How do gym equipment work? Description of strength training equipment

Slim stomach, elastic buttocks, how much sense in a nutshell ... But to achieve an excellent result and press with dense cubes, you need to work, and here you cannot do without a modern simulator.

There are a huge number of simulators, but some of them are professional and simply not suitable for working on the press at home.

Which abdominal trainer to choose - complex issue so we rated 12 the best simulators according to nutritionists and athletes.

Create perfect figure together with us!

If you are looking for an effective abdominal trainer at an affordable price, then the Artist Roller is your trusted training companion. The roller trainer not only works out all the muscle groups of the press, but also helps to create a muscle corset in problem areas:

  • Hands and back.
  • Tightens the chest muscles.
  • Rolling daily exercises can help improve circulation, prevent salt deposits and relax, so you can forget about back pain forever.

You can practice with a roller only 15-20 minutes a day, devoting to the morning workout or evening time... It is quite lightweight, convenient to use, so there will be no problems during classes!

Trainer Bradex "Super press"

Exercise machines from this brand could be a worthy decoration for the gym, but you can get them for home workouts as well. Bradex "Super Press" is compact in size, so it can be easily placed in the far corner of the apartment to be used for its intended purpose.

The Bradex trainer helps to train the following muscle groups:

  • Middle, bottom and top press.
  • The oblique muscles of the abdomen, gluteal and dorsal muscles.

Special rollers during the lesson gently massage the back, lumbar region, improving blood circulation. This process is required to recruit muscle mass, slimming and relaxing tired back.

The gain in muscle mass and weight loss when working with the Bradex abdominal trainer is due to the force of resistance: tilting back and forth makes the muscles tense, which has a positive effect on the figure.

With Bradex, you can choose from 3 levels of workload that suit the training of a beginner, professional or amateur. "Super press" provides noticeable results after 2 weeks of training.

- another great device for strength exercises on the press and complex exercises to work out the muscles of the back, buttocks. The main advantages of AB Rocket are:

  1. Shock-absorbing properties, which allows beginners to use AB Rocket without special training or the elderly.
  2. The model is equipped with a swivel seat, which facilitates twisting (the main exercise for pumping up the press) and allows you not to waste energy on constant lifting.
  3. You can practice at home, but AB Rocket is often used to equip gyms.

AB Rocket helps to quickly build abs, strengthens the muscles of the back, increases the effectiveness of inclines and in a short time provides a significant reduction in body weight.

Press bench ATEMI ASB 500

ATEMI's state-of-the-art abs bench (model ASB 500) is a proven machine that has become a classic for professional athletes. Compared to sports mats, the press bench achieves excellent results in as soon as possible, having a number of advantages:

  • When working on a bench, all muscle groups of the abs, buttocks, back and even legs are involved in the workout.
  • If during training you use dumbbells, then you will successfully get in shape shoulder girdle and pectoral muscles.
  • Low fatigue, because 10-15 minutes of classes 3-4 times a week is enough.
  • The model is equipped with comfortable bolsters and soft necks, a stable structure and the ability to adjust the height.

GymBit Wonder Core Smart Trainer

The innovative simulator has become a real discovery in the world of sports, allowing complex training, without leaving home. The main features of Vander Cor professional trainers include:

  1. The ability to carry out strength and cardio training.
  2. The GymBit model replaces 6 simulators, making it possible to work out the press, hips, buttocks, legs, back muscles.
  3. The ergonomic and compact design takes up minimal space.
  4. The resistance level is adjustable, so you can choose the loads that are acceptable for yourself, and then increase them.
  5. With this model, you can quickly reset excess weight by simply decreasing resistance and increasing the number of sets. If your goal is muscle, then increase resistance and do fewer sets. That's it, you can cope with fitness, cardio training, strength training and Pilates without the help of a professional trainer!

The GymBit Wonder Core Smart trainer can be used by women and men for abdominal exercises, biceps and triceps workouts, classic exercises"Bridge" and "bike", leg press, push-ups.

A professional abs trainer is another modern device that even an untrained person can train on. Rockin Abs is suitable for people who are too lazy to practice for a long time, and tiring workouts just make them despondent. If everything goes like this for you, then get acquainted - the benefits of Rockin Abs:

  • A few minutes of classes per day is enough for effective training muscle abdominal... Do the workout right in front of the TV screen, give it only 5 minutes in the morning, so that in 1.5-2 weeks you can see how the stomach begins to tighten.
  • You do not need to put in effort, because the technology of point isolation allows you to do the most difficult exercises by swinging.
  • You can do Pilates, but it’s worth repositioning your sports device. To achieve a cool result, it is recommended to practice difficult exercises, such as twisting, raising the legs.

When working on the abs on Rockin Abs, you engage only the right muscle groups, while the back and neck are pleasantly supported. Therefore, the simulator can be used by people of any age and build.

Wheel press trainer Artist ES-0808

Back to the press rollers again, looking at the Artist ES-0808. Ease of exercise and lack of preparation are the 2 main criteria people look for when choosing an Artist. But it is worth adding here that the rollers allow you to work out a large number of muscles:

  1. A group of abdominal muscles, as a result of which the abdomen is gradually tightened.
  2. The shoulders, pectoral muscles and back muscles are being worked out.
  3. You have the opportunity to lose weight on your back and arms - these are areas that more home workouts do not "penetrate".
  4. A person of any physique can work with a roller without physical training.

At first, until the muscles are tightened and the weight returns to normal, it is recommended to carry out exercises with a roller, if not daily, then every other day for 15 minutes. After losing weight, use the roller 2 times a week to keep your body toned.

Press Trainer Start Up AB Roller IR97731

The Start Up AB Roller IR97731 simulator is somewhat similar to a roller, but it is made of polypropylene, withstanding a weight of up to 100 kilograms. The Start Up AB Roller simulator is also designed to work out the abdominal muscles, but besides that, it tightens the muscles of the back and arms well. With a different nature of training, it copes with strengthening the hips and calves, and also contributes to weight loss.

When working with a roller trainer, do not forget about the water norm (2 liters per day) and protein menu... If the abs and other muscle groups need to be tightened or built up in the shortest possible time, then enrich your diet with protein foods. It is rightfully considered the building blocks of our muscle mass.

Strength training machine OTO Cruncher CH-1080

Simulator for power loads OTO Cruncher is designed for abs, but it will also help you lose weight quickly and without 3 hours of training in the gym! The main advantages of this model are:

  1. Multifunctionality and the ability to use many muscle groups during training (abs, arms, buttocks, back, legs).
  2. Elimination of excess weight, the possibility full workout for an unprepared person.
  3. Easy to fold, can be stored in a small apartment.

Exercise for 10-15 minutes a day to burn weight. And to maintain the result, just 5 minutes of strength training is enough.

Press boards from PLASTEP PRO are a sports classic that allows you to perform different types of exercises to work out all abdominal groups. The press bench has a number of advantages that are highly valued professional athletes:

  1. The back has different angles of inclination, which allows you to effectively work out all muscle groups and choose the intensity of the load.
  2. The board is very compact, and you do not have to swing the abs on the floor, which negatively affects the lumbar and cervical spine.
  3. The load is evenly distributed between the oblique, rectus and intercostal muscles.

Sport Elite Curved Press Bench R0910

The curved press bench is a tool not only for the abdominal muscles, but also for dealing with back pain, working with lumbar and feet. The bench has an ergonomic curved shape, the angle of inclination of which is adjustable and adapts to your physical abilities. The bench is also distinguished by its soft upholstery, which during classes will carefully protect your back from damage and chafing, as happens when the press is swinging on the floor. It should be noted that the bench can be used in a home with small children, because its curved shape is not dangerous.

The Sport Elite bench will help you lose weight, it takes up little space, so you can exercise right at home without wasting time and money on the gym.

Abdominal Trainer Sport Elite SE9105

With Sport Elite, you can work on creating perfect press at home, spending at least 20-25 minutes a day on training. This model will allow you to work out all groups of abdominal muscles (oblique, straight and intercostal), therefore, the outlines of the cherished cubes will appear after the first month of training.

The movable leg base and simplicity of the trainer design provide excellent results in the formation of a muscle corset and weight loss. And the number of movements will be tracked by the computer built into the Sport Elite, so your thoughts will be occupied only with sports.

The Sport Elite model can be used for training by people of any age. Even if you have not had any previous sports experience, the Sport Elite will tone your muscles, and you will not experience discomfort and excessive fatigue!

The most popular types of simulators

Before you find out what types of simulators are in gym, to get acquainted with the photos, their purpose and name, as well as understand how to use them, it is important to take into account the fact that its future visitors are people with different needs and goals. For example, representatives of the fair sex most often want to get rid of extra pounds, improve their figure, and strengthen their muscles. Men usually pursue other goals: they seek to increase muscle mass, work out its shape, and achieve relief.

Some visitors go to the gym just to improve their health, improve their work of cardio-vascular system recover from an injury. It makes sense that different strength machines will be required to achieve different goals. Therefore, in such a sports environment, the zoning principle has been adopted to take into account the preferences of customers.

Hand trainers

In the first case, steel tiles are used as a load, in the second - a bar

Working muscles

Biceps shoulder

Triceps brachii

Biceps Triceps Machine

Execution technique

Set the required weight

Sit down and rest your feet well on the floor.

Put upper part hands (from the elbow to the shoulder) on the support desk, palms facing up. This will be the starting position

As you exhale, through the efforts of the biceps, begin to bend your arms, grabbing the handle

Hold at the top for a couple of seconds

As you inhale, slowly return to starting position

Do the right amount of reps

Features of use

A biceps-triceps machine is equipped with a seat that is adjustable in height. This opportunity allows athletes of any height to train. In addition, this design is combined. It can be easily transferred from the double-headed bleed position to the bleed position triceps shoulder. During training, the trajectory of movement is strictly set. This feature virtually eliminates the risk of injury. During the exercise, it is necessary to ensure that the shoulders remain motionless: only the forearms work.

Scott Bench

Execution technique

Select the weight you want

Sit on the bench, put your feet on the floor

Place your hands on the desk parallel to each other, keep your back straight

Take a projectile reverse grip shoulder width apart

Press your armpit into the fold of the desk. This is the starting position

As you inhale, lower the barbell, straightening your arms and stretching your biceps.

As you exhale, begin to bend your arms until they are at shoulder level.

Features of use

Working out on the Scott bench, you can use both a straight and curved shell and vary the grips. The use of dumbbells is acceptable. At the lowest point, you should not unbend your arms to the end. Experts recommend curved neck as it reduces the stress on the wrist joints. Also, do not lift your elbows off the desk or swing your body. During the exercise, it is necessary to ensure that the shoulders remain motionless: only the forearms work.

What conclusion can be drawn?

Traditionally, the assessment of an athlete's body begins with an assessment of his biceps. Therefore, novice athletes devote a lot of time to them. And the biceps, due to their small size, are not so easy to work out. Therefore, to achieve the best result, you need to combine exercises on different structures and perform a base with a barbell or dumbbells.

Delta Trainers

Operating principle, focus on different beams, loading system

Working muscles

Anterior deltoid muscles

Middle deltoid muscles

posterior deltoid muscles

Delta - machine

Execution technique

Set the desired seat height and weight

Sit down and place your elbows in the most comfortable position

Grasp the handles tightly

As you exhale, begin to spread your arms to the sides to shoulder level

On inhalation, return to PI

Do the required number of repetitions

Features of use

When pumping muscles with the Delta Machine simulator, make sure that the traps are not involved. To do this, try to keep the body as still as possible, do not strain your hands during dilution, and avoid situations where the elbows rise above parallel with the floor.

Rear deltas

Execution technique

Set the handlebars at shoulder-width apart so that your arms are fully extended and parallel to the floor.

Adjust the load

Take a position, pressing your chest tightly against the back of the simulator with a slight deflection in the lower back

Grasp the handles with a neutral grip (palms facing each other). This is the starting position

As you exhale, with the effort of the rear deltas, spread the handles to the sides as far as possible behind you, without lowering your elbows

At the end point, linger for a couple of counts, straining the deltas hard

On inhalation, return to the PI and do the required number of times.

Features of use

Certain nuances exist when working on the machine for the rear deltas. For example, in the process of movement, you should not tear off chest from the support cushion, bend your arms at the elbows. When returning to the SP, do not let go of the weight completely to prevent the tiles from hitting the block.

Vertical press

Execution technique

Match working weight, adjust seat height

Sit down and put your feet on the floor

Grasp the handles. The design of the simulator provides an opportunity to choose the most comfortable grip

As you exhale, squeeze the handles up to almost completely straighten your arms, keeping your back straight

Smoothly return to the starting position while inhaling.

Perform the required number of repetitions

Features of use

When doing the vertical press exercise, do not bend too much in the lower back. Also, don't start with large weights. A high load will not allow you to concentrate on the technique and will create discomfort in the joints.

What conclusion can be drawn?

Deltas should be worked out according to the pyramid principle - a gradual increase in weights with a decrease in repetitions. It is worth increasing the load only when you completely perform the required number of times in all approaches. If you find it difficult to do this, reduce the weight. To achieve the best effect, training on simulators should be combined with exercises with a barbell or dumbbells.

Chest Trainers

Impact on different parts of the chest, design features, loading system

Working muscles

Large chest

Small chest

Front toothed


Butterfly Trainer

Execution technique

Adjust the seat height

Set a comfortable distance between the levers

Select the required load

Sit down and press your back tightly

Grasp the handles, rest your feet on the floor. This is PI

As you exhale, begin to bring your hands together.

At the end point, tense the pectoral muscles as much as possible and linger in this position for 2 counts

While inhaling, return to the starting position. In this case, it is necessary to feel a slight tension of the muscles being worked out.

Features of use

When working on the Butterfly trainer, do not extend your arms to the end, they should remain slightly bent throughout the entire set. Don't drop weight. At the peak point, try to squeeze the muscles strongly. The mixing stage should be approximately 2 times faster than the dilution phase. Always keep your elbows parallel to the floor. It is better to include this exercise at the end of the workout, making it a "finishing". People with a weak rotator cuff shoulder joint do not use heavy weights.

Mixing Chest Press

Execution technique

Set the weight by repositioning the fixing pin in the hole of the desired tile, if used block trainer, or by removing / hanging pancakes in the case of a design on free weights

Sit on the simulator, fix the body well, pressing your back and legs slightly apart

Grasp the handles with the most comfortable grip, pull them towards you until the shoulder blades are a little closer. This is the starting position

As you exhale, straightening your arms, squeeze the handles up, pushing them out with the effort of the pectoral muscles

At the high point, linger 2 counts and make a peak cut

While inhaling, return to the PI and repeat several times.

Features of use

The bench press machine with mixing, of course, cannot replace the classic dumbbell press, but it will give excellent results if performed after basic exercises. The peculiarity of training in the machine is that they help beginners prepare for more complex techniques... When pressing with a mixing, it is important to monitor the position of the elbows: you should not take them behind your back and lower them down. This way you can control the correctness of your movements and avoid joint injury.

What conclusion can be drawn?

V Everyday life the muscles of the chest are practically not involved. Nevertheless, with a competent approach, they can be easily worked out, grow quickly and take on clear outlines. Undoubtedly the most effective exercise for them - bench press or dumbbells lying from the chest. But, in addition to the target, it also involves extra muscles... And the movements performed in the simulators are completely isolating. Remember that it is a mistake to concentrate on one exercise and give it all your strength. Productive training is a varied training that includes techniques that are different from each other.

Back Trainers

Loading system, exercise method, equipment design features

Working muscles

Latissimus muscles

Small round

Big round

Rhombus and trapezoids

Vertical thrust

Execution technique

Set the required load

Sit on a bench, wrap your hips under the bolsters, adjusting their height

Grab the handle with a wide, straight grip

Stretch your arms up, holding the handle

Tilt the body back slightly. It will be IP

As you exhale, begin pulling down until the bar touches the top of your chest. The body is motionless, only hands work

At the bottom point, squeeze the shoulder blades as much as possible and linger for two counts

Slowly return to PI with arms fully extended and lats extended.

Features of use

By doing vertical thrust in the gym, watch your elbows - they should not "walk" along the body. Don't lean back too much to avoid cheating. Avoid sudden jerks (they can lead to injury), do not round your back or lower your shoulders. When performing any of the above exercises, make sure that the muscles of the hands are not involved in the work. In this case, they play the role of ropes and nothing more.

Pullover simulator

Execution technique

Set the right load and adjust the seat height

Sit down and press your back firmly against the machine

Place your shins under the bolsters, placing your feet on the platforms

Raise your arms and place your forearms on the support pads

Grasp the bars with your hands. This is PI

As you exhale, lower your arms down to the intersection with the level of the chest, as if describing an arc with them

As you inhale, return to the PI, feeling the tension in the lats.

Repeat the required number of times

Features of use

On the Pullover simulator shown in the picture, in contrast to a similar exercise with a dumbbell, the trajectory is strictly set. And the description of the technique also differs. As the inventor of this equipment, Arthur Jones, said, no other design gives such a powerful load on two large muscle groups (back and chest) at once, comparing the exercise with classic squats. That is why he called the pullover in the machine "squats for the upper body." When performing any of the above exercises, make sure that the muscles of the hands are not involved in the work. In this case, they play the role of ropes and nothing more.

Horizontal rod

Execution technique

Set the required load

Sit on the simulator and rest your feet on the platforms, slightly bending them at the knees

Keep your back straight, there is a natural deflection in the lower back.

Grasp the handles with your hands and pull them towards you until the body assumes a perpendicular position to the floor. From this position, you will do repetitions.

Straightening your shoulders and bringing your shoulder blades together, pull the arms towards your stomach. Hold for one second while contracting your lats.

Return to the PI and do the required number of repetitions

Features of use

The horizontal traction in the simulator, if performed incorrectly, will become not only ineffective, but also traumatic. Neglecting the technique, you can strain your back muscles, pull your biceps, and get lumbar osteochondrosis. Therefore, try not to round your back, look straight ahead, pull the weight exclusively with your back, avoid jerking. When performing any of the above exercises, make sure that the muscles of the hands are not involved in the work. In this case, they play the role of ropes and nothing more.

Seated Link Row

Execution technique

Set the load by removing / hanging the pancakes or by moving the fixing pin into the bushing of the desired tile (depending on the design)

Adjust the seat height

Sit and rest your chest against a pillow

Grasp the levers with your hands

Pull the handles towards you, firmly bringing the shoulder blades together at the end point. Do not lean back, chest is pressed tightly against the support

Hold on for a couple of bills

Slowly return to the PI, without letting go of the weight, and do a few reps.

Features of use

When performing an exercise in a lever trainer, you should also pay maximum attention to the technique and set up the neuromuscular connection. This means that you should feel the work of the broadest muscles of the back: only with their help is the deadlift performed. When you engage your biceps, you will not be able to work with a weight that your back can support. The biceps brachii is a small muscle that gets tired quickly if it is under heavy strain. When performing any of the above exercises, make sure that the muscles of the hands are not involved in the work. In this case, they play the role of ropes and nothing more.


Execution technique

Hang the disks on the drives, thus forming the load

Stand on a special support, bend your knees slightly

Grab the handles with a grip slightly wider than your shoulders, keep your back straight. This is PI

As you exhale, pull the bar towards you, strongly squeezing the shoulder blades and trying to work only with the back muscles.

While inhaling, return to the PI without unbending your arms to the end and without relaxing your back

Repeat the required number of times

Features of use

There are some subtleties when practicing with a T-bar. The athlete's body in relation to the apparatus must be at an angle of 45 degrees. Control your weight, lead it smoothly throughout the entire range of motion. Experiment with your grip. For example, a grip with the palms towards you will allow you to raise more weight... When pulling, try to keep your arms as close to your body as possible. If you have reached failure but the exercise has not yet been completed, reduce the weight by 20-30% and do the remaining reps. When performing any of the above exercises, make sure that the muscles of the hands are not involved in the work. In this case, they play the role of ropes and nothing more.

Gravitron assistant

Execution technique

Set the required weight on the counterweight. For beginners, 70-80% of its own weight is relevant

Kneel down on the platform with your hands on the handles in the most comfortable grip

The back is straight, the gaze is directed forward. This is the starting position

As you exhale, through the efforts of the back muscles, pull yourself up as on a horizontal bar until the chin reaches the level of the handles

At the top, squeeze the lats, making a peak contraction

Smoothly return to the PI and do the desired number of repetitions

Features of use

When pulling up in the gravitron, do not tilt the body forward or backward. At the lowest point, the arms can be either straightened or slightly bent. Do not forget that the peculiarity of this type of back trainer is that the less load you put, the more difficult the exercise becomes, since in this case it is as close as possible to traditional pull-ups. Also, most modifications of this simulator provide for the presence of bars for doing push-ups. When performing any of the above exercises, make sure that the muscles of the hands are not involved in the work. In this case, they play the role of ropes and nothing more.

What conclusion can be drawn?

Back pumping takes a special place in training process... To become the owner of truly powerful and beautiful "wings", you need to competently build your program. The latissimus muscles perfectly perceive high loads, therefore, swinging their backs, many athletes work with extreme weights. In addition, it is extremely important to combine basic training, involving the growth of muscles, with isolating exercises aimed at drawing the relief. But remember! Whatever weight you use, it is almost impossible to achieve good result if the technique is “lame”.

Hip Trainers

Operating principle, loading system, impact on different muscles, design features

Working muscles


Inner surface

Outer surface

Hip biceps

Execution technique

Adjust the position of the roller

Set the load by transferring the fixing pin to the bushing of the desired tile or by hanging / removing the pancakes (depending on the chosen design)

Lie face down with your feet under the bolsters

Make sure that your knees do not hang off the bench, and its kink falls exactly on the waist

Grab the handrails and firmly press the pelvis against the bench and do not lift it during the entire exercise, buttocks and abs are tense. This is PI

Inhale, hold your breath and begin bending your legs so that the roller touches the buttocks.

On exhalation, you need to overcome the most difficult point of amplitude.

Hold in the top position for a couple of seconds, contracting the biceps

As you inhale, lower your legs to the PI. Do the required number of repetitions

Features of use

When doing biceps curls while lying down, make sure that the pelvis does not come off the bench. Otherwise, the exercise will be ineffective. Try to bend your legs completely, touching the buttocks, and do not toss the roller while doing this. The upward movement should be faster than the downward movement. If you pull the socks towards you, the load will be transferred to the calves. Beginners should not work with large weights, as this is fraught with non-compliance with technique and, as a result, injury to the hamstrings and lower back.

Thigh quadriceps

Execution technique

Set working weight. To do this, move the retainer to the hole of the desired tile or hang the required number of pancakes, which depends on the type of simulator used.

Sit down, put your shins under the roller, grasp the side handles with your hands. This is PI

As you exhale, with the effort of the quadriceps, begin to unbend your legs

Hold at the top point for a couple of counts, while straining your muscles

As you exhale, slowly return to the PI

Repeat the required number of times

Features of use

When sitting on the quadriceps extension, make sure that your legs and feet are not under the seat during the start. This will help reduce stress on your knees. Pull the socks towards you each time you lift, which will keep the lysus medialis muscle in tension. It is better to use this exercise at the end of the workout as a "finishing off".

Leg Press + Hack Machine

Execution technique

Set the load by hanging sports plates on the drives provided by the design of the machine

Lie on a bench with your feet at the desired width on the platform

Resting on the platform, slightly lift it, removing it from the stoppers

Bending your knees to a 90-degree angle, lower the cart

As you exhale, unbend your knees, pushing the weight. Do not fully straighten your legs.

As you inhale, smoothly return to the PI and do a few repetitions.

Features of use

In the process of pressing your legs in the simulator, firmly rest on the platform, pushing the weight with your heels. Watch your knees! They shouldn't be piled on top of each other. When lowering the platform, it is best to focus on a safe bench press depth with the lower back firmly against the back of the equipment. Which leg position to choose depends on how you feel and your training goals.

Hack - machine

Execution technique

Set the required load

Stand so that your shoulders rest strictly on the pillows provided for this

Place your feet on a special platform at the required width

Place your feet parallel to each other or spread them slightly to the sides

Keep a slight arch in the lower back

Resting your shoulders, rise up and remove the safety stoppers. This is PI

Bend your legs slowly, dropping down until the angle between your thighs and calves is less than 90 degrees, that is, you should sit just below parallel with the floor

As you exhale, pushing off with your heels, smoothly squeeze out the weight

While inhaling, return to the PI and repeat the required number of times.

Features of use

Hack squats - great alternative basic exercise. When using the treadmill, try to descend more slowly than ascend. Strictly fix the position of the body, imagine that your spine is "glued" to the back. In no case do not allow the knees to be "shot" by the socks, they should be at the same level. Do not linger for a long time at the bottom point, that is, do not let the muscles relax. Always warm your knee joints well before exercising on the squat machine.

Mixing breeding simulator

Execution technique

Put the weight you want

Adjust the levers to feel a slight pull of the adductor muscles

The inner thighs should rest against soft pillows

Press your back firmly against the machine, keep your back straight

Place your hands on the handrails and spread your legs to the set width. This is PI

As you exhale, begin to bring your hips together, keep your legs straight.

At the end point, squeeze your knees tightly and linger for a couple of counts.

As you inhale, start slowly spreading your legs, leaving them in a slightly "unraveled" position to maintain muscle tension

Do the required number of repetitions

Features of use

Leg breeding can be carried out in the same simulator (only it is necessary to transfer it from the “mixing” mode to the “breeding” mode) or in a special machine. In this case, the athlete rests against the rollers outside thighs. On exhalation, dilution is performed. It is advisable to use maximum strength and powerfully "open" your legs as much as possible. Hold at the peak while contracting the muscles. While inhaling, return to the PI.

During mixing, try to "open" your legs as much as possible, but not to the starting position. To avoid injury, we recommend stretching between sets. If you find it difficult to do the last reps, try to perform movements in a shorter amplitude. Don't put too much emphasis on this exercise, but rather make it a “finishing move” after a basic workout.

When breeding, move your legs as far as possible to the sides. Do not pull them to the end, keeping a small distance and holding the tension in the muscles. The body must be stationary. We also advise you to make this exercise additional or use it in sets.

What conclusion can be drawn?

Powerful and contoured quads, "dry" biceps, firm buttocks - the dream of many bodybuilders. Legs are one of the largest and most resilient muscle groups, therefore they withstand and respond well to work with large weights. But without certain types of leg trainers and a clear workout plan that allows plenty of time to recover, you won't be able to achieve your goal. Also, do not forget about the "shock" of the muscles. This means that in pumping your legs you need to use several different exercises so that the muscles do not get used to the monotony and do not stop growing.

Buttock Trainers

Loading system, principle of action, emphasis on different parts of the muscle

Working muscles

Gluteus maximus

middle gluteal

small gluteal

Glut is a machine

Execution technique

Set the load

Stand on dedicated platform and rest your chest against the pillow, having previously adjusted its height

Grasp the handrails and place one foot closer to the roller. This is PI

As you exhale, take your leg back, pushing the weight with the effort of the gluteal muscles.

While inhaling, smoothly return to the PI, but not completely, in order to maintain tension in the muscles.

Do multiple sets and reps

Features of use

When exercising in the Glut machine, make sure that the supporting leg is firmly pressed against the platform, because it is responsible for your stability. When pulled back, the back should remain straight, regardless of the model of the machine. Grasp the handrails well to keep the chassis firmly in place.

Leg press

Execution technique

Set the required load. To do this, hang or remove the pancakes of the required weight.

Sit in the simulator with your back tightly pressed to it

Place your feet on the platform. To shift the focus to the buttocks, a position slightly wider than the shoulders is required. In this case, the socks should be slightly turned to the sides.

Place your hands on the handrails and remove the platform from the stoppers. To do this, push the cart forward and rotate the holders.

Smoothly lower the platform to a 90 degree angle knee joint... It can be lower, but only if your lower back is firmly pressed against the back of the equipment

With a powerful jerk, squeeze the weight up, straightening your legs

Smoothly return to starting position and do a few reps.

Features of use

When performing a bench press aimed at pumping the gluteal muscles, control the setting of the legs. Otherwise, the focus will shift to the quads. Do not push the weight with only your toes; all parts of the foot should be involved in the work. As you straighten your legs, remember to maintain a slight bend in the knee joint. Hold the handrails firmly with your hands and firmly press the body against the back of the machine.

What conclusion can be drawn?

The buttocks are one of the largest muscle groups. They have many functions in supporting and moving the body. These muscles lend themselves well to workout, withstand heavy loads and grow quickly. In addition to providing aesthetics, pumping the buttocks can improve posture, stabilize vertebral column, protect joints and tendons from injury and sprains. To achieve high results, it is necessary to combine different exercises, strictly follow the technique, observe the correct diet.

One of the most difficult areas, which is quite difficult to pump up, is the belly, as well as the sides and waist. To work on these areas, professional athletes use simulators that allow them to adjust their figure in a short time: a thin waist, cubes on the stomach, beautiful posture.

The main types of exercise machines for the press

All existing exercise machines for the press can be divided into several groups of design features and the specifics of training, we will consider each of them.


Most popular view simulator - a bench that allows you to perform a large set of exercises. It can be horizontal, inclined, Roman and with a curved back, the last 2 are suitable for training with an increased level of stress. The simulator is universal, has a number of strong advantages:

  • effective study of the oblique and rectus muscles of the abdomen, buttocks, waist, back;
  • small size, which allows you to store and use the bench in a small apartment;
  • great opportunities for independent training;
  • affordable cost.

Other types of simulators

People who play sports at home or in the gym also use the following types of simulators:

  • home bars or Swedish wall , with which you can perform exercises, taking a vertical or horizontal position. The simulators are compact, they allow you to swing not only the press, but also the muscles of the back, arms, legs;

  • rowing machine. While working on such a structure, all muscle groups are involved, imitation of rowing helps to strengthen the back and abs, make the shoulders wider, and the waist narrower;

  • torso track. Suitable for users with minimal physical fitness... During classes, it is necessary to pull up using the support handles and kneeling down. All muscle groups of the press work, as well as the arms, back, the sides and hips are effectively worked out;

  • Ab Roller. The classic trainer for high-quality workout of the press, has support for the head, has an average cost.

This is the most expensive group, but the above simulators will be the best solution for both beginners and experienced athletes who want to keep their body in good shape. There are many varieties sports equipment, each of them has strengths and weaknesses. When choosing, take into account the characteristics of your body, the intensity of training.

Important! When choosing a simulator, do not forget about elliptical devices, treadmills, a classic horizontal bar and an exercise bike, which allow you to use different groups muscles.

Trainers for simple but regular workouts

If you are just starting out, but do not want to buy a professional bench or torso track yet, then opt for simple simulators:

  • Hula Hup. A very feminine trainer with a reinforced structure. Used to work on thin waist, strengthens lateral muscles press;

  • video clip. The effectiveness of training with a roller is comparable to the effectiveness of the "plank". The simulator is a wheel with handles on the sides. During exercises with a roller, the muscles of the back, legs, arms, shoulder girdle, abs and sides work;

  • fitball. The volumetric ball is widely used to create a beautiful press, suitable for people of any age and gender.

The simplest simulators have a low cost, take up a minimum amount of space, help to make the tummy flat, but to achieve the set tasks you will have to work longer than in the case of a bench or wall bars.

Home Exercise Machine Benefits

  1. The ability to play sports at any time of the day.
  2. Having bought the simulator once, you no longer need to visit the gym or pay for a subscription. The savings are especially noticeable if more than one person, but several family members, will be engaged in the new simulator.
  3. A wide assortment that allows you to choose a simulator, both for the features of the body, and for the size of the apartment.
  4. Homework provides an opportunity to focus on your workout and is a good solution for shy people.
  5. No rush, no need to go to a fitness club. You will put the saved energy into training!

How often do you use the simulator?

Having bought a simulator, you should not spend on it 24 hours a day, because if you start exercising daily, then the body will be overtrained. At home, it is worth adhering to the scheme approved by many fitness trainers - "2x1", in which exercises are performed 2 times a week at the very end general training... For example, you can do abs on Tuesday and Saturday to give your muscles a chance to recover.

Note that the following factors can slow down muscle gain or weight loss:

  • incorrectly selected program or training intensity;
  • giving up proper nutrition;
  • eating large amounts of food containing simple carbohydrates;
  • lack of protein in the diet;
  • too frequent workouts, as a result of which the body will begin to produce the hormone cortisol, adrenaline, which is fraught not only with a slowdown in the body shaping process, but also with cardiovascular diseases.

Contraindications to exercise

  1. Musculoskeletal disorders.
  2. Recently underwent abdominal surgeries such as cesarean section, appendectomy and others.
  3. Omission internal organs, tumor neoplasms.
  4. Pregnancy.

Basic simulators

Smith Trainer - this is power frame, in which the bar moves along the guides. It eases the strain on the back during squats and is considered safer than just a barbell. It is mainly used for squats, but many also do various presses on it.

Leg press machine.

Trains leg strength, is used as a supplement or even as a substitute for squats, for whom squatting is contraindicated. Attention - prohibited at high pressure.

Hack trainer - for squats

Leg curl machine.

Trains the back of the thigh (hamstrings). Sometimes recumbent, sometimes sedentary

Leg Extension Machine trains the front of the thigh (quadriceps). Serves mainly as an addition to squats.

Exercise machines for mixing and raising the legs.

Among the people - "girly". Designed to train the inner and outer thighs, they are actually useless. If you are a girl, and nevertheless decided to practice it, then in no case look men in the eyes while doing the exercise.

Leg abduction machines ... There are backward, there are sideways.

Roman chair is an inclined press board

Press support - safer and useful exercise than torso lifts. Pay attention - the legs should be bent at the knees during their lifting (strongly or not very much). It will protect your back.

Abdominal Trainers can be of different shapes and designs, but my advice to you is to bypass them. This is all fancy

Exercise machine for hand reduction, it is also sometimes called "butterfly" or "butterfly" ... Develops chest and biceps. Serves great warm-up exercise before the bench press. Please note that these simulators have one nasty property - they are very different and not all of them are suitable for a particular person in biomechanics. If in your gym it is uncomfortable for you to work out on this simulator, then do not do it.

Traction of the upper block.

Great exercise, develops the back and arms. If you don't know how to pull up, train on this block. Important! Ask the instructor to teach you correct technique... Yes, and no need to pull the head, it is traumatic! Pull towards your chest.


For the priests and back. Very good basic exercise... It is not recommended to bend up strongly, it is enough to parallel with the floor. Also kneads well the right muscles before the deadlift.

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