Breeding dumbbells while sitting on your shoulders. Swinging shoulders: a set of the best exercises for deltas

As soon as this movement is not called. Wiring while standing, abducting dumbbells while standing to the side, raising the forearms while standing, abducting the forearms, swinging with dumbbells while standing. For simplicity, we will designate it as "raising the arms while standing on the middle delta", but it is anatomically correct to call it sideways abduction. The number of techniques performed by athletes is even more diverse. Some argue that you need to contrive so as to raise your shoulders and take the dumbbells in an arc. Others - in no case bring the dumbbell above the elbow. Still others allow cheating, while others are strictly against it. Fifths generally believe that movement causes the nerves to be pinched in the shoulder joint and therefore should not be practiced. There are a lot of options, in fact, in fitness we need to master the simplest one, and not try to include "extra" muscles like traps in the process of work.

In fact, dumbbell breeding is rarely the cause of injury, except in a very terrifying technique. Individual athletes may throw weights to the head, raise their arms too high, swing aggressively, and rotate their arms in shoulder joint back while driving. They are seriously at risk, but not muscle tear, as is commonly believed, but stretching of the ligaments and subsequent inflammatory processes.

The problem with shoulders is that they are loaded not only in sports, but also in everyday life. We sit a lot, lifting our shoulders and overstraining the traps, carry bags on one shoulder for a long time, stretching one half of the body and involuntarily contracting the other, and often make sharp raises of our arms up without warm-up. This leads to overloading of the joints.

Let's say a person has never exercised. He comes to the gym and begins to perform the bench press, bench press in the simulator, sitting, standing, a couple more presses, but with dumbbells. In all of them, the deltoids work and the joint is involved. It is enough to overwork and make an awkward movement and you can get a tear or stretch. Ironically, injury occurs most often on the last exercise, and it's not some heavy bench press, but an isolating dumbbell swing while standing or a sideways arm with a cable. The reason for this is not the movement itself, but the overload of the joint.

Beginners are not recommended to do more than 2-3 bench press exercises in one workout. If there are too many exercises, it is better to leave abductions or swings for an easy session, and not do it when the body has already received sufficient load. Ideally, the workout should include 1 heavy, 1 auxiliary press, and one lying or standing arm abduction. Only then will the volume be adequate.

Anatomical features are also of great importance. With excessive development of the trapezium, the athlete will not be able to perform the movement only at the expense of the shoulders. This must be taken into account when choosing weights of weights and start literally with 2-3 kg.

Injuries are often accompanied by inflammations that are not localized, but spread throughout the muscle bundle. Often they also affect the nerves, which increases the pain. A doctor should be responsible for diagnosing shoulder injuries. Home treatment based on guesswork is not going to get you anywhere.

Some of them have already been mentioned. The shoulders "suffer" usually due to excessive physical form the zeal of the athlete. Simply put, everyone wants to pump them up faster, as they give the figure an athletic look and therefore turn the workout of any part of the body into "shoulders". This is not rational and leads to injury. A beginner athlete should not swing his shoulders on the same day with his chest and back.

There are two basic rules for creating a split for beginners:

  • If you are doing a standing or sitting press on your shoulder workout day, it does not need to be attached to your chest or back. Do shoulders and legs like athletes old school and stay healthy;
  • If there is no bench press in the workout, but there are only abductions and a lift-broach, then do shoulder work on the day of light bench press along with work on the triceps

Training shoulders with a back only makes sense if they really have nowhere else to put them, all the presses in the workout are heavy, the legs are also heavy, and the back is performed according to the principle of "pumping injuries". But in fitness this is not typical. Rather, it is a powerlifting approach.

Important: If a beginner is not doing a split yet, hand abductions can replace the bench press in some cases. For example, when training was performed on the classic bench press with a barbell, and the front deltas are already overloaded.

This movement has only a few technical features. They are aimed at ensuring that the load does not shift to the front and rear beams. deltoid muscles... The front beams raise the arms, the back ones are pulled back. It's simple - you do not need to allow a swing with a clear emphasis on bringing the shoulder blades and swing forward with a swing of dumbbells in front of the chest. Shifting and cheating options are loved by bodybuilding pros for just one reason. These people train for years, sometimes decades. Their muscles are difficult to "pierce" and surprise. Therefore, they use such strange methods for the layman.

Important: This exercise is rarely done first in shoulder training, but it almost always requires an articular warm-up. If you've done a bench press or a bench press before, you just need to perform a few rotations in the shoulder joint, bringing the arm back. Those who did not do it require a full warm-up, with light body bar presses, abduction with rubber or without weights.

How to do the movement:

  1. Stand directly in front of the mirror so that you can see your movements;
  2. Take dumbbells of the minimum weight in your hands, but such that it is felt;
  3. Take your forearm to the side, along an arcuate trajectory, raising the elbow to the side, but not above the shoulder;
  4. The elbows are slightly bent;
  5. Dumbbells in the hands unfold in the same direction as the movement;
  6. When we move our hands to the sides, the little finger is at the top, thumb- below, this causes the dumbbells to turn;
  7. Raising and lowering are performed smoothly and slowly, without cheating with the body and additional unnecessary movements

In normal mode, the movement is performed for 10-12 repetitions. But there are also special cases. For example, a person has very responsive slow muscle fibers and he needs repetition or static, that is, holding the dumbbells at the top. Or a variant with a relatively low-repetition mode is possible, if the opposite is true. Here it is important to observe yourself and do what the body responds to.

Important: the exercise should not be performed due to the force of inertia in any of the options. If it is necessary to kick, bounce or move the body, taken too heavy weight, and it is necessary to decrease it.

One-arm abduction is an option for those struggling with muscle imbalances or suffers from cheating. You need to take hold of the vertical support with your free hand, and stand up, transferring your weight to the center of the arch of both feet. Then the hand is taken to the side, completely repeating the technique of the main exercise.

Despite the fact that the goal is to defeat imbalances, the movement is done from both sides for the same number of repetitions.

Excessive lateral tilt should be avoided in order to avoid pinching the nerve and not provoke an inflammatory process.

Movement features

The following are the features of the exercise:

  1. This is an isolating movement for the muscle, you do not need to take huge dumbbells, and try to push them up as you can;
  2. The weight is selected individually, strictly so that it is possible to raise it by reducing the middle bundle of the deltoid, and not including the trapezium and muscles of the body and legs in the work;
  3. If cheating cannot be removed at all, you need to make a movement in the "sitting on a bench" position with your back pressed against the back;
  4. There is no way to develop a technique? Try to stretch rubber shock absorber to the side along the trajectory of the dumbbell abduction. Take the lightest. The tape will teach you how to turn off their trapezius muscles

The list of mistakes made by beginners and professionals is almost the same:

  1. The desire to pump muscles as quickly as possible, and the choice of dumbbells that are too heavy, which will surely interfere with performing the exercise correctly;
  2. Going out on toes, rolling along the foot, changing the position of the legs;
  3. Execution of movement due to the inclinations of the body;
  4. Starting position with the back tilted back;
  5. Changing the trajectory of movement, throwing dumbbells to the head;
  6. Uneven rise to the right and left. If you have a curvature of the spine, perform a one-arm movement;
  7. Flexion in hip joint tilted forward;
  8. Changing the angle in the hip joint with fatigue;
  9. Turning on extra muscles as you get tired

Shoulder swings are often done with a drop set to induce massive pumping. This is only permissible if the athlete is experienced and can hold initial position throughout the exercise.

For those who work with cheating, the smooth leads on the lower block of the crossover can be recommended. This will help get rid of unnecessary jolts and other movements and will improve your technique almost instantly. The exercise must be performed regularly, then there will be no big problems with mastering it.

Hi guys! Today we will touch on the topic of pumping shoulders with the help of dumbbells. Some of you know the reason why the choice fell on the dumbbells. Perhaps the barbell is not suitable for you because you want to pump your deltas at home, maybe your back does not allow you to work with a lot of barbell weights. Maybe something else.

Whatever it is - there is plenty of information on this subject! I tried to collect the most relevant information on this "dumbbell-shoulder" topic. Consider specific exercises for the shoulders with dumbbells, touch on the anatomy.

Beautiful, broad muscles shoulders make the figure more attractive and harmonious, so many bodybuilders try to work out this area as much as possible. But shoulder girdle- one of the most difficult to pump, and the muscles are very easily injured here.

For example, I once ran into a mini-herb middle delta... Moreover, I performed a narrow barbell press from the chest. It hurt for a long time and made it difficult to perform many exercises. There were no particular jerks, but the injury did occur, so you need to be really careful with the shoulders. But we start ...

Before developing a training program, you should study and understand the anatomy of the required area. The muscle of the shoulder is called the deltoid and has the shape of a triangle. It originates from the lateral part of the clavicle, the axis of the scapula and the acromion (the lateral end of the scapula), attaching to the deltoid tuberosity of the shoulder bone.

The delta consists of three main parts - beams (also called heads), which have their own functions. They are directed towards the apex of a downward-pointing triangle in a fan-like manner.

  1. FRONT OR FRONT. They are responsible for raising the arms (elbows) in front of them, for the bend of the shoulder, turning it inward. Take part in chest and shoulder presses.
  2. MEDIUM OR SIDE. Responsible for moving the arms to the sides. Actively participate in the bench press while sitting.
  3. REAR. Responsible for raising the arms, unbending the shoulder, turning it outward. Participate in back pulling exercises.

In addition to imparting symmetry to the figure and beauty to the silhouette, developed muscles the shoulders also help to avoid injury when working with large working weights.

Training features

The main mistake many bodybuilders make is working only on the front deltas. It is necessary to draw up a system of trainings that includes all beams.

This is not to say that dumbbells are the best equipment suitable for the muscles of the shoulder. But their definite advantage is the ability to perform at home. A barbell is not for everyone.

It is necessary to train at least twice a week, preferably in combination with the muscles of the chest. To begin with, it is imperative to warm up and prepare the muscles, because deltas are very easy to damage without prior preparation. It is also recommended to start with heavier basic complexes, and finish with insulating.

The number of repetitions should be up to 15 times in three to four approaches, and during each of them it is necessary to reduce the working weight.

All exercises are equally suitable for both men and women. Women should not worry about the fact that they suddenly pump up huge shoulders and look like men. No, ladies - that won't happen. Your body has a completely different hormonal background and it will not allow you to grow muscles as quickly as men do. And dumbbells are for you.

4 basic exercises

Basic exercises mean exercises that involve several muscle groups and joints, including auxiliary, not just target. It is very difficult to achieve results without their implementation. The most effective shoulder exercises at home:

1) "PRESS ARNOLD". This training can be done while standing or sitting, the technique is the same for both options. For a seated position, you need to raise the bench about 75-80 degrees.

Making yourself comfortable, raise your arms with dumbbells to the shoulder line, forming a right angle at the elbow joint. The brushes are directed towards the face. The feet are wide apart and rest on the floor. Squeeze both dumbbells up, turning the hands in the opposite direction. Hence, backside the palms will be turned towards your face. Keep your arm slightly bent at the elbow. Hold at the top and very slowly lower your arms.

Implementation recommendation: When starting the exercise, always keep your elbows in line with your shoulder girdle. This will keep the target muscles in tension. For efficiency it is not necessary to use large weights, it is better to start with the minimum, and gradually increase them. Experiment and modify the training - when lifting up, turn the dumbbells towards each other, bringing them to a point above your head.

2) ARMY PRESS WITH SITTING DUMBERS. One of the most popular exercises in many programs, as it helps to work out the shoulder girdle, chest, triceps and the deltas we need. And although the classic version is performed with a barbell and standing, but the version with dumbbells while sitting is also effective, while reducing the risk of injury to the lumbar region.

To perform, you need to sit on the edge of the bench, your legs will serve as a support. Do not bend your back. Take dumbbells and squeeze them towards your shoulders, bending your elbows. Do not rotate the brushes and keep them in a fixed position. Hold in the upright position for a few seconds and slowly lower your arms. Can be done while standing.

Implementation recommendation: the trajectory of movement must not be violated, the ascent must be strictly in a straight line from bottom to top. It is advisable at first to have a coach or partner nearby to help control the correct execution for the shoulders. You also need to exhale while lifting, and inhale while lowering the inventory.

3) SITTING ALTERNATIVE DUMPER PRESS. Perfectly develops the deltoid muscle, arms, chest and upper back. Sit on the edge of a stable, hard surface, such as a chair, with your feet resting on. Taking the dumbbells, raise them to the shoulder line, bending your elbows. Arrange the brushes neutral grip, that is, palms to each other. But you can also try the straight grip, as in the picture below:

As you exhale, lift right hand, then lower the dumbbell and immediately raise it with your left hand. Do not linger at the top point, go down immediately, inhaling. Do the exercise at a medium pace, although it will be tempting to do it quickly. This exercise sets the dynamics.

Recommendations for implementation: do not make sudden movements, do it smoothly. Do not change the starting position during the entire exercise, do not turn your palms. Perform as if you were holding a barbell. Do not drop your elbows below shoulder level or push them forward.

4) LIFTING THE STANDING DUMBERS ALONG THE BODY. Actively works on the frontal and lateral beams, and slightly less back, as well as the trapezius muscle. To perform, you need to stand with your feet at shoulder level.

Take the dumbbells and lower them down, slightly bending the elbow joint and turning the hands towards one another. Keep the body straight. Inhaling strongly and holding your breath, lift the inventory up, in line with the shoulder girdle. At the top point, you need to freeze and lower your arms as you exhale.

For a more active study of the rear deltas, the complex should be modified and worked out with a tilt of the body at an angle of 90 degrees. Hands must be placed down, and spread according to the above technique.

Implementation recommendation: in this training, correct breathing and its correct retention play the main role. If, during work, you feel that the tension is not on the deltas, but on the muscles of the chest or back, you should reduce the weight of the dumbbells. To perform bent-over training, it is recommended to rest your head against the wall, thereby relieving the load from your back.

3 isolation exercises

Isolation exercises work one muscle group and engage one joint. Check out the following if you want to learn how to build your shoulders with dumbbells:

1) LIFTING THE DUMBERS IN FRONT OF YOURSELF. Helps in the development of the anterior delta. Stand with your feet at shoulder level. Keep the body straight. Hands with equipment are lowered at the sides, elbows are slightly bent. Inhaling and holding your breath, raise your straight arms in front of you just above your shoulders at 45 °. Linger at the top point and go down.

Recommendations for implementation: to increase the effect, the dumbbells should be taken with an upper grip. You should not violate the range of motion and raise your arms above the specified angle, otherwise completely different muscles will be worked out.

Also try to perform with each hand separately, this will help you better feel the tension of the target muscle and control the technique. You can not swing and feed the body forward. If you are unable to do the exercises in a clear form, reduce your working weight.

2) LIFTING THE DUMBERS THROUGH THE SIDE. Helps in the development of the middle beam. Starting position - feet at shoulder level, feet slightly to the sides. Take the inventory with your palms inward on your arms slightly bent at the elbows. Take a deep breath and hold your breath, raising your arms up, slightly bending at the elbow. The rise should be up to shoulder height.

Having paused for a moment at the maximum point, slowly lower to the starting position and exhale. Do not help yourself with rocking, keep your torso straight.

Recommendations for implementation: not worth taking too heavy dumbbells, this will transfer the load to the back, and you will constantly struggle with bending the elbows, and this will completely bring the performance to zero. Your hands should be strictly parallel to the floor, do not lift the dumbbells up, perpendicular to the floor, this will pump the trapezius muscle.

You can include this in your workout, but don't make it a target. Compliance remains very important correct breathing, because it helps to maintain balance, observing the technique, and also to reduce the load on the spine.

3) LIFTING THE DUMBERS THROUGH THE SIDE IN A TILT. Excellent study of the rear deltas. To begin with, stand with your feet at shoulder level, take your inventory and tilt your torso forward at a right angle. With your elbows slightly bent, raise your arms up behind your back to the highest possible height. Hold on top and slowly return to the starting position.

Recommendations for implementation: this option is best performed at the end of a training session for pumping the shoulders, feeling the tension of the back beams as much as possible. The back can be rounded, but you cannot make sudden movements and swaying of the body.

So you have learned the best shoulder exercises with dumbbells. They can be done at home and at the gym. If it is possible to connect a barbell, it will be generally cool!

That's all for me - I hope I answered your question and you found the information you need. Bye Bye!

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Dreaming of a toned athletic figure? To achieve desired result training of various muscle groups will help. Their regimen is selected individually with an experienced mentor, which helps to achieve optimal and sustainable results quickly enough, even at home.

In this article, we will talk about how to properly perform dumbbell breeding while standing on your shoulders.

This exercise is very famous, but very few people can perform it correctly the first time without knowledge of elementary theory.

What muscles are working?

Standing upright swings are practiced by both novice athletes and advanced athletes. It is suitable for both men, girls and women. They can be used both for mass gain, as well as for weight loss and fat burning in the shoulder area. Unlike, in this version we stand straight, and the load is directed to pumping, first of all, the middle deltas. The trapezium and supraspinatus muscle are actively involved.

The result is rounded, embossed and broad shoulders, on which the gaze literally stops. Plus, this workout with dumbbells is basic for the formation of muscles involved in the most different types physical activity.

See also:

Standing dumbbells to the sides with two hands

To achieve an impressive and sustainable result, it is enough to master once and clearly follow the step-by-step technology. You can do the workout yourself, in front of a mirror, or ask someone more experienced to follow your technique and tweak the details.

Execution technique:

  1. Use dumbbells of the same weight, stand firmly and comfortably, with your feet shoulder-width apart (as wide as possible). Hands in a relaxed state, dumbbells slightly turned towards the torso and located to the side of the hips. Stay straight and look forward.
  2. Inhale more air and hold it in your lungs and raise your arms vigorously but gently. The main tension is concentrated in the deltas, feel it. The line of arms, shoulders, back, when viewed from above, forms a straight line with 180 degree angle.
  3. An important nuance! When lifting the dumbbells, keep your elbows slightly bent at a slight angle that is comfortable for your hands. Fix this position and do not deviate from it.
  4. Upper "mark" - the dumbbells are raised to shoulder height. Having brought the dumbbells to this height, exhale, start slowly leading the dumbbells back down. Start the next approach immediately, without pause. Don't give your muscles a break within one set.

Extend arms to the sides at a leisurely but rhythmic pace. Avoid jerking and jerking movements. The recommended number of approaches is three to four, ten to fifteen repetitions.

Watch the video for more details:

One-handed version

The general principle of execution is similar classic exercise with dumbbells. But the variety of this exercise has its own characteristics, which must be taken into account if you decide to include it in your complex:

  1. A workout with an inclination of the body towards the working arm is carried out at a squat rack. Take a dumbbell in one hand, with the other hand grab the bar of the rack. The feet are together, touching the heels and toes. Stand in this position closer to the rack (at a distance of about 30 centimeters).
  2. Training correct location hands. The arm is located along the torso. The dumbbell hangs freely in the hand, inner side the wrist is slightly turned towards the body. The torso should be in the hang at an acute angle(feet closer, head farther) relative to the rack.
  3. Holding the bar with your hand, straighten your arm. By tilting the whole body to the side, excess activity of the infraspinatus muscle is limited, all the necessary tension is focused on the delta.
  4. As with the main workout variation, smoothly move your arm with the weight to the side. Movement stops at shoulder level... After a short pause, inhale and slowly lower your hand back down.

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Carefully! Despite the popularity of this workout, its apparent lightness and simplicity, this exercise requires an attentive and careful approach. The fact is that in the process of work, groups are involved shoulder muscles, which are quite vulnerable in case of careless "handling".
Even minor injuries can lead to temporary disruption of muscle performance, discomfort and pain (even in calm state), which means that you run the risk of disrupting the training schedule and postponing the desired result.

5 most common mistakes

How to properly swing to the sides and avoid injury? The most common mistakes are:

  1. Insufficient or no warm-up. Do a simple warm-up, including swinging your arms in a circle. Then take light dumbbells, do a dozen hand swings up and down with them. Feel the muscles warming up and working.
  2. Difficulty keeping balance. Remember to hold the air in your lungs at the highest point (dumbbells at shoulder height). This will maintain the necessary balance of the body.
  3. Incorrect selection of weights. No matter how much you want to quickly achieve the result of training, do not take too heavy dumbbells at the initial stage! It is very difficult to raise them to the required height without disrupting the technology. When lifting inappropriate weights, bending of the arms is inevitable. With an increase in the angle of the elbows, there is a weaker load on the deltas. And the training is aimed just at the development of this group. Begin each workout with sets of light dumbbells. To warm up before the main part, raise them above your head, straightening your arms 10-15 times.
  4. Muscles are poorly trained. To achieve muscle work and useful voltage deltas, raise your arms forty-five degrees above the shoulder line. The effectiveness of this method lies in the mechanics of movement of the joint when raising the arms over the side. At the very beginning of the movement, the infraspinatus muscle works. It takes on the main effort until the moment when the angle reaches about thirty degrees. Further, the delta head is included in the process, it "works" until the angle exceeds forty-five degrees in relation to the shoulder girdle. Here, the reduction of the delta is maximal. After this stage, the arms are raised to the up position due to the trapezoids.
  5. Wrong posture. Do not bend your torso back and forth. Keep your back straight. Remember that all muscle work occurs exclusively in the shoulders. All other moving parts during training of these muscles must be fixed. A common mistake that is very easy to make is that when you raise your hands, you move your hands a little, not quite to the sides, but, helping yourself, a little forward. Because of this, you begin to unconsciously tilt your torso forward in order to help your torso raise the dumbbells with the reverse movement.

What else is important to know?

Regular training with properly selected loads (coupled with other factors, for example, special sports diet) will allow you to quickly pump the muscles of the shoulders, expand them, visually outline the relief of the muscles.

Following the diet, the regularity of training and the very technology of raising hands with dumbbells, you can see the first results in a few weeks.

Note the versatility and complexity of the impact that provides this technically easy exercise... The dumbbell exercises described by us develop not only the deltas themselves, but also the neighboring trapeziums, the forearm, and contributes to the development of the anterior chest muscles.

For additional impact on adjacent shoulder muscles located at the neck and chest, raise your arms to a level above the shoulder girdle. Once the dumbbells are at shoulder height, twist your hands slightly so that your pinky is over your other fingers. It is best to start applying these recommendations when you have already reached the first visible results and are ready to move on.

What to do if the result, even with regular exercise, "hangs" in place?
If muscle development has slowed down - this is a signal to start "finishing". Its essence is that after the main approach with a working weight of dumbbells, dumbbells with a reduced weight are taken and 5-7 more repetitions are performed. Performing the final "finishing move", you can forget about the recommended amplitude and raise your elbows to the maximum possible height in order to completely weaken the muscles.

The criteria for the beauty of the male body have their own standards. Outstanding and broad shoulders have been and remain one of the main measures of attractiveness for a man. The shoulder width determines the proportions of the athlete's upper body. The larger it is, the narrower the waist looks. Consequently, the figure looks much more attractive. This is the reason for the high interest of those involved in building a beautiful and relief body in the most effective exercises for working out the shoulder muscles.

The apparatus used when performing shoulder exercises depends on the location of the training. In the gym, the best way to do it is with a barbell, and at home it is much easier to use dumbbells. The latter are lighter than barbells, but you can also do good and useful exercises with them.

The formation of the shoulder occurs with the participation of the deltoid muscle. It consists of an anterior, middle, and posterior bundle. To achieve correct development shoulder area, the load on all three beams should be absolutely uniform. Such anatomical structure and affects the fact that it is quite difficult to train the shoulders. However, with some effort, the athlete can not only achieve the desired result, but also make the figure truly attractive.

The training is best composed of basic exercises aimed at activating and developing the entire delta. A separate beam should be pumped only when the load exerted on it turned out to be insufficient, it began to lag behind in development from the others. In other cases, isolation exercises are not necessary.

You can train both in sports hall, and at home. The main thing is that the athlete has such equipment as dumbbells and a barbell at his disposal. The weight is selected so that at least eight or ten lifts can be made in one approach. Taking too much weight to give the shoulders relief and width is not recommended. Increase loads, that is, work with heavier shells should be when main goal is to increase muscle strength. In this case, you need to raise the shells from five to eight times, perform four to five sets.

It is recommended for beginner athletes to master and hone the performance of one or two basic presses to automatism. They perfectly work out the deltoid muscle, provide an even load on the entire shoulder girdle. When he is sufficiently trained, it becomes noticeable which of the bundles requires more elaboration. At this stage, you can add isolating exercises to the training, which are chosen depending on which muscle group needs additional study.

List of effective shoulder exercises

The main exercise for working out the shoulder muscles. The main emphasis in it is on the middle bundle of the delta. However, the pumping of this section occurs with the active participation of both the anterior and posterior beams.

Initial position:

  • stand up straight, spread your feet shoulder-width apart;
  • take the projectile with a direct grip, raise it to the level of the chest;


  • lift the projectile, exhaling at the end point;
  • pause;
  • slowly, inhaling, lower the bar to its original position, that is, to the level of the chest.
  1. no need to take the ultimate weight;
  2. the back should be slightly bent;
  3. dumbbells can be used as a projectile.

A basic exercise that is completely aimed at pumping up the muscles of the shoulder girdle. Unlike the previous one, it is performed from a sitting position.

Initial position:

  • sit on a sports bench;
  • bend your back a little;
  • take the shell with a wide grip.


  • simultaneously with exhalation, lift the barbell, while fully straightening your arms;
  • taking a breath, lower the projectile behind your head.
  1. press should be performed smoothly, slowly, without jerking;
  2. to diversify the exercise allows the alternation of lowering the projectile behind the head and to the chest.

Perfect workout for pumping up the deltoid muscle at home. It is not only effective, but also affordable, since it is performed not with a barbell, which not every athlete has at home, but with dumbbells. Exercises using this sports equipment great for those who do not have the opportunity for any reason to study in gym but wants to build up his shoulders.

The training really works and allows you to achieve the desired result. The main thing is to be ready to give all one hundred percent, be patient, show diligence. Perseverance should be shown not by the number of approaches, but by regular exercises. Otherwise, no significant effect will be achieved.

Initial position:

  • while sitting on a bench with a back, keep your back straight and straight;
  • the chin should be parallel to the floor, the gaze should be straight;
  • keep the shells at eye level;
  • Unfold your elbows, but make sure that they are under the hands.


  • exhaling, squeeze the shells up;
  • without expanding the brushes, bring the dumbbells together at the top point;
  • linger for a few seconds;
  • inhaling, smoothly return to the original position.
  1. hands must be moved in the same plane;
  2. to avoid adverse effects on elbow joints, it is impossible to allow a sharp extension of the arms at the extreme point;
  3. it is strongly not recommended to allow back bends, back bends.

This exercise has already become a classic in bodybuilding. Its effectiveness is beyond doubt. As it already became clear from the name, this training was included in compulsory training Arnold Schwarzenegger, about whose successes in the construction of relief and beautiful body absolutely anyone knows, even a person far from the world of sports.

Initial position:

  • sit on a bench, press your back against the back;
  • bend your knees so that they form a right angle;
  • spread your legs wide, rest your feet to the limit on the floor;
  • lift the dumbbells to neck level;
  • Bend your elbows at an angle of 90 degrees, turn your palms towards you.


  • exhaling, squeeze the shells vertically upward, turning your hands outward with your palms;
  • make sure that your palms are directed forward at the extreme point;
  • linger;
  • take a breath, return the shells smoothly to the starting position.
  1. do the training better with more light dumbbells than for other exercises;
  2. the elbows at the extreme point should be left slightly bent, and not straightened to the end;
  3. the press must be performed straight, preferably without stopping in the lower position;
  4. in order not to exert additional influence on the spine, acceleration and jerking should be avoided.

Another exercise that is great for doing at home. The training is insulating. It is aimed at working out and pumping up the lateral side of the delta.

Initial position:

  • stand up, lean forward slightly;
  • lower your arms with dumbbells down.


  • take a deep breath, spread your arms shoulder-width apart;
  • the back of the dumbbells at the most extreme point is slightly raised;
  • exhaling, gently lower your hands to their original position.
  • cheating is unacceptable;
  • all the load should be concentrated on the shoulders.

If cheating is present during the training, a completely different muscle group is involved. This reduces the result.

Aimed at working out the back of the musculature of the shoulder girdle.

Initial position:

  • standing straight with dumbbells in your hands, bend your body forward at an acute angle;
  • put your hands down.


  • taking a deep breath, spread the shells to the sides, raising them to the maximum possible height;
  • as you exhale, return your arms to their original position.
  • at the extreme point of lifting, the front of the projectile should be slightly tilted forward;
  • the back should be kept straight, but slightly bend in the lower back;
  • you cannot round your back, as this is fraught with injury.

Basic training, which is more aimed at working out the middle beam of the delta, but also pumps the trapezius muscles.

Initial position:

  • standing straight, take the barbell with a straight grip, holding it down;
  • the distance between the palms should be about two fists.


  • exhaling, raise the projectile to the chin;
  • hold the bar in its most extreme position;
  • take a breath, return to the starting position.
  1. elbows should be constantly divorced, rise strictly vertically;
  2. you cannot bend the neck and back, the chin should be horizontal;
  3. while lifting the bar to the chin, the bar must be raised above shoulder level;
  4. the weight of the projectile should not become an obstacle correct execution exercises.

Best Shoulder Exercises - Video

Let's summarize

To achieve the desired result, you need to include the proposed exercises in your regular workout, do it on a regular basis. You should not concentrate solely on exercise. You need to remember about proper nutrition.

If your home workout space is limited, the most safe projectile will become dumbbells. It is better to perform a press with a projectile at the beginning of classes, that is, when there is no feeling of fatigue. Following the recommendations given, combining both basic and isolating exercises on the shoulder girdle, each athlete will be able to give his shoulders ideal proportions, make the waist visually narrower.

Of course, every man wants to have big and broad shoulders. After all, it looks beautiful and courageous. Massive shoulders emphasize the upper body very well, and visually reduce the waist. Dumbbell Shoulder Exercises are different. What kind of exercises are there, see below.

Why do we need different exercises for the deltoid muscles? Everything is very simple. The shoulder has three parts:

  • front
  • average
  • back

And so, in order to get a harmoniously developed shoulder, you need to evenly pump all three parts. But we cannot pump all these parts with one exercise, which is why there are many different exercises.

I want to warn you right away that deltas are very tender muscles which can be injured very easily. That is why, before starting the training, it is imperative to do a high-quality warm-up with an emphasis on the deltoid muscles.

Dumbbell Shoulder Exercises:

Seated (or standing) dumbbell press

This exercise belongs to the category of basic exercises. This is the # 1 exercise in building strong and broad shoulders. You can press dumbbells both from the chest (the front delta works to a greater extent), and with an accent behind the head (more load goes to the middle delta).

Narrow (or wide) grip dumbbell rows

It is also a basic exercise. The deadlift can be done with a narrow grip or a wide one. In case of narrow grip(on the shoulders or narrower), works most of all: the front delta and trapezoid. If you put the dumbbells an order of magnitude wider than your shoulders, then the middle delta will take over the entire load.

Arnold bench press

The Arnold press is capable of working both the front and middle deltas. By rotating the hands, the deltas are exposed to a deeper impact.

Swing dumbbells to the sides

An isolation exercise that specifically targets the development of the middle deltoid muscle bundle. Swings can be performed: standing, sitting, lying down and with one hand (choose the most convenient way for you). It is best used after the basic ones to finish off the average delta.

Swing dumbbells in an incline

Also - an isolating exercise, only for the purposeful development of the posterior deltoid muscles. Can be performed while standing, sitting, lying down, with one hand. I recommend using it at the end of a workout, after basic exercises on the back delta, to finish off.

Swing dumbbells in front of you

This exercise is aimed at developing the front sections of the shoulder. Just like everyone else isolated exercises, it is recommended to use it for finishing.

Pick the shoulder exercises you like the most and add to your workout routine. Also, dumbbells are good because they allow you to work out the muscle deeper and better, since the range of motion is greater (for example, in the bench press, you can lower the bar as low as the bar allows).

Best regards, Garbar Sergey ()

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