Quake Champions has entered the Early Access stage. What Happens to Quake Champions in Early Access Quake Champions Closed

After major update # 13, the game revealed several serious issues that were promptly fixed the next day.

Fixed an issue corrupting player respawns
- fixed incorrect respawns that could be in the 4th and 5th rounds of the duel
- fixed a crash that could occur after the end of a duel
- mouse sensitivity and viewing angle during aiming returned to their previous values
- returned the randomly changed maximum armor value of BJ Blazkowicz
- fixed an issue due to which the player could face an FPS drawdown or crash if he had more than 60 lines in the contact list (friends, found or blocked people)

On August 3, at 16:00 Moscow time, an important update was released, which fixed several serious problems, and also made adjustments that require the reset of some savings: player level, armor, weapons, accessories, dyes, currency. Champions, friends, skill rating and nicknames remain the same.

New game search screen
- added new rival search screen
- the player can choose several game modes to search for opponents at the same time
- tutorial videos are now available from the rival search screen

New social screen
- the social screen displays the players in the match and the list of blocked users
- added a black list, which includes blocked people
- the player can now ignore invites to the match
- the player can now send complaints to users

Projectile problems
- fixed problems with synchronization of shells and players, which should reduce the number of uncounted hits
- implemented a lag compensation system when registering hits

- fixed an issue due to which the game did not return to the original screen resolution after switching to borderless mode with a smaller aspect ratio
- fixed text localization issue
- updated the list of supported video cards for more correct auto-detection
- fixed an issue that could cause a killed player to get stuck in place and become invulnerable
- fixed an issue due to which the local settings were saved incorrectly if Cyrillic characters were used
- fixed an issue that caused champions not to sync with moving objects

- various memory leaks are optimized

- Clutch has removed the passive ability Advanced Shielding, which reduces damage by 20% if the hero is standing or moving in stride
- Clutch shield recharge time increased from 30 to 40 seconds
- Clutch health and armor are swapped (was: 150/150 and 50/100, now: 100/100 and 100/150)
- Slash starting armor increased from 0 to 25
- changed the system of accumulating experience
- Changed the likelihood of items falling out of backpacks, boxes and relics
- changed the cost of items and the number of shards received when they are broken

- new effect from Dire Orb (active ability Ranger)
- fixed light effect from decorative banner Anarki
- fixed an issue related to the sound of Anarki moving board
- fixed an issue with animation of two-handed shots during active ability BJ Blazkowicz
- fixed an issue with the jerky animation of BJ Blazkowicz when hitting him when he does not move
- enemies closer than 120 units (3 meters) are now always bypassed
- added new acceleration icon Clutch
- fixed an issue due to which the medals Rock (repulse 1000 damage with a shield) and Drill (deal 1000 damage under a shield) were given before the required damage was accumulated
- fixed an issue that caused missile damage to go through the Clutch shield

- fixed an issue that caused the Lightning Gun's beam to glow brighter when colliding with geometry
- fixed issue with knockback from Lightning Gun, Shotgun, Rocket Launcher and Railgun
- fixed an issue that prevented shards from falling after killing a player with a saw
- new sound for picking up weapons (temporary, will be changed in the future)

Daily Challenges
- fixed an issue where the Serial Killer challenge was showing an incorrect icon
- fixed an issue where the player could get an already completed challenge again
- fixed an issue where the progress of daily challenges was not displayed

Interface / HUD
- fixed issues with displaying health and armor containers
- added yaw and pitch for the mouse to the settings page
- new small, but high quality, enemy indicator arrows
- Improved the reliability of enemy indicator arrows
- fixed an issue where the player counter remained in the lobby
- fixed a problem when a player who was in a party accepted an invite to the lobby and ended up in a custom game
- fixed an issue where some champion heads were not showing in the preview

Spectator mode
- added red soul widget to the interface
- fixed the problem of the bifurcation of the beam of the Lightning Gun
- fixed an issue where the viewer saw red markers above the blue team
- fixed an issue where Clutch's shield was not visible from the third person camera
- the mode of displaying the enemy through walls (X-Ray) is now enabled by default
- the viewer now sees on the screen the outlines of the players corresponding to the color of the team

In-game changes
- fixed the problem when the player appeared at zero coordinates in the second game session
- fixed an issue where the champion would momentarily appear at the kill site while respawning
- fixed an issue where the session could freeze on the player's presentation screen
- fixed the problem of interruption of movement when the player enters the jumppad

Sacrifice Mode
- fixed an issue where the soul indicator in the interface could remain active when the soul was not at the spawn point
- fixed an issue where the soul would get stuck in any wall and no one could pick it up even from close range
- fixed an issue where the soul could be thrown on a hill in the mausoleum in Burial Chamber
- fixed an issue where a soul could get stuck on the head of a statue in the mausoleum at Burial Chamber
- fixed an issue where the enemy obelisk marker overlapped the soul indicator in the interface
- fixed an issue that caused a soul effect to be displayed on the weapon in the first person view
- fixed the problem of blinking indicators (POI)
- fixed an issue where picking up a soul immediately after using an ability caused visual effects to freeze, preventing this ability from being used until death
- fixed an issue that prevented the player from colliding with the obelisk

Duel Mode
- fixed a problem with incorrect display of player levels during the selection of champions and map
- fixed an issue where, on the death screen, the champion in the middle is always selected
- fixed an issue where clicking a shot with the mouse would get stuck when switching from warm-up to champion pick
- fixed the problem when the announcer said "5 minutes warning" during extra time
- fixed the problem when the time limit was not displayed in the results table
- fixed an issue that prevented their decorations from showing up when picking champions
- fixed an issue where the announcer said "Your pick" when selecting an opponent

- fixed various localization issues
- removed the inscription about confidentiality and prohibition of distribution

Chat room
- fixed problem with zero indents for global timestamps
- fixed an issue where chat did not work on the player's presentation screen
- fixed an issue where auto-scrolling was triggered with each new message

- fixed an issue where the lootbox text was displayed incorrectly
- improved appearance of the lootbox store
- when opening a loot box, the item category icon is now displayed
- opening the loot box is now accompanied by a voice when dropping epic and legendary items

Other fixes
- fixed an issue due to which the nicknames of opponents were not displayed in the duel lobby
- fixed an issue due to which the player could see his avatar on all players on the social screen
- fixed an issue where a player could subscribe to a blacklisted player
- fixed an issue where a player could get 3 Match Complete and Win medals in one duel
- fixed an issue that resulted in the player being unable to use the Print-Screen button in full screen mode

Unannounced changes
- changed lighting on maps
- changed respawns (including on the bazooka on Blood Run)
- closed some holes in the textures
- on Ruins of Sarnath, the rain is almost invisible
- Added a small obstacle on Corrupted Keep next to Heavy Machinegun, making it difficult to fall off the map
- added decoration for Heavy Machinegun sight
- Heavy Machinegun, while aiming, shoots without spread
- changed the sorting of guns in the points table (starting and improved side by side)
- added a sound warning about running out of cartridges
- added new sounds to the menu
- new effect of switching champions
- new animation for some champions in the menu
- changed some decorations of heroes (heads of BJ Blazkowicz)
- slightly improved splash screen between rounds
- added chat message sounds
- added a second server in Sydney (Australia)
- let me know if you find anything else! Known Issues
- at BJ Blazkowicz maximum stock armor 75
- crashes from the game when opening the list of friends, if there are a lot of them
- Railgun's sensitivity changes while aiming

Spectator player outline is now red-blue instead of red-white
- fixed an issue where spectators could not see the shots of the players being watched

Tomorrow, June 28, we will release another small patch. Servers will be shut down from 3:00 pm Moscow time until approximately 6:00 pm Moscow time. Keep track of the status in the launcher. Here are the fixes coming in the patch:

- Fixed a performance issue when activating the Clutch ability
- fixed game crash that could result from using Tri-bolt
- fixed a sync issue when one player is standing on top of another

- small changes in Clutch description
- fixed an issue where Corrupted Keep and Blood Run could show up as default cards in the non-duel mode results table

- Tri-bolt now gains enough ammo from crates on every pickup
- armor now absorbs 66% of damage from all types of weapons (previously, due to a bug, it absorbed 75% of damage from a railgun and a nail gun)

- fixed an issue where a corpse could grab a soul from an obelisk while in the capture zone

Spectator mode
- improved the free camera by removing the Space and Crouch buttons that interfered with the player's movement
- Fixed an issue that could cause viewers to see the Champions Podium on Blood Covenant
- the outline is now red and white

Custom mode
- fixed an issue where a player could unload from a match and have a different champion selected

Known Issues
- rockets sometimes pierce through the Clutch shield
- viewer settings differ from player settings and there is no way to change button assignments
- players can receive or lose points after the end of the match (after the inscription "Victory" or "Defeat")
- the soul in Sacrifice can be temporarily stuck in the wall for a few seconds
- A bright white light may appear on the Nyx Appearance customization screen
- medals "Rocket Launcher God" and "Nailgun God" do not give experience
- players cannot receive the "Dominating" medal

Today's update kicks off at 13:00 UTC. The servers will be down for longer than usual. According to our estimates, until approximately 21:00 Moscow time. We will additionally inform about readiness. Below is a list of changes. We would like to draw your attention to one of them - we have significantly reduced the delay in the departure of bazooka and nail gun shells. Here's a screenshot for comparison with the previous patch and Quake Live.

- the delay between the shot from the bazooka / nail gun and the appearance of the projectile has been significantly reduced (!)
- the frequency of polling data centers in the menu has been reduced, so that players will no longer see too high pings and inaccessible data centers
- made improvements to prevent players from disconnecting during the game
- introduced a special slideMove physics that smooths out collisions with the edges of walls and ceilings during jumps (wallclipping - cutting corners, as in Quake 3 / Live)

- Burial Chamber: fixed places in lava where the player did not take damage
- Burial Chamber: fixed the problem with getting stuck in the wall after a rocket jump
- Corrupted Keep and Blood Run are now available in Deathmatch and Team Deathmatch modes
- Corrupted Keep: Fixed various collision issues with invisible obstacles
- Lockbox: improved performance
- Lockbox: fixed an issue where players could get stuck in the megahels location

- Anarki: injection now gives +1 to maximum health instead of + 2% (yes, there were percentages before)
- BJ Blazkowicz: Fixed an issue allowing you to gain additional health with a passive ability while in a healing pool
- BJ Blazkowicz: fixed an issue where the hero fired the bazooka with only one hand while the ability was active
- Clutch now has a new passive ability: the hero can dodge by double pressing the strafe button (works on the ground and in the air)
- Clutch: reactivating the ability turns on a laser drill instead of a shield for 3 seconds
- Clutch: fixed a problem with shells getting stuck in the shield
- Slash: Fixed display of damage from active ability
- Sorlag: Acid spitting direct damage reduced from 30 to 25

- Shotgun: the damage of his pellet increased from 3 to 4, thus the damage from a direct hit increased from 60 to 80
- Nailgun: increased rate of fire from 100 to 70 ms, resulting in increased damage per second from 100 to 133
- Heavy Machinegun: increased damage from 9 to 10, but reduced rate of fire from 75 to 100 ms, damage per second, respectively, decreased from 120 to 100
- Heavy Machinegun with scope: damage increased from 10 to 15, but the rate of fire was significantly reduced from 80 to 200 ms, as a result, the damage per second decreased from 150 to 75, but the spread decreased (as a result, the HMG with the scope does damage not so quickly, but more precisely, making it an ideal weapon for finishing off an opponent)
- Super Nailgun: damage increased from 12 to 20, but the rate of fire was reduced from 80 to 100 ms, as a result the damage per second increased from 150 to 200
- Super Nailgun: Increased the impulse of the projectile, making it easier to climb walls
- Tri-bolt: fixed an issue where the explosion animation was not displayed during firing and fast weapon switching
- Tri-bolt: Added explosion delay when a projectile hits an enemy
- Tri-bolt: direct hit now does not 40, but 10 damage before the explosion ...
- Tri-bolt: ... and the explosion does 40 damage (each projectile)

Duel Mode
- duels now last until victory in 3 rounds instead of 2 (in the future, the number of rounds can be configured in the Custom Mode)
- before the selection of champions, only 2 columns are now displayed in the lobby, and then 4 more are added
- fixed an issue where players in the duel lobby overlapped UI elements
- nicknames and the selected card are now displayed throughout the whole process of choosing a card and champions

Sacrifice Mode
- new improved player interface
- new indicator for the soul
- added a timer for the appearance of a soul at the point
- the soul must now be delivered to the obelisk directly by the player (you can no longer just throw it into the zone)
- fixed various problems with soul passing through the floor
- fixed various problems with soul stuck in the geometry of the levels
- the player carrying the soul is no longer highlighted in blue, but sees a new effect on the screen

Custom mode
- In Sacrifice Custom Mode, a team can no longer have identical champions (this limitation will be configurable in the future)
- The lobby before the start of Sacrifice now has a new system for selecting unique champions
- Fixed synchronization in the custom mode lobby: the game reacts faster when the champion unlock time expires or there are few champions to duel
- unbought champions no longer appear in custom mode
- Fixed Missing Info issue for maps and modes in Sacrifice Draft (?)

- main menu music is now quieter when the tutorial section is open
- dropdowns no longer overlap popups and notifications
- fixed a problem with shadows remaining on the floor from items from the lootbox
- fixed the problem with the inability to zoom in the item dropped from the lootbox
- the "Play Now" button now shows clearer messages: "Launching Server" and "Connecting to server"
- Removed% from the results table after the match

- fixed the problem when the voice-over voice was counting out not in sync with the timer
- fixed an issue where the player could not pick up shards or souls until the animation of their falling ends
- round time now goes forward instead of backward
- during overtime, the timer turns red to distinguish from normal time
- fixed the problem with the displacement of the active zones of jumpads
- fixed an issue where players could spawn facing a wall
- fixed an issue where the player could move by pressing TAB on the death screen
- fixed an issue where shooting from the shaft while entering the teleport caused a severe decrease in visibility
- fixed an issue where bazooka shells had no effects when hitting an ally

- Added a sound for picking up and placing a soul
- Added sound of the explosion of the obelisk
- Added sound of accumulating charge when aiming
- Added sounds for turning on and off the sight
- Added sounds of entering and exiting the teleport
- Hearing radius of pickups reduced from 50 to 40 meters

Spectator mode
- added switch "Follow the killer"
- added switch "Follow player with booster"
- added switch "Follow player with soul"
- added hotkey tips for the switch panel
- added stripes with health and armor for spectators in duels
- fixed an issue where the spectator saw an ability icon instead of a soul icon when watching a player carrying a soul
- fixed an issue that caused Galena totems to be red for spectators
- fixed an issue where the spectator saw the death screen when players had a champion select screen
- fixed an issue where the viewer did not see the post-match sequence or scoreboard
- fixed an issue where a spectator could be kicked out of the lobby a second before the match

Unannounced changes
- added data center in Warsaw (Poland)
- Anarki and Slash can now slow down on the top of jump pads like other characters
- removed the indicator of new messages from the global chat
- new sounds when hovering over the main menu items
- send me what you noticed yet!

On June 22, at 15:00 Moscow time, the game servers will be shut down for several hours for the next update. It includes various fixes and adjustments, such as for the new hero BJ and the Tri-bolt weapon. We understand that there are still stability and connectivity issues. We continue to work on this. Please continue to give us your feedback and information about the problems (also report the region where this happened).

- fixed a problem with the Tri-bolt icon in the frags list
- fixed an issue with the kill icon with the Scalebearer ability
- fixed missing light sensitivity warning

Custom mode
- fixed an issue where spectators would get stuck in the lobby if a new match started before they left the previous one
- fixed an issue due to which progress daily tasks did not count in custom matches

Spectator mode
- fixed an issue where viewers saw outlining that did not match the player

- ping no longer correlates with FPS and now shows the real value (in the selection list of data centers)
- added additional statistics in the form of a heat map
- fixed issue with Tri-bolt glow
- mat filter is temporarily disabled (we know this is ooh *** strictly)

- fixed game crash caused by simultaneously throwing a soul and using an ability

- delay before the explosion of Tri-bolt projectiles increased from 500 to 750 ms
- increased speed of Tri-bolt projectiles by 10m / s
- minimum splash damage is now 5 units
- with the active ability BJ Blazkowicz, the speed of the shaft, machine guns, nail guns and saws now increases by 1.25 times (for other weapons, the acceleration remains the same - 1.5 times)

Sacrifice Mode
- round time increased to 60 minutes

Duel Mode
- warm-up now lasts not 15, but 40 seconds

Known Issues
- incorrect ping may appear in the second round
- a viewer with a free camera will not see the splash screen between rounds
- resizing the window may break the viewer's HUD

Unannounced changes
- added data center in Sweden

We made a lot of changes that were shown at the E3 Showcase. Testing is now open daily, 24/7.

And here is a list of the suitability that we brought into the game:

New Champion - B.J. Blazkowicz!
- active ability: Dual Wield - two-handed shooting mode
- passive ability: Regeneration (Regeneration) - restores health to the nearest multiple of 25, if not received damage for 3 seconds
- parameters: health 100/100, armor 25/50, speed 310/560
- appearance: 3 sets of items and one decoration

New weapon - Tri-Bolt!
- fires three projectiles loaded with explosives, detonating through a short time
- minimal delay between projectiles allows you to focus or distribute fire

New Maps
- Lockbox - new arena Ithagnal style for Sacrifice, Team Deathmatch and Deathmatch
- Blood Run - new Volkerh-style arena for duels
- Corrupted Keep - a new Goroth-style arena for duels

Custom game mode
- now you can play private matches with your friends!
- the match leader can customize teams in the lobby by simply dragging and dropping players between the columns
- the button to start the match will be unavailable if the number of players required for the game has not been collected
- the button for starting a duel will be disabled if one of the players does not have three champions

New spectator mode
- spectator mode added to custom game mode
- invite your friends and drag them to the spectator list to be able to watch your game
- viewers can switch the camera between players and rooms (arrows and numbers) or fly freely (by pressing the left Shift)
- By pressing X, viewers can turn on infravision to see enemies through walls

Main menu interface
- unlocked section button with tutorial videos
- updated lootbox store
- new icons for armor coloring (now match their colors)

The game
- new spawn points in duels on the Ruins of Sarnath map
- reworked the arrangement of items on all maps
- fixed a bug that prevented picking up souls or shards before the end of their animation

- a new set of music for Dimension of the Doomed (for Goroth-style cards: Burial Chamber and Corrupted Keep)
- a new set of music for Netherworld (for maps in the style of Ithagnal: Lockbox)

Known bugs
- a party of more than 2 people can enter the lobby of a custom duel (extra players will not be included in the spectator list, and after the end of the duel they will be kicked with an error that requires restarting the game)

Unannounced changes
- all testers received from 300 to 1000 shards for the purchase of items of clothing and weapons
- increased height of the jumpad near the shaft on Ruins of Sarnath
- new animation of some characters in the menu
- you can choose several data centers
- added new icons and stripes for profile decoration

We tested some server changes last time and they showed great results. We continue to work to improve stability. Got a lot good reviews and we are waiting for more.

- fixed a problem with stuttering that appears when there is a sharp jump in performance

The game
- fixed “fragged by” inscription on the screen after suicide
- removed balcony with bazooka on Ruins of Sarnath
- fixed starting points on Blood Covenant and Ruins of Sarnath
- improved item layout in duels on Ruins of Sarnath
- fixed an issue where champion legendary items remained in place after death

- health bars now turn yellow if less than half is left
- setting sliders no longer stay red after interacting
- changed the order of loading

Champion balance
- Slash max armor increased from 25 to 50
- Slash plasma trail life time reduced from 5 to 3 seconds
- Slash plasma trail creation time reduced from 4 to 2 seconds
- Galena totems are no longer instantly destroyed, but withstand 50 damage
- Clutch now accelerates faster
- Visor acceleration in the air is increased by 10%, so the jump is more efficient
- Galena speed increased from 280 to 300
- fixed acceleration for passive ability Scalebearer

- fixed random gameplay crashes in Sacrifice mode
- fixed a rare crash of the game when pressing the Play button

Mouse settings
- added mouse acceleration setting
- mouse sensitivity is now close to Quake Live. New range - 1 to 30
- added m_filter setting

Known Issues
- no notifications about completed tasks
- when the duel begins additional time, information about this does not appear on the screen
- black doors on the Blood Covenant map in Deathmatch and Team Deathmatch modes

Unannounced changes
- data center in Portland is replaced with a data center in Oregon (USA)

This testing will test the stability of the new server services. Therefore, the test will be short. The patch includes various minor fixes. However, we are working on a major update to address performance issues. And this test is a prerequisite for that update. We value the feedback you keep sending. They help identify the stability issues we are working on. Thanks to all the testers for helping make Quake Champions even better.

Changes that the developers for some reason decided not to talk about (some of them will be told in the next patch)
- added additional mouse settings: filtering, acceleration, acceleration offset, sensitivity cap
- mouse sensitivity is now like in Quake Live
- removed the top shaft on the Ruins of Sarnath
- completely changed the layout of items on the Ruins of Sarnath for duels
- removed the secret area above the mega in the Ruins of Sarnath
- added new respawns for duels
- Slash health increased from 75 to 100 and maximum armor from 25 to 50 (although the old values ​​are displayed in the menu)
- Slash plasma trail duration reduced
- totems now have a safety margin
- Clutch accelerates faster
- instead of a data center in London, now a data center in Ireland

As you can see, there are many changes made to Sacrifice mode based on your wishes. Please tell us what you think of them.

Sacrifice Mode
- the match now goes to win in two rounds
- Obelisk capture time increased from 40 seconds to 2 minutes
- round victory is now awarded for 1 point
- battle time for the last percentage (99%) increased to 3 seconds
- in the scoreboard, players are sorted by experience earned, not deaths
- fixed post-match events. 1st, 2nd and 3rd places win. The normal amount of experience is given.

The game
- added collection of additional information for researching incorrect respawns
- fixed the problem when the player in the Duel was born too close to the opponent
- fixed server crash when Scalebearer during active ability was killed by telefrag using Ranger sphere
- fixed an issue allowing the Gauntlet to deal too much damage
- slightly reduced the delay before firing from the Rocket Launcher

- the IP address of the servers is hidden
- fixed animation of Nyx legs on presentation screen
- fixed incorrect visualization of weapons on the customization screen
- Ready state duration reduced to 5 seconds

- fixed an issue where after starting the game a white screen appeared

- added additional sound effects
- fixed sound of obelisk explosion

Known Issues
- in the match report, players are sorted not by experience
- there are no medals in the match report for 1, 2, 3 places

Unannounced changes
- added data center in Novosibirsk

Fixed the issue of the missing shaft beam.

All players at the start receive a Ranger and 10,000 Favor. With this currency, you can rent two champions and immediately play a duel. And the currency accumulated during the game can be spent on unlocking new champions. If you have already participated in previous tests, some data will be saved: nickname, hidden skill rating, open champions, friends list. Everything else will be reset. We continue to tweak the experience system and would like to hear your feedback on this.

New game mode: Sacrifice (Sacrifice / Obelisks)
Steal the soul when it appears, take it to the obelisk and protect it to earn a point. Capture a soul from nearby an enemy obelisk and bring it back to your base, or pass it on to your partner. To win a round, score 3 points. By winning two rounds, the team wins the game.

The game
- Heavy machine gun damage when zooming from 12 to 10
- Rail damage during zoom reduced from 100 to 90
- fixed the problem when the zoom did not turn off if you turn it on at the end of the warm-up
- shaft beam length reduced from 960 to 768
- Clutch shield recharge accelerated from 40 to 30 seconds
Clutch shield duration reduced from 10 to 5 seconds
- fixed an issue where Nyx could kill while active
- fixed an issue where the effect of Anarki's ability would carry over from warm-up to play in Duel mode
- Added health from Anarki's ability now resets between rounds
- fixed an issue where shards could appear at zero coordinates on Blood Covenant
- improved color templates for champions
- made some changes in rewards
- Champion paint no longer drops from Relics
- the Ruins of Sarnath map is now available in duels (we would like to know your opinion!)
- temporarily removed the intro card animation to reduce the waiting time

- health and armor values ​​are now better visible when taking damage (flash is now under the numbers)
- improved scrolling and text input on all screens
- ready state no longer shows 10 squares in all modes
- improved report on duel results
- Skull Shotgun preview no longer appears crooked
- there is no additional button in the purchase confirmation window
- added an item hunter indicator showing the number of open items for the selected champion
- fixed overlapping icons on the customization screen
- fixed auto-scrolling of incoming messages
- added the ability to select the active display for players with two monitors
- fixed an issue where medal icons were cut off in player profile
- improved animation of champions in the main menu

- all alternative guns now have unique sounds
- the audibility of extraneous sounds is reduced
- reduced the volume of the environment on Blood Covenant
- all 2D gunshots (?) are now louder
- shots in the direction of the player are now louder and clearer
- 3D sound of footsteps is now heard further away
- 3D sound of footsteps of rivals is now louder than allies
- the sound of the explosion of rockets is now heard further
- added sound when Nyx jumps off the wall
- fixed footsteps sounds when Nyx is using his active ability
- while active ability Nyx is active, it no longer makes a falling sound
- changed the 2D sound and the sound of reloading the rail
- changed the sound of hitting a nail gun projectile

- fixed game crash when the player inserts a large message into the bug report window

Known Issues
- the shaft's beam can disappear when the target is out of range
- message of the day can sometimes appear in the game menu
- scoring table in Sacrifice sorted by death
- the shower in Sacrifice mode can continue to lie in the dead zone for 15 seconds
- players can form a group of 5 players
- VSYNC and display selection available in windowed mode
- door textures on Blood Covenant and Ktuhlu statue on Ruins of Sarnath sometimes turn black in TDM and DM modes
- all color icons do not match for all champions

This week we unveil all the champions for you. This will help you choose a loved one and write us your opinion on this matter. We also wanted to motivate you to play duels and share your feelings. The warm-up in this mode is reduced to 15 seconds.

In the meantime, we continue to work on further changes, which will be announced soon. We remind you that the prohibition on the dissemination of information is still in effect.

In-game changes
- added red outline for opponents
- changed the layout of items to Blood Covenant
- fixed an issue where Quad did not deal quadruple damage
- fixed an issue on Ruins of Sarnath where players could fall behind pillars and continue attacking other players
- fixed unexpected VO spawns
- Scalebearer, Sorlag and Clutch hitboxes have been slightly reduced
- slightly increased speed of Scalebearer, Sorlag and Clutch
- fixed Galena hitbox problem
- Slash now has 0 starting armor instead of 25
- Team Deathmatch fraglimite increased from 50 to 75
- added servers from Brazil and Australia

New game mode: Duel
Players have been given enough in-game currency to unlock champions and try this mode.

Added warm-up text

- reduced the likelihood of freezing in the Ready state
- texture quality is automatically set to Medium when the player has 8GB of RAM
- fixed VO on the main screen
- implemented additional logs for server-side detection of memory leaks and video driver crashes
- fixed error -1 when the player started looking for a match by selecting a champion with expired loan time

Fixed various causes of game crashes.

Deathmatch player count reduced from 10 to 8
- Team Deathmatch mode is now 4x4 instead of 5x5
- Team Deathmatch fraglimite reduced from 100 to 50

The main thing that our forces were focused on after the first test was improving the overall smoothness of the gameplay, fixing crashes, twitching, and lags. We noticed that the heavy champions Sorlag, Scalebearer and Clutch were used less frequently. The hitboxes of the light characters Slash, Nyx and Anarki have been slightly increased. Our internal tests have shown significant improvement.

Falling games
- fixed game crash when opening loot boxes
- fixed various crashes during the game
- fixed crash when sending HTML code to global chat

In Game
- added automatic region selection
- fixed freezing of the game when picking up a quad
- fixed freezes when viewing the scoreboard on the screen after death
- fixed freezes when opening loot boxes

- the "back" button is now pressed normally
- improved messages when there are no suitable servers for the player

Technical changes

- enabled chat segmentation for the correct grouping of players by 100 per segment
- fixed an issue where the player could freeze in the "Ready" state with too few players

- added additional logs to collect information about lags and disconnects
- increased hitboxes of light characters (Slash, Nyx and Anarki)

Unannounced changes
- increased cost of loot boxes

An increase in server capacity due to an unexpectedly large number of players.

Closed beta testing begins.

August 17 2017

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Quake Champions has left the closed testing phase and officially entered the Early Access phase. You can play through Steam and the Bethesda.net Launcher. The game has a ton of new content - new maps, new features and a new champion: the mighty Doom Slayer from the DOOM series.

“In a game like Quake Champions - fast, with a focus on player skills - you constantly have to test and refine things. It is only through the input of the players that we can make the game balanced, optimized and suitable for players of all levels - from beginners to professionals, - said Tim Willits, director of id Software. - The early access version of Quake Champions is of course not a complete game yet. However, we already have four full modes, 11 champions, tons of maps, and an active community of dedicated players. Early Access will allow us to interact more closely with the players, so we can improve our game, add new features and, most importantly, do all this before the official launch of Quake Champions. "

Champion Pack

For players anxious to start hitting frags, the Champion Pack, which includes all open and upcoming champions, as well as other exclusive in-game bonuses, can be purchased for $ 29.99 - 25% off retail price 39 , $ 99.

To play Quake Champions in Early Access, players can purchase the Champions Pack, which includes:

  • All 11 current champions - Ranger, Visor, Scalebearer, Nyx, Anarki, Clutch, Sorlag, Galena, Slash, B.J. Wolfenstein's Blazkowicz and Doom Slayer "rookie"
  • All future champions, including at least six champions appearing before the end of 2018
  • Exclusive Ranger Early Access Skin, available only to players with a Champion Pack and during the Early Access period
  • Three Reliquaries (Trophy chests containing three in-game items to customize your profile, champion, and weapons - skins, skins, plaques, and more)

The free version of Quake Champions will be available at a later date. However, players who have already redeemed the Private Testing Key will be able to continue playing Quake Champions in Free Mode, but only through Bethesda.net. These players will play on the same servers as the owners of the Champion Pack and will be able to purchase either the entire Champion Pack or individual characters at any time. New players to Quake Champions need to purchase the Champion Pack or wait for the free version to launch.

Add a dash of DOOM to your Quake!

Quake Champions' new hero, Doom Slayer, enters the arena straight out of hell. He swings his fists and thirsts for blood. Doom fans can go berserk with Berserk, a Doom Slayer's active skill that allows him to rip enemies to shreds with his bare hands. The Doom Slayer passive skill is also familiar to DOOM fans. Ascend to new heights using Double Jump, with which Doom Slayer can make a second jump while already in the air.

On May 15, esports club Natus Vincere announced the closure of the Quake Champions division. According to the head of "born to win" Evgeny Zolotarev, "a very promising discipline has not gained momentum." Understanding what is wrong with the id Software shooter and Saber Interactive.

Lack of big tournaments... In 2018, Bethesda, which publishes Quake Champions, is set to host four major LAN championships and two online tournaments with partners. The rest of the time, cybersportsmen have to compete in small competitions, which are not crowded anyway. Prize money usually ranges from hundreds of dollars to a couple of thousand. Only at partner competitions can you compete for more decent amounts: from $ 50 to $ 200 thousand. What to do the rest of the time is not clear. Six big tournaments a year is very little for a game that is positioned as an esports game.

Yes, as we said, we intend to move towards esports. …> We are definitely in negotiations with companies, we want to make the game not only sport-competitive, but also convenient for e-sports, with a lot of options for watching and broadcasting matches. We want to introduce convenient game modes for e-sports. And after talking with professional players, we felt that the niche of duels, one-on-one matches, was missing, and decided to implement it in Quake Champions. Yes, we are in the mood for esports. Quake has the longest competitive history and we are definitely committed to hosting as many Quake Champions as possible. (From an interview with id Software CEO Tim Willits on GoodGame.)

The course for esports has failed... When American Quake legend John ZeRo4 Hill and Tim Willits handed out interviews in 2017, journalists and the community had hope for a bright future. So as in Overwatch or CS: GO. Moreover, at the QuakeCon 2017 festival, the World Championship was held in dueling and team events. General prize fund was a million dollars. There will also be a tournament in 2018. But from ESL. In terms of status, this is not nearly the World Cup. And the money is allocated five times less. And the same people are involved. Johnny Hill is still the only person to be puffed up for the competitive direction. Only this can explain the protracted silence of the company, which for a long time did not disclose its plans for 2018.

Low online... The peak figure on the first day of the game on Steam was 2388 users. Since that moment, it has fluctuated from 600 to 1.5 thousand. The average indicator is quite low: from 300 to 600 people a day. They don't want to play or watch Quake Champions. Hence the problems with matchmaking, balance and much more.

No new players joining Quake Champions... The game is too unfriendly for beginners. But this problem could be leveled by patches and a competent marketing strategy. However, no hype has been created around the id Software shooter since the closed beta test. Bethesda is not even trying to compete with other games for attention and create news feeds. Quake Champions just goes with the flow. And this is against the background of Fortnite, which constantly attracts star athletes or musicians and makes them talk about themselves in the press.

The management does not have a clear understanding of what a legendary shooter should be... At first, Bethesda focused on dedicated fans and esports. In the process, the course was taken to attract new players. They even created the Instagib regime for them. However, there was no spike in activity after adding it. The company's attitude to the financial distribution model was also surprising. Initially, the developers promised that Quake Champions would be shareware. During early access on Steam, the price of the game was 850 rubles. Subsequently, it dropped to 150. Probably, at the launch of Quake, it will become free-to-play, but now not everyone wants to pay for pain and humiliation. In addition, for matchmaking to work adequately, you need a stable core of new players. However, on the first visit, users are faced with "folders" that simply take them out. After this, there is no desire to play at all.

We understand that in order to be successful, you need to make Quake as attractive to people as possible. Once you fall in love with Quake, you will love it forever. But crossing the threshold of entry is sometimes not easy. We are doing our best to lower this threshold. I’m talking about modes that are easier to play and changes to champions to make them more accessible - for example, we made it so that some of them can be accelerated without the help of strafe jumps. The pros who do strafe jumps all the time didn't even notice. But those who do not know how to do strafe jumps are now just as fast. They think, "Wow, that's cool, now I feel like I can play." (From Willits' interview with PC Gamer.)

As it stands, Quake Champions needs no more than a thousand or two people... There is a chance that with the full release and the transition to the shareware model, the situation will level out a little. However, given the popularity of Overwatch, CS: GO, PUBG and Fortnite, it is unlikely that anything will change dramatically. Quake Champions just fell out of place. The mass consumer has no demand for a fast and dynamic shooter. In addition, as it turned out, mechanics alone are not enough to please a wide audience. It is also necessary to practice a shooter regularly. Virtus.pro player Aleksey Cypher Yanushevsky does not believe that the situation can be somehow corrected. According to him, Quake Champions has no prospects.

Company Bethesda announced that Quake Champions has officially moved from the closed testing phase to the early access stage. The game is available in and through the launcher Bethesda.net.

The project has a lot of new content, including new maps, new features and a new champion - the mighty Doom Slayer from the DOOM series of games.

Among other things, in Quake Champions players are waiting for a lot of other innovations:

  • Two new maps: Church of Azathoth and Tempest Shrine
  • Knowledge system: Knowledge items are hidden in vases in arenas. After collecting all 10 Lore Items from a specific Champion, players will unlock his or her Custom Skin.
  • Attractiveness for new players: New features - training, shooting range and the ability to choose the skill level - will help newcomers to get into the game
  • Rune Challenges: Players will receive rewards for completing new Rune Challenges found in the Backpacks
  • New customization options, including new champion skins and new weapon skins
  • Game Voice Chat

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