How quickly children learn to swim in the pool. When and how to teach a child to swim? Features for different ages

Swimming is an incredibly rewarding physical activity that allows you to tighten and train your muscles without putting stress on your ligaments and spine. A child who knows how to swim has good coordination, a developed respiratory system, he is less likely to get sick. All parents are aware of the benefits of swimming, so they try to accustom their child to water as soon as possible. But how to do it as painlessly as possible? How to show your child that it is easy to stay on the water, you just need to try. After all, the wrong skills make the child a habit of moving in the wrong way. Subsequently, it becomes very difficult to retrain the baby, and the ability to swim is postponed indefinitely.

Extreme learning or why you can't throw your child into the water

Until recently, there was a “household” way of teaching a child to swim. The kid was simply thrown into the water and given the opportunity to "swim out" on his own. Proponents of this method say that the survival skill is innate, and in many cases the child overcomes fear and begins to swim on his own. However, this should not be done under any circumstances. First, the baby may not swim. He will just get confused, scared and start to drown. Of course, you will be near and save your child, but after that he will not come close to the water. Such extreme training will leave the child's fear of water for life.

The second reason not to throw a child into the water is to undermine trust. For a baby, parents are a boulder that you can rely on at any time. The child trusts you unconditionally, can you deliberately put him in danger? Many adults who learned to swim in this way admit that they still conceal resentment towards their parents for such an act in the depths, even though he taught them to swim. After such actions, it will be difficult to regain the child's trust. That is why it is worth teaching your child gradually and consistently.

When to learn to swim

Surely you have seen newborn children who enjoy swimming in open water without the support of adults? This is not surprising, water for babies in the first months of life is a native element, the baby remembers it from the mother's womb. Over time, these memories are erased, the baby loses the skill and stops swimming on his own. When can you teach your baby to water again?

If your baby is not even a year old, try swimming in a tub with a special circle. It is worn around the neck and secured with a safety clasp. Thanks to this circle, the baby's head is always on the surface, he moves his legs and arms with ease and pleasure. Movements are easier under water, so children love this kind of swimming very much. In addition, the mother does not have to constantly hold the baby's head while bathing. It is rather inconvenient to stand with the letter "si" for 10-15 minutes. Such swimming strengthens the child's muscle corset, improves blood circulation in tissues, and promotes enhanced growth.

If your baby is more than a year old, it is too early for him to swim in the pool on his own. Up to three years old, you just need to encourage the child's desire for water in every possible way, more often get out to water bodies in the summer, spend more time by the water. In this case, it is useful to play various games which will make the child feel more confident in the water.

  1. Sea battle. This game will teach the kid that water can get on the face and head, and there is nothing wrong with that. Take your baby into the water so that its depth is as deep as your baby's chest. After that, start splashing on each other (give in to the child). The one who is the first to say “give up” and turn away will lose.
  2. Who is first? For next game you will need a helper like dad. The conditions are as follows - dad gets up in the water a few meters from the competitors. Whoever runs ahead in the water to the Pope - he won. In this game, it is important to teach the child to rake water in front of him with his hands. The kid must understand how to move correctly in the water. He realizes that if he helps himself with his hands, he will move much faster.
  3. Underwater world. You can also teach your child to open their eyes underwater. To do this, sit down with your baby in the water and try to open your eyes. If you are at sea or in a lake, sand and plants can be considered. If in the pool - a drawing on the bottom or toys in hands. If it doesn't work, try wearing special glasses.
  4. Bubbles. This exercise teaches your child to breathe properly underwater. Breathe in air quickly and slowly breathe it out through your nose under water. Toddlers love to blow out a lot of bubbles, so they especially like this exercise. You don't even have to completely immerse yourself in the water, just dip your face into the liquid.

These simple exercise games will help your baby not to be afraid of water, but to perceive it as a friendly element.

Where, with whom and how to learn to swim

By the age of 3-4, a child can be taught to swim. By this time, the kids already understand a lot, perform exercises and are able to adequately assess the situation. It is very important to determine where you will learn to swim. If it is an open body of water, you need to be sure of its safety. On the shore and at the bottom there should be no glass and sharp objects, snags, pieces of reinforcement. The reservoir itself must be flowing - in standing water bacteria multiply. It is very important that the water is not cold, the lower limit is 23 degrees. The weather should also be warm - the air temperature is at least 27 degrees. You should first investigate the bottom at which you are going to teach the child. It is important that there are no steep and sharp dips, underwater currents and other factors that pose a potential hazard. The water level in the designated area should not be higher than the baby's breast.

All conditions are created for the child in the pool. The main thing is not to go directly to the depth, but to train in the "paddling pool" so that the water level is chest-high. In addition, a dedicated swimming instructor can be hired at the pool professional level will tell you how to teach your child to swim. Often, when the child is not even five years old, the instructor works in tandem with the parent. That is, the child cannot deal with a stranger, so the instructor teaches the parent's swimming technique, and the parent shows everything to the baby. Experienced trainers say that a baby learns to swim best with a mother, since women are more patient by nature and they like the process itself. But men are focused on the result and often urge the child, which is unacceptable in matters of swimming training. But if the dad is patient and assiduous, he may well become a swimming instructor for his child.

How to teach a child to swim

We will show you basic exercises to help you teach your child to float, hold their breath, and row with their hands and feet.

In training, you must not use sleeves, vests and other accessories, which initially form the child's improper body retention on the water. Just look at what unnatural position the baby is in with oversleeves in the water. It is very important to teach your child to take a horizontal position. This can only be achieved with a special board that will support the baby at first. This is the only accessory that can be used in a challenging learning process. The board seems to support the baby, but at the same time teaches him to coordinate movement, find balance, and move the limbs.

The child lays down on the board with his chest, and the mother simply pulls him by the arms. Thus, the baby is fixed in a horizontal position, understanding exactly how to move in the water.

  1. After that, you can complicate the exercise by asking your baby to actively move their legs. The child must understand that this gives the movement speed. But simple floundering is not enough, you need to move your limbs, like fins. In order for the child to feel this, you can let him move his legs with fins.
  2. Step into the water and ask your child to squat. The water level should reach first to the chin, then to the nose, and then full immersion body into the water. Here we train the psychological aspect more - the child should feel confident that, if necessary, he can always come up, there is no need to be afraid. If you cannot dive with open eyes and nose, you can close them. Moreover, this exercise teaches the baby to hold his breath at the moment when he is under water.
  3. After the baby begins to dive well into the water and is no longer afraid of this, ask him to stretch his arms forward. After the next dive, drag the crumbs some distance under the water. It can be at least half a meter, but the baby should feel the dynamics. At the end of this distance, push the crumb to the surface and tell him: "Breathe in!" The kid must develop a clear association - when we emerge, we breathe in air, and at the same time, you emerge to breathe in when we do not have enough air. It is important to convince the child that everything is under control, that he himself can control the situation.
  4. The next exercise is that you drag the child through the water, and at this time he emerges himself after inhaling and plunges himself into the water. In this case, it is very important to monitor the legs so that the baby does not walk on the bottom, but keeps them on the surface, that is, swims. This is a long exercise and takes a long time to master, but don't force things - be patient.
  5. When the skills are perfect and the child stops breathing heavily, try to let go of your hands, first one, and then both. If the baby is in the correct horizontal position, he will not go to the bottom, the water itself will push him out. You will only need to stand nearby and insure the baby. If the kid succeeds in this exercise, consider that he has learned to swim.
  6. When your toddler has learned to dive and dive on his own, tell your child how to dive on his own. To do this, you need to put your palms together and point them towards the water. Then slowly sink into the water by hand and emerge, as you did before.
  7. Using this technique, you can teach your child not only to swim, but to swim correctly. Subsequently, a competent and beautiful style of butterfly, brace, crawl and other directions can be extracted from this skill.

Swimming is best view sports for the child's body. This physical activity there are practically no contraindications, since the body does not experience serious stress. However, you need to be careful with water diving if there is a violation of the tympanic membrane, chronic otitis media or sinusitis. Be healthy and enjoy the water element with your child!

Video: teaching a child to swim

Have you come to the sea or to a river in a village, spread a towel on the beach, and your child looks enviously at his peers who are splashing in the water because he cannot swim? Or, on the contrary, you are trying with all your might to push the baby to swim, and he says he is afraid of nothing? It seems like an adult already, it's time to learn! Or maybe it's better to leave him alone, everything has its time?

When is it time to teach a child to swim and what needs to be done so that these lessons are not a burden for him, but a pleasure. At the height of the summer season, the editors of the site decided to answer all these "water" questions. We present for you the advice of doctors and the opinions of experienced mothers who have already taught their babies to stay afloat.

Should babies and toddlers swim?

To begin with, it is worth saying that it is true that "everything has its time." Teaching a child to stay on the water from infancy, as it is now popular, is not always correct, and sometimes even harmful. Doctors advise, up to 4 years old, to give the child the right to simply swim, without teaching him any techniques. Let him go into the water shallow, splash with water and get used to this element. So he will learn not to be afraid of water, he will understand that nothing terrible will happen if it gets into his eyes, nose or ears, sips a little and, in general, will be ready for training.

At this time, you can teach the child to lower his face into the water, exhale into it, push off the parent with his legs, lie on the water. You can put glasses on the child and send him to study objects at the bottom. You should not let him go into free swimming, it is better to tow the child by the handles on the surface.

As for the sea, if your baby no longer tries to swallow water and enjoys bathing, all the same procedures can be done there from an early age. The only recommendation is that the water should be with a temperature above 24 degrees. If the water temperature is lower, then only short dipping into the water in an embrace will do to keep the child from freezing.

Parents' opinion:

“We have been swimming since a month, the child is delighted. First, with an instructor, a few lessons, as soon as I learned how to hold my breath and dive well, we were transferred to a large pool, where I already study with him. "

“We started swimming in a year… it was 10-11 months, I don’t remember well) the first two lessons I was crying, he was cold, I bought a suit… Now you can't pull it out of the pool by the ears… it's already the third year))”.


“We swim with two to the sea, but I don’t know how it happened) Somehow I took it and swam, we just marveled))) he really likes it !! "

“At 3 years old, a child can (and should!) Be taught, if not to swim, then to hold his breath in the water. This is a vital skill, since both in the sleeves and in the circle and in the boat, you can turn on your face into the water, and the child should not be frightened, not confused, but simply hold his breath. Therefore, I advise you not to put a circle on your child right away, but first play hide and seek in the water, learn to dive and hold your breath and get used to the large volume of water and space. "

Teaching your child to swim

After 4 years of age, the child can already begin to slowly teach exactly swimming. All experts recommend doing this in a suitable pool, where the water is no higher than your baby's lower chest. The length of the pool must be at least five meters. It is worth starting with "stars", "floats" and "arrows".

"Asterisk" - the child lies on the water, legs and arms outstretched to the sides. "Float" - the child clasps his knees with his hands, lowers his head to his knees and hangs on the surface of the water. "Arrow" - the child pushes off the side of the pool and slides, stretching his arms and legs along the surface of the water.


You need to teach your baby to breathe correctly. A quick inhalation through the mouth, a long exhalation through the nose, and nothing else. The best way to breathe out is into water. In no case should you hold your breath while swimming. These exercises will not only help your child swim properly, but will also strengthen their immunity and increase endurance.

When it comes to swimming movements, you should master gliding first. Then work with the feet is added to it, then with the hands, then inhale and exhale. You need to move slowly and continuously, without straining individual muscles. Technique can also be practiced on land.

Of course, all the time you study, you should be with your child and not leave him alone. Having lost sight of the parents, the baby can get confused, panic and go to the bottom. Therefore, try to always be in sight at the first swims, or, if you swim a little behind for belay, constantly let us understand with your voice that you are near.

Parents' opinion:

“He will learn by himself. My son is 12. From the age of 6 he wallowed in the summer in the river at the dacha. I rowed my hands along the bottom. After 2 weeks I look, and he swims. Last summer we bought him fins, a mask, a snorkel, dives and swims like Ichthyander. "

“From the polystyrene, either cut out a board for him to hold on to or sew a belt in this way. or buy ready-made. but my opinion should be learned in the pool, they will explain what if what! ".


“We put on sleeves and gradually (over the course of 2-3 months) blew them off. True, every day in the pool a couple of times. I learned. Moves the breaststroke with the arms, and the crawl with the legs. But he began to swim very quickly. Then they hired a coach who, in 3 lessons, taught him to swim perfectly with breaststroke (for now) and dive as expected. We started all this at 4.5 years old. "

“I taught mine at sea at the age of 5. Without arm ruffles, without everything, but under supervision and only from mom to dad, you increase the distance and, behold, a fish is swimming) ”.

Major mistakes

The first mistake is armbands, circles, vests, fins and other means of helping the child. For training, only a swimming board is suitable for you and that's it. All of the above tools inhibit learning and reinforce harmful vertical skills. When swimming in oversleeves, the child gets used to keeping his head upright above the water, with support on the armpits, which means he does not feel his body and cannot learn to swim on his own.

For those who still use armbands, experts recommend gradually removing air from them so that the baby begins to feel his weight and position on the water. The swimming ring also keeps the child upright in the water, and the fins spoil the kicking technique.


The second mistake is to teach the child to swim on his stomach at the very beginning. You should start by swimming on your back, so the child will not be afraid of water getting into his nose or mouth. The baby can be supported by the head, the stomach can be lifted up to reach a horizontal position.

The third mistake is ignoring children's fears. Parents say: “Oh, what is there to be afraid of, it’s not deep right there. Enough already, go swim! ". But what seems easy to you is a real challenge for a child to be dared to. Childhood fear cannot be ignored, but it can be deceived. Start with swimming, splashing, playing in shallow water, the child must get used to it and only then he will want to try to swim.

Parents' opinion:

“Stop putting on the vest, it keeps it on the water in an unnatural position, it seems to be standing in the water, but it should lie on your stomach or back, in this sense, arm ruffles better than those that he himself needs to keep his body in the water in the desired position, and the arm ruffles simply do not let him go under the water. "

“Yes, he will learn what to teach there))) let him look at others and repeat, like a dog, first, then on the back, with a batter there, with all sorts of strokes. Small ones do not need to swim at all, from 7-8 years old, when interest in this appears, they themselves are already learning. "


“Despite the fact that the child went in for swimming in the pool regularly, up to 5 years at sea only in a vest or next to his parents. For some reason I don’t trust oversleeves. If suddenly someone pushes into the sea in the game, they want to "immerse" - as sometimes children play, a vest is better here. And if the child is a lover of calm bathing, then arm ruffles.
The circle is about nothing at all, you can fall out of it for one or two. "

“At first, mine was afraid to swim, I didn't care, but my husband insisted, and eventually threw him into the middle of the river from a boat. No, the son swam, swam to the boat, climbed, but he didn’t come to the water or to the husband for another month)))) ”.

In this article I want to talk about how to teach a small child to swim. My daughter is only 2 and a half years old, but she already swims better than some adults.

Before I tell you about how we managed to teach her to swim, watch the video in which she demonstrates her skills.

You will be offered elements of breaststroke swimming, synchronized swimming, back flip, bomber jumping, water polo

So, there is nothing difficult in teaching your child to swim. This can be taught at least one year old child, even a baby. More precisely, swimming should be taught from the first days of a child's life.

We started teaching the baby to swim after the umbilical cord healed. The main thing is to do it regularly. Many parents are afraid to immerse their child in water with their head, thinking that he will choke. They think like this: "Now the child is growing up, and then I will deal with him."

This is a gross mistake. The child, while in the womb, is placed in a liquid. Because of this, in the first months of life, it is much easier for him to immerse himself in water than later. Water is a familiar habitat for a child.

And if you deprive him of water in the first months of life, then his lungs are completely and completely rebuilt to work with oxygen. Then, after a year or two, he will have to be taught to be in the water practically from scratch.

But if you accustom your child to water from the first days of life, then he will already be prepared. By the way, all that I wrote about above is not a theory invented by me, but proven facts by other, more authoritative specialists. I read all this before in various books and textbooks, after which I began to try it on my child.

Naturally, like any parent, I was very afraid and worried when we submerged the child under water for the first time.

But now I can say for sure that there is no danger in this. First, if you do it right, then any risk is reduced to zero.

The child needs to be held face down and how to guide him along the bottom of the bath:

Also, experts advise to accustom the child to a verbal command. For example, a second before the immersion of the child, we poured water over his head with the words: "We are diving!" Then the girl was immersed in water.

At first we had a short dive. Literally for a second. There is no need to be afraid, during this time the child will not have time to choke. Even if he gets water in his mouth, there will be little of it. I am writing this. to reassure you once again. This never happened to our baby.

We gradually increased the time the child spent under water.

Where to teach a child to swim?

Naturally, first at home in the bathroom, and then in the pool. We are now going to the pool, which is located in one of the children's clinics in our city. The water in such a pool is different from the water in a regular pool for adults.

It is softer, there is less chlorine, it is passed through special filters and the temperature also differs. But children go to such a pool until they are 3 years old. Then you will need to look for something else.

You need to find such a pool and find out from what age you can visit it. Now I don't remember exactly when we started going to such a pool. But while the bath allows you to dive in a regular bath. Then, when you have where to go and you meet all the requirements, start practicing in the pool.

How to teach a child to swim in the pool?

There is nothing difficult here. At first, hold the child in your arms and move him in the water around the perimeter of the pool. We need to create a format for the game. If you communicate with a child, entertain him, then he will perceive such activities as joy.

Recently, with my wife, her friend began to go to the pool with a boy a little over a year old. When they watched the video with our daughter, they also caught fire to go to the pool and teach their child to swim.

This is actually very useful. We started to work with the child in the pool not so much to teach her to swim, but to strengthen her immunity and muscles.

Being in the water, the child moves, which means his muscles work. In addition, every time we leave the pool, we pour a bucket on the girl. cold water... Plus at home in the bathroom we also pour cold water from the shower over it during the evening water procedures.

So, back to my wife's friend. Naturally, in the first year of life, they did not at all deal with the child at home in the bathroom. Because of what, when the child got into the pool, it gave him a real shock. He screamed, struggled. And when my wife tried to plunge him headlong under the water, he began kicking and screaming frantically

And all because the child is not prepared for water. Naturally, there is no question of any swimming of this baby in the coming months. He actually needs to be accustomed to water from scratch. This can take a long time. However, this should not confuse you.

If you already have an adult child (2, 3, 4 years and more), then you do not need to give up on him. And at this age he can also be taught to swim. The main thing is regularity.

I will now return to my first visits to the pool. When we started going there after home baths, our daughter did not feel any discomfort in the pool when her wife immersed her under the water.

At first, the wife was there and controlled the child. Gradually, she began to increase the time the child was under water, first holding the child in her arms, and then simply letting the baby go under water so that she got used to being there on her own.

Gradualness is also important here. First let go for a few seconds, then gradually increase the time.

The child learns to swim by himself. The main thing is to help him in the beginning.

As strange as it sounds, it is. When you start letting your child go under water, he will wallow in there anyway. Over time, he will begin to see and understand what these flounders lead to. For example, a child will notice that from the movement of the arms and legs, he can move in the water.

His first instinctive movement will be to try to reach you. When you have immersed the child in the water, then you need to be near. Under water, the child's eyes are open and he will begin to reach for you. Keep your hands a few centimeters from the child's arms and he, floundering in the water, will reach your hands by himself.

Then, you need to increase the distance. Move your arms 5-10 centimeters, then 15-20. Rest between dives. If the session time in the pool is 40 minutes, then at first during this time we dived 5 times. Gradually we began to increase the number of dives.

The next step is to teach your child to swim out of the water.

When the child learns to swim to you under water, then the next step is to learn how to swim out of the water on his own in order to take in air. In fact, this is also a largely independent process. There are no ready-made tips in this case.

When I asked this question to the pool employee, she replied that the child will come to this on his own. And so it happened. At first, she began to independently try to pull the head out from under the water, but she did not quite succeed, since she did not understand in which direction she needed to move her hands.

At such moments, her wife helped her. But then, when she began to get better, then here you need to include the most important swimming trick - this is praise and admiration.

In fact, this trick works everywhere, not just swimming. And you need to apply it as often as possible, even in the early stages, when you are just bathing at home in the bath.

If the child does the right thing, praise him. If he pulls his head out from under the water, support him with the words: “Come on, come on, my clever girl! How well you swim! You are such a good fellow ”! You're doing great! ”

Naturally, this should be done with a smile on his face, with applause, so that the child sees and understands that he is being praised for exactly what he is doing at the moment.

Then the child will repeat all this, since he will understand that for this he will be appreciated again, that others like it, that it delights other people.

Summer, vacation, sea ... Who would refuse such a pastime? To get the most out of your body of water, you need to know how to swim. How and at what age to teach a child to swim?

There is no need to talk about the benefits of swimming:

  • hardening of the body as a whole and effective prevention of colds;
  • the formation of a healthy posture;
  • positive emotions;
  • development of physical abilities: coordination of movements, strength and endurance.

“There are unshakable values ​​in sailing that no one will dispute. Everyone should be able to swim! Who is against? .. ", - said the famous Soviet swimmer, four-time Olympic champion and the planet's record holder Vladimir Salnikov.

Oh no, we do not urge you to raise a future Olympic swimmer from your child (although why not), but it is very necessary to teach him this useful skill.

When to teach a child to swim

Babies are the best "learners"

So when can you teach children to swim? You can accustom a baby to water as soon as he is born. For a newborn, the aquatic environment is almost a natural state, because for 9 months he was in the amniotic fluid. And because the crumbs just love to swim. However, vigilant parents should not forget that the water element can be dangerous for babies. In order for the baby not to lose his innate swimming skills, it is necessary to involve a specialist. On the initial stage it will be enough to slightly immerse the child in water and wiggle a little around the perimeter of the bathroom. When the baby learns the simple exercises, he can swim in the pool.

Learning to swim by playing

At the age of one to 4 years, it makes no sense to force a child to learn to swim. At this age, children learn the world through play, therefore, it is worth teaching them to water, giving them the opportunity to splash and just have fun.

The most optimal age for learning to swim, according to experts, is 4 years.

Acquaintance with the water of a child up to a year

Reflex diving

Small children, who love swimming from birth, very quickly learn to stop breathing and row with handles. Many parents are afraid to teach their baby to dive.

“In fact, there is nothing wrong with diving,” advises the popular TV presenter, pediatrician Yevgeny Komarovsky, “a newborn has a very pronounced reflex that prevents water from entering the respiratory tract. If you do not dive for two or three months, this reflex fades away and the child may choke ... This should be done in the position of the child on his stomach. Say the word "dive" out loud and guide your child underwater for a few seconds. He will develop a conditioned reflex very quickly, and the word "dive" alone will be enough for the baby to hold his breath on his own. "

At 1 year old, you can teach your baby to stay on the surface of the water and not be afraid to dip your face in the water. At the same time, it is very easy to overwork a young bather. Swimming involves a huge expenditure of energy and the child runs the risk of getting tired very quickly. Therefore, the first sessions should not last more than 10 minutes.

If the baby resists or is clearly afraid of water, do not insist, otherwise you risk causing the child to become hydrophobic for life.

Swimming training for a child at 1-2 years old


Inhale on land and exhale under water - this is the rule the baby must remember first of all. Playfully. Put a container with water on the bench so that it is at the level of the child's shoulders, immerse the boat with sails there, show how it is necessary to breathe air into the sails so that the boat sailed in the other direction. In this case, the chin should be under water. This game will appeal to any fidget. Having understood the essence of this fun, the child will develop interest, excitement and he will try to breathe out the air. Children 1-2 years old are able to blow on the boat from 6 to 8 times.

Stop breathing!

The next skill of a young swimmer should be the skill of holding his breath under water. Naturally, the first attempts should be carried out on land, sitting in front of a container of water. Get some water, warn the diver: attention! Don't breathe! Dive! Then splash water on his forehead, on his face. Do this exercise 6-8 times. Take a break between attempts: let the child relax, play, jump. Even a few gymnastic exercises... Let the baby also try to lower his head in a container of water for a few moments without closing his eyes.

For how else to teach your baby to swim, see the following video:

The child shows more coordinated movements at about 3 years old.

We teach a child to swim at 3-4 years old

How to teach a child to swim at 3-4 years old? Quite easy if he is not afraid of water and likes to splash around. Breaststroke swimming is suitable, or rather its lightweight version.

It is important to conduct classes in a playful way, not forcing against your will.

You can connect a competitive element: who will swim faster to the mother - the child or the father? Who will stay underwater longer?

"Hearts" with your hands

We teach the child to draw hearts on the surface of the water. To do this, spread the arms outstretched forward to the sides and connect them below. Then we repeat the same thing, only lowering our arms and shoulders into the water, leaving our head on the surface.

"Frog" feet

Holding onto one of the parents with his hands, the child makes repulsive movements with his legs, imitating a frog. At the same time, the parent moves with his back forward, towing the child behind him.


The child should take a sitting position in the water, group, push off with his feet from the bottom and swim, making “hearts” with his hands and a “frog” with his feet. And dad and mom are not just passive observers, but real helpers. The father can support or belay the child from below, while the mother stretches her arms forward and catches the young swimmer.

A key aspect of learning to swim is a positive mood. Do not spare your boy or girl's praise for your smallest successes. When a child feels supported and loved, he will strive to learn further.

How to teach your child to swim in the pool

The same techniques can be used to teach pool swimming. The young swimmer adheres to the side and lies on his stomach with his arms outstretched, while briskly moving his legs, imitating a frog. The same manipulations can be repeated using a foam board. Holding on to the board, the child will move his legs and float. This activity gives preschool children incomparable emotions. Gradually, the board can be removed by using hand movements.

Video on how to teach a child to swim in the pool:

Making a "float"

For children in 3-4 years old exercise "float" is useful: the child inhales air and sinks to the bottom of the pool, then, like a float, rises smoothly again. Of course, this activity should be done in a small paddling pool or in shallow water.

It is important that the child does not have ear pain, otitis media or a tendency to develop it.

First, explain and show the “student” what position the “float” is. Squat down, squeeze your knees with your hands, tilt your head, press your knees and chin to your chest. Let the diver have some kind of goal, for example, a bright toy at the bottom of the pool.

Swimming lessons at 5-6 years old

How to teach a child to swim at 5-6 years old? At this age, children can be taught to crawl using swimming goggles.

Sliding underwater, or "Arrow"

After the child has learned to hold his breath, it's time to try swimming underwater. Why not immediately raising your head above the water? When he has mastered the skill of synchronized movement of his arms and legs, then he can be taught to raise his head above the water for breathing.

So, to slide under water, the child needs to raise his hands above his head, put a closed palm on back side the other hand. Now take a deep breath and pushing off with your feet from the shore or the bottom of the pool, slide forward until you come to a complete stop. At the same time, the legs should be straightened.

If you are engaged in an open reservoir, then the child should perform this action towards an adult, and in no case should not swim alone in the depth!

"Scissors" with your feet

In shallow water, the child focuses on lying on bent arms. If the lesson takes place in the pool, you need to hold onto the side. The legs and torso should be straight parallel to the water. Ideally, the feet should also be extended. In this position, the child begins to do "scissors" - swing straight legs alternately up and down.

"Arrow" with "scissors"

After the previous two exercises have been mastered (the child should slide under water for several meters and be able to do scissors for 2-3 minutes without stopping), you can try to combine them.

"Mill" by hands

Now you need to teach the child to row with his hands. First we try in shallow water, where the water is up to his chest. Show how to make a mill: arms slightly bent in elbow joint take turns describing a semicircle in a circle in the air and sinking into the water. It is important to pay attention to how the hands enter the water: first the hand, then the forearm, and only then the elbow and shoulder.

Breathing exercise

Now we teach the child to breathe correctly while swimming crawl. Support the baby under the chest with his head in the water. He should swing his arms and raise his head above the water towards the arm that completes the stroke, i.e. is under water. In this case, the child inhales air and immediately lowers his head into the water, exhaling air while performing the stroke with the other hand. The sequence is as follows: we rake in water with our left hand, turn the head - inhale; stroke of the hand, turning the head face down - exhale into the water. Repeat until the skill is fixed.

We complete the training

The final stage will be the combination of all exercises. The child pushes off the shore or the side of the pool, makes swings with his hands and inhale-exhale, turning his head towards the rowing hand.

We teach schoolchildren to swim

How to teach a child to swim at the age of 7 and is it too late? Unfortunately, there are a lot of children school age cannot swim. Of course, this is not very good, but this is not a verdict either. The right approach and regular training will do wonders: the student can easily catch up.

Support your child in every possible way, do not try to shame him, the inability to swim is more likely not his minus, but your fault.

It is useless to teach a schoolchild to swim at home, in the bathroom. He needs a pool. The bath, however, can be an ideal assistant for the formation of breathing: let him inhale above water, and exhale slowly under water. Over time, the periods between inhalation and exhalation should increase.

You can teach a student to swim with breaststroke and crawl. But here it is important to perform the exercises accurately so that the correct technique is immediately fixed.

How to teach a child to swim at the age of 7-9 years will be described in detail in the video by trainer Evgeny Saurov:

How you can't teach swimming

Extreme - no!

In no case do not use extreme methods of learning to swim. Some adults do not disdain the "old-fashioned method": they simply throw the child into the water, they say, the instincts will make it float out. Such a merciless method threatens to cause not only a persistent aversion to water in your child, but also psychological trauma.

It happened with Sasha. At the age of 5, he still could not swim. Resting with his family on the reservoir, the boy wallowed in shallow water. He moaned and obsessively asked his parents to teach him how to swim. Father, not even for a second thinking about possible consequences, lifted the child above him and threw him into the water. A fully grown-up Sasha will never forget these seconds of horror, swallowing water and fear. The guy is already 16 years old and he is terrified of water. And the boundless sea surface for him is an irresistible abyss of fear ...

And at the same time, proper familiarity with water and learning to swim contributes to solving many emotional and psychological problems.

Irina, Zakhar's mother is 4 years old: Zakhar is a very modest boy from birth, he was always very shy of his peers in kindergarten. He had no friends. It took him a very long time to get used to kindergarten, cried all the time. Once the teacher advised me to take him to the pool and enroll him in a swimming club. After the first visit to the pool, where he smiled for the first time, Zakhara seemed to be changed: he was a happy baby! That, it turns out, was what the little capricious was waiting for. In the water, the son was liberated, he was not just smiling, he was laughing! Visiting the pool every other day, the fearful Zakhar turned into a perky and cheerful swimmer. Now outside of training, he forgot about tears and made friends.

We do not use accessories for teaching swimming

A varied selection of certain swimming devices and life-saving appliances will certainly come in handy, but ... just not for a beginner swimmer. Professional coaches are not particularly fond of colorful outfit for children, adding that vests and armbands are more a marketing ploy than a way to teach swimming.

Have you not noticed how a child dressed in "inflated" equipment, unsuccessfully tries to take a lying position on the water. And when a child takes off his colored "armor", he may feel a certain insecurity, fear.

It's another matter when the child has already learned to swim. Special swim boards mean better training and improved leg movement techniques. Or the so-called kalabashki designed for training hands. Many pools also have swim paddles that can help swimmers improve their paddling technique.

We do not teach to swim "somehow"

Many children learn to swim like a dog themselves, in spurts or in some other way. This is fraught with the fact that it will be more difficult for them to retrain to swim correctly. Therefore, it is best to ensure that your child is following the swimming techniques accurately from the outset.


These are, perhaps, all the secrets of swimming skills. It turns out that it is never too late to master swimming: neither for very small creatures, nor adolescents, nor even adults. In the case of children, it should be remembered that it is necessary to start when the child does not have a fear of big water - limnophobia. Then your workouts will be crowned with success and will bring maximum health benefits.

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