The strongest blow of a boxer. The strongest hands in the world The strongest punches in boxing

Hello, friends. Surely many wondered which blow in boxing is the strongest? This applies to both his appearance and the artist. After all, it is no secret that very few boxers in the world have (or have had) a punishing blow.

In boxing, one of the most important characteristics is. It is measured in kilograms. The fighters with the most outstanding performance are recorded in the record books. There are several methods for calculating this parameter. The type, and the direction of the blow, and how filigree it is performed, matters.

The most formidable species

To understand which type of blow is the strongest, you need to calculate its parameters. Such operations are performed only in a professional environment. For this, special measuring equipment is used. It captures dynamics, efficiency and power.

In the amateur environment, the leader in strength is "cross".

It is performed as follows: the strongest hand of the fighter is located farther than the weaker one, her fist breaks out of position and follows the shortest path in the body or head of the opponent, while flying over his hand. And the attacking boxer steps forward, makes a turn of the body and deploys the mass on the front leg. This increases the impact power. If it goes into the body, bend your knees and keep your shoulder in line with the target.

The dilemma is often indicated - what is the strongest blow in boxing, straight or side?

To answer this question, one should consider the specifics of these strikes.

The straight has two varieties: jab and cross. The first is not very powerful, it is more used for reconnaissance, but has a high speed. According to this indicator, it is superior to other types of attacks.

The masters optimally combine these straight strikes, which often leads to success in the ring.

Side attacks include swing and hook.

The first goes to the head or body. He is so stealthy that his trajectory starts out like a jab but goes to the side. It can be implemented as a single act without the use of auxiliary strikes.

By virtue of its specifics, it is considered the leader in power in the entire boxing vanguard. The reason for this is as follows: during its execution, the fighter pushes and turns the torso, and because of this, the attack goes more tightly.

True, this action requires a long acceleration and time. Therefore, the swing is often finished off the opponent when he is already pretty exhausted.

Hook is a classic flank strike. Included in the top of the strongest attacks in boxing. For its implementation, the left or right arm is used, bent at the elbow joint. In this case, the distance in relation to the opponent can be short or medium.

Hook strength is generated by the movement of the body and the shift in the center of gravity. This blow does not need a swing. Its traditional targets are jaw, temple, occiput, liver. His main task is to quickly knock out the opponent.

There are also uppercuts - blows made from below. They are especially effective at close range. Their strength is comparable to crosses. In this case, the fighter turns his fist towards himself, and the hand leads along the internal vector.

Its main targets are chin, nose, eyebrow, solar plexus.

Its power is determined by the angle that is formed by bending the arm in the tray. The higher the angle, the less dynamics and power.

In terms of the range of impact, uppercuts are inferior to side impacts. The reason lies in their implementation in different zones.

What is the biggest hit in boxing? The following three emerges here:

  1. Swing.
  2. Cross.
  3. Uppercut.

It matters how they are used in combinations. And some fighters any blow can be honed so that it becomes a deadly weapon.

By personalities

The impact force of an ordinary person is 100-200 kg. And according to scientists, if the blow is correctly delivered, then even its parameter of 20 kg can make it knockout.

The lower limit is normal for a boxer in the 60-70 kg weight class. An indicator of 1000 kg is usually characteristic of heavyweights.

As for the best achievements, the most powerful blow in boxing is the Guinness Book of World Records recognizes the figure of Mike Tyson. In addition, the boxer is the absolute leader in the number of knockouts in the entire history of boxing. There were 44 of them recorded in 58 fights.

Tyson's impact force is in the range of 700-1800 kg. Its crown is a side attack with the right hand. The athlete ideally combined the dynamics and position of the body, and the power of the blow.

In the top of the owners of crushing blows, George Foreman is also listed. He is also a renowned puncher (68 in 81 fights). Its indicator is 860 kg.

The ranking includes Ernie Shavers. In boxing he was called the "black destroyer". During his career, he also recorded 68 knockouts. His right hand kick is considered the most powerful in the entire history of boxing. Parameter - 900 kg.

Many experts claim that the strongest blow belongs to David Tua. This Samoan fighter had a performance of 1,024 kg with his left hand.

Talking about the history of boxing and the strongest strikes, one cannot fail to mention Muhammad Ali. He is the most famous person in boxing of all time. He worked phenomenally quickly with both hands. Due to this, he achieved many victories.

The impact force of Muhammad Ali was 1100 kg. Moreover, its weight reached 107 kg.

In the newer story, Briton Anthony Joshua stands out. With a height of 199 cm and a mass of 113 kg, his arm span was 208 cm. The boxer is considered a specialist puncher, he is distinguished by incredible endurance, speed and accuracy of attacks.

Joshua's impact force in kg is 797…. he demonstrated such an indicator on a force meter before the failed rematch with Wladimir Klitschko in March 2017.

The list of owners of powerful punches also includes Ukrainian boxers: the Klitschko brothers, Alexander Usik and Vasily Lomachenko.

What is the impact force of the Klitschko brothers? According to the results of special studies, experts determined that both brothers have an indicator of 400 kg when performing an attack with their left hand. With this, the driving dynamics is 33.8 km / h.

Oleksandr Usyk also has a strong left hand. By weight, he is in the first heavy category. His trainer is pleased with the power of his punch, although many experts disagree with him.

Usyk's impact force in kg is 350-400. Also, the fighter has excellent speed and combination actions.

Vasily Lomachenko does not belong to the heavyweight class. His usual category is up to 60 kg. In it, he became the winner of the 2012 Olympics.

Lomachenko's impact force is in the range of 400-700 kg.

Mathematics and Computing

To determine the strength of a boxing punch, special studies are carried out. They showed that ultimate physical effort is generated when the boxer's feet do not touch the ring. In this case, the position of the body is almost vertical, and before the blow is made, the fighter is powerfully kicked into space. But the power of the swing is added only due to the effort of the hand. So the energy of movement becomes more powerful.

The force of an impact is determined by many factors, for example:

  • which hand is used to carry out the attack,
  • in what situation,
  • the relationship of a boxer's mass with the power of his blow,
  • the dynamics of the attack and the weight put into it.

There are the following methods to determine the strength of the blow:

First: Based on Newton's second law. Here the basic formula for determining the force of impact is as follows: F = m (v1 - v2) / (t1 - t2).

Here m is the mass of the fist (it can be interpreted as a striking object),

v1 and v2 - dynamics of the moment of the initial phase of the blows and after its implementation.

t1 and t2 - contact duration

The faster the blow occurs, the less its strength. Therefore, fighters use soft gloves to increase the duration of the t values.

Also here the attack power is determined by the dynamics. The higher the speed, the greater the strength.

Second. Analyzes vertical impact. Here you need to know the following data:

  • the height that the body has overcome,
  • its mass,
  • acceleration of unhindered fall (approximately 10 m / s 2).

On the example of an apple, it looks like this: its mass is 200 g, it flies 3 m at a speed of 8 m / s. Duration of contact with the ground - 4 s. The impact power will be 500 N.

Technique for identifying indicators

For these purposes, the following equipment and methods can be used:

The first option is a dynamometer.

The following indicators are taken into account:

  • changing the energy of the attacking body,
  • duration of interaction,
  • body mass,
  • its dynamics.

The first parameter is divided by the second.

Also, the procedure requires the following devices:

  • scales,
  • indicators measuring speed,
  • timer electronic type.

The specified dynamometer is also called a kick tester. It determines the ultimate strength in a short interval.

The sensor is placed on a regular wall. A blow is struck at it. The display shows its strength in kg. If you need an exponent in newtons, the result that appears is multiplied by 9.81.

You can also attach the kick tester to the pear. It will fix the parameter according to the level of its deviation. The contact area is no longer taken into account here. And the result is the average strength.

The second option is accelerometer + target.

Here the law comes into play, according to which potential and kinetic energy is conserved.

The target has mass (parameter "m"). It is fixed to the wall. Hit it and measure the indicator of its deviation ("h").

To do this, you can arrange notches on the bar. Fix the makiwara on it. The impact power is equal to the result of the "mgh" formula.

Here g is the acceleration of the fall without obstacles.

The third option is a device with Doppler action. In this situation, the target is mounted in the same way. The impact power is identical to its dynamics. In this case, ultrasound diverges from it. You do not need to calibrate the fixture.

The fourth is precision and integral accelerometers with 2 or 3 axes. They get pretty accurate data here. The target is also located. You can hit it on any vector. The only exceptions are mounted attacks.

Fifth - analogs of devices, as in option 4, only they have a digital output. Their main advantage lies in their very high sensitivity. There is absolutely no need for another calibration here.

When working with this device, the "g" value must be taken into account. This way the result is meticulously accurate.

Thanks to this technique, the dilemma with the veracity of the parameters concerning the energy of the boxer's blows is solved. This helps to better analyze his physical potential during preparation for the competition.

The power of an ordinary person's blow. What is the impact force of an ordinary person, is there any table? and got the best answer

Answer from Dima buza [active]
different people have different but I think about 90 kg

Answer from Dmitry Penkin[newbie]
Try to hit the pear hard first, then set the results to yourself. You can injure yourself with a blow to the jaw. An experienced, trained athlete can knock out any gopnik. If you have a strong brush you will not damage it. Therefore, I suggest asking such questions first, train your hand first. A knockout can only be sent with a well-delivered blow.

Answer from 47 [guru]
well, about 90! hit yourself lightly with a hammer this is about 90kg even less
I have, for example, Toko 150 from my hand, although I have been doing Muay Thai for 5 years!
The strongest blow on the planet for Kane velasquez is 1100 kg, and then only from 30 times and so about 500-600!

Answer from Pretty Boy = ^. ^ =[guru]
All people are different! It depends on what to beat with your hand or foot!
Kicking has several advantages. First, the leg is much stronger than the arm. In fact, a kick, if delivered correctly, is the strongest and most dangerous kick a person can make. Secondly, the leg is longer than the arm and therefore has a greater radius of action. Thirdly, it is very difficult to block a kick with a leg, especially if it is carried out low: to the knee, lower leg or lower abdomen!
A website that sells punch strength equipment claims that projectile gloves attenuate punches by 5-7%, while gloves used by boxers for competition reduce punches by 25-30%.
The following guidelines for delivered strikes are also given there:
for the weight category 50-60 kg: straight - 300-400 kg, side - 500-600 kg;
for the weight category 60–70 kg: straight - 400–500 kg, lateral - 600–800 kg;
for the weight category 70–80 kg: straight - 450–600 kg, side - 700–900 kg;
for the weight category 80–90 kg: straight - 500–700 kg, side - 800–1100 kg.

Answer from Ohm[guru]
a woman or a teenager - up to 150 kg, a strong man 200-250 kg, a good boxer 350 kg, a professional boxer over 450 kg. Of great importance is the accuracy of the fist hitting the measuring projectile.

Answer from Forest Kasima[newbie]
The more the mass of the whole body, then the strength will be impressive. It all depends on the individual nature of each person and the trajectory of each blow

Answer from 1 3 [newbie]
The swing of a possible punch with a fist can reach up to 10 tons (but this cannot be done, due to the fact that the subconscious mind blocks the entire potential of a person, so that he would not injure himself. Here, even a fool understands that this person cannot make a second punch, for a number of reasons. The first reason is that it will not be a fist, but continuous pixel censorship. The second reason is painful shock. The third accident with the enemy (for he was no longer lucky).
And so I think an ordinary untrained person from 40 to 200 kg can inflict, or maybe even more, because there are some instances of heavy physical labor in the world, even with a delivered blow, who manage to send even martial arts masters to the kingdom of heaven with their blow, but these people can not be counted for there are very few such unique ones, at the level of error.

In different sports, there are strong record holders who demonstrate not only strong punches and kicks. These people show phenomenal physical abilities regardless of age and gender. But first things first.

The strongest hand blow

There are many sports and martial arts where punches are used heavily. First of all, boxing is such a striking sport, and it is in boxing that there are record-holders in striking power. It is generally accepted that Mike Tyson had the strongest punch, and his power punch exceeded 800 kg. Today there are many rides where you can test the force of impact, and sometimes ordinary people - tough guys show truly fantastic results, which, unfortunately, are not recorded by the Guinness Book of Records.

Also, the boxer from Samoa, David Tua, is considered to be the record holder for punching power. This boxer had a blow, the force of which exceeded one ton.

As practice shows, in order to immerse an opponent in a knockout, an accurate and quick blow to the desired part of the body is sufficient. At the same time, the force of the blow is not particularly important, and a blow of 15 kg is quite enough to defeat the opponent - on the spot. The main thing is speed and accuracy.

Strongest kick

In some sports, kicks are also widely practiced along with punches. These sports include:

  • Karate;
  • Taekwondo;
  • Thai boxing;
  • Kickboxing;
  • Fights without rules, etc.

The record for the strength of the kick belongs to the Croatian athlete Mirko Krokop. Mirko could strike with a force of 2703 kg, and with this blow, on the spot, defeat the opponent. Such powerful blows have been seen in numerous international competitions. Mirko literally “cut off” the opponent with an incredibly strong kick that he didn’t even have time to understand what was going on. Krokop is second only to Mike Zambidis in terms of impact force, whose kick power is 1800 kg.

Along with the legs, elbow and knee strikes are also widely used, and these strikes are also very heavy, and can cause significant damage to a person. Elbow or knee strikes reach a force of 1500 kg, and they are no less crushing than kicks.

The hardest hit in football

It is generally accepted that the strongest blow in football belongs to the Brazilian footballer Roberto Carlos. Roberto Carlos set his record in 1997 when he scored the most beautiful goal against the French national team. The referees appointed a free kick, and Roberto Carlos managed to deliver such a blow from a distance of 35 m that the ball flew around the wall of the players along a round trajectory and hit the goal. A few years later, a detailed analysis of this most beautiful goal was carried out, and with the help of computer diagnostics, it was possible to determine the speed of the ball, which was 198 km / h. Having studied in detail the trajectory of the ball, scientists came to the conclusion that the twisting effect was achieved due to air turbulence and centripetal energy.

Along with the record of Roberto Carlos, the record of his compatriot, the Brazilian Hulk, is kept to this day, who in 2011 also set a record for the speed of a ball. This speed was equal to 214 km / h, which is slightly faster than the record of Roberto Carlos.

The strongest man in the world

The most powerful man in the world today is Haftor Björnsson. Haftor lives in Iceland, plays hard at sports and acts in films and TV series. The growth of this Icelandic strongman is 2 meters 6 centimeters, and this giant weighs more than 200 kg. Haftor Björnsson owes his appearance and strength to his parents. Even Haftor's grandfather is almost 2 meters tall and has incredible strength. Haftor Björnson has been walking towards his physical form for more than 10 years, and no modern strongman has yet come close to his physical records.

The strongest boy in the world

The title of the strongest boy in the world belongs to Richard Sandrak. Already at the age of eight, Richard is recognized as the strongest boy on the planet. Now 26 years old, Richard is no longer involved in strength sports. Today, there is little in Richard's appearance that resembles his former affiliation with bodybuilding and athletic gymnastics, although at the age of 8 his figure was just perfect. Therefore he was called "Little Hercules".

Richard was born in Ukraine, but soon his family moved to America. At 8 years old, Richard could squeeze his double weight from his chest, and when the boy was 11 years old, Richard could already press a barbell from the chest, the weight of which was equal to three of Richard's weights. Today, Richard maintains his athletic form - he skates and is engaged in daily jogging.

Strongest woman on earth

The title of the most powerful woman on the planet belongs to Anna Kurkurina. She still competes in powerlifting competitions, but she devotes more and more time to training young athletes. Anna holds 14 power records in various powerlifting exercises. Anna Kurkurina came to sports quite by accident, but after the first trainings, Anna realized that training with iron was exactly what she had been lacking all these years. Among other things, Anna Kurkurina is engaged in the rehabilitation of people who have disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

Record holder for power output

This record holder is Lee Wade Turner. Lee became famous for the fact that he was able to make an exit with strength in the amount of 14 repetitions on gymnastic rings. This exercise is much more difficult to do on the rings than on the crossbar. Lee does not intend to be satisfied with what has already been achieved, and is eager to improve his result. But so far, progress has slowed down a little, because the athlete received a slight wrist injury during one of the training sessions. Lee Wade Turner is working hard on himself, and soon the Guinness Book will be replenished with new records for this athlete.

In this case, it would be a little incorrect to talk about specific numbers, because in boxing, no one ever measures the force of a blow, since in most cases it does not matter for the final result of a fight. In addition, strikes are divided into two categories - jogging and hard hitting. And although both of them may have exactly the same indicators, their essence is too different from each other.

Nevertheless, we will still give some interesting numbers and name the most powerful boxers in history. And let's start with Mike Tyson.

Mike is known as one of the best boxers of all time. He possesses animal aggression, incredible speed and destructive power of his blow. During his professional career, he spent 58 fights, won 50, of which 44 ended in knockout.

Mike's most powerful weapon is considered to be his right side kick, thanks to which he managed to lay his rivals almost in batches. Experts say that the force of his impact fluctuates between 700 and 1800 psi (or up to 800 kg!). Without calculating the strength, Mike can easily kill an unprepared person. By the way, Tyson himself claims that he inflicted the hardest blow in his life on Robin's wife - she flew eight meters and hit the wall hard. By the way, he has three convictions.

Ernie Shavers has the most powerful punch in the world - his right one reaches 1900 psi! No wonder this black athlete was called the “Black Destroyer. Oh, not in vain ...

During his career, he was able to "collect" 68 knockouts. His opponents have repeatedly spoken of him as a damn strong boxer. So, the legendary Ali once admitted that no one had ever hit him so hard, and Larry Holmes compared him to Tyson: if after the last blow, a car crashes into you, then after performing in the ring with Shavers it seems to you that a truck drove into you ...

Alas, Ernie was extremely predictable. He was aggressive only during the first few rounds, and then he sagged and even got a little tired. This is probably why he never became a world champion.

By the way, Shavers was invited as a consultant to the shooting of the film "Rocky 3", in which the main role was played by Sylvester Stallone. Sylvester later said that the boxer almost killed him - it turns out that Stallone asked Ernie not to pity him ...

George Foreman also has an equally heavy blow - the same 1900 psi as the previous athlete. During his professional career, he had 81 fights, 68 of which ended in knockouts for other boxers. At the same time, he was famous for constantly breaking ribs and knocking out the teeth of his rivals - this was his fighting technique.

Foreman's style is quite simple - he will attack the enemy like a bulldozer and begin to inflict crushing blows on him, which brought him numerous victories in the past. True, he almost did not think about protection. And then he was put in the ring by Mohammed Ali himself.

The force of the blow largely determines the outcome of the fight. There is no such person who does not know the name of Mike Tyson, the famous boxer. His punches knocked out one opponent after another for a long time.

Mike Tyson is considered one of the best boxers in the world, who won most of the fights during his professional and amateur career by knocking out his rivals. That is why many people are very interested in how strong Mike Tyson's punch is in kg.

What is impact force?

All fighting characteristics can be roughly divided into three fundamental indicators: strength, speed and technique.

Such a concept as "impact force" is familiar to many. However, not everyone can give the correct interpretation of this term.

This is, in essence, the rate of increase in strength, i.e. the fighter's body weight multiplied by the acceleration.

Impact force unit

The unit of measurement is not kg at all, but psi is an off-system unit of pressure measurement, numerically equal to 6894.75729 Pa. Psi - pound-force per square inch. This unit of measurement is most often used in foreign countries, mainly in the United States.

It should be said that in some countries (for example, in Iran), instead of the term "psi", the name "pound" is used, which means "pound" in English. This replacement of terminology is considered incorrect.

Since the impact force is not measured with absolute accuracy, the indicator obtained during the study may have a small error.

Mike Tyson - who is this?

Mike Tyson is an American professional boxer nicknamed "Iron Mike". For thirty years, namely from 1985 to 2005, he played in the heavy weight category. Throughout his career, Mike Tyson had 58 fights, 50 of which ended in victory.

In addition, Mike Tyson had 60 fights as an amateur. Only six of them ended in the defeat of the famous athlete.

He is the founder of his own promotion company. In addition, Mike Tyson took part in the filming of two documentaries, writing the script for the 1994 autobiographical film "Tyson". In 2016, the titled athlete starred in one of the main roles in the film "Ip Man3".

Mike Tyson's sporting achievements

In addition to the fact that Mike Tyson won most of his fights, he has many titles and titles. The athlete twice became the champion of the Youth Olympic tournaments in 1981 and 1982, respectively.

In addition, Mike Tyson is the silver medalist of the 1983 Golden Gloves tournament, the winner of two gold medals in the nineteenth and twentieth national championships in 1983 and 1984.

In 1984, the athlete became the champion of the Golden Gloves tournament in the heavy weight category. In the same year, Mike Tyson became the winner of the "Tournament of Champions".

Tyson is in the heavyweight division.

Mike Tyson's punching force

The blow of an eminent athlete is so strong that it can kill a person. Mike Tyson's impact force is measured to be around 800 kg or 1800 psi. Thanks to incredible strength, Mike Tyson has knocked out in 44 out of a possible 58 fights throughout his career.

Highest impact force

Tyson isn't the only athlete capable of delivering a crushing blow. There are other athletes with record-breaking punching power. The most powerful blow in the entire history of the existence of such a sport as boxing is considered to be the blow of Ernie Shavers. Its impact rating is approximately 1900 psi.

The oldest heavyweight champion George Foreman has the same punching power. 1500 psi - this is exactly the figure for Max Baer's strike. There is even a legend according to which the athlete knocked out the bull twice. By the way, he is an absolutely invincible athlete. Most of the victories were won by the boxer by knockouts.

In 1930, Max Baer dealt the fatal blow to his rival, Ernie Schaaf, during a boxing match. And six months later, the blow of the famous athlete led to the fact that the opponent had a stroke during the fight, which led to his death.

Famed boxer Joe Fraser had an impact force of 1800 psi. It was he who first knocked out heavyweight champion Mohammed Ali. The athlete knocked out his rivals for a long time, despite the existing defect - cataract on the left eye.

The incredible power of Joe Freuser's impact is explained by the fact that the bones of the left hand after the fracture did not heal properly, which caused the geometry of the athlete's upper limb to be disrupted. The boxer's hand practically did not unbend. This contributed to the infliction of crushing blows.

Many boxing fans consider the Samoan boxer to be the owner of the greatest punching force. Experts are sure that an athlete could strike with his left hand with a power of 1024 kg.

It is worth noting that the above athletes had not only incredible punching power, but also a good technique for performing it, thanks to which the boxers won fights and earned their titles.

How to increase the force of impact

If desired, the impact force can be increased. To do this, it is necessary for a person's body weight to become larger, since the indicator of strength directly depends on the weight of the athlete. In addition, in order for the fist to become like a hammer, some youths specially stuff the surface of the fist, knocking down the knuckles.

In addition, professional athletes and experts recommend using an open palm during a strike rather than a full one due to the fact that the second method of striking is not only more traumatic, but also dampens about one-fourth of the possible force of the strike.

It should be borne in mind that, in addition to weight, the used hitting technique and the accuracy of its execution affect the strength indicator. That is why, in order to increase strength, it is necessary not only to promote the growth of the athlete's body weight, but also to constantly improve the hitting technique.

It is recommended to do push-ups on the palms with a narrow setting. You need to put your palms so that there is a space in the shape of a triangle between them. In addition, the person's palms should be parallel to the chin.

To increase the force of the blow, an exercise such as push-ups on the fists with a narrow setting is ideal. In this way, the side impact force can be increased.

Jumping rope and sports exercises with dumbbells will also help to increase the force of impact. It is worth noting that the rope will not only help to increase the strength indicator, but will also help improve the general physical condition of a person.

You need to understand that the outcome of the battle and success depend not only on the strength of the blow, but also on its execution technique. If an athlete, being an owner, cannot win victories for a long time, then it is necessary to reconsider the technique of hitting or hone his skills.


Striking power is one of the main indicators characterizing the physical capabilities of an athlete involved in boxing. The owner of the most powerful blow is currently considered the absolute world boxing champion Mike Tyson (impact force - 800 kg).

His punches were so "killer" that most of the athletes who were Mike's rivals were knocked out in the first 4 rounds. Mike Tyson's impact force (in kg) is one of the most powerful indicators. Since this indicator is not measured with absolute accuracy, research indicators may have minor errors.

1st place.

Mike Tyson... He knocked out many boxers, some even in the first round of the fight. Throughout his life, this athlete won fifty fights, 44 of which ended in a complete knockout of the opponent. Tyson's signature kick is the right side kick. It was from him that most of Mike's opponents could not resist in the ring.

If we express the force of impact in kilograms, then it is at least 800 kg. And if you express it in special units of psi (pounds per square inch), then the range of impact force varies from 700 to 1800 psi. If the blow is delivered with extreme precision, but with minimal "Tyson" effort, then his opponent can get injured, incompatible with life.

2nd place.

Ernie Shavers... His right hand is still considered the strongest. However, this boxer never managed to win the world title. The reason lies in his poor stamina and slowness. But still, in his entire career, he managed to knock out 68 of his rivals. It was Ernie who trained Sylvester Stallone, and once even nearly killed him. The Shavers impact force is impressive at 1900 psi.

3rd place.

George Foreman... George ended most of his fights with a knockout of his opponent. This is an absolutely invincible boxer, who was characterized by primitive but effective tactics: but he never cared about his own defense, but attacked all the time, showering his opponent with the strongest blows. Its impact force is 1900psi.

4th place.

Max Baer... This is a legendary man who could knock out not only a professional boxer, but also a hefty bull with one blow. In 1930, a battle took place in which Max inflicted a fatal blow to the head of his opponent, Ernie Schaaf. And six months later, another boxer died right in the ring, from a stroke, which was caused by Max's incredible blow. Eventually, he lost interest in boxing as soon as he managed to win the champion title. The force of his impact was 1500 psi.

5th place.

Joe Fraser... The left side is Joe's signature punch, thanks to which he was able to knock out the greatest Muhammad Ali! The reason for such blows lay in the left arm, which had not grown properly after a fracture. That is, its geometry was violated, and the arm did not fully unbend, which contributed to the delivery of incredible blows. In addition, Joe also had a cataract in his left eye. And he knocked out his opponents in the ring until he could earn money for the operation. The force of his impact was 1800 psi.

6th place.

Muhammad Ali... Over the twenty years of his sports career, this legendary boxer won 56 victories (37 of them by knockout), and suffered only 5 defeats. Has an impact force of 1700psi.

7th place.

Sugar Ray Robinson... He performed in several weight categories (not simultaneously, of course). This is the best boxer in the history of professional boxing. He spent a quarter of a century in the ring, winning 173 fights, 109 of which ended in a knockout of the opponent. The force of the blow is unknown.

8th place.

Henry Armstrong... This is the only boxer who was able to win and hold three titles out of eight possible at once. He won 150 victories out of 181 fights. Was defeated 21 times. The impact force was 1500 psi.

9th place.

Roberto Duran... He is the best ever lightweight boxer in the world. During his career, he spent 119 fights, 103 of which ended in his victory. Knocked out 70 opponents. He was famous for his incredible punching power, not typical for such a weight category. He retired from professional boxing in 2001 after losing his last fight to Hector Comacho. The impact force was equal to 1200 psi.

10th place.

Carlos Monson... Argentine boxer who managed to win 60 victories in a row. In total, he spent 99 fights, 59 of which ended in a knockout of the enemy. In 1989, he killed his own wife, for which he received 11 years in prison. He performed in the middle weight category. Impact force - 1000 psi.

People have always wanted to be famous, popular and recognized. Someone achieves this through acting, others through talent to earn money.

But there are also those who have the physical ability to do incredible things that are impossible or very difficult to replicate. They set all kinds of records that glorify their skills all over the world.

The Guinness Book of Records collects and records such achievements throughout the planet Earth, giving great pleasure to its readers. But many do not like the fact that there are such records that cannot be attributed to competitive or sports - they are simply crazy or meaningless so that no one even wants to repeat them.

Also, the Guinness Book of Records does not record the force of impact in a particular sport. Often this is due to the impossibility of instantly determining the force of the blow, since this forces a bunch of sensors to be hooked, which can pose a danger to the life of an athlete during a fight.

But don't be upset, in this article you can find answers to such questions and understand who has the most powerful blow in history.

It's hard to judge

As already mentioned, it is very difficult to determine the force of a blow. For example, in football it is impossible to run with a football player all the time and measure the speed of the ball, or in boxing it is impossible to stand in the ring with athletes and record the power of each blow struck.

But sports fans, as well as experts and observers, often make up their ratings in which they celebrate the achievements in the strength of certain athletes.

Answering the question of who has the strongest blow, it is impossible to give an unambiguous answer, since the strength depends on many factors. An important point is which limb was struck and under what circumstances.

In addition, the ratio of the athlete's weight to the strength of his blow is also an important point. Of course, the outgoing force is influenced by the ejected mass and the impact speed. But it very often happens when an athlete weighs 50 kg less, and his impact force approaches the heavyweights for 120 kilograms.

Who owns the hardest punch?

There are many types of martial arts in the world where they teach how to hit hard. But, in order to measure the force of an impact during a battle, you must have special equipment. In this matter, only boxing and kickboxing are progressing.

Boxers have always been considered athletes who can deliver powerful punches. The most famous representative of the boxing world is Mike Tyson, whom absolutely everyone knows, despite the fact that he ended his professional career long ago.

Powerful Mike

It was believed that he has the most powerful punch. There is a photo of Mike on many rides where you need to hit a special pear to test the force of the blow. They say that the force of his hand blow is 800 kg.

This figure is truly outstanding, and we can say that he has the strongest punch in boxing. Considering the fact that to knock out another person it is enough to have a punch with a force of about 15 kilograms, but you need to hit the jaw clearly with a sharp throw of your hand along a circular path - this is really amazing power.

David Tua

When asked who has the strongest punch in boxing, many cite David Tua, the Samoan boxer. Experts believe that with his left hand he struck with a capacity of 1,024 kilograms.

His rivals are not to be envied. If today he was in the same shape as in his best years, then perhaps he would have been a good rival for Wladimir Klitschko, otherwise too often he comes across weak opponents.

Who owns the strongest kick?

No less worried about the issue of incredibly strong kicks. Initially, it was believed that only karate and taekwondo fighters became the owners of such blows with the lower limbs.

But lately, thanks to mixed tournaments, Muay Thai and MMA have been added to martial arts, in which they hit hardest.

From time to time, various TV shows are shown with popular fighters in which they compare the strength of their blows. But the results of such experiments are often subjective. After all, each of them has its own technique of performance, and this greatly affects the output power.

So, for example, the kick performed by the heavy league mixed style fighter Mirko Krokop reaches the power of 2703 kg! Let's compare the power of this blow with the capabilities of Mike Zambidis, who, with a weight of 70 kilograms, manages to beat with his right foot with a force of 1870 kg.

Of course, it is not clear how and where the force of the fighters' blows is measured, but it is difficult to deny that it is better not to pester them in a dark alley.

Elbow and knee strikes

Muay Thai fighters are rightfully considered to be the true masters of knee and elbow strikes. In competitions, very often with such blows, they literally cut the opponent's skin.

Because of this, it is very often possible to observe a bloody spectacle, and not a duel. Some people like it, but some don't. Of course, because of the smaller leverage, the impact is more powerful.

But can everything be measured in kilograms per square centimeter? Impact force is a relative measure that must be matched with efficiency. Thais prove that with a weight of 40-50 kilograms, you can deliver such blows that are capable of knocking out the enemy the first time.

What were the players able to mark

Football is the title of the game of millions. Indeed, millions of TV viewers gather to watch football matches, not to mention tens of thousands of fans on football fields.

Football is the most popular game. Footballers must have a strong and accurate kick on the ball in order to score a goal.

And in this field very often football experts, journalists note the players who deliver incredible blows.

To date, the Brazilian midfielder Givanildo Vieira de Sousa is the holder of the title "The Strongest Shot of a Football Player". He is known to everyone as the Hulk.

Incredibly, playing against the Shakhtar-Donetsk team, he managed to score a goal with a ball that flew into the net at a speed of 214 km / h. The goalkeeper, of course, could not do anything.

For example, the legendary footballer Roberto Carlos, who was also a footballer of the Brazilian national team, was able to hit the ball at a speed of 198 kilometers per hour. Since then, he has long been considered the strongest punch player in football history.

Of course, such records of football players are not entered in the Guinness Book of Records, but it is simply impossible not to tell about them.


New records are set in the world every day. Thanks to Guinness for coming up with a great way to inform people about someone's interesting accomplishments.

Not all human records can be written into one book. Such a nomination as the strongest blow cannot be found there. But for this there are sports experts who somehow manage to fix more and more champion records. And although such figures can be criticized and questioned their correctness, they make one think about the physical capabilities of a person.

I would like to express my deep gratitude to all the people who have set and continue to set such records. And it doesn't matter if you have the strongest blow or you can jump the highest - you will always inspire people to overcome impassable obstacles and become better.

To the question: The force of the blow of an ordinary person. What is the impact force of an ordinary person, is there any table? given by the author Orangefresh the best answer is different for different people, but I think about 90 kg

Answer from Dmitry Penkin[newbie]
Try to hit the pear hard first, then set the results to yourself. You can injure yourself with a blow to the jaw. An experienced, trained athlete can knock out any gopnik. If you have a strong brush you will not damage it. Therefore, I suggest asking such questions first, train your hand first. A knockout can only be sent with a well-delivered blow.

Answer from rapid-fire[guru]
well, about 90! hit yourself lightly with a hammer this is about 90kg even less
I have, for example, Toko 150 from my hand, although I have been doing Muay Thai for 5 years!
The strongest blow on the planet for Kane velasquez is 1100 kg, and then only from 30 times and so about 500-600!

Answer from Caucasoid[guru]
All people are different! It depends on what to beat with your hand or foot!
Kicking has several advantages. First, the leg is much stronger than the arm. In fact, a kick, if delivered correctly, is the strongest and most dangerous kick a person can make. Secondly, the leg is longer than the arm and therefore has a greater radius of action. Thirdly, it is very difficult to block a kick with a leg, especially if it is carried out low: to the knee, lower leg or lower abdomen!
A website that sells punch strength equipment claims that projectile gloves attenuate punches by 5-7%, while gloves used by boxers for competition reduce punches by 25-30%.
The following guidelines for delivered strikes are also given there:
for the weight category 50-60 kg: straight - 300-400 kg, side - 500-600 kg;
for the weight category 60–70 kg: straight - 400–500 kg, lateral - 600–800 kg;
for the weight category 70–80 kg: straight - 450–600 kg, side - 700–900 kg;
for the weight category 80–90 kg: straight - 500–700 kg, side - 800–1100 kg.

Answer from Coconut[guru]
a woman or a teenager - up to 150 kg, a strong man 200-250 kg, a good boxer 350 kg, a professional boxer over 450 kg. Of great importance is the accuracy of the fist hitting the measuring projectile.

Answer from Forest Kasima[newbie]
The more the mass of the whole body, then the strength will be impressive. It all depends on the individual nature of each person and the trajectory of each blow

Answer from 1 3 [newbie]
The swing of a possible punch with a fist can reach up to 10 tons (but this cannot be done, due to the fact that the subconscious mind blocks the entire potential of a person, so that he would not injure himself. Here, even a fool understands that this person cannot make a second punch, for a number of reasons. The first reason is that it will not be a fist, but continuous pixel censorship. The second reason is painful shock. The third accident with the enemy (for he was no longer lucky).
And so I think an ordinary untrained person from 40 to 200 kg can inflict, or maybe even more, because there are some instances of heavy physical labor in the world, even with a delivered blow, who manage to send even martial arts masters to the kingdom of heaven with their blow, but these people can not be counted for there are very few such unique ones, at the level of error.

Answer from Force in the spirit of[guru]
everyone has it differently from 10 to 1500

Answer from Woras bassis[newbie]
The more you gain strength, the stronger it will be, that is, you have to control the whole body so that the blow is strong and the force of the blow should be a little 200 kg

Answer from Ѓcheny Physiologist[newbie]
The blows are different in speed and sharpness for a 1 year old trained person, the impact force will be 200-300 kg. a

Not every boxer is naturally given a strong blow, but this does not put an end to his career. With the correct execution technique, you can knock out with minimal force. This is what most modern boxers use. The lack of enchanting blows made the fights less spectacular, but how nice it is to watch an active fight with a well-honed technique. Want to know all about punching, scoring, technique and the boxers who hit the hardest hit in boxing? Then this article is for you.

destructive force

The force of impact, like all forces, is measured in newtons or kilograms, depending on body weight and speed. In international boxing, it is common practice to use psi, which refers to pounds per square inch.

An ordinary person hits with a force of 100-250 kg, for an average weight (60-70 kg). It's hard to believe, but the maximum mark reached 1250 kg for a heavyweight boxer.

In professional boxing, an electronic system is used to count strokes and their strength. In amateur, strength is characterized by the name of the technique performed.

Knockout guaranteed

Beginners or amateurs want to know what is the hardest hit in boxing. There is no single opinion and practice proves it. Each blow has the right to be considered the strongest, the main thing is to use it correctly, clearly, skillfully and in time to enter the world boxing history.


Taking into account many competitions, in this kind of martial arts the "cross" or cross kick stands out. The technique is performed with a strong straight arm of the athlete to the head or body. In the final position, the hands of the rivals are intertwined in a cross, hence the name.

He became famous thanks to:

  • Mike Tyson;
  • Max Baer;
  • Ernie Shavers.


It is performed in close combat by striking a blow from the bottom up. The correct uppercut is sharp, short, made from an angle with great force, which is increased by the movement of the body in the direction of the strike.


Side kick, in which the arm is bent and resembles a hook. It has great strength, as it involves the arms, torso and legs. Due to the circular trajectory, the force increases, and the work of the body gives speed. For this technique to work for all 100, you need the elbow to be parallel to the ground. Hook is the strongest hit when done correctly.

The strike entered the top 5 strongest in the performance of Joe Fraser.

What boxers are capable of

  1. George Foreman is a heavyweight boxer whose strikes with a force of 1200 kg will not leave anyone indifferent. That is why the nomination "the hardest hit in boxing" goes to him. In 1973, he fought an enchanting fight against Joe Fraser, knocking him down 6 times with one punch.
  2. Eini Shavers is one of the best heavyweight boxers thanks to her signature right cross. Ali appreciated the strength of his blows, admitting that he had never received such powerful blows. Out of 74 victorious fights, 68 ended in knockout for the opponent. He had an impact force of 1250 kg, but was not enduring and technical. This was the reason that he never received the world champion belt. Despite this, Eini has the hardest hit in boxing history.
  3. In this list, it is worth noting the boxing legend of all time - Muhammad Ali. The force of his impact is 1100 kg, he achieved this with the help of incredible speed. Experts found out that Ali delivered about 3 blows in 1 second. It is he who deserves the title of the fastest heavyweight boxer.

Boxing records

Boxing refers to this type of martial arts, where not only the power of the blow is important, but also its accuracy and clarity. These qualities significantly increase the chances of ending the fight by knockout and winning the athlete. Also, the weight, height and stance of the boxer play an important role. All these components can only approximately allow to assign a title - be it the strongest person in boxing or a punch.

After analyzing the lists of the best boxers of all weight categories in the world sports magazines, we can note the Ukrainian boxer Vasily Lomachenko, who is the leader in the lists. This opinion is shared by the legendary Iron Mike.

In the whole world, there is no single dynamometer that measured the force of each boxer's blow and determined the best one. Despite this, athletes continue to develop their physical capabilities, achieving a crushing blow.

The best shot in boxing is shared by:

  • Ernie Shavers;
  • George Foreman.

The old school is a good example for modern boxers. We wish you striving and spectacular battles!

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