Exercises for the spine according to Shishonin. Gymnastics for the neck of Dr. Shishonin - all you need to know about it

Our neck is under tremendous strain. In our century, people are in constant tension, spend the whole day in front of the monitor, do not let go of the phone, muscles are weakened and spasmodic.

Every second complains of pain, more and more young people complain of osteochondrosis and tumors in the back. This happens due to the fact that in the neck the distance from the vertebra to the vertebra is extremely small.

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Indications for exercise therapy for the neck according to Shishonin

It should be noted that Shishonin's gymnastics in osteochondrosis of the cervical spine involves performing exercises at stages 1 and 2 of the development of the disease, when there are no prerequisites for an explicit surgical correction of a neurological disorder of the vertebral system.

The maximum effect of exercises according to Shishonin is achieved under the condition of concomitant drug treatment of the joint problem. In addition, it is necessary to independently start a complex of health-improving therapeutic and preventive measures, as Alexander Shishonin advises, after consulting a specialist.

Only a thorough check and assessment of all associated factors by the treating consultant will help to effectively deal with muscle strain in the cervical region.

In general, Shishonin's exercises have many benefits and are safe for health. However, they have some contraindications. Charging must be approached reasonably and adhere to basic safety standards.

What and how to do

The main complex of gymnastic procedures consists of 7 exercises to be performed daily:

  1. "Metronome". Starting position, sitting on a chair, back straight. We tilt our head to the right side, trying to touch the shoulder. After sustaining 20-30 seconds, we return to the starting position, and repeat the movement in the opposite direction.
  2. "Spring". Smoothly, without sudden movements, we lower our head down, trying to touch the chest with our chin. The position should be fixed for 30-60 seconds, then return to the starting position.
  3. "Look to the sky". We turn our head to the right side, directing our gaze up to the sky. The exercise is completed when the head and neck position reaches the 30-second mark. Turns to the left are performed in the same way.
  4. "Frame". All movements are performed according to the principle of the previous exercise, with the connection of the shoulder girdle. The right hand rests on the left shoulder when turning the head to the right, with a 30 second fixation. We repeat the movements to the left. The elbow during the exercise should be kept strictly parallel to the plane of the floor.
  5. "Fakir". Starting position, sitting on a chair. The palms are brought together above the head. All movements repeat the exercise "Looking into the sky".
  6. "Heron". Starting position, sitting on a chair, hands behind your back. Raise the chin as high as possible, trying to hold the position for 30-60 seconds. After returning the head to its original position, we carry out its turns for 30 seconds to the right and left, keeping our hands behind our back.
  7. The main complex is completed by the exercise "Goose". Starting position, standing on the floor. Stretch the neck forward, backward, right and left, trying to keep the chin parallel to the floor.
  8. Gymnastic approaches must be performed 5-10 times in each direction.

Attention! In case of pain or discomfort, the exercises are stopped.

Detailed information can be seen on the video of the exercises by A. Yu. Shishonin.

In order for the pain to stop bothering, and it was possible to lead a comfortable life, it is necessary to do a set of exercises daily for a hernia of the cervical spine. Therapeutic exercises in the midst of the disease, when the pain is very sharp, is mainly aimed at relaxation, so the load on the spinal column is minimal. It is worth remembering that sudden head turns can increase pain. In order not to injure the cervical spine, it is better to fix it with a special corset.

Hernia: detect and neutralize

Our neck is under tremendous strain. In our century, people are in constant tension, spend the whole day in front of the monitor, do not let go of the phone, muscles are weakened and spasmodic. Every second complains of pain, more and more young people complain of osteochondrosis and tumors in the back. NS This is due to the fact that in the neck the distance from the vertebra to the vertebra is extremely small. Under heavy loads, the intervertebral disc partially sinks, nerve endings are injured, the work of internal organs is disrupted, and as a result, severe pain appears.

With age, the risk of a hernia increases significantly. Spinal injuries, sometimes long-standing, also have a detrimental effect on our cervical vertebrae. Weak tone and decreased motor activity are also the cause of pain. With a hernia, there are complaints about:

  • Sharp pains in the area of ​​the shoulder blades, which turn into aching at rest;
  • Dizziness;
  • Fatigue;
  • Tremors of the limbs, weakness in the fingers;
  • Impaired concentration.

When such symptoms appear, it is necessary to consult a specialist, most often they turn to a neurologist with such symptoms, and undergo a complete medical examination, which necessarily includes an ultrasound examination of the vessels, as well as an MRI that shows the exact location and size.

Treatment: when charging is better than surgery

A hernia of the cervical spine is the cause of hellish myalgia that cannot be tolerated. It can be stopped by taking medications that will also relieve swelling. When neither traditional medicine nor traditional medicines help, hormonal pain relievers are prescribed. For instant relief of myalgia, drugs are injected into the affected area. After stopping, medications are prescribed to help restore the intervertebral distance with hernias. These drugs are called chondoprotectors.

Traction can improve the mobility of the spine with a hernia. It increases the intervertebral distance, aligning the mobility and flexibility of the back as a whole. With the correct procedure, acute pain goes away immediately. The traction is not done at home; it is performed by a first-class massage therapist who is highly qualified. Otherwise, you can get even more problems instead of relief.

In critical situations, when conservative methods of treatment did not help, surgical intervention is recommended. It is indicated when no other treatment is effective.

Physical therapy is the best way to forget about pain and relapses. Renowned doctors and specialists develop and modify training for the cervical spine, which helps to forget about problems with the vertebrae. The famous doctor Sergei Bubnovsky has developed a whole program for the treatment of problem backs. Kinesitherapy strengthens the vertebrae and ligaments. Gymnastics for a hernia of the cervical spine, created by Valentin Dikul, restores the mobility of the vertebrae.

Sports training and recovery

Correctly selected physical activity will help you forget about aching, exhausting pain, reduce the size of the tumor, restore flexibility and improve the general condition of the body. Exercises for a hernia of the cervical spine significantly increase the effect of traditional treatment with pills and physiotherapy.

Regular exercise of physical therapy for a hernia of the cervical spine is the key to a good condition of the patient. Gymnastics improves blood circulation, pain goes away and muscle tone increases, spasmodic muscles relax, and the spine becomes more flexible and mobile. Secondary signs of back problems, such as impaired hand mobility, blurred vision, and tinnitus, disappear.

Depending on the stage of the disease, gymnastics takes place in different modes:

When the inflammatory process is in an acute stage, training can only take place in a gentle mode in compliance with the doctor's recommendations. It is best to engage in therapeutic restorative physical education with a specialist, since improper exercise can aggravate the situation and lead to pinching of the nerve roots.

The effect of remedial gymnastics will be in the case of regular training. Do not train at full strength right away. You need to start with 5-10 minutes and gradually increase the time to 40 minutes. The ideal time for classes is early in the morning. In the evening, it is better to do exercises aimed at relaxation and stretching.

With a hernia of the cervical spine, running, twisting the spine, as well as performing exercises with a sharp amplitude are contraindicated. Exercise should not bring pain and discomfort; the appearance of unpleasant sensations can be an indicator that they are not being performed correctly. The increase in load occurs gradually, technically difficult exercises should be performed only after the spine gets used to the load and becomes more flexible.

How to relieve acute pain

We bring to your attention a set of exercises aimed at relaxing and stretching the spine:

  • We perform one of the yoga asanas. Practitioners know that relaxation is the key to well-being. We lie on our back, legs and arms are relaxed, eyes are closed. We are in this position for 5 minutes. During this time, it is necessary to relax the whole body as much as possible.
  • We lie on our back, the body is a flat horizontal line. Strongly pulled the socks towards you / away from you. Run 5-10 times.
  • Take turns pulling on the sock of one or the other leg. Repeat at least 10 times.
  • We are positioned on the rug so that the body is a flat horizontal line, we spread our arms to the sides at an angle of about 45 degrees, palms facing up. Bend and unbend your arms intensively 10 times.
  • Smoothly, without lifting the heels from the surface of the rug, we bend our legs, and pull them to the chest, stretch our chin to the knees. It is important not to make sudden movements, the main task is to gently stretch the spine.
  • Without getting up from the rug, we spread our hands, clench our fists. Quickly, but without sudden movements, we reach the shoulders with our fists. Perform 10 times.

Gymnastics in remission

During the period of remission, when there is no strong pain, you can increase the load on the spine, the intensity of training increases, but sudden movements and lifting weights are strictly prohibited.

A special training system during the recovery period may look like this:

  • I.P: standing, arms along the body. We pull the head to the chest, then tilt it first to the right, then to the left. Only the head is involved, the shoulders are not involved in this exercise.
  • Alternate smooth head turns. The exercise is aimed at stretching the muscles in the neck.
  • Having taken a comfortable position on the mat, straightening your shoulders, raise your head for 5-10 seconds.
  • Strengthen the muscles of the neck and back with circular swings. We perform it intensively, but at the same time without sudden movements.

We take dumbbells in our hands. The optimal weight is 2 kg, if they are not in the house, you can use bottles filled with water. We raise our hands to shoulder level, hold for 5 seconds and gradually lower our arms.

  • In the prone position, raising the head and pulling one leg up. Keep your leg on weight for 15 seconds. We carry out 8-10 times for each leg.
  • Twisting is one of the most beneficial exercises for our back. How to do it? We bend our legs at the knees, the feet do not come off the floor, we bend our legs to the sides, gently twisting the body.
  • We stand on all fours, bend our back upward in an arc, then make a bend. Perform the exercise 4-8 times.
  • Aqua aerobics shows good results for hernias of any localization. In water, the load on the vertebrae is reduced, discomfort and feeling of constriction disappear. Regular exercise reduces the risk of exacerbations to zero. Posture improves, the shoulders are straightened, the feeling of heaviness in the shoulders disappears.
  • We advise you to read: exercises for the back on the horizontal bar

Moderate workout will help strengthen the shoulders and neck and avoid relapses. Push-ups not only increase stamina, but also strengthen your back muscles. Exercises on the horizontal bar have a good effect not only on the cervical muscles, but also on the entire spinal column. The set of exercises for a hernia of the cervical spine also includes various push-ups, which have a positive effect on the muscle corset.

What exercises are needed for poor posture?

Is it possible to hang on a horizontal bar with scoliosis?

What exercises for pregnant women use for the back?

Shishonin's gymnastics with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine owes its popularity to the increasing number of patients suffering from this disease. More and more people are engaged in intellectual work involving a sedentary lifestyle. After all, the main physical types of work are performed by robots. Thus, Shishonin's gymnastics has become a phenomenon that protects against osteochondrosis, and not just a set of exercises.

With osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, a person experiences not only pain and discomfort - he may have a headache, get confused thoughts, he constantly tends to sleep. These are all the result of poor blood supply.

Academician A. Yu. Shishonin for many years led the Bubnovsky rehabilitation center, where he also invented and improved a method that is unique in its effectiveness, which helps the neck muscles return to their former flexibility, that is, the restoration of blood circulation in the brain. Long and motionless sitting just leads to the fact that the muscles lose their elasticity and pinch large veins and nerve fibers. If the exercises are done correctly in the prescribed sequence, then any person, of any age and gender, can perform them.

Indications for gymnastics Shishonin

The technique developed by Dr. Shishonin is indicated for people with the following diseases:

  1. Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.
  2. Chronic headache and dizziness.
  3. Vegetovascular dystonia.
  4. Chronically high blood pressure.
  5. Memory impairment, impaired attention.
  6. Sleeplessness at night and increased sleepiness during the day.
  7. Increased intracranial pressure. This pathology can lead to a stroke, that is, rupture of a cerebral vessel, as a result - instant death from cerebral hemorrhage.

The effectiveness of the Shishonin method of treatment depends not only on the regularity and correctness of the exercise, but also on the fact that the complex is used along with drug therapy. That is, only a comprehensive treatment will bring relief and healing for cervical osteochondrosis.

Contraindications to Shishonin's gymnastics

Like any treatment, Dr. Shishonin's neck gymnastics has a number of contraindications. It cannot be done when:

  1. Increased pain syndrome. All spinal exercises can be done only in the absence of pain. If it appears, the exercise must be stopped.
  2. Elevated body temperature. In this case, a person very quickly loses control over his coordination, can fall and injure himself.
  3. The presence of malignant tumors not only in the spine, but also in any other organ.
  4. Infectious or inflammatory diseases. First of all, it is necessary to cure all these inflammations.
  5. Pregnancy. In this case, the increased load on the mother's spine can harm both her body and the baby, up to termination of pregnancy.
  6. Presence of bleeding. The danger is both internal and external bleeding. When doing gymnastics, it can intensify, and the person will first lose consciousness, and then die from blood loss.

Before carrying out gymnastics for the neck with osteochondrosis, you should read the general recommendations. The intensity of training should gradually decrease, so for the first 2 weeks they pass every day, then their number is reduced to 3 times a week.

When performing any exercises from the Shishonin complex, the back should be kept straight - this is the main condition for success. The rest of the time, in ordinary life, you also need to ensure that your back always remains straight.

For the correct implementation of exercise therapy according to Shishonin, workouts can be carried out in front of a mirror. Before starting classes, you should warm up the body with several pull-ups on the bar and light gymnastics: swinging your arms, bending and running in place. And the last recommendation - all exercises must be done with a smile and faith in a complete recovery.

A set of exercises according to the method of Dr. Shishonin

For the convenience of memorizing the exercises, each of them has its own name. Gymnastics for osteochondrosis can be performed in a car, in front of a computer, at a sewing machine, etc. - wherever a person is forced to sit motionless for several hours. The whole set of exercises takes 15–20 minutes. This is comparable to a short smoke break or a break in production, which, by the way, is stipulated by the Labor Code. So, exercises for Shishonin's osteochondrosis:

  1. This exercise is called the Metronome. Starting position - the back is straight, the arms are lowered, the head is gently tilted towards the left shoulder. It is necessary to feel the muscle tension when trying to reach the top of the shoulder. At the same time, the shoulders are motionless. In each direction, you need to tilt your head 5 times. Slowly, diligently, with effort.
  2. "Spring". The starting position is the same - the back is straight, the shoulders are lowered. The head should be slowly lowered until the chin rests on the chest. Stretching your neck, you need to fix the position for 30 seconds. Then the head is slowly tilted back and is also fixed for 30 seconds. This swing can be repeated 5 times.
  3. "Look to the sky". The head turns to the right, while the chin is kept as high as possible, until a painful sensation arises in the neck. Lock this position for 30 seconds. Then the same to the left side, and so on 5 times.
  1. This exercise is a continuation of Gazing into the Sky and is called the Frame. It is complicated by the connected shoulder girdle. For this, the right hand is placed on the left shoulder, and the rotation is carried out both by the neck and by the whole torso. The principle is the same - holding in the extreme position for 30 seconds and 5 repetitions in each direction.
  2. Exercise "Heron" includes hands, so in the starting position they should lie on your knees. Then, at the same time, you should stretch the chin up and forward, and put your hands behind your back, interlock your fingers and turn your shoulders back as much as possible. In this position, you need to freeze for 30 seconds, after which they return to the starting position. Repeat this exercise at least 5 times.
  3. The starting position of the "Goose" exercise is standing. The chin should be pulled up and forward, and the head should be turned to the right until the appearance of pain in the neck, in this position you should freeze for 30 seconds. After that, the exercise is repeated, but to the left. Such repetitions must be done at least 5.

After completing all the proposed exercises, you can do a little self-massage. It will warm up the muscles and increase blood circulation in the soft tissues of the cervical spine. To do this, you need to massage the muscles along the neck with your knuckles. Then you need to grab it between your thumb and the rest of your fingers, walk over these muscles with gentle tweaks.

Regular use of this gymnastics and massage can not only cure osteochondrosis, but also prevent it from developing at all. Therefore, gymnastics with osteochondrosis of the neck of Dr. Shishonin not only cures, but also is the prevention of such a disease.

A hernia of the spine can form in any of its parts. More often than others, the lower back is affected (up to 90% of all cases), then the neck. In the thoracic region, a hernia forms less often. The lower back is more exposed to physical stress than all other parts of the back. Under their action, the deformation of the intervertebral discs occurs. Their protrusion beyond their natural boundaries is called protrusion, and is considered normal if it passes with the disappearance of the load. When the changes persist and develop, we can talk about pathology. Treatment of a hernia of the spine directly depends on its size and the severity of the course of the disease.

With constant or excessive loads, with age, dystrophic processes occur in the intervertebral disc. The fluid content in it decreases, the fibrous ring loses its strength and elasticity. The constant and uneven pressure of the nucleus pulposus on it causes the appearance of microcracks and, over time, if not treated, inevitably leads to rupture. Such a pathological process can be divided into several stages:

  • Initial degenerative changes in the intervertebral disc.
  • Protrusion (bulging).
  • Hernia (prolapse or drooping).
  • Sequestration (separation of a fragment of the nucleus pulposus).

A hernia can protrude outward (the safest option), into the spinal canal or sideways (both conditions are dangerous). The severity of the disease is determined not only by the direction of the protrusion, but also by its magnitude. For each part of the spine, the size of the pathology that appears has its own meaning. If for the lumbar spine, a protrusion of 1–3 mm would be considered more like a protrusion, then for the cervical spine it is already a full-fledged intervertebral hernia, and quite large and dangerous.

  • 1 to 5 mm - slight protrusion. In the cervical spine up to 2 mm, in the thoracic and lumbosacral up to 5.
  • 6 to 8 mm - medium protrusion. If the localization is in the cervical spine, then its 5-6 mm can be considered large, and 2-4 mm average. For thoracic and lumbar, the maximum indicator is 8 mm.
  • From 9 to 12 mm - large intervertebral hernia. Protrusions of this size are characteristic of the thoracic or lumbar regions.
  • From 12 mm or more - large prolapse or sequestration.

The size of the hernia does not always matter. The direction of protrusion is much more important. If the hernia protrudes into the spinal canal, then even the smallest danger (1-3 mm) is present. Spinal cord compression can cause severe pain and paralysis.

An intervertebral hernia can be treated in different ways - conservatively or promptly, it all depends on the size.

Pathology of the cervical spine is considered the most difficult to treat because of the small size of this part of the spine, the small size of both the vertebrae and the discs separating them. But most often, patients complain not to the neck, but to the lumbosacral region. Formations up to 15 mm are found here.

Conservative treatment

Lumbar and cervical hernias are considered the most dangerous. In the neck, they can cause paresis of the upper extremities and cerebral ischemia, in the lower back they interfere with the full functioning of the musculoskeletal system and affect the work of internal organs.

An operation can be dispensed with for a hernia in the lower back up to 8 mm, in the neck - up to 2–4. Treatment in this case is symptomatic (relieving pain, eliminating tension) and improving the flexibility of the spinal column:

  • Medication.
  • Manual therapy.
  • Physiotherapy.

The main thing in the conservative treatment of an intervertebral hernia is not to miss the moment when it can still be effective.


Basic drug therapy includes several areas: elimination of causes, removal of symptoms, blocking of pain syndrome if necessary. The main groups of drugs for the treatment of intervertebral hernia:

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Diclofenac or Movalis (NSAIDs) are often used. The drugs block the production of cyclooxygenase, which is involved in the inflammatory process, reduce fever and relieve pain well.
  • Chondroprotectors and preparations based on hyaluronic acid. Usually Teraflex or Alflutop (chondroprotectors) is prescribed. They are well tolerated by patients, nourish the cartilaginous tissue of the intervertebral disc and strengthen its structure, thereby preventing the destructive process and inhibiting the progression of the disease. Karipain Plus or Rumalon are preparations containing hyaluronic acid. They help increase the fluid level in the nucleus pulposus and increase the elasticity of the annulus fibrosus.
  • Muscle relaxants. Mydocalm relaxes stiff muscles. It is used only as directed by a doctor.
  • Improving blood circulation. Trental or Pentoxifylline strengthens the walls of blood vessels, relaxes smooth muscles and, in combination therapy with Milgamma (B vitamins) and Actovegin (neuroprotector), reduce the lack of oxygen.
  • Means for the protection of the gastrointestinal tract. Gastal or Almagel prevent damage to the gastrointestinal tract when using NSAIDs. They are prescribed in combination with non-steroidal drugs.
  • Antidepressants. Sertraline or Insidon allow the body to fully recover during sleep.

Spasm and pain are relieved with an injection of anesthetics and corticosteroids. This procedure can take up to several weeks. The duration depends on the route of administration of the drugs and the response of the body. The blockade with a hernia of the lumbar spine is divided into two types:

  • Local - periarticular, intraarticular or epidural.
  • Segmental - paravertebral.

Only a qualified specialist with experience in such treatment can determine the need to prescribe a blockade and decide in what way it will be carried out. The doctor must find out if the patient has contraindications, and take into account all the risks in case of possible complications.

The use of a blockade for intervertebral hernia of different sizes has a number of advantages:

  • Fast results. The anesthetic is delivered directly to the lesion.
  • The minimum effect of the administered drugs on the entire body due to local application.
  • Repeated application of the procedure provides a stable, long-term relief of pain syndrome and rapid elimination of the inflammatory process.


It can be performed only after consulting a doctor. The nature and load of exercise should be consistent with previous therapy (eg, surgery), if any, or meet specific objectives, if used as a treatment.

Unlike exercises for the cervical spine, which are performed while sitting, gymnastics for the lumbar region should be done in a lying position. For the upper part of the spine, the exercises are relaxing, and for the lower part, complexes that strengthen the muscles of the lower back are necessarily connected.

Allowable exercise therapy complex for lumbar hernia:

  • Lying on your back, straighten your legs together, stretch your arms along the body.
  • Tighten and relax your abdominal muscles.
  • Raise the pelvis slightly and stay in this position for 10 seconds.
  • Lie on your back, alternately pulling your knees bent to yourself, try to press them to your chest.

Physiotherapy is prescribed for hernias in the lumbar spine, no more than 6 mm in size. In other cases, it is used as a restorative procedure after surgery.

Manual therapy

In addition to the main treatment, intervertebral hernia of the lumbar (thoracic, cervical) spine, there are auxiliary measures to enhance its effect, consolidate and prevent recurrence of the disease.

Massage for intervertebral hernia is prescribed exclusively during the period of remission. The main goal is to reduce muscle tone, improve blood flow, relieve pain and speed up rehabilitation. The masseur's manipulations should be gentle and careful. When kneading, the patient should not feel pain.


Treatment with weak currents has been successfully used for a long time. This is, for example, its diadynamic variety or electrophoresis. Electrodes attached to the patient's skin under low voltage have either a local irritating effect, or help the drug to penetrate to the lesion.

Electrophoresis procedures with Novocaine or Lidocaine in the treatment of intervertebral hernia can significantly reduce the amount of non-steroidal drugs used, thereby reducing the negative effect of the latter on the body.

Operative treatment

Surgical intervention in the treatment of a hernia of the lumbar spine is considered a measure of emergency when the size of the protrusion is 12-15 mm. It is advisable to use this method only in the case of a long and fruitless struggle, a strong influence on the internal organs from the very beginning of the development of pathology or during a critical exacerbation.


The operation is performed under a high magnification or microscope. A neurosurgeon with a minimal incision (up to 2 cm) and an almost jewelry instrument removes any type of intervertebral hernia. Damage from the doctor's manipulations is insignificant (the yellow ligament is partially removed and, in rare cases, the vertebral arches are excised), so relapses are minimized.

An indication for microdiscectomy is usually considered:

  • Pain that does not go away even when using the blockade.
  • Compression of the spinal canal.
  • Hernia up to 5–6 mm in size.

The recovery period takes a short time, since the muscles and ligaments are not affected during the operation. The patient can sit right away, the pain syndrome is insignificant.

Endoscopic microdiscectomy

State of the art operation. A micro-incision is made (no more than 0.5 cm), into which the endoscope is inserted. With its help, the hernia is examined, and then it is removed. The surgeon sees all manipulations on the monitor.

The main advantage of this technique is the absence of a rehabilitation period. The patient is on his feet immediately after the procedure. The weak side is the limitation of its use depending on the size of the protrusion. The possibility of carrying out this minimally invasive operation is determined by the size of the hernia up to 6 mm.

Laser nucleoplasty

Removal of an intervertebral hernia with a laser can be either an independent treatment or be used in combination with a conventional operation (at the final stage of endoscopic microdiscectomy). The light guide inserted through the puncture hole heats the protrusion. The vaporized liquid is removed through a needle.

The method allows you to remove the hernia without causing any harm to the patient. Laser nucleoplasty is a minimally invasive procedure with a minimum of possible complications, but the patient will have to spend at least 3 days in the hospital. The operation is effective in young patients with a hernia size of no more than 6 mm.

Even the most modern method of treatment requires a responsible attitude to the recovery period after surgery. Follow the recommendations of the attending physician, lead a healthy lifestyle, do not avoid feasible physical exertion and undergo regular examinations to prevent the formation of new intervertebral hernias.

Hernias in the cervical spine have recently become a fairly common occurrence, largely due to the increase in the number of office workers, whose working day is spent in a computer chair, and a general decrease in physical activity among the population. Intervertebral hernias of the cervical spine (CS) require compulsory treatment due to the fact that their complications can lead to disability of a person.

The incidence of this pathology in the SHOP is less than in the lumbar, but more than in the chest. This is due to the fact that the lumbar region can withstand a greater load than the rest. But, despite this, a herniated disc of this localization is a dangerous phenomenon due to its proximity to the brain.

Most often, a patient who turns to a doctor complains of pain in the neck, shoulder girdle. Pain syndrome is initially unstable, moderate, aching in nature, localized on the back of the neck with simultaneous tension of the paravertebral muscles. The pain may increase with tilting the head forward, moving left and right, sneezing and coughing.

In addition to pain, a person with this pathology has the following symptoms:

  1. Feeling of goose bumps on the upper limbs and shoulder girdle, burning sensation in the same place.
  2. Weakness of muscles, numbness of the upper limbs.
  3. Decreased sensitivity of the upper limbs up to complete paresis.
  4. Decrease and loss of reflexes during examination.
  5. Dizziness, tinnitus, headaches, impaired coordination of movements.

You should also know that pain is directly related to both the site of the disc lesion and the size of the hernial protrusion.

The doctor can clarify the diagnosis after conducting a proper diagnosis. But from where the herniated disc appeared, the following symptoms will appear (see table below).

In addition, it is believed that there is a relationship between the defeat of certain discs of the spinal column and diseases of the internal organs (see diagram below).

Diagnostic methods

Today, there are full-fledged instrumental methods for diagnosing herniated intervertebral disc. The most common are MRI and CT. With their help, it is easy to determine the localization of the hernial protrusion, its size, stage of development. Among the contraindications, one can only note the presence of metal implants in the human body (for MRI), pregnancy and lactation (a relative contraindication), acute mental disorders (just so that the patient does not run away during the procedure and does not harm himself).

As additional research can be assigned:

  1. Electromyography;
  2. Ultrasound of the vessels of the neck and brain with Doppler;
  3. Determination of conduction speed along motor and sensory nerves.

As a rule, these methods of instrumental diagnostics are used to clarify and verify the diagnosis.

In the acute period, the basic treatment for a herniated disc is drug therapy.

Among the large number of drugs, preference is given to the following groups and drugs:

  1. NSAIDs - Nimesulide, Meloxicam, Celecoxib, Lornoxicam, Aceclofenac. In case of severe pain in the first five days, ketoprofen ("Ketonal", "Ketanov"), ketorolac ("Ketorol"), diclofenac ("Voltaren", "Ortofen") in the form of intramuscular injections can be prescribed. Drugs in this group have a cumulative effect, for about 3-5 days.
  2. In case of significant pain that reduces the quality of life and is the cause of sleep disturbance, Tramadol (tablets or injections), Katadolon (tablets) can be prescribed. These drugs are prescription drugs, the period of admission is strictly limited.
  3. Muscle relaxants of central action - "Midocalm", "Sirdalud", "Baclofen" in the form of tablets with gradual dose titration under the supervision of a physician. These drugs relieve muscle spasm, and also have a central analgesic effect, which is well combined with NSAIDs.
  4. Vasoactive drugs - Instenon, Trental (pentoxifylline), Berlition, Actovegin. Contributes to the elimination of dizziness, headaches and impaired coordination of movements against the background of a herniated disc.
  5. B vitamins (B1, B6, Milgamma, Neuromultivitis). According to research by the authors of the Russian Medical Journal, these drugs contribute to a significant shortening of the pain period, as well as the restoration of the function of the nervous tissue.
  6. Novocaine blockade is paravertebral.
  7. For chronic pain, antidepressants can be prescribed, due to the fact that chronic pain is often accompanied by an increase in anxiety, depressive conditions. It is often quite easy to get rid of pain in the extremities when a herniated disc in the neck appears. For this, medication is generally sufficient.

Adjunctive therapy

  1. Physical exercises, special complexes of exercise therapy. The complex is selected by the exercise therapy instructor individually, based on the data of the medical record and the results of additional examination.
  2. Traction of the cervical spine. This procedure is a traction. It is carried out using a special apparatus. After that, the space where the pinched nerve has formed expands.
  3. Application of a corset.
  4. Manual therapy and osteopathy.
  5. With the ineffectiveness of conservative treatment, severe compression and violation of trophism, surgical treatment is indicated.

Differential diagnosis with other pathologies (Table)

Herniated discs respond well to conservative treatment. Exercises for a hernia of the cervical spine (abbreviated as GSHOP) is one of the main means of treating the disease.

With the help of exercise therapy, the patient can increase mobility in the affected spine, relieve muscle strain and strengthen the muscles that support the spine in the correct position. In the long term, regular exercise can significantly reduce the frequency of relapses of the disease and protect against possible complications.

Follow these 8 rules to ensure that your workouts are beneficial and truly effective:

Engage in physiotherapy exercises only if the disease is outside the stage of exacerbation.

Classes are allowed with a slight dull, aching pain in the neck and shoulders. If the pain is pronounced, acute, shooting - exercises are excluded.

At first, do the exercises under the supervision of an experienced instructor so as not to harm your spine.

Avoid jumping, hitting, lifting weights - exercises that dramatically increase the load on the spine.

With a hernia of the cervical spine, twisting exercises are excluded.

The average number of repetitions of exercises is 4-8 times.

Exercise should produce a pleasant stretch in the muscles.

With GSHOP, do physical therapy several times a day (ideally 3-6 times for 8-10 minutes).

Five correct exercise therapy exercises for a hernia of the cervical spine

Starting position for all exercises: stand with feet shoulder-width apart, arms down at your sides. Or sit on a chair with your back straight; lower your arms down along your torso.

Repeat all 5 exercises several times.

(if the table is not fully visible, scroll to the right)

As you exhale, tilt your head to your chest, try to touch your chin to your neck.

While inhaling, throw your head back; feel the muscles under the chin tighten.

Tilt your head to the left without lifting your shoulders. Feel the stretch in the neck muscles on the right side.

Tilt your head slowly to the right to stretch the muscles on the left side of your neck.

Pull your shoulders forward - feel how your back muscles stretch at this moment.

Now slowly bring your shoulders back, bring your shoulder blades together.

Perform smooth circular movements in the shoulder girdle clockwise 4 times - then counterclockwise 4 times.

Stretch your neck forward - feel the muscles in the back of the neck and the front of the neck tighten.

Return your head to its original position.

An approximate set of exercises for a hernia of the cervical spine. Before performing, be sure to consult your doctor.

Two video lessons

Short videos of neck muscle exercises can be included while doing morning exercises.

In the video below, a remedial gymnastics instructor shows exercises from sitting and lying positions, which are easy to repeat yourself. This beneficial complex strengthens the muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle without harming the cervical spine.

With a herniated disc, the roots of the spinal nerves are compressed by parts of the ruptured disc, which leads to pain. The following exercise will help relieve disc compression of the nerve roots and greatly relieve pain:


Spine health significantly determines the quality of human life. Regular exercise therapy improves the blood supply to the damaged intervertebral discs, reduces the compression of the spinal nerve roots, preventing the progression of GSP.

Thanks to regular exercise, a person with a cervical hernia can create conditions under which exacerbations, fraught with the development of acute cerebrovascular accidents, will not occur at all, or the disease will rarely recur. This result is worth spending literally 20 minutes a day on your spine!

(the block below can be scrolled to the right to the end)

In contact with

The lumbar and lumbosacral spine are subject to increased stress. The weight of the upper body is evenly distributed over the vertebrae that expand towards the base. Therefore, it is important to competently work with soreness, discomfort, especially with deformations and the consequences of diseases in this area of ​​the back. The set of exercises for the lower back is selected based on the general state of health, the severity of the acquired or congenital pathology, the focus of therapy and the medical need for its use. And all this must be agreed with the treating doctor.

Gymnastics for the lumbar and lumbosacral spine: the essence and healing properties

Specialized exercises for the lumbar region are designed to strengthen the back muscles, to build and strengthen the muscular corset, relieve spasms, pain syndrome caused by vertebral displacement and pinched nerves, as well as a method of combating chronic diseases and for prophylaxis when indicated. Different sets of exercises target different muscle groups and painful areas. By alternating tension and relaxation of the muscles with the required position of the trunk, a decrease or increase in tension is achieved, while blood circulation in the corresponding segment of the spine is stimulated. Thus, the effect of training muscles that have been weakened or previously excluded from the general muscle work due to a previous illness or injury is achieved. Also, the therapeutic properties of the therapeutic and physical training complex for the lower back include an increase in tone, an improvement in the emotional background and new physical capabilities that open up after defeating the disease, and at any age.

Exercise therapy improves mood

Possible contraindications and side effects

Turning to remedial gymnastics for various problems and diseases of the lumbar and lumbosacral spine, it is important to understand the need for discussion with a specialist. Only professional medical participation will allow you to achieve maximum results, taking into account the existing factors, as well as to avoid possible negative manifestations and unwanted side effects, such as:

  • a general deterioration in well-being with an incorrectly calculated load and incorrectly selected exercises;
  • aggravation of existing diseases, especially chronic ones, for example, scoliosis to any degree, pathologies of the genitourinary system, which are most closely associated with the lumbar and sacral vertebrae by direct innervation;
  • inflammatory processes in any part of the body, as evidenced by an increase in body temperature, pain, weakness;
  • poor circulation in the lower extremities, which is expressed by the effect of cold feet, weakness in them, swelling and even cramps;
  • microtrauma and more serious injuries, which are possible in old age with an incorrectly set set of exercises or excessive patient enthusiasm.
  • Elderly age with exercise therapy - a factor that requires special attention of a specialist

    Thus, in order to avoid the listed or other other consequences of exercise therapy for the lower back, it is necessary to strictly follow the therapeutic prescriptions and not neglect the appointments, recommendations and prohibitions on physical activity. The latter are possible in connection with the following contraindications: any circulatory disorders, heart rhythm, cardiovascular diseases and associated increased blood pressure, headaches, identified predisposition to strokes.

    Most often, back diseases affect the most economically active population, namely people aged 30-50 years.

    Indications and contraindications for remedial gymnastics

    Wellness complexes of physical exercises for the lower back are indicated for patients with severe pain syndrome of a specific genesis by a specialist, are prescribed by a doctor for diseases such as osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia, scoliosis, etc., as well as for strengthening the spinal column, for example, after surgery or injury. There are also contraindications, which are divided into two groups - these are absolute contraindications and restrictions.

    Absolute contraindications work with almost all types of exercise therapy complexes, these are:

  • the general state of health of the patient, if the doctor referred him to serious;
  • aggravated chronic illness;
  • high temperature;
  • severe pain syndrome;
  • open wounds or other bleeding;
  • symptoms that indicate poisoning;
  • oncological diseases in the process of recovery.
  • The restrictions are not so categorical, nevertheless, ignoring them is fraught with undesirable consequences, up to disastrous ones. These include various nonspecific diseases - CVS (cardiovascular system), respiratory, digestive, nervous system, visual organs or metabolic disorders and some others. In any case, the compatibility of the existing symptoms with the recommended gymnastic exercises should be determined during a medical consultation.

    Preparation for exercise therapy

    If the examinations are behind, the list of appointments is in hand, and the desire to become healthy is still present, it's time to start preparing for physical exercises. Indeed, even with the most ardent zeal for the victorious parameters of a healthy organism, one must remember its momentary state and carefully prepare it for serious muscular work. This means that you need to warm up first. For this, exercises with a minimum load are selected from the prescribed ones, which at the same time will help to determine the amplitude of the main gymnastic techniques aimed at achieving maximum results. Also, preparation for charging includes the following rules:

  • comfortable conditions for conducting classes - a ventilated room, sufficiently free in area (classes can be conducted in the open air), a comfortable uniform, shoes that do not restrict movement;
  • a light intake of food an hour or two before the start of classes, since the body needs enough strength to carry out loads, and at the same time, the energy should be directed specifically at them, and not at digesting a hearty meal;
  • distribution of loads from light to peak in the middle of the lesson;
  • unhurried movements, smooth and calm, which contribute to consistent tension and relaxation of muscles in a specific order;
  • timely recognition of the alarm signals of your body during physiotherapy exercises - a slight discomfort is permissible, but with acute pain, pulsating pressure, darkening in the eyes, tinnitus and other negative manifestations, it is important to stop the exercise in time or, if possible, switch to more gentle forms of exercise;
  • regularity of classes is a necessary condition for achieving the desired health-improving result.
  • And let the fear of harming an excessive, in the patient's opinion, load not be an obstacle to remedial gymnastics. Exercise, with all its dosage, is also a medicine, only not medication, but physical, but with a therapeutic effect.

    Video: exercises for back pain

    Physical exercises for the lumbar and lumbosacral spine: technique, stages, complexes for performing at home

    The training systems for the departments under consideration differ for obvious reasons - the pathologies and features of the spine are very different. However, the main stages of gymnastics and general methodological approaches to the distribution of the load during exercises are distinguished.

    The complex of therapeutic physical activities is usually divided into three stages:

  • initial (preparatory);
  • main (main);
  • final.
  • The first contains warming up and simple types of exercises, the second is filled with directed gymnastics with the most intense and therefore expectedly effective exercises, and at the end there is always a set of standard relaxing movements that normalize breathing, heartbeat, relieve physical stress from the most involved muscle groups. Methodically, each stage must be coordinated with the others, sequentially moving the load from one system to another, without overstraining or excluding it from the overall work.

    Exercise after lumbar spine surgery

    This group of exercises is designed to help you practically get on your feet after surgery. Here one should take into account the weakened condition of the patient, as well as the main reason for which the operation was performed. This could be a hernia removal or injury. Therefore, rehabilitation therapy can be lengthy and take many months. In addition, the therapeutic loads in this case will be regular walking, swimming, and other manifestations of activity, for example, participation in sports games. After the operation, a system of exercises is recommended, performed lying on the back, arms along the body:

  • Squeeze the brushes into fists while pulling the feet towards you, raise your head. To relax.
  • Spread your legs, bend your knees. Stretch with your knee to the heel of the second leg, do not tear your shoulders off the surface. Repeat with a different leg position.
  • Turn the brushes on the floor with their backs down, try to touch the other with the palm of one hand, without lifting the hips from the floor. Repeat with the other hand.
  • Clamp an object with bent knees. You can do without it, but just firmly press your knees together in a bent state. To relax.

  • 80% of the earth's population experience regular back pain, of which 98% are due to mechanical reasons.

    Gymnastics to strengthen the muscles of the lumbar region

    The lumbar muscles work in tandem with the abdominal muscles. Therefore, the sequence of physical activity is in the nature of the work of antagonist muscles:

  • Lying on your back, take a deep breath, hold it for a few moments, exhale with force, while lifting the chest. 10 repetitions are recommended.
  • In the previous position, spread your arms to the sides, inhale deeply, exhale. Then bring and press your knees to your stomach. 7-10 repetitions are recommended.
  • In the previous position of the body and upper limbs, bend the lower limbs and make them turn in one direction and the other, and direct the head in the opposite direction.
  • Photo Gallery: Exercises to Strengthen the Spinal Muscles

    Breathing exercises will help strengthen muscles Lying knees up - an exercise to strengthen your back and abdominal muscles Turning to the sides from a lying position connect other muscle groups to work

    Exercises after a lower back injury

    Fractures, bruises, compression and other injuries of the spine leave an imprint on the posture, physical condition and even the patient's lifestyle. Specially selected gymnastic exercises can weaken the pain syndrome accompanying the injury and even out the possible negative consequences. Exercise therapy in case of damage to the spine makes the muscles work, which holds the vertebrae together and ensures the stability of the muscle corset. The consistency of the degree of damage and the possibility of performing certain loads with the necessary complex of therapeutic exercises selected by a specialist is important. This includes, for example, the following standing exercises:

  • Inhale, raise your arms up and spread them to the sides, lower them as you exhale. Repeat three to four times.
  • Bend your arms at the elbows, bring the hands to the shoulders, the movements should be with tension. To relax. Repeat four to six times.
  • Raise both hands up and take them to the side, turn your head after them. To relax. Repeat four to six times.
  • Bend the knee alternately, straighten, lower. We recommend repeating four to eight times.

    Tailored gymnastic exercises to ease pain

  • Perform abduction and adduction movements with a straightened leg to the side. To relax. Repeat four to six times.
  • According to statistics, every second able-bodied Russian is on sick leave due to back pain.

    Pilates to strengthen the lower back

    The Pilates technique is aimed specifically at strengthening muscles and increasing overall tone. Physical exercises are simple, they are not at all burdensome, and as a result, you can get the opportunity to relax the back, namely the muscles of the lower back. The recommendation for all Pilates exercises is to do it regularly two to three times every week. An example of a complex of physical activities (10 approaches are recommended for each exercise):

  • It is performed in a stable position, leaning on 4 points - knees and palms. Smoothly, with a pulling movement, take the body back, dropping onto the heel protrusions, keep your hands all the time with your palms on the floor. Return to original position.

    Stretching Exercise Helps Relax Your Back Muscles

  • In the same position, inhale, then exhale: stretch the right leg back and the left arm forward, return to the original position. Then repeat with the appropriate change of limbs.

    Exercise "Swimming" helps to strengthen the muscles of the back

  • Transfer to the stomach with an emphasis on the forearms, rest your palms on the floor. Bend smoothly with your back up, rushing your head up. Relax by returning to the original position.

    Extension of the back while lying on the stomach is good for the lumbar spine.

  • Lying on your back, bend the lower limbs at the knees, stretch the upper limbs forward on the floor, inhale, as you exhale, gently raise the pelvis, inhale again at maximum height, gently lower.

  • Lying on your back, arms to the sides, bend your legs at the knees, alternately turn your legs to the right and left, watch out for maintaining the position of the shoulder blades on the floor.

    Twisting from a prone position improves the flexibility of the spine

  • A set of exercises by Dr. Bubnovsky to help the lower back

    The effectiveness of the exercises, developed according to his own system by the specialist Bubnovsky, is based on the need to stabilize and unhindered blood flow and nerve impulses in the disturbing area of ​​the lower back. A key role is played by focusing on performing simple sequential movements that help to cope with spasms, pain syndrome, correct posture and feel general relief after a painful period:

  • In a standing position on four support points (knees-palms), relax the lower back as much as possible.
  • Inhale - bend your back, head up, exhale - arch your back, head down.
  • Sitting on the floor, follow a straight posture, connect the hands behind the head. Make possible movements with the buttocks.
  • In the same sitting position, transfer the weight of the upper body to your arms, straighten your legs forward on the floor. Raise your legs alternately bent and straight.
  • Spin the bike with your feet while lying on the floor.

    The set of exercises for the back of Bubnovsky is aimed at normalizing and restoring the lost functions of the musculoskeletal system

  • Exercises of Dr. Bubnovsky: video

    Shishonin's therapeutic gymnastics for the lower back

    Gymnastic exercises according to the Shishonin method are most often used for the cervical spine, but they have a therapeutic effect on other parts as well, and are also useful in general for the back, including the lumbar spine.

    Video: exercises according to the method of Dr. Shishonin, applicable to solving problems with the lower back

    Isometric gymnastics for the lumbar spine

    Stabilization of the spinal column is possible with the alignment and symmetrical work of the rectus muscles of the back, as well as the strengthening of the abdominal press and other muscle groups. Also, gymnastics helps to cope with pain, overload, relieve spasms. Each exercise is performed for several minutes, then the same amount of rest break.

  • Rowing movements with hands in opposite directions, performed in a supine position. In this case, the abdominal press should experience a feasible tension.
  • Tension of the abdominal muscles in the same position. In this case, a deep inhalation and exhalation are made, the muscles of the press are strained with a breath holding on exhalation for up to 1 minute.
  • Rowing with the legs in the same position, while the press is also tense, the arms are relaxed.
  • Lumbar bend, performed on all fours. Smoothly take one hand behind the back, attach to the lower back, muscles of the back and abdomen while in tension, return to the starting position, repeat with the other hand.
  • Walking movements with hands, also performed in a position on all fours. Stretch your hand forward, shifting the weight of the body to the other hand, repeat with the other hand.
  • The walking movements of the legs are also on all fours. Alternately, bend each leg at the knee and pull it forward, then straighten it back.
  • Isometric gymnastics of Dr. Borshchenko: video

    Exercises for the sacrum

    The sacral spine, despite its static nature, is also susceptible to painful metamorphoses due to various injuries, as well as inflammation. Pain in the sacrum area is quite common among patients leading a sedentary, sedentary lifestyle, and is also characteristic of those actively involved in sports associated with frequent falls to the fifth point. For pain in the sacrum, it is recommended to practice lying down. The sequence of exercises is as follows:

  • First, achieve the greatest possible tension of the back muscles in the region of the sacro-lumbar joints, hold for about 10 seconds, inhale. Relax, exhale.
  • Bring both legs bent at the knees to the chest, try to keep the back muscles in a relaxed state.
  • In a lying position on your side, pull the bent upper leg to your chest, while tapping with your hand on the protruding edge of the ilium, achieving a reduction in pain. To relax.

  • Lumbosacral stretching gymnastics

    For stretching the lumbosacral region, in addition to common exercises, a special simulator is also used, which has a curved shape that repeats the bend of the lumbar region. Several exercises a day with his participation make the spine more mobile and less prone to discomfort.

    Gymnastics for stretching the lumbosacral spine with a special trainer

    Exercises for lumbar spine instability

    Spinal instability manifests itself in improper posture, displacement of the vertebrae, associated pain and pinched nerves. There is a set of exercises that helps to align the line of the shoulders, maintain the correct body position in the process of performing work duties and at rest, will help to form and consolidate the skills of maintaining a straight back. Exercises are performed slowly, maintaining a given position and changing the direction of physical impact on the back.

    Video: exercises for instability of the lumbar spine

    Physical activity to restore the spine

    Treatment and training sessions for the recovery of the back after surgery, a previous illness, injury and post-traumatic complication must be performed in full accordance with the prescriptions of a specialist, since the nature of changes in the spine can be very different with a certain degree of severity. Stretching and relaxation are the cornerstone of almost all exercises to restore it. The alternating feasible load on various parts of the back allows you to return to the place of displacement, to even out breathing, to stabilize blood circulation and innervation in the damaged areas. The goal of all physiotherapy exercises is to achieve the maximum rehabilitation effect with minimal pain and discomfort.

    Possible consequences and complications of gymnastics for the lumbar and lumbosacral spine

    Overstrain of the muscles with improperly selected loads, pulling pains, loss of freedom of movement are only a small part of the consequences of non-compliance with the prescribed exercise therapy method. In more serious cases, complications such as:

  • curvature of posture;
  • displacement of the vertebrae with possible pinching;
  • increased injuries in class;
  • increased heart rate, increased pressure;
  • sharp pains in unusual places, intensification of already familiar pain;
  • fever, signs of inflammation, etc.
  • Remember: targeted exercise therapy is a certain type of therapy, which is as important to follow as it is to take medications in a timely manner with strict adherence to the dosage.

    The average modern person leads a lifestyle that is not very conducive to maintaining health. The constant use of electronic gadgets (computers, cell phones, laptops, tablets), poor quality food, lack of sleep, stress, lack of movement, and so on. As a result, even at a young age, the lumbar spine, spine and neck can cause unpleasant and sometimes painful sensations to many.

    Seeing this situation, Dr. Alexander Shishonin developed a set of simple exercises that can improve the condition of the spine.

    In fact, this is a gymnastics for the neck, consisting of 7 clear and effective exercises. Especially Shishonin's gymnastics will be useful to those who lead a sedentary lifestyle and sits in front of the screen a lot.

    Why does the neck hurt?

    Neck pain can be caused by a wide variety of reasons:

    Alexander himself, a doctor and author of the technique, in most cases associates poor health with unsatisfactory work of the circulatory system... From the constant tension of the cervical muscles, their elasticity is lost, blood flow is blocked, the nerve endings of the neck area are squeezed, and acute or chronic aching pain in the cervical spine appears. Of course, the doctor must establish the true reason in each specific case, therefore, before taking on exercises for Shishonin's neck, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

    Let's make a reservation right away that this complex can also be used for prevention, it is not necessary to wait until something hurts and the condition worsens. If you are regularly exposed to mental and psycho-emotional stress, work at a computer, eat an unbalanced diet and lead an inactive lifestyle, then you are at risk... In the case of observing one or more of the symptoms listed below, it is recommended to do exercises according to Shishonin.

    • Neck pain and impaired mobility
    • Pressure rise
    • Migraines and dizziness
    • Hypertension and vegetative dystonia
    • Poor blood supply to the brain
    • Memory impairment
    • Vertebrobasilar insufficiency
    • Frequent sleepiness or, conversely, insomnia

    The complex will also help to recover from traumatological operations.

    In what cases is gymnastics for the neck of Dr. Shishonin contraindicated

    Despite all its advantages and relative safety, gymnastics for the Shishonin neck has some contraindications... The complex must be approached with common sense and adherence to basic safety standards. If you feel unwell, any illness in an acute form, malaise, fatigue, it is better to postpone the lesson until a better time, in general, it is forbidden to perform exercises according to Shishonin under the following conditions:

    Gymnastics of Dr. Shishonin: how to get the most out of the complex

    Consider the important aspects that enhance the effect of completing the complex:

    • Regularity. At first, it is recommended to do gymnastics every day, after a couple of weeks it will be possible to switch to 3-4 workouts per week.
    • Smooth back. This is a requirement for any gymnastics exercise. In many respects, the results will depend on the observance of this principle. However, one should not forget about an even back in everyday life, which will prevent scoliosis, osteochondrosis and other diseases associated with the spine.
    • Warm up. This precaution will help prevent injury.
    • Positive attitude and belief in getting great results. A very important nuance that can significantly enhance the positive effect of the complex.
    • Sharpening movements in front of the mirror. Until you remember the movements well, it is advisable to control the correctness of the exercises. If you have a like-minded person, you can correct each other. And you can also film your performance of the complex and evaluate the performance from the outside.
    • Take extra time to stretch your body.

    Shishonin's cervical gymnastics: basic exercises and rules of execution

    Gymnastics rules:

    Shishonin's gymnastics base includes 7 exercises. Below will be given a brief description of them, the complex is very simple, but it is best to watch the video and repeat.

    • Metronome... Tilt your head to your right shoulder. If you feel comfortable tension, linger for half a minute. Return to normal position and bend over to your left shoulder. Stretch as if with the top of the head.
    • Spring... Lower your head down. Hold for 30 seconds. Then stretch your neck forward and up. And also linger for 30 seconds.
    • Looking to the sky... Turn slowly to the right and freeze for 30 seconds, then do the same to the left.
    • Frame... Basically, this is the previous exercise (Looking to the sky) but with the shoulder girdle turned on. For this, the right hand is placed on the left shoulder, and the other is left on the knee. This is followed by fixation for half a minute, and execution in the other direction. The elbow is parallel to the plane of the floor.
    • Fakir... It is also analogous to the "Look to the sky" exercise, but this time the palms are brought together above the head, and the elbows are slightly bent.
    • Heron... The palms lie on the knees, the chin smoothly stretches up, and the hands are pulled behind the back. The pose is fixed for half a minute, then the exercise is performed in the opposite direction. Finally, stretch your neck with gentle bends to both sides.
    • goose... The final exercise of the complex. You need to stand up, fix your chin parallel to the toes of your legs, and stretch your neck forward. Then smoothly turn your head to the right side, slowly stretch in the direction of the shoulder and fix it in a stretched position for 30 seconds. Repeat for the opposite side.

    Dr. Shishonin's gymnastics is an exercise performed to prevent and treat acute and chronic pain in the cervical spine. The main complex is 7 effective exercises for the neck muscles that can be a salvation for those who spend a lot of time at the computer and generally lead a sedentary lifestyle.

    Due to the above reasons, there is a violation of blood flow, compression of nerve endings in the neck, acute or chronic aching pain in the cervical spine. And here it is therapeutic and prophylactic gymnastics that comes to the rescue. It will not harm your health and will help you to quickly improve your well-being.

    Important! A positive effect is guaranteed only in the case of correct and regular performance of a full set of exercises.

    The complex, the effectiveness of which has been proven not only by doctors, but also by patients, is recommended to be performed in the event of the following problems: periodic or persistent pain in the neck and shoulder girdle;
    violation in the processes of blood supply to the head;
    frequent migraines accompanied by mild or pronounced dizziness;
    insomnia, fatigue, sleepiness during the day, despite a good night's rest (see also how to deal with sleepiness);
    hypertension (persistently high blood pressure);
    vegetative-vascular dystonia.
    Classes according to the Shishonin method are shown to those people who suffer from physical inactivity, lead a sedentary lifestyle, are often under stress, are exposed to serious physical or psycho-emotional stress, and cannot boast of a balanced and complete diet.

    Exercise number 1 "metronome". Sitting on a chair, slowly tilt your head towards your right shoulder. Try to reach the very top of your head. As soon as you feel a slight tension in the muscle tissue, stop and wait 30 seconds. Return to the starting position, and then repeat the exercise in the same way towards the left shoulder.

    Exercise number 2 "spring". Smoothly lower your head down and stay in this position for 30 seconds. Stretch your neck forward and up without jerking. Lock the position for another half a minute.

    Exercise number 3 "Look into the sky". Slowly turn your head to the left. As soon as there is a feeling of slight discomfort in the muscles, stop and count to 30. Do the same to the right side.

    Exercise number 4 "frame". It is performed according to the same principle as exercise number 3. The difference is that the shoulder girdle is additionally connected: the right hand rests on the left shoulder. At this time, the elbow should be parallel to the plane of the floor. The other hand remains in a relaxed position on the knee. The position is fixed for half a minute, after which the exercise is repeated in the opposite direction.

    Exercise number 5 "fakir". It is carried out by analogy with exercise number 3. The difference is that during execution, the elbows should be slightly bent, and the palms should be brought together above the head.

    Exercise number 6 "heron". Two palms are on the knees. At this time, gently pull your chin up, and take your hands behind your back. Lock the pose for 30 seconds. Repeat the exercise in the opposite direction. After - move on to a slow muscle stretch. To do this, tilt your head first to the left shoulder and slightly press on the neck area. Do the same in the direction of the right shoulder.

    Exercise number 7 "goose". The final exercise of the main complex. The starting position is standing. We fix the chin parallel to the toes of the legs, and pull the neck forward. First, we smoothly turn the head in one direction (to the right) and smoothly stretch towards the shoulder. As soon as unpleasant sensations arise in the muscle tissue, you should stop and fix the position for 30 seconds. Perform the same actions in the opposite direction (towards the left shoulder).

    Important! Any exercise should be done 5 times in each direction, not forgetting to fix each position for at least a few seconds. Only in this case, the muscles are strengthened and the spinal column is stretched.

    What should you know and follow? Important points:

    Regularity. The scheme of the frequency of performing gymnastics is as follows: the first two weeks - every day. Starting from the third week - 3-4 workouts per week.

    Additional Information. It should be noted that this is only an indicative diagram. Each person is individual, therefore, it is necessary to take into account the general condition of the body and well-being.

    Perfectly straight back. A prerequisite during the performance of each exercise from the complex. The overall effectiveness of the exercises largely depends on how correctly the position of the back is fixed.

    Remember! Posture should be monitored not only during gymnastics, but throughout the day.

    Workout in front of the mirror... The first few sessions are recommended to be done by looking at your reflection in the mirror. This makes it easier to check the correctness of each exercise. You can also find a like-minded person and do gymnastics together, controlling the correctness of each other's performance.
    Warm up. Before proceeding with the main complex, it is recommended to do a small warm-up and slightly warm up the muscles. Thus, the risk of sprains and injuries will be reduced to zero.
    Belief in a positive outcome and good attitude. An important factor contributing to an even greater efficiency in the implementation of the Shishonin complex and positive changes in well-being.
    elevated body temperature(general malaise and weakness may become even more pronounced, while it is likely that the pain syndrome will intensify); why there is a high temperature and how to deal with it - read here;
    exacerbation of the disease(in those periods of time when the patient is experiencing particularly severe pain, any physical activity should be abandoned);
    oncological diseases(gymnastics is contraindicated in neoplasms of various localization);
    during pregnancy(performing a set of exercises that create certain loads on the spine during pregnancy can lead to negative consequences for both the fetus and the pregnant woman herself);
    infectious and inflammatory processes(classes should be started only after completion of treatment);
    internal or external bleeding(any physical activity in such a situation can increase bleeding and lead to very disastrous consequences: a decrease in pressure, headaches, dizziness and even death).

    Important! In case of malaise, excessive fatigue or feeling unwell, it is better to postpone gymnastics until the condition improves in order to avoid possible complications.

    Shishonin's gymnastics is simple and understandable to any person. Remembering the exercises from the main complex will not be difficult. Of course, training will require some effort, however, "the game is worth the candle." After a few sessions, the first positive changes in well-being will be noticeable.

    Vertebral and joint pain is one of the most common problems in the world. The appearance of such unpleasant sensations in different parts of the body is facilitated by the modern lifestyle of most people - sedentary work, spending a long time at the computer, often in the wrong posture, lack of physical activity, etc. The spine and neck are especially affected, pain in which can not only interfere with normal activity, but even rest. It is definitely necessary to deal with such a problem, and for this there are many ways, one of which is exercises according to Shishonin's method.

    Dr. Shishonin's exercises became widely known in 2008, when a whole collection of articles on this topic was published. The approach of the author of the methodology is based on the statement that the main cause of pain in the cervical spine is a pinched nerve that people receive in the course of their daily activity. The approach is a set of exercises aimed at working out the deep cervical muscles, relieving tension from them and increasing tone. An important task is also the elimination of the negative consequences of spasm of muscle elements, the normalization of blood circulation in this zone and, accordingly, the achievement of normal volumes of blood flow to the brain.

    The uniqueness of the approach is that it includes fairly simple exercises that are available to everyone, but at the same time they give the maximum positive effect. Due to its peculiarities, the method has become especially popular among those who do not find much time for long training sessions, spend more than a third of their time in front of a computer or in front of a TV screen, and are subject to constant severe stress and mental stress.

    The effectiveness of the technique has already been appreciated by many patients who quickly began to feel lightness and relief in the cervical spine. The actual implementation of the set of exercises will be in the presence of such indications:

    cervical osteochondrosis; vegetative-vascular syndrome; as part of a complex of treatment for hypertension; trouble remembering; concentration disorders; frequent headaches, migraines; dizziness; increased sleepiness during the day and difficulty falling asleep at night; post-traumatic conditions; systematic neck pain.

    The appointment of a complex for the back and neck may not be a curative measure, but a preventive one. Such a preventive measure will be relevant in the following situations:

    work associated with a long stay at the computer; sedentary lifestyle; state of emotional stress; the presence of regular significant mental stress; improper diet, which causes salt deposition; hypothermia, which caused a spasm of the muscles of the cervical spine.

    When working with the spine, in particular with the neck as its most vulnerable part, you need to be very careful not to harm yourself in the process. To obtain the exclusive benefit of the method under consideration, it should be borne in mind that there are general rules for the implementation of exercises, which it is important to strictly follow:

    the key to success is the regularity and technically correct performance of each exercise. If, according to the text description, it is not completely clear how to do this or that exercise, it is better to find video material and try to delve into all the subtleties; all elements of the complex must be performed with a straight back, without any rush, in a state of complete calmness and relaxation; in order to tune in before starting a workout, it is advisable to take several deep breaths and exhalations; do not immediately try to completely master the whole complex. If it is given hard, it is better to reduce the amount of execution for the first time; it is better for beginners to perform exercises in front of a mirror in order to clearly control the position of their back; water can be drunk in any quantity, but the last meal should be no later than an hour before class; after the end of the exercises, it is recommended to do at least a light self-massage in order to relax the muscles; during the execution of the complex, no sudden movements can be made. If it hurts, you need to smoothly return to its original position, in no case with a jerk.

    The final self-massage is completely simple, you can carry it out according to the following scheme, which is also recommended by the author of the technique:

    it is worth starting with smooth, light strokes in the back of the head, gradually going down to the shoulder blades. The speed of movement and the degree of pressure can be increased, but this must also be done gradually; it is advisable to work out the vertebrae with your fingers, massaging them in a circular motion with your fingertips; pinching movements with all fingers, which need to work out the entire neck, especially on the sides; the front part is worked out with strokes and light tweaks.

    Don't forget that the main rule of the course is the absence of pronounced painful sensations. Exercise can be uncomfortable, but not painful.

    The technique implies the need to perform a variety of exercises, but there is a basic complex consisting of only seven elements. The author recommends starting with them, repeating each 5 times, and implementing the event daily. After two weeks of intense workouts, you can switch to three classes per week.

    The seven exercises according to Shishonin are as follows:

    the first exercise is called the "metronome" and is performed in a sitting position. All you need to do is slowly and smoothly tilt your head to one shoulder, then to the other. Here it is important that the crown stretches to the shoulder, and the chin stretches to the other side. At each of the extreme points of inclination, you need to linger for 30 seconds; the head must be turned to the left, keeping its level position. The rotation should be maximal, up to the appearance of discomfort. After fixing in this position for half a minute, repeat the exercise, turning in the other direction; the exercise is similar to the previous one, only the turn of the head must also be accompanied by hands - the opposite hand is placed on the left shoulder, the elbow is set parallel to the floor, and after that the head turns to the right. The turn to the other side is performed with a change of hand. This exercise is called the "frame"; another similar exercise with turning the head to the side, only the hands need to be placed over the head with the elbows slightly bent, and the palms are joined together (as in the "namaste" in yoga). The name of the exercise is "fakir"; two positions of the "spring" exercise - the head lowered forward and down, and the neck is straight, the head stretches up and slightly forward. You need to move from one to the other smoothly, fixing on the already familiar 30 seconds; hands should initially be placed on the knees and sit up straight. Together with a smooth lifting of the chin up and the maximum extension of the neck, you need to gradually move your hands back, behind your back. Fixation time - 30 seconds; the last exercise is "goose", and it is the only one that is carried out in a standing position. The chin should be brought forward as much as possible, stretching the neck and keeping the chin parallel to the floor. From this position, you need to make turns in one and the other direction. Do not forget about fixing in each of the extreme positions.

    For the cervical spine, such a complex is the best study, and it is precisely its systematic implementation that will make it possible to achieve a significant improvement in well-being.

    The exercises can be quite difficult, especially for beginners, as it is not always clear if they are being done correctly. In order for the lesson to take place with maximum technical accuracy, this video exists - a demonstration of the main complex of Dr. Shishonin of seven exercises for the neck.

    Gymnastics for the neck helps many patients with high blood pressure, since the cause of this condition usually lies in this particular department. How exactly does exercise work on pressure? Is it possible to get rid of the problem only through classes? What are the most effective exercises? All these questions are answered in this video.

    The complex of Dr. Shishonin is known all over the world today and is actively used by patients to eliminate problems with the spine. Doctors recognize the effectiveness and feasibility of such exercises, but there are some points to consider. Firstly, even though the complex is simple to implement at home, it is worth consulting your doctor before starting it. Without this, the responsibility for the consequences will lie solely with the patient himself. It is also better to find a specialist who would conduct at least the first lesson together with the patient and demonstrate all the subtleties of the technical side of the exercises - this minimizes all risks.

    If the existing problem is already at the stage of treatment, and medications and procedures have been prescribed, then they cannot be abandoned, since physiotherapy exercises are only part of therapy and does not replace the main treatment.

    To date, there are no contraindications to the implementation of this technique, and it is this fact that is recognized as a feature of the exercises - they are available for every person, at any age. Limitations can only be factors that provoke the physical impossibility of exercising - for example, a spinal injury or a tumor in the neck of a large size.

    It is worth clarifying that the classic complex for the neck has no contraindications, but other complexes of the author, for example, for the lower back, will already contain some restrictions.

    Sveta: I work at the computer all the time, and it's very hard for my neck. I stumbled upon Shishonin's exercises absolutely by accident, but did not regret for a second that she had started doing them - this is an ideal prevention of problems with such work.

    Alexander: A simple complex, does not take much time, and is perfect as exercise therapy for the cervical spine.

    Anya: The exercises are quite effective, but from the descriptions it is completely impossible to understand how to do them correctly. It's good that there is a video from the author himself with a demonstration of the basic complex for the neck.

    Ivan: Struggled with chronic pain in the neck and poor sleep, the doctor advised me this set of exercises. Now my condition is just excellent.

    The set of physical exercises, which were developed by academician Shishonin, is gymnastics for the neck, and the full version of the video has become a real salvation for those who move little, spends a long time in front of a computer monitor. Physical exercise is especially relevant for office workers. Constant fatigue, distracted attention, headaches, dizziness haunt people who do not have time to break away from the computer and just relax.

    Such seemingly mild and insignificant symptoms can be signs of more serious diseases. An inconvenient position of the neck, lack of oxygen in the muscles can lead to the development of cervical osteochondrosis, spondylosis (deterioration of the structures of the spine), etc. Oxygen access to the brain tissues deteriorates, resulting in a strong increase in pressure.

    Unpleasant sensations and deterioration of the general condition are sometimes caused not only by an uncomfortable position during work. Age-related changes in the human body or prolonged exposure to high physical activity can cause muscle spasm and pain.

    Pain, discomfort, limitation of mobility of the joints of the cervical spine can significantly ruin life and reduce its quality. To restore the mobility of the cervical spine, improve blood circulation in the neck area and get rid of pain, you need to use high-quality treatment and supplemented by special physical exercises.

    Exercise "Frame"

    Head of the clinic "Health of the 21st Century", Candidate of Medical Sciences Shishonin Alexander Yurievich.

    To restore the elasticity of muscle structures, the mobility of the articular joints of the cervical spine, to relieve pain, you can exercise the neck of Doctor of Medicine Shishonin. These are a few simple exercises that were developed by A. Yu. Shishonin, a Russian scientist, academician, candidate of medical sciences, head of a medical clinic for physical rehabilitation.

    The gymnastic set of physical exercises has been known since 2008, when a disc with an explanation of the basic physical exercises of the program hit the market. In some sources, the complex of physical exercises is also called physical gymnastics of Bubnovsky, after the name of the medical clinic, where the technique was developed.

    Physical exercises of gymnastics are aimed at correcting the work of the deep muscle structures of the neck, relieving muscle tension and increasing their tone, improving blood flow to the brain. The exercises that Shishonin developed cannot cure cervical osteochondrosis, but will reduce its manifestations.

    The technique is unique in that it is based on the simplest exercises that have no restrictions on their implementation, but the positive effect is obvious. Gymnastics is shown not only for people with various diseases, but also allows you to prevent the worsening of the situation. Basic actions are based on natural movements for a person, therefore, they will not harm, do not cause pain, and are performed with caution.

    Charging Shishonin for the joints and muscle structures of the neck is recommended for patients with the occurrence of certain diseases and pathological conditions:

    headache; intervertebral hernia; the occurrence of fainting conditions; frequent occurrence of dizziness; increased intracranial and vascular pressure; drowsiness and lethargy (during the day); VSD; insomnia; decreased memory; lack of blood supply to brain tissue; osteochondrosis.

    Shishonin's exercises will help with muscle spasm caused by the influence of cold air

    Exercise will also be useful for people without serious health problems in order to reduce the influence of negative factors on the condition of the cervical muscles:

    Maintaining the body in an uncomfortable position for a long time (sedentary work at the computer, sleeping on an uncomfortable pillow - too firm and too high). Psychological discomfort, overstrain. Postoperative condition. Unbalanced diet, which causes increased salt deposition in the joints. Muscle spasm caused by exposure to cold air. Low physical activity during the day. Significant mental stress.

    As already mentioned, exercises for Shishonin's neck have no contraindications, they can be performed by all people, regardless of health status and age. But the correctness of execution is considered an important nuance. In order for charging to bring the desired result, it is necessary to strictly follow all the recommendations.

    The main complex of gymnastics physical exercises according to the method of the medical specialist Shishonin is convenient in that all physical exercises can be performed even at work, without leaving the workplace and without attracting undue attention. Physical gymnastics will not take much time, so it should be done even at lunchtime. The complex includes 7 basic physical exercises, each of which must be repeated 5 times.

    The first exercise is called the Metronome. The starting position is sitting on a chair. Gently tilt your head to the right side towards the shoulder until you feel tension in the muscular structures of the neck. The state will fix for half a minute, gently return to its original state. After that, physical exercise is performed on the other side.

    The first physical exercise "Metronome"

    The next exercise is "Spring". The head is required to be lowered down, held in this position, then pulled the chin. Stay in each of the positions for half a minute.

    Then - physical exercise "Look into the sky". The head must be turned to the side until tension appears in the muscle structures and fixed for 30 seconds. in this state. Then the exercise is performed in the other direction.

    Exercise "Frame"

    Physical exercise of Shishonin's cervical gymnastics "Frame" - an exercise similar to "Looking into the sky", but with a slight change. This physical exercise involves the muscular and articular structures of the shoulder girdle. The right hand should be placed on the left shoulder, the elbow should be kept strictly horizontal to the floor. Turn your head to the left until mild pain appears. The state is fixed for 30 sec. It is important to control that the elbow does not drop, but is parallel to the floor. Then lower your right hand, put it on your knee, perform physical exercise in the other direction.

    The fifth exercise, "Fakir", is carried out in the same way as "Look into the sky", only the arms must be slightly bent at the elbows, and the palms must be united above the head.

    The third exercise "Looking into the sky"

    Physical exercise "Heron". Hands are initially on the knees, in a free state. Gently raise your chin, and take your hands behind your back. Fix the state, count to 30 and return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise in the opposite direction. Then it is recommended to do a stretch: gently tilt your head first to one shoulder, then to the other shoulder, lightly pressing your hand on your neck.

    The last physical exercise of the complex - "Goose", is performed from a standing position. Stretch your neck forward, keeping your chin straight. Turn your head to the left and after the appearance of a slight tension in the muscle structures, fix the state for 30 seconds. Then turn your head the other way.

    The correctness of physical exercises can be checked by the video of Dr.Shishonin's neck exercises.

    First of all, gymnastics should be done only if the attending physician gave the go-ahead. This is especially true for those patients who have been diagnosed with any disease. For example, with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, Shishonin's gymnastics should be performed only after consulting a doctor and a thorough examination. Not every patient is able to accurately determine the disease, and this can play a cruel joke in the future.

    The main condition for performing gymnastics according to Shishonin is accuracy and regularity. All movements must be performed as shown in the video or in the description of the exercises. It is important not to hunch down during gymnastics, keep your back straight - otherwise, the therapeutic effect can be reduced.

    At first, you can even perform exercises in front of a mirror: this way you can immediately see if some movement is performed incorrectly, which means that there is an opportunity to correct the mistake before it becomes a habit.

    Another recommendation concerns food intake. You need to eat at least an hour before the start of gymnastics - it is necessary so that the body does not waste energy on digesting food. This restriction does not apply to water; you can drink in any quantity.

    As for the frequency, with such an ailment as cervical osteochondrosis, gymnastics for the neck of the medical specialist Shishonin should be performed daily. After the unpleasant sensations disappear completely, it will be possible to do gymnastics less often - 3-4 times every week is enough.

    It is worth setting aside a certain amount of time for gymnastics. You can set a reminder on your phone so you don't miss or reschedule an activity. So, the body will soon begin to adjust in advance and prepare for the load, which means that the training will be easier.

    If you cannot do the whole complex at once, then it is better not to try to complete it completely and rest. Over time, it will become easier to perform the exercises, and it will not be difficult to complete the whole complex.

    During the execution of movements, severe pain should not appear. If the sensations during execution are very unpleasant, then you do not need to sacrifice your health and do everything through pain. At first, it is permissible to do one repetition at a time - but correctly, in accordance with all the instructions, than to make a full complex and harm the body.

    If the pain does appear, then the implementation of the Shishonin set of exercises should be postponed for several days. If the painful sensations after that have passed, it means that the body is simply getting used to the increased physical activity.

    After gymnastics, it is recommended to carry out a small massage of the cervical spine - this will consolidate the therapeutic effect of the exercises. Preventive massage can be done on your own (or you can ask someone close to you) without going to a professional massage therapist.

    Then gently massage the vertebrae with the tips or phalanges of the fingers, the movements should be circular, with a small amplitude.

    The next exercise is to grab the neck so that the thumb remains on the front of the neck, the rest on the other. Massage from bottom to top with pinching movements.

    Finally, massage the front of the neck with stroking movements from top to bottom.

    Exactly the same actions can be done before performing the main complex of gymnastics for the Shishonin's neck. This measure is optional, but doctors strongly advise not to ignore this step. First of all, the massage warms up the muscles, becomes more elastic, which will facilitate the exercise.

    In addition to massage and gymnastics itself, it is recommended to introduce some useful changes into life. The most important thing is constant posture control. When doing housework, walking in the park, or sitting at the computer, and doing other daily activities, you need to try to monitor your posture, try to keep your back straight.

    It is especially important that the shoulders are straightened, because from the wrong posture, the chest is compressed and cannot receive enough oxygen.

    Another recommendation: in addition to Shishonin exercises, you need to pay more attention to physical activity. The author of gymnastics himself recommends long walks, long-distance walking. This simple measure can work miracles: the body becomes more toned, and besides, the mood improves.

    Today's complex is designed to improve the lumbosacral spine. It is a mix of yoga exercises, Nishi Katsuzo and other systems and has a powerful healing effect on the entire body with ease and ease of implementation. Anyone can study this system, regardless of the level of training. The exercises are performed at a slow pace and are designed to develop flexibility and relaxation. Olga Sagay tried to combine the exercises that give the maximum effect for the prevention of diseases and the recovery of the spine, applying her practical experience in the field of sports. I must say that her experience is large and versatile, since the girl is the Candidate Master of Sports in rhythmic gymnastics, a teacher of choreography and the main choreographer of a figure skating school. The lumbosacral region undergoes significant stress during the day, and if the muscle corset is not formed, the risk of injury and disease in this area increases. We begin recovery with the restoration of blood circulation and, accordingly, metabolic processes in the tissues of the intervertebral discs. Gradually, this complex will help you restore flexibility and health to the spine.

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