Freestyle wrestling history of martial arts presentation. Presentation on the topic: Freestyle wrestling

Olympic winners freestyle wrestling 2016

Pupils of grade 9B SyryGina Svetlana.

On summer Olympic Games oh gold in this weight category received the Georgian wrestler Vladimir Khinchegashvili. The athlete was born in 1991 in Gori. Currently stands for home sport Club"Dynamo". At the 2014 European Championships, he became the champion in the weight category up to 57 kg. He repeated this success at the 2016 European Championship in the weight category up to 61 kg.

Soslan Ludvikovich Ramonov is a Russian freestyle wrestler of Ossetian origin, champion of the 2016 Olympic Games in weight up to 65 kg.

At the age of 25, in the final of the Olympics in Rio, he defeated a wrestler from Azerbaijan Togrul Askerov.

Hassan Yazdani Cherati is an Iranian freestyle wrestler, champion of the 2016 Olympic Games in the weight category up to 74 kg. Born December 28, 1994. On August 20, 2016, he defeated Russian wrestler Aniuar Geduev in the final of the Olympic Games in Rio.

Abdulrashid Bulachevich Sadulaev - Russian freestyle wrestler, Olympic champion 2016. Performs in the weight category up to 86 kg. Honored Master of Sports of Russia.

Born on May 9, 1996 in the village of Tsurib, Charodinsky District. By nationality - Avar. During one of the youth tournaments, he received the nickname "Avar Tank" for his strength and will to win.

Kyle Snyder is an American freestyle wrestler.

The first success came to Snyder in 2013, when he won the wrestler from Armenia Viktor Kazishvili in the final of the youth world championship in Sofia.

In the final of the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, he defeated Ossetian wrestler Khetag Gozyumov, representing the Azerbaijani national team, becoming the youngest American Olympic champion in freestyle wrestling.

Taha Akgul - Turkish freestyle wrestler, Olympic champion, two-time champion world, European and European Games champion.

Eri Tohsaka is a Japanese freestyle wrestler, three-time world champion, champion of the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro.

She was born in 1993. In 2013 she became the world champion. In 2014 and 2015, she again won the world championship. At the Olympiad in 2016 she won gold medal in weight up to 48 kg. After the victory, she lifted her coach onto her shoulders and made a lap of honor with him.

Helen Marulis is an American freestyle wrestler, Olympic champion, world championship medalist, born in 1991 in Rockville. In 2009 she won the bronze medal at the Pan American Championships; in 2011 she won the gold medal in the Pan American Games; in 2012 she won the silver medal in the World Championships; in 2014 she became the bronze medalist in the World Championships; in 2016 she became Olympic champion in Rio de Janeiro.

Kaori Icho is a Japanese female freestyle wrestler, four-time Olympic champion. Since 2014, she has been competing in the weight category up to 58 kg, she won most of her victories in the category up to 63 kg. The first female athlete in the history of wrestling (both women and men) to win 4 Olympic gold medals.

Risako Kawai is a Japanese athlete who won the 2016 Olympic Games. She beat Belarusian athlete Maria Mamashuk.

Sarah Dossho is a Japanese freestyle wrestler, Asian champion and world championship medalist.

She was born in 1994. In 2013 she became the bronze medalist of the World Championship. In 2014 she became the champion of Asia and won the silver medal at the World Championship.

Erica Elizabeth Weibe is the 2016 Olympic champion in freestyle wrestling.

Weibe started wrestling in the 9th grade after seeing an ad for the wrestling section of her school.

2014 was an incredibly successful year for Weibe: she won all the tournaments in which she took part. Despite a string of successes, Weibe did not compete in the 2015 Pan American Games.

In the final of the Olympics in freestyle wrestling in the category up to 75 kg, defeating Guzel Manyurova from Kazakhstan, Erica Weibe became the third Olympic champion in wrestling in history, representing Canada.

Find out the impact of freestyle wrestling
on the health and lifestyle of the young wrestler
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Modern children move a little: computers, phones
and the prefixes do not let go of them. As a result, lack of mobility and health problems.
Freestyle wrestling is an effective means
physical training and health promotion of children,
develops endurance, mobility, strength in a young wrestler,
agility. The musculoskeletal system is strengthened,
posture improves. The art of fighting is a skill
use exercise skills effectively,
control the situation and use it to your advantage.

Briefly about freestyle wrestling

Freestyle wrestling is a single combat between two athletes, in which
each of the opponents seeks to put the other on the shoulder blades or
achieve victory using various techniques
In our country, this type of martial arts, the birthplace of which is considered
English County Lankshire, took root very well. On
Olympic Games and World Championships Russia is undeniable
leader in freestyle wrestling in the team event. Russian
athletes are traditionally considered one of the main favorites
and regularly win gold medals.
This speaks of the high skill of our fighters, unbending strength.
will and, of course, a good coaching school.

The place of the struggle is a special carpet. The wrestler's costume consists of a special
tight-fitting leotard in red or blue and wrestling shoes. Victory
awarded for holding receptions (by points).
Freestyle wrestling is the basis of the foundations, because techniques from freestyle wrestling
present in all types of wrestling. They are universal, there is no
additional equipment such as a kimono, for which you can
grab onto. A person learns to simply use only his body and work
through direct contact with the opponent's body when performing all techniques. If
do freestyle wrestling - easy to understand and learn by any other
types of struggle.

Pros and cons of freestyle wrestling training

1.Improve the performance of the immune system.
2. Strengthen all the muscles in the body.
3.Positively affect the cardiovascular and respiratory
4. Increase the body's endurance.
5. Improve coordination and dexterity.
6.Increase body flexibility.
7. Great for losing weight.
8. Learn to fall correctly, which helps in everyday life to avoid
9.Elements of freestyle wrestling are used for self-defense.
10. Develop intuition and increase self-confidence.
Not desirable
do if
there are problems
with the spine.
It's connected with
high load
on him during
classes. In fact,
this is the only

Why is it worth doing freestyle wrestling

1. Get in the habit of keeping track of your appearance... Unkempt on the carpet
release. This is not a whim of coaches, but safety requirements.
Doing freestyle wrestling, you will become neat and clean.
2. Youth will last. Develops speed of movement and reaction, which
are inherent in the young and are lost with age. Freestyle wrestling will slow down
aging processes, you will be young for a long time.
3. Become agile. A large number of techniques and their combinations used
in the correct sequence, quickly switching from one to another and
is dexterity, and we find application of this skill in everyday life
(ability to fall, group)

Strengthen the muscles throughout the body. In many sports, a lot of attention is paid to
development of one or two muscle groups, and in freestyle wrestling this will not work. Only
when the muscles of the whole body are strengthened, you can step onto the carpet.
Develop intuition. To win a duel, you need to learn
calculate the opponent's actions a few steps ahead. This requires
to be attentive, that is, to have intuition.

Self-confidence will appear. Only a confident fighter
able to make the right decisions quickly, can expect to win.
Low risk of injury. In any sport, you can get
damage of varying severity. However, freestyle wrestling is not the most
traumatic sport.

The main exercises of the wrestler, providing
impact on health
exercise on the bridge
fall exercises
acrobatic exercises (somersaults, wheel, stance and
walking on hands, lifting from the back with a deflection)
exercise with a partner
exercises in which the mat wrestler only touches
arms, forehead, chin, heels, and the back is arched

In the first trainings, special attention is paid to mastering the stand on the wrestling bridge

High stable bridge
can be learned in the process
continuous training
muscles of the neck and back, development
spine flexibility
By me the stable bridge was
mastered one year after
enhanced muscle training
neck and back.

Exercises without weights (movement on the bridge, deflection in support). Correctly began to turn out after 3 months of training

Exercises with increasing loads on the muscles of the neck and back (for the development of mobility of the cervical vertebrae)

A year later, squats and picks, somersaults, leaving the bridge began to turn out.

The technique of running the operation allows the wrestler to leave the bridge. Today I am working on the "running" skill

All exercises are aimed at the development and improvement of physical qualities inherent in wrestling.

About health
I have been practicing freestyle wrestling since I was 9 years old. According to my medical
cards, I made a graph showing the number of days,
missed during classes due to illness and, accordingly,
health improvement
Before class

My results

Strengthening posture and overall health
Ability to fall and group
I have become disciplined and play less computer games.
Developed the speed of reaction and ingenuity (it is necessary to constantly
look for a way to get close to the opponent to do on
him reception)
I made real friends. On the carpet we are rivals, but
outside the carpet - friends. (good relations that
new wrestling friends reign in my team, give me
support and faith in victory)
I began to understand that I would use my skills wisely,
only for the purpose of self-defense and the protection of the weak

My victories

May 2016
N. Novgorod
Palace of Sports
"North Star"
3rd place

November 2017
City championship
1st place!


Since I began to practice freestyle
struggle, my body got stronger and I became
stronger and more resilient.
I have less flu and acute respiratory infections.
I have made many new friends.
I want to do this kind for a long time
sports and achieve high

"Sport of the Moscow Region" - Basic Paralympic sports developed in the Moscow Region. The number of medals won by athletes of the Moscow region at all-Russian and international competitions. The range of salaries for athletes and coaches at the Olympic Training Centers in the Moscow Region. The number of athletes from the Moscow region in the national teams of Russia.

"Cholesterol in the blood" - Two to three cups of green or black tea a day should improve the cholesterol content of the blood. Calcium. Cholesterol. Cholesterol is a yellow, viscous and fatty substance in the blood. Carrot. Carrots will undoubtedly help lower bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol. Types of cholesterol. The mystery to scientists is that a whole apple can lower cholesterol more effectively than it should.

Ancient Olympic Games - Running was the only competition for the first 13 games. Pankration is ancient species fight without rules. The liberal-minded authorities decided to hold special women's sport games... In 720 BC. the so-called "dolichodrome" was added to the running - running on 24 stages. The cook is the first Olympic champion.

"Types of aerobics" - Aqua aerobics. The main ones include classical aerobics. Fitness aerobics. Distinguish between water aerobics in shallow and deep water... The effect of aerobics on the body. Aerobics. There are dance types of aerobics. Bicycle aerobics. Aerobics with karate elements is widespread. Aerobics with a ball. Types of aerobics. Morning exercises.

"Lifestyle" - Social block. Mass media. Medical workers. Commitment to a healthy lifestyle of the population of the Russian Federation. What should be done in Russia to improve the health of the population? Medical block. Implementation of a priority national health care project. Propaganda healthy way life. Reputable and respected citizens and public organizations.

"Essential vitamins" - Take it. Sources of obtaining vitamins. What organic substances are necessary for the normal functioning of living organisms? Pellagra (rough skin). Natural sources of vitamins. The ABC of Health. What diseases can result from vitamin deficiency? Rickets. Diseases associated with vitamin deficiencies.

There are 38 presentations in total

Freestyle wrestling is a kind of sport, which consists in a single combat of two athletes according to certain rules; using various techniques(grabs, throws, coups, sweeps), in which each of the opponents tries to put the other on his shoulder blades and win.

Modern freestyle wrestling was born in the 19th century in England. In 1992 at the International amateur federation wrestling (FILA, year of foundation) there were already about 112 countries in the world. Freestyle wrestling has appeared in the program of the Olympic Games since 1904, in the World Championship since 1981, in Europe since 1928.

USSR and Russia For the first time, Russian freestyle wrestlers took part in the Olympic Games in 1952 as part of the USSR national team. The freestyle wrestling team of the USSR took first place at these Games, and Georgians Arsen Mekokishvili and David Tsimakuridze became Olympic champions.

Alexander Medved three-time Olympic champion, seven-time world champion Buvaysar Saytiev three-time Olympic champion, six-time world champion Artur Taymazov - three-time Olympic champion, Olympic silver medalist Three-time Olympic champions:

Two-time Olympic champions: Ivan Yarygin world champion, three-time European champion Levan Tediashvili four-time champion world champion, three-time European champion, world champion in sambo Soslan Andiev four-time world champion, three-time European champion Makharbek Khadartsev five-time world champion, four-time European champion Mavlet Batirov world champion, European champion

TRAINERS IN Wrestling Nikitin Evgeniy Yurievich, senior lecturer of the department physical culture, senior freestyle wrestling coach. Two-time champion of Russia. Bronze medalist of the World Championship among veterans. Gomboev Bulat Borisovich, freestyle wrestling coach, senior lecturer of the Department of Physical Culture Master of Sports of Russia in freestyle wrestling.

Competitions are held on a fairly dense round carpet, with a diameter of 7 m (usually 9 m). The outfit for wrestlers is an open-fitting tights and shoes - soft wrestlers, and for women there is also a special T-shirt (to protect the chest). Participants are divided by weight categories, gender and age groups... Competitions

SPORT IS IN EVERYONE Humanity has had a desire to defeat an opponent with the use of force since the beginning of its existence. This desire is associated not only with the instinct of self-preservation, but also with the desire to demonstrate oneself and one's capabilities. This is probably why there are so many types of wrestling in our time.

MY LAND - THE LEGEND OF FREELESS STRUGGLE Surakat Asiyatilov lived a bright, eventful life. He was known in Dagestan as a prominent scientist-historian, respected teacher, active public and political figure. Asiyatilov was also known as an outstanding fighter, and although he sports achivments look not so impressive against the backdrop of the victories of subsequent generations of Dagestan athletes, he will remain in memory as one of those people, whose name is associated with the first successes of freestyle wrestlers of the mountainous region, which gave impetus to the mass enthusiasm of young people in martial arts, which is now popular in the republic. Surakat Asiyatilov did not have personal trainer, he was, in fact, self-taught, for which he was even nicknamed "the wild fighter." Nevertheless, without a school and mentor support behind his back, the Dagestan wrestler achieved a lot. Suffice it to mention his victories at the USSR absolute championship in freestyle wrestling and the national sambo championship. After Asiyatilov, dozens Dagestani fighters rise to the highest step of the podium of the national championships, but in this list of champions Surakat Khavalovich occupies a special place, because he was the first, and to be the first is always honorable and prestigious.

IT'S I AM ALSO DOING A FREEDOM FIGHT, IN FACT THIS IS A SPORT is a means of self-development and self-education, and we should never forget about it. A real athlete is able to fight with himself, with his own shortcomings. The coach must teach him: - to overcome the feeling of fear, - to concentrate on his actions, - to make quick decisions, - to believe in yourself.

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Municipal educational institution

"Average comprehensive school No. 2 in r.p. Dergachi "

Project on:

"Greco-Roman wrestling"

Completed: student 4 "A" class

Salinov Ruslan Sagynzhanovich

Project Manager:

primary school teacher

Kozel Vera Vladimirovna

2015-2016 academic year

"Not the wrestler who overcame, but the one who turned out" ...

Project theme: Greco-Roman wrestling.

Target: Learn the history of Greco-Roman wrestling. Meet the great fighters of Russia. Achieve the same result as my favorites.


  1. Learn the history of Greco-Roman wrestling.
  2. Find material on the topic.
  3. Create a presentation.
  4. To go training.
  5. Develop a technique of receptions.
  6. Develop physical fitness.

Necessary equipment: Internet resources, reference books on the topic.

Stages of work on a project:

  1. History of Greco-Roman wrestling.
  2. Great fighters of Russia.
  3. My hobby is sport- Greco-Roman wrestling.

Wrestling is a man's occupation.

A little blundered, don't expect good.

Like a battlefield, two trample

The square of the wrestling mat.

History of Greco-Roman wrestling

Greco-Roman wrestling arose during the period of the primitive communal system. It originated as one of the main means of single combat of primitive people for its existence.

The struggle reached its true heyday in Ancient Greece... They began to use it to educate a strong, dexterous, hardy and strong-willed person. The fight was coming in the system physical education children, youths and adults. The first Olympic Games in Ancient Greece took place in 776 BC and were held every four years without interruption for 1170 years.

Wrestling in the Olympic Games was first included in 704 BC. from the 18th Olympic Games. Greek athlete Theseus created the first rules for wrestling. The winner was the one who threw the opponent to the ground three times. The official date of the emergence of Greco-Roman wrestling in Russia is considered to be 1895.

The first Russian Greco-Roman wrestling championship was held in St. Petersburg in 1897. Eight wrestlers took part in it. Seven are from St. Petersburg, one is from Riga. Alexander Shmeling became the first Russian champion.

The main task of Greco-Roman wrestling is that the athlete must, with the help of a certain arsenal of technical actions (techniques), unbalance the opponent and press him with his shoulder blades to the carpet.

Great fighters of Russia

At this stage of the project, we would like to introduce you to the great fighters of Russia, Alexander Alexandrovich Karelin and Vlasov Roman Andreevich. Describe their beginnings and sporting achievements.

I'll start a little with the biography of Alexander Alexandrovich Karelin.

Alexander Alexandrovich Karelin was born on September 19, 1967 in the city of Novosibirsk. Soviet, Russian athlete, a wrestler of the classical Greco-Roman style. Honored Master of Sports of the USSR, Hero of the Russian Federation.

Sports career.

Alexander Karelin at the age of 13, began to play sports in hometown Novosibirsk. In 1981, he enrolled in the classical wrestling section of the Electrotechnical Institute. The first coach of Karelin, Viktor Kuznetsov, remained his only mentor for the entire sports life... In 1985, the first success came - Karelin became the world youth champion.

In 1982, he took 3rd place at the championship of the city of Novosibirsk among youths, in 1983 - 1st place at the city championship among youths. 1984 - 1st place in the RSFSR championship among youth. In 1985, Karelin won victories at the All-Union tournament in memory of "Molodogvardeytsev" among juniors, an international tournament in Belarus, at the USSR championship among juniors, at the world championship among juniors. This year he fulfilled the standard of an international master of sports.

Vlasov Roman Andreevich.

Roman Andreevich Vlasov was born on October 6, 1990 in the city of Novosibirsk, Russian Greco-Roman style wrestler, 2012 Olympic champion. Two-time world champion (2011, 2015), two-time European champion (2012, 2013). Honored Master of Sports of Russia.

Family: mother - Tatyana Leonidovna Vlasova, brother - Artyom (master of sports in Greco-Roman wrestling, two-time winner of the youth championship of Russia). Until the 7th grade, he studied at the Gymnasium No. 11 "Harmony" in Novosibirsk. In 1997, the elder brother brought 6-year-old Roman to the Greco-Roman wrestling school of the honored coach of the USSR Viktor Mikhailovich Kuznetsov.


2012 - the winner international tournament"Grand Prix", European champion, winner of the Olympic Games (27.07 - 12.08.2012, in London.

2013 - winner of the international tournament "Grand Prix", winner of the World Cup, European champion, winner of the World Summer Universiade, silver medalist of the world championship.

2015 - World Champion in the USA.

My hobby is sport - Greco-Roman wrestling

I started doing Greco-Roman wrestling a year ago. In 2014, I signed up for the Greco-Roman wrestling section. I was 8 years old. At the section, I met my coach Anatoly Kirillovich Rubets. In addition to me, there were boys in training. of different ages from 7 to 10 years old. After a long training session, I began to participate in a student tournament. He took first place in the 38 kg weight category.

After the first victory, I continued to train hard. Then he took part in the next open tournament in Greco-Roman wrestling among students in the 40kg weight category. Also taking first place.

He received several more medals for the first place in regional competitions. Naturally, in order to achieve even greater results, you need to regularly attend training and do physical fitness, as well as develop a technique of receptions.


Summing up, I would like to say that the struggle forms a very good qualities... Makes guys out of real men. The guy becomes strong and brave, hardy and quick-witted.

I believe that it is First stage in my small sports life, and I will not stop there, I will continue to train hard.

Sources and Literature.


Application "Test"

"What do I know about Greco-Roman wrestling?"

1. Where did Greco-Roman wrestling flourish?

A) Ancient Rome

B) Ancient Greece

2. In what year were the Olympic Games first included?

A) At 651. BC NS.

B) In 704. BC NS.

C) In 907 BC NS.

3. In what year did the first Olympic Games take place?

A) In 1010. BC NS.

B) In 886. BC NS.

V) In 776. BC NS.

4. In what year was the first Greco-Roman wrestling championship held?

V) In 1897.

5. Who became the first Russian champion?

A) Alexander Schmeling

B) Anatoly Popov

C) Ivan Poddubny

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