Gymnastics at 11 12 years old exercise. What does charging give? Gymnastics with a ball

More and more teenagers - boys and girls - want to start doing fitness at home or in the gym as they get older in order to pump themselves up muscle mass... This goal is mainly pursued by boys. Girls want to tighten their figure, just take the first step towards its transformation and start exercising at home to strengthen their health, achieving a beautiful physique.

Sports lifestyle from school- this is a direct path to good health, a beautiful physique and longevity. But an improperly selected training program at this age can lead to serious injury if the set of exercises is incorrectly composed in terms of loads, repetitions and nutrition.

Age for fitness at home and in the gym

Everyone who starts playing sports different age... Someone starts with early years... Basically, all adolescents begin to engage actively, pursuing a specific goal, at the age of 11-17, joining sports (fitness, exercises with a barbell, dumbbells and other fitness equipment that transforms the figure). It can also be a home universal fitness trainer of a block format, where you can perform many exercises at once. different groups muscles (e.g. back, legs, triceps, biceps, abs). The main thing- know the right approach to such simulators, and then you can replace the dumbbells and barbells with a universal simulator.

But it is not always possible to do everything on it, since there are different exercises, which include one muscle group (basic), and others - more than two or three muscle groups (isolated). Basically, up to 30 exercises can be performed on universal machines, depending on the design of the machine and its block levers.

Barbell and Dumbbell Workout for boys and girls aged 11-17

Why do all teens buy dumbbells and barbells for home workouts?

The answer is simple: with dumbbells and a barbell, you can do much more exercise(up to 100 exercises, having in the arsenal a combined barbell up to 50 kg, a barbell rack). In order not to disturb the neighbors and there was no noise, you should also purchase rubberized rugs, which soften the blow when pancakes and rods fall. And also you need prefabricated dumbbells up to 40 kg and a bench so that you can perform a number of exercises in sitting positions with dumbbells or lying down with a barbell. Do not forget about safety precautions.

To avoid being crushed by the barbell, it is always better to put on less weight, with which you can confidently complete an approach with a certain number of repetitions (up to 10-15 times).

Errors in the gym and at home when performing the exercise "Bench press"

Usually, unsuccessful approaches are when the weight on the bar exceeds your maximum possible. Then "dancing" begins with the barbell, which you want to throw off yourself as soon as possible. There is a danger when performing any exercise, but a partner is always required for the bench press, since the work is going on with heavy weights... The muscles are working at maximum capacity, and when they fail, there will be no strength. The barbell may fall to your chest when you bench press.

A partner will always help to raise it... And if it was not there, then there is always one way - either roll it down the body down to the feet, or dump the bar to one side in order to remove the load from chest... The worst is when the bar is on the throat. Then you need to move the barbell to the side and try to get out in the opposite direction from the one where you removed the weight of the bar. Then you need to lift one side of the bar with the lightest weight to get out. And this will be a lesson to you that the bench press should always be performed with a partner who will help you!

Errors in the implementation of the training program

Any fitness program for physical activity involves load, which is measured in sets and reps. But many people forget about such a rule as a sense of proportion, since any organism has its own strength and endurance. In the scientific community, this is called physiology.

Dumbbells are always easier to do at home.

If you can't do a dumbbell set on the bench press, you can always push them to the sides. You do not need to throw them on your chest or head if you were unable to pick them up. This can lead to injury, since if the muscles fail, the dumbbells weigh 10, 20, 30 kg can harm you if you drop them on your body, where there are no muscles. Only professional athletes sometimes put on dumbbells to complete the last repetitions. But they already know from experience their strength and endurance potential after years of training with iron, whether they train their muscles at home or in the gym.

Sports lifestyle from school- a direct path to good health, a beautiful physique and longevity. But an improperly selected training program at this age can lead to serious injuries.

How to gain muscle mass in a teenager

Before starting a workout, you should do a joint warm-up for 10 minutes, as well as jump rope for 5-10 minutes without a break, in order to prepare the body for the load.

The training program is designed to work out all the main muscle groups (chest, abs, legs, biceps, triceps, back), taking into account the understanding of how to perform the exercises correctly in terms of technique.

How to calculate the load correctly?

In every set where there are a certain number of repetitions, you should leave a margin of no more than 3 repetitions. If the margin is greater, then it is necessary to increase the load to a margin of three repetitions. If these are squats, then you need to pick up dumbbells and perform the exercise.

An example of a training program (set of exercises) for boys

1 and 3 weeks



  • Classic squats 2-3 sets 20-30 reps

Friday- day of chest, back, shoulders, biceps, triceps, abs

  • Push-ups from the floor 10-20 reps 3 sets
  • Barbell Row 8-10 reps 3 sets
  • Dumbbell press standing up 8-10 reps 3 sets
  • Standing biceps curl with dumbbells 8-10 times 3 sets
  • Triceps Extension 8 reps 3 sets
  • Back flexion 10-20 reps 3 sets

2 and 4 weeks

Monday- day of chest, back, shoulders, biceps, triceps, abs

  • Breeding dumbbells while standing to the side 8-10 reps 3 sets
  • Back flexion 10-20 reps 3 sets
  • Stretching all muscle groups after training - 10 min

Wednesday- day of legs, quads, biceps, hips, buttocks, abs and back

  • Squats classic 2-3 sets with dumbbells 8-10 reps
  • Lunges with a breakaway leg with dumbbells 3 sets 8-10 times
  • Stretching all muscle groups after training - 10 min (leg muscles)

Friday- day of chest, back, shoulders, biceps, triceps, abs

  • Push-ups from the floor 10-20 reps 3 sets
  • Barbell Row 8-10 reps 3 sets
  • Dumbbell press standing up 8-10 reps 3 sets
  • Standing biceps curl with dumbbells 8-10 times 3 sets
  • Triceps Extension 8 reps 3 sets
  • Back flexion 10-20 reps 3 sets
  • Stretching all muscle groups after training - 10 min (trunk muscles)

3 week

Tuesday- day of chest, back, shoulders, biceps, triceps, abs

  • Bench press 8-10 reps 3 sets
  • Barbell Row 6-8 reps 3 sets
  • Dumbbell press sitting on a bench up 8-10 reps 3 sets
  • Extension of the arm from behind the head 8 reps 3 sets
  • Stretching all muscle groups after training - 10 min

Friday- day of chest, back, shoulders, biceps, triceps, abs

  • Push-ups from the floor 10-20 reps 3 sets
  • Barbell Row 8-10 reps 3 sets
  • Dumbbell press standing up 8-10 reps 3 sets
  • Triceps Extension 8 reps 3 sets
  • Stretching all muscle groups after training - 10 min (trunk muscles)

Training program for girls at home and in the gym

If boys want to develop everything muscle groups and pump up muscle mass, then the girls want to pump up their legs, abs, back, since strong hands and they don't need broad shoulders. This training program is just for those who want to pump up mainly legs, buttocks, abs, back.

Training program for a month (two to three times a week). Before starting a workout, you should do a joint warm-up for 10 minutes, and also jump rope for 5-10 minutes (without a break) to prepare the body for the load.

After a month of training, you will notice that your muscles have become more resilient and stronger. You should not do a lot of exercises at once, this is a beginner's mistake - to do many exercises at once on the same muscle group. To pump them up, you need a measure of the load. Then the result will be undoubtedly, one has only to start training.

1/2/3/4 week


  • Kneeling push-ups on the mat 8-15 reps 3 sets
  • Squats classic 10-20 reps 3 sets
  • Lunges with dumbbells in place 8-10 reps 3 sets
  • Deadlift standing with dumbbells 8-10 times 3 sets
  • Plank 3 sets 30-50 seconds
  • Back flexion 15-20 reps 3 sets
  • Stretching all muscle groups after training - 10 min

Thursday- day of legs, buttocks, abs, back

  • Lunges in place with dumbbells 3 sets of 8-10 reps
  • Leading the leg to the side on the buttock (leg straight) 3 sets 20-30 times
  • Dumbbell Deadlift 3 sets 10 reps
  • Press plank 3 sets 30-60 seconds
  • Back flexion 15-20 reps 3 sets
  • Stretching all muscle groups after training - 10 min (leg muscles)

Trainer for teens(boys and girls) aged 11-17

If you want to send your child to work with a personal trainer-instructor gym, in any fitness club in Moscow there is a professional in his field with higher education... He knows how to properly train children and adolescents in the gym or children's room, so as not to harm the child, but to professionally lead him to the result (to strengthen his posture, muscle corset).

Exercises with dumbbells and a barbell for boys and girls (video)

Stretching and flexibility exercises at home

Abs workout in 10 minutes

With a problem excess weight not only adults collide. The number of overweight children is growing every year. This condition not only entails a deterioration in health, but also has a negative impact on the fragile psyche of the child, who is forced to face criticism from peers.

If the child is overweight, it is important to competently approach the solution of this problem, and not let the situation take its course.

How to tell if a child is overweight?

Parents should monitor their child's health. They can independently conclude that he has problems with the figure, and begin to fight with them. To do this, it is necessary to analyze his habits, regime and quality of food, physical activity.

Up to 3 years

Infants should be fed according to two main schemes: according to the regimen or on demand. The problem is that, due to the developed sucking reflex, the baby often continues to suck on the breast or bottle even after he is full, which may cause the baby to be overweight. Symptoms of this condition:

  • stool disorder (constipation or diarrhea);
  • weight exceeding the norm for age.

You can familiarize yourself with the norms in the table:

Birth3,6 3,4
1 month4,45 4,15
2 months5,25 4,9
3 months6,05 5,5
4 months6,7 6,15
5 months7,3 6,65
6 months7,9 7,2
7 months8,4 7,7
8 months8,85 8,1
9 months9,25 8,5
10 months9,65 8,85
11 months10 9,2
1 year10,3 9,5
2 years12,67 12,05
3 years14,3 13,85

In nursing babies, serious problems with overweight practically does not arise

Since children under one year old are subject to a mandatory monthly examination by a pediatrician, where weighing is one of the mandatory procedures, excess weight is almost always detected on time. The doctor will draw the attention of the parents to this and help adjust the baby's nutrition.

From 3 to 10 years old

According to statistics, the dangerous period when overweight in children appears is the age from 6-7 to 9 years. Symptoms that should alert parents:

  • profuse sweating;
  • shortness of breath after increased physical activity;
  • the changed figure of the child: protruding belly, plump limbs, shoulders, bolsters on the sides;
  • child complaints about headache caused by high blood pressure;
  • refusal of the child from physical activity;
  • overweight.

Weight norms at this age are presented in the table:

Excess weight occurs due to not proper nutrition and an inactive lifestyle

From 10 years old

The most critical age is considered to be about 12-17 years. Added to the above symptoms:

  • violation of puberty;
  • depressive state;
  • joint pain;
  • deviation of weight from the average value for age.

Weight norms at 10-17 years old:

When is excess weight considered a pathology?

Dear reader!

This article tells about typical ways of solving your questions, but each case is unique! If you want to know how to solve your particular problem - ask your question. It's fast and free!

The first degree of obesity seems cute to parents, but in fact, this is already the first "call" to reconsider the diet and daily routine of the child

In medicine, there are 4 degrees of obesity, each of which is a pathology of varying severity:

  • 1 degree. Weight deviates from the average for age group by 15-20%. A child from an early age looks somewhat more plump compared to his peers. Usually, parents turn a blind eye to this, justifying changes in the figure with their child's good appetite.
  • 2nd degree. Weight deviation from the norm reaches 50%. At this stage, the first health problems appear. The child avoids physical activity, since any, even minor efforts, cause shortness of breath and profuse sweating, and big belly interferes with movement. Depression develops due to ridicule from peers.
  • 3 degree. The child's weight exceeds the norm by up to 100%. Due to the increased load on the skeleton, joint pain appears, increases blood pressure, sugar levels rise, threatening to turn into diabetes. The depressive state is aggravated.
  • 4 degree. Weight exceeds the norm by two times or more, health problems continue to multiply and worsen.

Causes of overweight in children

It has been proven that the main cause of weight gain in children is heredity, which is a genetic predisposition to obesity. Endocrine diseases are also inherited and cause obesity.

In addition, a number of other reasons can be distinguished:

  • Improper nutrition. This factor is confused with heredity, because in the family of obese parents, children also suffer from excess weight, but this may not be due to genetic characteristics, but to the lack of a culture of healthy eating.
  • Lack of physical activity. Modern children often prefer spending time playing gadgets than sports and active events (see also:).
  • Problems of a psychological nature, when children "seize" sweet, problems with socialization, troubles when changing teams, schools. Most often, this behavior is observed among high school children, especially among girls.

Diet and nutritional regimen for an overweight child

  • fried foods: potatoes, cutlets, fried eggs in butter (see also:);
  • semi-finished products: sausages, sausages;
  • fast food;
  • fatty sauces: mayonnaise, ketchup, etc.;
  • sweets with a dubious composition, bought in stores;
  • sweet carbonated drinks;
  • foods high in simple carbohydrates: white bread, pies, buns, pasta.

The child's daily diet should include a variety of vegetables and fruits.

Along with this, the child's nutrition should be varied and include:

  • steamed dishes in the oven;
  • lean meats and always red fish;
  • salad dressings based on low-fat natural yogurt and olive oil;
  • natural and healthy sweets: nuts, honey, dried fruits, dark chocolate with a high cocoa content;
  • a sufficient amount of fruits and vegetables daily.

Such a diet should be perceived by the child not as a temporary restriction with a subsequent return to favorite dishes, but as a food culture that needs to be instilled gradually. Parents by their example should make him lose weight. To do this, it is not only the person suffering from overweight, but the whole family, which will also benefit.

Not only the set of foods is important, but also the diet, as well as the amount of food eaten at a time. Most the best option is 5 meals a day, consisting of lunch, breakfast, dinner and two light snacks. The main intake of carbohydrates should be transferred to the first half of the day so that the body has time to process them, and you should have dinner with a light meat dish with vegetables.

Fruits, dairy products, and nuts are great snacks. If the child is hungry before bedtime, offer him a glass of kefir or an apple.

Children's gymnastics for weight loss at home

Establishing proper nutrition is not the only measure aimed at correcting a child's figure. It is important to interest him in daily physical activity, do exercises to quickly lose weight and lose weight. It is best to consult with your doctor about possible contraindications before drawing up a training plan. Remember, too, that exercise is only beneficial when done regularly.

Warm up

Any exercise for weight loss begins with a warm-up to warm up the muscles and prepare them for more serious activity. Warm up is 5-10 minutes:

  • walking in place;
  • jumping;
  • swing arms, legs;
  • tilts back and forth and to the sides.

We train endurance

An obligatory element of physical activity is endurance training exercises. This can be walking long distances, running, swimming, cycling and others. If you have an exercise bike or treadmill, you can do it at home, and in the warm season it is better to give preference to training on fresh air... It is good if the child chooses what type of load he wants to do.

You must explain to your child that exercise is not always boring, so great option endurance exercise - dancing. You can motivate him to study at home or record in the studio.

It is very important to pay due attention to physical activity to stay in good shape.

A set of strength exercises

Training must include a power block:

  • pull-ups;
  • push ups;
  • lunges;
  • press with dumbbells.

These exercises help burn fat and build muscle. Each exercise should consist of 3-5 trips, 15-20 times each. To lose weight in the abdomen, you need to do a complex of crunches and abdominal exercises.


After strength exercises it is imperative to stretch so that the muscles do not hurt the next day. Stretching is done at a leisurely pace to avoid injury:

  • tilting to the fingertips;
  • spreading hands in front of the chest to the sides;
  • tilts alternately to one and to the other leg from a sitting position.

Flexibility should be developed gradually, exercises should be performed with effort, but not bringing the sensation to critically painful. At the point of maximum stress, it is worthwhile to linger motionless for 8-30 seconds. An example of charging for weight loss can be seen in the video.

During puberty, boys experience rapid skeletal growth, while the muscles "do not keep up" with it. Therefore, adolescents are characterized by increased fatigue, impaired coordination of movements. In this regard, in gymnastic complexes include exercises for flexibility, coordination of movements. Physical exercises for boys means the use of gymnastic equipment and sports equipment... Complexes of morning hygienic gymnastics are fortifying, they are used as a warm-up before going in for sports. They harmoniously bring the muscles of the whole body to work

Please note that all exercises must be performed with the correct starting position. Then all the muscles will move symmetrically, the left and right halves of the body will develop in the same way. The range of motion should be full so that the muscles of the working part of the body contract and relax completely.

A set of gymnastic exercises for boys 10-13 years old No. 1

Exercise 1

Starting position: standing, legs slightly apart, arms along the body.

1. Walking in place (fig. 1).

2. Walking with movement.

Figure 1. Exercise 1

Exercise 2

1. Get up on your toes, while simultaneously raising your arms through the sides and arching your back.

Note: repeat the exercise 5-6 times.

Exercise # 3

Starting position: standing, legs slightly apart, palms of arms bent at the elbows - in front of the chest.

1. Jerks with elbows to the sides and back - 2 times (Fig. 2).

2. Stretch your arms out to the sides and make 2 jerks back with straight arms.

3. Grasp yourself by the shoulders, while the left hand lies on the right shoulder, and the right - on the left.

4. Accept starting position.

Note: repeat the exercise 5-8 times.

Figure 2. Exercise 3

Exercise 4

Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body.

1. Sharply raise one hand up and look at it. Take the starting position. Raise your other hand sharply and look at it. Repeat all 8-10 times.

2. Do the same with your eyes closed 5-6 times.

3. Tilt your head forward, then tilt it back 5-8 times.

4. Rotation of the head to the left and to the right at a moderate pace 5-6 times.

Note: Move your head without jerking and at a moderate pace.

Exercise # 5

Starting position: standing, feet together, hands on shoulders.

1. Rotation of the elbows forward.

2. Rotation of the elbows back.

Note: do the exercise 20-30 s.

Exercise 6

Starting position: standing, legs together, arms along the body.

1. Swing the left leg back and forth (Fig. 3).

2. Take the starting position.

3. Swing the right leg back and forth. Note: repeat the exercise 8-10 times.

Figure 3. Exercise 6

Exercise 7

Starting position: standing, legs slightly apart, arms along the body.

1. While inhaling, raise your arms up.

2. As you exhale, bend forward and reach the floor.

Note: repeat the exercise 8-12 times.

Exercise # 8

Starting position: standing, legs together, arms along the body.

1. Take your leg back and bend forward - "swallow".

2. Take the starting position.

3. Sit down, tilt your head and cover it with your hands.

Note: repeat the exercise 6-8 times.

Exercise 9

Starting position: standing, legs slightly apart, with one hand holding the back of the chair.

1. Squats - 10-12 times.

2. Squats on one leg - 3-5 times. Note: As you master the exercise, you can do it without a chair.

A set of gymnastic exercises for boys 10-13 years old No. 2

Exercise 1

Starting position: standing, legs together, arms along the body.

Walking in place at an accelerated pace.

Note: do the exercise for 1 min.

Exercise 2

Starting position: standing, legs together, arms along the body.

1. While inhaling, raise your arms up and put your right leg back on your toes (Fig. 4).

2. On exhalation, take the starting position.

3. Do everything with the left foot. Note: repeat the exercise 6-8 times.

Figure 4. Exercise 2

Exercise # 3

1. As you exhale, bend over right side and raise your hands up.

Note: repeat exercise 6-8 times slowly.

Exercise 4

Starting position: standing, legs wide apart, hands on the waist.

1. As you exhale, bend forward and touch your left foot with your right hand.

2. On inhalation, take the starting position.

3. Repeat everything in the other direction.

Note: perform the exercise at a moderate pace 8-10 times.

Exercise # 5

Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms bent at the elbows - in front of the chest.

1. Jerking elbows to the sides 2 times.

2. Jerks with straight arms with a turn of the body to the right side.

3. Repeat the first movement.

4. Jerks with straight arms with a turn of the body to the left.

Note: perform the exercise at a moderate pace 6-8 times with voluntary breathing.

Exercise 6

Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt.

1. As you exhale, sit down and stretch your arms forward (Fig. 5).

2. On inhalation, return to the starting position.

Note: repeat the exercise 8-12 times at a moderate pace.

Figure 5. Exercise 6

Exercise 7

Starting position: on the floor, the body is stretched out in a straight line with an emphasis on the palms and toes.

1. Bend your arms at the elbows at a right angle, keeping the straight line of the body.

2. Straighten your arms while maintaining body position.

Note. Do the exercise 6-10 times. Breathing can be arbitrary.

Exercise # 8

Starting position: standing, legs slightly apart, hands on the belt.

Jump in place. Breathing is arbitrary.

Note: do 30-40 jumps.

Exercise 9

Starting position: standing, legs together, arms along the body.

Walking in place at a slower pace.

Note: do the exercise for 1 min.

Schools and kindergartens let the kids go on vacation sport sections- too. Of course, advanced young athletes have sports camps, but what if the child is engaged in some kind of restorative sports "for health", or is too young to go to the camp? How not to lose your fitness over the holidays? Similar to the summer reading list, we offer a set of exercises for children that can be added to the daily summer activities.

Why special exercises, if in the summer children are already on the move - ride bicycles, rollerblades, scooters, climb horizontal bars in playgrounds, jump on a trampoline in the country house or in a children's park, chase a ball or play basketball?

Yes, courtyards and sports grounds in large cities today they stimulate the physical activity of children, and in the country, many parents consider it necessary to establish sports complex rope, rings, rope ladder, trampoline, pool.

But a lot depends on the child himself and on the situation. If he prefers quiet activities to outdoor games, or there is absolutely no one to run and play with in the country, parents should devote time to doing useful gymnastic exercises that will help keep physical fitness, stretching, improve strength and flexibility. This will take no more than 30 minutes two to three times a day. All of these exercises can be done outdoors, with a rug on the grass, or at home.

Jumping rope - forward / backward on two legs, on one leg. At first, children will need the help of their parents in order to understand the essence of jumping rope. Then they can do this exercise on their own.

Jumping on two legs, rotating the rope forward, and then backward, perform 50 times. Jumping on one leg, rotating the rope forward - 20 times on each. If a child is over 10 years old and is in good physical shape, then the number of jumps on two legs forward / backward can be increased to 100, and on one leg - 30-40 times on each.

Jumping in hoops for children under 4 years old... This exercise will help young children, starting from 1.5 years old, learn to jump on two legs. Buy 5-7 pieces of medium-sized colored hoops, put them one after the other on the path and show the children how to jump from one ring to another.

If children do not know how to jump, then parents should help them, holding them by the waist. If the child is already jumping confidently, then increase the distance between the hoops so that he jumps in length.

Jumping from the squat ("frogs"). Starting position: the emphasis is squatting - squatting, keeping the knees together, the emphasis on the hands. Jump high up, while straightening your back and understanding straight arms up, then immediately sit down in the starting position and immediately repeat the next jump. 2 sets with 15 rest.

Lowering / raising the back from a sitting position. Starting position: sitting on the floor, fix your legs under the sofa or parents should hold them, palms crossed at the back of the head. Slowly perform the lowering onto your back, keeping your head on your chest all the time, and then rise to the starting position without using your hands. Perform 2 sets 15-20 times with a short rest interval.

Raising your legs while lying on your back. Starting position: lying on your back, arms along the body. Raising straight legs up to an upright position and slowly lowering down. Legs must be taut and tense (2 sets of 15 times with a short rest interval).

Back Exercise

Raising the back up from a prone position. Starting position: lying on the floor on your stomach, fix your legs under the sofa or parents should hold them, palms crossed at the back of the head. Raise your back from the floor to the maximum possible level, then slowly lower yourself to the starting position and immediately repeat the task. When doing the exercise, the eyes should look down. 2 sets of 15 reps with a short rest interval.

Plank... Starting position: an emphasis lying on the floor, i.e. rest with straight arms and legs on the floor, so that the body is parallel to the floor, the shoulders are exactly above the palms, the back is slightly rounded, the legs are together. 2 sets of 20 seconds.

One arm plank(first on the right, then on the left). Starting position: an emphasis lying, press a straight hand to the thigh along the body, do not unfold the shoulders, do not spread the legs. 2 sets of 20 seconds.

Crossbar exercises

External Assisted Bar Pull-ups- i.e. the parent holds the baby by the belly and helps him to pull up. Reduce aid gradually. It is important that the child maintains a straight body position during pull-ups, does not bend his legs and pulls up to the chin (i.e., the chin is above the bar). Perform: 2 sets of 10 times.

Emphasis on straight arms on a low bar- it can also be parallel bars. Starting position: standing on straight arms on the bar, shoulders are brought slightly forward, the back is round, emphasis on the hips, legs together. Perform 2 sets of 10-20 seconds.

Hand movement on the crossbar in the hang- find any long high rungs, ladders (there are many on playgrounds) where the child can hang on his arms and move in different directions without the help of his legs.

At the end of your workout, these exercises can help you relax your muscles and gradually develop flexibility. Children under 3 years old are recommended to complete all tasks, except for twines.

Folds the legs together and apart with the help of the parents. Starting position: sitting on the floor, legs together, arms reaching out to the legs. The parents press lightly on the back. 2 sets of 10 reps.

"Ring". This exercise is aimed at stretching the muscles of the back, shoulder girdle, the front of the thigh. Starting position: lying on your stomach, rest on straight arms that are close to your stomach, and stretch your head up. Then bend your legs and stretch your toes to the back of your head, trying to touch it. Hold this position for 10 seconds, then rest and repeat again.

The article was prepared by the club "European Gymnastics Center"

Comment on the article "Gymnastics at Home: 13 Exercises for Children"

Fun gymnastics for the legs In the first months of the baby for physical development massage and gymnastics are very important. If you combine gymnastic exercises with funny rhymes, then the classes not only physically strengthen the baby, but also give him a lot of pleasure. This exercise will evoke an emotional response in the baby and help to establish emotional contact with the adult. The exercises are performed in a supine position. Large legs walked along the path. (bend your knees and stomp your baby's feet ...

Developmental gymnastics for the baby Exercise strengthens muscles and joints, accelerates the psychomotor development of the baby. It must be carried out starting from 1 month. It will be much more interesting for the kid if gymnastic exercises are accompanied by a funny rhyme: Stretching, Stretching, Stretching, Raising! (we pull the baby by the handles) Grow up the legs - Run along the path, (imitate running with the legs) Grow up the hands - Reach the clouds, (lift the handles up) Squeeze the rain out of the cloud ...

A set of exercises for infant gymnastics Gymnastics has a very good effect on the psychomotor development of an infant. It is advisable to spend it daily. Here are a few simple exercises, do 5-6 repetitions: - Connect the bent knee of the right leg with the left elbow, repeat the same from the opposite side. - Take by the handle and by the leg and turn the baby onto the tummy. - Connect bent knee with the elbow on the same side. - In the supine position, let the baby grab your fingers and ...

Galina Dubinina is a famous person who became famous thanks to the facial rejuvenation technique she developed. It does not include any surgical interventions, the use of expensive cosmetics as well as compliance strict diets... Dubinina's method is simple and accessible to everyone. And these are common exercises that everyone can do without restriction. Gymnastics Galina Dubinina consists of various complexes exercises that allow you to work on different areas of the face ...

For those who have passed the first stage, they know that the first 3 days seem to be the easiest, but not all of them reach the end. Therefore, we will support each other and control the process. How was your first day? What are the successes?

Dysarthria is the most severe speech disorder, as it is associated with disorders in the central nervous system... This disease is manifested by a violation of the pronunciation of sounds, the replacement of some sounds with others, a change in the tempo of speech, the strength of the voice. All this leads to the fact that speech becomes slurred, difficult to understand. Children with dysarthria understand that their speech differs from that of their peers, it is difficult for them to communicate, it is difficult to find common topics for conversations. In addition, young children ...

Exercises for flat belly- for those who train at home For those who train in the gym, the instructor will show the simulators that need to be used and show how to sit and lie correctly. If you are doing exercises for a flat stomach at home, use these rules: 1. Do the exercises exclusively while lying down, for convenience, lay a woolen or rubber mat. 2. Do not bring your legs together, they should be shoulder-width apart. If exercise for a flat stomach is difficult ...

✿ Exercises for a mother with a baby under 6 months If you have any difficulties in performing these exercises, at first repeat each of them about 10 times, and then gradually bring the number of repetitions to 15 - 20 times. All exercises are performed smoothly, without jerking. 🔷 Exercise for the biceps (shoulder muscles). I. p. - standing, the child, lying on the mother's arms bent at the elbows, is supported by the hands and forearms (at the beginning, when you are just training, for ...

A few simple exercises, on which it is enough to spend an average of 5 minutes a day, will give your baby a lot of pleasure and at the same time help the body to develop correctly. By doing the exercises with your baby every morning, you help him to strengthen the spine, muscles of the legs and arms. Start with a breathing warm-up. Take the starting position, stretch your arms along the body. As you inhale, raise your hands up, as you exhale, lower them back. And if at this moment you repeat an interesting one with the baby ...

In order for articulatory gymnastics for preschoolers to bear fruit, it needs to be done daily. All exercises should be repeated at least 4-8 times; if the exercise is static (that is, it consists in holding a certain mimic posture), it should be performed for 15-20 seconds. Optimal class schedule articulatory gymnastics- 3-4 five-minute "approaches" per day, each "approach" should contain no more than three exercises. View on Yandex.Photos It is best to conduct classes ...

Your baby has become a little more mature and new tasks have arisen before you, dear mothers, because you need to ensure that by the age of three your baby will not only walk freely, but also run and climb, overcoming simple obstacles. And the approach to gymnastics should be gradually changed. The principle "Do as I do" should come first, because at this age children are very fond of imitating adults and will gladly repeat the exercises that you do. Learn more ...

Finger gymnastics in poetry and finger games not only affect the development of speech, but their charm is also in the fact that they instantly switch the baby's attention from whims or nervousness to bodily sensations - and soothe. This is an interesting activity when there is nothing else to keep the child busy (for example, on the road or in line). Ay, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo! A raven sits on an oak tree, He plays a silver trumpet. View on Yandex.Photos A swan floats along the river. Above the shore, the little head bears ...

From October 1, every Monday, Strelnikovskaya breathing exercises will be held for children in the Children's Clinic of the Literary Fund. Practical lessons with children will be conducted by the student and creative heir A.N. Strelnikova - Doctor M.N. Shchetinin, laureate of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, author of additional sets of exercises for Strelnikovskaya respiratory gymnastics and many books about her. Regular execution breathing exercises promotes fast ...

Scheme of the lesson with the child at home. 1.Work on the book "We teach to speak and read." Lesson 1. 1. Articulation of the sound "A" in isolated pronunciation. The lips are relaxed. The distance between the incisors is maximum. The tongue is relaxed, lies freely on the bottom of the oral cavity, the tip of the tongue is close to the lower incisors. The soft palate is raised, closing the passage to the nasal cavity. Air goes through the mouth. Vocal cords closed, vibrate, there is a voice. You can see the position of the lips, tongue, the distance between the incisors. You can touch ...

Exercises with the child. Can anyone have a link to a set of exercises that can be done with a two-year-old? 13 .02.2008 11:42:53, Clapp's favorite. 2 comments. I have in my album Gymnastics with a baby, it is true, there are babies up to a year, but something is possible and ...

Is it possible to do gymnastics before bed? What about ab exercises? 06/19/2002 11:04:20, Vikusha-Blondy. 13 comments. And that's what I do. Children I will put the watch at 8>.

Gymnastics. Good day! Maybe someone knows if there is a set of gymnastic exercises for a 2.5-year-old child where on the network? 11/22/2001 15:54:13, Olya. 1 comment. The link does not work, catch your mail.

A set of exercises for children 8-12 years old.

1. Bend slightly on two legs, hands on the waist, bend your elbows forward. On the count of "times" put the right leg to the side on the heel, straighten the torso, arms out to the sides up, on the count of 2 return to the starting position. Do the same with the left leg. Repeat 6-7 times.

2. Place your feet together with your hands on your belt. On the count of "times" stand on your toes, about 2 return to the starting position. Repeat 5-8 times.

3. Place your legs apart, arms spread apart. Raising your hands up, clench your fingers into fists and unclench. Repeat 8-16 times.

4. Place your legs together and squat down a little, spread your bent arms to the sides, lift your forearms up. When straightening your legs, lower your forearms down. Repeat 8-16 times.


1. Place your feet apart and touch your shoulder with your hands. On the count of "one - four", bend forward with an alternate circular motion with your shoulders forward, on the count of "five to eight" straighten up, continuing to perform circular motion shoulders. Repeat 4 times. Do the same with the circles back.

2. Lean forward, trying to touch the floor with your hands. On the count of "times", bend over with a turn of the body to the right, bend with a jerk movement right hand back, on "two" return to the starting position. On the count of "three", "four", bend to the right, jerkily push your straight arm back. Make the same movements in the other direction. Repeat 8 times.

3. Sit down deeply, legs apart, hands touch the floor. On the count of "one", "two", without taking your hands off the floor, stand up, straightening your legs, on the count of "three", "four" return to the starting position. Repeat 8-16 times.

4. Place your feet apart, arms out to the sides. On the count of "one", "two", bend to the right, keep your right hand on your belt, left hand lift up, slightly rounded. On the count of "three", "four", straightening, return to the starting position. Perform the exact same slope to the other side. Repeat 8 times.

5. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, arms out to the sides. On the count of "one", "two", bend to the right, keep your right hand on the lower part of the thigh, lift the left hand up, slightly rounded. On the count of "three", "four", straightening, return to the starting position. Perform the exact same slope to the other side. Repeat 8 times.

6. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, do a half-squat on two legs, spread your bent arms to the sides. On the count of "times", swing the bent right leg, leaning slightly to the side. On a count of two, return to the starting position. Do the same on the other side. Repeat 8-16 times in each direction.


1. Sit on the floor with bent legs, touching the floor with your toes, stretch your arms forward. On the count of "one", "two" - two jerk movements of the right bent arm back, to "three", "four" - the same thing, only with the left hand. Repeat 8 times.

2. Sit on the floor with your legs straight. On the count of "times" - tilt to the right, touch the floor with the forearm of your right hand, raise your left hand up, slightly rounded. On the count of "two", "three" - two springy slopes to the right. On the count of four, straightening, return to the starting position. Do the same, only to the left. Repeat 8-12 times.

3. Sit on the floor, spread your straight legs apart, arms bent at the elbows, spread apart and lift up, lift your forearms up. On "one", "two", bend your right leg, put your foot on the floor, bend over to right leg touching the knee with the forehead, attach the elbows to each other. On "three", "four" return to the starting position. Do the exact same movement in the other direction (with the left leg). Repeat 8 times.

4. Sit on the floor, rest your back on your forearms, bend your knees, place your feet on the floor. On the count of "one" - swing the right leg forward, the foot towards you, on "two" return to the starting position. Perform the same movement with your left foot. Repeat 8-16 times.

5. Lie on your back, put your hands behind your head, raise your legs straight up. Perform leg swings alternately. Repeat until tired.

6. Get on your knees, put your hands on the floor. On the count of “one”, “two”, arch your back, on “three”, “four”, bend your right hand forward, on the count of “five to eight” - the same thing, only with your left hand forward. Repeat 8 times.

7. Sit on your knees with your heels under you. On the count of "one", "two", rise to a kneeling position, "three", "four" - drop point-blank, lie on your hips, "five", "six" bend and "seven", "eight" return to the starting position again. Repeat 8 times.

8. Sit down, bending your legs under you, rest your right hand on the floor, grab your knees with your left. On the count of "one", "two", resting on the right hand, lift the left up, on "three", "four" turn around with a turn to the right. On the count of "five", "six" sit down and on "seven", "eight" again return to the starting position. Repeat 4 times. Do the same with support on your left hand.

9. Sit down, resting your hands on the floor. On "one", "two", roll back to the supine position, throw your legs behind your head. On "three", "four", keep your legs in this position and on "five-eight" return to the starting position. Repeat 8 times.


1. Perform running with forward, backward, turning, with changes in direction of movement.

2. Jumping over a long rope: in turns, at the same time for 2-4 people, bending their legs, on one leg. Run over a rotating rope, etc.

3. Stand facing each other, legs apart, tilt towards each other, bending over and touching the shoulders. Further, springy forward bends. Repeat 24-32 times.

4. Stand facing each other, apart, make a tilt, bending (at the distance of straight arms), hold hands. At the expense of "times" - turn the body one to the right, the other to the left, while maintaining the tilt position. On the count of "two-four" - springy movements. On the count of "five-eight" - the same thing, only in the other direction. Repeat 8-16 times.

5. Stand with your backs to each other at a distance of a step, feet shoulder-width apart, make a bend forward bend. On "one" - clap your hands, on "two" - tilt downwards - and clap each other's hands, on "three-eight" repeat the movements. And again on "one" hold hands in an incline, on "two-four" one performs a bend, bending over, the other bending over, on "five-eight" - the same thing, just the opposite. Repeat 4 times.

6. Stand sideways to each other at a distance of straight arms, put your feet shoulder-width apart, grab your hands with one hand, lift the other up. On "one" - tilt in opposite directions, on "two-four" - springy movements. On the count of "five-eight" - the same, but in a squat on two legs. Repeat 4-8 times. Perform the exercise with a twist to the other side.

7. Stand facing each other, hold hands. Turn in a circle with a backward tilt. Repeat 8 times.

8. Stand facing each other with your hands on your partner's shoulders. On the count of "one", "two" deep squat on the right leg, fold the left back, on "three", "four" spring, squatting on your feet. Then, with a jump, change the position of the lunge (left leg in front) and perform with the other leg. Repeat 8-16 times.

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