10 most extreme sports. Ten most dangerous sports

Once upon a time, bungee jumping or skydiving from a height of six thousand meters was considered the most dangerous. But today you won't be much surprised by this, because extreme sports do not stand still.

We present to your attention a list of dozens of dangerous types of extreme, the existence of which you, perhaps, did not even suspect.

(10 photos total)

1. Volcano boarding

Snowbirds are yesterday! Present to your attention the new kind sports - riding on a volcano. Volcanoboarding is as crazy as it seems at first glance. The only place in the world where you can ride on the slope of an active volcano is Nicaragua, Leon department. It is here that the active volcano Cerro Negro is located. Anyone can rush down from a height of 725 meters on a special wooden board at a speed of up to 80 km / h, knowing that the volcano is still active, and its last eruption took place a little over 10 years ago. This is a truly powerful adrenaline rush! It will take 45 minutes to climb to the top of Cerro Negro, and God forbid you go down not only with a breeze, but as a whole, because the slope of the mountain is really steep: 41 degrees.

2. Train surfing

This type of activity is completely illegal. But this article is not about the laws, but about the absolute extreme, so we will tell you about train surfing. Its essence lies in riding on the roof or on the bandwagon of trains moving at full speed. You have probably seen a lot of shots with such "passengers" taken in Africa or India. An extensive campaign against this type of extreme has been launched. Its main danger lies in the fact that "passengers" can fly off the train at full speed or be injured while moving on the overhead contact line or when entering a tunnel. Although extreme is extreme, and such difficulties are unlikely to be able to scare truly desperate people.

3. Human catapult

Airkick (R) is another extreme sport, which is also called the "human catapult" (I think this name puts everything in its place). A special throwing device throws the extreme up along a pre-calculated trajectory using air pressure and water reverse technology. The extreme man presses a button to lift himself 8 meters into the air and flies at high speed into a pool of water. In this case, it is very important to enter the water correctly: if you fall flat on your stomach, you can get serious damage! This activity is clearly for those who are already small in the usual prefabricated pool for summer cottages.

4. Riding the dunes in jeeps

Just imagine the steepest and highest sand dunes, which are simply impossible to climb, and then imagine that you are overcoming these heights in an all-wheel drive car and at the same time you are overwhelmed by the fear of falling - this is the indescribable feeling of extreme jeep tours in the desert. This kind of extreme is popular in the United Arab Emirates, and this is not surprising, because local cars are best adapted for this. If you decide on such a trip, do not forget to take a video camera with you: there will be something to show your friends, otherwise they will not take your word for it!

5. Base jumping

Those who have the urge to jump from a very tall building ... clearly need the help of specialists! But for those extreme sportsmen who are already tired of banal parachute jumps, base jumping will help in search of thrills. It differs from ordinary parachuting in that base jumpers parachute from fixed objects, as in paragliding. There are four types of fixed base jumping objects: buildings, antennas, bridge spans, and cliffs. The danger is that there is very little time for the parachute to open, so you need to pull the ring at the very beginning of the jump, otherwise the consequences can be dire.

6. Speedriding

Speedriding is an amazing mix of paragliding and skiing. Speed ​​riders use a special type of parachute and ski to go swiftly downhill while picking up speed. This kind of extreme sport is very dangerous and involves such high speeds that on some ski slopes it has already been banned. Thanks to the use of a parachute, the sliding speed is incredibly increased: it is impossible to accelerate so much just by skiing.

7. Slacklining

This extreme sport requires strong but not very tight ropes. If the rope is not taut, it can stretch like an elastic band if necessary. But the rope with a taut string is easier to move, which allows you to perform some tricks! By the way, they are very dangerous. The highest slacklining record belongs to Christian Shue, who walked a tightrope over the gorge at a height of one kilometer, which is equal to the height of three Eiffel Towers.

8. Race with the bulls

Is the perfect way to get a truly colossal dose of adrenaline. Not everyone is able to run in front of an angry animal that weighs under a ton of their own free will. Nevertheless, every July, crowds of people flock to the Spanish city of Pamplona to take part in a race with bulls, which are then used for bullfighting. The only criterion that a participant must meet is age over 18. Therefore, any adult who wants to can run a distance of 840 meters along with hundreds of other similar thrill-seekers. But you need to keep in mind that 14 people who took part in such races have already died.

9. Bird Man

Many of us fly in a dream, but the Bird-Man does it in reality. Flying was made a reality by a special wing suit, with which you can control your movements when jumping from a cliff. Using this wonder suit, you can reach speeds from 225 to 240 km / h. The Romsdal Valley in Norway during the summer solstice is the most popular destination for such flights. As the suit fills with air and the nylon wings carry the Bird-Man forward, he can experience the incomparable feeling of free fall.

10. Luge street sports

Last but not least, this is the street luge, which appeared in southern California among skateboarders. These guys once discovered that they could reach a much higher speed while lying on a board and sliding down very steep slopes. Today this type of extreme has gained great popularity in Europe. If you also want to try, then get ready for possible injuries, namely fractures, which are very possible, because when descending a sled down a slope at a speed of 96 km / h, your feet often serve as brakes.

Watch the play, climb the mountain. Entertainment services are provided for people with all kinds of interests, but for some, even this is not enough. For those who need something sharper, no matter how weird, cool or extreme, there are companies that provide the services of your dreams or the perfect nightmare ...

The bizarre, unusual, and extreme entertainment below completely redefines the definition of entertainment and provides new opportunities for people who are fed up with old and boring entertainment.

10. Attending your own funeral

For only $ 3,000, a funeral with music and sad decorations is organized for those who wish. The "Celebration of Life" will be attended by mourners, selected according to the client's lifestyle, and the client will be watching all this. The client will sit among the visitors of the funeral and listen to the speech about his death, told by the priest, after which he will see how they bury a closed coffin in which he supposedly lies. The package includes a carefully crafted obituary and a memorial ceremony during which mourners will talk about the contribution of the "deceased" to the world. Clients can get deeply depressed from this or see their life differently, or even get a new purpose in life. After all, you can only die twice.

9. Spend the night in the morgue

If a funeral isn't enough for someone, you can add another $ 2,000 and "stop" at the morgue after a faked accidental death. The client is taken to the establishment in a body bag to which a special badge is attached. The most expensive plan involves a commented examination by a pathologist. The client is provided with a certificate of cause of death, medical records and a death certificate for relatives. The client also has the opportunity to eavesdrop on how company employees call family and friends and report his death.

8. The experience of the abduction

The French company Ultime Realite provides a full simulated kidnapping service for clients who can pay between $ 1,000 and $ 3,000. The adventurers are watched by the company's employees for 5-7 days (after the client signs an agreement that he agrees to this, of course). They are then twisted by several men in black, thrown into a car, and locked up in a non-revealing location. Clients are interrogated, robbed, threatened, or asked for bail, whichever they choose. Sometimes a negotiator is involved in the presentation. Captivity can last up to 11 hours before the victim is finally released.

7. Hunting for a man

If the kidnapping seems too passive, for $ 2,000 you can order a hunt for a person and participate in it either as a hunter or as a victim. You will be chased or chased in an action-packed, dangerous race across rough terrain, boats, city streets and wilderness, struggling to save your life or catch a famous drug dealer or gang member for a reward.

6. Piloting a Russian fighter

The most extraordinary experience on Earth is provided by FlyFighterJet.com. For $ 16,000, they provide the opportunity to fly on the Russian MiG-29 fighter, on which you can take off to an altitude of 22 kilometers! You will be given the opportunity to fly an excellent fighter capable of reaching a speed of 680 m / s and performing aerobatics at that speed. The flight consists of a flight at an eerily low altitude over the rural landscape of Russia. The offer includes a full medical examination and the opportunity to shake hands with one of the best fighter pilots in Russia.

5. Night dive with rays

Want to tickle your nerves? Meet your fear of huge fish face to face by diving with 6 meter manta rays also known as sea devils. These huge creatures "fly" in the water with their wings and weigh hundreds of kilograms. While scuba diving, you will be able to see the natural habitat of these sea monsters, which will swim past you in search of food, attracted by the light of the flashlight. These close relatives of sharks will circle and push you. Manta rays do not prey on humans, but they have teeth and can swallow large objects ...

4. Rent a Formula 1 car

If standard sports and performance cars don't fit in anymore, why not get the best possible motorsport experience? For a relatively small amount of $ 600, you can sit in the driver's seat of a Formula 1 car with an engine power of 900 Horse power capable of reaching speeds of over 300 km / h. You can drive yourself on the track in a car, just like Michael Schumacher, fitting into corners at a higher speed than in any computer game. Before departure, of course, they will explain the safety precautions to you, but you are responsible for keeping the car on the track, just as you will have to withstand wild loads on your own.

3. Extreme ironing

If the majority extreme species sports are not extreme enough, why not combine them with well-ironed clothes? Extreme ironers improve their ability to iron a shirt in a situation that would make most people sweat cold. International Organization Extreme Ironing was opened in 1999 in New Zealand to popularize kinky and cool sports around the world. For a small fee, those who wish can take part in an ironing contest in the most bizarre conditions, including ironing while standing in a kayak, hanging from a hill, while skydiving or surfing. Ate often performs a variety of tricks while ironing and can iron things even near deadly crocodiles.

2. Sahara Desert Marathon

For true extreme lovers and, perhaps, masochists, there is nothing better than a marathon in the Sahara Desert. Those wishing to pay $ 4,000 for the opportunity to participate in the competition during which they must overcome 250 kilometers through the hottest and gloomiest sand dunes and rocky desert terrain. This rugged area in southern Morocco is one of the 5 most extreme desert areas on Earth. The sand pulls people down, and temperatures on clear days can reach 38 degrees Celsius. The race is considered the most difficult in the world and some prepare for it in 3 years. Unfortunately, two participants in the race could not stand the heat and thirst in 2007 and died during the marathon.

1. Kayaking in the Southern Ocean

For $ 16,000, you can go kayaking in the icy waters off Antarctica! Adventure seekers come to the southernmost point South America- Tierra del Fuego, from where they sail on kayaks to the glaciers of Antarctica. They begin their journey at -56 degrees Celsius and overcome icy water and large waves. After that, they maneuver in their vulnerable kayaks amid dangerous layers of moving ice, sailing through the frozen passages. In addition, to the danger, you can add the possibility of meeting leopard seals, which can turn the kayak over.

There is such a concept - extreme sport... It is dangerous, technically challenging and incredibly powerful. Love for him is undividedly linked to the release of adrenaline ... So what kind of sport is the most extreme, capable of giving a person the feeling of being on the edge of an abyss, literally and figuratively?

It is difficult to be objective in this matter. The issue of sensations is deeply individual, but if we take the number of fatalities in the analysis, then this will not give a complete picture: firstly, death in such a sport rarely becomes the property of the public, and secondly, even the number of athletes is not reliably known. But we will still try to compile an approximate rating of the most extreme sports, where the life of an athlete is literally under threat.

Expect a couple more sports-themed top 10 soon!

10. Motor sports (freestyle, motorcycle trials, etc.). There are many disciplines in motorsport. But all of them are united by high speed, low protection of an athlete and a high probability of injury. Motorsport is considered by some to be the most dangerous, but there are still other, much weirder competitions. (RandomNet)

9. Rafting. Sport rafting on mountain rivers and rowing canals... This is a rather dangerous hobby, especially when it comes on routes of the 3rd and higher category of difficulty. The main dangers are: overcoming powerful rapids and waterfalls; hitting rafting in "barrels" and rubble, underwater pockets; getting injured, hypothermia; remoteness from civilization and, as a rule, lack of communication with rescue services. (HappyRaft)

8. Rock climbing. A sport that consists in climbing natural (rocks) or artificial (climbing wall) terrain. Having originated as a kind of mountaineering, rock climbing has grown into a real independent sport. For the most part, it is not dangerous and even useful. But there are disciplines (on-site, solo, rock climbing on natural terrain on unprepared slopes), when the athlete is at a real risk of breaking and falling. (Carlo Traversi)

7. Rodeo. Traditional view sports in North America historically developed among Mexican and American cowboys. A hefty animal can easily trample an athlete. Therefore, the so-called "clowns" - bullfighters, who distract the bull after the fall of the cowboy, take part in the rodeo with bulls. But even this does not save most riders from numerous injuries. In addition, this is the shortest-term sport - you need to hold out on the bull for ten seconds. (Pictures of the day)

6. Streetlagging. This sport was invented in California in the 70s, but the name was coined for it later. Its essence is to ride on the boards in a prone position on roads and slopes, developing tremendous speed in close proximity to traffic. It's like an obstacle bobsleigh. (Brock Overcash Technologies)

5. Speedriding. A very young sport. Has become a kind of symbiosis of paragliding, alpine skiing and parachuting. Speed ​​riders use a special type of parachute and ski to go swiftly downhill while picking up speed. The sport is very dangerous and involves such high speeds that it has already been banned on some ski slopes. (Pressemitteilung Presseportal)

4. Cave diving. This sport is associated with diving and traveling through caves under water. At first glance, this sport may seem like a simple hobby, but in reality it is not so simple. For example, the caves of central Florida have already buried more than four hundred divers. In the same place, in 2010, the author of the photograph, Wesley C. Skiles, a professional photographer-diver, also died. This shot was one of his last. (Wesley C. Skiles / National Geographic)

3. Slackline. This extreme sport requires strong but not very tight ropes. If the rope is not taut, it can stretch like an elastic band if necessary. But the rope with a taut string is easier to move, which allows you to perform some tricks! By the way, they are very dangerous. The record for slackline altitude belongs to Christian Schou, who walked 1 km on August 3, 2006 on the Kjerag plateau, Norway. (Dean Potter)

2. Heli-skiing. A kind of alpine skiing, freeride, the essence of which is to descend on untouched snow slopes, away from prepared trails, with an ascent to the beginning of the descent by helicopter. Using a helicopter for lifting allows you to find various options descents from the mountains in the conditions of pristine nature, untouched by the invasion of man, where there is no other way to quickly climb. (Last Frontier C3 Productions)

1. Base jumping. An extreme sport that uses a special parachute for jumping from fixed objects. That is, people do not jump from an airplane, but from buildings, bridges, rocks, etc. In the period from 1981 to 2011. 159 fatal accidents were registered. Attempts at independent base jumping without the appropriate equipment and skills, as a rule, lead to serious injuries or death. So ... he is probably number one! (Alexandru Safta)

The content of the article:

Everyone finds something to do to their liking. Some people like to fiddle with cars or bikes in the garage for days, others spend a lot of time playing computer games, and some cannot see life without playing sports. Some sports pose serious health and even life risks. Meet the most dangerous sports - TOP-10.

The most dangerous sports - TOP-10

10th place - rafting

An overview of the most dangerous sports - TOP-10, we will start with the last meta, on which rafting is located. Not all visitors to our site are familiar with this sport. It is a rafting (small rafts) on mountain rivers. The most dangerous here are the rapids, which are usually divided into five categories according to the level of difficulty. If you want to go rafting. It is worth remembering the potential danger to health, and sometimes life.

Here are some of the most common dangerous situations in this sport:

  1. Injury- when the raft crashes into a stone at high speed or fails to pass the threshold well, you can get a severe bruise, fracture or even lose consciousness.
  2. Siphon- this word is understood as an obstacle when the stream completely goes under the rock. If a person fell into a siphon, where he was jammed, then the chances of salvation become minimal.
  3. Toe hook- the greatest danger is a hook on a rapid stream. When trying to stand up, the athlete is covered with water and there is a high risk of drowning.
  4. Getting hit by the raft- these are quite common situations during the rafting and it is important not to start to panic.

9th place - surfing

Many people know about surfing and on TV it seems very exciting. Professional surfers travel the planet in search of the biggest waves. Of course, this sport makes the body emit large doses of adrenaline. Perhaps you think that there is nothing dangerous about surfing, and you are wrong. Let's take a look at the most dangerous situations that are not uncommon in this sport:
  1. Dangerous head and limb injuries- since surfing is associated with the conquest of high waves, then it is considered and not without reason. One of the most dangerous sports. If the athlete could not stay on the board, then a strong wave may well hit him on the bottom.
  2. Shark- professionals rarely pay attention to their safety and may end up in places where these bloodthirsty predators hunt.
  3. Adrenaline addiction- all sports that are associated with the release of adrenaline can be considered dangerous. A person quickly gets used to those sensations that are caused by high doses of this hormonal substance and after that is no longer able to stop.

8th place - football

This may seem strange, because almost all boys in different countries of the planet play football. However, it is a contact sport and professional footballers are often injured. Scientists conducted a study and found that football players receive an average of 200 injuries of varying severity during one season. Even minor injuries, such as bruises and abrasions, were taken into account. It should also be recalled about other dangerous factors that lie in wait for football players on the field:
  1. Death- it is not uncommon for the body to withstand the stress and an athlete dies during training or even during a match. This primarily concerns the cardiovascular system.
  2. Heavy object injuries - football fans are known for their aggressive actions and athletes may suffer from objects thrown by fans.
  3. Head injury- in the air struggle for the ball, two football players often collide with the head, as a result of which concussions of varying severity are possible.

7th place - hockey

Another extremely popular sport in our country, the high injury rate of which is quite well known. Moreover, hockey in this matter is significantly superior to football. Hockey players' teeth often suffer. A thrown puck flies at high speed, and even a splash guard is not always able to prevent injury. All hockey fans are waiting for fights between hockey players, as they consider them one of the elements of the game. However, this can lead to various cuts or concussions. Needless to say, how severe the injury can be after meeting a player with a wedge. In hockey, it is not uncommon for an athlete to leave the ice rink on his own.

6th place - rock climbing

This is a rather spectacular sport, but at the same time it is extremely dangerous. Surely you yourself understand the dangers a climber is exposed to. If you start listing them all, then a lot of time will be spent. Most athletes do not even pay attention to such trifles as abrasions and bruises. But the fact that there is always a risk of falling should not be forgotten. Another dangerous factor is the lack of quick help.

5th place - rodeo

This sport is very popular only in some states of the planet. However, this fact does not diminish the danger of rodeo to humans. According to statistics, about 80 thousand injuries, including deaths, are recorded in this sport throughout the year. Imagine what the statistics would be if rodeos were as popular as soccer, for example! Just in order to sit on the back of a bull, you need to have great courage.

4th place - diving

This is a very popular sport, which provides an opportunity to contemplate the beauty of the underwater world and, even with a successful coincidence of circumstances, communicate with “ local residents". Unfortunately, sometimes such encounters can be lethal. Among the main hazardous factors, we note:
  1. Marine predators- the underwater world is indescribably beautiful and at the same time just as dangerous. Many predators are hiding in the depths of the sea and the matter is not limited to sharks alone. Some marine life can inject poison that paralyzes humans.
  2. Equipment problems- one of the most dangerous troubles that can lie in wait for a diver at depth. If help does not come in time, then death cannot be avoided.
  3. Barotrauma- surfacing is a rather complicated process. At this time, you can not hold your breath, and also fill your lungs with a large amount of air. Otherwise, lung tissue can tear and damage blood vessels. Pressure drops pose a serious danger to the body. This is how smoothly we approached the three most dangerous sports in our TOP-10.

3rd place - cave diving

If you still consider diving to be a fairly safe sport, then with cave diving the situation is completely different. Athletes do not just dive into the water, but travel through caves in which a lot of dangers can lurk. Here are some of them:
  • There are a lot of predators in the caves, and they will not welcome intruders.
  • Hardware failures can be fatal.
  • If a diver is stuck or lost, the risks of death increase dramatically.

2nd place - heliski

Not every person has even heard this word, let alone familiarity with this sport. Of course, only brave people who can demonstrate outstanding skiing skills can do it. First, the athletes get into a helicopter, which takes them to the mountain peak. Note that none of the athletes are familiar with the surface on which they will have to move.

As a result, it is impossible to predict. What surprises await them under the snow. Do not forget about the possibility of avalanches, which are practically impossible to escape in the mountains. It is more completely possible that athletes will have to face completely impassable terrain and need to look for a way out to survive.

1st place - base jumping

Meet the leader of the TOP 10 most dangerous sports - base jumping. This word should be understood as jumping from ground objects. It can be a mountain, bridge, skyscraper, etc. One of the main hazards is the opening time of the parachute. If this is done late, the athlete will die. In addition, there is a great risk of getting entangled in the slings, and in this case the outcome is death. It should also be remembered that the athlete after the jump is forced to be near the object. You probably already understood yourself that there is a high probability of a collision, the outcome of which is not difficult to predict.

Other dangerous sports

We have completed our TOP 10 most dangerous sports. However, their list can be continued for a long time. We will limit ourselves to a few.


This sport is popular in some countries, for example, New Zealand, Australia, England. Compared to football. Rugby involves more frequent contact between athletes. In such a situation, the risk of fractures increases dramatically. We will not even remember about abrasions and bruises.


For some, this will come as a surprise, because the people associate golf with the rest of the aristocrats. What could be dangerous about walking around the field and hitting the ball? It turns out that there are dangerous factors in golf, and injuries are common in this sport. According to official statistics, around 900 people die on golf courses every year.


This sport is especially popular in the United States. Outwardly, it is a combination of dance, aerobics and acrobatics. Charleading is spectacular, but no less dangerous. When performing complex acrobatic elements there is a high risk of getting a fracture or concussion.


It is popular all over the world and the motorsport competition draws a large number of spectators. Athletes are often injured, but fortunately, fatalities are rare.

Horseback riding

Another sport id that is considered aristocratic. At the same time, it is quite dangerous, because a fall from a horse will turn into a minimum fracture. In addition, athletes must find a common language with the animal so that it does not show aggression.


Not everyone is familiar with this sport, which is downhill on a special skateboard while lying down. It strongly resembles tobogganing. It was born in the seventies and, due to frequent injuries, was even considered illegal for some time. Now athletes use special protective equipment. Which slightly reduced the number of damage. However, it is still one of the most dangerous sports.

BMX is a bike motocross. Moreover, special bicycles are produced that have certain differences from ordinary ones. The main type of competition in BMX is race, but there is also another offshoot, whose fans compete in the complexity of the tricks they perform. Cyclists perform a complex of acrobatic stunts, and many of them are created individually and there is a high probability of getting a fracture or concussion.

For more details on the ten most dangerous sports, see below:

I bring to your attention the Top 10 scariest rides in the world. All of them are located in different countries, each of them is unique and rightfully deserves attention:

10th place

Giant Canyon Swing, Colorado. The attraction is located at the very edge of a cliff at an altitude of 400 meters. Four passengers can ride on it at the same time. The swing is swinging at a speed of 80 km per hour. Before going to meet the abyss, all sufferers must put their signature on the document, something like the following: "such activity can lead to a fall, injury and death" - that is. Denial of responsibility.

9th place

Formula Rossa (Ferrari World, Abu Dhabi, UAE) is the fastest roller coaster of all. The trolley accelerates to 240 km / h in 4.9 seconds. The slide itself is made in the form of the famous race track of the Monza circuit. Because of great speed all riders are awarded special points.

8th place

Takabisha (Fuji-Q Highland Park, Fujiyoshida, Japan). The attraction is famous all over the world because of the largest descent angle - 121 degrees, thanks to which the feeling of absolute weightlessness is achieved for a few seconds. The highest point of the attraction is 43 meters.

7th place

Zip World at Penrhyn Quarry (Britain, North Wales). Skydover from Britain has created an extreme attraction in which a person rushes at a speed of 161 km / h over mountainous terrain. A man slides along a cable, the length of which is more than one and a half kilometers, at an altitude of hundreds of meters. During the "flight" a stunning view of the mountain landscapes opens up.

6th place

InsanIo (Beach Park Fortaleza, Fortaleza, Brazil). Insano translates to "madness". The highest water slide in the world - the height is 41 meters, the falling speed reaches 105 km / h. Listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

5th place

Dodonpa (Fujiyoshida, Japan). Roller coaster with four times the acceleration of its own fall. In less than two seconds, the trailer accelerates to 172 km / h. All comers are provided with 55 seconds of indescribable horror.

4th place

Slingshot Sling Shot (Cyprus, Lunapark - Ayia Napa). The height of the slingshot is 35 meters. In just a couple of seconds, visitors rise to the height of a 15-storey building, and then plummet down - and so several times in a row. On request, during the flight, visitors can be captured on a video camera.

3rd place

Kingda Ka (New Jersey, USA). The highest metal slide in the world - 139 meters. The trolley accelerates to 205 km / h in 3.5 seconds, making the ride the most dynamic ride in the world.

2nd place

Over the roof of the world (Las Vegas). On the observation tower of the Stratosphere Las Vegas hotel-casino, there are three of the scariest attractions in the world. At an altitude of 350 meters, the Big Shot Tower, Insanity Carousel and the monstrous X Scream trailer are terrifying to visitors.

Catapult "Big Shot". The attraction raises visitors to a height of 329 meters, at a speed of 70 km / h and fourfold acceleration, for a few seconds the daredevils admire the landscape from the best observation deck in America, and then fall down.

Carousel "Insanity". An ordinary carousel, if not for one "but" - visitors have to spin at a height of 300 meters, and a distance of 20 meters separates from the edge of the roof. Adrenaline is added by the fact that the booths are completely open.

Trailer "X Scream". The rail is at a sharp slope, the trolley accelerates rapidly and flies into the abyss, going over the edge of the roof. At the moment of braking, the nose of the trailer is far beyond the end of the rail.

1st place

Free Fall Zone (Ohio, Paramount). The platform of the attraction rises to a height of 100 meters, which is equal to the height of a 26-storey house. After inspecting the surrounding beauties, thrill-seekers rapidly fall down at a speed of 100 km, an hour.

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