How to teach a child to stand up for themselves. Physical protection methods

Is your child often attacked by peers? Some of the older boys will take away the toy, some will call it a little boy, tripe it, or even hit it in the face. In such cases, many parents wonder how to protect their child? Perhaps the best way out of such situations will be self-defense courses for children in Moscow, which are held on an ongoing basis in the Gigant sports club.

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Self-defense for children, what does it give?

To begin with, self-defense lessons will help your child master the skills, the presence of which will allow him to fight back not only bullies close to him in age, but also adult intruders.

In addition, classes in the self-defense section for children can become an extremely exciting and interesting way for a child to spend their leisure time, because the training process involves the constant study of new techniques and techniques, leaving almost no room for boredom.

By attending children's self-defense courses your child:

  • Will master effective practical skills, the presence of which will help him to stand up for himself
  • Improves reaction and coordination of movements
  • Will become stronger, dexterous and attentive
  • Will become much more self-confident and learn to achieve the set goals

In addition, training will make him more responsible and obligatory, which can be extremely beneficial in many life situations.

Children's self-defense courses, where is it better to study in the capital?

If you are seriously thinking about giving your child the opportunity to master self-defense skills, remember that the maximum effect from such activities can be achieved only under the guidance of an experienced coach.

The team of mentors of the Gigant sports club includes exclusively professionals in their field with a successful sports career behind them and many years of experience in coaching. Sign up for a free trial lesson now and see for yourself!

Also at your service:

  • A friendly, open, beginner-loyal atmosphere that will allow the child to quickly forget about shyness and self-doubt
  • Modern, well-equipped sports hall
  • The ability to simultaneously attend several sections operating in our club at once
  • Ability to use exercise equipment
  • Free parking
  • Convenient location (just a few minutes from the Alekseevskaya metro station).

Nearest metro stations : Metro Alekseevskaya, Metro Riga, Metro VDNKh, Metro Prospekt Mira.District of North-Eastern Administrative District

Our advantages

Classes in mini-groups of 8-12 people

We learn to fight, strike, and move correctly. Sparring - after 3 months and only at will.

159 champions prepared

Our athletes regularly participate in competitions. They brought up champions in mix fighting, grappling, boxing, etc.

Unlimited visit to the club

The ability to combine different types of martial arts and the price will not increase.

Within walking distance. Free parking!

15 minutes. from metro Alekseevskaya and 4 min. from the railway station Moscow-3.

Stellar coaching staff

All coaches are Masters of Sports of Russia. Winners of International Tournaments. Champions of Moscow. Coaching experience from 5 years.

Personal nutrition program

Is free! Taking into account the type of martial arts and your taste preferences. We will improve your health, physical fitness.

What will you learn at the Gigant Club

  • Lose excess weight.
  • You will gain self-confidence.
  • We will teach you how to attack and defend correctly.
  • Deliver precise strikes.
  • Move correctly in the ring.


  • We will correct mistakes in technique.
  • We will expand the range of percussion combinations.
  • Let's increase the force and speed of the blow.
  • Let's prepare for the competition.
  • Let's put a knockout blow.
  • An easy way to lose weight.
  • Learn effective self-defense.
  • Improving the level of self-esteem.
  • Let's prepare for the competition.
  • The physical condition will improve.

For 1.5 hours, you will work out according to a specially designed program and gradually build up momentum, hone your strikes, achieve leg stability, become more enduring, stronger and smarter with each workout. You will learn the stance, correct movements, movement patterns, all types of blows, acquire a quick reaction, learn to restrain your emotions.

Martial arts are perfect for strengthening the child's health and forming responsibility, for example, hand-to-hand combat will help form a strong character and teach you to make the right decisions almost instantly. Instructors of the Stenka school in Moscow will teach children various types of combat:

  • army hand-to-hand combat (specializes in self-defense techniques);
  • Russian hand-to-hand combat (there is no strictly defined battle scenario, which contributes to the development of a child's reaction).

You can send a child to the section for martial arts training from the age of 4. In the "Wall" groups are formed in accordance with the age and gender of the students (girls can also study). Children's fight takes place in special protective equipment. The trainings are conducted by professional instructors who will teach the child self-defense techniques and become a positive example for him.

Hand-to-hand combat for children is an effective way to spend their energy on the acquisition of important skills that will definitely come in handy in adulthood. The section will teach you how to interact in a group. Classes for a child 4-12 years old, in order to achieve good results, should be attended 3 times a week. The formation of the schedule of classes takes place taking into account the wishes of the child's parents. You can find out how much the classes cost by calling the phone numbers listed on the website.

Hand-to-hand combat section for teenagers

The Stenka hand-to-hand fighting school in Moscow conducts classes for children from 7 to 17 years old. The sports section of hand-to-hand combat is a great way for teenagers to learn effective self-defense techniques and Russian mixed martial arts.

The program of the section includes classes in army hand-to-hand combat, studying and practicing techniques for working with weapons, wrestling and percussion techniques. The child, under the close supervision of professional instructors in training hand-to-hand fighting in the club, will learn to react as quickly as possible to the enemy's actions. Special outfit protects children from injury during sparring. After the beginner's course, the child will be able to anticipate and avoid dangerous situations. Visiting a hand-to-hand fighting club gives you psychological confidence in your own abilities, which is especially important for teenagers.

Classes are held in Moscow in several rooms located in different parts of the capital. You can choose any of them. The cost of the course depends on the number of lessons per week, the form of training - individual or group.

Classes will help your child develop important skills, strengthen muscles, become more resilient and independent. Even not possessing great physical strength, competently applying effective techniques, a teenager will be able to protect himself and his loved ones. Both boys and girls need to take a self-defense course.

Athletic child - healthy child

Classes in the sports section in Moscow will allow the child to study the direction of martial arts that he likes. You can focus on self-defense techniques, which is especially important for a child. It will be interesting for teenagers to learn how to handle weapons. You can develop hand-to-hand as a professional athlete.

It is possible to teach a child the techniques of defense and attack from a very early age. In the Stenka club, groups are formed in accordance with the age and level of physical fitness of future students. As a result of training, the following results are achieved:

  • self-confidence appears, which is often lacking in adolescence;
    health promotion;
  • The child spends his free time with benefit;
  • adolescents acquire important skills to navigate in any extreme situation;
  • special attention is paid to practicing self-defense techniques.

Even if the skills acquired during the class are never useful in real life, they will help the child feel confident and calm in any situation.

Mostly boys are engaged. But girls also need to know basic self-defense techniques.

Many girls enjoy boyish activities. So the daughter can be safely enrolled in any kind of martial art. Firstly, it will improve physical fitness and during an attack, she will at least be able to quickly escape. And secondly, in training, she will learn techniques that can help her in difficult situations.

Self-defense is not always an attack. Not every girl has enough strength to cope with the enemy. But it is possible and necessary to get out of a dangerous situation unscathed. For example, you can distract the attacker or strike him, and until the enemy comes to his senses, quickly retreat from the scene.


  • The most important thing in both attack and defense is confidence. In extreme situations, it is important not to get confused. can inject sports training.
  • Use the items at hand. Little girly fists can not always cope with the difficult task of hitting the enemy. Take a look around. Perhaps there is something nearby that will come to the rescue. Even sand, which can be thrown into the eyes of the attacker, or the keys to the apartment, will help protect. Girls who are already wearing perfume or hairspray can use them to protect themselves. Just remember to always carry them in your purse. The standard option is a self-defense gas canister.
  • A person has body parts that are more vulnerable than others. These are the nose, eyes, knees, solar plexus, throat, groin. They are the ones that need to be protected in the first place. And you need to aim at them when hitting the enemy.
  • When hitting, you need to use blocks. If the attacker tries to punch, react quickly and block. At this moment, it is important not to get confused and, until the enemy comes to his senses, to strike back.


If perfume, hairspray or spray are not at hand, you need to discourage the enemy in other ways. Best defense is attack. You need to deal with any blow with all your might. Putting all your weight into it.

Not all of the above vulnerabilities are available to the child. The opponent can be taller, so a blow to the nose or eyes is not always impossible.

  • The most common blow is in the groin. He will discourage the attacker for a long time, so there will be time to escape.
  • The more accessible places are the kneecap and lower leg. After such a blow, it will be much more difficult to catch up with the evader.
  • The easiest trick for a child is to step hard on the foot. A kick to the arch of the foot is good if the attacker has thin shoes.
  • A blow to the solar plexus will disrupt the enemy's breathing rhythm.
  • A blow to the chin will also help fight off the attacker. It acts on the cerebellum and knocks the enemy out of the rut.

Be sure to talk to your daughter about self-defense. And in his free time, dad can work out basic blows with her, show her where and how to be. Such classes may not be useful to her in life, but they will not be superfluous for sure.

For teenagers, this is what this article will be about. Adolescents are completely different people, unlike adult men or women, and self-defense techniques for them should be slightly different. Of course, the very essence will not change at all, but certain points will be completely different. Self-defense option depends not only on physical fitness, but also on psychological. I would like to note that during physical training, psychological training is also significantly improved - there is no way without it.

Self defense for teens

If you are one of the parents, then I will allow myself to give advice. There are many options for self-defense, many tricks, cunning, dastardly punches, but at the same time it is very desirable, nevertheless, to have physical strength. If the girls, many, will not be taken to strength training classes, then the guys need to be trained, or sent to the appropriate sections without fail, I think. I could of course be wrong. At any age, a guy will not be damaged by a horizontal bar and uneven bars, other exercises with his own weight, which are called. Even if there is no horizontal bar and bars, then you can corny push-ups from the floor. Fortunately, a lot. No training with a barbell, kettlebells and other iron is needed - ordinary horizontal bars and parallel bars, which are in almost every yard, will help a teenager and an adult become stronger.

Since we figured out the physical training, you can move on to the next item - psychological training.

Psychological preparation

Psychological preparation plays a very important role in any fight, and more often than not the one who is stronger wins, but the one who is more determined. Physical fitness and psychological are very closely related. In any case, a person who plays sports will be more prepared psychologically. This sport can be either Street Workout or any martial art - it doesn't matter. Naturally, such a sport, for example, as chess, will not prepare psychologically. A person, in particular a teenager, when exercising, sees changes for the better, feels stronger, and as a result, reassurance. It will not be easy to break him both in a street fight and in life in general.

Self defense for teens

Speaking specifically about self-defense, then it is probably worth dividing them into several groups - for the trained and the unprepared.

Despite the fact that there is such a thing as self-defense, do not forget that there is such a thing as running, which is an excellent self-defense option for teenagers. If you see that two incomprehensible uncles are walking at you in a dark alley, with obviously bad intentions, then you should not pose as a hero. In this case, the best means of self-defense for a teenager, both trained and unprepared - or more precisely -. By the way, running is also a very good sport - it develops the respiratory system and strengthens the legs at least. With your legs pumped up with the help of a sprint, it is a good idea to stop by an incomprehensible uncle.

If a teenager is prepared and knows how to carry out a particular blow, then he can use it, and most likely, he will use it automatically - this is the point of preparation. An unprepared ray can escape from incomprehensible uncles. Now, here are some universal recommendations.

A blow to the groin. Naturally, this is a well-known blow, and it is very effective. A shin strike between the legs will make any man experience a painful shock. You just need to find the right moment.

a boy of 11 years old, they were looking for a coach so that the child could stand up for himself, feel confident in himself, learned how to hit and kick correctly and not get crippled. Hrachik Gegamovich coped with the task perfectly. Son, not having any skills in martial arts under ...

the coach's guidance quickly acquired them. Hrachik Gegamovich showed himself to be a professional, reasonable, excellent teacher who knows how to motivate a student by teaching him the necessary technique step by step. The child was waiting for the coach's arrival with impatience and completely devoted himself to training, not turning into a fighter and a bully, but remaining a normal well-bred child. I will add that we live in the Moscow region (80 km from the Moscow Ring Road). Getting to us is not always convenient and long enough. Hrachik Gegamovich was never late for the appointed training time, which speaks of his obligation and responsibility as a person. The cost of the service was fully consistent with the result. I highly recommend this specialist for classes for absolutely any child.

Grade 5+

Great coach, great person. Attentive to his students, he conducts interesting trainings built on the personal professional experience of a successful fighter of various types of martial arts, and the experience of a professional trainer with extensive experience in coaching. Classes are held according to programs written ...

trainer and designed for different levels of training. Starting from beginners and ending with already established fighters, winners of various competitions. After several lessons, Alexey, like a true professional, became for me not only a coach, but also a good companion, a real mentor and role model in terms of physical fitness and fortitude. I really like to study with Alexey. I consider him, without exaggeration, the best ARB trainer in Moscow! I recommend to everyone!

Grade 5+

Alexander, M. Taganskaya

Order services: Hand-to-hand combat. Self-defense.


Pros: Thanks a lot! found an excellent self-defense coach. We are engaged not only in physical training, but in defense techniques. I especially recommend to girls! Thank you very much to for your help in choosing. Cons: no Description: self-defense courses, sambo wrestling.

Grade 5+

I am 26. I am physically poorly prepared, I have never been involved in such martial arts before. Once, I tried to do this kind of martial arts (hand-to-hand combat). I came to the section, there for a long time without talking (because there was no time for conversations - there were a lot of people), they put me in sparring with ...

quite an experienced partner who mistook me for a pear and "marked" me in full. This was the end of the coaching work. I realized that it was more like a coaching club for the improvement of already trained athletes. I had to start from scratch. Therefore, on the recommendation of experienced people, I turned to Marshall with a request to take up my training in martial arts. Here, I met a complete understanding of how to build classes with beginners like me. The main attention was paid to the issue of technique and techniques used in martial arts. Most importantly, he took into account my peculiarity - poor physical fitness and other individual characteristics, patiently explaining and correcting my mistakes. From the very first lessons, I learned a lot about the technique of defense and striking. This instilled in me confidence in my abilities and I believed in myself, which was not there before. For all this, I am very grateful to him and I consider him a very good, thoughtful coach, able to teach martial arts to any beginner (even such as - I am a "nerd" :-))

Grade 5+

Andrei, M. Dynamo, Maryina Roshcha, Timiryazevskaya

Order services: Hand-to-hand combat.


Sergey makes a very positive impression as a professional and as a person. I have been studying for about a month, but I have already learned a lot and learned a thing or two. After the first lesson, he quit smoking, although he smoked for more than 10 years. So they influence morally and physically load classes with Sergei) Training ...

are high quality and dynamic. Sergey explains everything (why so, why) and individually gives the load. He is extremely punctual and very tactful in communication. In general, what to say - come to study with Sergei! You will not regret! The place (on clean ponds) is also pleasing - a specialized martial arts center with an atmospheric interior.

Grade 5+

Alexander, m. Chistye Prudy, Electrozavodskaya

Ordering services: Boxing. Hand-to-hand combat. Self-defense.


Maxim Olegovich is a wonderful person and an excellent coach! Children and parents love him, they go to his classes with joy. He finds an approach to different children, regardless of character, health problems or other characteristics. This is a calm, benevolent, patient, balanced person, but at the same time ...

at the same time persistent in his requirements for students. Knows how to achieve the desired results without crippling the child's psyche. Never raises his voice to children and does not suppress, while maintaining discipline. The correct approach to children (also to their parents), gradual, unobtrusive introduction of children into the world of Wushu. I also like the absence of aggressiveness and arrogance in his teaching and behavior, which is very common among coaches in various types of martial arts. I am sure that Maxim Olegovich will be able to give my son not only confidence in himself, to teach self-defense (the main goal of many parents), but also to find harmony in himself. My main goal is for my child to learn self-control and be able to solve problems (including self-defense) without turning into a monster. We made the right choice, for which we thank your organization, which was able to find such a coach for us!

Grade 5+
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