Body drying for girls. What does body drying mean? What is body drying and why?

After reading, each lady will know what drying is, what this process is, and what drying postulates exist. In addition, we will consider the practical side of the issue, i.e. a specific exercise program and diet for muscle development.

In anticipation of summer, fitness clubs and gyms are filled with a huge number of clients who are eager to lose those extra pounds and prepare their bodies for the beach season. And, as practice shows, girls visit the gym much more often than guys, but there is much less information for them on the Internet. Therefore, today let's look at the issues of drying the body for girls.

Drying and losing weight are the same thing?

In view of the scarce information on giving the body a relief appearance, many young ladies (and not only women) do not quite accurately navigate the conceptual apparatus and often equate drying with losing weight. However, these are two completely different processes.

Drying is a bakery product from the process of muscle manifestation by reducing the level of subcutaneous fat to a certain percentage ( 8-12% ). Its main goal is to bring muscles to the first place, i.e. carving them out from under the fat mass. - general loss of body weight, and not necessarily only fat. The goal of losing weight is, for example, getting into your prenatal (or just favorite in your youth) jeans, and by not pushing and tamping your little body, but a smooth entrance :).

Drying the body implies carrying out the following works prior to this process:

  • strict adherence to the mass-gaining training program in a certain number of repetitions and approaches;
  • increased calorie intake, which helps maintain an anabolic environment for growth;
  • development (in a certain ratio) of adipose and muscle tissues.

In other words, drying the body for girls is not a momentary “I want to quickly dry myself by summer”, it is a deliberate execution of certain steps by the young ladies and restructuring at the right time of their diet and adjusting the training program. It follows from this that drying muscles is not a process for everyone, and it is often inappropriate to carry it out with only one purpose - to go to the beach beautifully several times, because the game is not worth the candle. Of course, if your life involves constant photo shoots, beach activities and relaxation, then drying is for you. If the goal is 1 once a year for 2-3 weeks to go on vacation to a warm country and show off your forms there, then keep in mind that the time and effort spent on bringing yourself into a dried form does not correlate with the time of its demonstration.

Therefore, I warned you, and you make a decision whether the game is worth the candle! If it is, then we go further.

So, as you already understood, drying the body implies the initial presence of the total mass - both muscle and fat, otherwise the process will resemble bone carving. I mean if a girl weighs 45 kg with growth 175 cm, then there can be no talk of any drying here. The optimal starting material for a girl with a height of 170 cm is a weight of 60 kg and a corresponding ratio of fat to muscle mass. In particular, the initial level of subcutaneous fat should be within 20-25% .

It is also important to remember that burning muscle is much easier than fat, therefore, during the drying period, they need qualitative and quantitative nutritional and strength support. Muscle is an energy-consuming structure, while adipose tissue consumes much less calories. Therefore, the goal of drying is to preserve muscle and lose fat at the same time.

When you eat carbohydrates, your body goes into an intense mode of increasing and storing glucose. It begins to rapidly accumulate in the fibers of the muscles and liver cells, forming a supply of such substances in the form of a glycogen depot. If the control of carbohydrates is not moderate and the latter continue to enter the body, and their amount exceeds the norm, and muscle fibers and liver cells are “clogged” with glycogen, then glucose is converted into fat. Such excess fat is stored in fat cells, adipocytes. This process is reversible, so if the body lacks glucose, it takes it from glycogen. When the source is depleted, the production of glucose from fat cells begins. The breakdown / breakdown process of fats (lipolysis) is complex and requires significant energy expenditure.

Lack of carbohydrates

In case of acute glucose deficiency, the process of breaking down fats is not complete, and the body accumulates undigested residues and ketone bodies, the blood becomes acidic, which leads to the development of ketoacidosis. To suppress this process, burn ketones and help the body, you need to refuel with carbohydrates. Otherwise, the poisoning and intoxication of the body increases, and the person may fall into a coma.

Conclusion: "carbohydrate-free" does lead to the breakdown of fats, but it is dangerous, because leads the body to ketoacidosis.

Features of drying the body for girls

The process of drying the body is (to a greater extent) not a way to rid the body of excess fluid, it is an effective method of burning fat, the main source of energy in which is carbohydrates. The female body is more sensitive (than the male) to various biochemical changes that occur in it. Therefore, it is important here not to go too far, bringing it to exhaustion / coma, and in a timely manner to load the body with carbohydrates (including simple ones). Another feature is the presence of the original drying material, i.e. muscle mass - it should be. Due to the fact that ladies are not used to working in a strength style and free weights, it will be necessary to step over from fitness tonic training to mass-gaining, choosing a special training program.

The drying training program for girls implies a large number of repetitions and light weights due to the fact that their (your) body is better able to withstand prolonged loads (more enduring) due to the predominance of slow red muscle fibers.

Step # 1. Drying the body - simple arithmetic

It is important to understand, even before starting the drying procedures, which body (with which composition) can be obtained at the exit. And a simple example and arithmetic will help us to understand this. Suppose we have a girl Christina weighing 60 kg, height 175 cm and percentage of subcutaneous fat 20% ... The task is to determine the weight at 10% fat and maintaining the current gains in muscle mass.

The table below shows the basic arithmetic calculations for achieving your ideal weight.


Net muscle mass is a conditional value that reflects the weight of muscles, bones, blood, organs, excluding fat.

As you can see, the weight should be 54,3 kg, i.e. you need to lose fat mass in the amount 6 kg.

Step # 2. Keeping a food diary

Losing fat mass while maintaining lean muscle mass is primarily a matter of proper nutrition. The energy balance equation says that if you eat fewer calories than you burn, you will lose weight. Otherwise, mass gain will occur. Therefore, calories will have to be counted, both total per day and at each meal.

This is how it might look.

I do not argue that this is still a hassle, but no one said that it would be easy. As an assistant-facilitator in calculating KBZHU, you can use specialized programs, counters or online calculators on the site, for example, this one.

Having such a table at hand, you will be able to manage your diet and the ratio of its micronutrients, changing their amount depending on the change in the figure (decrease / increase in fat mass). The basic rule of thumb when drying is to increase the protein dosage. Remember, lean protein should account for most of (from 40 before 50% ) daily ration.

Protein makes you feel fuller and helps maintain muscle mass by protecting it from burning out. Vegetables / fiber go well with protein, so make your meals with a combination of these.

So, now let's talk about ...

Basic rules for drying the body

It is very important during the drying process to obtain not only the desired effect for the body, but also to avoid negative consequences for the body. Compliance with the following rules will help you in solving these problems.

Rule # 1

Throughout the day, maintain a stable blood sugar level, without ups and downs, for this adhere to a fractional diet ( 5-7 receptions) and the right products.

Rule # 2

Consume the amount of clean water = [your weight] x 0.03. Cool water allows the body to spend more energy for its utilization.

Rule # 3

Learn to count calories and gradually reduce your calorie intake, but remember that cutting calories from carbohydrates can ultimately deplete glycogen stores, which can cause the burning of active muscle tissue. Increase in carbohydrates by 100-200 gr 1 once a week will replenish enough glycogen stores to avoid muscle loss.

Rule # 4

The correct drying process should take from 8 before 12 weeks.

Rule # 5

Dry workouts involve high intensity (high reps, light weights, sets / supersets) or strength volume training (better for men).

Rule # 6

When cutting back on carbohydrates, increase your lean protein intake so that your body does not burn muscle, particularly in numbers. 1,5-2 To/ 1 kg to 2-3 gr.

Rule # 7

If there is a sharp restriction of calorie content, then the body will try to store energy in reserve, slowing down its metabolism. Moderate calorie reduction (weekly reduction by 100-200 kcal), allows the body to switch to the expenditure of fats and not enter the metabolism into a "spin".

Rule # 8

Thermogenics / thermogenics class fat burners effectively stimulate the central nervous system, increase norepinephrine production, help prevent metabolic slowdown, and allow fat cells to release and burn fat.

Rule # 9

Glutamine spares the burning of BCAAs, which are used in large quantities when calories are low. Glutamine also increases metabolic rate and fat burning. Take on 5 gr BCAA before and still 5 gr after training, as well as at breakfast and before bed.

Rule # 10

Over time, all diets cause a slowdown in metabolism, when you “reach the handle” and realize that the metabolism is frozen, load yourself on 1-2 of the day with good carbohydrates and fats. This unloading will shake up thyroid hormones, and when you return to the diet, you will continue to burn subcutaneous fat.

Rule # 11

Don't use non-fibrous carbs (white rice, bread), slow digesting carbs (brown rice, oatmeal, sweet potatoes) will lead to more long-term fat loss. High insulin levels are associated with more fat storage and less fat burning. Fiber slows down the absorption of carbohydrates, which control insulin levels.

Rule # 12

Sometimes it is necessary to go to extremes, for example, arranging for yourself 1 once in 10-12 days a critically low-carb day, limiting carbohydrate intake to 50-80 d. This can trick the body into losing more fat by reducing glycogen stores. This enhances fat burning.

Rule # 13

Pre-workout meals should include fast-digesting protein (whey) and slow-digesting carbs, oatmeal, and whole grain breads.

Rule # 14

Fats from most fish species are able to compensate for FA deficiency and stimulate the breakdown of subcutaneous fat. Therefore, you need to include fish in meals at least 1 once a day.

Rule # 15

The main goal of the diet, in addition to maintaining muscle mass, is to maximize growth hormone (GH). It prevents muscle burning and stimulates the breakdown of subcutaneous fat. GH levels rise in the first 90 minutes after falling asleep, but the total amount of glucose (from digested carbohydrates) in the blood affects the release of growth hormone. Low glucose levels maximize the release of the growing hormone. Therefore, if your training ends in the evening (after 7 ), and you go to sleep in 23-00 , then refrain from taking carbohydrates in the last 1-2 reception before bedtime.

Slimming exercises. Body drying for girls:

Lyubov Ivanova

Reading time: 6 minutes


Drying the body is the process by which a person gets rid of subcutaneous fat. With the help of drying, the athlete makes the muscles more prominent. Since not everyone can go to the gym, I will tell you how to dry the body for girls and men at home.

The term "body drying" is widely used by bodybuilders. Due to the rapid development of the fitness industry, this word began to call any weight loss, although this is not entirely correct. When drying, the slimming effect is achieved due to the care of adipose tissue, not muscle mass.

During the drying process, the main emphasis is made on the preservation of muscles. To achieve impressive results, it is necessary to continue training and pay particular attention to nutrition.

People who do not play sports and want to lose weight quickly with the help of drying should understand that the resulting figure will be far from ideal. The disappeared subcutaneous fat will open up muscles that are far from perfect and cannot boast of a relief.

Body drying for men

The procedure for drying the body at home is a combination of simple measures aimed at eliminating subcutaneous fat without harming the accumulated muscle mass.

I note that drying outside the gym should only be done under the guidance of a knowledgeable trainer and after working on increasing body weight.

Why is it necessary to dry the body? Building muscle mass, guys do not pay attention to nutrition and use almost everything. They often include sports supplements in the diet to accelerate muscle growth.

Naturally, along with muscle growth, fat appears on the body. For a man's figure to look flawless, it is necessary to get rid of fat and emphasize muscle definition. This effect is achieved by drying the body.

At the heart of the process of drying the body is a complete change in nutrition. Fats and carbohydrates are excluded from the diet, the main focus is on protein foods. Such a diet without proper training and experience is a dangerous undertaking. Drying the body is possible only if there are no medical contraindications. In case of organ diseases, it is not recommended to carry it out.

In addition to a protein diet, a strict daily regimen and regular exercise must be followed, taking into account age and body type. Below I will take a closer look at the nutritional characteristics and training program.

Training program for men

It is much more convenient to work out in the gym, since it has the necessary sports equipment. At home, you should have a training program and sports equipment close at hand.

  • While exercising at home, you will have to increase the duration of your workouts and reduce your working weight. Exercise with aerobic activity is considered ideal. Such exercises burn fat quickly, and a protein diet preserves muscle volume.
  • At home, you can effectively work out with dumbbells, a barbell and a rope. Great results will be provided by a bike or roller skates. If there are no such sports units in the arsenal, yard horizontal bars and bars will come to the rescue. The main thing is that during training, the load is distributed evenly. In this case, you need to pump all the muscles.
  • With regular home workouts, you will gain experience. As a result, while examining the figure, you will be able to identify muscle groups that are poorly trained, and adjust the training program so as to eliminate this deficiency. Even if you are studying at home, use a program designed by a professional taking into account your individual data.
  • Sports preparations for drying the body. When a person works out at home, we are not talking about sports nutrition. You can limit yourself to a vitamin and mineral complex that will help fill the deficiency of nutrients.
  • I do not recommend using professional fat-burning supplements on my own. It is better if a professional trainer helps with this issue.
  • Home drying time for the first time is five weeks. Professional athletes carry out drying for three months, however, they are guided by a special program developed taking into account the characteristics of the body.

The choice of specific exercises for drying the body is overwhelming. A professional trainer will help you choose the optimal complex for home workouts. The consultation will not be too expensive, but the money spent is more than compensated for by the result.

Video example of drying 8 kg of fat in 8 days!

Diet and menus

Now we will talk about the nutritional features during drying.

The splitting of subcutaneous fat is a complex and energy-consuming process. With a deficiency of sugar, the body consumes muscle glycogen, and only then subcutaneous fats. How do you need to eat in order for the diet to provide such an effect?

Eat foods low in carbohydrates during drying. The list includes meat broths, mineral water, boiled seafood, boiled eggs, dairy products, fish and white meat, cucumbers, cabbage, radishes, green peppers, herbs and zucchini.

Prohibited foods include breads, sweets, pastries, salt, and starch-rich vegetables. I present a generalized version of the male diet during drying, breaking it down by week.

  1. First week ... The daily intake of carbohydrates per kilogram of body weight should not exceed 2 grams. The number of meals per day - 6. Include egg whites, low-fat cottage cheese, brown rice, cheese, boiled chicken breast, unsweetened fruits, vegetables and vegetable oils in the diet.
  2. Second week ... From the second week, nutrition becomes more stringent, and the rate of carbohydrates per kilogram of body weight is reduced to 1 gram. During the first half of the day, you can eat porridge. Eat no more than 120 grams of food at a time.
  3. Third week ... Reduce carbohydrates (per kilogram of body weight) to 0.5 grams per day. The frequency of meals does not change, and fruit and cheese should be removed from the diet.
  4. Fourth week ... A single serving of porridge should not exceed 6 tablespoons, and the list of prohibited foods includes carrots and radishes. If you experience weakness, drowsiness and dry mouth, withdraw from the diet, as these are signs of blood oxidation. Carbohydrates will help eliminate discomfort.
  5. Fifth week ... After a month, the daily intake of carbohydrates should be reduced to 50 grams per day. Exclude all cereals from the diet. It is allowed to eat salads, fresh vegetables and herbs. Lack of plant fiber can lead to ketone poisoning.
  6. Sixth week ... The diet becomes extremely poor and the menu is severely limited. Exclude dairy products from the diet, since they contain sugar, which is prohibited at this stage of drying.
  7. Seventh week ... From this point on, you can begin to gradually exit the diet, and increase the amount of carbohydrates to 0.5 grams per kilogram of body weight. Add fresh vegetables and seafood to the diet.
  8. Eighth week ... Gradually introduce carbohydrates into the diet, enriching the menu with cereals, fruits, dairy products and vegetables. Move in the opposite direction.

Drying the body for girls at home

Many girls have heard about drying the body at home, however, not everyone understands what this weight loss technique represents.

Drying the body is reduced to fast and effective burning of fat mass. This method of losing weight is preferred by professional bodybuilders during preparation for a competition.

According to professionals, you should not get carried away with this technique, since drying muscles with a sharp departure of fat deposits for an unprepared female body is severe stress, which often leads to undesirable consequences.

Drying the body is the final stage of a special diet, the results of which must be supported by vigorous training, an adjusted daily routine and proper nutrition.

Training program for girls

For each girl, the training program for drying the body is individual. The recommendations are general in nature.

All muscle groups should be involved in strength training. If this is not done, the body will consider the muscle mass "unnecessary burden" and destroy it.

  • Experts advise combining exercise with aerobics. Aerobic training complements strength training. At the same time, you should not overdo it. Aerobics burns fat, but as you dry, your body is deficient in nutrients, so the process of burning muscle mass can begin.
  • There is no universal set of exercises. Only a professional trainer can find the ideal option. When body drying is performed at home, changes in the body must be monitored regularly. If even a slight skew appears, the program must be corrected immediately.
  • In your home workout, include a couple of sets of ten repetitions on the rope.
  • Running in the park is a great addition to your main activity. Run for 30 minutes. Running will pump up your legs and eliminate fat.
  • Running alternatives - walking, swimming, team sports: soccer, basketball, volleyball.
  • According to the generally accepted opinion, a person burns much more energy in the morning than at lunch or in the evening.

For home drying to be highly effective, back up your workouts with proper nutrition.

Training program video

Diet and menus for girls

The time has come to talk about nutrition when drying a female body. The diet and menu during this period includes protein-rich foods that help increase muscle mass.

  1. Include chicken breast, lean fish, eggs, milk and cottage cheese in the diet. Cook the chicken without the skin, and boil the eggs.
  2. During drying, exclude smoked meats, fatty and fried foods, canned food and pickles.
  3. When drying the body, it is better to steam or boil food. You should rely on fiber-rich greens and vegetables.
  4. The number of meals is at least eight, after two hours.
  5. Create a calorie chart.
  6. Give up sweets. Eliminate cookies, sweets, flour products, baked goods and spices from the diet. You can substitute a moderate amount of fruit.
  7. Drink up to three liters of liquid per day. Avoid coffee as it removes water from the body. Instead, I advise you to drink green tea.

During the diet, it is not forbidden to arrange fasting days. Eat anything in moderation once a week. This will provide psychological relief and allow you to keep the regime. Girls with enviable willpower do without it and achieve impressive results.

The subtleties of fat burning and diet for girls are discussed in the video

Let's divide body drying for girls into 3 stages. If you follow the instructions, everything will definitely work out, and the body's response to changes will be less pronounced.

  • At the initial stage, include carbohydrate-rich foods, vegetables and boiled foods in the diet. After a few days, start a smooth transition to protein. Eat in small portions.
  • After 15 days, you can pamper yourself with a small amount of sweets, which normalizes blood sugar. Eat carbohydrates in the morning, proteins in the second. It should be cooked with olive or linseed oil.
  • The third stage of body drying is the most severe. Reduce protein intake to 5% of body weight, and the daily intake of carbohydrates to 80 grams. Supplement the diet with physical activity. Swing your shoulders, work your arms, train your legs and pay attention to the development of other muscle groups.

The duration of these stages does not exceed three months. During this period, you can easily lose up to 7 kilograms.

Before starting the process, you should contact a professional trainer and nutritionist to draw up a training plan and work out a diet taking into account the characteristics of the body.

In conclusion, I will add that a person who steadily follows these recommendations, adipose tissue leaves quickly enough. But an intensive rate of weight loss is unacceptable, so weight loss needs to be controlled. A girl's body should lose no more than 200 grams of weight per day. At a higher speed, you can drive the body into a state of severe stress, as a result, it will begin to store fat.

Adipose tissue is necessarily present in the human body. For a woman, the minimum indicator is 12% of body weight. With an athletic physique, fat accounts for up to 10%.

A toned body with prominently protruding muscles has been a sign of superiority and good health since the days of gladiators. Modern guys and girls look after their appearance and figure, do rhythmic gymnastics, bodybuilding, and practice yoga. But muscle relief can only be achieved by drying the body.

With the help of a properly designed dietary program and a developed training system during drying, you can get rid of subcutaneous fat. This is the whole meaning of the name.

In the process of a comprehensive program, weight loss occurs, but it is more an additional effect than the main one. Drying helps to draw the relief of the muscles, "fat", but pumped up. Therefore, in order to start drying, a person must have developed muscles and a layer of fat. It will not be possible to pump muscles without fat deposits.

During classes, you will not have to give up fluids, but you will need to say goodbye to carbohydrate foods. If carbohydrates are not supplied, the body will begin to use glycogen, and when its reserves are depleted, fat breakdown will occur.

A carbohydrate-free diet is considered unsafe, as the body is constantly under stress due to a lack of carbohydrates and along with intense training.

Drying sessions last for a month. During this period, the amount of consumed fats and carbohydrates is gradually reduced. When muscle definition is achieved, you will need to gradually return to your usual diet. A smooth transition to carbohydrate food lasts 2 weeks.

Daily training will help maintain the achieved results. You can do simple exercises, but taking a break from classes is unacceptable.

Mechanisms and principles

Girls and guys who want to draw muscles faster and do not want to work with barbells need to know the mechanisms of drying.

1. Fat burning is based on a specific process, as a result of which energy is obtained through ketosis. During drying, the body receives less carbohydrates, and it is necessary to produce energy. Therefore, he proceeds to break down fats. This process requires a significant expenditure of energy, because the reduction of adipose tissue occurs in a fairly short time.

2. Our body is programmed to store fat, so that it can then be used as energy. Therefore, he is more likely to part with muscle mass than fat. The first priority during drying is to maintain muscle mass. This can be solved by increasing the amount of protein in the diet. In this case, even during intensive training, fat will be burned, and the muscle mass will remain unaffected.

3. Carbohydrates are gradually reduced. A balanced diet consists of 50% carbohydrates, 20% fat and 30% protein. Women, per 1 kg of weight, have about 1.4 grams of protein. During drying, it is required to increase the percentage of consumed proteins by 1.5 times and reduce the amount of carbohydrates, for example, take 1 gram per 1 kg of weight. Daily calories should also be reduced.

4. To avoid health problems, girls should adhere to drying the body for 2 weeks - 1 month. Athletes are allowed to increase the load up to 1.5-2 months.

In addition to mechanisms, DRYING HAS ITS OWN PRINCIPLES:

  • individual training program;
  • a properly designed weight loss program;
  • special additives.

Without additional carbohydrates, the body burns fat. To avoid the development of ketoacidosis and complete intoxication of the body, prolonged carbohydrate starvation is not recommended. With a lack of glucose, incomplete combustion of fats occurs, ketone bodies remain, which poison the body. To remedy the situation, carbohydrates should be gradually introduced into the menu. The body is energized and burns ketones.



  • underweight;
  • pregnancy;
  • while breastfeeding;
  • kidney failure;
  • diseases of the gallbladder and pancreas;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • diseases of the liver and gastrointestinal tract.

Before training, it is recommended to consult a doctor in order to exclude individual contraindications. But no doctor will say that drying is beneficial for the body. In addition to a doctor, you need to contact an experienced, practicing instructor to develop an individual menu and draw up a training program.

You can not dry the body just to lose weight. It will only do harm. Kilograms will return to their place very soon. Every girl, doing drying at an amateur level, risks her health, which will not be easy to restore. Changes at the hormonal level can occur and, as a result, the development of many diseases is inevitable. There is an exit. You need to carefully plan your diet and draw up a training program. It is unlikely that you will be able to do this on your own, so you need to contact a practicing nutritionist and trainer.

It is enough for professional athletes to dry once a year for 2 weeks. And all the remaining time you just need to keep fit.

  1. Instead of sugar, you can eat fruits: oranges, grapefruits, lemons.
  2. Cook meat and fish only by steaming; it is not allowed to add salt and pepper dishes.
  3. It is recommended to eat salads from cucumbers, tomatoes and other non-starchy vegetables in unlimited quantities.
  4. You need to cook porridge from lentils, buckwheat, unprocessed rice. Oatmeal and polished rice are not permitted.
  5. No tea and coffee. Only mineral water and tap water.
  6. During drying, it is necessary to take a multivitamin complex.

AEROBIC TRAINING. During aerobics, an enzyme is produced - a substance that quickly breaks down fats. In addition, the body is saturated with oxygen, which is also involved in the breakdown of fats.

INTERVAL LOADS. High intensity activities should be alternated with low intensity activities. Such training contributes to the long-term maintenance of metabolic processes.

CARDIO TRAINING, POWER LOADING AND RUNNING also burns fat and helps muscles to gain relief.

  1. You can speed up the process of burning fat if you pump your abs after aerobic workout.
  2. It is recommended to use a warming belt during exercise. You can buy it at the pharmacy. The belt will help remove belly fat.
  3. The success of drying is 70% dependent on properly formulated nutrition and adherence to the dietary menu.
  4. Breakfast should be hearty.
  5. Girls are not recommended to completely eliminate fats from the diet. Fat deficiency will negatively affect the condition of your hair and skin.
  6. Drying the body should be accompanied by the intake of a multivitamin complex.

"Drying" is a long-term process that involves getting rid of subcutaneous fat through a properly formulated diet and intense training. It should also be noted that body drying for girls noticeably different from male drying (both nutrition and exercise).

Body drying for girls. Why is it needed?

In n During the period from autumn to winter, there is an intensive set of muscle mass. As a rule, it is very difficult, sometimes impossible, to build purely dry muscle mass. Therefore, there is an overall increase in both muscle and fat mass. Drying allows you to make the body beautiful and embossed. (with a minimum amount of fat)... She is needed by those girls who gained extra fat during this period and now want to get their bodies in great shape before the beach season.

# 1. You need to eat often, but in small portions

The so-called frequent (fractional) meals. This type of food will bring you many benefits in the process of losing weight. Frequent - This means that meals are taken every 2 to 3 hours. The main advantage of this food is the acceleration of metabolism. The faster your metabolism, the easier it is for you to lose weight (and vice versa). Also, frequent meals can maintain the amino acid profile at the same level, which is very good during drying, since the right nutrients are constantly supplied in the right amount.

The size of their waist is very important for girls, and surprisingly, such nutrition helps to reduce your waist. How? Everything is very simple! The more often you eat, the smaller your portions, and the smaller your portions, the less your stomach stretches. The smaller the stomach, the smaller the waist will be. Also, such nutrition allows you to better assimilate food. (there will be no digestive problems) and does not burden the gastrointestinal tract. You can eat 6 times a day (250g portions) instead of 3 500g portions.

I already mentioned this (the faster the speed, the faster the fat burns)... Metabolism can be promoted with fractional meals (an effective method), and you can also use some foods that slightly increase this speed. These are foods such as red hot peppers, green tea, and cool water.

No. 3. To burn fat, you need to get fewer calories than you spend

Here you can stop and understand in more detail, since this is the most important rule. If you do not observe it, consider that body drying for girls go down the drain. This rule states that you need to eat less than you move during the day. (or move more than you eat - as it is more convenient to whom)... There are girls who find it difficult to sit on a very strict diet, so the main emphasis can be placed on training. (greatly increase the flow rate)... Also, there are girls for whom it is not difficult to eat a little, but do not have enough time for frequent training. (such girls put the main emphasis and tight control on diet - on the arrival of calories).

Let's take an example so that you understand all this. Let's say you consume 1,800 calories daily. (gained weight on such a calorie content) and now you want to lose weight (dry). To do this, you need to cut about 15% of your daily calorie intake from carbohydrates and then fat burning should begin. 1800 - 15% = 1530 Calories (your new daily calorie intake)... Cut down, start eating at a new calorie content and see (control and fix).

A week has passed, see the changes (the fat slowly begins to leave, the ass and tummy begin to appear better ... a relief appears)- do not change anything. Everything goes according to plan. If after a week there are no changes, then you can cut the diet a little more (about 10%). While you are losing weight, do not cut back on food. You need to cut back when you have completely stopped losing weight. Otherwise, if you cut calories too quickly, the body will think that a "hunger strike" has come and will close in itself (will begin to accumulate any resources into fat reserves)... Do not be afraid to lose weight slowly - be afraid to stand still!

No. 4. Minimize fat intake

There should be a minimum amount of fat in your diet. Moreover, these fatty acids must be extremely good. Sources of bad fats: margarine, lard, fatty meats, fatty dairy products. Good fat sources include flaxseed oil, olive oil, avocados, seeds, nuts, and oily fish. Do not try to completely eliminate fats, as this will lead to hormonal disruption and slow down the fat burning process. The daily intake of fatty acids is 0.5 g per 1 kg of body weight.

No. 5. Drinking plenty of fluids

Water is the most important vital factor for the human body. Many functions depend on the quantity and quality of the water. Just as oddly enough, water helps you lose weight. A limited drinking regime while losing weight is a very big mistake. Water speeds up the metabolism, dilutes the viscosity of the blood and flushes out debris from the body. Daily rate of water during drying: 2 - 4 liters.

No. 6. The last carbohydrate intake should be 5-6 hours before bedtime.

Carbohydrates are a simple and excellent source of energy for our body. But he does not always need this energy. Rather, it is always needed, but only in some cases more is needed, and in some cases less. The biggest need for carbohydrates is the first half of the day. In the second half (towards evening), the body needs maximum energy least of all. That is why, if you eat carbohydrate foods before bedtime, it will be very difficult to lose weight.

No. 7. More slow carbs and less fast carbs

Need to cut back on fast carbohydrates (honey, fruits, etc.), and focus on slow carbohydrates (oatmeal, rice, buckwheat, etc.)... The bad thing about fast carbs is that they provide the fastest energy possible, which fizzles out just as quickly. Slow carbohydrates, on the other hand, provide long-term energy, allowing the body to maintain its performance for long periods of time.

No. 8. Boost Your Protein Level

Protein is the main building material for our muscles. Body drying for girls(its success) is highly dependent on the quantity and quality of protein foods. If your diet is lacking in protein, then you risk losing some of the muscle mass. And if you lose muscle mass, then what was the wash in drying? Then this is simple weight loss! That is why, almost all athletes raise the level of protein foods more than usual. Of course, some of the protein will not be absorbed, but this is not as important as ensuring that you have your muscles with you.

No. 9. Discard food junk

I think it doesn't really need to be explained here. Food waste such as ketchup, mayonnaise, sugar, chips, store yoghurts, etc., do not so much slow down the process of losing weight as harm the body.

No. 10. Give up alcohol

While you're drying out, the body is already under stress from increased training and harshly cut nutrition. Alcohol is additional stress that will negatively affect the drying process as a whole. After it enters the body, task # 1 for your body is to remove the poison from the body.

No. 11. You need to train very intensely.

Exercise also plays a significant role in fat burning. Of course, you can only lose weight through diet (without training), but then you can be sure that you will lose all muscles and after losing weight you will get a flabby body. For girls, a combination of anaerobic (strength) and aerobic (cardio) loads would be an ideal option. This combination will give you the fastest and most effective result.

Diet is 70% successful during drying. Yes, yes ... diet. Many people think that the main key to success is training, but NO. Exercise is an additional aid to your diet. But in order to achieve maximum effect, you need to combine diet with exercise.

Body drying for girls has approximately the following diet:

07:00 water - 200ml

07:30 oatmeal - 50g / grapefruit - ½

09:30 buckwheat - 30g / chicken eggs - 2pcs (white + yolk) / chicken eggs - 1pc (only protein) / vegetables

11:30 buckwheat - 20g / chicken fillet - 100g / vegetables / 1 tsp linseed oil

13:30 cottage cheese - 130g / vegetables / 1 tsp. olive oil

15:30 – 16:30 WORKOUT (you can drink BCAA during training)

17:00 rice - 30g / chicken fillet - 100g / vegetables / 1 tsp. linseed oil

19:00 turkey fillet - 100g / vegetables / 1 tsp. olive oil

21:00 chicken fillet - 100g / vegetables

23:00 cottage cheese - 130g


Proteins: 150 - 160g

Fat: 30 - 35g

Carbohydrates: 100 - 110g

Calories: 1500 - 1600

If you are unable to independently choose a menu for yourself with the correct ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates for your own body weight, then I can help you with this. If you want me to select an individual menu for you (calculate everything by grams and time), then contact me through this page ->

This diet is designed for girls whose body weight is 58 - 62 kg. If you weigh more or less, then adjust the diet for yourself. Weigh yourself every week and track your results. Successful drying is when you lose 0.4 - 0.9kg every week. With this result, you will burn pure fat, and muscle mass will remain unaffected.

If you are losing more than 1kg per week, then add some carbohydrates (20-30g) to your diet. And if you do not lose weight at all, or have lost only about 100g of weight, then you need to remove some carbohydrates (20-30g) from your diet.

We figured out the nutrition, now let's start training. As I said before, body drying for girls differs from men, not only in nutrition, but also in training. There are two types of training: strength training (training with iron) and aerobic (running, exercise bike, etc.)... For maximum effect, you need to combine two types of training.

Training rules:

  • duration - 60 minutes
  • number of workouts - 5
  • rest between sets - from 30 to 45 seconds (depending on the difficulty of the exercise)
  • during training you need to drink 1 liter of water



  1. Hanging leg raises on the horizontal bar 4 to maximum
  2. Wide Grip Rows to the Chest 4*12-15
  3. Straight Grip T-Bar Row 4*12-15
  4. Lifting the bar for biceps while standing 4*12-15
  5. Hammer bending 4*12-15
  6. at a slow pace 30 minutes


  1. Barbell Shoulder Squats 4*20
  2. Extension legs in the simulator 4*20
  3. Deadlift on straight legs 4*20
  4. Lying Leg Curl 4*20
  5. Standing Calf Raises 4*25
  6. at a slow pace 35min


  1. Twisting lying 4 to maximum
  2. Medium grip push-ups 4*15-20
  3. Laying dumbbells lying 4*15
  4. Narrow Grip Barbell Press 4*12-15
  5. Bars 4*12-15
  6. at a slow pace 30 minutes

Thursday - Rest


  1. Crunches on a roman chair 4 to maximum
  2. Wide-grip vertical block row 4*12-15
  3. Row on the horizontal block to the belt 4*12-15
  4. Wide grip barbell pull 4*12-15
  5. Bent over with dumbbells 4*15
  6. at a slow pace 30 minutes


  1. Barbell Chest Squat 4*20
  2. Dumbbell lunges 4*20
  3. Lifting dumbbells in front of you 4*15
  4. Lifting dumbbells through the sides 4*15
  5. at a slow pace 40min

Sunday - Rest

In the future, when you get used to the load, you can increase the training time. You can add more sets of exercises, or do longer cardio after a workout. Alternatively, you can train twice a day. In the morning - cardio (15 - 40 minutes), and in the evening according to this scheme.

Body drying for girls Is a very difficult task. Strictly stick to your diet, exercise intensely, do not freeze in your workouts, and by the summer you will have a perfect physique. Men will AMAZED and girls will ENVY! Good luck!


A beautiful and relief body is the dream of many, both men and women, who more and more often make a choice not in favor of painful thinness, in favor of a healthy and athletic figure. To achieve this, you need to reduce the amount of subcutaneous fat and increase the amount of muscle mass at the same time. Drying of the body, which every athlete knows about, helps to cope with all this. Initially, only professional bodybuilders resorted to it. Today, it is actively practiced by those who go in for sports only for themselves at home. Consider what body drying is and how to do it.

So, body drying - what is it? This is a nutritional system in combination with physical exercises that allows you to actively burn fat mass, building up muscle mass, which forms a beautiful body relief. The term drying came to us from bodybuilding, since it was professional athletes who first began to use it. They do this 1-2 months before the competition, so that the body becomes as "dry" and embossed as possible, so that the judges and others will be amazed by it. The effectiveness of the drying has made it popular among those who are pure amateur in terms of sports.

Speaking about body drying, we note that this is a purely voluntary process, which is important to go to consciously. Everyone decides for himself whether he needs drying or not. The fact is that she has contraindications and side effects, which we will talk about a little later.

Drying is a set of measures aimed at improving physical fitness. It is suitable for those who want not only to lose weight, but to lose specifically fat mass, not only will not touch the muscle, but also improve its condition. The basic principles of drying are the minimization of carbohydrates in the diet, leaning on proteins and active physical activity. This approach is not suitable for those who just want to lose weight, but for those whose goal is directly relief. Drying can be used if you have a certain muscle mass. So you can draw the relief and find a sporty, harmonious figure.

The answer to the question of what it means to dry the body will be different for professional athletes and for athletes and those who train for themselves. For the latter, it is enough only to reduce the amount of carbohydrates in the diet, increase the amount of protein and increase the intensity and frequency of training.

For bodybuilders, what is drying in sports is more complicated. They almost completely exclude carbohydrates, very responsibly control the diet and training regime, do not allow themselves indulgences, use special sports supplements and drugs, and also exercise a lot. Along with the elimination of fat, drying in athletes is aimed at maximizing the elimination of excess fluid from the body. For this purpose, salt is excluded from the diet, which retains fluid in the tissues. In the last days before the competition, they limit themselves even in the water so that the muscle mass remains as dry as possible.

Who needs and doesn't need body drying

What is body drying and why is it needed, we already know. But you also need to figure out who this system is suitable and not suitable for. So, drying is needed for the following categories of persons:

  • First of all, for professional athletes. If half a century ago they remained in the same form throughout the year, now they work in cycles: gain weight - then dry out. Gaining mass allows you to build muscle, drying - burn fat, minimally losing dry mass, so that the body is as prominent as possible. This helps to improve the result.
  • People who have sufficient muscle mass and want to lose excess fat. With the already existing muscle tone and adherence to all the rules of drying, it will allow you to find the desired relief.

But those who are seriously overweight need to lose weight, not dry out. If a person does not play sports, there is absolutely no sense in drying. In many cases, it is enough to simply reconsider nutrition and exercise instead of complicated drying.

What is the difference between drying and losing weight

Many people confuse drying with regular weight loss. Despite the fact that both help to get rid of excess fat, these concepts have a fundamental difference, so let's figure out how drying differs from losing weight.

Regular weight loss has one goal - to reduce body volume and weight. Drying is aimed not only at this, but also at drawing of relief muscles by reducing the layer of subcutaneous fat. Therefore, drying is a complex system that includes a number of measures aimed at achieving the ideal shape. Among them are the following:

  • Diet correction;
  • physical activity;
  • sports supplements;
  • the use of vitamin complexes;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • gradual and correct exit from drying.

To understand how drying works, you need to remember a little about the physiology of our body. As you know, the main source of energy is carbohydrates. But if an excessive amount of them enters the body, then glycogen, which is contained in the liver and muscles, is transformed into fatty deposits. If you create a lack of carbohydrates, as suggested by drying, then the body draws energy from fats, thereby breaking them down. And this is what we need.

Muscle fibers are broken down faster than fat. That is why drying involves the use of a large amount of protein - this helps to preserve muscles, directing the body to burn fat. Remember that carbohydrates cannot be completely excluded from the menu - they need to be limited, otherwise unpleasant consequences are possible.

The benefits and harms of drying the body

Of course, drying, like any other system, has both advantages and disadvantages. Speaking of the pros, we note that the answer to the question of what drying the body is for is not limited to physical fitness. So, it can help cleanse from toxins. In addition, the vitamin and mineral complexes that supplement the diet also help to improve health, cleanse blood vessels and improve the condition of the skin of the face.

Already after a month, you will be able to notice how your muscles are developing, as well as indicate the lagging muscles, which will need to be emphasized during further work. In addition, a prerequisite for drying is cardio training. And their benefits are obvious. They strengthen the cardiovascular system, promote fat burning, allow you to get rid of shortness of breath, and in combination with strength loads, to find the perfect relief.

Having figured out what drying the body means for weight loss, we can say something about its potential harm. Drying requires some preparation. If you have not previously adhered to a low-carb diet in combination with physical activity, it is worth going through an examination and consulting with a specialist before starting such a regimen.

Drying is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women suffering from diabetes mellitus, diseases of the kidneys, heart, liver, pancreas.

If there are no contraindications, and you are ready to start drying, you need to individually develop a training program and a nutritional program, taking into account your gender, age, activity level, desired goal. Only then can you start drying.

Keep in mind that a lack of carbohydrates in the body is a serious stress for him, especially if you continue to actively play sports. In combination, this can lead to depletion of the body, as well as problems with nails, hair, skin that need fats.

An excess of protein in the diet also has a potential danger, as it increases the burden on the kidneys and bladder. They may not be able to cope with it, which will cause swelling and certain health problems.

But if the drying is correct, taking into account the contraindications and characteristics of your body, as well as the recommendations of a specialist, the risk that drying will harm you is practically zero. Therefore, if you really start adhering to this difficult scheme, then remember about responsibility not only for your figure, but also for your health.

Drying should not take longer than the recommended time. Amateur athletes and girls, regardless of the level of training do not dry more often than once a year. Experienced bodybuilders usually divide the year into periods - first they work on the mass, and dry before the competition. They usually dry twice a year.

So, drying the body - what it is, we have already figured it out. Now let's take a quick look at its basic rules:

  • Calorie-deficient diet. The calorie content of the diet is calculated individually, but it should be 300-500 units less than what you spend daily.
  • It is important to eat often and in small portions - this way the metabolism will work in the best way.
  • Protein will be the basis of the diet. It will also contain fresh vegetables, unsweetened fruits.
  • The carbohydrate load in the diet is reduced. Sources of carbohydrates are cereals, fruits, durum wheat pasta. Fats are also reduced, but must be present. It is necessary to consume vegetable fats. Sources of simple carbohydrates - sweets, baked goods, fast food, and so on - are prohibited. The use of alcohol, soda is unacceptable.
  • But it is extremely important to drink enough ordinary clean water.
  • You must give the body the opportunity to fully rest, otherwise it simply will not be able to recover and work normally.
  • A proper training schedule plays a huge role in successful drying. It's important to properly combine cardio and strength training. Circular workouts are good for drying, allowing you to work out all the muscles in the body. It is important that a couple of days a week be allotted to rest - this way the muscles will recover and grow better.
  • It is necessary to leave the drying gradually. If you immediately begin to lean on what was forbidden, you will seriously harm both your figure and health. The amount of carbohydrates in the diet should be increased gradually. At the end of the drying process, continue to eat fractionally and exercise regularly.

Drying, which has no contraindications and is carried out in accordance with all the rules, helps the mass of people around the world to find the desired physical shape. But, of course, remember that it is absolutely not worth getting carried away with it, increasing its duration and frequency.

Useful video about food drying

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