Training macrocycles in bodybuilding and powerlifting. Basic Powerlifting Training Powerlifting Microcycles

The optimal training cycle for a powerlifter above the CCM level is 6 months. Planning should be more strategic than tactical. No one is immune from disruptions, so tactical tasks are best solved according to the circumstances. Try to plan your cycle in such a way as to minimize disruptions.

It is very important to set minimum goals for yourself - this will allow you to avoid disappointment (hurry up slowly - the ancients said). Strategic planning should start with setting goals, but, as a rule, most of the tasks being solved (for example, such as increasing strength endurance and reaching peak strength) contradict each other and cannot be solved at one stage at the same time, therefore it is advisable to split the training cycle into several phases - usually there are three main phases.

Tasks are prioritized

phase first (6 weeks) second (8 weeks) third (10 weeks)
tasks to be solved
  1. Muscle gain
  2. Leveling "weak" points
  1. Increased strength
  2. Leveling "weak" points
  3. Improvement of speed-power qualities
  4. Increased strength endurance
  5. Improving the technique of performing the movement
  6. Improving joint mobility and flexibility
  1. Reaching the peak of strength
  2. Increased strength
  3. Leveling "weak" points
  4. Improvement of speed-power qualities
  5. Improving joint mobility and flexibility

Phase one
usually in this phase the triathlete "rests" after reaching the peak (after the competition),
a little pitching is like a rest for a security officer.

Kit muscle mass
To gain muscle mass, it is necessary to create such adaptive processes in muscle tissue that will cause its growth. Intensity - 50-70% of the PM (maximum maximum) with the corresponding number of repetitions (from 10 to 6) is most preferable, the speed is also important ( explosive motion concept) - the impact on a certain type of fibers depends on the speed (if there is speed - the white ones are "loaded", there is no speed - the red ones "are loaded").

At this stage, the athlete must dramatically increase the calorie intake and the percentage of protein in his diet.

Improving the technique of performing the movement
Any technique knows the right to life, however, there are several postulates that must be sacredly used ...


  • The back should be straight
  • The back should deviate as little as possible from the vertical
  • The knees should not be too far forward
  • The pelvis should not go back too much
  • The increase in dynamics leads to an increase in the return from the suit and bandages
Bench press
  • Maximum deflection in the lower back ensures the minimum amplitude of the press
  • The shoulder blades brought together allow to reduce the amplitude and increase the rigidity of the barbell reception on the chest
  • The back should be straight
  • In the initial phase of the movement, only the legs should work.
Leveling "weak" points

assisted squat exercises

problems with removing the rod from the racks and retreating
  1. Calf raises
  2. Barbell bends
  3. Seated barbell bends
problems with lowering and passing a corner
  1. Leg curls
  2. Deadlift
  3. Barbell bends
  4. Hyperextension
  5. Seated barbell bends
Problems with the "stiffness" of the back, you cannot "hold" your back
  1. Hyperextension
  2. Deadlift
  3. Barbell bends
  4. Seated barbell bends
  5. Pull of the block to the chest with various grips (reverse-straight, narrow-wide)
  6. Bent over row with medium or wide grip
It "presses" in you at the very bottom
  1. The Leg Press
  2. Squat in "inferior" mode
  3. Barbell Chest Squat
  4. Barbell Squats
  5. Leg extension
  6. Dead-center squats
you get stuck at a certain point
  1. Bench squats
  2. Dead-center squats

Bench press
bench press exercises
Selection of basic exercises for "working out" "weak points"
Exercises are listed in descending order of effectiveness

problems with falling off the chest and poor "acceleration" of the bar
  1. Press the barbell while sitting from the chest with a medium or wide grip
  2. Dips from the uneven bars
  3. Press-spreading dumbbells on horizontal bench at a fast pace
  4. Swing dumbbells standing forward (alternately)
The barbell "gets stuck" in the middle
  1. Press-spreading dumbbells on a horizontal bench, work with a small amplitude with large weights at a fast pace
  2. Pressing the rod from a dead center
  3. Bench press with a narrow grip
  4. Press with medium grip
  5. Dips from the uneven bars
Problems with pressing the bar
  1. Bench press with a narrow grip
  2. Dead center compression with weight> 100%
  3. Dips from the uneven bars
  4. French press barbells lying on the floor (barbell and you are lying on the floor)
  5. Extension of arms on the vertical block
B. Poor stabilization of the bar when lowering to the chest
  1. Bent-over barbell row
  2. Reverse Grip Standing Biceps Curl
  3. Lifting the bar for biceps
  4. One-arm dumbbell bicep curl

assisted deadlift exercises
Selection of basic exercises for "working out" "weak points"
Exercises are listed in descending order of effectiveness

bad break
  1. Hyperextension
  2. Deadlift
  3. Pit rod pull
  4. Barbell bends
  5. Seated barbell bends
  6. Leg press
  7. Squats with weights between benches
  8. Low Bench Squat
  9. Exercise bike (maximum intensity)
"stopper" below the knee 5-10 cm
  1. Hyperextension
  2. Deadlift
  3. Barbell bends
  4. Seated barbell bends
problems with "holding out"
  1. Dead-center thrust in the power frame
  2. Shrugs (with a barbell or dumbbells)
  3. Bent over row with medium or wide grip
  4. Pull of the block to the chest with various grips (reverse - straight, narrow - wide)
The barbell falls from the hands
  1. Holding the barbell for a while
  2. Static weight retention

Improving joint mobility and flexibility
To solve this problem, it is best to combine both classic exercises to improve flexibility and specialized powerlifting.

Phase two
This phase is usually a transitional one, it is necessary to "bring oneself up" as much as possible for the decisive stage of preparation, an increase in strength, an improvement in speed strength qualities and increased strength endurance

Increased strength
The article power, speed and strength aspects (physiological and physical) are considered in detail, to increase strength, the intensity should be 70-90% of the PM (maximum maximum), the number of repetitions with this weight ranges from 4-8.

Improvement speed-power qualities
To improve these qualities, exercises performed in this mode are used.
(cm. explosive motion concept):

  • high-intensity aerobic training (see)
  • all kinds of sharp jumps with and without weight, etc. (it all depends on your imagination)
Increased strength endurance
This task is solved by increasing the number of approaches and the frequency of training (the frequency of bench presses for some power workers reaches 3-4 per week, the frequency of squat training is up to 2-3, the frequency of deadlift training is up to 2)

Phase three
This is the last, final stage of preparation, at this stage it is extremely important to increase neuromuscular efficiency and reach the peak of strength, in addition, it is very important to maintain high psychological motivation before the competition. Improved neuromuscular efficiency (increased mobilization of motor units)
(anatomically detailed aspects of increasing neuromuscular efficiency are described in the article
power, speed and strength)

  • Increase in intensity over 90% of maximum effort
  • Explosive jerk training - such as jerky vertical explosive jumps
  • Electro-muscle stimulation
  • Change in the sensitivity threshold of some motor units (this area has been little explored)
  • Isokinetic training (isokinetic simulators compensate for the increase in the kinetic energy of the projectile, which does not allow the athlete to reduce efforts as the lever and speed increase)
Reaching the peak of strength
Increasing the intensity to 90-100% of the PM (maximum maximum) (old, and not calculated, if you try to raise the record in the hall on the eve of the competition, then consider that you have already retreated) - the number of repetitions is from 1 to 3.

Organization of micro and macro cycles
The article macrocycling theory aspects justifying the need for macrocycling are considered in detail.

In order to progress, you must be guided by the following postulates:

  • to create the prerequisites for the adaptation process, it is necessary to take into account the selectivity with which the muscle reacts to stress
    (choose a goal and solve it with the appropriate stressful impact - see below)
  • the higher the intensity (% working weight of the maximum maximum) and KPH (the number of barbell lifts), the longer it takes to fully recover
  • small muscle groups recover much faster than large
    (use this knowledge to correctly build a training cycle)
  • the rate of recovery depends on its own body weight - the recoverability of a heavyweight differs from the recoverability of a lightweight downward. Greater Muscle Mass Requires Greater Recovery
Adaptation processes (types of stress) -
  1. Strength endurance:
    - aerobic exercise with a very high intensity for a sufficiently long time
    B B (for example - the limiting effort of the cycling bike)
    - long-term workouts (up to 5 hours)
    - training with a large number of approaches (up to 10)
  2. Speed-explosive qualities:
    - sharp, explosive movements (sudden jumps with and without weight)
    - high intensity aerobic training and maximum speed on a short time interval In the interval - sprint distances.
  3. Muscle mass:
    - training with an intensity of 50-70% of the PM (maximum maximum) for 6-10 repetitions
    B During rest between sets in basic basic 2-3 minutes B B B
  4. Strength (by increasing muscle fibrils and changing enzyme concentrations):
    - training with an intensity of 70-90% of the PM for 3-6 repetitions,
    In addition, speed is very important - this allows the white fibers to react to the load.
    In the rest time between sets in the main basic 5-10 minutes
  5. Power (improving neuromuscular efficiency, reaching peak strength):
    - training with an intensity of 9-100% for 1-3 repetitions
    During rest in the main baseline 7-15 minutes (until complete resynthesis of ATP)
    - training with partial (partial amplitude) repetitions with an intensity of 90-130% for 1-3 repetitions
    - isokenetic training - isokenetic simulators, use of chains
Recommended rest time after exercise based on intensity
2-5 5-8 7-12 rest time (day)
(including partial amplitude repetitions)
2-5 5-8 8-14 rest time (day)
Bench press
(including partial amplitude repetitions)
1-3 3-4 4-5 rest time (day)

Recommended rest times are in the range because each individual has a different mix of red-white fibers. Athletes with predominantly red fibers recover faster than athletes with predominantly white fibers.

Microcycle organization
At the moment, the most common two types of microcycling - "Russian cycle" and "classic cycle"

Russian cycle

  • bench press light - intensity 50-70%
    the recommended number of repetitions is 7-10, the number of approaches is 3-4
  • bench press medium - intensity 70-80%
    the recommended number of repetitions is 4-7, the number of approaches is 3-5
  • bench press heavy - intensity 80-95%
    the recommended number of repetitions is 2-4, the number of approaches is 2-8
  • heavy squat - intensity 75-95%
    the recommended number of repetitions is 2-5, the number of approaches is 2-8
  • light squat - intensity 50-75%
    the recommended number of repetitions is 6-10, the number of approaches is 3-5
Advantages of this microcycle:
  • great opportunities for macrocycling (organization of percentages in the squat, bench press and deadlift)
  • poor recovery mode
  • no protection against breakdowns
  • the psyche quickly "creeps"
Classic microcycle
Basically, you don't need to tie this microcycle to the days of the week,
the main thing is to observe the sequence of "press-squat-bench-deadlift", and the rest time can be anyB up to full recovery.

Advantages of this microcycle:

  • this micro cycle allows you to fully recover (which is especially good for heavyweights)
  • allows for a wider range of complementary exercises
  • minimal impact of "disruptions" on training process generally
  • squat and deadlift, regardless of intensity, are performed no more than once a week
I recommend using the "Classic Cycle" to absolutely everyone.

Organization of the macrocycle
The article macrocycling theory the basic concepts of macrocycling are outlined in detail.

When constructing a macrocycle, one should be guided by the following postulates:

  • only a periodic increase in load leads to progress
  • constant progression of the load leads to overtraining
  • after reaching the peak of strength, there is always a decline
Example of macrocycling load

As you can see, on the graph (built on the basis of a real training process), all the basic postulates of macrocycling were used.
In other words, the load of the optimal macrocycle is a function of a sinusoidal dependence with a constantly increasing amplitude (P is the load, t is the time (training ... day)).

perfect macrocycle planning

Organization of the macrocycle in the first phase (muscle gain, 6 weeks)
Since the main task in this phase is gaining muscle mass, then macrocycling along a sinusoid should range from 50% of the PM for 10-8 repetitions (local minimum) and before 70% of RM for 8-6 reps (local maximum).

An example of a macrocycle for the development of muscle mass with a smooth transition to strength work

Organization of a macrocycle in the second phase (gaining strength, increasing endurance, improving speed-strength qualities, 8 weeks)

To gain strength, sinusoidal macrocycling should range from 70% to 90% intensity with 3 to 6 reps.

An example of a macrocycle for the development of strength and strength endurance

Organization of a macrocycle in the third phase (reaching peak strength, gaining strength, 10 weeks)

To gain strength, sinusoidal macrocycling should range from an intensity of 75-80% to 90-95% and higher with the number of repetitions from 1 to 5.
However, taking into account the task of increasing strength endurance, the number of approaches should be quite large - up to 8!

An example of a macrocycle for the development of strength and for the exit of the peak of strength

More details about macrocycling can be found in the article

Now the time has come when you, training according to the principles of powerlifting, smoothly lifting the load, have come to perform in each of 5 sets of 5 repetitions. You started with 8 reps, gradually raised the training weights and decreased the number of reps. You are kind of stumped. Weights have not been lifted for several weeks. Stagnation in training began.

This means time to use cycles in planning your workouts. The cycle is planned to be from 9 to 12 weeks long (very rarely up to 14).

In powerlifting, there are three types of cycles: simple, two-stage, and three-stage.

Let's consider a simple loop.

In such a cycle, the number of approaches and repetitions does not change, we also work according to the standard 5 × 5 powerlifting scheme. During the cycle, only the weight on the projectile changes.

For example, let's build a 10 week cycle for an exercise. Let's say that in it we can do 5 reps in 5 sets with a weight of 100 kg. At the beginning of the cycle, we kind of roll back in our achievements in order to end it with a weight on the bar that exceeds our maximum.

Consider what load should be during each week.

1 week - 85kg - 5 × 5

2 week - 87.5kg - 5 × 5

3 week - 90kg - 5 × 5

4 week - 92.5kg - 5 × 5

5 week - 95kg - 5 × 5

6 week - 97.5kg - 5 × 5

Week 7 - 100kg - 5 × 5 is our maximum.

8 week - 102.5kg - 5 × 5

Week 9 - 105kg - 5 × 4-5.

Week 10 - 107.5kg - 5 × 4-5.

And so the cycle ended. As a result, we added weight to the apparatus compared to the original. The training stagnation is over. But, of course, we will not dwell on this. The loops will now repeat one by one. In the next cycle, add 5 kg to the initial weight and repeat it again. In this case, the weight on the apparatus will again change by 2.5 kg from week to week.

The human body cannot constantly work at the limit of its capabilities, it needs periods of rest. In training with cycles, we accustom him to this. Rest periods alternate with periods of maximum stress during which we progress. A cycle is planned for each exercise. But the most important thing is that the frequency of the cycles coincides. That is, if now there is a period of decline in the bench press and squats, then it should be in the deadlift. The load should increase or decrease smoothly at the same time in all exercises performed.

Important note. If you do not want to work on the 5 × 5 powerlifting pattern, which is more suitable for building strength, then you can also do 5 sets of 8 reps to build muscle mass. In this case, cycling is planned by analogy with the above scheme.

Three-step cycle.

This is a more complex type of cycling, which is used as training increases to achieve even greater results. Now, to calculate the cycle, you need to know with what weight we can perform the exercise to the maximum - only once. In order not to do experiments, the maximum can be calculated, knowing the weight with which we do 5 × 5. To do this, multiply it by 1.2. The resulting number is rounded to the nearest 2.5. For example, if the bench press is performed 5 × 5 with a barbell of 105 kg, then multiplying by a factor of 1.2 we get 126 kg. We round this number up to 125 kg. We do the same in other exercises. In this type of cycling, not only the weight on the bar will change, but also the number of approaches in the exercise. Let's write an example of a cycle based on a maximum result of 125 kg. Let's start the calculation from the end, so it's more convenient.

10 week -125 kg - 4 × 6-4-2-1

9 week –120 kg– 4 × 6-4-2-1

8 week - 115 kg - 4 × 6-4-2-1

7 week -107.5 kg - 4 × 4

6 week –105 kg - 4 × 4

5 week -102.5 kg - 4 × 4

4 week -97.5 kg - 5 × 5

3 week –95 kg - 5 × 5

2 week -92.5 kg - 5 × 5

1 week –90 kg - 5 × 5

We see that the first 4 weeks are similar to a simple cycle. We do 5 sets of 5 repetitions, changing the weight on the barbell by 2.5 kg. After the end of 4 weeks, add 5 kg at once and perform 4 sets with 4 repetitions, again changing the weight of the bar from week to week by 2.5 kg. And so on for another 3 weeks. At week 8, we immediately add 7.5 kg and also perform 4 approaches, but the number of repetitions will be different. In the first approach 6, in the second 4, in the third 2, in the fourth 1. In this case, the weight of the bar will constantly change depending on how much you can do with the given number of repetitions, only the last approach with 1 repetition is performed with the weight specified in plan. For the last three weeks, the weight has changed by 5 kg. The last approach in the last week will be close to the maximum. Insurance is required here.

At the end of the cycle, as in its simple version, add 5 kg to the initial weight and, by analogy, calculate a new cycle.

Again, the cycles for all exercises must be planned at the same time.

Two-stage cycle.

Such cycling is used by high-class athletes. To calculate it, we use a three-stage cycle as a basis, but remove the 4 × 4 phase of work from it. As a result, the first 5 weeks we go 5 × 5, and the remaining 5 weeks according to the scheme 4 × 6-4-2-1

There is nothing complicated here.

For sports fans who love powerlifting cycles the best way progress further when there has been a prolonged stagnation in performance with conventional training methods. Often, when this happens, many, on the advice of the so-called "specialists", start taking. Of course steroids give the desired effect. Strength is added, training weights and body weight increase. But at the end of their use, it will still disappear just as quickly, unless you apply them over and over again. Cycling is a real alternative to anabolic steroid use. At the same time, the results will persist for many years, even if there is a forced break in classes. Of course, progress may not be as fast as with steroid practice, then such a result is more stable. In addition, the type of training determines the effectiveness. After all, you can drink and inject steroids in kilograms, but if the training program is thoughtless and wrong, then you will not achieve even part of what you can achieve by training clean, but right.

Basic Powerlifting Training

The problem of training athletes in powerlifting has not yet been disclosed, practically absent Scientific research in this area.

There is only fundamental data in the field of studying the problem of the manifestation of force and strength training in weightlifting. Training of athletes in powerlifting is currently under way on the basis of the provisions set out in scientific works on issues sports training in weightlifting or on the basis of popular foreign publications translated into Russian. Direct borrowing of recommendations and methodological provisions from weightlifting is incorrect, sincepowerlifting is distinguished by its specificity of competitive activity. For example, unlike weightlifting, powerlifting moves much more slowly, so such a factor as muscle composition becomes unimportant, and both slow and fast muscle fibers must be trained. As for foreign recommendations, in most cases they do not rely on strict scientific data and represent the opinions of various coaches and the athletes themselves about the process of training power triathlon. In this article, I will look at the problem of preparation not as a World and European Champion, but as an employee of the Research Institute of Higher Achievements Sports. Today I will tell you how to train an MMV and what the ideal basic powerlifter training should look like from a scientific point of view.

As a result of the analysis of the literature data, it was shown that the means and methods of strength training were developed by scientists on the basis of generalization of experimental data. For example, Zatsiorsky (1972), when developing strength training methods, relied on the data of the American scientist Berger (1962), who found that the highest gain in muscle mass and strength occurs when performing 6-12 repetitions in one approach. The same data were obtained by Capeen (1956). With a decrease in the number of lifts in the approach and an increase in the weight of the barbell, strength predominantly increases, and the growth of muscle mass is insignificant. These experimental data have not yet received a clear and accurate interpretation from the standpoint of the biochemistry and physiology of muscle contraction.

An attempt to interpret the course of biochemical and physiological processes when performing strength exercises was made by Yu.V. Verkhoshansky, -1970; 1977, in his analysis, an incorrect interpretation of the adaptive processes that unfold during the performance of strength exercises was admitted. In particular, there is no indication of what factors stimulate the synthesis of myofibrils in muscle fibers. Ultimately, the problem of strength training did not receive a deep biological study.

The work carried out by A.S. Medvedev in 1986. She gives straight practical guide for the preparation of athletes of various skill levels. However, the substantiation of the "System of long-term training in weightlifting", as well as other authors, is purely empirical. The system is developed on the basis of an analysis of the activities of coaches who train athletes of various qualifications. It is obvious that it is possible and will be achieved certain successes to prepare according to this system.

As for the direct training of athletes in powerlifting, here we can single out 2 authors - L. Ostapenko and B. I. Sheiko, who tried to develop guidelines, similar to those presented in his "System" A.S. Medvedev. The most widespread were the works of B.I.Sheiko, tk. he is one of the leading coaches in Russia, and is also directly related to the formation and preparation of the national team of the country, because holds the post of senior coach of the Russian men's national team.

However, just like A.S. Medvedev, the author in his recommendations relies solely on empirical data, without bothering to understand the processes taking place in the body of an athlete working according to the proposed plans.

We will not go into the details of the preparation of MS, MSMK and champions fromSheiko - this is a boring occupation, and most importantly not rewarding - because at this level, the athlete himself is already able to decide for himself whether he is ready to disfigure or not, following the methodological recommendations of the coach. Let us stop our attention only on the preparation of beginners (up to the CCM level inclusive), which was born thanks to the exuberant imagination of B.I.

When analyzing training plans, proposed by B.I.Sheiko for the arresters, it seems that the author either does not understand the essence of what he has written, or does not try to understand and realize it. By the way, the author himself immediately disclaims any responsibility for the consequences of such training, specifying that it leads “only approximate schemes and figures and that the athlete CAM should adjust plans for himself ... ".

And now the main question:

- how many newbies are able to correct something? And would they use ready-made plans if they knew how to write their own?


- beginners take plans as they are and try to fulfill them verbatim - even a baby understands this. I doubt that B.I. has a different opinion on this matter.

So what's wrong with these plans?

Even with the naked eye it is clear that a beginner (and I remind plans up to and including the Candidate Master of Sports) is not able to fulfill them without the help of the well-known "friends of the athlete". The author in his writings absolutely forgets that for a beginner, even a small load is already enough swipe on the hormonal system, and here are SUCH programs that experienced "plowmen" have their hair on end. The stress received by a novice athlete when performing these programs is so great that the body cannot cope with it on its own, which is expressed in the suppression of hormonal and immune systems organism. The beginner drives himself into the deepest hole, from where he will not get out for more than one week. Well, if everything ends with overtraining, and how many injuries do young athletes get in this state ???

It's no secret that all the powerlifting forums are discussing these training plans day after day under the general title “How to train according toSheiko and stay alive "

Here are some quotes (quoted as is, without correction):

· in my opinion, according to metSheiko very few people can progress without farm. I lasted only 8 weeks, while it became more and more difficult to do the exercises every week, (especially the last sets) my health worsened. as a result, the strength even fell, jumped off the plan at 8 weeks

· The end of 9 hellish weeks according to Sheiko, but the game was not worth the candle ... probably the plan would have worked better with the farm ..

· I finished the 2nd week of the preparatory cycle and, to put it mildly, screwed up. The plans are clearly chemical. How can you do 16 sets of deadlifts on Wednesday, then 15 sets of squats on Friday, 9 more sets of deadlifts on Saturday, and then on Monday 16 sets of squats, this despite the fact that the number of repetitions and weights are increasing, this is just a kick-ass So I decided to cut everything tilting and cutting off a little squat, live the same as you want

· I will not hack people like youSheiko in the bench, you progress ... from the constant bench press or the thrust ...

This list can be continued indefinitely - the number of victims due to the fault of B.I.Sheiko very large. And I think this is far from the final result of his methodological recommendations.

Add here hundreds more "trainers" throughout the country and abroad, who, not having their own heads on their shoulders, adhere to B.I.'s plans in preparing their wards, considering them the only true ones.

Coaches forget that all people are different, that it will not work to train everyone in a row under one "carbon copy", that at best there will be no result - in worst sport will spit out another disabled person. But this is not enough for our super-trainers! Not knowing biochemistry (and not wanting to understand it), they manage to create such “carbon copies” for which even naturally very strong individuals are overtrained. Super-trainers in their methods not only do not take into account the laws of the body's functioning, but by all available means try to go against them, bringing the "functional pit" closer to their wards, and therefore pushing them to use steroids.

Once again, I will make a reservation that I am not against the use of steroids at the level of the Highest Sports Achievements, but YOU are writing these obviously impassable plans for CHILDREN, and they are unable to realize the full responsibility of this decision.

And what kind of steroids can we talk about at the MS level and below ???

Based on the above, I consider these techniques to be potentially dangerous and of little use for novice powerlifters.

The principle of individuality in powerlifting is characterized by the topography of muscle strength, physiological features of muscle contraction and coordination of motor actions, as well as the level of technical skill, mental characteristics of personality, rational organization of training sessions, taking into account weak links in the development of an athlete.

For adaptation processes in the body of a power triathlon, it is necessary to perform a biomechanical analysis of motor actions and to reveal the peculiarities of the functioning of the most important muscle groups. For biomechanical analysis, we will use qualitative biomechanics (Korenberg) and dynamic anatomy (MF Ivanitsky).

Squat with a barbell on the shoulders.

This exercise can be conditionally divided into two phases:

1. Lowering to sed. The main load falls on the quadriceps femoris, gluteus maximus, back muscles and hamstrings. The movement is performed relatively slowly (for comparison, a squat when taking a barbell on the chest in weightlifting lasts an average of 0.7-0.8 seconds, depending on the category and level of training of the athlete. In powerlifting, lowering to the seat takes at least 1.2 seconds), so the effort can create both BMW and MMV.

2. Lifting the bar. The same muscles are involved in the work. The movement is extremely slow, since the maximum weight is used, therefore, both BMW and MMV are involved in the work.

Bench press lying on a horizontal bench.

This exercise can be conditionally divided into four phases:

1. Lowering the bar to the chest. Involved in the work: front beams deltoid muscles, pectoralis major muscle, triceps.

2. Holding the projectile on the chest. The effort is created by the same muscles.

3. Breaking the barbell off the chest. At this stage, the effort of the latissimus dorsi is added to the effort of the anterior bundles of the deltoid muscles, triceps and pectoralis major muscles.

4. Let's press it. At this stage, the work is excluded latissimus backs and large pectoral muscles, therefore, the effort is created by the anterior bundles of the deltoid muscles and triceps.

(for comparison, the push from the chest in weightlifting lasts an average of 0.25 -0.35 seconds. In powerlifting, the press takes from 1.8 seconds)

At all stages, the movement is performed slowly (relatively speed types sports), therefore, the effort can be created by both BMW and MMV.


The trapezius muscles take part in the work, long muscles backs, quadriceps thighs, inner thigh muscles and gluteal muscles... Deadlift is the slowest exercise from a competitive powerlifting program, (for comparison, lifting the barbell during the clean and jerk to full extension in weightlifting lasts an average of 0.8-1 seconds.In powerlifting, the deadlift takes at least 2 seconds)

Therefore, the same picture - an effort can be created by both BMW and MMV.


when performing competitive exercises in powerlifting muscle contractions are performed at a very low speed, so it is fundamentally important to increase the strength of both the BMW (Fast Muscle Fibers) and the MMF (Slow Muscle Fibers);

Means and methods aimed at hypertrophy (increase in strength) BMW

To activate the BMW, it is necessary to perform exercises with maximum or near-maximum intensity. In this case, the MMV and BMW will function. If muscle contraction is combined with relaxation, with such a functioning that does not cause blood circulation arrest, then the effect of the exercise will be directed mainly to the BMW. To achieve the maximum training effect, a number of conditions must be met:

· the exercise is performed at maximum or near-maximum intensity;

· the exercise is performed until "failure", that is, until the depletion of reserves of KrF (creatine phosphate), the formation of a high concentration of Kr (creatine);

· the rest interval between sets is 5 or 10 minutes (5 minutes - active rest, 10 minutes - if the rest is passive); number of approaches per workout: 5 - 10;

· number of workouts per week: the exercise is repeated after 7-10 days, this is how much time is required for the synthesis of myofibrils in muscle fibers.

The following factors influence the development of BMW's strength:

· Amino Acids - You need a nutritious diet containing sufficient amounts of all essential amino acids or additional amino acids in the form of dietary supplements.

· Hormones. The level of the level of hormones in the blood is influenced by the level of training stress.

· Creatine ... To synthesize free creatine, you must exercise for at least 15-30 seconds . (i.e. the number of repetitions in the approach is absolutely not important - the main thing is to work out the necessary time)

Hydrogen ions (H +) - enlarge the pores in cell membranes through which hormones pass and affect DNA.

Means and methods aimed at hypertrophy (increase in strength) MMV

The exact mechanisms and stimuli for the induction of contractile protein synthesis are unknown. Among the factors leading to MB hypertrophy. there are at least the following:

1. The main condition is the presence of impulse activity of the motor neuron as a factor of neurotrophic control [Valiulin V.V. et al., 1996].

At the stage of RNA synthesis:

2. the presence of free creatine, adenosine monophosphoric and inosinic acids;

3. the presence of H + ions (promotes the liberalization of membranes, an increase in pores and the unwinding of protein structures) [Panin LE, 1983].

At the stage of protein synthesis:

4. the presence of the necessary steroid hormones [Biochemistry: Textbook for institutes fiz. culture, 1986; Viru A.A., Kyrge P.K., 1983];

5. Availability free amino acids(as constituent parts contractile proteins- building material) and peptides [Biochemistry: Textbook for institutes fiz. culture, 1986; Viru A.A., Kyrge P.K., 1983; NI Volkov, VI Oleinikov, 2001];

The most obvious and apparently effective method providing these conditions and, therefore, hypertrophy of the MMV is strength training.

Power training

High concentrations of free creatine and H + in muscle and in general, as well as an increase in the concentration of anabolic hormones (growth hormone, insulin, testosterone [Viru A.A. Kyrge P.K., 1983; Ahtiainen. J. et al., 2001]) occur with high-intensity exercise. However, it is known that MMW hypertrophy with this type of training is relatively not very pronounced, apparently due to the short-term action of the stimulus. Therefore, the hypothesis seems to be the most acceptable (Arnis V.R., 1994; Platonov V.N., Bulatova M.M., 1992; Sarsania S.K., Seluyanov V.N. 1991; Seluyanov V.N., 1992], that isotonic and static-dynamic exercises, performed under strict observance of the following rules, will contribute to the hypertrophy of the IIM:

· slow, smooth nature of movements;

· a relatively small value of the overcome force or the degree of muscle tension (40-70% of the MPS);

· lack of muscle relaxation during the entire approach;

· execution of the approach to "failure" (30-40 seconds).

· repeats with a rest interval of 5-10 minutes

· carrying out training, as a rule, using supersets [Vader D., 1992], for all the main muscle groups (The most effective training option is a super series of 3 approaches after a 30-second rest. 3 such super series per workout is enough. Rest between super series is 10 minutes) ;

· Active rest - jogging.

· Number of workouts per day: one, two, three or more, depending on the level of fitness.

· Number of workouts per week: Repeat the exercise every 3-5 days.

This type of exercise leads to the following expedient phenomena:

· initially, and most importantly, the IIM will be recruited;

· the access of oxygen to the MMW is hampered and thereby the decrease in the concentration of CrF and the accumulation of H + in these fibers is accelerated;

· a sufficiently long duration of approaches (30-40 s) and a large number of approaches (4-10) provide a long-term effect of these stimuli in the MMB;

· there is reason to believe that due to the duration of the approach, even with maximum volitional efforts at the end of the approach, the degree of BMW involvement in the work and, therefore, their hypertrophy will be relatively small.

In favor of the assumption made that similar training will contribute to the hypertrophy of MMV, evidenced by the experience of training bodybuilders [Vader D., 1992], in whom MMV are hypertrophied in the absence of specialized training for endurance, especially if approaches with a large number of repetitions are used [Platonov V.N., Bulatova M.M. 1992]. Their training differs from the one proposed above only in large weights (70-85% of the MPS), as well as studies carried out in the Problem Laboratory of the Russian State Academy of Physical Culture.

It is assumed that there is no destruction of myofibrils in the MMW, therefore only synthetic processes take place, time is not wasted on "digesting" the destroyed structures in the cell. One important note should be made.

Trainings aimed at increasing protein synthesis should be carried out at the end of a technical-tactical training session and, preferably, at the last evening training session. The fact is that in response to strength training, protein molecules are formed; if after strength training If a long training session is performed, which will lead to the depletion of muscle glycogen stores, then proteins will be used more intensively as a substrate for oxidation. It is obvious that such a combination of training loads makes no sense. Anything created during strength training will be eliminated.

Building microcycles

In powerlifting, the performance of competitive exercises lasts 1 - 3 seconds, this time is not enough for the accumulation of creatine and hydrogen ions (H +) - it takes 15-30 seconds. But their accumulation is necessary condition successful training MV! Therefore, train with near-maximal and maximum weights with the aim of muscle hypertrophy, it is at least ineffective, at most stupid, and if you are a trainer, it is criminal. In this regard, 2 microcycles are proposed for solving various problems:

1. Aimed at hypertrophy of the most important muscles due to hypertrophy of both BMV and MMV (developing microcycle)

2. Technical training: performance of competitive exercises with an intensity of more than 80% of the PM (implementation microcycle)

Developing microcycle (14 days)






Bench press on a horizontal bench, 5X15-30sec, intensity 75 -80% of RM, rest between sets 3-6 minutes



Press lying on a horizontal bench in reduced amplitude, 3 series, intensity 25 - 50%, rest between series 10 minutes

Deadlift, 5X15-30sec, intensity 75 - 80% of RM, rest between sets 3-6 minutes



Deadlift in reduced amplitude, 3 series, intensity 25 - 50%, rest between series 10 minutes



Squats, 5X15-30sec, intensity 75 - 80% of RM, rest between sets 3-6 minutes



Squats on reduced amplitude, 3 sets, intensity 25 - 50%, rest between sets 10 minutes

Bench press on a horizontal bench, 5X15-30sec, intensity 75 - 80% of PM, rest between sets 3 - 6 minutes



Press lying on a horizontal bench for reduced amplitude, 3 series, intensity 25 - 50%, rest between series 10 minutes

Deadlift, 5X15-30sec, intensity 75 - 80% of RM, rest between sets 3-6 minutes


Deadlift for reduced amplitude, 3 series, intensity 25 - 50%, rest between series 10 minutes



Implementation microcycle (14 days)




Squats, 5-15 sets X 1-2 reps, intensity 95-100%, rest between sets 1-5 minutes




Bench press on a horizontal bench, 5 -15X1 - 2, intensity 95 - 100%, rest between sets 1 - 5 minutes




Deadlift, 5-15X1 - 2, intensity 95 - 100%, rest between sets 1 - 5 minutes






Squats, 5-15X1-2, intensity 95-100%, rest between sets 1-5 minutes




Bench press on a horizontal bench, 5 -15X1 - 2, intensity 95 - 100%, rest between sets 1-5 minutes




Deadlift, 5-15X1-2, intensity 95-100%, rest between sets 1-5 minutes






Construction of the mesocycle

The mesocycle of preparation consists of two microcycles - developmental (14 days) and implementation (14 days). The contents of these microcycles are described in the tables.

When implementing the developmental microcycle in each exercise, we achieve the accumulation of free creatine in the MMW or BMW, which should stimulate the synthesis of myofibrils. The synthesis proceeds intensively for 7-15 days if the blood and body tissues contain an increased concentration of anabolic hormones. In this regard, it is logical to train daily to maintain a high concentration of hormones in the blood and tissues, but every day of training, the effect goes to different muscle groups or muscle fibers. This ensures a consistently high rate of myofibril synthesis and sufficient time (7 days) for muscle fiber hypertrophy. In the developmental microcycle, strength mainly grows in the MMV and in 80% of the BMW. High-threshold MUs practically do not exercise.

The second microcycle is necessary for improvement technical training as well as for muscle fiber hypertrophy associated with high-threshold MUs. At the same time, the processes of the synthesis of myofibrils in the MMV and in 80% of the MMV, associated with relatively low-threshold MUs, continue. The volume of the load in this microcycle decreases, and the intensity increases.

For successful performance at the competition, 4-5 weeks before the start, a pre-competition microcycle is included in the training mesocycle, the intensity of which is 85 - 95% of the PM, and the volume of the load is noticeably reduced. The main task of the pre-competition microcycle is to improve technical skills. At this stage, it is necessary to conduct training using the most rigid equipment.

It will look something like this:







Week 1

Squat 80% 3x3

Bench press 80% 3x3

Thrust 80% 4X1

Bench press 85% 3x2

Week 2

Squat 90% 3x1

Bench press 80% 3x3

Deadlift 90% 2X1

Bench press 90% 2x1

Week 3

Squat 100% 2x1

Bench press 100% 2x1

Thrust 100% 2X1

Week 4

Bench press 75% 2x3

Squat 80% 2x2

Week 5

1. The history of strength development and the difference between powerlifting and weightlifting.

Once upon a time, at the end of the 19th century and at the beginning of the 20th, people trained very hard (almost all approaches were performed to failure) and for a long time (with great intensity and volume), this led to the fact that most people could not withstand such volumes. at such an intensity that, most often, it led to overtraining. In such conditions, only those people who were genetically talented (with a very large adaptive reserve) progressed, everyone else simply could not progress. The workouts usually took place every day, for several hours, and in some cases, all day.

Over time, athletes and coaches began to understand that such training did not bring the result they would like. At that time, there were wars, and the world began to be divided into two camps: the USA and the USSR, it was in these countries that the main development of the practical and theoretical power base took place.

We take just these states as an example, because they followed absolutely opposite paths of power development. Heavy and voluminous workouts could no longer give desired result, so logically there were two ways to solve the problem: Reduce volume; Decrease the intensity.

The USSR followed the path of decreasing the intensity, and the main system for the development of strength appeared - Submaximal Effort Method. Soviet weightlifters continued to perform huge training volumes, but at the same time, all sets were by percentage of intensity, rather than being performed to failure. Training system became very effective and led the USSR national team to victory in the Olympic weightlifting.

At that time, in the United States, they continued to train very hard (doing abandoned approaches), but at the same time they began to lower the training volume, train for fewer repetitions and approaches. All this led to the formation of the second main method of developing strength - The best effort method.

I think everyone remembers history, and the times when the USSR was the undisputed leader on the weightlifting platform. Undoubtedly, the submaximal effort method has become more acceptable in weightlifting training, but we will talk about powerlifting(Further PL), and weightlifting and powerlifting are absolutely different types sports. Weightlifting(Further TA)- speed-power sport, while powerliftingpower.

The main difference between PL and TA is speed. The ability to make high-speed movement is responsible for such quality as rapidity. While the PL is purely focused on developing strength, TA is a symbiosis of strength and speed. Max effort methods have a very negative effect on the development of speed, and this is the fundamental reason why the max effort method is less effective in weightlifting than the submaximal effort method.

But, powerlifting is not weightlifting, here the development of speed is not as important as in weightlifting. Therefore, the max effort method has taken root very well in the SP. If you look at modern TA, the United States absolutely cannot compete with the states that train according to Soviet methods, or those who took them as a basis and modified them. At the same time, in the world of powerlifting, the USA shows outstanding results, most of the undisputed champions are from the USA.

From the author: I don’t know whether I got it or not, I wanted to convey that both methods of developing strength are effective. And it cannot be said unequivocally that one is better than the other. It should be understood that the training process is one of the fundamental factors of the result, but not the only one. Athletic performance is a symbiosis of stress and recovery. Exercise is responsible for stress, while many other factors are responsible for recovery. And at the maximum perfect workout, but without the necessary restoration, there will be no result.

2. Methods for developing strength.

There are two main methods for developing strength:

  • Submaximal Effort Method- no refusal.
  • Best Effort Method- with a refusal.

There are many methods for developing strength, but all of them can be divided into two types. With the presence of "failure" and without "failure". In this case, muscle failure, when the muscle is no longer able to perform dynamic contraction.

Other methods that indirectly affect the development of strength.

  • Impact method (plyometrics)- the method developed by the outstanding professor Yu. Verkhoshansky.
  • Dynamic effort method Is a method that gained popularity in powerlifting thanks to Louis Simmons.
  • Method of static-dynamic efforts- the method of development of OMV (IIM), a method developed by Professor V. Seluyanov.

Submaximal Effort Method.

This method has become very popular thanks to the practitioners and theorists of Soviet weightlifting. The basis of this method is to do the exercises “without refusal”. To fully understand the training process, a deep analysis of the training is simply necessary; for this, the following indicators are used:

  • PM- personal maximum (This is the weight that will be performed for 1 repetition in "failure").
  • Intensity-% of the personal maximum (example: 80 kg with a PM of 100 kg is an intensity of 80%).
  • KPSh- the number of barbell lifts (This indicator moved to the PL from weightlifting, where almost all exercises are performed with a barbell, in the PL there are many exercises that are auxiliary, can be performed on blocks or with dumbbells, they carry less training stress, most often they are not will be included in the calculation of KPS, I single out separately such an indicator as the General KPSh in which I include all the lifts, both barbells and dumbbells, repetitions on simulators, while the IOI are calculated only from competitive and specially preparatory exercises).
  • IOI- the averaged relative intensity of all competitive and specially preparatory exercises (example: approach 60% 2x2 and 65% 2x2 KPSh - 8 SDI - 62.5%).
  • Tonnage Is the total weight lifted, displayed in tonnes.
  • Microcycle- a cycle that consists of several workouts (usually a microcycle is a week, but it can be more).
  • Mesocycle- a cycle that consists of several microcycles.
  • Macrocycle- a cycle that consists of several mesocycles.

Due to its ability to vary with volume and intensity, the submaximal effort method has grown into three main training systems:

The systems are described in more detail in the relevant articles, click on the links.

The best effort method.

Two main methods of developing strength that belong to the max effort method:

  • Low-repetition maximum effort method (classic maximum effort method).
  • Multi-repetitive maximum effort method (repetitive effort method).

In contrast to the submaximal effort method, other methods are usually used in training systems that use the maximum effort method. In the first method, three main training systems were disassembled. Here we will analyze 2 training systems.

  • Westside Barbell - Louis Simmons.

3. Drawing up a training program.

Drawing up a workout.

This chapter will describe how to properly compose one workout, and then move on to the microcycle and macrocycle. Before you start drawing up a workout, you need to understand what goals you will pursue, what basic methods to use, determine the basic exercises and the like. The following is a step-by-step description of the training algorithm and some examples.

From the author: Following the algorithm for compiling a workout, you can create your own workout program, examples will be given in the chapter so that it is clearly understood what should turn out in the end.

1. Determine the goal of the workout.

  • Improving sports skills.
  • Gaining muscle mass.
  • Improvement of qualities (strength and / or speed).
  • Elimination of dead spots (work on problem areas of the amplitude).

2. Determine the method of strength development:

  • The best effort method.
  • Submaximal Effort Method.

3. Define helper methods (optional).

  • Shock method.
  • Dynamic effort method.

4. Define a set of basic exercises.

5. The choice of the nature of the training.

5.A. Submaximal Effort Method.

  • Hard workout.
  • Average workout.
  • Easy workout.

5 B. Seluyanov's method.

  • Developmental workout.
  • Toning workout.

6.A. Selecting the intensity and volume of the workout (If the submaximal effort method is selected).

  • Intensity zone (low, medium, or high intensity).
  • IS Zone (low, medium or high intensity).
  • KPSh zone (low, medium or high volume).
  • Repetition zone (number of repetitions in sets).

6.B. Selection of the main training method according to Louis Simmons (if the training system according to Louis Simmons is selected).

  • Max Effort Training.
  • Submaximal Effort Training.
  • Dynamic Effort Training.

6.V. The choice of the development of muscle fibers (if the Seluyanov system is chosen).

  • Training predominantly on the VGMV.
  • Training mainly at the SMOA.
  • The training is predominantly on the OMB.

Training example.

1. Training with the submaximal effort method for the bench press:

control int fit rep kpsh kpsh total IOI
1 Squat 3 3 9
2 bench press 67,5% 1 3 3 3
75,0% 1 3 3 3
82,5% 2 3 6 6
90,0% 2 2 4 4
3 press gant 4 8 32
4 trits block 3 8 24
5 bit block 3 10 30
16 111 80%


  • Training goal: Improving sports skills; Increased strength.
  • Strength Development Method: Submaximal Effort Method (High Intensity System).
  • Helper methods - absent.
  • A set of basic exercises: 1. Squat - gimbal (for bench press). 2. Bench press - SS. 3. Press gantt - gantry. 4. Triceps on the block - support. 5.Biceps on the block - support.
  • The nature of the training - hard workout.
  • Training intensity and volume: KPSh - 16. Maximum intensity - 90%. UOI - 80%. Repeat zone - 2-3 repetitions.

Conclusions: An example of a workout program in a classic high-intensity style. Selected a hard workout with and without an SPU.

2.Training with the Seluyanov maximum effort method for the bench press:

control intensity fit repeat Mode Accent
1 Bench press 90-100% 3-4 1-4 Power vGMV
2 Bar press 90-110% 3-4 1-4 Power vGMV
3 French bench press 5 5-6 Power GMV
4 Lifting a gantt in front of you 5 5-6 Power GMV


  • Training goal: Increased strength; Development of vGMV and GMV (set of muscle mass); Eliminate the problem with the booster.
  • Strength Development Method: Maximum effort method (Seluyanov training method system).
  • Helper methods - absent (forced repetitions in the bench press are possible).
  • A set of basic exercises: 1. Bench press - SS. 2. Press from a bar - SPU. 3.French press - OPU. 4. Lifting dumbbells in front of you - OPU.
  • The nature of the training - developmental workout.

Conclusions: An example of a training program based on Seluyanov's methodological base is specific to the bench press. The selected developmental training for the vGMV and SMV with the presence of a GI and SPU.

3.Louis Simmons Max Effort Training

control intensity fit repeat
1 Bar press 95-100% 1 1-3
2 Press gant 90-110% 5 5-6
3 Extension of arms on the block 5 5-6
4 Wed delt gant 3 10-15


  • Training goal: Increased strength; Eliminate the problem with the booster.
  • Strength Development Method: Maximal Effort Method (Louis Simmons Training Method System).
  • Helper methods - absent.
  • A set of basic exercises: 1. Press from a bar - SPU. 2. Press of dumbbells - OPU. 3.French press - OPU. 4. Lifting dumbbells in front of you - OPU.
  • The nature of the training - Maximum effort (Louis Simmons training method).

Conclusions: An example of a Louis Simmons Max Effort Day workout program, with a PA and PA, but no SU. This is due to the fact that Louis Simmons does not recommend making maximum efforts on the SU.

Microcycling. Drawing up a training week.

After you have an understanding of composing one workout, you should proceed to compiling a training week (microcycle). You need to understand that a microcycle does not have to consist of exactly 7 days, it can last longer, up to 14 days, just 7-day microcycles are a classic.

Compilation of a microcycle.

1. Determine the goal of the training week - goals can be the same as composing a workout, but are more global in nature.

if it is desirable to use only one method of strength development in one workout, they can be combined in a training week. For example, one workout might be based on the maximal effort method, and the second workout might be based on the submaximal effort method. This is how Louis Simons' workouts are structured.

3. Determine the nature of the training- hard (T), light (L) and medium (C) workouts. The number of workouts, their volume, and intensity depend on the adaptive capabilities of the body. The better a person recovers, the more and more often one can carry out hard training... When recovery takes a long time, it is best to dilute the hard workout with lots of lungs.

  • For those recovering well: T + L + T or C + T + C.
  • For moderately recovering: T + L + C or C + C + C.
  • For poorly recovering: T + L + L or S + L + C.

4. Determine training volume and intensity - training volume and intensity primarily depends on the chosen training system. For example: In high volume systems, the volume is high, while the intensity is low, while in high intensity systems, the opposite is true. Secondly, the volume and intensity depends on other factors:

  • Recovery rate- the better the recovery, the more volume and intensity you can do.
  • Weight category - the higher the weight category, the less volume and intensity.
  • Sports prowess - the higher the sportsmanship and the better the training, the correspondingly greater volume and intensity. An example of microcycles.

A microcycle in which only the submaximal effort method is used.

Workout 1 hard
control int fit rep kpsh kpsh total IOI
1 bench press 60% 1 5 5 5
67,5% 2 4 8 8
72,5% 3 4 12 12
77,5% 3 3 9 9
82,5% 3 3 9 9
2 press gant mountains 4 8 32
3 trits block 3 8 24
4 pull-ups 3 8 24
43 123 73%
Workout 2 Medium
control int fit rep kpsh kpsh total IOI
1 squats 4 4 16
2 bench press 60,0% 1 5 5 5
67,5% 3 4 12 12
72,5% 2 3 6 6
77,5% 2 3 6 6
3 mountain layout 3 8 24
4 beat piece standing 3 8 24
29 48 69%
Workout 3 Easy
control int fit rep kpsh kpsh total IOI
1 bench press 60,0% 3 5 15 15
67,5% 3 4 12 12
70,0% 2 3 6 6
75,0% 2 2 4 4
2 bench press 3 6 18
3 trits block 3 8 24
4 Wed delt gant 3 10 30
37 109 66%
109 280 70%


  • The purpose of the microcycle: Improving sports skills; Increased strength.
  • Strength Development Method: Submaximal effort method (medium-intensity system).
  • Helper methods - absent.
  • A set of basic exercises: 1. Squat - gimbal (for bench press). 2. Bench press - SS. 3. Press gantt - gantry. 4. Triceps on the block - support. 5.Biceps barbell standing - support. 6. Pull-ups - OPU. 7. Average delta dumbbells - OPU. 8. Layout horizontally - OPU. 8. Seated Press - OPU.
  • The nature of the training - hard, medium and light workout.
  • Microcycle intensity and volume: KPSh - 109. Maximum intensity - 82.5%. UOI - 70%. Repeat zone - 2-5 repetitions.

Conclusions: An example of a training microcycle in a medium-intensity and medium-volume style. The selected training session with the presence of the SPU and without the SPU.

An example of a microcycle according to Seluyanov can be found in the corresponding article.

An example of a Simmons microcycle can be found in the corresponding article.

Macrocycling. Drawing up workouts for 1-2 months.

1.Define the macrocycle:

  • Recovery cycle- post-competition (usually the main goals are recovery after competition and rest).
  • Basic or preparatory cycle - before the pre-competition cycle (in the basic cycle, many tasks are solved, such as gaining mass, working on dead spots, improving strength, speed and improving technical skill).
  • Pre-competition cycle - the cycle immediately before the competition (the main goal of this cycle is to lead the competition, to reach the peak of the form).
  • Competitive cycle - a cycle in which there are several starts (keeping and improving the form between starts).

2. Determine the main methods of strength development - a macrocycle can consist of several microcycles, which use different methods of strength development. It can also consist of two parts, where in the first part the advantage consists of one method of developing strength, and in the second part - from the other.

3. Determine the type of cycling:

  • Linear cycling- an increase in intensity and a decrease in volume, or vice versa.
  • Variable cycling(sinusoidal) - an increase in intensity and a decrease in volume, after an increase in volume and a decrease in intensity, and again an increase in intensity and a decrease in volume. On the graph, the intensity and volume resemble a sinusoid, from which this type of cycling is often called sinusoidal.

An example of a training program.

High volume training program with sinusoidal cycling.

From the author: In order not to have a lot of text, since you will have to show a 4-week program, so that you can see how the sinusoid behaves on the graph, the program will be presented in the format of 2 workouts per week.

Microcycle 1
Workout 1
control int fit rep kpsh kpsh total IOI
1 bench press 62,5% 5 5 25 25
67,5% 5 4 20 20
2 squats 5 5 25
2 bench press 73% 4 3 12 12
3 extension of the arms to the triceps 5 8 40
4 pull-ups 4 8 32
57 154 66%
Workout 2
control int fit rep kpsh kpsh total IOI
1 bench press 55,0% 5 5 25 25
60,0% 4 4 16 16
2 press with medium grip 52,5% 5 6 30 30
57,5% 4 4 16 16
3 press gant 5 6 30
4 beat piece standing 4 8 32
5 average delt gantt 4 8 32
87 181 56%
144 335 60%
Microcycle 2
Workout 1
control int fit rep kpsh kpsh total IOI
1 bench press 67,5% 4 4 16 16
72,5% 4 3 12 12
2 squats 4 4 16
2 bench press 77,5% 3 3 9 9
3 extension of the arms to the triceps 5 8 40
4 pull-ups 4 8 32
37 125 72%
Workout 2
control int fit rep kpsh kpsh total IOI
1 bench press 60,0% 4 4 16 16
65,0% 4 3 12 12
2 press with medium grip 57,5% 4 5 20 20
62,5% 4 3 12 12
3 press gant 5 6 30
4 beat piece standing 4 8 32
5 average delt gantt 4 8 32
60 154 61%
97 279 65%
Microcycle 3
Workout 1
control int fit rep kpsh kpsh total IOI
1 bench press 60,0% 5 6 30 30
65,0% 5 5 25 25
2 squats 5 6 30
2 bench press 70% 4 4 16 16
3 extension of the arms to the triceps 5 8 40
4 pull-ups 4 8 32
71 173 64%
Workout 2
control int fit rep kpsh kpsh total IOI
1 bench press 50,0% 6 6 36 36
55,0% 5 5 25 25
2 press with medium grip 50,0% 5 6 30 30
57,5% 4 4 16 16
3 press gant 5 6 30
4 beat piece standing 4 8 32
5 average delt gantt 4 8 32
107 201 52%
178 374 57%
Microcycle 4
Workout 1
control int fit rep kpsh kpsh total IOI
1 bench press 70,0% 3 4 12 12
75,0% 3 3 9 9
2 squats 3 4 12
2 bench press 80% 3 3 9 9
3 extension of the arms to the triceps 5 8 40
4 pull-ups 4 8 32
30 114 75%
Workout 2
control int fit rep kpsh kpsh total IOI
1 bench press 60,0% 4 4 16 16
65,0% 3 3 9 9
2 press with medium grip 60,0% 3 4 12 12
62,5% 3 3 9 9
3 press gant 5 6 30
4 beat piece standing 4 8 32
5 average delt gantt 4 8 32
46 140 61%
76 254 67%



  • Microcycle: Basic microcycle.
  • The purpose of the microcycle: Improving sports skills; Increased strength.
  • Strength Development Method: Submaximal Effort Method (Low Intensity System).
  • Cycling type - variable cycling.
  • Helper methods - absent.
  • A set of basic exercises: 1. Squat - gimbal (for bench press). 2. Bench press - SS. 3. Press gantt - gantry. 4. Triceps on the block - support. 5.Biceps barbell standing - support. 6. Pull-ups - OPU. 7. Medium dumbbell delta - SDS. 8. Press with medium grip - SPU.
  • The nature of the training - heavy to medium workouts.

Combination of methods of strength development.

It should be understood that all methods of strength development are effective, while training can be built around one method, or a combination of several methods can be used. The most prominent representative of the combination of methods of developing strength is Louis Simmons. This person in his training programs combines two methods of strength development, and also uses the method of dynamic efforts as an additional one. Now let's look at some kinds of combination of methods.

A combination of strength development methods in one workout:

Maximal effort method and submaximal effort method.

control int fit rep kpsh kpsh total
1 bench press 65,0% 4 4 16 16
2 bench press up to 2x PM 1 2 2 2
3 press gant 3 6 18
4 trits block 3 8 24
5 Wed delt gant 3 10 30

In this example, a 65% 4x4 press is first performed, the main task of which is to improve sportsmanship and pre-fatigue before a heavy press up to 3 repetitions per failure. If you perform approaches to failure without prior fatigue, this will be in the range of 88-93% of the PM. If done after preliminary fatigue - 80-90%, depending on the intensity and volume of preliminary fatigue. Reduced weight on the bar - less "load" nervous system... Also, presses up to 3RM and preliminary fatigue add up to a greater workout volume.

The submaximal effort method and the dynamic effort method.

control int fit rep kpsh kpsh total
1 chain press for speed 65,0% 6 2 12 12
2 bench press 75,0% 4 4 16 16
3 press gant 3 6 18
4 trits block 3 8 24
5 Wed delt gant 3 10 30
28 71%

In this example, the workout starts with a speed chain press - a SPU for pressure problems and an exercise to develop speed. The second exercise is the classic bench press - SU. The press with chains is performed with the first exercise, since speed is very important in working on speed, therefore it is necessary to put exercises for the development of speed at the beginning of the workout.

A combination of methods for developing strength in one microcycle.

Method of submaximal effort and dynamic effort.

Workout 1
control int fit rep kpsh kpsh total IOI
1 bench press 60% 1 5 5 5
67,5% 2 4 8 8
72,5% 3 4 12 12
77,5% 3 3 9 9
82,5% 3 3 9 9
2 press gant mountains 4 8 32
3 trits block 3 8 24
4 pull-ups 3 8 24
43 123 73%
Workout 2
control int fit rep kpsh kpsh total IOI
1 press with rubbers 60,0% 4 3 12 12
65,0% 3 2 6 6
2 squats 4 4 16
3 chain press 62,5% 4 3 12 12
4 mountain layout 3 8 24
5 beat piece standing 3 8 24
30 48 62%

In this example, the first workout is the classic submaximal effort method. The second workout is a method of dynamic efforts, exercises are performed at speed in a small number of repetitions. In the second program, there is a small IOI, this is due to the fact that to maintain high speed in exercises you cannot use large weights Also remember that rubbers and chains add weight.

A combination of methods for developing strength in a macrocycle.

In macrocycling, several methods of strength development are often used. Often a macrocycle can be divided into 3-8 microcycles in which one or another method of strength development is mainly used.

Macrocycle with a combination of methods.

  • Weeks 1-6: Predominantly repetitive efforts (8-12 reps). (This method is very good for the development of muscle mass, bodybuilders use it mainly). This method will allow you to gain more muscle mass, which should then be used in competitions.
  • Weeks 7-10: Submaximal Effort Method (Low Intensity System).
  • 11-14 weeks: Method of submaximal efforts (high-intensity system).

With this construction of the training microcycle, several methods of strength development are used, which take turns, they are not combined in one workout or week.

What is the best way to combine methods in one training session, weeks, or put them into separate macrocycles?

This question is very subjective. We can say that Louis Simmons combines them in one microcycle, and B.I. Sheiko generally uses only one method of developing strength. At the same time, Sheiko and Simmons have a huge number of outstanding athletes, despite their completely different training approach.Therefore, one cannot say which is better this way or that way. Better in a way that suits the particular athlete. It is better so that the golden mean between load and recovery is maximally observed. And what methods this will be done is not so important anymore.

4. Macrocycling. Methods and types of cycling.

In the last chapter, examples of the basics of cycling were discussed, this chapter will be in more detail.

First you need to talk about why you need to cycle the load. The human body is constant, and any load leads to stress, to which the body needs to adapt. When the body receives a load that is new for it, the body reacts with physiological changes and adaptation of the body to stress. Stress can be of three types: Small, Necessary, and Too Much. Determining the level of stress, the body starts adaptation, if the stress is too low, adaptation does not occur and the body remains at the same level. With the right stress - the body starts adaptation and improves all functions to avoid future stress. The necessary stress is the basis of all sports, but if the stress is too great, the body cannot cope with it, in sports it manifests itself in overtraining or underrecovery. The main task of cycling the load is to find the right stress. Now let's move on to what indicators can be used to cycle the load.


Exercise cycling is more popular in bodybuilding. In powerlifting, the choice of exercise is much less, for several reasons. There are competitive exercises in powerlifting, so most of the load should come from these movements. All other exercises are auxiliary, the purpose of which is to improve the result in competitive exercises. You can cycle the exercises once a week and every few weeks.

Recommendations and examples: I recommend changing the exercises once a mesocycle (4-8 weeks). Example: If a person has problems with the press and decides to turn on the bar press once a week after the main press. When cycling every week, he will need to put another exercise next week, to solve problems with pressures, it can be a press from a bar narrow grip or press with rubbers. And when cycling every 4-8 weeks, a person will work out the entire mesocycle in this exercise. The main difference will be that if a person begins to pass the dead center better, the exercise helped, and if it does not work, it did not help. You can make an accurate conclusion about the effectiveness of this exercise. In a situation with exercise changes, it will be difficult to draw a specific conclusion on the exercises, whether they are suitable or not.

Volume and intensity.

Volume and intensity are the main indicators by which the load is cycled. It should be understood here that the training program cannot be voluminous and intense at the same time. There is always an emphasis on high intensity or high volume, in some cases varying with medium intensity and medium volume.

Recommendations and examples: The selection of the required intensity and volume for a person is based on a large number of factors, but primarily on weight category and the level of sportsmanship. The main task of the trainer is to select the required intensity and volume so that the athlete has an increase in sports results. With too little volume and intensity, the body will not adapt, improve its athletic performance, in the case of high volume and intensity - overtraining.

The number of repetitions and approaches

The number of repetitions and approaches indirectly (indirectly - because intensity is also very important) determines which training system is chosen. If the repetitions are in the range of 2-4, then most likely these are high and medium-intensity systems, in the case of 4-6 repetitions - low-intensity systems. More than 6 repetitions are rarely used in classical systems. Cycling by repetitions and approaches determines the total training volume, the more repetitions and approaches, the more the total volume, respectively.

Recommendations and examples: Often many people consider KPS and IS, while they do not pay attention to layouts (repetitions and approaches) - this is a mistake. For example, you can take two athletes (exactly the same). The first will do a 60% set for 6 reps, and the second will do 60% 2x3. The total volume and intensity will be the same, but the first person will get more training stress.

From this, we can draw the following conclusion: If a person always works on approximately the same repetitions (2-4 or 5-6) in this case, the calculation of the KPH and IS will be enough to analyze the program. In the same cases, when there is a very strong scatter in repetitions (from 1 to 10), one should take into account not only the KPS and IS, but also the layouts in which they were performed.

Types of load cycling according to KPSh and UOI.

There are two main types of looping that were mentioned in the last chapter:

  • Linear cycling.
  • Variable cycling(sinusoidal).

Linear cycling - the simplest and oldest type of cycling, its main essence is that training begins (this is most often) with a high volume and low intensity, after which there is a decrease in volume and an increase in intensity.

The graph will show the cycling with an increase in IS and a decrease in KFR:

The third type of cycling is an increase in intensity, with a constant KPH:

In such cases, you should start the cycle with a known low KFR. If you start with an average KPSh and try to keep it while the intensity increases, this will lead to overtraining or injury, it is also possible simply not to fulfill the plan.

Variable cycling (sinusoidal)- a more complex type of cycling. The main difference is that there is no constant growth of KPH and ISR, and the growth is variable - one week high KPSh and low ISR, and vice versa in the second week. It looks like a sinusoid on the graph, so this type of cycling is often called sinusoidal.

First view: week one - high KFR and low ISR, week two - low KFR and high ISR, and so on. This is the simplest and popular view variable cycling.

  • Week 3: KPSh (50) UOI (60%). Light load.
  • Week 4: KPSh (65) UOI (70%). High load.
  • Week 5: KPSh (75) UOI (75%). Very high load.
  • Week 6: KPSh (40) UOI (60%). The load is very light.
  • The meaning of this cycling is that the first week is difficult, the second is very difficult, after which you need to recover well, so week 3 is easy. After this 3-week macrocycle is repeated, but already there is a fall in KPH and an increase in the SPI.

    This is a rather difficult type of cycling, because it is difficult to guess with the right load on a peak day, there can be both a breakdown (not fulfilling the plan), and an insufficiently hard workout, after which you do not need to do light workouts for a week.

    Third view: In this type of cycling - 1, 2, 3.4 weeks are similar in KPS and Intensity, and then 5, 7 become more voluminous, and 6 and 8 more intense.

    Looping general conclusions: As you can see in sinusoidal cycling, there are many different types, first of all they depend on creativity, but, of course, they must have some methodological justification.

    From the author: What kind of looping is best is difficult to answer. In this situation, everything is very individual. I recommend starting with the first example, or better even with linear cycling, and then, after gaining experience and after analyzing your past cycles, experiment and choose what suits you specifically, but in this article I just show what types of cycling exist.

    Construction of training loads in micro and mesocycles at the basic stage of the annual cycle of training for powerlifters of the highest categories.

    Powerlifting is becoming more and more popular in our country, both among amateur athletes, especially among students, and among professional athletes.

    A feature of performing exercises in powerlifting is a dynamic, overcoming mode of muscle work at a slow pace, which is characterized by the absence of accelerations and the constancy of the speed of movement of the bar.

    By this, the competitive activity in powerlifting differs significantly from the competitive activity of a weightlifter, where the explosive nature of muscle work prevails. In addition, the movements of the weightlifter are characterized by greater coordination and technical difficulty.

    From the above it follows that training aimed at developing the strength of athletes specializing in powerlifting, in terms of the nature and orientation of the training loads, should differ significantly from the training of athletes-weightlifters. At the same time, the methodological issues of training qualified powerlifters in the special literature are presented extremely poorly.

    It is known that the effectiveness of training qualified athletes is primarily determined by the rational construction of training loads.

    In this regard, it was necessary to solve the following tasks:
    - to classify the training loads of powerlifters of the highest categories in terms of volume and intensity;
    - to develop and experimentally substantiate a rational structure of training loads in micro and mesocycles for training qualified powerlifters.

    The study was organized on the basis of the SHVSM of the Republic of Mordovia in 2004-2007.

    Generalization of expert assessments of leading specialists and materials of retrospective analysis of sports diaries of high-class powerlifters made it possible to develop a classification of training loads in powerlifting in terms of volume and intensity (see table) and to analyze the features of building training loads in microcycles of the preparatory and competitive periods of the annual training cycle.

    On the basis of the obtained data, it was revealed that the number of trainings in weekly microcycles of powerlifters of the highest grades varies from 3 to 6. At the same time, the majority of specialists (64%) consider it most rational to carry out 4-5 training sessions in a weekly microcycle. In this case, squats and bench press are used in parallel for 3-4 training sessions in a ratio of 45 and 35%, respectively, and deadlift- in one lesson per week, the volume of the training load is about 20%.

    This ratio of training means, according to experts, allows you to increase the power indicators in these movements, optimize recovery processes and reduce the risk of injury to a minimum.

    In a series of search pedagogical experiments, the most effective techniques organization of training loads in micro and mesocycles of the basic stage of training for powerlifters.

    The experiments involved two groups of athletes, 7 people each, qualifications I category and Candidate Master of Sports, weight category 82.5 kg.

    The results obtained made it possible to develop a rational structure of training loads for a typical microcycle of the basic stage (Fig. 1).

    On the first, third and fifth days of the microcycle, the main load is aimed at developing strength in squats and bench press. The second day of the microcycle was devoted to exercises aimed at increasing strength in the deadlift. Such distribution of training means by days of the microcycle is the most rational.

    The volume of training loads in the microcycle of the basic stage tends to increase from the first to the final training day microcycle, and the intensity has the opposite tendency and gradually decreases during the microcycle (Fig. 1).

    The development of a typical microcycle has created the prerequisites for identifying the dynamics of loads in the mesocycles of training. The construction of training loads at the basic stage of training is characterized by the stability of the means used and a progressive increase in the volume and intensity of training loads. The mesocycle includes 5 typical microcycles, the fifth microcycle is unloading (Fig. 2).

    A four-week increase in training loads gives the greatest increase in results in three triathlon movements and provides an increase in athletes' fitness. The fifth - unloading week of the mesocycle contributes to the accumulation of the power potential of athletes, and also helps to optimize their mental state.

    The effectiveness of the developed structure of training loads in micro- and mesocycles of the basic stage of training qualified powerlifters is substantiated by the analysis of the dynamics of their sports results (Fig. 3).

    It was revealed that sports results among powerlifters in the total of triathlon in the first macrocycle of training increased by 5.4%. In the second macrocycle, the positive dynamics of sports results in the total of triathlon was 5.7%, which can be considered a rather high indicator in the preparation of athletes of the highest categories.

    Thus, the rational construction of training loads in micro- and mesocycles at the basic stage of training contributed to the dynamic growth of sportsmanship of qualified powerlifters.

    As a result of the study, a classification of the volume and intensity of training loads has been developed, which makes it possible to give objective assessment the magnitude and direction of training influences and systematize the training process of qualified powerlifters.

    In microcycles of the basic stage of training, the amount of funds aimed at developing strength in competitive powerlifting exercises should be: squat - 45%; bench press - 35%; thrust - 20%. At the same time, the amount of exercise high intensity should be 14-20%, medium intensity -41-44% and low intensity 39-42%.

    The construction of training loads in the mesocycle of the basic stage of training for powerlifters of the highest categories is characterized by the stability of the means used and a progressive increase in the volume and intensity of training loads. The mesocycle should include 5 typical microcycles, where the fifth is unloading.

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