Outdoor morning strength training. The perfect morning workout at home

The question of the best time of day to exercise is often a fierce debate between early larks and late owls. Each group presents its arguments, supported by information from various sources and its own personal experience... We want to add fuel to the fire and introduce you to the publication of Huffpost.com, which claims that you still need to train in the morning.

Medical research recent years have different views on the idea of ​​early physical activities... Some, such as a recent journal study Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise says that morning exercises help to cope with feelings of hunger and contribute more to weight loss. Others argue that it is the evening circadian rhythms that are most favorable for sports. However, it is not entirely correct to reduce this question to pure physiology, since there are a number of social and psychological factors that say that it is necessary to exercise in the morning.

Decreased appetite

The Brigham Young University study looked at dozens of both normal and obese women. All of them showed a decrease in food cravings on the day starting with their morning workout.

You are free for the rest of the day

The vast majority of us have significant social activity in the evening. Visits to cafes, meeting with friends, going to a party or the theater, communicating with loved ones and many other pleasant moments await us in the evenings. You won't tell your beloved: "No, I won't come today, I have to run!" :)

In the morning you really do it

If you schedule your workout for the morning, then the chances are much better that you actually do it. During the day and in the evening, there can be a million different reasons, excuses, problems that prevent you from doing what you planned.

Boosts your energy

When you exercise, physical effort helps deliver oxygen and nutrients to muscles, organs and other tissues. This means that your entire cardiovascular system will work more efficiently, increase your energy and tone.

Great start for your brain

When a person hastily jumps up, chews a sandwich and rushes to work, his brain may be in a state of inhibition for a long time. They say about it "raise - raised, but forgot to wake up." If you start your day with physical exercise, your brain gets a powerful wake-up stimulus, comparable to a good cup of coffee.

How do you feel about early sports? What arguments can you give against or in their favor? Share your opinion in the comments.

Not sure when to study: in the morning or in the evening? Definitely in the morning! It is at this time that sports give the best results.

Most people go to the gym in the evening - when the body is already exhausted after work, when family and loved ones are waiting at home and when there is absolutely no desire to do oneself. Unsurprisingly, the results of many leave a lot to be desired. But you just need to change the time of classes from evening to morning, and life will turn into better side! You heard right, if you start exercising in the morning, you will not only improve your results, but you will also become much more cheerful and happier. After all, you will finally have time for family and friends, for meeting with friends and just relaxing on the couch watching the TV.

"But is it good to get up early?" - you may ask. There is only one answer: "Yes!" Contrary to the opinion of many that an early rise takes away energy, the body, on the contrary, feels better in the morning. He is ready to work, full of energy after a long night's rest, and is absolutely adapted for high-quality and efficient work in.

Is it good to exercise in the morning?

Now that you've seen the benefits of getting up early, let's talk about the benefits of morning workouts. We understand perfectly well that it is difficult to take away sleep time, and even more so to switch to a new daily routine. However, if you understand what you will get after such sacrifices, that there are much more pluses than minuses, then it will be easier to cope.

Morning Exercise Benefits: 7 Pros

1. If you study in the evening, you probably came into the hall after a glass of wine at a corporate party. And even if you felt great, it did not benefit your body, but, on the contrary, only harmed it. In the event that you go to class in the morning, this problem will not arise.

2. Sport activates the process of fat burning. If you start it in the morning, everything you eat during the day will not affect your figure.

3. You will be able to focus better. After all, in the evening your relatives probably call you with questions about where what is, friends offer to take a walk, and your head thinks about what you will have to do when you come home. In the morning you can tune in effective work in the gym, do not turn on the phone and think only about sports.

4. In the evening, the gyms are overcrowded: the majority of people go to workouts after work. Therefore, the simulators, as a rule, are busy, the air in the room is stale, and the lesson itself takes longer: while you say hello to everyone, it will take half an hour. Accordingly, morning workouts will help you avoid crowds and shorten your work time.

5. In addition, if you wish, you can bypass the gym altogether and, for example, work out at home on effective program or go outside - to the nearest square or even to the beach.

6. You will get a boost of energy for the whole day. Morning workouts give an adrenaline rush and stimulate the body for high-quality long-term work. It is likely that a couple of months after changing your regime, you will even go for a promotion!

7. And the last - do not think that morning workouts require such an early rise. Not at all necessary. If you pick up correct program workouts that take a little time, for example, high-intensity interval, you will need to wake up 10 minutes earlier.

As you can see, morning workouts in the gym or at home are much more useful than workouts during the rest of the hours. After all, if you face it, morning is the best time for sports. It is after sleep that our body is ready to perform feats and break its own records. And this applies to sports and life in general. After all, think about how long successful individuals sleep. None of them stay in bed until noon! And this is one of the important reasons for the excellent results in all areas of their lives.

Morning workouts give another undoubted advantage to those who want: it's easy not to eat in front of them! Agree, it is much easier to open your eyes and come to the gym without a hearty breakfast than not eating for several hours before an evening workout. Namely, in this diet, the body burns fat much better, because it takes energy from extra pounds, and not from the food received.

Regardless of what goals you pursue, what gender you are and how long have you been in sports, know: morning workouts help you achieve results much faster! You just need to put in a little effort, teach your body to work in a different mode and reap the benefits. Your sacrifices are nothing compared to the grandiose and magnificent results! Go to the gym in the morning, work hard and enjoy the effect! Your body will say "Thank you!"

Researchers from the University of Georgia in the USA agree: morning workouts are filmed chronic fatigue and its main symptoms are apathy and lethargy.

At night . Morning workout helps to quickly get into a working rhythm. “Fitness classes improve blood circulation and lymph flow, accelerate heartbeat, and intensive training also stimulates the release of adrenaline, which "invigorates" nervous system", - explains Elena Darkova, fitness trainer at the ROST Family Development Center.

Morning Workout Improves Mood

It is common knowledge that fitness helps. And it is not necessary for this to "carry iron" for hours in the gym. At the University of Vermont, USA, scientists came to the conclusion: for Have a good mood we only need 40 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise (with an average - 112 beats per minute). Moreover, this effect persists for another 12 hours after class. So, after your morning workout, you can radiate positiveness for almost the whole day.

Morning Exercise Boosts Your Metabolism

Intensive strength and interval training is accelerated by about 4-7%. “This effect lasts for 12 hours after the morning workout. If you visit the gym in the evening, then expedited exchange substances will remain for only a few hours - while you are awake, ”says Ekaterina Soboleva, fitness director sports club Zupre.


Morning workout helps you lose weight

Although nutritionists do not recommend it, this morning workout is the one that burns the most fat. “After a night's sleep, blood sugar and insulin levels are low. The reserves of the main fuel - carbohydrates - are also depleted. Instead, the body uses as a source of energy body fat", - explains Ekaterina Soboleva.

This morning workout regimen is perfectly acceptable for - and power loads., yoga and stretching.

Morning exercise reduces appetite

Most of us perceive food as. In our quest, we consume all the goodies that come into our sight. Morning workouts will help to break this chain, - the specialists at Brigham University, USA managed to prove.

The psychological aspect is also important here. “Knowing how you had to work hard to burn the extra 150-200 calories in the morning, you hardly want to cross out this result with a chocolate bar during the day,” says Elena Darkova.

Morning workout helps you achieve results faster

First, it's all about regularity. Morning workout is more difficult to “skip”: we still have no excuses to refuse classes (“I’m so tired in the office!”) Or temptations (to spend the evening with friends, not simulators).

Secondly, in our morning workout, in general more strength than in the evening. “The nervous tension after a day's work will prevent you from exercising with full dedication or doing exercises in correct technique... All this, of course, will not bring you closer to your goal, ”comments Elena Darkova.

Morning workout tones muscles while sedentary

Many hours of vigil in front of the monitor at home and in the office spoil our posture, vision, etc. Morning workout dilutes the usual passivity and inertia, the muscles will remind of themselves throughout the day - this will make you more likely to break away from your favorite chair.

If these reasons persuade you to exercise in the morning, do not forget about: a light breakfast, and the right time (at least 15 minutes after waking up).

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Morning workouts are some of the most important for both professional athletes and people who are for themselves. There are many exercise options, it all depends on desired result... No sport or course of work to get the body in shape is impossible without morning workouts.

How to start

Morning workouts mean doing exercises not just in the morning, but immediately after waking up. During this time, the body is least susceptible to the effects of fatigue. The recommended start time for classes is an hour and a half after sleep. Of course, everyone has their own schedule for sleeping and waking up, but in matters of sports, you should not delay. In accordance with the studies carried out on the basis of the data obtained on the characteristics of the body's biorhythms, the most optimal period for training in the morning is eight to eleven hours. In summer, you should start as early as possible, because in conditions of high temperature, the body gets tired faster. In addition, there is a possibility of getting Morning Workout - this is a run followed by possible implementation different exercises... Therefore, choose a suitable place to run in advance. If you live in a metropolis and you have a long drive to the outskirts, then a park is best. Usually there are special routes in the parks, which are used by athletes.

Shoes should be lightweight and comfortable. Clothes are suitable for the weather. If you work out in the gym during the winter, dress as warmly as possible to get from home to your workout location. After its end, a heated organism can easily catch a cold. In the summer, you should always go out in a headdress, preferably light colors. It will feel even hotter this way, but a hat or bucket hat will protect you from direct sunlight, reducing the risk of sunstroke.

You should eat before jogging. Food intake - no earlier than 40 minutes before the start. You should not gorge yourself, but you should also not exercise on an empty stomach.


It is not necessary to warm up before running. Morning workouts should be such that you have the strength for your daily activities. Therefore, you should not overcome yourself, trying to achieve results as quickly as possible. The first runs should last no more than thirty to forty minutes. You choose the pace yourself. It should be such that you can run without severe shortness of breath. While running, you must constantly monitor the movement of the body.

The arms should be bent at the elbows at right angles. During each swing of the hand back, the wrist should go near the hip. The elbow is thrown back so that the fingertips are behind the back. When swinging forward, the hand should not be raised above the chin.


Morning workouts should energize you for the rest of the day. So even if you professional sportsman, leave the main load for the evening. When running, you should always pay attention to how you feel. The main thing is movement, not the result. Therefore, in which case you can always stop. The result of each run should be recorded (distance and time covered) so that later you can observe the dynamics of progress. Increase the distance by a kilometer each week. While running, you can listen to music, this makes it easier to endure stress. For even breathing, always keep your back and neck straight. When the head is thrown back or a strong bend forward, the air enters the lungs worse.

Warm up

Every run begins morning workout... Exercises follow after it. Even if you are hot, you should not take off your outerwear before stretching. When the body is hot, nerves can easily get cold. The warm-up always takes place from top to bottom. That is, the first exercises are aimed at warming up the neck, and the last ones are aimed at warming up the feet. The cervical vertebrae play important role so they need to stretch their heads. Next comes the back and hip joint... They are kneaded by bends, hand swings (rotational) and in a circular motion... The legs are stretched using gymnastic stretches. However, some preparation should be done before prolonged flexibility exercises to avoid stretching the muscles.


The morning training program should be designed in such a way that there are periods of maximum stress and rest.

It is best to break these periods up into weeks. Each week should alternately include all types of exercises for different muscles bodies on different days. The week of the highest load should be no more than once a month. If you are preparing for some sporting event(for example, a marathon), then the peak week must end two days before. But don't wear yourself out. If you feel very tired, take a break.

Morning workouts for weight loss

If your main goal is to reset excess weight then you should add some special exercises and equipment.

First, wear as warm clothes as possible before jogging. You can even a short time wrap the torso in a plastic bag. All exercises should be done with short breaks. During such training, the body will actively sweat and, accordingly, lose fluid. Take water with you to stay hydrated. Some time after exercise, you need to eat well and drink hot tea (preferably green).


Opinions differ regarding training times. Some athletes are sure that it is worth training in the afternoon or evening, while others recommend loading the body in the morning.

But is it safe to swing after waking up? What does the research say in this regard? What are the hours of training that will guarantee results? Each issue requires detailed consideration.

Research: Where is the Truth?

Monday, Wednesday and Friday are the days of the week on which 60-80% of athletes train. A popular time period when gym crowded to capacity - from six to eight in the evening. This is logical, because people go to workouts after work. But does evening work work or is it better to study in the morning?

Scientists became interested in these points and conducted a group of studies:

  1. Experiment # 1. The study involved 100 men who exercised in the morning, at lunchtime (12:00), in the evening (16:00) and before bed (20:00). The results are as follows:
    • Workouts guaranteed the greatest effect in the evening due to the active work of muscle fibers.
    • Muscle gains are higher after 4:00 pm due to low cortisol levels in the evening.

    As for testosterone, its level is higher in the first half of the day, but against the background of cortisol activity, this advantage is leveled. Scientists have made sure that the result is maximum between 6 and 8 pm. But you shouldn't be categorical here. Each individual has a different rhythm of wakefulness and sleep. This means that it is worth focusing first on the internal rhythms, and only then on the recommendations of the researchers.

  2. Experiment # 2. Scientists did not stop at the achieved result and conducted a study with reference to the type of figure. It has been established that endomorphs (people with a slow metabolism) should exercise before lunch. This approach guarantees an even burning of fatty deposits. For ectomorphs, evening hours look preferable when the body has accumulated enough calories to burn.
  3. Experiment # 3. Human life is associated with biological rhythms, on which body temperature, metabolism, pressure and a number of physiological functions depend. Research has proven that greatest result gives a competent adjustment for own body... For example, if classes in the morning do not give results, then you can postpone training for the evening. The body will immediately tell you whether it is better for it to work in this mode or not.

The research results are as follows:

  • Strength increases by day 12.
  • Body temperature reaches its ideal value at 16: 00-17: 00.
  • After 12:00, endurance increases.
  • The risk of injury after 12:00 is 20-25% lower.
  • If you exercise 2-3 times a week, the quality of sleep improves.

Activity distribution

Let's look at what time you can and should train taking into account the arrow on the dial:

  • 05:00. Body temperature is low. This time is suitable for light workouts (yoga, warm-ups).
  • 07:00. Morning activity will energize cardiovascular system, will accelerate fat burning. Studies have shown that the number of calories burned during exercise in the morning is three times more than in the evening.
  • 15:00. Running on fresh air strengthens the body. At this time, the heart can more easily cope with pumping blood, the joints become flexible, the temperature rises.
  • 16:30. This time is good for cycling. Pedaling ensures fat burning (especially in women). The advantage is muscle flexibility, liquid blood.
  • 17:00. Working with loads. The body heats up to an extreme temperature. If you swing during this time, you can achieve high testosterone levels. It is believed that after 17:00 a second wind opens in the body.
  • 19:00. At this time, it is worth giving yourself to swimming. This can be explained by the activity of reflexes and muscle plasticity.
  • 20:00. Evening time suitable for team sports.

Morning workout rules

Making the decision to practice in the morning is a crucial step. But here it is worth observing a number of rules:

  • Lesson after waking up. The main challenge is to develop the habit of starting training after lifting. At first, the body resists, but over time it goes away. Consciousness should expect awakening, and the body should receive a portion of the loads. Before starting, you can drink a glass of water to start work internal organs... Don't forget the importance of a 5-10 minute warm-up.
  • "Explosive" exercise in the morning is the key to health. To accelerate blood through the vessels, activate muscle growth and accelerate metabolic processes, include the following options in the workout - lunges, squats with jumps, jumps, sharp push-ups, and so on.
  • Include static exercises aimed at stretching the muscles (at least one). The belief that after awakening a person is "wooden" is wrong. History knows thousands of examples of people who easily sat on the twine even in the morning. The main thing is daily training. The result will come in 3-4 months. Of the stretching exercises, it is worth highlighting the "Spiderman" lunges, Hindu push-ups, squats on one leg, side lunges with fixation of the body in the lower position, and so on.
  • Nice and short. It is worth exercising daily. At the same time, there is no need to overload the body - 5-10 minutes is enough to start the processes and not harm the internal organs.
  • Set goals. You cannot train “just like that”. Classes in the morning should be task-oriented and goal-oriented. For women - slimming, developing legs or buttocks, and for men - increasing muscle, extra strength and relief.

How to determine the time for classes?

Here it is worth focusing on the following points:

  • Choose a convenient time... Each person has individual life circumstances, taking into account which the schedule is formed. Even if the time 19:00 is suitable in all respects, but there is a risk of not being in time, then there is no need to try - postpone the training period. Please note that food is taken no later than an hour before receiving loads. An exception is the morning, when classes are permissible without breakfast.
  • Systematic... If the body is used to training at the same time and going to the gym gives results, then you should not shock the body with regular changes in the training schedule. Periodic adjustments are acceptable, but nothing more. If it so happens that there is no way to visit the hall at the usual time, then a small shift training process will not become a tragedy.
  • Orientation to your own body... Observe the body and note the times at which stress is most satisfying.


Now let's summarize for each time:

  • Morning. Features - an increase in testosterone levels, a lowered body temperature, a minimum level of serotonin, the brain is active and concentrated. Advantages - an increase in the volume of oxygen, the availability of exercise equipment, the lack of loading in the gym.
  • Day. Features - temperature and adrenaline rise, the threshold of sensitivity increases, the energy level drops. Benefits - Availability daylight, increased rest time between sets, the presence of a coach.
  • Evening. Features - at the peak of temperature, endurance and coordination. In the evening, the performance of the lungs is at the maximum level, the strength of the joints and the flexibility of the bones increases, and the mental concentration decreases.

If the goal is to lose weight, then the morning hours guarantee the result. Thanks to high level cortisol and other hormones activate metabolic processes and accelerate the burning of excess fats. In this case, both light jogging and power training... The main thing is not to "put pressure" on the body, but to listen to its sensations.

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