Home exercise for the whole body. Morning exercises: a set of exercises for all muscle groups

Morning exercise is a healthy habit that will make your morning vigorous and healthy. Let's figure out how to properly do morning exercises at home and what benefits it has.

Who is recommended to do morning exercises and are there medical restrictions?

Charging is recommended for any person, regardless of age and gender. This type of activity is available to everyone: it does not require high level physical fitness and special sports equipment. Simple physical exercises can be performed by children, adult men and women. Do not ignore exercise, especially if you are sedentary and do not exercise any additional physical activity.

Classic morning exercises have practically no contraindications, with the exception of some diseases, for example, with cervical or lumbar another set of training is performed. The presence of any disease in a person does not mean the need to give up gymnastics, but requires changes to the standard set of exercises. To do this, be sure to consult your doctor. Contraindications to classes are mostly temporary. These include:

  • high body temperature, including with colds;
  • internal bleeding;
  • high / low blood pressure;
  • internal inflammatory processes;
  • feeling unwell and severe pain.

The benefits of morning exercises for the body

Easy charging will not take you too much time in the morning, but it will make significant positive changes in your life.

A surge of vivacity and energy

Even a short morning activity will help the body wake up faster. During exercise, blood circulation increases, and the body is saturated with oxygen. Such processes provide a surge of strength and vivacity.

Great mood

Light loads in the morning will help you to cheer up and start the day with a positive attitude. Performance and discipline will increase, and bad mood and irritability will go away.

Weight Loss

Morning work-out in combination with other physical activities will have a positive effect on your figure. Systematic exercise normalizes metabolism, accelerates metabolism, helps to burn excess fat and maintains body muscles in good shape. If you need to get rid of on the buttocks, thighs or other parts of the body, you need to know how many calories exercise burns. Approximate energy and calories burned for medium intensity charging:

  • morning exercises for 10 minutes will help burn 50 kcal;
  • 20 minutes = 100 kcal;
  • 30 minutes = 150 kcal.

Willpower training

Getting up in the morning half an hour earlier and doing exercises becomes a serious challenge for most. By overcoming laziness, you reinforce the habit and develop your willpower.

Immunity is strengthened

Little exercise is good for your health. Morning sports strengthens the immune system, normalizes work respiratory system, and are also excellent prevention of cardiovascular diseases and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. During gymnastics, the brain and the whole body are saturated with oxygen, due to which mental activity is activated and all muscles and joints begin to work effectively.

When to study and how to make the morning schedule correctly?

The best time to recharge is in the morning. Classes in evening time will not give you that powerful charge of energy that you can get in the morning. Do not exercise immediately after breakfast, wait at least an hour and a half. It is recommended that you do your morning workout on an empty stomach. Before starting classes, wash yourself, drink a glass of warm water and be sure to ventilate the room.

In warmer months, give preference to charging outdoors.

Calculate your ascent time with the following points in mind:

  • charging time - 10 minutes for beginners, 25-30 minutes for physically fit people;
  • the time between charging and eating is at least 20 minutes;
  • shower after training (preferably contrast) - 10 minutes.

The best set of exercises for morning exercises should consist of 3 key stages:

  1. Short warm-up;
  2. Main part;
  3. Completion.

Build your training program in such a way that simple exercises go first, and then more complex ones. Power loads in the morning it is better to exclude.

What result can you expect?

You should not expect positive results with irregular training. But if you train at least 4-5 times a week, the changes will be visible in a month:

  • general well-being will improve;
  • improve mood and reduce stress levels;
  • willpower will be trained;
  • the cardiovascular system will be strengthened;
  • metabolism is normalized;
  • the ability to lose extra pounds;
  • the body will be tightened and the posture will be leveled.

All of the above reasons are a reason to add morning exercises to your schedule.

Warm up

The best morning exercise starts with a good full-body warm-up. The exercises in this phase are based on bends, bends, and rotational movements. A short five-minute warm-up will prepare the muscles for the workout and eliminate the risk of stretching.

Head, neck

We do 3-4 times in each direction:

  • head tilts to the sides, forward and backward;
  • smooth rotation of the head in a circle.


We make circular rotation 3-4 times in each direction:

  • with clasped hands in the lock;
  • wrist, elbow joints;
  • shoulders together and alternately;
  • arms outstretched to the sides.

Back, body

We do on each side 5-7 times:

  • body slopes;
  • rotational movements of the pelvis;
  • turns of the body.


We perform rotations of 10 repetitions with each leg:

  • ankle joint;
  • hips.

Complex for women

Morning exercises for women should include at least 4-5 exercises from the list below. If desired, the training program can include exercises from yoga, Pilates, stretching or light strength exercises.

Steps in place

It is good to start the main complex by walking in place for 1-2 minutes. Try to raise your knees as high as possible.


Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Begin to bend forward, trying to touch the floor with your hands. Perform movements smoothly, with a slight delay at the bottom point. Repeat the exercise 7-8 times.

Exercises for the press

Perform 20-25 standard crunches per press. For those who are more physically prepared, a workout for.

Lying on our back we raise our legs and at the same time our arms

Keep your shoulder blades on the floor. You can lie on your stomach and do leg and arm raises from this position (boat exercise). Perform 10 lifts.


Perform 5 kicks, first forward, then backward and sideways. Repeat the same steps for the other leg.


Do 20 squats, pulling your pelvis as far back as possible without lifting your heels off the floor. The back should be flat.

Jumping out

Do dynamic jump squats by pushing the heels off the floor. The number of repetitions is 20 times.


Let's start stretching the legs. Sit on the floor and stretch your legs forward. Begin to tilt your chest towards your knees, extending your arms towards your feet. Then spread your legs to the sides and make bends with your body to each of them in turn. Exercising in the morning with stretching will relieve tension in the muscles and increase their elasticity.


Stand in the starting position of the push-ups, hold this position for 60 seconds. A variation of the exercise is possible when the arms are bent at the elbows. strengthens the muscle corset, trains strength and endurance.

Stretching for the spine and back muscles

Get on all fours, start slowly arching your back, lifting your pelvis and head up. Next, start rounding your back by twisting your pelvis and lowering your head. Repeat the cycle 5-7 times. Charging for does not take much time, and you will feel the benefits of it.

Balancing table - classic yoga pose

Stay on all fours. Now simultaneously lift your right leg and left hand up to parallel with the floor. Return to the starting point and repeat the same for the opposite limbs. Do 10 reps. This effective exercise strengthens the back and develops coordination. This exercise belongs to the category of "yoga for beginners".

Push ups

Do 15 push-ups. For girls, you can choose a lighter version, in which the emphasis is not on the socks, but on the knees.

Flexion of the arms

Take small dumbbells, start lifting them to your shoulders, bending your arms at the elbow joints. Do 15 bends. You can do the exercise either sitting or standing.


Lie on your back, clasp your hands behind your head, bend your legs at the knees. Next, start performing movements with your feet, simulating the rotation of the pedals while riding a bicycle.

Jogging and walking

Jogging develops endurance and engages all muscle groups. You can run both at home (if you have a treadmill) and outdoors - it all depends on your desires and weather conditions. If running is not easy for you, you can start by walking fast.

Running is the easiest, fastest and most enjoyable way to get in shape.

At the end of charging, stretch, walk, take a few deep breaths and exhalations to restore breathing.

It is not necessary to limit yourself to the above list of exercises. Find for yourself suitable view physical activity: try cycling, dancing, yoga for beginners.

How to motivate yourself to practice?

Force yourself to get out of bed early and start performing sport exercises it can be difficult. Let's take a look at a few tips to help you motivate yourself to be active in the morning. The following tips are relevant not only for charging, but for sports in general.

  1. Start small. You don't have to set yourself overwhelming tasks and immediately take on high-intensity training programs. Such a pace carries the risk that you will quickly burn out and abandon classes after a week. Start with at least a small five-minute warm-up and do it for 2-3 weeks. Then you can gradually increase the exercise time by a few minutes.
  2. Develop a habit. Make exercise a part of your life. Get a habit tracker and track your daily progress with it. The more regular your activities, the easier it is to follow the regimen. Even if for some reason you missed a workout, do not scold yourself, but return to your usual schedule.
  3. Enjoy. Put on your favorite music, buy new workout clothes, reward yourself with a delicious breakfast after exercising, think in a positive way, and don't think about the difficulties of the day ahead.

Key charging errors

When exercising in the morning, try to avoid the following mistakes:

  1. Unsystematic classes. Try to exercise at least 3-4 times a week.
  2. Classes in a stuffy room. Be sure to ventilate the room before exercising.
  3. Ignoring warm-up. Take at least 2-3 minutes to warm up your muscles.
  4. The inclusion in the work of only some muscle groups. Find a set of activities that will engage the whole body.
  5. Excessively intense loads. The purpose of charging is to fill you with energy for the whole day, and not to use up all your strength in the morning.
  6. Exercising at a too slow pace or taking very long pauses is also not worth it. Maintain a moderately intense pace.

Don't put off your classes until Monday, set your alarm for tomorrow 10 minutes early and do a short morning exercise to keep you awake. Defeating laziness, you will give your body a huge benefit!

IN modern world people are increasingly suffering from overweight... Many, in pursuit of a beautiful figure, immediately go on a diet, sign up for fitness centers, and try to exercise at home. However, only a few remember how useful morning exercises are for losing weight. She not only gives a charge of vivacity in the morning, but also on a par with strength training helps the body fight extra pounds.

The main advantage of morning exercises is its versatility. People of all ages can exercise in the early hours. You just need to choose the right set of exercises. Other pluses:

  1. Positive mood. During exercise, a large amount of endorphins are released into the bloodstream, which have a beneficial effect on the emotional state. With regular exercise, a person becomes less irritable and more stress-resistant.
  2. Efficiency. Physical activity promotes intense blood circulation. As a result, tissues receive full nutrients and oxygen. Thanks to this, the brain works much more efficiently.
  3. Development of willpower. A person accustomed to morning classes and not skipping workouts, in Everyday life also tries to bring everything to the end.
  4. Improvement of the body. Exercise promotes the removal of phlegm from the bronchi, eliminates venous blood stagnation, and fights insomnia.
  5. Acceleration of metabolism. Food is better absorbed and the body is more saturated faster. This helps to get rid of excess body fat.

Surprisingly, gymnastics has practically no drawbacks. There is only one significant drawback - the alarm will have to be set half an hour earlier than usual.

Principles and rules

The main rule of morning exercises for weight loss is regularity. Only constant training can lead to desired result... If it is not possible to practice every day, then it is allowed to do the exercises at least four times a week. Other principles:

  • You need to do it on an empty stomach. If you feel hungry, you can drink a glass of water with lemon juice.
  • It is advisable to start gymnastics with a warm-up. The muscles will have time to warm up in front of the main body, which will reduce the risk of injury.
  • Stretching. It is mandatory at the end of the lesson.
  • Taking a contrast shower. It will help consolidate the result of your workout and boost your immunity.
  • Correct breakfast is a guarantee fast weight loss... The body will fill the gap nutrients and will store energy for the first half of the day.

It must be remembered that the break between the two exercises should not last longer than one minute. And you should also adhere to a single pace.

Exercises for all muscle groups

Even without going to the gym, you can lose weight at home. To begin with, you need to get used to starting each new day with exercises, which are equally useful for both men and women. Classical gymnastics includes the performance of several light exercises:

  • Warm up... Performed while lying in bed. It is necessary to stretch your arms behind your head and stretch yourself well. Next, perform 8-10 swings with each hand, and twist the imaginary bicycle pedals with your feet. Then sit down slowly and try to touch your toes with your palms. Warming up the muscles of the back, legs and arms will be ready for the next load.
  • Neck... You need to start exercising with working out the neck. Smooth head tilts are performed forward, right, left and back. Then circular rotations are made alternately to the left and right sides. Each element is repeated 5 times.
  • Arms... To work out the hands, you need to grab the shoulders with your fingers and make a series of rotational movements forward and backward. Next, bend your arms slightly at the elbows and repeat the movement for the elbow joints. The wrist joints are stretched by rotating the palms linked into the lock. Repeat 10 times.
  • Back... It is useful to perform body bends to the left, forward, and to the right. In this case, the legs are shoulder-width apart, one arm is raised up, and the other is located at the waist. Then you need to put two hands on the belt and make several rotational movements with the pelvis. Exercises on the back end with hand swings. To do this, you need to spread your arms to the sides and raise them to parallel with the floor. Then turn the body to the left and right, without lowering the limbs.
  • Stomach... To keep the abdominal muscles in good shape, it is necessary to imitate walking in place, while trying to raise your knees high. You can use your hands to enhance the effect. Then the elbow of the right hand should tend to the raised knee of the left leg and vice versa. The second exercise is to raise straight legs from a prone position.
  • Legs... It is useful for the legs and buttocks to perform squats, lunges both forward and to the sides. And also in a standing position, swing your legs back. Repeat on each leg 10 times.

To improve the effectiveness of training, it is necessary to make changes in the set of exercises from time to time. Additionally, you can use small dumbbells, jump rope, fitball, elastic bands, Hula Hup.

Trainers have come up with a variety of exercise complexes for every taste. You need to start from the simplest, and then move on to more complex ones. So the body will gradually get used to the stress.

5 minute workout

This is a charge for the laziest people who have to force themselves to wake up and get up early. Therefore, it is recommended that you start getting used to the exercises, which only take a few minutes. At the same time, you do not need to use any weighting materials for a five-minute charge. Approximate complex:

  • Be sure to include exercises to warm up the neck.
  • Stretch your arms at the shoulder, elbow and wrist joints. Repeat 3-5 times in each direction.
  • Make circular rotations with the pelvis several times.
  • Perform torso bends to the right and left up to 5 times.
  • Include squats in your workout.

All exercises are performed 3-5 times without interruption. Although the workout is very quick and simple, the effect is still there. The body gets used to physical activity in early time, and the daily need for charging develops.

Morning fitness

Having mastered the simple exercises, you can move on to a more complex program. Slimming morning fitness- this is one of the best complexes, perfectly helping to get rid of extra pounds. Training example:

  • To begin with, you should walk quickly in place for about a minute, with your knees raised high.
  • Then work out your hands by raising them to the sides to parallel with the floor. Light dumbbells can be used.
  • Try doing push-ups from the floor or sofa. If the exercise is hard, then you can do push-ups not on straight legs, but from your knees or from the wall.
  • For the legs and buttocks, squats are performed 15 times and lunges forward 10 times on each leg. It's good to add a glute bridge.
  • To strengthen the press, it is recommended to do twists 15-20 times, lifting the legs from a prone position 20 times. It is desirable to complete the workout with a plank.

It is important to take into account that when performing a workout, a person should not experience strong stress. And the pulse is not obliged to exceed the maximum rate. As you master the program, it is better to gradually increase the number of repetitions in each exercise.

Dance gymnastics

After mastering quick workout you can try dance gymnastics. It is notable for the fact that it is performed only with rhythmic music. An approximate complex based on belly dancing:

  • To strengthen the press, it is necessary, due to muscle tension, to draw in the stomach and hold it in this position for several seconds. The exercise lasts 3 minutes.
  • To train the shoulders, bend the right leg a little, and take the pelvis to left side... Tilt the left shoulder back. Repeat the same for the right shoulder.
  • The hips are lifted up one by one. After warming up the muscles, you need to rotate your hips in the form of an infinity sign. Repeat 8 times.
  • Neck workout is slightly different from the classic version. The head does not tilt to the sides, but rather extends. In this case, the shoulders must remain stationary.
  • To strengthen your legs, it is recommended to cross your straight legs and take side steps. Hands should be behind the head. The exercise is repeated 15 times for each leg.

Dance gymnastics not only promotes weight loss, but also improves coordination in space, develops flexibility. And it is better to study with special video tutorials.

Activities with children

Adults who do exercises for weight loss in the morning can invite their children to work out together. It will be not only interesting for the children to study with their parents, but also useful. After all, good habits are established from childhood. An example of a complex:

  • Slopes. Leaning forward, the baby should try to reach the floor with his fingers. In this case, the knees do not bend. When tilting to the left and right, it is recommended to put your legs a little wider than your shoulders, and keep your hands on your belt. Repeat each slope 5-10 times.
  • Squats. The classic version is 2 sets of 12-15 times.
  • Balance training. For 15-30 seconds, try to stand on one leg, not holding or staggering.
  • Fold. These are forward bends, but only while sitting. You need to sit on the floor, straighten your legs and touch your toes with your fingers. Repeat 10-15 times.
  • Boat. Useful exercise for shaping correct posture... You need to lie on your stomach and stretch your arms forward. Then, at the same time, raise your legs and arms above the floor. Stay in this position for a few seconds. Repeat 10 times.

Charging should take place in a playful way. There is no need to put pressure on the child and force him to do complex exercises. Otherwise, he will completely abandon gymnastics.

It's no secret that at first a person has to force himself to do exercises. To make gymnastics in the morning not a burden, but bring pleasure, you need to follow a few tips:

  • Waking up from sleep gradually. It is not recommended to jump out of bed immediately as soon as the alarm clock rings. You need to lie down for a few minutes, smile and think about how wonderful the new day will be.
  • You should not immediately try to perform complex exercises from the first lessons. The body has to get used to morning workouts... It is better to increase the load gradually.
  • Before starting a workout, it is advisable to ventilate the room well. If you wish, you can practice on the street.
  • Charging should not take more than half an hour. The optimal time spent on basic exercises is ideally 15-20 minutes.
  • It is recommended that you play your favorite music in the morning to lift your mood and increase charging efficiency.

More Related:

Morning exercises for men: a set of effective exercises A set of exercises for slimming the abdomen and sides
How to lose weight in 5 minutes a day? A set of general developmental physical education exercises

Many argue about which exercise is useful: morning or evening? Supporters of morning exercises refer to "larks", supporters of evening exercises - to "owls", but what about those who are ready to exercise at any time of the day?

In fact, both morning and evening exercises have their pros and cons.

About morning exercises

If we talk about the definition of the term charger, then in the specialized literature on physical culture, we will see that this is a complex of movements (exercises) that a person carries out after sleeping on an empty stomach.


  • reduce appetite for the rest of the day (research by UK scientists);
  • In the morning, the risk of injury is lower (study of the University of Toronto, Canada);
  • It is easier to burn fat in the morning (research by scientists from the United States has shown that in the morning it is enough to exercise for 20 minutes instead of 40 minutes to start burning fat, since in the morning our body is set up to expend energy, not to accumulate it).


  • requires additional concentration (in the morning, blood circulation is slowed down due to its density, in addition, after sleep, our lungs are narrowed, as a result of which nervous activity is also reduced due to a decrease in the flow of oxygen, in other words, our body continues to sleep in the morning). The solution to the problem is to warm up with a subsequent increase in load.

About evening exercises

Since the term charging is still defined morning complex simple exercises, then we call evening exercises as such. It would be more accurate to say about the evening workout.


  • speed up the metabolism (by the evening, the metabolism slows down, which is why it is harmful to eat a lot at night);
  • burn fat during sleep (muscles consume energy for their recovery within a few hours after training, so fat will be used up to replenish energy at night).


  • can cause insomnia. Indeed, very intense evening exercise shortly before sleep will cause insomnia. The solution is to exercise 2-3 hours before the expected sleep;
  • can awaken a brutal appetite for the night. This problem is solved by reducing physical activity or shortening the time spent exercising.

Thus, the advantages of both morning exercises and evening exercises are obvious, but the disadvantages are removable.


It is necessary to determine what we want to get from morning exercises:

  1. improve blood circulation and speed up metabolism;
  2. invigorate the body to start the day in a good mood, that is, increase the production of endorphins;
  3. improve muscle tone and make the figure slim;
  4. improve concentration of attention so that you can be collected all day.

Stage one.

This includes washing, morning prayers. Often, Orthodox Christians are interested in how to organize their morning, namely, in what order exercise and prayer should follow: pray, and then do the exercises, or first exercise, and then the prayer rule. What is better - immediately upon awakening, cheer up with a warm-up, wash up and begin the “sweet talk” of which St. Theophan the Recluse calls a prayer? Or, on the contrary, to “charge” the spirit, and only then the body?

The answer to this question can be found in the Orthodox prayer book before the morning prayers:

"Rising from sleep, before any other deed, become reverent ..."

So, having done the necessary for the body, ideally you should do it. Indeed, can we focus on prayer and inner peace of mind if we do a series of physical exercises before that? Of course, there may be exceptions in this matter, but nevertheless, these will be just exceptions.

Stage two... Actually charging (warm-up)

Physical education teacher Anna Sh. About exercise:“Exercises for charging should be done before breakfast after sleep. In this case, the load should be moderate and cover the main skeletal muscle... In the same way, we warm up before exercise or physical labor. Morning exercises are performed daily for 5-10 minutes. A person after it remains not tired and even rested. General developmental movements, starting from the head and ending with socks-heels. "

So, we always start charging exercises with the head: turning the head left and right, then tilting the head back and forth, slowly rotating the head in a circle.

Then we move on to the shoulders: we make rotational movements first with the right shoulder joint, then with the left, then both at the same time.

After the shoulders comes the turn of the hands:

  • a circular motion with a straightened arm away from shoulder joint first right, then left, then both simultaneously from top to bottom;
  • alternating hand swings up and down;
  • movements of the arms bent at the elbows at chest level backward, followed by straightening the arms to the sides;
  • movements with straightened arms at chest level left-right in the form of scissors;
  • rotation of the elbow joints with bent arms at chest level inward and outward;
  • rotation of the brushes in and out;
  • raising straightened arms up while lifting them on toes.

After the arms, go to the body:

  • tilting the body down (feet shoulder-width apart, fingertips should touch the floor, knees stay straight);
  • rotation of the pelvis from left to right and from right to left, hands on the belt;
  • tilts of the body to the left and to the right (when tilting to the left, the left hand is on the belt, the right is straightened and follows the body; when bending to the right, the right hand is on the belt, the left is straightened and follows the body).

Now you need to stretch your legs:

  • squats;
  • lifting up on toes, lowering down on the heels (with the legs together);
  • rotation of the feet inward and outward (the foot must be put on the toes).

This concludes the morning exercises.


Separately, it is necessary to say about the plan for conducting general developmental training at home. If time permits and there is a need for training, then it can also be done in the morning. However, there are a few things to consider when compared to charging.

Morning workout:

  • requires additional time for breakfast and its assimilation (exercising on an empty stomach is bad, as over time there will be an overexpenditure of energy).
  • creates additional load for the heart due to thick blood (during sleep, the body does not receive water, its total amount in the body decreases, which makes the blood thicker). To thin the blood, you need to drink 1-2 glasses of water 10-15 minutes before the start of the exercise;

Exercises for general development work should be started with a warm-up. Next, you should do exercises for individual muscle groups.

Exercises for the abs:

  • from a prone position, raise the legs brought together at an angle of 45 ° C upward, while not lifting the lower back from the floor, several approaches 5-7 times;
  • from a prone position, we raise the body to a full sitting position, while the legs are bent at the knees, but closed together; when lifting, we alternately turn the body to the right and left, several approaches 10-15 times;
  • from a prone position we raise our legs and, holding them in weight, we do scissors, several approaches 5-7 times;

We make jumps in place on both legs, then alternately on the right and left.

Stretching exercises:

  • from a sitting position, we spread our legs as wide as possible, and then we reach with both hands to the fingertips first right leg, then left; after that we bring our legs together and reach with our hands to the tips of our toes, several approaches;
  • from a sitting position, extend the right leg to the side, directing the weight of the body to the left, bent at the knee; after that, we transfer the weight from the left leg to the right, while stretching the left leg, and bending the right at the knee, several approaches;
  • from lying position bent knees, close together, we get the floor to the left of the body (the back and shoulder blades do not come off the surface and remain in a straight position), then to the right of the body, several approaches.

We do a light jog, after which we stretch our whole body up towards the sun.

The morning workout is over.


Recall that in this article we called the evening complex of general developmental exercises, i.e. home workout.

Let's define our expectations from the evening exercise-workout:

  1. speed up metabolism;
  2. bring the nervous system into balance;
  3. relieve the fatigue of the working day;
  4. relieve tension from spinal column and it is possible to relieve back pain;
  5. achieve physical relaxation of the main muscle groups;
  6. normalize the work of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

Exercise should be done on an empty stomach. Charging workout should be completed 15-20 minutes before dinner. The total charging time should not exceed 20 minutes.

Back exercises:

  • We get on all fours. When inhaling, bend your back and look up. Holding your breath for 2-3 seconds. When exhaling, we arch our back, while simultaneously pulling in the stomach, press the chin to the chest. Holding your breath for 2-3 seconds. Several approaches;
  • From a prone position, we stretch the left arm up and the left leg down. Then we repeat the same for the right side. Several approaches;
  • From a prone position, we bend the right leg while inhaling, the left leg is straight. We press the thigh to the body with the right knee fully bent, wrap our hands around the right knee. Holding the breath for 2-3 seconds. When returning to the starting position, exhale. Repeat the same for the left leg. Several approaches.

Exercises for nervous system:

  • From a standing position (to the side of the chair), holding right hand behind the back of the chair, bend the left knee while inhaling and wrap it in a half ring elbow joint, after which we bend our head to the knee. Holding the breath for 2-3 seconds. As you exhale, lower your leg. Repeat for the right leg. After achieving success in balance, the exercise can be done without a chair, while the girth is made with both hands;
  • From a standing position, we focus our gaze on a certain point in the distance at eye level. Slowly begin to lift the left leg, pressing the heel to the inner surface of the right leg. Try to lift your leg as high as possible. Relax. Having found balance, we exhale (full) and raise our arms above our head (while taking a slow breath). Relax and stand like that, your gaze is focused on one point. The time spent in the pose is 3-4 minutes. Repeat for the other leg.

Easy jogging.

Physical education teacher Anna Sh. About home workouts:“If you need to do exercises every day, then it is enough to devote no more than 40 minutes of your time to home workouts 3-4 times a week. You just need to start, and over time training will become a regular activity for you. "

Charging exercises and home workouts will give you vigor, healthy sleep and a good appetite, normal weight, high spirits and calmness.

"As you start your morning, so will the whole day." No one will argue with this wise saying. But in order to cheer up, turn on your body in a working state and recharge with energy for the whole day, washing cold water, a cup of coffee and chocolate is not enough. After all, these are a kind of stimulants that only start the work of the brain and nervous system, driving away drowsiness and fatigue.

But for the normal functioning of the body, all muscles and joints must be included in the work. This effect is given by morning exercises. Even a 15-minute workout activates the work of the whole body, stretches muscles and joints, eliminates drowsiness and lethargy, and also energizes the whole day.

We share with you a few useful exercises for charging. They will help you free yourself from sleepiness and start your day cheerfully.

It is worth noting the following: morning work-out- is not intense workout on which you strengthen your muscles, build muscle mass or shedding extra pounds.

This is a wellness procedure that consists of complex of physical exercises... Its main goal is to warm up muscles and joints, fight drowsiness, and also invigorate the whole body.

Morning exercises should consist of light warm-ups and basic exercises, not difficult and power tricks. Otherwise, instead of cheerfulness, you will get fatigue, and you simply will not have the strength to spend an active and productive day.

For the tremendous benefits of morning exercises, follow these guidelines and guidelines:

Do not do exercise exercises immediately after you wake up. Indeed, in the morning the body is still at rest. And in order to fully wake up and start all internal processes, it takes 2-3 hours.

And having suddenly blown up from the bed after the alarm clock rings and immediately proceeding to morning exercises, you thereby harm yourself.

The fact is that strong loads lead to a sharp switch of the heart to active work, which harms the heart muscle.

Therefore, start charging gradually, moving from simple to complex. While still in bed, do warm-up exercises... They accelerate awakening, stretch muscles, and prepare joints and tendons for basic exercise.

After a light warm-up, walk a little, wash yourself with cold water, brush your teeth, drink a glass of warm water, ventilate the room, and then just start doing the basic exercises for charging... Such events perfectly start the work of the brain and nerve cells.

Wear comfortable clothes for morning exercises that does not restrict movement.

Exercise to music preferably rhythmic. It will help you organize your movements and adjust your breathing. Although, you can choose the music depending on what rhythm you practice. If at a fast pace, music with a tempo of 140-170 beats per minute will come in handy, and if at a calm pace, choose a slower song.

Try to breathe correctly. Otherwise, instead of benefit, you can get harm. At correct breathing every cell of the body and every muscle is saturated with oxygen. And this, in turn, significantly increases the tone of the body.

Take 5-20 minutes to do exercises for charging. every morning. Try to exercise regularly.

After your morning exercise, take a contrast shower. Alternating cold and hot water, you will thus invigorate and temper your body. Also have a hearty breakfast. Eat only healthy foods that are rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber.

A set of basic exercises for charging

Morning gymnastics has many variations. But, despite this, she has one goal - the study of all major muscle groups.

Below we will consider basic exercises for charging that are included in any system:

Warm up

1. Stretching... Lying on the bed, we breathe deeply, we stretch our arms above our head and lock them into the lock, after which we turn them with our palms against the wall. At the same time, we straighten the knees, and tighten the socks. We are in this position for 5 seconds, after which we exhale and relax. The number of repetitions is 3.

2. Pull your knees up to your chest. Lie on your back, bend your knees and pull them to your chest. We hold them in this position for 10 seconds. We do this 5-6 times.

3. Do twists. Lying on your back, stretch your left arm to the side, bend your knees and stretch them in the opposite direction. Make sure that the shoulder blades touch the mattress. We lie like this for 10 seconds, after which we twist in the same way in the other direction. The number of repetitions is 5-6.

4. Lean forward. We sit on the bed, then stretch our legs. We take a deep breath and as we exhale we reach for the socks. Then inhale deeply again, exhale and stretch even deeper. At the same time, we also pull the neck forward. We perform this exercise 10 times, after which we relax.

Basic exercises

We knead the neck:

5. We turn the head to the right, then - straight ahead, then - to the left.
6. Bend your head to the sides: first to the right, and then to the left.
7. We lower and then throw our head back.
8. "Draw" a circle with the head first clockwise, then counterclockwise.

Stretch your hands:

9. We rotate with fists or hands clasped in the lock. We do it slowly.
10. Rotate your shoulders. First we use both hands, then one at a time.
11. Extend your arms completely and make them rotational movements back and forth.
12. We bend our arms and rotate them first towards ourselves, then away from ourselves.
13. Put your fingers on your shoulders, rotate them back and forth.

We knead the body:

14. We flock straight, legs spread shoulder-width apart, then tilt the body forward. At the same time, with our fingers, or better with our palms, we touch the floor.
15. Hands are at the waist. Next, we rotate the pelvis in one direction, then in the other. At the same time, the legs are located shoulder-width apart.

16. Put one hand on the lower back, and pull the other up. Feet shoulder width apart. Next, we bend in one direction, and then in the other.

Leaning and returning to starting position do it smoothly and evenly. If these movements are performed quickly and abruptly, the head can become dizzy.

Stretch your legs:

17. Alternately swing your legs back and forth 10-15 times, after which do the same movements, but only to the sides.
18. We put our feet shoulder-width apart. Hands are on your knees. Rotate knee joints.
19. Do squats with arms outstretched in front of you. Make sure that the heels do not come off the floor. We perform 10-15 repetitions.

To all of these exercises for charging were not boring for you, do them out of order. You can also add to morning exercises something new, for example, running on the spot, jumping abs, or more.

Morning work-out- this is something that must be introduced into the habit. After all, such a daily ritual, if performed correctly, includes the body in work, and eliminates drowsiness and fatigue even better than coffee and chocolate.

In addition, it has a positive effect on health in general. Exercise heals the body, strengthen blood vessels and the heart, increase immunity, stimulate mental and physical activity, and also give a person a surge of energy and vigor.

Plus, they help you keep in great shape. Therefore, take them into account, warm up and recharge with energy, which will be enough for you all day! estet-portal.com

If you have any questions - ask them

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness - together we are changing the world! © econet

It is known that the body has much more energy in the morning than on another day, but few can find the strength to force themselves to actively move after. However, scientists are confident that a perfectly composed morning complex can bring great benefit the body. At the same time, it is very important to take into account all the recommendations, only in this case you can get the maximum result and not harm the body.

Why morning exercises are useful

Any active movement has a positive effect on the state of the body. Many are interested in why it is recommended to do it and how it affects the body.

Exercising in the morning will lead to the following positive results:

  • will not take much time, and the amount of energy received during active movements will be enough for the whole day.
  • The endurance and muscle tone of the whole body will increase, no matter how long the exercise takes.
  • Regular exercise will get rid of and.
  • The metabolism will accelerate, which in turn will help faster.
  • will receive a large amount of oxygen, which means that it will leave and the body will tune in the way necessary for fruitful work.
  • It is proven that people who practice physical exercise in the morning, show great and persistence.

It has long been known that any habit takes on or goes away in 21 days. It is such a period of time that you will have to force yourself to give it to your body.
Let's take a look at the developed by specialists tips to help you fall in love with exercising in the morning:

  • To open the body's energy stores, it is recommended to do exercises with a rhythmic one.
  • It is recommended to start charging with a warm-up and one simple exercise... This is enough to understand whether the body has enough strength for active movements at this time of day.
  • To work out, it is important to regularly spend a week similar training... Then you can gradually increase the amount of exercise. The main task is to consolidate the positive habit of listening to your favorite music and at the same time actively move.
  • Gradually, you can turn on strength exercises in the morning. It is quite enough, for example, to swing the press or try to lift small dumbbells.

How to properly plan your exercise

Warm up

Warm-up technique

The main purpose of charging is the body from and to set the desired rhythm for the entire next day. Based on this, the best one should include exercises for all muscle groups. They start it with a smooth stretch, this will allow you to wake up and prepare the body for more active loads.


The most simple, but at the same time effective exercise are tilts and turns in different directions... Then you can perform similar movements back and forth. At the end, it is recommended to carry out slow circular rotations in different directions. All this will allow you to stretch the cervical vertebrae and at the same time strengthen the muscles. In the presence or any unpleasant sensations, it is better to refuse such movements.

Arms and shoulders

Gymnastics exercises for consist of the following movements: straight arms are spread to the sides and begin to perform circular motion , first with the hands, then with the elbows and finally with straight arms. You need to make movements first in one direction, and then in the other. Then they lower the limbs down and make circular movements, first one by one, and then together. At the end, the palms are squeezed into a lock and make circular movements alternately in different directions.


For charging in the morning, we recommend choosing the most light exercise... Experts advise doing slopes. In this case, it is important that they are even and in the lowest position you need to lock in for a couple of seconds. Then you need to rotate your hips: straight legs are shoulder-width apart, hands on hips. For warm-up, it is useful to do bends to the side with an arm raised above your head.


For lower limbs ideal are swings, they need to be done alternately in different directions. Then it is recommended to make circular movements with the knee joints. And complete everything with deep squats, while not being torn off the floor.

Did you know? British scientists are confident that an intensive 3-minute exercise stress allows you to adjust the release of insulin into the blood, which can help people suffering from diabetes.

A ready-made set of basic exercises

Consider developed by specialists set of exercises for morning exercises... It takes 15 minutes on average:

  1. First, do the articular warm-up. It should take no more than 5 minutes.
  2. Strength exercises follow. 20 squats in two sets. It is recommended to raise your hands above your head. A couple of sets of 10 push-ups. If classical technique impossible, you can do push-ups from your knees or with your hands placed on the surface. Jumping ends this part of the charge (2 sets of 20 times). On average, this should take you no more than 5 minutes.
  3. It is ideal to make “ explosive exercise", Which will quickly invigorate the body. Jumps from a deep squat with an overhead clap and side turns are suitable. The exercise should take 30 seconds, and the same amount of time should be allowed for rest.
  4. The morning stretch completes everything. It will take no more than 4 minutes in time. It is necessary to make deep lunges forward, 10 on each leg. Thanks to this exercise, muscles are simultaneously swayed and stretched. In a position on all fours, they flex and arch their back. The muscles of the back and abs work. The classic plank completes everything. It is recommended to start with 30 seconds, and then gradually increase the time to 2 minutes.

How to finish charging

It is important to remember that the most best charge includes not only correct preparation before the beginning, but also its completion. After stretching, it is recommended take a shower... Water will give you a feeling of freshness and wash away sweat.

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