Mohammed ali what's wrong with him. Parkinson's disease of famous people

On January 17, 1942, in Louisville, Kentucky, housewife Odessa Clay gave birth to a son. The boy was named after his father, an artist by profession, Cassius Jr. However, the world recognizes him under a pseudonym - Muhammad Ali. Cassius's brother Rudolph, who appeared with the couple 2 years later, having matured, will also change his real name to Rahman Ali.

Their family was never in need, representing the middle class, although the living conditions of the white and black populations differed. The father of the family earned a living by painting signs, his wife occasionally earned money by cooking and cleaning wealthy homes. The budget was enough even to save money for a cottage in a very nice "black" area.

The future champion's childhood and youth were far from cloudless. In the 1950s, a very difficult atmosphere of inequality reigned in America. Even 10-year-old Cassius felt the pressure on himself and fell asleep with tears, not understanding why blacks are considered second-class people. The father contributed to the worldview of his sons by showing them photographs of Emmett Till - a black teenager, brutally murdered by whites, who were later found, but not imprisoned. Ironically, Odessa Clay was proud of her white Irish grandfather. And although the images of white "rapists-slave-owners" will forever settle in the head of Cassius Jr., as he liked to declare from the stands, there was nothing to blame his Irish ancestor for - he entered into a legal marriage with his black lover.

After his favorite bicycle was stolen from 12-year-old Clay, he threatened to beat the offenders. The white policeman he met and boxing trainer Joe Martin reasonably remarked that "before you beat someone, you must first learn how to do it." And Cassius began to study, taking his brother for training.

It was difficult to train Cassius: he was a lot bullying towards others, constantly shouting that he was the best athlete and future champion. Joe Martin even often kicked him out of the gym, and none of the coaches could see any special potential in the guy.

6 weeks after the boy came to the section, the first fight took place. Much to Cassius's delight, the fight was televised. Despite the lack of experience, the future Muhammad Ali wins the white opponent, his joy knows no bounds. He yells at the camera that he will become a great boxer. From that moment on, the real work on myself began.


In 1956 he won the Golden Gloves tournament, which can be considered a great start to his career. 100 wins on amateur ring and only 8 defeats by the time of graduation. However, the young boxer studied very badly, and he owes only the diligence and understanding of the director to the receipt of a school education. Everything was so bad that Muhammad Ali always had problems reading.

In 1960, Cassius, dreaming of a dizzying sports career, received an invitation to participate in the Olympic Games. The boxer's corporate identity began to appear. The innovator just "danced" around the opponent on his toes, and his lowered hands provoked a blow, from which he always dodged. He was often criticized for both his fighting style and his boastful manner of presenting himself.

Only the fear of flying could stop his pressure. The boxer was so afraid of flying to Rome that he almost gave up the Olympics. Cassius made up his mind by purchasing a parachute. Clay confidently reached the final and in a difficult duel defeated the Pole Zbigniew Petszykowski, earning gold medal.

The father was proud of his son and even painted the steps in the color of the US flag. However, in hometown nothing changed. And when the champion came with a gold medal to a local cafe, which did not serve "colored people", they still refused to serve him.

At the beginning of his career, boxer Muhammad Ali hired 11 managers. V professional boxing he came on October 29, 1960, when the battle with Tunny Hansecker took place. Ali diligently prepared for the battle, although he declared that Hansecker was a bum and the victory would be easy. The victory was really his. The enemy predicted a world championship for him.

To train with a new coach, Angelo Dundee Clay moves to Miami. There are no authorities for him, but Angelo found an approach. He respected the ward and did not seek to control him in everything, but only skillfully directed.

Clay was looking for mentors not only in sports. The beginning of the 60s was the time of his spiritual quest. In 1962, he met with the leader of the "Nation of Islam" Muhammad himself and became a member of the organization, which greatly influenced his life.

In the same year, continuing to win battle after battle, he voluntarily passed the commission, but he never got into the army. After passing all tests for physical health, he failed the intelligence test by not answering the question of how many hours a person works from 6 a.m. to 3 p.m., given the hour for lunch. Clay liked to joke:

"I am the greatest, not the smartest!"

For six months in 1962, boxer Muhammad Ali won 5 knockout victories.

55,000 people came to the stands to watch the fight between Muhammad Ali and Henry Cooper. A few seconds before the end of the fourth round, Cooper sent Ali to a heavy knockdown. And if Ali's friends had not torn the glove, having bought a little time for the champion to rest, it is not known how the fight would have ended. In the 5th round, Muhammad cut Cooper's eyebrow with a blow, and the fight was stopped.

Muhammad Ali and Mike Tyson

The match between Ali and Liston was spectacular and difficult. Ali outplayed the reigning world champion, which opened a cut at the eyebrow and developed a serious hematoma. By the fourth round, Ali stopped seeing, but the coach insisted on entering the ring and was right - his sight returned, and boxer Muhammad Ali became the world champion in heavyweight.

In subsequent years, Muhammad Ali 5 times became "boxer of the year", deserves the title of not only "boxer of the decade", but also of the century. In the early 90s, he entered the International Boxing Hall of Fame to remain a sports legend forever.

Parkinson's disease

In 1984, Muhammad Ali was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. He began to hear and speak poorly, all motor functions malfunctioned. Muhammad courageously held the main blow in his life - the blow of fate. An incurable disease is a consequence of occupational sports activities Glue. His body suffered, but his mind remained sharp, and his heart was kind, and the athlete devoted himself to helping people. To this day, he is engaged in charity work.

Personal life

Muhammad Ali has been married 4 times. He parted with his first wife in early youth because of her unwillingness to become a Muslim. The second wife Belinda Boyd (after the marriage of Khalil Ali) gave birth to her husband four children. However, Ali was not an exemplary husband, and his betrayal became the reason for the couple's divorce.

His mistress Veronica Porch married him, becoming his third wife in 1977. The marriage lasted 9 years. But Muhammad did not remain alone for long, having married his close friend Iolanta Williams. They even adopted a child. In addition to legitimate children, Muhammad has two more illegitimate daughters.


At the end of May 2016, the legend of the world boxing due to breathing problems. In one of the hospitals in Phoenix, where in last years Mohammed Ali lived, he spent several days. But they failed to save him.

June 4, 2016. He turned 74 years old. The main disease of the athlete was Parkinson's disease.

If we turn to statistics, we can see that over four million people suffer from Parkinson's disease. Among them there may be as usual elderly woman, whom we meet on the way to the bakery, and a famous person whom the whole planet knows. The history of fighting this disease of celebrities is an example of how not to give up in such a situation and try to prolong active life... Muhammad Ali's illness became a difficult test for him, but the world-renowned boxer did not even think to stop fighting the disease.


The future great boxer was born on January 17, 1942 in the city of Louisville, his mother was a housewife Odessa Clay. The name was given to him in honor of his father, who was an artist by profession. So the boy became Cassius Jr. Two years later, his younger brother, Rudolph, was born. Having matured, both boys will take pseudonyms: the eldest is Muhammad Ali, the youngest is Rahman Ali.

Their friendly family never belonged to the needy, although, of course, the white population lived much better. My father drew signs, my mother sometimes worked part-time, cleaning the houses of wealthy people. The parents were even able to save money for a decent cottage.

During the childhood of Cassius, America existed in an atmosphere of inequality. The boy did not understand why blacks were considered to be of some kind of second class. The father, for his part, often showed his sons photographs of a teenager who was brutally murdered by whites. They were found, but not punished. And my mother was proud of her white-skinned Irish grandfather.

First steps in boxing

Once a bicycle was stolen from 12-year-old Clay, which he loved very much. The boy decided to beat the guys who offended him. But he met a white policeman Joe Martin, who in parallel with this work was a boxing coach, said that first you need to learn how to fight, and then only beat someone. So began training Cassius, who took on them and his younger brother.

It was difficult to work with Cassius: he often and a lot bullied other boxers, without stopping, shouting that the best athlete he and only he appears. But so far not a single coach could see a special potential in a guy. Everything was changed by the first fight, which took place just a month and a half after Cassius came to the section. The boy liked that this fight was broadcast on television. Despite the fact that Cassius was a rookie, he won against the white opponent. After the end of the fight, overjoyed, he shouted to the camera that he would soon become a great boxer. With the first victory, the boy began to work seriously on himself.

Sports career of a great boxer

These were the years when Muhammad Ali's illness had not yet taken over his body. He was only fourteen when he won the Golden Gloves tournament in 1956. It was a great start to his career. By the day he graduated from school, the young man had won 100 fights and received only 8 defeats.

Gradually, the boxer's corporate identity began to appear. He seemed to be dancing near the enemy, dodging his blow. At the Olympic Games, Muhammad Ali defeated Zbigniew Petszykowski, earning a gold medal. He entered professional boxing at the end of October 1960 after a fight with Tunny Hansecker, which ended in Ali's victory.

In order to start working with a new coach, Cassius Clay moved to Miami. The coach managed to find an approach to the boxer with a difficult character: he did not try to control Clay, but respected and directed him. In 1962, in just six months, the young boxer scored five victories by knockout.

Muhammad Ali's illness has not yet manifested itself in the athlete's powerful body. He was strong and invincible. The fight with Liston was quite serious and difficult, but after the victory, Muhammad Ali achieved the title of world heavyweight champion. He later earned the title of Boxer of the Century. And in the early 90s, Ali entered the International Boxing Hall of Fame in order to remain a sports legend for many years.

Boxers and Parkinson's disease

To date, scientists have not been able to understand why changes develop in the brain, which subsequently lead to But it is known: there is a direct connection between traumatic brain damage and the gradual development of motor pathology. If a person has had a head injury, then the risk of developing the disease is about four times higher than that of those people who did not have such injuries.

Most often, boxers receive chronic skull injuries. Doctors say that parkinsonism is dangerous for both professional athletes, and for amateurs, because during the battle there is not enough protection. Each blow to the head produces a microshock, which leads to structural damage to the brain substance.

According to statistics, over half of boxers suffer from brain disorders. But the first symptoms remain invisible both for the boxers themselves and for their relatives. First, memory impairment, tremors appear, coordination is impaired. This can last for several months or even several years.

Unfortunately, the boxer Muhammad Ali was also among the sick. The cause of his illness was associated precisely with such injuries received over the years in battles in the ring. All his battles were equally difficult and did not exclude blows to the head. And every touch of the enemy's fist on Ali's head brought him closer to the onset of the disease.

Parkinson's disease and Muhammad Ali

The most famous patient with Parkinson's disease was Muhammad Ali. Parkinson's disease was his three decades ago, but he bravely fought with it, being an example for the rest of the sick and their relatives who had dropped their hands. For the boxer, fighting the disease has become the meaning of his life.

He began this battle many years before the end of his sports career... He was diagnosed back in 1984. Their last battles he spent in the ring, already being not quite healthy. And 13 years later, in 1997, Muhammad Ali's illness did not prevent him from opening the first center where movement disorders were treated.

His activity has now become a thorough study of the mechanism of development of the disease, as well as all kinds of developments aimed at slowing the progression of this serious disease. The workers of this center tried to improve the social adaptation of patients with this diagnosis, to change the attitude healthy people to the disease.


Today, there are several foundations and centers that deal with this disease.

The annual charity events were helped by Muhammad Ali. The disease of this strong man... Thanks to charity, he managed to collect impressive sums of money. Donations help develop the scientific activities of the foundations, support and help patients with this disease. There are many different videos in which you can see how famous boxer(Muhammad Ali's disease, whose photo is often still found on the pages of glossy publications, had already progressed by this time) is struggling with the disease, trying to independently perform the simplest self-care actions.

The main battle

The boxer's daughter also tried to make her own contribution so that people perceive this ailment in a different way. She wrote a special book for young readers, in which she talked about the reasons for the development of this disease, about how to correctly understand such people, about their Everyday life... And all this was done out of respect for his father, who always believed that the most important fight of his life was the fight with Parkinson's disease.

This was greatest boxer 20th century Muhammad Ali. Now the disease will not affect the health of the famous boxer in any way, because on June 3, 2016 his life was cut short.

Parkinson's syndrome is a serious chronic disease that does not spare people regardless of their age and social status. Many great and famous people in different years suffered from this disease. The World Health Organization declared April 11, the birthday of the physician James Parkinson White, the physician who first described the disease, as the Day of the World Fight Against the Syndrome, the symbol of this movement was the red tulip.

Disease of famous people

Parkinson's disease has been known for almost two hundred years, during which time the list of names of celebrities doomed to this disease, unfortunately, has expanded significantly. The legendary boxer Muhammad Ali suffered from a severe form of Parkinson's disease. The athlete was diagnosed with a terrible diagnosis three years after his last fight in 1981. From the moment Ali was struck by the disease, the media began to replete with headlines about the dangers of boxing, but despite this, Muhammad Ali proudly spoke about this sport and insisted that boxing is a great opportunity for black people to achieve worldwide recognition.

Like Ali and Pope John Paul II, the disease was diagnosed in 1994. Dad's illness was officially recognized only in 2005. Pathology in him caused serious speech impairments, the pontiff passed away in 84.

The famous American actor, familiar to many from the video film "Back to the Future" Michael J. Fox, found out about the presence of the disease in his early stage its development in 1991, but, unfortunately, I could not overcome it, it continued to progress. Officially, about the presence of the disease, the actor admitted to the media in 1998, and after a few years he completely left his television career.

The disease also affected the outstanding painter and sculptor Salvador Dali, the artist learned about the difficult diagnosis at the age of 76 in 1981. Less than a year later, Dali's wife dies, which significantly aggravates the course of the pathology in the Spaniard. El Salvador passed away at 84.

Champion of Formula 1, American Phil Hill, also confirmed the existence of his disease, at 81, after a hard fight with Parkinson's disease, the athlete died.

The creative and popular musician Ozzy Osbourne, the main symptom, such as shaking hands, has long been perceived as a consequence of drug use. But in 2005, doctors confirmed that Ozzy had Parkinson's disease.

Brian Grant, American basketball player who graduated from professional career in 2006 due to injury. Following this, the athlete began to show signs of Parkinson's disease, but for a certain period of time Brian tried hard not to notice them. After a basketball career, Grant became a sports journalist covering world basketball events, but the disease progressed, and soon Brian could no longer hold the microphone in his hands due to a strong tremor. Despite all this, the athlete found the strength to fight the disease. He talked with Muhammad Ali, which helped the athlete psychologically accept the disease, and after visiting a hospital with homeless people who were sick with the same pathology, Grant decided to organize a fund to help the poor with this disease.

In addition to the listed celebrities, the diagnosis of Parkinson's syndrome was heard by people such as:

  • poet Andrei Voznesensky;
  • politician Yasser Arafat;
  • actor Mikhail Ulyanov;
  • Chairman of the CP of China Mao Zedong;
  • German actor Ortrid Fischer;
  • German politician and head of the GDR Erich Honnecker.

There are also suggestions that Adolf Hitler suffered many mental disorders, including Parkinson's disease.

What causes the syndrome?

The exact reasons causing the pathological death of neurons and, as a consequence, leading to the disease remain not fully identified. Scientists put forward factors that can affect the onset of the pathological process, but they are not the reasons. Such factors include:

  • hereditary predisposition, gene mutation, there are few such cases, of all cases, only 5% have genetic abnormalities;
  • serious head injuries, for this reason boxing is called a traumatic sport that can provoke the death of neurons, an example of this is Muhammad Ali;
  • exposure to toxic substances, work in the chemical or metallurgical industry, contact with pesticides, etc.

But it should be understood that these are just factors that, under the influence of a certain situation, can provoke pathology, but are not direct causes.

How does pathology manifest?

Muhammad Ali, Ozzy Osbourne, Andrei Voznesensky and other celebrities with Parkinson's syndrome, the first thing that was noticed during the development of pathology was hand tremors. In most cases, disease progression occurs after fifty years. The initial stages practically do not manifest themselves in any way, but only with the involvement of an increasing number of neurons from the substantia nigra of the brain in the pathological process, as a rule, this figure reaches 80% of the affected cells. The main symptoms of the disease are:

  • irritation, increased aggressiveness;
  • malaise and decreased ability to work, up to its complete loss;
  • lack of coordination, lack of confidence in movements;
  • thinking problems, memory impairment, inability to formulate a thought;
  • speech disorders;
  • facial expressions become almost invisible, the visual sensation of a mask on the face;
  • the constant finding of muscles in good shape, their tension is painful;
  • non-transient tremor. At first, patients notice trembling only on one limb, later the whole body is involved in the process.

When neglected, symptoms such as:

How do you fight the disease?

Parkinson's syndrome, unfortunately, is completely incurable. Modern medicine is looking for more and more new methods and drugs for the treatment of this complex ailment, but it is still impossible to completely rid the patient of the disease. Treatment pursues two main goals - it is to stop the clinical manifestations of pathology, thereby making life easier for the patient and therapy aimed at stopping or slowing down the death of neurons in the brain.

Symptomatic treatment is medication in nature. One of the popular and effective drugs that can almost completely get rid of movement disorders is Levodop. Its effectiveness fluctuates within five years, after which it becomes addictive to the drug. Despite the effectiveness of the drug, it has many side effects, therefore, Levopod in most cases is prescribed in the later stages of pathology.

Younger people under the age of fifty and a slowly progressive disease are prescribed less harmful drugs, for example, Pramipexole or Ropinirole. It can also be assigned:

  • Midantan;
  • Selegiline;
  • Rasagilin.

If trembling is the main symptom, patients are prescribed:

  • Cyclodol;
  • Akineton;
  • Obsidan (only in old age).

In addition to drug treatment, it is extremely important for patients physiotherapy and physiotherapy. These actions help to maintain the musculoskeletal system longer, keeping the person able to move. Physical therapy is aimed at slowing down the process of muscle atrophy, relieving stress from joints and muscle stiffness.

Diet is also included in the complex treatment of the disease. Food should be rich in vitamins and fiber. It is important to take into account that if the patient has problems with the swallowing reflex or, what is worse, dysphagia has developed, the food should be pasty, soft without crumbs and large pieces, so as not to cause it to enter the respiratory tract and suffocate. You should also take into account the fact that being overweight makes it difficult for the patient to move, so if such a problem exists, it is necessary to make a diet aimed at losing weight.

If drug treatment does not bring the expected results, surgical methods can be prescribed, but they are used extremely rarely. One of these methods of treatment is electrical stimulation of intracerebral structures. Weak serve electric current stimulates neurons, trying to restore the functions they have lost. An innovative method is the implantation of cells into the brain that produce the substance dopamine, since it is its deficiency that causes the symptoms of Parkinson's syndrome.
Attention! Parkinson's syndrome, a serious, chronic disease requiring complex, individualized treatment prescribed by a doctor. You should not take these or those drugs on your own, as they can aggravate the situation.

What awaits the sick?

Despite their popularity and worldwide recognition, even people like Muhammad Ali or Mao Zedong were unable to overcome the disease. Even with the very better treatment over the years, the disease progresses and leads to disability. According to statistics, about a quarter of patients become disabled in the first five years of the pathology. Patients living with this disease for more than ten years become disabled in 65% of cases. And a progressive disease within 15 years leads to disability for more than 90% of people. Therefore, unfortunately, the forecasts are very disappointing. But, thanks to modern pharmacological developments, levodopa preparations are capable of significant degree prolong life and improve its quality for patients with Parkinson's syndrome.

Despite the depressing statistics of disability in patients with Parkinson's syndrome, it is important and necessary to fight the disease. If pathology is detected at an early stage, with the help of a complex of supportive procedures and taking medications, patients can live long enough with this ailment, stopping the main, disturbing symptoms. One should not forget about peace of mind and peace of mind, since pathology is directly related to nervous system... Health to you and your loved ones!

Parkinson's Syndrome Videos:

Reading strengthens neural connections:



Parkinson's disease

The name of Muhammad Ali is familiar, if not to everyone, then to almost all the inhabitants of our planet. One of greatest boxers Throughout the history of this sport, he walked towards recognition firmly and confidently, overcoming obstacles one after another. And there were a lot of them, considering that the childhood of the future champion passed in an atmosphere of racial inequality that reigned in all states of America.

Born into an ordinary black family, Cassius Marcellus Clay, and this is the real name of the boxer, nevertheless stood out from other colored guys. And all because of the parents, who had, though not large, but stable earnings, thanks to which Cassius did not have to work hard at several jobs from a young age in order to feed his family. His mother periodically worked as a governess in the homes of rich people, and his father decorated signs, never losing hope of becoming a great artist. Cassius also had a younger brother - born two years later than himself - Rudolph.

Being very young, the boy simply did not understand why he and his family were so hated, which is why he often cried at night. Daily injustice towards blacks, as well as the resonant murder of a black guy Emmette Tille on the basis of racial hatred, largely influenced the formation of a guy as a person. He quickly realized that in this world you can only hope for yourself, without expecting support and understanding from others.

Clay came to boxing at the age of 12 by coincidence. It was on one of the city holidays, to which the boy came with his friend, taking a brand new bicycle he had bought for his own money. The fair was in full swing, but the good day was overshadowed by the news that Clay's bike had been stolen. Strongly tuned in, the boy wanted to find and beat the thief, about which he told a policeman he met on his way. Law enforcer Joe Martin made a very smart idea that it would be nice to learn how to do it before being. Oddly enough, Clay listened to the white advisor, and part-time boxing coach and accepted his invitation to gym... However, the impulsive kid soon changed his mind and forgot about the offer. Everything changed when he saw Martin and his boxers on TV - he really wanted to be in the "blue box" himself.

So Cassius first got to training, not forgetting to take his brother Rudolph with him. The training went wrong from the very beginning - Clay was a bully and constantly wanted to stand out, against the background of other guys and not in himself good sense... Initially all coaching staff didn't see a drop of potential in the kid. He was kicked out of the gym, he was suspended from training, he was not trusted. And only Fred Stoner, who taught him to do the jab, could see something in Clay, for which the latter was especially grateful.

Clay changed his attitude to everything that was happening just a month and a half after the start of training - he was sent to the first fight, which was also broadcast on TV. Having won him without any problems, Cassius has traditionally declared that he is the future champion and the greatest boxer. But now these were not just words - the young man began to work hard on himself.

Fighting battle after battle, winning tournaments one by one, Clay simply doesn't want to learn. After transferring to Louisville Central High School, he even stayed for a second year, it was so bad. The only thing that saved the guy was the favor of the director of the institution, thanks to whom he received a certificate of graduation from the institution. Not a diploma, but nonetheless! Around this time, Clay began to develop his own style combat. He already had significant achievements behind him, the main one of which was the victory at the Golden Gloves tournament in 1956. At the same time, his manner of conducting a duel - daring and provocative - was criticized to smithereens by the coaches. But that was all he was - the future Mohammed Ali.

In 1960, a young boxer received an incredibly tempting offer - to go to Olympic Games, however, he seriously thought to refuse. And the thing is that the future champion was simply afraid of flights, and he had to fly far - to Rome. Nevertheless, having bought a parachute, Clay represented the country at the games, having won a worthy victory over the Pole Zbigniew Petszykowski. Home Olympic medalist already went by train.

From Cassius Clay to Muhammad Ali

The name change occurred during the period of Cassius's acquaintance with the "Nation of Islam" organization. Its membership included blacks who, upon joining, had to abandon their surname, since, for their reasons, they got it from white slave owners. So Clay became Cassius X, and soon received a purely Islamic name, which was awarded only to members of the organization - he was named Muhammad Ali.

The public reaction was not long in coming. Everyone was indignant - from parents to serious sports organizations, and the president of the WBA even tried to deprive him of the championship title, but failed. However, Ali, in his characteristic manner of superiority, expressed a tough stance on this score and confidently declared that, as before, he would beat all his rivals, which he soon confirmed. First in a fight with Liston, then with Patterson.

A special fight in Ali's career was the fight with Joe Fraser, for whom the contract was signed on December 30, 1970. The uniqueness of the fight was that the undefeated were to meet in the ring former champion and undefeated reigning champion... The resonance of the event was unheard of: tickets were sold, broadcasts were bought in 35 countries of the world, the press was vying with each other to write about the event. The fight took place on March 8, 1971 and was a failure for Ali - after spending the entire duel at the ropes, he won the first defeat in his professional career. Three years later, Ali will take revenge on the enemy - the fight, held on January 28, 1974, by unanimous decision of the judges, will be won by Muhammad Ali. Without losing his skill, in the following years he will be named "Boxer of the Year" five times, and in the early 90s he will be honored to be in the International Boxing Hall of Fame.

Retirement and Parkinson's disease

In the early 80s, a boxer who had not entered the ring for about two years was surprised to realize that his financial situation was rather unstable. And this despite the fact that in general, during his career, he earned more than $ 50 million. Unfortunately, most of the money was spent quite lightly. So, 38-year-old Ali had to re-enter the ring in order to earn money for living. The athlete's form left much to be desired and his rival Larry Holmes defeated Ali. So Muhammad, for the first time in his life, finished the fight ahead of schedule, after the legend's coach insisted on it. The people in the hall were crying.

Having earned about 8 million, Ali considered it necessary to enter the ring again, but it turned out to be not so easy - firstly, there were few who wanted to fight, and secondly, the sports commissions refused to issue him a license. The fight still took place in the Bahamas, with Canadian heavyweight Trevor Berbick. Ali lost and announced the end of his boxing career.

Keeping the blow from his rivals throughout his life, Ali with the same stamina withstood the blow of fate in the form of Parkinson's disease. In 1984 he was diagnosed as a result of his professional activities. The legendary boxer had impaired hearing, speech, vision, while his mind remained clear until the end of his days. After leaving the ring, Ali took up charity work. The athlete died in the 75th year of life in one of the Scottsdale hospitals, Arizona, where he was urgently taken for health reasons. The legendary boxer left the world on June 3, 2016, and his funeral took place on June 10 and 11, 2016, according to a plan drawn up by himself.

Personal life

Ali was not only a great athlete, but also a rather loving man. Throughout his life, he had four official wives. The reasons for parting with each spouse were different. So, the first wife of Sonji Roy, lost this status due to the unwillingness to accept his Muslim position. Belinda Boyd did not repeat the mistakes of her predecessor and converted to Islam, even changing her name - she became Khalila Ali. However, neither Islam, nor the four children she gave birth to, saved the situation - Muhammad had too many admirers. It was one of the fans, Veronica Porsche, who became Belinda's replacement. Porch gave birth to two children, but soon this marriage broke up. Last wife the athlete was his longtime acquaintance Iolanta "Lonnie" Williams, with whom they adopted the boy Asaad Amin.

  • Ali's daughter from her marriage to Vernicka Porsche - Leyla Ali is the world middleweight boxing champion. In 2007, she ended her professional career without suffering a single defeat.
  • Ali has not only sports victories to his credit, but also a musical disc with a loud, but so characteristic for him title "I am the greatest." The release was handled by Columbia Records.
  • Half a thousand, or rather 549 rounds, Ali steadfastly defended in the professional ring.
  • 170 fights, 13 presidential shifts and 4 completely different women in life path- Ali has seen a lot!
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