Ice safety message. Safety precautions and rules of conduct on ice in winter


Dear athletes and parents!

With the onset of winter and the onset of cold weather, the formation of ice cover is observed on the reservoirs. At this time, going out to its surface is extremely dangerous. However, every year many people neglect precautions and go out on thin ice, thereby putting their lives in mortal danger.

UKP GOiChS reminds that ice with a thickness of at least 7 cm is considered safe for one person, crossings on foot are considered safe with an ice thickness of 15 cm or more. The thickness of the ice on the reservoir is not the same everywhere; at the mouths of rivers and tributaries, the strength of the ice is weakened. Ice is fragile in places fast flow, spouting springs, near the growth of aquatic vegetation. Ice under snow and drifts is extremely unreliable. Ice strength can be determined visually: blue ice is strong; white - its strength is 2 times less; gray, dull white or yellowish - ice is unreliable.

In order to avoid tragic accidents, we warn you:

  1. Observe elementary ice safety rules, remember that ice is considered safe when it is at least 15 cm thick.
  2. It is forbidden to walk on ice under bridges, next to any water structures, in the places where streams and rivers flow into a body of water.
  3. In no case should children be allowed to go out on the ice.

If you witness an incident, immediately report it by calling the rescue service 112 (toll-free) or 01.

Instructions on ensuring the safety of children in the autumn winter period

1. Do not walk on the ice of water bodies and rivers.
2. To cross the water bodies only in equipped places and re-melts, accompanied by adults.
3. Do not play on the ice of rivers, lakes, ponds, do not try ice strength with sticks, stones, jumps and kicks.
4. In order to avoid landslides and dumps, it is forbidden to come close to steep banks of water bodies and rivers.

What to do if the ice breaks under your feet?
1. Spread your arms wide apart, keeping them on the surface of the ice.
2. Trying to get to the surface.
3. Call for help.
Helping someone who has fallen on the ice.
1. Approach the failed person only while lying down.
2. When crossing the ice, take a ladder, board or long pole with you.
3. Attach a safety line or tie a rope around the person who went to the victim.

Memo for athletes and their parents on helping injured people who fell through the ice

"Useful Tips"

Never step on ice unless you are convinced that it is strong enough.

  • Remember that ice is stronger near the shore; its thickness decreases at great depths with distance from the coast, as well as in places where there is vegetation or fast current
  • The strength of the ice also depends on the air temperature. It is not as durable during the day as in the morning and evening.
  • Moving on the ice, avoid dark spots: the ice is very fragile here.
  • While driving on ice, you should bypass areas covered with a thick layer of snow, places where a fast current, springs, bushes, grass protrude to the surface, streams flow into the reservoir and warm sewage from industrial enterprises is poured in, harvesting is carried out, etc.

"Fall into the wormwood"

  • It may happen that at this moment no one will be nearby and you will have to get out on your own. Your actions:
  • Do not panic. Breathe as deeply and slowly as possible.
  • Make continuous movements with your feet as if you were pedaling a bicycle
  • Don't try to get out on the ice right away. The ice around the hole is very fragile and will not bear the weight of your body.
  • Move in the direction you came from or to the nearest shore, crumbling the ice edge with your hands on your way.
  • As soon as the ice stops breaking under your blows, place your hands on the ice, stretching them as far as possible, and push with your legs with all your might, trying to give your torso a horizontal position.
  • Do not lean on the ice with the whole weight of your body: it may fall through again, and you will plunge headlong into the water.
  • Try to keep your body on a level with the ice. After that, crawl onto the ice, continuing to push off with your feet and helping yourself with your hands.
  • Having got out onto the ice, lie flat on it and crawl forward without trying to get to your feet.
  • Closer to the shore, where the ice is stronger, turn on your side and roll towards the shore.
  • Once you get to the shore, do not stop so as not to freeze completely. Run to the nearest warm room.


In order to prevent accidents, death of children and prevent emergencies on water bodies in the autumn-winter period, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the material " FUNDAMENTALS OF SAFE BEHAVIOR ON WATER BODIES IN THE AUTUMN-WINTER PERIOD " and chat with children.



Due to the special weather conditions in winter, the risk of staying on ice-covered bodies of water is increased. The end of autumn is the beginning of winter. First volatile frost. He barely bound rivers, lakes, reservoirs with fragile ice, and fishermen and children, forgetting about safety measures, begin hastily to master the thin, unsteady surface. As a result of the neglect of ice, many become its victims.

The safety of movement on ice depends on a whole set of factors and they are associated with the nature of the evolution of the ice cover, the type of water body, climatic conditions prevailing in this winter. Today we will talk about what are the global prerequisites for the formation of ice of one type or another, since it is they that determine the tactics of safe behavior on it.

First of all, the freeze-up period can be conditionally divided into three main stages: first ice, hard ice and last ice. It often happens that there are several short periods of formation of temporary ice cover, which, having not reached sufficient strength, is then washed away by rains, weakened by wet fogs and broken by the wind. In such moments, tragic cases are most common. In such a situation, it is better not to rush and restrain your ardor.


This period can be very short (one or two frosty nights), and quite long and, as mentioned above, intermittent at times. First ice is also conventionally divided into phases: first ice (thin, but no longer crumbling ice), strong ice at least in places and reliable ice (completely covering some water bodies and everywhere suitable for a fisherman). It is clear that not only in different water bodies, but even in the same one, these phases differ in time and water area, and sometimes significantly, therefore, when planning the first ice trips, you should have a good idea of ​​what is happening in this or that water body. A good knowledge of the reservoir is necessary at least to remember where the depth on it is not higher than the height of a person, or where from a deep place an applicant for the title of "walrus" can quickly go to a sandbank going to the shore ...

How does such a natural phenomenon arise - the formation of ice on the surface of water? In short, thanks to convective heat exchange between two media, water and air, occurring at the interface. If the freeze-up occurs in calm frosty weather, then the ice almost evenly covers the entire reservoir, growing from the coast, and especially in shallow water areas. When the process of ice formation is accompanied by a strong wind, the formation of an ice cover in the open spaces of large bodies of water is delayed for a long to form a very thick, but less durable than solid ice, wide rim. Another edge of monolithic ice will grow from the windward coast, and the steeper, higher this coast, the wider the transparent blind area will fall on the water. When the wind subsides, unless there is a sudden thaw, these two flanges will quickly join, as well mixed and chilled water will be ready to freeze. It is understood that over great depths, where the mass of water is large, it will cool longer, and ice formation will come later than in shallow areas. The same pattern exists during freeze-up on vast or small bodies of water.

Rivers have their own peculiarities of ice formation: due to the current, the water is constantly mixed throughout the volume and hypothermia occurs for the entire moving mass, which is needed additional time, therefore, ice on the river rises somewhat later than on reservoirs with stagnant water... However, the water in rivers under the ice is generally colder than in lakes and reservoirs, and paradoxically, further ice growth on the river is faster.

Of course, on strong current ice rises later than on a weak one. In addition, at the beginning of winter, there are tangible and rather sharp fluctuations in the water level on the rivers. Its fall is usually observed, associated with a decrease in the flow of tributaries due to freezing of surface groundwater.

The most important characteristic of ice is its strength, which in real conditions cannot be considered constant, since this indicator strongly depends on the type and structure of ice, its temperature and thickness. It happens that the beginning of winter is accompanied by frequent passage of cyclones, precipitation falls in the form of rain or sleet, and the ice freezes in several stages in short frost gaps between weather fronts. At the same time, its thickness increases both from below and from above due to freezing of the fallen snow or the water on its surface. Such ice turns out to be cloudy, multi-layered and it should be borne in mind that it is about two times weaker than transparent ice, therefore you need to go out on it when it reaches a thickness of 10-15 cm.As already noted, pure transparent ice is the most durable, it will be safe upon reaching a thickness of at least 10 cm.

It is important to learn to understand the form of the first, not yet durable ice how it responds to stress. Knowledgeable fishermen say that the first ice will not deceive, will not betray, but will prompt in time about the danger by sound and pattern of cracks, you just need to be able to see and hear. A point load applied to thin ice causes its deformation in the form of a bowl, the volume of which, hypothetically, corresponds to the volume of water, equal in weight to the mass that caused the load deflection. With a small load, elastic deformation of the ice occurs and the deflection bowl expands along the perimeter. If the load is higher than the elastic limit, then plastic deformation of the ice will begin and the bowl will increase faster in depth than in width - this is the beginning of ice destruction.

The following quantitative data indicate the elastic properties of ice. If we consider transparent, the most durable ice, then with a central deflection of 5 centimeters, no cracks are formed on it, a deflection of 9 centimeters leads to increased formation of cracks, a deflection of 12 centimeters causes through cracking, at 15 centimeters - the ice falls through.

Cracks under the action of loads occur of two types: radial and concentric. When moving on fragile ice, you need to pay attention to the following: if concentric cracks appear, accompanied by a characteristic creaking sound, you need to immediately leave the dangerous area with a sliding step, in a particularly critical situation it is better to lie on the ice and crawl in the opposite direction.

It is also useful to remember other rules of conduct for thin ice:

- in no case walk on it in single file, otherwise the radial cracks will quickly grow into concentric ones;

- do not go out on the ice alone;

- check every step on the ice with a pointed paw, but do not break the ice in front of you with it - it is better from the side;

- do not approach other anglers closer than 3 meters;

- do not approach those places where there are frozen driftwood, algae in the ice, air bubbles;

- one should not walk near a crack or on an area of ​​ice separated from the main body by several cracks;

- it is necessary to quickly leave the dangerous place if water begins to gush with a fountain from a punctured hole;

- do not skate on thin ice;

- be sure to have a means of rescue with you: a cord with a load at the end, a long pole, a wide board;

- in no case combine fishing on the first ice with libations.


Winter takes its toll and, despite the weather changes, soon all reservoirs will be covered with ice, the thickness of which reaches 1 meter or more in winters with little snow and frosty winters in central Russia. This is the quietest period of winter fishing, although even here some very unpleasant surprises can lie in wait for the angler.

First of all, one must keep an eye on the rivers when the ice is covered with a thick layer of snow, blocking the access of cold to the ice, and the flowing water will slowly but surely drain it from below. Gullies are most likely to form where the jets, swirling over obstacles, beat upward, over the outlet of spring waters or in places where warm household drains enter.

Typically, the location of such sites is the same every year, they just need to be well remembered. On an unfamiliar river, it is better to walk along torny paths, and check untrodden areas with frequent drilling of test holes.

When fishing in stagnant reservoirs, especially in reservoirs where there is a constant discharge of water, it should be remembered that the ice breaks here from time to time near the coast. If in shallow water it lays down on the ground, then on steep banks there may be areas of unfrozen water, only covered by swept snow, where you can quite unexpectedly get.

The situation is also unpleasant when you find yourself in the vastness of a large reservoir in an area with a water bath, hidden by a thick layer of wet snow. Such baths are formed precisely in those places where the ice is thin: after prolonged snowfalls, it cannot withstand the mass of snow, bursts with the formation of through cracks, into which water enters in an amount equal to the weight of the load. Ice, already thin and now saturated with water, stops freezing and becomes very dangerous, especially closer to spring.


This period in the evolution of ice begins when in spring the average daily air temperature becomes close to zero, that is, snow begins to melt and melt water appears. At first, ice becomes dangerous off the coast, where snow melts faster than on ice. Streams of melt water flow into the reservoir, wash away the edge of the ice, and the heat emanating from the heated ground further contributes to the process of breaking the ice edge.

The apparent strength of coastal ice after a morning frost is deceiving. Solar heating may not let the fishermen go back, so you need to prepare the way ashore in advance by grabbing long poles or boards on the ice. It is desirable that the exit is in shallow water and better on the side where the ice will be in the shade in the afternoon. Will pass yet for some time, and wide openings are formed near the coast, the cause of which will be the destruction of fast ice and the profit of water in the reservoir. Although the main ice will still be quite reliable, it is unwise to get out on it without a boat.

The main body of ice is destroyed in stages: when the average daily air temperature exceeds the plus mark, then snow will begin to melt intensively on the surface of the ice cover, and this process will be accelerated by winds, damp fogs and rains. Surface water is absorbed into the ice, breaking its monolithic structure, causing the ice to break up into separate, upright crystals, and the connection between these elements gradually weakens. At the same time, the ice melts from below. For these reasons, spring ice is insidious: having lost the elastic properties of a monolith, it will not crackle warningly, as in the first ice, but with a treacherous hissing sound, it will suddenly suddenly disintegrate underfoot.

Ice is especially dangerous where water stood under the snow all winter, these puddles are visible on the last snowless ice, such places should be avoided. Better on the last ice move along the old winter trails and fish in their homes, here the ice is thicker and better frozen over the winter.

In no case should you gather in large groups, collective fonts, as a rule, end tragically.

It is necessary to rescue a person who has fallen through the spring ice intelligently, in no case coming close to the formed lane: you should crawl up to it, pushing a long pole or board in front of you, or throw the end of a thick rope with a wide loop to the drowning man from a safe distance, which he will throw on myself.

Physically strong man If you find yourself in an unpleasant situation, special "rescuers" help - devices that look like a thick awl and hang on cords on fishing clothes. By sticking them into the edge of the ice, you can pull yourself up and get out of the water. However, these good means rescues are of little use on too loose spring ice and on young thin ice.

To prevent trouble from happening, you must always soberly assess when it is better to leave ice fishing until next season. On rivers still bound by an ice shell, one should not go out on the ice when there is a noticeable profit in water.

Anyone can get into an emergency related to ice: fishing, hunting, hiking, walking, crossing a body of water, etc. In winter, nature is not merciful to people. She will severely punish for frivolity, ignorance and inability, lack of will. Death and injury in the "ice zone" are most likely from drowning under the ice, general hypothermia, colds, and injuries.

Self-rescue factors “in ice conditions”: constant readiness to act in extreme situations, will to live, knowledge of the rules of self-rescue, practiced skills of actual survival, proper organization of self and mutual rescue.

Thus, when entering the ice, a number of rules must be followed.

Avoiding their detailed characteristics, below is only a list of the most necessary safety measures, the observance of which will protect a person who steps on the ice from major troubles even in dangerous situations.

  1. You cannot go out on thin, fragile ice. If you accidentally hit the thin ice, step back with sliding, careful steps, without taking your feet off the ice.
  2. Strong, safe ice is transparent ice, at least 10 centimeters thick. Milky, white ice - half as weak as transparent. The most dangerous is spongy ice formed from frozen snow.
  3. Ice is always weaker near drifts, piles, reeds and on the current.
  4. During the thaw, after the first frost, the ice becomes thin. Thin ice covered with snow is especially dangerous.
  5. Above great depths, ice forms later and therefore it is less durable, and therefore dangerous, while around at medium depths it is quite reliable.
  6. In lakes, spring springs are sometimes found on large
    depths, the ice above them is dangerous.
  7. At the mouths of rivers and streams, ice is often unreliable throughout the winter.
  8. Under bridges, in narrow channels between wide stretches and between islands, ice is often dangerous even in the middle of winter. You cannot walk on ice in these places in spring.
  9. If the ice strength is doubtful, you should walk on it carefully, with a sliding step, gently placing your foot on the entire foot, and be ready for an instant reaction to a change in the situation. In places of increased danger when skiing, you must unbutton the bindings so that you can quickly get rid of the skis. Skis should not be completely removed, as they significantly reduce a person's pressure on ice and snow. You should also free yourself from one strap of the backpack and remove both hands from the lanyards of the ski poles. A group of people should walk in a chain with an interval of 5 - 6 meters. The more prepared, experienced group member should go first. He must be insured with a long rope or pole, a life jacket. When walking slowly, the ice rarely breaks instantly. A crackling, subsidence, change of ice is preceded by a break in the ice. appearance, water performance. With these alarming signs, it is better to go back immediately and, moreover, only in your own footsteps, sliding on the ice.
  10. If, nevertheless, trouble happened, and you were in the water, try to hold on to any floating objects. Try to keep your head and neck above water to reduce heat loss in your body. If several people have fallen into the water and it is far from the shore, try to get together. The paradox: in water it is necessary to maintain a possible immobility, since during physical activity, heat release increases and an accelerated hypothermia of the whole organism occurs. Remember: severe chills, a feeling of pain in the limbs and their numbness are local in nature and do not threaten a person's life. General hypothermia of the body leads to death. Immobility in water increases survival time. Active movement in cold water - only to help comrades and to reach strong ice and shore. If necessary, you need to swim calmly, with short strokes under water, without sudden swinging arms and legs, body movements. Do not be intimidated by seizures. They are very painful, but not fatal. To avoid them, you need to vigorously massage a tired, hypothermic muscle, move your fingers and toes, and change your posture. If you have a cramp, you need to pinch or prick the affected muscle several times. Try to straighten the brought leg with your hands. In any case, do not panic: a person, even without a life jacket, can stay on the water with the help of active arms and legs.
  11. When helping a friend who has fallen under the ice, do not approach the place of the break on the ice while standing, but crawl on your stomach with your arms and legs outstretched to the side, it is better to lean on the skis and the board. Approaching the victim at a sufficient distance, throw him one end of the rope, cable, belt, scarf, jacket. Wooden objects: a pole, a board, skis, push on the ice to the point of failure. As soon as the victim grabbed the filed object, pull it crawling without sudden movements. In a group of people, assistance to a drowning person is provided by only one, or at least two people. Crowding people in one place at the edge of the ice is dangerous. In the absence of rescue equipment, several people can lie on the ice in a chain, holding each other by the legs, crawling towards the ice hole, to help the victim.
  12. After a snowstorm, watch out for unfrozen holes in the snow.
  13. Do not go close to holes where fishing nets are placed. They are always covered with thin ice or snow. You can notice them on the hillsides of the crushed ice lying next to it.
  14. Beware of ice gaps over a fast current.

Do not stand on the ice that broke away from the ice field: they
may suddenly roll over under their feet.

Remember that spring ice after a night frost seems
strong and reliable, and during the day, especially at the end of freeze-up, it crumbles and
falls through.

As you descend from the shore onto the ice, which has settled during the recession of the water, beware
deep cracks hidden under the snow. They can injure your leg.

When on ice, keep in mind that it builds up under the snow
slower than in a snowless space.

Not knowing the features of the reservoir or the conditions of ice formation, do not
try to drive onto the ice in a car.

In addition to knowing the rules of behavior on the ice, you also need composure, endurance, and most importantly, caution.

However, it is not only fragile ice that awaits the winter fishing angler. Dangerous and strong, but very slippery ice. When falling on it, severe bruises occur in various parts of the body, stretching of the articular, and sometimes concussion. A fall may result in injury, i.e. damage to soft tissues without compromising the integrity of the skin. The bruise is accompanied by pain and internal hemorrhage. With a slight bruise, a dark purple spot appears under the skin. When deeper tissues are damaged and larger blood vessels rupture, the outflowing blood accumulates and forms a blood tumor - a hematoma. During the first hours after the injury, it is recommended to apply cold to the injury site - a towel soaked in cold water, pieces of snow or ice. Thermal baths can be taken only after 2-3 days.

Exactly the same first aid should be given to the victim and with sprains. It occurs with a sharp turn in a joint that exceeds the normal range of motion, accompanied by stretching, pain and swelling in the joints. If the joint on the arm is damaged, it must be tied up with a belt or suitable material. If the ligaments on the leg are stretched, the victim should be taken to the nearest settlement on a sled or dragged and given rest, laying the leg so that it is raised.

With a bruise of the head, sometimes there is a concussion of the brain, i.e. violation of blood circulation in cerebral vessels. In mild cases, it is accompanied by short-term loss of consciousness, dizziness, tinnitus, flashing "flies" in the eyes. In severe cases, a prolonged loss of consciousness occurs, the body becomes motionless, the muscles relax, the pulse slows down to 50-60 beats per minute, vomiting is possible. A person can be unconscious for several hours, or even days. As a first aid, it is recommended to put the victim to bed and apply cold on the head. Even mild forms of concussion require 15-20 days of bed rest.

There is a danger for the fisherman and low temperatures. The most sensitive to its effects are the nose, ears, hands and feet, especially the fingers, which are weaker protected from the cold by clothing and are in the most unfavorable conditions of blood circulation.

Frostbite may occur as a result of prolonged exposure to low temperatures. Medicine distinguishes four degrees of frostbite.

First. When the contraction of the blood vessels is accompanied by pale skin and loss of sensitivity at the site of frostbite.

Second. On the pale area, after warming, bubbles appear with a cloudy bloody content, and the skin becomes blue-purple.

Third. In the early days, bluish color of the skin, blisters; in the following days - areas of skin necrosis.

Fourth. Death of the skin and deeper tissues.

At the first degree of frostbite, assistance to the victim is as follows. The pale area of ​​the body should be wiped off with alcohol or vodka, and then slowly and gently rubbed with your fingers until the skin becomes red. The frostbite area can also be warmed in water, the temperature of which should be slowly raised from 18 to 37 degrees for 20-30 minutes and at the same time lightly rubbed. After the restoration of blood circulation, the frostbitten part of the body should be wrapped up warmly, and the victim should be given hot tea or coffee to drink. In the future, ointment bandages are applied to the frostbitten place.

Assistance to victims of frostbite of the second, third and fourth degree is provided in a medical institution.

There are also more severe consequences of prolonged exposure to low temperatures on ice - freezing. Predisposed to freezing: alcohol intoxication, overwork with prolonged walking or long lying on snow or ice. Signs of freezing: chills, lethargy, feeling tired, craving for sleep. A person falls asleep, during sleep his breathing and cardiac activity gradually weaken, limbs become numb and death may occur.

First aid to a freezing person is as follows. The victim should be brought into a cool room and gently rub his entire body with clean hands. If after that he shows no signs of life, give him artificial respiration. You should also apply for medical care... When the victim regains consciousness, he should be wrapped up warmly, warmed up and given a hot drink.

You should always remember that ice is like a minefield. Both thin and well-frozen, because even on thick ice there are holes invisible to the eye and covered with snow, potholes, warm pits.

Hello my dear parents! I noticed the other day that lately we have been paying little attention to the topic of security, and it is completely in vain. Our careless children, everywhere poking their curious noses, often cause a lot of trouble for the employees of the rescue services. Work at the Ministry of Emergency Situations - an endless edge all year round, and each season has its own "adventures".

In the autumn-winter period, rescuers often encounter fishermen who came out on thin ice early. And the kids do not lag behind those who like winter fishing, you have to catch them. Therefore, once again I hasten to "put straw" and convey important information to the children about the rules of behavior on the ice. Well, it would be nice for schoolchildren to make a presentation, introducing safety precautions in the OBZH lesson.

Lesson plan:

What do you need to know about ice?

It would seem that it is simpler: there was a frost for a couple of days of degrees of -5 ° C, get out the sled, go for a drive. And that huge hill is a whole hill on the river bank. You can roll as far as the middle of the reservoir. And here the danger awaits!

It is always worth remembering that before winter has rightfully taken the reins of government into its own hands and brought frosts not for a week, but for all three months, one should not expect that local reservoirs are bound by strong ice. Rivers and lakes are covered with only a thin layer, ice is the first and most fragile, it breaks like a waffle plate under your feet.

Of course, on frosty nights it hardens, becoming stronger and stronger day after day, but this takes time. Not a crossroads from autumn to winter, during the day there are still thaws with above-zero temperatures. Melt water seeps through the ice rim and makes it porous and weak.

Rescue personnel warn! You can cross the river on ice if it is frozen by more than 5-7 centimeters. But you can ride on it when the thickness is at least 10-12 centimeters.

Usually, on lakes and ponds, where streams do not flow and where the water is stagnant, ice appears much earlier than on rivers with an active current. In addition, it is important to remember that water bodies freeze unevenly, but in parts.

First, thin ice becomes stronger near the shores, where the water is shallow, then in deeper places that are protected from the wind, and last of all, you can already try its strength in the middle. If you pay attention, experienced fishermen at the beginning of winter "handful" on the rivers near the banks. Only a reckless eccentric who does not care about his safety with a fishing rod will rush straight to the middle.

Everyone should know

Of course, no one will run along the coast and make holes to measure the thickness of the ice crust. In order to protect yourself and your child, it is enough to understand a few tips. These little practical tricks can help you avoid trouble on thin ice.

It turns out that determining the ice criteria by eye is quite easy.

Rescue personnel warn! Before you plan to go out on the ice, observe the temperature, since a thaw with a degree above 0 ° C that has stood for more than three days reduces the strength of the ice cover by as much as 25%!

Now I can make you a little creepy so that you can nail your children a little. Empirically, on the basis of numerous incidents with a far unhappy end, taking into account scientific data, the rescuers of the Russian service have calculated how long a person can stay in the water:

  • at + 24 ° C it is safe for yourself to stay for 7-9 hours;
  • at + 5 ° C - + 15 ° C - from 3.5 to 4.5 hours, respectively;
  • at + 2 ° C - + 3 ° C, the safe stay time is reduced to 10-15 minutes;
  • at -2 ° C in 5-8 minutes a person cannot be saved.

And this is in the absence of other aggravating conditions, such as heavy and constraining clothing, great depth and the absence of objects, which you can catch on until help arrives.

What shouldn't be done?

Even if the minus “settled down” long ago on the street, so as not to get into trouble, the children will have to “hack to death” on a few main “no's”.

What to do, if…

It happens that it is not possible to avoid disaster. But this is not a cause for panic. The child also needs to be prepared for such a situation. So, what should you do if suddenly the ice cracked under your feet and there is water all around.

  • First of all, to gather courage and get rid of everything that interferes with helping - from ski poles, sledges, bags, backpacks, no matter how expensive they are.
  • Next, you need to try to "split" in the hole as wide as possible in order to lean on the edge of the hole with your hands and hold on to it, taking a horizontal position downstream. Take a break for a couple of seconds to calm down and decide what to do next.
  • Try to get out on the ice, for which you lay on the edge and throw your legs alternately.
  • It's good if the ice withstood. You can roll or slowly crawl to the shore. Only this should be done along the old, proven route. You can get up on your feet two or three meters from the place of the failure.

Children often witness that someone has fallen under the ice. They should also know how to behave in such a situation, because often childish naivety in a hurry to help pushes them straight into the center of danger.

  • First of all, teach your child to immediately seek help from adults, not to be heroic alone. These can be calls for help and a call to rescuers at the well-known number "112".
  • Of course, you shouldn't stand around and wait for someone to arrive. But you also need to help wisely, otherwise you will have to get both of them. No need to run to the edge of the ice and lend a helping hand. It sometimes ends sadly. It is better to find a suitable object such as a stick, pole, rope, which can be thrown like “ Lifebuoy". For this purpose, knitted items of clothing - scarves or belts - may also be suitable.
  • With the help of getting to the hole, you need to be extremely careful, crawling, stopping at a sufficient distance from the water so that it is possible, but at the same time, to safely stretch the rescue object. You can increase the support area with skis, plywood or a board underneath.
  • A person should be pulled out of the water by walking backwards in the same lying position, without getting up on their feet.

The rules of behavior on ice are so important that even Smeshariki know about them!

I really hope that only the rules of behavior will come in handy, and the rules of salvation will remain only as a passed theory. But forewarned means forearmed. Have a nice and safe winter!

It seemed that the rules of safe behavior on the ice were known to everyone. Children are reminded of them every year at school, before starting winter season warnings are published in the media. Launch a PSA to remind you to be careful on the ice. However, even the measures taken are unable to negate situations in which people go under the ice. And it is not always possible to save the victims.

Trouble can be avoided by knowing the rules of behavior on the ice and adhering to them if there is a need to cross the pond, go ice skating or just go fishing.

What ice should be

The minimum thickness of ice that can withstand the weight of an adult must be at least 7 cm.For the construction of a skating rink and a foot crossing, a more durable layer is required - 12-15 cm, for the passage of a car - from 30 cm. The strength of the coating can be determined by eye, provided lack of snow. So, the strongest ice has a bluish or greenish tint, and its surface is even, without air bubbles. Milky-white, without pores and cracks, in terms of strength, it is approximately two times inferior to the first. Even if it is very strong, still follow the rules of conduct on the ice.

The most "insidious" ice

The least durable ice is considered to be yellowish or dull white. It is often porous and very unreliable. In addition, if for several days the air temperature is above 0 degrees, then the strength of the coating decreases by about 25%.

It should also be remembered: the rules of safe behavior on ice in winter also warn that the thinnest coating is formed near the coast, near trees, thickets of reeds, bushes, spouting springs. A separate danger is posed by ice-holes and openings - crushed by snow, they are almost invisible.

What are the best places to go down to the water or approach the shore

The choice of the place of descent or ascent should be treated no less carefully than the crossing over a body of water. It is advisable to go out on the ice in places not covered with snow. So you not only see the color and thickness of the coating, but also do not fall into an inconspicuous hole at first glance.

Checking the ice strength

To find out if the ice will support your weight, you need to step on it carefully. If small radial cracks form, and the coating crunches slightly, then it is already possible to walk on such ice, however, extreme caution should be observed. You should not check strength with a kick of the foot; it is better to use a log or a ski pole for this purpose. If after strong blow if the water comes out, then it is better to refuse the crossing in this place. In this case, the rules of conduct on thin ice are advised to return to the shore, treading in your own footsteps. The steps should be sliding, without breaking off the ice. Keep your feet shoulder-width apart to distribute the load over a large area. If the ice is very thin and cracks underfoot, it is advisable to move by crawling.

Basic rules of behavior on ice: memo

  • Whenever possible, use official crossings and avoid crossing the body of water in areas where it is prohibited.
  • If there are no beaten paths or there are no ski tracks, then before going out on the ice, you must definitely outline the future route and then try to stick to it.
  • You cannot go out on ice that is not strong enough and / or has not yet had time to completely freeze. Moreover, you cannot slide down on thin ice on sleds, skates, ice-skates, skis.
  • It is forbidden to go out on the ice at night, as well as if visibility is difficult (snowfall, rain, fog). During heavy rainfall or at night, you simply cannot see what is under your feet and correctly assess the situation.
  • You cannot gather in a group of several people on the same area of ​​ice. In the event that you are crossing in a group, it is worth scattering and following each other along the tracks at a distance of several meters.
  • It is optimal to cross a frozen pond on skis, while the fastening of the latter should be unfastened, and the loops from the poles are not attached to the hands. This precaution will allow you to quickly get rid of the skis in the event of a sudden danger.
  • During the transition, the backpack should be held on one shoulder so that it can be quickly thrown to the side.
  • It is advisable to have with you a strong rope about 25 meters long, at one end of which it is necessary to make a blind loop and secure the load. This will help in helping a person who has gone under the ice.
  • The rules of conduct on ice in winter also recommend not to cross the pond while drunk. The state of alcoholic intoxication is simply unacceptable. Being drunk, a person does not behave carefully, and his sense of self-preservation is dulled. This can lead to disaster.

Should I let my child go to ice skate?

Winter is a real holiday for children who love sledding, ice skating, ice-skating, and are simply obsessed with curiosity and want to walk along a frozen river or lake. However, parents should not forget about safety and it is better not to let their children go unattended on the pond. In addition, it is important to know the rules of behavior for children on ice, which, according to by and large are no different from the basic ones. Nevertheless, it is recommended to take into account the fact that children are more mobile and less attentive, in the game they may not notice dangerous areas.

It is necessary that the child not only observes the rules of safe behavior on the ice, but also knows how to act if he or his companion goes under the water. The algorithm of actions should be something like the following:

  • do not panic and call for help, while keeping your head high above the surface of the water;
  • get rid of outerwear and wet shoes as soon as possible;
  • if possible, do not break off the edge of the ice, leaning on it with your chest;
  • climb onto the ice slowly, without sudden movements, crawling.

We provide assistance

The rules of behavior on ice in winter include helping the victim. In this case, you should also be extremely careful not to accompany the submerged person. So, crawl to the victim should be on bellies, having previously informed that you are going to help. You cannot approach the edge of the hole and extend your hand. In this case, the ice edge will most likely fail and you will fall through yourself. It is better to use a rope, a scarf, a board, a stick - in a word, any means at hand. And only then gently pull the person without sudden movements. It is forbidden to stand up - crawl or roll over.

First aid to the victim is to warm him up, change into dry clothes, give hot drinks and sugar. You can not rub the body and use alcohol for warming.

As you can see, the rules of behavior on ice are easy enough to remember and apply if necessary, knowing that this can preserve both health and life. Unfortunately, many people neglect them. People who drink are especially "brave". If you are with them in a company, in no case should you be persuaded to go out on the ice. Try to convince such a person, suggest some alternative. For example, an activity that will distract him from a crazy idea. Still, remember that the rules of behavior on the ice can save your life, do not neglect them.

Russia - winter country, and most of the water bodies on its territory are covered with ice in winter. And accordingly, accidents occur every year with people who do not know the rules of safe behavior on a frozen reservoir. Unfortunately, many of them end tragically.

Many people believe that it is necessary to behave carefully on ice only in spring and autumn, when it is at its thinnest. But this is a wrong opinion. Winter can be too warm, late, under the ice a spring can be gushing, or just a fast current. There are many factors that affect the thickness and strength of the ice sheet. Therefore, in this article we will tell you how to determine a reliable ice crust, how to behave on the surface of a frozen reservoir, and what to do if you are still in a critical situation at any time of the year.


Remember that bodies of water usually freeze unevenly. The crust begins to form from the coast, and the thickest, strongest layer is established in shallow water, in bays. In spring, melting occurs in the reverse order.

  • On reservoirs with stagnant water, ice appears earlier in the fall and melts later than on rivers with fast currents.
  • Under influence various factors, on the same reservoir there can be places with different strength and thickness of ice.
  • Ice with a thickness of at least 10 cm in fresh water and 15 cm in salted. For cars, the frozen layer must be at least 30 cm thick.
  • Do not forget that if there has been a thaw for several days, the strength of the ice crust drops dramatically, even if frosty days come again.
  • The ice cover is less durable in places of rapid currents, underwater springs or the confluence of another river, or simply runoff waters.
  • It is also thinner in the place where vegetation grows, next to reeds, bushes, trees.
  • Remember that any factors that make the ice darker will affect its strength, as the darker color attracts more sunlight.

By the way, by color can be determined reliability of ice crust:

  • Most reliable - blue or greenish.
  • Almost twice less strength of white ice.
  • Well, completely unreliable, even dangerous crust is dull white with a yellowish tinge.

Rules of conduct on ice

In dangerous places, the Ministry of Emergency Situations places warning and prohibition signs. Pay attention to them.

  • Don't cross unfamiliar bodies of water.
  • If you are forced to cross a frozen body of water, follow the paved paths, ski tracks, crossings.
  • Do not cross frozen water bodies on motorcycles or cars outside specially equipped ferries.
  • Don't walk on thin ice.
  • We remind you that in autumn and at the beginning of winter, the most dangerous is the middle of the reservoir, and in spring - the coastal part.
  • It is forbidden to go out on the ice in poor visibility conditions: whether it be night, snowfall or fog.
  • Pick up a long stick before entering a pond in an unfamiliar place. And before you step, check the strength of the ice with it, but in no case with a kick.
  • If you hear the crackling of ice, it means that it is thin and you cannot walk on it.
  • Move away with dangerous place it is necessary on its own track with sliding steps, without lifting the legs from the surface, placing them shoulder-width apart, thereby distributing the load over a large area.
  • In case of greater danger, it is recommended to lie down and carefully crawl back to a safe place.
  • It is impossible to gather on the ice in groups: when crossing a reservoir, keep the distance between each other 5-6 meters.
  • If you cross a body of water on skis, then: unfasten the ski bindings, ski poles hold in the middle.
  • If you are carrying any load, then take it in such a way that it is easy to throw it away without getting tangled in the straps or handles.
  • Never allow children to skate / ski or walk on winter fishing unattended

What to do if you fell through the ice

  1. Everywhere and everywhere the first rule: Do not panic!
  2. Next: try not to make sudden movements or get your head wet.
  3. Calm your breathing by holding onto the edge of the hole.
  4. Call loudly for help.
  5. Stretching your body downstream, spread your arms as wide as possible, hold on tightly to the edge of the ice.
  6. Leaning on your hands and helping yourself with your legs, try to push your body onto the ice.
  7. Do not stop trying to get out of the water, do not rest for more than a few seconds.
  8. Another way to get out: Gently lie on the ice with your chest, first throw one leg, then the other. And then do not crawl, but roll on the ice.
  9. After getting ashore - do not rest, do not stop. Find a warm room urgently.

Rescue of the one who fell through the ice

  • You must immediately call the rescue service by phone.
  • Find a long stick or board.
  • If there is no stick, you need a rope, a long scarf, as a last resort, tie together several items of clothing, scarves, belts, sweaters. Tie a knot at the end, which will be comfortable for the victim to grab.
  • You can approach the ice hole only by following the tracks, and the last 10 meters you can crawl.
  • Remaining a few meters from the edge of the hole, throw a rope to the victim, give a pole, a stick, a board.
  • Take your time, act carefully, reliably, so as not to be in the water yourself.
  • Having pulled out the person who has fallen onto the ice, crawl together in the opposite direction; you can only stand on your feet in a safe place.
  • Take the victim to a warm room as soon as possible.

If the rescue services have not yet arrived, you need to give him first aid:

  1. Take off wet clothes.
  2. Rub the body with vodka until the skin turns red.
  3. Wrap up in warm dry clothes, a blanket.
  4. Drink hot tea (not alcohol!).
  5. Call the ambulance again, make sure the doctor is coming to you.

We hope that you will never find yourself in such a difficult, dangerous situation. But everyone is obliged to know how to behave in this case.

In winter, ice is a source of serious danger to life. The likelihood of falling through the ice increases at the beginning of the winter period, when the first "frosts" are established, and at the end, when there is a thaw.

Ice strength is determined by several criteria: ambient temperature, time of day, territorial features.

If you want to go fishing or just walk on the ice crust, it is very important to remember the rules of behavior on thin ice, knowledge of which will help prevent an extreme situation, and in some cases even save your life.

The main rules of conduct on winter ice

  • You cannot go out on the ice alone, as well as leave children on the ice unattended.
  • It is impossible to "cluster", that is, to gather in the amount of several people in a small ice area.
  • You cannot move on the ice crust at night or in poor visibility conditions - if it is snowing or raining.
  • You cannot go out on an ice crust in a state of alcoholic intoxication or after taking psychotropic substances, since in the event of an extreme situation, a person will not be able to help himself.
  • You can not step on white-matte areas, it is better to move around clear ice, at least 10 cm thick.
  • On the ice, you cannot jump, make sudden movements, and also wind through the thickness of the ice with kicks.
  • There is no risk: if the ice begins to crack and sag, you must immediately stop and return to the shore.
  • You cannot move on the ice crust, carrying a heavy backpack behind your back or thrust your hands into your pockets.
  • When crossing icy water bodies, it is advisable to use ice crossings, pick up poles and skis, and hang a backpack on one shoulder.
  • If cracks form when crossing the ice, you need to walk in sliding steps, without lifting your feet from the surface, but at the same time placing them shoulder-width apart. This is necessary to distribute the load over a large area.

How to react if a person falls through the ice?

If you do not follow the rules of conduct on thin ice, then you need to be prepared for the fact that you can “swim”. The most important danger for a person who fell under the ice is ice water, which “swallows” a person and he immediately loses his defenses: a steel hoop seems to press his head, breathing becomes difficult, the heart “jumps out” of his chest.

Death can occur in the first 10-15 minutes after immersion in ice captivity and the cause is most often the shock reaction of the body. If a person falls through the ice, you need to adhere to the following algorithm, and it is desirable to act quickly:

  1. The rescuer should immediately make it clear that the victim's cries for help are heard.
  2. The person who has fallen under the ice must be kept on the surface using available means: sticks, skis, scarves, belts, etc. In this case, the rescuer must remember that it is strictly forbidden to approach the very edge of the ice hole. He should do this lying down, as carefully as possible, placing various supports under him in order to increase the area of ​​pressure on the ice.
  3. Stretching the support to the victim, the rescuer must pull him to the surface and very carefully, crawling to the shore. As soon as the victim is on the surface, he must immediately be placed in a warm room, since wet clothes and shoes contribute to further cooling and frostbite.

What if you fell through the ice?

A man "bathed" in icy water: first aid on the shore

If it is not possible to transfer the victim to a heated room, then it is necessary to provide first aid directly on the shore, do the following:

  • build a barrier from wind and snow, light a large fire;
  • spread a warm blanket next to the fire and quickly change the victim into dry clothes;
  • rub the hypothermic limbs with your hands, wrapping them with a woolen cloth;
  • frostbite limbs can also be rubbed with vodka or warmed under warm water, manipulations should be carried out until the person regains consciousness;
  • it is necessary to give the victim hot tea or coffee and wait for help from professional doctors.

When going for a walk or fishing in winter, do not forget that the strength of the ice is weakened in places of water bodies with a pronounced current, as well as near dense vegetation - near bushes, reeds, bushes.

Remember that dark ice is especially "attractive" to direct sunlight, so it is much thinner than white. The most durable ice is intense blue, even blue.

White, opaque or yellowish ice crust is much thinner than blue. Remember that any ice, even the most "reliable" in appearance, is fraught with danger, so you need to be extremely careful.

It is important to follow the rules of behavior on ice in winter and always carry a charged mobile phone with you in order to seek professional help in time.

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