Parkour games. Various methods of teaching parkour - tips and feedback Where to do parkour

Should parkour be allowed for children?

If you let things take their course and simply forbid the child to do what he likes, then, most likely, he will begin training on his own, without the supervision of real tracers. Often such activities lead to injury and even disability or death from overestimating one's own capabilities. Out of every ten people who want to learn how to learn parkour, only two choose this lifestyle. And out of the retired two or three have serious injuries.

Until the age of 15-16, other sports can be offered that will contribute to the development of a muscular corset, help develop joint flexibility and ligament elasticity:

  • Non-professional gymnastics.
  • Athletics.
  • Rock climbing.
  • Combat sports.

Parkour for beginners should be formed with knowledgeable mentors who will help, support, warn if necessary.

A beginner is one who has been practicing parkour for less than a year. The main rule of parkour is not to harm your health.

To prevent stretching of the ligaments, destruction of joints, you need to build up muscles in the arms, legs, body. There is no rush, parkour does not tolerate haste. It is harmful and dangerous to go to study next exercise without bringing the previous one to automatism.

Safety engineering

  1. Beginners should not jump from a height of more than 1.5 meters. With each jump, unprepared joints receive microtrauma. After a few months, destruction of the joint, especially the knee, can occur.
  2. Legs should be bent with an angle of at least 90 ° in knee joint when falling down. It is strictly forbidden to twist the joints of the foot and knee under load.
  3. Jumping with support - decoys - it is recommended to train at a support height not less than the level of the beginner's belt.
  4. Right and left-hand side bodies must move in sync with parkour training. This is especially important when landing, so that the load on the tracer's legs is evenly distributed.
  5. Before doing parkour and at the end of the workout, you need to warm up, and you need to spend an equal amount of time on warm-up and strength exercises.
  6. Do complex elements of parkour only when you are physically and mentally ready for this and are completely confident in the correctness of the execution.

How to learn parkour?

A more experienced tracer will show you how to learn parkour from scratch. It is better to have a personal teacher, perhaps training in a team.

Parkour lessons for beginners should include the following basic exercises:

  • Vestibular apparatus training, movement coordination.
  • Jogging 1 km. Late overcoming, daily 5 km with acceleration.
  • Circular rotation of all joints in order to develop their flexibility and ligament sprain.
  • Running jumps, standing, over rough terrain.
  • Training of correct landings and falls, brought to automatism.

It is best to train outdoors. Unlike the gym, parkourists here learn to fall and get up without the softness of the mats.

What a beginner should be able to do to practice parkour:

  • At least 15 push-ups.
  • 5 pull-ups.
  • In an upward jump, you need to reach your chest with your knees, buttocks with your heels.
  • Run a distance of 1 km without failing to breathe.
  • Do not smoke, do not use drugs, do not drink drinks containing even a small amount of alcohol.

Parkour has a lot to do with martial arts:

  • It takes dedication.
  • Obligatory mutual assistance, discipline.
  • Your fears are conquered.
  • Endurance develops.

It should be remembered that when a person chooses to practice parkour, he chooses a different way of thinking, a different way of life. Parkour is the freedom to move around the city in a different way.

The capabilities of the human body and brain are still poorly understood. And, perhaps, doing parkour is just a step that will help you better understand yourself and develop your own abilities, to achieve harmony between body and soul.

Parkour is the art of movement in space using only one's own body, when the surrounding objects (benches, curbs, trees, stairs) are perceived not as obstacles, but as obstacles that must be avoided or overcome. The basis is the desire to circumvent restrictions, disobedience to them.

Parkour is considered extreme view sports. It is quite dangerous, especially for those who are still learning. Often leads to fractures and serious injuries, however, many parkourists believe that everything depends on the quality of the preliminary preparation. In addition, some use special protection.


Parkour requires excellent body control. To move in space completely freely, you need to be in a good physical form... This is helped by rock climbing. Many athletes are also involved in various martial arts, where the stake is also placed on overcoming oneself, the ability to cope with their own weaknesses, and challenge oneself. Acrobatics, weightlifting often run parallel to parkour.

The ability to quickly navigate in space, memorize the path traveled, and also look for a new one is also important. Parkourists are taught to isolate key points which you can stop at.

Parkour philosophy and the opinion of its creator

Parkour has a founder - David Belle. He believes that we are talking about something more, not just about movement, but about the desire to overcome obstacles, to solve the tasks facing you. In his opinion, the world can be turned into a kind of training ground, learning to switch perception in such a way that the tasks facing you begin to be perceived in the same way as you see physical objects when doing parkour.

That is, instead of insurmountable obstacles, there is something that can be bypassed, with which it is quite possible to cope. At the same time, parkour is built on rationality, which sharply distinguishes it from freerunning, where great attention paid to entertainment, the ability to impress. In the latter case, it is said about the importance of learning to move beautifully, to control your body in order to impress others.

Difference from freerunning

Freerunning is more suitable for advertising. His followers, along with the founder of the trend, Sebastian Fukan, much more often than parkourists took part in various filmed television shows, clips, staging tricks and other things. As a result, they know much more about freerunning, although some people confuse it with parkour. In general, this is not surprising, because the training of athletes is often fundamentally identical. Discrepancies begin at the stage of mastering additional elements. Parkourists rely on efficiency and endurance, while those who practice freerunning rely on entertainment.

Parkour development

Historically, parkour came from military discipline, which took root in the army, was tested in two world wars, and helped many to survive. Then one of the soldiers began to practice it in peacetime, becoming a firefighter. It was the father of founder David Belle, Raymond. Who for his bravery and heroic rescue of several people from the fire in a critical situation received many awards.

David, who sincerely admired his father, decided to develop his abilities. Together with Sebastian Fukan, he began his first training sessions. But after some time, their paths diverged, as David perceived his art outside of commerce. Fukan saw nothing wrong with making a business out of him, he began to take money for teaching parkour.

In modern world

Parkour is gradually gaining more and more recognition. In Great Britain, for example, in some schools this art began to be included in the programs. The Parkour Academy was founded in the northern capital of Russia. Many representatives of law enforcement agencies talk about the desirability of such training for personnel, especially for operatives, because possession of such skills allows them to more effectively prosecute criminals.

To the cinema

The general public learned about parkour after the release of the film "Yamakashi: The New Samurai", which told about a new criminal group with unique skills of movement in space. By the way, Belle refused to appear in this project, he reacted to it rather negatively, said that parkour should not cause people to associate with theft and the world of crime. After that, 2 more films "District 13" and "District 13: Ultimatum" were released, scripts for which were written by Luc Besson, where Belle had already starred.

In one of the films about the adventures of James Bond, the chase scene at the very beginning includes elements of parkour. Jackie Chan began to use this art in combination with fighting techniques in his paintings.

Game industry

"Mirror's Edge" is one of the games where the action is dedicated to parkour. She received high marks from experienced tracers. Differs in amazing realism and conveys movement well. The characteristic style of player movement in space can be found in the famous "Assassin's Creed" series.

What is parkour?

Parkour can be called a discipline or an art. Outwardly, it is a way of moving in space, which includes jumping, pulling up, hanging, somersaults, of course, running and much more. Also includes dodge and balance skills. It is very important to be able to group and fall correctly, which makes it possible to avoid serious injury.

Parkour cannot be called traditional view sports. There is no adversariality here, the result does not matter. The process itself is important, the ability to control your own body. And this is another element that sharply distinguishes it from everything else.

If walking on the asphalt seems boring to you, and to move around the city you prefer what other people would consider obstacles, then on this page you will find a lot of interesting things. Fascinating and vivid parkour games will not let you get bored, even if you have to sit at home for a long time, and there is no way to hone your tricks in real life. Parkour games are the best entertainment for those who prefer to always be above the gray crowd! Choose any and plunge into the world of reckless urban chaos!

From the history of the issue

Now it's hard to believe, but the first tracer appeared in the world at the end of the 19th century, and it was the French naval navigator Georges Hebert. The basics of the technique of movement using only his own body as a driving mechanism were gleaned by him from African aborigines. This style, which Ebert gave the name "natural method", turned out to be very effective technique training soldiers and was actively used during the first and second world wars.

There, in the French army, later served the father of David Belle, one of the founders of the first team of tracers "Yamakashi". The son, who sought to imitate his father in everything, of course, wanted to grow up as strong and dexterous. With his aspiration, David infected all his friends, who became members of the team. So, starting with a game, parkour becomes a real movement with its own laws and training system.


As a rule, what we all know as “parkour”, in fact, is not. All those beautiful videos with smart tracers, which the Internet is full of, basically show us freerunning classes. In principle, training methods and appearance These two disciplines are very similar, but the philosophy of tracers and the goals pursued by the followers of a particular school are fundamentally different.

The split between true parkour and freerunning occurred at a time when it became clear that new idea free movement in urban settings can generate income. Then the two founders of the first group of tracers could not agree, determining the path of development of their offspring. Unlike Belle, Sebastian Fukan saw nothing wrong with monetizing a successful idea. Therefore, he took money for lessons and did not refuse to participate in commercial projects, even starred in several films.

It was he who created the freerunning direction, main goal which is not the fastest possible movement to the desired point in space, but the beauty of performing tricks. Freerunning, so to speak, allows the tracer to show off - and parkour in its "true" incarnation does not support such games. In Belle's philosophy, there is no place for narcissism - only speed and an inner feeling of freedom from the tight framework of society.

It's never too late to learn! (and not early, of course)

Don't think that only teenagers can do parkour. In fact, there are many cases when both very elderly tracers and very young ones achieved certain heights in the art of overcoming obstacles. Do not be afraid of anything, because the main guarantee of success is dedication and hard work.

And, of course, good mentor... Without a real guru, it is quite difficult to learn all the intricacies of this philosophy, just as it is difficult to find an intelligent teacher in your city. It's good that in the age of development information technologies the Internet can come to the rescue where human communication is powerless! Indeed, on the network you can find both a mentor who will agree to work with you remotely, and self-instruction manuals that do not require personal communication.

These tutorials include, for example, parkour games that will allow you to train online without leaving your computer. Of course, online training will not make you stronger and more agile, but it will help your brain to better remember those combinations that need to be repeated live.

The main thing that must always be maintained with this method of learning is a sense of proportion. Remember that any workout should be gradual: if you immediately rush to perform very difficult tricks, there is a high probability that not only will you not succeed in your plan, but you yourself will end up in a hospital bed. After all, this is a rather traumatic sport!

Therefore, the first time you should devote to a thorough analysis and study of those tricks that you will see in the performance of the hero of the parkour game. Only then, having analyzed which muscle groups are involved in a particular element, and having spent many hours training these muscles, having carefully memorized the technique and trained enough online, will you be able to go out and try to apply the knowledge gained in practice.

Do not stop training for a second!

The human brain is designed in such a way that any knowledge that we do not use for a long time is very quickly erased from memory. That is why, if you are forced not to do parkour for some time, then after a break you will need a long recovery period: you will not be able to do the same incredible things as before!

And if it will be difficult to do something with the muscles that are lazy in the absence of training, then it is not so difficult to prevent the brain from forgetting the basic techniques and techniques. You can watch videos with tracers on the Internet, you can scroll through combinations and tricks in your head every free minute, or you can play parkour games. These simple techniques will allow you to recover much faster and start living again. active life after any break, no matter how long it may be!

It will not be difficult to find online simulators for a tracer on the network. But if you find yourself on this page, then you don't need to look for anything else! After all, the most best games parkour are already collected on our website. You can play any parkour games online absolutely free. And this means even more time that you can spend doing what you love!

Some people think that parkour is a way to move around in space. Some people think that this is a way of perceiving reality. "There are no obstacles - they repeat after the founding father - there are only obstacles that need to be overcome."

In fact, the tracer only overcomes himself.... Their fear, weakness, untrainedness, norms instilled from childhood, including the norms of culture of movement and socialization. Overcomes civilization-instilled habit of obedience, traffic rules and misunderstood moral norms. Overcomes the initially inculcated "civilized" man's discord to the world around him and "non-conflict" to society.

When they say that a person “has subjugated the ecology by creating a convenient world for himself,” many do not think that this very “convenient world” of cities with its streets, which must be walked on, fences that cannot be jumped, and trees that cannot climbing, with his speed limit, also subdued a person.

Accepting the conventions of modern urban civilization, we renounce nature. Do I need to do this?

That is why the "white man" has always lost in fair fight for life in the forest to all animal predators and people - Indians, Indians, peoples of the North, Negro hunters, Eastern martial arts fighters ... that is people who have not lost touch with nature able to constantly be aware of his body, his movement and position of the body in space - even during fast movement. Such awareness and the ability to go anywhere and survive in any situation was originally inherent in good hunters and warriors, which our civilization, alas, no longer needs. But this is by no means a reason to sit in a comfortable armchair and put on weight.

Parkour for beginners

So, the first thing a tracer should start with, who has decided that he wants to learn parkour, is with his own motivation. Parkour assumes the psychology of a hunter who, in pursuit of prey, does not stop in front of obstacles and does not abandon the goal. Even if this goal is not to catch up with the deer, but to go through the city in a straight line. The thoughts “it is impossible, it is impossible, I cannot, they will not understand me” should leave the consciousness. You cannot learn parkour at home. And show-off also has no place in the head of the tracer.

A tracer is a person who is free from everything, including the need to capture the imagination of others or conform to their views on how he should (or should not) behave. This is not a cynical self-confrontation, this is a calm decision to live the way you like and not interfere with others living their lives the way they like. The best tracers rarely get attention.

A good hunter will not constantly walk around the city and tell everyone how cool he is. A real hunter hunts, a real tracer walks through the city, and so quickly and skillfully that it is hardly possible for the townspeople to see him for more than a few seconds.

The tracer does not perceive the obstacle as an obstacle, this is his psychological difference. As long as a person sees an "obstacle", perceives it as an "obstacle", he is not free. There is such a wonderful Soviet film, "The Wizards". There was a wonderful instruction for passing through the walls: "I see the goal, I believe in myself, and I spit on the obstacle." This is how you need to learn how to do parkour. Tracer also goes through space as if it were homogeneous and unhindered by definition. This requires willpower and mental power.

So, everyone who wants show-off and unfading glory in girls' eyes - alas, not to us. It's not parkour that makes a person cool, but cool people come to this sport to become even cooler. We enjoy the work of muscles, speed, awareness of our unstoppability and cross-country ability. Well, the girls, as they say - later.

Parkour is a sport that requires, in addition to the specific psychological attitude, also considerable physical fitness... This is the case when moral strength, physical strength, reaction speed, coordination of movements and the ability to make an accurate assessment of the unit of space through which you are now moving, must be united. Parkour is exclusively motional improvisation, but improvisation on well-developed and automated skills of conscious movement.

If you are planning to go hiking but have not yet purchased a sleeping bag, you are welcome. All about how to choose the right sleeping bag.

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How to become a tracer

To learn to do parkour, obviously, you need dry, strong and very hardy muscles, flexible joints with a powerful ligamentous apparatus, because sometimes the entire body weight falls on one supporting arm, and the body bends or twists in a jump, without support. You need a powerful, developed breathing apparatus capable of intermittent loads, and accustomed to a long interval running legs. You need finger tenacity, good reflexes and excellent coordination of movements.

Where to learn parkour? Now almost everywhere there are parkour clubs or at least its practicing guys, so a beginner should look for experienced fighters in his city. What is called, or legs will be found, or Google to help. It is easier and safer to learn exercises in a team.- experienced masters and know how to do the trick, and will hedge if anything.

You can do it on the street, in the gym, or at least at home. Even if you decide to learn parkour on your own, it is better to learn the exercise in the gym, then learn parkour tricks in practice, in nature.

Trying to immediately execute difficult jump or a coup, without developed motor skills and flexibility, a beginner is at great risk. You can hardly expect anything other than dislocations, fractures and bruises from practicing parkour, if the body is not physically developed, and you yourself very vaguely imagine where which leg or arm (and at what second) should fly during the jump.

What sports will help you learn parkour quickly?

Bodybuilding (more precisely, body fitness)

Of course, you will need a simulator and work on strength training equipment... But the training program needs a special one. The tracer does not need the loose, heavy and voluminous muscles of a bodybuilder. In addition, such hypertrophied muscles are also "slow", the training process itself makes it grow slow fibers... To nothing and classic powerlifting with its hyperdeveloped chest and musculature of the torso and arms, allowing you to squeeze two of your weights from the chest once.

It is quite enough if the tracer will work in the gym with a barbell of his own weight, but work for endurance, for example, 5-6 sets of 15-20 reps. Generally all training "on iron" should be based on the principle of gaining semi-dry mass and developing endurance, in one workout, the whole body is trained, while at least four should be done for one muscle group different exercises to make the muscle work underneath different angles and loads to complete exhaustion. The workout is not easy and takes about two hours.

This will allow, firstly, to get a dry and light body without fat, which the muscles will easily move in space, and secondly, it will give the full development of all bundles of each muscle and all the muscles-assistants, and thirdly, it will avoid the often occurring pitching clumsiness and amplitude strength, when a muscle can work at full strength only in one position that is familiar to it. Semi-dry weight training gives you just animal endurance on the track. It is also important that a well-pumped body is less injured.

Special attention it is necessary to turn to exercises on the strength of the finger grip and the development of the tendons of the wrist and ankle, on exercises with our own weight - push-ups, pull-ups with different positions of the hands, on paravertebral ( deep muscles back, "pillars" along the spine) and powerful work on the press, especially the oblique abdominal muscles. It is important to pump your hamstrings, without it, parkour is not parkour, but tears.

Such training programs are usually for tourists, mountaineers and rock climbers.

Dances or martial arts

These two arts (or sports) are united here solely for their effect on our motor and analytical skills. Both martial arts and pair dances are taught to work in close contact with a partner, to constantly adapt to an unknown quantity - his more or less unpredictable movements, to coordinate his movements in sync with him, without losing his line of movement and control over others.

Sparring or dancing also gives stamina, patience and the ability to observe and choose the most winning line of movement in real time. In other words, a sparring partner trains the tracer to have a sense of contact with obstacles on the track, gives the skill to accurately assess rapidly changing space conditions, the characteristics of obstacles and the ability to instantly adapt to them by choosing the right movement.

It is very important for parkour to have regular and balanced diet and sleep mode... It is impossible to keep the muscles in working order, eating chips, and even then in fits and starts, and chronically lack of sleep. It is also advisable to get rid of the habit of alcohol and smoking. As they say, nothing personal, one science: nicotine causes a spasm of smooth muscles. Having smoked a cigarette before going on the track or training, a person for an hour and a half provides himself with a persistent spasm (narrowing) of the blood vessels through which, while running, the heart will heroically try to push blood. In other words, we get oxygen deficiency and an overload of the heart muscle from scratch.

After a workout, the muscles require an increased amount of oxygen for another hour in order to rest and repair damage. A cigarette right after training will deprive them of that chance. As for alcohol, you need to remember that it puts a strain on the liver, which will already rake a mountain of slag after the race. If you don't give a damn about the liver, think about the fact that 100 grams of vodka per day stops the production of testosterone in the body. And where there is no testosterone, there is no muscle and courage.

And in fact, for happiness you need parkour, not surrogates.

We offer you to watch a video on how to learn parkour correctly

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What it is

It is very interesting to play parkour, but let's find out how this youth movement came about, so we will try to open the veil of secrecy for you.

The word parkour is translated from English as an obstacle course, which characterizes this occupation very well. But you need to understand that the obstacle course will be not only physical (barriers, roofs, walls), but also psychological, requiring deep spiritual and moral development from a person.

The art of parkour is the ability to feel and control your body, to be always calm and calculating, as well as to quickly assess the situation and your abilities. It is somewhat reminiscent of professional martial arts, where, before teaching people to use dangerous techniques, it is sure to be discussed that they will be used only with the threat of causing serious harm to themselves and their loved ones.

For some reason, many people think that parkour is just jumping over roofs, benches and other obstacles. And among the people, there is an opinion that it is very easy to do this - you just need to go to special sites and start training, but this is a very strong delusion. Unlike football and other sports, where you just need to sign up for a section and run across the field passing the ball to each other, in order to start doing parkour, you need a lot of skills, and most importantly, not only physical, but also spiritual development.

Real tracers (people who practice parkour) should have good reaction, the ability to completely control your body, and in the flesh to certain muscles and good physical and spiritual development. Before starting, overcoming even the smallest obstacles, it takes an average tracer from 1 to 2 years to prepare. At this time, for the general development of your body and reaction, the following are excellent: playing tennis, running long distances, running with obstacles, rock climbing and similar sports.

In schools, professional tracers teach students meditation, self-knowledge, concentration and a number of own exercises helping to feel your body, to feel your life, your energy and your strength. Such training perfectly strengthens the will, attentiveness and helps to cope with anger for especially hot-tempered natures.

The emergence of parkour

The history of the emergence of the movement is divided into several stages that are not connected in any way occurring in different places and at different times. The progenitor of parkour is the so-called "Natural Method" that appeared in France at the very beginning of the 20th century. The philosophy of this movement was constant physical and spiritual development, control of their feelings and the desire for self-knowledge. The training program for the "Natural Method" included such disciplines as running on long distances, hurdle jogging, martial arts, long jump, obstacle course and great height... But serious attention was also paid to spiritual development... As it was said then - "tempering the spirit and mind."

But the history of the parkour movement begins in 1997, when David Belle, who had previously done self-training alone, recorded and posted several videos on the Internet, showing his achievements to the whole world. After these videos spread all over the Internet, a whole school was founded by Bellem, through which he began to promote his ideology to the masses. Over time, Davido gained many followers, not only in France, but all over the world. For his lessons, David did not take a penny of money. Later, one of his followers, Sebastien Fukan, began to take money for parkour lessons, which strongly contradicted the ideology promoted by David, because of which Fukan left the group and founded his own movement - Free Run (freerunning).

Computer games

Parkour games for boys were great fun that combined their physical safety and adrenaline-inducing activity at the same time.

Screenshot from Mirror's Edge, DICE, Electronic Arts, Valve Corporation.

For the computer, only one parkour game was released, which was called Mirror's Edge. She was born in 2009 and won the attention of many gamers with its uniqueness and gameplay. In it, you got into the future and you were asked to go through a series of dangerous tasks to find and transfer packages with information, avoiding enemies trying to take possession of them and jumping on roofs.

The famous series will also be Prince of Persia, where fights, puzzles and jumping on the windowsills, running along the walls and climbing over the protruding stones are perfectly combined.

Flash games in parkour most often represent ordinary runners, in which you have to overcome dangerous cliffs and climb high buildings.

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