features, provisions that characterize a historical fact: causes, consequences, historical significance. Stereotyped - they help to consider homogeneous historical facts in a certain algorithm, to reveal their common features and characteristics. Thesis - suggest a listing of essential aspects, signs, consequences of single facts that have no analogues in history. APPENDIX 1. "... The method of the teacher's art to direct the thoughts of students in the right direction and organize work according to the plan ..."

Simple Complex (expanded) The name of each section (part) of the paragraph is recorded under the corresponding serial number. For each section (part) of the paragraph, a plan is drawn up that clarifies its content. The goals of drawing up a plan: 1) systematization of information 2) working out the clarity of formulations 3) development of visual memory. 1. Work on the plan always begins with writing down the title in the notebook and indicating the number of the paragraph (the topic is highlighted or underlined). 2. The plan can be: APPENDIX 2. REMINDER for drawing up a plan 1. The wording in the plan should be short and clear, but at the same time should contain information that is mandatory for memorization. 2. The structure of the plan should be very clear. For this, the numbering of sections, paragraphs and subparagraphs is used. A logical chain is the construction of reasoning by placing the elements of this reasoning in a logical sequence. For the first time, the teacher can offer students ready-made answer options, and the student will only have to put them in a logical sequence. The next step can be a logical chain, in which only the first and last links are filled, and students (for example, working with a small text of a textbook) must fill in 3-4 links on their own.

APPENDIX 3 When drawing up a complex plan, you can use the following recommendations: 1. Mentally imagine all the material studied, revealing the content of the proposed topic. 2. Divide it into parts according to the meaning, in each of them define the main idea. 3. Head these parts, choosing headings, replace verbs with nouns. 4. Analyze the resulting plan: A) Were all aspects of the problem reflected in it? B) Are the wording of the points of the plan correct in terms of their relevance to the given topic and the clarity of the expression of thought? 5. Mentally justify for yourself the logical sequence of presentation of the material on this problem. In order to ensure differentiated preparation for the exam, it is advisable to conduct diagnostic thematic and intermediate testing in graduating classes (upon completion of the study of topics and large sections), while the results of the work performed by each student to compare and record the dynamics of mastering both knowledge and skills (methods of activity) ...

Few people have long-term plans. An even rarer phenomenon is the arrangement of life priorities and the ways of their implementation, time boundaries. Making a life plan can be tricky. This is an important and time consuming process, but necessary. After all, this is planning the main events of your life: what, how and when will happen, what results it will bring.

Of course, such a plan is not a guarantee that everything will be implemented. But the very existence of life planning makes it more likely that the desired things will happen, and not random ones, influenced by the emotions or decisions of other people.

It is very important to add up your own vision of what is happening, and not spend your whole life following imposed patterns. Making a plan means clearly thinking through high and inspiring goals for a person for 3 years, 5 years, 10 years or more. An example of the first construction of a plan from famous people became Benjamin Franklin.

It is much easier to live with dreams that have come true and there are no hopes, complain about fate or believe in luck. But this is ineffective. A plan is specifics, a do-it-yourself throw into the future. There are only a few people who truly live in the future. After all, it is determined by our today's actions.

Why a long term plan is needed

Each person has 24 hours a day. But everyone uses them differently. What one person will have time for this time, another will not even accomplish in a week. The point is the correct distribution of resources: effort and time. One will consider life as a long-term project that requires attention, and the second simply lives for the present, thinking little about his future, not making any plans.

Of course, the results you get will vary. No one wants to be a failure, mired in a routine of pointless activities with zero investment in the future. Life planning is relevant for those who want to achieve a lot, are willing to work hard and take it responsibly. As they say, success is determined not by lofty and beautiful initial dreams, but by the real results of what has been achieved.

Competent structuring is designed to create an optimal to-do list, a general vector of life, which will allow you to determine your values. This approach does not exclude rest at all, on the contrary, sometimes it makes you relax, even if you don’t want to, but there is a need for it. The use of this method develops self-control, promotes the emergence of self-esteem, gives optimism and composure.

Debunking planning myths

Life priorities and goals, aspirations and dreams. How can you make a plan and think about doing it right? This may seem absurd to some.

Here are some of the myths that people associate with planning:

  • Systematization breeds boredom

Fundamentally wrong judgment. Life priorities and their arrangement, clear planning, allow making room for vivid emotions and more events. This means the disappearance of chaos in actions.

  • Development restriction

If the plan is small, nondescript, and with uninteresting or simply not your goals, then it creates boredom. If you colorfully paint everything that you want to achieve and look at the allotted time, you understand that there is not so much of it. After all, everything requires attention. Therefore, development will occur at a doubled speed!

  • Plan cancels creativity

You can make a scheme of actions not only once. It can be adjusted at least every six months, bringing in a new vision of the situation. Also, no one bothers to creatively design and develop it. critical thinking with a variety of implementation approaches.

  • Planning kills the enjoyment of the present

Many people do not know how to enjoy the present at all. If you understand how to properly plan your time, allocate resources, your activities and hobbies, free time will never harm your main goal.

Planning principles

A ready-made plan for a year or more helps us, becoming a guide in the dark when we are at a loss. Then, re-reading the important points, there is a chance to get together and continue, this is a kick to action with your own hands. How to make the right plan for the year so that it expands our life, gives hope and freedom, and does not drive us into a certain framework.

How to plan correctly? Life planning first begins with making plans for the day. And ends in decades. This is a multi-step process. The whole pyramid is based on your true values. Only from them comes the countdown.

Basic principles:

  • We take into account the length of life

A lot more use will bring a goal achieved within a month with pleasure, rather than through coercion and restrictions, but the result in 2 weeks. A slow pace is safer than sprints.

  • No growth without pain

It is reasonable to strain a little and achieve those goals this year that will open up new perspectives next year. Laziness and fear of stressing opportunities are not for fighters.

  • Constant transformation

If at first everything is based on a dream, then after a time during which you took actions to realize it, results appear. New people, ideas, perspectives that you never even dreamed of!

  • Giving up extra effort

Measure is important in everything. Forcing yourself is good, but the approach must be smart. It is easier and more effective to run several kilometers every day than once a week - a half marathon.

Step by step instructions

There is nothing better than getting started with how to make a plan for the year. This will help keep your life in check, even in times of change.

So where to start to plan for a year or more:

  • Understand what role you are in

There are important and minor aspects of your personality. Each plays a specific social role. You can be a student, someone's daughter and mother, while being an artist, lover, business manager, thinker, mentor, cheese lover. All of this is what fills your days. It is worth choosing those roles, the implementation of which is most important to you.

  • Decide who you want to be in the future

Choose those roles that you want to develop as much as possible so that they are associated with your personality. At the same time, look at what negative aspects you have, where your energy is being spent. Perhaps if you shift your strength from them to achieve your goals, work will go faster?

  • Parse your motives

There is a reason why you want to achieve certain goals, how your life priorities were formed. Try to understand what will happen when you embody them, what emotions will arise. How important they are, whether you want to implement them all your life. For myself, for society or for specific people. Honesty with yourself is the guarantor of success.

  • Write down your findings

Having analyzed the motives, it is easy to draw up your life goals and tasks in planning the future. After realizing your true values, write a list based on them.

  • Distribution of goals into categories

it important stage planning. He will help you not to lose sight of any of the important aspects of life. Write down everything you want to achieve in categories such as career / vocation, family / society, knowledge / intelligence, health / spirituality.

  • Set a time frame

After setting a specific goal, determine the exact date when you want to achieve it. Let's say you go to Nepal for a week before June 2017, lose 5 kg by the spring, develop and submit a geodesy project before the end of the fourth year.

  • Building small steps

To move in the right direction, you need to understand how to plan to achieve your goals. The steps required to accept depends on what level you are in the present. Do you have to start from scratch or there are already certain developments. Develop a clear strategy to achieve each goal in chronological order and prioritization.

  • Constantly check the relevance of the life plan

Life does not stand still, and so does man. It is quite normal that something can change. Periodically reviewing your life planning, you can understand: are you following it or not, are you happy, are there any prerequisites to change something in your goals. Do not be alarmed if life priorities have changed the vector, and you want to change something. The plan is important for keeping track of your successes and achievements, actualizing the reasons for failures.

A plan is needed so that a person feels better, is filled with positive and has his own motivation, moves forward, and does not slow down.

The plan is a logically connected, coherent list of the main thoughts of the author. Systematization of textual material not only makes it easier to memorize, work with it, but also helps to understand the meaning and purpose of writing, to highlight the main thoughts that are put into the text by the author.
Basic requirements for a complex plan:

  • structuredness - the plan must correspond to the structure of the text, have a beginning and a conclusion;
  • competent formulation of thoughts - the names of paragraphs and subparagraphs should reflect or complement the main topic, not overlap or duplicate each other;
  • informativeness - the title should contain the necessary information for subsequent reproduction, not to be too general;
  • sequence - each paragraph or sub-paragraph follows from the previous one, without violating the logic and integrity of the presentation of thoughts.

The procedure for drawing up a complex plan

When drawing up a complex plan, it is necessary to pay attention to the paragraphs and the most striking images described by the author - focusing on them helps to facilitate the process of performing this work:

  • read the text, identify the main topic;
  • highlight the main semantic text parts and head them - they will become points of the plan;
  • among the large semantic parts, highlight the thoughts put in by the author, and also head them - these are subparagraphs. Each paragraph must contain at least two subparagraphs;
  • check the wording of the titles of paragraphs and subparagraphs - they should not be excerpts from sentences, but headings formulated independently for the semantic parts of the text material;
  • check if the outline reveals the main idea of ​​the text and reflects its structure.

For example, one of the options for the plan on the theme "Feudal fragmentation of Russia":
1. The reasons for the appearance of feudal fragmentation;
a) socio - economic reasons;
b) political reasons.
2. Development of Russia in the period of fragmentation;
a) the specifics of the development of Russian principalities;
b) culture of the period of fragmentation;
c) the fight against foreign invaders.
3. Consequences of feudal fragmentation.

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