Non-contact combat technique training. Contactless Combat: The Simple, Harsh Truth About Secret Technique (1 photo)

Published an article in a local magazine. I think it is also interesting for my readers in LJ.
In one of the previous issues, we promised to talk in more detail about contactless combat - the biggest myth in modern martial arts. Since there are very few reliable sources, the author had to rely mostly on his own experience.

The origin of the myth

In the fact that, the opponent can be hit without touching a finger, many adepts different types martial arts have always been believed. The reasons for this were all sorts of internal oriental styles, as well as magical rituals. Even Fidel Castro was credited with the ability to control a person and amaze him with the help of the magical passes of the African voodoo tribe. In Russia, a surge of interest in contactless hand-to-hand combat occurred after the broadcast on the REN-TV channel in the Military Secret program of footage from documentary"Special Forces". Two men, dressed in Soviet-style reconnaissance uniforms, scattered conventional opponents without the slightest touch.
This turned out to be enough for the birth of versions that since Soviet times, fighters of secret military units have studied and studied contactless combat.

Later, witnesses appeared who almost witnessed with their own eyes how the founder of the Russian style, Alexei Kadochnikov, acted in a similar way .. There is even a corresponding view.

This is how the myth of contactless combat acquired a Russian accent.

Myth theory
The theoretical substantiation of contactless has western and eastern versions. The Western one is based on the fact that a person can be influenced remotely as a result of the concentration of mental and physical energy, that various voids and curvatures in space, torsion fields, waves of superhigh frequencies and similar things still incomprehensible to science are created. Hypnosis and a number of other psychotechnics are cited in favor of the Western theory. Explain, they explain, but no one can demonstrate, and most importantly, show the method of teaching such things. After all, the scientific approach lies in the fact that any experiment based on proven laws can be repeated.
The eastern version, oddly enough, is more believable. It is based on the fact that a person circulates in different forms Vital energy and knowing its laws, one can influence the state of the organism. All oriental reflexology is based on this principle.
The combat application of knowledge about internal energy has been embodied in numerous internal styles. Energy, along with blood, approaches the surface of the body in different ways at different times of the day, and the fighter only needs to know the course of its circulation in order to strike the part of the body where the blood is close to the surface. In this case, the severe trauma perhaps even with subsequent death. The blow is also applied with the direction of its own energy and not necessarily with a fist. A light touch is enough for the masters to send you to the forefathers.
But if very light contact is possible, why not do without contact at all? After all, masters who practice qigong therapy to treat patients, in many cases, do not even touch them with a finger.

Kiai-jutsu and Arkhangelsk tales
One of the really existing varieties of contactless hand-to-hand combat impact on the opponent by voice can be considered. In the system of Japanese martial arts, there is, albeit an uncommon kiai-jutsu, the art of shouting. For the first time, it became known to wide circles after the publication in 1962 of John Gilby's book "Secret martial arts". John Gilby was a kind of American Kharlampiev, who collected around the world not techniques for wrestling sambo, but methods capable of quickly and effectively, if not kill, then reliably incapacitate a person. By coincidence, Gilby met with a Japanese specialist in Tokyo and experienced the effects of kiai-jutsu on himself. From the cry of the Japanese, an American fighter who had an excellent physical form just passed out
In Japanese kiai-jutsu, there is nothing unusual for Europe, for a Russian person. The Japanese simply, in their characteristic style, noticed the ability of sound of a certain frequency and longitude to affect human body and developed training techniques. We just shout and sing. Many cases have been recorded when Russian people, including women, met wild animals in the forest and even bears fell dead from an unexpected cry. From the voice of famous opera singers, for example, Caruso, glass glasses and goblets burst. The militant cry of "Hurray" thrilled opponents on the battlefield. And the word "panic" was born from the name of the ancient Greek god Pan, whose screams frightened people.
And remember folklore - the Italian fairy tale about the boy Jelsamino, who had the strongest voice, or the fairy tales of Russian Pomors. Based on one of the fairy tales, a magnificent cartoon was filmed, voiced by Yevgeny Leonov about Baba Piliha, who overwhelmed the bear with her voice. So, the Japanese master of kiai-jutsu is by no means a literary fiction of John Gilby.

If I don't see it, I won't believe it ...
Despite my almost complete religious education when it comes to martial arts, I always abstain from mysticism and therefore I am guided by the principle of "if I see it, I will not believe it." And even better - until I argue, I won't believe it. I was lucky that in the period from 1988 to 1998 I had a chance to see a lot of fighters, to train in various sections and schools of hand-to-hand combat, incl. and in the section of Tadeusz Kasyanov, who played the role of boatswain in the famous film "Pirates of the XX century". I saw different fighters and heard different tales, but real application I never saw contactless combat. Neither in civilian life, nor while serving in the army.
Supporters of the version that contactless combat exists and is practiced appeal to numerous videos. However, demonstration performances by contemporary, incl. Russian fighters raise huge doubts about the reality of what is happening. Some of the few credible recordings of aikido founder Morihei Ueshiba's performances. The aikido master has repeatedly demonstrated how men of different heights and different weights, karate fighters, judokas scattered away from one of his sweeps. And he never refused to demonstrate his art.

Reliable can be considered evidence of the ability to defeat the enemy without contacting the creator of modern judo Jigaro Kano, as well as Sun Lutan (Sun Fuquan) - one of the greatest masters in the history of Chinese wushu and a number of Chinese specialists, whose names will tell little to Stavropol to the reader.
There are several reasons to trust these masters. Firstly, they devoted their entire lives to the comprehension of martial arts. Secondly, they all focused on the development and management of internal energy. Thirdly, each of them spent in life real life-and-death battles.

The "Master Contactless" promised $ 5,000 for a duel with him. Here's what came of it ...

On the path to comprehension
Naturally, being interested in such things, I myself repeatedly began to study various internal internal styles, methods of controlling internal energy and the possibility of hitting the enemy at a distance. What concrete came out of this? Indeed, as sparrings with various partners show, the fighting technique has become softer and more economical. Opponents, even physically much stronger ones, get tired much faster. During the period of intensive training, the movements become an order of magnitude faster, a certain warmth and heaviness is felt in the palms of the hands, which you transmit at the moment from contact with an opponent and he loses his balance outwardly from slight jolts. However, in real fight I can hardly trust my inner styles, let alone know-how in contactless combat, and will wait for a bully on the street to hit me in the jaw with his fist. Most likely, I myself will inflict some kind of "dirty" crown blow - for example, with a foot in the knee area or punching with a fist on spread fingers or on outside brushes. Or I'll try to knock my elbow out. Trust me - it is very painful and effective. If not a fracture, then a strong pain shock is provided. And most importantly - quite unexpectedly.
Nevertheless, the exercises that the great masters were engaged in yielded very concrete results, albeit in a different plane. First, reducing the time required for sleep to 5-6 hours. Secondly, the ability to concentrate. As you study, you will be less distracted by various temptations. I would compare this effect to the clever work of prayer that monks do every second. Consciousness moves the shortest path to the chosen goal and is not distracted by interference.
Thirdly, the ability to unconsciously predict the situation and a more holistic perception of the world. It will sometimes seem to you that you are a prophet in five minutes. But in fact, it is more effective work brain. In addition, you will read information from the surrounding space, incl. and that which is not perceived by the senses. This effect will expand your creativity, whether you are in business, administrative work, or journalism.
Fourth, not only improving your health, but also your ability to help other people. Controlling internal energy at first requires certain knowledge of how the "qi" energy flows inside the body, but with practice, you yourself begin to comprehend the laws of its movement. And if necessary, you can alleviate the condition of strangers in a couple of minutes and greatly reduce or remove altogether, for example, a headache or a toothache. Or to treat diseases. By the way, practicing martial internal styles, or health-improving forms of qigong and tai chi practically guarantee getting rid of such a very common and painful trouble as migraine, which modern medicine has not learned to fully cope with.
Fifth, it became easier to communicate with people, to get in touch. Sometimes I caught myself thinking that I was on the verge of manipulating my interlocutor. This effect was quite successfully implemented in journalism and in one of my main occupations of the recent past - I was engaged in elections, developed strategies for election campaigns, created campaign materials, videos, etc. But, I hope, I gave up the elections.

Where to begin? The first steps
The key to mastering contactless combat is a good state of health, accumulation of internal energy. Only in a healthy organism can internal energy accumulate and be directed to an external source. Therefore, first, you will work to restore health, cure diseases. Exercise along with other activities (herbal medicine, intake of bee products, diet, restoration of intestinal flora, etc.) will significantly improve your condition in a few months. The strong half, including male abilities, will sharply increase.
The second stage is the possibility of reaching the borderline state by consciousness. Thanks to this, you will achieve a number of the above-described effects.
The third step is the ability to concentrate. In training, you should concentrate on your physical energy sensations - how the hand moves, how the energy flows, what you feel around you. First at rest, and then on the move.
With regard to directly exercise and training time. At first, any interior styles will suit you, as well as a simple complex breathing exercises and plus training in the skill of "standing with a pillar". Tai chi, bagua and some types of qigong are especially effective.
Ideally, the more you do the better. But in practice, the effect will be even from morning classes lasting an hour and a half. It is advisable to add evening or day training to them. If classes are only in the morning, then 40-45 minutes should be allocated for breathing and standing with a column.
In general, standing upright is one of the best exercises. preparatory phase... Therefore, I will dwell on it in more detail. You don't have to do the classic tai chi or bagua pose. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent. The body is relaxed, hands in front of you, in elbow joint bent more than 90 degrees. Bend at the wrist joint. The palms are open halfway, the fingers are spread and look at each other at a meeting. As if you were holding the ball in front of you. The tip of the tongue is pressed against the upper palate. Breathing is even, quiet. Wait 10 minutes, listen to the sensations. Could you? and 20 minutes? Try not to think about anything else. This is concentration at rest, you take possession of the inner consciousness. The movement requires even more concentration, because you not only do exercises, but also assess the surrounding situation from the point of view of energy. This is much more difficult than waving your arms.
These recommendations will be enough for you for the first months, and then fate and the body will tell you where to go next. Of course, it is best to master these things with an instructor, but people with an open mind have access to all the secrets of this world. One has only to want.

One big, small "but"
Comprehension at advanced stages of controlling one's own, as well as the opponent's, energy and consciousness requires not only time and perseverance, but one very serious limitation - limiting the number of sexual contacts, especially those ending in ejaculation. Strongly without going into theory, we can say that there are two reasons. First, energy consumption. The Taoists who initiated the inner styles believed that sexual intercourse was taken away internal energy... An overly active sex life along with exercise will undermine your health, instead of strengthening it. There is, of course, a way out, such as the practice of "Tao of Love", but this is a completely different topic. The second reason is a kind of restructuring of consciousness. A person, in whose consciousness the sexual instincts are suppressed and consciously controlled, thinks completely differently. He becomes less aggressive.
This position is adhered not only to the methods of combat use of energy and consciousness, but also to other spiritual and physical practices. For example, Christianity. It's no secret that Orthodox monks and Catholic priests adhere to the vow of celibacy. The fathers of the Christian Church, numerous saints who performed miracles much more incomprehensible than the skills of martial artists, also adhered to celibacy. Among the wellness practices, I will note the well-known complex Tibetan monks"Eye of Rebirth", restoring youth and health. It is actively promoted by a well-known acrobatics coach and supporter of healthy way life Vasily Skakun. However, in his classes, five exercises of the complex are given. The sixth can be performed only when intercourse is terminated.
I hope that it will become clear to the reader who has mastered this text to the end - that contactless combat theoretically has a right to exist. But in modern life people who own it at the level practical application, we are unlikely to meet. Too many of them have to give up in order to become famous later and transfer their knowledge to incomprehensible hands and heads.

Egor writes:

it's hard to say .. there are videos where specialists do just the same miracles, showing supernatural abilities, but I do not exclude that all this is a sham, crap in one word.

Found an article on this topic by Dmitry Protasov. He writes interestingly. Here are the excerpts:
“... Many adherents of various types of martial arts have always believed that an opponent can be hit without touching a finger. "REN-TV" in the program "Military Secret" of shots from the documentary "Spetsnaz." Two people, dressed in the uniform of Soviet-style intelligence units, scattered conditional opponents without the slightest touch.
This turned out to be enough for the birth of versions that since Soviet times, fighters of secret military units have studied and studied contactless combat. Later, witnesses appeared who almost witnessed with their own eyes how the founder of the Russian style, Alexei Kadochnikov, acted in a similar way. So the myth of contactless combat acquired a Russian accent .... The theoretical substantiation of contactless combat has Western and Eastern versions. The Western one is based on the fact that a person can be influenced remotely as a result of the concentration of mental and physical energy, that various voids and curvatures in space, torsion fields, ultrahigh frequency waves and similar things still incomprehensible to science are created. Hypnosis and a number of other psychotechnics are cited in favor of the Western theory. Explain, they explain, but no one can demonstrate, and most importantly, show the method of teaching such things. After all, the scientific approach lies in the fact that any experiment based on proven laws can be repeated.
The eastern version, oddly enough, is more believable. It is based on the fact that life energy circulates in a person in different forms and, knowing its laws, one can influence the state of the organism. All oriental reflexology is based on this principle.
The combat application of knowledge about internal energy has been embodied in numerous internal styles. Energy, along with blood, approaches the surface of the body in different ways at different times of the day, and the fighter only needs to know the course of its circulation in order to strike the part of the body where the blood is close to the surface. In this case, severe trauma is likely to be inflicted, possibly even with subsequent death. The blow is also applied with the direction of its own energy and not necessarily with a fist. A light touch is enough for the masters to send you to the forefathers.
But if very light contact is possible, then why not do without contact in battle at all? After all, masters who practice qigong therapy to treat patients, in many cases do not even touch them with a finger ... Despite my almost complete religious education in martial arts, I always refrain from mysticism and therefore I am guided by the principle “I will not see - I will not believe". And even better - until I argue, I won't believe it. I was lucky that in the period from 1988 to 1998 I had a chance to see a lot of fighters, to train in various sections and schools of hand-to-hand combat, incl. and in the section of Tadeusz Kasyanov, who played the role of boatswain in the famous film "Pirates of the XX century". I saw different fighters and heard different tales, but I never saw the real use of contactless combat. Not in civilian life, not while serving in the army. "

All people are different.
Treat people as you would like them to do to you.

Contactless combat does not exist, really ...

It's time to put a fat point on all the chatter on this topic, disappointing someone, and delighting others. Let's pull out the essence of "non-contact influence". No water! Only facts!

Gypsy beskontakt.

The easiest way to be convinced of this mysterious phenomenon is to find a professional gypsy woman who can get into your brains and without any physical violence, make you voluntarily part with her values. With the development of some abilities, she will easily inflict an energy blow.

If you are a thrill-seeker and are ready to punch in the face of those who demonstrate "contactless combat", proving that this is nonsense - contact the camp first.

Ueshiba was the first to show contactless combat ?!

Video chronicles confirm this fact. The presenter's comments, as in other videos, are for your strict judgment.

What can I say to this argument, when the non-contact was almost killed ?!

Yes, I can imagine how happy the representatives of the various contact schools were!

Exposing contactless combat.

Many people think that "contactless combat" is a defensive method that will allow you to overwhelm any "boar" at a distance.

Therefore, the "angry boars" will just like to meet with "non-contact" in a fair fight.

The essence is different, a number of people "threw the garbage out of their heads", developed their senses with the help of elementary exercises similar to meditation, learned to instantly enter the so-called alpha state (stopping the internal dialogue, emptiness), and work with images, now they are shocking with their superpowers.

All the videos, if you look closely, show the same trick. The “non-contact” asks to strike, at first slowly, - at this stage, the ADJUSTMENT takes place. And at the moment of a real impact, LEADING is already underway, i.e. unbalance.

In real combat, no non-contact person will use this adjustment, because it is life-threatening.

As a rule, "non-contact" are either real masters of hand-to-hand combat who have developed their abilities, or simply charlatans.

The last "Murderous Argument"

You are required to either turn on your imagination to the maximum, and for the acuteness of the sensations, find a partner, hand him a real knife and ask him to REALLY lunges in your direction several times.

What's going on with your body ?!

Why did it start to lose balance and jump back?

The genius inventor of various gizmos, master of hand-to-hand combat, Lavrov, spoke in detail about the psychological and physical side of this issue at one of his seminars. In the previous video, he demonstrates witchcraft.

To be honest, any aikido master will easily demonstrate a non-contact effect on his student.

Many martial artists knew that contactless combat existed in ancient times. Its essence is that opponents can hit each other without any physical contact.

The opponent becomes ill, he honors pain, loses his balance and this is not all that can be done. This is due to the influence on the opponent's biofield, the energy of the body that cannot be seen.

The technique of contactless combat with competent assimilation - powerful weapon... The masters say that there is no point in learning it if you have no experience in ordinary martial arts and you do not know hand-to-hand combat, at least the basics.


What is contactless combat is understandable, but what are its advantages? The answer to this question is obvious. A fighter who owns this technique is able to fight with a dozen enemies, it is easy and simple to do it.

At the same time, he does not need to touch the enemy, at all. In this case, there is an invisible influence on the human biofield, his consciousness. That's fantastic!

Fight without bruises, fractures, or any kind of contusion. If you master the technique, you can fight the enemy, and you don't need to have huge biceps. Only willpower and fortitude are important here.

First steps in mastering

This is a whole art, you can master the technique being healthy, in good physical shape, having accumulated internal energy, and do it at home.

But it can only accumulate if the body is completely healthy.

So, first of all, you need to put your body in order, heal yourself from various diseases. The training system is quite complex.

The next step is you can reach the borderline consciousness. This will allow you to achieve many beneficial effects, including the ones discussed above.

The third step is concentration training. While exercising, you must learn to concentrate on your own feelings, to feel how the hand moves, and energy flows through it. First, learn this at rest, and then in motion.

Of course, the more time you spend training, the better. Positive result will be, even if you practice in the morning for 30-40 minutes.

It is even better to practice in the evening. By the way, best exercise- standing with a pillar. Try to do it as often as possible and other useful tricks.

Good to know: classes will significantly improve your health, men will improve potency.

Notable fighters

Morihei Ueshiba

One of the masters who laid the foundations for non-contact combat is Morihei Ueshiba, the founder.

Even as an old man, he continued to show the lessons of his mastery of this technique of warfare.

He was cleaning own body as well as spirit, every morning, going out under the icy mountain waterfall.

Japanese Sensei, Founder and Great Teacher lived for 85 years.

Gerard Blaise

Another example is the French master Gerard Blaise.

He had many teachers, already in 1996 he achieved the fact that he was able to get the 7th dan of aikido.

He has been practicing martial arts for 48 years, his whole life is fighting.

Already at a respectable age, Gerard became interested in non-contact combat.

Many great masters were able to master non-contact combat only after 30-40 years of hard training.

Perhaps it is at this age that a person begins to realize that this technique not fiction and not mysticism.

This type of battle is based on the fact that you need to interact with the enemy at the level of consciousness, share with him your energy, positive or negative.

A. A. Kadochnikov

This fighting style is a combination of the knowledge gained, as well as fortitude and thought process.

Among the Russian gurus, of course, it is necessary to note the creator of one of the world's most famous hand-to-hand combat systems, Alexei Alekseevich Kadochnikov. Read more about his training system in.

Of course, there are people who refute this technique, considering the followers of this movement as sick people.

Everyone has the right to their opinion, and there is no point in trying to convince anyone that contactless combat is a reality.

Immediately I will emphasize - this is my opinion. I don’t dispute yours. You can draw your own conclusions. During my time, I had to practice hand-to-hand combat. Worked on contactless technology... And this is what I will tell you, friends ...

Real, in my understanding, contactless combat does not exist. Although the technique itself has a place to be, and even works beautifully on trained people. But not more. In an ordinary fight, only contact will help.

So, in one of the classes, the coach turned me around with my back to him, walked back a few meters and began to "work". He pulls one hand forward, the gaze concentrates in the nape-neck-shoulders, as if forming a kind of visual triangle. Begins to deviate slowly, as if pulling a rope.

I am relaxed. Cause? It's just that if the state of your body and mind is tense, you are stupidly standing (biting). No matter how mentally contactless you are, nothing will come of it. Hehe.

But, if you are really ready, then it is as if some unknown force starts to pull you and you fall. At the same time, you fall exactly in the direction you are pulling. I observed this personally when the coach worked with other students. He attributed this to the impact on energy fields. In principle, I admit this.

Regarding various kinds of non-contact influences when working in pairs - strikes, attempts to grab, movement towards the enemy. Again, this will only work with a trained person. Who is ready to fall, stumble under the influence of "techniques" and mirror the movements of the non-contact.

In such demonstrative contactless battles important role it is the psychological aspect that plays - if they show you that you need to fall, fall. At the same time, often, everything looks very beautiful.

The explanation is simple - the person participating in this performance already knows the basics of hand-to-hand combat, therefore he understands approximately how the force will affect him if it were in contact and follows the mental trajectory of the impact. No more.

There are also actors. Not in terms of dummy characters, but in terms of students who are ready to faint from Sensei's non-contact sigh.

Also one of the moments of such demonstration performances is mirroring. When the participant, as in an inverted reflection, follows the movements of the non-contact. Let's say the coach leads one shoulder forward and downward, twisting along the axis, and the student simply mirrors everything in the opposite direction and ends up on the floor. Profit.

Repeatedly, both in training and on the Internet (in some videos), I watched contactless people sit in a puddle. The reason is banal - the person with whom the trainer works does not believe in what the respected master will do. Therefore, he strains, resists and, most importantly, does everything not as Sensei wants. And here it comes out - you need contact. You can't do without it.

Try for the sake of interest, with someone you know, your contactless fight. One works, the other mirrors the movement. Then switch places. You will be surprised. It turns out that there are more contactless combat masters in the world for a couple.

Here, in principle, are all the secret secrets of contactless combat, in my humble opinion.

And you know, here sometimes some people start talking like: "Non-contact is a secret technique, it takes years of training to learn. It can even kill a person."

It is sacred to believe such speeches, as for me, is not worth it. Yes, even without hand-to-hand combat, we have a unique system of contactlessness - speech is called. It can stop the enemy, make him apologize, repent and even run away. In other cases, words at all can lead to the most sad consequences.

Yes, speech influence also does not work with everyone, and does not always work. But, believe me, more than once the girl's wild, membrane-breaking squeal forced the criminals to retreat and give up their bad intentions.

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